E pliaitogViurtistr. ==l $1 50 A YEAR .T:•- . :1;BANON, PA. WEBER DAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1858 'sik . HOME AFFAIRS. (MTV ME CONVENTION I DEMOCRATIC CITIZENS of Lebanon ..Coultfy are respectfully requested to tuiseMble in their respective districts, nn Saturday, September 11, 1818, for the purpose of choosing tiro delegates, to rep resent each district in a county convention, to be bed no the following MONDAY, (SEPTIEMBER 13,) at 1 o'clock, p. m., at the public house of ADAM lIAAv, in the borough of Lebanon. West Ward, Lebanon borough, will meet at the public house of Mrs. Rime, at 7 o'clock, p. m. East Ward, at at 7 o'clock, P. in. N. Lebanon, at Zeller's, at .7 o'clock, p. m. Cornwall, at L. Zimmerman's, at 1 o'clock, p. m. South Lebanon, at D. Brute?. North . Lebanon, at B. Zeller's. 'lBouth Annville, at .1. R. Hoilig's. 'North Annville, at J. Carmany's. 'Londonderry, at the usual place. , Beet Hanover, at E. IL Miler's. Swaim*, at S. Rank's. Belie', at the usual place. Jackson, at G. Loin inger's. Millcreek, at 0. Weiglefe. Heidloberg, at B. Dissingees. told Springs, at a suitable place. ;Union, at the Union Forge. By order of the Sept,VbS. STANDING COMMITTEE. See Derby & Jackson's adv. for Agents, in another column, bealtatly "A Casket of Gem of Wit , anti Witainni." - Take „yolo.r old, wort-out, Cane umbra OM% tVIAB. BROTHICRLIPM, at'd have them re-eabet 2t, Fire and Water Proof Roofs.— The eitisons of Lebanon and property owners in general aro respectfully informed tliitt )6* Roofs are put on as altogether completely watt!? , and completely fire proof, besides they are put on much cheaper than any other roofs now used.— From my late arrangements in finding the raw material for my composition, I can now put on my roofs at almost half the cost of either tin, elate, sheet iron, or shingles. My price is $5 per square;.and warranted good for at least 2i year?. cld tin; slate and old shingle roofs repaired and viitrranted to give full and entire satisfaction. See my advertisement in another column. JAS. F. MAXWELL, St. At Brua's Betel, Lebanon. The Managers of the Agricultu ral Pais of this county, are busily engaged in pre paring the Fair Grounds. The location is, as has been stilted heretofore, on the "Mini in Estate," in North Lebanon borough. We heard a rumor last week that 'Zion./ Lutheran Cemetery is to be vacated of the dead and sold out for building lots. If anything of the kind is in contemplation by the congrega tion the sooner it hi done the better. We are pleased to observe that the Democracy of the Atlantic District, New Jer. say, have nominated George A. Walker, Esq., furtnerly of Anna idle, Lebanon county, es their candidate for Congress. Ilia many friends In this section ore gratified with his success. ,Since the opposition party cut down the Tariff of 1846 to and below the revenue standard, we hore.bad nothing but hard times, while froth 18-56t0 the time that the opposition party "modified" that excellent law, in 1857, the county enjoyed continuous prosperity. Accident —We omitted to men tion lost week that our worthy.citizen, A. U. EX .IIICH, Esq., had met with an accident - in Myers A; -Shows' barrel manufactory, by which his right arm was fractured above the wrist. We aro pleas red to see him about again, and learn that the in •ury is healing as' rapidly as can be expected. The Eagle Hotel of this borough has been rented by Mr. HENRY Steamer, to take possession on the Ist of April next. While sorry to lose so obliging and popular a landlord as Mr. IlsAx, we are glad that his successor is Mr. Ste amer. Mr. S. had the same hotel several years age. Our friend and neighbor, Dr. Line sweavir, has just finished putting up excellent and substantial curbing nil along his valuable property on Cumberland street. If the next step of the Dr.'s would be the putting up of a splendid brick building inside Cir the curbing, it would also be a risible impri.vernent. The Couneils'of the Boroughs of Lebanon and North Lebanon, bad a meeting last week, and spent a day in examining the various Arenms and water sources itt the neighborhood. They also employed Mr. lirttacica, in accordance with the resolution of the late water meeting,who is now engaged in making the surveys and esti mate's. Immediately upon the completion of his report a meeting of the citizens will be called. Co!. D. S. Hammond has corn mantled digging the.eallar for a handsome two story brisk building, on Plank Road, north of Cumberland street, adjoining the Moravian Par sewage. Geo. W. Kline, Reg., is putting under roof twO neat and'eonvenient brick buildings on the suave street, opposite Zion's Lutheran Cemetery. That neighborhood yet contains a number of splendid building sites, and we trust they will be occupied for that purpose before long. 'The Raglans.--The approach of' "%coot weather brings out this now style of overdrere, which promisee to become quite the rage among the ladles. The Raglan is a lung and loose teoque, with wide flowing sleeves, trimmed only with a silk tassel here and there. It is but toned glom up to the throat, and finished' w:th a small collar, over which no muslin or lace collar is worn. There is no trimming on the other portions, es 6aPt a row of buttons down the front, serving for tfillenings. The effect is not so graceful as the oipusittr, but It Is becoming to tall figures. It promises to be almost universally worn as soon as the fall opens. Business in Philadelphia and ()th er commercial cities, - is said to be far beyond what was generally supposed it would be, al though welters' and southern merchants have in. It would. be still seemly yet began coming better if it were not that croaking has of late be come so very fashionable. Croakers arc also a fashionable pest in the country, and especially here in Leb4non we 'bare lots of them. All the croaking In the werld will not mike times better, but if it has any will only frighten tim id people from embarking in enterprises. Let our business men make the best of the times—be glad that matters and things are no more. Last Wednesday was one year since the Ohio Life and Trust Bubble exploded occasioning the panicand all its ills. Let the evil of the year be suelaient, and let it live with the past. Let the future be something better. Rot that end , let all atop croak ing, and be up and doing. The business future is a ktrtir,ht and prosperous one, eapeeially for; r Lobe nvi,- To-day (Wedneiday,) there is a general celebration by. England and the United States, of the laying of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable. We perceive that some arrangements are also made in this place for a celebration this evening. It is hoped that none of those partici pating will forget that it is commemorative of a great Scientific and Christian event, and outrage the occasion by drunkenness o'r disorderly con duct. .Our oppositioh trienat of this county, in the resolutions of their convention last week touch very tenderly protection and the coal Itta iron interests of Pennsylvania. This is ac. CoUnted for by the fact that they have two Well itnern free trader* on their State Ticket. Their Mete are daily and weekly tilled with leak about protection, while tlialr candidates and resolutions entire ignore it. Principles are al ways secondai7 with the opposition party, and that of protection is very octet thirtrly and fourthly. By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that Adam Haak, the popular landlord of the Eagle Hotel, of this bor ough, announces•himself as an Independent can didate for Sheriff. Mr. Haak's lease of the Ho tel expires in the Spring, when it will be taken by Mr. Henry Stegriat. Hence Adam would find it particularly convenient to move to jail, of which he would make as competent and popular a landlord.as he is of the Hotel. We donut wish him any harm particularly, but should like very much to see him laird'. lie deserves being put there for at least three years. Will the people sentence hiss to go there ? The election of Delie:gates to the Democratio toenty Convention of Barks, took pleas on Saturday, end resulted , in .tbe almost unanimous endorsement of Ilon. J. Glancy Jones, end through him of the administration of James Buchanan. In the city of Reading where 11 was supposed Mr. Jones Would be opposed the hard est, he teiltried every ward, Ana his majority in the city is about 800. At our latest advisee every district of the county heard from had gone , for zones, and the convention which met yesterday (Tuesday,) 'has probably re-Wolninated Jonis by an unanimous vote. The Detnocracy of Berke are almost as firm and true to Democratic men and measures, in good report as well as in evil, as era the Democracy of Lebanon county, who never flinch let the sky be ever so lowering.— They never lose the true Democratic ring I Mr. Fawke's Steam Plow.—We see by our Lancaster exchanges, that Mr. Fawana of Lancaster city, has invented a Steam P low.— Several trials were bad recently at different pla ces, and the plow has proven a successful exper iment. Mr. FAWKES has been invited to make a trial of his plow at Philadelphia, during the Ag ricultural Fair there—be also contemplattis visit. ing the State Fair of Illinois, to compote for a $5OOO premium, which the Society offers for the hest steam plow. The question with us is, ought not our Society extend to Mr. FAWKES an invita tion to exhibit his Steam Plow at the Lebanon County Agricultural Fair, and to test its merits. The Steam Plow is something new in this locali ty, and if practicable our farmers should have the advantage of seeing and judging for themselves what progress our master American mechanics are making in the arts and sciences. Suppose the officers of our Society solicit Mr. FAWKES to visit our Fair with his invention. It deserves at tention we think, and would add attraction to our Brat exhibition. BY OUR. LOCAL REPORTER Finished.—The bridge across the Swaim at Jonestown, is completed. It is said to be built in a substantial and workmanlike manner. The Cornwall Teachers' Associ ation will meet on Saturday afternoon, Sweat ber 11th, at 1 o'clock, in Zimmerman's School House. Let there bo a full turn out, The Young Mens' Christian As sociation of this-borough, attended in a body the Emanuel's' Church of the Evangelical A ssociation, on Sunday evening. An appropriate sermon was delivered on the occasion. Peaches.—We are now in what is usually called the peach SIISSOtI ; but appearan ces indicate little evidence of the fact. There is no profusion of the article at all, and the quality of such we have seen is indifferent. The season will he a short one. A Camp.meeting is now being held neer Shaefferstown, this county. The camp ground, we learn, is beautifully located, in a shady grove. Cantion.—We observed on Sat urday evening, an employee on the railroad, per forming the hazardous feat of jumping from tha cars while the train was in full motion. ire was violently thrown =upon the ground beside the track, but received no serious injury. It answer ed very well, as a caution, however. The Franklin Literary Institute of this borough, will re-organize for the Winter Season, on Monday evening next, Sept. 6. All persons desirous of participating in the exerci ses of said association are inelted to attend and become members. Its an excellent school for learning elocution. Burglaries are daily being coin mitt;;d in gilt . neighboring towns. Experienced burglers it is said carry blow-pipes with them and when it is necessary to pick a lock, employ it as a means to destroy the temper of the works, which are thus rendered easy to cut away with the cold chisel. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTHENT—Goard ayaillet Imparture.--ao do this, look well for the water-mark, "Holloway, New York and London." which exists in every leaf of the book ofdirections enveloping the medicine. This trade mark is maufactured in the paper itself, and is discernible on being held up to light. Mortification cannot ensue where Holloway's Ointment is applied in time to a wound, sore or ulcer. ity preventing innUMllll.6Oll, itprevents pain. Por indigestion, liver complaint, and disorders of the bowels, the Pills are a sure remedy. BainTirs is VILE WAS'', but.the article that will naturally restore the color of the hair, the changing of which to gray, being an indication of a lack of proper secretions, is truly a valuable medicine. PROF. Woon's HAIR Tomo, if the certificates of the leading minds over the Union do not falsify, is the only eafe remedy for bald ness, dryness, premature change of color, and the several evidences of a lack of secretions at the hair, which can be found. Quack preparations abound, and "hair tonics" fill every • corner gro cery" in the country. Avoid all "hair tonics" unless known to be thepreparation . of some man whose celebrity has become world-wide. Do not let any nostrum vender experiment upon your hair. Touch nothing you have not good reason to believe is all that it purports, to be. Profes. sor Wood has earned by years of severe test of the virtues of his preparation, his present fame. Over 150 certificates are before us of the value of this hair restorative, from parties who have tri ed it. Use no other. DAtriew.—Beware of worthless imitations as several In the market, called by different names. Use none unless the words (Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo., and New York,) are blown in the bottle. Sold by all Drug gists and Patent Medicine Dealers. Also by all Fancy and Toilet goods dealers in the United St a les, Endflansdas. See Adv.—(From the New Perk DAY BMW THE LEBANON ADVERTISER.-AaA FAMILY NEWSPAPER. For the Lebanon Advertiser. THE TOITSO HEWS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA- This Association of Young Men was organized last June. Similar Societies have been started in nearly every city and town in the Union, in England and on the Continent of Europe. So that it taltY he said - Willi truth to be - one of the most important Associations in the world. Its object is to elevate the spiritual, sciatat and in tellectual condition of the Youth of the land, having no basis but the Bible, rib *lenient but fraternal love. It constitutes a beautiful type of the coming brotherhood of mankind. This As sociation hes been formed to exert an influence for good upon the rising generation, and a hither object than that on the face of the north you can not occepy. "Indio it (lees not conflict with the great work allotted the Chiiiet, St lauilibly hopes to be an handmaid of Religion and exert &say ing influenced upon the Souls of Men. But it embraces a wider field than that-of direct religi ous instruction. The true principles and pur poses of the Association are not wholly spiritual and religious. The refinement of the intellect as well as the cultivation of the Soul is made an ob ject. To occupy those brief intervals of relaxa tion, those evening hours during the week which are at the disposal of every young man, in the ac quisition of knowledge, temporal as well aa spir itual—the culture of the intellool as well as the discipline of the heart. And every one capable of appreciating tint great opportunities of, his generation, must rejoire to see the Young Men of the land cqttipped competently with the.know• ledge of things earthly, as AO 'ate tO do battle in an age of enquiry lad of education in behalf of a wisdom which desnads from above. Cer tainly it is not one et 'the lowest alms of the ' Young Men's ChAlStiau Associatiou to aid this enterprito. Net . Only to teach ayeting than what he may be, aud ought to Le, by the help,pf the Gospel, but also what mania ea . a.matter rather of fact than of doctrine, apart from the Gospel. Such, I take it, to he the purpose of this Assoc's tiett—the improvement of the mind and the Sal. vation of the soul. It is indeectan omen of bet ter times, when the young men of the land, full of hope, energy, zeal, enthusiasm, join together on the bails of GM' common Bible, bhi common Christianity and our common Salvation, leaping over those barriers of Sect and party which di vide and distract the Church of Christ. This feature of the Association—its unsectarinn Spir. it—hen great eharetti for me. And I take it re ally as a token of good and n Matter of great stir prise, that here in Lebanon and all over the world', young men should be willing to unite for such an object as that Which these Christian As sociations have In view. I ant not flattering the members of the Association hcro or elsewhere, but congratulating my country upon the fact of this great Association and of these remarkable reunions having the intellectual, moral and spiri tual improvement of thousands for their object. It is an omen for good and it surely proves taut a blessed army of faithful men is rising up among us to put down vice and wickedness and to sub stitute for it, intellectual culture mud spiritual ad vancement. But not to occupy too much space in explain ing the object of the Association, twill briefly state its present condition in Lebanon. The member ship comprises 103 young men to this date. The meetings are held every Tuesday night in Tem perance Rail fur the election of members. In the course of a week or two a permunent room will ho obtained and the regular order of busi. ness will then be pursued—which-is as follows Monday Meetings of tho Association Singing, Bending of Scripture, Prayer. Rending Journal of last meeting. Essay or Review, 15 minutes Discussion thereon, 30 minutes Reports of Committees. Miscellaneous Business The Wistar Library Company in at spirit of true Christian charity and enlightenment has voted us the use of their valnable and select collection of books, numbering 640 volUmns—the standard works of English Literature. And Upon this substantial and efficient lasis Ire anticipate rear ing a monument to be of service to the community now and their children's children. We also will have in our room ales of all the important daily and weekly journals in the country, English and German, and the principal magazines. The read ing room will be open every eight ) except Sun day, from 6 to 10—for the benefit of the members. Also during the Fall and Winter months we pro pose having Lectures delivered before us by the leading orators of the country. Thus wuprosent an inducement to the Public generally to become part of our organization. All males between the ages of 14 and 45 can avail themselves of the benefits of the Society. One word more and I have dune. Christian Young Men it is addressed to you. What power do you possess BOCOMOaotive, efficient members of this Association. Your energy and enterprise are needed to draw those less favored of your companions within the blessed influence of this fraternal union, putting them in 3 position where the hindrances shall be taken away from their understandings and they shall fully appreciate the blessed principles it is our high and lofty privilege to promulgate. Tam sure the Young Men's Christian Association is safe for mighty pueposes and for noble ends. Special Notices. tax. see advertisement of Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator in another column. Is formed with thousands of pores in every inch of surface whose office it is to carry off the impurities of the blood—the acknowledged cause of all diseases of mankind—when the Bain is dry and parched—when it is eovered with eruptions —when it is cold and clammy—when there is in ward fever or infiamation—it is impossible for the skin under these circumstances to perform its proper functions and to carry off the impurities from the body as designed by our Creator. Morse's Indian Root Pills remove these obstruc tions, and produce free and healthy blood, remove the eruption from the skin, and cause it to bright en with the flush of youth and beauty. Beauty so much admired and loved. Beauty without paints and cosmetics—but beauty produced by health and happiness. Dr. Morse's Indian Rent Pills are sold by all dealers In Medelnes. itELMBOLD'S GENUINE PAP.PhItATIDS. lIELMBOLIPS Genuine PREPARATION. lIELMBOLD'S Genuine PREPARATION. 11 ELDBOLIPS Genuine PREPARATION Is prepared according to Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge devoted to their combination. irirSee advertisement beaded RELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. THE GREAT ENGLISH BENXDY . SIR JAMES CLAItKE'S Celebrated Female P'lllB. Prepared from a. prescription of Sir .T Clarke, AT. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the aura of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess, and re moves all obstructions, and aspeedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES, • it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, Price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION! These Pills should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are !safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pain in the back and limbs, fatigue on alight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics and whites, these Pills' will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions accompany each package. Sole Agent for the United States and G r anada, JOB MOSES, (late I. 0. Baldwin ken) Rochester, N. Y. N.E..-41,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au l i m b e d Agent, will insure a bottle of the Pills by return Dr.mlil. ROSS,FIw sale o y p b o a y t t he 6 Court House, Lebanon, PM,and by all r ble Druggists throughout the United States and ; s/ao by Harvey Bircke Reading, Tx. Oct** 7,1667-11. . TION OP LEBANON. THE SKIN. The Lebn (awfully Corrected We LEBANON,' Lab. Mills Ex. Fem. $ 6 00 Smith Extra 6 50 Lob. Yid. Super. Fine 400 Prime White Wheat, 1 20 Prime Red Wheat, 110 Prime Rye, 75 Corn, 75 Oats, 35 Clover•seed. 5 00 'Timothy-seed, 2 60 lAic aced, 1 50 Delta 4 .4pples, bu., 100 Dried Apples, peeled, 1 50 Peach “Bnits,' 250 _,P 6 leol .r qutsels," 125 150 Onions, 50 s l o Y nsa bY tke li ,SEPT. I, r r Y ;797 S h e i ur Ss . 3. Potatoes. 191 bu , 100 Eggs, iil dnx., 12 Butter, 10 lb., 14 Lard, 10 Tallow, 9 Ilam, 11 Shoulders, 9 Sides, 0 Soap, 3 Bees-wax, 25 White Rage, 5 Affixed Rage, 2 Flax, "il ID , 12% Bristles, f% Th., 40 Feathers, jil lb., 02% Wool, 't': Ib., 40 Soup Beans, it qt., ' 6 Vinegar, VI gal., 12;5 Apploßutter,V crock, 45 The Philadelphia Market. 11511ADELPILIA, Ana.l3o, MB. FLO YR. —The .t'ldAr market continue, inactive, The receipts are very light, anti holders firm, but with small sales to notice, which are IftflYStry to the trade, at from $4,75 to $5 for old stock super, $5,25@55,50 for late made and • strictly fresh ground ditto, $5,75(4416,50 for extra, and s7@ $7,50 bbl. far fancy lots as to quality. Rye Flour and Coin Mual are scarce and firm, at $4 • bbl., with sales efabout 290 bbls. of the for mer to note at that figiere. tire Titsctoctions of Flour and Meal at this port during the week end ing the 25th inst., were 10,425 bbls.' GRAINI—In Wheat there is not much doing, and prime Ms, Only aro wanted; sales include some 2(33000 liestieh, in lots, a't 10Dc for iuferi er, 120 to In ets for fair to good reds, and 132@ 140cts for white. Strictly prime lots of new would bring 2@y4 ets il bushel more. Rye is dull, nod old sells slowly at 80033 cents. New is wanted at 70 cents. Coral's in fair demand at former quot ed rates, and 530000 bushels:yellow have been sold., part last evening ' at 92 eta afloat and 70 eta in store, including 1000 bushels mixed at S 7 eta. (MIS Yen wanted, and about 5000 bushels new Delaware brought 42e afloat; 1000 bushels old Pennsylvania have been sold at 480. CATTLE MARKET.--Tiveeitteirin.. ' 1 of Beef battle at Wardell's Avenue Drove Yard were large again this week, and the market dull. The av erage of the cattle being of very inferior quality, they went off slow at the extremes of $6(39, most ly selling at s7®sB the 100 lbs. nett. The ar rivals reached 1370 head during the week, in cluding 242 at market last Thursday. About 250 Cows and Calves were at market, which ruled , dull, fresh Cows bringing from $3O to $45, Springers $2O to $3O, and dry COM $l5 to $20., each, annording to condition. Of Hogs, the receipts were large, 3111 being at PhiiiiVs Yard. The peckers hare =mama buying, and sales ranged at from sls t l ; to n the nett 100 lbs. ' Some 6000 Sheep arrived at Wardell's, and the market was brisk. selling at s2@s4 each, being equal to 113. Bc. dressed. The quality of stock at the 11 . 4.11 . 'e bealt 1 , 1 . e* breve Yurd this week was unusually good, and reached over 600 head.— Prices were about the same as last week, but the market brisker. The sales, principally Chester county cattle, were at 71 to %Ss% the 100 tbs.— A few nxtra quality brought $4.-N. Amer. Religions Notices. English preaching next Sunday morning and evening in the Ilethedist Episcopal church. Union Prayet Meeting in Temperance Hell every .Mondny evening from Bto 9 o'eock. Every other evening of the week from Ok to 71. Preaching next Sabbath Evening, in the English language, in the Reformed Church. German services together with the celebration of the Lord's Supper on next Sabath morning, and English in the evening in Zion's Lutheran church. Preaching next Sunday in Salem's (L.) Church in the morning at 9} o'clock, in the Engl6h and in the afternoon at 2 o'clock, in the German language. English preaching in the Beneficial Hall on Sun day, the sth of September ) in the morning, and German preaching in the afternoon, by the Rev P. F. HAGEN, of York, Pa. On tbe 12th day of July, HMI, by Jos. R. Henry, Esq., Mr. Joseph Koch, to Miss Sarah Law, both of North Annville. On the 20th ult., by Rev. J. Grin. Mr. John Wommer, of Bethel tp., Lebanon co., to Miss Pheiffer, of Wholaberstown, Berks co. On the 21st ult., by Rev. J. Stein, Mr. Michael Buckmoyer, to Miss Sarah Schwangor, both of Fredericksburg. D I ED, In Lebanon, on the 24th ult., George David, son of George and Sarah Ann Bock, aged 10 mon. and 23 days. In Lebanon, on the 26th ult., Michael Escbman, aged 72 years, 10 months, 10 days. On the 21st ult., in East Hanover, Dauphin co., Barbara, wife of John Ufflberger, aged 51 yrs., and 19 months. At Muney Farms, near Muncy, Pa., on the tth ult., Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, widow of the late Charles Hall, Esq., and daughter of Robert Coleman, Esq., of Lancaster, aged 80 years. In Belly iew City, Nebraska, on the 13th ult., Ja cob H. Smith, Esq., aged 24 years,l month, and 9 days. The deceased is a son of Mr. Jacob Smith of this borough. Ile left borne for the West, a lit tle more than two years ago, and at the time of his death was associated With his brother William Smith, in the practice of law. his disease, which was billions fever, terminated in death on the oth day. Whilst the death of this estithithie young an is especially afflictive to the btifent'sd filthily, it has also created a feeling of sincere sorrow in the hearts of his many friends and acquaintances.— But how consoling the assurance that he died as he lived, in the faith and hope of the blessed gos pel. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Leeches Leeches! GENUINE Imported Swedish Leeches on hand, awl for sale by LEM BERGER, Sept. 1, 11158. Druggist a Apothecary. NOTICE. MEETING of the MEMBERS of the LEBANON CO. /1., AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Will be held on SAT URDAT, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1858, at the COURT. ROUSE, in Lebanon, at 1 o'clock. p. in. Punettlal attendeaceis re quested, as business of importance is to be acted on. Ha. The Committee of Arrangements will also meet on the some day and place. in discharge of the duties im- Wed upon them by the Society. By order of the Chair man. JAS. LAWR. RIGHTMYER, Lebanon, Sept. 1, '5B. Cur. Seely. ON' YOUNG MEN, ATTENTION ! - 14 Franklin Literary Instiltute. A GREEMILY to the adoption of a Resolution previ onss to adjournment over the summer season, the members of the above named literary organization will meet in the Lebanon Academy, on Aforminy Evening next, S e ptember bib, at 734 o'clock. A full attendance is desir ed, as business of Importance will be submitted for mu. Sidemtion. tktl,. The YOUNG- IGEN of Lebanon and vi cinity are earnestly invited to become members. By order of the President. JOLIN W. HARBEtION, Lebanon, Sept.l,'sB-It. Seerdary. To the Voters of Lebanon County: T HERESY offer myself as an Lodependent Candidate for the office of . SHERIFF, - of Lebanon county. Should Ibe elected, I w ill attend personally to the duties of the office, and to the satisfac tion id` the people. ADAM lIAAK. Lebanon, Sept. 1, '5B-4e. 110 Teachers Wanted. TIRE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF NORTH ANN VILLE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT will meet in No. 1 School House, in 51 illerstown, on THURSDAY, the 16th day of SEPTEMBER, at 9 o'clock, in the forenoon, to examine and employ TEN TEACHERS to take charge of the schools of said district. Mr. Ettioe, County Superin tendent. will be ieresent to conduct the examination.— Tho schools will he kept open 5 . 1,4 months. By order of the Board. JOSEPH ELLENBERGER, Prreet. Dixtet. Mouumn, Seet'y. [Sept. 1,'58. THE REASON WHY EVERYBODY PURCHASE THEIR CLOTHING OF Reizensteisa IP Brother V . they sell so very cheap for cash. Because they keep the best goods. Because their clothing 18 well made and fashionable. Because they keep the largest assortment. Bee.ause they get, new goods every week. Because everybody gets the worth of their money there. Because they take the advantage of nobody. Because they treat their customers well. Because everybody likes to deaf with them. Because they sell cheaper than the rest. Because their Clothing is well sewed . png dt well. Because they can suit everybody. Because their Store is so conveniently situated. Because nob:Ay leaves their store diseatistled Because children can buy Just as well there, aa kave their parents come. , . Because everybody that treated with them, is sure to call again and send in their neighbors. • • Because they have purchased their stock - at such tedue ed prices that they eau afford to advertise the - reasons why they sell 40 cheap; Lebanon, Semt.l,ll. , REIZEINSi'EIr k BRO. on Markel. ATTENTION! Washington A riiitbilw - you will, meet In full uniform on SsfuttniY,Welitb 1 day of Serranuca nest, at the public house of Daniel Brna, in the borough of Lebanon, precisely at 8 o'clock, a. ro., for the purpose of taking up the line of march for Jonestown. By order of the Captain. IIEtiRY REABBOIK, Labanon, Sept. 1, '5B. Secretary. DIII,ISVANt !Ann order at the Orphans' Court of Leh •non county, will be exposed to sale by public ven dors or outcry, on Tuesday, the 211(fr day of September, 11168, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following Real Estate, viz: NO. I—A certain MESSUAGE and LOT OF GROUND, ' situate in the b -rough of Lebanon, fronting on the south aide of Cumberland street, on which it extends eight perches, on the east by a lot of Win. Dik• on, south-west by Chestnut street, with the an .111 - purtenaucee, on whinh lot the improvements are • one-story LOO lIOUSE,Two Stables and other outbuild. Inge, with a welt of water and sundry fret: trees. NO. 2—A certain OUT-LOT or piece of land, situate In said borough of Lebanon, bounded on the north by land of Samuel Shretfer, east by the North Lebanon Railroad, south by ilatd of Dr. J. W. C , loninger and Jos. Reinhard, and West by the Plank-road and by the Lancaster road, containing TWO ACRES and 21 PERCHES, strict nag:. ure, with the appurtenances. NO. 3—A certain LOT or piece of ground, situate in apidborough of Lebanon, bounded on the north by Sane' Sh'idre'r'S land, east Dy land of the heirs of Mathias Gil bert, deed., south by land of Dr..l. W. Mellinger. and west by the North Lebanon Railroad, containing ONE ACRE and 146 PERCHES ) strict measure, with the ap- Yradonattees. NO. 4—A certidh O'CT-LOT, situate in the township of Cornwall, bounded on the north by lotsof Joseph Earth and J. 11.1liester, east by the Lancaster road, and south by laud of Jacob McConnel, and west by. lands of Sam. Renck and Jacob Nferobhei, containing SEVEN ACRES itttli,63 PERCHES, strict rue:tame, with the appurtenan- C(41,12r0 the estate of Meer Slinger, dec'd. SA. The sale will be held at the public house of Adam Mak, and the terms made known by ABRIGADE PARADE will be held i7l 3 osetrrow's, Lebanon county, Pa.. in 2d Brigade, sth Dlvi elon, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 11th , A. D. 1858, roritaspiOnoN: The following named Composites constitute the 2nd Brigade, I. Jonestown RiWes, Cat% Thomas Seltzer. 2. National Capt. Stininl Faber. 3. Independent Guards, Capt. Wm. t Whet. 4. Continental Codas, of Myrr.stown; It. Reinooh I. 5. Washington Artillery, Capt. R. Embich: JIQ7 Punctual attendance Is regthated, as business of importance trill be lad before sold Companies. By order of 'EMBICII, Brigade inspector, 2d Brigade, Slit Diro., Penrin .ga.- The following Volunteer-companies hare been invited by a Committee appointed for that purpose, viz : 1. tiamblirg Artillery, Capt. J. A. Beitenman. 2. Amer!r Rifles, Sinking Spring, Cap. I. Ruth. 3. J'ackson Artillery, Straw:en; Cap. Schoener. 4. Ringgold Artily, Stuuelish'g, Cap. tdchtold. 5. Washington Guards, Sitwell - W.*, Cap. Groh. 6. Rohrersburg Troop. Capt. Ilroat. 7. Millersburg Rifles, Capt. Kline. AcriiVille Rifles, C ept. Gehrot. 9. Ni r nshibgton Legion, Womels4T, Cap-Close. ta..The Line will be formed precisely at 12 o'elole, M. Captains Ilona and SELTZER, of Jone stown. will, with their Companies, act as escort to the several Commutes, as they arrive. AIIZ- The Captain who has longest been commissioned of that rank, will take the command. Captains are re quested to bring their first Commission as Captain, with them, as the commission is the best evidence. It is also the duty of Commandants or Companies to furnish the Brigade Inspector with a full return-Ist. Which shall show the commissioned. non-commissioned officers, mu /lid/1M anti privates of his Company or Troop present on Parade, designating the number of each. 2d. The num ber of such Company absent from Parade. ad. The uni form, arms and equipments inspected. 4th, The number of uniforms belonging to said Company or Troop. sth, The arms and equipments in possession of said Troop or Company. F. EMRICH. Brigade Inspectoi, 2d Brigade, sth Div., Penn's Brigade Inspector's Office, Lebanon,Sept. 1,1815. A Thousand and One Stories EDITED BY S. G. GOODRICH —{ PETER PARLEY.) One veltlYne, largo ohiavo, handsomely bound in red morocco. with gilt side and back ; containing 760 pages and ILLUSTRATED by am Beautiful Engravings. The design of this hook is to bring whole libraries in to a single volume—to furnish a mental meal for every day and every hour—for every taste, humor. age, cap ricea hook for the grave and gay, the old and young ; we have, therefore, Science add Philosophy, Rhyme and Reason, Wit and Wisdom, Fact and „Faney, which, put together as they come. produce a sort of intellectual pudding, inasmuch as the whole is peppered and spiced with puns. conundrums, and drolleries, to say nothing of a gtlblsh of three hundred engravings. In than pages are given the essences of thought and sentiment from ()mho., Sydney Smith, Sam, Johnson, and many others; clerical anecdotes, Hibernian eccen tricities, Western extravaganzas, gathered from the four winds of the Press; outlines of the Tales of Don Quixote and Gil Blati; of the Fables of Flavian and La fontaine; of the epic poems of Jerusalem Delivered. Tel emachus, Orland Furloso, and others; of the Life and Sayings of Sirs. Partington and the Widow 'Ended; of the Bereft Papers and the Green Mountain Girls; of the Life of Sam. Houston, Gerard the lion-killer, Cum mings the elephant-destroyer. and Livingston the giraffe chaser; of Stevens' Travels In Egypt & Palestine, Paul and Virginia. Alexander Dumas the Swiss Family Rob inson, Mr. Glidden and Sam. Patch; with spicy cita tions of prose and poetry, front the master-spirits of the day—Longfellow, Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Dr. Rano, Commodore Perry, etc. It furnishes, also, a fund of In formation for the serious—the ...Natural History of the Bible, whinli. it u militant of exhaustitaa interest: strik ing facts In Astronomy, Chemistry, and ?Matra] History; remarkable Biographies, interesting Travels, and Won derful Discoveries in Art and Science. PETZR PARLEY', the editor of this book, has a world-wido reputation as an author--his wdtings having become fa miliar as household wordsherever the English lan guage is spoken. THIS IS HIS LAST WORK, and we predict for it a popularity equal, if not superior, to that acquired by any of hie former publications. ila.This work will be sold excl naively by sabeeriptien, at the low pries of Sa AO. Agents wantod in ail parte a the cdllntfy to obtain subscribers for it. Specimen copies will be scut by mail, pteplid, to any address on receipt of the prier, For full particulars ad dress DERII & JACKSON. Publishers. 119 Nassau St., Now York. J. M. Good's Book Store. THE New and Cheap Book Store of the under signed is located in Market Street, 2 doors north tif (Wilford a Lonthergers Drug Store, where he will be pleased to see all his old friends, and those desi rous of having articles in his line. With a determina tion of sollingcheaper than can be purchased elsewhere, he would respectfully call the attention of the public to his assortment of Bibles. Hymn and Prayer Books, MA celtaneous, Blank and &boot Books, Widland lVindow Paper, Stationery, and every article in his line of busi ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for 1855. All the Magazines and Newspapers, both daily and weekly, to be had at publisher's rates. All orders for articles in his line carefully and prompt lyattended to, by the undersigned. Lebanon. Jan 14, ISSB. • J. 31. GOOD. WALTZ Sc 114:EDLE would respectfully I xi/ inform the Public, that they constantly , receive, from the Eastern Cities, copies of ttt-aw. all the most important end attradtvo New Books, as soon as published, which they offer for sale cheaper than they can be purchased elsowbore.— Among those lately received are— Parton's Aaron Burr, 14vington's Travels and Researches in South Africa. Spark's Life of Franklin, Abbott's Napoleon. City of the Great King, • Bayard Taylor's Northern Travels, Debit and Credit, The Reason Why. They have always on hand a large assorttnettof School Books. Blank Books and StatiOttery. &Ilay School Boobs, and a large assortment of Flute, Piano, Violin and Guitar Music. Piano Forte, Ma iodian and Violin Tnatructor. PAPER HANGINGS , of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, Window Shades. The Mont h y Magazines / end all the NEWSPAPERS, daily it Weekly, Can be had by calling at theater', on Cumberland straet. in the borough of Lebanon, at the signof tho.ltig Book." la. Orders left with them for any kind ofgoods in their line, will be promptly attended to. Lebanon. Feb. 1.4.318ER0.ER , 5 CIOI la Ina at is ilictory frtHANKFUL for past favors, the undersigned respect- I fully informs the Public. that ho continues to carry on his Manufactory in East ifanover township, Lebanon county, on us extensive a 'Scale as ever. It is unnecessa ry for him to say mere, than that the work will be done in the same EXCELLENT STYLE, which has made his work and name so well known in the surrounding coun try. Its promises to do the work in the shortest possi ble time. His Manufactory is in enmpleto order, and be Setters himself to he able to render the samoratisfaCtion as heretofore. ilnuianufactures Broad and 4WarrotO Cloths, Cassinetts, blankets, White and other Flannels, oil in the best matincr. lie also cards Wool and makes Rolls. For the conve nience of his Customers, Wool and Cloth will be taken in at the following places:—At the stores of George & Seellenberger, Lower & Brothers, George Reincchl, nxd at the now Drug Store of Guilford & Lemberger, near the Market House, in the borough of Lebanon; at the store of Shirk & Miller, in North Lebanon; at S. Gosh. ert's. Bethel township; at the public house of William Emmet. Fredericksburg; at the store of 6. E. Bickel, in Jonestown; at the stcre of George Weidman, Bellevue; at the store of Martin Early, Palmyra ;' at the store of Gabriel Wolfersherger, New Market Forge; at the store of Michml.Shirk, East Hanover, Dauphin county; at the stores of George Miler and David M. Batik, Nest Mane verLebanon county. All materials will be taken - away regularly, from the above placer, finished without delay, and returned again. Thom of bls customers who wish Stocking Wool card ed dyed and mixed, can leave the aame,.whito, at the above mentioned places; with directions how they wish it prepared. Or his, customers can order the Stocking Wool to he prepared from the Wool of the undereigned, which will be done 'and left atthe desired places. N. O. It, ls,difeirod that those having WOeleitrded, wl4l r .y.tbc, oaste.thererof, at the "above named EAGER. LYON M East Hanover, Lebanon county, May 12,1858. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Orphans' Court Sale. &H[ SUOTT, rßy the Cotrt.] Trustee of the said Estate. J. I. Maur, Clerk of the Orphans' Court. . Lel:mann, Sopt. I, UN. BRIGADE PARADE: "A (Xis . et of Gems of Mt and Wisdom." OF FACT AND FANCY, WIT AND HUMOR, Rhyme, Reason, and Romance. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Books! Books DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ;Sze GREY& ATTRACTIONS THE CHEAPEST GOODS! TIIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ! THE LIAICDSOMEST STYLES ! JUST OPENED AT THE 'CENTRE BIJILDINCI RABER & BRO.'S '612,1; WiTiIOUT DELAY TO HAVE THE FIRST CfeOICE. REAPY MADE tTOTIIIITH THAT CAN'T BE BEAT GREAT BARGAINS! WHO WOULD NOT REJOICE TO HEAR THE NEWS! THAT THE CHEAPEST GOODS, THE HANDSOMEST STYLES, ARE ALWAYS SOLD .AT THE HALL Dunnmas SWARTZ & BRO., TIAITE JUST OPENED .TIIR SECOND ARRIVAL OF SUAIMED. GOODS! SOLD ASTONISHINGLY LO*, FOE CASH- CALL 4 ,s, THE NEW STUCK Dry-Goods, Grocery & Crockery, ==l .rof HMV!? S 9 STOKE. • EONARD ZDEVIERMAN informs his friends and th 4 public that he has Just receirad a new stock of Goods for et Spring Trade, which will be found us cheap as any stork of the kind in this town, consisting of all such GOODS as aro usually kept in a iirsterites store. Particular attention is given to Staple Goads for the country trade, not neglecting the limey articles for LA DIES' WEAR—such 58 Lures, Lawns, Edgings, Utiders sleeves, Ilandkerchlefs. &c. OENTLEMEN are invited to examine his CLOTHS, Cassinieres, Cosinets, Tweeds, Fancy and. other Postings, Velvets, Cords. In the GROCERY department may be found a splendid assortment of every need in the Family: Coffee, Sager. Spices, Teas. 'Mackerel, &c. In CROCKERY the stock is well selected. LEONARD ZAMMERM N. The 'aghast market price will be paid for COUN TRY PRODUCE. [Lebanon, Nay 6,1858. LECORWIO II DC 11' .0 BY II o S's LAROE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING AND SUMMER bOOOS, JUST RECEIVED and now opened it the cheep Dry Goods S tore of HENRY & STIN E, a splen-o. l :rti did stock of DRY GOODS, QIIRENSWARE and geo2o GROCERIES; also READY-MADE CLOTDI NG, t, l 4.;Xiiii t Carpets, Oil Clothe, Window Shades, Bonnets, Hats, which they are selling lit very low prices. They lanight their goods at cash prices. and are, therefore, enabled to give great bargains. Ladies and Gentlemen, give them an early call. We are mare,' they can suit you in goods and prfrep. FOR LADIES' WEAR. & Si'a hare just opened a large and splendid stock of Fancy Dress Cioods,such as Silks, Plain, S 'Aped, and Figured, for Dresses, Bleck and Cnlored,very cheap. Chain. Challi Robes, Lawn, Lawn Robes. Lavelle& Poll de Cherries.Challi llereges,Slik Bereges,Oinghams.Freneh Lustres, French de Ladies, Dobeges, Mohair Lustre, &e. Remember at the cheap store of HENRY it STINE. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Timmy & STINT, have just opened a large and splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Cloths, Cashmeretts, Tweeds. Cussamens, Italian Cloths, Lostresgnd bitten for Coats; Cloth's, t'shsamers, Tweeds, Linens. Plaids,Cordu reys, Drilling, Jeans, &c., fur Pantaloons; Satins, Silks, Cmducens, Cloth, Italian Cloths, Marseilles. &c., for Vest ing. Also, Stocks, Hatidkerchiefs, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves, Stockings, cm, very cheap. at Lebation,Mayo,'sB. HENRY & STINE'S. Selling olr at Cost. A. FASHIONABLE AND SEASONABLE STOCK OF TISSUE, BEBAGES, DUCOLLS, LAWNS, SHEPHARD'S PLAIDS, ALPACCAS, &e., &c., Which in point of variel.ies of styles and qualities, in connexion with advantages by which they have been purchased, can be surpassed by noun in town. The sea son, and our heavy stock prompt us to hold forth these Inducements. Please give us a OEORLIE & SHELLENBERGER. TAILORING ANU CLOTHING. Fashionable Tailoring awl Clothing Store. Hyo iclio *ould get a tine suit, dressed up in style from top to tem. Cull and eon. Save 20 per cent., clear gain, at the NEW CLOTHING STORE, 2d story o ' CENTRE BUILDING, of Raba it Brother'. FARMERS will find it touch to their advantage to bilise their produce to the Cheap Store at the Centro Iluildlay,n, Of BASER & BROTHERS. TAILORING. The TAnotinvo for Custom work receives the personal attention of IL & T. 31. Ransil, with more care than ev er. Having secured the best workmen, they are proper. od to make up the uldst fashionable work at short no, tine. The Clothing all Viiiiittlikted. If they do not please they hued not be taken. Lebanon illey,,l2,lBWi .asllionable Tailoring! n n t n u eLt r h o TaA, tired t R l near NG ll Business at hie Old ritand e Plank Road. where all persona who wish garments made up In the most fashionable ntylc and best manner, are vited to call. Ho has Intely received the New York, Phil: adelphla, Pati; and London reports of Spring and Summer Fashions, and as he has none but the best workmen employed, Ins guarantees that all work entrusted to him will be done in a satisfactory manner. ult_With his thanks to his old customers for their pat. renege heretofore, he respectfully solicits public favor. TO TAILORS I—Just received and for en le the N. York and Philadelphia Report of Spring a Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements accordingly. MICH-CL HOFFMAN. Lebaumi, April 14,-ISS g. Cll - 401rHiSIG STORE AND MERCHA NT TAILORING EfiTABLISHAI'T, lltarket street, between llark's and Risd* Hotel& I S. RAMSEY & Co., take pleasnre in announcing Os to their friends and the public generally, that they have on band a variety of Cloth& Carriatems and Yarl ing*, which they will make hp to order en the most rea sonable terms and in the mostleshionallestyle. As none but good workmen are employed, all work is insured and good lite guaranteed. Also a large stock of READY-MADE Ctoruteo, which will be disposed of cheap, together virltli every Variety of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. S. S. RAMSEY & Co. Lebanon, April 28,1853. Fashionable Tai faring. rpm subscriber respectfully informs his friends and I the public iu genbral, that he has commenced. the TAILORING BUSINESS in all its branches, at his resi dence, in East Lebanon, (Cumberland Strect,) '2 squares east from Major Moyer's Hotel, (south aide.) By atten tion to business, promptness in his engagements, good fits. and Moderato charges. he hopes to receive a share of the public patronage. lie was a long fame in the em ploy of !dialed Wagner. dec'd.. and feels confident of giving general satisfaction. Being a new beginner be solicits the patronage of ihe public. Lebanon, .Nay 12. 1553. GLACE Mcc AU m,y, Merchant Tailoring Estab lishanent: GUMP respectfully inlionts the public that be has ~ parches , ed the Clothing Estahlislonent of tJ. Gump, & continues MEECTIANT TAII.ORI NO in all Its branch es at his establishment. he I,EAOLC limet.ves, next door to the Eagle Dote!. lie has an elegant assortment of Cloths, a :m in t ers, Vestings, and Furnishing Goods, in general. which he solicits the public to examine. Ile shall devote his particular attention to fitting and mak. Mg up to order. Those wishing clothing matte wetland fashionably are invited to coll. N. ll—Always en hand a large assortment of DOME. MADE CLOTItINII. to which the attention of the public a also directed. GAIIItIEL DUMP, Agent_ Lebanon, August It, MR. WINES AND LIQUORS Reigarrs Wine and Liquor Store, COItKER of Market arid Older sired; Lebo- cg,' non, Pa.., in the room formerly occupied „ Jacob Weidle, Esq., where he still continaw to 7' keep an assortment of the very beet, brands of. WINES and LIQUORS that eon be got. To those who are ac quainted with his LIQUORS, it is not necessary for him to speak, as the Liquors will speak for themselves. To Hotel Keepers, awl all others. he would gate that it is merely necesemy for them to call raid examine his stock to satisfy themselves, as he warrants Jo render full satisfaction. BMANUEL REM A RT, N. IR.—Remember at Weidle's Corner, Lebanon, May 5, 1858. • F. & wlVt. STCEVER% 'rine and Liquor Store, N 0.4 5 FRONT STREET, PHILA.—AiI kinds of the ' purestand lent LIQUORS constantly kept on hand viz :--Pnre French. Coniac, Common, Cherry, Blackber ry and Lavender BRANDY; Common and -Holland GIN: Old Monongahela, Scotch and Rye WHISKEY : Fort, Madeira, Cherry, Lisbon 'and Charirpeign WINE; the best BITTERS to be obtained in the city; at of which is sold wholesale and retail, in quantities from alined tea pipe. ( Aug . 4; 1858. MEDICINAL. Ov A L $ B E R.' S o esa e and Retail Drug Stoic, Ha'a teen Ilemoved to hts New Building, on Cumber lafid Street, opposite the Bogle Beghtlerge, Lebanon, Pa. rip HE guagg•Apgr rep.pectfully announces toiris acqUain, 1 lances and the:Publie In "Ararat, thit he boa owl etatitly on baud a large Moe& of DRUGS, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS, C II E M ICA LS, - DYE-STUFFS. VARNISHES, 7 TURPENTINE, CLASS -WARE, DP,USIIES, lIAIIt-OILS, EXTRACTS, Bunting Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Be pirs, Tobaccsc. mentions a hetvariey of Fancy Articles too numerous to, which offers at low rates. and warrants lite qualities of the articles as reProseutol•-• Purchasers will nicer% remember this, and examine the qualities and prices of his geode before pUrchsalug else. where. Jai- Phyoiciame prescriptions and family reel pescarefully compounded, at all hours of the day er night, by calling at the De* "Store, opposite the Eagle Buildings, On &alders the Slone will be Opened far the eon pounding of proscription!, between the hours of 7 sad 10 o'clock, A. M., 12 and 1, and 4 and 6 P. M. Lebanon, Dec. 9,1867. DAVID S. ft &DER. - - - 111GDICAC_1111LJAGNIS S - MEDICINES! TURAXIVIr I TOILE'F'&- FANCY ARTICLES JOSE PH L 1 :F. MB MIL MARKET STREET, Opposite the Market House. itALL ARTICLES 130 CO lIT of me WAR RANTS D PITRE and FRESR, and said to SUIT THE TIMES' A It, Slit POttAit PATENT MEDICINES , At Lernbergerse. HORSE & CATTLE MEDICINES, At Lemberger's. BURNING FLUID& PINE OIL, At Lembeigerlf. TOBACCO, SEG ARS, SNUFF, At Lemberger's. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, At Lemberser's, SPICES, SODA, SAPONIFIER, A. Lemberger'a. With. all Um 'Wades Wmally kept In a well-conduct4l Store. TRUSSES! •••• uT crery variety, anti sold at the lowest market priecs. Warranted to lit when applied. Atar• PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES, accurately compounded by J. L. LEMBERGER, GRAVITATE& PIIARIMACY, who has had an experlehte of eight gears id PhiledelPhiA and B.Tchnlond, pir COUNTRY MERCHANTS 'TM Supplied wan Burning Fluid. Pine Oil, ZEIGOCO aeons, Matches, Blacking, Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye, Re. settees, Medicines ' Perfumery, itc., at the most liberal Wholesale rates, by J. L. LEmßratoEn, DM:GOATS a ATotattent Lebanon, Aug. IL, 1058. Mwrket Strae Dr. ROSS' liff Utif A" TORE XBERLAZIn STREET, Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. - r i ll. ROSS respectfully announces that he for 1.1 sale a large and varied assortment of Drugs, 51sell clime, Dyestuffs. Perfumery. Trusses, Patent ?dedielnea, and Fancy floods, which are offered at the lowest prices. An experience in the Drug Business of over 20 years, and attention to the wants of the public, enable him first style of the science. DR. ROSS' WORM LOZENGES, Are the most certain cure for Worms use. They are sweet, sod no child ill rethse Of tile them. Persona could ask for "Dr. Roes' Worm Lunn ,s," and refuse all others. Many per ms, Wet haring this Lozenge, will try , get yon t'd take solite other kind; de it let them denelve you—you can Id- Is get them at Dr. Ross' Drug store, !harem, and you can have them sent you, free of expense by mail, if you ,close the price in a letter. If less ian a dollars worth la wanted, enclose , and you will receive them by return post pail?. Dr. Boss will send them to any part of the United States, ore receipt of the money. Send on then, and get them. nice 25 cents. - DR. ROSS' BLOOD FILLS: • These Pills operate withoift the lemit pain or un essinws, and can be taken With positive advantage in all cases jn which a pargatiVe would be needed; as the conillienceinent of Fevers, Costiveness, Liver Complaint, Rome forms of Dyspepsia, Headache, impure Blood, end all diseases arising from impurity of blood. They will be found superior to any other pill In usu. Price 25 cts. per box. Will be sent by mail on receipt of the mo ney. Sold only by Dr. Ross, Lebanon. DR. ROSS' TONIC :MIXTURE. A superior medicine for the cure of Sick Ileadacho. Nervous H adathe, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Ner vous Meekness, and all other diseases rimming a tonic TRUSSES AND SUPPORTERS. Dr. Ross keeps constantly fur sale. a large assortment of Trusses, of all sizes, and various in price. which will be 591 , 1 Very low. An experience of more than 29 peen, give the afflicted advantages not to be had at every Drug store. A peratilial attention to thelitting given. lf you need it truss call at Or Rose' Drug Store, Lebanon. DR. ROSS- INFANT DROPS. For Colic, Spasms, Restlessness, Ac., of Infanta. It calms nervous siintlfba raiit, and induons to sleep without leaving the dull, drowsy state that fol lows the use of other infant drops. Special attention is asked to this remarkable action, Ask fur Dr. Rosa' In fant Drops. DR. Ross' HAIR Tom(' Di your hair falling MP are you troubled with deed. ruff, or itching of the head? Dr. Ross' flair Tonic will cure these troubles. Prise 25 ctn. DR. ROSS' CURE FUR FEVER & AGUE. Azar and dificiciired in 24 hours. Individuals why have suffered for wesks and months, have been in a sln gle day relieved, as if by magic, from the excruciating chill and burning fever. Eold only at Ur Ross' Store. DR. ROSS' RYE WATER, For the etre of Sore, Weak, or Inflamed' Eyei; Price 25 sm. W , .DR: ROSS' W,0R.51 po-iiive sae fol. ants: 1)1i. ROSS' LINIMENT. The beet Liniment in use for Mmma. tism, Sere Ins imuisea. Tooth. ache, Sore Throat. and all painful and Neuralgic affections of the body, is Dr: Liniment. 1).11. ROS , TOOTH AlEfi For the cure of spongy end bleeding gums, :fenny ? for dean•iug and preserv ing the teeth and guilts, and imparting a delightful Its grauce to the breath. 1150 lir. Ros , ' Tooth Wash. rtrWBrEIMMWTMOIMM For the cure of Itheumatistn, 'Fetter, Scrofula, Paine in the Roues, Old Sores. Pimples 011 the fees, Eruptions of all kinds : and all disease: , ariAug from impure Blood, or the imprudent use of Mercury. only at DI Wyss' Drug store. COUGII CURED FOR 25 CENTS. Da. PUSEICK'S COUGH STROP, prepared end sold only by Dr. Nom opposite the Court Home, le a curtain cure for coughs. Cobh Whooping Cough, &c. Look well to the marks of the genuine. See that Dr. Roes' name le ou tte hottie, SPILEPSI Ott FITS CAN BL CURED! Evident.° stronger than certificateal Vzorre• COMPOUNP is performing More wonderful awes than any other 31edieine known ! It Is perfectly safe to take, Try it. If you ate not eatit.ned after using one Bottle,- the money will he refunded; If not able to pay, one Bottle will he gjith gratis to try It. Pike Fire Dollars per Bottle, or three Bottles for ten dollars. sold only at Dr. Rues' Drug Store. Lehartotti, June 16,1115. A EtAcrrif t7l, licad of Inch Glossy Univ.! riOMPLET ELY PRESERVED roves GREATEST ACM And who that Is grey would not hare it restored to former color; or bald. but would have tho growth restor ed., or troubled with dandruff and itching, but would have it reuture,t, or troithled with scrofula, scald heed, or to her eruptions. but would be cured, or with sick head ache (uottralght)bi.t would be cured. It will &isotonic» all pimples from the face and Skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Restorativ e will do all this, see circular mad the following: ANN anon, November 5,185 e. Prof. O. 'if oon.--Tiettr Sir : I Karr beard much said of the wonderful effect 4 of YCIII Hair Restorative, bait having Non so often cheated by quackery and quack any truing. hair dyes, kc., I was disposed to plicerut Rest& retire In the Same category with the thousand and one loudly trumpeted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some months since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had be come very thin and entirely white, and before ezhaust ing one of your large bottles, her hair was restored near. ly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thicken. ad and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the head; the continues to use it, not simply because of its beautitiing, effects upon the hair, but because of its healthful influence upon the head and mind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative,with the happiest effects; therefore my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and value are entirely re. removed ; and I can and do most cordially and maiden tially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from white or gray (by reason of sickness or age) to original color and beauty, nod by ail young persons who would have their hair beautiful and glossy. Tory truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. Erunne Worm' It wu a long time after I yaw you at Dllesfield before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent In Detnydt, and when I got It we concluded to try it on Mrs 111a1M11. hair, as the surest test of Its power. It bastions all that, you assured me it would do; and othere of my family and friends, having witnessed ite effects, are now ming anti recommending Its nee to others as entitled to the bighart consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yams, BOWMAN KANN, Canumr, ILL, June 28, 1844; I bare used Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Rearcustive, and have ad mired ita wonderful effects. My hair was beam. leg, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the nee of his Restorative it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently so. 8. BREEZY, esAlinatdr, 11. B. 0..7. WOOD & CO., Proprietora, 812 Broadway, If. Y., (in the. great,N.T. Wire'Railing Eatablihment) sad 114 Market street, fit: Lenin, Mo. frirßold Io Lebanon Josmn. I,, , Lesrerginm, alto by Dr. Rom and by gli Ihrieggists everywhere. unree2,lB-Bt.t.