The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, May 12, 1858, Image 4

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iiph 7.74
And. oth are laving—.
~..401 0 bie yes:
Beefoutreh other's
Fanl4 reproving—
Smut In me,
otd some In you.
t is beet
'For us to dot
Lied and ICrte, Lire and rub,
Continue loving— Continue rubbing—
Unloving me, You rubbing me,
I loving yon; I rubbing yon;
Zeds; each °ibex's ' Zack Mich other's
Units reproving-- . Rough hides scrubbing,
Yost reproving me; You a scrubbing me,
I you; ~
This latest
For as to'do/
fialteiectriderlf anybOdi 'ever Piekkup a
tear tbat was dropped.
ttia;..A wife full of truth, innocence, and love,
is the pretties flower a man can wear next, to' his
,par- A. MOM 'cannot truly be happy here, with.
out u , *O-grounded hope of being happy hero.
iliii"One of the moat beautiful expressions of
Longfellow; is this: "Sunday tithe golden clasp
that binds togethei the volume of the Week."
fitkif•A tailor Who in skating, fell through the
ice, declared that he would never leave a hot
goose for a cold duck.
am agoin'g draw this bean into a
kno , t," said a niiichiareiti lady while standing at
the hymenial altar. .
Or' Silence often speaks Ranier than words._
Deep, rivers -move with silent majesty; shallow
brooks make a great noise.
4 11111-:. From the time consumed by ladies ,iu
"doing their hair," it is evident that this ia• the
inane pert of their business.
Affr-What-waiithe difference between Noah's
Ark and Joan of Are ? One was made of wood
—the other was made of Orleans.
ACIS as catardinary fact, that whey
people Come to what is comnionly called high
wor4s, they generally use low language. " ,
! / Yl ,h P;3 r Ag....t i Ve li 411 a.7
cidated rant Sunday, on. hearing n'fine - connifinne „
on 4 thiiplinciy Of the prildigionti SOD.
jti`•d man very much intoxicated was sent
tojall,s"Why did yea not : , bail him out?" en.'
( Pt O a bystander of a'friend.. /lail hint out I'
exclaimed the ether; "why you couldn't pump'
hint out!"
jIIIIV - 0n bearing Ike read that eighteen raniS
were tabs used ialauisehing the Leviathan, Mna.
Partington remarked that she believed a few
yokes of oxen would do.a great deal better than
r. Hook was walking with a.friend. when
thST'llattle to a toll bridge., yhtfriend iskid if
Hook.knew who built the bridge.
"No," replied Hook, "but it you go , over Yon
wilbbe tolted."
1 igist .A-bout Facie@ -
itzi,01 4 ,4. - Vail'be made 'right by calling at J. DAILY'S
,I4;z:TrAITZLIGIZT GALLIRT, ill S. J. Stine 's NOW Build
in g;014 door'. oast of Reinhard's Hotel, whore You Can oh.
ufdIi:ZIKENESs that will compare faiorably in mu'
resplit with any taken .elsewhere. He has one of the
best ,ski,lights , in. the country; and having . spared no
patnelcr*fte his rooms comfortable, he solicits a large
abate of patron* mnivie citizens of Lebanon and au
rae*** country. Ai Prices to suit the times.
Lebanon, Nov. 1.8, 186 t. : ' - "DAILY..
„Lebanon Valley Bank.
Dumber/and street, one door mit of Reinherrer i Hotel.
TZTILL pay the following RATES of INTEREST on
V DEDOSITS, on .and 11101: . the
1857, •
For 1 year, and longer, tfper cent. per annum;
Ror,fi months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum ; 'llor 3 'months, and longer, 4 per cenL.per annum;
reittia short notice, of withdrawal. Interest paid In
fulktbr e Deposits from the date of deposit to the date.
or 164. We will also afford a liberal line of 'tic
commodationsi to thcise who may Risme us with Deposits,.
payable on demand. Will pay a promliuti on SPANISH
andIi.EXIOAN DOLLARS, and also on ,tycl
mei sad OW 09Mars, will.makionsotionlOnt
gill paste of the United States, the .Canadas, and
• Negotiate Loans' Ac., Ac., and doe general EX
iwand Berrxwei Btralmus. • • '
;4;i. O. DAWSON COLMAN, President,
0110Aliznt, enabler.
:—,•.• , • . .
The,hoderstgaed, MANAMRS, are' individ,illy .1144k'
to thhititent of their Eats for all Depotdte and other,
oh ' • 1 •• •na of the ”Lzzazoar 'ALLXT BANK.. '•
a ,
0 . 1 t E SMULLEit, - LEVI KLINE,
Ehtanon, Nov. 18, ISST. GEORGE GLEDI. ".
, . The old stone 1100r111. it come to life
TO PETER MOYER would respectfully inform the
la -public that he coot noes the business of LIMESTONE
SWING AND DREBRINO by horse power, in Chestnut.
litteet,Eut Lebanon. He finishes the following articles
out of .the best and soundest limestone that can be pro.
caredin this neighborhood, via—Door Stun .amt 11141 -
FORMS, 811" Wonow-SILLS-Rod atanS". CALLAR. , Doon
Calms, Cons-ST - ours, Shoe-Scraper • blocks,; as well as
any.otlier article that can- be manufactured of limestone.
Ills Curbstones are from Sour to five Inches thick; and
his prices in accordance with the quality. . .
He was the first person that introduced-tha limestone
into this place, and Is now prepared to • aIIiSIL off lime
stone so as to give it an appearance very little inferior to
that of thitfiandscunest Marble. in proof of which timer-
fie ban rendered Dr. K. a moat sweete n.
p ern the cursor ail diseasesof a private nature,
rae ren.
manhillea'sdebility. as an Impediment to marriage; ner
veueltid sexual infirmities, diseases of the akin, and
those arfking from abuse of mercury.
There is an evil habit sometimes indulged In by boys,
In solitude, often growing up with them to manhood';
and *Web, If not reformakin due ; thue, not only begets
serious obstaelra to matrimonial...hi...Opines', but gives
rhse,to a series of protratited, insidlow, and devastating
. . , .
Yew of those winging way to'this pernicious practice
are aware of the conmsurnessotintil they find the ner-
TollB , 3intOM shatterst.:fisel strange and unaccountable
sensation; and vague hare in the mind.: (Seepages, 27,
214 1 -12, of Dr. K. a book on "Self-Preservation.l
The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is una
ble to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his
Lind to study; his step is tardy and weak ; he la dull.
irresolute, and mops even in his sports with less ener
gy than nanal.
If emancipate himself before the practice has done
ittrircee, and 'enter matrimony, bit marriage is unfrult
fttl, and his sense tells him that this he caused by his
early fbilica. These are conekleiatiolis which should
awakaa the - attention of all who are similarly situated. -
. tra wijb pistols himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S treat=
meet, .may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle
milswien d rely upon the assurance, that the secrete of
DrvilUs.patisute will, never be disclosed.
Tons* man—let no false modesty deter you from mak
lowyotir case known to one, who. from education and
respectability, can certainly befriend you.
KINKICLIN'S rtridence has been for the het
TIMOMTIAILS at .the N. W. Corner of THIRD AND
UNION streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
ire - ; have (by„statlngAheir case explicitly, together
with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing • remit
Sane) Dr. IL' medbri i 4 appropriated accordingly.
a 741 to Any of 17.
the aitad.Sloa. and o rk ;
oi 61M oa or OUSFISITY; yfgaLL
A Yloosons,LrrirlorrA Pasatatis Di4n;My*tuir on
'Sur-Pain Canra.,
Letters containing threvalne in stamps ,; _
aciirrivlefrfiffie _
:1; - • • A'Fres GIFT To All. '
f I 1311 -Y RELIEVED! ~•
Ouldo,w a neir and popular Work,, Dili of
ot=s l. advice and 1121MWUriVe warning, &lily, (*lin/ at
*am iesro of reitel.j, end save such of
ii,w,lbriffil:Witp?fie • L.. 2 ant IhiW
mai rl Ar i thn rani 17 0t111 1 yt au'
Lebanon Valley Rail-Road.
iilil be open for Public Travel between Reading and Har
risburg, on Monday, January 18. 1858.
Ttt; , i4 iii ,C. 4
TIASSENG.ER TRAINS will leave Needing daily (ex
"- cept Sundays) at 10.10 A. M., connecting with up
and down morning Trains on Reading Railroad, and ar
riving. at Harrisburg by 12.50 noon; in time to connect
with the Trains for Pittsburg, Lancaster, ChaMberlisnrg,
Treverton and Pinegrove.
RETURNING, will leave Harrisburg at 2.43 P. 51., (af-
ter arrival of Trains from places above named, and from
Baltimore,) and reach Reading at 5.30 P. M.. Connecting
with Pottsville and Philadelphia Trains passing Reading
same evening.
Pena.—Between Reading and Harrisburg, $1,60&1,30
do. " Lebanon, 0.86 " 0,70
Lebanon • " Harrisburg, 0,16"0,60
AWAII Paisetigere peocnre their tickets before
the Trains' start.
Tab. 10,1868. - ' G. A. NIOOLLS, Gen. Sept.
We want soap,
Both now eecubbing;
Ton soap me,
lad I goy You;
Each, each other's
Rough hides rubtPis ;
You eery& me,
And I setup you;
What la beet
—For us to do?
Opposite the Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot, Leb
anon, Lebanon county, Pa.
WM: t P. L. WEIMER, Propri
1111111Z 'atom, Manufacture Steam Engines from
O Ito 340 horse power, of the latest styles
, P R UR
and. patterns, with all the modern
. • . weve Ments. Also, superior Portable En
gines ( th Mink Motion Valve Hear) mounted on wheels,
for. Saw Mills, wood miring and Hoisting purposes. Par
ticular attention is called to our small Upright Engines
for Printers, Druggists and , persons wanting a email
amount of Power. They, take ups very small space, and
can be put up In a mord Sea household fixture.
ALSO. Blowing Bngines and Machinery for Anthracite
and other Blast Furnaces. of improved constnictien.—
Forge Hammers, of P. LI-Weimer's Patents; Rolling Mill,
Sewing, Planing and Flouring Mill Fixtures; Mining
Primps, Hoisting MaChinery for Mines and Stone Quar
ries, Railroad Cars. Iron Bridges, Shafting, Hangers,
Pulleys,Turning Lathes, Drill Presses, Planing Machines,
Brass Stop Cooks, Valves and Brass Fixtures, Globe Steam
Valves' of all sizes, and Machinery and Castings of every
description., '
ALSO, Boilers of any - Size, Item and Weight; made of
the beet material by well known Slid experienced work
men; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks, Gas Flues,Heaters,
and Sheet Iron Work of every description. , [ ur Boiler,
sbeetiare all tested by dividing them " into squares of 2
InehSe and banimering each square; any imPerfection is
thus detected, and the faulty sheet rejected; this is prac
tised in very few shops in this country.].:.:.
ALSO, a stock ; of Wrought Irou„Pripe„ for steam, gas
awl 'water, frith all the necessary fiXtures, constantly on
hand, and put up at the shortest notice and on most rea
bags Mail& order, at the shortest notice.
REPAIRING attended , -to With 'promptness and de
spatch. A gang of Boiler Makers always ready, for Doi-.
ler repairs. BLACKSMITH WORK 'made to order.
war Orders respectfully solicited. All connuuniCUUoll3
'by mail or otherwise, attended-to with deinatch, and
work delivered to raiiroad.orcansl free of , charge
I you; '
Thiele beet,
Vet, as to do.
Lau,ees Orrwery.
TiE subscriber gspeetfully announ
1 11 I co' to the public ; thathaa reeeritly en
-1170114gl lagged hts,Brewery to, a considerable
tent and Introduced' Steele power, and Is
_ - now ready to' ',Supply all 'demands for
for home and distant consumption, ouch as Brown Stout )
Porter s ßonny tg AieoDrevight -.Ate'and fet`ner — Bear. •
Oir"Litireiyee Outage idiowed`toßgenta:
needing: Pa., Dee. 300857. . ,
wish to inform the citizens of : Lebanon
WiN! county and neighboring . , counties, that
• gryT - nn , - they are now in full operation, and aro
prepß red t tio II kivids-df
-Flooring- Boards, : Weathir Boarding,
Sash,Doors,firin - dott *Do' or ( Frames,
Shutters, 'Blinds Planing Scroll's,
SAWING; and any other kind of Sawing which maybe
wanted buildem-The subscribers beg leave to
inform.the.publiWthitt they have thelatest and beat int
,proeAtitachinery. in the county r ouch as Woonyvoriam's
?Lama!, 46.•.; and that they are :able to produce io 'good
werk 4*Annty can produce.'
None but the best and well-sessoned LUMBER will be
used; - Carpenters and ilvilders are invitedp calk,und
examinewhirtead.t:pnichistock, - Wkicittbeytwiltiblways
keeppit'hand. and judge for themselves.
e- Their Slop ia, oa Pinegrove Road, near Phreanar'd,
I Old Foundry: [Lehanon.Jenell,lBB
Co., . . . .
North -Lebanon ., .
or llin
HE NORTH LEBANON' MILL hia'heett remodeled, .
. and fellow completed and, in operation and prepar
ed to furnish customers s-regalarly With a. very superior
- Article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can be
{tom - • obtained from any (Alm source. They
,i tiiiß also keep _constantly on hand and for
ask; ' CHOP, BRAN, RBORTS,',Ite.
, They are also prepared to do all
kinds of OUSTOXeIte Wont, and respectfully invite all
the fernier customers of the Mill, as well as new ones, to
give them a call. s ; _
*IL : They will payithe regular market prkeelfOt air
kill& of Grain, stichras. - WHEAT, RYE, CORN; OATS;
&a, and afford all,. fadllties,and accommodations - to
those who tvilLaell; i ! CQ, HEAD IL BORGNER,-
Lebanon' Bd., Dec. Fr,'2057. , Pradent.
Door and Swap Manufactory.
Located on the Steam-House Road, near °antherland
Tlt E. u n dersig ned respect fully in.
fora:S.ole 'public in general, that they
have added largely to their former
- we. .. Luz lishmenkfand alao heti all kinnit of the
iaticaird blatimproved 31A:CillNERY
. _
in the State in full operation. itontl ae
, for conducting the•general business for .
Planing,: Scrolls, Sawing-, *4'7.9
and the experience acquired by E. toivOscax and J. G.
Gantt during theleionnection with the Door. Sash and
Lumber Trade, for an - umber of years past; atirdiftill as-.
surance of their ability, in connection with J. GURU.. to
selictiiteck eiliable'to the Hants of the Door tuid - Sash,
bovines/I'lolde Statii. • , • . ; •
TheYnotinffer:to Me4battles and Partners. generally,
upon favorable 'tenni,. a Judiciously assorted Stock of
DOORS. SASH , ac.itrom the beet Limber manifactOriee
in the State,Teetilig confident that their assortment le
not to be excelled by any; other establishment in the
Stqte in regai4' tile:acme!' in,size, giptlity qr,fipisk,end ,
is liklbuktted to aroiditliOrtougb Sati4lictiBnixialf those`
who may favor the undersigned with their custom.
The following - Ilecßmintiite the 'li:tiding articles of
stoek'on - hand '
Doors; of airsiaell; •• Sash, of PhiNlj, ,
Door Frames, for biielz 'ArchltraVes;
frorus housetf:' ' • ' Casings; froh33 to 6'in.;
Whinfoir - Pionifii,;fOr briCk 'Surbaso;
and- (nixie hOnses; • - Shutters. of all sizes;
All kinds of Mouldings; Blinds of all sizes: .
0.0. Spring Moulding, of all sizes; Wash-boards.
P. S—Rianfag, Saulinp,• cfr.;promptly done for those
furnishing the:Lumbor. [Lobanon. July 15,'b7.
•• CORN.
• • 1 1, . I:tifDDLINOS, - '
at. the Mumma of • • . MYERS •& suonn;
Feb. 3,1868. Leteuton, Pa.
. Mille,
A T i - the Genta t to r eiOnk.borougl o ig Lebanon
• ' :RYE. OATS,
In any quantity, for irbleh tho higheit Market prices
will be paid In Cash, by ' MYERS & SLIOUR.
Feb. S . , VMS.
Foundry and Machine shop.
THE undersigned would respectfully invite the
attention of their friends and the publio in
general, to the fact that they are prepared, the coming
sermon, to manufacture and have on band the largest and
best assortment of
ever offered to the Farmers of this county, each u
Wheeler's Improved Railway Borse•Powere and
Threshers; Manny's combined Reaper and
Shelters, -Fddder Straw and Hay Cutters, km
All of the above' Michines are of "tbe - latest andliest
Improvements, and are all warranted to eve satisfactiati..
Castings, of all kinds made to Order,
and at abort motto. Particular attention paid to RE
PAIRING.-and chargeareasonable.
FARMERS will do well to call oind.exasnine our stock.
belbee.pnrebaslag elsewhere, as they will tind it to their
advantage to purchase idachinee. manufactured in their
own county. - ' -
.151" All orders or communicatious by . snail will be
promptly attended to..' . .
/July 1.1867.. . Lebanon, Lebanon .I:ANAL. • •
Shaving; Ilair Dressing and
S.hanopooning Saloon:
111.FAMAN & W,HAIXT w.orild,:re§eqta_PY -
that they - baiii'llEMOVMlr their'
stablishmVo n t e irket: I . ltreet, next doer_ to John,M.
Mark's HoteVl:abanon, where it will e d them plerisore
to wait on all who may - favor them ed their patronage.
They bee 'numb 0 ere-la ,gurbtlatnesa, =gall
s 1 g °At tire sathinievre, to theiecturtp
mere. • l• l l4t`ihketteht!forthil2M
&intim et .
Ninon, March 3, Is3B.
Lebanon; - Feb'y,4, 1858.
Street, East Lebanon
Mower, with Wood's latest improvements ;
Coleman's Farm Mill ; Grain Drills and
Fans; Hourley's Patent Harrow and
Clod Cutter; Corn Ploughs and Planters;
Portable Cider Mills, Clover-Hollers, Corn
Lebanon Marble Yard.
THE subscriber respectfully nifOrinii
the public in general that he is
prepared to do all kinds of FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL work
at bia Marble Yard. in Walnut street, half way between
the Court Louse and Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot,
at the shortest notice, as good as Rork done in any city
in the United States, and being the only Stone Cutter in
Lebanon county who has served a regular apprenticeship
to the business, he pledgee himself that beam man ufac
tore cheaper, and give a better finish than any other
man engaged in the same business. His stock consists of
Monuments, Gravetones,
Cemetery Posts; Furniture Slabs, &c.
_SANDSTONE of .the best quality for ell' uses,
plain and ornamental. A large assortment of LIME..
STONE for all kinds of housework, of any sloe and
quantity. • AR - Please call and examine prices and the
stock before you purchase elsewhere.
Lebanon, Mecember 19, 1855. -
N.B.—LETTERING done in German end Engllsh, by
the beat practical workmen.
ir , WALTZ & RiEDLE.would respectfully
Alt Li inform the Public, that they constantly.
• -receive ' from the Eastern Cities, copies of
.1. •
• all, the Most iMportint and attractive
New BOAS, is soon asn - üblislied, which they offer for
sale cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere.—
Among tboselately received are— •. . . • -
.Partort's Aaron .Burr, • • .
Diviegton's Travels and itesearchas In South Africa.
Spark's Life of - Franklin, •
Abbott's Napoleon.- • •
Cityof the King, ' • .
- Bayern Tas Ices Northern Travels, .
Debit and Credit;
The Reason Why.
They have always on hand a large assortmetitof School
Books.' Blank Books and Statiohery, Senility School
Books; and a large assortment of Flute, Piano,
Violin and Guitar 'Music. Piano Forte. Me
lodian, and Violin Instructor. . ,
- of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, -
Window Shades.
The Mo n t 1141:y , Magnii nes,
NEWSPAPERS, daily. it Weekly,
Can be had, by milling at the store, on COmberland street,
in the borough ofl i ebanon, at the sign of : the "Big itoott,7
osjirders left alth them fot any kind olltoodeln their
line, will be promptly attended to.
Lebanon: Feb. 4,1858.
Ard n zudtrilEic
NEARLY 2,000,006 FEE
OF the best and cheapest assortment of Lumnsit ev
er offered to the public, is now for sale at the,new
nd extensive LUMBER and COAL YARD of .
n the Borough of North Lebanon, on the bank of.the
Union Cann), at the head of Walnut street, a few
quares North of the Genessee Steam Mills, and one
.re east of „Bergner's Hotel.
— Their assortment consists of the best well-seasoned
White, Yellow. Norway. Pine and Hemlock Boards;—
Cherry, Poplar and Pine Boards;
and 2 inch Pannedand Common Plank;
White Pine and Hemlock Scantling and Joists;
White Oak'Boards, Plank and Scantling;
and y 2 inch Poplar Boards, Plank and Scantling.
The best Pine and Hemlock . Shingles;
Also, Roofing and Plastering Laths
Chestnut.Raila mud Posts, and railings for fences
and fencing Boards;
FLOORING BOARDS of all altos and descriptions.
The largest 'stock 134 , Broken, Bove, Limebunaers and
Hollidaysburg Smith Coal at the lowest prices. .„
He—Confident that they havp the large. 4 and best as
sortment of LUMBER of all descriptions and sizes, as well
as the largeit stork of the different kinds of Con, ever
offered to the citizens of Lebanon county, they' venture
to gay that they can accommodate all purchasers satis
factorily, and would therefore invite all who want any
thing in their line, to examine their stock-before pin.-
chasing eliewbere. BItECHBILL d HORSE
N. Lebanon, Feb. 24,1858.
WHO takes the best LIKENESSES in Lgaitrox ?
Why J. IL REIM, in the third story of
Rise's Neiv Minding:
Re has the beet room, best sky-light, best fixtires, and
has made it his entire businese for the last six years. He
always gets the latest improvements; he has always the
latest style of cases unhand; he takes pictures in,every,
style of the art:; . his STEREOSCOPEPICTURES.are
wonderful to behold: All his pictures are sharp, coirect,
and of the higheet Give hid'. a call and yea will
not regret it. His terms areveryteoderate. -
in_His rooms are open" everyday (except Sunday,)
from 8 o'clock, A. M., till 6 o'clock, P. M.
Nor. 25, 1851.
rit respectfully inform's the n public that be still contin
ues at the "UNION HOTEL, in the borough of North
Lebanon. formerly kept by Mr. John 11. Miller, where
he is now prepared to welcome his friends and travelers,
ond'cheer them with the good things of the land.. Ills
table shell be provided with the hest this seasons can af
ford; and his Bar shall furnish • the choiceht .
Ills efforts will be to make all. stopping with him feel
entirely at home, and. enjoy all the conveniences that curt
be a public house. The Stabling is large and
roomy and in excellent order.
iiiiP-BOXRDING.—tIe is riled prepared to take a nom
ber of Boarders. "Boarding as reasonable as can ibe ob
tained at any .other place. .11e.eatende a cordial invita
tion to aHvisiting.North Lebanon. to give him a call.
. „ JONATHAN Gi1p.5...4.11AN....
North LObininittiiotith, Mash 21,1855. • •
• w Att . setAtikti ' • •
- - -
Elelf.abtt!e, Nervous Debility; StrictEnna. Olean; grav
el, Diabetes, Disiaiel of the Kidneys and Bladdei,
Mercurial Rheumatism. Scrofula. rains in the Donee
- and A nkiiss. thittingl; Thseat, Nose and
Eyes. Ulcers upon the ltial'y :or—Limbs, •Cancers,
Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St.Vatus' Dance. and all Dis
eases alriSiar, from a derangement. of the Sexual Or-
gaus, such as Nerroua Trembling: Lees of Memory,'
Loss of Power, General Weakness, Dimness of Vision
with peculiar spots appearing before the eyes, 'Loss of
Sight, Wakefulness_ Dyspepsia. Liver Disease. Eruptions
upon the Fare; Pain In the linekand :I - lead. Female Ir
regularities and all improper diachargerfromboth sexes.
It matters not from what sense the disease originated,
however long standing or obstinate the case, RECOVERY
in cissmurt. and in a elhorter time tbitima s pertrienent Mire
can be effected by any other treatment, even: after the
dipease has balled-the skill of eminent pliyaleiarniand re
stated all their means of cure.. .The medicines are pleas:
ant without odor, Causing no_ stekness and free . from
mercury or balsam. During twenty years of practice:l
hare rearmed tram the Jaws of Death many thousands,
who, in the last stages of the above-mentioned dis'easai,
had been given up to die by their physicians, which war
rants mu In promising to the - oink:tett: who may place
themselves under my tare, a perfect and most speedy -
cure. Secret Diseases are thegreatestsenemies to health,
as they arc the &stemma of Cousemption, Scrofula and
many other diseases. and should be a terror to the 'hu
man family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever ef.
meted, a majority of the cares falling into the hands of
incompetent persons, who not only Mil to cure the dis
eases but ruin the constitution; filling the system with
mercury, which. with the diseisse, hastens the sufferer
into a rapid Consumption.
But should the disease and the treatment not cause
death speedily and the victim marries, the disease Is en
tailed upon the children, who are born with Teeble con
stitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus
which betrays itself in Scrofulaoffetter, Ulcers, EruP
tione and other affections of the Skin, eyes, Throat and
Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of suffer-
log and consigning them to an early gra747 •••-•
SELF AI3USE Is another formidable enemy to health,
for nothing else in the dread catalogue of human dtepa
ses muses so deetruetive a drain upon the system, draw
ing its thousands of victims through a few years of suf
fering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the tier.
vests System, rapidly wastes away the energies of life,
causes mental derangement, prevents the proper devel
opment of the system, disqualifies for marrirge, society,
bwiinees, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the suf
ferer wrecked in body or mind, predisposed to Consump
tion and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death
Itself. With the fullest coutidence I assure the unfOrtn
nate victims of Self Abram that a permanent and speedy
cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruin
ous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vig
orous health.
The afflicted are cautioned against' the use +of Patent
Medicines, for there are do many ingenious snares in the
columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary
sufferers, that millions hays their constitutions ruined,
by the vile compounds orquack doctors, or the equally
poisonous nostrums fended as "Patent Medicines." I
have carefully analysed many of the so-called Patent
Medicines. and find that nearly all of them contain Cor
rosive Sublimate, which is one of the strongest prepara
tions of mercurytind'a deadly poison, which. Instead 'of
Cu, lug the ilisease, disable+) the system for life.'
Three-fourths oftho patent nostrums now in use are
put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons who do not
understand even the alphabet of the MATERIA Mama,
and'are equally as deidltute of any knowledge of the hu-
man system, having one object only Iti - view, and that to
make money regardless of consequences. '
Irregularities and all disorient' of moles and females
treated on principles established by twenty yiiani of
practice. and sanctioned by thousands' of the most' re
markable cures. 'Medicines with full directions sent to
any part of the United States or Canadae, by- patients
communicating their symptoms by letter. Balalaika:oer
respondence strictly confidential.. Addreed - •
J. BtiIiiMP,RVILLE,4I, D., • - •
Oftlce.No. 1111 'Filbert St.,'[Old No: 109,) below twelfth,
MWetli /8;. ter '
Garden Seed*
..,...,. ..c
vrt, t io.
non, Feb. 10,14.
Books: Books!
a d he
alltiseaso , , the great, .first Cause
Springs from nogleetof Natnre's laws.
N co.TI
Important Discovery.
Diseases of the Longs and Throat
which convoys the
Remedies to the cavities In the lunge through the el.
passages, and coming in direct contact with the disease,
neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough,
causes a free and easy expectoration, heals the lunge,
purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the ner
vous system, giving that tone and energy so indispensa
ble for the restoration of health. To be able to state
confidently that Consumption is curable by Inhalation,
is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much
under the control of medical treatment as any other
formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases
can haeured In the first stages, and fifty per cent. in the
second; but In the third stage it is impossible to save
more than five per cent., for the lungs are so cut up by
the disease aslo defy medical skill. Even, however, in
she last stages, inhalation affords extraordinary relief to
the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which an
nually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the U
nited States alone ; and a correct calculation shows that
of the present popu lation of the earth, eighty millions
are destined to fill the Consumptive's grave.
Truly, the quiver of detail has no arrow so fatal as
Consumption. In all ages IC has been the great enemy
of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off
alike the brave. the beautiful, the graceful, and the gift
ed. By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom
corn eth every good and perfect gift, lam enabled to offer
to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Con
sumption. The first cause of tubercles Is from Impure
Blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their depo
sition in the lungs, to prevent the free admission of
air into the air cells, which causes a Weakened vitality
through the entire system. Then, surely, it is more ra
1101M1 to expect greater good from medicines entering
`the eavitiois of the lungs, than from those administered
through the..etomuch ; the patient will always find the
lungs fete and the breathing easy, after inhaling reme
dies.- True, Inhalation is a local remedY, nevertheless,
it acts constitutionally, and .with more power' and cer
tainty than remedies admiuistered by the stomach.. ; To
prove the powerful and direct - influence of this mode of
administration, chloroform inhaled will destroy sensibil
ity In a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous sys
tem, eiri that a Limb maybe amp e tated hithoutthealight
eetyain; labeling theordinary burning gas will destroy ,
life-in a few hotirs. •
'he inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when
fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the
medicines is perceptible in the skin,' a few moments af
ter being inhaled, - and may be immediately : detected in!
the _blood. A convincing proof of the, constitutional ef
fects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always pro
duced by breathing foukair.,• Is not this positive evi
dence that proper remedies, carefully, prepared and jinn.,
Menai administer s eti,through the lunge', should' produce'
the most happy results ? During eighteen years' prac-
Ake, many thousands, suffering from diseases of ',the
lungs arid throat, liffie. been Under my care,:suid:ll have
effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers
had been pronouriefit in the hist stages, which fully 'sat
isfies me that Consumption is no longer a fatal disease.—
My treatment of Consumption is original, and founded
collet% expe.-ience and 'a thcirough investigation. My
perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &c.,
enables me - to distinguish, readily, the various ferms of
disease that simulate consumption. and apply the proper
remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case.—
This familiarity, in connection with certain .pathologiCal
end microscopic discoveries, enables ins .'to —teller°
the lurgs from the effects of contracted chests; to en
large the chest, purify the blood, impart Mit - rein:Wed vi
tality. giving energy and toneto the entire system,
Medicines, with full directions, sent to any part of the
United States and Canadas, by patients communicating
their symptoms by letter. hint the cure would be more
certain if the patient should pay. me a :which
would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and
enable me to prescribe with much greater - certainty ;
and then the cure could be effected without my seeing
the patieut again.
- G. W. .GRAHAM, M. D.,
Office, 1131 Filbert, St., (old No., 109,) below 12th,
March 18, 1858.--Iy.
The nediOne or The Almon,
131.1 EXCITING - OA USE' OF SICK NE:i.S.—Th blood
the , .life,sustiiining agent. It furnishes the com:
porsents of flesh, bone, mascle,nerve and integument.
The Stomach is its Manufactory': tbe'veins its distribu
tor., and the intestines the channel through which the
waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled.—
Upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels, these
Pills act -simultaneously; selieving indigestion,:•purify
ing the fluids. and regulating the excretions.
. .
The" Nittioiiiil-Disease.
Dyspepsia is the mthitnomaion disease among all etas
es inthis country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and
is the primary source'of innumerable dangerous mein
dies t but whatever its type or symptoins, however ob.
stinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields
readily and rapidly to this searching & unerring remedy.
Bilious Afections
The quantity and quality of the bile are of rite( im
portanceAd health. Upon the liver,-the gland which Fe
crates this fluid. these pilhaverate apecilitally, infallibly
rectifying itairresularltir.e end effectually curing Jaun
dice, Bilious itomittante. and all the varieties of disease
generated by an unnatural condition of Cho orgau.
Liver Complaints
Unless the bowels perform their functions properly .
the whole bodYsuffers. Tens of thousandidle annual
ly of Dysentery. Diarrham, Chronic. Constipation, and
other diseases of those waste pipes in the, system. The
effect of the pills upon all intesttnal disorder's, . whether
casual or epidemic, is a phenomenon lu medicine. By
following tne.prlnteal dirtxtions, the mostalarming ca.
sea of bowel complaint are promptly controlled. "
A Word to Females
The local debility and irregularities which are the es
pecial annoyances of the weaker sex, and which. when
neglected' always shorten life, - are relieved for the time
being, and prevented fur the time to come, by eiourseof
title mild but thorough alternative.
loy,,llolloway's Pills are the beit.remedica know n
this world Om <be following diseaties:—
Asthma; •. e •.Diarrhtea, lndimation, :
Bowel•Oom . plaints, Dropsy, . .
Coughs,' ' •bebility, • 'inflammation,
cows, .• 'Bever & A gue„lnward tVeakness, •
Chost Pinnace, Piles Vemale Complaiats,..
Costircit&s; 'ltendathee;• ' Lownwit Of Writs,
Liver Cuta nts, - Stones Gravel. Secondary Sym ptoms;.
*ve'Solil at the Man afactory of Professor Ili-noway. SO
Malden Lene,.New York, and by. all respectable Drug.
gist's and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United
Stateliand , the ciillized . world, in boxes at2S cents; 02%
cents, and - St .each, • .. • _ .
CAiroeX! = None are genuine unft.xs the 'words "Hol.
lowuy. New York And Loudon," are discernible as a Wa
ter. mark In every brat of the book of directions around
each pot or lox; the same may be plainly seen by bold
ink. the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be
given to any one reuderiug such information as may
thii detectionof soy party or partiiii counterfeit.
ing the medicines or vending the same, knowing them
to be spurious:li* . . --, •
There is a conaiderable saving by taking . the larger sizes.
ISL.-Directions for the trillanciiof patierits in every
disorder are affixed to each . Meech 31, '33.
CL 0 C
r-t y D -a y
Ai. ight D , ary
T - h . 111 P to r
Just Received at
J. J: BLAIR'S jewelry Store,
Lebanon. Pa.
J. W. A C -C it S ,
From 61,25. to $10; 8 day and 30 hear
Oct. 22. 'MI.
Ownse lOA
o WOßK, trby
The Pocket Esculaplue, or Every One
Wx. %omen , JI. D. It is written in
Plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated
with upwards of One Hundred Engravings. All young
married people. or those contemplating marriage, and
nariug the least impediment to married life, should read
this book. It discloses secrete that every one should be
acquitlnted with. Still; it is . a book that must be kept
locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent
to any one on the receipt of twenty five cents. Addres
Dr. Vi M. YOUNG, 152.. SPRUC E, street, above Fourth
Philadelphia. (Jan nary 20, 18.58,—1y
Lebanon .111luttial 'lnsurance
Incorporated by the Legislature'of Pa.
COMPANY is in fall operation, and ready to
I. mike Insurance on all kinds of property, in Anon
or Country, and on as favorable terms as any wellgoe
erned end safe eampaey; either on the Mutual orjolnt
stook principle.
'Pres:Wait—JOHN BRIINSE7t, F.M.
Y~oe.President—D. M. RANK.
Treasurerl—GEO. F. AIRILY.
SecrdarY—WM. A'. HARRY. •
' DIRECTOR'S : j- •--
1.114 1; Giro. fil•nt.r.St
ego. F.L.T., D. M. Bea
tPripotabDisiielns,- •• 4 • Tirr, §nraz, 11±31
t am C. scums,.. ; B..3l.2ritzlonusio•er.:l4
ijd. .RAlrry, DATED 11,AN4,
411DLim. llELLErfitarl Wk. / W. rotr.
Jonestown, Feb. 2; 1868. e 4 0 : 0
ANTHONY & Fll4 4 .4mmtiotuquaeoland ilicinov. rd
:'ggs .lP qj
PZfr . M
001 .4 td
O e4e,
F M , + 3 . g . tr'S'4.
e*: 1
No 7.7 ""r4
54:2;* 8 -• 1
• t•
t, tro
o o
0 P.
.1• 0 m •
m "4-
4 5"
I s: 5. r 4
xcG's 7
asga m 0
g m qO„
The public are invited to call at his
one square north of Union Hall, Lebanon, Pa., where he
will attend personally to all who will favor him with
their patronage.
He would also return his sincere thanks.for the liberal
patronage afforded him since opening in bitsinetet; and
feeling the more encouraged by the interest manifested
in his behalf by the public, he enters upon a new season
with renewed - energy, despatching business with a
promptness becoming an honest ntechank. .
_ _ Terms Reasonable. Call and .Exasnini.
Lebanon, April 3,'58. S. E. DAUGHERTY.
P. S---Also, a numher of select.Limespnc Door, Sfils,
for the aceominodatlon of Minding men and'contraenirs,
who:would do well to,call and 'examine. J. E. D.
$12,000 Worth Slone Goods
.- . .
TIIEUNDERSIGNED, having purchased at Sheriff's
Sale; the large and convicts' assortment Of STORE
desirous to close.up, the concern at an early day, will re
taillhe stock at tower pricOir than Goods base ever 'been
sold in Lebanon, and much cheaper than thastunt kind of
Goods can be bought at Wholesale in the cities. The orig
inal cost of the: GOODS - Was 112,000, and Itie , stock hi large,
complete and rol,assorted.
trn Such an opportunity to obtain CHEAP GOODS is
rarely offered. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and-QUEENS
WARE in great quantities. ;
NotXs of all solvent'Banks takcnln exchange for Goons.
Lebanon, Oct. 7, '57. • . -
- F7 7 7,7 :
W . 1 .1 4..
Evernifored heretofore to the public
"Vora Lebanon. Borough,
Situated on East 4. West side. of Mar
ket street, at Union Canal.
THE undersigned take this method of %infcirm
ing the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding
Counties, that they have now , on hand a large stock of
WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and are constantly rte
ceiving additions, hereto. Their assortment consists in
White and Yellow PINE 'and IIEMLOCK BOARDS.
PA inch and 2 inch PANNEL and COMMON PLANKS.
White Pine and Hemlock SCANTLING and JOISTS.
1 inch and PA' inch Cherry BOARDS, PLANKS and,
1 inch grid M inch 'POPLAR Boards Planks k &mating.
A great assortment of good Pine and hemlock Stun-
OLSS. Also, Roofing and Plastering LATHS. Also , itAils,
Poses, and ready-topped-PALINGS for fencing.'
Flooring Boards, Door and Window. Saslt:
Of which they positively have the largest and best as
sortment ever - offered in this section of country.
They keep constantly on heed the best quality of „Bro.
ken. Stone and Litneburners cosi.; also the best quality
of Hotlideyisburg Smith Chat. arreduced prices.
2 !** Having now on hand much the largest and cora
pletestAssortment of Lumber ever offered to the public
in Lebanon, they feel confident of being able Satisfactor
ily to accommodate all purchasers, and would, therefore,
invite an examination of their stock before purchasing
elsewhere. RBINCEIILS'
North Lebanon Borongh, Sept. le, 1557.
1 Cumberland street, next door to Dr
Oct. 21, 56
_5.000 MEN WANTED ! to come and buy
, their LUMBER and COAL at the as
tonishingly low prices whicbj am now determin
ed to sell at:
Now is the time, if you wish to sore your Money,
to come to the New Lumber and Coal yard, located
between the . Old. Lutheran _Church, and , Myers a
Shows' Steam Mill, and one square north of the
Court Rouse, 'in Walnut street, in the borough of
Lebanon, where is a well selected stock of all kinds
of Building Materials, consisting of ,
500,00 Q ft. Boards,
300,000 Sliingles..
200,000 ft. Joist Scantling
60,000 ft.hemlock' ht:iirds, •
• , —lO,OOO ft. do fonc'g b'ds.
Also; Planks, Plas . tuing and Rocding Lath, all
of which will be sold, Wholesale or retail at. Mid.
dletowit prices, except a smell advancefor fieight:
"Also; all kinds of the host COAL themarket can'
produce, atieb/te Broken, Egg," Store; Chestnut,
Limeburners' and Hollidaysburg Black'smith's
Coal, which will be sold almost at cost.
•toba l trion; Jdne 24; 1857..' • .0 : r • i •
%forms of all kinds.
•• .
• • ''"Fee4lFveillc• - • ••'•• •
PERSONS ln want of Peed' for Cow!' •or Piga, rain
tato lit daily at the Brewery of _the . subscriber, in
Cumberlited atrect, Peat of
,Plank Road. Price, from
10 , to 25) cants a bushel... •' • • •
Lebanon blank' 3. '67.... .HENRY •IIART3LAN.
Ind first ortrcle of the kind aver par/alma under Mt
nurse of I'CLM , NIC WArsks," in this or any
country all other Pannonia Wafer* are etindafeite.
The genuine can be known by the /SAW BRYAN Ming
stomped oft oath WAFER.
Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore-throat, Hoarseness.
ReSemi Asthma, Bronchitis , Difficult Rteetin --
_ BRYAN'S rui.moxic WAFERS'
Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest.
Believe Incipient Consumption, Lung Dimino.
Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils' .
BRYAN'S 11,1.110N1C WAtERS
Relieve the above Complaints in Tait Minutes,
Are a blessing to till'claises and' conirtitutkin&-
Are adapted for Vocalists and-Public Speaker&
Improve the compass and flexibility of the Voic e.
Are In a simple form and pleasant to ths tutu
Not only relieve, but effect rapid & lasting Cure&
• BRYAN'S PU lAtoxlc • WA FERS
ire warranted to give satisfaction to every one.
No Fetidly should be without a lax of
larkaish; Pulmonic Witfere
IX. TUE XOCBX. • . '
De Traveler should lie without a Box of '••••
Bryan's* .Pulmonie,Waters •
No Dealer should be without a Supply of
Pulm oit Wafers
No . person will ever object, in give for
airy - Astable 'l: i nlet:mule Wafers
. • , Tyr:wry-rpm exvra.
-. For sale by Dr. ROBS, opposite the Court Howe, Leba
non Pa., and by all respectable ' tethrouglsout the
United Statei and 'Canada; 'ldea by yibicb,lbmilt
low Pa. • •' - .• 047-17.::
. OV S I3II NAZ I AI ift -dgt ,
•;05'. let*. 6). S,,°„Gii T.413P Sh:e t t ! , lLi:i-I ,
tt;Tbelnhta:c-- •-
ct) 915 E ATUER.bREA LE , .
ckliAskuuk'", MATtainiigal d e t l '''''
Lab ltED
N. IL—Rauh Leather, bought. rtittihni' b.
The Largest, Best and Cheapest;
Li nec=ear-o-'
!Gunther and Coal.
Dr. Ross' Drug Store
Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa.
DitOSS offers to buyers the best bargains in
drugs, in Lebanon ; a long and varied expe
rience, of over twenty years, in the drug and
medical science, enables him to do up thingi in
the first style. Purchasers - will please make a
note of these facts.
Magnetic Sugar,
u- the PerrnatientCere of Nen-
Iglu, Si. Vitus Dunce, and all
her Nervous diienses, sold by
r; Ross.
Upham's Electunry,
certain cure for the Pile:.
lr.Marshisi'sUterine Gotha
m], For the cure of all fem. dis.
r. IL H. Iligbee's Remedy,
r the cure of Coughs, Colds
• - - ,
Professor Wood's flair Restorative,
For promoting the growth of hair, always to be
had nt the principal drug depot of Dr. Ross.
-•, Henry's Invigorating Cordial, tonic in use for strengthening the hu
man system, sold only by Dr. 1.10,3, , ,
IY:floating's .. .Syrup of Naphtha,
Is.faht superseding all other medicines for the
cure of Consumption and Bronchitis. Dr. Boa,
Alten's Razor Powder,
For Razor Straps.
Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy--a pure and safe 1
article for, medical use, to be had at Dr. Ross'.
Allen's Liniment, for Rheumatism.
• Mrs.;AtIMOS. Hair Restorative
Is an unfailixtgrestorer, of the Hair,
it is taking the lead of all other
remedies' for the hair. No toilet is
perfect .without.rars. Allen's Hair
Restorative. Call at Dr. Ross'
Drug Store' for" mrs. Allen's Hair
Restorative. See adv. in another col.
Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges
Are as sweet as Sugar and a certain
cure for Worms.
Dr. Ross' Infant Drops,
For „enefof restlesaness, Colic pains, c., of
children. Sold only at Pr. Ress' . Drug Store.
Cough Cured for Twenty-five Cents.
Dr. Physick's Cough 'S,yrufall the cheapest. nd
hest remedy for Cough s,Coldsi&c., Gullet Dr.Ros.s':
" Dr. Ross' Horse Powder
Is the best Horse Powdei . in 'use. :
Dr. Ross' catile-Pozoder
la fast taking the place of all other Pottle Powdeu
Dr. Ross' Horse Linis?ierit,
For the cure of Old Strain.s; Swellings, .Bruises,
&c. Sold only by, Dr. lips!.
Dr. " Ross' ~64 e Salve.
PM' the cure of sore;
weak or inflamed eyes. In
dividuals who have ; been atilieted,with diseases of
the eyes, for months Aid years, have been` entire
ly cured by the use of Dr. Ross' , Eye Salve.
Fresh. Ggrilen..See4
In great variety at Dr. Roie Drug Store.
Dr. Ross' :-7'etter Ointment
Persons afflicted with totter, ringworm, and VW
rions other skin diseases, will feud varions efficient
medicines lur their cure at Dr. koss'Drtig Store.
1)r. Ross'- Tooth.
Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and
Gums. It whitens, cleans miff preSerVe the teeth;
and hardens the gums. It prevents and curesSeurvy. Try it, by all means, if - pail value a
sweet breath and white teeth.- , ' Ask Tor Dr. Reiss'
Tooth Wash.
Heyl's Embrocationfor' Iforael
alas no superior for the cure of swellings, hraiSes,
galls produced by the collar or saddle, scratches,
old or fresh wounds. Ask foilleyl's - Einhideation.
Trusses... •• , 7i •• :
Dr. Ross has a variety of.Trussos—for infants,
children or grown peoi)l6. Unless a Trias fits, it
is worse than useless—it will (10 harm. Be, has
had an experience of over 18 yeays in this branch
of surgery, and adfusti every TrusS bought of hiin.
15 Gallons of Soap for 1 9 Cents.
One box of Saponifier,, costing 19 ,cents, will
make 9 pounds of hard soup; or 15 gallons' of soft
soap, without any trouble,: Tun direetons ' giveia.
Sold at Dr. Rose' Drug Store. , [April 8, 1857.
Cumberland Street, Lebanon, -Pa.
THE undersigned, - h&vin,t; taken `this old and
faVorite stand ; and having-refitted . : it ita the
best style, is now prepared to necetnondate the
public, and entertain strangers *and 'trairellers
the .hest modern style. Thedlonse is : Commodi-:
ons and pleasant.. The TABLE shall be well pro
vided. for, and the BAR ii
enntitin , nne
PUREST - -Newts. The STABLING-attached to
the Hotel is large and roomy, and capable of ac
commodating a great number of. Horses. '
% r m.. To his friends and acquaintances in Let)-
anon Conntyras well as to all others, he &I . :tends
a cordial invitation to make Hs - House their HOME
when visiting Lebanon.
April 29, 1857. DAVID 110FEMAN.
S P L F. N-D-1-13-E-S-T-KrT
.. . .
TE undersigned offers at private sale his mag
nificent estate, situate in East Handier town
ship, De.bapon county, about 2 miles from Harp.
er's Inn, 4 milesi froin the Cold Springs and the
Dauphin and Susrinchanna'Reilroad, as follows:
NO. I—Contains 160 ACRES, more or less, of
the hest land in the'neighborhoocl, AdjOitling prop
erty of Miehrel Deininger. John Dotter, and oth
ers. The greater portion is cleared and under
l i
..i .... good cultivation. The - hiaildings
4 ?
;,.. ' erected' on this tract are the under
eigned's well-known Cloth i11anu
_,... '!.: factory, which has a large patr:.•n
.'"'' arm end is capable of indefinite in
crease; a large' two-story double Stoue Dwelling
House, with -RitClibil Mimexed; good two-story
Farm house';. Tenant 'House; large stone. Barn,
with threshing floor and Pablingi and! other out..
buildings, „in ghoti repair. Also,. all necessary
bui I din'girfur the At n nuractery,vis ::.rilling-mill.,
Card an &Sid nn ing Machine building,.Dyeingand •
Finishing 110u5e:413., .&c. .The• Works are all ,
well supplied with, good, Machinery and plenty of,
water power. A stream of good water is led to
the dviellinehiiitie 'in pipes ; also, r -e , • •
springs and primp-Wells near. Alen, a _AA,
beautiful,.Young-. CItCIIARD ou the - T .
premises.. i. . . . i
NO. 2Csiiitains 2eo Acres, (more '''
or less) adJoining NO: 1, land of Michtel Deining
er, John:Dotter add others. Nearly the whole Of
this tract is under. good cultivation and excel
.' lent -fences. Erected thereon is a
• '• :D;volliiii'llnuse, stable, and a large,
ii ".,-
a .... 'Shed.. Also. near by a wen; spring,
_ kte., a splendid site for the erection of
~., • - a dwelling house. Thera is , flowing
-in nearly every field. A Schoolllouso is.
Nested on this tract. - . ...
• -
'NO. B'---ContainilBo Acres Wobd.;
laud, (more or leiso adjoining No.• 1,
land of John Dotter and others. Its •
has a rich_growth of Chestnut Spronts,. : I _
from 8 to 10 years growth.
As the undersigned is sincerely disposed to sell,
the above May be purchased either in parts as
above or in the whose, as way be desired..
Good title and poEsession will be gir - en.on - the
let of April, 1858. For further infoniation
ply to LYON LEMBERGB - R, •
♦ug. 6, '574f. ' Bast PIPT°S3rp 14Pern C 0.9 pa.
Improved Fire and Water' Proof
HARRisniuno, P A .,
RESPECTFULLY infor ii ihe citmone of Wr
risburg, Reading, L ancaster,'lvibanon, - and:
their vicinities, that Wei are Rreirrod to put en
roofs on most liberal terms,' and at 'the ishOlitest
notice. . .
We respectfully call the attention 14 persons '
bout - to build, to our ilivaltitible met Wit bf roofing,'l
nor teuch used throughout-the principaLeities of
the:lJnited Suites and their vicinities. This mode
or roofing baring all ,theteemlined inquieites of
cheapness, Durability,. ::Seestrity_ Rgaiust „Fire •
and Water, and dispensing With' high gable walls . ;
the roofs require an inclination of not niere•than
three-quarters (f) otan.ineh-to.the foot, and in
many cases savingtheentire coat of rafters—the •
ceiling joist being used. " 4
• The' getters are made or the • same Material;
without any extra charges ; consequently,' our
roofs.are.put up, at almost ball the cost of. , eithert
Tin, Slate, or Shingles. ~The material being . of
an imperishable nature; it stirpassei all others
Durability ;—besides, in' case of any casualty, it =
is the niost easily repaired of' anY-other-roof,now
in use. , Yet, the best proof . we our offer a6.tpj4
being. both fire and water proof, areouptany, re,
fcrences, to any one. of 'Whom we are liberty
to refer. • •••• - •..
N. B.—But let it, be distinctly , understood,
(since we manufacture,our o w . u .oo mposition, and
do the work in person ) ) that we warrant all, our
vroileprooritgaintli bot tiVi . re'ild'Water ; iethey
probe eontra.4%.-vie Wi ll 4 liostlrillittgly Abide the '
reintits. 1
Pr•f4Atfri4Al,lnlll4F. it n iflf t l f ell!P.All o lo.flet9P.l4 l
hea no roof i's ‘ irk i eoo in su sank, ngen.siarto
4CI- ur rea = gioultki, t
give the rafters a pitch of about one inohlOtthe
[Envy 27, 1.854.--4 m.
five vet. inferest.
N 11! ' "11. y COMPANY.
rAi.NUT Etreet. .oath-West corner et THIRTY
Street. Philadelphia.
Money ie received in any sum, large or small, and inter , '
est paid from the clay of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The office ie open every day from 9 o'emek in the morn
ing till ri o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday Ina
Thursday even iuga till S riVock.
lION. HENRY L. BENNER, President.
Witt.t.tx J. Items, SceretarY-
Hon. Henry L. Benner,i F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, ) Joseph H. Barry,
itel.ert Selfridge, Francis Ler,
Band. K. Ashton. Joseph Yerltes,
ft. Landreth Humes, lienryDiffenderffer.
;Money is received end paymeuts made daily wititout
The investments are made in REAL ESTATE monT
GAGES, I;ROL'SDRENTS, and each first elass mend
ties es the Charter requires. • Feb: 4'i:
A\ : for any, Eruption or Excoriation of the Skin,
whether on' the head, face, arms or other parts of
the body.' Uld ulcers or sores, and pimples on the face,
may be speedily cured by the use of the Recto illistura.
To those especially that are suffering from the Piles : wa
offer a sure remedy.
From Rem Mr. Enterline. Pastor Gorman Church, Cor.
Conway and Sharp streets:
For the benefit of the afflicted, I feel it a duty to state
what a blesSin 7, a inediciue. known bythe naine of "Bull's
Recto Mistura." has been to mu. / have been afflicted
with the Piles for eight years: during which time I tried
my own remedies, as a prautitioner, and many others;
but without success. Raving heard of lir. Bull's Pile
Remedy, I tried it ; and though I used but one haltbot
tle, I can say that I sin perfectly cured. I elsd used it
in a violent cuse,of Tatter. which extended overthe whole
body, and in leis than two weeks it disappeared, end
the skin hqauce clean and smooth. I strictly adhered to
the directions. SAMUEL EN TEMA NE.
Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by D. S. Reber, Druggist,
Lebanon, l'a-. sole agent-for• Lebanon vaulty.
nert24, J -
nuinp. ,-Pr(paritt ion
tVnipuund Fluid
Fordisenses o> pie Bladder, Kidneys,,,grayel, Dropsy,
Weaknesses, Obstruotions, Sicret diseases., Fe
male Coroplainte,; "envi,all, diseases, of,
the_ Sexual Organs,
Arising frothiEreessesluid Iniprodeneles in life; and re
moving all Improper Di charges from the gladder, Kid
neys, or Sexual Organs,-vrbetseroxiating in
Male Femal es
From whatever cause they may have origintitt‘d,
Ana. vo:matter , otitow. g' Stand i n g ,
Giving Health and Vigor to the .Frame, and
Bloom '.
to the Pallid
Joy 44) 411 e = 41111 .
It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers. and removes
iill thelsynqitotns; among Whirl Will be found
• to Eiertion,` toss'of
\ Power, -Loss of 'Memory,
• `DitliMilty Ilreithing. Gen
eral . .Weckcess, !Jenny of Dis—
' war,: Weak Nerves:Trembling, Dread
ful llorrorof Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet,
Walrefultiess;Dramesi of Vision. Languor, Univer
sal Lassitude of the at usculiti Sysfent i often itnormous
Appetite, with Dyspeptic svittploins. Hot Hands,
Flushness of the Delp, I 5 rytteas ,the, skin,
. Pallid Countenance and Eruptidns °tr.
the Face, Pahl in the Back, ilea
:, • . i ivineas :of the' Eyelids,: Fre- , -
quentli Black spots
-' Flying before::"
the Eyes.
Temporary - Suffusion and Idiii'ottiight ; 'Want of
Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessness; with Horror
Soliety: ' Nothingis inore' deMintile to such Pa
tients than , solitude, and Nothing they more
Dial! far 'Fear of ntemsnlieii no Be
, pose of manner, no earnestnnss,
''cipectilation, but a hurried
'.transition fyomone .
question Loan-
.•,,. •
thaie sitoptorns'if allowed to go on—which this med•
ieine invariably; reMoVes--soon fellows, Loss of Rower/
Fatuity, and EPILEPTIC FlTS—in one of which the pa
tient may el;.t.ire. • :Who can-say that these excesses are
not frequently followedby those direful diseases—lN
SANlTY AND CONSUMPTION t The records Of the In
tone Asylums, and the inelaneholy deaths by Consump
tion, bear ample *Romer to- thatibtli - Oftheselinertions,
In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition ap
peal-tr.. The Counikiante fii:actualli -sodden • and - quite
destitute--neither Mirth . ..or Grief ever visits it; should
a sound of the voice occur, Wis rarely articulate.
-With woeful measures wan despair
Low sullen sounds hie smief.beguiled'
Debility is most terrible!. and has,brongit thousands
upon thousand to nuilineli• kraiiii„%thits blru,tingthearn
bit ion of many noble youths____.• _lt:mm.l)e cured by the use
.11 you ere Stitt - ming-with ...caret - the aboy,ii :distressing
ailments. the' FLUID EXTR:ACT Bre 11U . will 'Cure y - ou.
Try it and be conviheed Oita efficacy. !' f:n*.
Beware of Quark Nostrums and QuackDoetbrs.
who fuls.ely .baiutt -of abtlitiesratar retie-stems, LCltizens
know and avoid them, and save long suffering, Money,
and ExPosure;•by sending or Milling (Cr- a bottle of .this
Popular and speciti c Remedy. •
' It allele ill pain and iiifltunmatkin,-is perfectly
, ant in t.a taste and odor, but immediate in Reaction.
Heinibold s Ba An .
. Is prepthled directly according to the:Rehm:4 pharmacy
• and - Ohetuiitry, with the greatest glee - Limey and Chemical
!knowledge and care devoted 'ln -its :eombiniition. :gee
Proftmor Deirees' Valuable Works on the practice of.
Physic; and Most of the latealandard Works of
, egigkillAr.„4:lll,4CO, f. •
can Onelin nal red dollarliivilltai" . Pad to anyThysielan w ho proke that the natidieipe ever ipjgredia -patient; and
the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove
that it dopagreattgood:,•Casas of from one week to thir
teen- years standing have been effected. The mass of
Voluntary Testimony in !ianstatlion of the Proprietor,
vouching, its virtues and curative powers, in, iaimerint,
mob ricinguainaskrell-VnOWntoICIENOR 'AND FAM./3
• 1 90,009:Bottles gave Been 501 d . .:
and not a single instance of a failure has beenreported •
PersonallY appeared before. me; an Alderman of 1114 i
City of Philadelphia, 11. .T. ILELMIIOLD, Chemist, rho
belugtuly. , aworn does - nay:Mathis preiskratimidmi %Ina
no‘Narraitie, Mercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely-
Vegetable. lI.T. II ELM BOLD,liploinelifietUrir:.
Sworn and aubsz.r• ibed.beforenspdhia2ltd day of Nevem
bee, . • WM. ; r,.aumt,if q Alderman.
Price per Itottle, or .Iqx or ss,De
"' •' liroered to chi - iA - ddr`ese, •
Aucm4titiled by reliable and'readitinsibleCerlifieltesfrotS,
Linfessors of Medieal Colleges, Clergymen and others.
krepareit andttaeby IL: Tr•ILELSI BOLD,
Practical and Analytical Chemist.
A T E4 l s2:Binith. Tenth St. below Chestnut,;
• Assembly. Buildings, Phila.
Igl,4ohe had of Dr. George Rose, D. S. Reber, S t ates,'
allDrugglats and Dealirs•tbroughout the United
Canaries and British Provinces.
A:skfor Helmbold's—take no othein.- .
.Cures Guaranteed. •
Prat,! a Butcher's -Ma gir, etc
ed Joints, C4OIIC Yn9nx.. Pains In rhertlidar.orlAksek,
Headache, Toothache, Spraine.Sons.TbroatAintaainds
es, Hums, and all dicesscs of the Skin, Muscles, and
the Glands.
None genuine without the -signattire of PRATT k
BUTCHER attached to fetch label. . .
• 2tetik - Clitiffetlf tem
bergers•DrllginMs olio PAW - . . Mirth ;
c.% '
_ Inbihroce
15 per vet liPaPer Nvirt rk lat,4
riwewri s s
•I f t
Jr any.