Darius J. Seltzer, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OnicE, in Cumberland Street, nearly opposite Brua'e Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Aug. 2G,'57. ISAAC HOFFER, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, f iFFICE in Cumberland street, opposite the V' "Eagle hotel," Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, April 22, 1857.-Iy. REMOVAL. R. Wll. M. GUILFORD has removed his Of flee to his now residence on Market Street, a fetdoora North of Reber tyres' Store, and be tween it and the New Lutheran church. I.ebanon, Dec. 10, 19.56.-tf. LEW MELLY', DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILL attend to all his official business; also, TY all other legal and professional business en trusted to him will be promptly attended to. Osmcg—ln Cumberland stip* seoond door east from Market st. [Lebanon, July 22,'67. Lafayette Brower) OAS FITTER, adjoining A. S. Ely's Offtee,Wal- LA nut street, Lebanon, Pa. A large and beau tiful assortment. of Fixtures from the well-known establishment of Cornelius & Baker, always on hand at Philadelphia prices. - 14,- AU work warranted to give satisfaction. AU orders will be faithfully executed on the most reasonable terms. tze...The bestof reference given. [Lebanon, Sept. 16, '57. P. O. WIKEL. Bricklayer and Jobber,. Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn'a. lAM prepared, at all times, to put up Brick A. Work, in all its brandies, and on the shortest notice. Also, BRICE. BUILDINGS, Dozieus, Inn-walls, Bombes, Hearths and all work connect ed with& Furnace done. its...A gang of Stone lessons 'always ready to put doim foundations, end do stone work of erory description. July 1, 1857.—tf. P. G. WIKEL. AK TKOS MADAM are ready to ready to accommodate everybody with Boots; Shoes, Trunks and Traveling bags. To Printers. A ..CiOOD•WASHINGTON`PRESS, of middlingZlP. alio ' ib Offered for sale, at this Office, very cheap. The price is $6O. Water Cooler for Sale. krBEAUTIFUL WATER COOLER, large size, +l 3 .'entirely new, can be obtained cheap at this of It is just the thing for a landlord or store keeper. (Lebanon,Sopt. 23, '5 . For Sale. A. Second-hand Stearn ENGINE, 10 korae_pow. 413: or. It.fis to be cold to make room for one of a laigor. size. Apply to A. MAJOR 4t BROTHER. Lehiftion, July 1,1857. HAMS,. SMOULDERS, .SIDES, Whited/di, Mackerel, Herring, Cheese, Vinegar, Tobacco, Began, Flour, Feeding, de. 4a., for sale by J. C. REIMER. Lebanon, July. 30, 1856. CLOCKS, CLOCKS. JUST RECEIVED AT - J. W. ACKER'S, From $1,25 to $lO, 8 day and 30 hoar. Oot. 22, '56. To Persons about to riott PHILADELPHIA! TRY the new WESTERN HOTEL, Market street, below 9th greet. Eve ry attention given, with a desire to 111 please. Boarding Si per Day. A. M. HOPKINS, Jaly 22, 'sZ—ly. Proprietor. CARPENTERS WANTED. 12 GOOD JOURNEYMAN CARPENTERS wanted immediately at the Steam Planing Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None but the best of hands required, to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to BOAS, GASSER, & GETTLE. Lebanon, Bab. 18, 1857.—tf. Wood Wood WEB undersigned, residing in North Lebanon W. Borough, offers for sale cheap, 600 or 700 Cords (estimated) good Wood. It may be seen at "Fin 'swan's dam," on the Union Canal, near Jones town. [may 27, '57. DAVID BOYER. Leather, Leather, Leather! torENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French JUL Calf Skins, and general Leather Dealer, No. eifienth 3d erect, Philadelphia. A general aaaortment of all kinds of Leather, Morocco', &a., Red Oak Sole Leather. ' Feb. 25,1857.-Ip. - 0 L 0 0 K 8 . Thirty Day, Eight Day, Thirty Haar, CLOCKS, Just. Received at J. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon Female Seminaiy. Tim THIRD SESSION of the " Lsannon Seminar y. Tim SEMINARY" will commence the Fine day of September, next. It is earnestly requested that Parente intending to send their DAUGHTMRS, sbould do so at the commencement of the _Session. LEGJT R. DAIMLER, Principe/. MODESTE DECAMPS, Tedder of French and Music. Lebanon, July 29, 1857. WATCHES AND JEWELRY• ANOTHER NEW LOT OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY 3UST RECEIVED BY 3 : W. ACKER, In Cumberland street, neat door to Dr Lineaweaver's. 043t..22, *56. .. THERMOMETERS, &c.—Pereons in want of aOeurate and reliable Thermometers, Rand Mirrors, Traveling Flaake, China & Fancy Toi jet Bottles, Puff Boxes, Labin's and other Choice - I*fumee; Tortoise Shell, Buffalo, India Rubber r aid Rem Pocket and Toilet Combs. Fancy Ser gar ind. Aeh Stands (a new article.) Collet GUILFORD gt LEMBERGER'S New Drag, Medioine dc Perfumery Establisment, Market Street. New Livery Stable. THE undersigned has establish ed a NEW LIVERY STABLE in , the Eagle Hotel Stables,. Lebanon. . He has good and safe Horses, ear l/We riages, as may be desired, and care -- ful Drivers, which he will hire on fair terms. Ho hopes attentive to busi ness to receive a libeiarshare of public patronage. Apply at the Eagle 'Hotel or at the Stables. JOSIAH D. DEHUFF. Lebanon, dug. 19, '57. .FARKERS, LOOK TO TOUR INTERESTS A NEW FIRM! In NortfrLebanou Borough. NEW PRICES - f• • 1 001000 B 1. 7 0Z0 1 :0 1 11u W ah li ersliB, -' . 100,000 Bushels CORN,. , . • 100,000 Bushels.OATB, '‘-erav,r Seed, FBI:: Seed, Timothy&eft . ; fon-mil " Tani* the hlghestniarket prices in ensfinrill'he 4 8 14 ;by,-. North-Lebanon, July . NEVI, _CLOTHING 'STORE! markEt street, between Marge* and Rise* "root. SS. RAMSEY lis CO. have justopaiwk a Itv:ge • and cheap - assortment of - PALL arid. WINTER CLOTHING. Their-stock-embraces all the different, 'stiles of °OATS 'rims and TESTS, enitabte - for the oohs !Wen. , . • --: - alr entre n the mill* madelsiorderatttbe4thertiges f l aetisei7• -- Shirtei,Under.ebiliCarere;Cravateieel lars,j'ecloot-Mandkerchiefs„*Glovps, Artabridlas, in,4"trywAlking usually t Arevfoand in a gen tl4l4o4,l4iiig and Furnishing. Store. , retis.nr.m4 TAILORS-WANTE D: • B. S. RAMSEY it O. • •••• • -28,'6? _ hnTo a-splendid aseari. itnent easy Prinks and Travel r. Farmers' & Mechanics' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP MIRE undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the public in general, to the fact that they are prepared, the coming season, to manufacture and have on hand the largest and best assortment of FARMING IMPLEMENTS ever offered to the Farmers of this county, such as Wheeler's Improved Railway Horse-Powers and Threshers; Manny's combined Reaper and Mower, with Wood's latest improvements ; Coleman's Farm Mill; Grain Drills and Fans; Gourley's.Patent Harrow and Clod Cutter; Corn 'Ploughs and Plinters; Portable Cider Mills, Cloverliftillers Morn Shellers, Fodder Straw and Hay Cutlers; Aé. tEta.. All of the above Machines are of the latest and best improvements, and aro all warranted to give satisfaction. Also, • 'Castings of all kinds made to &dd.; and at short notice. Particular attention paid to REPAIRING, and charges reasonable. FartmEns will do* Mean and examine our stock before pnrchaapg,Arewhere, as they will find it to their advantitgefo purchase Machines manufactured in their i tivinthunty. All orders or eomilurdeations 'by mail will be promptly attended to. . , • A. MAJOR BROTHER. ~ July 1,,13.51. Lobancin, it anon Co., Pa. NEW ENPILig B'Bl, • _ • - '-r-m-rly.tmv • t Arta • . l-_M• • . PRE Subieriber, has Made arrangements for runnin"g a DAILY EXPRESS; - in connection with his Freight Line, on Philhdelphin, Mid-Read ing and Lebanon Valley Railroads, and is prepar. ed to forward Packages; Money, Jewelry., and other Valuables' daily eaeh'wee Between Philadelphia,Reading, &c. Each Expresein chargeOia gpecial Aleseengar by Passenger Trains: All orders-promptly deliv ered, and goods forwarded with the greatest des patch, at reduced rates. Mark all goods CARE or Pi - ALBRICIIT'S FREIGEtt LINE, or EXPRESS, as parties ordering may in tont/. . Offices 311 Race Street, Philadelphia; corner of Fourth 'and Penn streets, 'Reading; at Sinking, Springs, Womelsdorf, Meyerstown, and at D. Gwen's, Cumberland street, Lebanon. P. ALBRIGRT. N. B.—A'Lino of Six Boats„ running between Philadelphia and Pottsville to carry Merchandise and Freight generally. Schweitzer & Co., 65 North Wharves, Philad'a. Cheetwutcstre4Of, Reeding.' July 29, 1857—tf. HOFFMAN, IMMEL 4. CO.'S LEBANON COUNTY TRANSPORTATION LINE ' • -ui=rn"-I 'Hll4' - - 'BY UNIONvCA NA L AND • • Lebanon Palley Railroad. THIS LINE. oonsiats of 22 first-class BOATS, I. running havretri Philadelphia, Baltimore, and all other points along the Union, Schuylkill, Tide-Witter and PennsylvaniaOanals. FREIGHTS contracted for at the lowest pos eible ratei,lntrdeliiered with , dispatch. The Proprietors Will pay particular attention, and attend personally, to the receiving and dolly erylif Frbights. •-' SHIPPERS and MERGHANTS can roly on having their-GOODS delivered in good condition and with promptness and dispatch; at low rates. One of the Firm will pay particular attention to Goods shipped by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Goods will be sent daily-to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myerstown,, Annvillei Jonestown, and all other pointg in the' county. For information, - applY at their Office in North Lebanon, or at the Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot. EDWARD MARK, their Agent in Philadel phia, will always be found at W. IL BUS/e3 Ider , chants' Hotel, North Third Street, Philad'a. Lebanon, Aug. 12,'57-3M. P. S.—WHEAT, IVE, CORN, OATS at SEEDS bought forVllo - 11. I. k Co. IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS *MEN ed Increased a"iad RATES OF FREIGHT REDUCED 77" ref- *air THE HOWARD EXPRES' S-CO. ITAVE made arrangements with the ,T,ebanon la:Valley R. R. Co., to forward Goods, Pack:t ies; Moneys, &c., in charge of their`own special fessenger from Philadelphia and Reading by Pas senger Train. Merchants wishing their goods forararded punc tually and`with despatch, will consult their own interests by patronizing the Express Co. Mars for Goods to bo returned by Express will be delivered in Philad'a free of charge. Persons having remittances of money to make to any part of the U. S. or Canadas, will find the Eipress the only safe mode of conveyance. Ortroe-L-'lfo 4 Eagle IthilditigAebarion,i 9 Pa., and 248 Chestnut St., below 3d et., Philad'a. JOHN 'ULRICH, Agedh. July 22, '57-if. For froward Express Co. WEi IK - E R arsiCH/ME IrOREsSi-• • Opposite thi3 Lebanon Valley - R. R. DappOLsk anon, Lebanon county, Pa. ' Wli. P. L. WEIMER, Propel _ h4(og l i ng p q eters, innnufacture Steam Engines from 1. to 300 horse power, of the '!", ... latest styles and patterns, with all the modern improvements. Also, superior Port able Engines (with Link' Motion Valve Gear,) mounted on wheels, for Saw Mills Wood sawing and Hoisting purposes. Particular attention is called to our aretall - Upright Engines for Printers, Druggists and phrsons wanting a small amount of Power. They take'up a very small space, and can be put up in a room as a household fixture. Also, Blowing Engines and Machinery . for An thracite and other Blast Furnaces, of improved construction. Forge Hammers, oIP. L. Weimer's Patents; hailing Mill, Sawing, Planing and Flouring Mill Fixtores ; Mining Pumps; Hoist ing Machinery for Mines and Stone Quarries ; Railroad Cars, Iron Bridges, Shafting, Renews, Pulleys, Turning Lathes, Drill Presses, Planing Machines, Brats Stop Cocks, Valves and Brass Fixtures, Globe Steam Valves, of all- sizes, and Machinery and Castings of every description. Also,Boilers of any size, form and weight, made f the . best material,by well-known and ex perienced workmen; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks, Gas flues,Heaters, and sheet iren.work of every description. [Due Boiler- sheati are all tested by dividing them into squares of-2 inches, and ham mering each square ; any imperfection is OM de tected, and the faulty sheet rejected; this isprac tised in very few shops in this country.] Also, a stock of Wrought Iron. Pipe, for steam, gas and water, with all the necessary fixtures, con stantly on hand, aml put up nt the shortest no tice and on most reasonable terms. Iron, Brass, and Composition metal Castings, made to order, at the shortest notice. .. Repairing attended to with promptness and despatch. A.gang of &alai makers always ready. for Boiler repairs.. Blackimith-York made to lAA- 7- - ft...Ordertreapeetfully kOlibite,d. 4 11 -upturn y•m nieatione, bail or otireryiscl attended to-with despatch, and work ddlivered't<; railroad, or ca nal, free•of charge. •. • " WM. WLIMER,- •• „` -WEIMER. Lebanon, February 4 , .1857. • FOR'SA LE. • ;'- •-;•• iffF, ; • oAl!s.* • . Ilia • -..s .BACI,,J3RAN, atate Genesee,iallleot • -, - •, • .."1* —••••••-•• • 7./11741' 1857 - • 4:' LetiailciAl - Pa. • *: W2lll42tiltv„._ • • ....11ilectoop;.11 , 11164p4liefilbrouglrof • OA:tS; In a*,quanti - 4,for-ilrlitonitnii.pletest ' M arket . .ptioes will be paid Ciush r by: 18 . 67. - MYERSA SHOUR. . . - WANTED., • TWELVIaIood Plow , Barzol.oooPEltB, at the taizieseasaills in Lebanon, to 15:119111 constant wort and gOod wesa iPill be 'None bas sabot and stesdrvrerlongusteeds*ly. January 7, lat. 1101748 t AROUR. THE LEBANON ADVERTISER.---A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. REMOVAL Of J. M. Good's Book Store. THE undersigned, having removed his New and I. Cheap Book Store, to Market square, 2 doors north of Dr. GIITLPORD'S New Building, Market st., where he will be pleased to see all of his old friends, and those desirious of having articles in his lino. With a determination of selling cheap er than can be purchased elsewhere, he would re spectfully call the attention of the public to his assortment of Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Mis cellaneous, Blank and School Books, Wall and Window Paper, Stationery, and every article in his line of busi ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for 1857. AU the Magazines and Newspapers, both daily and weekly, to be had at Publisher's rates. Ali orders fur articles in his Dna carefully and Promptly attended to, by the undersigned. Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1857. J. M. GOOD. I= New.CoaehmakingEstablishment , THE UNDERSIGNED, hay ing taken the COA C -. MAKING Establishment of Mr. LEVI LIGHT, on. the Turnpike, at the East end of Lebanon, wish respectfully to invite the pub lie attention to their business. Each of us having served regular apprenticeshipsto the business, and having had much experience therein; we feel confident of ability to give satisfaction. Ev ery article manufactured at our eitablishment Will be under our personal .supervisioi; Shinn keep on hand, ltamvv-Aisne ' ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES, which will be warranted of the most superior qual ity. We will also attend to REPAIRING, at short notice. * Nitt.,,Ndile hue the btist workmen Milt be etoPloyeCiti any branch of ilgbusiness. We -cordially invite the public to give.us and•wa willguarantee Satisfaction..„. 'FAUBER it-YOUNG.. r liiieseve youir.lreeltt: GVILFOTtI>4 LEMBERGFrit prepare pi aril . cle,,l,Retir/ Den tr Vice, the finest Tooth powder, that eau be naCd, having # most delightful - odor and 'pleasant taste, polishes and preserves the teeth, to which it gives a pearl-like whiteness, isnpartiargesaannostizdelightful fragrance.:: to breath, restores thesi s preserves them in full health and vigil?! Pfbilafad andsold only, at GUILFORD do LEMBERGER'S' Now Drug Bare, Market st. 5000 MEN I,YANTED !,.; to come and buy their LUMBER and COAL at the ne tonis.hingly low prices which lam now determip ed to sell at. Now is the time; if you wish to BIM your money, to come to the New Lumber and Coal yard, located between the Old Lutheran Church and Myers & Shoitre Steam Mill, and one square north of the Court House, in \Valli& street, in' the borough of Lebanon, where is a well selected ' stock of all kinds of Building Materials, consisting of 500,000 ft. Boards, 300,000 Shingles 200,000 ft. Joist Scantling, 60,000 ft. hemlock boards, ; 6 P4 00 1 1 :400 flP 0 41 1 : 17 0t Also Plinks, Plastering and Roofing tali+, all of which will be sold, wholeiale or retail, at Mid dletown prices, except a small advance er freight: Alin), all kinds of the best COAL the Market can produce, nosh as Broken,Egg, Store Chestnut, Limeburners' 'and Holliaysburg Store, Coal, which will be sold almost at cost. JOHN H. WITMEYER. Lebanon, June - B.I3IIIIIRELIOEIII.. ADOLPITUS ERINOEHL. 17..)11:11.T A HOME FOR ALL! 11 : -:;:frekva.a.itzE r ,g, The Largest, Best and Cheapest ASSORTMENT OF Lux'sEat AND COAL ever offered-beretofere'to the public, AT TILE OLD YARD IN Mora Lebanon Borough, (FOIDIERLT OCCUPIED BY NARK A itzmosuL,) Situated on East It J est side of Mar ket street, detizion Canal. fitiffilHE undersigned take this method of inform -4F ing the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding Counties, that they have now on hand a large stack of WELL SEASONED"LUMBER, and are constantly receiving additions thereto. Their as. sortment consists in part of White and Yellow PINE and HEMLOCK BOARDS. 13 inah.s~td;2_iuc6- PA.N.NEL and. cpIIMON PLANKS. ".• • White Pon and HEMLOCK SCANTLING and Jowls. 1 inch and j inch CHERRY BOARDS, PLANKS and TABLE LEGS. Alio, 1 inch and inch POPLAR BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTLING. HARD WOOD. Suckaw hguckilit Iskinuswealitottans, PLANKS and SCANTING.. " , SHIT GL SHINGLES.! A great a ssortmen ts of good. Pigs and ilnitLoos Simutu.s.. Also, ROOTING and PLASTERING LATHS.' Also, RAILS, Titlsrs, and ready topped PALINGS for fencing. _ Flooring Boards, gopre,and Window Sash. Of which titer posteive./khafettie largest and best assortment ever offered in this section of country. COAL! COAL ! ! COAL!! ! They keep constantly on hand the best quality of Broken, Stone and Lintobtrincrar COAL. Also the best quality of LfoltiOgeurg Smith Coal, w h ich aro sold at reduced price s . • flow on hand much the ltirgest and enmpletest assortment of Lumber evet offered to the public in Lebanon, they feel confident of being_able satisfactorily to accommodate all pur chasers, and would, therefore, invite an examina tion of their Stock before purchasing elsewhere. RA MA U L§.k A, NE I LY. North Lebanon Borough, Sept. 17, 1:956; Bowman Bauer 414 Cat *LUMBER 'YARD. This Way, if you Want Cheap Limber. [egrllE undersined have -lately formed apart- Ai nership for the'phfpost i Of engaging in the Lumber Busineas, on a new plitn, Would respect fully inform the public at large, that their phibe of business is David Bowman's old Lumber Yard, in East Lebanon, fronting on Chestnut street, 1 square from the Evangelical church. They have enlarged the yard, and 'filled itwith anew and ex callow, assortment of all kinds of Lumber, such as PLANits, JOISTS, LATIIS, BRINDLES, AND SCANTLING, of all lengths and thicknesses. lii short, they keep constantly on band, ab full and well-season ed assortment of all kinds of EDILDING MATE RIALS. Persons in want of anything in their line are invited to call, examine their stock, and earn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they hope, that by attention to .businesas itiO moder ate prices, to merit a continuance of public pict round'. BOWMAN, lIAUER & .GAPP. Lebanon, April 8,1857.—1 y. UOIRER. L 4 :11.1FIBIER. NEARLY 2 000 000 FEET (I F the best and cheapest assortment of LUMIIER V ever offered to the public, at the -new-and ex tensive JATItfBER AND COAL YARD of PHILIP — ItR.EOHiptr,, in the Borough of North Lelfanon; on the bank of the Union Canal, at the head of ) oValtult Street, a few %guar as North-of the new Steanr-Milliand one square-oast of piirgner's-Iletel. •• . - atssortnient consists of the best well P.Clas"o4d NoThly, pine A ilemlockißdirds; Clierry,.Poplar, and pino.Thitirds. , 14 and 2..ineh,Pantetand Constio&r,hyth; -White Pine an dlldreloek Scantlingwindloists; White.Dak Boards,.Plank and Scantling,;.;.., 1 a finch Poplar Boai-ds, SHI NG LES .1 SRI NGLESII . - . The•best Pine arid Hemlock Shingles; - Also, Roofing .and 'Plastering Laths ; ; Chestnut Rails and-Poitsi.and tailings for • fences and fencing Boards; FLOORING BOARDS of all sizes4'ilescriptions, COAL! COAt 1! - COAL !-H TheZZifiri ' era' anAllollidaystottrg Smith Coal„at-dhe3owest pricCa, - _ in„Coufl.dent that ho has the largesCand beat assortment of Luninert of all descriptions and siz es; s.s well as thelargest stock of the different kinds of Coat, ever offered to the citizens of Lebanon county, he venture' to say that he can accommo"- dattiall purchasers satisfactorily, and would there fore Write all why want anything in his line, to examine his stark born° parobilsing elsimbere. PHMTP lIRSOBEIMP. Ward( Lobasunatorgigli, hity 11% BENJAMIN YOUNG' Lumber and Coal. ►. n PERFUJIER F. GUTLFORD & LEMBERGER, Graduate; of Pharmacy, and Practical Apothecaries and Chemists, offer to the public a largo and carefully selected stock of Drugs ' Medicines,Chemicals, Dye-stuffs, Oils, Spices, Perfumery, Arti cles, Flavoring Extracts, Tobacco and Cigars, pure Wines ,and Liquors for Medical purposes; with everything in their line as Druggists, Per fumers and venders of Fancy. Articles, whiehlre can confidently recommend to Families, Physi cians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh, pure, and prepared in the best manner.— All the new Preparations, Chemicals and Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines. The lffrgest assortment of Trusses, single and double, S,r children and persons of every age, and for ev eir variety of rupture—earefully fitted and ad-• jested if desired. Abdominal Supporters. ts... All orders correctly answered, and Physi cians' Prescriptions and Family Receipts careful ly compounded. • Country Merchants and Dyers will find it to their advantage to buy of Guilford a Lemberger. "tan. Please call and get one of our Circulars, (printed in both English and, German,) in which you will find alist.of most of the articles and prep= twationilibieby-us; • ' - GUILFORD. A LEMBERGER'S DRUG STORE is opposite the Igarket House , 'l3l : - Jely ?9,*1.857: nbanon, Pa. • NEM' FU RE STORE - Dundoreff - Odes jut opened the ' Aefit; Iftriett and '_LI cheapest `assortment of Filiniture oreeofrer a. in Lebaan. Their store is in Cumberl'an'd street, bieseen Market and Plank-road. Their stoelyconsists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Fyrniture, which they will sell lower than can baserfsglit AltiFey ask is of perilons in want of Furniture to give. that/ a Call before purchaking.. They have on hand a large assortment of Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other Tables, What Note, d Bat Racks, e. Also A large and cheap stock of Stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Mottoes, Bedsteads, and a lot of Cheap Mattre4ssos. Also, Looking Glasses, —Gilt, lbsewood,and Mahogany-very cheap. Veniotilif Blinds;'Carriages, Gigs and Baby horses, for children ; and a large stock, too nu merous to mention. Particular attention paid to UNDERTAKING: We have provided ourselves with the FINEST HEARSE IN LEBANON, and will manufacture Coffins and attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. April 29, 185 i. DUNDORE OVER. REMOVAL! To No. 4, Eagle Buildings. A. RISE'S Fashionable Hat 'and Cap Store, Market Square, Lebanon, Pa. ,- THE,.nndersigned hereby informs _his friends and the publio in general, that he 'is now, and will, be - always, fully prepared tE supply his cus tomers with'. 3gbaris i <his line Whelesalc and re teil,-ut`the shortektmotice, and upon the moat an commodating terms. His stock consists of 1118 7 ver, Nutria, Russia, Caasitpere Moleskin, Sisk, Soft Hats, de., which be will dispose of at the lowest prices. All his Hats are manufactured un der his own immediate superintendence, end be feels warranted in saying, that for durability and finish they cannot be surpassed. Country mer chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in bats and caps, can Le supplied at wholesale prices, from one to a dozen, such sizes as they may want. ADAM RISE. 13.—Fox, Mink, Muskrat, and Rabbit., Skins wanted, for which, the highest market prices will be paid. [Lob., Feb. 6, 1856. XLII.I Alt LoirovicßE....rows Q. 0 ABEL...JACOB GASEL. LEBANON Door and Sash Manufactory Locatel on the Steam-Home Reel, near Cumberland Street, Zest 'Lebanon. K• THE undersigned respectfully in , .1 g DA , form the public in general, that they ..--. hare added largely tolheii former establishment, and also have all kinds of the latest and best improved MACHIN ERY in the State in full operation, such as WOODWORTH'S FLOORING, 4c., • for conducting the general business for Planing, Scrolls, Sawing., 4.c., 4.c., and the , experience acquired by E. Longaker and Jz.G.Gabel,during their connection with the Door, Sash and Lumber Trade; for a number of years past, affords full assurance of their ability, in con nection with J. Gabol,to select stock suitable to the wants of the Door and Sash business in this State. tsll4hey now offer to Mechanics and Farmers generally, upon favorable terms,.a judiciously as serted stock of DOORS, SASH, Ac., from the best Lumber manufactories in the State ' feeling confi dent that their assortment is not tiobo excelled by any other_osiablishment in the State in regard to exactness in size, quality or finish, and is cab:Mat ed to afford thorough satisfaction to all those who May favor the undersigned with,lheir custom. 'The following list comprises . the leading arti cles of stock on hand:— Doors, of all sizes; Sash, of all sizes; Door Frames, for brick and frame houses; Window Frames, for brick and frame houses; Shutters, of all sizes; Architraves; Blinds, of all sizes; Casings, from 3 to 6 in.; All kinds Mouldings; Surbase ; 0. G. Spring Moulding, of all sizes; Wash-boards LONGACRE, GABEL do BROTUER. Lebanon, July 15, 11157. P. S.—naming, Sawing, &e, promptly done for those furnishing the Lumber ri &s LEBANON POUN'T,Y STEAM PLANING MILL. oran, BOAS, GASSER GETTLE b 4 7121 „,, m3 , wish to inform the citizens of Leb non County and neighboring ooun ,liiEß,-,1 doe, that they are now in full oper. alien, cud are prepared to do all kinds of CARPENTER WORK tirMACHINERY ouch u Flooring Boards, Weather Boarding, Sash,Doors,Window 4. Door Frames, Shutters, Blinds, Planing Scrolls, SAWING, and any other kind pf Sawing which :may he wanted to suit builders. The subscribers beg leave to infotin the public that they have the latest and hestimproved machinery in the coun ty, such as Woodworth's Planer, duo., and that they are able to produce as goha workap the coun ty can produce. . None but the best and well-seasoned LUMBER will be used. Carpenter's and Builders are invi ted to call and examine their ready-made stock, which they will always keep on hand, and judge for themselves. •%.11... Their Shop is on Pinegrove Read,"near Phreanor's Olt'Foundry. , IMPORTANT TO FARMERS I A. R. HUMUS PATENT Iflanarr Exgavator and Hay Elevator. ItrANIFFACTURED4 SOLD by Elias Kreider; .131. Proprietor of the right for Lebanon county, (excepting the two Annvilles e. Londonderry. 4lff'hisliaeltine is stiperiorto xnymow-in use, for strength, arability and simßlicityoPeonstruetion. The Machine,when sit ih.the form of a-Mitfisre Exiityatitr, will its workidtairably. , Wfien tip load,is drawn out at; far aa:neceisary, hi:giving a little jerktor tap MAW, curvelof the, loitgleaterpit will'unshift, and the stop bar leverwill Ay forward and the f - Ork will unlead itself. The same machine, with a very slight ahem don, will answer for elevating Hay in Barns, bet ter than any-kook fotk now in use . The fork is eies anshiftedNhwiniiitg thennit, bysiving a eery little, jerk it tith . rope,. which is'extelided dtiWn:thiough the hind bolt of -the ztop - tErplieb.-rAll.poilions are hereby o,o4ling..fflie- above' MachinOsu thoottbscriber's district, unless tlitaanieja stattiped "A.lClfursh's Meta, Manufactured anili e editby E. Kateiden:" I am-now prepared, to furnish farmern with this valuable machine. -Eortfurther particulars, Address ELIAS KREIDER, Shtefferstown P. 0., Lebanon Co., Ps. Sept. 9, '57--2m.* Fail 7 CIISS WO) ELS DORB Invitee the LADIES of Lebanon and Tidally to examine laer oxi of PAIL DON lan and oho io now owing at Ur 49 3 Site C. D. FOonSigot; to Prozoorion4 otToott 1 . 110 " , p 07,1857. MARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES I CORBIN & CO., LICENSED AGENTS, ARE authorized by the Manamal,o fill all or ders for Packages, Tickets or Sharps, in the Maryland Lotteries. ' . . These Lotteries are 'dra*re in public in the eitf of Baltithoreiander the superintendence of the State Lottery Commiasicmer, Who guarardoms the fairness of the Drawings, and the official drawn numbers are published in the Journals of the city of Baltimore, with his certifi cate bearing his signature. ALL PRICES ARE truArtAtornEn ET THE STAYS. One Trio/ may make you Rich for Life! Splendid Schemes Drawing:Daily,. lat. Send your orders to CORBIN A CO., the Old Established AuthorizedAgEn4 ; who have sold more prizes, than any other office in he State of Illaryinfid. .. ~. PATAPSCO INSTITUTE+ LOTTERYa This favorite Lottery_iB drawn daily. Th e - Cap ital Prizes are $B.OOO, $7.000, $6.7000, $ r p , 5901 he. Single Tickets, Ono Dollar. CERTIFICATES OF ' PACKAGES. 26 Whole Tickets, $l6 00-1 26 Half Ticketio, $8 ea 26 Quarter Tickets, $4 00. Nothing Venture. Nothing Gained. Tickets bought by the Package are always the most profitable to the piichasere. For $25 we send package Wholes, Halves k Quarters. For $lO we send package Halves and 2 Whole tickets. For $5 - we lend pat - kepi gni-Kers and ono Whole ticket. Look at the following SPLENDID-SCHEMES !: one of which are drawn at 12 o!elock each day of the week! CLASS 49.--SCHEMK. 1 Prize of $7.000 is $7.000 207 Prizes of $2O are $4.148 1 prize of 1.341 is 1.841 132 prizes of 10 are 1.320 3 prizes of 1.000 are 3.000. 132 prices of 4 ate 628 4 prizes of 400 are VW '4.092 prizes of - 2nre 8.184 4 prices of 100 are 400 25.740 prizes of 1 are,25.740. 30.316 prizes, amounting to $53.253 TICKETS, $l. ' POKOMOKE LOTTERY. CAPITAL PRIZE, $24.900! . . CLASS Frvn.--CERT.IFICATE OF PACKAGES. 26 Whtles, $BO 00 1 26 Halves,s4o 06 26 Quarters, 20'00 I 26 Eights, ' la 60 SCHEME. 1 Prize of $24.000 is ~, $24.000 6 prizes of 2.000 age 12.000 - 6 prizes of 3.000 are 18.000 20 prizes of 689 aro • 13.587 20 prizes of 400 are- 8:000 20 prizes of 390 are 6.000 . 20 prizes of 200 are 4.000 127 prizes of 109 are ' ' 1`2.700 63' prizes of 50 are ' 3v150 63 prizes of 4i are , '2.520 63 prizes of - . - 3'o ara;i", -, ~ . ..,.;+4 1.890 63 prizes of 20 are 1.260 3.906 prizes of - 10 are - 34060 23.438 prizes of 5 are 117.180 . 27.814 Prises making $263.347 Tickets $5-Shares in Proportion. L00K,711111 IS WORTH AL ?AUL. $30,1000. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED -LOTTERY! for the benefit of the SIISQUEnANDIA CA AL. CLASS FIVE.--SCIIEDIE. 1 Prize of $30.000 is sumo 1 prize of 10.0001 s, 10.000 1 prize of biooo is • '5.000 1 prize of 3407 is 3.907 27.160 prizes of - 1.000 are - 100.000 ,25 prises of - 500 are 12.500 25 prizes of .300 Ere 7.500 66. prizes of 200 are 13.200 66 prims of zpo are - 6.600 132 prizes of 80 are 10.580 132 prizes of 60 are 7.920 132 prizes of 40 are -5.280 3.894 prizes of , 20'are 72.880 25.740 prizes of 10 are 217.400 36.316 Prizes amounting to . . . . . . 047.747 CERTIFICATES OF PACtAGER; 26 Whole tickets, $l3l 801 26 Half tickets, $66 00 26 Quarter " 33 00 126 Eighths " 18 00 * Tickets slo—Shares in Proportion. • We invariably answer lettere by return mail en closing the tickets in a good safe envelope, and al ways observe the strictest confidence. After .the drawing is over, we send the official draiiisg, with a written expladation of the result of the venture. AU prizes bought at this office are payable immedi ately after the drawing in Currant Money, and we take Bank Notes of any State, or Bank Drafts in payment for Tickets at par. For odd amounts in making change we receive postage. Stamps, they being more convenient than silver. Correspond ents may place the utmost confidence in the regu larity and safety of the mails, as very few or no miscarriages of money happen when properly di rected to us. Be careful that you mention your Post Office, County and State. Give us at least one single trial, You onpnot lose much, if not gain. One single trial may make you independent for Tar us. There should be no such word as fail. Address CORBIN do CO., Box 190 Post Office, Baltimore, Md. te... Orders for tickets in any of the Maryland Lotteries promptly attended to. Circulars con taining a list of all the Lotteries for the month, forwarded on application. [July 8,'57-6m. Dr. Ross ' Drug Store Opposite the Court House, banon, Pa. 11R. ROSS offers to Invent the beat bargains in ..Lf drug*, in Lehan6n ; a long and varied expe rience; of over twenty years, in the drug and medical science, enables him to do up things in the brat style. Pnrchasers will please make a note of these facts. Magnetic Sugar, Por the Permanent Curs of Neu .:rims/ rargia, St:Vitas' Danes, and all other Nervous diseases, sold by Dr. ROB 4. • Upltanz:s Electuary, A certain ours for the Piles. a" giarlairinkillPFUtreiffFedtkill - Xesbireloggtivecurii2of.alrfibn. die. - -I_l - = Dr. H. R Higbee': Remedy, = Rot thek cure of Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis. Professor Wood's . Hair Restorotirs. For promoting the growth of hair, always to be had at the principal ding depot of Dr. Ass. Henry's Invigorating :Cordia/, The best tonic in wager ifrengthening tbs. - h - Man system, sold only by Dr. Rosa. Dr. liasting'u Syrup of Naphtha, Is fast superseding all other medicine& for. the cure of Consumption and Bronchitis. Dr. Ross, sole agent. Allen's Razor Powder, For Razor Straps. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy—a pure and Afe article for medical use; to by had at Dr. Ross': Allen's. Liqhm‘nt, forpftbeppatienng • Arrs.'Allen , rHair"lenitiyikiee " Is an unfailing restorer of the Hair, it is taking the 'lced -Other remedies for4the.hair: No..toiletele perfent.withost mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative. Cell at Rose Drug Store for lira. Allen's Heir innehtlier 04. Dr. Rost' Worin Lozenges' Are as iineet.ionstniar and a npetain elm for Dr. Ross' Infant Drops, For the relief of restle.santiss ' colic pains, A r e., of children. Sold only at Dr.Rois' Drug Store. Cough Cured for Twenty-five Cents. Dr. Physick's Cottgb Syrurin the &capon anti beinresandy for Cosgbeirolds,44. Dr. Ross' gorse • -POWder Is the best Horse Powder in tss. Dr. Rose' Cattle Powder Is fast. takin g the place of all other Cattle Powders. • Dr. Ross' Hof& For the cure of Old Stritins, Sire Sings, Shag*, &c. Sold only by Dr. ItCss. Pr. -6*.vc aYbe Tor the cure ofseteiyiTiiffeTifti me e dividuels-who liiiirelbeen-itilftdtrithldiseases of the eyes,for montheajkd years, have been entire ly cured by the use of Dr. Rols! Nye Salre Fresk.Gar4enofeetts In great variety at Dr.TßOsalsddrug Store . Dr. Ross' TettEerat:, Persons aillibtedViebablittarr.iingworm.apliars riot& other SkiirdililikiliPitifigtilleettuithis t glEdient medicines for theii eureNSDEtitosF Drug Store. -Dr. Rose—Moth Wash- Is a very sulairioCipPeparatien teethe Meeth dud ewes. It whitene; death siidpreaerve tifeleeth, and'hardens the`knms. ' - ittreverits' and "Sires Scurvy. Try it, by ell mesuilif sweet breath tha White teeth. 41bilkifOr' - !/fr.lltoss` Tooth Wash. "- . • Heyl's EmbkmatstsAr Has superior galls produced by the , efilf Matith - 1 8 , old or fresh'wounde -4 90 liFFmtr o argii n . 47:, • . imam*, tr Dr. Ross has a variety of Trussetwforitifento : children or grown people. Mamma Truss7fitafit is worse than useless—.it mil do harm. his had an experience of over 18 years in, this branch of surgery, and adjusts every Truss hought of hint. 15 Gallons of Soap for 19 Cents. One.box .ofllsponifier, sooting. 19 tante , will make 9 pounds ofhaasesp,.ol. IS Amnon, of soft slop, without any-roargilittonstißao. Sold at :'Roes' TM" Bsore. I April I. littit. LEMBERG - ERIS Cloth ganufactory , l AREFEL for past fa.v§rerce t.respectfully informs the pulite, that he' con tinwes hismtroufactory in East s Eantives, Lebanon-I county, on lig -o#exl#Tfita scale as ever.. Itis un necessary for like to say more than that the work will be done in the saws style which has made hill vitriVend -tame ee irellvitthewat to the I surrounding country. Ile promises.,to do the work in the shortest possible time. The Mann factory isitMcotopletc order, and he flatters him self to be able to render the Saudi satisfaction as heretofore, manufactures Broad and Narrow Cloths, Cassinets, Blaokets, 1 ThttiVan)Vother.Flaffitels, I All &nod In liurtet:t: nrannee, aitillitAumn- I ,ablemriesereße stbso.cords Wool and males itedls. ; Xe r Allissorizegymce of his cutdonwriowoi and ; cloth willbe.taken in at the following places At the iforell - tif - George & Shellenberger, Looser ; & Biethers, "lidilirE . Tice, and George Reiniehl, and at Guilford a Lemberger's New Drug store, I hs Lebanon ;Attie stores of Shirk ..t Miller, and Samuel 11. . pliirk, i inNorth Lebanon bgrough ; Samiel GOShert: Bethel tp.; the public Souse of Wll2. Egrail;Ptirdsitrelesburg - ; Sanniel E. Bickel's store', Joni:Amp ,;- qeorge Weidman's store„, Bell viewt Melchior Height, 2 miles from Palmyra.; Martin Eirly'Lltore,Yalmyra.; GabrierWelfers , bergeenstiire, - Palmyra landing ; -Michael Shirk, Boat Minover,DiiiiPitin county - , ti -the stores of Mr. Eby, andeDavid M. Rank, , East,:Hanover, Lehnoon.,oonnty, All Materials will be taken away from the a bove places; finithetirithout delay, and returned again. - Theise of his customers who Wig) tenure Stook, ing Wool carded, dyed sad mixed, cattiest% their, Wool (white,) at the ebove orient oiled ' places, with directions heirrthey' Willi it prepared. his easterners can<order the stocking-wool to be made from the undersigned's wool, which will.bee done, and left at the de - M.6(l)oam - _ is desired Abet those having wofill . carded, will .pay the,**ll,therefor„at tlae abo - ve named places., RYON LEMBERGER. East llanovea tp. .414 r MEW 2 I.' g ):* Z....a - 4a as -•6 -4 es, ~.,.. 0 2 4 It-= . .....t.-1 m 2-2,4 .. Vg=g -- .., ..f. A. 0 0 0 r ... 0, !.F...10. - .4 • . . 8 2 -4 2:ii . .aw a, 11l X ... V ...-.. g, 1:3 i- iv 7'; 4 1 '7' gi CS . 0 IP .4 "....* 2 7t114: . ..4 E /telt - aft '.a ..., ..c, 11 A et al !Alz t) Re 0 4.4 °I I; r. 5 ri1....0 '5l .- A ;3 2 ~ m2m-:* , no &I As S : tt = • • rii , os ... A 4 ..= 1; ...al 13 The public * NEW SI, _V.; one square north of Union HIM„ Lebanon, Pa., where he will attentitpeisonalipito all who will favor him with their patronam lie would also return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage afforded him Since opening in business, and feeling the more enemiraged by the interest manifested in hiskbehalf by the public, he enters upon a new season with renewed energy, despatching business with srpromptnessbecoming an hormst mechanic. "tax. Terms iteasenable. Call and'Examitte. J. E. D'ATIGIIERTt. Lebanon, April 3, -1357. P. S.—Also, a number of select Limestone Door Sills, for the accommodation of building men And contractors, who would do well to call and exam. Inc. . J. E. D. JAMES F. MAXWELL, MANUFACTURER OF Improved Fire and Water I,oof comrosrrioN ROOFJVE, -HARRISBURG, PA., .11)ViLSPECTFAILLY.. igforat,the, citizens of- ,far- Reading„Lancister, Lebanon, and their vicinities, that we are prepared to put on roofs on most liberal terms, and at the shortest notice. We respectfully call the attention of persons a bout to build, to our invaluable method of roofing, now much 11304 throughout the prinoipal cities of the United States and their vicinities. This mode of roofing haying all, the combined requiaites of cheapness, DuribilitY, and Security egainst sire and Water, and dispensing with high gable walla; the roofs require an inclination of not more than three-quarters (1) of an inch to the foot, and in many cases saving the Intim coat of rafters—the ceiling joist being,used. The gutters are made of the same material, without ant-extra charges ; consequently, our roofs are put up at almost half the coat of either Tin,'Slate, or Shingles. The material being of an imperishable natp i re, it surpasses all others in Durability ;—besides, in case of any casualty, it is the most easily repaired of any other roof now in use. Yet, the) best proof wq can, offer as to its being both fife and water proof, are our many re ferences, to any one.of.srhom wo are at liberty to refer. N. B.—But let it be distinctly understood, (since we manufacture our•own composition, and do the work in person,) tkat i we warrant all our work proof against.hoth Fire and 'Water • if they prove contrary, we will most willingly :bide the reignite. The meteriars heing mostly, non=conductors of hest, no roof is ao cOtoTin•aunutter, or so warm in winter. Those wishing' to use our roof should give the raftera-a pitehroftebout one inch to the foot. - [moy 27,1534.-4 m. BOOT iv SIiCE. STORE. - 31ietob 'Beadle, 141ESPECTIMUIsbYdriforms the public that lie AS' still, continues, his eitensiveestabrisbriient in his Citinberland street, where he topes to render the same antit"feetion 'as beret°. .foreAmill who maydaver him with their custom. He invites Merchants and dealers in irooti and Shoes and every one *whnowishes.to -purchase fashionu ble-atill durable artieles in his line, to call andlm. endue. for thereselvel, his . large - and varied stbek. Hela determined tu,sufpass all competition in the manufacture Of egery article in his business, suitable for any market in the Union. A due care is takeh in repaid to materials indworlsman /ship ; nbie lineiheliest quality' or Leather and „other materials are used and none but tile workmen are employe& P. - 8.-11e.returns his sincere thanks to bis friend's fonthe very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed_on him. He hopes by strict attention to business and endeaveritiLiti pleade .. his mato mere, to merit a share ofimblie patronate Lebanon, Oct. 17, 1856. ...... .. MATT & BUTC...gga'S 'III AGIC 0I - it 'it ..' • I. DOLLARS REWARD will ge- paid og - It/ for any medley)* that will exeell , thie for the following diseases, viz I:--, Rheumatism, teuratgia, Spinal Affect:tons, Contracted loiats, Cholic , Pains,Pai ns in the, Chile or Back, Headache, akiiithaile; Sprains, Bgre 'Throat, Cats, Bruise*, Vara, and 'all dis eases of.the Skin", Itfuseles,Ani lli, along • . rikvie o)mill:ie.:Witt:mitt , 5 i 9 . t1 6.. 4 . ....... tt ._ Butcher:attachad to each, 0 1_ ,;,... -.'; 7 - -`-'t '"" latirottie Wholesale -' nailt at %Mir . d & t 4emberger's Drug fttas•Vl T tents pane 3,'37.1y, CORNER of Market. - &,l l iticA_StsLOO:ion,, kJ in the room formerly oedipus& by , ricolilikeidley Esq., where he still contilrues to keep an assort mentof the very.best,brands of Wines arld s LiVErs that can be BR To those who aregn . his liquors it is not necessary for him Ap voiltbns the liquors sellspeak for themsolireal To ollplel Keepers, an' all tith - ors; he wouliltstate;thatsitis merely nes:elsiarl fcs,t f hem to call and itaffitini s stock to saiith"r " e y ititelves, _as_be_s.r ‘ irrairt 2 s4, der full sa 0.11- EMI,. BRIG E.T. _ _ N. B.— giber; WeidWmtlotner. Lebanon, 8ei3e9d857. - - T.. QIIFFENERS *VI camases of'..thlfßlitdder, NW ° nem qrtoiel, Dropsy, Weekktiese,"_*. 'read the advertisement ! in :smother, _column,' headed ‘Belmbold's amounts Preparation." • TKINS has ittstreturned from the city with mil his new stook of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Brawling two" ThiMewed S'ofaa *ovoid by •DD'ljDaa # OVBS. National Safety Trust 07FICI, fIpirALNITT Street, South-West corner of TRIED' Street, Pbiladelplhia. Arra ngentents for Business dating the" Banks' Suspension of Specie Payments 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Checks and,Sprie _will be mode sd on Deposit: 3. Deposits made in Bank Bates or Checks will be paid back in currenClfssuk-biotes 4. Dejposita matio_tn Silver;slll.lmpailbsck.ffiColn. Inter- 44. est,, f r rcsc.Five per cent. per A "mums. 4 11E,Nitt BENNlfiti'Preiddent. Wiltibr .I. 9 ltinn, SO'crotary. - , - Philsdelph#, pi0rt.23,1547.„ The Greatest Diseeziery eirer - Made. Grey • Mair .ResteAriok 7,149/41. 11 • • fir ißeter , Dyeing:ll4 , nONESS if4TR 7044 . 1 t ItzsTOBER is suknowicd&- to be, artd_is, the most RPFECTUAWititicie for Restoring - (IVRY -If rit to its farmer COIOR and REARTA-andf.mutting ir to grow. when it has fallen off and becomedhin: , 461' erthelirsi*of L ONLY ONO' ROT'TBE—aid in !Vora WOO tvpsivedjaelarcyttatliair.yrillassame Wear. teal, life-like color, an the softy smooth and glossy. . AMP' This valuable preparation is ohly b 0 cents a bot tle. -Prepared by. T. lf: 1 0CROBIA , 1 7 5 Pulten_atrect, Brooklyn, General Agent. Bohr also-bY D. 'S. ° TVS; at his eh - emir/drag stiore, - Lubatnon, Pa. RD. 4_F . ,„.. _ W-3. Flt'lV' Int Ladle' TORN FARalti SG" Co.; No.)l3lB 7 Sfaiket tl street, itbovi-Eigbithi Philads3lphisi Impottetir; Manufacturers and dealers in Ladies,ertVereen, smut Cbildren's F.Axoy FURS. wholesale anlfiCtill.' 7: F:ttv Co.;.ir - Otikl rail thwatthaßowordeenonstanWther ppalis,rpernlif to their immense Stock-of itsmoy Furs for I.494tes,Watlemiiii and Ctilaren their efeblirciti every itsticlkantnkiisd-of Mateyrimistlustseill be worn during the season—snch as Full &pew., Ralf Capes, Quarter Capes, Telma.% "tiladitifia: Woes; Miiffi and Muffatees, from the finest - Russian-Sable to the low est price Domestic Pure - . f - ,For Gentlemen the Lar .. ‘ ,, est. aksortment Flit Collars, Saves, Gauntlets; ,E 4 vanietbeltdrred Ifmportere of all War Furs, avetifilanufectims.ofYlimpuder our own su pervision, ye, feel satisfied we can otter' batter Inagua merits tOdeilers and the publicgoubially thane any Other house,. having an.immense asap iltinenttoseleet,fropand at the 3fannfartnrers' prices. ulx;:ire only ask a call. JCRS FARM - RA - Sept.:l6,'s7--ips. No. 418 31 sirketAt.,allike Sth, Ho eL's Liquid rHZ following, from that aneinent Virginian Of Phil '' ;Weigh's', Dr; Brinckle,:seldia46 tbartepliniof Professor Booth, only Man= what evidenced by tbounands who have need Hciyer'i , = -‘ ,x - • GiaasiaMow, Cwrzwrfizawri Philadelphia, December. 2241, 1853. f "In regard to llover's lisieDyn, I an stitte'unhiiir bitingly, that it stintains no deleterious ingrediebtsiand may be used with entire safety, and with the utmost, confidence and success." " W. D. !MINCE - LE. W. Honer'. a Writing and Indelible-him, Are an and widely known, as to =Palm no eulogy of their merits, it is only necessary tormy, thatthustaady and increasing demand, gives the be eridesieuldiakthey maintain their character for superiority, which•clistiar guished them when first introduced, yeare•ego Orders addressed to the Manniliefory.. , Nootti Essig street, above Fourth, (old No. 140,) Philadelphia,- will re ceive prompt attention, by ;10SEPHi R. HOVER, Sept.lo,'o7—kapril 10, 'ISS. • klannisetarer. REM : OVAL: Lebanon rflarbie Yar4l l .- . T" outscriber respectfully infcirms , the public in general that he As prepared to doall kinds of Fancy axisOmaastrarrat. w_ark. at his Marble Yard, in Walnutstreet, half wayLietwnets the Court Rouse and Lebanon Valley Railroad Delint, at the shortekt notice, as good as work done in any city in the United States, and being the only Storibent4ilit Lebanon county wholes served a regular apprenticeship to t h e business, hoktledgas himself that heean wettable tore chafer, and give a baiter finish 'Wan anylkither man enraged in the samelnuthwas.• Itieetoeklionststeof Monuments, Grave Stones. Mantels,, Cemetery. osts; Furniture Slabs, &c. Also, SANDSTONE of the heat qnsiity for all' Sites„ plain and ornamental. A brie wacirtithenVoniLMN. STONE for all kinds of housawork,,;of any size ,stitt quantity. albs-Please call and examine prices and the stock before you purehise eleasrkere. • JOHN FARRELL: • Lebanon, December 19,1555. • . N. B.—LETTERING done in German anilineliah, by tbebeat practical workmen - Well, Pe,tenwhere have Yoitbee ww ill.l hare been at the STOVNETOTEtoi Sim. N. ROGERS, and bought one alibis fskerior. ING STOVES, ai.he has just returnid.frorn thliary brought one of the largest assorttubritirof STOVES ever brought tottLebetsion l i My neighbor got one from,him, artd.itM) theikeetGook ing Stove I ever saw. They."MmMate, Molest . ~coo_rend wash at the same time, if they - wish - - to,And Werofeififi ry, thing to perfection; I *as detentteivai tqAtept .. l itstepf the mane sort, and the but of ens he 'sr , aggrnta every, Coo Matt trove:he sells to do as he represeliti.. - A rely more of the same.sayt left; withavgenecal seatment Parlor, //4, t, or inuag,Room,Stoves which whi he ' cola cheap With WWI wihortrnorit °Mile and BREST IRON - WAUEigenerallY cop!~ witblikr budnesg. work entrusted to him will be, dope Withilostnkokand dispatch. _ _ ' Lebanon; dept. 23, '57. sgterictitturitt: leare-iscrwire- Nos. 218 23 South Six HILADth Street lE , near the State House, P ; frffe)T FLOORS of thin beildni* . g,erected aims& ly for the Piapriitors' trade, are itaFed with 7 B - 44 eta kipplemenfsotinterest to.FarmersAmtGardnuess.,,, Six* Years Established.--The svicribers desire to WV the attention of every ono ifitfireitaffilfiiiiedfigUif denim to their well-seleetedestock of Annesitnagd:lnspidnents and Mtichifterz - 1, Great Tariety,ef Horticultural Took - Wirranfed`Gagien, and Ploweiz .(*a4s..tfolloWd Seeds of the meet reliabiegualiar, r4vi The Agn Aural Implements sold by Mare Metlg r y nidntifact at otri - Stinan Werke, BristoT,lnl' Having fitted up this establishment withotamilinatflo expense, with the most complete machinery, for the man pthlcture. of.varionsicinds of AgneultaxedArentments, we, are now prepared Id_ supplir-in artgletchniiirline`fully equal, if notesePetior, to any thing , oftlbektrikerer offer , ohto the public. - - _ - Landreth's Warranted; Garden Reedy, Fikiw beierliffoin the , public for , ip - onethr of Sixty - yeers; their wide-spread poptdarity r andtthe constantlY inetese. ing demand from year th Yeatilti c thi besteridenri, of their 'ority over all others— f.l"r:lnk ''''``" ' ' w i th seed; Country merchants wen lw truppleed wi in pa- . Perth Or, bulk, Qu i the moot liberal terms. - Bloomsdile, near BristotTa.,ourHarden Seed unkind"; contains throe hniedinfind seventy acres, Audis tliedist gest establi4p4 u ant of its WV in the k SON, -" .octiTes7-3ni. Nos. 2I &''M Soufle Sixth Street;Pitiniat:. BOOKS 1300kgi br ia y. VIRMALTZ & RCEDLB , would rea4Pua 044/lnibliii, WIT the Public., that they conatanti r e pave. iTom the BasternCities,`coplidiataD; 'FONA ambattractive.Now Bortui t na.soOn,t pobAhail, ? KVA thOy`Oreilbr sale cheaper th'Sn Sh e tairliti l pthW a sid. eltirwhire. Amowmthosetatebonee. R_Kane 'a Fa;pedition, Tstki raiat'slilidoWeollll 2 - Vl,3** 4* '• ilteeollectioa of tt•ilillii4hing,./satitirakomploysh. 61?VlbtoutiNiAlWOCAtigiX *" v"" grap y o ftr and other aficeufpwan , W,orirotal &nil! sir! • • mo nhir's4 pigglan,ipitAjlaga.Archlteet. ericanAfebT Mt; by-WIC latel,aTknmEdetedt t CA h s. f t ta a BRpDWirger. ottagb • G • ound • & lhafhaie ut. dnd f a — easortment bbl ,Books, Blank Books and +. S. T "C 17:0 N E sem& WAR, and Miudetllookst • " d. - cit, • -• ramaiiiiiignitdch is. • ' 'MAU 6:4 lebtirig °4 4 Also, Piano Forte, kleiodeon a • la:17 :° . via RARER HAN Afri Meer S i -of Foreign., and Domestic Manufacture, Sated. The 'so nVh iy Nrakatlnesi and itikbe - NEWSPAPERS; daily' 4. ivratiff Cunha had by calling at theatore;onOntribuitandaksft in the borough of Lebanon, at the'signot the "Big _ 113. Orders left with them:for any Mud Of it nollidn line, will berprouiptly attended. to. Lebanon,..April 8,1657. - queenswart I n t l' entry desenyttaa aid very lowa* . - 1-4 0 tiAnebeD4l4.oeL =I JAMES MUM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers