The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 21, 1858, Image 3

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TERMS, $1 50 A YE/12
D. S. Raber's Fountain for lie
distillation of Sparkling, Ice Cold, Soda Water,
is now In prime operation . We tried it, and pro.
nounce•it 0. K.
Gdilford & Lemberger's Soda
, 'Water, manufaetureLin Poreelainl'onntains,and
'drawn from anelegant Urn; - told 14, 'and
, spark - lb:kg ae offampaigne, -le just the drink for
the season. I'm it. eo
Dr. Ross has in Operation his foun
tain of Sparkling Soda Water. Ilia fixtures arc
first class and h - la ! Syrups the'very best. For a
'OOll4O very refreshing drink call there.
We also call attention to the new advertise
ment of his Drug Store. The Dr. hu. had a largo
experience in the business, and any order entrust
ed to him will be carefully and promptly attend
ed to,
C. 8., of Templenian's Home
will have his favors appear next week.
Birkinbine, the, gentleman
who erected our Gas Works, has been appointed
`Chief Engineer of the Philadolphin Water Works.
The School Directors have been
surrounding the Academy with excellent eurliittg.
As soon as the pavement and the street are grad
ed that section will make quite an improved ap
Theee.ltre now in the course .of
erection in this bcrongh-30 now buildings. -This
dues . notu . hoti the times fo be I 0 Yei'y
At t he same timo, if it had nOt been for tho hard
times there would probably `1513 300 now houses
building. in this locality. A -number of, now
buildings are , also going-up in North Lebanon. 7 -E. B. Denune & CO.'s
renowned Indian Tronge and Bnck's fora:maths
Troupe, will exhibit in Lebanon, nekt Friday, the
23d inst. The entertainment is said to be very
interoating and instructive, and-furnishing rich
scones of fun. Persons who desire to laugh and
grow fat ehould invest a - quarter in this fndian
Medivine. It is no humbug.
The Annual Commencement of
Franklin and Marshall College,
The annual Commencement of this Institution
will take place on WedneSday, the 28th inst. The
graduating Claes consists of sixteen tnewbers, all
of %Thom are expected to deliver short addresses
on the occasion, 'rho addresses before the Alum
ni, will be delivered on Tuesday evening previ
ous, by A. K. Seyster Eq., of Hagerstown,
wook, ono of the hottest days of the season, our
enterprising and energetic neighbors of Reading
had their hydrant water stopped off. Those who
could tall back upon pump water were very glad
to do so. It's rather bad, iti this age of improve
ment, When those furore!' with the improvements
ore Worse situated than those who have thorn not.
Chu trouble in RettAlog is that the t‘ipply of ire.-
ter does not equal the (lantana. Ititying the grog
stopped is btid'Snottgin be. When the prohibition
OtitiVirl to Wit or— th rrab te r 00 ° —11? hew !
HOME AGAIN.---WilliaM Cole
men, Esq., arrived at his home, at Cornwall, on
Thursday last, after an absence ut one cur, iit
greatly improved health. lle visited England,
Prance, Italy, Germany, &e., in Europe; Egypt,
in Alava, and the Moly. land, in Asiu. Ile visit
ed the place where Christ was horn , and saw the
manger in which the Son of tai first beheld the
light of day. After a short visit to his brother
It. W. Coleman, Esq., at Cornwall, he took pos.
'session of his now Mansion, where be was com
plimented the same evening with a serenade by
the Perseverance Band of thin"-place.
Cracky ! but the times ale dull.
'Our local have dwindled down to a morn speck
this week. To spin out a little we take occasion
to mention that the publie's humble servant, the
editor, and his son John, a shaver of six sum
mers, wont on a fishing excursion the o:her morn
ing. Rising at. 3 o'clock, A. M., we drudged
down the.canal to the tunnel, with rods, lines,
and hooks. Arriving there we became sensibly
impressed With the idea that to catch fish we
must first catch "worms for bait," in which very
pleasant occupation we spent the best part of the
morning. Wo then fished, and are proud to say
that nut a single one of the finny tribe lost its
liberty by any act'of ours. We reached home by
8 o'clock. The neighborhood of the tunnel is a
good fishing place, but drat it for catching pur
poses. We could'nt did it !
Frightful Accident.—A party of
ladies and gentlemen left this city last Saturday
'oh a visit to the family of Major Henry S. Kapp,
'near Birdsboro. They spent the day vary pleas.
antly at this gentleman's hospitable house, and
between 10 and 11 o'clock at night, started on
their return home. As they were passing along
the road adjoining the canal bridge, at Bridsboro,
one of the carriages, containing seven of the par
ty—Dirs. Knabb, Wife of tho editor of the Jour
oat, Miss Daniels, Miss Wells, two Misses James,
Mr. B. F. Owen, and Mr. Rich and Rogers—was
precipitated over an ahnoatperpondieular bank 12
or 15 feet high, together with the horses, which
. fell on top of the carriage, and broke It to pittbs.
Those who witnessed the fall, Wait astonished to
- find that every one of the occupants of the car.
rine was not crushed to 'Wall, so frightful did
the accident appear. But, as good fortune would
'have it, they all escaped With slight injuries, ex-
Copt Mrs. Knabb, who was picked up in an in
sensible condition, and whose life was despaired
of, for some hours. But, with the assistance of
prompt medical attendance, she revived, when it
:was found that her collar-bone was broken, and
:her bead badly bruised. She was brought home
on Sunday evening, and we are glad to learn is
'now recovering no rnpltlly as the nature of her
'lnjuries will admit.
Tbo plate where this accident occurred, is rep.
'resented as extremely dangerous, owing to the
'recent digging away of the road by the Schuyl
kill Navigation Company, to fill up a break in
'their canal. IT this be so, it is An act of trespass
and negligence which deserves the severest rep.
'reliension.—Roadlng Gazette of Saturday.
That brave soldier, Gen. John.
A. Quitman, diod at Natchez, on Saturday, the
17th inst. He died of diseaso contracted from
'the National Hotel poison, Washington, at the
inauguration of Mr. Buchanan.
V.. On the 2d of July, 1778, the day the De
oTiSittnn of Independent* passed Congress, the
therradketor in Philadelphia stood at 78 degrees
at 0 A. Dec, at 79 degrees at 9 h. 40 min., and at
74 degrees at
,0 P. M. On the fourth of July,
when it was sigotll; . the thermometer stood at 68
degrees at 6 A. 1%!., 723 degrees at 9it M. 76 at
IP. M., and at 731 at r. 3i;
For the Lebeaum Advertiser.
Notes of a Trip to Lebanon.
The day King had already passed the meridian
and was fast hastening to his resting place behin,d
tbu Western hill tops, when I quitted the tit:Unica
of a kind brother in the , pitiee'Selected by the Old
Keystone as the place 'wliere gather the literati
in Council to make, re-make and repast laws for
the good of our Commonwealth (Win 'plain words,
the Capitol of our State. I left it to seek after
the Depot of the Lebanon'Valleyttil l iroad; I was
soonAttracied to the place large and char
actititirlc raters on tile side of tlie heading—
" The Lebanon Valley l itailivad Depot." The
oars were drawn up and all right fo• a start wait
ing the hour specified in the schedule, when with
speed they would carry us to our respective desti
nations—mine batik Lebanon. The cars 'Were
well filled with 'shoat of merry passengers; there
were the old and young, the gay and sedate, and
especially a party of young ladies, who having
just been liberated from - the monotony of school
exercises wore as lively as the caged bird, when
liberated. We bad to wait but a few moments
when 'the loud shrill whistle of the engine an
nounced the fact of our starting. Soon we were
borne along at a swift pace, passing in quick suc
cession houses, rocks, trees and picturesque land
scapes, now stopping to take water, letting off
and taking on passengers, until the cry of the
conductor announcing the name—Lehunou—
brought "us to our feet to seek an aperture for de
parture from the cars. On quitting the ears iu
company with my wife, we were met by a lc ind
friend Of hers, and by whom we were invited to
his hospitable place of sojourn, there to spend the
dilys of our tarry in the town.
we were soon brought before the dour of his home,
where we met his 'kind, sociable, and agreeable
*if°, 'who cheerfully invited us to all the benefits
'et her home whilst we sojourned in old Lebanon;
for indeed the adjective "old" is not at all unapt
iyhtrn 'We take into consideration the antiquity of
its origin, or birth. There is a difference of opin
ion in regard to the exact date of its origin. One
historian says:—"lt was laid out about the year
1750, by a person 'Of the name Steitze, from
whom, for litan'Y years it was Called Steitzes
Ina history of Lebanon, we fiud . .tlA opinion
of Rev. (-Norge Lachman, D. taken froin the
Evan . Magazine, for 1312, vol. 1, p. He says,
"Dies° s.tadt, Libanon , ist im yuhr 1156, von
George Rteitze au - sgelegt wortlen, and liegt an
data Fluss Quitopahilla, (010 Indianiseber nama,
der auf Deutch, Sehlangenloch heist." So then
I in applying the adjective we are certainly
not wrong.
The name Lebanon given to it affefward, it is
supposed by some, was given, in''allusion to the
Lebanon of Scriptural history. Around that
name, as•applied to Lebanon„, of Pennsylvania,
there cluster a thousand thoughtspleasant and
painful—such as the sufferings and deprivations
of its first settlers from the depredations of the
Indians and the lack of comfortable dwellings
and suitable utensils, culinary and agricultural.
The painful thoughts of the India Massacres,
such as that of the murder of Spitler, in 1751;
the murder of the German Father and son, and
the capture of his - two daughters Barbara and
Regina, together with many others equally pain
ful. Yet the thoughts of `Weir being permitted
to worship God, to juin in celebrating praises to
llis name in a locality so beautifully adapted to
the wants of the people in divine worship, arc
pleasant thoughts to all succeeding generations.
It was my first visit to the place, bad as I passed
along its street I could not help comparing the
actual with the ideal, and hrettting forth inter
jectfveiy in giVint theindauce of alithatls beau
tiful, grand, bUtiness and enterprising like, as
well as itltt it covers, in faVor of the actual.
The ideal Of Lebanon could not. compete with
actual in every of the above qualifications. I
was struck with the apparent go•a-headtit-eness
of its inhabitants, practically illutitated in the
appearance of very many new WA fittings and oth
ers in the course of erection, as well as in the
business department. All the different places of
mercantile, mechanical, artistica and profession
al business departments; stores for the sale of
dry goods, ware, drugs, groceries, the law
yer and doctors' offices, rooms for the taking of
our beautiful faces on glass—ambrotyping— in
all its different departments of trade ant i busi
ness are duly represented.
I visited (at the request of one of the firm,) the
firm of Reber &Dro.'s.; I found them a compact
body of brothers, enterprising, energetic and so
ciable, with good business qualifications, which
they turn to available purposes. They have
erected a splendid edifice, dedicated to the differ
ent dePhillaii3 of business. 011 c of the like's
occupies an apartment on the first floor as a Drug
Store, casting forth the articles which possess the
eta Iredientrix A l atterne. ilib rettlaining and
principal upavhnept on the same floor is oceupi
ed by the other Bra's as a Dry Goods establish
ment; there are also in the same building on the
upper floors the offices of two newspapers, also
one or two Daguerrean and Atobrutype Galleries.
The whole building presents a beautiful iond
sinus aspect, and is a credit to the place, and an
enduring monument of the business tact of the
Hero I will F tbp for the present, and in my
nest will give an account of howl spent my
Sabbath in the town, also a few remarks concern
ing the different Churches, their past and present
condition. J. T. B.
Div. Jot, duly 12th ) 1858.
Reaping Match— Trial of healers.--A trial of
Reapers took plane on Saturday afternoon last,
under the auspices of the Barks Co'y Agricultur
al Society, in a field of grain belonging to Mr. F.
Seidler, adjoining tho Andalusia llutel, opposite
the Charles Brims' Cemetery. There wort alatge
number of spectators in attendahee, together with
the Committee appointed by the Society to award
the diploma to tho best Reaper. Consideradle
interest Was man!festetl in the trial by all present,
and the utniost good feeling . prevailed, which
was heightened by excellent ice-creams ar.d re
freshments furnished by the Proprietor of the
hotel, Mr. James Medary. There were but two
Reapers entered; the Ketchum Reaper, manufac
tured by Roes tk Spangler, of this city; and the
Manny Reaper, for whom J. L. Stichter, is the
local agent. The Reapers were started a short
time after the time appointed. The Manny en
tered the field ready harnessed, having been
drawn by the horses oh its Ora *hada from Read
ing, to the field, and commenced cutting dawn
its share of the field in beautiful style. It mov
ed off gracefully and as easy as a carriage, the
driver and the man handling the fork firmly rid
ing in their seats on the Reaper, and continued
&ling steadily all the time, until its task was ac
complished, which occupied exactly two hours
and fifteen minutes.
The Ketchum Reaper, after some delay, was
put into operation and performed several circuits
of the share of the field allotted to it, but while
it cut doWn the grain well, it did not perform to
the satisfaction of those who wore working it, and .
the hands Were changed several times. After the
third or fourth round, the contest was given up,
leaving the greater part of its shares of the grain
standing on the field,
The Id anny Reaper performed its work 'admi
rably, cutting a wider swathe, and causing no in
terruption whatever. It was the unanimous
opinion of all present, that on this occasion,
it had shown its superiority. The commit
tee in due time will report theirl44 which,
we venture to say, will be in accdr ea with
these fattc—Reading
ELECTION—The semi annual election for
officers of the Per Severance Engine and
Hose Company, of this Borough, held at
their Hall, on Tuesday erenkg last, resul.
toil Ibll6ws, "ii :
President —T. T. Worth.
Vice President—. John W. Harbeson.
Secretary— Joel H. Hoffman.
As's't Secretary—Charles Rodarmel.
Directors—John A. tench, Wm.
First Principal Engineertenry Shirk.
First Principal "togineer's Assistant—
Wm. Rauch.
Second Pri 00l i tngi 3eer--,70el H. Hoff
Second Principal Engineer's AssiStane—
Henry S Ilarbeson.
Jury List for Au
John Albright, Borough
Joseph Brubaker, Ilehrg
David Bollinglr, Jock - son
Henry Bickeler, Bethel
John F Cherrington, Mark
John A Bonged, Jockhon
James Elliott, N Ann villa
Pernelor.„ LebanonP Froylinglon4(4, Swiera
John Muth, Jackivon
Isaac Long, N A nnvillo
Samuel Light, Borough
Peter Arnold. Borough
George Boiniardner, E
Ghatubere Bubb, Heidelb'g
Henry Bernhard, Borough
William Bair, Heidelberg
Christian Baehiiidn. Corn
Samuel .111eletine, N
George Verr.Borough
itohuitt Evans, Cornwall
Saiuiicl TA, Cornwall
Henry . W Ehrinan. Load's
Andrew Fox, S Leti tp
Remy Frank, Annville
Mieheel Fret' thorn. Borough
'Samuel Greenawalt, Boeh
George ()easy, Jackson
George Garberich, (p a) E 11
Jacrib Hrcider, Corn • all
Raving Again.—The onu-horse
tow. hintaic. It is useless for us to waste pow
der over a Mon foe.
Owing to the "tight tittles," the
time for saving five per cent. on State and Coun
ty Tax, bas been extended To Saturday next.
• - WE have had tempting displays
of Cucumbers, Beans, anti various otter vegeta
bles, in our market for a few days past. They
sold at reasonable prices..
lan ink awl larvest—The crops
in this county have nearly all been housed, and
are said to be the heaviest gathered for many
years, and of superior quality.
Droves of Cattle in fine Collditioll
arc pushing for the Philadelphia market. Large
numbers have lately passed through th is Borough.
W> shall soon begin to look fur reduced prices of
beef.. Putter% is i s '&004 can4;irtiah..'
Shutters, says one of the 'devils,'
itre a "great institution." hear him—" They aro
things placed in front o Windows for young la
dies to peep through at the gentlemen 'passing
slang." This definition conflicts slightly with
"Pine Apple Fashion,,',' is the
name given to the fashionable mode of iontting
getle:then's hair. It is cut close to the scalp.—
Don't look very handsome, but Is soda by one of
the &Atonable to feel very comfortable.
WE notice at. e6i. Hotel.s the ar
c.-ivni ''unusual Anther of visitors ?rbin the
city, to remain during, the extreme 141; of the
season. Lebanon and vicinity offer ii `delightful
summer resort. Persons soiourni4 in our miint
should not forget to pay a Viert to Cornwall.
:The tallooil rnanunictured by
Messrs. Swartz, Keene, and 'Wilma, the ascen
sion of which was postponed on the evening of
the sth inst., n-as let off lust week - . I t was of a
largo eize, and beautifully shaped. The balloon
roc to a groat height, taking a north-easterly
A Harvest Home Celebration by
the Lutheran Sabbath School of Jonestown, w'll
Wein° tiff on Saturday, the 31st inst. Great prep
arations are being made to render this a pleasing
amour. The bounteous crops with which we have
been favored by a kind Providence, should in
duce the public to make "Harvest Home" an im
portant even,.
Pie Nies.—A party
composed of ladies and gentlemen, left this Bor
ough on Friday morning, to spend the day -in en
agreeable in:moiler, in the rural districts- The
late rain, which was as precious as the shower of
gold lot fall by Jove into the silken lap of Dame,
rendered the day pleasant and cool. The party
we learn, enjoyed themselves highly.
On Saturday a pie-nie was given in Mr. Leh
man's woods, by the youthful portion of our com
munity. One of the "devils," who had the pleas,
ore to be among the number, speaks highly of the
affair. lie was, as a matter of toursd; one of the
favorites with the "Vright eyes."
We understand that several other pie-nie4 are
in contemplation. This is just the weather to
make people think of shady groves, water gaps,
and trout streams. The town is on many occa
sions deserted by those not chained to the wheel
of business.
,on Tilfarkei.
cekly by Myers 5 A•hQue: .
Potatoes, ? btt ,
Eggs, 14 dos.,
Butter, % 10
Lard, 9
'rano*, 9
Elam. 11
Shoulders, 9
Sides, 9
Soap, 8
Bees-war. 25
Whltb 5
Mixed liagS, 2
Flax. ? Ib , 1234;
Bristles, ?„ lb., 40
Feathers, Vi lb., 4Z0,4
Wool, ? lb., 40
Soup Beans, qt., S
j Yinegar, ? gal., 123,f,
:Appl6.llutter,%l dock, 4b
The Philailelipliia Market.
PIIILADELPILIA, Jots 19, 1838.
The Lel)ian
nxilluily Con -cafe! We(
I,eh. Mills 11x. Pam. $5 00
Smith Extra 4 50
Lab. Super. . nue 400 '
Prlihe Whitti Wlitiet, 95
pilMe lied Wheat, 90
Prime Rye ; 60
Corn, 75
Cats, 35
Clover-seed, 3 00
Timotly . -seed, 2 50
Dried AppleS,Te bu., 100
Dried Apples, pealed, 1 50
Peach “Snitz,' 250
Peach "Hu tzels," 125
Cherries, 1 50
Onions, 50
BISEADSTILIFFS.—ThO more favorable turn .ii the
:tdvices from abroad have done little to dispel the
depression which has governed the Flour market'
for Boole inontha past, and prices exhibit no
change since the close of our last review, and on
ly about 2,000 'ibis were disposed of at $4,25 per
bbl fur straight superfine ; $4,50@5 fur extra and
extra fatuity—the sales to the trade have been
within the range of these figures fur common to
choice brands and extra, and $5,50@6 for fancy
lots. Rye Flour nod Corn Meal have been quiet,
with small sales of the former at $3,31i, and 1,200
bbls of the latter at $3,371 per bbl for Ponnsylva-
Dill, end $3,871 per bbl for Brandywine Meal.—
Of Wheat, the supplies have boon very light, but
they are fully equal to the demand, as the Millers
aro purchasing only to supply present wants, In
anticipation of lower prices. Sales of 10,000 has
at 90 0 @51,05 for fair and prime red, and . sl,lo@
1,20 fr,r white, including new Southern ut $1,03
@l,OB for red and $1,15 to $1,20 for irhite - -the
latter for prime parcels. Rye is in steady de
mand; sales of 2,000 bus Pennsylvania at 70c.—
Corn is in good request, and scarce at a further
advance; sales of 18,000 bus. Yellow at 780850
afloat and 704g85c in store, including softie white
at 71c. Oats have been freely taken at the, ad
vance with sales of 15,000 bus. Pennsylvania at
41@420 °losing at the latter rate, and Southern
at 40®41e Or bits, afloat.
ust Term, .1858
John Light (ss) i 5 Leh Dor
Franklin Ke.ner, Heill%;
Jacob" 1 3Tiohnel, Union
Henry B Ores, B..r.ugh
John Reist, S Annvilto
Henry Raber, Borough
Jcleph Sham°, Borough
Jtirph Fit Offer, Elifanover
DaniOl Uhrich.,Jackson
Joseph Uhrich. Cornnsll
'sane Weidner,Londontlerry
'William Zimmerman,
George Long, Sirattira
Samuel Lope, illillereek
Felix It Light, S Leb tp
Aaron blnsaer, JaCiCtiill4
Lyman 1 Rank, Swatoza
Rlexatfr , Ftilinroetz. Ileitl'g
Henry 13 Seltzer, Ann
Leek St-14,14, N Leb For,
09,1 in Stec, Leb tp
Je o..StniviAy, .1 . ,‘• Le tp
9, raei Jackson
Sarum!: Uhla nd, E
Julia Viler, .Ir, Y:llaanrer
&lame' Wise, ki L.b tp
George Toner, 3watara
limn , Yeager, Fwatara
Lpri 11 rt7.ter , Jackault
D - avict Zeller, Bethel
market fur Deaf Cattle at Warden's Avenue Drove
lard was dull this week, and prices fell off 50
eon to on the 100 lbs. Since oar last, the arrivals
there were 802 hand, and the Rolea ranged at $3-
00, $8 50, $8 75 @ $0 00 Ip. as in qual
Aland 200 Cow' and Calves were at Wardeirs
this week, selling at from $3O to $•10 for_ good
fresh Cows, $2O to s3i) fur middling quality, and
$l5 to $25 fur dry Cows.
Of Hogs, the receipts only reach about 000 head;
the market, was dull, with sales at from sti 25 to
SG 00 the nett 100 lbs.
The arrivals of Sheep at 'Wardell's were 0,680.
The market was lively ; and alt sold at frein's2 to
$1 each, being equal to 7@B eentsV lb. dressed.:
Special NOliCeS.
See navertinmcnt of Dr. Sanford's Liver
Invigurntor in another column.
"ff• EA D
. Murk the day and date.
Hon:m-41's Ctisvmustr AND PILLS.—AiI erup
tion, sores and tumors are fed by irritating and,
poisonous particles in the exterior enctiration.—
These are 'reached add natralited by this pen-
at T , b ( e nt s t l i tmliet , one, ..4 q pi irate ..tlebt, fine It 1 IX LOT
etrat fug Mt tidote, and a pea-feet cure is the natural
( : )f ti f li b tc a tu t t Walnut &reel . . near Water, in
result. The stomach is the purveyor of the whole the borough
20 fort on L ;
1‘ : 1 n s a u g e , andto4B the
feet Court
body. If it is torpid, or disordered, or in flam- /No , o, fronting
ell, every other organ suffers. These Pills are inintining other property of the subscriber and lot of ;1 1 :c
estate of Geo. Mt mr. dei.'d
the finest stomachic in exiaanee. they act spec- 1 Asa. ,,r t T r4 .l .t it t t i Lu t , l i 7 \ LOTS. lorah don the corner of
ifically upon the digestive poWers, and thonoit
ula a s t ail s rateet ' , aiut::, ) i . e " e l t ' itee S ' ii lp Ms
are '
25 feet
them upon (he Byer, the bowels anil the eire p. be.)• are in an oripro‘-
tion, regulating and InVigoratug M cry function. lug part of the borough et• Lebauen, convenient It.all
the principal and central parts of mull, viii: 13.-; , -.01 int.
Thole is ,it test by which to know the genuine,
front the Lebanon faller tholitoot Driest. the gamy from
viz :the Water mark "Holloway. New York and
I.,, L ,,,, t ii, N n u s tme b . ,,, an ,, t i t s the n = t ie fr , otn the Court 11eu• , .....--
London," which appears in semi-tramparcnt let
-1;4 if odt let 3. it deitiod
tors in every leaf of the buck of direction , . Un- Lebanon JuIy'?(,PETER LALS. 4 .
lead the same are plainly seen in the paper when
held between the eye anti the light, the book and II .
hilias & Readinfr Itlilro; 1
52. .
the medicine it envelopes are counterfeit.
sayssegasspag -
' 18,
-.. oi i fl+ l t
The Stomach is the most liable to get cut of or
der. Hence how iml.ortrut that no diseased mat
ter clog its operation, which would cause nausea
and distress by our food. It also weakens the
brain, destroys the memory, creates pains and
dimness, and various afflictions is the head. It
produces great difficulty in breathing and swal
lowing. Sometimes fainting and fits will ensue ;
also bad breath, restlessness and great loss of
strength. If .not immediately attended to, the
blood will curry the disease through the whole
system, and death will end the work. From 2to
5 of these Pills a day will keep the digestive or
gans in healthy condition, and beelog or carry
away all impure: matter, and thoroughly restore
and cleanse the stomach ; at the same time the
Pills will se purify the blood, us to &I've all man
ner of disease from the system.
In a, quantity of corrupted matter, ther is al
ways to he femfd attest of Worms. They cannot,
'nei'ther- Will they stay anywhere else. Weak
ttomach,atitil bowels arc subjeet to them, as they
Itt'vre not sufficient pifiver to digest their food.—
hence a large troop of matter . is lodged, : and
worms mast be the ' result.few- doses of WeSe
pills will disturb them their nat . ; and drive
them out of tile ayateif. -
It should bo remembered, that an oicit'Sitinal
dose when in health, especially after taking cold,
will prevent the disease from forming in the
Dr. Morse's Indian 'Root Dills are gold by all dealers
in Medicines.
WOOD'S HAIR IttiBYoll.4.ll VEL —The fame 'of
this preparal ion 'rests upon its 'teal merit. Thou
sands all over the country are usiig it, and it
does all it claims through the various publications
that it can do. Hair will grow on a bald scalp
by its use ; hair will bc preserved anti beautified
by its usel hair bill turn, froin gray to its origi
nhl dotet by its use. We do not claim that a. red
Beaded gentleman or lady can be turned into in
dividuals with raven locks orauburn ringlets; but
gray hair will be restored to the original color.—
Render; wherever you live, in any place you re
side, Wood's Hair Restorative is sold. Enquire
at all tho Druggist, and whether such articles
are usually obtained, and you will tail it as we
worthlus iYnitations, as
several are already in in the ounriret - , by different
names. Use :none unless • the Words (Professor
I ,lTood's Hair Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo.,
and NeVi York) are 1414vn in the bottle. Sold by
all. the.DregtiMb he'd Patent Medicine dealers,
in the tiallexl 'States and Canada.
11E1.311301.D'S Genuine PREPARATIOI7.
Is prepared according to PhalleMi..y and Chemistry, with
the gteatestadeurney itild Chemical knowledge devoted
to theireombination. 11,76-See advertisement headed
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J Clarke, At b.,
Physician Extraordinary to the Queor,
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the 'Cure of all
those painful and dangeropailiseftes to which the female
constitution is suWe'ct. It moderates all excess, and re
moves air Otirr&tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on.
it Is pi3eidiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, Price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeits.
These Pills should not be taken by females during the
first three months of Pregnancy: as they are sure to bring
on Mist arriage, but at any other time they are safe.
In all cases of Nervous mid Spinal Affections. pain in
the hash and limbs, fidigne on . slight mtertion.palpitation
of the heart, hysterics anti Whites, Mese Pills will effect
a cure when all other means have failed, and although a
powerful retnedy, dO not contaih Iron, calomel, atitimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions accompany each package.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada.
JOR MOSES. (late I. C. linhlwin S Co)
Rochester, T.
N. 0.--11,00 and n p. , stage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent, will ilemre a bottle of the Pills by return
man. For sate hy. •
Pr. ROSS, opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa.. anii
be all respectable Druggists throughout the United Stateii .
and Canada,. also by Harvey Birch . , Reading, Pa.
October 7, 837-Iy.
Religious. Notices.
LID 101 l Prayer Meeting in Temperance lion, every
Monday evening from S to ti o'clock. Every
other evening of the week front 61 to tin
Sunday afternoon the- Young Men's Prayer
Aieeting from Si to 44.
English preaching, in connection with the Lord's
Supper next Sabbath morning and German in
the afternoon in Zion's Lutheran Church.
Gorman Service next Sunday Morning in the
Moravia u Church. - • . -
Preaching—Next Sabbath morning,. in the Eng-
lisp language, in the Reformed Church.
English Drenching That Sunday morning and
evening in the Methodist: Episcopal church.
Ou the .511 inst., by Rev. D. Moyer, Mr. T. If.
Peiffer, of Myerstown,
to .7,14 s Marian She.
ger, of Pino Grove, Sebuylkilt county, Pa.
In N. Lebanon ep., ou the 13th ink.i Mr. John
Stover, stOd iS yent3, 14) nuntihe nua 1(
;Notice to e bt ers .
A L TOTIGN is hereby given to ell [limo indebted on the
11 books a Altomi, that if their ne
counts are riot nettled before the Ist day of September
next, stilts {rill be instituted. A. S. Eby, Xx'r.
Lebanon, July 16, 1.568.
Selling °W at Cost.
1-3„ TISSUIt,
Al f ACeA&c&c
Nllaelin 9lvaroicsestyleshdPinlitles, in
by which they have
purchased, can be surpassed by none iu town. The sea
son, and our heavy stock prcintist nä to hold forth these
inducements. Please give us a sell.
NV be
of Tly,lßs,lnr ~0„.,Y
mytutli, in North Annville township,,? miles from
A unville, and six . miles from Lebanon, the following- Per
sonal Property
4 I large Juniata Deck BOAT , fr,"'"':,l
- with Riggings complete; eta ; f f . - -
- full sets of Boat litarneSe. sin- VII,
gle Harness and Saddles, one em ton Fray •
Scales, one Patent Platform 400 lb Scale, new : one new
one-home WAGON, Spring Wagon, new SLEIGH, large
Corn-Sheller. Fishing Seine-, WheelbarroM, Picks, Shov
els, a lot of G r a n Bags, and a great many other afticles,
too numerous to mention.
Also, about 8000 ft. CHERRY BOARDS and PLAbligS,
a small quantity of other LUMBER, Palings, &c,„.:
Salo to-commence at 12 o'clock, M., when condiliolit
will bo made known.and a credit of SiX months given by
F. EBIBIO/L Auctioneer. J. & S. amygit,
Moyersville, N. Annville trL, Jul . ) , 21;'59.
1 7-or--,
" U P' & Dramatic laiii , i Y, Dry-Goods, GrOcery St
Crockery !
will exhibit at .'' • ~....
MI LLERSToWN, TIIIMMAY, Jou 21,185 k, at 2. 4. rp .
—lv In v.—
i ,MIA NON. FRIDAY, JULY 23, icloi R. 1.1 ER S 9 S TOR E 7,
JoN V.STOWN, ocD-tiv, .Tut Y 21, " '' .." iir EONA RD ZIMMERMAN informs his friends a n d ft,
,Idly 21,'ZiS-1 t. k. HUTCHINSON, Agent. I il* , Ord he has ,lust receiv d ne wstock of
I Apu 3 11. • . • • . a
PUBLIC SALE OP - - : Goods for the Sprint." Trade,
--- , which will be feund as cheap as any stock of the kind in
' Valttable Borottgit Proittrly. i this town, consisting of all such GOODS as are usually
WILL be sold at public sale; at the Public,ipifitse of I kept in a first-class store
! V tinny D. CARMAN; in the . Rotntigh e:Lebanon, Particular attention is given to Staple Goods for the
on SATUlttuy, the 1.11,4 dos of ISIS, the follow- country trade, not neglecting the fancy articles for LA
leg valuable Borough Real Estate, vii:— ' DIES' WEAR,--stwit as Laces, Lawns, Edgings, UndSr-
A LOT OIt,PLECE OP GROUND In the centre; of the : sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Ac. , . ,
Borough ofLebanon, fronting on Ctunherland street,ru . n- j
_., GENTLEMEN arc invited ln , ixamitnit'hia CLOTHS,
I fling back to Jail alley, and tan:Marti on the east by pran- .i,SSintereli, CdPinets, Twet4l , ?, Taney and other Vmtings,
arty of Daniel Stiehter, and eel:he - west hy Jacob ! 'Velvets, Cords. Ac.
IRedel, on which are erected . ; good,Thiee„W A , K
cy , , , ! In the GROCERS" departmentMe+, i.e found a 4,
BRICK HOUSE, with finished .hasement. and is . ' . 1 , 1 ,' Splendid assortment of every neval iti the Family:. -4
large two-e-It If-story BOCKBUILDING• "H,A i Coffee. Sugar, Spices, This, Markerld, `Ac, In
with the necessary out-buildings. The locidien ef 'tb'is 1 CROCREIi I: the Stock is welt selected. - T
property makes it worthy the attention. of purchasers;— , ' ~•! ...,,,, LEONARD s Et.S.IXERM-A , N,'
For a business location it is not SllepllSSed in the ho&utgli. i InlATlteddgliest market price will be paid for,COON
Possession will he given on the let of April, 1859. e e j TRM LLebanon, :May 5.1.51;5:
Y - ONNE. '
Sale to COMlneLlee id 'L o'clock, P. M., and terms Made I
known by A. S. ELY,
Executor of aIIeRXL WAGN - En, deed.
Lebanon, July 21, ISIS.
Desirable Borough Lots.
. HENRY & Size: have jest opened a large and splendid
Sipelt ifklanCy Dress Goods, such as Silks, PLO D , S ripad,
acsFighted.for Des
rses, Muck and Colored, serY einem
Chilli. Chain lit•bes.. Lawn. Lawn Robes. Lovelies. pail
',leCherries.Cimlli Ilereges,Silkitereges,Gingliams.Prmdi
'Meier : es, French de ,Latiles.,Dotte,ges, Mohair Lustre, &c.
i Reilieinier at the enjap AO're of Ifs - ,,xnr & Sw.;z.
HENS:I7 Si .1.1;:s ilp.T s , just litmlled a largo and apiendiii
assortment of Stit'ing and P.`IIMISICE Cloths, Cashmennts.
Tweeds. Cassamets,dialiau Cloths, Lustres and Linen for
Coats; Chile, Ctu!samers(•!Sineds, Linens, Pleida.Cordn-
Summe - r Arrangement , July 5, 1858.
rova- Drilling. Jeans. &e.. fer Pantaloons: Satins, Silks.
..7 l u g . Cloth, Italian Cloths, Manteilles. &c., fOr'Vest
yt OWN PASSENGER TRAINS leave Pottsville daily. ; Also, Stocks, Ilatalkerehiefs, • Collars, Suspenders,
i :if (except Sundas) at 8.11 a, in.. and 3.30 p, iti.; • pass- (n oe e,,, $,,,,-.1,1,, g ,,, s o ,. ~,, c - h ear „,„t
I lug 111./alb:gat 0.51.'a. nt , and 5.06 p. m., and arriving in; Lebanon,:idsy 5, 'ss, HENRY & STINE'S.
• Philadelphia at 12.25 110011, Mid 7.40 p. In.
l UP PASSENGER TRAINS leave Philadelph hi daily. • 111E4' E WE A k ii. 7, . ANrAni
1 (except Sundays) at 7 30 it. in.: e l m 3,10 p. ni., passiug,, ...ILI. NIGHT SINN (ii' W 7771 (iAirk.:! . . . .
Betiding at 10&15 EL la., and 6.07 p. tn.; and arriving 1 : Tv - ASS,:;ii is ereathig an iniportant.xeilententallOt;er
Pottsville at 11.55 noon. and 7.55 p. zu. ' IX the (-wintry, threatening a dissolution of Union bar
Beth Up and DOW)) PhSsiliger Traillo connect at Port i tweenthe North Anti SOO*. instigating alarming fights
• Clinton, with trains to and from Tamaqua, CLIOWLI3a, I tit Cng,ress, and finirfui if:Memos in State Legislattlres
-1 Williamsport and Elmira. State Conventions base assembled, city and town mass
Morning latisenger Trains only. connect at Pert OM- ; meetings have been held—in short Ole whole country
' ton tbr Wilkesbarre, Scranton, and Pittston. • has been its a general uncestr.
However. amidst all this milkers:o politind tumult,
• Passenger Train leaves Rending at 10.05 a. In . (after • , , .
'• • • OAS tny smiler of having still preserved her dignity of
arrival of Down and Up Morning Passenger It Minn •
,-7 itird and pea,. nothing effithiStleeegd in distnthing her
Pottsville and Philadelphia) and arrives at Harrisburg
Lilo renire - i - i ' atil the %Gies mrning- alum a LARGE
i at 1135 noon, iu time So WIIIItet with Passenger' nints i p i, io ir • it ; ;,• ~,,,,r , ,,t hg BEE hell
1 on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania. and Cumberland , ,
the miontncenient of 'Them. Auction . Goads," on
' ValleY Railroads, fur Sunbury, Wilikunsport. Elmira, ? an '
. 1
Il 'hi; sue •iitled from the corner buitilims
nttsburg, Laticakor, Baltimore and:Cluttlibcrsbueg.
• . ' It
' . Pt i
I'PP ' 'it P' P . ii:PT H ti - tr
GPM:, .. 1 •. •A . , ii S .
• Leturnizig,„Wav•si Harrisburg id 2.85.1>, in., after arri ! '
..441,,11 to indicate that all Was net right': att elithm
cal of Trains Trent aboVe pnintS; arriving at. Beading - at • ~,,,s i ttr, ,,, t ,,, d ~,,,,I ~,,,k , • i t y .„,-„,„„,!, „ low a „ I , ln i„ n ,
4.55, p. iii., and dotinecting with Up and Down. Trains for • ,
• with tened to its °Went were entertained and .saon D.
Pottsvilleand Philadelphia. the raise evening. No trains • ' sti r , - t Men wo
'• • i .generai ast. o v e r town was ocx - • ... _ ,
on Sundays.
' FARES-J.:eta - Nut Pottsville and Plfitadelptlia, .., , Q2 75 i
iv a: . ,: T ialot children involved with puzzled astonishment.
harming out. and crying, --what 1n the world is
and '4 ' 4 ' 25 ; itnadln g; and Philadelphia, i d ''') and i i '4 "'4,,,.1.g t „ umtierr "What's up:" Truth. howiiver.soon flash-
Harrisburg twit Pliikidelltida,g3 25 and $2.10; Lebanon
,•d upon the minds,of all Bee-holder.i. When the aneelty
eild Philadelphia. 52 60 mid V.l Hi; Reading, iiiittalarris• • of tumbling, rolling and unpacking' of Boxes, Barrels
Mira, $1 60 and $1 30 : Rending' and Pottsv . ilte, $1 05 and i • :111,1 13:des. amidSt a crowd cft• apeitatersalnattly • collected
0 85; Reading, and Lebanon, Sta and 70 cent's;- POD . ..villa :
„„ , lifotinti the doors and isalks,' MP iinx - hinsly persevering
65" d S 2 35: t' '' tt ' sith ''' aild r ' ldnina "• • tot but a glinquie at *hat has suite ii 6 effeetnelly astral
sl Sit and $O5O. ;Through No. 1 Tickets: Pottsville to i,4, ,,, d op , ~,, , t h. ,,,„
- Baltimore, 55 00; heading and Paltimole, 51 On; Read- NEvr sle ft om Eot in s At i rriE BEE I nv E,
ing and Law:later, 5,2 25. 60 lbs. of Baggage a 110w..d • }tits suddenly harping upon a thousand tongue's, - ,,tad
each passen„,enr. . ! spread with the rapidity of a prairie tire all over the be-
The second class cars run with all the alai-., Regular • ~,,,,.1 „ p u bli,,, 0 1h,i,.. o f Kansas with every Miler item
Passenger Trains. Morning Trait,. down, and Afternoon I of rite dax fell into insignificance. in consideration of the
Train up only run on Sundays.
individual intereks here at stake. - • •
Through First Class Tickets :it rrouee• r, tes to . lag,
' 'I
i - . N' A. Tette of excitement has ever, Atiee crania nest hi pre
ara Yalta, I.lullido, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principsit
. sail ' within doors. by crowds - Of persons frem every quer
points in the, West, North W e e, and the o t t lit ,t us • and I ~ e rdieetitty, along the counters; 15440 never ran to be-
Emigrant Tickets at tosser Fares to eh tkle above places, come enthusiastic upon Moline; :melt
can be had on application to the Station Agent.
~tlir• All Tickets Will be purchased bethre the Trains 1 New styles of Stripes and Plaid Silks,
shirt. Higher Fares charged, if paid in the cars. The best nadot t of plain Glue!: Silks,
G. A. NICOLLS, line Boinbagines and Lustres, . .
Engineer and Superintendent. Elegant all-Wool De Manes nnel•C'eshinerns, ••
BeaMilia s'Pring style Duct& and Shepherd's Plaid,
HaVidst•me Chain' DeLaines and Alpaca De t mize.
Splendid Collars, Sleeves Yens, Gloves, hosiery and
White .0 , ...r.. in 'abundance. ,
All qualities all Cheap Prints, Giughams, Checks and
Mastitis, :
Union, French, and Doeskin CWRIIIIPrt`F,
1 Plush, Satin and Grenadine Yestings. :
An assortineht of English, Ingrain, Wool Felling,List-
I ins. Rag :Mg hemp Carpets ?or Parlors,Chambers, Hulls
stairs, ryitimin prices front 10 cents to $1 per yd.
I ome n - 115 AND QUE W
, 011 Oaths and Window 'Shades in all their Varieties.
Having the experience of along term ef yearn in the
business, which with a careful exercise of : judgment and
taste. with the advantage of rash M put•chasing, and a
determination of selling CHEAP, enables us—alma, with
the hats system of selling for CASH or PRODLIOE—to
favor you Avith bargains,'beyond any heretofore offered,
as weiras,unsurpassed by any of our competiter.S.
*** Please tall and see us. at the
Cpposite the Court House Lebanon, Pa,
Lebattas, March 31, ISSS.
July 21. 185 S
Mouse Lot at Privateale.
. TLEK 4uhertberpliekfi at Priyate Sale tbe House
and Lot oirned by him in Riot Let anon. Thin
'property ka sieriated on t...e 'i.;:ir
..ner of, eninber
' land street and Pheasant tiller, fronting 66 feet
1.111 the former, and extending bad: 193 feet to Strawber
ry alley.
The liouse, is a good brick, one, containing 9
rooms, (beiblesltarret,) gas fixture good cellar, .tv., boo
just been repaired and tltereilMy 'Sainted. There is al
so attached to the preinises, a summer sniok
room, Lake oven, good cistern, and two stable., The
Darden, which has been much improved by the present
°dander, has now a good crop of vegetable. in it. Pus-
Session can be given at once. oR_Terms easy to snit the
times. Apply to ED. M. EICIIARDS.
East Lebanon, June 2,1558,11. f.
Administrators' Notice.
xrencE ltatEßY 'OWEN, that letters of admin.
11 istration oh OM estate a 51neumm WITNAN, late of
North Lebanon Bor., Lebanon cm, Pa., dee'd.. hgve heen
granted to tlYi undersigned. All persons, therefore, in
debted to said estate are requested to matte payment, tal
those havhig claims to present them duly authenticated.
ANDREW BEING:M.4 Lebanon Borough.
C. 11.110RUNER, North Lebanon. Do.
June 9. 1858.--. CL
Dissolution b 1 POrtneiShip.
Apyrico is hereby given, that the partnership exist
ing between Joshua and John Wolf, I.r-oil
ing Under the limn of knower & Wolic, Chair-makers in
the borough of Lebanon, was dissolved by mutant/ con
sent on the 21st inst. The books of the firm
the bands of Mr. Brower. who will also continue the
business at the old stand under the firm of B/tOWKII
Lebanon, June 13, ISA-4t
Assessment Notice.
have laid an assessment (No. 15) of :3 per eeut. on all
Premium Notes in their possession. given for insurance,
which were fil'force on the 12t1z day of May, ISSS, to be
paid to their receivers, within a months from the first
day of July, ISSB, and have appointed A nan tiarryNotat,
of the Borough of Lebanon, Receiver of said assessment,
for Lebanon county. who will shortly call on the several
members of said Company the their respeetive dues.
By Order of the Company.
ADA 31 um Tv No En. Peces , mr.
Lebanon, July 14, 1888.
Estate - 6r JACOB KINDJG, dee'd.
NrorrcEir . hereby given that the. Register of Will 4
the County of Lebanon, has granted to the under
signed letters temameotary upon the last will and te,.4 8 ..
ment of J.won late of the Township of South
Lebanon, in the connty aforesaid. deed. All persons
Intlidg claims Or demartds against ale estate of the said
deceased, are hereby requested tqntake kno*n the same
without delay; and alt per:lb& indebted to make
utent to EZRA BUCHER,
South Lutittilon township, Lebanon 'co., Pa.
S,:Lehanon, July 7, 1.8.E&.-7t.
,13 and Town Council of the Boretigh of North hrbruann,
and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority
of the same—
That, that pert of iffiilnut street communing on the
north side of the Union Canal, at a point :there ittapie
Hired intersects said IV:antit street and ex ta,utingtheuee
north throligh lands of Wm. Lehman and Absalom Hain.
to where St, intersects Mary alley, be and is hereby &Oar
ed a PUHLIC OftEliT, mid this Supervisors of said Bor
ough ere heießy aiv lonized and directed to ‘wea the
same to is *lath of sixty feet, should the wailers of the
priipea:ty thrOiigh wide') said street passes,peglect or Os
fuse . fo do so on reasonable notice at or upon the first day
of S'aptember, next ensuing.
FRANKLIN WALTER, bbiet Burgese.
Attest—Clorox Lion; Seely.
North Lebanon Bore, June 30, WS.
JULY 7, 1858. f
Slt a b erme it
F TUE LEBANON BANK, published as required by
the Act of Assembly, passed Oct 13, 1857,,vis :
Ist. Leans and Discounts. $331,143 '2T
2d, Spade. $52,208 fq,
Notes of other Banks, 8.010 00
Due by other Bunks,
311. Notes 10 Circulation,
4tlt, Amount of Individual De
Doe to othor 'Banks,
61,820 11.1
EDW. A, UHLER, Shirr.
SWOHN and imbeeribecl befure me. July Stli, 1855.
Lebanon, July 14, '6B. Jar4l7lGLEllit,
Teachers Wanted.
1, desire to employ a Teacher for 1.41.1 Si Itool of said
Borough, said Teacher to he a graduate rif some College,
so as to be able to. teach the higher bgatiches of ediwa
lion. Also, seven other Teachers to tdke charge of the
schools of said borough. Persons desiring td apply will
please commuulcate without delay.Witli 11r. Buis Rance,
Secretary of tho lidaFd: By Order. • .
E..arainatton, on Thursday, August 5, in the
Academy. . .
Lebanon, Jul' 14,1858. 1113.N11.17 11E1111, Noel.
P•rk ' ' • e
eak,ikei VlVanted.
borough. School Distribt, will tutot in the "Mifflin"
School House, mild Borotigh, oo SATURDAY, JULY 3let,
1858. at 5 o'elock„ A. 31;, to examine and employ 4 Teach
ers, (2 male and g female) for said district for ten
months from the lat of September, next. Mr. Emma,
County Superintendent, will he present to conduct the
exandpation. EDW. K. KDIMEL, loree't.
J. ii. MILLER, Secey. [N. Lebanon, July 14,'55.
1' Teachers Wanted.
A N examination of Teachers for the Public Schools
_a_ of CORNWALL township, will 'be held at. No 7
School Nouse, • (Zimmerman's,) 'ln Cornwall township,
on Saturday, August,7, 1858, at ill. o'clock, A. M. 'Perm
of-sohool,llxx Monthir, to' complence,ttn. the tint Mon
day of September. By order Of the Board.
Jane 16, 1855.
un , nEem v.ED and now opened at the cheap
Dry Goods Store of if EN IR 4,STINI a olden-0r.' 3 .1,.,
OsOOSsl RS; also READY-MADE CLOTHING, .1.15 g, wi k ;
Carpets. Oil Cloths, Window . Shades, Sonnets. Guts,
which they are Felling et i'ery low prices. They bought
their goods at cash prices. and are: therefore. ennhlmd to
give, great bargains. Ladies and Gentlemen, give them
an_early call. We are scoured !bey tan suit you ill
goons and priers.
Cloth rtilautithetory:
r 1 1 11,)..19CF111, for pant favors. the Undeniiktiod rep net- iiifonns the Public, tint be continued to carry
on MS SiOnftl , tOrS fn Flait lianioVVf township, Lehanon
county. on ad eStonsivett scale 144 over. It is unnoooss,,,
ry for him to say morn. than that tho work will he ileac
in the sante ExcELLENT Silri:LE. which hax made his
work nud Mtn:, ;. , 0 troll I.: 11.01511 in the slllll,l%nding coo 11-
Try. Ife prondied to do tho work in the dhortont
Unix% ifio manufactory ig in ce,thplvti, order_ and he
natters Ilintdclf to Ile aide to reudor the , i+tmc ilatisfaction
as herotoforo. the mannfacturos
Broad and No ri'o! rogsin , .M. 1:!t0i4:1,,,, Whit,
mut rdifer ,Vlnsinels. rill in the he 4 nt"fincr.
Ile.also curds Wiiid and makes Rolls. E'er the cony.-
nience of his en.itua lei . s , Wool„and Cloth wilt 1/11 tokon
in id Ow following },tares.—At the stores of (Imp, a:
Seellenherger, & Brothers, George Beitauhl,lo , l
at the new Drug Store of thillfOril S lientherger, near
the Market Muse, in the borough of Lebanon; at the
store. of Shirk & Miller. in NOrth. Lebanon; at S. Gosh
erCs. Bethel toWnship; . at the public house or
Lanni. Fredericksburg; at tli4 store of S. T . ...Bickel. in
Jonestown; at the Strre of Uetirke
at the store of Martin Early, Palmyra; at the store of
flabriel Wolfersherger, New Market Forge; at the store
of Michel Shirk, Rust flatterer, Morphia county; at the
stores of Cieerge Miler aid Acrid M. Ralik, - Bost Hann-
Iwr LaWntoil , It materials wilt be taken away
regularly, from the 'above places, finished without deity,
anti. ret urtted agaih.
Those of his CW4011104:3 WHO a fAk Stth-Nttg Wool_ curd
ed dyed and mixo, tent leave the some. white, at the
above mentioned. piace , , with dine-thins how they wish
it prepared. Or lifs enstOnters can order the Stocking,
Wool to be prepared from the Wool of the undersigned,
thick will be chide and lett at the desiewl places,
N. ti: 11,19 tic, il'ea that those hawing 1V , 9 , 1 carded, will
pay therefor, at ihC Latin, 11;1111Cd phl(teS,
Hanover, LOnitlo4l rennty , inuy
wish to Montt thr aizens of Lolutrion
"""' • 111 1 V ' , lid IlAghlmrilig counties, that
t h o tow
cv are ',w in foil ration, and are
VattrAMil4• d
ptt pare , to doin of
9 . S ' 22
1 In, 15•. in
."; 00
51,3148 R
: 10,,1050 ••
Flooring Boards, Weather Boarding,
Sash ,Doors,Window it Door Frames,
Shutters, Blinds, Planing Scrolls,
SAM - SG, and any other kind of Sawing which iniq lye
wanted to snit builders. Thu subAcribere beg lucre to
inform the public that they have the lethal and beat im
proved machinery in the county, such as WOOMORTfeS
PLANan, f e., and that they are able to produce HS good
ivork es the county can produce.
Node but the bet:band 4i , e11-screoned CUSHIER will he
used. Carpenters and EvildSrs are invited to cell add
examine their ready-made sithhk, which they will always
keep on hand. and judge tlJr themselves.
/0 )-Their Shop to on Pitiogrwie Road, Hoar _Phrearier's
Old Foutidry: [Ltiben on. June 17,1557.
TIT ALTZ & R(LDELhnvuteeeirud the County, Town-
VV &hip, and Railroad Maps of Pennsylvarda—Anat
patnialied by R. L. !lames. It should be in the handa of
every Farsnor, Meohania and business man in the State.
2. r / 3 D .
Fancy iiacl piain colored De lAines, which.. they are sell-
11 .
7 AVM RCEDEL 'AgeriVl, for . EVANS \VAT - ,
SIZES,SiMES ,-I llehry & Stine have just opened a
tarp assortment of Ladies'. Dress , Sides, *filch they
are eating at 'great /*gain. Cali ana me Uteri SOO - 11...
. .
OF .5p1.1.1E11 a PODS !
GltliAt aiI'itACTIONS" !
WEIM -E• E "
Opposite Opp ' osite the Lebanon Valley R: It Depot LOD
f..-altoll, Lebanon endattne.m.o.,
'WM. T. L. WEIMER: PrOpri_
_o47 vth o . rliti , ut rae ctuie Steam.lhigines front
power, of the latest styles
411 , :. Isttterr. • IS, with all the modern ha.
provem emits. 'Also, superior Portable tn.
tines (with Link Motion Valve oaar) tuountssl[pe
fur Saw Mills, wood maim; and Keisling purposes. Psi.
ticular aft: mien is celled to our small Upright Emiiiiis
for Printers, DruggistS and wittiting a =AU
attuclynA utPower. They.,tulto/114*•6Vy knell 4114441 mi
eßikrbTptit...vp in;a moth hinmehold 'fixture.
rsvvz DlOwltigqiifgines and Machinery for Anthileite
read ' Ayer IllaitTurrro4os. of improved cougiruatinn-""
Forghllaintiters, ef - P. Waimer'S Patents; dolling ]}Elli e
Sawing. Planing and 'nettling mill Fixtures; Mining
Pumps. Hoisting Machinery for Mines and Stone guar
ries, Railroad furs. Iran Bridges, Shafting, Bs'
Pitllcys,'kttrning Lathes, Drill Pred see. Planing Maebinet,
Bross Stop Cocks. Valves audllrav Fixttire4.4altitmletealia
Verree of:al/raises, and Machinery and Castings of every
46 , :ifilpi too:
ALSO, Boilers of any site, form and. Weight, Maw of
the best material by well known and experienced wort
men: Smoke SteekA. Water Tenks, Use Flues. Beaters,
and Sheet Iron .Work.of every description. [our Boiler
sheets ltre all ttiOted by dividing them into squares of 2
inches mall hammering each square; any imperfection is
thus detected, and the faulty sheet rejected; this isproce
tised in very few shops in this eottlitryj
ALSO, a stock of Wrought Iron Pipe, for stema,
and witter.kililtdl tlte'ittveseery„icaturas.!eqiialatttly
hand, RCA put up'.. the ahciltkit r_ tOO, Midotriatea rea
sonable terms. Iron, Brass, and Coinpoeitict. - :Vaal .Cast•
Lugs made to order, at the shortest notice.
REPAIRING itttowlod to with prompt:moil and ch.
ipatoh. A ;poll; of Moiler Ntekera rewly for Boi
ler repuire. BLAcKs.urrir WORK ample to order.
fik ()niers reipertfully solicited. All eon= uti icatiolut
4 mail or othorwioo, attended thY*iiil despatch, and
work ,r;ifift;eod to railroad or, canal, fr,:e.of charge.
WE.MKR. • t t. le. WZDIF.R.
Lebanon. Fob's 4, tic:Ai,
rottaldryliaehime Shop,
nialiweigned having made very great additisats to
their facilities Ter the manufacturing of lisetinsthY.
will maillitiwttire and keep on hand. a yery general as
moit of 13119,,EMR,1T5, embracing
It'Grddr Lanrortil .ftwil "Agana Lever Horsepower:anti
7' hres'w .e.; Alamo y'o goielnni4 Reaper arni'llirower, with
latest improvemehte,•• Cast - Itlitt field Rollers,
(train lirills and Fans, Corn Phittglis , kuil Dimitns, Clo
ver FlulleiS, Cpeti Sl3ellerit. Yeittl4rc lifriik,.Ttax,Cuttera.
All of the above il,ls.ehitios are Of the latest and beat
iniprevempits,kil are all warranted to glre aittiefection.
Castings of all kinds made to Order,
notice. They elan manufacture STEAM ES
(UAW:, Gearing. Slatting, and r Mill work in general,
awl: t iny partienlar . ette p tiuti ,o,R4lllritig Engines aid
Maelithery of all kit:Xi
They iortto ; oll,p,ettil +MA examine' their work, at
th e ir ,:tleollitte Ahop, Pirprove,strett, Lebanon.
ordtrni or rotniatilSicatLoLa hey' mail„Moll l`9
promptly attoultrl
June 153 5
Door and S a Plan ufactory.
located oft the S.'.nr- frouseßodd, near Canttoerlastd
THE uodersigned respectfully du
- - form the public in general, that they
!,..".!" have added largely to their former eatata
" and ; a lito have all kinne of the
in the State in full operation, such as.
fist ConituetifiZtliit generkil liusinesa for
and the experisuee ' ZefuilL,Ui: ll...iinnaClLE and J. 43.
AnL during their einineiiiiiitrivith the Deer. Sash mot
Lumber Trade, for a number - 0f paint past; aithrdefith As
:minuet: of their ability. in eanneekien 33:04. ' GhBEL, to
'ANA' stock suitable, to the Wailts 'or the hoot and Wit
businese in this Stale.
They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers geaerallr,
upon favorable teeins, a judiciously assorted stock of
sAS It. &c., from tha hest Lumber matJualctorlei
lu the State, feeling confident that their assortment Is
not to be excelled by any other establishment in the,
State in regard to exactness hi size, quality or thirab,and
is calculated to afford thorough satisfaction to all the
who may favor the undersigned with their custom.
The following list compriises the leading articles
stock on hand:—
Mars, of sir.c3;43llo.les;
poor Frames, for brick arid Architraves;
from' , bouans Cusinga, (rum S to 8 In.;
Window FIII3IIC.S for brick Surbase; . . ;
and frame houses ; F,l2lltterp. of 'all eisea;
All kinds of .3looldinp:, .I.lllMlignif 011•ainea
O. G. k.ipring 31oulding,2 j4l3).sized: Waalt-¢oards.
P. 5. 7 -thiiiimg, Sawing, dc. J pFouiptlY dOrfe for thaw
furnishing the Lindber. [Lebanon. July 18,'157.
.TOSKilll LIRE, AGENT. is still manufacturing thou,
United Stales Grain. Feos,-
. or, NVIND -.MILLS,
in Lancaster CRY; Aid irANs have been awarded
PR E.MllDlS.aVavery..Agricult Mai Fair' that they have
ever bean ealgbitedarienumetition with other Mills. •
$5OO Biw-Aza) 4itt,t,e given tunny punkin of
persons who Will more to my satisfaction that what I
say about my Mill Is not true. .
FARMERS consulting their interest, will find It to
their advantage to call and examine for themselves be-
fore purchasing elsewhere, as these Mills possess all the
desired anperiol• Analities, so much appreciated by Fedi
ors: these 511114 nfe eonstritcted to Ilse Iwo Screens at one
time. which Will remove all the Cheitt.and,Oecßle - , ono of
which Screens may be imthoved atpleastico, ifmeOldrett,
to unit the convenience of the persons using said Mills.
All FANS manufactured and sold by me are warrant
ed to be of goad material. and all defects or imperfection
in any Mill or Fan disposed of, shall be fully and effec
tually repaired without extra charge. . •
The undersigned has sold more MlLLS • than any other
one man now living, and flatters himself on account of
his lung experience in the buainess, that his Mils are su
perior to any, and the easiest turning Mill now manse
Metered, which fact tan be imbstantiated by manyof the
best FitiMers initiliet State and elsewhere wherever th,
have been tested. 1.• fl ro.
ORDERS left with WM. fIOf,MAN, at Rises
or MAJOR & BROTHERS' Machine Shop. Lebanon, Pay
wilt be promptly attended to, and any desired infortna
tion given. JO31:P11 LIKE,
May 5. 18.715-2 m one.
Ci..7)lDltitiAND sTRENT,
Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa.
DR. Loss respectfully announces that he has for
sale a large and varied assortment of Binge,Medi . -
eines. Dyestuffs. Perfumery, Trusses, Patent Meicinal:
an d F an cy Goods, which are offered at the lowestpriese:
the Drug Business of over 20 years, and
the wants of the pithlie, enable hha
first style of the Science.
ItotiV. WORM LozExora,
Are till; Mat certain ture for Wormy
use. They are sweet, and no atilt
ill refuse to take them. Persons
mold ask for ..Dr. Ross' Worm Loren
's," and refuse all others. Many per
ils, ii..t Miring this Lozenge, will try
get you to take some other kind; die
it let theta deceive yon—you can al
iys thetn at Dr. Rose Drug store,
•hatuin, ti.TW ;you can have them sent
you, ti-en of oftponsm by .Mail, if you
telose the prior itt.s. letter. If lasi
an a dollars worth ie irented, enclose
, and you will receive them by reborn
... Dr. Dose will scud them to say-part:
latest on receipt of the money. Send on
then, and get them. Price 21 cents.
These Pills operate without giving the least pain or ma. ,
easiness, and can Le taken with positive advantage IA
all cases in which a purgative would be needed; as the
commencerneut of Pryers, Costiveness, Liver Complaint,
sums forms of Dyspepsia, Headache, Impure Blood, Mid
all diseeies arising front impurity of bleed..
be found stmerfflr say dater Ilse, price-. 25
eta. per /Kix. Will be Pent bymalion rte mpt of the isto.
nay. Sold only by Dr, Ross Lebanon.,l / 1 1..ROSS' NurrntE.
A superior medicine for the cure of Sick Headache,
Nervous If adaehe, Dyspepsia, Loss of-Appetite, Net ,
rune Weakness. and all other diseases reiuring a tonic
Dr. Ross keeps constantly for sale, a large assortment
of TI*SIIF, of all sizes, and various in prieuorhisiti will
be std.( t'try talk: Ali.experieneeof more than 20 years,
give the afflicted advantages Out to be hod at every Drug
store. A personal atteutian to thentting given. If you
need a trues call at Dr. Suns' Drug Store ' Lebanon.
For Colic, Spasms, Restlessness, Sc., of Infants. It
calms nervous
.irritation. soothes pain, and induces to
sleep, without. leaving Ila; dull, :drowsy state that fol
lows the tics of other infant drops. • Special attention is
asked to this remarkable salon. Ask for Dr. E.Oss' In
fant Stops.
Is your tear falling oil?. are you troubled with dyad
ritft. or lteblng of the bred? Ur. Ross' Hair Tonic will
cure these trobbles. . Pile.. 25 ole. .
Ftrer and Apge cured ih 24 hours. , Individuals who
have suffered fair weeks and motitha,,bairs been in a sine
gla day relieved, as if by magic. from the excruciating
chill and burning fever. Sold only at Dr Ross' Store.
For the . ra of Mare, W It, or lallantri
ek .
Eyes. hie.. 25 etc. r "....
A posi p ti ß ve . e i tir t° : B ;or Ti l.r t orns „ MI6
The best Liniment in us M e
for Mumma-.
than. Sprains. Swellings. Bruises. Tootle:
ache, Sore Throat. and all painful and
Neuralgic affections of the body, is Dr.
Ito. e' Liniment.
4....'Fist the cure of spongy end bleedin
- -- fi
..._ .... 1
- gum!, Scurvy,for cleansing and preserve
. 'die teeth' aud.gitine, and Imparting a delightful fro:
ancelo theAwantli. use Dr. s' Tooth lCash.-
For the cure of Ilbennei hitter, Scrofula, Pains
in thlS Donee, Old Sores, Pin es on the face, Jiruptioas
of all kinds, and all diseases arising from impure Blood,
or. liiseirriprudent use of - Mercury. Sold only at-Di .
Rosa' Drug store.. .
coug' CIIRED FOR 25 CI'...NTS. • ' -
_ _ _
DR. PiIVKiCk ; f3COTAIif .STRUP, prepaxed and- sold only
by-Dr. hoar, of the Court House, 12 oCeritilll fine
r u icoul+9. Cold, Whooping Cough. dc. Look well to
the marls 4f the genuine. See that -Dr: Rom' name
oa rho ht..% -
I:P:i.EPAY Olt SIB.. tAt: at; cilP,.i:Dl
Evidence stronger than certificates! LkEE's Yeaara
ute moretivoitilerfulreureetbiet
any other Aledicino,known It is perfectly 'istfe to tair.O.
Wry it. .lryou are dot aatis onallottle,
the liaoneY. refitaded; ,if , not able. to, pily,r
Eottle will he given gratis to try it. Price live - Defiant
per Bottle. or three Bottles for ten dollars. Sold only at
Dr. Roes' Drug Store. behnuon, .Duce 16,.18511.
3IA.TOR 3 .1.11101111:P.,
Lawnwt, Lrhation Cb.,
.Vrect, Lc?,ation..