The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, April 14, 1858, Image 1

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    li' itr ilt ting,
c i t , L w
fiwily and Promptly Executed, at the
Tins e , didditddneut is now supplied with an extensive
asAurtinent of, it)l.l TYPE, which. will increased na the
rutrOunge deliatift. It can-now turn out PRINTINeI, of
u'icry dutiertptiottOn a - neat and expeditions Manner--
and on very itfututtable tams. Such as
Pamplilas, Cheeks, •
I Business Cards, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels,•
Bill Headings, Blanks,
• Programmes, Bills of Fare,
Invitations, Tickets, &0., &e.
The friend, of 'the Otabliallmout, and the public gcnr
ally are rCepecifully .4dlcited to send In their ordeis.
AO-114N DIALLB Printed at an hours notice.-
'll4.l)cEns of all ktnda, Comm On and initment
Nirool s Conttables' and other Buonts,. printed
correctly and neatly on the best paper,' constantly kbpt
tbr stile at this office, at Oriees "to suit the times:"
Sl.ll)scripqop priceof,the LEBANoz,L py.ptrusElt,
and balm. 'arid , dteir. 1 •;•• "
,• • • Addreaa Wu. M. - BitraLiN Lebalion
gITRY El; on: AND
0 " 4P: in Curnberittpd street, oppot its the Eagle 110-
Yet chatuni, Pa,
"[April '22, '57-Iy.
.. . . . ~
AttlITS Jr. SE LitzEn,
1 -( \ rietOktii,ttAmpltod street, nearly' opposite Brtuis
kj : 4ll)l, l 6l . ii . Wisscra,
.ra. [Aug. 26, 7.67.
L-Eiti' EI k Y
"vim, at wild tomp. his alit Int ItnOlitess; also, all other
V V legal and o'am:donut Lusiness entrusted to him
will be promptly attended to.
0141 C n Cumberland street, second ildhr eadt 'from
Market street, Lebanon, Pa, Pulr2Via.
L A FAY writ E B OWE le ,
ek MU A. S. ELY'S °Mee, Walnut street. Lebm
IV non, Pa. A Norge and beautiful assortment Of FIX-
IstillES from the wolf-knruestubnitnent o r Coaxmtes
. alwitys'on liting prices.
sir All vtorktritrratittki to give satisfaction::
orders will tie faithfully executed On`thirtnost reasonable
terms. Phe best sf refercirce (tiep.l6,'iii.
tttni.9o, itrpoikDairphin Cbaaty, Pa.
A PRE PA,KED7 at Ali thwym; f 0 pitt, BiacK
-L W.Glerx, lb nll its tirtinehesAtrul on tho shortest • I
notice, lienanNon, Bomenn, Ir ti "111
WAII% TIRAIETHS, and all work connect. I
int *lth - riloonNAcE, done. air- A Oatig,of ,S,lo,4q,Ati*ks
al~epys really to pit down fountlntlons,rthiltlostone work
or every description. • • (July
RE1110.V.A.)6. 3 1
,Irki.:llift.4 hta reefavilLllli a P STOUP,
to )11H New Brick Building; (oppoette late etauct)
is cippoitztil Street, midway betuyqn Market iy3 tr
nnd ftroCCottrt Mined. Tito extends d'earilliti invitritios
lilt hie friends, and the ,public, to give hint call In lila
now location , tie litia 'lllBt (+palledin NET?, 0 OtiDS,
bought in anilcitration of tisitorrntOn.l and Aim Ctiiiatturts
111O11,1ap. . • Lel.rancin, - Dee. z3o. 1857.
• VIVA ry '447. 0 %Tristan
xrt). 14 (Ohl No. ea South TIMID Street, below Mark
Cuff Sltina, Meroccoa, Malaga. Dimling'',
4. B.—ltoughteuthor,,bougLt. or taken iu exchange.
henry illartinan)s Brewer,y
IN thumb •rlund Street, west or -the Plank Road, Leba
non. Schweitzer and Litabergni 'Cheese, Holland
Herring, whohotele and Retail. .A !urge room in the
sem»tt story la free for meotinza, aocietrea, &c. -
Lebanon. Dee. 9.1857. -
d - Eu 1101.: W. DALY. MARKET STAKE* opposite the Leb
kj soon flunk. would rukpeetfully luform tho. Citizens of
Lebanon suit riclnloy,.that he still coutiuucs ht's fixst-class
.... . .
Shaving. 4 Hair Dressing Saloon,
mid b# prepared to do buolnOse"htthe neatest end best
bryl,, end would Yu! icl t elf to givolilm a tidal.
Lebanon. net. 21, 1857, .. - • ' , ~
To- Persons
11. Ihe Vi EST I , lltN MOTEL; MAltiaT stre.t, be- .1,
low atli titenet. Every attention given, with a 1 [ ill
,I,lnt 10 please. 130.tttoiSo $l. PER pAN,.I I
.1111 y 2.2, '57-Iy. A. M. HOPKINS, Propriegor.
!lAA:Anton Feinale Seminary.
I, :\IA 1,14 SEM IN A ItY" acuarrionectl on the ;Ad clay
libraury. Bludunie DECAUPS will give-lustitictiou
in Nt•edle Work.
LEOII h. HAUG lER, Prlneipal,
31 1 0PFT4to, P P.M MPS. Ten ch er of Musty and F
Lehtmen. Feb, 8 1S:J8.
Ite:l4lV 11111111 fr: t:lothin‘r 1 9 ,
L'CIT A, OVkIitCOATS,, - :Rick Coate, Frock Coats:Pants
all WI prices, ,jut reecired awl
uttered at such prices rts have already Induced ninny to
purchase, We defy, compailtron un Ready-nal° Clothing.
For cheap Coats, Pants and Vests - all at
trp:strx sTiNrs Siva.
Lebanon, October 2.9, 1857,
New SwageLine_
Between Ilummelstown and Middletown
IN and after the 15th hint., 'the sub
lJ will run it Daily atago Line
between IlummelstoWn and Middletown,
initiating with the ears on iholietnnton.Yolley Railroad
on the anivel and-departure 'of the elude at iltimmels
town,. They alptkifitp ne+ I XIIIII:43TAIILEviti 5.1 . 51d6-
toamlur the iteemhibodatton or "the pnbll6., 10lbOdhorkO
and all kinds of ennvoyauees.
November 2, 1857. DMIIUFF CQIIB1M1Y.!
Irish Wiliskey%::;c,"
floUttllON 11'1118KEY, and Zi r A l .. Rg. ll , cf
4tiperlor quality. j received iiridt.fot; enlu.,Bl
MAT'S {Pine and Liquor Stare.'
Lebanon. Der. 30. 1857.
A latbrol*ives..
yilit Want nit AMIIROTTPf. thotounnot btait,,enll-tm
.1, 11. KRIM, in ADAM Ilma'a Now Building, in Cum
berland street. Lebanon, [Jan, •,!o,lSaa.
ctor,v .Auero.aud'other4{,volverp, and double
bni , Val'Pletoll 4 , 11:tin Pucker Kvi Pain Mannino,
Purees in groat variety and raid at the lowest ileure at,-
REITZHNST.EIN fi 1.1110 - 8: ,
Cheap Jewelry and Fancy Store'.
Doc, le, 1857
Garden Seeds.
EIARDRN BRE:DS t Warranted Fresh, Just
4 received by
Lebanon, Feb. Drufaists:
1g ' 0 - VATION, by 'which much
I ll ut P t i gga k g is f r alltlnay be avoided.uent to mar
- ried ' men and those contemplating marriage.'
'Altfreak ondualug four stomps, DR. G. W. AD. _
DISCOMBN, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dee.lo, '57.-Gm.
Call and See!
IARRETS I Carpets f Oil Cloths! on Cloths! Baskets I
Baskets! Carpet Chain! Carpet Chain I Bed Feathers!
Bed Feathers' Corn Brooms! Corn Brooms! Band BOXCEII
variety of other geode, received and daily-receiving
by Iloward R Co.'s Express, which will be sold cheap by
Lebanon, Oct. 28, '53, HENRY & STIN E.
Notice to Cretlitoys.
ItLL MRSONS ingebted to the flrmof TICE,
or to EtA3IUBL U. SHIRK, by Note, Book account,
or otherwlec, co
are reteeted to make early payment to Asioa
.11.. - BOUGHTIia Eati. i nt,hia Office in I..obation; and nave coata.
• Lk - VI KLINE,
Attorneys for Credltors.
Lubanoii, Oct. 7, '57
lianey Dress Goods.
AT PARER & DRO'S NEW BUILDING you will find a
splendid assortment of all kinds of Fancy Goals—
bawls, Capes, Scarfs, Collars, and in short, every variety
of Gentle for a completo Dress—very cheap.
All kinds of Domestic Goods—Muslins are very cheap—
Check, Ticking, Shooting, Blankets, &a., Acc. AIB— Please
cell and see for yonrsolveS, [Lobruson, 0ct.21, '57.
Da,,, , ruerreotVPes•
IV A 110 takes the beat LIKENPI ho LEBANON?—
Why .1. M. KRIM. in tho third story of
Rise's New Building.
Ile has the best room, beat skylight, best fixtures, and
has blade It hls - entire business fur the heat aLxydars., Re
altrays gets the latedt improvements; ho hoe always, the
!stout style of cases on hand; he taitCH pictured In every
style of the art; his STEREOSCOPE. PICTURES are
wonderful to behold. All his pictures are sharp, correct,
and of the highest finish. Olvo him a call and you will
not regret it. Ills terms are very moderate,
191..111s rooms are open every day (except Sunday,)
from 8 o'clock, A. M., till El o'clock, P. M.
Nov. 25,147.
Ee'lta; undettg a n n ed o , n. w c o o i n t res t r a e t t , f , u , lly Inform the
pared to' Mfg , ihEriori;mi„mi with Ciln. 3 L n . ° 7l; P h r e e ;
'Wholesale or Retail, Oa we will }ny all kinds of COAL
on hand, eueh as
Pea, Cheetnut, S tave, Ex/ awl Broken COAL white
red and gray ash,
which, w are constantly reeelSing frem some of the best
ies In the Coal regions, and would here say that
we will sell our Coal as low as they can he sold by any
Person in the"Counry, which.we will sell at our Mill, or
deliver to any part of the two boroughs.
Genesee Mills, Lebanon, Feb, 3, MS.
The Clothiiigr Store ". Tail
oring Establishment of
- 1D ABER you will now Mediu their New Build
ing,a few doors gaet of their former place, on the 2d
Story, whore you can . thad allktilde of cLonaria—Coate,
Over-Coate, Sacks, ltouitd Jacitots, Pante, Vestal Boys'
Clothing , all very cheap. ydu can. dress Aurae': from top
to toe at such tow prices cut I'4ll ault the times.
*Br All orders for TATBORING will be promptly at
tended to.
ell k,luditof, Country FiriKluce taken in - exchange-for
OMB:ling and Tailoring.
cLebenen, Oct. -
, ,
~ ,
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-VIRTUE LW/ER - Ty trThigorpE tiaEticE.-
VOL. 9---NO. 42.
11. J. 11. SMITH.
smrrn & BROTHER,
Law, Loan and Land UHiie a
. Bellevue Oily. Nebraska Territory.--
AIVEIsiTION :given to the examination 'Of
0 Titles to Real Eatate,.bearehing the Records, fram
ing Abstracts, 'Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages.
LOANS,efreeted fur Eastern Capitalists at Western 7,..ates
of Interest, on Mortgages o'S ptber Real Eatate securities..
Taxes paid in any county in the Territory and West
ern. Toiva.....
Oer Commissions for „buyiug and selling Real Estate,
negotiating or eollecting Lpansiarntive per cent.
Land Warrants Bought , and sold.
Also special - attention given to the seicetion and entry
of Eattas for.SettiotirurlEaeteiu enpitalisba, either with
LiildoyaguntsMoney,th Nebraska or Western lowa.
WO charge Ten , Dollara.per One Hundred and Sixty
Acres, and IndiLp reasonable deductions when entmittg
large quantities. When Land Warrants are sea -Taco
and a half per - eent per,cre, the Land office fed ($4 ,00)
must acetiniptiny the locating fee. Also the thine per
cottage for selling lirarrants •
!Warrants, atosefit. the No's. of Warrants, date,
to whom issued and assigned, should be copied and 're
tained lo gueth rd against fositin
ltentittenees naptif be made lu Drafts= any of the
Eastern cities.
• We will enter .Land with Warrants or Cash, 'buY, fm
proved or unlinprOved Laud or Town Property, or nog°.
Oate Loans on Real Estate security, all in the name of
the i persou, furnishing the funds, pay nit fees N taxeS app.
cam in isitions; foConothirtt Of life gross prred te iteCining
from thedate,ofithe properly ticcoilogtionkhe Loans
—nil t3tertESE;6s come out of our thirthof thantoßtsaw
Ailre NV:lomi taittindi littY -144 1 1 e 11 :Yar&Praelre,
, As a ova staled, guinea eeing, to the parties their
' capital ' with Ten per cent. barest per annum, and an
.equal division of the profits. without nayfurther charge
or expense to them. Our artangenients - are - Bitch - that
we can enter Lands in all the offices in the: erritory and
.Western ; lowa. A competent Surveyor always in readi
ness-to find and select choice Lands, Coat Fields, 'Rock
, Quarries,Mill Sites. Inners,' Tractsi'.&e.
The Landoffices in Westein lowalhaVing teen closed
for the two years last past. areopennow forpriiitte entry.
Within the next twelve monthe there wittlas Offered
for sale in Nebraska, one and a half million Acres.. of
Land, comprising the best portion of the -Territory, ex
tending along the 'Missouri River, „from the Southern
boundary to, the mouth of the Leanqui-court River.
We solicit Eastern capital for - investinent.
Investments properly made in Western Lands, Town
Lots and Mortgages, are now paying from Twenty-Ave
to Four-hundred per cent.
Being of the first pioneers of this vast and growing
country - , and intimately acquainted with nearly every
portion of Nebraska and lowa, we feel confident, that
we will be able to render satisfaction in nil business en
trusted to us.
Letters 0/ enquiry promptly alas-tiered free of Chrge.,
Rarea.aucaS.—llon. Wm, A. Iticbardson, Oor.- of. Ne
braska; Hon. P. Forgnann. Dol. to Congress,, Nebraska;
Minton and Town, ponkers, Council Binge, lows; Oeo.
OpsenvDanke eilnititcp4?l.9wait ?saki: of GI in,
HttnoN' H
Iton.Vameo . Camp o D0,....a.; Hon.
Adam Glittinger and . Jacob Sthitb, Esq., Letrandn, Pa.
March 3, 1.853.-rm •
Great Crowds;--AieW - Prileitg.
,r 6 NE morning, last week, as a friend aril-myself, were
leistirely walking out Market street, and on arriving
near the corner of Guilford atreet, our attention was at
tracted to a large crowd of Ladies,--and nearly all of
II Whont were provided with large market baskets, and
others with satchels hanging to their arms, and Vyarn evi
dently intent upon the same object. =Upon inquiry we
found that in the Mansion House, on the corner of Guil
ford and Market streets, is located the extensive Dry .
Goods,,Orocery, and Queensware Store of our polite.and
affable friends, FUNCIi & DitO., Who have just opened a
large stock of Fall Goods, and thatthe great crowd of La
dies were their regular customers, who may be seen daily
at their counters, purchasing their goods. All we saw
were evidently satisfied with their purchases; were load
in the praises of the excellent quality of their stock, and
all were of the unanimous opinion that FUCK &
colt the best qualities, at lower priees,than. any of_ their
competitors.- So our advice would bet() yen, one and, all,
bah' grebe and email, to give Fee/ &Duo: a tali . and they
will surely try_to please you- '
.;, ,f , TED.WRLIN.
North'llebanon, Oct : 21,1257.'„' " ,
Lebanon Mutual InsOrance
Incorporated by the Legislature of Pa.
rpms COMPANY is in frill ofidratitiu, and ready to
1 make linsurdnce on all kinds of property, In Town
or Cbuntry, and nn as favorable terms as any well'Aur
erned and safe company, either on the Mutual or joint
stock principle.
Tice President—D. M. RANK.
Trcasurer-030. F. 3tEILY
Secretary—Wlt, A. BAhliy.
p/itEcTOAS :
:Tom/ IlnuNNEn, L'Wr - Clect
Coo. F. 51smr. D. H. BARMAN;
NAPOLEON Dean, Jsrs. Sunee,
Aim " H. R o m, DAVID BANK,
DANIEL - H. RievEle, Wst. A. BARRY.
ANTHONY S. ELY, Agent for Lebanon and vicinity.
Jonestown, Feb. 3,1858.
Genuine Preparation
CMcentruted Compound Fluid
Extract Buchu.
For diseases Of tbe Bladder, Kidneys ' Gravel, Dropsy,
Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret diseases, Fe
male Complaints, and 01l diseases of
the Sexual Organs,
Arising from t =asses end Imprudencies in Bib, and re
moving Sill Improper. Discharges from the Bladder, Kid
neys, or Sexual Organs, whetiser existing in
dale. of Peiizate :
'From Whatever cause they may have originated,
And no Matter of How Long Stan 0,34,
Giving Health gad. Vigor to the Frame, and
filo& to oie CLeelt.
Joy to the Afflicted !!
It +tures Nerving; and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes
all the symptoms, among which will be found
to Exertion ' Less of
Power, Loss of Memory, •
Difficulty, of Breathing, (len
,Sral Weakness, Horror of Dis
ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread
ful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Culver
sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often Efiormous
Appetite,. with Dyspeptic symptoms, Ha Hands,
'Gushiness of Um Body, Dryness of the skin,
Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on
the Face, Paiii in the Back, Hea
viness of the Eyelids, Fre
gauntly Slack spots
Flying before
the Byes,
With Temporary suffusion /111 d Less of sight; Want of
Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessness. with Horror
of ziociety. Nothing iw.morti desirable . to such Pa
tients than solitude, and Nothing they more;
Dread for Fear of Themselves no Re
pose of manner, no carucAtito.s, no
Spcculation„ . but a hurried
transition front one
These symptoms if *Mewed, Logi, on—which this tued
iclus invariably remoyes—SON t killows LOSS of Power,
Fatuity, uud EPILEPTIC FITS. -in one of which the pa
tient mai expire. Who can say that these excesses are
not frequently followed by those direful diseases—lN
SANlTY AND CONSHAIPTION ? The records of the I
sane Asyleme, and the melancholy deaths by Consump
tion, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions.
In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition sp.
pears. The" Countetninca is actually sodden and quite
destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it; should
a soundof the voice occur, it is rarely articulate.
"With woeful iliOures wan-despair
Low sullen sounds Ids &18,f beguiled."
. .
Debility is most terrible I and has
,brought thousands
upon thousand to uptineirgraves:ttiusblasting theam
bition of many nobleyoutbe. Mired by the use
If you ore suffering with ..ny of the above distressing
ailments. the EbillD EXTRACT BECEIU Will cure you.
Try it and he convinced of its efficacy.
Beware of Quark Nostrums and4ranek Doctors,
who falsely boast of abitities and references. Citizens
know and avoid them, and cave long suffering, Dom,
and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this
Popular and specific Remedy.
It allays all pain and inflammation, is perfectly pleas
ant in its taste and odor, but Immediate in its action.
Ilebabold's Extract Ituclia
Is prepared directly according to the ltulea of Pharmacy
and Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical
knowledge and cam devoted in its combination. See
Professor Domes' Valuable Works on the practice of
Physic, and most of the late standard Works of 3lediclue.
One hundred dollars will be paid to any Physician who
can prove that the medicine ever injure da p patient; and
the testimony of thousands can be pred to prove
that it does great good. Cases of from one week' to thir•
teen years standing have been effected. Thu mass of
Voluntary Testimony in possession of the Proprietor,
vouching DS virtues and curative powers, is immense,
embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME.
100,000 Bottles Have Been Sold
and not a single instance of a failure has been reported!
Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the
City of Philadelphia, 11. T., Chemist, who
being duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains
no iSercotie, Mercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely
Vegetable. U. T. II 1,111.11/ IX, sole man dfacturcr.
Sworn ... 4nd subscribed before me this 23c1 day of Noveat
ber, 185 V IY3I. 11.1.1111AltD, Alderman.
Price $1 per Bottle, or six for $5, De
litertd to any Address,
Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from
1 rofessors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others.
Prepared and ihtil kik 11. T. I1EL:11BOLD,
Prectikel c ud Analytical Chemist.
No. 52 South Tenth St. below Chestnut,
Assembly Buildings, Phila;
'll@l,. To be bad of Dr. George Noss, D. S. Daher, and
all Druggists and Dealers throughout the Milted States,
['symbol and British Provinces.
Ask for Helmbold's—take no other.
Cux ens Gruar'amiteedi
CiArt putrg..
The frJendseilweet'Oes, we wish to trust
.Often the,firat deCeit's us; . • ' .
Like , transit* Bowers their friendship springs,
Until hiti falseness. grieve us; • •
Could we but-knmi r t h at henctili c arlttrua,
In witerft;.; afglit confide us
Earth could•a..Vale; of Tears,
But home, where joys boilderue.
Yet, though` there's &listless I the smile,
Arid friends an foes around-us,
Let's help the feW we find' are true,
Yintuish What woes tortoni:4'ns.
And as tie "'Snip of
, p . o
fe burnsn ;'
'llound, us lire's Mires are dwelling,
Oft.let our beating bosoms for
The true, true friend be swelling.
Can the absent be forgotten _
Can their memories ever die t
Were they Gveil, to be retnetaberail_
Aa 'te shadow oa the pky ?
Can the early tie that bend us,
Vim to morning dreams depart?
"ItOridd it beaten, far then will cease
AR truthfulness of heart. •
Can the absent be forgntten,' •
•Though their Stange, we regret?
No Lethe springs from this rair earth,
By which we can forget.
There is something in the memory
Of those we've loved and 104,
liphelds loio's bark, o'er Times vat sea;
however tempest test.
Can the absent be forgotten?
Can the lips that we have kleSed--
The blinds that' we bolie pressed "fil curs;
Be lot and not be missed?
Can the heart that throb'd to our heart's throb—
The elieek that sought our breast,.
As the swallow, wearied from afar,
Seeks 'its own chosen lost.
Can all these be forgotten—
As It foot-print on the sand,
The dew upon the hawthorn leaf,
We bi:ielt off with our hand '
Ohl no, there is a faith in love,
Whose impulses are pure,
. s
That, like th' eternal' mountain, drat
..Created to endurel
mdtg Dag.
"Is she dead, then ?" •
'Yes madam,? replied a little gentleman in
brown coat and short brooches.
'And her will?'
'ls going to be opened 'hero immediately by her
'Shall we inherit anything ?'
'lt must be supposed so, we have claims.'
'Who is that miserable dressed person who in-
Vudes berireiT hWie ?'
.0 she,' said the little man, sneerfisr—'she wont
have much in WI Viral, site is iiiter.V. the de
ceased.' - -
'Whitt, that Anne, iyho wedded in 1812 a man
of nothing—an officer?'
'Precisely so.
'She must have no small amount of impudence
to present herself here before a respectable fam
•The more so, as Sister Egerie, of noble birth,
had never forgiven her that mesalliance.'
Anne moved at this time across•the room in
which the family of the deceased were assembled.
She was pale, her fine eyes. were filled with tears,
and her face was furrowed by care with precocious
'What do you come here: for?' said, with great
haughtiness, Madame do Villeboys, the lady who,
a moment, before, had been interrogating the lit
tle man who inherited with her.
. .
'Madam,' the poor lady with humility,
'.f. do not come hero to claim a part of what does
not belong to me; I come solely to see M. Dubois,
my poor mister's solicitor, to inquiro. if she spoke
of me in her lVt hours,' .
'What! do you think people busy themselves
about you ?' arrogantly observed Madame do Vii
leboys, 'the dfsieraVr; of a great house—you who
wedded a man of nothing-1a 'soldier' of -Dona..
'Madame, my busham4 although a child of the
people, was a brave soldier, snit, what'isliater,
au honest ulna,' observed Anne.
At this 'Moment a venerable parsonage, the no
tary Dubois, made his appearance. , •
'Cease,' he said, 'to reproach Anne with a union
which her sister has forgiven-her. "Ann 4 loved
a generous; brave, and good - man, who bad no
other crime to reproach himself with than his pov
erty and the obscurity of his name; Neverthe. ,
less, had he lived, if his family had known him
as I knew him, I, his old friend, Annie would be
at this time happy and respected.'
'nut why is this woman here ?'
'llamas° it is her place to be here,' said the no
tary, gravely; `.l myself requested her to attend
M. Dubois thim proceeded to open the will
'I, being of sound mind and heart, ifgeire de
Damen iug, retired as a boarder in the Convent
of the &stag of thoSxered Heart of Jesus,,dietate
the following wishes as the expression of my for
mal desire and principal dense of my testament,
'After my decease there willbelbund two hun
dred thousand francs in money at my tv,ta
ry's, besides jewelry, clothes and furniture, as
also a chateau worth two hundred thousand
'ln the convent where I have been residing
there will only be found my book "Ileums de la
Vierge," which remains as it was when I took it
with me at the time of the emigration. I de.
sire that the three Objects be divided into three
. .
'The first lot, the two hundred thousand franca
in money.
'The second lot, the chateau, furniture and
'The third lot, my book, "Hooves de laVieize."
have pardoned my sister Anne the grief
which she has caused to us, and I would have
comforted her in her sorrows if I had known
sooner of her return to France. I comprise her
in my mill.
'Madame do Villeboys, my much beloved cous
in shall have the first choice.
'M. Vatrey, my brother-in-law, shall have the
see& d oho ice.
'Aline will take the remaining lot.
Ab ah I' said Vatrey, 'Sister Egerie was a
good one; that is rather clever on her part
'Anne will only have the prayer-book ex
claimed Madame do Villeboys, laughing aloud.--•-
The notary interrupted her Jocularity.
'Madame/le said, 'what lot do you choose P
'The two hundred thousand francs in , money.'
'Rave you , quite made up your Mind?'
'Perfectly so.'
The Min of law addressing. hlinielf then to the
jood•feeling, ofthelady, sald'ilicianajitett are
rich, and Anne has nothing. Could you . leave
her this loi r aid.tahe the book or prayers Which
the eccentricity of 'the deceased has plaCed an a
par with t.he'etli.t.K lots
'Yoitmust Dubois,' eiklaimisd
,14csda,7Le Vi1191)A . 17,) re ? .. ! :l4y ; be Neu
dolt not to, sea, the intention- of ,Sister. Bgerie in
all this: Our hahed '"saw full well that
her book of prayer,,would fall 'to: the Anne,
who had the liat'ehdiee."'
'And what do lon 'conclude from that?' inquir
ed the noStety.
'I conclude ehlif she meant to intimate to. her
'sister that repentatfee and prayer were the only
help that she had tlS'expeet. in this world.'
• As she finished-these words Madame de V.iHe.
boys made a definiteeclectlon of the ready'Money
for her share. Msmsiour Tatrey, aemay bemmi
ty Tt6 - god;iefeeteKflte'ehateCii,'fririiitii`e tbild jew
els, as his lot. - •
'MOnsieur Votriij,%sold3l. Dubois to that:ion.-
tleman, 'even supit , :bad been tlie'Antontion
of the deco:tied idiWtstr iiiater,', l it be
noble on your part, millionaire as yotrare, to give
up at lelit:a portion of yOur share to ,Artin; who
wp.nis l it,so ankh.' -
'Thanks for your kind advice, dearslr,!.reilied
Vatroy: "thp,mansion is situated on the very con
fines of my woods, all the M . ore_ so as it is readily
'fornisQl. As to the jewels of Sister Eyrie, they,
are reminiscences which one ought never to par:
with.' .. •
'Since it is stk„' said .the notary, 'my ~poor Ma
dame ,A"itnoA. fierN!4-
s llisVitiyer-bookthatletnain s
tostir ,
attemte'd hide boy
with blue eyes, took her sister's old
and Malang Hereon kiss it after her,! she
'Hector, kiss the book which belonged - to yoim
poor aunt, who is dead, but who would bare lov
ed you well had she known you. When you havo
learned to read you will pray to Heaven to make
you wise and . goodas your father was, and happi
er.;than your unfortunate moth r.'
The eyes of those who s Wti;e,Present were filled
ivith tears, nowithstandingtheir efforts to preserve
an appearance of indifference. •
The child enibraced the old book with boyish
fervor, and opening itiafterward:
'0! Mamma,' he said, 'what pretty Piatures r
'lntleed,',said the mother, happy in the glad
ness of he boy: ,
'Yes. The good Virgin in a• red dress, hold
ing the infant Jesus in her arms„ But why,
mamma, has silk paper been put upon the pie.
tures 7'
‘,So'that they might not be injured, my dear.'
'Du; mamma, why are there ten silk papers to
each engraving ?"
The mother fooked,''and uttering a sudden
shriek, she fell into the arms of M Dubcia, the
notary, who, addressing those Preient, said
'Leave her alone ; it won't be much; people
doh't die of these shocks. As for you, little one,'
addressing Rector, 'give me that prayer-book;
you will tear the engravings.'
.1 . . he 'inheritors withdrew, inking various con;.
jecturea as to the cause of Anne's sudden illness,
and the interest which the notary took in -her.—
A month afte'rward they met Anne and her son,
exceedingly well, yet not eitravagatitly dreved,
taking an airing in a two horse chariot. This
led them to make inquiries, and they learned
that Madame Anne had recently Purchased ss ho
tel for one hundred and eighty thousand francs,
and was giving is first rate education to her son.
The necvs came like a thunderbolt upon them.—
Madame de Villeboys and M. de Vatrey hastened
to call upon the notary to ask for explanaiions.
The good Dubois was working at his desk.
'Perhaps we are disturbing you?' said tho ar
rogant old lady.
'No matter. I vas in the act of se ti'mg a pur
chase in the State funds for Madame Anne.'
'What!' exclaimed Vatrey, 'after purchasing
house and equipage, she has still money to in
vest ?'
'Undoubtedly eu.'
`But kvbere did the 7Cotie& comp frourr
'What! did you not see?'
'When t'
'When she shrieked upon seeing what the pray
er book cOntainsid which she inherited.
'We, observed nething.'
, •
'Oh ! I thought tint you saw it,' said the sar
castic old notary. 'That prayer-hook contained
sixty engravings, and each engraving was cover
ed by ten notes of a thousand francs each.'
'Good Heavens!' exclaimed Vatrey, thunder
'lf I tfati - only known it,' - shoulea Aiiidtime .de
'You had your choice,' added the notary,''and
I myself urged you to take the prayer-book, but
'Mit who eoui'd brake gxpeoted to nriA a fortune
in a breviary.
The two babied old egotists withdrew, their
hearts swoolen with' passionate envy.
Madame Anne is stilt 'lf you . pass by
the Rue Lafitte on a fine summer evening, gou
will see a charming picture ; on the first floor, illu
minated by the pale reflection of wax lights.
A lady who has joined the two hands of her
son, a fair child of six years of age, in prayer be
for an old book of 'Meares de la Vierge,' and for
which a ease in gold has been Made.
'Pray for me, child,' said the mother.
'And for who else ?' inquired the child.
'For your father, your dear father, who perish
ed *noet knoviini you, 4iilhoilt , Veins ablo to
love you' #
'Must I pray to the saint, ray patron ?'
'Yes, my little friend ; but do not forget a saint
who watches us from heaven, end who smiles up
on us from above the clouds.'
'What is the name of that, saint, mamma dear?'
The mother, then watering tho fair child's head
with her tears, answered.
'Her name is—Sister Egcrio.'
Many persons who are under the impression
that the society of Odd-Pellows is an organize,
tint of modern titries will be somewhat surprised
to learn that its origin dates as far back as the
time of Nero, and was established• by thi, Roman
soldiers in the year 5 . r . ) , . At that time they were
Celled Oiiiiene;" the iiresent name being
given theni by Titus atesar, twenty four years af
terwards, and they wore so called from the singu
lar character of their meetings, and from their
knowing each other by night or fin's by means of
mystical signs and latigtia6, it the same time
he presented them with a dispensation, engraved
on a plate of gold, bearing different eniblenis of
mortality. In the fifth century the Order was
wtablished in the Spanish dominions, and in
Portugal in the Sixth century. It did not reach
krance and Englund until the eleventh century.
It was then established in the latter country by
John De Neville, who, assisted by five knights
from Frans(); formed a lirtind Lodge in London.
This ancient friarnity ha:s now its lodges in every
quarter of the globe, and by its usefulness and
benevolent character, commands the respect and
coiiiitenance of all who are' acquainted with its
nature and purposes.
tift• Airell.-bi4d 4 iodan -iti polit4; , eviir*here;ana
kfriFir'l43ii4oii doh.• - • -
Yqii never, heard toll of my molasses candy
adVen tutNd id t you,. Squ ire," - said Stackpolo to
me, when I nailed. at his house to take the census
of his fitnilY. I Shoe!, my head and be proceed
ed. "I ' speculate ttzas rayther a wondarfyl
fair, end Osilii,,iyiq 9 iyptddtol it, yon would
thi preeiafk it, certain. Was courtin' Salley .at
thotime,, and ryas in-loco • upon my eyes: But
ier . old daddy wits Oppused to tne'out and out.—
Ind he ivas'a steponcleas man—the.crossest, ug-
Hest edd„ yarn:tent that ever t _ pm spectacles; and
thavUOften'Wondered how Salley could Ve such a
'charming little' oreafe're; With: Buell' a 'crusty old
fdr;it hither.' She was ainagn um
gal, sure at that time; a little faded now yousee,
but that's to ho ce.pect:ed. Bc.:auly is only . " akin
. 'skin
'ugliness goei . the
"Well, one day I wethlo'tiwiCand bought
WrholeYeeiVor'AineY deiWis,.iibborie'heada, goose
greriaif : fi• the st-6a 1 4 , 6. '4ihs
4dtail:llled Cto d "putting'pur
chases snugly in r `e; hunille I locoinoted towards
her'daddY's house, true as a rifle.'
' whAttitier Rao when I arriV, and Scruggs
was bilin nielasse.s candy 'for SallY to
ped4lii Eta:next Vai—thaler Win' a show in' town
-Sally and her mammy havin' retired.
"The fast thing I dupe, however, aster enterire
and old Scraggs had started at me a few, was 'to
sit right down in a pan of hot merlasses, he'd put
on a cheer to cool, which made mo'jamp utVand
howl amazin' Ginierbreadl low it burnt! 'hnt
as he didn't see the"' tte'Ofdent:,` I &pitted
ly's band-beT which contained her ennday bon
net-not notlaiii'- 7 and went to rubbing like six
ty-six I Well, 'trier I'd sot there a spell, groan
ing for myself and wondering how much damage
I'd done, the old man' gay() me another suohter
ride look and said.
"Sam Stackpele, what hay you come here, or
ter—say P.'
"kfr; gertirggs," ses I,• not <Jerky' to stir for fear
he'd discovered my prodikament. "I've come
here on very important- business .(Oh., Lord !
hold that merlasses smarted !) and if you'll keep
your ehenezer down tibout, five minutes, en
deavored to inform you with that degree of -ac
curacy `thliti Irn so prciminenfly,and conepicu.
lously developed.
, 41'4e old fellow didn't understand that sr pow
erful language, and in course he didn,t say noth
and so I kepi as easy, as I possibly could and
went on:
"Perhaps," s.ays .1, "you've noticed that I bare
been pain' numerous attensious to your daughter
and I am gratified to suit with infinite popular.
Now, if you'll give Sally, to me, I'll vote for
. . .
you for Governor,
, and leave tim,eountry if you
ain't elected." , _
"Well; after I'd 'delivered myself:l that lar' be
nevolent style, what dri you, think the old cod
gees-reply was ? Why, instead of saying. take
Sally, and welcome, he actually plated . f.o the
door, and, told me to stutter 1 I. vow I got out, of
patience then, sure, and didn't care then what Oc
-curred—if Sally's - bonnet was
"I should be' litippY i to
oblige you, but the " fact is, I sat down h ere and
cadt leaven olaow , ,unMsyytt cu t tilliole in my
etl e old, man seed hott was stnok-fast
as I set";.ll'd'jest: catehed''uf 1,4,11.u17"W0f hot
candy off the tre and emptied it all over myna - ad
and shP'ii l 4o l.9- i-f;u4 B 7Pllina,ali4%i`Jedlifil "tow the
stuff nut'de , me cavort and holler But .I wan so
mad that I grabbed a great gob and labial have
it bit!' 'tween the eyes.
"There, take that," sez I , "you old flap-eared
piece of deformity, l" and then I started for the
door—direet, I jest got it open, ready to dart,
when old Mrs. Seraggs burst into a loud laugh,
and Sally spoke ;for the fast time.
"Sam Sackpole," . sez she, "hold. My band
box and your pantaloons are annexed!"
"Jenne-lel:W. eve'', andtD leapedtf I must a
been awful skeered, for I-landed at least twenty
feet outside th s e houVe and'ran like a prairie fire.
I never looked behind me till next morning, and
when I did, the kiver of the bandbox was stick
lug to my trowsers
"That was my merlasses candy adventure,
Siittire, right hot work it was. But I married
Sally at last. The old man give in after awhile,
and now you can the family in your
sinsus as you please."
Atan—A bubble qn the ocean's 'Tolling wave.
Life—A gleam of light 'extinguished by the
Fame—A meteor dazzling with its distant
, Wealth—A soMve of trouble, iti'd consuming
Pleasure—A gleam of sunshine passing soon
Love—A morning dream whose memory gilds
the day.
Faith—An anchor stropped beyond : the •ale of
Hope—A lone star beaming o'er the barren
heath. •
Charity—A stream meandering from the fount
of love.
The Bible—A guide to realms of endless joy
Religion—A key which
,opens tvid e the gates of
Tteath-1 kniib which the ties of earth are
Earth—A desert through which pilgrims wend
their way.
Grave--A house of 'rest ;herb ends life's wea
itesurreetion—A sudden wakenh3g from a quiet
Heaven—Aland of joy, of.light, and lore su
Per2everance—he conqueror of eviery earthly
WRITTEN SERNONS.--TI;oro is a email i•oltittiO
contained in the following paragraph about writ
ten sermons t
The Congregational Herald quotes from an ex
change, an account of Rev. Dr. Davis, who had
been announced to preach, but said to the con
gregation, that his carpet bag, had been carried
on, and that some one also must therefore preach
in his stead.
The Herald says -Imagine Paul standing on
Mars Hill, at Athens, before an assembly of keen,
criticising Greeks, and saying, 'Ye men of Athens,
I perceive that in all things ye are too supersti
tious, and I will argue the question with you as
soon as my carpet bag comes from Berea.
GIVE, ../.10 RilN.—Breathe not a sentiment, say
not a wliril; gi;to'nOt tin eipreasiOn of the counte
nance that will offeq#Other, or Benda thrill of
pain t0,140010-114-VO'iiileitihundedOsensi
tivelearth, veuiln " iet fill
to the
a :#oi
545: . 4&0f
the opinions
remember f.MWS, are
differently constituted from yourself, and never,
byword id' sign, east a shadow on a happYlie . alt,
or throw aside thellilleircif joy that linger on a
yleateintiveuntenanee. • •
s ~,: ~ ~-. ,- ..-. ~.~.4
Some years awl Illpanagetof torten initial,.
ad' thoitii,„' din line of the e. .pyie k oZ s dlo . uking op g hiriik:y4 ? uo g
lady as a shiiorbumerary.
'yBNUJI lady la . 4 utitifir Elui t ro'inioity
iani. Which . ifio%Ll'etiertia t eiiii i ixinifit
ho ZvinVik ° 4llog!
details of her've4ty'agoin,A . wciteilio;i 'CM loon
exhibited a' vane' oidiniti l o (mot' dib'elllcie
talent, • She'vntridulYiroidotidliid:'hiltibiallio+
onina 'hintreger Lima
,puhlio,,i •. 1 {, a
.°4°, ll iO4 ,B *Z a l l . -. ll 49.qunced, roPPeoroißao
I lnyStilte g4 z 140 Fo.PPio bßiltikolm flli/Paktholf
IP to. th. tqt °°°l: 3l.l ° 4.ct?t,-1!0 1
'! 1
1 ?"- ( ;iVIP,t)"•n25411 1 0e ( kieouP: bPOlitkOligl
PMlitta s W 1 ,131,AT ik e lg n Pn i d9.9Pigutliegtu9,Kal
"AS iI I e aV II SVVII2 SII - I PilitiV 4 l 3 Ft l lPP l3 s" / ..P f
boaAmit:lataligkilCtifneiap z 4V2stme
).4, 7 4 1 :1ka1 t n, , r .,{ l W 113 ,txpil , e4,'snr z exs.laiNt,dl
enhugli to be board aver ptlf ;
"Bill,Jl4oar th a t . gal, r'.,
drelltarAiiiiti;, ll cl F7
'Flak(aia a`s auto as izei: ogea
kin's daughter that maid
ly, and slid pled to slit i l ath .. •
"Tor," said 11111, ‘lyon!is.n zosn
don't step yolir r iviteAut Ontt.
that'sr- ..".1 1110 •
Tom wits slice tittlf adE'eonvinco l d `: EB` s4"c4,
ind ere '
• "I tell ye Bill; • lliiii'sliefElinow'ti s s:"'' rod
lan't7ooD,ino, It know •
Bill, who Nll9 n gdoirdeel in teieeted'in the
play, was out of all pet ieuco with his persistent
interruption on the part of Tom:' %Belpre bim a
tremendous nudge in the ribs is aietarititie hint
to keep quiet. , •
Tors, u4thcit minding the e'dmonition, sale:
"You just fix her—keep' your.eyes
Sure enough he did Lx.ber.-. 'Welching his op.:
portunity : whop..the !;s: deeply absorbed
In Irrpsyt,
: he snug voice rang
1 / 3 6,eh . PAgai i oje,,, - I •
"Low bridge!,,., ' ' "?. "" .4
-2:warfare° of , Itabit the iketresii 'aid
.IprioiuniarPyiducked her belclto avoid the anti.
nipatati collision, Dow came the Louse with a
pekibet thunder of eppleu'ee`tit this peliinide /tit ;
high shove NihiCti could ho holii4las
he returned Dill's-punoirjar-the-riba -with Wier:
erte , r: ' ; • 7 1 4 :1 ]'l ie If
^Dideta - tallYe olci . f!iay. — / - ktiosPd Mae ker.
170 11 ,,Witttire9/.P1 0 &-, gea.-oega.
titt : tkfi
An, intelligent corresponaent,of the Loisi , :v11111
sTournal, writiug frumcineinneti, gives ts.yery in.
teree ling and instructive account of .the-qukira
ble working 1..1' the fi're depLlrtment of, tile latter
city. A gentleman of Baltiwore an, ; , old Stomp,
apiLtpraetical observer of„tb,„ ilagrfattneei. of
the day, whohle . been in cii4ciona.4 eoreral ',loathe
past—also anya_ A lt• s y
,the , greatest, improyetnent,
imaginable °ye - CA* 4 ,0)&1.781am,, and 4 certain to'
be adogtedltuceety, Ae•rinion. • . ,The cor
titTppudetit tamp
_ •
"The steam engine, department of. Cincinnati
consists of seven steam en ,, ines and three • hand
companies, the whole being.stuler the eontrol, of
a chief and two assistant en ,, ineers. 'lu the con
tre of the City, stands the watch tower, from which
radiate four,distriefs. On the tower two men are
stationed, who Stand regular Watches night and
day. The tower being built upon the ton of, tbe
Machanies' Institute, one of the highest itineturee,
.its elevated position gives at once a most coin-
Mending and perfect view of the entire CIO, On
the southwest' comer of the institute stiinds Y the
'big bell,' Weighing ever six thousitad
It is runeby means of a poridercms iron' lever, to
which are connected iron * rods run - ning - ffem the
tower and attaching tot 4 clapper: TIM signals
are inside of the tower, which are lbur la - rge siz
ed glass globes, placed 'at - inteiv : als of two to
three feet on arms prhjeCting Mtn one-Inch kas
pipes; the globe or balls are illuminited by means
of gas, and can be plainly distinguished froni any
of the several engine houses in, the city. The
signals are raised from the summit of the tower
by a powerful but Simple windliiss—one, two,
three, or four being shown, asthe - case may he,
if the fire is in the first district, 'ene - ii putout; if
in - the second, two, and so on.
'To each of Wi steam engine ebinpiinies are
eleven men, consisting o 1 one engineer, one fire
man, three driCers, three'plpenaeri and one watch
man, and only-act' at and during a fire. Two
hose reels also eceetnpany each engine; 'in pro
ceeding to a Sri one of the reels takes the lead of
the engine, ana the other follaws initnediaitely in
the rear. To the rear 'Carriage or reel is attached
a snail fuel wagon, hotter known in the depart
ment as the €dinkeY.' The frent reel carries, 1,-
000, and - the ono 'behind 880 feet of three-4ElOh
Inclia-rubber hose. Very few fires man& where
it is necessary to lay out the entire length, but it
is frequently expedient to connect two separate
lines to the engine. Four large-sized draft horses
are used Motivepower to the'large Maehides,
and three - foe the small ones: The horseS re har
nessed bcith night and day,' and only ;moire to
be drilled and : liitelted to the - engine and all is
ready. Regular watches are stood by the men et
the different houses during the day, and at night
one is appointed specially. When the look-out
on the tower espies a fire, he immediately 'sounds
the alarm : the tvatehmen - at the houses respond,
and - the hhrses are hitched up.; Bowen as the sig
nals are hoisted or the big bell rings the second
thno, the district is comniunicated to the drivere,
and they, at a rapid PacN•prciatied to the scene of
conflagration. if, nn the-dther. band, the look
mit receives.the alarm from , a small bell, he rings
once, this making theilarm general; but does not
hoist the signals er ring up the second time unless
they see the fire or are assured that the flames are
confined, which assurance is given by the watch
men adjacent to the fire igniting brilliant red
light easily discernible flighter , -day. • -
‘‘.§Orne idea may be gleaned from the above 413
to the efficiency of a, paid is
parathount in officiency.m. the old.system uncle
nimble ; Cincinnati loads the van with steam en
gines, and tiro tondetkeST, of ail Jrtt:rge cities, must
be to the adoption of the systetrLiming as it is
the only safeguard against the 'devouring ele
There is a word whoa solemn tone
Comes o'er the spirit like a.kriell;
And Sadder-than the•aceares moan,
Is that, low,. trembling anund, flarovrow,
It flits' across tlto'hiret'ii'graerilmtera;
IThea'roitos bloom without a thoinT
And on its gay arul fragrant flowers, .
It lama & blight—a auto forloxia.
lu this dark world we often
That word, so lik a a noardnrhanv
And sunniest days of joy. and Waeor
And over followed by.
F.nt'orthat loved - andloving•shard,
7 4Vt.isierdesEtAtittIeribli anat.' •
Fohd, trusting bduitcostializts
tAllou , tireutik i,
7 ,- 1 ,, * A
I . 3 . lhir2vitaranpr i r e kk ew mai*. Cuzglik
AnliielAlifirirtieFitijoisita a Year.
eiravinglinnsitiniin !warted :the AIM; isles. ..
" *.arfix.iir*l.rEfi ,P ?qv,
• ^ .;! t**
In Pennermudig - 05: 4•K':"*. • :ixiilnty, 3g cents per
unttor, or 13 cants a year. 4
, a year.
P5W1R7 139 V a Ai t Y01, 4 .,..., ft" d"ble4
HOPS 0 "
s a 7.41.4 I'.
, i7q41 , 1 I,v;
IThen around thee adversity's tempt*e shall gather,
And the sweet, etar,ef leviattallibs coeered In gloom ;
And friends strminefifitVvig wintry weather
Forb . i . t . ite . rum WillM 13 451.*0 11 . # 7 ,X," 441 / •
xviniengur - 42.1 .r r. 12 - .llll.t•Ft Lltl INK --- • ••
0 1 PIT M r
_047 01 V fl•t e l . , aket tp9Milr).ll
sand nose anchtin Mno tuft,
No bosom to pity, an4l-taw.lkee no tear.
.U.-14;1 7 . •
mot o zztig;ry .t xonml gc ti
Will acorn to buWif l oirett7oll:llituinms may alike.
And rummmukci rulivAttopktbe fell Otsubo
.4 4 . •
Be tha. lure WM e rne / eontronttwg toe r.
With brow ever bittfiriciAt4"ever oroDs; . .
1134Rjd that to *atilt- Aureihig aficiwrOog.
trope on while a peilat; tl6: l llgai "WI beat.
raI9PAMFAPRIP L aII:Of aiiri;.
fortitude!r ! tit, arum' cuch
( lind•Tl 'AP* 6P .
.93mt5,t0,!...i,d4f - VAtit afV Zl.) ‘,l?
:That hoe& tbfieldedt froiSqlfei deitsblitif halt;
ferAtddlenred wed
,tty t ra!th 1)toon *mesa)
nape on for a star Icllluudisi the durk I
.171 7c:
Aiii(AFP.ltAli TO . VAItENtB
- 06) 'VT etto:
Wu are deli gii . ttni,ja rnce ; nr5•11 . Er! . 991
"tiiiikorO;b: / s AI liken e," apilear behalf
l'hoofolloirintr 24 i /1 " • •
A glad nf thtse,yehs of &rat
child thrts /Rens rey,,tl , ye 957. yeere pld
meats fo c i .S;Stek. 4 figeetlen,
• mairltiiii b Ily 3itis6'gig. l- ' Lei ihei4 . be nbraity l
talapvict h 01047 . •
..• •
ci nc.".4 I ?'LYA VPrz Psreat;:..eovecia ll Y to OTS•
riMIALer ? al s eg tetenr_children; tell them pleat?.
ant *toffee; if in tlie country-, lie inn 2%se careful
rat 4lit upon their hhuds and
olothes;•exqUit vrry - mulch akin to us all, and
FPlirto9ll. of.dpot pleygsu i Is : t here not inward
ly. 4111.4•4611311/'It• a eoll . sanduitY hatween all cross.
itsKten'eh u pon the common sympa
thylArt ontillreeedbetoinee; ilia beget a kindness
AV; our lilPer telekluttf, the brutes.
Let children heve fuse, open air ipurt, and fear
not though they nuke nequaintunce with the
'ilia; the denSiliY and chickens—they may
form . liitirie . fekiindilirpir with' *leer- looking ones.;
. ettasumage, finuiliarifylrith • ell that love tv court
them—duns), animal:. lave children and children
lore them. . • .. •
ittiosi n iniqmttieklovlng—then tbay
will:bojewtla and obedient; and then,' ult.°, pa.
ttopr, Knot; tocome old-and poor, there will be
better than crioada that ofTor .I:ez:ect you .
• eittirre us uAnought up 'lovingly at your knee, wi ll
6e`ai~f shut their iloore upon yoi't; and itUint whets
/Weft would^bavi you rill-
-All RtightliAbotit Friceg .
11. it at be made right by J. DAILY'S
N N EW " gEr-r-toar Gutsier, in J. Stine's New Build
ing, one door emit lieinbluxfs Hotel, where you can ob
tain a Lig kINESS that will compare favorably in every
respeetwith any taken elsewhere. Ito baa boa of the
best sky-lights in the country; and having spared no
pains to make his rooms comfortable: he solicit, a large
share of patronage from the citizens of Lebanon sad star
rounding country.. 4Eir•Prices to suit the times. -
Lebanon, Nov. 18,1&57. J
, XXecutorsl .71rotice.
.STATE OP GEORGE ZIVIER, deed. Notice is here
.lU:A ikie‘D,tha . thitters teqanienturS , en the Eetati
of U RGE *maraud, late. of. the twough of
Lebatson: adefntr. bare &dn . granted to the an.
dersigned. • Alt persous, therefore. indebted to eald Ea.
tate ai *reqxiiatedilirmiikir isynnt, and those having
claimsto preeent thou, • • • .
3. , •
' HENRY , BILMITIIR, (I. :,) N. Lebanon tp ,
DANIEL SEIBERT,. Lehanon Borough.
March 10, 1858.41 t. Executors.
si.'2°o4* - %176 . rith Stoi.e Goods
HE 13DERSICiN1:11,. having purchased at, Sheriff's
Sale, the largeand complete assortment of sTmu...;
GOODS of SHIRK & TICE, at a very low price, and being
desirous to cloie up. the enucermat an early day, will-re
tail the stock at lower prices than G,oods have ever been
sold in Lebanon, and,much cheapen than the same kind of
Goods can be bought at Wholesale hi the title& .The
iaal cost of the:GoODS was $12,000, - and the stock is large,
complete and well-assorted.
Such an importunity .to obtain CHEAP GOODS is
rarely Mitred.. DRY,GO,ODS, GROCERIES, and, QUEENS
WARE in gr.( quantitieE-
Nome ofall solvent pattlf.s taken in exchange for GOODS.
LebanortiOct. 7,'57. • • • ABRAILCSI. SHIRK:
- Ualti r4Ritio!.
This TVity . :if vow Want Cheap Lumber.
THE undersigned _hay,: lately formed a partner
ship for thepurpoe of engaging in the Lum
ber Business, on a new plan, would respectfully Inform
the publieat large, that their plum of business is Davin
1103vmas's Old Lumber :Yard. in East Lebanon, fronting
dhestina street, one
,Arplare from the Evangelical
etinroh.,,XlteY,baeo.enharged thaTard and tilled It with
anew and excellent assortment of all kinds of Lumber,
such as 'l3o.luns,.
'of alflengtlis dint thicknesses. In short, they keep eon.
stoutly, on band, ,a full and well-seasoned assortment of
all kinds of'BUILDING . MATER.racr,s. Ptirsons in want
of anything in their lineare invited to call, exandne their
stock, and learn their prices.
Thankful fur past faver,a, they hope, that by attention
to businesA a.nualcrate prices, to merit a continuance
.I.elitinira, April -
lhiportant e
. •
7po.till 'Aright:is afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such as
J Spermatorthtea, Seminal IA ea kness.lmperence,Gonor
rlitea, leot.SyPhiliA the`Vic6 Onani,imor Scif-Abuse,kc.
The lloward Association, in view of the awful dostruc
'titni of human:lig, catAeci by Sexual diseases, and the de
ceptions practised upon the nufwtonato victims of such
diseaaes by Qtricks, have directed their tonsulting Sur.
aeon, as a.Charitabda Act worthy of their name, to give
Medical Advide Ct-else, to all persons thus afflicted, who
apply by letter, with-a-description of their condition, (age,
occupation, habits of life, 8:c,,) ankinnll.W.see of extreme
Povertfaud suffering, to farnish Meßoines free of charge.
The Howard association is a benevolent Institution, es
tablished-by special endowment, for the relief of the ski.
and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Dis
eases,' If has now a surplus of means, which the Direc
tors lirm.votrd to expend in advertising the above notice.
It Ls needless,te add that the Association commands the
highest 'Medical skull of the ago, and will furnish the most
approved modern treatment.
Just Published, by the Association, a Report on Spar
mat&rrbrea, or Seminal Weakness, the rite of Onanism,
Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of theSex
Organs, by the consulting Surgeon, which will be sent
by mail, (in at sealed enielope,) free of charge, on the re.
mild of two stamps for postage,
Address, Di. GM. CALIMUN, Consulting Surgeon,
Howard Assochitiou, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel
phia, Pa. •Ily order of tliepirpetpris '
&cry. . • .[0ct.7,'57-Iy.
'.llM,t;refit Discovery of the
• •
Dr.: Gustav Liniaard's• Taste Restorative Tro
ches: the qreah 4 Subsl-,itate fox. Tobacco.
TT is a well itenwn antrincontruvettable fact that the
ussofgobtteep is the,promeling cause of many of the
most eevere.htthtlitatid Phi'sicatitithrdei's to which the
=we, of man is etittit'nfOis,pareful analysie and long and
painful '6i:fierier& have 11e:crly proven that it contains
certain, narcotic and f rdechou4 propertisa mos dahgeFdtts
ice their effects. which by entering into the blond derange
thy functions and operationkhf the lleart, wtnsing many
ti; suppose thit,au to be seriously diseased.
IitILIA.OOO affects also thserdire nervonseystetn; anon
ifeegnif itself—es alrwho have ever nsel the noxious
weed will, tiear.testintohy = in Lassitude, Nervous lrrits-
Witty, Water lirnah. Dyspepsia, anti many other dieon
deresol xharti ater,
. Are designed to' contitetantlhesa bancfni induenees, and
httye proved.complchily successful in, a triolthodn of
and wherever Used. Ifeing hare:does in themselves
, they, exertit'heuefirial oiTect titian the entire Wystent, re.
9enHatg the TAate whiehints berinne vitiandor destroy
' ..ed'hy great indulgertve, completely , reineythirtte - thita,.
'thin and accoltipartinng tickling sensatitSii of the Thros i t. ,
—which at al ways conwiliensuppnabeteinini; froni the 4•.
use of 'relater°. and by gititit a ICealfliy tons to the
Stomach,- invigoraie-theowdiolesayetent,,,
Pereena elle are irretrievably undermining their eon
atitutionedind itorteuingt„their.livt.s, shOall tt.6 these
Troches immedia ely and throw, of the Injurious andtltl•
.pleasant babituf lratinsed Chewing. - "
Mao Trashes or .Losangea aka put np in a,convenient
andlpcirtalit(ilirgat theilew *ice of .4e Cents 'per box.
A liberal discount to the trade. Prepared sole)) , by the
undersigned to - whom all orders should be iwidressed.
- J 4.44 BONVER3, Druggist
March 24,1808.-Iy. Car. 2d and Rage,
47 104 i tr=% T l ' e hundred
BilPi"49 r. e
tr ,