Piaflint Ailtritgir. 'COEN DEISOORITIO PRINCIPLES CPARI TO LEAD, TIZ MAZE TO roam." Wig. M. BREIZIN, Editor and Proprietor LEIIANON, PA. WEDNESDAY ) .MAY 12, 1868, Democratic- State Noithitions. JUDGE OP STITREAWOVItirt WILLIAM A. PORTER, OP PRIZADELPIILI. CAN/ali COMMISSIONER: WESTLEY FROST, OF I'AYEITZ. i 7 lion. John Potteiger, Represen• tativeand Senator in the State Legisla ture from Berks county, died on the 25th ult,, aged .75 years. 0:::r The Market-house, stalls in Read ing, were sold last week at'publicrte, for the ensuing year, and brought $l,- 898 86. This does not include the street stands outside the Market-house. Otr Hon. Thom.as L. Clingman, for ; many years a member of the House of ;Representatives, has been appointed by the Governor of North Carolina a U. S. Senator from that State; in plaee of H'On. Asa Biggs, recently appointed rt . Judge of the U. S. District Cotirt. Kr' The opposition in Congress op pose the admission _of Miimesoea:sn * d Oregon this session. no r th vrtil he Northern States andyrS'seor free consti• tutions. Why,.it will be ttitled do they nppose them They are "I I both Demo cretin! That's the milk in the-cocoa nut.' 'l , - lion. Josiah J. B4ns, United States Senator from South Carolina, who ,was elected in 1853, as the successor of 'Mr, Barnwell, died, auddAtly at Wash. ington on Thursday night. He was in the Senate Chamber during the day, and apparently in good health. He was somewhat advanced in years. Otrl'lte coalition opposiiion are, al ready quarreling about the spoils of of fice in Philadelphia, less thln a weak they wilt be abusing each other much more titan they did the I'Locofocoa" be fore the election. The Evening Journal opened thqoivar t and i we expect every day to bear its fire ret j urned frotii guns iveirinaniiiid and well-shotted.- Otr Sol. Snyder, confined in the au phin county prison, serving out a sen tence for kidnappini, recently attempt ed .to,hang himself. He hail tiy some means obtained a piece of strap, Which he attadhed to the upper bar of his enli door, from which he was hanging at the time he was discovered. One of the keepers of, the prlson, goin by, p . 'paned to notice" him, and immediately cut him dOwn, but not before life, to all ,f appearances, was nearly extinct. ur. 'Botebaugilt .was called 'in, with whose skillftWasiihsta'nce the intendedsuicide was Soda :Waugh! to a state of sensi bility. Ift OtrOuriteighbor of the Courier wannt the Canal 'Commissioners to resign.= Reason,they are Democrats. ,He wants our papers to unite , in 'a call upon them to resign. Suppose our neighbor 'and his friends set, the exan t iple and unite call Yvon , o I Y their own oitte:e holders, more .u,seless and much less wanted, to resign. For instance, Brig- ham Young, an appointee of President Fillmore, still holds on to his office, and can scarcely bey lackiti)6t. 'He is not wanted, is worse than useless, and we think the papersof the opposition party, of which he is a member, should unite in a call upon him to resign. .Please gentlemeti - perluade your friends to leave office when they are not wanted, espe chilly that ultra Republican '(in wives,) Brigham Young. , Otr*lll Philadelphia, on Tuesday. of last 'week, the election resulted-in favor of thri)ereople'is Ticket," by from 2,500 to 4,560 Amajority, All the factions and ism s had, , ais, ; era of good feeling, and , with thortsaitanee of Democratic recre• ants,brought - about said result. "West's ' everybody's victory, is nobody's victory, • and th e poor,ciaiiii,lation of "crowing" is not even permitted: to thoopposition. 'They can't say that' lt is a Republican victniy, not: . can they loat - A ......... n i ... , _inerican • :Neitkir - Tirrther sadale itTiOnn Lea° at p• ton (tifitlitAtouki:bo,4oothingyitthetn) beciuridsltiiral - o,th* i i ,k , in 0C ra tioott n - didateg lirere well-kneivii ,anti-Leectrop toniteC,arld supported ses'hueh. Weex pecte' Ifie4?mocracy to, be defeated in ?hilt( tiliiik t iind are OSA-satis fi ed that t 4. it is 1142-waissra or . opposition`tule in thafii tyltij 4gPl3,t the people of the whole tiniftrOnCtheri When an elec tion again 40, 1 !roliud. that has some thing practiio; liosit.,:tti , Ole Democracy ky will swesiktiiii iiit , ,'rE Oil:Philadel phia now All Atja,sgeuri q)e•sext Presidener - * O.'' - ' - '''''—,--,'— A large vote was polled • for ' a siring election. The vote for Mayor war as follow: ~ For Atextuider Henry ' , People's calaidete, ' 413,712 ' Far Richard Vaux',Damocrat, - : ' . " 29 P .9 4,rim Majority for Henry, featbfirs Helen c 6 bi l ifia•desteiNitiordifs oolobrated Mrs. Cunningham the illiked`).- .. • if sr of * Dr. Burdett, was isseried,on.•Mosiday Met to 6 Young dentist, of _New York . 1400 76 '' , al Protectorate over alrlexice. t The Pennsyivanine, after noticing th e / miserable condition of that beautiful, hut distracted country—Mexico—thus argues in favor of, the establishmentor a Protectorate: "Industry is the, true basis of civilization, but industry can not exist where a gevernment:is impos sible which is strong enough to protect it. Mexico needs protection and the United Ste.tps are in duty bound to grant it to her.. We cannot allow eight mil lions of l 'people right upon our bounda ries to relapse into a savage state. All our Indian troubles, past and present, our former ware with England, would be as nothing to the dangers which would grow out of such development to the peace and prosperity of this country.— Not alone does a feeling humanity dic tate to us to render assistance to our suffering neighbors, but important rea sons of state, considerations of self-pre servation imperatirly demand our in terference in the affairs of Mexico.— Mexico must neither sink into barber ism, nor must she become like Turkey, the theatre of war between the great powers of Europe and America. To prevent such a calamity, which would affect not only, the destiny of this na tion, but of the entire American Conti nent, we must act-with promptness and decision. The moment is opportune. Ili.oray never again be so favorable.— France has troubles within , to conten d i against ; she has to watch the threaten-, ing phases of the Englis'h and England hasenough to de in Asie, , vv ich ties the, l 'han t dsof these Powers; I, they really feel disposed to meddle with the affairs of this hemisphere. Mexico needs,a protectorate for her own Sdva tion and our security. Lev the ,prptee toraie be a .fait accompli, befOre insist. ance could beOr g anised. It must be clone sooner or later, and had better be done at once." The principle objection'to the pro posed protectorate is based upon the fact, that public opinion,in our country, is supposed' to be opposed to meddling in the affairs of other countries. "Non intervention has been oueielicy." But we think that this petlicy has been ex clusively applied to the affairs of 'Eu rope and * niit'Of 'Anierica. If we hold that no'hui4ean power shall •acquire further domain in America, it occurs to us that the doctrine of self-preservation which dictated this declaration,‘should indicate also that this dominion must be l iirese;Ved from anarchy ,dissol t titian, degradation and dirkgrace . . ,, notab solutelAdiigraceeul that alorig e our southern borde,r—should' be in a constant state of revolution, and rioting in-every excess of anarchy 7- r . Such nation is a nuisance in a neigh borhood, so it becomes patriotic to abate the nuisance existing. in a neighboring nation, by establishing a protectorate. fter.the passage of the bill thro' I COlfgress adinikting Kansas into the Union with the - ecompton Constitution, thouland people visitedthe flottse-Viserenade the l Prcsident. Three cheeriwere.gisen, when Mr. Be chanan appeared :and spoke as follows, in 'his usual Clear and eloquent style TUB 'PRESIUNNT'S 9P.E.E64 (.4.:tcr i v,krtit-1 feel very much honored by the kindness widch, you live displayed . in com ing in inch reSpectablentimiors to 0 7 c mega ser (made. I havploug been nequain ‘ ted with 'wash_ I tiktyii:beert intiris,4 with my fellow. .oltizefis of this oity for, a longer period tha of pot have lived, andf have never received any thing but kindness, attointion, and good will front the p6pulationiof this p . istriet. [ Cheers.] I thank you Most cordially.that the kindness which your fathers have extended to me still lives in the breasts of their children,' and I hope when I leave this city, if I liVe rgtniii to my quiet home, I shall carry ,with me:Jour affectionate regard,; which' I shall endettimr to deserve. [Applause.] This is e.great occasion pn,which you have as •sembied. lt le, fir *Ayr*, men. The best inter ests of the country were involved in the long con test which has soluippily terminated, [Applause,] I hope and bellevlsthat the result will tend to _promote thalmice • and prosperity of our glorious union. .[Cheers sail of All the people siptutlthi, face of the eartii,; thirpeople 'of Washington are the mostinteriistild4n presesving this unity of in terests whiehhass sundered us glorious abroad, ' and esisiesiiffii fikisosperons at home. [Cheers.], I doneftlifink that ,wiahe becoming in lie to enter ,into,any the groat question which has so happily terminated. i therefore must conclude these brief remarks w : ith again re peating to. ou howheartiii I feel'yoUr kindness, and hOw'*giatefully shall:everlinnetaher it to tiniest period of my eiiStMteo. - [Cheers.] Speeches: were also , expressive of gratification of result bj; Senator's Toombs and Ow' in, and. Min : Messrs. Clay,' Leteher, SteieratoO. The crowd afterwards i;roceeded ,to .the resi derieei of SenetO"rs Bigler, 1 4reen, and Brown, and lon Meeirs..j. OlancY Jones, and English ; who severally ad dressed thernipim Ne s te , made Senator Hunter, of Vircipip, who was absent fro Vii hoine, 'On Hon. A. H. Stephens; of Georgia, Wto was in disposed. ; , .n. Conunssen To Antio Bi A tinnsar.B.— s ailor cited recently in Tsints; . and on his di;nth,:bed.con teased that he wasinie of the' crew -Alko,renrdered Mrs. Alston, of Soittli Carolina, forty *ears ago. Dirs. Alston was,tiie Aaiightes, of, A ;MP from She sailed fro Cinrlisten k0.;:..54,,1t0rk.,. in . a brig,.and on,the trip the crew . mutinied aid mur dered 'all the officers , and passengers;Mre. Alston being the - list one ;Walk tke: plank: 'The Sailor remerabere*her look of despair, and died in the greatest agony of mind. .. , • : . flair, The Kansas ..free-State„ eonvention nominate sate * *Blears met ,at;'iopaka, .on- the 28th ult., and nominated g.J..Atlarps for Gover nor, Colonel Halliday' for,',Zidatenant Goiernir, Conway of itimore} for . • THE ' I:b3XNON ADVERTISER.---A FitiVifLY . jgrPor overhead neighbor KED! now t4ticett,Pietures for 25, 50, 75 - cts., $l, and upwards, being a great reduction upon termer price. Sec his circulars. Otr A passenger car is now attached to the up freight train on the Lebanon Valley Railroad for the accommodation of persons wish log to meet the Baltimore train. It arriies at Harrisburg at 12 noon. Fare 6U coats. Otr - Our old friend . taratBSRGER ad vertises his long and well-known Cloth Manufac tory. Persons wanting anything in his line will do well to procure it from him. Everything about him is genuine. Irr' At a meeting of the Stockheld era of the Wister Library Company, on Monday evening. Kelm& John H. Kluge, E. A. Uhler, and Ifenry Derr, were elected Directors for the ensuing three years. Lt". • • fk) -- The Council ordered notice to be given to the property-holders of Plank road, from Water to Chestnut streets, to have their pavements made. This will interfere with flat boating in some parts of that legality. Santous ACCIDINT.—On Sunday at teraoon as Mr. Tittle Hartman, accompanied by his wife and child, was returning home from town in his carriage, when in the act of crossing the Canal Bridge at Mulberry street, the horse shied, and fell with the carriage and all over the embankment. The wife and child were consider ably hurt, but Mr. Hartman escaped uninjured. INruogrice or BEGGARS. •-••• We noted the other day a beggar entering a house. Ile wanted money which was refused, but was given bread. Upon coming out he gave the bread to She dogs, and upon being remonstrated with for his conduot became eidolont and abusive. Such , conduct on the part of those asking &silty will soon have the effect of creating a bad feeling against all of that class. (Kr'An election for Directors of the Lebanon Valley Bank was held on Saturday.— Quite a lively time in consequence. De - follow ing gentlemen were elected, viz :---John George, John W. Ithlinger, Jacob Weidle, David Retna ny, Wm. Myers, C.:Bomberger, D. Rank,,Geo. Hoffman, John Light, s.e., Jefferson Shirk, T. T. Worth, 0. IL Bergner, Wm. Shirk. 4 John George was elected Pres ident,andJoseph Karob, Cashier. "Too MANY TRAIN:MS.—The/ present number of stores in New Hampshire is 2,700, or one to every twent,9 families of half a lozon parsons each." In Lebanon we have one store selling groceries to about 50 families of six persons each When we takp, into consideration that hundreds of families from the country procure their grace.. , riesin town, it is evident that the business is, in a 'healthy condition. FURIOUS DEtiymo.-We would will the attention of oar Police to the fact that there is' an Ordinance against fast Driving throuib our stret9, which we think should be enforced. On Monday evening Dr. John . W. Otoninger was placed in danger of losing his life by being run down at the ,corner of Market and Cumberland streets, by a Rot driver with a pair of horses.-- Ile was hit at the back of the head by the pole of the carriage, receiving severe bnilses. Its novon dor that more accidence have not happened from the evil of fast driving and it should be put a stop to. . Krlt may interest our lady readers to knot,. that green is the fashionable color on the sunny side of Broadway, New York, an Chestnut street, Fhiladelph ia, just now, and the color that is to bo the fashion ail summer, Green Is the predominant color in most of the costly shawls sold at auction. The flounces of ,silks, bargees and . wrsuadinnexhibit the same, tints Tha,),itos net materials incline to lb, and 41s, orpisily eon spiouous in the wreaths and sprey . s..thac spurt eh near the cheek of beauty.. Fashion is thus in love with Nature for once, sod resolved to appropriate • her livery. Fges.--Persons unused to attending, Court often detain themselves in town, and,at:Court, froma want of knowledge of where to•ohtain their fees for attendance. To isid them ire nieution...that ail , Ritness costs AO R.,1(1 either at ,the ,:trOeuxer t s,Ottise,_ fi b y, gleilt of Quarter Sessions. ~The 11c0 ,mcle, for ir.itn,esees to facilitate the receipt cf,..cnch,egetc ieto inasaor,gQt made out jar•a t scrivener, their bill in tmoimi..forei, and present ko, Sin ,Qlerk.,uf the Quarter Sessions, during the recess of Court, far taxation, when they can immediately obtain their PaY• O It will be observed that the "Leb anon Valley Bank"has changed its name to "Leb anon Deposit Bank," in consequence of the incor porated institution, now being organized, having the title of "Lebanon Valley Bank." The De posit Bank will do business 'as usual, hoping a continuance of the confidence and encouragement of the- - publio. Their..nieins aud.,ability, have been foiled -end not fouild minting: through-the discearageieenta of the late panic. They also metiroinitly all ttieir liabilities through the'lty inetinies of hat APyil,whieb they trist has giv en Oil a further- hold upon the MniftddiMe Or Our neighbor of the Courier is how a Bank Director, a position attained onlyhy tnee'Ofierally supposed to be honest and baser. able. Wi believe the editor of the Courier - to be such, in the private and business walks oflife., 7 — We I'Visii — weeoulA.say, much for in"Pcill tiosvX4s.wish.he would reft;rta hia:perr tontrds his political opponents. "Be just . though the falr What proof is there that thepresent "heads of our goverpinent" Galphiuise 1 , the Treasutyl Cad Car .nelirhbor produce a single instance in evidence Neeikhe be reminded that there is not one instance et act'slegion in Presi d linithairan's adminstratioes of five,ycarttii ten instanoaa i luoresident Fillmore's three years. ~President lierce's Cabinet left of honoraily ; how was it with the gentlerden under,Rilhoore? Need we say "GalPhin But we are magnaninious; we spare the friends of the' editor of the Courier; have done ice- in many instances, againid the wishes of ourfTfentli, wheri we might have retaliated most When the Courier talks of "thieving postmas tem", for political effect, we might. answer with another effect, but we spar: his friends. We have a *hell on this subject that m4ht with ease be thrown into their camp. We .could have it explode at the appointed time and pllicd scat tering, confusion and dismay . throughout Leba non county. We, will not do so., Borne postreas tors at presentholding commissions have not been appointed by the present administratio have been robbed,—the matter hushed up, and the.robbers.eontinue their functions in a negli gent, and Wearable manner.' All such things might be said—probably provert s —but our dewri er friend teps.thataneh things are dote of individ uals,, atll' i that.iCe`do net, charge tie opposition party with theta. They are generallrhotiait and, honoratii den; not Aitiliefe We do not think that !caulking iii kill , in feklititic 7,r HUE AFFAIRS. The Lebanon County Agricultural Tga VOLUNTLREI POR President Society. },bas not yet signified his tteeeptineet tittle two An informal meeting was held on Tuesday volunteer regiments for Utah, act is it PrObable evening, May 4th, 1858, at the public boom of that ho will do so untll ‘ Congress niakerthe cc- Jons M. MARK, by eitisens of Lebanon county, °emery appropriation for -their support,. The es having for its object the permanent organization timates have udt yet been made. of an agricultural society. President,-Hon. SIMEON GUII;F6P.D. Scererary—D. B. &muss. ;VD motion, it was unanimously ,; t Resolved.. •That a committee of ten be ormolu - ted to call‘a meeting of the agriculturists of Leb anon count:7i, to. meet at .Lebanon, it an early day, for the purpose of forming a per,mement or— ganization of a Lebanon- County Agricultural Society; ansl•thatsaid.Committee be also instrue ted,to ,urgefillien those interestell in agriculture, the: advantages to be derived from such- organize. tion; and that the President of this meeting shall be chairman of said committee. The following gentlemen were appointed to act under the above resolution :—Hon. Simeon Guil ford, Chairman; J. W. Grove, Christian Bomber ger, Jacob Witmer, J. Lawrence Rightmyer, MOnO Daipinger, John Light, (a s) Jacob Shaef fer, Hon,,Woti, Rank and Win., Udell, ;Seq. There prevailed pt this meeting a feeling thii,t an Agricultural Society.was practical in . Lebanon County. The. several gentl omen present made judicious and well-timed remarks to that effect. Plans were suggested for the rule and govern ment of the Society. Their adoption was, how ever, postponed until the next meeting, whioh will be duly announced by the President. Adjourned. [Signed by the Officers. Kr Some o f the papers along the ./11. ninta Valley state that considerable apprehen'eion is felt on account of the wheat crop, which prom ises to he a failure. The case is different along the Lebanon Valley. The indications here are that-all our crops will be most abundant. BY OITE LOCAL REPORTER TUE FEAIiKLII LITERARYINSTITITE - , will meet to-morrow (Thpratlay) evening. ' • THE Sapw was ill tOtiVil ex-Whit ed on Ao.tdai. The (iranswarrat" appeared to be the chief attraction. "LOON BIRDS," .known by the supersti (sieh as "Biudder Noses,") as "swig yea. ger," were again hovering through the -sir on Sabbath evening, "BRUDDER diets "A pril fool," (judging others by himself;) was on abutter /ast week and thinks thatan important announcement! Really, he must be hard, up; for . items. Better come uplere and Start that re-prinl again. • Tins DAILY PRAYER MEETINGS can. tiatie to be held in Temperance gall; and appear ances indicate that beneficial results have already beeq,pmeomplished thiough their.instri*entality ; The - meetings are still largely attended. A SLIGHT Fine occurred at a - ; build. Mg in . Cumberland street, east Lebatkon, at . si o'clock, on Saturday fivenin g. It was extinguish ed' before doing any serious damage—hencie" no general alarm WAS struck. ATTENTrox J—We are requested to state i in behalf of the Ladies who propOie hold— ing the Fair, that they would be pleased to re ceive all articles manufactured by others for said Fair, immediately. SEVERAL GENDLEMEN, not relishing the Rein in our ourleet, lateeded,?,still : yrented," asked us v l !4qher:ttiat APPli* t 9, 00 17 ,0 11 1 1., .9f ecTUfli tbere are . exceptions, WO nierely referred, te.tboso ate:Tiding outside the doors indliCi'Seine elierelles) in the vestibules, staring like'bittis of prey,'' at the public. ANN . IVEAS R Y .—l s o-d ay ( Wednesday) that glorious standard sheet of America—the star-spangled banner—is floating to the breeze, over Perseverance Hall, in commemoration of the 9th. anniversary of the Company. At a meeting held at the Hall ) on the evening of the 27th ult., • the followint , iesolution was unanimously adopted: , Resoit;ed, That in consequence of the Fair pro posed to be giVen by the Ladies of Lebanon; on Whit-Monday, May 24th;-.w@ dispense with any formal celebration of the 9th' anniversary of the Perseverance Engine and Hose Company; EXIIIBiTION.—The public exhibition by a numintr . of the pupils connected with Labs ripe high School; we are, pleased 'to tiLY, Passed or pleasantly, on Thursday evening, and notwith stsndingithp ingientent stateof„the „wen,,ther, Tem . permuce Dail was densely.crowded With an • ligen t, audience. The curtain rose at 11 teel,oult, and the exereises,eensisted of seloct orations and d i iniegkeii, original essays and muaie. The pro gramme read as follows:-4-0:talirie's Deftance;Ex pungingi,Resations, Village Sql;ire, Essayjilep utatiort, Jasper and Stephen Plum, American Le!. borers, Essay, Tribute to Washington, Mark An tony—Death of Caesar, Fractious Man, Essay, Box and Cox. These were choice selections, and the various characters were ably represented by the following pupils :—Mason 'Weidman, Samuel P. Reber, J. Clement Dhler, Simeon 11. Guilford, David S. George, Geo. Pfiegcr, andqatuuel P. Bowman. The. Orations were given with spirit and in HOMO Oases with.considerable power. The Dialogues could be better: appreciated by being present than we able to describe them, werifull of mirth-provoking wit, and in 101318. instances sufficiently humorous to make one uncomfortable with laughter. The Village,,,Squirs was 'uproar °nab, ludicrous, and Box St-Cox would make one . "laugh and, grow fav witbeet hindrance, exeept: I . ?r WautUfrocM. Thu *says were Woll:wriiteii . productioils, hi ,one op. Which : the. power of the press wtts,nobly alluded, todorincing capacity on the part of the , authors fail liecorang, ',successful w!itere., though readWith' hop'sidecahle . tinniness, theY Could,not be 'heard t by the Whole audience. The pdos)p.wel.sogioqitai.hetirege neous, but quite'interesting at least so wept dg ed, if "keeping 'thie! by a great liertint the audience, is a criterion to go by. On. the "hole, the exercises, were long, hut the audierceo ;paid marked, attention to the last, thus showing the `feeling of satisfaction to would: been.very'gerieral. Occasinnally the Hall would, ring with applause. Among tbe audience we observed S. SprEN Esq., Erinciiml of the Myerstown Academi, a number of big students, aid ti r goedly portion' of the . fair sex fiiim the same place. . • Flag CitaoKans.—TheAinerittan jar en'lles , will be:rejoiced to learn..that. there. is . some prospect of an abundance of-Ohinete fire crackers, 'ltitieh will bring pricesdwii frOm. the - rates carient,last year; in consequence ff the scareity.thenArodue t e 4 by a short supplY. .1867, to Fehrunify 26th, 1857, there were shipped' from Bong to,tht baited States, 09,41' hexes.. of fire crackers, , figo4il, 42,897• in the previous year, and 85,32.1khexes-in the yoar.bsfore..that. DEATII OF TWA LAST., ENNSVLVANLL. , . . We some HMO since noticed,. that . there was but, one slaVe left in Laucastei of the :Amber' man; emitted mintier, the act abolishing slaveryffia Penn. sylvania. lie died on the sth lest, qt, a very advanced age, supposed by many to buil'e oldest person in the county. Ilia name was Abram 'Kirk, and he was the,slavo.of Porter, of Drumore township, by whom he was manumitted. m e emicelie is notrknown. It hap ,beirmaseer tatted , however, that Kirk was .. .eter 103 rinse old when . 4104, is,: _that he was + dtilP ofistore idissionnte The Lebanon Market. Clare:iffy Oarti/Mttid :Weekly by . Myere e 8 Shour. LEBANON, WZMIESDAT, MAT 12, 1858. Leb. Mills Ex. Fern. $5 50 Potatoes, bu 65 Smith " itxtra'"" 's'oo Eggs, Ifs doz. 8 Leb. VAL Super. Fin.. 4 . 50 Butter, if lb 15 Prime White Wheat, 105 Lard, 9 Prime Red,Wheat, 100 Tallow ? . 9 - Prime nye, GO Hain; • •• 11 „ Corn, 'Shoulders, 8 nets. . '33- t Sides, eloves-seed," 'llO Soap, %timothy-seed, 250 ' plar t .seeg, ;150 White Rags, :' 5 Dried Apples, "elLu, 100 Mixed Rage, Dried Apples ! 'pealed, 150 Flax, 61 il); Peach "Suite," 250 Bristles, Peach ullutzels," 'l•'2s „ittli66;ll lb., '...62%" cherries, P5O • .40 Onions, 50 Soup Betilas,lB :6, Vinbgar; geL, - ''l2% ' Apple Butter,64 crock, 45 ~,. The Ploiladelphia . .MEarket. !' L'IIIII3.DEIiI+IIIA, litar..t 0;1858. BREADST aFFS.--The: steadinees,: apparent . in the FlourparAmt . stplaut .. racte4ei thetrade in this staple,*kid the:late fore ignmews has no ,cf . ..„ • feet upon :prices: , The expertalotilana, : hoiirever, had been limited, but there has..been qniry for home consureption, and with .light, esipts. Holders are :firm in their demands, with sales of 6,000 bbls at ~$4,60 bbl for standard brands, $4,75®5 for Western extra, and ss.®sy 50 for extra family,: as to brand. -The.-,,sales the trade have been moderate'it $4,500t4i2.1. for etandard and better brands, $.4,76 . ®5 furextra, mud 65,25 ® 5,25 fur extra family anti fancy brands as in quality. The receipts and stocks of Rye Fleur and Corn. Meal continue light, and prices are firm 'with of 350 Ws of the former, and 1,000 bbls of the latter. Pertha Meal at $3,35 bbl. Wheat—There has been a fair inquiry for good and prime lots; hut other kind& are un saleable, even at low prices. Sales of 10,000 bus. Southern and Penna. in lets, .at 100®112 for in ferior and prime red, and 115 ®123 for fair and prime white. Rye is dull and sells slowly at 70- Q 6Se, closing at the latter rate. Corn has :been in good request, and salesof 30;000. bus yellow.' are:_tapOried-at 50( 71st elosing-atthe let Mr 'figure ; tand:69o in *ore,' including seine , in ferior at 62 ®ose, ad White at ff7@t33p... Data have'also 46;000 bus: to note at 39()40e for Penne,. and 38630 for Dela ware, in store and alma. ' r. I • I PRILADELPIIIA CATTLEMARKET.--The• offerin'ismf Beef. Hattie afthe Head New Drove nal; centprisedahout 760 head dtiring the , last week. The demand was .moderate and the market.dull,-priees ruling in favor of theibuyer;,, the saki Were generally maderwithin the range of sBalo, including extras aLslol,thti 100'11;s.; about 100 head were taken to New York. Among the Cattle at this yard-trere-43 head from Berke county, belonging to S. Shoed.f., At WaikielPs 'Avenue Dtor+. l .Vitrd there Wore about - 120 Beeves; and all but.. 1.00 head, 'which went to Near,...L.York; were , disposed of , 4l.l'priccus ranging from $9 10 to . $lO - 50 . . per 100fils.. Sachet, of Berks county, had 21 head which sold at $849 00... - . Of Cows and CA.LVES the offerings at the Wash ington Drove Yard, Ridge avenue, were' abou t 350 bead; salecranging- at frotu ,$3,5 to $BO for fresh Cows; $25.t0 $3O for Springers, and,sl2 to $lB for dry Cows, ; ~` About 5000 Samar were ,offered at• 'Wardell's.' The tairket.vias lively, and alt sold at from $4 to $0 00 ettel4.equal to ttalle. per lb. dressed. Special Nalites. DR. HARDMAN'S • • ADVERTISEMENT ,Mark tbo day Ond dee; " • lloLLowar's OINTURNT ANDPitia,—The chap ter of accidents is one of thedongest 'chapters in the volume of ininiant !Mitering. In most hespi'= , tals, bruises, fractures, "' a islotation's, incised wounds, scalds, burns , are .looked upon as things to be experimented on 14" the b‘mefit .of . broods of young, students, previous to,thoir.debtie ss full-fledged surgeons. -Theamomit,of unnee essary,butehery, in these instructiens is enormous. At least twenty-five cent. of the "operation's" We read of m'y'atakes• which might and ought to have be s et'Dressings of liolleiray's'Ointment and the tuhri:chtion of tho injured.fiesh with that healing priparation, is peeitiv.elY all that quired in three-fourth's , atlio eases Wore.the am putating knife is now employed, - ' - GIDDINESS, zczaneeles,.:B4o. These pains and disagreeable feelings are gen erally. symptoms of some other complaint); snob as dyspepsia, apoplexy, and *various others,,all.of which are caused by corrupt noxious inatterl clog ging thwmarions circulations; hence, a stream or rush of blood to the head, and by the excitement R. groat pressure on the brain. Giddiness; head ache, loss of memory, dimness of sight, and vari ous other complaints are the result. Thus it will be seen-that all the. abieve.painful• and;dietresuiing trattlidieeowelbeiroright - to , the blood. Dr.3ktorse's Indian Root Pills are acknowledged to Amalie en- . ly medicine that will thoroughly purify the blood. They enter the blood, and follow the stream of life on its journey tbrbugh the system; They root out all feniltielat and impurity, and ,drive out every unhealthy obstruotion., . They shoild.holislieii ev ery niglittin suffioleskuusatities'to opetutebtlek ly, by'commeucing with two pills on going to bed, three the next night, foifirthemeit.; it th4i.tryMp toms.are not romoved,.edurmence again with two , piilcannd;ge' up again as before; Contisitiein like manner until the bloodiithoroughly purified, and all+pain and distress is entirely removed. -. • Obtain one of our FREE AtNeA < NAOR; and road thesbistory. of pr. Morse's' father/and how this medicine *As iittoduccd: • !` •:. BEWARE of a counterfeit on thine Pill's— YELLOW WRAPPERS. All genuine are in BUIE wrappers, with the signature of A. J. White 00 . an cash box. Price 25 ets. Ar.itforsea Indian Eqpt Pine Pro 'sold by all dealers lu Medicines. To all whom it may Concorn.—The under signed begs leave to inform hie old customers, and the public in general, that he still continue@ to manufacture CABINET WARE of:all descriptions et his old stand, in Walnut street, between Bamler's and Relnhard's Hotels, in the borough of Lebanon. The public will please re member. that his work is. made up of better materials, and is of better finish, than can be found in any other establishment in the borough of Lebanon. Dee. 23, 1837. .. C. BP-OTHERLIkE. . ts,.Another Wonderful Curs, made by Pratt & Butch er's. MAGIC OIL. Reading. Pa., June Ist, 1857.. Messrs. PRAT" a BUTCH3I,—This to to Certify, that .I bare been...Mid/4d with . Rheumatism for . years, , and have expended some four . hundred dollars, to bare It. cured, but all to no effect. I use(' but outrbottle of your.. Magic Gil—am now well. , Yours Truly, . Weeldigionef....Vitireen ath end )otb. • ,; HELiIIBOLB' 9 VAlt 111 , tE . •PBL ..I.EL/11301.1YS Genuine PiLEPARATION. rilgl,3l.lloLD'S Genuine PILEPARATION. , , • IiELM ROMPS. Genuine PREVARATION . •. • Is prepared according to Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest aseumoy and Chorales]. knowledge devoted to. their combination, lkirSee ad vertisement. headed .•.lIELUBOLLYS DIN PREPARATION. . Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. 7 -The.well mer itod sucbdrd of these celebrated Bitters, itudAhe .Ib.vor With which it his.boon received by our triosf Isespbetablo citizens, speaks •vOlituier ea to its efficacy IkbilAslng bout.Lbo.henefleial molts 'for which it if lia in lieen permit of a long course of observation and 'atudyDecter's.practice. so that the . Propriir tore have rio . hesitancy In presenting It to the world, a.s unsurpitssedlit effecting, a speedycertain , and perma- nent cure for aThirregalaritlei and ,weaknese of the di genti cc organs , to ' which mast perions can trace 111 health. Sold by all Dmsbits. Grocers, and B.Otebi; thrOughOut the Unitad States and Canada. • Emlurtzt Ritual., Agent, North4est corner and. Water etreep, Lebanon. . . . . „ , I THE. GRE A T . ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLAUSE'S Celebrated Fe rtr al e • Areiried fion a prescriptionilf Sir J. Clar,l4, X D., Pliyficiren Extreurrdinarse to the Queen. Thar invalnabler medicine is unfailing in' the curs' eall those painful and dangerous ilisimaecto which thOwilale constitution is subject . It moderatiaall exceinrrid ro moves all obstractions,and speOyetarefluty be rcil odba . n H TO MARRIED' LADIES ) , it is petulisily suited. it will. is the monthly period With regnierity:. Each bottle' Price Ono Dollar, ,belajw. thoG eousafe annom*t Siarep of Neat Britain. to 'prevent ' • i• A T • These fills should not•be taken:by famalaiduring•the Ara three months ofPregnaney; aa. they are, tmrti to bring on Mlwarriage, but at any otber..tlina they are safe.., In all mew of ,61 ervous and EpinaltAffeetkun, pain to the back and llnibe, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hystentatAndfaidtes, theeefills, will efeot a cure when.e.ll pthor;means have failed, and although a powerful remedy„do noi.contain tron,:oalomel, antimony, or anythlng . hurtful,t9 the constitution. Full dliectiocue accompany each,paclueo. , , Bole Agent for.tha United Sway and . JOB MOWS, (Intel. Q. Baldwin & llodeater, N. Y. N. 8.-41,00 and Spann, stamps enclosed te . anyagt• tharised-Agent, will harm &bottle of the return mail For : • Dr,1t066. op fte gaißeno • b7' 6 / 1 CMdbetica~ "" and alga .;7 4 4 .. .y siiidlikt . 7,365?-17. • ' • I ,Relisions Notices. English pristichi ig next Sunday morning anti evening in the Methodist Episcopal church. German services next ,Saizbaih moruing;-,, end English in the evonint, in Zion's Luthifrast Church.- ' "" • -- Bnglieh service trext-Snridisy Morning, and Ger man In' thee 'afternoon, at 2 o'clock, in Salem's Lutheran Church • ' • Bina& 'preaching next Sunday morning at the Iron. Shoe Pike. Preaching in the Salem's 'Church of the United Brethren in Christ; nett Sunday morning, af ternoon and evening. ' Strange preachers are expected, end the services will be dedicatory, the Church having lately been remoddeled.— On Thursday following the Missionary Board will commence their annual cession, to contin ue dining the week, with preaching every tiv en ing,,and on Bakbattrtbe 23d, preaching again itinniiing, afternoon and evening, in German and English. .MAR On the litb \fter.v.A)• •liolitnan, Mr. Wm. It. Ripty to Alias Amanda It. Light, both of r North Lebanon:. ' 16ii• May their JournertOriugb life boote.of prosper ity Midhuppiaesw—lireAMietogether without debate, in .10;;;Mo altd..jiayeoa.blitm-alad remember that they Joined the bonds of maatrirooni.-0!: atlef or th s 'te iipao cf Ilfe alone, doth fly, Add like - it tralAiii flower of gram, bitesoinittnitp or die; )hit fora bety_Octticut end • . : • . Ttudr .114 did tako• Gmarthenf,•o/Tillt one bo niest Mat, • For.- 0 4 J!•Pdcw-0:14,40-0/',' , tio On the 4th inst., by theß.ljehe Benno:1;10bn- H. Sicgrist, - Erq.. 4 -of Saint Louis, Missouri v to, Mii , e Mary J. larraw,.g t Now Orleans. Ou the 6th inst., by noir, J. Y. Ashton, Mr. Dan iel Shay, to Mistleah Leibig,•both of Corn: wall. - 'On the 29th ult., by Rev. C. A. Pauli, ~Mr. Antbony.J. Arnold, to Miss Louisa M. Focht, both of Lebanon. • On the 7th inst., by Joseph Oleim, Esq., Mr. Patrick Conner to Miss Elizabeth Henning; both of Lebanon. . . D I ED, On the bth lust., in" N. Lehanon . .tp4i Amanda,, . claugibter . .?f iltielleel tisidi Sarittr , Ifeverling, aged It Years, 2 ninnAlisdNAL24.4aYs• ..•-••••••• RE . *. tiSEMENTi .11361r4Rtt A*PRIM lint* livid in reiatkni to tho ' Borough Tax': tithe Conneflthomber, to tho Ocnirt on Skitotrat;thii 22d:day'of Xi!, last., 16:D/111158,' bet tween the houri of 9 A. Alt: and 6 P. N. •.. . . . 4 order of the . COUnelt Lobackon, Slay 12, 1 . JOSEPH OLILItIi Sect:y. - • Scientific :Trasker- . yIARISTIAN • FINFIritOCK, Chesnut itreet, near the Vivatigelicid thtfiat'effere his eery icee to the public of. Lebanon. ae a Whit44Osehar. Hie charges .are 26c.. '9731 i c., cod 60 6tits per according to its atte. Out of door White Weeldflg Mosai Woo done.. lie eolleite.itat rordiso of the public.... . s 111,7j129 14 . d.;, • . "Antedi • • - BY the . iindeitigniVra Letaium,'homeabitely t IW: J.) wbleh the blglrePtarsisit prices wanx•lamtd emp: 'lo o o'll3,B...llolcigla Sini3agis 71000 1 1bg, Diyed.1361. 1 :44 ' May 4, , " 1 / 2 11 : LLIAM MEM H' •ASOA ' . , IS 1ttr,',.....'41 k' ,• ". . ‘‘,". i : - Pli bjte ill • ' • ORSESaitd CARTS. . Nrill he sold at titillonale i st thpfireiklence , et din sabserlherCiorner of Witkr, oteeet end Plank road, •Lebonon, on l SASPADAT, Mil 22; 18,511, all o'clock, P.M., the follhwing pioperty,-ritt 1. : loo c a : HORSES, 2 CARTS , ' 1 'WAG ON, 1 caw, 5 small PIGS, ~ E Z:- Horse Gearing, ic.. Terms' Conn. •faillte May 12, 155A. , 2C. . EDWARD 4 ' ANS, - :Pas able . •IrtrilirruTh 4. • Tita subscriber reepectfUlly Informs his friends and 'theimblieltigetieral, that he has commenced the TAILORING' BUSINESS in all Ita branches, 'at hie resi dence, in Bast Lebonon,.(Cumberland Street,) 2 .aquarei east from Major ibloye?e Hotel; liottEi kid.) lbeitteni , tide to business. promptness in hie engagements, good Si., and moderate chtu•gus, ha hopes to receive a liberal of: tbe' bile patronage. Me was a long time In the eta plotof Wagner, dec'd.. and feels confident of pg general malefaction. Being a new. beginner he s i c%dlltit.the ISStronege of,the public. Lehlitssn; "My 12, IssB. pRi*E MoCA I I2.I.IX. • Lab. Bank ancteurnpike•Stoek at • Public • urILL be, Bold at Publio*Sale, on Befe i ttA2,lok2l2l„ ,18511, et 2 delock, P. M., at the pill , * bb! Adam Hank, the borough of Lebanon ; _ •'•I om 10 Shares Lebanon B'k Stock# 10 CC •C CC CC (new 6 " _Berktraud Dauphin turn ,ic pike . -Stook; •-•' • • • • • sceartwili be madaknowa at sale by , # • JOIN N FUNK, • .. =# frae. , •• Administrator of MAST FUNK, deed:' MaiLVAINS: Ib, .. 0 ': I F. Embich, Jlltict.- - -'"' : 14,h: . '-' • 'UFA DWI:ART DARTE R -•• ,r i t M• r• e heapTinia - riiih 4 3,l4. Olpilaing. . • EIZENSTEIN k" BAN; oppofikt.ostbozatirt,g(lumi •• , - have reseielitiklial*WhOd, alhokrbl t stock for - Spring and Suttimer, , katiliratiog'isft neleitYg t o t za Pa u te, .Ad l'est.s. - I BOYSI ~ EPothlng • eu9l ' FIIENi ING"000DS, which , }mvo bee.u`osilbl • - W3lll the 'grvatest - Coie; and ytillAtranld !Wei Shall' thafain be; Obtained iilselthffik' 'Piiiiions Iti want- of any ortiolas Wont- line; Witilifb.well by, giving us a call. We hdve Jaded to Mir stock of RIA.DY-SAD3 CLorormi; # an'asiortincnt of Pieci Goods, such as Fine aud.MediMlL Black .Cloth, Fancy. Cassimeres for Coats and . Nate, Trarrtehlgs, he., which we will sell very low. Please call and judge for yourselves. • • Tiumkful forpasChivori, we respectfully.solt s' MM. Sultanas of the same. Lebanon, Kay IA LS3B. .. • i 's t i .•s. et. C.,--•#:•-•------,•• INigitillyilliiie grailarnag and: ... . ! '• 4 #i lethisag- Steriev , 1.1 , i . .', 1616 ye whcAsaiiftlietiliflai# snit, gr e.. 4.4 yip styl i froM tritho totsP Valid see. Sava 21) pig. ceas4, , clear gale, It the 7.IIIII • ` I CLOTHING STORE, .d. lit9f7tpe c.,ENTItE 11 1 / 1 1.D1M3, - orAaber a Brothers .: ' "...'",, • • V PatiltltalWill.fi l tiVit. htifofittei theitihulvehtaititd'hrleir • their produit 433 the Cheali 43 toia it the Centre Buildbigi. of RAVER a 113.0T11171/3. "7 . . . • • TAILORING. - The isnontso for Custom work Mehra, Gm" rertionsi attention of 11; it J. AL RADER, with mere ewe than ev er, Haring secured the Nut workmen, they are prepar ed to make up the moat foalikumbLe 'Pro* at abort no tice. The Clothing all warranted, if they do notplease they need not be taken. Lotanon 111.4, 1'2;108. Lehimpll:ADepos4 Bin*. . . • .(tato 4 .lLatosa - VALLEY Bxsz,") • Cumberlahet street, one door twee of Ildnhard's - 1 - ArlT,E , pv the following RATES of INTEREST on F F - -, DEWSITE, For 1 year, and longer, G per oast. par annum; For 6 months, !ma looger„6" Or care. per annum; Nora months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum; requiring a chart, notice' of - withdrawal. ; Interact paid In full for the Dept : cite from the date of depthnt to the date of withdrawal. We will oleo afford a liberal line of air commOdatit-ns to_tbose who may favor tor Vrtth.Wercoiii, payable on &Mona - Will pap. a premiain oh SPA VlBll •andItEXICA.N DOLLARS,nnd 'aloo on old 3reziedn Doe, tars and. Half ?Wore., Will make- colloct ions on /la re mit to all tart* or too United Statue, ' 'OM eariaana and m%L Ntottato ;ainie.iii:T.to.4 sag do avueralif,K4 CUMIUS and BANKING 'ltt - GINgSB. • hl 0.11W60N COLELAX, President.ea .• • MANAGISRS, are fidlstanally Ilea* to the extent„of;thetriMefatee, for . all Deposita Red other oblignticittiot ihii.grand.wo:eDrpoerr Thom." SIMON CAMERON, O. DAWSON COLEMAN, OEOROE sAruurrt; - Ltriti .• . .^. . 4AmEs youse,_ . • • 'AVISRISTEUP BOYD, Le. y 12,1613; .GEORGE 012IIIIL • titent.,Mtailligketer, te; . -- rytua,aanftit goe - Ost fevers; the'unnetiiigned respect 1. • inlly informethe Public, that he contlmilis to carry. ottlits Manufactory in.Faist itniniVer-township Lebanonn• coutity,Wir as extensive a scniii,aiv ever. It.* unnecessa ry:for him to say more s than that the wort will bp done In theAIanIe:EXCINUANTKILkip. which has made his work and name go well known in the surrounding eoun try.,..lle premises to do thsp Wttrk,quithentioctest pond bui,ume, minnifsitory"let °puhaeta order, Mid he natters hiniaelf to be ableto riniticr thb samiiaatisfaction as heretofore. .lle masinfectliree : - . . . . . road and Next Otivi.liothe,••etirudts; i/Dankdi, TVkile • •and other , F74nitele,T4 in ihe best:manner. ; ....L". i ' Re ideo cards Wool midenekse Rolls. For tbe oonve- Mame of his Gistdinere,.WoOl and clove will be taken in at thelollowipg placele , ..-kt Itiii'Molee of George t beollenbarger, Loneor• & 4 13rothors:Georte Iteincottl,•and et the new Drug Store of 0 ailford., & . Len:Merger, near the Market. Douai, in the borough:. of Lebanon; at the etere of Sliirk.& Miller, iii, .Nor j th• Lebanon; . at, 8. Gosh erts, DitheillOwnship; at the pablic Meuse of Williaiu DiiinstOrrederickeburg; it. 411! Iltore of, S. K. Biekel,.in Jonieitoirth . at the istb*of GWrinoNCi d Man, fiefilerue ; at the store of hfargriZetlYi Pelinirel . 'at 'the store of Gabriel Wolfereberger, • New Market, Forge; at the 'etdrie . of. Micheal Shirk, East Hanerver,•Deophin county Vat the stores of George:Miler and, Davkl M. Haut, Daet•llatto , vet Lebanon county. Albeatterialemill be taken away regularly, from the above places, finished without delay; and returned again. •. • 1, . ~. '' '''.. ~- ,' I 1,... y!,. _ ....41 Those of his cuitomers who wish Eitocktavilroateants' ed dyed awl , mixed, . can leabe • the same, whltai stalk I r e abovemastitioned 'plaoes, with directiosu, how they, ' , Mprepared. Or- his customers :04T - order, theli " —: 1 Wool:to be. eparlid froinAhe Wool Eit the-an ikul ' i which will tiiino and iii , ..fkatithe o t o .. I Mt the 'desired that these litylieiVool; "J r , Mt T?• . Oliab n ikkir,roti .e!‘,ltticive` niinediilaoael . 2. '. , , ~.. • .... .1.7011,LSBIIp.W:„ . El,git liattel,q, fairaty May}4l66B - ' . - ' Don't 1700011'1W C.lll, 4 ait tfidP:44l4;f Thoe.,,Tnugs, uyeausgatip,-.41 • ! fir .ic. ;slF,ir r 'gEIiEN . TS: A QUAND FAIRS, NA ANICIFTENTIRPRISE! IAI and .. 43l?ir 1113 . 1.1?.;R11$1, bol ine d 1 4 ? NON. T EL DAY. Mar 24th, 'ISIS, in the Town Rah when end where they cordially invite the LADLES and Gentlemen of Lebanon county, old and young to give them They will expose for -sale PLAIN AND FANCY BM CLE of every claicriptlon, each an a POLYORAILI PONOSTIQDE, (one of the moat curiously' 'coati:meted eurlositke ever exhibited In Lebanon,) ' - A $2OO FANCY TBOTTM6 A DOUBLE AND SINGLE SET OF GARNESS (whiat took the premium at thelgarrieburgStati Felt b j &mem ber of FANCY, ARTICLES mtvelved dpb a; tad In 9,4koweasidother useftif and oyaaetagatnr• Wee, mennfactured by the Ladles, the Jibe of wMob 'they are cotaldeat has never before been poseented to the eltisena of Lebanon county. They will slab EC•iitei hand and sell all kinds of Refreshments air The occasion will be greatly sailveseil withe9lea did Pieces of Munn by the Fereeveionce NAND. An excellent SUPPER will oleo be given in the Evening, at about 9 o'clock, ' Piles of Admiasion to the Talc, ony-1134 recta - Tieing Tull EQO4I Oa Bmna 50 eta.. Lebanon, May 12 . , 1868. A TKINS & hIcADAM have Just reoelved a newletaele IX of Boots, Zboos,,Tranka and Travels ug Zags. Consumptionsdonottlespair CONSMIEPT/ON 1r31.. AN OLD LIDIAN DOCIV, while a nakiskplecy ~"11dating atui of ql,S4cky Ifotintaine. dlscoi- CURE-D. ered. a Rkt. 2 II,ANT. that proves to be a 'certain Constimpthsa. CONSI7IIIPTIONBronaiIds, Aathmn, l lrariomplafitt, Nervous All- novas, Coughs, Colds, CURD, .i ke. 'laving now made hie forted* . . and retired from ' buidheas, he will send the prescriptilinif artil Vireetiiiks . CO=CPUIVOIor tlok khe inedleinee,fretof ''• ...I' all Who . dahl i a lt,"liticl . mum ; . 4iita • tPiii` d enoering two libmiups (6'iente,) to pay the return „ w hitter, withdoscription of their wwwwinialinim a aymptcaria. The Old Dewier has cur . ed more than on outs of awswinp - CURED. Hon alone, and hopeS all afflicted peo ple will-avail themeelves of this cip coifsiTirp.pymexirtnnlty, so ths, Doctor wirhes to do `'" all the good be can before ho dims. Address DOCT. 'INCAS BRANDY. CURED. unx 3331 P. 0., New York. May 12, 11168.-4 t. BUSINESS COATS, Raglans, Camimeres Pock Coat., a largo assortment, and Cheap at BEIZENSTF.IN A DRO. • BLACK DOESKIN, Fancy Cass[mere, Satinet, Linen, kbaraeltles, Corduroy antitAittorunic pears, an ends teen variety, at • •I REIZENSTEIN tt SRO. QlLKOlelint•Neltid, Orettadine,,,Pdaraellies, Cloth,,and IJ Casaimere Vara of different qualities, at RBIZENSTRIN" BROt • MINE Black Cloth, Doeskin, Caeeimero, Fancy side stripe Casslmeres, Bold by the yard or pattera at •.. . 4 . • REIZENSTEIN A BRO. .• Frock, Sack Coats, Jackets, Fants et Vesta Ser • Featly. mid Bop% can be bought cheep at •^•• RELBIIitiSTRES A BED. STRAW, Loewe% Panama and - Spotted Data, Shirts, Handkerchialk„ Neckties, Gloves, Socks, &impend...to, 'Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Valises, Trunks, can be bought (or less money-than anywhere else at ItEIZENSTEIN & BRO , opposite the Court Mum A TKINS k McADAM are read to accommodate ev erybody with Boots, Shoos, nks, Traveling Saga. ATKINS S MoADAM have a splendid assortment of Boots, Shaul, Trunks, and Traveling Bags. CIALL and examine tie now stook of Athina a McAd am. Come soon and purchase your Boots, Shoes, ko., at Aikinta BlcAdan, Iteigart's Liquor Store • 'CIORNRIt• of 'hittrkei and Water strati, Leba cidnlTB., firth!! loom formally occupied by = JaciariyugOe,Sirliete ' still continues to IleeP id , slor; I,Ptlie y best brands of are and-LIQUORS" asclitztlie g6 L' To those who are ah. qUainted with his LIQUORS, It is nottfieeesoury for aro to sPeili as the Liquors will speak for themselres. To Hotel Keepers, cud all others. he would state that It le merely nee,s4stuy for them to call and elLelliillS his stock to satisfy themselves, as be warrants to render RIR EMANUEL RRIOART. N. B.—Remember at Weidle's Corner. Lebanon, May 5, 1858. Public NEW ELECTION DISTRICT.—Wbereas, the under signed have received a commission issuing out of the Court of Commsn Pleas of Lebanon County, direct ing us as commissioners to inquire into the propriety of forming a New Election District out of part of Cornwall township, said county, by a line running East and West as near aa may be practicable, commencing. at a point on the lands of Henry Ileisey and Joeepti Oriel', where maid township adjoins South Annrille township in said coun ty and ending at a point on land of John Killian, where said Coinwall township adjoins South Lebanon town ship, said' rtvoty: 'Therefore, Public Notice Is hereby efrenlthat We; tWinidehaigneli Comf bf orters, will ex thiy, jam, next, ''Sidd 'far' thikptniniid in Set at: 110.30ionse of 'Jody( in the borough of Lebanoli; on slid 'day, at 8M &dock' in the forenoon, and after being doly wEI )iroceed to the place of beginning above meo tidtred; datthetice to the and thereof, and make /Inch "6tfier'brketry as will enable us to maks repot*. of our tinsciiiedingik WI directed by the saki commission or order of Coat!, :A;which time anteplacW all maY" attend who have an i n t erest said New Election Hiatt-lel _ - 1011N1letETTE, t, GE JOHN KILLINR,' CommYra. May 141851Leyri. JOHN BRUNNER, • • - - Administrator's Notice. -NT MICR Is hereby given that letters of Administratieh II err the Estate of JOSEPH ZISCHEREI AN, late of Cornwall township, Lelbanon county, have been gradthtl to the un dersigned, of the township and county aforesaid. All persons, therefore, having claims against said estate, will please present them, and those Indebted are requested to mate payment. HENRY 8. ZIMISIEILMAN, Otanwall, April 7,1858-15t* ,Adellaistrater. • Grand 'Balloon Ascension „IrOnlq 11. STEINER, the celebrated andlilthly successful American Xronaut, s the honor M atilithirleAmg to the citizens of th‘tqfiririll make hie Slit ascension, from the Lot oinig ttie Ou Worts, with his sploodid„ e!g AR OF THE WZST " otr .e ' Z l fA aSte, z o trriri , Mkopportunit o i r m il Li be ri li tu Nt uoon, all . ther= l MlAlETlFri by iruinaseton to the enclosurdt!:ll4,6l2yclocit will common , the loda tion, wheel's*** ViM he opened. and2Pnot Balloon lot off. AbujirrrifV f a tleeLof Small Balloons will be let-off, after *hick' iiTErtiWukta - ooncludo his oriangements and to bfiNfeptu - tureloftbecloilds. After Mr. S. will 1;0w-titan altitude of $6OO feif he wilt lit go ft new constructedliveutulanier containing a Hsi DOO. :Air Condenser belneoediatronted on a SLIM. MSc principle, so as to overcome the oscillating motion in dediltdding. All former Parachutes or Air Condenser* bacillar so much in descending, that the live, of their ocpapa terror e in dapper and frequently_lpte.: *II NO OP MUSIC is engagedAor,4reoccasion. AtirAnittanos to the enclosers:2s Odrite. N. B—ln OSA bf raft citlile wind, the ascension will be postponed until Thei'iday, May 27th„ 1954. Lebanon, May 6, 1666-td. vs ~,u tg frkj R.t7J EN - Alkrtg?.;E .-gt ;4,gtilieliirstiil 5 3 F. mil 0,...:7:527a.;,dit-14 g"wits .p ,g1g,,,1. E „,g.a .g.&- . .E,.7.4Pl4lqpioilgi Liz" di Ap - t - g? _, , stfigt . , 5 . ... i, qv - . fflre lf n KA l 'W 14E3;4 gi t -": 1 . , t stoitstr a i . ,- 413. v. , . ts. AEL-sz.lo - Bw. .Ic--t--L . ----,1.T.;:. 7 0047,1 IT -- Y :3 2 27 - 4,-; t,... t o .. g P., =Ana.,".s.i4 1- E 44 r 3 '-=', ...-... , go t ..., _ Ei t. I PF : .W. F P - iime% I NI- 2 1 1 31 . o*i:ota •-1 ..; g•TI a - S.'. ; i ,. 7,7,a0 . .... ..g • ' , O•ri - •4111 ; 2 ": ' 7 'iwg• —Or -* • , 40 a 2-, • 4 12 ; r e t r 411 ~ r F. 5: E. a 1 2. 4 . • 3 1 ? - - NOTICE. PO 'big 61EMBER,I3 OF THE NORTHERN MUTUAL 11 INSURANCE ODHPANY, of Lanenster County, that in ELECTION will be held on MONDAY, MAY 17, A. D. 1958, between the hours of 10 and IS o'clock of said day, being the third blenday in May, 1868, at the public bouts; of Christian Uercheiroth. in NEAV.EPHRATA, Lancaster county, for the purpose ofolecting THREE DIRECTORS and ONE AUDITOR, to serve for three years, as by the act of incorporation of said Company is provided. By order of the Board of Directors. H. H. • PAUL, Presidmt. ssunki. N 16 1 ,1.14 AYeavtary. April 28.1668. - AHD 111EltallANT ;TAILORING XSTAI3LI6 7, 4Varket tercet, between. Mares and Rite's llotaL SS.:RAMSEY/ At C 0.4 take pleasure in announcing . to their friends and the public generally, that they bsTa:Ort hand • variety of CLofAs‘,Csuisiiitaess and Vest whirl they wilt woke-up SO Oar 'on the most Tea. minable terms araktu the Mast foushloasble style. ' DOCe•but ivad workmen are einpleyeili'all work is booked and good Me gusninteed. Aloe a large stock of =-neon CLOTHING, which will be disposed of cheep er with variety of Gentlemen's Furnishing tilooda v ,• .• Bt ff. it.kklS4l" t 00. „apandllll.lBsB. - - iiMEIS I IITgn GOODS . Err JOIWARTZ & BRO., rtaIMMCALL,AND EXAMINE. Notice. DRAFT drawn by me" oonhlesers. Humphrey. Hoff man 4.Wright„ Pbll94elphia, end oc.reptod by them, poyoble to myself or order. at the, Mecherdre' Bank of rhl.loelphiii, dated/dueliti.,Nl3, Sixty dayssass flats, fa'•n;,'hallif bean Jost at mislaid, all maimsmislaid, ars negotiating tLa somia, swim tabssita, • Werth kisiert . iorad the latest. wyons.