The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, December 16, 1857, Image 3

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- - .01 AO
NM, PA:, DEC. 16, T.
-ONE ArFard
i o farleof Michael srnlir, deo'd.Alw
towY ship, containing 89 acres,:
at .puilic sale, to Mr. John Fink, tit
anon township, for $96 por acre.
• wftk that, ther 1111100 p
Aotti r4rt,:',,Wl4t;*ol4lll*- " -,
Itreett,:for LMS:::•thniksydbmf,;resfirk
4 •lte-414r.01k , , ..‘, 4N•Lt7
le Or thernitil of ItsdieandiViiiilimis.
mnreitylousielutsing a new e(
made Clothing, Jewelry for the Holidays, die.-- Ty
Good bargains can always be obtained at their
Me of Navigation.—Yoaterday (Tnesdliy,)
the day officially fixed upon for finally cloa
; navigation on the Union Canal for the year,
d drawing off tho water for improvements and•
Don't Target the Old Plase.--Iltn. Eve has
' in a largo assortment of 'Candies and Toys
the coming Holidays. Knee Kinkle notions
re abound at his place than at any other in
county. Don't forgot to call.
Cooking Itattee.;•-illikfilelifi 8 ho if latkokt
up ter ranitherrOf Wolfing Itakislitllitia hor
st, which need eitlS.l4 110911 Oahe appreciated.
family convenience there is scarcely anyttrilit
surpasses them. We saw the one put til) for
for Moyer, and were so highly pleased with it
if it were not for "poverty's sake,!" we worijd
it impossible to get along without one of•the
-res.—ltev. Mr. Wedekind will deliver a
ire in the Court House, before the.,Franklin
fie, to-morrow evening. Subject—" Phases
Times." No charge fursemy,tmee.
Monday evening, the 28th inst., Col. John
irony will Lecture in this horough on "The
of Adversity."
need not urge upon our citizens an attend
., these Lectures. Both gentlemen ate wet
lo eloquent speakers, whom all knowledge,
will rush to hear.
Our respectoil townsmen, E. M. Rion/mese
will 'care in a few weeks for Arctic°. He
of a corps of Engineers 'to survey - a railroad
from Vera Crui to 016.04 of ,ilextoi
on to the Pacific Ocean. lie goes by
New Orleans and will be absent about
° We trust be may ham) a pleasant
't, and return to his family and friends in
kith. .
.—E M. Richards, Esq., of this borough
le name experiments relative to the cost of
other lighting materials, with the
.Its. lie regulated the flow of gas till it
the same intensity of light as , the article
it was compared. The following is
.cult: '
moo cubic feet, $3 GO
Fluid, per gallon, 70
audios, (long) per lb., (of 4 in number,) 60
Inc Candice, per lb. • Oil
Indic'', per lb., (of 0 in number,) 12
lamp.) per lb. 11
Cost per hour,
in mills. Iteraarks.
4% Cost of tricks neglected;
li nevertheless slightly in
favor of gas in economy.
t 1 e
{ n LI
low candles 1
-8/ 4
Lard Lamp,
jz We presume there are very few places in
%his Union, and probably none in foreign coon
tries, so poorly protected at night, as Lebanon.—
t, Our police 'force has dwindled down to a single
individual, or rather two, who are on duty week
%bout. The impossibility of one man keeping a
'watch over the pc:mend property of upwards of
4000 pampa is evident to every. man of scnse.—
A couple of drunken rowdies can defy him, and
the incendiary and thief can shape their•move.
meats in accordance to the impossibility of one
,man being at a dozen different places at the sank
Aisne. Notwithstanding this, we are sorry to find
assaults upon our police encouraged, having for
their °Wet the dispensing entirely With them.—
The intent Omelet be the tost--4or that is a trifle
to persons possessing proport-y valued by the as.
lessors at more than half-a-million of dollars; 'it
eattbot, be because the police we hare are tumor.
ihy—lia that ease their unworthiness wbuld be
exposed, and not untruths—which can be proven
• as such—brought to bear against them. , trital
then can be the object? Is politics at the bottom
of it? or is it produced by:respectable*, as noticed
by our correspondent, who wish night to cover up
their movements entirely?
LECTURE.-11 you appreciate an interesting
sod instructive Lecture, go to the Court: Houso
in time; on to-morrow (Thursday) evening, and
procure comfortable sesta. .
RISE EARLYs--We would advise those of our
lady readers who make a practice of rising late,
(say 9 or 10 (Mooch, a. m.) that them is nothing
like morning air for rosy cheeks. It boats paint
all hollow.
TELEGRAPH.--The telegraph wire was
put up along the Lebanon Valley Railroad last
week. 'The citizens of "old fogy Lebanon" are
crow able to ride en the care, receive news by tel
tegraph and read it b' kaallght
BENEPOLENOE.—My attention was arrested
a few wooke ago, by an article in the Advertiser,
appealing to the Ladies of our borough to organ
ize. a Benevolent Association for the relief of the
destitute. As no one bee yet taken the laudable
undertaking in hand, j shall, in consequence of
the President's Massage, defer my rerrarki thereon
until next Week.
joileid to learn that a number of our heretofore
"fast young teen" are beginning to nee the 'fu
rore of• their tears," and organising themselves
into a Temperance Association. W. are inform•
.ed tbat at the list meeting "Rmbler" stepped
forward and made his first Abut at oratory. No
appealed to all in behalf of temperance =A 'Sr
tuft and bfeaddren is spoken of as most eloquent:.
The oratorios, the next occasion is not yet an
gpog,TlNG.—tne day last week we raised a
rather jovial crew of good follows to go on a reg
ular riebble Ant. l UillefAlfouldering area" we
made good time r and were determined to fully as.
, Airtain the amount of pleasure that can be roan:,
ei in a reldk conducted cunt.' It f 6 liCtiet/S Dad
wilary to state that we Were euooessful. As soma
as we arrived at our place, etdestination, ITO a
number of the best ilagsAit the county, several
full-grown rabbits few past us, and quidk as
thought ire gave them the contents of our gun ?
Which doubled them up. like rags. The efo'rt
now waxed warm is a number of bunnieslmph°
cover, and *TKO/fluted down by the well-trained
dogs. Bang I: bang! went our guns until every
ono in the Party was satisfied,, after 'which we
agreed 164610 a bur gone, and rotivat Abe** had.
24 rabbits : six pheasants, an ha we come across
a Veit6ll.. , iSt4l,,Otise h 4 . l,Aikatod . the 4000..eate..
Thk,lre cougritulatel,oursefies i weelgoekshoctt l
ing. Wo else WV tumoral. partridvw, but thoset.,
who fire Upen'thisloWitreirotontitlasiterthe apv. ,
pellation of sportsmen. AS we &tett partici
pating in these healthful hefts, our 'next - shall
be .h coon iyakt, Atka we inspect a gianot.ireirieve
rnent upon the occasion.
EDITOR OF ADVIIRTISIII N—The titiestien of the
comparatiVe value of Gas and other material of
light„kag been testbd by .Ms. h. M. Richapis, who
deeiddi -that Gauls the cheapest, dearest and
deanott of all othail in use. So far its we ire
concerned this is 11180 :decisive with, us. Is it so
with him who talked of "itrstalliog bad feeling,*"
and who saw—mark the Word—"signs iof dissat
isfaction among souk, id regard to Me price
Or, he—die ninny--wlia didn't want lo be "sav
ed?" Bless their kindly hearts, we settled it for
them, anyhow j-und withettt afee at - that And
poor Othello, too, is nott 7 ianting an "occupation?'
A word to yr.herds,: and we shalt have
done. We tender powder thanks in givingtO 4 1 9
public Vie result of, four - • experiments, conPloti
with the assurance MAW they have accomplished
what they were intiiided they should do—con
vince the people of Lebanon, that Gas was the
eheapiataasterialfor light, they also hare damp
ed conkideVabfh - we should think, - the,spirlts of
those Who were disposed to croak.
* Ia New York and other large cities "bad feel
lbgs - are forstalled," by a deruagogne; *htin
counting thd real or irkieghlafi evils impending
over a people. bonsequenee, bison and
bloodshed! Vide the latest authority. on "anxious
pritiiddifg• "
Mn. Rant:in.—There aro persons in Lebanon
so Ilindly , upposed to the Pate* that they spit
forth theirfronom attever ‘ y opp4pknity, regardless
alike, of to and common sense. .
- By their:assaults upon the - pt td they hive
succeeded l having-that force xeduteed^:to a sin
gle individual, who is . - at all places
at all times. There wore no d rfa when we had •a
sufficientky -strong police foreei loithert-, the-pees
once of a 'policeman at -diifoiergt Wets at the
mime time, answered to proteet,W property of
the eitizeis. * lt is only since .thitt three has been
reduced that it has proved s4for any person to
fire a building, without dang44,bising seen and
arrested by ati , officer.
A writer in the Courier of last Wiek oaks "where
were the police" at the time' of the fire. Titer°
were no rudie . e, there being but one officer at-pres
enCon duty, and he wita'4lot Osier)) but a-short
time before the *traria was giv - en of this fire, he
had a man under arrest for drunkopess and' met
three other individuals who -came, sniggering
along, They should have been takerilb
i r the same
offence, but where ware the means to do t 2 , Sureo
lyit is not expected that one officer shotild lie
able to arrest four persons at once.
The truth is if instead of diachttrging the po
lice there-should be an addition.made theetdo 4 ,:we
would have leas rowdyism on elm Stiller; and;
if those pollens Who lay bllthet to respectability,
and who are in the habit of being out it alt hi!mrs
of the night, were. to quit a business that seems to
be fit only for the night time there-Would-not be
such igrcat outcry against our Fella officers, and
an efficient force could ho kept
. np,.,,tint as long
as our rexpectablee are seen in the streets in small'
hours of the.morning, so long we will have a re
spectable opposition,- to haringlAtenhfen in our
borough, who in performing their-duties must see
and know the NIGHT HAWKS. ,
Lebanon County Toughen' Institute.
Tbe eandieswere better
air then they would have
been in ordinary me.
The Lebanon County - Ttiatiters' Institute met he
the Beneficial Halt, Lebanon, Dec. 4,1857.
The Institute wee called to order at half past 10
o'clock, A. M., by the President. J. 11. Kluge.
Oti motion by Mr. F. Phillips, .1. T. Nitrituer wits
elected tiiicretary. • '
The - President -then' intrtidneed Prot J. P.•Wickar
sham, who made very apprepriate remarks in regard to
the necessity of Teachers' _lnstitutes, and the different
manner by which they ere deducted, and was followid
by Con. nomad if. Crurrbws.
On motion by Mr. ILIIMick, the Institute adjourned
to weer at half past one o'clock, P.M.
Ifaff past onco'cLick, Institute was called
to order by the Presidentd. 11. Kluge.
Prof.!. P. Wickersham, nftersome remarks,:lettured
on the Alphabet, in which ho examined the teachers
present, bow they lime...taught; how they teach the
Alphabet, and endeavored to show and simplify the
best method of tracking it. •
Prof. it. T. Cornwell, after some remarks, lecturedon,
the rudiments of 3latheniatics,in which he examined the
Teachers present, and endeavored to simplify the beet
method of teaching it. ,
tin motion by Prof. J. P. Wickersham, the Institute
adjourned fire minutes.
Candles wolilinitetif ad
from air.
Cod of w•lcke neglected
Four o'clock. The Association Was called to order by
thu President, J. IL Kluge.
Prof. J. P. NVlckersham, after come remarks on the
responsibility or teaching the Alphabet, lectured on Or-,
thogrophy, in which he examined the ttdeliars present,
how they teach it and .andeavered tis etillySiiry the hest
On motion hy3tr.V. Phillips, the Institute adjourned
to meet on the sth lost., ut half past S o'clock, A.M.
Purennot to adjourrnent, the Institute met on Dec.
btb, at half met 8 o'clock, A. X, and was Called to or.
der by the President, .1. U. Kluge, who made Borne np•
probilste remarks lit raged to the benefits derßed
Boni snob Inatitutes.
Prof. IL T. Cornwelf,dectorell on the -ntetited of teach
ing, mental Arithinetto r fornied a clams and taught it...
Prof. J. P. Wickorshain, lectured on the method of
t o o
lleaWi .• ti di Int_ examined the teachers predent
in re 't4 tire
the hitters. the — illoillithitionor
the ince, &c., p 4 z : 1 1 41.10 qlon 9,..,45ik Electilional'
-. kOnmuttion by-Prof. J. P. Wickersham, the Intiti.titte
adjunrited.five minutes,. .
' Ekren °Vick A. df.. the Association was ealigd to or
der "ay the President.J. IL Kluge.
Pio*. It. 'T. Cornweli,deettireti on the necessity of Phy
sical Geography, and LlM:nether:l by whi c h it 5 h 0n i 4 ,..6,
Prof. J. P. Widierabam, lectnrud on the necessity of
Grammar, the bestidethod of teaching it, and in conclu
sion compliMented all forthebr attendance, ge..
On motion or Mr. P. Philips; the Institute cordially
tender the thenjte of its members to Pref. Wickersham, 1
Prof. Cornwell, and Hen. '4'. 11. Burrows, for their ,pres
mice, and for their kind end aide instructions. - Pref. it.
T. Cornwell, and Iron. T: H. Burrows, complimented all .
fdr their kind attention, gc.t
On motion of. Pr0f4.4,..P. Wickersham, it was resolved
that the El,tecutive Committee shall prepare business for
the //Item: en. , ,
O,i motion ofille.F.*Plailiiii;the Institute adjourned
to manta 2 O'clock, P. M. , •
Tam Oetotti-, P.M.—Thetlnstitnte .was called to order by
the President—J. H. Singe—who made some remarks
in regard to the preceding instructions.
Tho BaccutivaComniittee reported as follows :
Ist. Mow shall tembera-induce scholars to be regular
and punctual in their attendance at school ?
Id. What lathe best method of teaching arithmetic to
pupils who are just, commencing the study ?
The first question was then,token ~up and discussed
by the following, gentlemen* hlitircit. Jam. L. Mustard, F.
Philips, S. T. McAdams, 11. Hotta, J. S. Grumbler and
A. It. Kremer.
Oil motion of Mr. 11. Houck. the second question was
taken up. .
On motion or Mr. F. Phillips; it wail resolved that no
member shall speak more .than once, on the mine sub
The second question was then dismissed by Messrs. J.
L. Mustard, -L Phillips and J. 5. Gm:whine. .. •
On motion of Mr. Henry Houck, the discussion wits
On motion or Mr. F. Phillips, It. was resolved that a
synopsis of the protieedinga be published in all the Mug.
fish papers of Lebanon, igod the &hod 'Journal.
. OirMntlott of Mr. H. Ifaucic,, a. vote of thanks was
given for the use of the Benedetti' Itall.
On motionot Mr. F. Phillips, the institute adjourned
sine die.' • -
On the eveningl bu
k the 4th ttia ler,go audienc e of cit.
4.t1=1541 , 4 naltad in Mr ~ Court p.o.toro,_os ,Lepr
uw mot; T. Il.".lllmrates:pa th e lruqptets
a6strtsnn to education.
The farrowing is a list of the Teacher?' present at tho
meetings of the Institute : ' ,
IDavid timith
4. JP...Kremer
Aaron Male
A. J. Arnold
Solomon Weiss •
~. Mtn 04.3012
Pt• letrUngtilie
.Torb— §
pp. Worn
knit Groh .
John Bensoo4. -
Jos. Beeson ' !
- David Malik x" ~r-
Isaac. Sanderson -.
Bichertlcklell, '
AltßS.' • 1
I 'rt. Mirrerder ..,e,, - ;
1 .e...h1. Sb,iris• • , ,'1". ,
Catharine Montt; .....
P. 2. Itiltext'_2'
I ' lnt Ca d""
r ra Horst
T. itrottAtiztaourettity.
Jpo.B. RnpP
antin K. Ikea
Christian Busher
Levi M. leiwig
JOB Q. Royer
Jl4O. L. Dinatard
31 Houck
John Rbdearmel
Simnel Rotenor
J. S. Green:thine
%lonroe Becker
Win. G. Ward'
John W. ilarbecoo.
gamuct Haibeson
F. Phlilips
Daniel Batibtkugh
J. T. iiitrauer
W E. C. Mish
. S. W. HIM
E. Enoch
Catharine Zweitsig
A. L. Moore
.Fbnihe Advertiftr
nu) Conelnsion.
For the Advertiser
Fire.--On Monday night of last-week the Cider
Rout?, belonging to4r. Jacob Arieniz, about 4
iniles'inirth'stifAin borough was entirely destroy
ecrhyliA.4 thief* Wei a Cider Mill anitvarious
otheesirtiel6A the v building, which =alto the loss
l aves* hgpclred„,dollart, :A strange part of the
!affair that ad one law the fire, or knows." tfaatdt
had ocentredyisatil- morning: It it suppdseci to
have origin:Odd bfueeident, as fireball been used
the 414 bedlire in the neighborhood' for washing,
and not beinetheroughlyeitinguished, the wind,
during the nighlt no doitlit carried. sparks to the
Cider Souse. forturtatelthat no 'further car,
rying of ettaidurtetik place.
Lebutoft , Valley
A difficulty of long standing between ths*Com
pany Cfmtractori on the weablen por
tion' of Ole work, was summarily settled in the
forepart tiethe week. ft seemethrit the contrac
• tors, whose section included thp - Bwiitara. Bridge,
west of tHunintelitown, have delayed their work
from time tolime, dud' quite recently suspended
oherations altogether, because certain" ainnands
made . against 6e Company' were not complied
with., They , also , refused to permit the company
or any Am. party; to copse *sheathe ground, with
a vie* te - the feaffriiptieh of operations. Last-
Idenday, in pursuatthe * of order from the Chief
Engineer, Klarge force (report says 150 men)left
Reading for theatre of war. Arriving at thobridge
they found it fortified with a formidable battery of
swivels and muskets, bat unfortunately for those
who expected to distinguish themselves on the °o
mission, the tarrisson' had decamped The
Company immediately possessed themselves of the
armament, and Moir possession Of the work. The
Centract of the ielligeren t patties lists been declar
ed, toifoited, end the section Will be coral:doted by
the dotnpaiii with tlie leaSt possible delay.
The road west of Hurnmelatain is neatly or
quite ready for theraili, and that the track Will bli
laid -so that the trains can commence running
through to Harrisburg by the middle of next
month—in time to afford all persons so inclined,
to visit the inauguration of our new . Governor,
which takes place on the 19th proximo.
Special Notices.
.40- Thin Is to certify that I have made but one appli
cation of the 31..tmc Om on my fingers, which havo been
drawn from contraction of the cords, brought on by-rheu
matism. It was of seventeen months standing, and - I am
now entirely cured. I cheerfully. to all af
flitted likewise.- J. FINFROCJE,
frarrisbury, 72 Locust strccl.
4114 - E
lIELMBOLD'S'Obnuino PitErAß.VrioN
Is prepared Wei:filling to Pharmacy Ind Chemistry., with
the greitest. accuracy and- Cheinical. knoWledge devoted
to their combination. Sir. See eAverthement headed
Holloway's Ointment and Pfftst—e 'protection. against
Counterfeit.: exists in tho Water Hark, "Hollowly, New
York and London," which appears it., semi-trans parent
letters in every leaf of the book of direct,ipia , * If this is
not seen when the paper is held to tho flip ammo is
spurious. Unlike the 'hiinefil preparations 4 that drive
the virus of eruptions and sores into the vital cfrgans, this
.marvelous Ointment discharges the poison before it heals
the flesh. The Pills Inevitably cure Dyspepsia and all
billions diSordors, purifying end vitalksiog i tiie blood, &c.
Wood's Restosative.—Of all the restoratives fat the hair
that have been invented, Wood's pre-ennitentlYclaims tke
first pistil. It will certainly restore the natural Color of
the hair o if the .direction are followed for a stiitcient
length of,time. It alio Les produced ,astonishingierfeets
in bringing out IV growth of hair; where the:head tad
been previously We Wood ddee not 'pretend thlitlfWill
dd this ip all cases; and ire' think..his minder is a good
iscuihmendation of the virtues which Ids - restoratiCe re
ally possesses. If the roots of the bgir are destroyed, no
human, poWer can make them grow again; but whCn
there is tiny vitality loft in the rent, the restorative will
soon rcriew the hair in all its pristine Vigor. It has aone
this.repeatailly where all other remedies have failed. It
is therefore worth while in all cases to make the experi
ment. For clearing the hair of dandruff, and thickening
and strengthening the hair it has no rival.—West. Pat.
Fkagn.Biorirsas.—li, causes ited reflections to take up a
faded boquet oneesmiling with beauty, and gaze upon its
withered leaves and faded colors. But, how many faded
flowers - do we see Ort,the great bog . net of humanity; Men
andladies, tOo, whose beauty has lied with almost the
lightnitles Wail, and whose forms are sinking with pre
mature decay. What a .pity it le :that all such do not
know that ere disease has taken hold uyron the vital parts,
a simple preparation would restore them to health, to
joy, and to, beauty. Such a preparation, for instance, as
Maga - Pei Stomach Bitters, which drites away despon
dency, strengthens the weakeri parts, and restores the
whole system. It is. recommended .by physicians, and
contmended by all who have used it: Sold by all Drug
giststjflrocers, and dealers generally:
EMANUEL Rittaktvr, Agent, Berth-West tol htr pf Market
add Water Weds, liebetßn. [ire:': 25;'57-1m
.• To /When acid ilfothers.-L-Youltnow how important it
is for„your children that you should - keep good health.—
. .Ifew . frequently, do you see feeble parents - dreised
mourningg sin.acceunt of this, death of their, beloved ehil
,tiren.o, ltihidtapity4thii, *hen,propereslie and renie-
Ma; all tb , triKritinPtiltniblWcan avelided. '.When
health can bey reilthred to-the parent and life opd happi.
'nem to the child.' Restore the - health' of the raolher
- yotiobviate themecessity of Pilregilide, Ciodfinils Cordialmiihn,tber injurious narcotics -tprt.crying children. We
entreat-you, as we desire to Improve the condition, of our
race to procure Dr. IVoise's Alnmilac and read bow diseases
are cured in accordance With Ivircan's laws with innocent
*toots and Plants. '
During this critkal period MorsOgindian Root P . 1114 wilt
be regnirekbeeause they cleanse the body from those mor
hid humors,and thoroughly driveaNyay all pains, aud :give
ruse and tvitfiftort to the mother. Musette to tilteakills,
takealwo orthrtle times a ;reek Miring; pregnaney,-*ill
cause the mother a safe and eosy delivered, and vrillibe
sure to give a stout arid hnalihyanistitiltioll to thehlltd.
Dr. Morsollinfitin Root Pills arc sold by ardattlettin
Medicines. Dee.10;1867-AMJ.,
The Lebasivin Market.
Eee.rejuils, correcra w s ekty.).
LEBANON, WED . ,Xxsmir, DEC. 10, INFS.;
Extm Family Flour, $0 si) Potatoes, '0 hu ,
Extra Flour V bar.. ti 00 2ggs, V. doz., 16
Exbdi Super. Flotm, 50 Butter, 'f ib, 16
Superfine B. Flour, 500 lard, 10
pertinesFlour. _ 4'75 .. 10
Prime White Wheat, 105 tram,'
Prime Rbd -Wheat, Ixoo Shoulders, 12
Rylnidliy%7o 014V4 sir.
Corn, - 45 Soap, ~8..
Oats, , 30 Bees-wax, 25
Cloraseed, 7'oo White Rags, 5
Timothy-seed,- 260 Mixed Raga, 2
Fliur seat 1.5 V Flax.lolb , 12%
Dried Apples, 'olm., 100 Bristles, V Th., 40
Dried Apples, pealed, •1 10 Feathers. V lb, 02%
Peach "Seitz," '2 50 Wool, V Ib., 40
Peach "ilutzels," 125 Soup Beans,' qt., , 6
- Onions,
3. 60 Vinegar, V gui., 12%
Onions, 50 Apple Butter, '0 crock, 45
The Philadelphia Illarltet.
PHILADELPHIA, Droassatit 14 ; D 357.
-ThO Fleur ;whet is rather Armor, anal. there
-has been more inquiry for shipment, with halo of
1500@2000 barrels standard braids at Saler
barrel, and a small lot of extra at $5;25. ptiffe
is a steady inquiry :for the supply of tbeliqnse
trade within the ringe‘of Aar former quotations.
Rye rimy is offered at 44,25, and Corn licteal;at
$3 per harrel, but there is no demand for eitip*
Otaid—Thert is some inquiry for primeliflee`at,
but the mostof the offerings are of inferior quality
which is not wanted. Sales of 2000 bushels fair
and prime Southern and Pennsylvania red at $1
12a1 15 per bushel, and 700 bushels fair and good
white at 41-181t1 25. There is a slimly demand
for Rye for distilling, at 25 cents for Dela Ware, and
78 cents for Pennsylvania. Corn is unchanged—
sales 1200 bushels new 5re11c4.54a56 cents, and a
small lot of old in store at 20 cents. A sale of 400
bushels white and some mixed on private terms.
Oats are steady at 3344 cents per bushel.
Religious Notices.
English Services next Sabbath forenoon in the
Moravian Chard).
Briscorat Sanvroaa—Nett Sabbath, in Bene
ficial Ball, at - 3 droleek, p. m. Also, on the Fri
day follimitig, (fairlattnas'dziy,) at the Fame time
and place: Ruhlickkaaitat to attend.
English preaching. neat .Eatthath morning and
evening in Eines/114*nm Churoh.
Religiouaeerviees,firSalerres- Lutheran Church
on Sunday evening t in L 1 a Englishlangnage.
Gerinao preaching next Sunday morning
evening in the Ennotners" Churph of the Evan
genets 1 Amociaticit t .
• Sabbath morning in the Ger
man, in the evening in the English language, in
the Reformed Church.
English preachjoLnextgabhath morning and
mang o itt thsvMethodist'Churcii.
4 -- -
E.l) ,
.on the 10th inst by the Refill'. W. liranier,
.Ate. George Zepbe, of .S.'Lebtinen, to Catharine
of-Heidleburg tp., this county. •
On the 10th inst.thy Rev. Aug. C. Wedekind;
Mr. Christopher MeHerveg ofe.Cempbellstewn, to
Miss Anna MI Half; 0 S. liebanori.
On -the game day by the .SiShe.. Mr. , Henry .
Kline; to MiesEllen-lielidgeboth of South Itotao4
i Aiater' '
On the 4th inst., in North Annville, Catharine,
wife of John L. Meyer, aged 54 y'rs and 25 days.
On dm 28th ult., in Seuth Lebanon, Mr. Cyrus
Dohn'er, agod 31 years, 9 months and 20 days'.
On the 3itinst.,ln this borough, Emma Jane,
infautdatighter Of Henry (dee'd,) and Lydia Lou
don, aged 2 years, 8 months and 8 days.
Notice. N
LL Persons haring claims against me are requested
to Call at slice and have them settled. as I am, about
I saving for some time. ED. M. RICIIARDS.
Lebanon, Dec... 16, 1.357.-It.
ACCORDEONS, Flutenas, Flutes, Fifes, Music Boxes,
Banjos, Turnborinoes, Violin and Guitar Strings, de.
Very cheap, for sale at BEITZENSTE/N & BRO.
Presents for life nolidays.
JST -received a new supply of Watches , Jewelry, and
other Fancy Articles, imitable for Christmas Presents,
and for sale at low prices to suit the times, by
bee.l.6, ISL 7. REITZENBTEII , I & BRO.
. . -
suffering in familiesmay be avoided. sent to mar
ried meuund these contemplating marriage.
Address, enclosing four stamps, DR. Cr. W. AD-,
IMBCOMBE, Brooklyn, N. Y.. Dec.l6, =Ti7.-6m...
COLT'S Allen's and other Revolvers, single and double
'1„„) bariel Pistols, fine Pneket Knives, Port Monities,
PUTteS in great variety and sold at the lowest figure at,
Doe. 16, UV. Ohotip Jewelry and Fancy Store.
Livingstone's, Africa.
Dee.l6 '57
"lsilUsziost.ihete is Strength... ,
• Visjon Fire C ompany.
!VILE Members of Company, reglar and honorary,
are respectfully requestod to attend amnia! meeting
on FRIDAY EVENING, the ISth., at the Engine Mouse:
Ey order of the President.
Dee. 16,1557, D. J. SELTZER', &mei:
T HE will be paid by the Town Council
of the Borough of Lebanon, Pa., to any person or
persons who will.give such information as will lead to the
apprehension and conviction of tho Incendiary or Incen
diaries who set fire to the Shop Of Air. John Wolf, in aid
Borough, on Sunday morning, the oth of December, 1357.
By order of the Town CounciL
JACOB FEMME, Chief Burgess. .
Lebanon, Dee. 10,
Giand Gift Enterprise
GIFTS/ GIFTS/ - Oft to every Purchaser/
p 11. GOLDIN t CO., have opened in the room late
ly occupied by D. S. Baber's DrugStore,a few doors
west of the Court House, Lebanon, PR., a very extensive
and choice -assortment of ENTERTAINING BOOKS of
every description, all'of which are offered for side at pub
lisher's price.' Each purchacor to the amount of tri, and
upWardi,- will receive a GIFT, - Varying in valua'from 25
cents to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. The gifts consist
of fine Cold and Silver Watches, Guard Chains, Necklaces,
Ladies and Gentle Men's Breastpins',; Ear Rings, Finger
Ittngs, Gold and Silverl'encils, Gold 'Lockets,
.sMesphin of, distributbag the gifts ittentirely,now and
unobjectionabla-its fairness cannot be questioned. Each
book has an envelope Containing4.4lescrirition of the gift
the, purchaser is•entitled to. The stork of Books-and
Gifts is open for the, inspection of the public.
Ladies and Gehtlemen are respectfully' ititited
and examinatthe assditeitht, and judge fortheniselidif.
Dec:l6; 1827. GOLDIN 'A
The Golden Prize.
The,ltrew York Ilbutraged lreekly 43ciders Piii e,t .
co 13 Of, the , torgest. abd best literary papers of the day.
ik.L.l„.- libiderial rpiarto, containing eight pages, or for
tradlusidelif:ehdice matter ~each week. ,
Addle Gift•will be prtisented to each- sunicriber immo.
diatebuon4lukketrgipt of the subseription money..
.Each suhse Opr will be entitled to a gift worth Dora
5! to • $500,00 •
'FO Gell BS. -
Copies for 1 year, $5,00 -
10 " 1 " 16,00
1 Package containing $5OO, in Gold.
10 Gold Patent Lever English Hunting
Cased Watches $lOO EA . ,.
15c it 75 c
.25 " Gold Watches, - 60 "
100 c 6, Z. 50 c
300 Ladies " " "
100 Sliver Hunting Cased Watches 45 •
200 " Watches • • 10 to 20
500 Gold Vest Mid Guard and Fob
10 to 30 io
5000 Gold Lockets 2 tolli
Gold Rings Ear Drops—Broaches -
Breast Pins—Studs—Cuff Pins
Sleeve Buttons, . Ito 15 Each. •
Immediately on receipt the subscription money,-the
subserlbgr's 'name will be entered upon Otis' subicription
book, opposite a number, add the gift corresponding with
that number, will be forwarded to his or her address by
mail or express, post paid.
Address BECKET & COMPANY, Publishers,
• 48 and 49 sloffat's Buildings, Now York.
Specimen Copies sent free. .
o ..Bills of all the. Banks taken that pass current in
the States from whence they are sent. PoStage stamps
arcfeaso reazired. Dec. 16, 1857.-St.
Dr. Morsels Indian Root Pills
DR. SIORS E. the inventor of Measles INDI.V: Reef .lints
has spent the greater part of• his life in traveling,
having s visiteci Europe, Aeia, and Africa, as well as North
America—has spent three years among the Indians our
'western country—it was in this way that the Indian Root
Pills were first discovered: Dr. Morse was the filed Man
to establish the fact theta!! diseases arise from Impurity
of the /Hood—thst our strongth,lsealth and life depended
upon the vital_finid.
When the various peteinges beethrle dogged; and do not
net in perfect harmonywith the different functions of the
body, the blood loses its addersbeaomeathick , corrupted
and diseased; thus causing all ' retina, sickness and distress
of every name; our strength is exhausted, our health we
are deprived of, and if nature is,ndt assisted in throwing
off the stagnant - Minors, the WOW Will braxinle choked
and cease to act, and thus .our light of life will forever be
blown out. Row importantthen that we should keep the
various: passages of _the bedy free and open. And how
pleasant to us that wo have it in our power to put a med
icine in your reach; namely, Morse's Indian Root Pills,
manufactured from Manta and roots which grow around
the mountainous cliffs'in Nature's garden. for the health
anchrecovery of diseased Man. One of the roots from
Which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which peens
the puree of the skin, and assists nature iti throwing out
the litter parte of the sari:tuition withid. The second is a
plant which is an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs
the passage to the lungs and thus, in a soothing- manner,
performs its duty by, throwing off Mlegin, and other,jus
mom from the hinge by,9o , pious spitting. The third is a
Diuretic, which gives OSISQ and double strength to the kid
ifeyiethus "encouraged, they tirnerlargo amounts of im
purity from the bleed, which is then thieves's:out-bounti
fully by the urinary or water passage, and which could
not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth
, 6aiburtic and - actompnnise Ufa ether properties of
the Pills whiles engagedin purifying the blood; the coar
ser particles of linearity which cannot pass by the other
outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed elf in great quan
tities by the bowels. -
From the above, it is shown that Dr. hforWe Indian
Root Pills not only enter the 'stomach, but ,beconse-hui
ted with the blood, for they find way to every part, and
completely rout out and clamed the system from all ins
puritites, and the life of the body, which is the blood, be
comes perfectly healthy; consequently ell sickness and
pain is.driven from theayetem, for they cannot remain
when the body becomes so pure and clear.
The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and
why en many die, b.:wane° they do not get a. medicine
which will pass to the emitted parts, and which will open
the natural passage, for- he disease to be cast out; hence,
a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged, affh
the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with
the corrupting mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fer
mentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which
throws thecerruptedinattor through every vein and arte
ry, until life Is taken, from the body by disease. Dr.
hforee's PILLS have ended in. themselves victory upon
victory, by material; scallion of the sick to bloomihg
health and happineSs. Yes, thousands who hate been
racked or tormented With slickness, pain and anguish,
and 'whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burn
ing elements of raging fever, and who have been brought
as it were, within a step of the silent grave, now, stand
ready to testify that they would have been numbered
with the dead, bad it net been for thia,great and wonder
ful medicine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. Afterone or two
doses had been taken, they were absolutely astonished,
in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they
give immediate ease and strength, and tales, away all sick
uses, pain and anguish, but they et once go to work at
the, fotindaon of the disease, which !tithe blood, There-
Tdie,7ft wibe shown, especially by those who use these
Pills. that they wilt so cleanse and purify, that disease—
that deadly enemy—will - take its flight, and the timbal'
youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of
a long and happy cherieh and brighten your days.
CAUTIONe-..BeWilre of a counterfeit signed A. 8. hfilere
lill gamine have tba-raane of A.. 1. WHITE 41i 00. on each
box. Also theaignatnre of A. J. White & Co. All others
are spurious. A. J. WIEITE & CO., Sole Proprietors,
50 Leonard Street, New York;
es Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dialers in
Medicines: Agents 'wanted In 'ovary town , village and
hanolet itt gut bud. Partite destrkeg the agency - will ad
dreas as above , -for berme, Price 25 cents per bog, are
taxes; will be sant on receipt Of $l, pottage paid.
Dec. 16, 1857.-ly.
- - - - - - -
Tlus astonishing and unequalled preparation hie
er failed to ;product) a...growth Bald heads, when
used according - to the direction, alieCturie half back to Ito
original coffer:lifter baring beconie gray and reinstate it
•in all-ha' original health. lustrs.•tioffness and beauty,—
Removes at once all seurf, - 4repnV,and unpleasant itch-
fing,"l . letUrst• ertepflonannd•efeverlahinnflefebnfalfe•iiitolp:
It ohm preeenta the hair from becoming hnhoolthy and
falling off, and bone° note ea a perfect
A gentleman of Donlon writes to his friend in New Bed.
ford thin:—
To your itiqiiiriee, I would reply, that When I first com
menced using Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, my hair was
almost white, and had been so for the last ton years and
it was very thin on the top of my head, and very loose,
and pulled out freely; but I found that before I had used
all the second bottle, (which was eight weeks) my hair
MS entirely changed to its original color, light brown,
and is now free from dandruff and quite moist. I have
bad my hair cut five or six times since the change ' and
have never seen anything Ifird white hair starting from
the roofs* and it is now aslbick as it over was, and does
not come out at fal. It We; proved in my case all that I
could wish to ask.
July I, 1855 r
lours, ate,
From the Roston Herald.]
SOMETRING SI OATH Knowtso.—By using Prof. Wood's
Hair Restorative, pity - hair can bo permanently restored
to its original colo?° The subjoinedcertiticate from John.
son & Stone, Gardiner, Maine, is but one of the many in
stances that are daily coming to our knowledge, of its
wonderful effects. iris no longer problematical, but a
self-evident truth, as hundreds in our community can tes
GARDINER, Mains, June 22,1555.
Dime :—I }levet:Bed two betties of Prof. Wood's flair
Restorative, and can truly say it is the greatest discovery
of the ago fer restoring and changing the hair. Before
using it I, was a man of seventy. My hairitas now attain
ed its original color'. You can recommend it to the world'
.without the least fear, as my case was one of the worst
kind. Yours, respectfully
Prof. O. J. Wow>
BitOOKFIXI.D, Mass:, January. 12, 1855.
DEAR SlR:—Having made a trial of your Hair Restore
it gives me pleasure to say that its effect has been
excellent in removing inflainmation, dandruff; and trcon
stant itching tendency with which I have beau troubled
from childhood; and has also restored niyhair, width - was
becoming gray, to its originaLcolor.. I have used no oth
er article - with anything likp the pleasure and profit.'
ours,J: hlt IMAGO,
Prof.Woon. (Pastor of Orthodox. Church, Brookfield:
the Missouri DemearaLl
Al'Oon's Elm Dirs.—This admirable article is rapidly
improving the hair. No article of a similar kind, now be
ford the public, enjoys a better reputation se a restorative
and invigorating hair tonic. • Its. peculiar chemical quail
tieehaveabeneficial effect upcn the grofilli and character
of the hair, givinga.silky and glossy texture to that which
was formerly of aiteanie and dry natural - if has,.ulid,we
uuderstand,ertendency to Pt-aerie the youtliful color and
appearance-of the hair; and destroying . oreounteracting
the effects of age. With such rocommenditiotifirt its fa-:
vor, we hardly percei vc how any lady or gentleman should
be without so valuable an idjunct to their toilet.
.For salo f in Lebanon, at'llertrean a L LtXIBEROXR'S Drug
store: Also, by all =spade Mu Druggists. (clea.ll-3.
IDEItSONS in want of Feed . foi Lowe or Nil : can
fain it daily at the Brewery of the eubeeriber, in
Cumberland street; West of Plank Road. Prim!. Bute
12X to 25 cents a bushel:.
Doe. 9, 18,57.-Line. - HENRY IiAIiTIVAS.
• A. Y.,111.
A SPECIAL MEETING of ittvutit. Lebuttott Lodge,
No. 226, A. Y. M., will ba held 'at their hell, ;Rants
dug Evening, December 16, 1857. A full attoodence is
desired, as business of importance will be brought be
fore the Lodge. By Order of the W. M.
Imitation, Dec. 9,1857. .E. T. 11cADAM, Sect'y.
Stray Boar
GONE to the promisee of the subscriber in the bo•
rough of Lebauuu, on the 14th ult., a White pour,
about 9 months old, 'Tbe owner will plea.e come for
ward, prove property, pay charges , and take it uwenor
It will be dealt with according to law.
Dec. 0, 1857. .TOUN FARRELL.
fienry 116irtutali 7 s Brewery
TN Cumberland Street, * of the Plank Roil, MU.
non. SelsvreitzEr end Limbermr Oheere, HoHand
Herring, wholesale and 'Retail. A 7 large room in the
second story is itch forincetlisgs, Fo7letles,le.
Lebanon, Deb. , 9,157.
Free Lectures!
Franklin Literary Institute, Lcbstigin,
Proposes, .duririg.the Winter, tp procure a Course of
Free Lectures, da Literary anti other subjects. T 6 se
cure this bliject, the' services of seicral gentlemen, of
high taleurbarc airady been engaged,. , The first of the
Course igill-be WEDZHIND, ,in
the'Court House, on Marsiftly! Evening, December 17,
18671 Suarsor—"Pleases of thelTitiaes." • .
aIEL The public cordially 'allied to attend.
J. NV. lianirsoa, Secfy. - Dee. 9,',7.—`.h.
N Of ice.
Korth Lebanon Rail Rnael
XTOTICE is hereby given, that the annual meeting of
the Stockholders °Mho North Lebanon Rail Road
Compatiy,;:wilUbe held on.the &song Arolday jantta.
ry, 1558, at the Treasirer's office, in the borough of
Lebanon. bet.ween the hours, of 10 o'clock, A. M., and
12 0'c10tk,951.011 -which time and place di election for
SECREART; nitrite hild-fOr theonstitngYear.
Deet1,1357).., .TOltN W. MlBll, Secretary.
Lebanon an annpany.
OTICE is hereby given, that the annual meeting of
the Stockholders of the Lebanon Gas Company will
be held on the. First Monday of January, 18b8, at :thief-
See of the Superintepdent, at the Gas Works,
In the
borough of Lebanon, between the hours of I. and 4
o'clock, P. M., at which time and place en election for
SEVEN MAN/OBES will be held to serve for the en-
JOHN W. SIISII, Socretary
suing year.
Dec- 9,1957
Notice 'to Creditor.
ALL PERSONS indebted to tho firm of SlHitt{ & TICE,
or to SA afIIEL U. SRIRK, by Notd, Book Account,
berwiec, arc room:cited to make early payment to AMOS
R.7301M17,1, LtiaofaCO,itt Lebanou.und sawn coat&
Lebanon, Oct. 7,74. Attorneys for Creditors.
Beady-erode Clothing .
SUCH AS OVEltaLlTS,:t3ack Coate, Frock Costa, Pants
and Vestatall colors end all •prioa, Plat reecired And
offered at much prlcceda have already Induced many to
porchlow: We defy-corelpetltiOn on Weedy-made Clothing.
For clap Cabs, Parini mint Veen', all at
Lcbanon, Weber 28, 1862.
Can and Seel
CARPETS) Carpetil Oil delta! Oil Cloths! Baskets!
Cdriiet Chain! Carpet Chain) Bed Featbend
Bed ' , Where! Corn Erootus! Corn Brooms! Band Boie
and a eatiet dr oilier 06E14 fatidvott and dnity'roceiving
by nostitril & Ca's Exprese, which will be sold cheap by
Longinotti Ott:18, '6n: RENRY &STINE.
Fol. Sale.
36,1,000 BARREL STAVES, be Ipught
on rram m
eablo term front theuniteratried.
Admio'ra of the Estate of Jecob — B. Weidman, deed.
Dec. 2, 1857.
New Barber Shop.
EOIWE IV. DALY, MARErt Sracnnopposito the Leb-
Ur anon Bank. would Teßpeetfully inform the Citizons of
Lebanon and vicinity, that ho still continues his drekellas
Shaping 4. flair Dressing &loon,
and la prcipartad to tlo AdnessAd , tio.neateid and bead
stylo, and would solicit all to glio trim a frial.
benanon, Ont. 21, 1857.
Lebanon Valley Railroad.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the minuet meeting of
Stockholdera of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Com
pany, will be held on the second 21fooday of January.
1858, at the Treasurer ' s Office, in RetuMng, between the
hours of 12 and 3 o'clock, P. M.. at which time and placl
an election for President, six Directors, and Treasurer
andS...rretary, will beheld, to eerie for the ensuing year.
Dee. 2. 135,.-td. DANIEL S. HUNTER, Seet'y.
Between Humxttolat,own and Xiddintowa.
ON and after the 15th inet., the Gntr- -,
/Killian will run a Daily Slav Line
between Eummelstown and Middletown, , c.-• - • l .w ..-.-
connectin4 with the cars on the Lebanon Valley Railroad
on the °naval and departure of the (same at llirmmels
town. They also keep a LIVERY STABLE at Middle-
Wen for the accommodation of the public. Good horses
abd all kinds of canveymacea:
November $1607. DEMIST L CORIWBY.
• AU Right About Faces._ •
I.tioT, it cm be made right by =Ding at J. DAILY'S
Nina tinir-uoirr Onuar, in $, J. Stine's New Build
ing;one door net oflteinhard's Hotel, where you can oh.
taina LIKENESS that will compare favorably in every
respect with any taken elsewhere. He bait one of the
beet sky-lights in the country and having spared no'
pains to make in mime comfoitable, be latent' a large
share of patronage from the citizen of •Lebenen and sur
rounding country. Alif-Pricse to suit the time,.
Lebanon, Nov.lB, 18AT. .T. DAILY.
North Lebanon 7111111itis Co.
111 E NORTH LEBANON 4ILL has been remodeled;
and Is now comp operation eted and in and proper
to furnish custoniers regularly with a very superior
article of FLOUR., as clump as it can be
obtained from any oihn source. , They
- also keep constantly Cu hand and for
sale, CHOP, BEAN, SHORTS, £c.
la. They are also prepared to do all
kinds of tmeers' Mee, and respectfully invite all
the former customers of the Dill, as well u new ones, to
give them a call.
met. They .will pay the regular market prices for all
kinds of Grain, etch as WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS,
Ac., and afford all facilities and accommodations to
Mims who will sell. CONRAD WAGNER,
It. Zeberuct Bat Deo. a, 1851, yreallmt.
liargailts Bar crisis !
-TELunderidgaed havi at Siwiff sale,
entire stock of C 0 of L. B. Oppenheim
er, naw offer for We, at their store, one 'door-south of
ffenry & Stine's store, in hfariret street, in the borough of
Lebanon, ell kinds of ReadrmacleAdt, Winter, and Bum
_titer fanthtrili. Their. russortotont is extensive, and of ttie
finest and beat material, and well made, and-as they are
anxious yr sell out .spreddy: they ,sie prepared to eel Lat
tow RATEB. • All 'in want of Clothing wilt do well togive
them . a call before purchnslng • •
LetiiiikOSPYeraber 1.1,j113§7.—tf.
The Clothing Store ir Tail
oring Establishment of •
1 ABER k BKO'S you will now and in their New Build-
JA, log, 9, few doors East of their former placo,'on the 2d
Story, where you can find all kinds of CUMILSO—Coats,
aver-Coats, Sacks, Round Jackets, Parma, Yeats; Boys'
Clothing, temy dm* You can dross yowled!' fromtop
to toe at elicit lei* pews as will Shit gm theme.
. All orders for TAILORING Will be promptly at.
tended to..
Atar.Ait wools of it7ity iroduci taken in exchange for
Clothing and Tailoring. [Lel:Tanen, Oct. 2, 51
$lO.OoO Worth -Stoke tioOds
TIE UNDERSIONkb, laving Pui+Uhand Sheritt's
4 36 i, the large and oomph:Ito assortment of .STORE
GOODS of SHIRK & TICE, at a very low price, and being
deeiroue to clone up the concern at an early day, Will re
tail the stock at lower &Ices than Goode have ever been
Bold in Lebanon, and mach cheaper than the same kind o f
Goode can be bought at Wholesale In the cities. , The orig
inal coat of the GOODS wee $12,000, end tbastock la large,
complete and well•tisaorted.
Such an opportunity to obtain CHEAP GOODS le
rariiTyofferod. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and QUEENS-
W ARE in great quantities.
Sores of all entrant Danks taken in exchange for GOODS.
Lebanon, Oct. 7, '57. ABRAHAM SHIRK.
. Wholesale and Retail Drug Store,
Itas been Removed to his Now Building. on Cumber
land Street, opposite the Eagle Buildings,
Lobanon, Pa.
rug ~u * riber reepeetfallyttnnounees to his actinide
tauten and llia"public ill general, that hi has' ton
stantly on band a large Stock of •
mEnrcricEs,. i PAINTS;
Burning Fluid, Surgical Duitindietits,..Todlot• Sans, Se- •
gars, Tobacco, &c. Also a *ariety of Paitcy'Articles too
numerous to mention, ehialt he offer& at low rates. and
warnints the auilitids,of *She articles as reeresehted.---
Purchasers will ploase reniembcr this, and examine the
qua/Rice avid prices of hlif . godds tiefore paradigm else
where. air Physicians' pruscrlptions and fa - telly red
pee carefully eomponadelq tit' ell Inure of the day or
night, by calling e t the Drag Snare, opposite the Eagle
Buildings. •
On Sundays the Store will be opened for the com
pounding of prceoriptione between the bolus of 7 and
10 o'clock, A. el., 12 and 1, and 4 and 5 P.
Lebanon, Pec. 7 9,1557.. DAVID BARER:
Bairgaitis 11;ir#:0Ins:
Goods horight &zit id be sold
FIE subscriber would reggicctfally 111E01111 I lio ch.liona
of Lebanon tuel vicinity, that he Ilea parcilasod, at
Sherltra Sale, Om entire stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Quielisleare, 4 , c.,
late of J. M. rilrger k I:pother, at a very bra- priec.• Ilc
will retell the mock cheaper than any Goods have over
boon sdld heretofore In Lebanon, fOr the purpose of dog
leg out the concern.- no opportunity lea ono. and
obould now be embraced by all dealrotto of buying the:in
Goods for the coining winter. Tho stock is a full eno—
ovmplete in all Its departments.
tar Olva ue a cell and ace cur bargalb;.
Lebanon, Oct. It, '67. 02ORG E PPLEOER.
Ho! for the . Centre "Wetting.
R Alta.; R . Ar• itile44-7. !S
HAVE . OIOI/XD their STollietolli l 3
a &Naomi Fast Other old stand; cormirof Cumber
land and . 7ilarl‘t streets, whors.they have opened a splen
did assort, eat of-
L L & WINTER G0,00,5,'
oPtivery'deacrlption; of LADIES' IlliftESS Cle/ODS-ir
Styles for the acaeou—too numeiob9 to IkUVI.
sat- Call and 1190 them. Now is the time to buy cheap!
Lebanon, Oct- 21,1567• : - •
Great Crowds— Lo* Priceo.
\'E morning. Last week. as a friend and iliyself,.Trstre
J leisurely walking out Market street, and on arriving.
near the corner of Guilford street, our diet:6:l6A was riTt,
traded to a large crowd of Ladies--and.nearly, allrof
Whom were provided with large market baliteteilit .
others with eatcheis banging to their arms, and were evi
dently intent upon the same object.. Upon Inquiry we
found that in the Mansion Homo, on the corner of Gull
ford anti Market etreots, Is located the extensive Dry
Goads, Grocery, and Qbeensware Store of our polite and
affable friends, FUNCR & BRO., who have just opened a
large stock of Fall Gads, and that the greatcrowd of.
dies were their regular customers,'WhO may be seen-daily
at their. countets, jp =Laming-their goods. AU We saw
were evidently sails - Bed with theippureliasee; 'were 16nd
In the praises of the excellent quality of their dock; and
ell wet'. 'of the unanitndis opinlein.that FUNCK A BRO.
sell the best qualities, at lower rises , than any of their
competitors- So our advice vr dbe to you, one and. all,
both grail and small, to give .UNCE. & Biro. a call, and they
will surely try to please yott. PEDESTRIAN:
North Lebanon, Oct. 21, 1867. •
meat respectfully inform:the Gentlemen:of Luba
non and vicinity, that we have openetisNew Meet.
Wig Store, In Cumberland street, neat door to Henry &
Stine's Store, where we Intend to keep constantly on band
a most select assortment of
Readij- Made Clothuig,
ouch as Frock Coats, Overheat% Dress Coate, Caaaimere,
Sattinett and Casalnett rants, of all prima and descrip
tion% from $1,30 up to SU; Pests, cloth, plain *andtahcy
Silk of all atylea and &aligns, and a general ttalortrnent of
Furnishing _ Goods, •
such auNeckales, Suspenders. Wool and Buckskin 010148;
white. Aid flannel Shirts, Wool and Silk Eindetsbitts;:lks
Being in connexion with a large wholesale auutufecAndnig
establishment in tho city, where our Goods are math,.
Lured In the best manner, acid bnyliag ow. mirettilKal
the lowest cash prices., we are confident that we cad pleas
all who wilt favor us with their custom. All Ore ear, lea
trial, as our motto Is —" Quick Sales and Small-Profit! f" .
Lebanon, Oat. Ai, .57-21 n.
uodersignid h.akfult again rettuned from
thocltS, Where he.hris grtrrehaspapro riest ea.
i 8 . 01 Uncut of FURNITURE: ever v.fferect rn
anon, an•l which he takes this opporttailtj:to
say he will sell as low, or lower, than at any othor "stab.
lishunint. bas
SOFAS; Tov-a-tcte Loun3et. C.rrd Tablet, Ccrt-.
Ire ruble', What Ncite, Hat Racks, Tiro
Pell., Look; ng ONtest, «id a U k Mete
of Common «n Kitdi ell Furniture.
Also, ?fattiiicies Venetian Blinds, (imriatres for Uhl
dren, Ca ue and Common CHAIRS, and almOat every:
thing that can properly bo vsofeleted with his huairiess.
tiCirlfo feels grat confidence in calling:attention to this
assortment, and cordially iuvi tos all to give him a call bo
torn purchaeing ebsewhere. Ile is determinod not to be
undersold. his Mani it in the TOWN MILL, in Pfetavt
greet.' THEO. P. FRANTZ
8.--Roadyanale Corms will be kept on band, and
a pplendul Ilt.tictic bun boon obtained to attend Funerals.
Mao, any quantity. 11..9au0n, Oct. 21,'57.
- Lebanon Valley Rank.
LWOW 4t Iltarkrl strict nazr/y Gypositt Unita Hall, and
one door Nara of thc Peg Office_
W I WATT: foliosing RATES of g.TE:37W,°h°,
1657, viz:—
For I year, and loner, 6 per cat. per annum;
For 6 months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum ;
For 3 months, and lonw r, 4 per cent. per IMAM;
regniring a short notice of withdrawal . Intermit paid In
full for the Deposita from the date of, direit to the dale
of witbdra.w .q. we Ftll also efrord'a ltheral lino of sc..
comroodetions to tines who may fiver es with Deposits.
payahle on demand. a premium gm SPANISH
and MEXICAN- DOLLARS, and aim on rid 31C.xialis Dot
l an an d H a y- Degoks. tttill make callections en . and 141!..
mk to WI torts of the United Naas, the Canadas and
Europa; Negotiate Leann, ke.., de., and do a genets' =-
Gm. Guns, Cochin%
The irodereignaL MANAGERS, are indfvldually 114le
to the extent at their EatateitJOT ell Depes and other
obSgetkina of the "Li.r.e.o:l VALLICT
Lebanon, NOr.l3,l2tir. GEORGE OLEtlf:
La Old and Yining Turn Ord,— • •Drive
Doll Care and Hard Times away,'
and hold a .14 1 ilce at GRAEFF'S
old•establi.shed and popular •
ci,Q.Erlar.a strelt, afessi door; list rf .Ifarkct.
".E has just reistved a Felt and CciaplertsAissoftmesnt
_EI of New Peals for Thankseving,Chrietmasand ISiew
Year, and is confident that it has never before been vah
ed in this town. I will enninenge a few of the
French, German, English and China Rusty .'•
es gilded China CsrdiNisketa,•Jewel Boxes, Cups and
Oen with mottos, for present% a great variety of. China
Figures, Vries 'and alaxd,fe Ornaments; alabaater boxes
and bakx Ladles' and-Children? Fancy Fieeketix, Ohba,
wiii; kid aid Colored 'Dollx Tin anal Certaxi Toys, inch
Drum , w a gons, Wssaktabe,d &best of other tells
Fors wigwams, IlexCaalie an dMasi Ains 7 g l ue r e a:"
boxes, DewriiitneMCaZbe, Bratoylear u
.43 , 0 L k m , clic Cana* etelsy - flrt tellse
fir4ACZOIS, sr4Fix fi holkew su Fret, large g Meals,
eta, hingaword naaar igonsa,
us. ta, Canasta, Cranbegriesi:citnantr,rlrtyan.
branch' and seedless Raisbur, Lanwas, Orai% ime ,X
~,T, f li_ene6 in
let short - every th ing in the BeArne and, ONXIn
line. All the above will . be boa cheap; wholesele End re•
tall, to suit purchasers.
With thanks for the patronage heretofore so liberalli
.bestowed : , he. invites the lfftblic , to ap,axagilpstion of hie
new stock. • . ;.. • . -JiturN,GIKAIRkeP. I
witirtiljpraie Cxe , triperals4
"yrofrigittmsia t.lbortudtim v• • 4, ;•.. "
Lebanone:!ovr 25 1157P-4U Pt' a i 7 ,
ot-• Eli 0V A L
Fall rind . Winter Arrival of
Boots, ShOei CMO s af
• Tainia.
T7Subscriber would respoctfhlly inform
fLebanon and vicinity, that he has REMOVES his
HOOT and SHOE STORE to He New Building in .ITalmseli
street,.bstisems Reinhani's 0114 Ramkr's Edda, where he
has just opened a superior stock of BOOTS and SHOES,
for Isdifet, Gentlemen and Children ' embracing Calf Skin,
Goat HIP,. and thiCk Beets for Men : Boys, and Youths; all
kinds of ilichroes, such aa Calfektn,MoroccgKip and coarse
for Men; ]toys and Youths ;,,aled a gaiters! assortment of .
Mon's Gaiters, such, as eisraelod *Congress Congress '
Cloth and Kip Von for Bleu and 130 ya..
4 1, ganeral aseartmerit — cif Gaiters fw Isultei and
calicy Shoes for lAjjjes and Children, all Oblong aml
graiorai arwiridfedt Of Sandals, Boots and Hask
ins, for Indies an* Children.
such se fine Moleskin, Silk phd,Brusti fiats, a general es.
sortment of all colors and styles of soft Hats for lien and
Boys. Also, a variety of Traveling Trunks.
41i1Tdil the above articles he offers for sals at the lowest
rates for Cash. Come one, come all, and see, examine and
judge for yourselves. He has all kinds of home-made
Boots and Shoes, and "will take orders for any kinds' of
Boots and Shone, and fulfill thsin in a alkact tithe;
Lebanon, Oct. 21, 1857. JOHN SASSER.
ND f6r any Eruption Or Excoriation of the Skin,
iffitia whether on the head, face, arms or other parte of
the body. Old ulcers, or sores, and pimples on the ace,
may be speedily cured by the use of the Becto !Cetera.
To those cepeciully that are suffering from the Pidemi we
offer a sure remedy:
. .
From Rev. 3fr. LoterHine, P,ictet Oermin Church, Cot,
Conway and. Sharp streets:.
For the bentiflt of the aillietoi, I feel it a duty to state
what a lamming a medicine. kunwir by the natne of .Bnll'a
Recto Mistera." bee been to fins.- 1 bete been allibted
with ,ths ign,,for eight years. tier* nbilblitinie I tried
my own relmedien, as a practitioner...and malty others;
but without sieeess. Having heard of Mr. Bb Fe Pile
Remedy, I tried it ; and though 1 used but one half-bot
tle. I can say that lam perfectly cured. I also Maid it
in.a ylolinfrase of Totter, which extended over the whole
body, add'in-bice than two weeks It diaappeocred, end
the skit became clean and smooth. I strictly adhered to
Bold, Wholesale and Retail. by D. 8. Reber, Druggist,
Juliano's, Pii..,.iiolo agent for Lebanon county.
ncre.2l, 'J
Prices Reduced
To suit the Timel.
CONSTDERTh.III the recent aspect of the timed, we
.hero adopted the following resolutloav
Rco.vmn, that we will sell all kinds of Clothing at ye.
ry reduced prima, so as to give orerybody a cbaa:o to
bur what ho wants fur the fainter.
itnocvm, to roll all kfude of Furnishing Goods such es
Tinciergarmen , s, Socks. Shirts, Gloves, Eltunikerchlefo;
R:c%, cheaplr than dm cheapest.
RC301.7.15D, to glee orerybody the worth of their money
in whaterpr-they want to buy in the hue of Ready-mad,
11rAol..vrai, to return out thanks to the people of Übe,-
non county, for tfte liberal pa heretofore boetowed
upon ue..
NoTemter 18, 1.667
NtNir YORK ADVEittfikalENTS.
Adverti:ing and Corresponaenvo Office, 360 Broad
' , Ivey; New York.
:Yew and Importanf-Dl4-
. the Scienre of Medicine.
PARIS and later itiAt. COl4OlOll of stroictsse,
enua. Sold whole 10 mid . ratan lay Dr. aA.
,Barrow, ineinber of the
_troll Collage of Vienne,
and no 3 al College of Slitgeons, London. who may be
personally ronnullied U.-hie riAdenes. 157 Prince Anat.,
few blocks - west of Efidalleky, New York, from It A. M.
till 2 PM. and frodn.tlll 8 P. If (dantleys excepted,.
Willies by elipolittment.)
Trinseinar No.
Imromedy for 15cleentlemilipermsterriices, and ellthe
diiteetalmt conAqutmces eliding from early abuse, India
crib-hilts excesses, fir toolong residence in hot Climates.
It has roetored bodily and lexual strength and vigor to
thbevanele 10)0 are now in the enjoyment of health and
the functions of manhood; and ahaterer may be the
cause or dlsqnalifications for marriage, they ere effectu
ally subdued.
Zriesomar No, 2,
Completely and entirely ertelidatbe all treees ef
Ica, both In flUt mild and aggraeatedforms,olMite;strlc
tures;-Irritation of the Bladder. Non-retention ef the
Urine, Paine of the Lobe and Kidneys, end thews (Meow.
dere for which Copalel end Cuba's have co long been
thought an antidote..
Triesomar No. 3,
is•tho . groet.Continentel mum for Siphills and Secou:
dory Symptoms: It also constitutes a certain cure tie
Scurvy, Scrofula, and-.all on taneoua Eruptions, removing,
sod•expelling in its courie all impuritiOs from the viti .
stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease,
and expel it by insensible perspiratioti throuer tile me
diem of the pores of the skin and urine. •
It is a never falling comedy for that close of disorder.
which English physicist's treat with Mercury,,to the In.
aitablo destruction of the patent's consantforr,. and
N0)101 ell the Sorsa .arilfit in the world cannot remove.
T6MIL - 11AR. and 3, - era preparial in the forma.
Lozenge, devoid of Caste or smell, and can be carried in
the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases; arid - divided ha
separate closervm adtainistered by Valpoan, Lallemati;
Roux, Rimrd. &c., sm. Price $3 curb, or four c.asosin
one for $9, which saves $3, andin $l7 eases, wboroby
there Is a Paving of $9.
None are genuine 'unlems the Engravings of the emir
of the Patent OlRce of England, thereale of the Emile de
Pharmaide de Paris, and the Imperial College of nouns,
are laze' upon each wrapper, and around each ann.-,
Imitations era liable to the severest penalties of tbe
Special arrangenionte enable Dr. Bifrrow to foraged
immediately. on receiving a remittance; the ta and ler.
ger size cases of Triesernar free of carriage, to any paztof
the worldrseenrely packed and properly addriwasi Nita
imiurlngigenulpe European preparatious and not... Tung
the pUblielrodaptirfourand pernicious imitafivms.
AttendancirMid Cousultatidn from 11 n. in. till 2 p.
old Siam 4111111 in the ' 157' Prinrm tormt, 41 raw
blacks mist Broadway, Now INrit.
May 41847-17.•
Gtitailoro'R Hair Pre
ithin etsuCei;ell the Mite I
Of Oristadofes noiar-oinalled Dye
Ftad it wake. black, to brown transforms e gre3-,
422thkeeps the hbrus always from dcoey.
ro-Titallsing Rah- Dyeset+ll hoidsile
ixbikloties the most bumble's sub efficacious Usk
Use in Tii,e WORLD.
.rritparel anti ,sold, wholesale
itrd"zitilll;amt• applied in ten private ioente, et CUR&
nonc4, 1470. 6 "Akor • ii 411114 Bibildwas. New York. and
:eta atd . htrfiroseripin the United State..."
4311 , i4;
. I.ltityler, 340 Wood at., rittibuig. Pa
eke Ateaitine: of the
.401 E EXCITING CAUSE OF SipxNMB.—The hood
the Itte-ruitaining, agent. It furnl-I,ee the COttl•
.poncnti of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve aLlti tutee meat.
the ttcmach is itemanufactnry. thei voids itattisttibct ,
tore, and the idtegtineg the ebennel titentigh millet the
iite. matter rejected ilk Its prodattlons la expelled.—
Upon ttot atonwlk, thr circntat !ova and the bowels, tidos*
Pill* act eituultsnvme:ly, nlinvin& trOi;ipthAi, purify
Ing the Anhli i nnd regulating the ozereilons.
The iYalionat Disease.
. .
'12.3 t.popt.ia is the taunt c3alir.on dissaie =ink all alas
es in Ws country. It -Ar:times a thousand shapes, and
is the primary courts cf Innumerable deuge.-cus tzar
Moe; bus whatever its typo or rizaptoute r bowiner oh
situate its realateuse to ordinary preparations. it yield.
rrailily and rapidly to this Brarehinr, t unerring maws.
Bilioiis Afections.
The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital 1111-
pone nee to health. Upon the lieir,..tho gland tridilkss.
crates this find. these pilleopente epeeitically,
notifying its irra,culasities anti effeetually c 311111.
dice, bilious ilconittants, and all the varieties at so
generated by an unnatural rorulinon of the argot.
Liner Consplaiots.
tho bowels perform their tanctkmit properly,
tb• whole bcdp•suffere. Tens of thouermdeolis amnia
ly of Dpientery, Dispirit's; Chronic Oonetiptulertotad
other &resew of them waste Vpittii„bt ktio grus 9 . Tb•
• Clot of the pale upitu'all'iliteitinal dlitorttpre,4wbotber
casual or epidemic, is a phetteroin-50 to Itret, Mos. 4,3`
knowing the print•utiirectlo . rtr, theismetnisrminc es.
see of bowel etaipla3:l44re isramter T r irellea; •
A Word t —.Few s.
Tbe14431 debuily and irrognantititeete4ith ere the es
petal aliapyinad of the eteigar Fear limn frifieht 1 41011
s i. syfts b Antat uto,tourvellaval ibeflos
being, prevented Lren the ti,tott to =let hpl. *WSW
thie mnff hut ; thbextoefft
.elterSt . ; •
**2‘. nolietnety'e rieo l l.lllo lo ll6
the world for the following- ';.
- Aettone. Diarrfrve, - tn.:lipid/4. -
Street Ctootyinis Drom, unentwei llimi,
*Orha' Debeit. Ifigsabia
reVa ty • alto, Inward Weakness,
;Disease ! , • Ftlete, Pftoele Oomiblelnte,
*Naiveness, liesdathes, /peewee of elpititie;
e • • • • Woe, ,Gravel, Secondary Sympto m&
" Vat' •IS . • Worine of ell Ida:li r . --
iv>3Vla a h A . • •ny of Yrefefor Iteiloefoy, bi
m e w = • ~ e 7 , 7 . f in. • and by elf re hie D rag .
Efe azn • ',...infatlietot Oro tr i e tw;
*es eo4.tbo woad, iiaNet 44 25' oNate,Ait
• isoass Sigske- 1, -
CAZ=ONk-Nesso sze_reminexialess els weade 41 / 4 -
knaka Neer York egoi•LooiSten" . .n.o tta gbi. 44.twa.
.ten , autrk in - e4eiy ksirleCthe bonr9f drrectiOnenzonnd
-. A t, pot at tat; be:lntrolrOtrittytold
ing the leaf tothe =it tinnilieme reward will be
given to Boy c l l t -isti abkiiuttilalorthatioll as any
lead to ~the aeteetion 'tantrum orportieekioutaileite
ing Fhe.pultlinittee?Lt,ettpkitag the aims , kook tog 'them
t,-LU 2ll urioils-iiia
Then ja eAviikW•XelyildlqJl!42B.
• I • s • •f•es .1•