The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, November 18, 1857, Image 3

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    .:_f tlya: vatitittliwtt
!..kl4O t' "Tintnitit 18,4
F- 1.114,11
TS First.--Abeatilmo,
of `gatusw_
Aity, , we hadai itertatilke• of snow—the
of the sew
Oar noithisoralirortlitßehitehl have applied;
Meaux to their Press. The *twine is a beautiful
piece of mechanism, Messrs., Weleier afAlits
, plate.
John Birititn3l444 linvibew ko IDlOM;litatiC
George Melly ottitialatinitPkatabenti eitialiti Clerk
of the Courts, in Allen ooanty,.Ohio:
Democrat, and proved
ahead of his ticket. - ••
Bohliveltse4 neill,ltennitt 'Co., have re-'
reived a large anti splendid stock of new Ready
made Clothing, ea., which they are Selling off at
prices to suit, the times. Messrs. 5.;11.:4,t'ge.,, 5 ,
have already established• it reputation lbr selling
Onr. Landlord Rise has put up the best and
most substantial parenteut in this goodly borough.
Try it—stand upon it, anti you will feel (as one
of our neighbors said} like atanding•doring eleok
tion times upon the DeMooratle platfeiriiithete
is something really substantial and:usefulto sup
port you.
Spisoopal lervioesl.—The Episcopalians or tliih"
borough, fOr the Bret time, had regular services,
•on Sunday a week, at the house of Mr. Samuel
Herman. Mr. Able, an ordained .Deacon of the
Church, officiated..
_There will be services at the
same place, Sunday, November 22, at 2 o'clock.
A Visit —Our friend M. Luca, Esq., of old
Yang eyrie, paid us a v.:sit last week. lle ismow
editor and proprietor of the Doylestown Ifergen
stern, and we are pleased to learn thatll.fils a Men
of family, in excellent health, and making.mon.
ey. He looks younger than he did 12 Years
In polities he is a Democrat , at heart, a and 'Bi
publican to the 'acrid; ,
Teachers' I=l2U/ie.—We perteire by a notice
In smaller column that the Teachers of thislioan
ty Intend organizing a Teachers' Lastitnte: •It is
desirable that every teacher in the• county, should
attend, and lend a helping hand. Several dis
tinguished gent Yemen front abroad,',inCludinithe
State Superintendent, will be preSent.
%Is. At an election for Directors of the Leba
non Bank, on Monday last, the following gen
tlemen were elected, viz:—Dr. John W. (Honing
or, William Lehman, :Joel Onodhart, Dr. Henry
Sohneek, Jacob Witmer, Jr., Dr. George Heide
nanr, Dr. D. B.ldarshall t Samuel !Bleb:se, Hen
ry Heilman, Jr., Henry Heilman, (Jones'n,) Geo.
F. Miller, Michael Nreider, (C. S.) J. B. Hiester.
isir-Tes Lzisirox VALLsinevrtc Still con
tinues s safe depository for those who have money
for 'bleb they
- have no itstirkin4 use. Each of
the gentlemen connected with 1E is responsible for
the institution , to the full amount of his private
fortune. No one need want a better guarantee of
safety than
.thief. To say nothing about the
others, the name of the President is sufficient to
put beyond all question, the responsibility of the
institution. +
tit. A correspondent of the Reading Jouraca
calls hastily for information:—"ls the corpora
tion of Reading, or is it not, bold for the prinoi
pal and interest of thelll2oo,ooo subscription loan
which has been made'ln its name to the Lebanon
Valley Railroad." We live 26 miles away froui'
Reading—are not oppressed with authority of any
kind—have an interest in the $bO;000 dollar , sub
scription by Lebanon - It:inn/et, venture to
give an aAswei to the qiinstion. The City of Redd
ing will bay° to pay 1 Bee $6l. 'it D., oh : xt., see:
1, td. 22.
taw. Dr. Lineaweaver has sold his lot of
Ground, adjoining Mark's Hotel, to Mr. John M.
Mark, for $1,400.
VOL. Mr. Samuel Harbeson sold Lots Nos. 1,2,
3,4, 5, and 3, to Cyrns and John W. Harbeson,
for $725.* The remaining siz Lots, (north of the
L. V. it.) we are requested to state, are offered at
private sale.
Vs, Messrs. Henry it. Stein are daily receiv
ing by Express large quantities of new Goods,
which they are selling oar at prices to suit the
000 b.—Th• motto of
. thp, "Valley Spirl , t",
Frogreaa. goem for.penajoning 'printers anl
preachers, and lamming lawyer& It might "have
added, an ocoamional European tour for tho prin
tere, at the exiainee Of their nod- paying.pstrons.
- -
pir-PointihrOtt , initiarlarke 4191113A0f .
o WI. on Thtui4yont byo odor asked 'us "li this
the balloon, noyi fA, , .; We reprimisoded him for his'
insolence '
Aler 10.68111 g down Climberlend street: a. reit
days sinokwe observed tbltt. our friend Philip 11',
MeCanny has bung out a new sign. Phil.. is a
good fellow, makes p, neat fit, and is deserving of
oneouragemen t.
The North Lebanon Brace Band fs at
present receiving instructions from Prof. Wm.
Reckon, but not being a oompetent judge of "dul
cet notes and soft harmony," we are unable to
itemize their programa. Y '
Irtffis- Very active , revive.* are now b4)Eng held
in several of our churches. The reeult so far has
been highly satisfactory; It Is to be hoped.thil
a general reform will take place among the un
Orr- The "Local Reporter" would feel under
obligations to his numerous friends fat whatever
local Items they may be in possession of. They
may depend that we are always about, and keep,
our eyes open to catch every stray waif while
pulsing along the street.
per- A gentlemen:4o.loY arriving at the de t
pot the other day, at loamlibt , were inspired with
a euddon itiefied passionately in
to each other's arms ! The fun of it was, that at;
ter most endearing kisses and exclamations,, they
found themselves entire strangers lc; ons 6 other.
Their mutual ember/ailment upon the discovery
of the mistake, can well be imagined., They were
not aware that Lebanon boasts a reporter.
jiiirlTr . sic dull or/41.1°1ml
w eri 4.44 'toe= to be the pritioip . ai Dear
iin towlije'stoitOrsi shall be obliged to makeAt .
noto tfipstiallesliairtVrsuoh as dog fights, to.
keep up: dtUvildlitglir." The cheerful hearts of our'
artliene Joitifrtiniive . 41110 - away. Occaelonally":
a ,bl o „„di rij i if ski fs.hcsiin,r2 pelt on a addle anal
laugh at *t sishierneas of he fellows, Who look # 4 l
dismal as tap rye \ i cridyk up !‘ yu slualboring
citizens"! ' ' •
Or- While rtturrilbg firom,prinrsoted meeting
on Saturday evening, :wee oryr. misfortnne ,to
come in oollisiqn. with•an Awful 41i9)^y.of oriso
ns. and dry•goedeil We pitied 'thoeydifilif Wise,
for it deemed , burdeMsothe for her to'efialc.; l ; l 4e'we
goierally Maim' ifte 'beet Miit of a bi!iik4ll4. l ,nlif#:
of ornergenoiee, we mounted a eignisst antil.t p,
grand arrangement went paift. .•.'
o• Ar 50 Ati,
• •
14 , 116141 B at '
Prie ILlitellter9 A iosi,e"c7n rsiiyl
afterzioexplastpinAhlashoreltgh, leak one tiElehip
grandest andtiompleteitt affairs imagittable.' l :Thi
balloon was tilled from the 4las Works, and at the
, appointed time, precisely, entered *4. !
tithe weights were•ensed. off 3 and beautifttily :and:,
;majestically the ba ll oon, with its daring affielnif.til
ant, floated into thiPtitAriti above itk.‘ l 'At first the
immense drolietine'lldtekt Üblittletely",bytiutp
—t he.Sluirat 149 44 : 1 441 i 9" of zOifinit;
ed by former innumerable deceptions practised up,,A.
on our good.;eitiseinil; Wittt• there would
difficulties, probably there w. e .11
itsceilititillat the halibezi iteated
aid` Mit Was' observed by` the thou=
ilands ' ,Stitttainitlethileitty ti the little ear waving;
hi cite, qiiieldybhanged to intense
L.pdrationi s „aliter t men te pt budie ttt"ft,"l4l,4i
• * 2 41 91 . 1 00 , 9°9.- ~ c lrfq MP”' 4°9i ,
—even men afteliver,..iockg, lerholera seerupt.
40ars hextithiwgfilithastittehrestbeydnde*itelbent
1 : 4 " the' kind, 7 -4461417 !Waved their hats and bar
"rued. The Aly was' one— the"
almost .iiiiireAl4tilet* 1 'kite' course 'Of itic;•l4l-,
loort, alter leariug,the eleeure, was,4most due",
north, but striking another current ft was carried
'to the east. hlti l titeigertitenimatie preparations
to come down in the neighborhood of Myerittovfii.
-but lii:+ll3:iiiirkding again struck the northern 0i1... 4
rent and was carried in ,that direction.,, ,
; his descend•:about , tuilifr.beyond Wollaberatown,
BeritisibutitY; in an open field, without trouble or
accident. Messrs. 'Adam Beak and AildrewilAtt-
A i • -or --
~ oeld,,fallowe- him n a light wagon , ;en two fast!
lA:torsos, and at 7} . o'clock arrived at.llitak'fit Hotel
in this' borough, with the tertntut,
,balloon and
all Then commenced a reallhliiieetif eougraiti-,
Cations and - fitirriie for Mr. B.; * The "Nand of Leb
anon compliminted him with 'e
sera!nade, and?:
shout upozzlishout arose from the large crowd as-'
sembled. The joyful feeling did not subside until
a late hoer, and must have been a'matter of great
satisfaction' to the recipientoPidl'aili 'honors.
The next morning Mr. Steiner gave us,sonte of
the particulars of his trip, -11 e states that the
view obtained was of the finest description imag
inable. Be saw the Susquehanna, liver for a dis
tance , enetteding 60 miles on one side, and the
Schuylkill river on the other; liadisbuig, Col-
Umbia, Lancaster, Reading, Pinegrove, Lebanon,
and all the intermediate villages were in sight.—
The valley north of the Rlite'idointairts was a
"beautiful sight, but chief of,all wasAur own boon-
Alfa} Lebanon Valley. lie requested us particu..
larly to say to his friends in this section, that lie
never saw anything to eyed was com
pletely taken by surprise. It.mut di r e garden
of the world. 'The finest view he heti in all his
49 previous ascensions was during ,hie ascension
from Auburn, Nety"Tork. The 'Ads and a very
"picturesque country then met hi; eyes, and be
thought it could sitrithetied;`but 'the Lsibn.
non Valley, enclosed within the north and south
mountains, far surpassed it—and is,,in his estima
tion, the loveliest of the lovely. '
The greatest height attained 1vas;9000 feetfor
nearly 2 miles. The distanceiailed was 13 miles,
although it is only about 10 Miles In a straight
line from the point of ascent to. the place of de
scent. The time occupied Wai,‘by Mr. Ws watch,
precisely 21 minutes—being at the 'rate of about
a mile in .2 minutes. The amount of gas, jri the
ballooft was sufficient to carry hiut26o miles, and
had he felt so disposed, might have landed in New
York city at 8 o'clock .the"l3athe ''erening. ' The,
cold experienced' while up Wei 00436 degrees
Fahrenheit, scarcely sufficent to freeze watei;
Mr. Steiner, while casting his eyes.over the
crowd below him, in and around the enclosure,
estimated the number of people at tOOO ; and we
are sorry to learn that the curiosity of that great
crowd was gratified to the fulle4t extent, without
rendering a.sufficient equivalent.,. -The pecuniary
encouragement received by Mr.:;s4 (we learn:this
from other sent:esti) , nratoferlbeyond his deserv-
Inv. Should hd'everagiqii'viffit7this place—and
be may probsibli, 162ffite"iouriii'af a year or two—
we (eel almOsi,qeafident that be Will be patronized
in anett a mannendts ,to make rip, what was with
theld from him last week. He now. goes South—
probably 'on ;to , fiffickleo—and we hive the promise
of favors fretk him occasionally, showing hii
whereabouts 14 'success, to lay before his friends
in this section". While conversing with him_ ve,
,broached the possibilitylof crossing thelitiantie
in a Balloon. "Oh," said he, quickly, "414 i Ili
left for me to execute, and that sacceisfull
From the known • intrepidity of the man wa: at
once felt convinced that the matter was fully in
his mind, and that Hike passage can be made he
: will make it. -
For the Advertiser.
Rambler abiSut Town.
Mn. Esirronl—Atio doubt your readers think
''Gambler" isamong the missing, but I assure•yon
tlistlieits atiil
' • "In the lend of the living.
Alive and kioking 1"
. .
Not having rambled extensively of late I have•
been unable to furnish you with such "inklings"
as /desired. Though I was an "outsider" at .the
"balloon 'cOnsention" (as some styled it,)—eiwthii
large concourse of people present, consisthig of
the gay young to the silver-headed old —I consid
er myself an "insider" during the cold iseason 4 and
will Consequently keep you posted isp".6ie fhe•
agreeable affairs coming under my notice 1i that
Tchi are of course aware of the - fact that we
have a few flourishing literary association in. our
borough. There is the "Franklin"—an excellent
I name—it is indeed a noble indication of the Intel
ligence, of our borough, and it would still look
more creditable, if attended by our ladies and gen
4tlemen having taste for such matters, Next
comes the Teacher's Association. Its proceedings
are also very interedting, end have heen *source
of much , pleasure to the friends of education at
tending IL And last though not least comes the
Ladies Association, also devoted to a most worthy
Ind holy purpose. Though all these "glorious
"institutions" siiiiirilisl.ftinicarehitacts of the no.
- daunted.perseverancoittA members, and need no
Ilefenee- from a fries ; aliefrl,me to dwell a little
Upon their merits, and recommend them to the fa
vorable notice of the literati Of our town. It is
.we11:1101 - in that the long winter evenings are now
here, l ,Welcome by some, but not by all. While
there are those who will regret their lot in having
to be cooped np in the house by the cold' and
cheetlese aspect of all outside, and will sigh for
the,i'nvigorating and refreshing qpring,—there
are others whose chief delight is in the family
. oirele, who enjoy the long evenings in social con.
verse. Bat these evenings' can be made hcith
prOfitable and pleasant to all; and the means I
,suggest to accomplish tbat4and is the de
bating (flub.. Ms true , that. some Jo! our young
men are ICept hack by feircSs'they often bl4—"l
can't speak." ' By thfs" foolish expression, many
who sigh . incontinently to participate in: the pre
' eeedings of the "I'ranklikm are the enemies•of
their hitt •intelligenoe: Ilry,"•persevire, and you
will conquer. Unities , l,fiejr ' could not speak,"
the ,pregeitit: Members. Organised - 1i). and ,for such it
is OPUriniNOthillg bas evert been , accomplished
withotat 4 - trittli It is true, souls sire a little ad
vanitettliiiit if they or any of the, same , sort, go
too far, the raembersof tie soc i lety,are.rver ready
to join band- in-handivand•knock the conceit out
of them. The gdeitattoeutpliebed .by subl
i i iiigan
izations, can ha 4,
young men of our 'elkdejivqr.ttq silty 'Mead
one evening to the gimmi.eanse,:ao:64l bbtill the
roll is swelled to an miniboom silietlailliVeo Soo n
they will be fully coiileiciditi4l . tit'it:
The Ladles' lisacittia4l,i s s of course not so ea
tensive, but having, bent dull initiated into the
.mysteries of thee. order ninderistileurirobligiitione ,
(Ladies parifoeso
Lirorit 44 1taiii" wig of eoushlerable imporkallee.-
93ut as this been' ..avartlocilted,tike EMS, by a
tlitrOther blithe craft, stating) that none but "glad
looking'? gentlemen were admitted, I might as
bell "cafe the climax" bit, saying that 'none' but
good-looking and. Well:'4lspoSisl hidi:s belong to
That's so.RANBLER.
• • ,
garron :—Wet have „had rather, a singular'
rosecu tion brought before one of our, Justices of
!'the Peace in this county; upon lamination, and
he defendant beund over: mder recognizance to
IZinswar at the. Decembdr Sessions. The offence is
called by Bla c kstone Forestalling the Market; and
was considered an offeitee 11814, at public trade
under 'the islill44ta f/f , Bteghhref ; and defined . to:
to the' buying. or. Oontraidti!ig for suiyrinirellan
*Spear vietualitearainglin..i4e.-14ridastaricet, or
dissaading,paritons froin .britiging,their goods or
Riovisions there; or,Tursuadiug them to'hnhanco
the price; this& Vt 3 lat'Pat" which practices
niarligt;',ll:4oi l N) tivf 'fair Arider. The
penalty by .. the. Bnglish,pougnon l4Kwile.discre
tionary ,fine :and iteptisoinent, but: which has
since, by statute ofet3B"yidtliia; Chap. 2 4,' been
declared not aak.; the laws of
Great Britain. I expeet , we shall have a rich case
.when it comes on ; for trial.' We have sdme fast
Justices of the Peke in-this catin4y, and this
tied deep: not seem" to agree * L itli Chief Jnatide
Gibson/for says the - latter;."What-is•the price. f
, •
anythine just as
PorrsvibLE, Nov, 12, 18&1.
The Leban
[Carefully Corrected W.
LOU Market. : .
EDNsaDAY, NOV 18, 1867.
Potatoes, bu , . 60
Eggs, IS doz., . 14
Butter, V lb:, " • 10
Laid, ". 10
Tallow, 1, 10
Ham, . 14
Shoulders,': .• 12
Soap, ' 8
Bees-wax, • 25
White Rags,. '.
Mixed Bags, 2
Flax, , • 12%
Bristles, IV 40
Peatbers,lllb., : 62%
Wool, . 40
Shup Beans,l4qt,, :
Vinegar, gal., ' J 1234
Appleßuttertf crock, 45
The Philadelphia Market.
-Extra Family Flour, $7.00-
Extra Flour bar.. ,
Extra Super. Flour, 5'50
Superfine B. Flour, 500
Superfine Flour, 4 75
Prime. White:Wheat, 125
Prime Red WhceS, 120
' , tithe Eye, , . 70
Corn, - 45'
Oats, 30
Clover-seed,♦. 7 00.,
Timothy-seed! 2 50
Flak .Reed, 150 , .
Dried Apples, bu., 100
Dried Apples, pealed; 150
Peach "Suitt," , -250
Venal' 4 •Eutzeli," 1.25
Cherries, I'so _
Onions, 50
The Flour market has undergone
,no marked
change; .the receipts and stock are moderate, and
holders firm in their demands ; there is a fair ex
port demand, and further sales of 1,500 bbls. were
made at $5,37i Per: bbl. for good superfine, and
$5.50 ass. 82i far extra, chiefly at the latter rate
including 600 bbls. jenny Lind extra at $6.75, on
time. There is a steady inquiry for the supply of
the retailereandibakeri4withinthe ta,pot ± :),l4thre
figura; jrnriconinion..and : pirtin` Mande - s7:', .to
$8 fOlt*Oi.:J.
, t 7ll „i
in the absence of sales, at $4.50.
Conn MEAL is more quiet, 100 bbls. Penna.sold
at $3.25 per bbl.
• There is less inquiry for wheat, and with increa
ing supplies prices favor buyers. Sales of 2,500
bushels at $1.23a51.26 per bushel for good , and
fine red, and $1.35f0r prime southern white. Rye
sells on arrival at 23a75e. 'Corn is in good request
at the late advance, and further sales of 4,460a
-5,400 bushels yellow were made at 60c. .for
and 56a60e. for new, includidg 400 bushels white
at the latter figure. Oats are lc. higher; 2,440
bushels good Delaware brought 3344 e. per bush
liar Every person should read the advertisement. of
Grindle's Celebrated Magic .Compound and Ancient Ja.
paneeeEife rillwwhich appear alternately in another col
umn. They are the mostauccimaful remedies in tho world!
Try them and be cured..
aitt-Thie is to certify that I have made but ono appli
cation of the MAGIC On. on my 6nger4WhiCh;have becti,
drawn` f ront contraption of the coeds, brought on by ihett
matliit. It wee of inicnteen 'Months etanding. and l am
now entirely , cured. I cheerfalff recomniend it to all af
flicted likevrise. ' J. M. FINFROICK.
• •
. .
Hoiloway's :Ointment aud P Anent-anion Indi
ans of Chili who permit no oilier la'z' 'reprise production to
enter their territory, admit-these modioltitiquad use them
Buccal e lkY "Xte l 4 1 , diI)CWI and;.}ll internal nude.
&ein iP*4 cdrillsive Moors, disnifuriM3 bicitetb. 2 l.anit
the wars mins :of hereditary scrofula, are,permanently,
curud,,by:.;gbil4rey'e Ointment; and indtmestion,liyer.
oomplet, e,end,tirregularity of the boweliliatd-lararia.
'bly to famous Pllla. Be careful not to be 11211f:0M]
on by a spurious article palmed spoil !you for gonpine.—
Thq latter are known byt a Water-xi - lark in every leaf of
the book of directions accompemy elch ipotend box.
This Water-mark consists of the words. ‘.lroltneray, New •
York and Leaden," which ought to be seen lu senii-tmret- .
parent letters in the paper. • gold it up to the light.
"Im FlAcm MIMI* Fop Wert.",—ln tbnAiyi of our
youth ft behoves as to make some preparstlea for the ap
proach of age. flow, matiy persons have .heemne
rely bald by negleating,to
_apply appropriate remedies
lo prevent lb...halt from, &Mpg ,oIIL The use.of Prof.
Wootioelehrsted ,Itesterativevi will prevent the
hair from 61l ng oQ, Impart to Ka healthy growth, And
even restore the hair of the bald. Thou sale hare teett
fled to its efficacy. For sale by all Druggists. nov IL
ice ca,Oco;lgAZWAlfidtia4itWai of
the eilllictpi% toyo.lllrnctiti thatAr h h is Islut
tried; knell . ) r..iiiinend 'Dr: 7. litettetfes Celebiltfed
Stomach Bitters, would onlybe,addleg to what tms Leon
heraldkePfat and Wide; not OnlykbyW•few'.lhrilatshl.editl6-
cafes, but by the people of the land; einiqr:wd by the phy
sicians And ;the :press, ; VIAL liostettet's Bitters liarepo
equal in riebirint aniPiroparring health to ennellieAlteu.
'Ladies and children find this medicine invaluable in ma
ny of their the of debt/By, to which they are shiliject, es
during thelmmmer season in such'easesit stmuld
be taken in .mall quantities .before meals. 'For 'sale by
druggists and dealers generaldreieri , wbere, and by Ilos.
Timis & Smira, 267 Penn st., rg. •
EIIANITEL ltinosar. Agent, Ncerei-tnalit earner of Market
entl-Water streets, Lebanon. • ' 100,414,'57-111t.
. . •
Celebraled Female Pills.
• .g.l). 41, " " 16
Prepared front a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.
D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing io the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
smistitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
snores all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on.
It 111 peculiarly "tilted. It will, in a short time, bring oa
the monthly period with regnimity.
Each bettle, price One Vol*, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, prm counterfeils.
nose Pillesheuld sot be talon'. by females darieg the
FIRST THREE MONTI: IS el Pregnaney,da t4ey aus ,
sire to briar en Misonersage, but as any other Use tiny
In all cases.of Nervous sad Spinal affect/ow Pain In
the Back and Limbo, Fatigue on slight rierlicin;P r alpitae
tion of the Heart, liyateries, end Whites, - Items MI will
effect a cure when. all ,othar wpm& biome failed, and
although a powerful luselif;:do sot contain iron, WNW
antimony, or any thing
Fall directions accompanx,
Bole Agent for the Unltad . Shateiratia:Canatle,
JOB MOSES, (Late ;L Os Baldwin & C 0.,)
t Rochester, N. Y
N. 13.-61,00 nod 6 poeteitioititn j nos eogosed to wy ate.
liorivad Agent, will insure a bottle of the rills by rotura
l . . • .
For on l.
Dr..ROSS, ompsite the *wort onstyLeben on, Maven".
by all respectable Dimmest. throughout. the United Matto
and Canada; also by Haire] Birch; Reading,. Pa. •
October 7,1857-17.
Religious Notices..• • •
English preaching next Sabbath morning:wit..
evening, In the :Methodist Ohnicti, •.• • ..;
, Preaching next Sabbath niorning in the Esit r ,
=an, and in tie evening in Vie English langu'age •
in the Reformed. Oh 4410 h.., Y,••
English .Preaching next Sabbath morning Nub
evening in Ziett's Lutheran OhUrph: ,••• •'• ' '- ' •
Religion's iervibei'itiit
Lutheran ohntrot, in the evening, II:4404400k
' Service in. tilefareall9 l Litn: thektraeviauiciture*
in the German lansztaca.7 .:-<:;•..:
test et 4he.411: 7!.41
-othe,„Qyerf •
A Singular Vroiecution.
Special Notices.
garrisburz 72 .4eu.s2 sire/.
On the 22d nit., by Rev...heal Reinhold, David
Zug, of Lebanon county,. to Elizabeth Meyer, of
Berks ,pspanty.
On'the -29th tilt., by Rev. John Stein, 2 jacoly,
Heilman, to Maria Rrawn, both of Jciiiestown.
On theist inst., by the same, Reuben .Shite..:
holtz, to Sarah Spangler, both of Myerstown.
On the Sth inst., by the saine,, Allen Weigley, j
of Myerstown, to Anna Elizabeth English, of
On the 29th'ult., by Bev. J. B. Heisler ' Mr.
Joseph Kreider, of South Annville, to Miss Leah
Moyer, of North Am:Mlle.. • •
On. the sth inst., by the same. John Nye, of
Palmyra, to Miss Mary E. Wolferaborger, of Der
ry township, Dauphin county..
On the 12th inst., by the, same, Mr. John H.
Wolferaberger, of Oomph.)listown, to Miss Ootha
rine.Baohnum, of South Annvtlle.
On the some day, by the , same,, Mr. Peter Pick
el, of South Annville, to Miss Elizabeth Becker,
:of Lancaster county.
On the 31stult., in Bellvlow,MaryAnn Berry,
wife, ok Idiehael• ,Yorry, . and , daughter, nf
Abraham Itaiguel, aged 67 YegTs.,7 4n°_
On - the.fith inst.,in East Hanover,. Airs.sla,ria.
Boltz, widow of eorge Boltz, deo'd., aged 85 y's.
On the 9th inst., iu Myerstowm. Mrs. Rebecca
Lehinau, wife of William Lehman, aged 33 y!rs.,.
10 months and 9 days. • , ~ •
On the 6th inst., in Jackson, Mr, George Mau
rer, aged 79 yesirs and-. 29 days,. _
On the 7th inst., in Myeritown, Mrs. .tva
Gipsy; aged 78 years, 8 inontiks and l9,days.;
. Pers.everance Conquers! 7 )
A STATED _MEETING the. Perseverance Engine
and Rime Company. will be Amid at their Hall on
T =Wag Evening next, Novembig , 24th., It is , desirable
that all the ~T rieml?em attend , " Im i"laut 1) " 4 " 8 " . "
the general welfare of the Company will be disciveio.
J. W. HARDENS, A. - 11. T. VIVIIIITII. 7 ;Pres't.
Nov. 18;1857.!. , •
All Right About Faces. , .
IF Noz It can be inane right by Calling at.T. DAmrs
Nine SKY-LIMIT EfazzkltY, in S. J. Stine's •Newlitnild
log, one door east of Beinhard's.llotel; whore iyon Call obit
tain a.,LIKENESS that will compare faroimbly - !ia every
respect with any taken elsewhere. - He haa one of the
best sky-lights in the country;* and having spared' no
pains to make his rooms coinfortable, he solicits a large
share of patronage from the citizens of Lebanon Ann sur
rounding country. AllEir-Prieerp no sult,the times.
Lebanon, Nov.lB, UN. . J. DA.J.LX.
TINS- COUNTY ASSOCIATION- will inettin Lawton,
on Friday, .7.?ccestbm- 4, 1857, at 9 o'clock. A. Hz, for
the purpose of organizing a TEACHERS' INSTITUTE.—
Meetings will continuo two days. Prof. Wiekentham' of
Lancaster county, *llVbe Presoak also; llon:Thmints
Burrows and lion; H. C. Hickok are expected: Letevery
Teacher in the county, and all other friends of education.,
attend without fail, and we will have a good and.proflta
hie time. By order of
Letianon, Nov: 18,1557:4f. - • • •
Shaving, Hdir Dresing,
pooping Salocia.
Llf MERMAN, Ay wraLty, ,wouid -respectfully- -in;
form, the public that they have taken theestablish
meat of kr. Zimmerman, on Market street, next door to
Zion's Lutheran Church, where it will give theta pleasure
to wait on all who may favor theni With' their patronage.
They have had much experience in the basinese, and Mill
spare no pains to give entire satisfaction to their clienle
mers. They have made every arrangement for, the per
fection of their business. They cordially.iriiitea call and
trial. . Lebanon, Nov. 25,1857.
Prices Redacted
.To suit the Times.
riONSIDERING tlie present tiepin of the times, we
have edepted the following resolutionsc
Itram.rnis, that we will Sell all kinds of Clothingat ve
ry reduced prices, so as to give everybody a chance to
buy what he wants for the winter. • -
lineetvan, to sell all kinds of - Furnishing Goods ends as
Undergarments, Socks, Shirts, Gloves, Handkerchief,
cheafter thattthe cheapest: -
RESOLVV.D., to give everybody the worth . of their money
in whatever they want to buy in the line Ready-made
• RESOLVED, to retain our thanks, to:the people of-belm
nen-county, for the liberal patronsigelieretoforebestened
Rovomber 18, 1857.
Lebanon Valley Bank. -
Lecated in Market street, nearly cyynsite United Hall, curl
wry door North of the Poit Office. - .
NlTTlA p pa r llV n allozil ite ßfr t e
1, 7 , 3 ft I d A y T.E o l f tEST c o h n ,
1857, rizt-‘- $ " • i
For l'year, and longer, fi.pereent. per annum;
For 4 months, and louger; 5 per cent. per annum ;
For 3 months, and-Unger, 4 per
,ilent. per annum;
requiring a short notice' of withdrawal. interest paid in
full for the Deposits - from' the date Of deposit to the date
of withdrawal. We will -also afford a liberal, lice of
)* VW
,commodatio to those who may favor us with,Deposits,
; payable on demand. Will pay , a premium on SPANIaII
Iand'AtEXICAN DOLLARS; and also on old lffedican. Dole
tort and Half Dollars. Will make collections on and re
mit to all parts of the United Matas, , the.Canadas 'and
.Europe; Negotiate Loans, Ste., &c., and do a general BE-
• :O. DAWSON COLEMAN, Pregident
Gro.;Gtztx,'Clishier. • " •
The Undersigned, MANAGERS, are individually liable
,to the,uxtent of their, Estates, for. ell Deposits, and other
Lebanoti,Nov. 18, 1857. E-EOREE GLBlld.'
•, • - • , •
The •
The Official' Paper of Congress.
GIPUBLISH now my enamel Prospectus of Tux D4rtr
LOBE, and To ettketittaz Otos AJn Arrc ix,
to remind. eulecritteM,end:lnkirrit' those who may thildre
to subscribe; that Copgred will meeten the let Monday of
next December; witeh shall feCommence publishing the
above-named papers.: • They have 'been Publ . ISlttsl co long
'that most public onlhow their Chiractcr, litsktlielvfore
I deem it needless to eve a minute ticeounfof the kind
of matter they will•iedistiM • '
Tns Dan r- 01;414 , 1111c5ritain areport of the Debtias in
both touches of Congreas,•llll takcu down by roped . ety
eqtiaioxt least, to . any corps, of short-Hand rriters . in tine
or ittiny other centtleY!' A raelority of them win *Welt be
able tb report, vereaffee; "ten thousand Words
, while. the average dumber' or . siordit tipokeif brfltiont
speakers rarely exceeds seven thonSand live heodted *Urdu '
an!beitr.. When the debates of a day do not make more
thirribity caimans, they shall appear In the Daily Globe
the next morning., which • will contain, also, the mitre of
, the day, together with such editorial articles es , mhrbe •
suggested brimming events.
It is alto my intention; from time to 6mq-ea occasion
• may rorpiire, to publish my reMlniatences of t h e public'
mon with whom Vhave been associated during the last
twenty-eight years. Anecdotes of General Jackson, and
the leaders of the party whiclidakocinducted,and.the
lug men of'tither partlea, I 'Wiese; be* iAtereeting
1101 e, when Partizan bitterness has abated. seik
In becoming the reporter otthe debates of Congresi4,...,
deemed it primer to say . that, the Globe:W4dd never be a
partizan paper. This pledge will not be forfeited by in—
troduciog ea Pcontrilpitban to 111140 0 thaVoPthnd XMAS
of character which dietinabialicd tha public pnblc Mai of. my
time. Although IMO, and intend tie ;Welke thorough
Democrat, I will never intrude my pritatiPlee In a way„to
' mike. thepli obnoxious to any party:. • But, i l l regain' to .
. persona and events which, go to niakenphistory, hope .
to make the Globe atilinneet memoir; and with that view.
I am resolved to spoakindependently of all parties.
Tun CONORUSIONAL GLOBE AND Asemsnix will contain
report of all the, Debates in Congress, reviMilby the Speak
era, the Messages of the President of the United Stattet,
the Annual Reports Of 'the Heads of the Executive llepar
mono, the•Lawo patewl during the session, and copiodse
• indexes to all. They
,printed on a double royal
sheet, hi book form, rural . quarto size, Oath number eau,.
taming sixteen pages. Tlio whole will make, It is holier.
betweenl,Boo and 3,900 lieges, tie the • Italg • lideOliOnt
=lay years hatTi ranged between those ntindiers and thei,,
• next stoical be-what is termed a "long our." ' This
I believe the cheamat work- ever 'sold' In nog country; •
• whither aaapthit or printed from,mitnuscript,eopy,.tak
ing Poi deice the aver,rtge., number of words of the; long
sessions abide , trig ' , year 'lB4B. ' The ivertigo 'timber of
pagea,..14,2 , ;8711,,mad the 'average climber of words on a 111
page is 2,807, consequently the average number of words
,of a lorgmeetbn'isit,M,772. As I havesold to subscribers
that otheber 6f•worda foreix debars, it follows that they.
, have paid less Odin six and tote-AuV cents for cacryno,co39,
,wards 'Aare furnisfupdAen4; wbile,l have paidlny•repor
tern $629 for every 2,397 words,: of this woric t in Mann
'script. lie, any other bOokeellei anytibein; . avii
book in the firer Instance, while ' lt - wee. new ; at so low NI
rate? I believe not; and so strong is my,bellef that ts ,
hereby agree to giro to any person whd the')
contrary,el ebnitildteliet of the debates running back. tos
,the . year 183;I, making forty-three quarto volumes, whice
;sell a volume. An act of Congress autheriatts thees,,
papers to go by mail frecof postage. The next session will.
be, without doubt, an unusually interiusting ono, as it
,will he thertritt under Ivnew ,Adnplitletrition . , and seversk
complex questions must.he discussed in it; . for oinupple,,J
thoenriencY;MOrisini, , reveiie, tinilliitlierAubetkitia. The •
.(ilobe will be, as hereroforeetise ; phly. sourV from which
.full debates can't° obtained..
• ' It RAI 8: • •
For a copy of the DatirGloire one,year, $lO 00 ;
For a copy of the Iktilralnfiti six Months
For a ropy of the Daily Globoduring the Session„ 6.00 1
, For:a 00Prief 'thfsCetigraelitinnl Globe instil MAW ,I
dlx, L oral thelawit panted duringthe eetwion, • . 4rlo'
; Bank 'Notat cdrrisint th thelection theceidarY
aubkldher4eaidie'will be received 'tit par: ' Ttie wbisW
, ss say part •of a aubecrlption may be remitted in poetiTa :
',stamps, which is, prefemhlis to any; currency, except gold.'
-at silver.
TBE . Subscriber trevl4, reit paallnily inform the citizens
of Lebanon and iNifeinity, Nat. babas REmovarags
Boos.dywoivoroßvito hiewii,r4Anpri iir .. •
stiott, between ßciatitiPs and Ramte.r'l / o ', wLero .a,
has Just opened a superior stock of BOOTS and SIIOES ;
for Ladles, Gentlemen and '
Children embracing Calf Skin; i
Goat Kip, at thick Boots.for Men, Boys, and Youths rail
kinds of hionrom spoh as Calfskin,:dorocco,Kip and coarse
for Men; Boys and - Youths; also a' general assortroent ,41 .
Men's Caftan*, trachfut enameled Congresd,Calf, Congress,
Cloth•and Kip Congress for Men ind , Soys.; , , , . , •
A.genentassortmant of Kaftan for Ladies nitdChildnier
Bargairifil Bargains! :. also /army Shoes for Ladles and Children, all coltireVatal ,
• tindeasigned haring purchnted at Shiriff's 5h1,47 ; styles; a general'assortment of Bandale, Boots and Linek-
V i nl , entire stock of warms() of L. B. Oppenheini: ins, for .Ladies and Children, . .1
:Lo iimo, ,,, al kjpds,of Ready " /4 1 / 10 i,frer.nefi Steen.
.eragnitiffericor We, at their .store, one; door south ot • - ~ 1 .111ATKAND tI.APS_ I • •
, Repry - 4 Stinea store. to Msreet. in the borough of such 10,114 ppieekbl; 811 k and *nob` riato, a senora as. '
~, iter'Clothino: ' Their assortment Isla ' p ye, and of OA . Boys. Also, l'vniieby of Traveling Tiikdre: " •
eortment of all colors and styles of sort Kota lbf ! bleu and
' finest and best material. and *ell' Mil dian ite they Are iffirAil the ohm at-ticles he offers for lisle at the lOrest ,
'Anxious to soli out speedily. Wei are% to sell rsitt, rates for Ceab. Come one, coma alt, and see, examine and
:gowg,tridi. -Mi. In .trant, of Clothing mill di) well teaitit, Judie Or Lredfore.. fie has all kinds of horuelnado
-Ithent a call before purebasintelsewhere. .. , •.,, • good; and . iteit,; emit veill • tako 4iaiia• for any kinds.Of
0 1 rabirgno , ; 44,, Eo 6? id.At i e ss ,r . ll9R .
~., BBOS. 4 (5 , 774,i Is9o/084ir . 411611 - fn*liiitta IIX es , short time. • • :• •
,_..,„ i , Lsinggsdf.4olwai Ififfr“. • J: • U.) : JOF,ID UMBER,
;. : • v'.. • . 'r- , .1 , . ~'',, --- 1, •
. .
; 4 : ,, ' ;:r.:.e.:4 ; ."...4il A 1 . tit:
A poor trill not bo mint (totem the . mpney secompsollei
the order for it. , ,
Nov. 18, 1857.
Last Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to ell poisons Indebted to JON.
ANCIAN S. ItEctmar, or to the firm of MYERS & Bronx!,
Millers, to make settlement before the 15th day of DeCeMM
tier neat, cithernike 'their accounts will be put into the
hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. The ac
counts are in the bands of Adam Orittinger, who will at
tend to the matter, or in his absence either of the others
will attend to the same.
. .
Trustees under a Mani. Attar.Nt.
Lebanon Noy. 11, 'fir.-4t. . -
Public Sale.
WILL be sold at Public Sale, on ThtiredUy, November
26, A. D., 1857, on tho premises of the late Rei.
Caspar Light, dee'd., worth Lobanon township, Leba
non smutty; •rnile•frorn the borough of Lebanon, the
following Personal Property, Thu
-3 Head • of YOUNG. CATTLE;
t .11008, one 1-horee power
-"" -
a lot of CARPENTER'S TOOLS, Working i :ne ee,
Turning Benches, ke:, ke.. • Sale to commence. at 1 o'clock,
P. M., of said day, when conditions will homadeknown by
MARY. LIGHT, Administratrlx..
F.ELIX IL LIGHT, Administrator,
Nov.ll, 1667.-td" of Caspar Light, dee'd. •
..Notice to Trespassers.
LlATersoue tio ROiawen to tresspasowtho proper
-o"AofilibviiiidersignA; and a dlsregrgidthis motion: '
willinvolve t the . .tiesapuserit hi:trouble.? Iffying: . of late
been moth hOnoyed by . " persona who come ,upon our Prolix
tees, shooting and darrying'olf Our fowls, 'destroying -our
lenses andoloing other damage, we will hereafter prose
ute ail tresspassers to the.full extent of ,the law.
Lebanon; 1f0r.11,1857.-*
Fine .Soreng' h'' Property
it.liC1111:10 SALE!
rilllE undersigned Exeeutorof Margaretitussell,
will sell at Public Side ; at the publie house of Leon
ard Zimmerman, in the 4ktiOthrh bf 'Lebanon, on .Yatur=
day; December 5,1867, the large tn - ti4tory frame
weather boarded I>WELIaNG'• 110.11 SR and Y.,
;LOT :ON GROUND; situate ;on ,Market Street,
(east side,) bulwark Hill and elinstnyll Streets, In
said borough, adjoining property; or Peter Rabnek and S.
Krause: There is a well of :water, with new pump, good
fruit treesoind the necessary outbuildings ou the lot.
Said property will be wild 8.9 the estate of Margo
ret Russell, dee'd., and subject, to the interest of Thomas
IL Russell in the same. Sale to commence at 6 o'cloCk,
P. M. when conditions will be mule known. by -:
• HENRY =A MERMAN, 'ExecnOr.
Lebanon Nov. 11, 1857.-ts.
- - -
Canvassers. wanted to obtain . subscribers for tho Com-
Baez, OF THE WORLD; by Gootancrt, (Peter Par
ley„) handsomely lantrid in cloth gilt. and illustrated with
200 beautiful engravings and SO maps. Price S 3. Sold
only,firawite„to each of :whom a silents.i district will he
..given. Appli ants state what conntin3 they would
like to canvass:.; - The,beink is' now ready,: t
sent by:ASA pEsibilaid, on receipt , of lite price:- Bills on
`all solvent banks taken , The ~ I leme Journal,"
:says 'Of this'venri: .4 3 , 10 'family whatever should be With
out, it4V :Irur full particulars in.regmvl to an agency,. ad
Publish& and Bookseller, No. 172-William et., N. :F.
.Icluds of School and Miscellaneous Books,
,Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at
the vory'lonvist prices. Orders
. . .
. IVew. Stage Line:
Between linnuitelstown and Middletown.
ON and after the:11411-1mA, the sub- , lrr , •
NJ scribers will run a Daily Stage Line
Hummeletown and Middletown, r.,7.,,•a—
-connecting with the care, on the Lebanon Valley Railroad
on the arrival and departure of the same at Hominids
town.: Thdy also keep a LIVERY. STABLE at Middle
town for the accommodation of the public. • Good horses
and all kinds of conveyances.
November 2 1&57. BEITUFP & cumin%
- . •
Public INotice:
AITOTICE is heteby given that an applimtion has been
1.1 made to the President, Managers and Company of the
TIFICATES for TWO SHARES of STOCK in said Compa.
ny, nambered 204 and 205, littely held by Jacob It. Weld ,
man, Eki., deceased, and tnansferred. to him in the Tr:pe
ter Book of Said Company, by F. A. M. Holster, one of the
Executors of the last Will and Testament of J. S. Heiater,
deceased,lhe same bavinbeertiost or mislaid.
Ailm'rs of the Estate ofJecon B. Winnitax, deed.
Lebanon,, 1857-4 t.
Fashionable Boot and Shoe-linker
* i
Cumberland et one 444 kat of Vitali:Troll. e kotey.
THE. Subscriber detains to inform the:public
I ;Abet he has opened as above, whore beim , prepar- I
ed to execute orders of BOOTS and SHOES, of the 1
~ ~ tteettinieliAd etyle>ol l 9WlAAPOMPXbilf*,,i
t o
Adore offerpi to the public. , , . .
:Neu) Fall andtVinter -Sioidc-1
... . ... . . .
lie lid; ',just returned from tho . eity with tm unrivaled
assortment of the latest FALL and WINTER STYLES of
Boas t Shoes_ , Slippers, &c, &e, for . Ladies, Gentlemen
Siry body is 'Mega to Fag and =Mine. 'Va.
Lebanon, Nov; 4,1857{
Splendid Gins
The Original' Gift Book Store.
G. , EVANS,wo,uId inform,his friends and the public,
that he ItutireriniVed hlißtai Gift "Beek Shin, and
Publishing House, to the splendid storo,in Brown's Iron
Bbilding; En Chem tiirifstreet, two doois bolo* Piftb,Whers
the purchasirref eich boOk. Will receive one of,the'follove
ing gifts, velum] at from'-25 cents to $lOO, consisting of
Gold. Watches,- Jewelry, &c.
560 Panint English Lover Gold Watches, goo po each.
660 Patent Anchor do.' 6000' '
400 Ladies' Gold iVatches,lBk..lsanetti i i 35 00 "
4300 Silver Lever Wittches,:vnitnuipal,
600 Poirot , lO 06 ‘s
600 qtroiskSalW Doiße oral piith 00
foOtiilslakiHHOWsimldhs, • , . **Wu OOP ;
600 Gents Vest Challis,. " •
1,000 Gold Loeli.ots; (lar g e size donblo ease)' 'oo
gpoovold toekitk, Mee) WOO '
1,000 Gold PoStoirCanos; with Gold Pens, .5 00. .
1,000 Extnt Gold Pens, with cases and holders, 10:50.• ".,.• •
'2,500 Gold Pensils,.(Lidies).Ao..
'2,500 Gold Pens, with 'Silver Pencil, , 2 50., u, .. *
2,6dlndice Oold Pensoeitliposes, ' 160
' 6,500 Gold Itlags, (Unties') ' ' • TOO' i' l4 I
- 2,000 Gent's Gold Minas, 275 “. •
2,500 Ladies Gobi Brautptiut, i j.,
<2 59
3,500 3iisgee Gold Breutrinfi, ' ' 150 "
.8,000 Pocket , Knives, 75
2,000 Sets Gent's Gold Bosom StUde,. . 300 "
2,000 do. do. Sleeve Buttpns, ; 300 "
2,000 Palm Ladies' Drops, , 2,50
,14,000 Wiwi' Pearl Card Cases; • ' 500 "
15,000 Ladieelianieo.'Jet Pint. - •5 00 "
2,500 Ladies" (7iuneo Shawl and Whbon Pins, 850 "
5,000 Fetridge's Balm of. a Thousand' Flowet4, 50 "
Nr.4N'S new Catalogue contains all the most popular
books of die ditY, and the newest 'publications, all of which
Sold 161 low ns can he obtained at online store& It
complete cutrilogne of botiks sent free, by application thro'
the nuttl,by addressing 0. 0...RV/as, 430 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, •
laZs Agents wanted in every town iu the United States.
Those desiring so to.ser.cark . ohtnin full particulars by ad
dressing as above.
N. 11.-1 n consequence of the-money crisis, and numer
ous failures, the subscriber Ilea been enabled to purchase
from assignees an imnuntsedioek of books, embracing ev
ery demultnen't of literature, at prices which will enable
hlmto give $5OO worth of the above gifts on every slooo'
worth of books sold.
Air An extra book, with a gift, will h sent to each pet•
son orderingtot books to be sent baone address, by Expreatt
*a.. Send for a Ckaulogue. -
Noreniber 4,18b7.
Lebanon Valley Rail-Road.
1 — itia.
Fall and Winter Arrangement.
PASSENGER TRAIN will leave Reading doily (es
cePt. DolidAyu,) at 10.20 a. m., arriving at LZSANON, at
12.00 nom.
.• • • • •
Rotarningwilllea - re'LobanOn at 820 tirtu.„nriivrf at!
Rending at 610. p. aid connecting with tail;
road Passenger Trains for Phihtdelphut,Pottsville,
and Niagara Polls..
YAnss--Iletween Readhigiunl•teboinono.BsSiind .70 ode.
Stages run in connexion with those7truins between Leba
non and Itarrisburg- , -Pare tilso from Le.banon to
Jonestown anti Schaefferstown.
Ail•Psoolugenriaill pure4maethentie)seta berm;
tbeerrhinir'suli• . ' . , •' 1
IKL.. A Fwes TIT TRAIN lenyea Reading M 7 and
return from Lebanon 'Ac4.2O u., chili (except. Sundayaa.
9 0 ./ 0 41 1 : Pk/V: I '. ///. 0 0.4 1 . &lilt •
• Pan an4..W4oo.:**iii ~.;
Boots; Slides Us!s: Caps, af
Trunks. •
Umbrella Lost. •
N Umbrella was last last week, having the sUbscrl
ber's name on the ivory at tho end of the handle.—
e tlnder will Osseo return it to , )
Lebanon . , Nov. 11,-1867, J. W. CiLONINGER,
cla every doecription .soldcvqty lov!
MISS WOMELSDOItr invites thfiliAbltil of Lehlinon
cold vicinity to e)npnine her stock .of FALL 8014-
NET'd and TRIMALI NOS, which silo is now ; opetnLnOtiter
residence opposite .Dr. C.l). Gioninger, cVniberienitA
street, Le banon. . 0ct4i..1407.
• •
. •
• Nolice t o Creditors. • • •••
ALL PERSONS indebted to the fi rm of SHIRE. &TRW
or to SAMUEL V. SHIRK, by Note; gook Account,
or otherwtee t are requested to make early Miyment to Aged'
R.Bonainnen,Faq., at bla Mee, in Lebanon, and adadeOni.
. Lebanon, Oct. 7, , 67.• . Attorneys for Creditors.
, „ . •
irto . PoCket. Book:
N SATURDAY LAST, between the Steam-Mille and
Itabefg Birotliarif Stern, a Pocket Book, containing
about $3B in lidonej.iihd other papers. Any pornone re
`turning said book to the undirnigned will be indiably re.
Lebanon, Oct. 14, '57-3t.* '
4IEDr7r 41CIDEF.
To buy your . (ll44 l ß: WINTER). GOOD'
. . suo b as Ducali, Delitinek Coberas,Tibetdetba, Caih
mawAc. (Prices to suit ths times,) at ..
Le , 0ct.14, SWARTZ 1k SRO.
. •
• ' • R emoval:
JJOAN GA SSNR has removed hie B001'4;6110)3 emits
to walnut strait.' butwlien Reinhand's and Ramler'm
Hatola • (Lebanon 0ct.1.4,'57.
The* o i ieties
A T.tbo Centro BoildltivOtßADEß It•BRO'S, yon wllll
/31., 'find very chomp, and a Doll. smortment.
Lebanon; Oct. 21,1857.
Fancy Dress Goods.
splondid assortment of all kinds of Fancy Goods—
Shawls, Cam" Scarfs, Collars, and in short, every variety.
of Goods for a complete Dress--very cheap.
All kinds of Domestic Gook-3lnslins are very cheap—
Check, Ticking, .hotting, Blankets, Sc., &c. Pirstsc
call and 'motor yottraelvec [Lebanon, 0ct.21, '57.
For Cheap Cloth , Cassioner .
. .
ATINETT, and all kiln' of Woolen „Goods, call at Um
Ceutra.Building of ltAltKft &ILO'S, where you will
find.erery variety of Coale for Cent!omen & Boya' Wear,
In kind for tho season Anil in suit the times..
Lebanon, Oct. 21, 1857.
The Clothing . Store ., 'a Tail,
oring Establishment of
RABER. & IMO'S you will now find in their Now Build
/16 leg, a few doors East of their former place, on the 2d
. Story, whore you can find all kinds of CLOTHING—Coats,
1,0r4r-Coats; Sacks, Round :loci:eta, Pouts, Vests;. Boys'
,_Plotittsg, all very cheap. You eau dress yonnielf from top
to toe at such low prices am will suit the times.
tan AA orders for TAILORING will ho promptly at-
Unified to.
Untie of Onentry Produce taken in exchange fur
Clothing nail Tailoring. [Lebanon, (k421,'57
Ho!, for the Centre Building.
IZABF•R & B It 0. 9 S .
lIAVE.REDIOVED thelr'STOltE to the New Building,
a few doors East of theold stand, corner of Cumber
land mud Market etroete, where they have opened a splen
did aesortment of
of every description; of LADIES' DRESS GOODS—New
Styles for the Feastm—too numerous to MUM:
Call and sec them. row• is the time to buy cheap!
Lebanon, Oct. 21, 186 i. •
. .
. Aluinnacs. • •
i , ~ • IVALT'L & RIEDEL harp just received%
j!,,fl 7 ~,, . large assortmentof Almanacs, which they
Z'.,--....._,- arc prepared to'sell Wholesale and Retail.
' " I " "" Among them will he found—
The New Reading Almanac, Englh,h and Gorman.
" Lancaster
" Old Germantown du -.. . "
" American l do . . " - ' " •
" City & Country, do
" U.-8. . do English.
" Great Wreetrirrai dd '',...', " .
" Lutheran._, , do. t'.; • Englist! and German.
Lebanon, October 28;1857. '' -
Dissolution . of Partnerslup.
NOTTCE i 9 hereby given that the-partriereldp hereto-.
fore existing between Joan GASSER and Geo. GAsarn,
dealers in Ikea; Shces,liats and Cape, in the borough of
Lebanon. has been dissolved by mutual consent. All per
-110114 Indebted to su d firm will please make immediate pay
ment, and those claims will present them to Joux
Osaka, 'l4"sidinni the business will , fie continued.
Lebanon, Oct. 7, '57-4
.. CO3lt.A W.
(dive us a Call at the CEoPlen, Sign of t
JEST RFXBIIki. 'miry large and splendid
tuck of NEW 'tIOVINTER GOOD,Sorliich
were purchased at t • lOwest.Easti ptices, and will
' be said at unusually' lbWprlidis, for cash, or i/101;
change for cduatry produce. . __ •
.• •
Their stock consists la part of the FoHowing;.‘ l X-7 • ".
Dry Goods,Ladies'Dress Goods, French Merinos/I, lbohi,
Panunetta Cloths, Lustree, Mears, al-Wag-De
taffies, Moulin Didatues, high 9610 ind Wag &Silk Plaids,
Gingbams, an endlestvariety orprifiti, &L, &e.. which urn
offered at very loin prices by HENRY & STINE.
•• •
Silks! Silks/ Silks!
Just received, a eptondid AKA round of rich black, plain.
and striped Dregrailks. AlsoYqrxtra rich plain and strip
ed fancy; all'thertrips/ Cnll inal-see at the - cheap etore,of
S 7 wi4 awls ! Shawls I.
• Just opened, a splendid assortment of•Lotig Shawls, Bay
ElUtte ? Thibet, bhuslc and fancy, plaid, Stella, all colon,
Chenille, and a variety of others, whia+arc selling off feet,
theapor thou the elierpest, at the story of
Domestic Goods—Cheap !
• Jnet Received—Mullins. Chucks, iugharuk, Flannels,
Canton Flannels. Ticklags, flUlnil varirty of others. which
are offered at reduced prlive, by HENRY & STINE.
For Men'a Wear !
Jostreceived, a large awl splendid assortment of Rrel'iclt
and English Clothe. at all prices. Also, plalu, blank and
fancy Caiii[Mores, French Cassimeres, plaids an, ow
stripes, Sittinets, Kentucky Jeans, Vestings, and a *min
ty or other Goods for Boy? and Men's Wear, which an
offered low by HENRY & STINE.
Nom's the time:to buy cheap Goods!
HENRY & STINE have just opened their Fail and Win•
ter stock of awls. and their aseertment of Preen OROCE
RIES and QUEENSWARE cannot be surpassed in the
Borough of Lebanon. Call and examine, at tho store of
Lebanon, Oct. 28,'57. HENRY & STINE:
Bargains! Bargains!
Goods..bought at Sheriff's Sale to be mild
sulmerlber wonld respectfidly inform the eltitena
of Letentan and vicinity, that he has purchased, itt
Sheriff's Sale, the entire stock of. • •
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware,
late of J. Al. plieger & Brother ntinvery low price. Ile
will retail the clock rhealierAboil any Goods have eier
been sold heretofore io helOnoW. 'fur the purpose of clos
ing out the concern. The opportunity ix a good one. and
should now be by all'disirOtis of buying cheap
Goods for the •cOniffig winter. The stock lea full One—
complete:lu all its departments.
Or•Orvn,tuka 'cell and see our 'bargains.
/%19 111011 2:94r/VAL. , GEOItOE ITLECIER.
liiiisiekeepers Attention!
a: Tan undoreignei hasjustagaio reduced from
the city, where ho has: purchased -the beet tor
.. Nifftlitieut of.FUR &I'M it E over offered in Lel,-
'wen, and .which :he takes this'. opporl unity to
say,lshwilbeell m low, or lower,: than at: surother cedar
lishment. lie has : % ',:i,
80P: 4S, Tetc-u-teil.,Lounges,,Cord
. ratici,
Whai-Nks, Hai:lot t ' Teti'
Pay', Lookinff'dfkiiiei;
• -of Comiliort ond
Also; blattraasee, Venetian Blinds,'Carriafew for Chil
dren, Cline Seat and Common CHAIRS, awl almost every
thing that can properly be associated with Ids business.
4/*-j i lo rode greatlvotidbiiceiri attentioutci,thb
assortment, and cytdially Invitee all to give him a call be
fore prirchaling4leewheivi. , O . le Metermined not to bo
undersold.. His Roost itisti ths•ro WM HA garkd
• • .•••-!,. THEO.: P. IeR.A.NTZ
P. S.—Ready-made Corms will be kept on hand, and
a VP l s?di, E A
,„het boo6 . 'ObUktfedlAST, kniltrarl{:
Ablb, C E?Any (PRP !Y. iWgtl 3 . / 14/ Lia„'s7*
. ~..
C4tir. O.T. Wont) i - Deittisir :—A
r - ei3t in ,nn of the New York
Hair lilsstorative. 3 proo
wee eo much pleased with tt
yrwonwntivs, and um • witiehril
ptqation before thepublie. It
drug pull unplessitchin;
Wed iny hair naturally, snit?
t ortiritibe t skon.. i nutty so. You hare permission
f:s . _ . lii, 4 , AO" liit4nY4Th •i= s-
• entertains any doubt:Orilis.poribiin
wpottite th. Lob-- - N
s_a E lt?i ll on s..wotud_Yetpectra — .
Lebanon /Me vicinity. thee he AM isi lli nkte ti .3 li iiS :Ci fi t tre i l s ig -ibri
,: e t 0,6,1 P ro . r. P i , 4 :::::
Sha V in g .4- Rely Dr'essi'ng - bin's admired its wowlerfni effer
I, and' is pkwed I : 4 i'iltib l uitiiittiilii.tiiii.l47t gad belt' where it hell fent% otf : iL elt•RI
atsiAwould l lint i rriiiisi 'alai.* -'- '• - :11103 bah. t , oftottidAitioottl-,-.3ageb
' WV -• ,42. to COI , .s.! 1 ~ • ka l lta l *tli g rA l ig .• . _
:II 4:441 4.:.,....s vox. Vf4t4
.114 1 0 ;6
!Pella nod See33s_
nAILITTS 1 Carpets! 9il Clothet 011,CloBle I ,144Sibts I
Baskets! Carpet Ghana! Carpet Okuda I Bod Yeathent
Bed Feathers! Corn Broome! Cord - Brooms I Band Dame
and a rarlowpf otbnr Goode, received apd
by HoweagjbWi Ildiphibiejw4ti Catp li
!Amy: 4 (41.444,v. • • §nrir...!
SI0;000 Worth Store Goode
PRE UNDERSlCilikr,4ativhig Purcitased at Sheriffs
Sale, the large and complete assortment of STORK
GOODS oft:SHIRK & TICE, at every low price, and being
I desirous to close up the coirtOern'ataillfarly day, will re•
tail the stock at lower prices than Goods have ever been
sold in Lebanon, and much•cheauer tbauthe same kind of
Cicada can be bought at Wholeeale in the cities. The orig.
inal cost of the GOODS was SI4C IO O, and the stock is large,
' emulate and well-m*324AL . •
at . Suck an opportunity to obtnln CHEAP GOODS la
rarolyoftered. DltY GOODS, onockmiss and QUEENS
WARR In great quantities.
Myna of an solvent Banks taken In Szcbange for GOODe.
Lebanon, Oct.?, '57. ABRAHAM SHIRK.
A superior quality and cheaper tluin over, offered at
..Patitumni 3 Oct. )4, 457. Bail Bonding, Market et.
ir RS. RUCH would hereby inform the la.dies of Lobe,
1101) and vicinity that she has juetreturned from the
Katy . with a large supply of
:Fall a , ,d 'Winter ;Millinery Goods,
to which she would respectfullycall their attention. 'ter
stock consiets in tiartof Ready-made Fall and Winter Bon
nets, Ribbons. French and American Flowers, Feathers,
Caps, Satins. Velvets, Laces, &c., &c.
From long experience in inielnewi and a determination
to render malefaction by strict attteution to the eame. who
hOpes to receive and merit a continuance of that liberal
'patronage with which she has he.m heretofore favored.
411ir ordcrs.proinprly attended tn. -{t
Lutonon, 0ct.14, '67-4t. L. RUCH.
KT , TI( highest price far Cbsmtry Prelucr will 6,
Riven ha exchange ibrllooda at KARLA & Rno.3.
NEW C Loll', NG `TORE.
wh: most respectfully inform the Gentlemen of Lebo,
non and vicinity, that we kave opened a New Cloth
ing Store, in Cumberland street, next door to Renry
Stine's Store, where we intend to keep constantly on hand
e most select essortutent of
Ready-Made Clothing,
each as 'Frock Crmts, Overroats, Trois Coats. Casstmers,
Sattinett and Catetinstt Pants, of all prices and de,crip
tions; from $1,50 up to itO" ; Vests. cloth. plain and fancy
Silk of all styles and designs. and a genusl amortmeat of
. .
Furnishing Goods,
such as Neck-ties.Fuspenders, Wool and itockekbi Gloves,
white nod flannel Shirts, Wool and 811 k Undershirt*,
Airing In connexion with a large wholesale msnufactoring
establishment in the city, where our flood* are manufac,
tared in the beet manner, and bnyoug our muterisli at
the lowest cash prices. we am confldenfthet we can limo
all who will favor us with their custom. All we ask, in a
trial i as our motto ie—'Quick Secltm and Swell Profits.!"
Lebanon, 0(1.11., '57-2m.,
Bleached and Unbleached of all the different makes
at the very lowest.eash pritos. at
!Amnon, Oct. 14, '57.
Clothing for the Million.
. .
T.u.LATthEST,betit :coveted aleck of Ready.] male (limit
ing 01A.? exhibited in Lebanon. Was just (Tailed at, dal
. • Iliod-Qteirters for Good and Pleop Vluthing I
In Cumberland street, opposite the Court House.
11E1ZENSTETS k. BROTHEa take the lead in selling cloup;
they e 4 't be beat.
. We invite our nnmerons Customers and tin public In
general, to call and examine our new stock of FALL, and
WI,.:TETI. CLOTHING, c , ..tiristing of all styles of Over
coats, Sack and Frock Cents, raglans, Tattoos, CaesMter
and Business Coats, lk.yrt - Coats. 'Pantaand Vests, as well
us a large stock of new styles of fancy cos:Omer tutnts, silk,
"xelvet, plash and satin 'Vests ;;Underclothlng, anal
shirts, uterine Shirts and drawers., heavy cotton and wool
drawers, German knit Jackets, wool and cotton 3lnf
fers, comfdita, neckties, suspender., gloves, shirtaand col
lars &c., &c. •
614- Hats anti Caps. Trunks, Valises and Carpet Saga,
all will be sold at the lowest figure.
Lebanon, Oct. 7,'67. ItEIZENSTEIN h PRO.
Grindlea Ancient and Celebrated
A Positive Cure for Liver Complaint and Bilious Disor
ders, Dyspepsia, Itlieutuatism. Scrofula. Cutaneous
INsease.s. 'Fever and Ague, Costiveness. Piles, Dysen
tery and Dierrham.Worms.Snppression of tbeNenses,
Nervous and a sure Preventative to all
•[~jy offer tile ANCIENT JAPANESE LIFE rl OTI a mord
extensive smile, after we have tested them iu the
worst forms of disease. end after having been erged to do
so by end cent physicians, who bare tried them to their
satisfaction. Performing cure where every other rem
edy bad failed, we feel it our solemn duty to Spread the
glad intelligence to every family of the globe. They
purge the syetentthorotighly of all corrupt bumore,pen
etrataand purify the Vital fluids. and the corrupt *men
tions are replaced with rirb, healthy blood. Parts that
were even decaying with the disease are restored to a
healthy : , rigorous action, and disease eradicated as if by
magic- tb e system in a robust condition. and less
prodisnmell to contract disease egnin of whatever kind.
Possessing such penetreting and healing virtues, their
Blithest; must be inevitable. We know it. We can read it
in the now glow lug fentures of the once pale and prostrat
ed patient; we can read it in the friendly grasp of the
father's band, and In the mother's warm tears of joy,
ea they behold their darling child snatched from the
clutches of death by their powerful agency ; we can read
it iu the young man's gayety. and in the old man's vigor
and 'ilod bless you ;" we con read it in the husband's
and wife's gratttuto, and in the children's prattle; we
can read it away out upon the bosom of the Oeeiltall the
sprightly tread and invigorated system of the poor mar.
lame. : Yes, and we sometimes fancy we can almost read
it, far up Ili the blue eSiaopy of heaven, in words of living
These Ancient Pillsarearso an invaluable remedy for
females suffering from s uppression of the Menses, the
cause of so many declines and female weakness. The
various diseases that attack children are quickly ban
ished by their healing qualities.
The Pilleare sent by mail, from the Proprietor only,
on receipt orthe price. The postage In thu United States,
not over 3,000 tulles, is fifteen cents on live boxes,whieb
must be inclosed In money or stamps. If we bare no
agent in your place, send to us by mail.
For sale by respectable druggists and dealers In mein
eine throughout LlMlThited States, Canadas, Mexico,
South America, te., at 25 cts. a lxii,:cre Ave' boxeß tbr
Jositn S.Gampt4New York, Sole Proprietor, to w howi
all letters must be addresaed. Also, Proprietor of Dr.
Wesley Cried/Ws Celebrated Masic Compound, tbe great
rem - My fer - Pillmoliarycsiiiiiimptlon.
l. Piincimil 'Depot, u. 54 White street; New York,
superior assortment just received, ten per cent.
lower than ever. offered at
Leba.uou, Oct 11,!57.
•All Hail ! Something for the Million
Ani P.- aim the attention of affolol and you this won
• • derful preparation, which turns hack to its original
color. gray hair—corers the bead of the bald with °lux
uriant growth—removes the dandruff. itching. and all
cutaneous eruptions—causes a continual now of the ma
nta] fluids; and hence. if used its a regular dressing for
the hair, will preserve its color. and keep it front falling
to extreme old age. in all its natural beauty. We call,
than, upon the bald, the gray. or diseased in one
it; and surely; he young will not. as they value. tho
Cowing locks. or the witching curl, ever he without
Ite praise is upon the longue of thomAnds.
T hare used Prof. 0..1, Wood's flair Rudonttive, and
have admired its wonderful street. My hair was becom
ing KM I Wrough t prematurely gray, but by the use of the
, Itesionitive," it bus resumed its original color, and II
have no doubt, permanently so.
Suussr Bausse,F.x.genator United States.
IProm thl Washington Star./
Amor4 the many preparations now in use for the re
storleg4reserving and beautifying the heir, there an)
none that vre can recommend NO ntorusonfidence than
Prof. Wood's Flair Restorative. tiew fn generai.use thro'-
out the State's, This preparation possesses the most in
vigorating qualities, anti never fails in producing the
most happy reSlllts when entitled according to directions.
We refer our readers to the advertisement fir a few of
the innumerable certificates which have been sent hy par
ties, who have been henefitted by it, and feel happy In giv
-Ing testimony bolts wonderful effects produced on them.
0..1. WOOD & CO., Proprictors, 312 Broadway, N.Y.
; •
and 111 Market alma,. Sf. Louis, Missouri.
Vor sali; in Lebanon, at Owtrogp r LurßEßogn's Drug
store. Also, bytall respectable Drriggihte: Lewpt. 23-3 m.
Watertown, Mara., May 1, 1855.
. ,
rem'. 0. 3. Woon:--rAllow me to attest the virtues and
magiepowers of your Hair Reotorotive. Three menthe
store, gray,l purchased and soon com
menced to use, two bottles; and it won began to tell, in
niekding the milVerirocke to their native color, and tho
hair which wee before, dry and harsh, end fei ling off, note
!wattle tuft and glory', and it ectu.ed 1..11114; the dandruft
tlisiippoared,and the scalp lost all the disagreeable itch
annoYing hater's. and - Ow. I not only look hut
feel youngagain, Respecttiiily yours, Gut. WHITNI.I.
To the tadies.
Nature's Own. ltemody
State of Millais, Carlisle, JUDE , 27, 'RS