The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, May 26, 1858, Image 1

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    41a trinting,-
TEMP 1:321‘313E1La4Z tricimeztuaLaEwenteas*,
Ncady and Promptty Executed, at the
Tam now supplied With an extensive
assortment of JOB TYPE, which will be Increased ss the
ratrenago - thnnands. It can now turn oat TetNravo, of
every deeeriptlon, in a neat anl expeditious manner—
and on eery reasonable terms. Stich as
Pamphlets, Checks,_
Business Cards, Yrandbins,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill Ileadinp, Blanks,
Frogramiues, Bills of Fare,
Invitations, Tickets, &0., &c.
The Monde of the establishment, and the public gener
ally are respectfully p n licited to send in their orders.
JWIIANDTtII.T.4I printed et an bream notice. of all kinds. amnion and.ltai;Tient Boama.
School, justices', Constables' and other Dimas, printed
correctly and neatly on tho best paper, constantly kept
for sale at this office, at prices stilt the times: ,
usASUbscripilon price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER,
One Dollar and a Half a Year.
_Address Wm. DI. .tlarstrt, Lebanon, Ps._
John 111. llnester.
Franklin Fire Insurance Company
Lebanon, 'Stay 19, 1858.-Im.*
OTOM in Cumberland street, nearly opposite
Lobnaon, Pa. [Aug. 26, '67.
4 1t. EVIY
1 - KTILL attend Wall hie official business: also all other
V V legal and professional imsiness entrusted Whim
will bepromptly C attended to.
omberland greet, voeonddoor mot from
Market street, Lebanon, Pa. Vuly 22, '57.
K DJOTNING A. 9,.P.J.N'S °Mee, Walnut street. Leba.
non, Pa . A largo and beautiful assorttnentof FIX
` VA !rare the well.known establishment of Connatind
& HALM always on band at Philadelphia prices.
.ffff• Al work'warranted to give satlantetton. AV- All
mien will bo faithfully executed on, the most reasonable
terms. The beat of reference. given. .(Sop. le, 4.7.
Union' Deposit, Dauphin Cbuaty, Pa.
T AM all times, to put up BRICE.
OUIC, In all Its lunnches,and on the shortest '
IMMO.. Alto, Daloo.,,llunanuoe, Donnas. INN.
Wol4.o, 4 Boense, Doolittle, and all work connect.
ed with a - Pm:cox, dorm: W A Gang of Stone Masons
alwari roily to put down foundations, and do stdne work
of every description. [July I.,'s7—tf.
Lebanon Female .tensiaaary.
MALE SEMINARY" cOtomencrtl on tbo first day
of .Fdrrnar*. Madame DECAM VS will give instruction
in Needle VirOrkt..
LEGIT lt. nAtiairrn, principal,
310DESTE DECAUPS, TeschorOf Bluricandllrencb
Lebanon, Feb. S IBM;
henry Barlinnrils Brewer)-
lN ettroberienri Street, west of the Plank Road, 'Leber
non. Sehasitzer and Limberger - Cheese, -- Nolland
ertingosholostile and Retell. A limp ,refora to the
canoed eters7 is free for meetings, societies, lc.
Lehenon, Dee. 9.1815 T.
- •
„"?,I.ll. l l 3 ;ap r. sig l flsC i A t f e oran' AU Tho W tadieu of Lebanon.
and surrounding country, thet she has Emoted
her AffMarry Establishment to South side of /ho tibertard
street, Fast Lebanon. a few doors Seat of oinegrovo road.
where the will eoutinue to manufacture BONNETS of
the latest styles. and furnish all kinds of Teatimes mit.
able to thereupon. Bonnets will also be renalredowatly
and quickly. She respectfully inwitesi the Ladies to give
her a vita, [Lebanon, April 7,1863.
George F. Reisiharil,
WISTERB, and Foreign and Domestic FRIRTS,
Aorth•FAtai Cbrntr of Mar/at and ()timberland sheets,
The undarxigned bus commenced the GREEN ORG.
CF.RY BUSINESS, earner of Market and Cumberland
Streets. Lebanon, and Le able to furdsh families resfu
lerly with everything that thebeat Marketacnn afford.
pm, lie will also furnish SHAD and STRING FISH
I peralltoi who desire to retail them, ite cheap as they
raw hr /ought in the Philadelphia, Harrisburg or Lan
caster M arl. eta . GEO. U. REINHARD,
N. B. In connexion with the above, I have taken the
RFRVALIif ANT under the Eagle Hotel, formerly accept
c-,1 by ,bars P. ELY, and Invite the cnetun of the public.
I.tkaonr.n. April 7, 18(.8.-tf.
New. Rotage Line
Between Einnimelitown. and Middletown.
dr IN and after the 15th Mist., the sub.
scribers will run a Daily Stage Line
between Ifummeletown and Middletown,
eennecting with the care on the Lebanon Valley Railroad
on the arrival and departure of the same at Hummels
town. They also keep a rAvmnY STABLE at Middler
town for she accommodation of thee public. Bead horses
and ell kinds of cenveyaneee.
November 2, 1557. DEIIEFF & CORBURY.
iNiotiee to Creditors.
PERSONS indebted teethe t3rm of MIRK & TICE,
.1 or to SAMUEL U. WHIM, by Note, Book Account,
or enterer ise,RTO requested to make early payment to Amos
ILliota HUM, ElOry,,at Lla Office, in Lebanon, and sPXO costs.
A ttornoya for Creditors.
Lnbanon, Oct, 7, '67
New Barber Shop. -
ri ROME W. DiLY, MET STP.Erf, opposite tho
ty Leb
anon Bank. would respectfully inform the Citizens of
Lebanon and vicinity. tbathe still continues hie,fltitelass
Shaving 4. Hair Dreisini Saloon,
and is prepared to do business in the neatest and hest
et try and would solicit ail to give him a trial.
Lebanon, Oct. 21, 1857.
tram tindeulFnctl hare, this winter. hid in ono of the
I most beautiful lots of SPILIIIO.-'SLATER ICE. ever
housed in this place, mid will serve ibmilies every morn
log throughout the season. They, will alio furnish Ice
at all hours in eases of siekness or death.
10,.. Tor terms, appty to ILEINIIAIID k SE(OTT.
'Lebanon, March 17, 1868.—tf.
id. . )
1, ordering In families may be avoided. nerd o mar.
, Tied men and those contempladiumarriago.'
drops =dosing tour stamps ,. BM a. W. AB-
Dlscorise, Brooklyn, N. Y. , Doc.lB, '57.-Om.
May lit,
To Persons
- -theWESTERN .I.IOTEL, M ABM Street, he.
4th street. Evety attention given, with a
~ ! _tivelre'toppaiep , 110.mortra $1 PLR DAY,
1. 1 . 0 /Y 2 2 , 57r1Y. A. M. IlOPEDlS,Proptaior.
arnat watideur
UNION. .1110TE14.
liiouTit tBSANON BOROUEIII. - Tho undersigned
respeetfully Inform the public that }dill Copan
-1146 at the "U ON HOTEL," hi the borough of North
.Labanon, formerly kept by Mr. John 11. Miller, where
bill now prepared terwelcomo hie friends andtravilero,
and cheer them with the "good things of the land. ills
table Atoll be provided with the hoot the seasons can af
foil, and his Bar WWI turnip& the choicest Liquors.—
Tug efforts will he to make all stopping . with him feel
entirely at home, and enjoy all theennveidentes that eon
he given In a public honer. The Stabiles is large and
. v idEnni and in excellent order.
ArBOARDING.—IIo le tile° prepared to take a num-
NOY of Bearden,. Boarding as reasonable no can be ob
tained at-any, 'other plate.. lie extends a ecrdlai-tnvita
to all belting North Lebanon. to give blip a call.
North Lebanon Borough, March 21<, 1868.
W --- 41110 - D and COAL YA
T TIM undersigned,havlng bought
.14 Henry' Spoel's Wood and Coal Yard;a
short distance northeast of Messrs. foster
linteh's Foundry, in the - 'borough of North
Lebanon; and also bought ; from D/0 to 800 CORDS OF
'WOOD and from 800 icoooo TONS OF COAL., of all
'kinds and grades, which . I will sell atthe yard or deliver
at as small profits as Wlff snit the times. I theretbre in
vita all those that are in want of any . of thowartteles to
rail and see the same,. ascertain puree,. and Judge for
themsulyea. DANIEL LIGIIT, (merchant.)
North Lebanon, Aprlll4,lB6B.—tf,_
Coal, Coal, Coal,
-Too, the undersigned, would respectfully luferra the
10 .1tiz o v u ri r s p e l i y r lit e nar o n m c m o , i i i n nt i t, , t w ilt h we c f l ivow o - gr e e;
Wicks/11e or Retail, as We will keep all kinds of COAL I
on hand, such es
pea, Clawiti ut, Nut, Steve, Ego and Broken COAL, while,.
red and gray ash,
which We era constantly receiving from some of the best
Colllorloii In the *al regions, and would . kers say that
we will hollvtir Coal as low as they awl be Sold by any
Person in the county, which we will pull at our Mill, or
Aelivor to uny hart of the two boroughs.
ilentieee 1111iii.Letiiiiiin,.Ifeb. 3, 1868.
"Udine Again ; , 1
Ins :inixesiguo wduld 'respectfully inform
the public tbit. theyhare returned home again
LIBIUMNT to the well-kriwn place in Camber
laild aced; opposite, the tees Buildings, Lannon, Po.,
where thoy shall ba pleased to accommodate all ettAtem ,
ors, at the shortest notice, and on the, melt reasonable
The founil in the, of Adam
Riser Neat Adding and the Willttl.oolll on the ''rat
neer or the same Building, next door to Ihsher's pry
cicada store. The Shop a magnificent being
the bandeau:neat in the County, mut_ well calculated for
such u purpose,
411.4 r They would return.
their: dual* thande far the
liberal patronage .nifcgtedthere,..and,.partieularly. this
• , s ilastasason. their untiring tfforttuto'
~;311natte,and their return ~..70111.81 . ' to.theold stand en long
occupied by Joan Bun, Win IMMO tOttlosnactUl , morel
gtMalter they would invltogall *Ant them a
gaJQarepurmi. Ming elsewhere,.
Le !risen, Dec.:10,14% : Slat dr PAO/Unlit
*l - 1 -
- ,
i •
• •-• • J .
VOL. 9--NO. 48.
'Fashionable Tall 4ring.
rpAE sulevriber respectfully Warms his friends and
1 the public in general, that he has commenced the
TAILORING BUSINESS in all its branches, at his resi
dence, in East Lebtuton, (Cumberland Street) 2 mamas
cast from Major Moyces Hotel. (south aide.) By atten
tion to business. promptness in hie engagements, good
file, and moderate charges, he hopes for receive a share
of the public patronage. Bo was a long time in the em
ploy of Michael Wagner, deed.. and feels confident of
giving general satisfaction. Being a new beginner be
solicits the patronage or the public.
Lebanon, .ay 12,1868. GEORGE IWO/LULLS.
IArILLIAM M. SNYDER respectfully infimme
thepublic that he has commenced the
TAILORING BUSINESS in all it branches. In
the stand formerly of Cyrus Spangler, near the
store of Dlapere. Minna lc Groh; neer the IIALF-WAY
'HOUSE, in South Lebanon towneldp. Ey attention to
buainess, conforming to the wishes of his patrons,
promptness In his engagements, and moderate prices, he
hopes to receive a fair share or the public patronage.—
Ile hiss bad mnrh experience in the business, (having
lately been engaged by that Master Tailor, hlicitaL Wati
wets? deed., for a long time,) and feels confident of ren
dering* general ratisfaction. Being a new beginner, he
solicits the favors of the public.
Aar The patrons of D 4. SPAIeCILLit are especially invit
ed to give hits a call, WM. M. SNYDER.
Lebanon. Aprll 7, ISAR-Dm.
Tillllolll*l -
Air TOILE L HOFFMAN effil continues iIiCTAI WRING.
Business at his Ord Stand in Oamber/Aid stredotear
Plank Roscrt where all persons . who wish garmentaMado
up In themost fashionable style and beat manner, ars_in
vlted to call. Lie has lately received the NeWTprk,-Phil
tudelphin., Park and London repoits - .
Spring and Summer Fashion 4,
and as he bas none but the best workmen emplo,yed, ha
gearentses that all work entrusted to him will; be done
in a satisfactory manner.
.1)3,.. With his thanks to his old cuatomera for their pat
ronago heretofore. be respectfully solicits public favor.
TO TAILORS iL-Just received and for toilette N. York
And Philadelphia Report of Spring slammer Fashions.
Tailoys.wishing the Fashions should let the pubNribei
know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements
accordingly. MICH4 I 4 1 - lOFFMAN.
Lebanon, April 14, ISSS.
Merchant Tailoring Eslab-
GIIIIID respectfully informs the ptiblic Olathe-con
k". Hones MERCHANT TAILORING In all Its branch
ea at his martblishment• No 1, Eiete, ID:gamins, next door
to the Eagle hotel. He bas an elegant ateartvnent of
Cloths, Ca ssimers, Vestin:gs,
and Furnishirig Goods,
in general. which ho solicits the public La examine. . tie •
shall devote his particular attention to fitting and
ing up to order. Those wishing clothing Made well and
fashionably are invited to coll.
N. 11---Always na bend a large assortment of READV
MADE CLOTHING, to which the attention of the Pablie
-ta also directed. . G. GUMP.
Labanon, April 14, 1551. •
For Cheap and rash - lona('le Glothineh
IE 1 ZEN STE N & BRO., opposite the Chtutlibetse,
have received. and opened. a Most elegant stock for
Spring and Sneemer. comprising all new styles of °oats,
IPante, awl Vests. BUYS' Clothing And Oentlememe
F uttNisitiNG UOODd. which have been selected with
the posttest care, and will be sold lower, than they can
be obtained elsewhere. Persons in want f any articles
in our line, will do well by givingela a,call.
We have added to our stock of EZADY-LIADE Mariano,
an assortment of Piece Goods, such as sine and Medium
Black Cloth. Fancy Casslmeres for Coats and Pants,
Trimmings, &c., which we will sell very low.
Please call and judge for yourselves.
Thankful for past favors, we respectfully solicit s eon•
tinuance of the same. Lebanon,ll.lay 12, 1858.
Fashionable Tailoring' and
Clothing StOre
TT ' ye who would get a fine enit, di:eased up In style
from top to toe. Call and see. Save SO par cent.,
clear gain. at the NEW CLOTHING STORE, 2tl Story of
CENTRE BUILDING, of Rabat' a Brothers.: ,:
FARMERS will find it much to their advantage to bring
their produce to the Cheap Store Sit the Centre Raildiage,
of RARER A Boorazze.
- -
The Tenorano for custom trihk reeelyee the personal.
attention of IL & M. killers, with more care than ev
er. 'Having speared the best workmen, they are proper•
ed to make up the most fashionable work at abort no.
flee. The Clothing all warranted, if they .do 110 E please
they need not be taken. raiiiwpA„aay„4.3,§o.
Ztfarkd street, Letusren. Mark's and Rise's Hotels.
SS. RA3ISEY & CO, take pleasure in announcing
.1 to their friends and the public generally, that they
have on band a variety' at Cloths. Cossimerrs and rat
ings, which they wittmake up to order on the most rea.
mashie terms and in the most fashionable style.
As none but gond.vrorkmen are employed, all work Is
insured and good Ste guaranteed. Also a large stock of
READY-NAME CLoreraa Which will be disposed of cheep,
together with: ey.t S.
rAujoty of Gentlemen's Fiirniehlug
Goods. S. S. RAMSEY & Co.
Lebanon. April 28,1868.
Don't ..11'or e ,.ret to Call at
A TKINS $ ,MoABAWS, and examine their stock of
/1. Boots, Sheen, Trunks, Traveling Bags,
1111. great Disarcery of the Age...a"
Dr. Gustav Litrnarel's Taste Restorative 'Tv,-
ehes, the Great Substitute for Tobacco
ITT le a well known and incontreyertable fact tint the
I use of Tobaceo is the promoting calms of Many of the
Most severe Mentil ribuid'hyaical Diaordere to which the
rare of man Is subject, as careful analysis and long and
painful experience have clearly proven that it contains
certain narcotic and poisonous properties moat dangeroua_
in their effects. which by entering into the blond derange
the functions and operations of the Heart musing many
to suppose that organ to be seriously diseased.
TOBACCO affects else the entire nervouesystem; mate
Ifeating itself—as all who hare ever used the noxious
weed will bear testimony--in Lassitude, Nervous
Jollity, Water Brash. Dyspepsia, and many other disor
ders ol a similar character.
Are dosignedto counteract these baneful Innocence . , and,
have proved completely successful in a multitude of Mie;
e e , and wherever used. Being harmless in themselves
they exert a.benefeiat effect upon the en lire eyetem, re
storing the Vaste.which has become vitiated or destroy
ed. by great indulgence, completely removing the irrita
tion and accompanying tickling ssnsation of the Throat
—which are always consequent upon abstaining from the
Use of Tobacco. and. by giving a. healthy tone to •the
Vtomarh, invigorate the whole system.
Persona who are irretrievably undermining their ran
etitntione and shortening their 'Nei", shoald n-e these
Troebeehtmiretilatelppieditbrow of the injUrious and un
pleasant habit of TubacteiChewittg.
Theee.Trotheser LoSeoges are put np In a convenient
and portable fiirmAt the low price of so Cents per box.
A liberal discount to, the trade. Prepared solely by the
undersigned to.whom all smilers should be wldressed.
. , jAIId.EB E. BOWEES, Druggist
March 24 '1868.4y: nor. 2d and Ittice,.ehilatla.
F:ti•suiers of Penutsylva pa
jiTTENTIONI You cats Piipply yourselves with chem.
kat Manures, loinTanted pure, which has been in
succeaeful use In.Penuaylvenia for the past sevenyears—
they have received„tho DIPLOMAS of New Jersey, New
York, Delaware, anti Pennsylvania Agricultural sctele.
Gee. and have been Aged. ity...,,tbei.Prcantent of_ Me United
Motif on his Gorietp and on the Publle,Grounde at Wash.
legion, D. C, And Wtllel6lleiring Gentlemen, Ylz.
Z. Locke, Eaq.,
A. P. Lanier,
.1. L. Reeves,
Senator Roberta,
Wm. Miller,
Ciarksboro?, New Jersey
oitape Islmd, Xew.Tersey,
Chas. York, .. . •
Thos. Mulford, Keg., Camden; N. J., Dr. berme, Dr,
Knight, Mr. Fluid. Mr. .Atkinson, and Lout Johnson, all
of New Jersey—they say it is the cheapest and most reli
able &failure now in Use, being permanent and improv
ing the land bynnrlebing the Foil. it Is !mired to the
various crops you rat-e--Corn. Potatoes. Grme, Wheat,
Oats, &c. By enclosing a check on any Pennsylvania
bank, or reference to any good Ilona° in Philadelphia, or
in exchange for Produce, at fair Market-rates here, your
order, will be filled and Shipped to you, 'free of airtage
expense. Beery article sold by Ins is guaranteed.
Super Phosphate of Lime, SW 00 a Ton*
Bone Phosphate, gOO 00 a
American Fertilizer, $25.0 0 a "
let_A Barrelle sufficient for an Acre ofground, broadcast.
Pure Bone-Duet, (500 barrels now reaci.l,)filt Sr? 00 per
barrel, or pi a ton. -
Poudrette, No.l, (500 barrels now ready,) at $2, to n
a barrel. -
Lund Plaster, No. 1.-1,000 • barrel:l, • r at SIY,,, to $2, a
barrel. , _
Pet - rish; - 6Q barrels. , -
Peruvian, Patagonian and Civilian GUANO.
GEORGE A LEINAII.. Proprietdr.
No. 21 Smith FRONT Street, Philadelphia City,Pa.
og&Wholesale Dealers allowed a liberal (Dement.
Pamphleta can be bad application to my Pi
to*, or.of my:Agenta. kboole3,lBsg. r 3inas.
Lebanon Mutual' Insurance
Incorporated by ilie L egislature of Pa.
OFFICE AT' . ..rolvwsromv. LEBANON' COONTY:
7 117M8 COM'ANY Is In full riOratifia,and ready to
J. make insurance on all kinds ef,proporky, Biro=
or Ckantry, and on as favorablc terms naiany gov
erned and gate company, either_ on. the=lll Equal or }ant
stock principle.
President--301111 BRUNNER, Esa ,
Yea-President—D. M. RANK.
Treasurer-OEO. V. 111EILY. "
Evcretary— D W l N ß l. B A c . T ß o All i n
Joan Boom's, Esq. , "Bso. , Roelb
- Gan. F. DIZZY, D. 111. -. KABSLUIT,
Ii‘A.POLSOR P 51314
" 4650 81 mEnt .lq. V.-Takiginair„;,
- .
~. ; DS: 4 RANA, • • DrcllD RASK , rA ', r.
I ' ''' D A ' TlCatti.X o 4 : . '.
'lOll..,A.i'atALP4 ' ietritd~ iitg•
.. 4 -
AN r Er:ELY; 40a fl*lothebitk ffietrit: 66llll ". • i
P. lennielftlat, VOW 1p15: Nti . ~ ': ' :"" I,:ta IJArA ,
~,,,4471 ~• 4 , ,x41 WV'. .. "--d"'"•;, - ~ e , - , ,--!-- t .r.ntz k,_„l :
4:. ,, :".t,1'.7. I. ~...m4 - 3. .4v. 14...
fir UanEinr. .
Iu the year 1760, several• soldiers of a British
regiment, at that time stationed in this country
—a regimentcommonly known as "Montgomery's
Highlander's"—were taken in an one
day, and fell into the hands of the Indians, in
the . Cherokee country, where the regiment had
been sent to chastise that tribe for certain depre
dations and cruelties they bad been committing.
One after anther of these unfortunate poor fel
lows was put to death, with all the prolonged tor
ture and barbarous cruelty which the savages in
to whose hands they had fallen could devise.—
Allan Macpherson, one of their number, having
witnessed the miserable fate, of send -a1 of his
comrades, and seeing the Indiana preparing to
give himself b is. -tanumay.t,4fell.upon. ti.! liow•
ing scheme, Ao, disappoint the 'earages,and. de
prive them of their anticipated gratification in his
torture. He are the Indians to understand, by
.soree signs, that he had something of greet im
portance to communicate to them before he should
be pat to death. An interpreter was procured,
and through lath Macpherson inforthed them that
he was in posseselon of a chain) of the 'greatest
valtie, and now that le was about to die, he did
not wish to leave tba world Ivithout imparting
this secret to those who were to - remain in it. He
informed them that the knowledge he was to com
municate to them would render their warriors in
vulnerable and their tribe invincible.
Haring thus excited their curiosity to a high
degree, be proceeded to tell them 'bet the secret
he would impart was, that a certain medicine, in
the preparation of which he would instruct them,
it' they spared his ties for a few minutes, would,
when applied to the skin on any part of the body,
render it impervious to the stroke of the sharpest
weapOn, in the bands of the strongest man. This
extraordinary medicine, he said, consisted of a
compound of certain herbs which grew in their
Woods; and if" they would , allori him to•go, with
a guard over him, to the nearest wood to collect
the proper pants, he would prepare the medi
cine, and also instruct" them in ita•preparation.-;•"
He also told them that be would immediately put
the effiettey.of this irvaluable secret to the most
satisfactory test upon himself. lie would prove
to them, he said, th:.t by rubbing his neck with
this wonderful preparation, he .would defy the
strongest and most expert warrior among them
to pierce his akin, eves with the sharpest toma
hawk. •
This story readily worked upon the supersti
tious credulity of the tndians, and in their eager I
desire to chillb the valuable secret, the request of
the Highlander was instantly complied with.—
Macpherson set off to the woods under a strong
escort, and soon returned with such plena as he
chose to pick up . Having boiled the herbs, he
rubbed his neck with the decoction, and laying
his heed upon a log `of wood; he desired the
strongest man amongst them to strike at his neck,
with his tomahawk with all his might. He as
cured them that the blow Would not make the,
smallest impression. A warrior of immense,
strength was selected tor the experiment; and,
aiming a.blow 'witii all his'inight,_the Indian cut, i
with such force that,lslaephersou's head flew off
to the distance of several yards. The Cherokees
stood gazing ateach other -in .silent amazement
at their own -credulity, but ttieY 'admired the in
genuity,and address with which their prisoner
had escaped the lingering death of torture which _
they had prepared - for him ; and, instead of being,
enraged at this escape of their victim out. of their
clutches, it iE recorded that they wore so pleased
with the cleverness of the stratagem, that they
refrained from inflicting further erueltiee upon
the remaining prisoners. Ji
A capital story is. told of a young , fellow, who,
one Sunday, sit:oiled into it village Anrch, and,
during tko service, was electrified by the sparkle
of 11 pair of brilliantliack 'eyes, Which' were riv
load upon hie face. After the`:serrice,lie stivi.the
possessor of the witching orbs leave the church
alone; and emboldened by her glances, he Jun] tur.
tni to follow her,.his heart aching with rapture.
Ho saw her look behind, and fancied she evinced
some emotion at recognizing him. He then quick-
Cued 'his pace; and she actually slackened hers, as
if to let him come. Up With her; _but we will per
trait the - yeung gentleman - to tell the rest in his
own way:. -
"Noble young creature," thought.l; "her art
less nod wnnn heart is superior to the bonds of
"I reach wiptin n stone's her, - She
sittlitenty halted ) , and turned` er faie t timards me.
My heart swelled to bursting. I reached the spot
erhereahe -Stood: ShL began to speak, and I
took off try hat as if doing rdverenee to an'in.
gel. -
"Are you a peddler?'
".'No, my dear girl Attatii.not my oceepatioti.'
4 "M:ft, I don't know,' continue:lobe, not very
bashfully:, arid eyeing mg very siernlY, I thought
when I saw you in the that you
looked like the peddler who passed off -a pewter
half dollar on me about three weeks ago; and so I
was determined - to keep an eye on you. Brother
John hes got home, now, and be says if he cateh.
es the feller he'll wring, his neck for him ;...and I
ain't sure but yoti'iro the good-for•nothing reseal,
after a 11 .,,, .
time ago, that the wife of Mr. Mahlon" Houck, of
Robeson township, had given birth to triples, or
three living, children, all boys, and that the,babes
and their mother were doing,well. The children,
now over four months old, continue well and
healthy, and bid fair to grow up to manhood to
gether. They are: bright litllol follows, and
as large as children liftheir age that coins singly
into the vvorld. They have the;joint occupancy
of an enormous cradle that was made expressly
-for their accommodation—a. t piece of furniture
which,, we 'venture to say; has notite counterpart
7 in;size,,,in,the possession ninny bonseholdin Read
ngakesaY.boAtriagined that Mrs. Ilona has her
hands full, literally, in attending to the Wants
of this triple addition to her family: but she: ap.
pears to be as warmly, attached to` there, all. as
'elm could. possibly be if there were but one to
claim her affections. They she been the mother of
seven children, previous to the birth of these three
little ones. As may be imagined, their presence
at the ciq.uot.9l,attraetF:a. gootutany:visiters,
principally ladies, who naturally areAurions in
matters of this sort,--lisadiny Gazette..'
r. It is understood in New,:xiiiti, that a
match, of 42,500 a side basjust been made between
the noted pugilists, John Alorrisey and the
Benediu Bo " B ts onthe Tetalt high
amongst sporting mon. The odds ars, hoWever
44 .1,1 1 4,i t ig he received a few•ihtyti sincein Trorat
haios;Pf:f PP.Wal7PAtulita*l l- .*lliietit.:: The
fight is writolirt. to`take s pities' during rtiat
fot bi ri ga e rafigagliiricttlu :Is 't 1: 1 11
attd:lft m[4o t elAil at ,evar.t 1:14A- ;
g r ( ttA e ot ,V4Arz
A female correspondent of tau :Illustrated gives
the following aceotht 'of a visit to the Dead Let.
ter Office at Washington:,:
We bad been fortunate enough to procure the
crime to this plate through special favor and in
fluence, although, as a gime* thing, no viiitort
are admitted. It was at large, light roorn,„with
two or three desks, at which were seated aged of
&ors in silent occupatioh among literal' drips of
letters. The walls wore linedonrevery side with
huge mail sacks which te44 been returned full 'of
unclaimed epistles, from ifyrlads of . post offices";
there might have been fiftg or a hundred of these
Backe, and each probably: contained thousands on
thousands of letters! .
"Ilow rapidly you dispoee of them I" said I,
watching the speed with 'whiab the-clerk! - tore
open the epistles, glanckg aver them to - tee tbat
no drafts, checks, of atht.iitkvtant documents
were enclosed, andeen4hrearthem mpon . an Ws
taeitse heap of opened lettint at ttrelr-feet. , - •
‘.'lt's all in Lnbit, ran'atir," said the gentleman
nenrestme. "We are. accustomed to open a cer
tain number daily, and.tothose who do not un
derstand tbe expedition and accuracy; with which
we work, it would seem, indeed, almost incredi
As he spoke, a tiny gold ring rolled from the
folds of a rose. tinted letter, whose pages were
evidently written over by-a delicate female hand.
"A oh i.d's ring," he said, taking it up; "would
you like to look at it, ma'am 2" _-
1 tonic it in my hand—it was a fairy circlet of
virgin gold, with the words - "Mary to E. V." en
graved within—and I wandered who the Mary
was, and whether the little "B. V." who never
received the tiny gift, was dead or living."
Meanwhile, the clerk had been taking a rapid
note of thb signature, direetiOn, etc-.
"What will you do with it'?" I inquired, re
turning the ring to his cure:
, lire lay all such things aside, In case they
should be called fur."
"And are they often redeemed?"
"Not often—not once in a liundred instances,"
be replied, taking a I ittle , gold dollar &bin beneath
the seal of another letter, and laying it carefully
under the desk.:
We stood in silence, regarding'the pile of open
ed letters, which was grOwing higher with every
moment. It was a strange medley of styles and
handwriting. 'Some 'were inscribed cn huge
sheets of foolscap, in a manner that conveyed the
impression to your mind that the writer must
have grasped his pen with both hands, and gone .
at the paper as he would dig a spade into the
earth, and folded with a glorious disregard to all
geometrical precision,; others again were daintily
written on colored tissue paper, and seine were
in that easy, Bowing hand, that bespeaks energy
and refinement of character in the calligrapher.
"Oh, howl' should like to rend these lettorsl"
said I, involuntarily.
The of smiled. "This is what the la
dies say. It would be almost impossible to pre
servo our charge from the cariosity of the:female
sex, if, fortunately our rules did net protect tts
from many visitors."
"But do you never , read them?
"Never, u*.s4 they-perm very important, or
contain inclosures of amount. It is all we eau
do to,koep up with the arrival of. the dead.mails
now.- If we were to stop , to read one letter in a
hundred, we should be lamentably behind hand ;
besides the privacy of these letters is a point of
honor with us. Wo have no more right to read
them here, when unnecessary, than to pry into
any other personal secrets."
lime one of the Clerks leaned over and handed
our companion a tiny package.
"From one of the letters," he said, "t thought
the lady might feel interested in it."
It was a single curl of golden hair tied.with tt
bit of pink ribbon, and wrapped in a little piece
of paper on which Was written "Baby's hair."
1 knew the history of, that letter in an instant,
though I bad never looked on its folds, I could
sce the fair young mother parting the sunny,
tresses from the infant head, and plaeing it, with
half a smile and half a tear. within the closely
written page that was to glad the heart of the far
away husband. And lie never received the letter.
Perhaps he died under the mighty shadow of the
Sierra Nevada ; perhaps the turf of some Missis.
sippi valley'laty close on his puleeleas heart,while
she, the faithful wife, was growing more sad, less
hopeful with every day that brought nc *hewer.
tug word.
"Baby's heir I" I could not bekr that the bright
curl should be thrown carelessly among the host
oflottersl it seemed like desecration.
"Alloy I keep this little .loek?"
"Certainly, if you like:"
And. k placed it carefully in my retieule, with
tender hand. I knoir . not whercv the sorrowing
young mother's heart is breaking; day by day,
but certain .1 am that there is an invisible bond
of sympathy between bar soul and mine, clasped
by a lock of curling, silky 4 - 01d—mbaby's hair:"
It would be in vain to attempt to chronicle the
numerous inelosures which dropped fp:MI-the va
rious letters which were opened during the short
space of time we stood there. Bits of rainbow
colored silk sent for "patterns," tiny muslin col
lars, newspaper paragraPhs, hank bills; gold,
cards, coarsely written messages from little ones
at home, whose hands were 'go ided. by mother `or
sister, so that the absent flutter, cousin, or broth.
er might have a little letter, and innumerable
other affecting relics.
"Where do all these letters go when they, have
been opened and examined" Are they burned?"
"Igo; that was formerly the custom, however.
We used to' Make greet bonfires of them, but
aside from the. fact that bite' of written pipers
would always' escape from the flames, thtis -de
stroying all privacy in the letters, it was found
that' Many people made it a busines,s to seek
among the ashes for the gold, jewels; dollers,ete.,
which Often escape our notice here, and go out in
the opened letters. now they arli all kat to
paper mill and- re-manufactured as Writing' pa.
We passed into another room, where were Ma
ny mementoes or the gdod old days before the
laws 'of `pre=paying; postage" went into effect.—
There . Were two or three' huge stones_which had
been sent for "a joke," involving an immense
amount alpoitagis to be paid by some' •tinfOrtn
nate, who luckily never received 'the Ponderous
packages-4 gigantic rag baby, said-to bave been
sent' to minis:vinegar-faced old maid-'-a neatly
manufactured night cap, which some indignant
old baebelor—rtamo not recordedrefused, 'in
high. dudgeon, to receiviVand which; consequent
faand its. way ',here, and a. aligner
reotype),ef - a •young man, 'which hid' been
cracked 'ambits the nose and wrathfullY senoaCk
by some fair .datitiel 'With whom he' had quar
relled. •
We agiiid the Postmieter `General, to whom. we
were; belted tieediE higigened that all the
elpployeee.of the' dead letter' etriee':wire'
"Be6iipse` they have Wore afieristion, and` ltee
p•grioajt,ykr aids- alqatingartsne4
Aspendid. , tipba they Zirould , probw
AlYe.gtr l l , olollfi iittieriooffeitera4 Le. , ,Aw.3",) I a.
"Avid why don't you employ ladies? I am
sure they could discharge the duties admirably."
"Indeed," said the Pesti:tastes General, mis
chievously, "Ike afraid their curiosity would be
so extreme that the department would fall into
inextricable coM fusion, to say nothing of the
number of secrets they would ferret ()et of the
dead letters.
We were so iud ignant it this horrible and he•
reticnl opinion, that we naked no further /loca
tions, but took our leave, Med, gratified with our
novel and interesting experience In the dead let
ter office at Washington.
TVs man's naturi, I believe; end`We can't help it
nohow. As for me, I wish r was - a pig—there's
some 501173 e in being a pig woes fat pigs don't
have to Epeeist° and 'burst; pigs never' go a
sleighing, quarrel with their daddies-in-law irot
is to be, get into sprees, and make timid fools of
themselves. Pigs is deieut-biltared people and
good citizens, though-''they aint got`ho
And then' they harenit'VO 4- alritiki W . p . m. 'on of,
cold mornings when they getup; they don't have
to be darnla . and patebin' their old pants;' they
don't wear no'old'litia;.on 'their littal-r,' not have
to ask people for 'eni—eold wit ties is plenty for
pigs. Itly t;yeli if I was a jolly fat pig belehg:
ing to .respeeable' people, it would be tantamount
to nothin' *ha was president. Who ever
aee'd one pig a Sitthe on a cold curbstone a rub.
bin' another pig's bead wot got chucked en t of the
sleigh? Pigs baitoo much sense to go , a
if so be as they can help it. I wish' I - was one
and out of this serape. 'UV's true," cantina ed.
Dout, thohglitfully, and pulling Tippleton's nose
till it cracked at the bririgejohat. "It's true pigs
have their troubles. like -humans:---constables
catches 'ent,dogs bites 'em, and pigs is sometimes
almost as done-over suckers as wen; but pigs nay
erruns their own noses into scrapes, termite them
selves to believe it's fun as we do. • I never lees
a pig.go the whole beg in, my life, 'eept upon
rum eherries."
A weaver of Speyer, in Germany, recently Per
formed an exploit, which casts ... . elm. ; dexterity of
our Travis or Suydom completely in the Ando.—
Ile was the father of a fine boy, en affectionate
husband, and known as the best ride shot in the
district; but let
.a man be a saint, and chance to
excel in some one thing,-and he is sure to have
enemies without number. Ono day while the
weaver sat smoking in the har-rootn of a email
inn, come of those mean characters approached
him and commenced bantering him upon his ac
curacy of aim. At first he treated their remarks
as mere jokes; but their pertinacity at . ,length
overcame his good humor, and in a towering po
llen he-started for home, determined to give un
deniable proof of his superiority, or,perie.ll in the
attempt. According be called hisr-little boy, a
lad of twelve years old, informed him that he had
"a charmed rifle ball,". and could not fail to strike
any mark, at the mile tirne ordered him to_ place
any ordinaty,eized liotatee upon his bead, and
stand sit the Foot at a long alley, while he shot it
off. The child fully imbued with' the supersti
tion inculcated by the :stories he heard, did not
he'sitate to obey the commend;ard the marksman
tired, cutting the vegetable in two pieces and
leaving 'him without a 'scratch. overyjoyed at
`the success Of his experiment, the weaver return
ed to the inn and related his exploit; but the
company taunted him for proof, professing to ba
ilees thee he was cheating them. Nothing dattn
ted, ho took them to his house, and re-calling the
boy made him stand as before. Again the child
took his position, and it being nearly 'dark held
a lantern While his father fixed the dangerous sleet.
A second time the potatoe was cloven, while the
boy stood unscathed. Ills envious friends ap
plauded of oeuvre; bat authorities hearing of the
matter, caused the weaver to be arrested and
brought before them. They severely reprimand
ed him ler the heartless dead, and, deelared that
if he ever retievved the experiatent they would
shut him ni in a mad-house: lie desCribed his
feelings during the eec,ond way as exciting and
agonizing - in thirextreme ; but he was determin
ed to succeed, even at the risk of killing- his
One of our exchange pipers gathers np the fol
lowing burial! of. eloquence" which It viva were
delivered' before a cons t of Justice in this , State :
"Your honor ails -high upon the adorable seat
of•justice, like the Asiatic reek of Gibraltar; while
the eternal streams o f justice, like the cadaverous
cloude of the valley flow utentderieg at your
feat:" ' • •
This reminds Its of the coramenwanent of a
speech of a lawyer in New Jersey—". Your honors
do not sit there like marble statnes to be wafted
about by every idle breeze.".
Another western orator commenced his harangue
"The important cri,is which wore about to
have striven, bare arrovan,"
'Another. '.The Court, will .please. to observe
,that the gentleman from the East has given them
a very learned speech. Be has Roamed with old
Romulus; Soaked with old Socrates; 'Ripped with
Euripides. and Canted with old Cantharides—but
what, your honor, 'what does he know about the
laws of Wisconsin?"
A young lawyer hi one of our own. Courts, coin
rammed his defense as follows:—"May It pleas°
your honor, the Deluge has passed over the - earth,
the Ark - has:rested upon tho mountain,arid the
Rainbow of justice shines'as oautifully upon toy
colored client as it doei tiPon any one in the Mink,
Including the.3ury."
CIE!EERFIII.NEss.---I:ry for a: single day,,l be-
Beech you, to preserve yourself in an easy and
cheerful. frame of mind, Be but for, one day, • in
stead of a fire worshiper of passion and hell, the
sun worshiper of clear.self : pooossojon, nod com
prelate day iu which you bare recited out, the
'weed of diortisTaction withlhat On Which you
have allowed it to . grow up; and' yon Will find
your heart open'to every - pa motiV'e, your life
strengthened, andy:Utbreast armed with'a pan
oply against every tricliof "fate: truly you will
wonder at your own ip3provetaent..
OlifrEirn you own bread' and ice how sweet it
will be' Work, "and see how Well"you will be:—
Work, and nee . how clieerful'Yoiz'Will be! WOrk,
and seelow independent you will be! Work,
and see bow happy Your family' will be! Work,
and gee how 'religions yom will bel for: befort; you
know where you are, !astound of repi itt
y idence you ,will.find 'yourseltioffering urtbanks
for all the numerous blessings yon :enjoy: •
MaxrceN Pont's/7a56.-4f a .
can offers you a cigar in his.bwri ciountry,he.first
fur you, and, gives a.fe*.whiffs.... HO theta
.bande it over_graeofully to your lips. • ^ The No
.men. of: epode, dotheerable: -:;
/1141MLtitirsitill that tete blithe moat distinlgnieh
plueSolana AofiNewillitiglandlusdribee the fear
el,iTusztviscof ilditaysisgtisblkilituietief ek:win
WHOLE NO. 465.
"If you meet a black oat, s him to the tail."
This tremendous case is now pending before a
judicial tribunal of the State of Maryland, and
presents 'many remarkable features of the' trig& u
hp and apeoulative - capacity of the defendant in
the ease. For the bou fit, of the legal •profession
and gentle Men generally' ho may wish to enter
a new field of SpeClllStiOli, 14111 give 'a short his
tory of ihe ease as r heard it'.
ga me f e w years ago,a,geutlemen of Maryland
conceived the idea , that tin 4 1Moieuse fortuue could
'be' retailed by the rearing, Of black cats fir the
sake of their skies. The Principal:oh:staid° to the
plan was lnipessihility 47 Veriiin . g — the
together, and plevenethern from wandering, off,
as their activity assisted:by the penetrating quali
ties of their claws wouldtinable them to defy any
cocksure; and at last, tiger ranch thinking, the
idtlesilggested itself to'his Mind that water was
the only barrier-thsecallt would not pass. Being.
pes.sscsaidti of an island that appeared to, bo
just suitedAr i tltepytieopk,lns..found all obsta-
Vies tO the suceeSseef tat p removed; '''-and :sot:••
`About organizing the affair,
lie eteplayed an agent; and put out a circular,
in which he stated that he Would give,so much e
head for every Week cat that could be got. This ,
advertisement was circulated though all the coun
ties bordering upon the Chesapeake Bay and all
the negroes got hold of it. In a very short time
all the black eats through these . COUISitiS were
stolen by the nogrees and sold to the agent, tshe
had depots established at different convenient
points: Old ladies missed their favorlie cats, and
Mommod them as dead—but the negroes, incited
by the price offered, spared none. In -this way
one hundred and fifty Mack cats were .colleeted
and transported to the island, and the agent took
up his abode there like anothei Robinson Crimea,
as 'sWporintendent and guardian of the cats.—
Those animals appeared to enjoy thems t elves vest,
ly when first put en the island, . and spent their
time in either playlug 'with each other, or bunt
ing birds or grotieuVraiee; hilt at kat iheir game
failed 'them, and having, other supply of fond,
they 'became hungry and desperate, and: roamed,
about, the !eland in large , bands„y,elling forfood.,
They at last became . datigerons,.and the, agent
wroteempfoyel l s itatainent of these facts,-'
accompanied by"s reqUeit to knoW how he was to
feed them. lle wrote hack to'the agent to act a
couple of rtegroos to catch and mien oysters for
the cats, Which order Was carried out... The cuts,
having 'he a l ternative of oysters or starvation he:
fore them, very naturally chose' the furiner; but,
not being accustomed to such tt , natural food, It
species of cholera broke out ening them, and
ono half died.
This nein/nit - 3. dr&re the Eurvivors mad. and
they eithei committed siticide, or, in a fit of des
peratidn, Instarti to the main land. At any rate,
they disappeared, an d. rere never heard of more.
The agent then *roteagain to his employer to
acquaint him with tie result of ibis. new treat
ment; which neVis was iereViniatiied by the mod
est fisquest for the paymenfuthiswagesLfor this
cat experiment °coupled a space of upwatds of .a,
year. The latter was so indignant at the conduct
of both the agent and the eats:that be flatly re
fused, and the poosequence Of biz rofaCial was a
auit bratzght,4l. - thassgentwto recover-his wagos..—
This su:t haa,bten defended for same two years,
and during its progress I have hecomemcquaint--
ed With the fact..
As farna - tlie theory ortlibis7.ialiliition went, it
wee a magnificent idea. The skin of. the•_black
eat is worth in Boston 50 cents. The cat., I ... airt
told, coat the agent juit that sum. It Was atip
posed that they would iircrlt tae exehtly tenfold per
anntlin. tiat yetfr, rininher of cats; 150;
attend. year,. 1,500; third' year, 15,000,; from
which there could be obtained 5,000 temsforsale,
bringing *2;500, and leaving 10,000 stock cataro
rdaining, Which, at the above retie of increase,
would giVe the - iiibrin'ons "mid of 100,000 cats
upon the island, after whieb.79l theau7rplis; over
and above the last . numker, were to he .eaughtin
hovtraps and the:skins, sold to Boston furriers.
This'itock of 100,000 cats Avers to produco 1,00.
000 per annum, and constantly re be
derived from the island would be in -the ne;igh
boyhood of five hundred thousand dollars per an
The principal drawback to the enterprise was
the utter inability of the cats to organiSe or band
together for thwprirpose of assisting each other,
and thus facilitating their hunting operations;
so, after deep reflection upon the subject, it was
determined to import a couple of wild eats from
South America,' whose admixture with' hiS eats
would not only odd strength to the body and val
ue to the fur, but Whose executiVequalltics might
be brought to, bear in organizing the original set
tlers into large hunting packs--and them crrable
them to successfully pursue ava squirrels and
ground miee with, which the island abounded—
and„ in- fact,,to teach these unfortunate animals,
who, torn from
,the comfortable wars, of
course, ignorautof the necessity of savage life,
the mysteries of the Chase. Ile readily found a
friend willing to procure hlm.the new eats. I'm
afraid this, friend regarded the whole matter as a
joke, but at any rate,ho was faithful to hisprrim
iee, and as soon 11,fter-his arrival in life Janeiro
as possible, he ed some natives hunting,, who
caught two young tiger cats el. extraordinary fe
rocity, which bo-placed in a cage .anti sh ipped" to
Baltimore. •
When be bud .almost forgotten the matter ha
was surprised by the recei;•..t of a letter apprising
him of the arrival of these wild beigte, and was come forward, pay charge:atid take
tbetn away." .lie hurried to. town and: found
.theseloung tigers alma the_ like of a medium
setter.dogi and a bill of, charges of several bun
drat! percent: more than'he anticipated. lie paid
it. anti:ordered two negroes. convoy .tito beasts
in a cart to his spun try' home; ,for.be_wisbed to
exhibit-them before he-sent - thenrdown to take
cuirmand of the.island cats. . .. •
On the road out to his place tbe eats.glarottand
spit.atthe negroeeha such afoindistrtnan'terthot,
to gat rid of them, they turneallie , caket over en
the bar side s whereby "orte,of tile - thts-ware- smo.
The survivor, being depriied_of hie Mate,- he.
came snore ferocious.than everiand it became a
.question whether it - annuld be - -mate for the cute up_
int-the island to turn it loose: among them. - The
owner was 'very mech.-Worried- until' negrn
,num.suggested that they- should try= the , experi..
Mont by putting a tame eat:into the cage." --
The idea was the very - !thing. ;.A..ost was pro_
cared'-and introduced lute am sage . : la ••about
two•minutea it was torn -itiro shreds and - utterly
devoured. Of course itewould have been madness
ttrituFri'tlie beestioose on the island.;-a -so" theldea
was 4ibtindtined e arid it has 'kept , ever since
as'a sraell-Monagerie attached-te thiCgentleman'e
house; withihnimeeption - of :a jandodroal visit to
-:the:Agrieultaral:rair .inllialtitisore,-When,-it is
placed among the poultry, and eausejlithillearts
of the elitetentitor`die This i; a
Shori iiiitarYj or tins
Abe l ithethei-'l ll ..ere'leileg,a I
strifitdelititeViiettle the'-latter
*TealffeilflOokeViiiw 441.' .
..ttura, 3roX wait orb In one czoll
Itfiraltfra bilettiiser.
In the 2d Story of R 11113% .I`.:ew Building. Quiviberlatioket .
At . Ono Dollar. and Fifty Conte a'Year.
trgyabrinnarournt inserted at the tistud retie.
In Lebititon County, plV4lo_sl3e.
In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county, 8 1 4 cents per
quartm., or 13 cents a year.
Oat of Ulla State, 63 eta. per quarter, or 23 eta.. par.
Itthe postago la Oat ofd!o. advane3. rates ice doubled
Q. twat -Crovid Prices.
On , *raping, Jost_fi
week. so fth:lland myself, were
Msureiy waning ant - Market - stteet, and on id - riving
-Hvar the comer: pf: *..unfortlatrceL,: onzxttentlon at,-
tntinall to a , large croWd—of . 1 4 0,10 1. -- diod imorlY an of
whom. were - provided With,. arne •Itaiket baaketa, sad
.00041 withsaishelibutaugAcaliteirtunte,andirentati
(lenity intent anon the. 6411:1113 Abjc±Ci. , f •Blirip bictitiryAni
retool that in no Minaltat Ehriae; - on' the t °mar clan&
fortl.7.and '3lisrket strelit,ai r liOnftialhiailagenalar,
Goods, Grocery, and QIIO6I2MITe Store of our poi* , awl
affataelriends, PIONCR a. BRO., who haval°ol= 4l a
1a4.0 stock'of Fall Goods, and that the greet Uno lor
tiles were their I wulaz- , :ustornera„ who may It seen
at their 'taunters, purchasing' their, Icanitit 7 . ..411 we sew
were,evidentlyteatiefied with thsit puzchogess rip 4
in the Rastas OfitliS ezdeltolit niittlitAr6r.phoardasc and
all were of thrt .uitutliimone opinionthat itINCE, a RO.
sell the beat qualititis, at. lower prima, than any of that
eohlootitora. -, Sornut advice , Tuolthe co-you, one and all.
Lot b. / great ano }mall, to glie goad &BAD- skrell, fend they
wilt enrols , try Wplease rm. - 4.I2iBIiTIRLAN.
&oral Lebanon,,Oct: 21, 1557.
___ _ _. ___
. . ._ ~
.. ,
Impo).l,alit tlntiouiteetnent I
T 0 all persons aillicted - With Sexual Dbieases,auch /9A
Spermatorrlites,Seminal - Week*s,T*Maniee,Oarear ,
sheen, Gloat. Sin, ins, the Vice of Chiunlant.or Self-A husc,&e.
The Howard' Association; in WieWbf ithei.awflia deatimm.
don of human life, caned by. Sexual dreentes, and the de
' eepaionsmractised upon the: linfoitunidee - vittinie or sham
. by Qu wits, have directed thittr conaniting Sur
'. geiii. is a - Charitable Act . Worthy - of their 'tutitiottet Vac
Arcdirtil .ticluice &tit& to all persons thus efßietod,, who
- applyty letter. eith Ft 0.9./icriptior. of: their CALlatt.tiit. (Age,
--- twettpationauthlta a flife, &c.4tand in Al cannot extreme
poverty atersultafing, to far-idea Ilfulicirteslese nf chaive.
The-Reward association le a benevolent . inatitutioni es,
tabliefied by epee - int endowment, for the relief of the slick
and dlatretised, atilleted with &Virulent and Epldamieplia
mesa," Te has now it surplus of means, which the igreo
tors base voted to expend in adsertising the above sauce.
It is neediese to add flat the Association commands the
highest Ifedical'aitill of the age, and wilt furnish the zdost
, approved incident treatment.
Just Publicbcd, by tine kisocintion, ta Report on '?'per
I watorrhota. or Seim lial Weakness. the vice of Outtuism,
i Alasturbatton or Self-Abuse, end other di - -eaSes of the Seto.
1 nal Organs, by the coptultion Surgeon. which will be sent
by mail. (in, A sealed envelop o,} frrn of charge, on thtgre
hilpt of two stamps far postost.
Address, Dr. Cir:O. It:CALHOUN, C.'oneultlng Somme..
Howard Axeociatton, .0.2 South Ninth Street, Philadel
phia, Pa- lly order of the Directors.
le2lti. D. It ES.RTSVRittIe Preet.
Gte. FAIRCHILD, AVVY.' * Oct.T,'67-Iy.
war. r.. sxtra. - J. U. 5)11IIIL
Law, Lou had liond dace,
ihaerz4e ty. • ATebrityLa- Ttrritory.
_ _
QPECIAL 4TTENTFON given to the examination of
Titles ts neal-.Estnte,l-eareiting the • Records o tram•
frig Ahstraet9, Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages.
Muria effectedfor,Es,terntlapitalists at Wistern Rafts
of Intend, on Mertiages or other Real Estate eesurities.
Taxes paid in' any tamoty in the Territory and
ern lowa.
tlui , Cnitanissioni for bnying nut ilinq Real
negotiating or rollertint; Loans, are five per cent.
- Land 'Warrant* hottglit and sold.
Also special attention given to the selection and entry
Of Linde for Settlers orEastetn capit-llts. eking* with
land Warrantaor Money in Nebraska or Western lowa.
We.bliarke Ten Doitara prr One Hundred and Stitt'
Acres, rind melts reasnintl.i." deduntiona a - bun entree*
. .
late rinartuttes. When Ladd Warrr.nze are pent, Tao
and n.hulf per rent per jtCrEt. .thn Land office fee ($4,00)
hunt ';onoinpsiny the locating Ao. Also the sane per
centage for selling warrant,.
When Warrants are. rent, eh.' Nos. orWarrents, data„
to whom ; issued arniaasignel, Nhoold be copied and rw
tallied to anard againFt lose in U ilia.
Jimultptnces In 43.1 eau he made in Draftsort any of the
Eastern cities.
We will enter. Land with Warr:tuts or Cash, boy ha.
Proved or unimproved Land or Town Property, or nego
tiate Louna on Tirol Estate security, nil in the tette of
the Perron furnishing the fonds, pay ell fees, taxes and
comudasioni, for one third of . the gra:. nreflts accru ing front the sale of the property or colleotion.of the Leans
—nil expenses to coutebnt of our third of the profits.
We will alio enter Land. bey Propert', effect bean&
dc.; , as above stated. guaranteeing to the parties their
capital with Ten per cent. interest per annum, and as
equal clislaion of the pr,ifits. without any further charge
or expense to theta.
arrangements are such that
we can'enter Lands ell the Mikes in the Territory . and
Western lowa. A competent Surytiyor, always in readi
ark' to End and soled choice Lands, Coal Fields, lbxk
quarries, Milt Sites. Mineral Trizts,
The Land tiff - vs la Western lowa having been closed
for the two genre last pa=t. ereepen new forprlvettien4 l 7.
%Unfit:the nest twelve menthe there will be offered
for sate in Nebrailto.,,pne and a half million MOW at
Land, comprifeng the best pot Hon of tile Territory, ex
tending alung the Alfeeoeri Iticox, from the Bentham
boundary to the mouth of the L-eetteet-eaurt
fiontit..ta. , ,tern copitat for in,cstment...
itivesements praperlr made 'Western 14/340, TOWel
Lots:Ansi Mortgages; aiestaw paying frank Tessafirilvs
to Four-huntirml per cent.
Being of the -first pieneers of this vast Ina growing
country. end intimately acquainted with. nearly every
portiotrufNelwasim and Iowa; we feel contiatintiiitbat
we wilt be able to remlar satisatation In all busing en
trusted to ue.- .. o. f ettiyi4 proitsptk. anstootzr2 free of Charet,
`REiEREoms.--ilon: Wm, A. itichuriloin, Bor. of Di 6.
brash's; Mon:P. Ferguson. MI. to Corgrea , ,, Nyhtnaka;
Benton etruVToutri; Bankers, Orwell liitiffs I . 6*a; (Aso.
& J. Orson. ,14tikers. Collar Rapids, locrs.:•P.stsk of Elgia,
TlBrinti; Eton. James Conrbell. INittschls, Pa.; on.
Adorn Grath:war and Jacob Staab, Eeq., /4babon, Ps.
March 3, 1358.—tm
. . . . ..
1 ON? aiia RlBBONB.—liciarYi- Silvio hate just
opened. it le t rge. WkSartment e;l.l6auct and Bonnet
libbona which they are selling cony cheap.
174356 AS is meeting an intportentexcifereent all over
1131 thd 'country; threatening a dissolution of . - Ontenthe.
tweet' the North and Sout' , „ instigating alarming Babas
in Cdogress. and fearful ilarempe in State Legislatures.
State Conventions have assembled, city and town mass
reeetinaphave been 'held.--J.r. short the whole country
.lias been in a gencraLurtroar,
ITowever,.ansidet -all this universal polltirel. tauvalt,
hail the honor of IniVing atilt preserved her diOntty of
quiet and peaco,nothiug could succeed In disturbing her
gentle regnse.'notil the other morning, whin a LARGE
ri,,Ap with a swromiag• BLI; BLVE.--ou. the one shitt,
and the announcement of "Cheap Auction goods," Oa
the other; susperided from the corner betiding
'Sveuied to indicate that; all was not right; attention
Was attracted and curiosity aroused; various opinions
with regard to Its - object were entertained anti won. a
general stir all over town was found to exist. Men, wo
„Man and children involved with poitleil astonishment,
were burraing out, and crying. hat in, the world is
the Mai eel” 'What's tail" Truth, however. aeon Bash
ed upon the minds of all Bee-holdsre. when thenovelty
or tombling, find , unpacking of Boxes: Barrels
ond , Bales, amidst a crowd of spectators already collected
nrtund the deers end walks: all artXionsly persovettnt
tor but a glimpse at what has tio etttikt-n - , mum;
`Lined the uativ.t,
'ST,tu t.u.ddettli liareing noon a thousand tongues, sad
agreed with the topitittynf n prairie tire all over till Ito-
rough. Public affairs or Kansas with every other. Item
of the day fell into instant titmice, in consideration or tka
individual Interests hero at stela.
A teens of; tact Lament hos hew eince continued:to pre
vail within doers by ea owsit of pereutot Erma every 40. 15 -t`
tsr,Collecr.ol ulong the counting, whe never fail tolo
eotne eutbusaatie upon tutting such •
New styles of Strlpe, and Plaid Silica,
The Vett nuke of plain black &Ws,
Fine Bombazines Anti Lustre&
hlegruttelbll'cul De Inlnse and Cashmerea.
penutifid cluing stele Vaeole and Shepherd's Pied,
Handsotait r haW fatLatnes and Alpaca
Splendid Collars, Slearta Yule, elates, Boater" anti
IThite Cto, - ;,b, a.burusne,.
All qualities cf Cheap Prints, Oingliama, Cheats and
Muslins, -
Union, French. and BriAirt Cs.sslmerer,
Plush, Satin and ttreatuline Vesting,
An assortment of English. Ingrain. W, el Felling,Ltet
hug. Rag end Hoop Carpets for Patient. Chambers, Mills
Bud Stairs varying in prices from, iii pent , ts $l per yd.
Oil Cloths end,frntieto Skedas in all their varieties.
Ilaviitgthe ekherience-of along brat if. years in. the
which with a istraful rseleLye of judo:tient and
tante: with the isivantage of flail, rs puree:slang, and a
deterinirtstion of selling CIINA P. enables uft--alongerith
the late system of selling for CASH or PRODiltibl*to
favor you with bargains, beyond any heretoforeofforatt,
as well an imsurpes-od by any of our competitor& '
*it.* Please gall and Sea as. at the
Oppoeite the Court House. Lehnum,
Lebanon, Starch ISOS.
•f. ba 110 - 13, 'De:10 . 0011t- naiiik.
• (Late ‘...LgnalcoN Vela= Beta,")
eAS:nberlottit siriet, 4 Otie doorcast bf Keinharer
ANL ii, ! , pay iho,following ItATLS of LNItp.BST.on
'l‘ , DP:POSITS.'" ' "
Per,t6ioar, and longer, 6 per cent. par annum: LairlitiOr Onthit; knit longer, 6 por cent. per annum
For,il,ninntlei,Jmtl longer, 4 per, oant.yer fitment; .
reiniiiht shoft tica it's of withdrawal. Interest paid in
full f;
,p-Depoalta ,froni the date of.slepoeit:m thedite
Of wiihdraWal. We will el to afford a liberal line of so•
commodetit na to theta who:may. favor us with Depoeks,
payable on demand. -Will pay a premium on SPANWI
?ars' and Half Dollars. Will 1.1111110 eolVetioud on and re.
udt tO-taLparte.of the United Stataa, the Canada., hhd
livrape: Negotiate Loans, ic., dm., and do a gnatral 2.IC
{ay. Citing, Cashier.
. .
. , are .
. , The tradaralgoo;l, MANAGERS , laullylAaally IllaR•
to tha.aztent of tapir Eatatea, for all Deposita and other
oblikatlOite of the , f 6£1 , ..50N DVP0 . 1117 , 131.1.4 . . , . -.. .:,
JAME,S YOUNG, AfflopsTus scRD,
• t toitinn6n,Mai•Mvisiil• MON.oll , 4l.ltik. , . •.'
- 'Malta Reeds). 'have taint trociotVelaltifge ossottniett
Do gatiwipat. cheap Fall Aver'? Call at Waltz /bul
l:4lV Bei& 9;1; ; • , •• . qw•
tf i Malik ItaelleVearilerniva pin With pi!
Paper for .
' •
youvant a neat ',se •ftil raper. 4,11
VlVlVaiterffine4frati 4:1•.. • : 2 1 i 2 »i lit TOI tar*