ICibanon zftiitrtlstr. TEBMS, - - 111150AYEAR - LEBANON, PA., DEC. 23, 1857. HOME AFFAIRS. notices inserted in our adver tising columns must hereafter be paid fi'v. We have become tired, and will eventually become poor, if not already, by working gratuitously.— Th is determination we have arrived at by agree ment with the editor of the Courier, and will be rigidly adhered to. Tradesmen do not give as their goods fur nothing—neither can it be expect ed that we shall werk for the public without-rec ompense. jar - The communication of a "Democrat" will appear next week. . Aft- The telograph is completed through to Ilarrisburgh. )41..The Scholars of the Methodist S. S. will givennother of theirpopular Exhibitions on Christ mas evening. A rieh trent may be expected. Soo notice, tilt. The blotches left on the Court House wells by bills pasted thereon, disfigure them considera bly. If a large board wore used for the purpose, instead of the walls, it would answer the same purpose, and save appearances. The man who could not afford to take newspaper, has just counted up his cigar, tobacco and liquor bill fur the last yenr, and finds itumounts to $lOO. Ms neighbors looks upon him as rather a close man in his expenditures. Prof, Steiner, The ballonist, is now in this inking likenesses. Ills lowition is in D. S. Briber's New Building, n few doors west of the Advertiser Of fice. Wm. Ramer, Esq., l'or many yonra Post Master at Myerstown, this county, as resigned the office. Ills successor has not yet been named. 111 r. S., we understand, intends to remove to Philadelphia. 'm, Messrs. Else & Daugherty's Tin Ware nnJ Sheet Iron Establishment, is located in the basement or the building occupied by the Acker liner Ohio, Every roquixoniont in their line will ho attoruloa to promptly, 311. Our friend &Ist: has removed his Masud Cap Store to Lis New Building, opposite his old stand. ills store is a beautiful one; and his goods Will not fail to please all. Give him a rail to see his store, and provide yourself with a head covering for the new year. ,fit . The negroes charged with the dreadful murder near Lanoastet, an account of which we give another column, lately wort) living about this neighborhood. Tho wife of one still is here.— Mrs. Gerber, ono of the murdered women, was a sister of Mr. Philip Fink, of Cornwall township. .:i,►'Tnr. \an• Tons: Lunonn, the great Family Paper, has now nitained the extraordinary circu lation of Three flundred rind Thirty Thousand C•'rpieee The Prospectus of Tile LEDGER, Which contains all necessary information in regard to it, Will be found In our advertising columns. p Wa had a visit on Monday from JOEL SPrxsat, Esc!, the representative of the Jelrerson district in tho Legislature. He is a plain, practi cal, Intelligent working-man, and if there are a good many more like him in the body he is elec ted to,- the tax-payers will greatly profit thereby. He hopes the session will be a short one. We earn estly trust his hope will be realized. tqlt...A negro named Hughes was committed to our jail last week, for attempting an outrage upon a white girl in tho neighborhood of Jonostown.— It is said that he met her in a lonely place, when ho drew a knife and threatened to kill her if Pilo did not submit to his desire. She made the alarm and the negro was arrested. CURTOUS.—A Con; was lately slaughtered in Betbol township, itiTtlio stomach of which was found a bright Span ish dollar. It is supposed to have COMO there by being dropped in some food that was fed the cattle. The dollar wan recognis ed as ono which bad been given the children when teething. It was suddenly missed, and supposed to be stolen. After a long while it was foUnd as stated above. _.9:13" Our old friend, Christian iloffert, Esq., of Palmyra, has purchnsod Miller's Hotel, (now oe rupled by John S. Good,) in Reading, fur $14,0Q,0. Ho will take possession on the Ist of April. 7u would advise our friends in that town, 711111 are fond of good Bring, to engage quarters at the oar liest practical moment with 'Christ. He sets ono of Ate hist tables in this suction of country.— Reading landlords must look out fur their laurels in that line. EXHIBITION.—On t 4 sturday afternoon wo wended our why to "Fairview Hall," to witness the exhibition to be given by the scholars attach ed to that .9ellool, taught by Miss M. B. STEPllicys. To our delight we found the Hall well filled with an intelligent audience. The exercises consisted of essays, declamations, dialogues and music— original and seleeted—presenting morel and pro fitable thoughts, such as displayed to the best ad vantage the milder and older attributes of oar nature. We do not remember the names of all the young ladies engaged in their pleasant school exercisos,but in justice to them, we take the lib erty to state, that they aequitted'themseives with merit. At the conclusion of each piece, alternate ly, the whole school would rise and sing, in full chorus, beautiful lines of music. This we con sider a useful introduction into the schoolroom, in elevating and purifying the human mind.— "Oh, Willie, we have missed you," and "Home, Sweet Home," (and rarions others) had the effect of awakening the spirit of the audience. Who can hear sung the latter without meditating over the hallowed associations' of his or her home, and from that gazing heavenward and longing to be there ? We think the following lines by the im mortal Shakspeare, are not out of place : "Ile that bath no =stein his soul Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is lit for treasons, stratagems, or spoils: The notions of his spirit are as duiras night, And his affections dark as Erebus— Lot no such man ho trusted!" We also noticed that the young ladies of this school are conducting a paper, devoted to edito- Irial, poetry, miscellaneous, and 'other matter.— It is entitled the "Monthly Visitor," having for its motto "Aim High l" (Q. 7 -Wonder whether they have a "Local Reporter?") From the graceful and becoining manner the ladies conducted themselves; we hope every one present felt satisfied that thiecan bo accomplished without the Machinery of a fancy dancing mal -1 ter, orthe sickening affectation so often witnessed lat boarding' schools. These exhibitions have a tendency of greatly improving the.scholars, and thus render the school-room more attractive. At the 0.0.30 of the exercises one of the scholars, in behalf of the school, tendered thanks to the au dience for their presence and attention; but in our opinion the audience should haVe returned I thanks to the scholars for their entertaining ex .—The under 'l4•3 'wham it ma Comerii ereises. We werdeurprised.that none of the prop itgavebegs leave to inform his ma - customers, and the er persons replied, in behalf of the audience. piddle in general, that he still centinues to manufacture Air' On Friday evening, abeitt 10 o'clock, our town was suddenly thrown into derlcncss, by the extinguishment of the litre. A return to first principles—tallow caudlci. We were, at the time, Snugly on the back, engaged in a very thrilling passage of the adventures of Gerard, the Lion Killer. lie had followed the lion to his den, and wee breaking twigs to rouse the boast from sleep before the attack, when darkness covered the page, the room, and the town, Unfortunately, we nei ther bad fluid nor candler in the house, and so were obliged to retire. The failure was occasion ed in the Gas Works, by the refusal of one of the fires to do its duty. Christmas, A merry Christmas to all. Drive dull care 'away; kick "Hard times" to the Dugs; and do not let either interfere with the full enjoyment of the great Christian ifellidays. Enjoy them while you can—be merry—be happy in spits of the world and mankind—if your conscience are not oppressed with crime. An hundred years hence it will not matter a farthing how you spend this 'Christmas, if the amusement was innocent. Why should dollars and cents interfere with the pur suit of happiness and the enjoyment of pleasures at proper times and in proper places, when the lioneegnonces are of so little moment to futurity ? Your bones will rot the same—your soul receiro the same judgment—whether you rack your brains witlyanxiety and annoyances on the coming holi day., or whether you soothe them with good feel `ltii and a light heart. Then lay aside business end . cares for once; seek contentment. Do not be selfish, however, in your happiness. ‘Youl.hat have the means will find it a great pleas to assist those around you in the means of en joyment. Kind words and a few dollars will give happiness to mores of the poor, the needy and the laboring-. Open your hearts and purses, and find 'what II porikit, will give to your own happines s on Merry Christmas. Try it. CABINET WARE of all descriptions at his old stand, in gat - Walnut street, between Ramifies and Reinhard's Hotels, I A bill has been introduced into Congress authorizing the issue of ;20,000,000 of Treasury in the boroug la of Lebanon. The public will please re- ' I notes. The notes are not to be of a less denomi member that Ids work is made up of better materials, and la of better flnieh , than can be found In any other nation than fifty dollars. A deficit in the United establishment in the borough of Lebanon. States Treasury is apprehended, and this issue of Mo. A 1867.-itf. ' CI. BROTHEALTNE • i notes is to meet the deficiency: For the Advertiser CONCERT. Mrs. Botron :—Professor J. P. RowaornAlr, the polite and affable teacher of the "Perseverance Sax Horn Baud," is again in our midst, and is once inure preparing a rich musical treat fur the citizens of Lebanon. It is his firm determination to make this Baud one of the best in the State, and his knowledge of the Seieuee of Music and the art of contrciing brass instruments renders him fully competent to the task, It is indeed stfrprising to see what progress this Society, which has been 'organized but a brief time has made, the members all yearn to become adepts in music, they are ambiticus to be a first rate permanent institution of the place, and they bid fair to have their brightest anticipations re alized. We sincerely hope they may. Since the Professor's last visit to them they have had prac tidings twice a week, their motto has been" Pe rseverance," and success must and will fatowl. wo should approve their resolution to "stick," and their desire for emulation. They again ask the ladies and gentlemen of Lebanon to cheer them with their presence, awl spur them on to further improreeteut. They will strive to make us merry with sweet music ulh Christmas Eve, and I know they will not fail, for "Perseverance always Conquers."— Their programme will consist of almost: entirely new pieces, composed and arranged by their able preceptor. We hope to see en appreciative audi ence, who will be delighted with their "dulcet notes" and will give them suhstamial aid. BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER MlLlTARY.—ilarrisburg tenders the services of ono hundred "bold solger boys" willing to bleed and dio for their country, in the Utah war. How many can Lebanon boast ? lIIIEVING.--Voty thieving is at prosent.ear ried on extensively in this locality,. It h not worth while mentioning all the eases that have come under our notice. Our citizens cannot be too careful in well bolting their dwelling against these disgraceful iright-oiebe. 41 USEFUL Ma llT.—The question has been asked us repeatedly how many love-letters are be ing read during an evening under a certain street lamp. Not eonsidtring ourself a "judge of small matters" we referred our customer to one whose mind is supposed to be rather strongly loaded with dreams of loving angels. LECTURE.—The Lecture of 'Rev. A. C. We n- Eli IND, in the Court House, on Thursday evening, before the Franklin Literary Institute, was cer tainly one of much merit to himself, and interest ing to the large audience present. He treated his subjeet—"Phoses of Mc Tima"—in a masterly manner, and being replete with ennobling sentl; ment, it received the plaudits of the audience.— The intelligence of a community is often judged by pointing to the Lecture room, and we are grat ified to see our citizens giving them such a strong turnout. The Franklin Institute, however, we think, should number 100 instead of 30 members. Oar young men should join a union of hands, in making it their night school, and we know if its value. was properly appreciated, that every one would be at , le to attend its meetings, which are held but ones a week. The next treat in the Lecture line - writ be given by Col. JOHN W. FtiltNEX, on Monday evening, Dee. 28th, for the benefit of the Perseverance En gine and Huse Company. CIIRISTMAS.—From the preparations being made by our confectioners we judge that this sol emn festival is near at hand. The joyful cry— "Cltristmes is coming,"—is joined in by young folks and old folks too, and the former are anx iously enquiring whether SANTA CLAUS will bring them scything, and how he so mysteriously gets up stairs, down the chimney, through the door, ,bc. In former times Christmas We's ushered in the previous evening by decking the houses with holly, ivy and other e, , ergreens. During the night parties of songsters went from house to house singing Christmas Carols—simple popular ditties full of joyful allusions to the great gift from God to man in the Redeemer. It may scarcely he imagined how delightfully during the night would fall . upen the half-slumbering ear such sweet strains as the following; Clod rest you, merry geittlomen, Lot notbing you dionnty, For Jesus Christ our Saviour Was born upon nil day, To min u 8 all from SatotetE povor, Whom we were gone astray. In UothWhom in Jewry This blamed babe wa. two, And laid upon a. manger Upon this blessed worm This eau be best imagined, in a happy man ner by attending the 33and's Concert on Christ mas eve, which Tor a display of musical talent wilt eclipse all former entertainments. .A merry Christmos to all, is our sincere wish. 'TIE LEBANON ADVERTISER.---A. FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Wynkoop, late United States Mar shal fur the eastern district of Pennsylvania, was killed last week, while out gunning, by the acci dental discharge of a gun in the hands of a ser vant. The deceased was a colonel in the Penn sylvania regiment in the war with Mexico. Ile distinguished himself in the battles of Cerro Gor do and lloaniamthit he commanded at Peroto, and was the captor of Gen. Valencia and a colonel of his staff in January, 1848 • ft• - a• This is to certify that I have made hut ouo appli cation of the .M.tore Oa on my lingers, which have been drawn from contraction of the cords, brought on by rhea- Illati3lll. It was of seventeen months standing, and lam now entirely curet I cheerfully recommend it to all af flicted likewise. J. M. FINFROCK, • Harrisburg, 72 Locust street. 1 - I[ I I I ;AMAPPIT.TuE. TiEtzthoi,,s Genuine PREPARATION. HELM ROLIYS Genuine PREPARATION TB prepared according to Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy - 1110i Chemical knowledge devoted to their combination. !rd — See advertisement Leaded nit:L . 3IRO LB'S OEZ.,UINE PREPARATION. ifolionmy's Ointment and P protection against CounterOdts exists in the Water Mark, "Holloway, NAM' York and London," which appears in sond-transparent letters in every leaf of the book of directions. if this is not seen when the paper is held to the light, the same is spurious. Unlike the mineral preparations that drive the virus of eruptions and sores into the vital organs, this marvelous Ointment discharges the poison before it heals the flesh. The Pills inevitably cure Dyspepsia and all billions disorders, purifying and vitalizing the blood, &c. .71s.derafiee.---of all the restoratives for the hair that have been invented, Wood's pre-eminently claims the first place. It will certainly restore the natural color of the hair, if the directions are followed for a sufficient length of time. It also has produced astonishing effects in bringing out a growth of hair, where the head had been previously bald. Wood does not pretend that it will do this in all cases; and we think his candor is a good recommendation of the virtues which his restorative re ally possesses. If the roots of the hair are destroyed, no human power ran make these grow again; but when there is any vitality left in the root, the restorative will soon renew the hair in all its pristine vigor. It has done this repeatedly where all other remedies have failed. It is therefore worth while in all cases to make the experi ment. Vor clearing the hair of dandruff, and thickening and strengthening the hair it has no rival—West. rat. CITIZEN FADED FLOWERB.---.11 MEWS sad reflections to take up a fatted boquet mace smiling with beauty, and gaze upon its witherBd leaves and faded colors. But how many faded flowers do we sce on the great boquet of humanity; men and ladies, too, whose beauty has fled with almost the lightning's speed, and whose forms are sinking with pre mature decay. What a pity it is that all such do not know that ere disease has taken hold upon the vital parts, a simple preparation would restore them to health, to joy, and to beauty. Suet, a preparation, for instance, as (lost otter's Stomach Bitters, which drives away despon dency, strengthens the Weaker parts, and restores the whole system. It is recommended by physicians, and commended by all who have used it. Sold by all Drug gists, (Dooms, and stealers generally. EMANUEL. ItawAter. Agent, North-west corner of Market and Water streets, Lebanon. Nov. 25, To Lathers and Iff r offecrs......Yon know how important it is for your children that you should keep good health.— limy frequently do you see feeble parents. dressed in mourning on account of the death of their beloved chil dren,. What a pity it is, when, by proper care and reuse dies. all these trials and troubles can be avoided. When health can be restored to the parent and life and happi ness to the child. Restore the health of the mother and you obviate the necessity of Paregoric, Godfrey's Cordial and other injurious narcotics for crying children. We entreat you, its we desire to improve the condition of our race, to mocureDr. Morse's A immix and remnant diseases are cured in accordance with NATURE'S laws with innocent Roots and Plants. - - - - During this criticalperiod Morse's Indian Root Pills will be required, because they cleanse the body from those mor bid humors, and thoroughly drive away all pains, and give rase and comfort to the mother. From one to three Pills. taken two or throe Dines a week during pregnancy, will cause the mother a safe and easy delivered, end will be sure to give a stout aml healthy constitution to the child. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers itt Medicines. Dec. ht, 1857.—1ni. 'e!zzakle etz ,.. LE TT r, It S e ' t u.sk PATENT PROTEOM BY ROYAL Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarice, )1. D., Physician Ertraordinary to the QUEVri. This inrainabic medicine is unfailing in the cure et sit those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female Institution is snhject. It. moderates all excess and to mores all obstructions, raid a speedy care may be relied en. It is ireculiarly suited. It will, in a sLort time, Liring en rho nientbl2,- period wiib reeniarity. Enslt bottle, price One Dollar, Learn Me Berertirnetil Stamp 01 Great Britain, to prevent counterfeit, 'nue Pills should not he taken by fcrnnles dttring the FIRST THREE _MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they ars sure to brine ox Miscarriage, hut at any other time they are safe In all mass of xetr...2 Spinal. Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these /Ills will effect a cure when all other means bare ailed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. L Full directions accompany each package. • Sole Agent for die United States and Canada, 701.1 MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin &Ca.,) Rntheoler, N. Y N. B.—sl,no postage stamps enektpeil to any nu- Aeorized bent, :vitt it.:viro ft bottle t:f the Fins tby return t ==l Dr. ROSS, opposite the Court Muse, 'Lebanon. Da- and by all respectable Druggists throughout the Caked staro and Canada; al% by Dorsey Birch, Wading, Pa. • October 7,1857-iy. The Lebanon Markel. [Carefully Corrected Weekly.) DEIIA,NON, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23, isra. Extra Family Flour. $6 50 Potatoes, p, bu 2 50 Extra Flour i bar.. 000 Eggs, 11 doz., 16 Extra Super. Flour, 550 Butter, '4l fb., 10 ==I=E=LES IZ== 1=12:1 Prima Red Wheat, 100 Shoulders, 12 Prime Itye ; 00 Sides, 11 Corn, 45 Soap, 004, t:itaa-tvalt. Clvver ,, Bced, 700 White Titnotlipsectl, 250 Nixed lines, 1. lax aced. 150 Flax. " . . Dried Apples, 'is bu., IOD Brie/el, 14. lb., 4.0 Driod Apples, nettled, 150 Feathers. ' , O lb., 02 , ,„i" Pearl+ ••Snitz," 250 Wool, 1 4 116., 40 Peach '•llhazels," 125 Soup /leant+,'F qt., 0 Cherries, 150 !Vinegar, 72 1 . gal., 124 011i01.13, 50 I Applelintter,ll crock, 45 The Philadelphia Market. The business of the past week has been quite limited, and most departments of trade have been dull. Breadstuffshave been very inactive. Flour and Meal barely maintain formeriTuotations,while for Wheat and Corn prices have declined. Oats are firmer. The Coal trade continues languid, and the re ceipts large. Cotton sells slowly, and tho prioes are weak. Coffee has been the attention of the trade having been absorbed by the auction sale.— Sugar and Molasses have been in bettor demand, and for the former price are rather high. Fish aro rery dull, and prices of Mackerel have again de. dined. In Fruit tbere has been a steady trade doing. flicks are very quiet. flops ure un changed. The Iron market is very dull, and the ealcs of all kinds bare been limited. Lum ber—nothing doing. Supplies come forward slowly and the market for most kinds have been dull and drooping. The demand for Flour being limited both for exports and home consumption, at the close there was rath er more steadiness on the part of holders. The receipt hare been moderate, but there is no aeon mulatton of clock; sales for shipment comprise about 7,500 bbls at $5 per bbl for standard brands $5.25a55,50 for extra; and $5.75e56,25 for extra family and fancy brands. There has been very little demand fur Rye Flour, and smalls sales at $4,25. Corh Meal is very dull, but the stock is light, with sales of Pennsylvania at s3.per and 400 bbls on terms not made public. The supply of Wheat this week is light, but the demand limited, 13114 prices are unsettled; sales of 20,000 has at from $1 to $1,15 per bus for inferior and good red, and $1,10a51,35 for white, closing at $1,12a51,14 for fair and good red,wurul sl,loa $1,25 for white. Rye has been in steady demand and all offered was disposed of at 75c for Delaware, and 75a78e for Pennsylvania. Corn has been dull and prices are rather low; sales of 30,000 tua at 68a70c for old yellow; 50a57c for new; 60a64c for mixed, and 58c for new white, closing at the form or figures. Oats have been dull, and about 15,009 bus Southern new disposed of at 33a350 per bus afloat. 2 ) 500 bus Barley M alt sold at $l, sixty days and 2,000 bus New York Barley at 88c per bus. Special Notices. PREGNANCY. TO :HARRIED LADIES 00 DEMI PUILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 21,18:q NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Washington Artillery. AspEcrAf. MERT/ NO of said COlnpany bo held fu, pah1ic, 11 " ,,,70 of Daniel Brea. in the borough of Lebanon. on ilineloy evening next. precisely at half. pn.qt ti o'clock. Punctual attendance is requested RR bas ilica of importnneo will be laid bet we said Company. Rs order alba Officers. Lebanon Armory, Der. 23,1867.-11 - urr A LTZ ROM) linvo n Irwin I may Books, whirh they will dispostrof cheaply. Christmas Exhibition. MITE SUNDAY SMOOT, SCIICILATIS of the i`delliodist 1 F. Month, will give an Exhibition, consisting of Dia logtics,-Specches, Singing. Rio.. ht tho Church. in this bo rough. on Chestnuts evening. the '2sth 11401. Price of Ad missienl234 recta: Children 10 coats. Doors open at ti?.?; o'clock. 14179,.fhe public is respectfully invited to attend. Lebanon, Dee.li3b7.-1D CLT. rind exrinaitn WALTZ Sc Itop,afrup . g took o r iLoildap 13001:j bc.forepurcbasing Public Sale. WILL Le Add at public sale, on Saturday, the 20th fnl., nit old FRAME STABLE, on the vacant lut, in Market kreet, hetaortre Chan= and Mil kitrects. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. M., when comiltion3 will lx, made known by • 1). J. SELTZER. Lebanon, Dec., 23, Ita.--3,t. NITALTZ 110EDEL'S is the place to buy In ml 4 040111. y and desirable GIFT lIOOIiS for the nolitlaya. Notice. 'ATOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders of the IN LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, that an election for TWELVE DIRECTORS of said Coin pnny. will be held at the Company's Office, in Jonestown, on Monday, the 1 . 1 tit day of January, 3155, between the hours of 10 (Meek, A. M., and 2 o'clock, P. M. Jonestown, Dec. 23, '57. IV. A. BARRY, Secey, FULL and examine WALTZ ROEDEL'S stock or ki Malay goods Wino purchasing elsewhere. Notice. Office of the Philadelphia anti Reading Ea (trona Co. s i PEITLADELIMIA. December la. 1857. I ' STOCRII.OLDRItS of the PM LADELPIIIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, are hereby lio - that by virtue of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an Act providing for the Consolidation of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Company, and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company," approved the fifth day of May, A. 0.1857, the Directors and Managersof each of said Cornorations,bare entered into a joint agreement, under the Corporate seal of each of said Companies, for tbe Consolidation of said Companies, and Merger of said Lebanon Talley Railroad Company—prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, and the imam:rot Converting the Sktek of the said Leb anon Talley Railroad Company into the stock of the said Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, and con taining all such other provisions as have been deemed necessary to perfect the said Consolidation and Merger, and that said agreement will be submitted to the Stock holders of said Philadelphia end Reading Railroad Com pany, for the purpose of considering the same, at a meet ing of said Stockholders to be_held on the Eleventh day of January, A. 0.1558, at the office of said Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, No. 227 South Fourth Street, in the City of Philadelphia, between the hours of 12 M., and 3 p. tn., of said day; at which time and place and for the object aforesaid. all the Stockholders of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, are noti fied to attend. This notice being given in compliance with the provisions of the Second Section of the 'Act of Assembly aforesaid. Dec. 23, 1857. W. 11. MolLlFENNl',7Sceretary. Notice. - opt of the Lebanon Valley Railroad tbmpanyl Reantso, December ifith, 11.57. PtlFt sTOCRIIOLDEtts of the LEBANON VAIL 0 1.7 RAILROAD COMPANY, ere hereby notified, that by virtue of an Act of Aisembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an Art providing for the Con solidation of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Company and the Philadelphia and Rending Railroad Company," ap proved the fifth day of May, A. D„ 1537, the Directors and Managers of said Corporations have entered into a joint agreement tinder the Corporate seal of each of said Com ponies. fur the Consolidationof said Companies, and Mer ger of sold Lebanon Valley Railroad Company—prescrib ing the terms and conditions thereof and the manner of converting the capital stock of the said Lebanon Valley Railroad Company into the stock of the, Baia Philadelphia and Reeding Railroad Company, and containing all such other provisions as have been deemed necessary to per fect the said Consolidation and Merger—and that said agreement will be submitted to the Stockholders of said Lebanon Talley Railroad Company. for the purpose of considering the same, at a meeting of said Stockholders. to be held on the Elerenth day of Ji4nuary, e. m. EMS, at the office of said Lebanon Valley Railroad Company, (on Penn street) in tho City of Reading, Berks county, be tween the hours of 12 31., and 3 P. M., - of said day; at which time and place, and for the object aforesaid all the Stockholders of the said Lebanon Valley Railroad Com• pony are notified to attend. This notice being given in compliance with the provisions of the Second Section'of the Act of Assenibly aforesaid. De:,. 23, 1857. DANIEL S. MINTER, Secretary. IF YOU want to BUY PRESENTS for the Holidaya, call at WALTZ S: Iti/EDEL'S BOOKSTORE. NEW YORK LE•DGER FOR 1858. Tia BEST FAMILY RAPER IN THE WORLD .%11 the Favorite Writers retained, and New ones added - Sint greater Attractions .for .the Yew Year. The circulation of THE NEW YORK LEDGER is now Three Hancircrl and kirly Thousa n d Copies, which is greater than that of any TEN OILER LITERARY PAPERS IN A.MERICA. The profits °Allis unpar alleled circulation enable the proprietor of THE LEDGER to expend sums upon itwh ich would soon swamp any ordi nary publication. A paper with a circulation of only a hundred thousand or so would sink under , the expenses of Toe LP:130.7.4 in less than six months. -All of the chi and. farorite Contributors will coat in ue to write for THE LEDGER as heretofore. So expobse will be spared to secure others whose pens shill be consider'd co lupe ten t • to add to THE , LED:I.EIt'S attractions and usefulness. Mrs. EMMA D. E, N. SOUTHWORTII writes only for THE SEW. YORE LED -, &IBM FANNY FERN writo) on ly for THE NEW YORK LEDGER. SYLVANUS COBB, Jr., writes only for ME IS' I; IV YORK LEDOER. EMERSON BENNETT writu3 only for THE NEW YORK LEL:Ki ALICE CAREY, Mrs. SI GOURNEY, end Dr. NEL- • SON write for TEE NEW YORK LEDGER. GEORGE D. PRENTICE, JOAN G. lAXE, and all the other best writergcontribute to THE NEW YORE LED GER. THE LEDGER is devoted to POLITE LITERATURE, ORIGINAL ILLUSTRA TED TALES, ESSAYS, POETRY, SKETWIES, ObIii.AVIIY, NEWS, dic. THE LEDGER PS c►erq where neknowledged to he the beet. family paper in the world—hence ite extrsordi. nary and unheard-of popu• Larity. 3='; The Proprietor of the LED.. • GERemploys the best Went, and by so doing makes the best paper in the country. TUE NEW. YORK LED• GER is printed on beautiful while paper, and is composed of eight pages, making the • handsomest weekly paper in the - Union. It is published every Saturday, and sold at all the 'multi/limos in every - city and town throughout the country, and is mailed for subscribers at $2 per an two copies arc sent for $3. Any person obtaining eight subscribers at $1 50 each (which is our lowest club rates,) and sending us $l2, will he 611titit4 to ono copy free. Terms invariably in ad vanee. Address all letters to • ROBERT BANNER, Publisher of the NEW YORK LEDGER. 44 Ann street, Now York. N. B.—Now is a good time to subscribe, as SIrs.SOUTII, • WORTU'S new story, THE BRIDE OF AN EVENING, will be commenced in THE LEDGER on the Ist uf.Janu _ ary. V.D. No. 2.—We have no Agents authorized to receive subscriptions for THE LED. GER.: Subscribers must al , nays reinitaireet to us, and not send ;or pay any money • to any Agorke. A high moral, tone characterizes every article in the LEDGER. Indeed, the names of Rile:Wing contributors are a sufficient guarantee that it stands in marked con trast to a class of weekly publications that have for so long a time flooded the country, but which, fortunately for the morals of oar people, are almost extinct. Dee. 23, 1357.-It. Al'xrALTz & R 4r ,_T g , have jjustTeeeived a large ee seat:Rept r NEW BOOKS. A GREAT PANIC ; GOODS SELLING WONDERFULLY 431E-11E THE undersigned are now opening a very large assort ment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, among which are Cloths, Cassimeres, Nesting, Ready-mado Clothing, and all kinds den ' s and Boys wear. ALSO, all kinds of Goods for Laclies' woar, such as blakk and fancy eilk, Delaince, French Merino, Coberg and plaid Goods, Shawls of all descriptions, Bonnet Trimmings, dm. ALSO, a large stock of GROCERIES & QUE.ENSWARD. 044, - Can at the Bee Hive. - E-4)L Lellanon, 0ct.7,14. GEORGE h SECELLEMIERGER. EMI A CCORDEONS, Flutenas, Flutes, Ms, Music Boxes, Banjos, Ternborinoes, 'Violin and Guitar strings. &e. Very cheap, for sato at ItEITZENSTEIN & BRO. SECOND ARRIVAL' • ( -- IF FALL and WTNTER. GOODS, which trill be eold J cheap for cash at SWARTZ BRO. • Lebanon, Nov. 25,1E57. Presents for the Ilolithiy.s. TUST received a now supply of Watches. Jewelry, and • other Fancy Articles, suitable fur Christmas "'resents, and for sale at pricue to suit the times, by Dec. 10,1557. 11E1TZENSTEIN h 13110. iI"..PEI A g l`f i T i f l u lc a til e l: l A .l l , A y T b l o o a N ;ol. l i 7 o4 V ., s h o t i o t h to much , riot men and flux° conte.raPlatiqgniarrtag" o - Addr,,ss. enclosing four stnnum, BR. G. W. AD DISCOMBiI, Brooklyn, 'N. Y. Tec.16,'57.-tim- For Cheap Clt4h, Cassimer 9 Q A TINETT, and all kind of Woolen Goods, call at the Centre Building of RAVER & BIM'S, where you will find every variety of Goods for Gentlemen & Boys' Wear, in kind for the season and in prim to euit the tirues. Lebanon, Oet. il, Revolvers. inOLT'S Allen 'e and other Xlevelvera, eingle .1131 ti doable barrel Pletoli, fine Pocket Knivra, Port Monaiee, Purses in great variety and seta at the lowest figure at, ItErTZILICST.EIN & BRO'S. Pee. It, 1857. Cheap Jewelry and Fancy Store. Feed—Feed - - • TIERSONS in wait of Food for Cows or Pigs, ran ob.• thin lt, dnily at the Brewery of the gulfseribor. in Cumberland street, West of Plant: Road. Prieb, from 1234 to 55 cents a bushel. Dec. D, 1857.-I.m. Stray Boar COIIE to tho premises of the Fubseriber, in the bo rough of lebanon, on the 14th ult., a White Door, about 9 months old, The owner will please come for n-ard, urove property, pay charges, and. take it eway,or it will be dealt ittk according to law: Dec. 0, 1857. • JOli FAMIELT., Livingst MAC' s Africa. COMPLETE EDITION, JUST PECEIVED AT GOOD'S BOOK STORE, 141ARKET SQUARE. Dm. 16, '67.-.2.t. • "In Union Ulm is Strength." iiiliolll Fire, Company. MITE :Members of the Company, regular and honorary. are respectfully requeated to attend a special meeting on FRIDAY EV.6lNll,'llie at the Engine Howe. By order of the Prosident. Dec.18,1557.—it. D. J. SELTZER, Soeey. $lOO RE WA RD. r IZJE above I:cm - Ara will be paid by the Town Council of the Borough of Lehrman, Pa.., to any person or persons who will give such information as will lead to the apprehension and convictiotiof the Incendiary or Incen diaries who set fire to the Shatiof : l`,lr.John Wolf, in sold Borough;on C•7untlay morniug„the nth of December, 1157. By order of the Town Council. JACOB WEIDLB, Chief Burgess. Lebanon Dee.'lo liar.--.^,t. Notice. Norilt Lebanon le,ar 11014 ItIi t TOTICI-1 is hereby given, that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the . North L.4euion Rail Road Company, will be held on,the B,!uoad 3fontlay of jon,vt r y. 1858; at the Treasurer's office, in thi3 borough of Lebanon, between the hours of 10 o'cloelt, A. 11., and o'cloe'k, 11., et which tine and place an election for PRESIDENT and SIX DIRECTORS, TREASURER and SECRETARY, will be held for the ensuing. year.. Doe, 7,1157. ' JOHN W. 111814, Secretary. fiance. Lebanon' Gas Company. ATOTICE Is hereby given, that the annual meeting of 11 the Stockholders of the LebaneuGasCompany will be held on the First Ilionday of January.lB4 at the of fice of the Supaintendent, at the Gan Works, in the borough of Lebanon,' between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, I'. 'Sr.. at which time and place an election fur "SEVEN. 31.A.NAOSES will be hold to servo fur the en suing year. JOIL.V W. MISII, Secretary. MUM Notice to 4 "C red i tom ALL PRR SONS indebted to the lulu of SHIRK A - TICE, or to SAMUEL U. SHARK, by Note, Book Account, or otherwise, are requested to make early payment to A 3105 R.Bonoartn,Esq.,at bis Office in Lebanon, a tal save eopts. L KLINE, AXIOS R.IIOtittITTER, Lebanon, Oct. 7,'57. Attorneys for Creditors. Ready-made Clothing:. QIJOII AS OVERCOATS, Sack Coats, Frock Coats, Pants 0 and Yeats, all colors and all prices, just receiycd and offered at such prices as have already induced many to purchase. We delytiompetition on Ready-made Clothing. For cheap "Coats, Pants and Vests all at HENRYS SPINE'S &vac. Lebanon, October 24;1357. Call and Seel _ . CARPETSI Carpets! Olt Cloths! Oil Cloths; Baskets Baskets! Carpet Chain! Carpet Chain! Bed Feathers! Bed Feathers! Corn Brooms! Corn Brooms!, Band Boxes: and a variety of other Goods, received and daily receiving & by Howard Co.'s Express, Which will be sold cheap by Lebanon, Oct. 28, 158. HENRY & STEVE. • For Sole. 36000 BARREL STAVES, which crin be bought ou reasonable Lewin from the undersigued. . ELIZABETH C. WEIDMAN, ROBERT W. COLEMAN, JOIN W. ULRICII, Admin'rs of the Estate of Jacob B. Weidman, deed. Dee. 2,1557. New Barber Shop. GEORGE W. DALY, MARKET &ritzy; opposite tho Lob anon Bank. would respectfully inform the Citizens of Lebanon and cleinity, thatani still continuer his Brat.class Shaving it hair Dressing Saloon, and is prepared to do t uslness in the neatest and best style and would solicit all to giye hint a, trial. Lannon. Oct. 21; 1.5.57. OTIAC E. Lebanon Valley Railroad. OTICE Is hereby given. that the anneal meeting of jr Stockholders of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Com pany, will be held on the second Monday of January, 1858, at the Treasurer's OlEce, in Reading, between the hours of 12 and 3 o'clock.,.l'. 3L. at which time and place an election for President. six Directors, and Treasurer and Seiretary, will be held. to SeTrit for the ensuing year. Dec. 2, 1307.—td. DANIEL S. HUNTER, Sect'y. Neur Singe Line Between Htunmelstown and Middletown n N and after the .15th inst., the sub - O scribers will run Daily Etage Line ;4" - ^ .Eth.a. .between llnunueletowg and Middletown, %. * Ke , 'Ara" . "" connecting with the care on the Lebanon Valley taiiread on the arrival and departure .of the b 31119 at Hummel!. town. They also keep a LIVERY STABLE at 311ddlo• town for the accommodation of the public. Good horses and all kinds of conveyances. :Covataber 2, 1857 All. Right About Pacto; IF NOT, it can bo made right hyealling at J. D.ours NEw SIILTflionT 9ALLERY, in F. 2. Stiuo's Now Dad -lE^, one door east of - Rcluhard's Hotel, whore yeti can ob tain a LIKENESS that will compare fiworably in every respect with any taken elsewhere. its. has one of the bee- sky-lights In the country; and having spared no pains to make his rooms comforts ro he solicits a large At ilt share of patronage from the citizens bonen and sur rounding couutry. ttge''Prices to suit t e times. Lebanon. Nor. 18,1857. J. DAILY. ---- --, G kIE F F' S Boot & Shoe'Store Removed. New Pan and Winter Stock ! HE Undersigned would reispectfully inform the public 1. that he his REMOVED his BOOTand SILOE STORE to the room leanly occupied by H. &J. Raba's Cloth ing:Store, second Building East of the Court House, where he has opened a beautiful stock of Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes, for Ladies, Gen tie men and Ch !Wren, ta.llis assortment is very complete, and embraces ell the latest etylos,which he can dell out at low prices. The pablie will please call and examine. DANIEL. GRiEFF. N. B.—Ticavra.r,as, now is your time if you wish to IMO a large aasortment of T funks:G . l4l4a, and different kinds of Bap: Come one, come all! Lebanon, 0ct.,21, 257. North Lebanon Milling Co. MLLE NORTH LEBANON MILL has Leen remodeled, and le now completed and in operation and prepar ed to furnish customers rogularly•witb a very superior article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can be obtained from any othvr source. They c, - ;t• also keep constantly on band and for ;'•"• ' *ale CHOIR BRAN, SHORTS, &o. , , irlt : They are also prepared to do all kinds of Customers Wonw, and respectfully invite all the former customers of the Mill, as well as new ones, to give them avail. Ira_ They will pay the regular market prices for all kinds of Grain, such as WHEAT, RTE, CORN, OATS, and, afford all faculties and accommodations to those who will sell. CONRAD M. WEGNER, N. Lebanon Ito., Dce. 9,1867. President. GirandGift n E lerprise GIFTS' GIFTS' ; O ifG t ;very . Purcitascrl BH. CUMIN & 00., have opened In the room late . ly occupied by D. S. Raber's Drug Store, a few doors went of the Court House, Lebanon, Pa.., a very extensive and choice assortment of ENTERTAINING BOORS of every description, all of which are offered for sale at pub lisher's price. 'Each purchaser to the amount of g, and npwarde, will receive a GIFT, varying in value, front 25 canto to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. The gifts consist of fine Gold and Sliver Watches, Guard Chains, Necklaces, Ladies and Gentlemen's Breastpins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Lockets, &e. The plan : of distributing the gifts is entirely new and unobjectionable, its faintest, cannot be questioned. Each book has an envelope containing a description of the gift the Rurcbaser is entitled to. The stock of Books and Gifts is open for the inspection of the public. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment, and judge for themselves. Doc. 16, 1867. GI/LITT & CO. The Clothing' Store A' Tail oring Establishment of P ABM: & BKO ' S you will now find in their New Build .l-1, lug, a few doors East of their former piaci:, on the 1211 Story, where you can find all hinds of Gwalmo.--coat.,, Over-Couts, Sachs, Round Jackets. Pante, Vests; Boys' Clothing, all very clomp. You can dress yourself from top to toe at such low prices as Will suit the times. '(r'a All orders for TAILOP.I .t. NO will 1344 promptly at to. AU kind of antntryProa n.c taktni in exchange for 46 ,- ir Clothing and [Lebanon, Oct. 21, 'n • 7 sl'2' 5 006 Worth Store Goods AT VERY LOW PRICES ! lltr 13NDE1151ONP , D, having, purchased at Sheriff's Sale the large and complete a.,,,sortineitt of STOltio, GOODS Of Singh a; TICS, at a very low Price and trA..ng desirous to close tip the concern at an early day, will re. tail the stock at lower priers than Goods have ever been sold in Lebanon, and much cheaper than the same kind of Goods con be bought at Wholesale in the cities. Tim orig inal cost of the GOODS was $12,000, and the stock Is large : complete anti well-assorted. ea- Such au opportunity to obtain CHEAP VOO4B to rarely offered. Dui GOODS, 0 iIOCERTES andENS WARY: in gri at . quantities. Nom of all solvent Banks taken in exchange for Goons. Lebanon, Oct. 7, 'l7. AItRAILANi MURK. Prices Reduced To suit the Times. OGNSIDRRING the present aspect of the times, we have adapted the following resolutions: • . ItcsOLVCD, that we will sell all kinds of Clothing at va ry reduced prices, so as to give everybody a chance to buy what he wants for the winter. RniCLTE,A, to sell all kinds of Furnishing Geode such as Undergarments, Socks, Shirts, (Roves, llamitterehials, &c., cheaper than the cheapest. Reset:up, to giro everybody the worth of their money in whatever they want to buy in the line of Ready-made clothing. ItE3OLVED, to return our thanka to the people of Lehi'. non county, for the liberal'pai renege. heretoforebestowed upon us. REITUNSTEIN E BRO. .Nsreinber 13. 1557. Bargains ! Bargains G'oods bought at. Sheri f s Sale to be sold rim?: zubscriber would resliectfilily inform the citizens .1 of Lebanon and vicinity. that be 1129 purchased, at Sheriff's Sale. the entire stock of Dry Goods,. Groceries, Queensware, late of 5. M. Pliegar - & Brother, at a very low price. lie will retail the stock cheaper than any Goods have ever been sold heretofore in Lebanon. for the purpose of clos ing out the concern. The opportunity is a good one, and should now be enibraced by all d e sirous of buying cheap Goods for the coining winter. The stock is a full ono— complete in ail its departments. fQ—Give us a call and see our bargains. Lebanon, Oct. - I.4'W, tiE0I101.: PRIAIGEIt. Ho! for the Celitreßatildin • NEW STORE &NEW GOODS! - THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP! RABE R. B iOe 9 ,S TTAVE REMOVED their STORE to the New P. uildine, 11 a few doors East of the old stand, corner of Curaber lan4 and Market streets, where they have opened a splen did wove tment of LL & WINTER GOODS, . of ovary description; of LADIES' MIMS GOODS—New at:atsfor the season—too numerous to name. Call and sae them. Now Is the time to buy cheap Lebanon, Oct. X21,1&57. Gs*e a t Crowds-4 Low Prices. et NU morning, last week. ac a friend and Myself, mere 13 , leisurely walking out Market street, and on arriving near the corner of Guilford street, our attention was at tracted to a large erased of Ladies—and nearly all of whom were provided with large market ba.skets„ and others with satchels hanging to their arms, and were evi dently intent upon the same object. Upon inquiry we found that in the Mansion -House, on the corner of Guil ford and Market streets, is located the extensive. Dry Goods, Grocery, and Queensware Store Of our polite and affable friends. PUNCK & BRO., who have just opened a large stock of - AG Goods, and that the great crowd of La dies were their regular customers, who may be Seen daily at their counters, purchasing their goods. All we saw were evidently satisfied with their-purchases; Were loud in the praises of the excellent onal:ty of theiretock,.and all wi,re of the unanimous Opiulon that PUNCR & BRO. sell the best qualities, at lower priees, than any of their competitors. So our advice would be to you, ono and all, both great and small, to giveTunn. & Bro. a cull, and they will surely try to please you. PEDESTRIAN. North Lebanon, Oct. 21, 1517. • .ORB & ZTRAWS .. - - E NI OVAL D. S. R E R S Wholesale aiul Retail Drug Store, Lies been Removed to his New building, on Cumber land Street, opposite the Eagle Buildings, Lebanon, l'a. TILE subscriber respectfully announces to bis acquain tutees and the public in general, that he has con stancy on hand a largo stock of DRUGS * • PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, - PAINTS, C &MICA LS, DYE-STUFFS. YARNTSH&, TURPENTINE, GLASS-WARE, 4 BRUSHES, HAIR-OILS, EXTRACTS, Burning Plaid,, Surgical Incrcumenta Toilet Soaps,Sa ga n Mime* dc. Also 's; variety of ' Fancy Articles too nUnieralls to mention, which be offers at low rate's. and warrants the qualities of the articles ao represented.— Purchasers will please remember this, and examine the qualities and prices or bra seeds befcre purchasing else where.- •410 P• Physicians' prescriptions and family reci pes; carefully compininded, 'at all hours of the day or night, by.calling at the .Drug. Stare, opposite the Eagle Buildings. . .• • On Sundays the Store +rill, be °polled for the com pounding of prescriptions between the' heal of 7 and 10 o'clock, A. M.. 12 and 1, and 4 and 5 P. Lebanon, Dec:9, 1857. DAVID S. RARER. THE TOWN HALL INCOM MOTION GRAND l'XIIIBI.TION!!! TII E undersigned liasJ net again returned from the city, whore , be hue purchaeed the best as sortment of Ftlit.NlTUltf: ever offered in Lab - anon, and he takes this opportunity a say he will sell ea low, or lower, thou at any other estab lishment. fie has SOFAS, Tea-ft-ice.? Lounges, Card Tables, Ctn. trc TubZvi, What Nntx, Hat Ruche, Tea . l'ogn, Looking Glo.nea, and all kinds of Common and Aitehcit i'oruitare. ALso, Niattrarsee, Venetian Minds, Carriages for Chil dren, Cane Seat and Common ell AIRS, and altnost every thing that ran properly be associated with his business. feels great confidence in calling attention to this assortment, atel cordially invites all to give him a call be fore pun-basing elsewhere. Ile is determined not to be undersold. BY:, licnnz is f7l TO WNHALL,in Ararixt street. TARO. P. FIiANIZ CORECRY P. $ —l:may-male CorrtN3 be kept on hand, and a splendid Iliac:I.:: has been t•bteired to attend FT ;:e.ts. Also, 10E in any quantity. LLebanOn, Oct. 21, %W. . . Lebanon Valley Bank. Located inararivt sired, ,art& opposite United Hail, and out door Nora of the Past Oence. M r M i ra; .T the : n ollo a wAl t lr t t e S l o s i t i da Yr y i o in tea ST .c %la 1857, For 1 year, and longer, C per cent. per annum ; For C months, and longer, 5 per cent. per anntutt; For 3 months, and longer . , .1 per cont. per annum: Mo d r u ttie l te= ti i7on u t i n th a d a r troPdepos " r B to t tl P iVd d tg of withdrawal. We will also afford a liberal Tine of itc , commodaticins to thaw who may favor us with Deposits. payable on demand. Will pay a premium on SPANISFI and arxxicAN..Douarts. Anti aino on ell moricon Dol lars and Hay' Dollars. Will make Collections oa and re. mit to nil parts of the United Statas, the Canadas and Europe; :Negotiate Loans,4oth &r, and do a generZ CHANGZ and DASKLNA BUSINIFISS: G. DAWSON COLEUAN, Prosidcni. Coshier. The undersigned, MANAGER 6, are individually liable to the extent of their Estates, for all Deposits and other obli—at loos of tho "Laessirs VALLEY BASIL" SIMON CA3INRON, 0. DAWSON GOLEXAN, GEORGE ir.i3llll.LElc . • 1,11T7 RUNE, JAMES tOTIRO, AUGUETI7B ROT% Lebanon, Nov. Is, 1667. • GEORGE' • FOR THE I,loll.lDdirq. Let Old and Young. "Aim Out ---Drive Dull Care and Hard Tithes away, and hold a jubilee at GRAEFF'S • old•established and popular CONFECTIONERY SlO/tE p e , amber/and street, a feu. doors Treat of Market. E has j aat Wel Veil a Pull and Complete Assortment H of New Goode for Thanitsgl ing, Ch rihtmas and New Year, end is confident that It has never before Mien equal. ed in this town. I will enumerate a few of the articles: French, (Inman, Ett,llsh and (Mina Fancy Goods—such as gilded China Card Basketa, Jewel Coxes, Cups and Sau cers with mottos, fat preeeot a groat variety of China Figures, Vases and Mantle Ornaments; alabaster boxes and inks; Ladies' and Childrens' Fancy Bataan; China, wax, kid and Colored. Dolls; Tin and German Toys, such as Drums, Wagons, Wash-tubs, and a host of other toys.. Port Monsles, Cigar Cases and Tubes; fancy glass Work boxes, Perfumery, Combs, Brwahes, tollet&aps, &a. Alan, flno and common Candies. of taYeil Fate sugar Toys, sugar Fruit, large Hearts, fancy sugar Bask et., large and smell hollow sugar Figures, tic. • • . Lots of Nuts, Current., Cranberries, Citrons; layer, bunch and seedless Rain mg . Lemons, Orange., Preens, &c. In abort everything in the Baratta and Coxixonosicay line. All the above will be sold chNipottiolesale to suit purchasers. Wllfh thanks for the .patronage heretofore so liberally. bestowed, be invites the public to etc examination of hie new stock. JOHN GRA EPP. s... Parties served with fine Bakery, Ice Creams and Refreshments at short notice. Lebanon, Nov. 2S, - . • • AT ANIS 13ELO - 1V COST? 11112160 rjir lICIP To buy your (FALL 4 WINT.tD) GOODS Housekeepers aftlenlioul = Raiwains dial gains .7 Milli undersigned haring purclieLqd et Sty:rips sate, the entire stock of of L B. Oppenheim er, new offer for sale, at their store. one dour south of Henry I,k Stine's store, to Market etreet, in the borough of Lebanon, all kinds of Ready-Made. frinfer, and &m -uter CietHeq. Their assortment is extensive, and of the finest and hest material, and well made, owlet! they are anxious to sell out apsedily. they are prepared to sell at LOW 05553. AR in want of Clothing will do well to hive them a eel] before purelmoing elsewhere. JACOB lIECHT, MOS, & Co. Lebanon, November 11, 1857.--tf. REMOVAL!REMOV A ri REMOVAL! Fall and Winter Arrival - of Boots Shoes, Plats Caps & 5 riljklit4 • MTH: Subscriber would PAR - loth:11y inform the cltlzons of Lebanon and ticinitft. that he has REMOVED his BOOT and srtor. STORE to Ida New Building in Warns , / street, bctia.:en Reinhard's and Ruml,r's ikias, where he has just opened a superior stock of BOOTS and SHOES, for Lads s, tlentlernen and Children, embracing Calf Skin, Goat E 1,,, and thick Boots for Men, Boys, and Youths; all kinds of Monroes, such as Calfolan t AloroccoAlp and course for Muth Boys and Youths; also a glnierill assortment of Men's Gaiters, such as enameled Congress Calf, Congress Cloth and Kip Congress for lien and Boys. A general assortment of Gaiters for Ladies and Children; also Fancy Shoes for Ladies and Children, all colors and sty a general assortment of Sandals, Boots and Busk,. ins, r Ladies and Children, HATS A N r..) CA • such as fine Moleskin, Silk and Brush Hats, a general as sortment of all colors and styles cf s , fi Hats for Men and Boys. Also, a 'variety of Traveling 'freaks, sraa‘All the above articles he ofkra rude at the lowest rates for Cash. Come 000, come all, an 3 see, examine and judge for 'yourselvea. Ile has all 3 , luda of drama-made Boots and Shoes, and will take, order ; for any kinds of Boon! and Shoes, and fulfill them in a short time. Lebanon, 0ct.:21, 1557. JOITX GASSEtt. BULL'S RECTO 14111PWET011, FOR PILES, 'rETTER, RING WORM xn for any Eruption or Exeoriatiou ( ,f the + - ia. l ) whether on the head, face, ams "1- ether parts of the body. Ohl ulcers or sores, and pia - tides on the face, may be speedily cured by the use of the Iteete To those especially that are suffering from the Piles, we offer a sUre remedy. From liar. Mr. Enterline. Pastor Oetioan Churet, tor. Conway and Sharp streets: For tie b,mtdit of the afflicted, I feel it a duty to state what a blassinganxcdicine. known I , y the nese e. or iitor. RectoMA:A.m l i' has been to no'. 1 hare been afflicted with the Vibte for eight years. durine; whirl; time I tried my own remedim, its a prautitioner, awl many others, but without onerous. having heard of Mr. hull's Pile Itemetly, 1 trim! it ; and thous I used but one half hot tie, I can say that I am perDadiy cured. I also used it In a violent ease of 'Vetter. whish sy.terahal n'etie tile whole body, and in less than two weeks it disappeared, ants the akin became clean and smooth. I strictly adhered to the Jireetions. SAMUEL Sabi, Wholesale and 11,4(61, by D. 1. Faker, utugoit, Lebanon, Pa., suit asst for bellanau county. netrit, J _ . NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS racrlt ALBERT G. RICHARDSON'S A drertiaing .9.n41 Correspond.f.n Oince,g6o Lroe.4- way, Now York. .61 •i'ew and Important IfPis* covery in the Science of Medicine. PATENT OFFICE SEAL. OP GEEAT ECOLE tie 1.11A::%•ANI; POAIIILICIEN de FARIS 11131 . 1 COLLEGE of utinteiNE, enne. Scold wholesale and retail by Dr H. A. Barrow, member of the Ittip'l College of Vienna, and Royal College or 2urgeons. London. who may ba personally consulted at his rt-blenee, It Prince street, fow blocks west of Broadway, New York. from 11 A. M. till 2 V. )1, and from 4 till 4 P. :11. (Sunda) s ,:zeopted, unless by appointment,) Trieseraar Mo. 1, Is a remedy for.Rchrtation, Spermat,rrhon. and all the distressing coos:Niacin:es eri,ing from early shore, indis criminate ems..zes. or long residence In hot climates. It has restored bodily and stoat strength and vigor to thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood; and whatever may be fhb cause or disqualifications for marriage, they are effectu ally subdued. Triessmar No. Completely and entireir eradkiaMs all traces of Grmor ham, both in its mild and agarevated Mrms. Cleats, etritt tures, Irritation at' the Itla‘ader, Nun-re:tont km of the Urine, Palos of the Lains and liblaoye, road those disor ders for which Cepairl and Coto, hesa a 7 lung t:cu thought en autilYte. Triosemar No. is the great eatithreutel at.mtre for Siplain. and Seren. dart' symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula : and ell ea taueuns Eruptions, removing - and expelling in itc course all impurities from the vital stream, so as altogether to crialleatethe virus of deasto, and expel it by insensible perspiration through the me diem of the pores of the skin and It is a never failing remedy for that class of (Warders which 'English Physicians treat with Mercury, to thein• evitable destruction of the patient's constitution. and which all the Sarsaparilla in the war ld cannot remm a. TRIM - MAR N 0.1,2 and 3, are prepared in the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste or moil, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin ran a. and divided in separate dares as administered by Vtdpeau, knileman, 'Roux, Iticord, Se. Prim 53 each. or four rases In One for V, which 53, and in 527 eases, whereby there is a saving of 59. None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seal, of the Patent Office of England. the seals of the kleolo de Pbarrna.tde de Paris, and thelmperial College of Vienne, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case.— Imitations are liable to the severest ponaliki of the law. Special atTang,ements enable Dr. Barrow to I,rward immediately. on recoiling, a remittance. the 59 and lar ger size eases of Triei=entar free of carriage. to any part of the world, - senurely parked and properly addressed. thug. insuring genuine Vatropeatt preparations and protecting the public from spurious and pernicious int atiens. .Attendance and Consultation from 11 n. m. till 2 p. In and from till 6in the evening. 101 Prince o.raet, a few blocks west of Broadway, New York. May Cristadoro's flair Dycl Within a nut-sholl all the merits 11c, Of Cristadoro's never-equalled Dye; Red it makes black, to brown transf4rnma gre . 7, And keeps the fibres always from dvm,y„ drallllS matchless, re-vitalizing Bair Dye. held:its .d 4 position as the most harmless and etficaelous Ilair Dye in TIM, WORLD. Irepared and sold, ‘liolio•ele and retail. end applied in tuu private roma, at enadta• D0R0 . 9, NO. 6 .{.ter House. Broadway. New York. and by all Druggitas cud Perfumers in the L'itlied ?Retell. Jan. 14. 11357.-Iy.-Isq. Attent--lJeorge 11. Keyser, 140 Wood st.,Pitteberkt. Va. "AV, Such Word ag A RESISTLESS RIMMY? • HOLLOWAY'S '0! NT NI ENT rsirEcui...43l TO THE 810 K.—The hucpttel err. V.P/ geon.nn-1 medicinal publicist. of En r^re sdtnit tJo unuttrall..lel anti-inflammatory bud healing rroperti..a of this Ointment; cove:lit:tents 'unction it , use In thew naval and military services; and thu ;sinew hi ibis imam try end throughout the world regn.te she utmost rout. tench in ita curative properties. it penetrates the/411r. re, of frieimmation and corruption underlie the external ovicatcc of (ii.case,eted neuttalite the ecry el ements which tnil and exasperate the malady. Rheumatism, Scrofula, L'rysipelas. Thou are among. Ow 11 , 0. t I errlih. h ,eni z i ng ab. tntae. of the mit•ele., the tle-hy tiltre nod the Flsin; yet in their worAt form, end when loccralde.tho? Inrariablr dicappitnr under a. per,m , eritsr, application of this soothinz. heal iag• ant Mote to paha and intlits.imation. Salt Rheum, Fey; r Sores, Stir Joints Ira till eases of salt .11heurn, where mediesl waters, lo tions, and every risripo of Ow o;;run a or a l : u havo proved te.olol , e. the Ointment will arrouu.li.h n thororgh cure. Fever S.orra heal quickly under it. inductive, and its re. lasing elloct linen con (motel', i;news:•ruly sronderf:il. . . . . i)ischarging Ulcers A most re:makable and happy change in rrodttred fa the appearance of malignant eleore after a few applies,. lions or this Ointment. The orr retina...a aml granules of healthy lienh begin to take the place of the discharged matter. This process W. 401 on more or leen rapl.bly until the orifice is Pilled up will) sound material. and the ulcer redhal:y cured. A Woid to Mothers The young are tho most frequent sufferers from ex • ternal infmiea, anti therefore every mother should have this healing preparation constantly at hand. It if on atacolute spodne for fore breasta, and quickly rctnnc.•e the euertt;ted sore,: which aotuetintes disfigure the heads and faces of children. Significant Facts. This Ointment is universally used on Weld the Atlan tic and Pacific 'chalky; fleet as a cur° for seorbutic affec tions, and as the best pmedble remedy for wounds and bruises. Large auppliesof it have recently Mica ordered by the Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposes. e Both the Ointment and Pills bhould lx nrel In the following came : Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Gland". Burn*. isles, Coro Legs. Chapped liends,lllieurriattsin, bore firem.ts, Chilblaink, Ringworm. `ore Leads. ,Fistula, kilt Rheum, . $ r, TbrOnta, Gout, -Scalds, . soree of ell kinds, Lumtrago, . - Woundsof all kinds, Venereal :ores, Stitt Joint*, *rains, - Tatter, Ulcers, Skin Di -tees. *** Sold at.thislianufiusory of Pr'afes",or+ifs Maiden 1,02,4 , ..e1iw York. and by all respectable drug gists and Dcalem in :Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, iplims et ti cents, 524 cents, and-81 etch. Carrnoxl—None ere genuine unless the wells nbl. •loway,.Nes York anti London," are discernible 83alt's. termarh'in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box; the MUM may biZplainly seen by bold • ing the leaf to the light. A. handsome rewsZd wilt be given to auy one rendering such information as may lead to the daterlioncf any party orpartles emmtors,j,.. tog the medicines or V411341131g the same,-huoving them to be spurtotre.lkt .Thert. :F a eanaiderelle iniTing_tratathog eh& larger ; ;res. B—lhre,ctione far the ft patients in *lvry itietorder are atlised tescah 001 LEtekt.lo, • I. Mil ?Z:"/
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