The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, November 03, 1858, Image 4

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    pit an PUllifit.
4Possuno "Pomn."—Properly punctuated,
the following nonsense becomes sensible rhymes,
and it is doubtless as true es it is curious, though
as it now stands we admit that it is very curious
if truer.;
I !law a pigeon making bread;
I ww a girl composed of thread;
I saw a towel one mile square;
I saw a meadow In the air ;
• I east a rocket walk a mile ;
I saw a pony make a file;
I saw a blacksmith in a box;
I saw an orange kill an ox;
I saw a Wiener made of Steele;
saw a pea-knife dance a reel;
I saw a sailor twelve feet high;
I saw a ladder in a pie;
saw an apple fly away;
-Isaw.a sparrow making bay;
naw a farmer like a dog;
I saw a puppy mixing grog;
law three man wbo saw than too,
And will confirm what tell you.
A great man is one who can make his children
obey him when they are out of his sight.
; Vs,. The rich are inclined to beliere that they
arevaperior to other men, and other men do all
theY Possiblican to fortify them in that belief.
filer Mrs. kartington „thinks that old Mother
°aeon is no bettor than she ought to be, or else
ebewould notallow the Atlantic cable to lay dn
*IP- Punch says, that monstrous tyrant Hen
ry the eighth, was so little prone to shilly-shally married his wires first, and: axed them.
An incorrigible wag, who had lent a minister
a horse; which ran away and throw his clerical
rider, thought ho should have some credit for his
aid' in '‘ipreading the gospel"
ate. A lady was overheard in earnest discus
sion with a gentleman observed, "Mrs. C., foots
arestabborn things." And the 'tidy replied, "then
Mr.-M. what a great fact you must be."
An Indian was lately . hung in Texas for the
inutlor of a child. 'When on the scaffold he said
he was going to Arkansas, and wished the other
Indians to send his gun to him after he should
get ther e.
Governor Denver arrived at St. Louis on Sat
urday from 'Kansas. Be does not contemplate
returning to the Territory. The Territorial Sec
retary will perform the duties of Governor until
the President fills the vacancy.
till,. During an election,. a candidate called
Ivor a tradesman and solicited his vote. "I
'would rather vote for old Nick than for sou,'-'was
the reply: But if your friend should not eerie
forward," said the candidate, "might I then count
upon your assistance?"
Sow ex STOP BLOOD.—Take the fine dug of
'tea,-or the scrapings of the inside of tanned !Wh
yr, and bind it close upon the wound, and bloo'd
will sooncease to flow. these articles are at all
time iteeeisible, and easy to be obtained: After
the blood.has,ceaseit,‘ flow, laudanum may be
advant*ons ' , applied to the wound.
TAtiritear Hoist SToar.--"Is your bone
&Ili!' inquired a man, of a Vormont horse dealer.
"Tieats all creation:"
• "Good bottom
"He's all bottom. Why, I drove him an far
on day, that it took two days to get him back
De:Mun:la, Itssinnues,.--A. Keokuk paper
gives ►:distressing account of things in lowa,
comparing its condition - to that of "the doomed
cityrof Jerusalem." They have creditors with
out and creditors within, every third man is.a
sawyer, 'every other man virtually a pauper, and
all standing in listless and 'unprofitable idleness,
except the police and constables.
SACKS AND 8.10.9.-Mr. Lover tells a good an
ecdote ei an Irishman giving the pass-word at
the battle of Fontenot, at the same time the great
Saxe was marshal. "The pass-word is Saxe; now
don't forget iti;;Pat," said the colonel. "Saxe;
faith and I won't. Wasn't me father a miller ?"
"Who goes there ?" cries the sentinel, after he
bad arrived at the pass. Pat looked as conhden
dal as possible, and whispered in a sort of howl,
"Bags, yer honor."
. THE. Porrraarr.--Queen Elizabeth, admiring
the elegance of the Marquis de Villa Medians, a
Spanish nobleman, complimented him, on it, beg
ging at the same time to know who possessed the
heart of so accomplished a cavalier? "Madam,"
..aid he,,,ualover risks too much on Such en OCCff
sion ; but your majesty's will is law. Excuse me,
however, I fear to name her; but I request your
majesty's sacceptance of her portrait." Ile:sent
here looking-glass
709.. A grand jury out South ignored a bill
wtinst, a negro for stealing thickens and before
dicharging from custody the Judge bade him
stand up to be reprimanded; he concluded as
follows. "You may go now, John, but (t4hak.
ing his finger at him) let me warn you never to
appear here again." John with delight beaming
in iiis-eyesouul with a broad grin, displaying a
beautiful row of ivory replied: "I wouldn't Mu
here die time Judge, only de constable fetch me."
. „
boys in the streets of Louisville, cried after their
school teacher "one scythe,, two scythe,. three
scythe. Forsythe," and as the last is his TatMe, h e
he naturally turned to correct them. The father
of 9ne of the lads remonstrated with the'prorbk
od teacher and received a blow on the head with
a poker. Subsequently he attacked Mr. Forsythe
with a cane and hurt him so badly that his life
was in peril. Louisville is not a salubrious place
for tiehoolmasters.
1. A and B. have to go the same journey of G./
miles; A starts two hours before B and goes 8
miles per hour ; when B. had gone 1G miles he
mete pedlar, whose pace was 3 miles per hour;
A met the same pedlar when he (A) had gone 28
miles. Find' rate of traveling, and how far
one had to go when' the othei arrived et his dos -
Find two numbers snob that the sum of
•their halves minus 3 is to he. the difference of
iheir halves as S is to I; and the sum of their
third parts plus G, to the difference of their third
parts as 12is to 1.
8. ilady has ten needles in her needle ease.—
New itippoie her to take mu number out at ran
dom, chow the probability, in favor of her taking
an odd number?
Oi PLANE ROADS.-.A Washington
newspaper states that it is authentically inform
ed that a transfer was effected on Friday of th e
Washington and Baltimore ternpike from the old
stockholders to a company of heavy capitalists,
whiipropose to make Immediate •preparations to
track from one point to the other,
andL•put in operation the system of ,steam Wag
an trav,el, which is now becoming of, general
use in England, and has lately been experi
mentally introduced into the erowded thorough
, fares of New York with success. It is asserted
passengers can "he taken up at their residences
. in. either city and dropped "at any
.point in, the
slenel, anglaise -that the running time
over the• road will be shout two hours only. - Before
steam wagons it•isproposed to rim
Vitagenstosches, not to °cony momuthan ree,an
a half hours In the transit, '-'`
JDATIA" svotfia respectfully Inform the public the
. he takes good Pictures at the following lbw rotes
24, CO, i i. smite and onward. accoraing to size and final
ity of eases. Ilia different styles of Piet - tire:4 comprie
Ambrotypos, Spboreotypes, Molainotypes and
--• • l'hotograplis.
RetneMber the 'Ale* where yen can have good Pictures
taken, is in 5..1. Stine's Nev Ituilitim; nest door to the
Lebanon Deposit. tank, Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa.
Tune 16, MS:
. ,
Ct ICY LIGHT Gnu:a; over D. S. Reber's Drug Store,
on Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa. A3IIIItOTITE.4,
- taken daily, (Sunday ekeepteil.) Prices reasona
ble and in accordance With the size, style and quality of
the cases. Rooms opened from S A. 31., to .1 o'clock,
P. H.
Lebanon, Jane 2, 18.58.
SoSonotaw t-. 49 bast. LIAF . N.ggSES LF.B.txmc?—
hy J. IL XML the third story of
Rise's New Building.
He has the best to-am, beet sky-light, best fixtures, and
has made it hie entire businOs for the butt 'six years.
always gets the latest improN'einents; he has always the
latest style of eases On band; he takes pictures in every
style of the art; his STEREOSCOPE PICTURES are
wonderferto behold. All his *times are sharp, correct,
and of the highestilnistk: i.Otte bra a call and jron will
not regret it. Ills terms are very moderato. .;
tt..7llis roonas are open every day (except Sundays,
from S o'clock,
A. 51., till 6 o'clock, P.N.
Nov. 25. 1557. ;". ;
,•-•. (Late ‘fLEEAVONWALLEt DANIC..") t •
CumDertand street, mid Wool' ,e 17,1 of Deinhartrs Raid.
WlLLjapjaling,llA,Tiss 6fD.rhatEST on
For 1 year. and ' longer, ,5 per cent. per annum;
For 6 months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annnnt ; •
Per S months, , and longer, 4 per tent. per annum;
requiring a short notice of withdrawal. Interest paid in
full for the Depositajrom ;thedato.of depOsit to the date
of withdrawal. We Will aiio &Word a liberal lino of cc
commedatit its to those who may' favor us with Deposits,
payable'on demand. — Will pay a premium on SPANISH
and MEXICAN DOLLARS, and oid Mexican Dol
lars and half Dollars. Will Make collections on and re
mit to all parts of the United States, the Caned:is and
Europe.; Negotiate Loans, &c.. At,, and do a general EX
er. DAW/ON COLEMAN , President.
Use. Omar, Cashier. •
The undereigneti, MANAGERS, nrn
to the extent of their Estates. for nIL Deposits nail other
obligations of the "Lsmsox tizeoiri DANA."
Lebanon, May 12,1324. GEORGE GLEI3I.
Lebanon .71.1trinal InNtirrance
- Company. • -
incorporated by the Leg,iiloinre of Pa.
CHART P.,g.13.-P UAL;!
OFFICE AT JONESTOWN; `LE/lit..YOltv „co,uivry:
MILISGOMPAN V. is in • full alteration, and ready to
raoke Insztrawee on all 'kinds of property, in Team
or Country, and on as favorable terms as any well gov
erned and safe company, either on the Mutual or joint
stock principle.
Presidea— 3'OllN 111 I.7NNEIt,
Vice Pre,tichott--D. 31. BANK.
2'reasurer—GEO. F.
Secretory—lnt. A. BARRY.
GED. I% Mutt - . D. M. KADNANE,
DANIEL 11. BiErnil, Ran. A. BAnnr.
ANTHONY S. ELY. Agent for Lebanon and vicinity
Jonestown, Feb. 3, _ 1853. -_
5 A'V IPA CA,::F..,P N.D,.
ItirArgTrcfSetb- 7r t . corner of TIMM
I.7SC9.IIk4LiTED ET TIME. WT: . 127.,0F P.E.N,:sii.l - 1.
11*d. Per. Cat. Intoreit
. . .
)loney is received in any,sum, large or small, and inter
est paid from the day of deposit to the day or withdrawal.
The office is open every day from O o'e.ock in the morn
ing till .5 o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings till S o'c:ock.
WILIJAN J. RED, Secretary. _: .
Non. Newry L. Benner, f F. Carroll Tirewster,
Edward L. Carter, I Joseph L. Barry, •.
Robert Selfridge, Francis Lea,
Semi. K. Ashton,- ' " Joseph Yerkes,
C. Landreth Moans, Henry Diffenderffer.
giedoney is received and payments made daily with
out , notice.
-The investments are made
ties tut the Charter requires-
and such, first class.sccuri..
Aug. 25)
'ME motere:lgned would respectfully inform the puhlic
that lie hos now a larger and more extenAve oesortment
of NEARIILI3, at his New Egabfishmeal in :Market street :
than has ease heretofore been offi,red to the puldic in
Lebanon, the stock consisting' of ITALIAN M.tant.n,
-an of wilielUire done up in the most scientire style, and
in such a variety of designs as to suit the tastes of all.
The, public tire invited to cell at his
onn.froare.north of Unien ITall, Lebanon. l'a.. where he
will attend "personally Lo all Who will Inver him with
their patronage.
Ile would also retttrultis ADMIT , thanks for the liberal
patronage afforded him Knee opening in nu r dnes,„ and
PAM.. the more encouraged by the interest" manifested
in his4ehalr by the public, he Miters upon a new season
with - renewed energy, despatching business will, a
promptness becoming an honest mechanic.
Terhtx Rensonable. Call'and Eranthre.
T.elianon, Ang. 18, 'lB. j. IL DA uguEnr.
Y. S—Abio, a number of select Limostoire Door ;111s,
for the neeenunoilation of building men and contrnetors,
who would do well to rail and examine. .1. I.
Lebanon Plarbi
JOHN 'FARRELL, Stone Cutter, respectfully informs
his friends and the public in general that he is
prepared to do all kinds of FANCY AND ORNAMENT.% t. work
at his Marble "Yard. in IVa}nut street, half way between
the Court House and Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot,
at the shortest notice, as goowas work done in any city
in the United States, and being the only Stone Cutter in
Lebanon county who bas served a regular apprenticeship
to the business, he pledges himself that he can reautifim
ture cheaper, and give a better finish than . any other
man engaged in the same business. His stock consists of
M.:memoirs, GnAva SirONtS, -MANTELS,. CEMETFIcr. POSTE,
FOlLlaTtitE SLAIIB,.&e. .
Also, SANDSTONE of the best quality for all uses,
plain and ornamental. Large assortment of LIME
STONE for all kinds of housework, of any size and
quantity. -0 please call and examine prices and the
steak before you purchase. elsewhere.,, •
Lebanon, December 19, 1855.
N. B.—LETTERING done la -German and English, by
we best greet%) worktnen -
. •
Fleury W. Overman,
.1; 4 T 0 .14 (Old No. 6) Simth THIRD. Street; 7.4toity .41:drIt
et, Philadelphia..
calf Elam, lidoroccos, Linings, Bindings;
N. B.—Rough Leather, lxinglitoi taken in exchange.
March 3,1858.4 y.
(MD D . 743 COX, - 16 - DID.
cglLirE IVO RK 8,
0pp45.46 the Li:lon Valley R. IL. Depot, Lab-
rro on county. Pa..
_ WM. &P. L. 'WEIMR, i'ropri
i elm*. inanniketnre .Steam :Engines from
I to SOU horse power, of the latest style,A
N=Ti pritteyns, with- all the nonl,erp l itti 4
prorenk t Alpo.tvn
seor Porta Im
ginesiwith Link Motion Valve tlen'r) mounted on w,liceis,
for'Saw Mills, wood sawing and Ilaistia#, purpoSes. Par
ticular a o!ntion is called to our small Upright Engines
for Printers, Druggists and persons wanting a small
amanot of Power. They take yip a very small space ; and
Can be put up in a room as a household fixture.
ALSO. mowing EagineS and Machinery for Anthracite
and other Blast Furnaces. of improved cOnstrnctinn'—
Forge hammers. of P. L. Weimer's_Patents; Rolling Mill,
Stpring„. : l4loning and ,Flouriv Mill Fixtures; Mining
Pumpa, Misting Itlnehinaiy 'for Quar
ries; Railroad Cars: 7 Iron Dridgcs,! Shafting, Hangars:
Pulleys.Tnruing La thes, Drill Preeses, Plahing Machine;
Wass Stop Cocks, Taltes and BraSs-Fixtures, Glebe Steam
ValVes of all'sires, and Nachinery onil Castings of every
ALSO, Boilers etany size, form and weight, made of
the best ninterhil'hy well known and experienced. work
men: - Smoke'Stacks. - Water Tanks, CMS • Blued, Matters,.
aml Sheet Iron Work of every description, [Our Boiler
sheets are all tested by dividing them into squares of 2
halms and liainmering each square; any imperfection is
thus detected, and the faulty sheet rejected; this is prac
tised in very few shops to this country.) - •
ALSO, steck Of Wrought Iron Pipe, for steam, : ges
and 'Water; Wit Wall Mb . necessary Rite res;cOnstaattly oa
hand, and putm,mat tho ehortest notice anti on most rea,
nimble terms. Iron,Drass.andtourposition Metal Cuat
imp made toorder, at thu shoctest notice..
REPAIRING attended to. , - with .premptness and de.
spateh. A gang of Boller Makers always ready:for
ler repairs. , ;MACK - MTH WORK made to order.
trA".Orders respectfully soilei tot- Alleommunicatione
.by mail- or - otherwise, attended to with despatch, and
work delivered to railroad or canal, free of charge.
WM. 11:1.: 6 . l:Zig";P. ;L• 19F.1Mlilt.
olauw .Y
,elfy 4, 1.5.58.'
nttlltiff#l•:oo4s GEO.. GAM:a • tosiAtrOtebn,
C aft
fr-7, - 130AS i GASSER GETTLE
;6; to niforta . the' citizens of Lebanon
• • "' ••'ls tto inty and net 6 llboriag t!Onnties, that
vcroni l i n i" l they are now in full oPeration, and ate
7'7" prip4ifeci to do all kinds or
Floorina Boards, Weather Boarding
Sash ,Doors,Wtodow 4. Door Frames,
Shatters Scrolls,
SAWING, and any other kind of. Sewing wlllOl marbc
Wonted to suit blinders—The subscribers beg. leave to
inform „the , public that they hay c: the latest and best Im
proved machinery the : county; such US WOODWORISI'S
PLAN'EU, &C., and that-they-are'able .to produce as-good
work as the county can produce. : -
None but the Lost end,WOR-SCPSOlleti LIMB= will be
used. Carpenters and.llvilders, are invited.tomlll and
examine their reedy-made stock, which they will always
keep an bend. end judge for themselves.
ta , -.Their Shop is on Pinegrove Road, mar Phreances
Old Foundry... [Lebanon, alma 17,1517.
ELI.'An LoNoAent...,TonN G.p ATIP.T....JACCrEr GAAR:L
Door'rand sh Fiftraiaze et(bra'.
Located fat the. Penal- I T0n5 , 7 near Cumberland
CIII t ttdersl ucrl reaper
tr m , form the ROI/It 1.11 . 4 t they
~,k„, • =l;ll,•„?i,ohate. ad:Jed : largely to their former rata.-
t„ . r, , their lishntent, and also kirliiS of the
- latest and host improved M_kCITINNItY .
in the State 3u fall nn-ration; such ni
for conducting the general business for,
Plaiting,• Scrolls, sawing, 4.a.;
nod the experience acquired by E. LoxoActis anal J. (4.
CAREL during their connection With the Door. Surili and
Lunibur Trade, fora nantlelr of years past, afinttle. full 118-
suritnee of their ability. in connection Kith 3. G.lnst,. to
select stork suitable to the 'wants of the Door. and tini4b
buKtuess ha this State. •
. .
Thep noir offer to Mechuides and Farmers:, generally,
upon fliveralde terms, a indieionsly - , fis•sorteit:*tock of
DOW iS, SASI from the best:Lumber Mannfactories
in the State, feeling confident, that their assortment is
not to be excelled by any other establisliment in the
State in regard to exactpei4 in stio;limilfty or'fl uish, and
is calculated to afford thorough satLiffiction to all those
who may- furor the undersigned with their custom:
The ,following liscomnriSes the lc:014 artl6.w'of
stock on hand
Doors, of ail sizes; fia.ll; of all sizes;
Aoor Frames, for brick And Arcbitrares;
fromo houses; Chsinge; from 3 to 6 in.;
Window Frames, for brick Surbase;
Ely MU
and frame Noises; Simtters. , of all sizes
All kinds of Mouldings; Blinds. of all sins;
0. G. Spring 31oubling, of all sizes; Wash-beitrils. •
LONCiAtiPi El,: GABEL A . 111:0Tif
P. Sawing, done , for• time
fttruithlug the Limther. • [Lebanonianli
rpni...".:KFUL for post favors, the utalei•sufned respe'et•
fully informs the Public. that be coritiliiteglb• carry
on his Mmadbetory iti East Hanover township, Lebanon
county, on 115 extensive a Weald . nicer. It is unnecessa
ry for him to say more, than that the work will be;done
in the same EXUELLFINT STYLE, which ha made his
work and name on well known in the surrnanding eoun
try. promises to tiolho. work in the shortest. possi
bletime. His manufactory is in complete order. and he
flatters himself to be able to render the came sAtisfaction
es heretofore. Ile numuthctures
Broad and 21;01 , M ele4thx, , easstret.'-'z, Broni.ctA, 41 - hac
and Wax .filannyts, , Ydi tiro text Inovnep,
He also cards Wool an makcs Rolls. For the conve
nience of his Cir;tomers. Wo.l and Cloth , will be taken
in at the following places:---it the stores or George &
Seellenber,„—cr, Lousier &. BrotherS, George7lleinrehl, aNd
at the new Drug Store of & ,LeMberger,, near
the Market House, in the bOrough of Lebanon; at the
store of. Shirk &;Mi;ler, in North L. , banon: at S. gosh
ert,"::; Bethel townobil.; at . 06 puLlie house
Earast. Frederfcksburg; :IA 'the store of S. 'E. Bickel, in
Jonestown; at the stem ticorge Weidman Bellevue;
at the store•of Maalin .I..l,irly:Padittyl'a: 'at tie Store of
Gabriel Wolfersherger, SEW - ,Niaiket Forge :: at the store
of Michael Shit k, East Hanover, Danphin county ; at the
stores of George Miler coil Built M. Blink, Bast Hano
ver Lebanon county. All materials will he away
regularly, front the aboKeplateth finished withonfdelay,
and rettiVued again. .
These of hisen:dotaerg 'Who wish Stocking Wool ettrd
ed dyed and mixed; eau leave, the same, white, at the
abcere mentioned .places, with directions hose - they:wish
it prepared. Or . his enstoniers 'eau order the Stockink
Wool to lie Prepared front the Wool, of the undersigned,
which will be done, and left at the desired places.
\.,1;. It is desired That Owe:having Wool eardol, trill
pay . the Cash therefor, at, the above unified plareS.'
Vast Hanover, l'adlanon county, May 12,1558. ; '
s'osiii,sl4lo a‘tod ti glchine Staciiis
1' 01.1.11 umlersiFied linvintr made v--ry great additiens to
their facilities for the uninufnetn ring of iiiscursmar,
will inantifitetnce and keep on hand. a very general as.
torte ‘ , ll t of FA I: lit LNG 3 :kWh EVEN ITS. Nein:icing
WheshVe Loproeed icrer hone powers n nd
Thr,•. , '.er; Vonthived Reaper an'l )11" , norr. with
ned's latest improvements; Cast Iron field Rollers.
Crain Drills and Ruts, Corn Plon:_lis and. Planters, Clo
ver IlullerS, Corn Sheller's, Fralder. Straw, Hay. Cutters.
All of the above Machines are of the latest and best
improvements, and are all warranted togivesansliiction.
Castings of all kinds made to Order,
inie at abort notice. They also rnannilirtnre STEAM EN-
G - Pits, Mill Gearing- Shafting, and Mill work in general.
:nil pay particular attention o Repairing _Engines and
Machinery of all kinds.
They invite all to call' and examine their wort z;
their Machine Shop, on P inegrnre street. Lebanon.
~ . . ..
.nt — Alt - orders ors6nununientions by until w2ll, be
promptly attended na. ..
, .
Jitim2, 1.35,1
New F ralittitee'StOre.
t J.
`.3 , •% 261.40
IrAltiqsoN K. DUNDORZ would . respectfully. In
l form the public that heNas taken the *stand late
Mindere a Ovni. niCuntberland 'Street, between Market
and Plank Road, where he will keep the largest, finesu
ancliespest assortment of FURNITURE ever offered in
Lebanein. '3llB stork consists of all lcindwof Parlor and
_Common Furniture, which he will sell loiver ,
. 46 , 04 L
than the like, can be bought any other
place in Lebanon,' V
lle has on hand a - large assortment of Sofasi":'
Tcte-a,tetes,, Lounges, Centre, Pier,. Card and Other
bles, What Note, list .11ackii,*.` Also a largennd eheari
stock of stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Settees,
Bedsteads, and a lot:of cheap IfattresSes. Also, lA:eking
Glasses,-Guilt, Rosewood and. Efahogany- , -very cheap.
l'enetinn-Dlizids; Carriages, Gigs and Ifebby Unreas, for
children. 11,.Partienlar attention paid to UNDER
TAKING. Me hai provided hinmelf 'with the kTNEST
lIRARSB IN -LF,BANON, and will make Gana and
attend .Funertilii, at.the shortest notleo and most reason
able-terms.-Lebanon, March 24,1858.
Don't forget to Call ~at
ATKINS A fiIcADAM'S, and examine their stock of
Boots, Shove, Trunks, Traveling:Bogs,
WALTZ k =DEL bare .a large lot of WRAPPING
PAPER'which,they W 1 ogll ,to : Volntr7,klerctiakto at
city Meer. ,•'•- • 1
Cloth a tits fite;Orv:
i 3 ANON. PA
Lebcaon, Lebanozi.ol.,,l,l?
• •
y THE undersignml. honglit Mr.
Ifrpyy 1i oat met Cool
short distance Myth-emit of 3.le...isrs. Foster Fi:L?
Atn Foundry. in the tioroimii of North
Lohal,,,n; awl 31!.:., bought front 1:04 to ZOO COWDS
WWI) and from, flip to itio9 TONS OF CO L> ornll
kinds and grades. With I will sell at the . yard or deliver
at av PIT):13) profits its will snot the times. 7 therelbre
site tilt tiheise that are in want of any, of those articles to
:mil see the same, oreertain Itrtee:t. a n d judge for
thimisOves. DANIEL LIGIII, (ar-chant.)
North Lebanon. April 14-.lttrith—tf.
Coal, Coal, Coal,
wr, ,, , it t i l: ... n s v i, rs e ir a i n e( 9 l ;i n cl u n lt t l;res t r a c t lf w u e l
,arenoW pre
pared to supply the conimuniq
holesale Or etail, as we trill keep all kinds of COAT.
on hand, sR w
such as with CCiA either
Pea, Chestnut, Nit, Store, And Brave COAL, white,
red and gray h
which we are constantly receivint, from some of the best
Collieries in the Coal regions, and would here ray that
we will sell our Coal as low as they can be sold by any
Person in the county, which wp . will sell at our Mill, or
&liter to any part of the two boroughs,
Genesee Mills. Lebanon, k eb. 3. 183 S.
Wood W00d—
vr4,1.„.„ THE undersigned am prepared to furnish ITtex
grornony or OAK WOOD. to order, at tiny Oleo in Leb-
A,- , ‘,.
c. `f or North I,l.a:two Borougls. Orders left at
their Mill will be promptly attended to.
Lebanon, April '2l , IMS. :MYERS &
Cheap z,nrrinEn
, .
rtin,, , ,thaer.g.d. having purchased, at Sheriff's kiale,
1. the entire .stock of
A .4 1
_ 1,1351.81 , 111, NI) COAL.;; :; r . "--..
In the yard of John ih I,l"lT3.llWitt. Irt; . •
leave to invite tin att,oition of the poblb
thereto... It will be sold anark cheaper than , -
the sante article can be bought elsewhere. 'Aosta& em
b=races all kinds and descriptions of Vinigl'!P , I,l 'o' in a
well stocked Yard, liMitliti IL large lot of first rate Mack
smith's COAL. All we f1.9.3c. is that purchasers will call
and exituine our'stock and prices. -
• . PHI hIP AM: NM
L•hanon. Sept. 15, , 53. . 1 1.017 N IVIT3iEN7IiI l.
er".o7:l3'lE R 1 - * RID
This Way, if you Want Cheap Lumber.
rPHE itoderEigned have lately formed a partner
-1 ship for the part s ion'of'erfrag,lit in the Lum
ber Business, tat a new plan. would respectfully inform
the public at large; that their place of btisines. is :DAVID
BowmAN's Old LuMber Yard, in East Lannon, fronting
on Chestiint
. street. one square from the Evangelical
church. Theyhare: enlarged the Yard and filled it with
a new anti excellent assortment of all khids of Lumber,.
ofall lengths and.thieknesses. In short, they beep eon-.
stantly on hand, a full and ti ell-seaPoned assortment of
all„hinds of POTILDING. MATERIALS. Persons in want
of anything in their lino are invitca to call, examine their
stock, and learn their prices.
:Thankful for pact l'avorthey hope, that by attention
to his - loess anti moderate prices, to merit a continuance
of nubile patretinge. '
• ; TOW:IIAN, TriuT.T. & CAPP
Lebanon. April S. IS5c.
le &Nig .AL U. 17 1 -1313 EL'.
INTEARLY 9 000 000 FEET !
so no“ tat,apast assortuvmt 'LimmT:
er offered to the.pnblie, is now for sub! at the now
nd extentice and COAL YARD of
n the-Borough of North:Lebanon, on the bank of the
Union Canal, at the bend Of, Walnut street, a few
•Vartitt worth of the Genessee Steam Aiills, end one
quer* east of Dorgner's lintel.
Their,assortrarnt consists of the best well-seasnne:b
White, Yellow. Norway. Pine and Hemlock hloards;—
Clici•ry. Poplar zunfigne Bonrds;
I,Kaptt inch Punnet and Commit Plank;
White Pine and Hemlock. s.catt Ding anti joists;
'•• White Onk-lloarZs. Plank and tieentlintst • -
:ant] ineb,PoNnrllwlrq.,.. Nola; :Ind SC:titaing.
The best. Pine and lietuleak S'ltingles;
Also. Roofing and PiaAtefing Laths;
Chestnut Raiee and Po. , Ft.e, and. railings for fences
and f.meintr Boards;
FLOORING BOARDS of all sines und daserild ions.
The ,argest stork of Broken, Steve, Litnelnurners and.
Hellidaysbiark Smith Coal. at the lowest prices.
UR-Confident that they have the large,t fool
sorment of Lottunt of all descriptions and Sires, as well
as the largest stock of the different kinds of Cott, ever
offered to theAtizens of -Lelmnon moldy, they venture
to say that they can necoinatedate all purchasers satin
fueterily; and Would therefore invite all who want any
thing., In their lion, to examine their stock before per-,
chasing elsewhere. IMECHLILL tc iroßsT:
N. Lebanon, Feb. 21, ISSS.• •
Tla irty Da
Eigh,t, 'Day,
Thirty flour"
cr,ocKx, •
- Just Received at.
~~}rf.,;~ ~.
S. 'BLAIR'S Jewelry Store,
• Lebanon P.m
AX~JTUETF 1.15 I. , Yr OF
\VA A I) .ii WE r
Cumberhuut St., next door to Pr. Linenwearces
Corner of Penn awl Railroad s6.cets,'
Womanly Railroad Hotel.)
EtERMAN lIISTENBATT respectfully informs II
l public and , viniters that he has opened the abe
1140. for heir accommodation hßliettlnfOrt
has furnialied the house well, citl, every pollee ,
once; and also l'emoddeled the Chambers and Apartinci
Ear-room. Parlors. &e. It in hotel is fitted up with
theitiOde . rtiimprnvements, and visitors shall he fern
el with the best the market affords at his tahis , and
Liquors of the hest and purest hinds.
N. Stahling it large, and yard attached.
strict attention lathl to this domrtincst of the I tote
Reading, May 10, tbri.
Be wr
0 \s
eon e 11
tow q. I
:1. (1 nu.::
'ON In
informs the public that
illlll7 SPAIII,EI, at Mrs.
fEet street., Leh- •
II keep for the lt'
Mita good steel: ,''''
llla 1.1.5. lie
ping I forses, and handsome
iful Drivers furnished when
. Parties. ,te.
IvliTo T EIC E.
.is come to 1,:f4 again.
oTtlil respectfully inform the
r i the buSiness of LTMESTONFI
ji by horse power, in Chestnut
lfinishes the following articles
est limestone that can be pro
d, vir,:—Dnort fltus and PLAT
`nas and HEAPS. CELLAR Boon
toe &Taper blocks. as Well as
i.lieManufactured of limestone.
fourto five inches thick; and
With the quality.
uthat introduced the lime-stone
law. prepared to finish off, lime
appearance very little
t Marble, in proof of which a.sser
lic to the finished work at his, es
metfully invites all those who in
'dings, to call at his establishment
vas -of the excellent finish of his
heapness of his prices. •
4,.1658.-Iy. .
E -
rril al undersigned respectfi
helms opened a NEW
ce, RISE'S Hotel, M
anon, where he
••-• , public aecommo
-X-- of 110.1t,SES en
will keep gentle and good
and safe Valdes. Also, c
desired. Also 03naltliS
LIAMI2IOII, April 21, 185,
The old storm
iffi puddle that he Conti
Strict, East Lebanon.
out or the best and so
cured in this neighbor
git4ge t Sunii-srox •
an'y'otheraiiiele Elie
llis Curb-stones six.
his prices in accords
lie was the first p
Into this place, and
stone SO as to give
that of thohandso
tion hodireets
.tablishment. Lie
teed erectirm'aew
and convince the
work as also Of
Lebanon, Mar
wantr - ng
'oral, so a mild climate, goad soa an d
isement of Hammonton Lands.
riru , ,SpELP,aut
flikES & CARMAN ,
May 19,1,8.-3 m.
I.3rITIAD3-:i.,P)IIA •-• shed
• tiventy twoyears:agn by Dr. KINKMAN, corner
of Third and .Vnion streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Experience has semi - tired Dr. K. a most successful
practitioner in the cure of all diseases of a private nature,
manhood's debility. as an impediment to marriage; ner
vous and sexual infirmities, diseases. of thei skin, and
those arising from abuse of mereury.
There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys,
in solitude, often growing np with them to manhood;
and which, if not reformed in due time, not unly begets
serious .obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives
rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating
Few of those who give way to thismernicious practice
are aware of the consequences, until they find the ner
vous system shattered, feel strange and - unaccountable
sensations, and vague fears in the mind. [Seepages, 27,
2S, IS, of Dr. K.'s book ott.iiSelf-Prwerrittion.l
The unfortunate thus effected becomes feeble, is lane.
tic to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his
mind to study; his step is tardy and weak ; he is dull,
irresolute, and engages even in his sports with less ener
gy than usual.
If he emancipate himself before the practice has done
its worst. and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruit
ful, and his sense tells him that: this is caused by his
early tellies. These are, considerations which should
awaken the attentioof ail who are similarly situatedi'
ITe Who places himself under Dr. KIN K treat.
ment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle
man. and rely upon...the !isstirance, that the secrets:of
Dr. patients will never be disclosed.
Young men—let no false modesty deter you from mak
ing your case lttion;D : •to one, 4lio. from education and
respectability, can ceitAinly beiriend you.
Dr. KINKEDIN'S residence has.been for the last
rwverr YEARS at 'Dm .N. 'Ar Corner of TIIIRD AND
UNION streets. Philmbilpiti Pa.
Can have
.(by stating the
with all their syral)tmin,
twice) Dr. medicine, ai
Forwarded to any paten'
ed scenre from DA.IIAfiF
A Vloonoun LIFE on A PR]
Letters containing tba
copy, per return email.
A _Free
"Nature's Guide," a
valuable advice and IVO
tel to prevent years of
lives. is distributed svi
mail: prepaid to any-P.
reeeiving an order sue
',July 15,1857.-Iy.
The Itiv
V./ purgative and I'
that acts as a Mho
titan any other med
thartic but a Meer
eject its morbid ma
to carry of that In
see effectually, wit
rhinced in the oper
ens the system at
when - taken daily
build it up with r
The LIVER is,
human bOdy; an.
well, the powe
cd. The stomac
healthy action o
ante of its
fault; the boa
tom suffer in c .7(
having cease '
of that organ c
I is 4114,
reany derai A
To prove t
persons trot ,s
furnis, has , t
These a t •
front the S
thy flow.° t;
food to dig
and heal
cause of
rented, h .
One do
dose taken
cures (beim
so takOn after
lose of two ter
Fettle taken for re. ~i> ranloobstruction.removes .
iso of the dismiss,
__ l and nmkes a perfect Mire.'
one dose immeili- ", ately relieves Melle,while
ss often repeated is r, a sure cure for emicra
!s, and a preventive `.- 0 of cholera.
~- one bottle le need- 33 ed to throw mat of the sys
.he effects of meth- :-- tine efts*. a long sickness. ,
tebottle taken for Jaundice removes nil
amiss or unnatund tailor from the skin.
o dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor- !
lie appetite, and makes food digest well. . • i
no dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarrhcra in its
•st form's. while Summer or Bowel Complaints yield I
ost to the first doss.
km or two dimes cures attacks caused by Worms in,'
il.lren; .there to no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in
a world, as it never fails. .1
!I A few bottles cure Dropsy, by exciting thettbsorbents.
We take pleasure in reConilliending this medicine IM
worenlive for Fever and Aitte, Chill Fever, end all Fe
'ors (Aft Bilious Typo. Ito wnites with certainty, end
hons - inds are willing to testify to its wonderful virlinot.
All who Use it are giving their imanimons testimony
n Its favor.
Vt. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator and
swallow both together.
The Liverlnvigorator is a Scientific Medical Discovery
and is daily workitu , cures, Mutest too grout to believe.
]t curet: as if by Jungle, even the first dose giving benefit,
nod evident more than one bottle Is required to care nuy
kind of Liver Complaint. from the worst .7aund Ice or Dye
pepsin to a mouton Ifeiklache, all of which are 'the re
sults of a DiSelLNed Liver.
. - -
DR. S.1NF0111). Proprietor. 80 Broadway. New York
JOSEPH L. LEMBEIIGER b and Da. 8453, Agego, for L.b._
non; and retailed by DruggistA. [Junes,'o4-Iy.
M A It RIAG E alum
al A 1:111AO E GUIDE
-I.OIMAL WORE. The Pocket Esculapius. or Every One
Ilts Own Doctor, by Wsz. Youxu, Al. D. It ix written ip
plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated
with upwards of One II undrealEngravings. All young
married people. or UIOFC contemplating marriage, and
Oaring the Iciest Itnpedlatent to married life, should read
this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be
arqualated with. Etlll s it's a Wok that innat be kept
locked up. and not lie about the house. It will be sent
to any 011 C on the receipt of twenty dye cents. Addres
Dr. ti'3l. YOUNO, 152 SPRUCE street, above Fourth
• [January
-irtnportaitt elluziou;aceizzerat
110 all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such its
j_ spermatorrlum Semi mil 'Weakness, ImpotenceAl omit ,
El i ten, 0 lee t,Sypl lie, the Vice of Ono u ism-or Self-Abuse.&c.
The Mower] Association. in view of the awful ihmtntc
lion of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the de
ceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such
diseases by Quacks, have directed their. consulting Sur
geon, as a Charitable Act worthy of their name, to give
Medical .Adeice Gratis, to all persons thus afflicted, who
apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age,
occupation, habits of life,
a.,) and in all cnses of extreme
poverty and suffering, to famish Medicines free of charge.
The lloward association is a benevolent Institution, es
tablished by special endowment, for the
,relief of the sick
and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Dis
eases." It has now a surplus of means, which the Direc
tors bare voted to expend in advertising the above notice.
It is needless to laid that the Association commands the
highest Medical skill of the ago, and will furnish the most
approved modern trentment.
i elb
-1 ild e
.1 horses
Just Publleltpl, by the Association, a Report on Sper
matorrlura, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of. Onanism,
Masturbation or Self-Abase, and other diseases of the Sex
ual Organs, by the consulting Surgeon, which will ho sent
by mall, (in a sealed envelope,) free of charge, on the re.
ceipt of two stamps for inEitnget.
Address, Dr. 0 EO. It. CALIIOUN. Consulting Surgeon,
itoward Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel
phia, Pa. By order of the Directors.. . .
EZRA. D. ifeairrirEur., Prat.
GEO. VAIRCEILD, Seet'y. Oct. 'I, 'fit y
"Thick Darkness covers the Earth.
Anti Gross Darkness the People.".
County Merchants,
A ND all Others, trill take Notice! that they can Kap
ply themselves, in soy onentitirs.*ith .102111H L FARR
At the Illtiileettle end Retail, limit quarters,
South SECOND Street,
. . .
The only place where exclusive Agencies can bo obtain
for the Stale of Pennsylvania, New'Jersey and Delaware.
These Lamps give a light equal in intensity of name,
and similar in appearance to ties and are claimed 'to be
superior to all other portable lights, now In use. No felt.
of Explosion,—No offensive odor.—Nosmoke.—Very easi
ly trimmed.—As easily regulated as Gas Light.—Cian be
adapted to all purposos.—And hotter than all for a poor
mao.-50 per cent cheaper than any other portable light,
now in common use.
Dip-Lamps, Oils, Wicks, Shedee; and every article In
the line, S. E. SOUTIELAND, Agent
Sept 8-2ra • ' No: 38 South SECOND Street, PEITILAVA
WALTZ 4 ItOTDUL have the largest assortment of
the best LEHIGH SLATES ever offered to the public.---
Country . Alerchante Would do well to muuniee their
stock beforopurchaalog elsewhere : , , • •
To an wanting Fartad, Soo adTertigement narnmou-
it ease explicitly : together
letter, enclosing a remit
wopriated accordingly.
the United States, and pack
, CURIOSITY, by AlailorEx-
ND liliNtitiOD !!
lue in stamps, will ensure a
Th"T To All.
in , and popular Work, - full of
• asive warning, alike ettlelilat,
decry, and Bare TLIQUSAIiDS of
out charge. and forwarded by
OUlee in the United States, on
ing two postage stomps.
: BY
tell from 'Gums, is one of the best,
ftr medicines now before the public,
easier, milder, and otoreeffeetnal
ne known. It is not only n ea
etly,' acting, fleet-on the Liver to
thensna the bowels and, stomach
fee; thus accomplishing two Porno
int any of the' painful feeling =pa
tens of most Cathartics. It strength
te same time that it pm-res it; and
doses, will itrenrlzei an d
1 1 I.
of thee
r.Aen i
of C.
011 0
e "red
principal reguktors of the
performs It s functions
+y tern are fully develop
entirely dependent on the
for the proper pyrforni-
when the stomac'h is at
and the NV4oic sy+
of one organ—the. - Liver
duty. Per the : db:cases
prOprietorA:lnts- ailide it
more Own: twenty - years;
with to. counteract: the
which it is liable.
e of tho
hraotico o f
Fif eiit to
F. this rcw'
';d withir l i
it t o 41
edy is at last found, any
l er complaint, in any of its
bottle, and conviction is
morbid or bad matter
ing in their place at heal
lag the stomach, causing
inu the blood, giving tone
machinery, - remoring the
afflicting a radical cure.
and, what is better, pre
use of the Lirer luriya-
remove all
iem, surplj
jlt inviga 'at
well, parity
to the *bole
discos:: and
lacks are cured
the oceasiena!
after eating is
il prevent the
-ilfroent to relieve the
Rood'-from raising- and
doge taken be
fore retiring, prevents
night, loosens the bowels
eaell meal, Will care Dv-
pooufuls will :flways rti
by Dr. W3l. YOUNG
by Dr. W3l. YOUNG.
by Dr. WM. YOUNG
by Dr. WM. YOUNG
by Dr. WM. YOUNG
by Dr. Wm. YOUNG
by Dr. W3f. YOUNG
by Dr. WM. YOUNG
by Dr. WM. YOU:SO
by Dr. WM. YOUNG
•by Dr. W3l. YOUNG
by Dr. W3I. YOUNG
by Ur. WM. YOUNG
by Dr. W 3. YOUNG
Great Discorrry qf Age..
Dr. Gustav Linnard's Taste Restorative Tro
ches, the Great - Substitute for Tobacco
IT is n well known and incontrovertable fact that the
use of Tobacco Is Lire
prommisz cause or many of tilt
most severe Mental and Physieal Ili...orders to which the
race of man is subject; us careful analynis nisi . lung and
painful experience have clearly proven Phut it contains
certain narcotic and poisonous pnmert ies most dangerous
in their effects. which by entering into the blood derange.
the functions and operations of the fleort. causing many
to suppose that organ to be Serbnisly diseased.
TOBACCO affects also the entire nerconseystom man
ifesting itself—ens all alto have C 1,1" used the noxious
weed will bear testimony — hi Lassitude. NOTTOUS Irrita
bility, Water Brush, Dyspepsia, and many other disor
ders of n similar character.
Arc rlesigned to counteract these bnneful influences, and
have proved completely successful in a multitude of eas
el., and wherever need. Being harmless in themselves
they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire system, re
storing the Taste which bas imenme vitintedor destroy
ed by great indulgence, completely removing the irrita
tion and Accompanying tickling sensation of. the Throat
—which are always consequent upon abstaining from the
use of Tobacco, and by giving a healthy tune to the
Stomach, invigorate the whole system.
Persons whe are irretrievably undermining their con
stitution,' and shortening their Hi* should rise these
Troches Immediately and throw of the injurious and
pleasant habit of Telmer* Chewing.
Three Troches or Losengea are put up in a convenient
and portable form at the low price of 50 'Cents Per box.
A liberal discount to the trade. Prepared solely by the
undersigned to whom all orders should be addresscd.
JAMES H. BOWERS, Druggist:' •
March 24 1858.-ly Cor. 2d and Race, Phibula.
Fic nine .Preirarai ion
Elighly Conccntrated .Compound Fluid
Extract Buchu.
For diseases of Ole Bladder, Eldneys Grarel, Dropsy,
Weaknesses. Obstructions, Secret ilinenSes, Fe
male Complaint., and nil of
the SeNnal Organs.
Arising from am' re.
moving all Improper DiAlargos from the Bladder, kid
neyx, or Sexual Organs, whetkt:r existing in
Male or Female; ' •
Front whatever cause they may hare originated, •
And no Hatter of How LOng Standing,
Giving Ilealth and Vigor to the Frame, and
Itiooin to the • Pallid °Leek. •
Joy to the Atilliete(l! • •
It curets Nerrons and Debilitated Sulircrent. and removes
all the symptoms. among Which will be found
Indisposition •
to Exertion. 148$ of,
Power, Lolls or Itionori..,* •
Difficulty of.lircething, tlent:•.. I. . •
end Weakllll.4t, horror of Die.. .
ease. Weak Nerves. Trembling, Dread
ful Itorrorof Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Unites- •
sal Lassitude of the Muscular Sy - stein; often Enormous
Appetite, with Dyspeptic symptonts," Ilot Moods. •
Flushness of the Body, Dryness of the skin,
Pallid Countenance and `ErnptionS
the Fare, Pain in the Ilack.•ilea-•
vines of the Eyelids, Fr'
Tien fly Meek spots '
Flying before
the Eyes, , I -
with Temporary sfifiesion and k,ncv , rifidg•ht Want of
Attention, Great Restlessness, With Horror
of Society. Nothing Is D.::: n deFINII,O , to such .Ps
ticnts than solitude. and Nothing they more
Dread for Fear of Themselves no. lie
pose of manner, no earnestness, no •
Spettllltttisll, but a • '
trawition fromone •
toPstion to
.• •
These Pymplor.. if elloweri to go on—whiiii thi. med
icine. interiahly remnvos--sonnifolloww Lasa of {'ewer,
Fatuity, and ratiI..EPTLC: one of which the pa
tient may expire. 'Who can say that nine: excesses are
not frequently foil:op:ea bythuse. direful -dlsousesf.S
-SANIT VAAL/ CON:iti3IPTION I The records of the In
sane AP.OUIIIF, and the mehurchnly deaths by oOnsunip,
floe, bear =pie to the truth of Owe ossertiona;
In Lunatic Asylums the must melancholy, exhibition ale
Beers. The Countenance Is actually%sodden and quite
destitute—ueither 31Irth or Grief ever risitait ; should
a sound of the voice occur. it is rarely articulati.
••With woeful measures wan despair
Low sullen sounds his glint' begnifeiL" ..
Debility is most terrible! and has brought thousands
upon thousand to untimely graves, thuablusting the am.
bition of many noble youths. It tali be cured by thOusle
. .
If you are suffering with ..ny of theabore distressing
ailments. the 11,111(1 EXTRACT DECIIU will cure you.
Try it and be convinced of its efficacy._
Newark of Quack Nostrums and Quack Doctors,
who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens
know and avoid them. and sire long suffering. Money,
and Exposure, by sending or ealling . for a With; of this
Popular and specific Remedy.
IL allays all pain and infinnimati6n,l%pcireelly pleas
ant, in its hush; and odor, but immediate in its action.
.lielmbold's Extraci: B tichts
la prepared directly According to the Itulee of Pharreary
cud Chemistry, with the greatest tweet-my end Cionnicnl
knowledge end rare iterotml in its eouttrinutlom'
Professor Dcwccs' Valuable Works on the: practice of
Physie,and most or the late sttoulanl Wortteof Medicine.
One hundred dollars: will he pnid to any Physician who
ran prove.tbat the medicine ever injured a patient;. and
the testimony of thousands can Lc produced to prove
thatit does gre - at good.• 'Coins of from one week'to
teen years Mending here been effected. 'Me mash of
Voluntary Testiluony in possession of the Proprietor,
vouching its virtues and curative ;omen., is Immense,
embraeing:names well known to SCIENCE AND FAILE :
100,000 Bottles Hevo Been Sold
and not a stogie instance of a failure has been reported
Personally appcurcti . bcforc ma, an Alderman of the
City of Philudelphia,.ll. i Eizt !Jou), Chemist, who
being duly sworn does say. that his prtnewation contains
HO Narootic,llercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely
Vegetable. 11.2%0 E 1.31130 L.l). sole manufacturer.
Sworn and sittdz.raseel before me this day t f NOICHI
ber, 1854. . WSJ. P. 11.1.1t1lAit0. Alderman.
Price $1 per Bottle, or six for , De
livered .to any Address,
Aiwomjonicd by reliable, and responsible Curtifitattes
rofossors of . I lediral•Colleges, Clergymen and others.
l'reparcd and sold by it. T. 14E0180LO,
and Aualythed Chemist.
No. 52 South Tenth St. below Chestnut,
Assembly Buildings, Phila.
sz,,, To be had of Dr. George flocs, 0. F. I:als'n and o f
all Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States,
Csnadas and British' Provinees.
Ask for Helmbold's--take no other.
Curet, Gua ra n eed.
P....2,1857.-Iy. •
The Medicine - of Ike nillion
eIinCIII.AR TO Ting . 3loK.—The first hospital Fur:
X../ goons and medicinal publicists of En rope achnit the
unparalleled anti-inflammatory end heeling properties
of this Ointment; goii , rnittents :auction its ace in their
naval and military services; and the masses in this coun
try and throughout the world repose the utmost con&
dents in its curative properties. It penetrates thesour-
MIS of inflammation a nd.vorruptinn whirls nntlerlie the
external evidences of dhicase, awl nentntlize the fiery el
ements which feed and exasperate the utabtd3-.
Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erysipelas.
These are among the most terrible and agonizing dis
e&SCS of the misfits., the fleshy fibre and the skin; yet
in their worst forms, and when seemingly lncufable.they
invariably disappear tinder a persevering application of
this soothing, healing antidote to pain and inflammation.
Salt Rheum, Feint. Sores, Stif Joints.
In all emus of Salt Rheum, where medical waters, lo
tions, and ever); recipe of the phernmeopres have proved
useless, the Ointment will accomplish a thorough • cure.
Fever Sorts heal quickly under its influence, and its re
laxing effect upon contracted sinews znily wonderful.
Discharging Ulcers.
A most 'mum liable and happy change is produced in
the appearenceo f malignant ulcers lifter a few applica
tions of this Ointment. The surrounding redness van
ishes, and granules of healthy flesh begin to take the
place of the discharged matter. This procese goes on
more or het; rapidly until the orifice is filled op with
sound material, and the zacer radically cured.
A Word to Mothers . .
The young are the inost frequent sufferers frOrn ex
ternal injuries, and tlicreftre erery.mothcr should have
this healing preparation constantly at hand. It is an
absolute specific for sore - breasts, and qieickly removes
the euerusited sores which sometimes disfigure the heads
and faces of children.
Siffnificant Facts.
This Ointment is universallyused on board the A Clan
tie end Pacific whaling licet no amine fur *earl:nth: affec
tions, and as the best possible remedy for.wounds and
bruise*.. ',urge suppliesof ithare recently been ordered
by the Snitin of Turkey for hospital purposes.
es,:Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in tlee
following 'apses' •
Bunion% •. Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Clantis,
Burns, Mitts, Sore Legs,
Chapped Minds, Rheumatism*, ' Sore 'Breasts,
Chilblains, Ringworm, Sore Reads; • •
Fistula, Salt Rheum, Sore Throats, •
Clout, Scalds, • • Sores of ell kinds,
Lumbago ' Woundaof all kinds, Venereal Sores;
Stiff:Joints, Sprains, Tettur, Ulcers, Skin Diseases.
SO Sold at the .Manufactory of PrOfessor Holloway, So
Maiden Lane, Now York. and . by all respectable Drug:
gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout. the United
Scents, tates and nd the civilized world, in pots at 2d dente, 023 e,
Si each.
°alma:ft—None aro genuine unless the words "Rol
loiway, New York and Loudon," fire di st : en ab le at . a . n . a.
teomark in firers leaf of the book of.directiona around
each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by hold
ing the leaf to the light. A handsome rewanl will be
given to Lay o
tectionne rendering such information as may
lead to the de of arty party orparties counterfeit
lug the medicines or Tending the same, knowing them
to be epurintia.'iak .
There la acinielderable saving bj taking, the largeraises.
N. 11---Dtroetiono for the inidance.ofpatients in erary
disorder ace _ . [Merck 1,"51:
_ , .
Tux Oetta d veht. Mx:we:lse 1.:4rint.1,5t.n ItZ7.
4.d find bete,ete iy the Lint era. zwethierei wader the
PIIIMC -of a VII:11,41.; ift aid or any
tenantry; all natter Pedeeentie ifttAre nre coneterfelle.
The genuine con 4t known by the name Otiqr
ditamptd ow each WA F.F.14
Relieve Coughs, Colds,. Sore-threat. Hoarseness.
BP.VAN'S rtn.moxic WAFERS
Kethmlt,Bironehithi .l. l .. Bflicult_ Breathing.
111:1:Al\ - S 1•11 7 !.MOXIC IVA MIS
Relieve Spitiing of Ritoit,' Pains in • tit. Ching
Relieve Incipient Consumption. Lung Messes
Relieve Irritation' of the Ural& and Tonsil'
Relieve the stove Complaints in Ten Minutes.
Are a blessing to all dor...xi am?. constitutions
11.1.NtoNIC IvArEu3
Are'neta_ tot for Vocalists Owl Public Speaker
Isvrove the mmpaes. anti flexibility of the Veit
Are in a sample bra' and pleasant to tl.le taste
Not only relieve, bat effect rapid•& lasting Curet-
Ire warraWad to give eatisfaction to every one,
Fo Fanally . &cub; be *ittottt
Brilt 'Pull men f fem.
t.w. TO 1: 1,41tiE...
No Traveler to witiaiat a tor_ of
Bryan s Palmonle Wafers
No Det..lar shoal be rie.out a. :apply cf
Bryan's 1 , .. u.112: attic 11 - 71 fere
. !. , . rpsi sr is..ersircupcs. • • :
No person wilt .cv . e: ajeet to give for
gryants Pti I rannle TXaferli
rrimvv-rpog exsys. •
For s o c i;y appmitethe Court Beim, Leba
non, Pa.. and by all respectable D.ruggh4atlirnegliont the
Unitni States and Canada; rilaeby - llarrey Birch. Read
hut, Pa. • , • ..lOcti
, Of all diseitses„tiic creat, first cause
• i SprinFi from neglect or: Nature's' tows.
&UT En) , N
Solf-nhnse. N.ervons Debility. Strictures, Gleeta.Mrav,
I .4, Diabetes, DEmares of the Kidneys and hindder
' 3lerrurial Ithennratinn: Scrofula. Pains in the Ilene.%
and Anklet, diseases:of the bungs, Throat, Nose and
Eyes. Mews upon the Body or Limbs, Cancers.
Dropsy. Epileptic Fits. St.Vitits' Dance, and all Dis
eases arising from n derangement of the Seated Or
gans, Pileh es Nervous Trembling. Lois of 3fernory,
. Loss of Power. General IVealcuess, Dimness of Vision
with peculiar spoto appearing bellwe the eyes, Loss of
Sight, Wakefulness, Dyepeptda, Liver Disease. Eruptions
upon the. Fare, Pain in the Bark and Dead. Female 1r-
Mgctleritles and all improper discharges trout both sex,.:,
ft metiers not from whist cause' ths;'disease
however long standing or obstinate the ease, lIRCOreg: r
is cEltr.ux. and in a shorter time than a permanent cure
earrhe effected by ncir other trentmen. • even after the
disease,lins batled.tle skill of erninentilhysicians and re
sisted all their means cicure: This medicines are
ant without Oder, causing no sickness and' free froth
mercury or balsam. During twenty years of practice. I
base rescued tram the Jaws of Death many tlionsand‘ s
who. in the last stages of the abor.e-mentiened diseases.
had been given to die by their physicians, which war
rants n.j to ppinising to the nfnieted, who may plate
theuncelves tinder my rare. a perfect end mast
cure.. Secret. DiFellSee are the greatest enemies to health,
asi they aro tho firs tcciuse of Consumption, &refills and
Marty other diseases: and should be a terror to the hu
man family. 'As a permanent care is scarcely ever ef
fected, a majority of file casco fulling Into the ha n. 13 of
incompetent persons, who not only foil to cure the ills
! eases but ruin the ronatitution, filling the system with
mercury. which, with the disease, the sufferer
into a rapid Consumption. •
But should the disease and the tr.eatmeat not rause
death speedily and the victim Marries, the distat,e is en
tailed upon the children. who are boric with feeble con
stitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a rims
which betrays itself In S:crefula_ Teller, lacers, Erup
tions and other nffeettons of the Skin. Eyes, Throat sad
Lungs. entailing upon theta a brief existence of suffer
big and consieninc theni to an early grave.
• SP.I.P ABUSE Is Runtime forecidable enemy to health,
fur nothing else in the dread catalogue of human discs
sea causes so . destructive or drain lIDCW 'the aystem. draw
ing Its Uuntsande of victims through n.thw years of nil
luring down torn
.untintely grave. It destroys the ter-
VMS System, rapidly wastes array the onergiese of life,
rates mental derangetnect,.prevents the.proper :deer!.
°preen:. of the system, dbmitalifies for marrirge, Society,
leusiness, and all earthly happiness, end leaves the suf
ferer :Ivrea-km! in body or ntiret predisposed to Consump
tion and n train of et ids mom to he dreaded than death
itself With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortu
nate victims of Self Ali : Ilse_ that a. pernuinent and ope o .le
cure ran be eltnted, and with the ate umennent of ruin-
DWI practices my patients can be rem toted to robust, vig
carom. health. ' 1• - '•:
The nIE tete; arc centime.' . agalust the are of Patent
Medielms, for there are oh many ingenious , snares in the
columns of the ptthlie prints to catch and rola the flow e ry
sufferers, that mihluns hayw,thelr .coustitutions ruined
by the aide compounds of imaidc ;Matins, or the N oe''y
pet:among nod rums renal:ll es •"latent• Metlicines."
}rave carefully analyzed. many of, the so:called. Patent
1.,-.lirinea. and Mel that nearly all ortlieut eilontaiti Cor
rosive Facblinutte, which is one of the strongest' prepare
th.ns of mercury and a deadly Poison,,which. instead of
emit's. the dioeaso. disables the oyOlMit life_
Three-fourths of fife pahmt no,trunas now in use era
pat up icy unprincipled and lipltalallt retsons who do not
understand even the alphabet of the Maraud AiLISreA,
and are eqnr.lly no destitute of any knowledge of the ba
ntam system. having one of only in view, and that to
make money mguntleso of conocqueurcA.
Irregularititec and all dieensve of male; end females
treated on prinriples established by twenty years of
practice. and sanctioned by tlmuennds of the most re
markable cures. Medicines with full directions sent to
Any part of the United States.or Canada', by patients
COMM uniiitting their siicintomn by letter. Business cor
respondence strictly eontidenticd. Address
.7. sumizitvii..t.r, M. D.,
Office No. 1131 Filheit St:, [Old No. 109,) below twelfth,
March 15, 1853,717. •• • rim/Durum.
: 11 11:R5trlant .Diricovery.
Disegies . .tf the eLlings and Throat
which conveys the
Remedies to the ensilinc In the lungs through the oh
passages- and comingiu direct contact with the disease,
neutralist-a tho. tubercular matter, allays . the cough,
causer n free and easy expect , ration; heals the lungs,
purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality in the ner
vow, system, giving that tone and energy so indispensa
ble for the restonttion of health. To be able to state
confidently that Consumption is curable by Inhalation,
is ioVne a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much
under the'control of medical treatment as any other
formidable disease ; ninety out of every hundred eases
can be cared in the first stages, and f,fty per cent. in the
second; but in the third stage it Is Mince:Able to save
more thou fire per cent.. for the lungs are so cut up by
the disease as tottery medical skill- liven, however, in
the last stases, inhalation affords extraordinary relief to
the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which an
nually thstroys ninety-tire thousand persons in the U
nited States alone ; and a correct calculation shows that
of the present popnlation cf the earth, eighty millions
are destined to fill the Consumptise's grave.
Truly, the entree of death lins no arrow so fatal an
Consumption. l n •all ages it has been the great enemy
of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off
alike the brace, the beautiful, the graceful, nod the gift,
ode By Abe help of that Supreme Being. from whew
cornetts every good and perfect gift, l am enabled Wolfer:
to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Con._
sumption. The first:mute of tubercles is from Impure.
Blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their depo-
Sidon hi the rung/4, is to prevent the free admission of:
air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality'.
.through the entire system. Then, surely, it is Mere ra
tional to expect greater good from medicines entering.
the cavities of the lungs,
than from those administered;;
through the stomach ; the patient will always find the.
lungs free and the breathing easy, after inhaling come
dies. True. inhalation is a local remedy,. nevertheless,
it acts constitutionally, end with more power and cer
tainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To ,
prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of
administration, chloroform inhaled will destroy sensibil
in a few min ute_s, paralyzing the entire nervous sys
tem, so theta limb may be amputated Witheut theslight-.
eet pain; inhaling thoonlinary, burumg gas will destroy
life in a few hours.
Thu inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when
fainting or apparently dead. The Odor
of many of the'.
medicines is perceptible in the Win a few moments af
ter being inhaled, and may;be. immediately detected in
the blood. A convincing praof of the constitutional ef
fects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always pro
duced by breathing foul air. is not this positive eat
dense that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judi.
ciously administered through the luugs, should produce
the most happy results? During eighteen ,years' prac
tice, many ' thotiminde, suffering from diseases of the
lungs and throat,have been under my care, and I have
effected many remarkable cures, even lifter the sufferers
had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat
isfies Me that Consumption is uo longer it fatal &sense.—
.31Y treatment of Consumption is original, and founded
on kng experience soda thorough investigation. )Iy
.peffectacquelotance with the nature , or tubercles., Ae,
, distinguish, naelile, the 'various forms of
'disease:that simulate consumption; and apply the proper
remedies. rarely'being mistaken oven lira single cane.—
This familiarity, in connectiou with certain pathological
atid'inkrascopie diseoreries, enables me to relieve
thellungs from the effects of contracted chests; to en
large the che...t, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vi
tality, giving energy and tone to the entire sylitem.'
audio:Mos, with full ilirerti , :na, rent to any partof the
United States and Canadas, by patients comniunicating
their symptoms by letter. But lir; cure would be more
certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which
would give me an opportunity to examinethe lungs and
enable me to prescribe with much: greater certainty ;„
and then the care could be effected without my seeing
the patient again.
Office. 1131 Filbert St., (01 , 1•Ne.,109;) below 12th,
.I,lareh,lS,. rameourma, r.t.