The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, February 09, 1859, Image 4

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COUNTY TRISAS [TRY R Men IN TO rrio..:-Iye learn
from the Coshocton Demoriet 'that on Friday
eight lest, the Thasury of Coshocton county.
We; was robbed' o f about $1.8,000. The Court
, -0 Common Pleas was in eession, trying three men
for • went burglary in Walhonding. A large
somber Of witnesses from Dresden and the wag
e= part of the county had just been discharged,
and to aceenstnAete snob ultimo, as desired to go
home on the eleven o'clock train, the Treasurer
bad kept his office open to cash their orders. Ile
was about closing the uflicerwben three men en
tered, one of whom asked the amount of tax on a
'lotto Vest - Otirliele. ThdTreahirer turned to got
the tax duplicate, when euddenly a large shawl
"was thrown otter his - head, his arms pinioned and
his body fumed to the floor. lie was instantly
gagged, his arms tied be'aled him with a cord, his
- legs else tied, and his eyes, kept blindfolded. lie
thinks one man looked the office door and stood
sentinel; one steed over bins, while the other took
the keys, unlocked and robbed the safe. They
thins' Mocked the safe and took the keys with
theists. 'All thiewae done before the arrival of the
liastertilvain of cars, es Mr.-Betel:Kim heard them
Oomeirr - after the eobbers left, and they had time
to gorupon the train. Mr. Ketcham remained in
thirp'ainful condition for a long time before be
worked the gag from his mouth. When be did,
be eenzunenced balleeing for help—but people were
- generally bed, and it was near sne o'clock when
he washeard by iliram. Taylor, who aroused the
Sheriff, and breaking in the dour, found the Treas
urer tied upon the floor, nearly exhausted, his face
black from the effects of the gag. The card had
eat into the flesh of his arms—his legs were BO be
numbed be maid scarcely stand, and he would
bare died before morning unless released.
pm Treasurer is unable to describe but one of
the men, the one'whe opeke•tellice, who is about
thirty five or forty pews old, black, truight whis
kers over allttit ebin,high cheek bona, gentleman.
•ly In appearance, and about five feet nine ur tan
'lnches high. - Such' trman ban been noticed in at.
• - tendance on thietrial, and no doubt belongs to
the same gang. 'W•learn that a reward of $2,000
le offered foi the robbbrs, and $3,000 for the re.
*every of the money,
'AlCATartaims CAMIDATB.—If there he any
who think that Mr. Fremont cannot run aa well
now as he did, in 184 the following item from
the Mariposa Democrat may serve to =Eel ten
"On Thursdey last, Fremont- was aeon to pass
tlerengh Quartsburg, and take his way down the
Stockton road, in a buggy, at a. rattling speed.
Thie of coursii,_excited the curiosity of the people
In that place, but before any conclusion could be
arrived at, as to the probable cause, the under
eSheriffbeve in view, also at full speed. On being
' (petitioned as to the canes of hit hurry, the officer
replied that be_had no time to stop, as be was iu
hut° to overtake-Fremont. Whether be effected
the arrest we have not yet learned. It is probable,
however, that thaolonel bad too much the start
'of bim. The Colonel ie hard to catch when he
iptie a good start.
110Tt.—Boys, when they are boy., arc queer
enough ! Bow many ridiculous notions they
have, and whet singular desires, which, In after
• life, change and ehepe themselves into character
;litlesr? Who remember. when he would hare
'sold his birthright for a rocking-bone, and his
' strusult 'of clothes for a monkey? Who forgets
'the sweat-faced girl, older than himself, against
whose golden hair he leaned and wept hie grief
away? Who recollects when the thoughts of be:
lag a time-rider appeared greater than to be
President; and how-jealously he watched the lit
tle fellows that wore spangled jacket. and turned
somersets,•=l , prayed to become like them. If
memory preserre not these capacities, or some
thing similar, the bortr-lost in .be man.—Sorarr
jar The'New ork Legislature got into the
babit one session of passing bile by their title',
and a wag, taking advantage of the carelessness,
assisted at the enactment of the following clause
a bill incorporating an educational institation.
"It shall be the duty of the faculty of said insti
tution, on every Saturday evening, for the moral
improvement of the pupils, to give them lessons in
eatoseldsm and moral philosophy, to kiss all the
side and spank all the boys.
Wonnwo or Bawnnay.—The ingenuity of Pa
rkin cabinet-makers, in tho Faubourg Bt. An
toine' has found a use for common sawdust which
rakes the value of that commodity far above the
worth of solid timber. By anew process, combi
ning the hydraulic press and the application of
intense heat, these wooden , particles are rmade to
're-form themselves into* solid mass, capable of
'being moulded into any shape, and presenting a
'brllliaut surface, a durability and beauty of ap-
Titmice not found in ebony. rosewood, or mahog
ill. The (loath of the only son of Mr. Hope
Soott , is announced. This interesting child was
thenuly living male , descendant of his illustrious
great-grandiether,lir Walter Scott, whose name
be bore. He i.ras only a year and a half old, and
hao ourvived his mother, the poet's grand-daughter
little more than six weeks. An infant sister dical
•s fortnight ago. Only one little girl remains to
'bear the griat name of which she is the sole sur
'tieing representative.
• tillt,.,Pvitotionotra acid has a wonderful effect
OD thoproserration (denims] food. A fresh piece
online dipped into it for one minute during the
summer, hie been preserved perfeotly sweet till
the following spring: • It is said a quart of the
acid will impart to a barrel of haw enrolled fla
vor as perfectly as if they had been submitted to
the usual princes of emoking.
pr. The Methodist Episcopal Church bas gain.
4t4 st - ats . ung foothold in Indiana. It is only a lit
•tle inarskharts quarter of a 'century since rho In.
11lianyA, vas tint offirOttt the Illinois conference; now
the fortifier has been divided into four, with a to.
taetriberibili of 90.208:--an increase during the
the year 0f12,465.
A PrtzsoNEß on his way to Auburn, in the
iiestody of the . Sherirof Cattara ague County, lea p
'ed front the oars, near Rochester, and was instant
ly killed, on Tuesday of this week.
atm Vzsicsassea.—Bfrs. Jemimit Noble, aged
16 years, died in rtilitia•on the 14th inst. A year
two.before she afea, an entire new let of teeth
!ilia *own in her rooutb, and she could tee and
filla 83 veil 112 ivben young
r —
"The Bloomington (III.) Pontapmplt Man'tiona
its elopement of, a young mnn with his fit4lllloth -
if, The htehand and father take, it philowo•phil
sally, and does not intend .to troable htmeelfabout
the runtafraya%
BLAcirAmb IV:lint.--re find in - to erelong°
paper, ,th eSfittenent that *ever ty tibo its females
were 164rsled:To negroesin the State .onlassochu.
setts hat ie;rl - le this he so, it is carrying out
the Abolition doctrine to ristationi results.
The wife of Thomas Redley, of Lockport N. T.,
'plat herAittle child in the wood:lax, near this stove
for safe keeping while she went down street; the
stove became tao hot, and set tke wood-box on fire,
ond before assistance could be rendered the child
was !IMO to death.
Tire Washington correspondent of the Now
York: .N:swe states that
,there is a rumor that Miss
LquiN Mr. Buohanareeriectfris shortly to ho,theit
'fa t. Magraw, of Baltimore, brother of the
LW ktlitsillreasurerefdoewy/rania.
mAxt.T. , ..ticmtp. OP
Improved Fire and Writer Proof
RESPECTFL'LLY informs the' citiz:ns of Harrisburg,
ading, Lancaster, Lebanon, nail their vicinities,
that we nee prepared to put on roofs on most liberal
to, toe, end at the shortest notice.
We respectfully call the attention of persons about to
build, to our invaluable method of rooting.. now much
used throughout the principal cities of the United States
and their vicinities. This mode of rooting having all
the combined requisites of Cheapness, Durability, and Se
curity alpinist Fire and Water, and ritsponsin.: with high
gable walls; the rook require an inclination of not more
than three-quarters (%) of au inchto the foot, and in
many asses saving the entire cost of rafters—the ceiling
joint being need. -
The gutters ore made of the same material, with ,, ut
any extra charges ; consequently. our roofs are put up
at almost half the cost of either Tin. Slate, or Shingles.
The material being of imperishable nature. it surpasees
all others in Durability)—besides, in case of any casual
ty. it is the Most easll7 - retalred of any other roof new
in use. 'Yet, thdbest proof we can offer as to its being
both lire and water proof,'Sre our manj, reforolaceS, to
any one of whom we sweat liberty to refer.
N. B.—But let Who 'distinctly untlerStOod, (Sfilce . 'We
manufacture our'bwn composition, and do the Trak in
pereen,) that we warrant all our work proof against both
Fire and:Water; if they prove contrary, we will most
willingly abide the rag tilts.
The materials being mostly non.oonductors of heat, no
roof is ao cool in summer, or so warm In winter. Those
wishing to use our roof should give' the inane a pitch
of about one inch to the kot,
Way 27, 1807.
1 - XTALNUT . Street.' South-Weat corner of TIIIRD
y Street, Philadelphia.
Five Per Cent. Interest.
Money it rocrlved in any sum; large or small, and inter.
oat paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The office is open every day from 9 o'mock-in the morn
ing tills o'clock In the afternoon, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock.
'Mutsu J. Reso, - Secretary.
Zion. Ifenry L. Deluder, P. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph D. Barry,
Robert Selfridge, ! Francis Leo,
B=l. R. Ashton, Joseph Yerkee,
C. Landreth Menne, Henry Diffeuderffer.
irirMoney is 'received and payments made daily with ,
out notice.
The investmente are Made
ties as the Charter requires.
The World's `Great
Zion Prate Altleflal.
Awarded to C. MEYER, for lilsTWO PIANOS ; London
October 15th, 1551.
CMEYER respectfully informs his friends and the
s public generally. thatteliks constantly on band,
Pianos equal to those for whith he received the Prize
Medal, in Louden; 1551. All 'orders promptly attended
to and great care taken Bs tlifselection and packing the
Royal Jury on Mualcal instruments,
Etc n. R. Bishop, No 13 Oadabridge street, Hyde Park;
Professor of Music at Oxford,
Bigismund Tbalberg, Anstria; Profeseor of Music,
W. Sterndale Sennett, IS Russell Place, Fitzroy Square;
Professor at the Ro`yea"Aeademy of Bingo.
Hector Berlioz, France. .
J. Robert Black, United Stalest.
Chevalier Nenkomm, Zollverein.
Cipriani Potter, 9 Baker street, Portman Square; Prita
dips] of Royal Academy of Altaic.
Dr, Sebafhauti, Zoliverein ; Professor of Geology, MM.
ing and Metallurgy.
Sir George Smart. St. Anne's Chertaey; Organist and
Compoaer of tbe Chapel Royal.
Henry Llylde, 85 Weetbourne Terrace; Doctor of Music
and Professor at this Royal Academy of Music.
Rev. W. Cazalet, Tenterden street, I/anover Square; So.
perintendent of the Royal Academy of Music.
James Stewart., '4l lireckuock C‘escont, Camden Town
Piano Forte Manufacturer.
The following MEDALS have been awarded to Conrad
Meyer, viz :-
1843. First Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin
Irradiate, Philadelphia.
ISt5. Hurt Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin
Institute. Philadephia
`lB46. Fins.; Preratamand SILVER MEDAL,' Franklin
Institute Philadelphia.
1847. First Premium and siumn MEDAL, Meehanic'
Institute, Boston.
1849. FirstPrembun and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin
Institute. Philadelphia..
1846. First Premium and SILVER MEDAL. Franklin
Institute, recommendation of a Geld Medal.
1851. Diploma and MEDAL, Mechanics' Institute, Bos
1951. PRIZE MEDAL, Great World's Exit:Trak% Lon
don, shim which time, (1851.) E. ME= has not ex•
Whited his Pianos at any Exhibition.
Nov. 17. 1858. Labenon, Pa.
Phila. Reading Railroad.
Lebanon Vallley Branch.
E - iIM7 1-i - •
Two Daily firdint Reading, and
three daily Trairisito arrisblirk. .
DASB'LEBANON, going East to Reading, at 7.05 A. 31.,
and 3.35 - P:3l. (Expreee
D un Lebanon. going West to 'Harrisburg,- at 7 A. IL
11.25 A. 51. (Express mail) and 4 3.50 11.
At Reading, both trains make close connexions for
Philadelphia, Potteville, Tamaqua, Danville, Williams
port, &e.
Morning train only at 7.05 A. M a con necia at Reeding
for 1C ilkeebarre, IttStOn and 5 - cranton.
At Harrisburg, [reins connect with 'Penniyivanin."
"Norther Central," and ‘•Cuniber/and ralley")Taltroade
for Pittsburg,. Lancaster, Baltimore, tiuribary, Chambers
burg, &c.
Through Tickets to Lancsater,qh No. 1 Care, Si 50.
80 The. baggage allowed to each peeeenger.
The Second Olase Care ruu with all the above trains.
Through First Claes Ticketaat reduced rate to Niagara
Falls, Buffalo,- Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal
points in the West, North West, and Canadas; and Emi
grant Tickets. at lower Fame, to all above places. can be
had on application , m the Station Agent, at Lebanon.
Al' All Tickets will be purchased before the Trains
start. higher Fara., charged, if paid in the cars.
Octy 20,1858.'Ertgittur and Superintendent.
liftrENRY-HARTMAN, the weU•kuown Brewer, has
_II removed hie LAGER BEER SALOON to the large
and handsome three story house of Hr. Arnold, in CUM.
Borland street, west of the Plank Road, where ho will be
pleased to sew his old friends and the nubile generally.
.Limberger and Swoltzer Cheese, Holland Iferring.
&e., wholesale "cad Retell. Ills BEER is of his own well
known Brewery. Lebanon, Jan. 1, 1653.—tf.
S. 41PI. Pefteligill P Co's
YORE. alO STA, E ST.. BOSTON. S. M. Pettengill a
Co., are the Agents for the Lebanon Advertiser, anti tho
mist influential and invest circulating Newspapers in
the United States arid the Canada's. Thoy are author'.
sod tocontract for no at our lowest rate,,.
Selling cheayer thanat ab? other Steire Storb
in Lebanon lei ... Chan
Tin Subscriber is determined thsefl Scores M fromls
to 20 per cent cheaper than Idly ether establiehment
in Lebanon. Cell and see En:* stock, next door to the
Lebanon Rank. 'charge nothing for examining. Thank
ful for past farore be hopes to still receive a share of
public patronage. •JAMES N. ROGERS.
Lebanon, Nov. 24, 1859.
.0..! , -- CLOCKS.
.....- ~.,
i .-, ...*Tiiirty I)a Y l
r . .r.": - .4 11 , 7<iglit Day,
" 74 " "'"Irl i .ty flour"
''.• % '!: I 1
... :. J. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store,
Lebanon Pa.
Henry W. Overman,
NO. (Old No. 6) South VERB Street, below Mark
et, Philadelphia.
oair Skins, Moroccoe, Linings. Bindings,
N. B.—Rough Leather, bought or taken In exchange.
March 3,1868.—1 y.
Furs, Furs.
ISEE undersigned has Just opened a large new stock
ofFURS for LADIES and GENTLEMEN, at bis
Rat Store, Lebanon. This stock embraces a very com
plete aasortmant of FURS for Ladies, besides CAPIP,
Cass, ac., for Gentlemen and for Trimmings. All are
respectfully incited to call and examine.
Lebanon, Nov. 24, lAN. ADAM RISE.
cmos CARMAKT. May 19, '14.-Sm.
,Cheshitit Rails for Sale.
rplIE undersigned has between ten and fifteen hurt.
1 dyed CHESTNUT RAILS Ned a few bandred OAK
POSTE, for gel°, ttt hie Landing. at. the Canal, a little
kt-rth•eaet or Foster & - Hutch's Voundryt together with
ilarge stock of :COALand CORDWOOD, which will be sold
as low as will nit the time*. D. MST, (Merchant.)
N. Lebanon ; Jan. 2/50.868.-4t.
Cane Seated Chairs and
Prawn:nu:l E w-ra , a larze Ftock of c,nq-
Seated Chairs and Cab; net-Waro >II band.
Y ann4 TlOUSekthtperS And others nre luritetl
to call and e.v.aniine it bofore purelnwiug r•iso
vriu.rr. Ills wort i 8 nil hisownnannaiu.ctora.
Also. Old Chairs R..ewned.
zhep is In Walnut Street.. boarlv uproxlto the
Jail. lAanon, Decerniter 1, 1:q41.--ita.
and such iinst ems Awnd-
A ug, 25, 'sB.
JOILN FARRELL Stone Cutter, respectfully Informs
ids friends and the public. in general that he is
prepared to do all kinds of Fancy AND ORNAMENTAL work
at his Marble Yard. in Walnut street, half way between
the. Court House and Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot,
at the shortest notice. as good as work done in any city
iu the United States. andbeing the only Stone Cutter in
Lebanon county who has served a regular apprenticeship
to the business, he pledges. himself that he can miiiinfic
tureobeaper, and give a better finish than any other
man engaged in the ease business. %His stock consists Of
Also, SANIYSTo.NE of Ike big quality for all uses,
plain and RYpnmontal. A large assortment of LIME
STONE for all ,leittds of housework, of any size and
g - uartity. 4,E + Please call.and.esamine prices and the
Stock before you purchase elsewhere.
AVilSONlilliaxiDartE would' - rapecirun • In
.L the - public that ba bas taken the staid late
Mindoro ft orea. in Cumberland Street. between Market
and Plunk Road, where he will keep the largest, Durso
and cheapest assortment of FURNITURE ever offered In
Lebanon. His stock consists of all kindp of Parlor and
Common Furniture, which be will sell lower
than the like can be bought at any other
place in Lebanon.
He has on band a large assortment of Sofas. •
Tete-a:Wee, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other 'fa
bles, What Note, Hat Racks, Ac. Also a large And eheap
stock of stuffed, Cane -seat, and common Chairs; Settees,
Bedsteads, and a lot of cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking
Olasses,=-GnilL.ltesewoott and Mahogany—very cheap.
Venetian Blinds; Carriages, Gigs and hobby Horses, for
children. tlta,..Particular attention paid -to UNDER
TAKING. lie has provided himself with the FINEST
HEARSE IN LEBANON. and will make Comes and
attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reason
able terms. Lebanon, March .24, 1838.
eziay6rtilade 0114)thist , .. t
- VW Val find 14 the - Centre Building. B:ABER &
BROTNERS heve again Opened t 0 their already
extensive Rock of Ready-Made Clothing q very large ae
eortment of all kinds of. DYER COATS, RADIANS, sun-
Frock Coateatol breSs Coats all colors - and Stylia; Bil
ainesa and every day Coate. at all prices. '
PautaloPns, trery variety in price and Style.
Boy's Clothing. alarg,e variety. ,
A: very handsome assortment of Testa all very cheap,
Undershirts. Drawers, W - Haten and Cotton. Drees Shirts,
Gloves. Hosiery. Sleeks. Lidltfa C6llars, in short every
thing for a Dress from top to the.
The great advantages to buy your Clothing at the
"Centre Building" are: that you will find their Clothing
well made. and cut to fit, came as if made to order As
praethal Tailots they , understand how to select their
Clothing. Call and ass, and try them, as so many have
done and found it to theiradvantage.
J, 3f. RADER give their Undivided attention to
PASIIIONABLE TAILORING, having had many years
experience in cutting, and now having Soule of the Wet
Workinen employed. they are prepared to turn Gilt the
most fashionable Geithenta at Short notiett, warranted to
fit, or need net be Wien.
Persons dealing at other stores will, find the same at
tentid.. an if they purchased their Cloth of them,
Lebanon, Nov. lOth.
Bar Fatigii2Onabie
A/I'ollMb HOFFMAN still continues the TAI LORING
XVI Business at his Old Standin Cumberland street, near
Plank Road. where all persons who wish garments made
up in the most fashionable style and best manner, are In
vited to Can. lie has /a tely received the New York, Phil
adelphia., Paris and Loudon reports of
Spring and Summer Fashions,
and as be has none but the best workmen employed, he
guarantees that all work entrusted to him will be done
in a eatiefactory manner.
M.With his thanks to his old customers for their pat
ronage heretofore, he respectfully solicits public favor.
TU TAILORS I—Just received and for sale the N. York
and f , hiladelphia lteport of Spring s' Summer Fasltioits.
Tailors wishing the Fashions should. let the subscriber
know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements
accordingly. TIOFFAIt.Y.
tehtiiabb, 1.41111 r4,t858.
PHILIP r. nico:AbLuir,
Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker
Cumberland nivel, one door East of Black Horse Hold.
THESubscriber desire/10 inform the public ,
p 1 that he has opened DA above; where he is prepar
ed to oxecute orders of BOOTS and SHOES, of the
finest finish and style, if not superior, to atiy here
tofore offered to the public.
New Spring and Summer Stork!
He has just returned from - the city with an unrivaled
assortment of the latest FALL and WINTER STYLES of
Boots, Shoes, Slippers, ke., le,, for Ladies, Gentlemen and
Children, .
Boot & Shoe Store Removed.
New Spring and Summer Stock!
THE Undersigned would respectfully Inform the public
that he has REMOVED hie BOOT and SHOE STORE
to the room lately occupied by John Orders Confectirm
try store, where lie has opened a beautiful stook of
Spring and - .Summer.Boots,and Shoes ;
for Ladles, Oen tiemen and Children, His assortment
is very complete, and embraces all e latest styles, which
be can sell out at low prices. The public-will please call
and examine. DANIEL GRAM.
N. B.—TRATELERB, now hi your time if you wish to see
a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, and different kinds
of Begs. Come one, come all!-
Lebanon, April 7,1558.
;fßfi OATS,
at the Galena Mille of
Feb. 3, 1868.
A T the Genesee Mills, in the borougig Lebanon,
- - -. RYE, . OATS,
In any guantity, for which the highest Market prices
Will be paid in'Caeb, by , MYERS & SUM.
Feb. 8,1558.` ,,
OYSTgitg.—lf want. a nice dish otoyeters, go to
OVER & "ASTON, oppeelte Mrs. Riee'is Rotel.
THE undersigned would respectfully inform the public
that he has now a larger and more extensive assortment
of MARBLE, at his New Establishment to Market street,
than has ever heretofore been offered to the public in
Lebanon, the stock conehning of ITALtss lifennte, Rut ,
all of whichare done up in the most eclentilic style, and
In such a variety of designs as to suit the tastes of all.
The public' aro invited to call at his
one square north of Union Hall, Lebanon. Pa., where he
will attend personally to all who will favor him with
their patronage.
Ile would also return his sincere thanks for the liberal
patronage afforded hits . since opening in business, and
Ebeling the more encduraged by fhe interest manifested
in his behalf by the isublie, he enters upon a new season
with renewed energy, despatching business with a
proraptpeps becoming ttllhoneotmetante.
Terms Reatinable. aal and Examine
Lebanon, Aug. 18,'58. J. E. DAIRIIIERTY.
I'. S—Aiso, a nurnbor of acler.t Limestone Door Salo,
for the accommodation:of building men and contractors,
who would do well to call and contain°. 'J. E. D.
Lc ba no ix Mar b Le iYakd•
Lebanon, Deceenher 39, 1855.
E.—LETT.ER.ING done in German and English, by
the hest preetial woektnea
Nett FurOittire Store.
brit` Every body is invited to call and examine-
Lebanon, June 80, 1858.
FARM 12; ItS' & ECH A N e - S"
Fonndry and Machine Shop,
lIE undere!gued having made very great additions to
theft : facilities for the manufacturing of MacntNEtrr,
will manufacture and keep on a. very general as.
cortment of FARMING 3MPLEMPATS.. embracing
Wacc/er's /it/peered Railway and Lever Harse•powers and
Three,er; Manny'e Cainbivrd Reaper and maw, with
nod's latest improvements; Coat Iron field Rollers,
Grain Drills and Fans. Corn 'Mucha and Planters, Clo
ver Ram, Corn Shi;llere, Fodder, Straw, They Cutters.
All of the above Machines are of the latest and best
Improvements, and are all warranted to gireaati4action.
Castings of all kinds made to Order,
and at short notice. They also manufacture STEAM Ea-
OMIT, iliill Gearing, Shafting, and Mill work in general,
and pay pnrticulnr attention 'o 'Repairing Euzines and
Machinery of all kinds.
They invite all to call and examine their work, at
their Machine Shop, on Pinggrarestreet. Lebanon.
Ale- All orders or communications by mail will be
promptly attended to.
June 2, MI
Opposite the Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot, Leb-
anon, Lebanon county, Pa.....
WM. & P. L. W E .I.lq Propri.
slurs, lifnitlufactiire *earn Engines from
1 to 30(1 horse power, of the latest styles
asta Q. c r a and patterns, with nil the modern
= proven; ants. Also, superior Poi - table En
gines (with Link Motion vaive Gear) mounted on wheels,
for Saw MiliS,WpOd sawing andHolatiugpurposes. Par.
titular :attrition is calledlo our small Upright Engines
for Printers, Druggists
and persons wonting a small
amount of Power. They take up a very small space, and
can be put up in a room as a household fixture.
ALSO, Blowing Engines and Machinery for• Anthracite
and other Blast Furnaces.- or improved construction
Forgo Hammers, of P. L. Weimer's Patents; Rolling Mill,
&win, Planing and Flouring Mill Fixtures; Mining
Damps, Hoisting Machinery for Mines and Stone Quar
ries, Railroad Cara, Iron Bridges, Shafting, Rangers,
Pulleys,Turning Lathes,Drill Presses, Planing Machines,
Brass Stop Cocks, Valves and Brass Fixtures. Globe Steam
Volvos of all sites, and Machinery and Castings of every
description. •
ALSO, Boilers of any size, form and weight. made of
the best material by well known and experienced work
men:Smoke Stacks, Water 'Tanks, Gas Flues, Heaton,
and Sheet Iron Work of every description. (Our Boiler
sheets are all tested by dividing them into squares of 2
Inches and hammering each square; any imperfection is
thus detected. and the faulty sheet rejected; this is prac
tised in very few shops in this country.]
ALSO, a stock of Wrought Iron Pipe, for steam, gas
and water, with all the necessary fixtures, constantly on
baud, and put up at the shortest notice and on ma
sellable terms. Iron,Brass.and Composition Metal.Caet
tugs made to order, at the shortest notice.
REPAIKING attended to with' prOnapttiesii and de
spatch.; A giufg of Bell& Makers iderays ready for Boi
ler repairs. BLACKSMITH WOp,K made 'to order,
.ilifer Orders . respectfull y solicited. Alleobansunichtiens
,Ey.tuail or otherwise, attended to with despatch, and
work delivered to railroad or canal, free of charge.
Door and Sash Ma maractory.
Located on the &ea ra-Bouse Road, near Ottinbertand
Sired, East Lebanon.
TU 13 undersigned rcspec I y in
form the; - public la general, that they
have added largely to their former estab
lishment. and also have all kilns of the
latest and best improved MAGI:LINEIt - 1
in the State in full operation, each NA
for conduc t ing the general business for
Planizig," Scrolls, Sawing, 4-c.,
and the experience acquired by M. Loxoacxx and J G.
OAREL during their connection with the Door. Sash and
Lumber Trade, for alllll.l3bei of years past, affords full as
sunince of their ability, lavennection with J. Genet, to
select stock Suitable to the wants of the Door Alla Sash
business in this State. ..
They now offer to Mechanies and Farmers generally,
uptin favorable terms, a judiciously assorted stock of
DOOES. SASII..&c., from t.e):cidLuinber utanuthcteries
la the.gtate:feeling Ciinfident Oral their essertinent Is
not to be excelled by any other establisliMent in the
State in regard to exactness in size, quality or finish.and
is calculated to afford thorough satisfaction to all those
who may favor the undersigned with their custom.
The followi ig list comprises the leading articles of
stock on hand:—
Doors, of all sites; Sash, of all sizes;
Door Frames, for brick and Architraves;
frome houses.; Casings, from 3 to 0 in.;
Window Frames, for bait Surbase;
and frame houses; Shutters. of all sizes;
All kinds of Mouldings; Blinds. of all sizes;
U. 0. Spring Moulding, of all sizes; Wash-hoards.
,I". S—Planing, Sawing, dc. , promptly done for those
furnishing the Lumber. [Lebanon, July 15,'57.
wish to inform the cithiens'Of Lebanon
county and naighboring counties, that
4 71a*theyare 7ois r infuoprltion, and are
rn„7edot,eil l a : o
looring BoqrrTh, `Weather Boarding,
Sash.Doois,Winddw 4. Door Frames,
Shut leis, Planzng Scrolls,
SA , WING, and any other lkind of Sawing which uMy
,wauted to suit builders. .The evisctibers beg leave to
inform the public that.they have the latest-and beet im
proved nia , binery in the couuty, ruck as Woonwoirrn's
PLANER. h.c., and that they are able to produce as good
work es the county eon produce.
None but the beet and well-seasoned LUMBER will be
used. Carpenters and Bvilders are invited to call and
examine their reedy-made stock, which they will alwaye
keep no bond. and Judge for themselves.
lit• Their Shop is on Pinegrove Road, near Ph reaner's
Old Foundry. [Lebanon, Jurie 17, 1851,
C th 011 V.
rinimiriyui, for past favors, the undersigned respect
fully informs the Public, that he continues to carry
on his Manufactory in East Hanover township, Lebanon
county, ou as extensive a scale as ever. It is unnecessa
ry for him to say more. than that the work will be done
in the sumo EXCELLENT STYLE, which has made his
work and name FO well known in the surrounding coun
try. He promises to do the work in the shortest possi
ble time. Ilia manufactory is in complete order. and ho
flutters himself to be able to render the saws satisfaction
as heretofore. Ile manufactures
Broad, and Narrow Cloths, Oasstnel4s, Blankets, White
and other Flannels, all in the best 014111/18r.
He also cards Wool and makes Rolls. For the conve
niencc of his Customers, Wool and Cloth avid' be taken
in at the following places:—At the stores of George J:
Scellenbergcr, Looser It Brothers, George Reincehl, pad
at the now Drug Store of Guilford & Lerabergcr, near
the Market Muse, in the borough of Lebanon; at the
store of Shirk & Miler, in North Lebanon; at S. 0-wil
ed's. Bethel township; at the public house of Wfillatia
'Barnet. Fredorickiburg; at .thc Store Of S.Y.BiOkol, ip
Jonestown; at the store of GeOric Wditirhart, Bellevini;
MAW) store of libirtiti. Eddy, Palmyra; at the store of
Githriel Wolfereibeiger, New Market Forgo; at the store
'of Michmi Shirk, East Hanover, Dauphin county; at the
stores of Georgel'ailer- and David M. Ronk, East Hano
ver Lebanon county. .All materials will be taken away
regularly, from the above places, finished without delay,
and returned again.
Those of hie customers who wish Stocking Wool card
ed dyed and mixed, CELn leave the same, white, at the
above mentioned places, with directions how they wish
it prepared. Or his customers can order the Stocking
wool to be prepared from the Wool of the undersigned,
which will he done and left at the desired places.
N.. IL It is desired that those having Wool carded, will
pay the Cash therefor, at the above named places.
Elimt Hanover, Lebanon county, May 12,1555.
"Cheap JOIHIPti" the oldiiiii
inet Maker dill Alive.
JOIIN SPITLER still keeps constantly on bend all
kinds of Cabinet Ware of the latest styles and the
host material-and workmanship.
He has rciely made. a number of Superior SOFAS.
TABLES, Sinks, Cupboards, Stands of all kinds, BED
STEADS, and nil kinds of Were in his line of Madness.
All of which he will sell cheaper for CASII
than ran he bought elsewhere. lie is also
reedy to make coitins and attend funerals at
ottthe shortest notice. All persons in want of
Cabinet Ware will do well to give him neatl at ble room
in Market street. directly opposite the United Brethren
Church, before purchasing elsewhere.
He warrants hie goods to be as represButed, and if it
is not so, he will make it so, free of charge , .
Lebanon, Feb.l7, 1858.
1 TUB subscribers take this method to inform their
Mende and the public that they have mennienerd
the above business, in all its branches, in the Bor
ough of Lebanon, on Pinegrovo Road, near what is
known as Phreaner's Foundry. They hope to receive the
patronage of those in want of anything in their line, as
they promise to use the best Materials and employ the
beat of workmen.
1"/Gir The following different kinde of Timber or Lum
bar taken in .eschange for Chairs, viz:—hickory, Wal
nut. Fopler, Berle . , Beech, Berch, and Cherry of differ
ent Woes
Lebanon, N..
*a., WARLROOSI.)n the TOTN HALL, Marko:ESL,
Lebanon, xvbere a large stock of Ready-made Rocking
and other Chaim, Settees, Furniture,Ab.. is minatantly
) kept on hand. BRO.W.SR & SON.
-Lebanon, Nov. 17,1858.
A LL colors of Woolen Stocking YARN, at
Lebanon, Lebanon Ch., Pa
'W37. WEIM1:11.
Lebanon, Feb'y 4, 1.835.
Doing an original anti popular TroAAlso oo
lillEltt Physiology, Functions and Sexual DiSDnicrsur
very kind with never failing Reinidies for the
speedy cure of diSea.,S of a private and delicate charac
ter. ineideut to the violation of the Laws of Nature and
of Nature's God.
•,. 'ls ;,'' ' ' ' ,',' • The author of the above
,s, s \ ct •• l 4', e' ;.
,' i , ,
~ ~ volume is a graduate, and
... \ '''';; . `'‘i i • I ,c"ltr:4 o ~ having deroted a quarter of
1 . 5../7 - ' , ,7„.: i :'-:. ~,i, a century to the study and
-----:,-e • ,it,tz..) , 4-fes .2 theatres-pt . of Fpyhilis and
2 /
-:-.-:, j ty 474 ,-, , ,,, r4 , ,
.. _- kindred disorders as a spn
-4.64Nzw. "„::: iality, he has become pea
--'7.. --- Stt 4- . ' - t. t:.‘-.. sensed of most invaluable
..',/,',.• ,--. ...„`t. information in regard to the
." 10,1 r I itll t''. t \ t s same,aud is able to compress
Into rade tom= compass the very quintessence of mill
kid science on this important subject; as the result of
the experience of the most eminent physicians in km
rope and America is thoroughly demonstrated in his
ow n highly successful practice in the treatment of Stkr
Bret diseases in many thousands of cases In the city of
Philadelphia alone.
Testimony of the Prof. of Obstretrics in Penn. College,
. _
"DR. HUNTER'S MEDICAL 241ANVEL." The author oftbis
work, unlike the majority of those who advertise to
cure the disiltFes of which it treate, is a graduate of one
of tho beet Colleges in the United States. It affords mo
pleasure to recommend bins to the unfortunate, or t,
the victim of mal-practice, na a successful and experienc
ed praptltiouer. in whose honor and Integrity they may
place the greatest confidence.
Prom A. Woodward, M.' D., of Penn. University,
It gives mo pleasure to add my testimony to the pro
fessional ability of the Author of the "Medical Manu
al." Numerous cases of Diseases of the Genital Organs,
some of them of long standing. have come under my no
tice. in which hia skill hos been manifest in restoring to
pcifett health, in 601310 instances where the patient tins
been considered beyond medical aid. In the treatment
of Seminal weakness- or disarrangement of the functions
produced by Self abuse, or Excess of venery, I do not
know his superior in his profession. I have been ac
quainted with the Author some thirty years, and deem
it nq more than justice to him as well as a kindness to
the vufortuno„to yietim, Of early.indisereti n; to recom
mend lifm 94. MW, in whose professional skill and integri
ty they' niky safely Danfide themselves. I
One 'copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded freed
'postage to any part United States for 25 cents, or 6 copies
for $l. Address, post paid, COBDEN 5; CO,, Publishers,
box UT, Philadelphia.
Booksellers, Canvassers and Book. Agents soppll.
ed on the most IFberal tames,
October 20tb,1858.-1y
'The Surest and most Excellent Remedy!
pins TEA cures Costiveness and produces a health
ful Appetite, relieves patients of severe Colds, Rheu
matism, and purifies the Blobd. For Dropsy and
Consumption Ms likewise the very best Remo-. 11P,5 ,
dr. and for Females before and after Confine; I,
meat it will prove a never-failing Verificative,
being at the sante time an additional benefit to - the In
fant. In severe Pain - In the Stomach it will render
most valuable services, cleansing and warming the
Stomach, etc., etc.. and counteracting all unpleasant
sensations, which frequently originate from flatulency,
etc. Take one Tablespoonful of the above Tea to one
quart of water, let it boil for about nue quarter of an
hour, cover it well so as to prevent the aroma from es
caping: and drink it cold or warm, with or without su
gar, 040 quart every day according to circumstances.
tine fourth of a pound cots 25 cents. You may also
eat the Tea in its natural state.:“.-1 Teaspoon full with
molasses, repeating this every 2 hours should
he severe. - Children are to take this Medicine in propor
tion to their age. SEBASTIAN ZEITLEIt,
in Chestnut street, first noose West of the Methodist
Episcopal Cemetery. [Lebanon, Dec. 15, '58.-tint.
wood, Wood.
„rt., nu: underAgned are prepared to Cornish fin
-.'. ' oar Or OAK WOOD, to order, at any place in Leh
anon or North Lebanon Boroughe. Orders left at
.., their Mill. Will .1. , e promptly attended to.
Lebanon, April 21,1858. MYERS & SVIOUR.
Cheap It uemBER
and CO L!
mum undersizned having purchased, at Sheriff's Sale,
j the entire stock of
In the yard of Jan H. WITMEYER.
leave to invite the attention of the piiblLt
Va -' "
thereto., It will be sold mach cheaper than
the SUM article can hebouzlit elsewhere. The stock em
braces all kinds aud"desciiptions of LUMBER kept in e
well stocked Yard, besides re large lot of first rate Black
smith's COAL. All we ask is that - purchasers will call
and examine our stock and prices.
Lebanon, Sept. 15, 'fiS. JOII> WITMY,YER.
Coal, CoM, Coal.
rirE, the undersigned, would respoctfully . it , forrn the
citizens of Lebanon county, that 's - e are now pro ,
pared to supply thp conitruifilty with COAL. Whet'
Wholesale or Retail, as we will keep all kinds of COAL
on hand. such as
Pea, Chestnut, Vitt, Store, Egli and Broken COAL, white,
red and gray ash,
which we era constantly receiving from some of the bent
Collieries in tbe Coal regions, and would here nay that
we will sell our Coal as low as they can bo sold by any
Person in the county, which we will sell at our Mill, or
deliver to any Part of the two boroughs.
MYERS t Sllotin
Genesee Mills, Lebanon, Feb. 3, 1853.
ITHE unduraigned. hating bought Mr.
, Henry Spoon's Woad and Coal Yard,a
short distance north.east of Messrs. Foster &
Match's Foundry, In the borough of North
Lebanon; and also honght from 200 to SOO COEDS OF
WOOD and from 600 to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all
kinds and grades, which I will sell at the yard or deliver
at as Pala?' pratitsits will salt the times . I.tberefore in
-vile all thaw that arc in want of any of those articles to
call and lee the same, ascertain prima, and Judge for
themselves. DANIEL LIGHT, (merchant.)
North Lebanon, Apri114,1868.-tf.
jET aI Elt RD !
This Way, if you Want Cheap Lumber.
rIMIE undersigned have lately formed a partniVl
I ship, (or tkapyrpose of engaging in the Lain
her Buidnoss,.on.n DOWldlen, would respectfully inform
the ptahllc at.lagm. that their place of business is DAVID
BORMAN'S Ord Ltlblber Yard, in East Lebanon, fronting
on Chestnut street, one square from the Evangelical
church. They have enlarged the Yard and filled it with
a new and exeellent 88..4n - tweet of all kinde of Lumber,
eIIINDLES, AND Sea:masa,
of all lengths and thicknesses: In short, they keep con
stantly on bend, a fall and well-seasoned amortment of
all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. Persons in went
of anything in their line are Invited to call, examine their
stook, end learn their prices.
Thankful fir ps.t favors, they hope, that by attention
to buaineas and moderate prices, to merit a continuance
of public patronage.
Lebanon. April 8. 1858.
NEARLY . 2,000;000 FEE 1' !
()the beat and cheapest apeortmdint of !XIII= ev
er offered to tho public, fil now for sale at the new
ad exten.irr LUNIRRR and COAL YARD of
n the Borough Of North Lebanon. on the bank of the
Union Canal, at the head of Walnut street, a • few
quares North of the firnasses team Mills, and one
quote east of Borgnar's Hotel.
Their assortment consists of the best mall-sessoned
White, Yellow. Norway, Pine and hemlock Boards;—
Cherry, Poplar and Pine Boards;
d 2 inch Pitnrei and Common Plank;
White - Pitts and Seautling and Joists;
White Oak Beanie Plank and Scantling;
and %inch Poplar Boirnis. Plank and Scantling.
The best Pine and Hemlock Shingles;
Alpo. Roofing and Plastering Laths;
Chestnut Rails and Posts, and Pailings for fences
and fencing Boards;
FLOORING BOARDS - of all sloes end descriptions.
The largest stock of Broken, Stove, Limeburnors and
Ifollldayabnrcbmith Coal. at the lowest prices.
159._Coillident that they have She largest and best as
sortment of Lamers of ail descriptions and sizes, as well
RP the largest stock of the different kinds of COAL, ever
offered to the citizensof Lebanon county, they venture
to soy that they can accommodate all purchasers satis
factorily, and would therefore invite all who want any
thing in their line, to examine their stock before pur
chasing elsewhere. BRECIIBILL & HORST.
N. Lebanon, Feb. 24,1855. .
STOPE 5 Rasi"GES Arc.
B'LOMB U 3 IBERCIER would respectfully inform
the public that they have opened a STOVE A:
RANGE STORE, next door to the Lebanon Valley Bank,
in Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa.. where lbey will
oonetantly keep on band a largo assortment of Stoves,
Ranges, ac. Among the kinds now on hand they would
name the following:--Gallacher's Sun Rise Cook, Mr
Tight Cook, Globe Cook, all sires. Charm Cook, Repub
lic Cook, Morning Star Cook, all kinds Parlor Cooks,
Deice and Parlor Stoves, Oas Consumers, Egg Cylinder/I A
Harps, Ovel Top Furriacee, Farmer's Boilers, all sizes
Hotel and
Banged, Portable Heaters, - sc.
Aleo, Fire Brick, antes, se.
a_Old Stoves taken imßiebange for a Iv ones,
Lebanon, October 27, 18718.-tt
Opposite the „Court Mouse, Lebanon, Pa.
Du. Ross respectfully announces Nutt be ban fur
tole a large and varied assortment of Drugs, Medi
cines. Dyestuffs, Perfume . Trusses. Patent Medicines,
and Flinty tiepin. which are ofllleed at the lowest prices.
An experience in the Drug Rusinees of over th) years, and
strict attention to the wants of the public, enable him
in the first styled the science.
'.re the most certain cure for Worms
use. They are sutwt, and no child
ll refuse to take them.. Persons
mid ask for "Dr. Ross' Worm Lozon
," end refuse all others. Many per
m, not having this Lozenge, will try
tat you to take some other kind; do
, let them deceive you—you ran 8 . 1-
Lys get them at Dr. Ross' Drug store,
,baron, and you can have them sent
you, free of expense by mail, if you
lose the price in a letter. if loss
An a dollar; worth is wanted, enclose
Postoffice stamps, and you will receive them by return
°f mail, post paid. Dr. Ross will send them to any part
°f the Dnited States, on receipt of the money. Send on
then, and get ,hem. Price 25 cents.
. . . .
These PAIR operate without giving the least pain or un
easiness, and can be taken with positive alvantege in
all cases in which a purgative would be needed; es tho
commencement of Fevers, Coatirenem, Liver Complaint,
some forma of Dyspepsia, Headache, impure Mood. taut
all diseases arising from Impurity of bleol. will
be found superior to any Other pill in nee. Drlce 25
cis. per boa. Will be sent by mail on ravel; tof IL.. mo
ney. Sold only by Dr. Ross, Lebanon.
A =parlor medicine for the cure of Sick Headache,
Nerroas ]I attache, DyepopFt., Lows of Appetite, Ner
vous Weekruset and all other dicesses requring a tonic.
Dr. Rosa lteepsennatan tly for sale. a lame assortimmt
of Trwees, of all sizes, and-various in price. whielt will
be mold yen* low. An experience of more than 2J years,
give the afflicted advantages not to be Itutdst every Drug
store. A personal attention to thefittlng given. -I f you
need a truss call at Dr. Roos' Drug Store, Lebanon.
- _
For Colic, Spasms. Restlessness. ,&c.. of Infants. It
calms nervous irritation, Foothes pain, and induces to
sleep. without leaving . the 'dull, - drowsy state that fol
lows the nse of other infant drops. Special attention is
asked to this remarkable action. Ask fur Dr. Ross' In
fant Drops. . . _
DR. noEZ ,
la your bear fal Hug oft are you troubled with dand
ruff, ur Itching of the head i Dr. Roes' Hair Tanis .vlll
cure 41r...:; iroublelt. Pare eta.
;her and Ague cured in 24 hours. Individuals who
have suffered for weeks and months, have been In a sin
gle day relieved, as if by magic, from the excruciating
chill and burning fever. Sold only at Dr Itos, , ' Store.
For the cure of Sore, Weak, or inflamed
Eyes. Price 25 cte.
A positive core for Worms.
The beet Liniment in use for Rheum&
tinn, Sprains. Swellings. Bruises. Tooth
ache, Sore Throat. and all .painful and
Neuralgic affections of the body. is Dr.
Hms' Liniment.
For the cure of spongy and bleediug
gums, Scurvy, for thanking and preserv
ing the teeth end gums, and imparting a delightful fra
grance to the breath. use Dr. Dom' Tooth Wash. •
. For the cure of rheumatism, Totter, Scrofula, Petits
In the Bones, Old Sores, Pimples on the face, BrUptions
kinds, and all diseases , ongoing from Impure Blood,
ox tho imprudent 'use of Mercury. Sold only at D' .
Roes' Drug store.
COUCH CURKD FOR 45...cmg• r.B.
DR. NEI - PICK'S Cocoa Seatrei,:prepazed and sold only
by Dr. It mis s opposite the Court Rouse, is a certain curd
for coughs. Cal 1, Whooping Cough, at ' Look well to
the mark.. of the genuine. Mee that Dr. Rose name is
on the leittle.
ITZT oft prrs
Evidence .trongor than certifitatost cot:ra
stc is performing more wonderful ewes than
any other .Iledirioc known I It is perfectly safe to take.
Try it. Sf you are not satisfied after using one Itottle,
the money will IA refunded; if not able to pay, one
Bottle will be given gratis to try it. Price Five Donbis
per Bottle. or three :kitties for ten dollars. Sold OWN at
Dr. Rose' Drutt 6tore. Lebanon, June 16, 1856.
:said at Dr. Ross' Drug Store, opposite the Court Rouse,
Lebanon. Ps.
'b he ;Medicine of 'll.h t e ri Million
.d. . • -
At? • 4 ........
r 5,,,,, %H.
.. ' • 4 1 _Z 4 l' P ' :.` .. .
N li4) .3?: 1 : ' ''.'" l-. !lke --
( 4 ,,
‘ " IV: • : . A:',::: : C .I ':' ' ; - i
.... i .
..4.; -•..-- 71 , ... !.:1g,,,,.„.,, A I
r . ,`" Rie x , .I't, • ' - -vt`,:w 4 • :
k ' t . 'Att'.:•:•.A-: f , ' . • - i• . '..,f.tve i r %4' :
krt -
A-zi-ar'.›,`=',.-- - .......' , 2 :•'"f1.7 k vs• - '
.:21 1 ,t
...—• - ~,.:•. - t . .7 . _•...-e..., , e 4--- - ....
rtIECULAR TO 'MP. SICK.—The first hospital cur
[J goons and medicinal publictats of Europe admit the
unparalleled anti-innatnmatery and healing mymerties
of this Ointment; governments function its use hi their
naval and military services: cud the masses in this coun
try and throughout the world repose the utmost confi
done% in its curative properties. It penetrates the sour
ces of inflammation and corruption .which underlie the
external evidences of discase,and neutralize the fiery el
ements which feed and exasperate the melody..
Rheumatism, - Serofula Erysipelas.
. •
Those are among the roost terrible and agonizing dis
eases of ~the muscles, the fleYhy, fibre and the skin; yet
in their worst forms, and when seemingly incurable. they
In rarintily disappear under a persevering application.of
this soothing, healing an tilate toroth a nd i ofiammetion.
Suit Rheum, Fen.:r Sores:Slif Joints.
In all mules of Salt Rheum, where medical waters, le.
lions- and every recipe of time pharmacoprea hare prayed
useless, the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cure.
Fever :Sores head quickly under its influence; and its re
axing effect want oontracted sinews is truly h‘onderful.
Discharging Ulcers.
A most Inmatkable and happy change is produced in
the appearance° f malignant ulcers after a few applica
tions of this Ointment. The surrounding reduces van
ishes, and grannies of healthy flesh begin to take the
plate of, the discharged matter. This process goes on
ram* or less rapidly
. until the orifice is tilled up with
istiuMlinaterial, And the soot radically cured.
A Word to Mothers.
The young are the moat frequent entferers from nx.
ternal injuries, and every mother ahould have
thia healing •preparatien constantly - at hen& It ia on
absolute ENCificlor tom breasts. and quickly rcincives
the encrusted 4Q1116 whieb fvtactimes Jistigure the heath
and faces of children.
azgnajicant Fads.
TWA Ointment is universally used on board the Atlan
tic and Pacific whalias fleet OP ft cure for scorbutic affec
tions, and as the best poshilde remedy for wound!' and
bruiser. Large supplies of it hare recently bcea orderoti
by the Sultan of Turkey for hoqpinil purposes.
tbe Ointment and rills should be used in the
following cases: •
Bunions, , Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Claude,
Barns, - Sore Legs,
Chapped Ilandeditioutoatisto, Bore Breasts,
Chilblains, Ringworm, Sore Rends,
Fistula, Salt Rheum, Sore Throats,
flout, Scalds, Soros of all kinds
Lumbago, Weundsof all kinds, Venereal Sores.
Stiff.loints, Sprains, Teter, lacers, Skin Diseases.
*** Suld at the Manufactory of I'r3fessor Holloway, 60
/deaden Laue, New York. and by all respectable Drug
gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United
States and the civilized world, in pots at 25 cents, S 2 6 .
cents. and gl each.
llscriorrl-s-None are genuine unless the words "1101-
loway, New York and London .n are discernible as a Wa
termark in every leaf of the book of directions around
each pot or box; the same may he plainly seen by hold.
log the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be
-given iu gov one rendering such information as may
lead to the detection or say 144474; ;;;;;tl4: Nrellterfeit•
Ing the zuedidnes or reeding the some, hnowing thous
to be aperient.. -
There is aconsiderable say] ng by taking the larger sizes.
N. B—Directions for the guidance of patients in every
diaorder are affixed to each box (sLarch 31,'58.
R. 3. W. DECIITLE, the Celebnited liEltll DOC
TOR, offers his valuable services to the public at
rge.. DOCTOR BECIITLE is opposed to Calomel or
any mineral poisons, and will not give them at all.—
DOCTOR BECIITLE having studied medicines ten years,
and a number of years of extensive practice and experi
ence' secures to him the confidence of the public. DOC
TORBECLITLE.has only lost nine patients in he lapt
two years, out of thin TAO, numbers wirq hstre..trattlenir
plicatlon to him fur aid,r.frxiin borno and abroad. Some
come hundreds of miles to consult with regard to diseases
of long atanding, and have been cured, in the last two
years. DOCTOR BECUTLEhas cured 50 cases of Cancer,
30 of Rheumatism. 29 of 'Dropsy, 23 of consumptiou, 19
of Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys. 11 of Sore Eyes,
150 of females laboring under the Falling of the Womb,
Jlontbly Irregularities, Flouralbue, &c., &c. All the
above disease.: have been pronounced incttrablc by 01 / 0-
eiel quacks. Wo have no space to give the above certifi
cates, but whoever doubts can have the names at any
time by calling on DOCTOR DEMME. As respects
.Diseases of Women, old or young, DOCTOR BECA.TLE
bar; never lost one womatt in confinemerit of all the vast
numbers he has attended. In this be in particularly sue.
marital. Diseases of long standing of all kinds, cured in
the shortest.possible time, and on the met reasonable
terms. Nochargea for coneultation. Night practice at
tended to at ell hours.
DOCTOR BECIITLE will always be found in his Office
in North Lebanon, a few doors North of the United Breth
ren Ohnech. except when nit on bush:mai,
North Lebanon Borough, December 3 3 , /8,58,-Iy,
The old stone worm* COW. to Life van.
TORN PETER ]TOTER would reepectfitliy Inform the
public that he con tin nee the bu si nese of LIMESTONE
SAWING AND DRESSING by horse power, In Chestnut
Street, nist Lebanon. Re finishes the following articles
out of the test and soundeat limestone that can be pro.
cared in this neighborhood, vizi—Doom thus and PLAT
TORata rips, WiNnow Slims and RadDa, CELLAR Doors
CURERS, CLIZE-Brame, Shoe &raper blocks, as well as
a n y ocher edible that can be manufactured of limestone.
}Ds Curb-stiiiies are from four to . five inches thick; and
his triheli in accordance with the quality.
He was the first person that introduced the li mestone
baba this place, and is . new prepared to fitittift oit Woe
mom so es to give It eft appearance 'very little inferior to
that of the handeornest Marble, In proof of which muter
tion he directs 'he public, Ca the finished Work at his es
tablishment. Ito respectfully invites all those who in
tend erecting new buildings, to call-at his establishment
and convince themselves of the excellent finish of Ida
Work as also of the oh esishlis of his prim.-
Lebanon, March 24,10611.-Iy.
4inevolent Institution ortablfshod by sixditrEndow
men/ for rho Relief of the Sick and Diotresacd,
off lida with rirtdcnt and Epidemic
TAE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful
destruction of Roman life, caused by Sexual diseas
es, and the deceptions practiced open the unfortonate
victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years frjo di
rected their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLii
ACT worthy of their name. to open a Dispensary for the
treatment of this class of diseases. in all their forms,
and to give MEDIOAL ADVICIt GRATIS to all who ap
ply by letter, with a ascription of their condition. (age,
occupation, habits of life, itc...) and In roses of sxt. rem ,
It is needless to add that the Ainciation commands the
highest Medical skill of this age, and will fulnWl the
most approved modern treatment
The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Re.
port upon the treatment of Sexual Disease. for the year
ending January Ist. 1858, express the highest satisfied ion
with the succesa which has attended the labors of the
Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Spormatorrhcea, Sem
inal Weak nese, Impotence. OonorrAces, Gleet, Sypbillis,
tee vice of Onnnism or Self abuse, Ac., and order a coo--
tins:fine of the same plan for the ensuing year.
The Directors, on a review of tho past. feel assured
that their lobo. a in this sphere of benevolenteart hare
been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the
young. and they have resolved todevote themselves, with
renewed zeal, to this very importent and much despised
admirable Report On Sprrniatorrhas. or Senlital
Weakness. the Tice of °emblem, Meaturbatton, or Self.
abura, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the
C•msulting Surgeon. will be sent by mail fin a sealed 1,1-celopo.)
celopo.) N• EE CIiARGE,on receipt of TWO STA NI N
for postage. Other Reports and Tenets on the nature
and treatment of sexual diseases. diet, km. are constant.
ly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will
be s..ut to tho afflicted. Some of the new - remedies and
methods of treatment discovered during the last year,
are of great valne- -
Address. for Report or treatment Dr. GEORGE IL CAL
llOUN..Cormulting Surgeon. Howard Association, No.
South Ninth Street, ebliadelphia, Pa.
By otdor of the Ritiectoris.."
GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary Nor. 10, 'a.ely
MPODTAAT Pitmen , ofe
I ---
Dr. Gustav Lianard's Taste Restorative Tro
at:, itie Great Subetitate for Tobacco
TT is a well known and ineontrovertable fact that the
nse of Tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the
most revere 3lental and Physical Disorders to which the
race of man is subject, as careful analysis and long and
painful experience have clearly proven that It Colltaino
certain narcotic and poisonous properties most dangerous
in their effects, which by entering into the blond derartee
the functiont and operations of the Heart. cnuAing many
to suppose that organ to be serionsly diseased.
TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system: ruau
ifesting itself—un all who have ever used the noxion•
weed will . ar testimony—in Lassitude, Nervous Irrita
bility, Water Brush, Dyspepsia, and many other disor
ders of a similar character.
Are designed to counteract these baneful influences, and
have proved completely successful in a mulutuda of eas
es, and wherever used. Being harmless in themselves
they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire system, re
storing the Taste which Las become vitiated or destroy
ed by great indulgence, corhpletely removing the irrita
tion and accompanying tickling sensation of the Throat
—which aro always cons/spent upon illmtalain,7 from the
use of Tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the
Stomach, invigorate the whole system.
Persons wbe are irretrievably undermining their con
stitutions and shortening their lives, ehosid use these
Troches immediately and throw of the injurloue and on
pleasant habit of Tobacco Chewing.
These Troches or Lozenges are put up in a convenient
and portable form at the low price of 50 Cents per box.
A liberal discount to the trade. Prepared solely by the
undersigded to whom all orders should be addressed.
J.1.512S B. RaW.EItS, Druggist: •
Mareli 24. IFSS.-lv. Cora and Race, Nailed:,
olTkird arid traioniiree ts t l'hijadriphia, Pa.
- _
Experience has rendered Dr. K. a ineFt suvlesFrul
practitioner in the cure of all di...eaaes of a prirate nature.
manhood's debility. tug an impediment to marriage; ner
vous and FOXUtli infirmities, discaserof the skia, and
those arising from ahnse of merenry.
There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by bo,e,
In imlitnde, often growing np with them to manhood;
and which. if not reformed in due time. not only bef:vt.
nerinue obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but give,:
rlxe to a series of protracted, Insidious, and devastpting
Few of those who give way to this pendulous practice
are aware of the constequenceit, until they find the nen
cons avetem shatters& feel strange and unaccountable
sensations, and vague taus he the mind. [Seepages, 27,
'_3. '29, of Dr. K.'s honk on "Self-Preserration.l
The unfortunate thus affected heroines feeble. Is um.,
lele to la,4nr accustome‘sigor. or to apply his
mind tustiur; ,his.step tiftdy afirl,es.etelk;,
irresolute. and engages even in his sperta with le":seeleee..
gy then canal.
If he emancipate himself before the practice hale dons
its worst. lend eater matrinionv, his marriage is unfrns:-
fol. and his sense tells him tient this Is newel he 1 . .
early follies. These are eamsiderationa which sfionia
awakes thealtentlou of. al I. whosre similarly situated.
Int .
Ile who places:himself under Dr. ELI N'S treat.
meta, .may • religiously confide iu his heater as a gentle
limn. and rely upon the assurance, that the secrete of
Ur. E.'s patients wfll never be disclosed.
Young men—let no false modesty deter yon from mak
ing your MAC known to one. who from education and
respectability, can certainly lefriend you.
Dr. KINK ELIN'S rroddeare has Leen for the last
.rwiwrr VI-4118 at the N. W. Corner of TIIIRD AND
UNION streets, Philadelphia, t'a.
Can bare (by stating their mtae explicitly, together
with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit
tance) Dr. K. medicine, appropriated accordingly.
Forwarded to any part of the United States, and park
ed secure from DAMAGE or CITItIOSITY, by Mail or Ex
-• • .
Letters eontelniug that value iu etarope,'wal ensure a
Copy, per return am:al.
A Free GIFT To Alt.
"Nature'a Guide." a now and popular Work, full of
valuable advice and imprei.sive warning, alikeealeuLat,
ed to prevent years of inb:cry. and save Tnnosszrns et'
ia distributed without charge. and forwarded by
mail, prepaid to any goat °titre in the United States, oa
receiving an order enclo,ing two postage stamps.
J uly-1 5,1357.—1 y.
The Giver Invigorator:
riOLFOONDED entirely from Gums, is one of the best
kf purgative and liver medicines now before the public,
that acts as a oil hart IC, easier, milder, and more effect:nil
than any other medicine known. It is not only a Ca
thartic but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to
eject its morbid matter, then ouL the bowels and stomach
to carry off that matter; thus accomplishing two purpo
ses effectually, without any of the painful feeling,:expe
rienced in the operations of moat atthartics. It strength
ens the system at the name time that it purges it; and
when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and
build it op with unusual rapidity.
The LIVER is oneof th principal regulate:sof the
hnmaq. body; and when it _ performs It a functions
well. Me powers of the (tl3 .tystem are fully develop
ed. The stomach Matinees ~„,„ entirely dependent on the
healthyaction of thoLieer A•!' for the proper perform
ance of its fanctions ; .., alien the stomach is at
fault, the bowels are at tr— fault, and the whole eye
tem euffer in consequence 'll of one organ—the Liver
havieg ceased to do its , duty. Fdr th e diems-e,
of that organ, one of the la proprietors bats made it
Hs study, in a practice o x more than twenty year,
it lindsomeremedy where- with to counteract the
many derangements s ri which it istlithile.
To prove that this rem- "`",.. edy is at last found, any
perltitis troubled with tie Aft ercestplaint, in any of its
ti l
forms, kale hut to try a t W
.bottle, and conviction is
These drone remove all :
from the system, sappl,t
thy flow of bile invigorat
fisod to digest well, purify
and health to the whole
i caube of the disease and
Bilious affects are cured
rented, by the occesiown
One dose after eating h.
stomach and preveot the
~ Only toe dose taken be
Only ono deem taken at
gently, end ewes Gbgite
One dose taken after
Ono doss of two tea,
us bo o tt o lo f taken for fe- › ...1 Tr
makesa obstruction remo ve .
lieve Sick Headache.
the ca use
Only one dose tam
one dose Often repeated — llately relieves Pe Ch r of fec ie t sv c i t t r il% .
Aforbus, and a preventi oof cholera.
sure cure for choler'
Only one bottle is need 31 to throw out of the sy
tom the effects of medi- .- . 7 vino after a long siekne:e.
One bottle . taken for aundice removers al 1
sallowness or unnatural color from the skin.
One does-taken a abort time before toting gives vigor
so the appetite, and makes food digest well.
One dose often repeated curse Chronic Diarehrea in its
worst fortes, while Summer or Bowel Complaints yield
almost to the first dose.
One or two doses cures attacks caused by Worms in
children;' there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in
the'world, as it never fails.
A few bottles Cure Dropsy, by exciting theabsorbeet ,
'We take pleasure in recommending this medicine 64 a
preventive for Fever end Ague, Chill Fever, and all Ye
.y,ers of a Bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and
thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtue , .
All who use it are giving their unanimous teatime"
in its favor.
SS- Mix Water in the mouth With the Invigorator and
swallow both together,
The LivarluvJgorator is a Soloutiflo Medi& Discover'
and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe.
It cures tii if by magic, even the first dowering benefit.
and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure aay
kind of, Liver C om p laint, from the worst Jaundice or DYt'
pepttle.tlineontiftfen lleatlache, all of wlaioh are the is
suits of a Messed Liver,
DR. SANFORD, proprietor, 345 Broadway. Sew Ted'
Josses L. Lciresitalle, and Da, EMS, Agents for Lein'
non : and retailed by . Dritagists.- anne3,'sB-/Y
Get Longfellow% nee' WOOS Milos Strandieh 1
Goods' Book Store.
morbid or bad matter
fog in their pLaco a beat
the stomach, anteing
ing, [tic blood, giving tons
'machinery, removing tbo
erecting a radical corn.
ml 4, chat is barter, prc
ion Nf the Li La Inrigc-
sufacicut to rotor° U
food traitietidng 1+:40
Mitt, 1000aill the bowel,
each tare D!'
I , Poonfule wlli aIWaVE