The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, October 20, 1858, Image 2

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    gtbanwi Pimaser.
TO roLLow."
M. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor
;',a , LEBANON, PA
"'''WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1.858
A characteristic trait of the Demo
cratic party is that it never refuses to
be comforted over the past. It may and
does look back on the path trod by its
gallant and devoted followers, but only
to draw from thence threads of wisdom
and knowledge by which to make com
pact the woof of the future. When de
feat comes the past is searched for par
allel cases, iu order re-animate the
spirits of the faithful, and bid them gaze
with unfaltering eye on the coming du.
ties, be they ever so fierce and exacting,
The present defeat in our Siate is
wide spread and terrible. Some of our
most cherished champions have been I
unhorsed, and many Districts, which
have heretofore been considered im
pregnable, have fell before the attacks
of the allied forces. This state of
things would seem to indicate a com
plete. prostration of the Democracy in
the old Keystone. It is so considered
by the Opposition, and already their
presses are jubilant over the prospects
for 1860. The friends of SEWARD and
CRITTENDEN are separating on the ques
tion of nominating their respective can
didates, and thus the fight opens with
all the evidence of a fresh and exciting
contest. But the Opposition are mis
taken as to the character and extent of
this defeat. It is not unparallelled
The great victory in 1856, which ele
vated JAMES BUCHANAN to the Chief
Magistracy of the Nation, was heralded
by a defeat compared to which the pres
ent is a summer flaw. Then the ques
tion was the endorsement of the Kan
ttas.Nebraska bill which had been pass.
ed under the adrninistrationof that fear
less and indomitable Democrat and up.
tight public servant, FRANKLIN PIERCE,
and the result in the five States of Ohio,
Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York and
New Sersey was as follows
Dem. Opp.
In Penn's, the members returned were, 5 20
Ohio, " 0 21
Indiana, tf 0 11
New York, " 16 5 28
New Jersey, " 1 4
This was a sad falling off from the
former elections in these States, at
which the returns stood-12 members
from Ohio, 23 from New York, 4 from
New Jersey, 16 from Pennsylvania, 10
from-.lndiana. Yet, notwithstanding
this defeat in 1854, in two years from
that time the Democracy, not only o f,
those States, but in all sections of the
Union, rallied for the 500, and after
one of the most desperate political con
tests on record, carried the Union, en
dorsed the Kansas Nebraska bill, paid a
just tribute to FRANKLIN PIERCE, and
placed in the Presidential •chair the
present worthy and patriotic officer, Mr.
BUCHANAN. Who would have thought
that such results would float from the
---acteitt or 1854? Yet they did, and sim
ilar ones will follow the present over
throw if the party be true to itself, true
to its principles and true to its organl•
za don: -
this defeat is to be avenged,
thiifirW be no shrinking from princi•
ple. When the Kansas-Nebraska bill
was assailed in 1854, the party at once
closed up its ranks, and stood like a
wall of adamant against all attacks.—
No man thought of making concessions
or proposing a truce. That measure
bad been adopted by the party as one
of its , leading dogmas, and its defence
became a sacred duty to every man
claiming to be attached to the Demo
cratic organization. It was this heroic
determination that plucked the victory
of 1856 from the defeat of 1854. The
same result will follow the overthrow
of 1858, if the finality of the English
Compromise Bill be strictly adhered to
by the party. The expedients of the
day have turned to ashes like the Dead
Sea fruits. They did not win votes
from the opposition—they did make sad
the heart and slacken the zeal of many
a devoted, zealous, heroic party man, in
our old Democratic Commonwealth,
whose Democracy ever have and still
hale temporising expedients, while they
are ready to face the world for princi
ples boldly enunciated and gallantly de
The way to mend the breach in the
party is perfectly apparent. It is to res.
oltitely follow principle as we did in
1854, and fight it through on the plain
platform of the National Democracy,—
There is something contageous in the
example of a band of men organized
for the defence of the right, and con
tending for truth and justice in the face
of all opposition. They will nerve the
timid, reassure the irresolute, and even
bring back those who have strayed from
the - true political faith from impure and
corrupt motives. Such then is the . du
ty: of the Democracy of this State at
the present time. .The' owe it to them
selves, they owe'irro -their brethren in.
other States. Let us have no more
dodging the real questions at issue. If
they be wrong, they should he repudi•
aced—lf right, supported with the whole
force of party discipline and organiza
tion. If such o course be adopted, the
year 1860 will witness as triumphant a
vindication of the present policy of
the Democratic party, as did the year
1856, of the policy of FRANKLIN
PIERCE, and those who voted for the
Kansas• Nebraska bill. These are les.
sons from the past. Let us profit by
them rather than seek expedients by
which to account for the present defeat.
mencement .of the search (or Mr. Thurs
ton, the missing mronaut, in the swamps
of Michigan, and Canada West, the
bodies of two men have been dis
covered, but 'neither was identified as
that of Mr. Thurston. One of these
was found near Monroe, Mich., and the
other in the river, at Tilbury East, in
A Correspondent of the Chicago Free
Press, refleciing,on his sad fate, had
b9en !'.‘induced to compute the time he
would be in falling to the earth ; his
mean velocity, as well as the momen
tum with which he would strike the
earth. His elevation was thought to be
three miles when he was last seen, and
assuming this to be the distance he fell,
it would only require thirty,one and a
half seconds for him to reach the earth,
a mean velocity of 495 feet per second.
Assuming his weight to be 160 pounds :
he would strike the earth with a mo
mentum equal to 160,800 pounds, or a
little more than 60 tons, a power suffi
cient to scatter his body, bone and mus•
cle into atoms so minute as scarcely to
be perceptible, if not to bury him deep
into the earth."
(:*-- The Deily News of Philadelphia,
the organ of the Know-Nothings, boasts
that "more than one half of the Ger
man vote in Philadelphia was thrown
for the People's candidates on Tues
day of last week." Pethaps now, when
the opposition have the German vot e ,
they will not feel quite so anxious to
disfranchise them, by obliging them to
reside 21 years in the country before
they can become, citizens. Still, we
shall not he surprised it the opposition
legislature next winter pass an
amendment to our State Constitution to
this very effect. A combination of
"Americans" and Republicans can now
very easily effect what they have been
striving for this long time, viz :—de
grading adopted whites to 21 years' ser
ritude, before granting them the right
of suffrage, and striking the Word 'white'
from our constitution. The first point
(or the "Americans" and the last for the
Republicans, can both be achieved by
a compromise, and probably will. The
"German vote of Philadelphia" will
then have leisure to learn wisdom from
the experience of the past.
Senate parties stand 18 opposition to 15
democrats, and• in the. House, the oppo
sition have a majority of 44. This ma
jority of the opposition_ party •in both
branches of our Legialature is so great
that they can do just as they please.—
The Democracy are entirely powerless,
and hence, if evil legislation is the re
sult, the opposition will be responsible.,
therefor. But fortunately, when they
get to Harrisburg,' they cannot do much
harm. The treasury is nearly empty al
ready ; the public works have been'gly
en away, and banking has become too
profitless to make bank charters an ob
ject. It is possible, therefore, from the
very necessity of the case, that we may
even have a passably honest Black Re
publican Legislature. But we hardly
expect it. •
(*— Since writing the above we learn
that the Hon. Win. U. Welsh, is re•e•
lected to the Senate from the York dis
trict, by 353 majority. This, however,
still gives the opposition one majority,
BERES Berks county
the entire Democratic tieltet, with the
except;on of Hun. J. Glancy Jones is
elected. Mr. Jones is defeated by 19
votes, according to the reports of the
Return Judges; but a great many frauds
have, already been discovered, which
may yet make it necessary for Mr. Jones
to contest the election of his opponent.
In the South-west Ward of the city of
Reading five more votes were returned
than the actual number of votes polled.
But the opposition don't cheat, and the
extra number of votes happened in a
Nunemacher, the Democratic candi
date for the Senate has 197 majority,
and the DemocratitState Ticket 4,700.
Hon. J. Glancy Jones has been
appointed Minister to Austria. Good.
.tionon.-:—On Tuesday last,
after an embittered fight, Hon. John
Hickman, of West Chester, was re-e
-lected to- Congress, beatiag his demo
cratic and opposition competitors by a
handsome majority. While the Tele
graph was carrying his .success over the
Union, and eliciting apPlause from mil
lions, he was, no doubt; at that very
moment, the unhappiest of all who
knew his name. His wife, an estimable
lady, and kind, charitable and beloved
helpmate, (ied on the evening of the
'election, leaving her - husband, a bereav
ed widower, and a large' family
. of or-
The sounds of triumph ''-
rn Pha u a st c h h a i v l e are' s 'n oded demoniacal to his
PRITADELPHIA.—The average oppo
sition majority in Philadelphia is about
6,000. Col. Florence has a plurality
of 349, out of which the Return Judges,
with the assistance of Mayor Henry, at
tempted to cheat him, and withhold his
certificate of dection. The fraud was
so glaring, however, that the matter
could not he consummated, and his cer
tificate was granted. It is now said
that his Republican opponent trill con
test his seal. If he does, and the
Flouse is Republican, he will be suc
Ozr The opposition majority on the
State ticket is considerable, probably
30,000, possibly 40,000. Those who,
feel interested in it, will count it be
fore long, when we shall give the re
sult to our readers. The opposition
will not need another victory like that
of last week to ruin them,—it will do
it. The Dernocratic party stands in a
better condition to-day for future victo
ries than does the opposition notwith
standing their victory of last week.
Kansas Afairs—Free State Conven•
tion Called.— ST. LOUIS, Oct ober 16.
—The Central Committee of Kansas
has called for a Free State Delegate
Convention to he held at La wrence,
November 10, for the purpose of dis
cussing, various questions connected
with the present organization of the
Territory-and to determine the true pol
icy of the party as to 'the question of
obtaining a speedy admission into the
Union as a Free Stele.
LANCASTER, Oet. 16.—The Lancas
ter Examiner and Herald, for the past
seventeen years edited by E. C. Darling•
ton, Esq., as the leading Whig and Op
position paper of this county, has been
sold to John A, fleistand, Esq. Mr. H.
is Well known throughout the State,
having represented this county for three
years in the State Legislature. The
paper tinder the now arrangtnent will
be strongly Republican or opposition
to the Administration in its politics.
The comet is having a singular in
fluence at Buffalo. Gentlemen who
sit up to get an early view of it in the
morning are perplexed by seeing two
comets apiece, each with two tails, be
sides a great variety of other stars not
distinctly specified. Some of the Buf
falo papers are in great tribulation about
NICASTEP COU NTv.—ln Lancaster
county the entire Opposition : ticket is
elected by an average opposition major
ity of 3,500. Mr. Stevens' majority is
Onro has gone for the opposition
by about 75,000 majfirity. The Cun•
gressional delegation will stand 15 Re
publicans and 6 Democrats.
DArrprinv,Courmr.—ln this county,
the whole opposition county ticket is
elected. Mr. Killieger's minority is 975.
oz:r The indications are that • the
Democrats have carried Indiana by frtitn
1,000 to 5,000 'majority.
President—James Buchanan, of Pa..
Vice President—John C. Breckenridge. Ky.
Speaker of House—James L. Orr, S. C.
Secretory of State—Lurie 0:1$$, Mieh.
Secretary of Trea.,ory—unwell Cobb; Ga.
Secretary of Interior—Jacob Thompson, Mice.
Secretary of Nary—lsalle Toney, Conn.
Secretary of War—John B. Floyd, Va.
Postmaster General—Aaron V. Brown, Tenn.
Attorney General—Jeremiah S. Black, Pa.
Chief :fin - dice—Boger B, Taney; Associate Jus
tices—John McLean, James S. Wayne, John
Citron; Peter V. Daniel, Samuel :Nelson, Robert
C. Grier, John 4. Campbell, Nathan Clifford.
Governor, Win IFlter, en
Seeretary of , State. Win \1 Deister,
Surveyor General. John Rowe, Friiiklin
Auditor General, J rob Fry, Montgomery
State Treasurer, Alioiry S Itingra or, Lamm:der
Sup't Public slelowis, Henry U Dauphin
Canal COM, Arnold Eleiner, Venunim ; George
Scott, Columbia ; :Nimrod Strieklaal, Cheter.
Judges or Supreme Court, Walter 11 Lowrie, Chief
Jitetiee, Wm A Pm ter, Geo. W Woodward, Jt*.
Thollll3soll, Win Strung.
President eitniTe, john J Pearson
A 5:) e to Jutike,s, - Win Rank, G 13 Deppin
Sheriff, ILivid It Shuey
Prothonotary—J W libur
Recorder 1 Clerk of Oharier SClsEions, C P
Register, Daniel Stroh, jr
Clerk of orphnns' Court, Jefferson 13 Light
Treasurer, Joseph Bowman
CoTumissioncrs, Frederick Shulti, Jacob K Bach
man, Michte; Deininger
Commissioners' Counsel, Levi Kline
Clerk, Cyrus Shirk
Messenger, Samuel Lutz
County Superintendent, John It Kluge
District Attorney,Levi Meily
Steward, Daniel Light
Directors, Isaac 13arto, Levi Kreider, Smug Bohm
Almshouse hysicinn, Dr Vim M Guilford
Auditers, John S Bomberger, John Light, (tan.
ner) Henry Brandt
County Surveyor, Adam Grittinger
Coroner, acrid Mick
Mercantile Appraiser, Win II Mach
Chief Burgess, Jacob Weidle
Ass't Burgess, J B Daugherty
Council, Henry Bubb, Gee Melly, Il T Hoffman,
Philip Arentz, J M Math, Wm. C Fauber
Borough Counsel, J W Mish
High Constable, Coo Walter
Justices of the Peace, Jos Wein], A S Ely
Constable, Jos Shantz
School Directors, Ed A Uhler, Jacob Smith, Elias
Haber, H Zimmerman; H Derr, S T McAdam
Assessors, S Harbeson, (w w) A II Einbith,(o w)
Ass't Assessors, Joel Goodhart, Adam Rise, (w
Chas Greenawalt, John D Krause, (e w)
Supervisors, Jas Lascomb: (w w) GBorgner,(ew)
Judges, Geo Snavely,(*w) Bernard-Rauch, (e w)
Inspectors, Abner W Hartman, Peter L Stanch,
(w w) J Rodarmel, J ll. Hoffman, (c w)
Surveyor. Isaac Hoffer . .
Treasurer, Edw A Uhler
Post Mistress, Mrs A L Ruthrauff
Henry Mepord, Henry Ruth
Wood Corddr, Doti Phreaner. -
Chief Burgess, Franklin Walter
.Ass't Burgess, Gideon Light
Council, Cyrus Mutch, Geo Fisher, .Jos Euston,
Josiah Dchuli, John Immel,4lenrz Lape
. High Constable; Peter Eckhitroth; -
Wood Corder:Jan:Fox', sr •
Justice of the Peace,John G Light
Assessor, Absalom ain
Ass't Assessors, Goo Hoffman, C H Borguer
School Directors, S Iteineohl, Thus Foster, floury
Boltz, John Miller, E li Khnrnel, J Pence
Supervisory, Julie Arnold, incolt (30 111 . Y. sr
Judge, Jobe Ilene, sr
Inspectors, Abraham Hostetter, Win Black
Coustaldc, Andrew Fuse:lda
Auditor; Sinned Fisher
From Ph Ittl*a and the East, at 11A- a m
From Harrisburg and the West, lit4pm
From Lane,ster, bed‘re tl 5 mu t 6 p m
From Shafferstown, 01, 10 a 01
From Frederickslmrg and ,Tonez , town 7 at 9 a in
From Ileilman's Dale, at 9 a tn.
%1.711...111 , tit.s close here at the following hours :
For the East, at p ndr f For Lancaster, at 8a m.
For the West, at 11 a itillPor Slicefferst'n, at 31-p m
For Fredericksburg and Jonestown, at 3, p. m.
For lleihnan's Dale, at 3i p.
Ladies Fair Commencing;
„Grp JUST kECEIVED. a large assortment of New
Style Dress Goods.
Ilich, Fancy Dress Silks.
Soper Itetra Black Silks,
Plain and Fancy Co' ,wings,
Plain Poll De. Ch Ivor 0.
All Wool Detainee. very Cheap,
111 o u et i It Doktines at all priex , s,
Plain and Printed 'French Marinocs.
Alpaca Lustre* Plain t kit ney,
Loma Plaids, limey colored,
Bayadere Yalencias,
Persian Cloths,
Shaded Cashmeres,
Chintzes, Prints.
Gala Plaids.-
Aml en endless variety of other dress goods, just re:
mired, and fur sale at reduced prim , . by
Ito! all ye fair ladies, who seek or desire,
To set off your beauty with handsome attire ;
Who have learned the great art bows heart to enthral,
By the hue of a dress or tie told of a shawl,
Would you know where tha patterns you wont may be
found ;
Woul:l you know where fine goods in profusion abound;
Would you Fashion and Taste in your purchase com
Then lot me escort you to lIENITY 4, STINE.
.L:4; p 4.,41
51.'4 „
zz. •
• - - - - • -
••• a - tr:
' l ;7 I.' •-•
g 4
.r.. t 4 ©
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Ft". ;." t l 5 tVi ?.;
! 72 ! 1 1 : 4 1! 1 :! - 4t 4
=, pie
9 .27
Nov " ! ea
" , , , F4
" 4
r • 2' • •F: ."°=. g
Grand Openings
ILI Blank, Drown. Green Blue, Cadet, s.e.
Beaver and Thibet Cloths.
Pilot anti Mohair Cloths, all colors.
Medium grades in side strip,,s, &e
Doe skin Casimeres,
Cadet, Oxford and brown mixed.
Bell double and twisted Casimeres.
Plain side Stripes and plaid,
Cotton IYarp Cloth.
Heavy Black awl Brown.
In every variety of styles—Black, Drown, and
intrd goods. -
Pine Casimere
Mack and Colored Satin, plain and figured.
Some very handsome Silk Yestingi,
And a large stock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING
fin! Men's and Boy's Wear.
Under Shirts. Drawers, Stockings, Unseats. Collars,
Ilandkerehiefs,Suspenders. A great variety is said at
great ha gains. ---)m Call and see, at
Sluaving, glair Dressing, and
Sliampooning Saloon.
VIMMERMAN C. WHALEY would respectfully in-
Li form the public that they have REMOVED their
stablishment to Market street, nest &ler to John M.
Mark's Hotel, Lebanon, where it will give them pleasure
to wait on all who may fkvor them with their patronage.
They have had much experience in the business, anti will
spare nu pains to give entire satisfaction to their ensto.
titers. They have made every arrangement for the pet ,
feetiou of their business. They cordially invite a call and
trial. frehillloll. March a, 18S
The Hammonton Fanner, a newspaper devot
ed to Literature and Agriculture, ago setting forth full
accounts of the to:w settionet of ilammonton, to New
Jersey. can he tmbsvriLe4 fur et Only 2.5 eta. per annum.
Inclose postage stamps , or the amount. Address to
Editor of the Farmer, Hammonton, Atlantic, Co., New
Jersey.. These wishing eheap lands. of the best quality,
in one of the healthiest and most delightful ell Antes in
the Union, see advertisement of ilammonten Lands.
Dry-Goo3s, Grocery & Crockery.
lA4 MUER ' ,TOR E.
- 1 . EONALDI:I3I3.II:I:3IAS informs his friela f „„a lL
Public that he ha, just receiv,l a wow Stook of
GOods for Ike Winter Trade,
which will he fain,' as cheap as any estop k of the kind in
OAS town. consisting of all such OOOOS as are usually
kept in a 11r:44:lass store.
Particular.attention is siren to Staple G oo d s for th e
country trade, not neglecting the fancy articles for LA.;
DIES' WEAR—such as Laces, Lawns, Edgings, Under
sleeves. ItandkerchiefS,
CENTLEidEN are invited to examine his CLOTHS,
Casshneres,'Casinets, Tweets, Fancy and other Vestings,
Velvets, Cords...te.
lu the GRACE!: Y department may be found a
splendid assorttosntof I.Alq"y need in the Family:
Coffee. Sugar. Spices, Teas, MaeltereL &e. In
CROCR - ERY . ti stuck is well selected.
.oe. The highest market pries wilt be paid for COUN
TRY VRODUCE. [Lebanon, Sept. 22,185 a
COUNTRY .aIEROLIANTS WOlllll to well to roll ne
on Waltz & Rteti-1 and examine their Jorge 00(1 well s,e
-leeted stoek of Note, Letter .& . Cap Paper, Lead and Slate
Pencils, Rnvolope4, Ink, and elates, which have been
purchased with a view to supply them
switwrz-& It 0 •
. 7
Fancy For:—liw Ladies and
OM: FARE! RA A co., No. SIS (new no.) MARKET
ts) Street, above Eighth. Patt.stia.---Importers. Manu
facturers and Dealers id FANCY FURS, Sir Ladies and
Children; also, (ten's Furs, For Collars, and Cleves,—
The number of years that we haw been engaged in the
Fur business, and the general character of our Furs,
both for quality and price is so generally known through
out the country, that we think it not necessary for us to
so y anything more than that we have now opened our
assortment of FURS, for the Falb and Winter Sales, of
the largest and most beautiful assortment that we have
ever offered before to the public. Oar Furs have all
been Imported during the present season, when money
was scarce and Furs lunch lower titan at the present
time, and - have been manufactured by the most camps'
tent workmen; we are therefore determined to sell them
at such priceses will continue to give as the reputation
we have borne for years, that is to sell a good article far
a very small profit,
Storekeepers will do well to give us a call, as they will
;Ind the largest assortment by far to select from in the
city, and at manufacturers prices.
No. 818 MARKET Street, above Sth,,PHILAVA.
Sept. 22, ISSS.-4 mos.
Take Notice.
LEBANON. have opened a large and commodious
ANCE PALL, opposite the Post-oMce. The principal
Newspaptrs and Magazines of the country wilt always
be found on Me. The valuable collection of books for
inert), constituting, the 'WISTAR LIBRARY," sea
also on our shelvesand additional books arc now being
-selected to make the Library of the Association one of
the most valuable in the State. Contributions of suita
ble books are solicited from all who desire. to see the
young men of our town supplied with a healthy moral
aud religious literature. We intend that the Library
shall he comprehensive and select. SIMON 3 B
Wm. G. WARD and TBRODORE OYES, the Commit
tee appointed, will be happy to receive such contribu
tions of books or a note stating where they may be
called for. Reading Room open every Tuesday, Thurs
day, Friday and 'Saturday evenings. from 6 to 10 o'clock.
Persons desiring to-become members should de so im
mediately. Dy Order of the Board.
Lebanon, Getober 6,1855.
QWARTZ & BRO. have now open their Fall and Win
k., ter stock, which they are selling at the lowest cash
prices. P 1041813 call and judge for yourself.
MIXTENSION SKIRTS--Duglas and Sher ward's Pat
..l2/ ant with, adjustable Bussels at SWARTZ & BRO.
WOOLEN STOCKING :YARN--a full assortment, at
. ,
GROCERIF.S sold unusually low at
A THINS A IlicADAlil have Just received a new stack
of Boris, Sheer, Tranka and Traveling Bags.
. . _...
"Hotne ik gain VI
THE undersiOed would respectfully inform
thc public that thov have returned livom erptin
with their TI N-11" Aill.: At SHEET IRON ilS'i„Vit
...._ LI 511 M ENT to the well.ltinuen place ill (~,,,,pherl
and erect. opposite. the Eq-file Batldings, Lebanon, Pa.,
where they shall tr, phat.<cl to accommodate all custom
ers, at the shortest notice, and ou the most reasonable
The 51101' will be found in the Basement of
Rise's New Budding and the WA ItE-ROO3l on the tint
floor of the same Building, - next door to Rithor's Dry
Goods Store. The Shop is a magnificent one—it being
tim handsomest in the County, and well calculated fur
such a purpose.
2t' They would return their sincere Mends for the
liberal patronage afforded them, and particularly this
last season. 'KA_ Hoping that their noticing efforts to
please aunt their return "HOME" to the old stand Belong
occupied by Sontf Rise, will insure for them a Still more'
liberal patronage, they would invite all to give them a
call before purchasing elsewhere.
Lebanon, Dec.3o, TA% RISE tt DAUGHERTY.
Tin and Sheet. Iron Ware
Next door Mae Lebanon Bank, in Lcbanon
JAMES N. 110GBItS takes this method of informing
his friends end the public in general that hd contin
ues to carry on bneiness at the shove stand, where he of
fers for sale the largest mid best assortment of TIN
TIMM, made of the very best material and by compe
tent workmen. TIN 11.000ING, SPOUTING, and JOB
BING of all kinds promptly attended to.
As he is a practical workman, and attends to ail ids
business personally, his cu tamers can depend upon hay
in; their work done right.
Call and see and judge for yours , Ices before purchas
ing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors be hopes by
strict attention to business, and •punctualfty, to still re-
Cc-IMO a share of public patronage.
We the undersigned. Citizens of the borough of Leba
non, Lebanon county, do hereby Certify, that we are per
sonally acquainted with +/MIMI N. Rogers, and have em
ployed him to do Tin Roofing and ether Tin and Sheet
Iron Work for us; all of which he has done in a good,
substantial and workmanlike manner. We therefore
take great pleasure in recommending him, with full con
fidence in his ability as a practical and competent work
man, to the public at large.
Samuel Behm. M. D., Jos. Bowman, Tr., Levi Kline,
W. M. Guilford; M. D.. Josiah Punch, John George.
Lebanon. June 0,1855.
Fash lona Mc Tailoring and
Clothinn• Store
- •
-Ero yo who would get R fine suit, dressed up in kyle
11. from top to toe. Coll and see. Save 20 per cent.,
clear gain ' at the NEW CLOTHING STORE, 2d story o
CENTRE BUILDENG, of Itaherfi Brothers.
FARMERS will find it touch to their ads - ant:lp to bring
their produce to the Cheap Store at the Centre Buildings,
Of .fiAllfiß s Bilonxtats.
The TAILORING for Custom work receives the personal
attention of IL & J. M. ItAnan, with more rare than ev
er. Having secured the best workmen, they are prepar
ed to make up the most fashionable work at short no
tice. The Clothing nil warranted, if they do not please
they need not be taken. Lebanon May, 12, 185t>
Dir Fashionabie
^l, Ticli XL HOFFMAN still continues the TAILORDNI
Business at. Ida OW Stand in Cambcrland street,near
Plonk Road. whvre all persons who wish garments Malin
lip in the moat fashionable styleand beat manner, are in
vited to call. Ile has lately received the New York,
Paris and London reports of
-Spring and Summer Fashions,
and as• he has none but the best workmen employed, , me
guarantnes that ell work entrusted to him will be done
in a Fatisthetery manner.
his thanks to his old customers for their pat
ronm•ge heretofore, he respectfully solicits public favor.
TO TAlLORS'.—.lust received and for sale the lti.Vork.
and Philadelphia Report of Spring * Summer Fashions.
Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriher
know of the fact, sollimt he can make his arrangements
accordingly. MICILYA, lIOFFMAN.
Lehtmon, April 14, 180.
Fashionable . Trail siring.
TIMM subscriber respecthilly informs his friends and
I. the public in general, that he has commenced the
TAILORt Mk BUSINESS in an its branches, at his resi
dence, in East Lebanon, (Cumberland Street,) 2 squares
east from Major Moyer's Motel, (south side.) By atten
tion to business. promptness in his engagements. good
fits. anti mOerate charges, he hopes to receive a share
of the public patronage, Ile was a long time in the em
ploy of Michael Wagner, deed., and feels confident of
gking general satisfitction. Being a new beginner he
solicits the patronage of the public.
Lebanon, may 12, ISSS.. ffir,ollo ii MeCAULLY.
Merchant. Tailoring .f:stab.-
GU_3IC respectfully informs the public that he has
purchased the Clothing Establiehment olG.Cump,
Se continues MEECIIA NT TAILORING in nil Its branch.
es at his establiAnnent. No 1. EMI Ls n UTLDINGS. next door
to the Eagle Hotel. Ile fin ehLgant assortment of
Cloths, Cassimers. Vestings,
and Enrnzshing Goods,
in general. which he solicits the public to examine. lie
Audi devote his particular attention to fitting and malt
ilic,, up to order. Those wishing clothing made well and
fashionably are invited to call.
N.13-2 4 :1ways on hand a large assortment of HOME
MADE CLOTHING, to which the attention of the nubile
is also directed. GAIIIIIEL f MIL', Ayent.
Lebanon, AnguA 110858.
Clothing . . 1 .
nLOTIITNO to suit Ate yoking Mid the old.
CLOTHING for Winter to keep out the cold,
CLOTHING all colors. black, brown, and blue,
CLOTHING well mode, and ihshionable too.
(OPING of elegant fit I declare.
CLOTHI NO, whirl' all take a pride in to .wear,
CLOTHING the bet that eau be bought,
CLOTHING well sewed just as it ought,
CLOTHING which any one clothing may call,
CLOTHING for men, youths, boys, and all,
CLOTHING the largest useortuieut in town,
CLOTHING- for Smith, for Jones, and for Brown,
CLiMI INC for all the rest of maukind,
CLOTHING. and all that belongs to Unit line;
CAN ba bought cheaper than ever before,
BROTeat'S Cleat) Clothing
largest, best selected stock of Clothing and Fur
nishing goods ever brought to town, is now unpacked
and great tannins altered by
RII.ITZENSTEIN 1 - 1180T1.1.1 7 .11.
_ , .
Pe Lovers of the ileassliful.
MI anti ,die! itina fa Near time!
MILE "Centre Bali! dings" are full of NEW GOODS.—
The taste of the must fastidlutto with be gratified, I
every neeeptatien of the term, when beholding the bonen
ful New Skylos of Ladies Drees Goods. Among the many
we will name a few. such as Puilerle-elmore, eireasion
Plaid and Stripe; Plalti. Stripe, Lk:ink:re and Printed Va
twines : French Prinked and pinin colors, all-wool 1/..•-
loin; Printed and plain Cashmere, French Merino Le
witt' ityadere; N-de-I.ltin, English end .Aitteriean Chintz.
and Fancy, 'Velvet Itynderc. &c., acknow
ledged to mamas anything of the kind In this Borough.
Shawls/ a variety. Collars. Gloms, /factory, &e.
DomeYlic Gaor4—Muslin, Ticking, Cheek, &c.. &c., eo
cheap that you can save money by purchasing your sup
plies nt Itaber .1
Patinas, all colors, very cheep. 9t will pay. Gentle
men to purchase their Cloth, Oyer coating, Casshnores,
Satinets and I'mtings, for themselves and their ]toys. out
of the vary large and well selected Stock,Just opened at
the Centre But Wings of RAISER A BROS., who always
. . .
MEA DY MADE ClArrfind to piazze everybody.
Letzutem September Irals, 1853.
Lebanon Female s -. eininary.
SEMINARY" w HI eminency nn the first any of Ssr
rotnEn, next. Madame DECAMPS wilt gieu inntruction
iu Needle Work.
AIODIRSTB DECA T'eacher of Music d•
Lebanon, Aug. 24, 2853.
Leeches! Leceikes
-GXVINE ImporfetilEhro.dh=h Gauche. on hand, and
Sep t. fur Pule by . 1 ESEI4:Ii,
1, 1858 Drag5*...1.3,7-
CLOCKS, C L 0 Cric%B3f:.
From $1,25 to $lO. 8 day and 30 kola..
Oct. 22, '5B.
, TTOIINJW-A'f-LAW--Otlice in Cumberland Street,
Hourly oppcu.ite the Court Muse, will promptly at
tend to all professional business entrusted to him.
Lebanon, Sept. 16, 1558.
1). S.. RAISER,
Lebanon, Aug. 11, Mg-gm*
Condi; in Cumberland street, nearly ooposito Brua's
:kJ hotel, Lebanon, Pa. jAug. 21!‘ '57.
• • • • GAS FITTER.
D.RmaNG A. S. ELY'S Office, Walnut street, Leba.
11„ non,l'a. A large and beautiful assortinentor Ft
TURNS firm the well•kngwrn establishment or Cog:lamas
A Maack, always otilittnd at Philadelphia prices.
Air-A ll work warranted to give aatisfaction. &Gl` All
orders will be faithfully eiceuted oirthe most reasonable
terms, The best of reference given.• [Sep. 1t1,'57.
P. G. Wilk EL. • .
Union Deposit, Dauphin Coual.V. It'.
I AM PREPARED, at all tinies t to put up Dazes
Won't, in ull its branthee t andon the shortest. ..ff
notice. 'Also, BRICE BUILDINGS. Itonzas, I NW
WALLS,' BASHES, Materna, and all work connect- FIP '
ed with a FURNACE, dona.. Sia.-.A Cangof Stone • , •ns
always ready to put ilciwn foundations t auddostone work
of every description . [July 1, '57-tf.
AU wanting to emigrate to a bßd climate, good soil, and
fine market, see advertisement nfHavaraimlon Lands.
To all wanting Farm', aco adrertieemont of Hammon
ton lamb.
_\WALTZ b ROHDE!. can supply Country 3lerchan
with the following AIaCS at city rates,
Lancaster Agricultural Alumnae, Eng.
North American
Uncle Sam
n peat Western
American Town awl Country
Old Clermantown
Brother Jonathan
J. M. Good's Book :More.
rrtnE ,New and Cheap Book Store of the under
signod is located in Market Street, 2 doors
north of Guilford C l i emberger's thug Store, where he
will be pleased to see all his old friends, and those desi
mos of having articles in his line. With a determina
tion of sellingcheaper than Can be purchased elsewhere,
he would respectfully call the attention of the public to
his assortment of Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Mis
cellaneous' Blank and School Teaks. Midland Wfedow
Paper, Stationery, and every article in his line of busi
ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for 1851. All
the Matemirtes and Newspapers, both daily and weekly,
to be had at publisher's rates.
Alt orders far articles in his line carefully and prompt
ly attended to, by the undersigned.
Lebanon. Jan 14, 1558. J. 31. GOOD.
Books! Books!
- WALTZ & RIEDLE would respectfully
j 1 Inform the Public, that they constantly
receive from the Eastern Cities, copies of
the most important and attractive
New Books, as soon as published, which they offer for
sale cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere.—
Among those lately received are—
Parton's Aaron Burr,
Livington's Travels and Researches in South Africa.
Spark's Life of Franklin,
Abbott's Napoleon,
City of the Great King, -
Bayard Taylcr's Northern Travels, .
Debit and Credit,
The Reason Why. ,
They bare always on hand alarge a.ssortmentof SchOol
Books. Wank Itnoks and Stationery, Sunday School
Books. and a large assortment of Flute, Piano,
Violin and Guitar Mugc,... ,, lttsamT.covAtcrlbi..
Indian and Violin instructor.
of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture,
Window Shades.
Tice Monthly Magazines,
and all the
NEWSPAPERS, daily 4' Weekly,
Can be had by calling at the store, on Cumberland street,
in the borough of Lebanon, at the sign or the "Big Book."
IMOrders left with them for any kind ofgoods in their
line, Will be promptly attended to.
Lebanon, Feb. 4, IBSS.
_ _
Blue Black Writino -
AItitANTED equal to any, either American or For
!' eign. Its advantages over other ink are:
Ist—VE MGT VIDITY-41otring entirely free
from the pen, and therefore eminently adapted to the
moot rapid writing—casing about half the time over
coarse Common ink.
2d—XOT CLOGGING or "GUM:KING" the pen.
3d—Rut little tendency to corrode .steel pens etinipnreci
with olltert+.
4.ol—ltarely, if ever, hecailling mOrddy.—The color. at first delicately BLUE, becomes simn
afterwards PtiRiELY BLACK, and NOT BROWNISH
6th—Being an actual dye, it is more DIFFICULT TO
ERASE than ennimen
7th—The writing executed with this perfectly limpid
fink!. has a more liClieate and beautiful outline than that
written with common ink; and a freedom of hand is
more readily attained. lam' For nab by
September 15,'58.--4t WALTZ & IttEDEL.
lendid Gifts !
Al 430 Chethint at. The Only Orfyinol Gift Book-store.
G. E ANS would inform Ids Men& and the public
that hit Star Gift Book - Store S. Publishing Mouse
is permanently established in Brown's splendid iron
boildi»g. 439 Chestnut street, two do Irs below Fifth.
where the purchaser of each book at the regular retail
price, will receive one of the fAlowing gifts, valued at
from 25 cents to 5100:---
550 Patent English Lever Gold Watches, 5100 00 each.
550 Patent Anchor do do 20 00 "
400 Ladies' (told Watches, 15k. eases. 35 00 "
COO Silver Ilunting Watches, warranted, 15 00 "
500 Parlor Timepieces. 10 03 "
500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and Pins, 10 00
500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets. 500t012 OU "
500 Gents' Vest and Fob Chains, 10 00 "
1000 Gold Lockets (large size double case,) 10 00 "
2000 Gold Lockets. (small 'size.) 300 "
1000 Gold Pencil Cmes, with Gold Pens, 5 00
1000 Extra Gold Pens, with cases and holders, 3 50
2500 Gold Pencils, (ladies') 200 "
2500 Gold Pens. with Silver Pencils, 2 50
2500-Ladies' Gold Pens, with cases and holders, 1 50 "
6500 Gold Rings, (Ladies') 1 00 "
2000 Gents' Gold Rings, 250 "
2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, 250 "
3500 Misses' Gold Breastpin, 150 ca
2000 Pocket Knives, 1 00
2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs, 250 "
2000 do Sleeve Buttons, 250 "
2000 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops, 2 50
8000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases. 5 tr.)
15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet. or Mosaic Pins, 500 "
2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pins, 140 "
5000 Art des of Gold Jewelry, Gift Rooks, Sx., not enu
merated in the above, worth from 25 ets. to $25.
Evans' new Catalogue, which is sent free to all part 7,
of the country, contains all the most popular books of
the day, and the newest publication, all of which will be
sold as low as can be obtained at other stores.
Agents wanted in every town intim Union. Those de
siring so to act, can obtain full partieulars by addressing
as above.
N. R---Being largely interested in publishing baoks,
and buying from other publishers in immense quanti
ties, for cash, 1 em enabled to make larger discounts to
Country Agents and Rook Dealers than can be had at any
other house in the country.
Any book published in the United States, the retail
price of which is one dollar or upwards. will he prompt
ly scut, Gift included, on receipt of publisher's y.rice.
An extra $1 Book and Gift given to any person order
ing ten honks to he sent to one address.
Scud for a catalo-ne Address
G. G. EVAISie..,
459 Chestnut street, Philiti4l
• 2 ) 500 " •
f r M.EN AS AG Y.N'TSt rap
d-s eI 1 In g N • aluable FAMILY WORK.., Which 3t
travt by their low pritT4l, interesting contents. and au
rcrhly Pilaus, Tor circulars, with particulars,
Apply, if you live Eust, to If EN 1101VE, No. 102 Nna
antrat. N. Y., If 'West; to the tame, No.lll. Ciu
chloral Ang.lB, '5B-3ot.
__ _ •
$l,OOO Reward! Look Out!
ti Maker & Jeweler. has just
opened at the EAULE TlCitnrais. in
the town of Lebanon, a /ma WO/ assortment of (laid Rail
road Time-keepani in hunting eases: eight-day Watches,
gold Duplex, gold Anchors, gold cylinder Watches,
Silver railroad limiting )Patches. ,Inplex, anchors, cylin
der, English patent Lever, English Seise Quartiers, and
Boys' 'Watches. Large Music . Boxes, 4. n. and 8 tunes;
gol Fob, Vest and Neck Chains: gold Armlets, Brocalaw
gold Thimbles,Earqings, ilren.t pins . Ncehlaces, shirt-
Studs. Spectaces, .11adallions. Miniature Cases, gold pen
and pencil cases, gold Key Seals. L-e. Silver Tea awl Ta
ble Spoons, Soup Ladles. foband neck Chnins.Speetacles,
Portinimairs.:fine packet and pen Knives, Violins, Violin-
CelOS. Bass Violins , Accordions. Polka% Deus lnstru-
Drunts, Fifes ' Flutes, Clarinets, Guitars, Banjos,
Tawborines, Ladies' Cabins. Rifles, Sharp's Rifles,
Volcanic Rifle, shoots 25 shot in n minute: Colt's Allen's
Volcanic awl Damascus Pistols, eight-tiny and thirty-hour
Clocks, cc., the whole comprising the most extensive as
sortment ever offered in Lebanon nonnty,n till will be sold
at the lowest cash prices.
Watches ~ Cincks.cardidly Reprtired and Warranted.
***Mrs. Kelly has opened n Fancy Millenary Store in
the mime room with Mr. Kelly's Jewelry store. Eagle
[Lebanon April 14, 1858.
G.. S. Clark &
PTO. 23llaiden Lane. New Turk. Manufacturers of
Of every description. otibr their goods direct to the CO,lll
- trade at oho prl °there eltarpe the city deniers,
thereby saving the purchaser about 20 per cent. which
they would have to pay the deniers if bought front them
—our object is to Fell for mall at one pmllt over the cost.
of menuthrturing. Sampled win he furnished to those
who touy desire to WV the goods. AS TUE POZEN PRICE ; and
mn bo sent by expayss. with bill to collect.
• August 13, ISub—ltui.
Colts New Model Pistols,
ERS—SeIf-eocking Pistols or all kinds; fine locket Cut
lery, just received, and will be sold cheaper than ever, at
riItiZENSTLIN & into.
deem Flageolets, Fifes, Flutes, Banjos. Tandieriuout,
°fins, Guitar and Violin Strings. Dulcimer Wire. &c.,&r.,
for sale low at ItEIZENSTEIX . & 11110.
]'OCIiI3T BOOKS.—A largo vuriety of Port
monais, Pocket honks, Wallets & Parses, are sold cheap
er than the cheapest at • I LIMZENS'rEIIti & into.
WATCHES JEWELitY!—A fine assort
ment of Watches & Jewelry, just received and for sale at
Lebanon, July 7, 'SS. 11/11ZENSTEIN & BRO.
AMEDICAL essay on a new. certain and radical cure
of SParmatorriaten, &c., without the use 6f internal
medicines, cauterization, or any mechanical appliances.
Jeer runustrati, the sth edition. in a sealed envelope
gratis and mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of
two stamps.
This little work, emanating from a celebrated member
o f t h o medical profession, gives the most important in. ever published to all persons entertaining
doubts of their physical conditfon, or who am conscious
of having hamrded their health and happines4—:ixintain
ina the particulars of an entirely new and perfect remedy
fur Spermatorrinea or Seminal Wealrnesl, Debility :Ber,
0115111 W, Depression of Spirits, o L
—3 "" Energy, Lassitude.
Timidity, Involuntary Seminal Discharges; Impaired
Prostration of the whole
mental and physical itcapaclty,—by means of which every
one may cure himself Privately, swim trifling xpense.
alit Address Dr. CIL let Avenue, corner
10th street, New York; post B ox, N o. 4 - 686.
• . Sept. 15,4858.-I:n.4u.
To all wanting Burma, goo ixdvortiaernent of Hammon
ton Land&
colon itu,y"
A •
naszit & BROS.
(KTr R E ni 0 V . 420
Wholesale and Retail Drug Store,
ilas been Eernored to his Ness' iidg. on Cmber
land Strout, opposite the Engle B in uildiliv, u
Lebanon. Pa.
- (::r
rimt IP. subscriber respectfully announces to his actitiairt
-1 lances and the In general, that he has con
stantly on hand a large stock of
Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps. Se. ,
gars, tobacco, fie. Also a variety of Fancy Articles too .
numerous to mention, which he offers at low rates.ttud
warrants the qualities of the articles as represented,—
Purchasers will please remember this, and examine the
qualities and prices of his goods before purchasing else--
where. kr.r• Physicians prescriptions and family zdte . i
pesearefully compounded, at all hours of the day or'
night, by calling at the Drug Shire, opposite the tingle-
On Sundays the Store will be opened for the com--
pounding of prescriptions between the hours of 7 and
10 o'clock, A. AL, Id and 1, and d and 5 P. M.
Lebanon, Dec. 9,1857. DAVID S. RAISER.
• rug .
3110DIIM ElLlll l4 mk
Opposite the Market Rouse
PURE :Ind . FRESH, and sold t 9.
At Lemberger's,
At Lemberger's,
At. Lembe . rgees;
At Lemberger's..
At Lembergeres„
At Lemberger's.
With all the articles usually kept in a well-conducted
Firs:l-Ciass Drug Store.
TRUSSES! - 1 14 i.
of every varletl%am( sold at the lowest, market
prices. • AVarrantcd to fit when applied.
- -
E MAPES, accurately compounded by
GRATJUATEof PIIAR3IACY, who has had an experlence
of eight years iu Philadelphia and ItielmMud, - Ta.
Supplied witn fuming Fluid, Pine , Oil, Essence of Coffer,
Matebes, Blocking. Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye, Es
sences, Medicines, Perfumery, &c., at the most liberal
Wholesale rates, by •
L. LEMitERGER,DermoiSis A Apormicana
Lebauou, Aug. 11, 185 S. - Market &res.
Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa.
TIE. ROSS respectfully announces that he has for
sale a large and varied assortment of Drugs, Medi
cines. Dyestuffs, Perfumery, Trusses, Patent Medicines,.
and Fancy floods, which are offered at the lowest prices.
An experience in the Drug Business of over 20. years, and
strict attention to the waists of the Dublin, enable him
the first style of the Science.
Are the most certain cure for Worms
t use_ They are sweet. and no-child
ill refuse to take them. ;PerSon, , t
mold ask for "Dr. Boas' Worm Dozen
," and refuse all others. Many per
ms, not basing this Lozenge ' will try
get you to take sonic otherkind; do
it let them deceive yon---vou can al
get them at Dr. Ross' Drug store,
Mahon, and von can have.them sent
you, free of expense by mail, if you
tclose the price in a letter. If less
,an a dollars worth is wanted, enclose
oat-office stamps, and you will receive them by return
f mail. port ^mid. Dr. Ross will send them to any pert
f the United Stater, ou reccipf of the money. Send ou
hen, and get them. Price 55 cents.
These Pills operate without giving - the least pain or nu
eainc,,,s, and can be taken with positive advantage in
all caves in which a purgative would be tieqiieNt ; tD4 the
eommencement of Fevers ' Costiveness, Liver Complaint,
some forms of Dyspepsia, Headache, Impure Blood. and
all diseases arising from impurity of bhcd. They will
be found superior to any other pill in use. Price 2 - 4
etc. per box. Will be sent by mail on rezeipt of the mo
ney. Sold only by Dr. Ross, 'Lebanon, -
DR. Ross"roxic mixTuitE.
A sumnior medicine for the cure of Sick fleadttelm,
Nervous II adaehe, Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetite. Nor=
votis Meekness, andall other diseases miming a tonic
Dr. Ross keeps constantly for sale. a large assortment
of Trusses, of all sizes, and various tic price, Aybieh,Veill
be soil very low. Au experience of Li:urethan 20 Years,
give the atiticted advantages not to be had at every. Druz
store. A personal attention to thefitting given. If yon.
need a truss call at Di-. Ross' Drug Store. Lebanen, ••
For Colic, Spasms, Restle , suess,_ &c., of Infanis. It
' calms nervous irritation, soothes pain, and: induces to
sleep ; without leaving the dull, drowsy state thaefol
rsfaws the lieu of other infant drops. Special aitsufi tattention tiskelt tO this remarlinlPlG clai m Mk for Dr, Ilms'i is
itt Drops.
. . .
Is your heir ftiltug oil! ore you troubled with cloud , .
ruff. or iteblug of the hood? Dr. Rol.? Hair Took will
cure thoPe troublee. Prim 25 .to. •
liver anrl,l9uc cured in '24 /wars. Individuals who
hare suffered thr weeks and months, ham been in n sin.
gle day relieved. as if by magic, from the excruciating
chill and burning fever. Sold only at Dr Ross' Store.
For the cure of Sore, Weak, or Inflamed
Eyes. Price 25 eta.
A positive cure for Worms.
The hest Liniment in use for 'Rheuma
tism, Sprains. Swellings. ltruisea.TOoth
ache. Sore Throat, and all painful and
NeutUlgie affections of the •body,'is Dr.
Ito. s' Liniment.
For the cure of spongy and bleeding
gums. Scurvy, for Wyoming and presen ,
ing the teeth and gums, and imparting a delightful fra
grance to the breath. use Di-. Itosi' Tooth Wash.
For the cure of.Rheumatinn. Totter, & . rufnltt, Paine
in the Bones, Old Sores, Pimples on the face, Eruptions
°f all kinds, and all disuses arising from Impure Blood,
or the imprudent use of Mercury. Sold only at Dt.
Ross' Drug store.
Da. Parnor's Coron SYRUP prepared mad sold only
by Dr. Ross, opposite the Court' Irons; is a certain cure
for coughs, Cold, Whooping Cough, &c. Look well to.
the marks of the genuine. See that Dr. Ross' name is
on the bottle.
Evidence stronger than certificates! LAKE'S VEGETA
BLE COMPOUND in performing more wonderful rural than
any other Illetlicine known ! It is perfectly rate to take.
Try it. If you are not tattisfied atter using one• Bottle,
the money will be refunded;- if not able to' pay, ;Mu
Bottle will be given gratis to try it. Price Fire Dollars
per Bottle, or three Bottles for ten dollars. Sold °nig at.
Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Lebanon., Jane ill, 16.53.
CONTINUED pain or easiness in any organ is goner
ally cured by one or more doses of DrandretlCS Pills.
Thirty years's personal experience by the..noctemiTOed.
fullyjustity this amertion. •
Dr. James Lull, of Potsdam, N. Y, says have cur-
I'd the most deplorable costiveness of the bowids with
Ilmmireth'spills.when every other remedy and faller; and
the patient was given up to die. Skin diseases . Of 'an in
veterate and painful character, such as erysipelas, salt
rheum. teller and minim' heat, I have seen eradicated by
their use. I have cured tho rheumatic, the epileptic the.
paralytic and the consumptive with these excellent Dills
In : Jaundice and all affections of. the liver, dyspepsia,.
dysentery and di:written, pleurisy, sudden pains and in
fatuations, female obstructions, scorbutic and scrofulous,.
even gouty and neunagic affections,. have given way to.
the use of this medicine, and now. after twenty' . experi--
mice, my tatimation of I t nuldretli c s.Pilla continues to in-.
A young lady, beautiful and healthy, took cold, which
earned a serious obstruction for 2. 'years ; her health was
broken down and her beauty departed, At length Brand
reties Mk were tried; eleven doges, of from two to four,
were taken in fifteen days preceding the nsual period.—
Regularity was restored, and her health and good looks.
• WOR• •
Braudritles PHIS are the b MS.
best verntifage: the'S , 'are fallible..
.A little child;aix . years old, for some Weeks was
drooping; its mother gave of Bnutdreth's sugar coated
pills; the next day there Lame away a worm. etrteen.
.inches lung, and as. large as a child's finger- The ikild
A gentletunn, away lion) home, WAS taken with:pleuri
sy; the inflammation wan terrible; every breath madtihim
writhe with agony. Bight Brandreth's Pills Were swat_
lowed, and warm oil applied locally; the 'pills op-etited,.
and the pale was rellureil; plenty our grub troetiken
and six won, pills, and the gaud day theigi . l? t aa vni ;
en red.
These statements Ebould have weight; and pieigalt the
use of poisonous drugs, aud stop the slut practices or
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Canal street, Brundredel3 IStdlding;.ut 25 .;oents per box
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IF YOU WANT a good Gold Pen, cell on Waltz a
Rordel for Bagley'e beat.