The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, January 05, 1859, Image 3

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    get anon pittrtiou.
TBRIKS, - $1 50 A YEAR
Cards, Circulars, Heindbills,Pos
tern, 4e., printed at the Advertiser office, at low
rates and abort notice—and in the meat elegant,
Just Mated at. the. Adtertioer
Delco, Noticos to Quit,, Votani Notea and Sum
Also a [lei let of atTn4ole and single Acknowl
ffltigement 'DsO.l3; Biteoutor, Administrator and
Trustee BOstc18; Mortgages, 3:o.
Also, Conamcin and Judgment Bonds, and all
kinds of Juatiee's and Constable's Blanks.
The Concert given on. Saturday
'nvoning bl . the Musical Union Chtiir, under the
ausplces of the Young Men's Oliristian Assoeia
-tion, for the benefit of the pooir, was Well attend
ed, the proceeds being grime 14i(1. We have-as
kind•hearted and liberal a coniinunity as themcgt
benevolent and chriatian heart nan wish for, as is
evident whenever,charity, or.:iny other virtuous
object, makes a demand upon their purses. ft is
;Almost a pleasure to be poor ik Lebo:nen.
-.An election of Officers will be
hTsld at the Stated Meeting 'if the Y. M. C. As
moiation, on next Tonsns4 Evening, January'
11th, at the Reeling Ite , ,pm. All the Members
are toquiltail to .be prestmt. The Female Com
mittees 'gill report of their operations of last
month. Ladies end Grantlemen that feel- an. in.
turret in the urelfore of this association Jae re
speetfully Invited to be present. •
The advent of the New Tear
wee :commemorated on last Friday night and Sat
urday inornimg by considerable Britt. of :small
arms and soma noise. The members of some of
the ehurohes kept watch-night; but most 'people
did as we did, went to.hed and left the old as well
as the new year in the sate and keeping of him
who gowns itif things. The disagreeable weath
er on Stitarday •prevonVal the expected visit of
many of our country friends, nevertheless there,
leery n good many of the young of both sexes in
town. The only features or the day of a public
character were the parade of the 'Union Fire Com.
pany in the afternoon, and 'the
. Cepieit La ale
evening. • _
HAIq3)I3ILL§ for the sale 'of Per
eon al Protiorty`firinted at the Ad-it:art/1w office in
an hour from tholime of Ordering, at reasonable
Advertisements of -the, setae, also inserted in
the Aduartieer conspicuously at Penal:rates. /t
pays the seller to make known, his sale to all the
people of the whole county.
At a meeting of the Fianklin
Literary IllstitintO on Mundy' evening Let, the
following named officers were elected fur the 'en
suing term :--.President,' -M. `Breslin;
Vice President, J: Made', jr. ; Scc'y, J. IV::
beseon ; Tre•rtnirer, J. IL Miller. AU lutuitnstiug
riticOinti will be discussed on *min) , OVening
next, when the public, is Lg.'' , itl!Sti tet *tend.
The dedication of the new and
epleuditl lluli of the Tjuion .Vire Company •in
Market street, on Saturday oftettonn, Wu the
ueension of touch pride end good feeling among
the members of the Company especially, and al
onhy our citizens generally. The address of the
nowt:don was delivered by 'lion. J. W. Killinger,
-after which the company proceeded to the corner
of 3forkot and Cumberland streets to attend the
sole of the , ballanceof the R'tincy. Goods, mode
by the Ladiwler 'thebeneflt of the company.—
The prommeings wore enlivened by the music of
the North bobitnon Band.
The only ball thus far in Leba
non alti EOMPOCI took place on Friday evening in
the Town 1411. It was given by n party who
style tbitinsalvas Abe PSit 'tier nose compi.,-
. •
We had -the pleasure -on Mon
day, of welcoming our staunch.democratio friend,
John . H. "Sitonk, who has lea - ye of absence front
his Inspetworship duties. in Philadelphia, to vis
it his old hem and friends. Ife is aistrong in
tho faith is agar, and scefos to ibe.prosporing,' both
physically and '
January Court commenced •on
Monday. At tho titne of.putting the Atleertiser
to press no business of importance had boon trans.
acted. ,
We learn that the Assessments
made by the Assessors of the West Nard.of Leb
anon:, have been considerably increased upon re
vision by the Commiisioners. If so there • will
be a pretty lively time during the appeal.daya.
An Itefn for Sportsmen.—Olose
of the• Shooting Season: —According to the law
passed at the last session of the "Legislature, for*
the preservation of garne, the season for shooting,
trapping or destroying in any other way Pheas
ants, Partridges, Woodcock or Rabbits, closed
on the let inet.. rt will be seen by the following
sections of the law referred to, that any person
who is found violating, any of its provisions is
liable to pay a flue of mu DOLIAItS for each and
every offence.
12-That from and after the passage of this act,
no persen shall shoot, kill or otherwise destroy
any pheasant between ,the lint day of January
and the first day of September, or any woodcock
between the first day of January and the fourth
day of July, or any partridge or rabbit between
the first day of January and the first day of Octo
ber, in the present year and in each and every
year thereafter, under the penalty of five dollars
for each and every offence.
V. That no person shall •buy or cause to ha
bought,or carry cut of this State, for the purpose
of supplying any private or public house or mar
ket, any pheasant, partridge, woodcock orrabbit,
lintels the same shall have been shot or taken in
the proper season as provided for in this act un
der a penalty of five dollars for each and every
The law further provides thet the possession by
tiny person, of any of the game and birds Men-
Mooed ehot or olberwise destroyed out of ebason,
1441 I be prima facia evidence to convict,
The congregation of Zion's La
gleria abitroh are about making some iniprove
manta $4:l thoir grounds and to the church itself.—
An iron ranee is to be substituted for the present
wooden one; and the outside of the edified re
paired: The cost of the improvement is estima
ted at f1r2500.
At an election for officers for
Mt. Libotita,Zficappment,,T. 0. of 'O. P. held
on Watley week Oho following were elected
for the ;miming P.—Wm. Atkins;
H. P.—,lfenry Bolts; g, W, - - Geo H. Roincehl;
*awned; Scribe—D. LBW.
ter ; T. Aticips Trißtow-AdolP l l
-•- '
We copied feu . ur mar 1u $s last
weekfrom tbe - Couriet Duo' eeLja,,ite,,ilaYA tbeen
by mr; Ulitater, which.'lYe -berm , 2 1 111y; : ware
Sang by POI in Mir ,8 1 1PRillea;t h e
Vital" have beenl4t.
be paid for the detection-of the - person' tbitt sent
thorn t '
The Sheiiit I rately 'sold the fol
lowing propett7iil at . Witte sale
51 ichael tifoperty, in this Borough,
was boned - I,p ht:. 461 Goodtart, for $1,540.
iSiekstin's Property, in East Han
%ought by John L. and henry Meyer,
Tor o-510,
Henry Gutsy's prnVerty, in Jackson township,
*as bhught by lirm.:111:inlio Esq., for $5lO.
John Shur's
.mtl detain, in Lebanon, was bought
1131,Mr. Joi. firmer ; for t 270.
The attenttori of Teachers is di
rected-to the botiee int.our advertising ecAumns.
Ileirry.flartinam the "Lager-beer
, ,
mac) (sitsSrilcibn back to tho old place
in flumberland. street; west of Plank Road. All
'in want of i?.n. e - milli Lager aro invited to call
and obtain the article.
A friend, Who - is afflicted with a
looseness. of. tongue,:ii anxious that we should
put more locals in the AdrertiBer. We are in the
habit-of pnhlblialng all that transpires worthy of
notice, but is , that is not sufficient, we gitM . an
additional Tor his especial benefit:—`-
" Mrsvisamos.--::04 Uouday morning anmid car
.riagb, minus' ivheel,‘Was found in the gMtter da
front of 'the Aelem4iser office. It evidently,had
seen hard' service, 'hut Where, when and howl It
remained the observe& of ski• obsereis ler seine
tiine, l wben, of a sudden, it disappeared asi!Lysfp
riously as it had appeared. An investigation
sboilld be had' into the matter. We commend, the
subject to our friend of the loose tongue. It
might rnalce a ease.
New Post Ofriee.—.The Post
Master General has ordered the astabliehnient of
a Poet Office, at "Richland. Station," Lebanon
Uo., on the Lob. Vol. R. It - itnd lsppointed Eli
Klopp, Esq., Post Master,
The Eagle Hotel restaurant is
now in the proprietorship of Mr: Henry Siegrist,
Mr. G. F. Reinhard having retired on.lhe Ist
inst. Its reputation for good
,iliqing . ,,,iind'drinking
will be maintained, and, if possilile, improved
upon. • . .
The Cornwall Teachers' -Associ
ation is at present in a tiourishinrrndition.----
A spirited meeting was held #1 School lions.l3 No.
7,-on the Ist inst., when all the members, but Mr.
_ .
Killmer, were present. ThA t unepting . w"fts aliened
by reading a Foleet chapter from' the Beriptures,
after which L'lleiliCtS proceetkAl ae follt;ws
One of the members, produced, fir 'correction a
number of sentences in Pdls.e Syntax, which were
duly nnalized nod disposed of accordingly.: Writ
ten Arithmetic was taken tint/ cenduoted by
one of the members. Problems were nelected by
lot, after which they solved and eXplained.
The following questions were - nnder Abe head
of "Teachers Class."
'lst Hew much time should-n:teaeler de vOle to
his pupils ?
2nd Should a teacher make a practice of attend:
mg parties'?
A lively and interesting' debate arose on the
above questions, in which airthe niecoberS
puted. The positiens ussutned by .the various.dis-
Wants did not trarynucterially.- The Conn ty.Su
porinteuden t being ptesertt, deliiered:nrt encour
aging adthtss to the Assoeintien. In the course
of his reworks he : stated =that he had visited the
schools of this and'4'euica.;heirtOoTeliutlu
sea exerted by this Association;
On motion adjourned, to meet at School House
No. 6, (Zinn's ,) on Saturday,. January 21e.t. 1859,
at 8 o'clock, A. M.
JOAN w. mAitiaEsoN, Sect'y
I,..Aii-ort,-Dec. 31a 1858
In accordance with' the 'resolution passed at
the meeting of. thelOth-inst., an aquurned meet
ing of the. Cum Mitten of Arrangement was held at
the Public Mese of C. IL forgoer, in N. Leba
non. The chairman presided end the following
members of the' committee were present: Dr. J.
C. Cooper, Erb, Jacob Selicaffer, C. H.
Bergner, Jon *than Atli& Win. Urich, Peter
. •
The following •rwolution was offered by Mr:
J. Nig. and seconded:by Sam'l
Resolved, That C. I: Bergner, bo author
ized hove the fence enclosing the - ground of
the Society , taken,down; and the breads-Tileit in
such"a manner-as will !Joel pieserve- them,. and
the expenses incident`thereto be paid by orders
by the ITteeitfedt of the Society.. -
Bergner, 'Esq., the elm man o f the - c om
mittee appointed -at our last meeting,- to on
J. W. Mish, Esq., to ascertain the amount of
Money lulls-hands, reported, that they celled on
him, and his reply wasthat he had about 25' or
• •
2tl dollars in.his tumuli. •
- On Motion, it was Resolved, That a regular ac
count of-all the receipts and expenditures of the
Society be published In all the Lebanon Paper:,
and the Soeretari be rogues:ail to furnish -J. L.
Ri g ht an yi r , Esq. and S. W. 11 , 1i$h j Esq., a copy of
the above resolution, .
On motion -adjourned; to meet again at the call
of the Secretary. - .
• - ' ' WILLIAM URIC.% Seet'y..
laaaiow, Jan. 3d, 1859.
A Meeting tirtho :Members of, the. Lebanon
County Agriculturcland Horticultural Society,
waa held at',the Public House of J. M. Mark "in
the Borough .of lebanon.
In.the absence or. the President, Hon. Wst.
Rawis;Viee President, presided. On motion the
following reSelution was offered and adopted
Resolved, That Jae. K. Funk and Jacob Wit
mer he appointed a committee to wait oa Messrs.
Midi and Right:nye; and request them to mike
mit a regular Siatemitat" of all the roceipts , mid
dishursmen.ti made by them df the societies-mon
ey, and present their ascount at the annual meet.:
ing, to be hold on An. 1ith1359.
The following preanible and resolution was of
fered and adopted : -.
That whereas public notice of the annual meet
ing has ncl been , given, therefore be it Resolved,
That the.speretary givo,notice , in all>the News
papers of the Herough, that the.annual mooting
of the members be the public Ilouso of
J. if. Mark, the 3rd Monday in JaTuary, 1859,
being the Pith day of said month, .at 1 o'clock,
P. M., for the purpose of duetting; Aeon, audi
ting the recount of Mebirs i gish and Rightrayer,
On motion adjourned to meet again , on the Pith.
According to a prerimis call or the aeunty . Setterinten.
dent, a. number of Teachers sue friends of education met
at the '.3furray School House," at 9 o'clock, A. ,on
Thursday, December 93,1959..
Organized by electing F. Phillips, County Superinten
dent, President; and Wan. 911 tier. Secretary. On taring
his seat, the President returned his thaeltsTor the honor
conferred and spoke liven intergtinpmariner. of the
utility of Teachers' Institues.
Phillipe.then conducted an exercise in Grnimar,
an excelieut method of introducing children to
•the atthject of English Grammar, - • -
Wm. - Miller introduced - the subject of Intellectual
Arithmetic, and, among otherremarke-stated that it le
an excellent mind invigorator, aud well-calculated' to fa•
miliaralize the children with a• proper lase of the English
language. All Teachers presentengagedta the solution
Vl° teachers Were than eonady divided, and 'H. G.
Squires conducted aDietationigerdise,l4 erf'
'fared lot° a spelling and rem:duet:og minteet. !Merinos
of grammatical prop iety pale jip,x,14. 114 9:if 4 0.6 ' 41 . 15128 "
stone which were end inittit.letire.
time hiving arrived, the Ins Cate adjedrund t 9, Vet
ceolock,T.M e • o:
Onerholf hopr was,a...lipeakint.ideßODE v...
Ankleote of generel intareet were. dineiwee.dweirip Minh
xln ;
m eager:Ml. o j /R Written • Arithairitie;:.G. 4..OutwOlti7
iiitel nation itenrevee,nleetiod of r tneffoiweing ex -
LE:West reported on Alphabet zesoblog.,and
dered general satisfeetion,
A Geographical exercise wee then conducted by *tn.
Miller, In which he Illustrated hie method of tradlpg
learners to appreciate the 'beauties of the seitas'ee,
concluded with a chanting exerelee from 'Elie'Outline
On rantika of Mr. Suires, evt3r tan reests
to bring °floor more q u estio n s ford is cu ssion e in the rye
rang Session. Institute adjourned until 6 o'clock in
the evening.
A number of v. ell selected questions were handed in,
read by the President, and discussed. by Messrs. Phillips,
Guernsey, Orabbe, West„ Stein, .oerherich and
Miller. • The willingness manifested, on the part . of all,
to engage in these disidussions, and the masterly manner
in which they handled the Subjects, issuflicieut Miustify
the expression that ,The • Evening Session was highly
amusing' and very instructive.- .Adjourged. to ..Friday
President in the claiiin ...Minutes- read, and apprOved.
Intelleatual Arithmetic formed thefireLtoptd for consid.
eration. This exercise was admirably conducted' by -ktr.
Guernsey.. A number-of intricate questions Were given
out, mid excellent solutionyprocured by the members.
Mr. Stein then gave an - interesting and highly inatrue.
:tire oral Report on Penmanship, accompanied, tvith
blackboard illustrations :
Squires- then conducted -It Reading Exercise by
first reading a Well-neleeted piece, it an entertaining
manner, and then calling upon others to read—all acting
as critics. Tb.- reading was executed in a style truly nom.
On motion, a anew/ratan was appointedl to draft resole
. . .
• ,An hour 'was-pleasantly&NOON
and profitably spent fa a
Speaking meeting.
F. Phillips then conducted a is ntenca in Palle SYntax,
writing troproporbentences on the blackboard end calling
upon teachers promiscuously to correet- theirt and, give
Mr. Welk then. ffondueted an Elocutionaty, Exorcise
which,could net Rill- to tit interest alb as it blended the agree
elle with the _profitable. .
Mr. Phillips then conducted an oral SpeliNg match.
The. President at this point 'entertained the. Institute
_with $. appropriate address. .
The chairman of the cetuutittee of resolutions reported
the following, which were unanimorialy adopted
Whereas, A Meeting of ^the Teachers of East Uanover,
and surreundint townships. has been called,andwhorens,
a goodly, istraber of Teachers have been =associated to-
Paint w, the capacity of n. Teachers' Inatitute,therefere,
Mtior to give expreasion to our feelings, .
Resolved, That we coneider Teachers' Institfites highly
beneficial Co the cause of Educatton, and that we will use
our united efforts for their continuance and support. -
Resolved,.That we congratulate the School Directors,
Teacherthanff spathes Mends of Education in the coun
ty for having - neared the services of our presort County
Superintendent, afire believe him to be amen eminently
qualified for the °lnce.
Resolved, That oltitiMalts aro dna to the friends of
Rduceilmy, itit Hits place, for gratuitously administering
te our phYsleal mias.
Resolved, That our thanks, are due to the County Stt
,perintendeittfor contributing so ranch to the Interest o(
this OCCABiOI3. •
aa: SQUIRES; 1 .
8. IL WEST, i Committee.
On motion; Wires resolved that 'a copy of the, Minutes
of -the 'lnstants' la furnished to the editors:: of, the Eng
limb' papers of Lebanon, 'for publication. Institute ad
journed sfus die. , WM. 3111LLER, §ect'p,
ALMANAC. - FOR `1859
2. -8 , 4 5 6 ' 7 8
9- :1 o'. Al 12 33 .14 15
17 r 18 'l9i 20 21 22
.13 24 25 26 27 28, 29'
FEBRUARY - I . - - 2 3 4' ; 5
0 :L 7 8. - 9' 10 IL 12
13,11 15 16: 17 18 19
. :
20 21. 22 23. 24 25 - 26
27. 28
MAIVOII, • 1 7 2 3 4 5
• 6 7 8 9 TO' 11 12
43 14. 15 , 10:.17 18 19
20 21 22 23 2/ 25 26
27' 28 -29 30 -, 31
- 3. 4.; . k . 7 • 8 0
TO - 11 12 13 1.4 15 16
17 .18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
MAY, 2 3 4 • 5 6 7
8: 9 10 11 12 13 14
. - 16 17 18 19 20 21
_ - 22 , 23 --24 25 26 27 28
29' 30 31
JUNE, ' - 1 3 4
8 si 11i 11
12 13 14 15 10. IT 18
19- 20, 21. 22 23 2i 25
'2O 27 28 23 30
JULY, 1 2
456 8 9
10 IF :12..13 14 15 16
17 18 .19 24 21 22 23
24 25 26' 27 28 20 30
AUGUST) , 1 2 3 4. 5 6
7 9 9 10 12 13
14' , - 15 fo 17..19 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
SErtE:III3EII, 1 2 3
4 5 6. 7 s
ii la is i 4 16. 18 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 23 29 30
:NOVEMBER,: - . 2 3 4 , , 5
• • •' - ; 3• Q 'lO .11 12'
•• 13 14 15'16 .17 . =`18` .19
, 20, -21 - ''22 23 24 2.5 26
. - • :
27 23 29 30 • -
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
: • • - 18.). 19 -20 :21..::.22 :":-23 24'
25 20:..27 :28 , 29 .30 31
The Sacraniente Bee ' ells of a California. faritis
er who triode his fortune hi and year: The lucky
was fsatie * Lancaster, Who, about a
year ago, bought 800 - aerciof land in Napa coun
ty; dt the ratd - of,s.s,per acre. Ho at once put in
a crop of wheat, and about Januari„ - -1.858, went
tolthe Atlantic States to' see his family, leaving
the wheat to take care of itself, r When he re
turned his crop was almost ripe, and in June
die" harvested over ten thousand bushels of the
handioniest wheat, probably, ever grown in. Cal
ifornia ;. znost , of. which be sold Tor '4 cents per
pound,' the choicest portion bringing 4 cents.—
A. few Weeks age ho sold one-half. of his rancho
at 415 per acre; receiving therefor Citfitl" more
than he paid for .it-oneyear-igo, in - addition to
which his' wheat crop' nottiakhini..ever ail:tenses,
the" enorrnou&sum of $25,000, so that bile net
profits in. litelve months, not including . his
rancheyitorth t 5000,, lOssre.ovet 08,000.
, .
Father Boyle, of St. Patrick's Church,' opened
the Senate the.other morning elth ,prayer, robed
in the'full - priest's' dross-- with surplice and ear
soak. This is the first occasion since the foun
dation of the Government rhen the.-entire vest
ments of a Roman Catholics elergyman.have been
worn in such services in.-either chamber of (lon
A.!tECENT TitIAL at London brotight4o light the
fact that one of the parties, Miss Ltiversen,' is a
lady's decorator. Fur a fee of fivo grrineiti,sho
attends a lady going to, improves
pleliotti hail' and teeth, 'lnd supplies all.deficien
cies. 'Bait trade, aCaording to the woman'aatato
ment, brings her in no less than - 1808 a year.
Leverson boasts of having all the areamed . heads
among her customers, not eaceptinglher Majesty,
Victoria, whose pittronage she pretends to enjoy;
she says she his Preparations for making. tont-
Plexious white or red at pleasure, and carriasabout
beatify for sale in a small Vex:.
. - srtivar, 0.017ND8 •YOR DIVORCE.--A woman made -
application at Cincinnati, "a . day - or two' since, for
- a divorce, on•the ground, thatrher husband was
a confounded fool,: The magistrateinformed her
that if. that Were held to bee validreason,
_half, bie Married women in, the at,* would be le- .
engalloptitled to a matrimopiel separation.: The
SQAMP4 eeLpfgrteil
will?; this ;$ Sl4r flce—
xretahatlnass is always - alleviated hi. nhniber r'
and departed from the Magistre.te's - courtivitlrap
improved framerot teirol, mid wit} a touch of con
imsw - 001rAiMillAbr VAN puittlf,-sc:n•oftliii.
;l idep taeCcelanibia, y .
sold all the
foi 06,040, being an'aVetage'iiiiioVi;Eich ,
rt, t-i. e . • oa -- '.. H ' .4 4, f ;
, c l, ''' e.• ' t -t '"' L' ti
-z- z '44 - . sil 0 • tr ei
0, t, .ro - z, Fi ti• .....-.
P' . . °
.. - .. 4 '
2 3' 4 5- 1 8
0 •10 11 12 -13 14' 15
io 17 18 10 20 22
23 24 25 20 2r 2$ 29
so 3l
A young Tennessee efargiiian seems to have
Compressed the whole body Of his ietlfrorf on"De
eeit" in tho following: "db; 6.VA/ill:it:en; the snow
lest shirt-front may deibeal an itching hosore, and
the stiffest of all ro`underi 'enerilere a th'ion't ttet
has many a bitter pill to swallow."
The Easton (Pa) fifenitor says that a lady in
that vicinity gate birth to a male child, a few days
ago, the bead, ears, arms, stomach, and lower ex.
trensiiies of which, are -the exact counterpart to
those of an elephant.
`LiOnard's Taste Restorative T.or
ebea, atte giest substitute for Tobaothi s , - ire far. sale
'at Dr. Ross' Drag Store. . -
Special Notices.
See advertisement of Di. 13anford's Liver
Invigorator in another column.
A.,Datehelor's Hail' Dye!
The Original and Best in the WarWl%
An others are more Imitations, and should be avoided
&you wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed instantly 'to a
beautiful and Natural Brown or Black without the least
injury to Hair or Skin.
awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1850, and over 80,..
000 applications have been madele the Hair of his pa
trona of his famous Dye.
WM. A. BATCHELOR'S lIAIRMYR produces a color
not to ha distinge !shed from nature, and is warcicanran
not to' injureln the Watt, bowevor long it mi 4 beeentin.
fled, and the lii effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair
Invigorated for Life by this Splendid - Dye.
Made, rold - or applied (in 9' private rooms)'at tho Wig
Factory, '7.,t1 Broadway. New-York. . -
501 d .% all cities and towns 'of the uettoi. Stakbirs t
Drug gists rind Fancy floods Dealers-.
Agit . The Genuine has Ofer leOne nThi aihfresa tipott a
steel, plate migrating On rein. sides of each Box, of
253 Broadway, Now Xork,
Sold at Dr. Roes' Drug Store, Lebanon, Pa,
Doe. I, 1868,-Iy. '
--- - .
They areulegaut, light, easy and durable.
Fitting to a charm—no turning up behind—no Shrink
ing air the head; Indeed this is the only Establishment
wherolhose thinge are properly undereteottand made.
Dec. 1,1353. : 1y. 233 Broadway, , New York.
In alt diseases inflammation 1110/13 or less predominates
—not to allay inflammation strikes at the root of disease
—hence an Immediate cure,
and nothing eise,. will Rimy ifilittaimation at once, - and
iitaktts. Ofltila aura.
will Cure the .la:apng a great eetalegtie dt:.
seselt-i auxitaiitekies, Mrs, CRATES, SORE TUTTLE.% DBES'S,
BILES, 'seitormi, mem, PER some, rzLomi, ziatNeirt,!
- .
, To some it may ilpinutrlnciedulous that so many die.;
eases, should be reached by one article; Bechar/idea:will
vanish when reflection points to the'fatt,that the salve
'is a combination ofingfedients, each, sinreyeri one ap
plying a perfect antidote to-its appasite disbrder.
In its effects is Magical, because the time is' So short, be.
tiveett.fftMosn and a permanent cure; and it is an extract
or as it draws all disease out of theaffected part, leaving
nature airperfect as bbfore the Injury. It is scarcely
necessary to say that no, house..wdrjAteP, biablifac
tory should be one moment without'
if Pain - Eritradtol• gel:Mine 'unlebs
it a steel plate engraving, with the nanid df Henry.
ley, Manufacturer.
, For Sale by Druggists and 'patient iliedichie dealers
.throughout -the United States and Cithdclas.
Principal Depot; 105 Chambefe St., N. York.
. Sold at Dr. Ross' Drug store, Lebanon, Pa.
Deal, - 1.858.4y .;-- = •
IMPORTANT Ti) PRMALES-L-Dr. Clibesetiares
combinations of ingredients in these
is thereault of .adong and extensive pthetlee ; they
are mild fp them operation, and certain. of restoring. na
ture to ita proper eliannel. In every instance have the
Pills proved successful. They are certain to open those
obstructions to which:females are liable, and bring na
into its pnaper channel, whereby health is restoredk
and the pale and deathly countenance changed to - a .
healthy one. No female. can enjoy good heft lth unless
elle is regular; and whenever an obstruction takes place,
whether from exposure, cold, or any other cause, the
general health immediately begins to decline, 'and the
want of such a remedy'has been the cause of so, many
consumptions' among young females. Headache, pain in
the side, palpitation of the heart, loathing of food,-and -
disturbed sleep, do most always arise from the interrup.
tion of nature; and whenever that is the ease, the PUN
willinvariably remedy all these evils. In all cases of
nervous and spinal affectione in the back inellibibs, low
ness of spirits, hysteries, &c. Nor afe they loss efficaci
ous in the cure of Isunerrixes, commonly called the
"Whites." These Pills should never be taken during
pregnacy, as they would be sure to cause a miscarriage.
Warranted purely Vegetable, mad free from anything in
jurious to life dr 'health. and eajiutit discitions
,which shonid be read, among:nifty eiikh
These Pills are put tip in tilitiare flat 'heath. Pefsons
fraitildir whets there die ; led:sigtoick. established,,bi en
closing flue Dollar iii a letter. prepaid, to any authorised
Ske - iit call halts them sent to their respective addressee by
return ofthail. - . '•
R. IL,lffffeftrAlS, Cterieral 'Agent for tho U. Statee,
It;s Chambers st., New York. To whom all Wholesale o
orderenhould Addressed,, '
Si.; at. Dr. Ross' Drag Store ;
Dee.' 1 1858,-Ij% "
„ P. have obtained imniense celebrity with
the:native princes ot daia. Among :the irecent.orders
for the medicine from that quarter of the globe, was an
autograph letter from the Emperor of Burastb, address
ed to Professor HOLLOWAY, requesting - quantity.
to be forwarded through ,the British opine, at Rangoon.
Diseases of the liver and,painful disorders. of the . stom
ach and the bowels, artr,very common.. in the Durman
empire, and his waive y having experienced- great 're
lief-from the Pills daring an attaa of dysentery,
dqtermined to have the itittedY ttlEEY's at hand for aind,
iar emergencies. '
Is prepared according to Pharmacy- and Chemistry, with
the greatest accuracy and Chemieal knowledge devoted
to their combination. .f/f/p-Sce advertisement headed
• liteligiotis
Preaching in
..the Methodist. Episeettal ,Chureit
next Sunday, morning. and evening:
German Preaching, next SnridaY, in the Moravi
an (Beneficial Mall)`Church
English Preaching next Sabbath 'Morning -and
evening, and German in be afternoon, in Zi- ,
on's Lutheran Church.
Preaching next Sabbath niernink in the English
language, in the Defecated 'Church.
Preaching nest Sunday in -Salem's Littheran
Church, in the renthhig ficirettan ) and
trening in the hingthige.
On 2a inst., by the Rev. It. S. Miller, Frederick
Miller to Anna Suavely, both of S. lebanon.
/tarried; bn the Mir ult.; by-the Rev. V. WKre
' iner, Mr. Cyrus J. Werner, of Cornsvall'tp., to •
Miss Frany Knoll, of N. Annyille tp., this co.
On the sates tie stuns, Mr. William
Drandt, of. N. Lebanon borcrughi to Miss Mo.,
Bade Strover, of N. Lebanon, township.
On the lid inst., by the same, Mr. 'William H.A.H
oine,l, to Inn Caroline Batdorf, both of this
borough. • • •
On the 20th uttl, Charles Augustus, son of, Ged:
Shay; W. and Louisa aged 1 year, 0 Months
and 9
On ,2d trist„ in Lebanon, .Elizabeth widow, of-Jo
seph Trump, aged 46 years and 5-days. ,
On the 13th ult., in Sheafferstown, Ws. Melinda,,
wife of Geo. Feaster, jr., aged 20 years and 11
On the 29th nit.; in South Annville„ Mr. Cyrus
Kish, aged 23 years. •
'On Tuesday everting, 28th 'nit., in Bast. Illano
var. twp., Abraham Stine, Esq., -aged about 70
011 tlie•29th ult., in this Borough, Jimes - Arm:
strong, at an advitneed
Or th e 14a Ult., near Frede riekshurg,Tsevi,
son cif,..faedb *elle, aged .13 yetire, 3 menthe
and- 20 days.-
tin the 17th ult., in Bethel township; John,...son
of Peter and _Elizabeth Bhoher, aged 6., years,
.19 months and 4 day's. .
On-the .19th Ult.- i in Bethel township, Peter, son
of the same, aged 9 months. - '
Notice to School -Teachers.
. .' -Tyre i n LebaMon, on Friday' and Saturday, Jan
uary 11th and 15th. Hon. ZEIV4r a maxax; State
- Superintendent, has promised to 6e - pfesent. Business
will be pinstiai.l and profitable. 'Remember the 'time;
YR/PAT Vith Ina, itt.,9 A. M.. Turn out, Teachers! Ante
Mt both daysl Come, prepared' far action! Come early 1-
Tr It tie good weather, genie 1 and if it
rain - et 'Snow on
Wow, now apy /Mb .
1-' Sehool.Direetora, parents, and all'etbelirieridsof:edm
eationrare, alio; earnestly Invited to. atteridn...........
8 , ,-. i , ~. ....- - F.:"PUT.LLIPS, County Suparintendent. ..
-Lebanon, '31in.V1559.-.2t. r:V., .‘: , '''..;:l . ~.
'. ebarlindlsainWitltz e ReedePs Christmas stock of Cabal,
Work Boxes, Books, ec.
on Market.. Ittli3S.l3)l.7,llgE'S NEW WORK. •
...ty Myers sit Slvner.- TIME POUR sisTE RS.
JA:SUARV 2 3 1868 . A Vas of,gocial and - Domestic Life in Sweden.
Potatoes,./4 bu 74 BY .IPREDRLI44 BREMER. • •
Eggs, 3 d05.,.1; Author of "Tho Neighbors," "Nina," "The 11.—Family,"
Butter;ll , etc., etc.
Tallow, g Complete in one largeorolume. neatly bound in sloth, for
One Dollar and Twenty-Jive Cents; or two yolumes,
Shoulders, . .0 paper cover, for One Duller.
Sides, 9j 'Read what the.. Editor of. the Zinday Dispatch says of
Soap, 8 tt it:
Bees-wax,, , 28 , "We are sure that"every lover of a pure and
Whitcrßage, 5 healthy literature will *Menne this translation. by Mary
Mixed Rags, 2 Ifirivitt, of the last story of the gentle and antistile Sa-cd-
Mx; .15 Th., 12 1 4 ish atithoreee- The the writings of Miss Bre
llrtatlee, lb'.;.
, 40 titer. their symPathetic iiewer, and the excellent morals
Feathers,' *lb., 82% t.which she eveainculeatos, render her novels welcome to
40 the fatally circle: "'They, eaCh patience, affect:lOn and en-
Soup " durance, hi such a rammer as to improve and gratify ev
glnegar, 1. gnr., try mind. This story. iikquite equal to her beet, and pro
eilipbeDlitter,Veroch, 45 1 coeds With - a mild and - artistic - delineation to the dentine
I went. Vl a .specially„ recommend it as it shiry Which it.
will do any.'tood to rend. 'This edition is . authorized by
Mice and it eitatains a dedication by herself, to
the memory. of 14r frießd the late. A. J. Downing."
Road what the,..lditor of the S'aturthiy Evening 'Past
' says alit
...Tits Pont' S$laTEE,.a., .hy,Paneatza Dna:g m. is 'ono of
those novels, by tAisgenial author, which have ho pleas
antly opened ',t.o Us - the - doora of Swedish: homes, warmed
our h earts In their cheerful fireside slow, and Made us
fusilier :with the liggh saud ehadows of Swedish life.—
d'erhaps in this work - the shadows predotoinates, or at
least bppetd'idnotiglY, for the subject of the story is a
woman's life and, a woman's fate, is a country. *here, as
Mrs. Browning pritedt, there is
---tiehelp for:women weeping out of sight,
'BeCansh: men made the lane." '
Mlssliremees-aillseirien to What Is known in this coon.'
try . as Woman's Rights?. is,well known, and thia .nerel
may be conaiderett her DinStratton and 'defence of her
views on that subject. 'Apart !TOM all - Oonsiderations of
this nature, the novel is foliar rich limner, clever char
acter painting, and elicitCous- descriptions of town life
and country lire. and indoor and outdoor scenery inSive
den. The translation he:sheen made by Mary Hewitt,
who seems born tti ,two things remarkable well—
writs admirable-Mot-149f barmen, and admirably trans
late the stories of Miss- Bremer: ,
Read what the.Dar/y Times says; ot it I
'Miss Breiner pessimism beyond any other liviug writer
of her class, thopewer of - realizing to the imagination
every individuarshe itiferlduces. 'The - moral beauty and
womanly purity whiceiteinilfilluMinate her narrative,
must receive implicit - admiration; from ell persons. Wu
would advise All to buy and read.this honk.
Copies or either edition of the- above work will be .sent
to any person, to-any part of the United States. free of
postage, on 'their rereitting the'prire'of the edition they
m ay wish; to"the publisliers, in a letter. Address all or ,
dere to T. R. PST.SRSON
N0:206 Chestnut St., Philadelphia', -
The Leba
Cizrvidly Corrected. „WS.
lAA. Mills Ex. PAM; tes 60
Smith ,4 Extra o'oo
Lab. Val. Sup6r. Final .0
Prime Whiesr.'Weat, 1 25
Prime 11.6'd Wheat, 120
Print - 4)14n, 40
Corn, '6O
Oats; f 0
Clover•saild, 00,
Iliketlik-seed; ' .2 60 ' 1
Flax-seetl, • 160
Dried Apples, Vs bit.; I'o9
DrledApfiles, pealed, 1 50
Peachl.Snita," .2 50
Peach 4 `4litzelis," - . 1 -24
Cherries';- : 50'
Onions . , - _ 50
The Philadelphikatirliet
PHILAnELPIII.6., Jan. 3, 1.869
FLOUR. Plour is but little inquired after, and
the only sales reported are 1600 barrels good West
ern extra. at $5 50 `4R,
,Small sales are ma
king for home nse at $5,12/ ®5 25 for, superfine;
ss`so©s 75 for extra;' ss' 87/"®6 50 'for extra
family, and $7 fur fancy. No - sales of Rye Flour
or Corn ..bleal„. We quote - the former at $3 75@
3 87k, and the latter at $3 2563 31} *.bbl.
GBAIN.= In Wheat" there is' -but little -doing,
and, , about 1200 bushels said, at $124(41=26 for
reds, and $135©:1 40e for' -white, -the latter „for
good peons,. Rye is, wanted, and 600 bushels
Delaware brought.B6c which: isin.‘an advance.=
Corn'l Wailted';'ah'en feta dry yellow
havt'lfeen picked ap et. 70c, at which rate it is
Searem..teine witifdaertt attic. NU aro steady
at".lsc for Delawafe74ll Tile for Penna.
cArrLE, MARKET—Ther arrivals Beef
. , the:different yards show a further fall.
ing off, reaching only 125-bead AUCO last week;
the markeLhowever, was quite lively . aiid nearly
all offered found -buyerset , fully -Init . week's Pri
ces,'whielr ranged at from . $7 to .61Cfor oemirion
to prime, and $101.@•10/ the 100 lbs. for extra
quality. About 260 tows, and Culres were offer
ed at Wardell's and met with- ready sale, at from
$4O to $5O for fresh Cows, $2O to $35 for_Spring
ers, and $l5 to $25 for Dry Cows., Of Hogs the
reeeipti and sales at Phillips'. yartrhav,e been 3.100
prises ranging at front s6i. to s7athe--100 lbs.
..nett: Of Sheep the arrivals have been about
3000 the-market was brisk and "stack scares,
-selling at from.s3 to $4/ each, as to condition, or
equal to' 'OWOc. ditssed.
The following is a statement of the number of
Cattlec flogs and Sheep; brought t the
o •
Philadelphia market during the year 1458.:
3fintfar y, 3:3 4,30 . 0 °'* .C 9 0 2 v 6 9 : 1 11 5 ° ,810 5 .1; 1 3 1 , ee 50 p 0
February, .5,800 -1,7.8.0 • 10,500 25.500
March, • 6.250 2,100 12,550 29,000
April, " '5 900 V. 930 - .10,900 18,500,
- , '41,800 • 2009 15,200 27,000
5;900 . 23,0.00
July, 0,140 1,250: - 5,000' 26,000
August 10,150' 1,890:10;300 32,300
Septentbe4- 7,100 VOW 10,800 21,000
getebbP, - -- 8,550: — O9O 19,0110 21,030
Igot'udibefi ; 1,190 28,800 26,000
December, 5,200 1,100, .18,000 14,000
Total; 1853 , 81,090 , 17;125 166,600 277;000
• Gist of Letters
REMAINING in the Post Ofilee, - Lehtuion, Pa., Jaen
ary 1,1869. Persons Calling for any of said letters
will please say they are advertised. ' ..•
A fileinfelieF•J MIT
Albert John - 'Cellar' Andeins
Anderson - M. A. Kramer William
Abbey A. Krocker.Rov. Frederick
Arnold J. C. L
Lehman. Elias .
Brant Christian Light David ,L,
Becker ilamma Lebo Peter .
Beeler Adam Louden Oathartue
lk.wnvin Matthias Light Mrs: Catharine
Bomberger. L. J. Light Joseph C.
Batten Jacob Lee John •
Barnard Michael Lawlcs Patrick
Burket Elizabeth Lill ich Henry
Blackwood Thomas IL Lagermaa Henry
Braker .1. Light Henry (fuller)
Baler Elias ' M
BartoLs gime : tilligan ft:
Banks Coiliad McNeal _Wni, .
d Miller Miss Sant',
Collins Mrs. Annd Mies . Wm..
CaritittlY Mr. ' Martin It L.
Carper Samuel • Miller Thos. A:
Carper John . Menne Philip
Crom*ell, Oliver • Meyers Mr. J.
Cell Jacob DlargpartJohn
Crleklotir Henry McClure W..i. . .
Cassel David Moyer George (toiler)
D Miller 'Henry
Dyer Wm. ' Millerpolin
DeuoUghter Harriet
Bright Elizabeth' ' Noll Jacob
Dippin Philip ' ' Neilry J. E. ' ,
Doutrleb Henry, 0
--. • •
Delmen Jacob' ''' ' Well a Arises • -
Dundotn E. • • Obertioltcer Jacob:
Deal F. • • .oburbolturiter. Daniel
1.: - , Openhetmer Lewis: .
Everhart Wm.
Emerich Weary . Petcrmau J. C.' • -..-.
Ehy John Er.csty Harry .
m •
Eorich Jacob Pule Philip
. P .. P.almer James A.
Fink Philip —• . 'PlethetloWPeter.,'
Fisher - 3; LT...
- Frick Ackui
keitleie &Co. Gttboni)
Itkoluuds.J. It.
Fink Marla
Fritz Lertii
©1 Daniel
. .
Gieay Jo n .. ~. iiJohn .
Griffin Mrs. Mary • ' . ;Bali , Winen.
German Michael ~. ' Romany Win.
Gilfert J. J. Ryan James
Grrea-Jataca S
,Gleason James Smith ehristian
Urseff.James ii. .. Snavely Daniel
Glass Annie Spangler A,arou
Spitler Wm.
Hollingor•Atiatu Shell Justinn
-Hoffman k. J., Seltzer Saranel •
U.word Mr. ' - Spatig George
Hare John • Snythir Christian
lioWard Sheets Isaac
Hockenberg W. U. Spangler Jacob
11offinan & Co. • Shell. U. C.
Ha/talon E. • &tweet:John •
lleverling John Schlegel Joseph - r .
sifotrinan Sieur,y . • . TU.
'Harper Samuel 11.- ..*Thouuts Jaines
llaine Elizabeth IL. •Ephraim
limning Daniel Ulrich Itagrir, •
Hills Stephen • . •• W
.1 S ..Wetheral &Limy!
Irving Thomas Wohner.John
Jennings Mary - A. Wal irr lieury
K 4 Wenrich Reuben D.
Kahn Ilerman ;Wipe Luowig
Kreider Jacob - Wise Solomon -
Catharine 'Wuist Cartiline; •
Kreider Henry Wide! John
Kreider Michael • Wright Daniel • '
Kochenderfer John Witzmui A.
Krum Mary E. Yakely Thomas
Koehler Marl
lielatanAgriGvlvaral Bodeti:
Tl uutipl Sleeting of thie'Menibura of tie; Leiiirtoti
County Agricultural and liortlcullorar &ciety, will
be hold at the Public HOMO of John 211. Mark, In Leba
non, the 3d Monday of January, 1859, (the 17th) at 1 o'-
clock, S. 51., ftethe porpoise of electing oMeere, auditing
the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer,. '
anii trans
acting 0.11 other' nec'estary businees. By order,
•-• t • - 11'x. URICII, Sect'y.
Jan. 5,1859.--2 t.
Union Fire Compalay. % -.
the bud regular meeting of the Union Piro Com
pany, tho underaigned were appointed s•ctenbiltteo
to return thanks of •the Corupany to the Ladle. who so
kindly maiited in tbo recent - Fair, and on New Year's
.Day, and.alao to invite them la a Collation to be given
'arm "at the Ilan of the Coinpany, on Saturday Evening
-next, at 7 o'clock, P. M. •
Leietion, Jui. 5, 1859. AD A ?I, Cnrumittce
- A •
• NtrVir IndAR •
. .
'Xi ill urinaes* full OtAnieresting reading
among pgravillp artirOVLiata of lion. Losvia Cims,
of Staley Senaloka Mingles Sumner andllele,
Poi at all Periodical Depota. at 4 COntj Percopy..
820 Cheetnue Stamet.,.PutuinuiliA.
'44 .Tanuciry 5, 1559.,
4 . BACK :,I.I•ACJI I.
trENRY HAR111,01:,- the , well-knowtt Brewer. MIS.
1.1 removedlils LAGER DEER , SALOO . II to the largo
end handsome three story .honse of Mr.-Araold, In Cilia.
beriand street, west of tbo Plankalond,.whare hu will be
pleased to ses'hlicold Mende and the public inmurully.
and SiTeltzer Cheeee,nel 'WI Alertiug.
*Z, wholesale Led Rtittill: Ills BEEK IA of hie own welt.
4Down Brewery. , Lettanon,:liti.4l,lBs9.Lif.
DO ,you manta cheap parent MI on-Waltz Model
• Waltz & Rcedel•havmjestreeolved a whil•Zefeetedspekl
ftherteaeppoz: Call and otkilibAri.• .:
sltz k=Aiilliwye a large` - 64(17-Penn, wlOch":
4y,loll2 . loli,3nnicsA,to suit the thi&a.,l3lya theta kkeall' I
Waltz t Rcedel have that larirestlapply.olVJavenilez
ever offered to tbo public. Mae them a tall.
. Get yetis Alttuttmee -fur 185 a: tit Ciood'a Ild'ek
Stem. • ... . , • . . ,„
.. . •
Get year . Ju t retille.4uuks ?..t - Good ; ;I took Store.
Get the4th Viii.:'tot imeriditn ' Cyolopolie ut
Good 's.l.look - S - to‘%;? ' -.....-
.• -
Get Longrelloir'i new Work fiVilles SLA nd tab) at
Good's took :Store.7. . • • .*
• .
Got. the "Alitoortit of tblillyealifist Table," at
Good's nook. Store.
Get the Paper Dull•ot Good's Book Store.
61)ach.-)Taki ng. Lstabl !sit IN en t !
YI gIE nialeraigneil wont.' tuspecifnlly !aroma Hid public
that they hardREDIOVED their Coxenn.s.excn Evan.
uennENT f0 . .117ph et., betaven MU and Chain:it% minaret!
north Co' 0.111. Fauber 's Store, lu the' roogh of Leba
non, Where theyintend carrying. on the business in all he
braligifs, as berotofiere.- Each
of us having serkii4 i'vemlitt up- ,
prentlceshipa lbo Intsinead, -
and having had ethellexperlence • .
therein, ire reel fonfident of :our '"
ability tegtie o,tlelaction. • Every bitiele manufat‘tured
at olivestabliskideht will be under bur perional supervis
ion. Weihall keep on hand, READY-MADE,
width will lie Wiirranecil of the least superior quality.-
- We hare no . W.a finis stock on hand, to which .thoattentlon
or thOso waiiting- anything In our lino Is. We
will also iftcnd to.R.UPAI RING, at' sidirt notice:.
dir• Nonu.but:the'beiit: workmen emplayid to
any branch of thabusiness. tVe. cortlially in vilo the pub‘
lic to (die us a hall; air: We will guarantee saiistretion. '
.stir Thankful for the put liberal patronage of a gene.
roue public, wo solicit a continuance of the 01111 e.
Lebanon, &comber V., 1858.-qm. . •
Last Notice.
ALL parsons indebted to. the uudersigucd, on Note
or lkeli, account, are herthy notified that unless
they settle up by the first of January, nest, their ac
counts will be placed in the handsof a Justice of the
Puhce. Persons having accounts against me, aro reques
ted to present 'them. DAVID lIUNSICKER.
Lebanon. December 22, 185.9.-3 t
Catholic Prayer Books, a lame assortment rau be seen
at Waltz 4 lb:miens Book-store.
Catholic Almanacs mu be bad. at Iraltz .t Hinders
Book storo
Health Without Physic ;
A Prize Euay on Nervous Diseases.
Just. published, the 25th thtimand, In a seated ediel•
epe, prices lU tents; or ern!, postpaid, by the Publish
erg, for 3 stamhr
al , * of the framo from Indulgence. Infection and the in
jurious coneequerwes of Mercury, With the Modern moans
Of here.
Member or I he Royat College of Surgeons, &c., Lc., &c.
.I Spermatorrlicco,' or Seminal Emissiins, Nervous
Debility, Impotency, L yes or energy, Depression of Spir
its, Timidity, Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and impedl
mettle to Marriage generally, aro promptly and effectu
ally cared by the Authors novel and socecssfol modo of
treatment, by means of which the invalid can regain
pristine health without having recourse to dange•routt
and °spondee. medicines.
From ttio Sondoit lancet—" The bas s i treatise ever writ
ten on a sufditht of vital importance to atl t tend worthy
the Atithor'S'aralted reputation.'‘ • '
Addra* the Publhdieni: C.. J: C. KLiNE 4E' CO., 14
Avenue, coy. 16th st.t., root Box 4386,.New• York City,
Dec. 22. 1862.-2 m.-in. .
PROCOIVE A 110Di' PROTECTOR and btollth Insider;
in the wily of a cbinfortable and 'cheap UV . ..PACO/LT .
as , • BEI RE:ESTRIN. & BRO.
. .
ES against cold, by &Magni a
'silt of warui,Clottling sold so cheap by
TT NDERcLotuvia Woolen socko,ComTorts.Furgloief
ll.) Neckties dad liandkerviteifs a. large Ottroninons sold
low at REI2ENBTEIN & 800.
Top' Books for your children con be obtained atyratti
Do you want- to mako an mx.optablo pronnt-toZour
lady friends ? Call on \Volta a 'Lode], and purcheacenma
.I.ltoir baantiful Booko.
. .
Boy d Writing Durk for your pony at Waltz et Rredrl's,
where they can Lo had fora mere trifle.
A largo lot of Gobi Peus and 11o141.:rs havo peon pur
blotaod oxpreAly for the' llollJays. by Waltz S ittedel.
DO you want a little tho neatest Work Box,ovey arbrtml
tolhe tni Waltz a naelloll . •
LL cohni,ul" .WtOertStpaittg ai
A, •
ITlLE:uudarnived„ having bought 3•11..,
f.. 17613 0..5P0t5'S Wcod and Coal .rard,ii
shott'lltitarke tiorth•etist of Messrs. Foster ," ---- •
Matchia,Folindry, In the bortniib of North .•
Lehunorn and also' bobght • trout 200 to 30. CORDS OF
WOOD and from 000 to 100.0 TONS OF COAL; of all
kinds and grades, which I will pqattholazni or deliver
at as sesall.yrotits os will stilt the thne4: I. therefore in
vite all those that arafii watit Of any of tkode articles to
call and see the same, ascertain pri3Or, and judge fur
thatrutel DANIEL LIOI.IT, (morchant.)
.:h.Turfik Lebanon, Apritl4.lSsB.4ll '
GrrE4IES and QUEENS7ARE epiy choap.
. ............ _.....
yr .
• HE A FFL I 131 . " ---- s4 0. ---
pR. J., T. BECIITLE, the C;;;lebratea BEIRA DM
TOR, Miele his valuable Service@ to tbe:puldic at
e. DOCTOR BECUTLR is opposed to Calomel or
any mineral poisons. and will not giro them at aft --
DOCTOR BECHTLY. having studied 11101(.111os tan years.
and a number of years of ostensive practice and experi
ence, secures to him the coutldence of the. public. DOC
TOR DECIITLE has only lost nine patients In the lost
two years, out of rho rata numbers who base made 'rip•
. plicntion to. him for aid,. from home and abreat. Sonic
COMO hundreds of miles to consult with rew,m.t to diseases
of long standing. and hare teen cured. in the last two
ream. tiOUTOR IlkelETLEhn.s cured 50 raw of Cancer,-
30 of Rlicomatism. 2'J of Drop'y. •i 3 of consumption, 19
of Limonites of the llkuldoi and fildneys. 17 of Stire eyes,
150 of females laboring under the Filling of the Womb,
Monthly Irregularities, Flooralbum, see, &C. All the
above dimwit. , have been pronounced incurable by Cobs
,rnez quacks. We base-no apace to give the above certifl
altos, but whoever doubts can- have the names at any
•tiCaltibroalltnir on .DCHYTOR 14X;itTLE. As Illi'peets
MOWS of Woman, old or young. DOCTOR DECATLE
haa.nevor lost one woman in confinement of. all the- vast
numbers bo has attended. In this be la particularly cue
4:aqui. -. Disoeses of long standing of all kinda, curod in
the shortest possi ble time, and ou the. in wt . reasonable
term. No charges fbrifenaultatiun. Night practice at
tended to lit all Louts: ~..,.:• ' •
DOCTOR 11ECIITIa win-always be fount in his Office
in North laibanon.aYfel, dean Nortdrof the United Breth
ren Church. except when out tot,b 0 .i. c . 9 . .
• North leliiiiori BeirebetvDcoombur :12, 1958..-iy...
A .(IENEBAL AIEETINO of the Ftock-hdlclerei, of the, l
be held at the .0111cupf Alm Company, In the Borou g h o r
Liikinon'on the bra ..ffibnctity in Jan. 1869,10th' prox-
Between the houra.of 19 o'clock, A. 111...tind 12, ht., et
Irhicktisike.sind phtEd stitl.tctleo_ Ibi . Preaiddnt'atid Six
Dlrgptrift OfAiftl Company will bci held; . . . '
- • -•• • By order of the • • '
. Lobsibtc.,l•Altl/§, , 4 2 , J01114.-W,..8E158, Bectry •
AIRA totdnitfnent+eifitnalb . r•aa . ..ateap•••
/11 4 , er titan abiewbdre in Lebanon, by .
OVES kEtrfitON.
VIED APti.Fannd P.KACA.Y.e . S„jiiitth7licl and
'for silo by • OVJS 17,21T0N.
ailirtinsWatorsl A'atice.
NpT l Ch‘da bereby4.4oo that !Were opadminestration
od thbTatatO' , ITENRY B. LIMIT, lite of . htwatara
wtialtipi•lohanon. county; deottl, 111146 btin gitotiod to
• thetyhtlent . igned. orthe 'moo county: All hay.
• iorclabait) agehtiitfhe said Estate, as leen as those in
thlited,to'it, 'fere reeitiesetkiii yi_enke Reetiorp . filit2 - • •
criEVitt loritt;g4Xara f
JoHNIIRTHIM inN...lkbifiVotirßoTe, Adre're.
Nov. 17th. 1.835.
t;Fala kois, '
crßrs CA11)1 ANT
:they -Flays-44r 'Ladies .and
Children. .
Toto: FAREIRA k.„ CO., No. 018 (De?, no) MARKET
ej Street, above Eighth. PIITLATed..—IMpOntIL ' Menu.
fectoreneand Dealers- in FANCY FURS, for-Ladies end
Children; . also, Genre Fare, Fur Collars.teed s. , Gloves,—
The number of yearn that Ire havelieen engaged to the
Fur buslneaa, and 'Lim . gemmal character of ,Fan,
both for Trozlity and price ht so generally known . - 11-
out the country, that Niro th - liik• it Uot'noce to
, ...
say anything worn than that wa..havo
s nore.. A par
assortment of runs, for tlae Fall' and 'Whiter ea. of
the !argent and moat bedutlfol ataertteebt thoillre have
ever offered before to the public. Our Fura bate all
been Imported during the present elemnt, when money
was spree and Fun mach hewer. then 14 cbe_pmrkt
Owa s so,' hare been manufactured. by the me l t ;agape
tent workmen': we are therefore dokittninect tali;. ••• m
at such prices as will continue to givomo, t .: - il.:.
we have born. C,r yeant, that is to sell g ,t •. - ..-- . ..'i le for
a very tonna prefit. Zr, ' '... ,' r
Storekeepers will do well to giro tie a oatlialAtty will
Sad the largest easortment by far to elect Worn In the
City, and at manufacturers prices. . • s • .
JOHN FART.Iiti: i CO..
No. 21E '2l ARKET 2treet, above Bth., RHIVAII'A.
Sept. 22, 1658.-4 neon.
LOMB'On Intetimal
CothOgmy... •
Licorporatcd birtiie Legislature of Pa.
- .
rritlS NiSITANT is In 'tail oparaHon, arid ready to
Mak/ hisatinapt on all alnds.ef property, le limn
or Country; and on 'as faxoreldF terms as any well gov
errial nail dare aunpanis,.iff.:Yer on tho Mutual or joint
stock prinbiplc. . .
President—JOUN BRUNNER, Rio/.
Vice President—D.-M. RANK.
Treasurer—OßO. F. MEII.Y.
Sterifeil—Nru.'A. BARRY.
Joni Iteenntit,.44. Gam. Rosa,
(ho. F. Mans, KARII .
JOON C. Scana, S. A.
Dawn JJ AVM. Dkrll) . 11.A.N
Deana. 11. lucent,
ANTII92a EL ELY. Agent
JonWow* 11 1 .. 8,168 P.
LePhtopti! Dipoi t aide.
(1.410 "Lnonson VALtar . a.n*".")
• Onotheriend street., one door vast of Ileinhetters Hotel.
NI T I pu r the
for 1 year, and longer, 0 per cent. per a. town;
For r, months, and longer, u per cent. per annum;
For 3 months, rind longer. 4 per cent. per annum;
requiring aehort nol ice of with.lntwaL Intoreet paid In
full for OM Deposits' from the date of &posit to the date
of willid.tivitnE Wo Rill also afford a liberal line of ac
oommodiditne to those who muy Shear us with Deposits,
payfihlti oh dentniad. Will pny a premium on SPA NIS:11
nod MEXICAN DOLL RS, and also on old hkrieon.Dol.
tors and Half Ma lan : Will make collections on and rw
mit to O.ll,tuartsrof the United' State... the Eanadas anal
Europe; Negotiate Lonns,oic., &c., and du a genre! EX
. .
G. DAW.S.O:s: CJLP.aLix , Trtslderit.
Ciao. 012131, Cashier.
SWAM . S , 16kitya
Mali:Aanilttl, are individitally liable
to the eetcnt of thetrEltatee. foe all Deposita awl other
obligations of the .I,cossos Doran nvar...
GEoitor. Sltllil.LE/t, LEVI KLINE,
• notional, king 12,11168. Intalltikl ULM.
• • : aisxmeserritta or
. • •
Improyes4 Fire end Water Proof
•• . itangtaltraG, PA.,
that we aro prepared to Put on roofs on most liberal
.teims, and at the Phgrieat notice.
We respectfully call the attention of person about to
build. - te oar invaluable method of roofing. now much
used throughout the principal eities of tho. United States
and their Ylcirities. 'This mode of roofing haring all
the combined roq Wailes of Cheapness, Durability, and Se•
corky against Mire and Water, awl disponain: with high
gable anti;; thisi•oofe,ruquire an inclination of not MUI".,
than threci-onerters (y) of an Inch to the foot, and in
many cases saving the entire cost of raftsts--tho ceiling
joist being used.
The gutters aro tondo of the same material, with ut
any extra charges ; conamittnettly.- our rouLl ars put up
at almost half the cost of . either Tiu. Slate, or Shingles.
The materiel being of hopertsbuble noture.• It surpeas-s
all ethera In Durability;—besitles, in case of any casual.
ty, It Is thi most sully repaired of any other roof now
in use. Yet, the beet proof we ceutoffer as to Its being
both fire and water proof, are our tuauy -references, to
any one of witoni we his at liberty to refer.
N. li.—But loth be distinctly undorstood. (since we
manufacture our own composition, and do the work in
person,) that we Warrant all °ill- work piroOf . egainot both
Fire and Water; 'if they levee, contrary, we will moat
willingly abide the results.
' The materials being mostly notorenductore of beet. no
pot' is so cool in summer. or PO warm in veinter. Thorn
irialtind to use our mini ahotald giro dui rafters a pitch
of inch to the got.
May 27, 1557.
TUE undersigned. at No. Cagle Building*, Lebanon.
has a splendid asSollllllent of Liam' Furl, Mee.
entlantente G.llars, &C.. at stay- low prices.
Lebailou„Dec., 1851. . JAOOII U. MILLER.
. .%....;THE undersigned. at lafe STORE. in Emits
littrceLscas: is steadily malting additional to his
large atoortmont of
lio korieltto;rerli latest tity sixtee, and dirpooes of
•tltt /At.n lefty Pelee.... Gentlemen Will Had lila liATri
vet' stn.erior article. reef light, undo( the most durabin
material AP- Let all'aice him a anti
nentemlier ilia place. N.). 4, NAGLE ficatramos.
Ile 11 7 7aule.qtles and lietails to the Gauntry
et priers that dust ptoris smiFfectory.
'WANTED, 411 kinds ,of SKIN 4 suitable fur las..buel
nese. each M. rim. 3liiekrat. C6 , ,n, Mink. Rabbit, le., for
mark-t grit* will be paid.
Lebanon Dec; 5 'f.r.•} JACOB O..)IILLEIt.
'.. 'Aditiirais.trotolog Notice:
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of 'Aaminintra tlits•cstatu of. Henry K. Royer, deed.. late of
ltbiotigb i t' liratli • Lebanon., Lebanon county, Pa.,
basis beenignuttod to , themaderalimed. All persons bay
ing ebehos giggling said eagle will Ocean prison them,
Sad those Indebted dlll make payment, to
Or to his .Attoriey,
I),c .15, 1855.-CA. *
TA liE MIXT tilE
The WO stone worst fr tepee to lift again.
01IN PETER SfOYER Would respectfully Inform the
ej public that becontinnrttthnbusinesaof LI MSE,TON
SAIVI NO AND DRESSINO by horse power, In Chestnut
Street,East Lebnivin. lie fiTUFFiii the following articles
out of the best and eoundost limestone that can be pro
cured In this neighborhood, —INIon Ratts and Ptar
foams, STEra, WINDow Sims alai Mans. Cellsn Mos.
Citicas, Cl.nn-SroirEs, Shoo &railer blhekg, as 'well as
any Mimi areicle that can ho niantithEturod of limestone.
Ilia Curb-stones are from four to Roe InZhes. tblplr. and
lib , prima. In scrordsnce with the quality. . •
witethr firit portion that introduced the Hine-atone
Into this place, and Is now pftpe red to finish off 'lima
stone so as to give it an Ilristmnuice very little Inferior to
that of the itendsomest.Marble. In proof of wide/I'4.4er
tips; he.direeta 'he public to the linlshwl work at his es-
If. respectfully [miter all thoro who In
tend erecting, new buildings, to cull at bb establishMent
and runs ince themselves of the excellent nuhli of his
work im slsa at the cheapness of his prk:ea.
Lebanon, March 24,16514..-ly.
& Reading Railroad.
114rbtinon Varney Uranch.
Weafff 7 A
Two DUily Trains to Reading, and
three daily Trains to Harrisburg.
'DAPS LEBANON, tiolng Stoat to Reading, at 7.06 A. M.,
loud 3.29 P. :".1. (Express
Mum Lohanon. going West to Ilarrisbnrg, at 7 A. M.
11.21 f A. M. (Express mil.) and 9.6 e 1 0 ; M.
A: Ihnutiug, both trailni mak° :loss connexions for
Philadelphia, lett:rills, Toindultto, Dittritlle, Wllllamr
Purl, &r.
Morning train only at 7.c5 1. M., ronnocta at lioading
fur Nt ilkeabarrn, rittaton and ScrentAti.
At Itarriabgrg, trams connect witlp"Panomylvania."
"N‘rtltPr Central," and "Camlxtrland Talley" Railroads
for PI itsburg, Lancuter, Baltiiimpra, Sunbury, Charnbars
-I,u rg,
• .
Through Tickets to IVO. r Cars, $1 SO.
hag gags allow* to etch patienger.
The eecand Claim Cara rgn wilt all the above train_
ThrohOt Cliraic•Ncl'otrat reduced rate to Niagant
Naps, buffalo, Detrolt:Chicaoo, and All tho principal
:points in . the Week North Wait, nud eigialirui; and End.
grant Tlekins, at IcioCer.= Par* to all abnai Placa& can be
had uu spplicatiflu to the Statlau #gent, at Lobanon.
- 45 1 f• All Ticlebta will h., parchaied before the 'Dial=
fetast. liiiThor Fares charged, if ymict in' the can.
"[my _20;•18'53
VOTICE hi hershi n 6 to the Stoeibohlers of the
.that an olectiop for TWBLVE DIRECTORS of said COM
pansy. xillbC held et theiCcmininy'd ()tite, in Jonestown,
on the 2nd Moeda, ( I . lo ). 4 ( 4 4AnAtelBs9;lietween tLe
hours of 10 o'clock. A. 31 sad 3 o'clock, P.M.
, JoiioetoWli; Deo/15; Wx. A. * BARRY-, Seery.
• • OVSTERS. •
rORB underliignNit fen* tftelia . ity forlitching to
r. thanilAtie 412,1.0:trim, the Oeispest.o3neters.
'They are reigning A Market Car and reach different
• tearkita overfletelalThey lave pit 'ciiitorii dole' to
such a price that Wellies can bay at prtc to oon)pare
with other articles of food. Fernlike wh•bing oysters for
the 13 ,pliclayeleguldrdb'well11571Ve theft - a call.
Deb. zpsToN, opposite hire; hist's'ilotel.
i; 15; ism.
keTped Traveling /ba g * * •
splendid assortment of
fi:streciived a lia.ittecit
'A ,
i t. 4. s s
° 771 n
1i. A3 .(3 ki t
0. of Boots, Shoes, Trunks anti Traveling Bags.
- itthipty:oo.AamA.N.r
. .11pw
for ZiiNuicie died r&rinfly
MES I MA 70. V EL L,
31.1.CL1 &EL P. OYER,
A cipliniatrutor, Ile:Wing, Po.,
A. R. rOCCIIITkrt, Lebanon, Pa
ti. A. reiCOl n al nt
Engineer and &Teri