Cy 'Cant 5...1 t l been ealUtbat a chattering little soul in a largd body is like a 'swallow in a barn— the twitter takes up more room than She bird. :AB' ThOthapp lest mai in the world is the man with just wealth enough to keep him in spirits, .1111(i just children enough to make him industri ous. The following sentiment was given at a /anent railroad festival in Cleveland, Ohio ...Mothers—die only faithful tendera who neverinis i placed partaitch." „gir-Did you over go to,a military ball, itiqair -ed a lively girl of old soldier.— 'No, my dear,' replied the old i•Rovolutioriary; .tbalhose days the military balls came to us' 'top.. The following postscript to °letter reoeiv-' red by an editor out-west gives unquestionable ev iidenee of the great droughtrprevailing there • "Lager, is very scarce, and 'the dust very deep. ' The inhabitants here use whiskey-as•ebeverage,; itheogater heing.usedfor agricultural purposes:" Va.. A jester in the Court of. Francis T. that a great lord threatened to murder him. • y ` . • -does so," said the king,""lr*lll hang him in five minutes after." "I wish your Iblajesty would hang him- five minutes before," said the jester. ' , Va.."'resident, arise to get up and am not backwards to .mmo forwaed in the cause of .cdueation, for had it not been for education I have been, as ignorant as you aro, Mr. Pres ident." ' So said an eloquent dealtdmer at a recent oda eational assembly. tkiit..A doctor up town gave the followinppro amlption for.a sick lady, a few days since. "A new bonnet;a Cashmere shawl and a pair of gaiter boots!" The lady recovered immediately. Sbortly after, the Sheriff proscribed for her has tband two executions and a small r e ed flag.. Ile mill not recover. 'ts., "Can a body eat with these things'?" asks -an elderly lady who is handling a pai r of-artifi cial plates in a dental 'office, and admiring the _llueneywith which the dentist describes them. -"My dear madam," responds the dentist, "mils %tirade:on can be performed by them with a facility scarcely excelled by Nature herself." "Yes, I know," replied the female; 'Chat can body eat with. 'awl" . "Yon have no wife, I believe," said Mr. -, Blank to his 'neighbor. "No, Sir," was the reply,. "I never was marri ed." "Ab," said Mr. Blank, "you are a happy dog!" A short time after, Mr. :Blank, in addreafing a Married manosaid, "You hare a wife, Sir ?" "Yes, air, a wife and three children." "Indeed," said Mr. Blank, "you arelOhappy man l" "Why, Mr. Blank," said one of the company, "your remarks to the unmarried and the married .seesa 4c conflict somewhat!" "Not at all—not at all, air. Thorn is a differ ence in my statement. Please be more observing, sir. I said the man who had no wife was a hap py, dog, and the wan who had a wife was a happy man. Nothing conflicting at aIL -I know what say, sir. !" In. Some time ago one of the Cunard steam ers got on the 'max Maar Halifax epi her home ward,passage, and put• into that port for repairs. An examination "showed thatiehe was still sea.. worthy, and the Captain resolved to proceed at once for Liverpool. During a conversation some one remarked that many of the passengers would have remained at Halifax, but they were not al lowed time to get their baggage out of the "Warn er's hold. "I would have let my baggage go to h—," re marked a by-stander. "Yes," responded another, "you might have done that Safely, for you would have found it 'again. Vs- Full as neat, but no truer than the above, is the following: Somebody told Jerrold that George Robins, the . . auctioneer, was dead; "and of course," added the gentleman, "his business will go toihe , devt." "Oh, then, he'll get it again," said the wit, BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! WALTZTZ & RCEDLE would respectfully , inform Public, that they constantly , receive, from the Eastern Cities, copies of all the most important and attractive New Books, to soon as published, which they offer for sale cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere. Among those lately received are— ' Dr. Hane's Expedition, in 2 Vols. Prescott's History of Charles V., in 3 Wis. Recollections of a Life Time, in 2 Vole., by S. G. Goodrich, Author of Peter Parley's Tales. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, and other Miscellaneous Works. Carpenter's Assistant and Rural Architect. American Architect; by Z. W. Bitch. Downing's Cottage Residences and Cottage Grounds. The Economic Cottage _Builder. They have &brays on hand a large assortment of School Books, Blank Books and STAT 10 NER.Y. ALSO, Sunday School B wook hics, anti Music Books,- ag h is o The illanuonia ITnio )) By E. D. liresotzr. . Also, Plano Forte, Melodeon and , Violin Inetruetors . ' ALSO, PAPER HANGINGS, .0f Foreign and Demotic lilanufacture, , . Window Shades. . The Monthly Magazines, and all the NEWSPAPERS, daily ' 4 Weekly, Canbe had by calling at the store, on Cumberland street, In the borough of Lebanon, at the eland the "Big Book." *a-Orders left with them for any kind of goods in their fine, will be promptly attended to. Lebanon, April 8,1867. - GUANO!' GUANO 11 GUANO!! 1 ALL KINDS. Leinau's Super Phosphate of-. Lime. 7 3 000 TONS. VARALL'ItS, foryourWHEAT CROPS, use .L lumAu's Super Phosphate of Lime, at n ets. a lb. or $4O a Ton; or use Leinaut American Fertilier I at $3,60 a bbl. or $25 a ton. One barrel of either is sufficient for an Acre of Wheat. These are. IMMINENT MANURES, made`of reliable* Chemical Elements, and have been in successful use for the past Six Years, im proving the soil and increasing the value of the land. Four Diplomas from the State Agricultural So ciety of Pennsylvania; New Jersey; Delaware; and the Crystal Palace Association of the City of New York - , have been received for these Valua ble Fertilizers. ` Pamphlets in the English and German Lan guage can be had by application at the Office. 110" A libiral discount to wholesale dealers. The above Fertilliers, delliered FREE of Cart agnto any wharf in the old City proper: Orders sent;by Mail accompanied with Cash or. Drafts, will be promptly shipped to any part of the world. GEO. A. LEINAU, Proprietor, No. 19 South Front street, Phila. City. July 29, '57-4m. The Greatest Discovery ever gate, Grey Bair _Aestored its' former eolor w4thout e , Imo Y t. fIp.EB.OME'S HAIR comm. RESTORER is amtnoWitug be, and is, the „most EFFECTUAL article.(or /tutoring GREYRAW to its formerCOLOß and BEAUTY', and. oausdnejito grow when it halt' fallen off and beeomethin. x , • : • Air By Cornea of ONLY ONE BOTTLE-zandin from test to twirled days—theGreYeat flair will asaume its twig antrthe.harshestimir will look soft, smooth and glossy f air This'valuable preparation is only 50 cents elbot• Me. Prepared-by , T.' ft, JEROME, /75 Fulton *street, at Brooklyn, General - Agent. Sold also ' yD. S. ES, his cheap Drug and Medicinal sieve, Lebanon, I'a. • se .t. 21, 1855. Darius J. Seltzer, ATTORNEY 'AT LAW, OFFICE, in Cumberland Street, nearly opposite V Brua'e Hotel, Lebanon; . 1 4 n. Aug. 260'57. ISAAC HOFFER, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, OFFICE in Cunibe'rhtrul street, opposite the "Eagle Hotel," Lebanon,-Fa. Lebanon, Apri REMOVAL. M. GUILFORD has removed his fice to hisnew residence on Market Street, a few doors North ofßaber do Oves'-Store, and • be tween it and the New Lutheran church. Lehanon,Dec..l.9., 18.56.-tf. ' Litri JIIEILF, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILL attend to all his official business; also, Y all other legal and professional business +en trusted to him will. be promptly, attended to. °pylon—ln Cumberland street, second door cast from . .. Market st. [Lobanon,,Tuly-22,'57. litzfaette Brower, i r l As FITTER, adjoining A. S. Ely's Office,Wal- U 1 nut street, Lebanon, Pa. A large and ,beitn-- tiful assortment of Fixtures from the well-known establiihment of Cornelius A Baker, always on hand at Philadelphia prices. All work warranted to give satigfaction. All orders will be faithfully executed on• the most reasonable terms. MTh e best of reference given. [Lebanon, Sept. 16,'57. P. G. WIKEL, Bricklayer and Jobber Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn'a.. lAM prepared, at all times, to' put up Brick Work, in all its bronchia, and on the shortest notice. Also, BRICK BUILDINGS, BomEns, Inn-walls, Bodies, Hearths and all work connect ed with a Furnace done. 74.1-A gang of Stone Masons always ready to put down foundations, and do stoae work of ovary description. July-1,1857.—tf. TKINSt* McADAM are ready to ready to iiy accommodata.everybody wj.thpoots; Shoes, Trunks and. Travelnrg , bags. - . , *Fro .eriitters.. AGDOD - WASELINGTON P . R. - BSI, of iniddlino size, is. offered for sale, at this.Office, , viry cheap. The price is $6O. • • sept,l6 Water' Cooler for Sale. A . BEAUTIPUL WATEItTOOLtII,, large size, entirely new, can be, this office. It is just the thing , Tore,lantilord or store keeper. '[Lebanon, Sept. 23; '5 7 . For Sale. A Seeend-hand Stettin , ENGINE, 10 horseipow ii. er. It is to be sold to make room forone of a larger size. AppVito A.3IA.TOR & BROTHER. Lebanon, July 1, 1357. 'HAMS SHOIJILDERS, SIDES, Whitefish, Mackerel, herring, Cheese, Vinegar, Tobacco, Segars, Flour, Feeding, &e. Ape., for sale by J. C. REISNER. Libanon,luly 30, 1856. • CLOCKS, CLOCKS, JUST RECEIVED AT J. W. ACKER' S, From $1,25 to $lO, 8 day and 30- , 11our. Oa. 22, '56. Wood I Wood THE undersigned, residing in North 'Lebanon .13orougl1, offers forsaie v eheap, • 600 or 700 , Cords (estimated) good Wood. It May be seen at "Fin nigan's dam," on the Union Canal, near Jones town. [may 27,'57. DAVID BOXER. Leather, Leather, Leather! HENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French Calf Skins, and general Leather Dealer, No. 6, South 3d street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all - kinds of Leather, Moreecos, Ice.,`Tted Oak Sele,'Ve"ither. Fcb. 26, 1857:4y.. To Persons about to risit PHIL A.DELPH IA I . ) TRY the new WESTERN HOTEL, Market street; below 9th street. Eve es ry attention given; with a desire to -7 , please. Boarding $1 per Day. - A. M. HOPKINS, July _ Proprietor. CARPENTERS WANTED. 10 GOOD JOURNEYMAN CARPENTERS gi wanted immediately at the Steam Planing Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None but the best hands required, to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to BOAS, GASSER, ..45 GETTLE. Lebanon, Feb. IS, 1857.--tf. New Livery Stable. THE undersigned has establish -- 1 1 /4. ed a NEW LIVERY STABLE in 4 , ) the Eagle Hotel Slables, Lebanon. -----,,, 4He has good and safe orces, Car ' I, •a . 1 riages, as may be desired, and care , '''' --,- -:ful.Privers, whiob ite:will hire on fair terms. He hopea by being attentive to Viiii non to receive 'a liberal share ofpaiblie patronage. Apply at the Eagle Hotel or at tho' Stables: , .. . • . JOSLAII .D. DEBIT : FF. Lebanon, 7111 g. 19, '&7: FARMERS, 'LOOK TO YOUR. INTERESTS ! A'NEW FIRM In ANEW FIRM/ Borough. NEW-.PRICES?_ 1001000 BUSHELS WHEAT. 100,1100 - Bushels CORN, 100,000 Basile's OATS, Clover Seed, Flax Seed, Timothy Seed, for all which the prices-in cash will be paid by . 'HOFFMAN, IMMEL & Co. North Lebanon, July 29, '57-tf, ~- CLOCKS. . -- 4r___ 4 4.1 , , ~, Th arty Day, , 11 : Eight Day, 71 - - Thirty flour, ril i CLOCKS 9 Just Received at ~ ,A -c, - ,1:7 3. 3. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon,Fentale Seminary. • THE THIRD SESSION of the " LEDAZION Fn- MALE SEMINARY" will SODIUM'S° tho Firat day of Saptenzbar,:next.* It is earnestly requested that Parents intending to send their DAUGHTERS, Should do so at the commencement of the Sess,ion. LEGH R. DA.UGHEV,,Principa/. MODESTE DEGAMPSi Teaelterof French taut 3fueio. Lebanon,July 29 1857 WATCHES A.ND JEWELRY ANOTHER NEW LOT OF 4 WATOIIES AND JEWELRY JUST RECEIVED BY J W z ACKER; In Cumper/and street, next , door to Dr Lineaweaver's. - Oct. 22, '56. THERMOMETERS, &c.—Persons in want of accurate and reliable Thermometers, nand Mirrors, Traveling Flasks, China .b Fancy Toi let Bottles,Puff Boxes, Lubin's and other Choice rn PerfuesTortoise Shell, Buffalo, India Rubber end Born Pocket and Toilet Combs. Fancy Ser gar and'ash'Standi.(a. new - article.) '- Call at' G.IIILFORD k LEMBERGER'S Na Drug,, Medicine Sr, Perfumery Establisment, Market Street. NEW CLOTHING STORE! Market street,, between Mark.'s and Rise's Hotels. RAMSEY Is CO. have just opened a large and cheap assortment of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING. Their stock embraces all the different styles of COATS, PANTS, and VESTS, suitable for the, season. Goods of all kinds - in the piece; which will be made to order at the shortest notice. Shirts, Under-shirts - and Drawers, Cravats, Col lars, P,ockf. lltuldkerelkiors, Gloves, Umbrellas, in short;-Pierirthilig-uSiPally to be found in a gen deaisn's.Clothing and PurniShing Stere. - - Wit.. Two jortannv*if T A Thoßa :WANTED. S. S. ,RAMSEY • Lebauoi, Sept,M, TICINS &116ADAiid have just- reCeived a Alt new stook of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and. Travellin,s.bags. THE LEBANON -ADVERTISER..-T--A FAMILY NEWSPAPER• Farmers' & Mechanics' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP WIRE ehdersigneil would respeetfully invite, the 111 E 'attention of their friends ,and rthe public in general,: to the face that they arc prepared, the coming season, to manufacture and lave on hand the largest and best-assortment of FARMING IMPLEMENTS ever offered to, the-Farmers of this county, su6la. as Wheeler's Improveditailway Horse-Powers and Threshers;; Manny's combined Reaper and Mower, witbVocid'afalest ituprovSments; 'Coleman's Farm Mill; Graiii , Drills and Pans; Gourley's Patent narrow aira Clod CuttetT Cer6Ploughs and Planteit Portable Cider IVrilistelover-Hullers, Corn ''Shellors Fodder. Straw add. 41:tay. Cutters, %1p...„'A11.0f the above Machines are of the lates t: and best improvements; and are all .7atranted to give satisfaction. Also, Castings of tilt kznds made to Order, and at short notice. Particular attention paid to IREPAIRING, and charges'itasopable. i'F.►aysns will do well Co call and iiixamino our stock'b6fore purchasing elsewhere, as they will find it to their advantage to purchase Machines manufactured in 'their own county. ?2 All orders or communications by mail will be promptly. attended to. ' A. MAJOR & 13ROTHER. July 1, 1857. Lebanon, Lebanon' Co., Pa. NEW EXPRESS: ,leaseesta S siaseeil as: R THE Subscriber has made arrangements for running a DAILY 'EXPRESS, in connection with his FreightLiue, on Philadelphia and Read ing and-Lebanon Valley Railroads, and is prepar ed to , ferward Packages, Money, jewelry, and other A;altulhles daily each way BetAii•eon Philadelphia, Reading, tic." Each Rxpross in charge of it Special Messenger by Passenger Trains. All orders promptly deliv ered, anil goods ;forwarded with. the greatest des patch,. at redireed.rates. , Mark all goods CARL OF P. ALBRIGRT'S PREIGHT LINT:, or EXPRESS, as parties ordering may intend. Offices 311 Race Street,lPhiladelphia; corner of Fourth and Penn streets, Reading; at Sinking Springs, Ventelsdorf, .Meyerstown; 'and at D. GrmfEss, Cumberland„street, Lebanon. P. ALBRIGHT. Line of Six Boats, running between Philadelphia, and Pottsville to carry Merchandise and. Freight generally. , Schweitzer, ..45 Co., 55 North Wharves, Philad'a. Chestnut street Wharf, Reading. July , , HOFFMAN, LPIMEL 4 CO.'S LEBANON COUNTY TRANSPORTATION LINE Lebanon Palley Railroad. THIS LINE consists of 22 first-class BOATS, running 'between Philadelphia, Baltimore, and all other points along the Union, Schuylkill, Tide-Water and Pennsylvania Canals. FREIGHTS contracted for at the lowest pos sible rates; and:delivered with 'dispatch. The Proprietors will pay particular attention, and attend personally, to the receiving anddeliv ery of Freights . SHIPPERS and MERCHANTS can rely 'cm having their GOODS delivered in good condition and with promptness and dispateh, atlow rates. One of the Firm will pay partienlar aHeution to Goods Shipped by the . Lebanon Valley Railroad. 'Goods will be sent daily tortnd from . Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myerstown, Annville, Jonestown, and all other points in the county. For information, apply at their .office in North Lebanon, or at the Lebanon Valley R. IL Depot. EDWARD MARK, their Agent in Philadel phia, will always be found at W. H. Bosn's Mer chants' Hotel, North Third Street, Philad'a. Lebanon, Aug: 12, '57-3m. ' P. S.—WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS Jr Swans bought fOr CdSu. . I.•dr Co. -IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS MEN ! 7 -- SReed Increased and RATES OP FREIGHT REDUCED 'AY THE 'HOWARDEXPRESS CO, lIAVE made arrangements with :the Lebanon Valley IL. R. C0.,t0 forward,,Goods, Paeke, gee,. Moneys, &c., in arge of their own special Messenger from Philadelphiaand Reading by Pas senger Train. Merchants wishing their goods forwarded pune tuallT and :with despatch, will consult their own interests by patronizing the Express Co.:. Orders for .Goods to be returned by „Express will be delivered in Phibrea free of charge. - Persons having reteittanceS of money . to make to any part of the ff.'S. or' Canadas, will 'find The Express the only safe mode of conveyance. OFP.Icn----No 4 Eagle. Building, Lebanon, Pa., and 248 Chestnut St., below 3d st.,.PhilatVa. JOHN ULRICH; Agent, July 22, '57-tf. For Howard Express CO. . QUITERERS with diseases of the Bladder, Kid neys, Gravel, Dropsy, 'Weakness, &e., read the advertisement, in 'another column, headed ilielmbold's Genuine Preparation." • TWO INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES MIME undersigned would respectfully inform the eitizensof Lebanon andvieinity that they will at all times be found ready CO accommodate them in anything which belongs to their business, which is PAINTING, GLAZING, and. PAPER HANGING. They warrant all their work. By strict attention to business they hope to se cure a share of public patronage. Orders for work can be leftatWAtax do Rcennes Beek -store, whore they will be promptly attended to. At the latter place too, can beseen a large assortment of neat chaste designs.of Wall, Ceiling and Hall Pikers selected by them, from one of the most extensive establishments in the city of Philadelphia. Sept. 2, '57-3m.* THOMPSON .1% . STOUD. Lebanon ."" , ..-; ._---",_,----..----- - '-','''''''.,,,..__. .."-'-''''_-',-.-----1-'---_ - ` -`. :• I,E . 7 •,,,,,.'7.-77*.f...V.,.:: -. , " 4 , ::_ ,-,.. ..g.... ,.. ‘ ‘t0,,1 -, .- 41 :.-tail-...- ~.. ...% • --,-" A .--; , - - 44 ....:,..„.. w . .., ' 'P; *... " cAI6, -,A^,',--- . Tar. ORTGISAL Mr.nitriNz RerAnusilen 137. • dad first orticle of the knot ere,- tnfradueed onetor the name of "Pucnonn; NV _gnus." in this or any °ant 'country; ail other Putmonic Wafcrs are counterfeAs. The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on each IV AFEIL BRYAN'S ITI.MONTO WAFERS Relieve Coughs, Colds * Sore-throat s Hoareeneee. Believe Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. Believe Spitting of Blood, - Pnins in the Chet. Relieve Incipient ,Coix;tu; - 3.ptio - inZig Diseases. Relieve Irritatibh of the Uvula and Tonsils. Reltwin the above Complaints in Ten Minutes. Are a blessing to all claims and constitutions. Are adapted for Vocalists and Pik& Speakers. Improve the'compass and flexibility of the Voice. BRYAN'S PLILMONIC WAFERS - Are in a temple form and. pleasant to-the Mate. - BRYAN'S BU LACONIC WAFERS , Not only rellain, but effect rapid & luting Cures BRYAN'S PULMONIC -WAFERS in warranted,to eve .11844filetiO4 to every one. No Family should •be withont' a llox of • Bryan's ruhrtonie . Waters IN TnE ROME. No ,Traveler should be without a Box of Pulmoitie Waters IN HIS POCKET. NOlkaler should be without -a supidy, of ~. gypsies Putman:le Waters ' YOR HIS °WITMER& No person will ever. object to glve thr • Bryan's Piiirnonie VlTafersi, For silo by Dr.,,ltOSS,`opixeite the Court House, Leba non, Tet4 and by all respectable Druggists tbroughoutthe United Stites and Canada; also by Harvey Throb, Read ing, Pa. [0ct.7,757--ly. 1-1-1 ,5.,..111111114.11 , ATion ;.:17 BY UNION CANAL AND BRYAN'S PuLltosic WAFERS B 1 ANDS PULIIONIC WAFEFLS. BRYAN'S vuprpxid.WAVEßS BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. PLIZIONIC WAFERS BRYLN'S PULAIpMC WAFER BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS BRYAN'S PIMMONIC WAFERS Wu. P.A.tlenn. -'U YOUNG. New Coachmaking Establishment IIIVDERSIGNED, having taken the COACH-MAKING Establishment of Mr. LEVI reGllT;'en the Turnpike, at the East end of Lebanon, wish respectfully to invite the pub lic attention to their business. Each of us having served regular apprenticeships to the business, and having had much experience therein, vie feel confident of our ability to give sa:tifection. "Ev ery article manufactured at our establishment Twill be under our. personal supervision. We shall keep 1 0 . 4.113nd. READY-MADE • ALL. KINDS OF VEHICLES, which will be warranted of the most superior (val. ity. Wo will also attend to REPAIRING, at short notice: - tßa...None but the best workmen wißbe employed in any branch of the business. Virc eerdially. invite the public to give us a call, and we will guarantee satisfaction. Sept. 2; '57-0M: FAUBER 85 YOUNG- -REMOVAL - • Of 3. •111-. Goodls• Book Store. TE undersigned, having removed hisli , etw•and Cheap Hook Store, to Market,square, ?.doors north qef,7•Dr. Gurtxonb's New Handing, Market et, Where he will be pleased to see all of his old friends, and those clesirioneof having articles ,in his line'. With-a determination of gelling cheap or than,purchased elsewhere, heiVoulffte spoetfully Cal the attention of-The public ito bls assortment of Bitles, , Hymn and 'Priv& 'Books, cellciAeosp, Blank and School Books, Wd/d and Window Paper, Stationery, and every article in his line of busi ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and \Almanacs fpr /857. All the Magazine and NewspariO'rs, 'Valk daily and weekly, to be had at Publisher's rates. All orders for articles in his line carefully and promptly attended to, by the,undersißned._ Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1857 IFreserve your Teak. iIUILFORD & I L - EMBERS-EA prepare an arti ale,'J Pearl Dentrifice, the B nest Tooth powder, that can be used, having a Mbst - delightful odor and pleasant taste, polishes and preserves the teeth, to whieh -it gives a pearl-like whiteness, imparting a irro.l.l; 'delightful: fragrance .to the breath ; restores the:gums and preserves them in full'health - and vigor. 'Prepared and told'onlyot GUILFORD 11 LEMBERGER'S • New Drug Store, Markekst., Lumber and rCoaL and buy 5000: tb M fIU W M A B N ZR ED an I PCO c I in eat the as toniiitinily law,prices wiiich,l am now determin ed to sell lit. Now is the tiine,:if _you wish to save your money, to come to the New Lumber and Coal yard located between the Old , Lutheran: Church and Myers & ,Shoure Steam Mill, and one square north of the Court House, in Walnut street, in the borough of Lebanon, where is a well selected stock.of ell kinds of Building Materials, consisting of 500,000 ft. Boards,' 600,000 Shingles, 200,000 ft. Joist t Scantling,. • . 60,000 ft. hemlock boards, GO,OOO ft, do &tie' , " Vds. Also, Planks, Plastering and Roofing Lath, all of which will be sold, wholesale or retail, at Mid dletown prices, except a small advance for freight. Also, all kinds of the best COAL the market can produce, such as Broken Egg , Stove,Chestnut, Limeburners' and lloilidaysburg. Backsmith's Coal, which will be sold almest at cost. JOHN 11. 11IT110.YER Lebanon, June 24, 1857. SAMUEL iirixosaL. :: ADOLPHUS EDLSOEUL. D CHAS. H. MEALY A HOME FOR ALL ! • s .tu , —".4...;14, 2i ii ;: nom %';'t; The Largest, Best and Cheapest ASSORTMENT OF LUICILBER AND COAL ever offered heretofore to the public, _ AT THE 'OL.D YARD IN ;Thrill. Lebanon liorOugh (FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY MARE /6 REIROMIL,) Situated on East 4. West side of Mar ket street, at Union Canal. T itzu t r e e c r i s t i i g z n e e n d s o ta f y ,e th a i n s on method an of surrounding lnfom Counties, that they have now on hand a largo Of WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and are constantly receiving additions thereto. Their as sortment cunaists in part of ' White, and Yellow PINE and HEMLOCK BOARDS. inch and 2 inch PANNEL and COMMON PLANKS. White PINE and HEILLOCK SCANTLING and JOISTS. 1 inch .and inch CHERRY BOARDS, PLANKS and TABLE LEGS. Also, 1 inch and 4. inch POPLAR BOARDS ; PLANKS and SCANTLING. HARD WOOD, -Such as ASH and WHITE OAK BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTING. - - SHINGLES SHINGLES, SAINt LES ! . A.great assortment °flood P.m and Ilnur,oeu &INGLES. Also, .!ROOSING and PLASTERING LATHS. Also, .Rms,,-"Posrs,. and ready topped ,PALINGS for fencing. noMinp Boards, Doors and „st as h,. Of which they persitivelll have the largest and best 'assortment ever =offered in this section of country. COAL! COAL ! ! COAL!!! They keep constantly on hand the best quality of Broken, Stone and Lintelniraers' COAL. Also the best quality of Hotlidayaburg Smith Coat: which are sold at reduced prices. 'Vs: Having now -on hand much the largest and completest assortment of Lumber ever offered to the public in Lebanon, they feel : confulent of being able accominodate all pur chasers, and would, therefore,lnvite an examine lion of their stock Wore purchasing elsewhere. REINCSIELS' tic MELLY. North Lebanon Borough, Sept.l7, 1856. Bowman, Hauer & Capp's LUMBER YARD. This Way, if you Want Cheap Lumber. HE undersigned have lately formed a part nership for the purpose of engaging in the Lumber Business, on a now plan, would respect fully inform the public at large, their place of business is David Bowman's old Lumber Yard, in East Lebanon, fronting on .Chestnut'street, 1 square from the Evangelical church. They have enlarged the yard, and filled itwith anew and ex cellent assortment of all kinds of Lumber, such as BOARDS, PLANKS; JOISTS, LA.TRS, SHINDLES, AND SCANTLING, of all lengths and thicknesses. .Lix short, they keep constantly on hand, a Tiilland well-season ed assortment of all kinds of BUILDING MATE RIALS., Persons in want .of, anything in their line . are invited to call, their stank, and earn their prices: Thankful for past favors, they hope, that by attention to businesss and moiler- . ate prices, to merit a continuance of public pat roda.e. • BOWMAN, TUBER Sc CAPP. Lebanon, April'B, 1557.—1 y. LUMBER. ZUJIBER. NEARLY 9 2 000 000 FEET ! - OF the best and cheapest assortment of LIT2IBEit over offered to the public, at the. new and os tensive LUMBER AND COAL YARD cif PHILIP BRECHBILL, in the Borough of North Lebanon, on . the bank of the Union Canal, at thd head of Walnut Street, a. few squares North of the new. Steam Mill, and one square east of Bergner's Hotel. His assortment consists of the best well seasoned White, Yellow, Norway, Pine 8; Hemlock Boards; Cherry, Poplar ' and Pine Boards. 13 and 2 inch Panned and Common Plank; White Pine and Hemlock Scantling, and Joists; White Oak Boards, Plank and Scantlinv; 1a 3 inch Poplar Boards, Plank Scantling. SHINGLES ! SHINGLES I! The best Pine alll.gembiek Shingles; Also, Roofing hint . - Plastering Laths ; • Chestnut. Rails,and Posts, and Pailings for fences and •fencing Boards; FLOORING BOARDS of all sizes & descriptions. COAL! COAL ! ! COAL I! ! The largest stock. ofßroken ' Stove r Liumburn ers' and Hollidaysburg, Smith Coal, at the lowest prices. AA- Confident that ho has the largest and best assortment of LUMBER of all descriptions and Biz. es ' 'as well aithelargest steak of the different kinds :of i Coax. over : offered:to the citizens of ' Lebanon couniy,,he Ventures tem . that he can accommo date all purchasers satisfactorily, and would there fore invite all who want anything in Ills line, to examine, his stock before .purchaSing elsewhere. PHILIP BRECHBILL. North Lebanon Borough, July 22,'57. n tc 1 1 --- ;‘,...,,, i URI) Ti , Y .•- : n Ml' • 3 a wii ,teee ' PERFUJIERr.." LEIVIBERGER, Graduates of Pharmacy, and Practical 'Apothecaries and. Chemists, offer to the public a large and carefully Selected stock of Dings, Medicines ' Chemicals, DyilStuffs; Gust' Spices,' Perfumery, Toilet Arti- eles, Flavoring Extracts, Tobacco mid. Cigars, pure Wines,ancl Liquors for 'Medical purppses; with everything in their line as "DruggiSts,"Per furaers and Venders of Fandy Artielea,"Which can confidently, recommend. , to Fandlies, - Physi-. Clans,. Country-Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh, pure, and prepared in the best manner.— All the new Preparations, CheiniCals and - Putout Medicines.. Horse and Cattle Medicines. 'The largest assortment of TruSses, shigle and double; for children and persons of every age, and for ev ery variety.of rupture—carefully fitted .and ad justed if 'attired. - Abdoirdnal Supporters.,. • ‘All'ilirders co'r'rectly answered; mid :9481: clans' Preseriptions ilid'Family Receipts careful 1Y compounded. Country Merchants and Dyers will find it to their advantage to buy of Guilford &Lembertmr. blt.. Please call and get one of our Circulars, (printed in both English and Germlin,) in which you will finVallit'of most of the artielcrand prep arations kept by us.. 'GUILFORD g LEMBEIWER'S Ditun STOR.E is, opposite the Market House, July 29,1551'. Lebanon, Pa. d. IL GOOD NEW F-URNITURE STORE! ..gljzt. mi . ore 4. Oves HAVE just opened the finest, largest and .cheapest assortment of Furniture ever offer ed in Lebanon. Their stare' ie in Cumberland Street; between . Market" and ,Plank-read. ' Their stock ediihiSts of all - kinds .of Parlor and Connium Furniture, which .they • will sell lower than can ho bought in Lebanon: All they ask is of persons in want of Furniture to give them a call before purchasing. They have on hand a. large assortment of Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, ,Lounges,; Centre, Pier, Card and other Tablis, ' What Nets, Hat Racks, Am. Also, A large and cheap stock of • Stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Ohairt„, Settees, Bedsteads, and 'a lot of Cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses, ,Rosewood. and Mahogany—very Cheap. . Venetian. Blinds ; Carriages, Gigs and Hobby herSes, for children ; and a large stock, too -nu merous to mention. Particular attention'Paid'to UNDERTAKING. We have provided ourselves with the FINEST .HEARSE, IN LEBANON, and will manufacture Coffins and attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. . April 29, Mi. - DUNDORE & OVES. To No. 4 1 Eagle Buildings. A. RISE'S Fashionable Hat and Cap Store, Market Square, Lebanon, Pa. THE undersigned hereby informs his -friends -A. and the public in general, that he is noW,Snd "willbe always, fully prepared to supply his:Teas tomers with goods in his.line:Wholesale and re tail, at the shortest notice, and tipbn the most ac commodatintrierms. - His stock consists -of Bea ver, Ntitrii Cassimere, Moleskin, Siik, ZSifftillaMft. h., 'Which he .will dispose". of at:the hirrest'prices. All his Hats are manufactured.un der his 'airn immediate superintendence; and - he feels warranted - in-saying, that foedurabitity and :finish they..cannot. be surpassed:-:';r chants, 'visiting .Lebanim, dealing, in hats? and caps, can be Sup Plied 'it Wholesale prices, from One to a dozen, such sizes as they may want. - ' • " 'ADAM RISE.'i Mink, Muskrat, and Rabbit, 'Skins: :wanted, for wilt.* the highest market prices 'will he. paid. - - c, 1356. MANUFACTURE R OF - Ln - proved Fire Ansi. AVAter —Woof C 0 InrosiTlON ROOFING, HARRISBURG, PA., DESPEOTFULLY inform the citizens of Bar risburg, Reading, Lancaster, Lebanon, and their vicinities, that we are prepared to put on roofs, on most liberal terms, .and at the shortest notice. We ieiPeetfully call the attention of persons a bout, to build, to our ihvaluable method of 'roofing, now much used`throughout the principal cities of the United' States and - their vicinities. Thisinede of roofing having all the combined requisites of cheapness, Durability, and Security against Fire and Water, and dispensing with high gable walls; the roofs require an inclination' Of mot more than 'three-quarters (4) of an inch to the foot, and in ninny cases saving the entire cost of rafters=the veiling joist being used. : . The gutters are made of the same material, without any extra charges 3 consequently, our roofs are put up at almost half the Vest of either Tin, Slate, or Shingles. The material being of an imperishable nature, it surpasses all others in Durability in ease of any casualty, it is Clic TER t atkly i'ephile,d Whiny et h' nnw in use. Yet, the,, hest proof we can offer as to its being bethlre unit" rater proof,nre our many re ferences, to any one 'ef whom we are at -liberty to reek , . - ; • Nr 8.-=-Brit let it be distinctly understood, (since we manufacture our own composition, and do the work in person,) that we warrant all our work proof against both Fire and Water; if they prove contrary, we will most willingly abide the results. The materials being mostly non-conductors of heat, no roof is so cool in summer, or so warm in 'winter. Those wishing to use our roof should give the rafters a pitch of about one inch to the foot. ' . Duey 27, 1854.-4 m. 1/5 WITNESSES • , 0 or, THE i• = Forger Convicted, CD JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, Who has had 10 years' experienceas a Bank tj• er and Publisher, and Author of A ., A series of Lectures at the Broad way Tabernacle, I—l F.. , when, for 10 successive nights, over P; (i" 50,000 People _o ii Greeted him with rounds of Applause, while he exhibited the manner in which coon. Ow terfeiters execute' their Frauds, and the surest and shortest moans of Detecting them Pil The Band Note Engravers all say CO • that he is the greatest judge of pa- P • - i n per money,living. *. d' - ‘IREATEST DISCOVERY ,OF • the Present Century for Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. - (2Describing eirert Getinino - Bilrin eXistance, *I • and exhibiting at a-glance every Conn 01terfeit in Circulation!! n Arranged, so admirably, that :I Reference is Easy and ~,,1 " •'' • - Detection Instantaneous. No index to examine F 4••• 1 ...4. No pages to hunt up ! 0 ' But so simplified and arranged; that the = Merchant, Drinker and }liminess man can - See all at a Glance. _,..., English, French and German. ..7. 4 ' Thus each may lead the same in his own - Native Tongue. Most Perfect Bank Note List , , PUBLISHED. Pm' • Also -a listof oAll the Private Bankers in America; QA Complete summary of the Finance of En -I„..rope and America will be published in each edition, together with all the important = News of the Day. Also, 4 .. A Series - of Tales, , UFrom au old manuscript found in the Bast. o It furnishes .the most complete History of - Oriental life - • Describing the most perplexing positions CD in which the,ladies and gentlemen of that 12 country have been .so often found. These stories will continue throughout the whole year, and-Will- -prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public.. ,Ila_Furilisted Weekly to subscribers 0n ,..y.n Ayedretsedl t ; at $1 a ' year. All letters must .be ad-.. ,_.o W- '. . JOHN S. rtYgi.,l3l'pke'r. .., i ...P'7', l .,..toublisluir and. Proprietor;iii Takstreet, - ",,S April 22, 185 i. Now York. REMOVAL! JAMES F. MAXWELL, Dr. Ross ' Drug Store SAVING FUND -AND- Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. IN ational .Safety Trust CO, DR. ROSS offers to buyers the best bargains in , drugs, in Lebanon; a long and varied expe rience, of over twenty years, in the drug and medical science, enables him to do up things in 1 the first style. Purchasers will please make a I note of these facts. Magnetic Sugar, For the Permanent Cure of N'en might, St. Vitus' Dance, and all ter Nervous diseases, sold by Ross. Upham's Electuary, :ertain cure for the Piles. .litarshisi'sUlerine Cathnl val, .For the cure of all few. dis. Higbee's Remedy, .tbe:ctito of Coughs, C., -Wood's Hair Restorative, For promoting the groFth of hair, always to be had at theprincipardrug depot of Dr. Ross. Henty'slniigorating Cordial, The best tonicin use for strengthening the hu inan,iystom, sold only by Dr. Ross. Dr. Hastings - syrup of Naphtha, Is fast superseding all other medicines for the cure of Consumption and Bronchitis. Dr. 1.1.0e.0., ente!agent. Allen's Razor Powder, For Beier Straps. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy—r-a pure and safe article for riii:dical Vge; to be hadlt Dr. Ross'. Allen's Liniment, for Rheumatism. Mrs. Allen's Hair Restdra.tive Is an unfailing restorer of the Hair, it is taking the lead of all other `remedies for the hair. No toilet is perfectlvithout mrs. Hair Restoratiie. - Call at Dr. Ross' Drug Store for mrs. • 'Allert's 'Hair Restorative. See - adv. in anotffer col. Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges Are as sweet as sugar and a certain cure for Worms. Dr. Ross' Infant Drops, For the relief of restlessness, colic pains, .kc., of children. Sold only at Dr . Ross,' Drug Store. Cough Cured for Twenty-five Cents. Dr. Physick's Cough Syrup is the cheapest and best remedy for Cough s,Coldsr&e. Collet Dr.Ross'. Dr. Ross' Horse Powder Is the best Horse Powder in use. Dr. Ross' Ciittle Powder Is fast e place of atother Cattle Powders. Dr. Ross' Horse Linimeit, 'For the'enre of •ord Strains, SWellingsy Bruises, &c. Sold onlyby Dr. Ross. • . Dr. Ross' Eye Salve, For the cure of sore, weak or inflamed eyes. La ths-ideals-who havebeen afflicted with diseases of the eyes, for months and years, baye been entire ly cured by the use of Dr. Ross' Bye - Salve. Fresh Garden.Seedi In' reat variety at Dr. Riiss' Drag: StOre. Dr. Ross' Tetter,Oinonent,- Persons afflicted with totter, ringivorm, and vs rione other skin aiseaies, will find various efficient medicine's for their cure at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Dr. Ross' Tooth Win% Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and Gums. It whitens,' deans and preserve the teeth, and hardens the gunas. It &eve* arid .Scurvy. Try it, by all means; if you value a 'sweet breath and white teeth. ASk for Or. , Moss' Tooth Wash. ; " • • Heyl's Embrocation for. Hoeses Has no superior for the..eure of swellings, bruises, galls produced by the collar or saddle, scratches, old or fresh wounds, Ask forHeyl's Embrocation. Trusses Dr. Ross has a variety of Trtisses---for infants, children or grown people. 13nlegs a Truss fits; it is worse than useless—it will do harm. Re .has bad an experience of over 18 years in this branch of surgery, and adjusts every Truss bought of him. 15 Gallons of Soap for, 19 Cents. - . . • One box of Saponifier, costing 19 .cents„ will make 9 pounds of hard soap, or 15 gallons of 'soft soap, without any trouble. Full direetons ;given. 'Sold nt Dr. Ross' Drag-Store. • [April 8, 1857. MARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES I COTIBIN & LICENSED AGENTS, A -RE authorized bythe Managers to fill all or ders-for Packages, Tio.kets. or Shares, in.the Maryland Lotteries.. ' - These Lotteries at's drawn in-public in the city of Baltimore under the superintendence of the State Lottery Commissioner, Who guarantees the fairness of the Drawings, and the official drawn numbers are published in the Journals of the city of Baltimore, with his eertifi cate.bearing his .signuture. ALL PRIGES,ARE GUARANTEED BY TUE STATE. One Trial May make you Rich for Lye! Splendid Schemes Drawing Daily. Send your orders to CORBIN & CO., the Old Established Authorized Agents who have'sold more prizes, than any other office in the State of Maryland. PATAPSCO INSTITUTE LOTTERY: ' n This favorite Lottery is drawn daily. The Cap ital Prizes are $8;000, $7.000, $6.000, $5,500, , 1 / 4 e. Single Tickets, One Dollar. 'CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 26 Whole Tiek.ets, ad 00 26 Half Tickets, $B.OO 26 Quarter Tickets, $4 00. Woking Venture. Nothing Gained. Tickets bought by the Package are - always the most profitable to the petrol:Lasers. For s2s we send•package Wholes, Halvia & Quarters. For-l 0 we send package . Halves and 2 Whole tickets. For we send packages Quarters and one - Whole tielteL Look at the- follow'mg SPLENDID SCHEMES ! one of which ; are drawn at 12 o'clock eaeh,day of the week ! CLASS 40.—SCHEME. 1 Prize of $7.009 is $7.000 207 Prizes of $2O are $4.140 1 prize of 1.341 is 1..341 132 prizes of 10 aro 1.320 3 prizes ortoooare 3.000 732 prices of 4 are 62S 4'prizes of 400 are 1.600 - 4.092 1 prizes of 25% 5.184 4 prices of-100 are ~ 400 il 25.740 prizes of 1 are 25.740 30.316 prizes; amounting to - , $53.253 TICKETS, $l. ' POKOMORE - LOTTERY. CAPITAL PRIZE, $24.000l CLASS PIVE.— , -OERTIFICATE OF PARRAGES. 26 Wholes, . $BO 0026 Halves $4O 00 I 26 Quarters, ..- . -20 00 -26 Eighth ' .4 10 00 .; SCHEME. I Prize of $24.000 is $24.000 -. .; 6 prizes of 2.009 are 12.000 6 prizes of 3.000 are IS.OOO 20 prizes of -, 689 are 13.587 .. 20 prizes of 400 are 8.000 20 prizes of. 3OO are 6.000 20 prizes of 200 are 4.000 127 . prizes of `lO6 are 12.700 63 prizes of , 50 are 3.150 63 prizes of 40 are 2.529 63 prizes of 30 are , 1.890 63 prizes . of 20 aro 1.260 3.906 prizes of 10 aro * 00.060 117.180 23:436 prizes of . :. 5 aro 27.814 Prizes making $263.317 Tickets $5-- - -:-Shares in Proportion. LOOK, THIS IS„WORT/1-4. $30,000. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTIT.I4' for the bendlit of the SusgunuAnsia OAnaL.. CLASS FIVE.—SCHEME. Prize of $30.000 is , $30400 prize of 10.000 is - 10.000 , 1 prize of 5.000 is 5.000 r prize of 3.907 is ' 3.907- AlCiir-100 prizes of I.oo'onarts.:: ..; 100.000 .25 prizes of 500. are ' 12.500- ; ' 25 . prizes of 300 are , 1.500 60 prizes of 200 are ".13.200. 06 prizes of 100 are ' 6 : 600 132 prizes of 80 are - 10.560 1i3.2 prizes of 60 are „ 7.920 132 prizes of 40 are, 5.280 3.894 prizes of 20 are • 72.880: 25.740 prizes of 10 are ' • • 257.400 30.316 Prizes amounting to:;'`; $5147.747 CERTIFICATES .01 BACKAG.Bs. , • 20 In w i e .ti o k e ts, $l3l 80 26 „Ralf tickets, $66 00 20 Quarter " 33 00 126 Eighth - s " 'lB 00 ' Tickets $lO--shares in Proportion.' . -We invariably' nswer letters byret 'urn mail en; closirafthe tickets in , a envelope, and ways observe the striotest:,,eonfidenee. After, the drawing is over, we send the; official drairing,iVith a written explanation of the result of tliii'venture. All prizes bought at this office arepayableimmisdi.: ately after the drawing in Current Money, and.we take Bank - Notes of any State, or,Bank,Drafts in payment for Tickets at par. FOi odd 'amounts in making change we receive 'postagei Skimps, they being more convenient than silver. Corresponth eats may place the utmost dcmfiderMe in, the regu larity and safety of tyem 'phi ; as very few or no miscarriages of mou s ey happen when :properly di , rented, to us. Be careful that you mention your. post • Office, County, And,. State. Give ua , at least ,one single, trial; you cannot lose inuc'h,if not`gain. 'One hingle . trial may make' you MU - pendant': for life. Tay us. There slie hld:bOnosneb,.word as „Address Box 190 Post pfftee,, Baltiniore Md. .i*,_.Ordere Icor Vets id any of Maryland batteries promptly af teided'Ao2- - Oirhulars con= taining a; list of alb the ).Tiotteries'forthm.month, forwarded on applieation. galy'B, '57-6m. WStreet. Philadolphia. INCUR 1 , 0 RA r 13Y T StATF OF PENNSYLVANIA MONEY received in any sum o large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'oißoVin „OE , morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. 'INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sumo, large or small, are paid hack in gold oxide mend without notice, to any amount. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDOE, Vice Flwident, War. J. REED, Secretary, pIRECTORS: Ifibry . L. Benner, C. Landreth Munn; ~ EduardL. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry. Samuel K. Ashton, I Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, I Francis Lee. This CoMpany confines its business entirely to Cheri -deiving of money on interest. The investments =omit ting to over One 'Killion and a Half of Dollars! are made in conformity with the provisions of the Char ter, in REAL ESTATE,IIOItTGAGES,G ROUND RENTS, and such first-class securities, as will always ensure per fect security to the depositors, and which oannot tail to give perinauency and stability to the institution_ m 27,1. 7 /A\ TKINS McADAM lave a splendid anorf lIM went of Boots, Shone, Trunks and Travel- lag bags D. S,„ RA 13 ER• Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Corner of Cumberland it., and Dcie alley,few doors . west from Greenawales Hardware. Storm Lebanon, Penna. DR- UGS PERFUMERY, MEDICINES,, - PAINTS, CHEMICALS,}' DYE-STUFFS. TRFundersigned having just reeeired a largt , and well-selected stock of unadulterated Eng lish, French, and American Drags, Medicines, ClieMicals, Paints, Perfame4; Dye-stuffs, Vara Tertientine,.Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Glassware, BrustresOlair Oils, Toi let Soaps, Segars, Tobacco iiittlaVliftety of Fancy articles too numerous 'to .mention. Dye-Strp. Bengal Indigo, Logwood, Madder, Tumerie, Annato, Ext. Logwood, Cochineal, Copperas., Ace. Slide's genuine Cod-Liver OIL Ext. of Dande - 7 lion, Medicinal Wines, Broady, Ac., sold only for Medicinal purposes at D. S. Raber's Drug Stunt, Lebanon; Pa. Far Family Use Oak's Patent Refined Gelatine, French Gehaled, ice 'Fleur, 'Recker's l'aema, Corn Starch, Flaror i•ag Esti-sots, Lemon, Vanilla, RiliSc, ortino,llan na; =Celery, (t 0..., also - all kinds of Spicer, te., s ald cheap at Raber's Drug Store. Trusses! Trusses! y rn ~f,n~ i .~~_ A large assortmenttq" the *Ost improved styles of American and French Trusties, varying in p ices cents to $5.- Also Hones APLiotn al•SupPorters, Vanbortes Uteri Abdominal • pirters, 'Vanhorn's Shoulder. Braces, L-e., sold &reap at D. S. Pabst's Drug. Store. For Horses and battle. Doct. Phreanoes Yellow Wato powder, Con. &tier: powder, Heave powder; Heinitelia Genoa egetable Horse - powder, Doet. J. Worley's. Horse : ad Cattle .powder, Leader ..t; Co.'s Horse anti attle powder, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Horse"- man's Hope, Hembold's Liniment, Jr.c.., Saponifier, or - :'Concentrated Lye. Warranted to make Soap Without, Lime and ith little or no trouble. One box of Saponifier costing only 1S cents will make •9 pounds of liars' Soap, or 15. aalions of. Soft Soap. Sold at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. 1. Worms Worms. J. Gerhard'slnfallible Worm Destroying Syr:. up, Pahnestoek's, Gallagher's, and Dr. ..Tayne'S Vermifuge, &e., also Holloway's Vegetable Ver mifuge Confeetioni, a safe anci'effeetual remedy for worms. This is a delighfuL preparation of sugar, that, any child will eat witil.pleasure. Ask for Holloway's—as none other are genuine. Sold at D..! S. Haber's - Ding Store. - Alt the popular Patent Medicines, 'soblat ' D. S. HABER'S Cheap Drag Store, Cumberland st., a.few doora. from Greenawalt's Ha:rdware July 23,1856. lii' Ton Wa..Vl A • Cheap Looking GlO*, Rosewood. or Mohogany, or Venitiaii BlindEs GO TO DUNDOR,E & OVES. OirE `RD, I - 8' ti 'i?", it -2, d 41 /\\k•P' g,.7. t • 0. -0 g - tr. ,- 4 0 2 4 s\Ace. 0 .- 6 10 tr. 43 s ho a, .0 5 gA g o R• 1444 gi to-1 P:1 • The public are invited to call at his NEW 'STAND IN MARKET 'ST., one square north-of Union Hall, Lebanom.Pa.; where he' will attend personally to :all„}qho will favor hirawith their patronage. He would also return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage . afforded him since aliening in business; and feeling the more encouraged bythe 'interest manifested in his behalf, lay. the public, he enters upon a new season with renewed energy, despatching business with stpromptnessbecoming au honest mechanic. , XV' 'Terms Peasaitable: . and Examine: J. E.'DAUGHURTY. i-.l:l4banoNApril 3,1851. • S.--rAlio, a number of select Limestone Erm; SitTs, tor the aehatinnadation of building Men a nd Cantriettha,"Whe would do well to call and exam; J. E. D. PRATT & BUTCHER'S C O. I-L • 1-000 DOLLARS .REWARD will be paid . !• for any medicine that will abell thii . for the following diseases, Viz .RheiiMatism, ,Neuralgiai Spinal Affections, COntracted Joints, Cholla Mains, .Pains in the Side -or Back, Headache,: Toothache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all dis eases pi' the Skin, Muscles, and.the NOIIO gdnuine without 'the signature of Pratt Butcher attached to each label- ~ :For sale Whollisale and ltetaili, at, Guilford & Lemberger's Hragstofe, Lebanon., Prins 3157-13 , • • TKINS hus just iUtinatid: &oiu the city with liis ninf'stook-of,BootsriShobil-Tmalo and aTeliug bagEi: M .11:: 0 --• .g _ S. RI _,g =d ES