The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, November 18, 1857, Image 2

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    Xittrannu, atifiErtizEt.
awiliemrsomna mrctruvresubs TO IS" Ira CUSS
as XOW,W."
I. Y.111:41=311, 'Lilt*: sad Proprietor.
- LEBANON, PA., NOVEMBER 18,. 1857
INN. It somas that Sibley, democrat, is after all
elected fipeeiner of bilitisisota. His majority is
about 20a: - '
ills,. The order to increaser the , Mee of fare on
thOhurivirania.Railibod has bein'itettetermand
ed. Tholese remains the same as usual.
NORMAN VAN Burma . , of Ballston, N. Y.,
wimaceidenkally shot himaeNdead on the 2d while
cleaning hie gun, was to have been married on
the,evening of that day.
lag. At a recent• "hunger" denionstration in
Plittpdelptda, the man who carried the banner was
about three-fourths, drank, and smoking a cigar
that cost at lestat th;eca cents. Quite a number of
the Mob irere sporting jewelry upon their persons.
.'s,. .There h talk that the New York ranks
wilrithunte ghee payments on the Ist of /ann.
ary. Some banks in other sections intend resum
ing next month, and we have heard of several that
ban -already resumed.
llaw-Yonir ELnerzo.x.—The Albany Atlas
makes the majority for the Democratiolicket 13;-
046. It gives the Republican 15 member of the,
Senate to 14 Democrats, two Americans and one
Lidependent; and 59 Assemblymen to 61 Demo
mats and 9 Americans.
1211,..5111T has been 'instituted by the President
and Directors of the Bank of Pennsylvania, t 6..
gainst. Mr.:Allibone, late . President of the Bank,
for the recovery of $200,000, which be is indebted
to the-bank. Mr. A. has gone abroad, and writs
of idombstie ,
attachment . have been issuedagainst
sii his property, moneys and effects.
. lk
Till pill; Verney, ec We - PliiliidelphM
has adopted' the wad "Telegrina" to designate the
intelligence ponveyed or received by Telegraph.
This is putting "Telegraphic Despatch" in a short
eduipsiss;though it will require some time to main;
the •iv term familiar to the public.
Pannone to Councils are in eiseglition
in Philadelphia among the industrial classes, for
an inns of $4;000,000 of city warrants of various
ditiondiations. It is said that the small notes of ,
allthe states are now in eirenlation diem. and
that among them are thousands of dollars' of
faianisiteißeneral Brown has dually decided the
Philadelphia Poet Oaks question. lie has issued
ineteditione to the Superintendent (Mr. Riee,) to
.lnimedhitely with the alteration of the
Rink of Pennsylvania aCoording to the tudiinal
MP" The Democratic majority in•Mintgornery .
soußty,atthe lastelection, Fac i a° large that Con
siderable aiseittisfaction hula reseltea in conse
gmnp•thereof, Hence the two - -Democratie pa
peril in Norristown have gone to work in good
style to create a split in the party,hy, which they
probably expect-to give the opposition - a chance
neat fall to elect their county tiekek
—.The Pittsburgh Poet learns from a gentleman
direct from Nebraska, that Gov.. hard has resign
ed his position in the Territory, and left for his
home in Arkansas. The people, are somewhat
anxious as to whom the President will select as
Gov. Lard's successor.
marriage lately took , place in Wilkes County, N.
0. A men named Holloway married his step moth-.
or, the second wife, the widow of his own fathei:i .
fitushad six children, three of themby.his.father,-
aid Oires by himself; and having nine' Children-
Of b 1 oira~.the coupo, set up housekeeping with,
• ..Raisins have fallen in the Boston Market
to $2 25 per box for fresh Malaga. Last year, at
thin time, they broughtSt 25, and the consegaenoe
was that plum puddings and mince pies were very .
soirVe if Thanksgiving.: They may be sauce thin
season, frowanother cause. ;PimpkinsAhoWever
are very cheap in Bullion, selling at six tWeekiedtl
dollars a toil.
Gas- 11esass-err sox .- Nicsirworias - -43eneral
Walker on Wednesday took hls departure frnm
New Orleans for Nicaragua, with his militeTT.
staff, and over three hundred men, besides a con
siderable number who areto join him at some
point in the Gulf - of Moiler,. Walker: appeared
in theynited States District Court in the. morn
irigosind gave bail to.appear for examination on
tkwel7th. and in the afternoon tad 'embarked' in
tho Mail boat. At 2 o'clock on the morn-
Wednesday:after a search by the United
Stites Marshal, the steamer Fashion got off with
a body of men, and a large quantity of arms,
ammunition and provisions, and , intercepted the
mail boat, and took on board Walker and his par
ty, and immediately steamed for her destination.
pr. New'Yoax has been attlicted4cejt 'week
or two past with monster meetings ofieeniiitiiee'
demonstrations are "bread or work." They per
ambulate the streets, in such a threatening man
ner that the police force of the city was strength
ened, and a'detachment of united States.troops
concentrated in the vicinity for the protection of
the govexument property.' A clearer inspection
of the rabble has demonstrated that button+ q& the
industrious classes are mixed in it; that it is
chiefly composed of idle vagabonds who never did
work, led on lii'despemte characters,.whose pro
elivities are for mob law, and who w ound robin
the beat of times, if they could do so with
atty_ If violence is attempted blood shed will, be
the consequence. Industrious men of good charz ,
aster can easily obtain employinent. This is a
view of the case that sets for nought the columns'
upon columns of the4prOhlg, s of the mendi
cants, at prosout.gllitrigiher TeieWt:lrOrk papers.
.. .
' • ' At airfile
itio ,
geicticir -to if!, .4"
hilliffigifal : d 'tilik 'lOW
ova% tb" e"ri
.._,- --,.--
lima in,
5 ., .,......
finiimet , ,,wa . 4 iswe4 sitting near ear .e.• 05 .
_ _.... ., . t —d u . anti Ihig• i • '
""L''' ' ......" , -..tvi 10 Visit dlfferen yv 5
...,„ s s- .......,.,
feel in der
a‘,,t 5.1.5: - m-17 - ..-;•It to thek prepared
ek........., 4,....euwi ..,,...:„..,,,. lit the l im p s ; o th ers
y ,„,,,....t155.t.. 1,--...
f , '" ....,"'"' ••.-. 1-SZ---Res restr ,who
. _ Wee te.":"- ' .. 5‘.. , :. ° 5.:.-- ~... 1 f the
Into the street.-"'"' ` ,Z- ''''' ' ''- °
-,-,':- "plum Mt OLD RUSSAIII) IR Wonra.-- , ,,, ~.„, \
~,. .
'. 4110814)14 court at pedfOrd county., Virgii. isi;%.
•• •.,, -. 2 . • Ahnlna W. ttiasaireatottealesiew see
. _, - .. 4: #
ran° damages &oak Witham Stein fir
. . ,
.-marrnag• contract- .'ilin lady ia about
........:: 4 . :. • years of age and the gentleman eighty.
. ••• • • • the amtrond trial.of.the mum; a forme r
... ,
'., - given a rerdiet of •811t150 for liar
dilprkteeewilinot Raids OR Ma4atiOSCOr the_joinni.:
4115 i.
"Dread or battlC t lheetiggeere the order otthe
day now. The bill set briliotion by the excited
New Yorkers hoe rolled to Philadelphia, and sev
eral meetings of the unemployed have been held to
devise means to alleviate the prevailing distress.
One of these gatherings- took place at Broad and
SPring °wan' dreet luentay afternoon last,
at which several imfiammable speeches were made
antrilitither of reiOliiiitins adopted. One of the
spenkeri recommend a committee of twenty-five to
wait - upon each Batik President (poor fellows I) and
notify them that they •must.resume specie paY.- -
ment in 'a given time; or force will be resorted:6i:
Let them:be - tiontpelledouild he, to resemeor 'shut
up their:doom—allele' Whit we want. Let the
batiks resume payment, and we shall all have week. ,
Onveager individual_ the committee to .4(4
about their work ntetiei but - the cautious speaker
enuolndedthat the - meiting was not qiiit large • e-•
nough, yet. "Weft till our next meeting," :said
he, "and- • then we can , ehOw a• crowd of twenty
thousand!" Another: speaker declared that he was
a peaceably ..disposed' man, but he was strongly
pressed by necessity; and inusteither steal, beg or
starve. 4, Then we'll steal'!" shoUted a number of
voices. • t, • '
This meeting adjOnitiedto meetonThursdayal
ternoon, when snOtheit large meeting was hold,
but ft also adjourned without committing any
riotous' acts. • •
Great I Eynon. Europe.
- • °' 14NEw Yeliti, Nov. 13.
The steamerArablk;frent,,Liverpool, with dates
to 31st elf: arrivedlhfs inerning. 'The-Arabia
brings one Million's of dollars' in 4nan. • ' Min Oleo
has upwards of $lOO,OOO additionalliem 'Havre.
The American horses Prioress and silibilon have
both' been' bmityibeaten in'the race for the Cam
bridgeshirestakes .'
The Indian mailinlings liiiOrtant Intelligence.
The British troops fissaUlted" Delhi 14thof
SepteMber ) and' effected 'loffgnuant,"ttiid after six
day's obstinate rosiseance, orir.ihe 20th obtain
ed possession of the entire - Ay. ' Great numbers
of th,!ilitutineers escaped, miring them the King of
Delhi and his two sons. The British: loss in kill.
ad and wounded, up to the I.3th, was qqo in all,
including 50 officers. Gen. Wilson haff ordered no
quarter te,be giyeif l. but at the women and chi!.
dren should spared.
Gen; Cavaignae had diiiifeiiddenly of disease of
the heart." The Money' market` has shown
portint change.' 'Brit the - market closed with 'an
improying tendency.—
The New Stay Law'--The most material change
thatha.sheenintroducectin the law as lb stixid'Priol
to-the 13th of Oct. '1851,13 wstay'of - eximiitidn"ini
alljudgnienta, without regard . "tottniount; felmie
the debtor is able to comply With - the Veal candt:
Lions; whereas, hitherto the stay ihas been graduat
ed according to the athount date debt.- Onjudg
ments-hearafter-obtained, the stay is to be-com
puted from the firet;daY of the term to which suit
is brought:. A judgment debtor could always plead
his-freehold but that freehokLeonsiiittid-of mai
ming/iced real estate. -- Now, hels alkiiied to plead
his freehold, if his estate be worth' the debt over
and - above existing ineurnbramini. Iti thisrespect
the law has been modified. Ilitherbi,
meats before alderiuen, three, " - six or nine mouth
stay hiui'been allowed, and in court:di, nine or .
twelve months according 'to titt , amount of the'
kidguient; 'Sae the'Stay was Obtained either, by
pleading a freehold - worth the amount of thejinig
niengiind . free'froM incurabrances, or by entering
the `security of a responsible . person : Now, the ,
timi is made' intiforia, that is; one year; withont
regard to the sent recovered: But still there must
be Security. There is no such thing as a stay
without sec'u'rity;` and this egregious ignorance
of the law should at 0n6e . 6 corrected. There are
also qualifications and exceptions in the act of the ,
13th of 0nt.'1837, which . go far 'to deprive a de
fendant of the'betiefit Seemingly held out to him.
If he has had bilcitai,'On waived it, he cannot
demand the new stay. 'lndeed, this qpiovision
the recent act, likeinany - others` to be found in it,
promise to be relief only in name—an empty
ow and it feeble hope. It
: will not prevent the
bringing of a single suit, and we venture to ex
press-the opinion that there is not minas() ton,
ikilatios :not one in fifty, in which the.. debtor can
comply with the requirement, so as'to availl;lM
self of its so called bnnefits.--Press;
.Titilioxisrt.msMtthene;—den lo ex
citement was ociaaoWeilin'nii early iUu4 of the
week by the arrest of two individuals at Motifs-
on suspicion - of being 'conifereepd - in the Munler of
Adeline Beta. city'
and lodged in jail mita orhureday elbeenixte,hem
a searching examilietiltri . :iiighil'heforsi .
Alderman Mangle which oesepted•leveral•hours;
Thesexamintaion was continued yeatUrciaitlfeer
noon and bliat evening and althuAgli;u
witnesses were heard noising elicited oalon-'s
l i to 4, ,t ! ) ! 3 #lilt§gftli*P: ll l4* * *4o.i!digeharged.
accordingly: . tit
. o:.! 07 • • •
We'nnderstand•tiat 2 irwitikliifirlisi been, Issn'ed,
agsailqa: alnan 4 0,1 4 1 3511P0n
suspicion him fallen, and that an officer *UI bade
spatehed to day to arrest him. We hope thatr,,tbe
mystery which surroundsAthis clit!se , 4et,
, be
solved 44fAiii . eirgiy•paoies lirop g ht t c p justi ce:
Reading ,
°:0 •
Ten Urea BisWiiiroW.—eThet trod!' th
lifilii4ryltxPedlifeieKtrti4i is ominous. The
buik of it had encountered snow while still far from
its deitination, - and both men and horses were fast
failing. -There is a report thatfa supply train of
seventy-five wagons, moving forwardbotween the,
vanguard and the main body, bad boon surprised
and captured by a Mormon detachment; If 'this
prove true, there can be nolonger &rational doubt
that Brigham Youn,g means W . resistthe entrance
of the troops into is capital •with
and to the' lastwiireiniti.
exhausted and enfeebled by , eold, famipe and forc
ed marches, has &gloomy proarsit. It cannot re
treat without encountering certain deeith by frost
and'steljistion i•lt eantibt -winter in . the 3 glena - of
the Rocky Mountains, while to advance into brar
defeat and extermination. We trust the rePortlif
actual hostilities on the part of the Mormons may
proye. =toenail'.
"I s NDTAN Stintze"—Oregir. :of the Terott: 7 -The
early settlers of New .Englanti , Were s urprised and
gratified. to find that, after the first killing t frosts
of Antninn, a period intervened between that
Winter, of mild, smoky, pleasant weather, .;soon
obtained the name of Indiailinnmer, from the
fact that the naturilindeleuee,of tlie Indian chez:
acter led them to defer untilt!ifsperiod the work
of Summer—such as harvesting
. and
vegetables, and getting puts, or putt ing up hay,
and general preparations . for Winter. Silence the
f; 7:
-- - •
73 4 Eo l so li a Asi 4 47,401114 Van'BuMn, • . .4: 'ffi • ••&- spi ',iiikat ithijialf,
RE his speech at Tainuany Hall accounted for the . tfiein :too . lr : iiii , th e
, bod AM .,
iii g er,
dilifxiagL'4,fifexrlirigllend,parson force aa fe,llew4; ind'itatiol,
,t;',!.11,i11311.1r, -_.;r.. •ti in ,-,.,1 ,
. . ..
.them in aril was koawalii **Mgt a donsfavnibto meant r o
° B . wil . llll4l ' 667°11117.T41 to
re :
V' Wo.ettit'ilieliisterigllt'irgth4e4
to tilPai4°' ' " 4411454 ,,,,, 0 ,.. c 4 Bg
Th,,,, el ' " " l recollect- 8 ino g ne ge d y ' 'lll3
the s)ii miiia‘i isk i iail te iiii 4 wWieiiiii:
resent letter to the-1 1 T
, 4 --:
~, r , , ' -a- in • thinurAl• t il4 64 , 2 i, ii i Fimi
ed the iiiei 'Tenn there Ifn4P444#_,. ! ) C en g re " loaned q uite an an Ttni„.77.:•.:-.. v e . 0.197., -„c .p.i
''. -- seDa parson* cod, 1t .Vall'ettutt.hat city.
•-•—„ , ep 2 .
' ik'ehiiipilcatediriiiiettilik'
': - . - ''''"ez -, :;: - ...-',..titrykin a rohatil was • *ldeal; of.co__„,_ _te. ; 'The arrett of the p 1
~ ,
. f.,,,,,,,,
/(71: ::.... "-' ', ' -, .. - -: -. :<t'll bet
wit norreedueediio %tierce' excitement in prodhead • i WIC
i h iT au h : l3 :tmdt l e r ogin : l :‘ - , a . fty Z, : " ii ,r ,,, , n) :4 l4 2 ‘..z eoPlie „..,dto Int' fotti:
javi . v . 6 ..b0y... ... rtifiliav inlank . ....... : hb v iiiii ti
s -.
down ' kiM eta ;ivy' ino, to be draseeiltolibly. igir l tUriiiiifi
tO other hairiness th,-:'''''''''snd nine
, Nt1z.,: . ...'• 61113
o meaur f Alsr.-Ka"":Philip It. zir:ili pansweir er
_llia- beezempu- :::17:7crwtalIt iip::'1ted:.614.;`...."111:. telbeillz."S-I.llralliTari:niPeP:'"asthi: 14.b.:2'111::a1t.-
iit l eiii . 14 kg— trilled . ' , bit! lk . : Isi *Tiered 't9 ti'i
.... q
~..t li e . d impel Men to tti 0
eraerr- Wm,* Oro igo.'"*.,4lt - dwitsaptii
Emigration to the failedP land
away otttweat, is said . to ba,groWthrialall by de
amid beanttfnlly lees
mention that a wife - was recently sold by her hus
band, at Worcester,, for a shilling and a quart of
The large Rolling Mill, at Phoenixville,
is hi "full operation, .with the' regulai
ment of hands. The other mills arul fiivnaces in
the same place *RI mew** . ,afreti alloy!. time.
Democracy would rote for the devil,
if he were OM uomineeof the party.—.Eacicre.
PreCiiely I—:but lie cOuldn't be the n t ottitn i ee=—
The DemocratitialWayi nominate m e mber. of.their
YOUNG INT.4u enthisizsGe admirer of the
CEtif lirpl3,lp?atp(kly, onyjug to a stronger. 4 r„
.czar, is .great-" .1740
"hut God is greater." ..
elan, "but the Czar is young yet." •
THE "Pnairur. Stmogini" &roar, about a;
man in Ifuntingden county, who
. was pinned to
his ehajr fox blasphemy, turns out, to he :a hoax.
fetter i fro& U gentleman residxngin the '
ty""where this ditiadf4fisitatian was
occurred, says there is no truth - in it SO ilk' as that
locality is concerned.
The State of Illinois'is said to Intim pro
duced during the present season over 208;000,000
bushels of grain—more thaia six' 'bushels to'eacli
man, woman and child in the United States ! The
single b`cituatt of Winnetigeproatieed tine Million
six hniidied •liuthetV i ef Wheat!' and , yet the' Whole
amount going foiiiaid tolmirkst is less than' it nes
been for sake years' -whenthere were not even
middling crops: I •
WOMAN_ STARYEDT9,AtPAY„!A I2I ?,..ftOppEltur---
Ainpug the deaths in this city lest, week, wasilm i t
of let:nate the I .4T4forty l yea ;
of age, w hose physician ' s certificate state,. that
the eatise of death Wai.ilvar4 of nourishment.'
What a record for a city where the friends of for
eign missions were so sumptuously entetiaineti:,a
few weeks ego.—Prov. Porte; ifon.lo:
tit. That singular boy at Waco 'tithe hid' a
paiMion flower groir out of the flesh of;bis-diseas
ed leg, his since prOlirceiiiii the way a ohm
ter of orange tioWeri. stem
risi:ai right Mikles to thiitimb atiie height'of
aboit three inches, vliiiisitAo3ll
white buds, re'semblieg the : buds of ' the eilinge ;.
oil bcong expfMed to the light the btidirimpandeg,
into flowers, Which : aasiiined'W beautiful 'greyish=
purple color. These ' flOwers are &imposed - of a
substanao,'indMe iraptially:dritwrilMek
agiiii'lmneeth the shin:'While they `are is libs
Kim the boy is relieved' from pita. -
A BET ot'A Biss.—A bemitifitl arshisireli
mat, the wife of a prominent "Republicen
Wei= of Tolede, - iirri4Oiliii this city` ieiteraitY
• 'n
to pay a wager 'of a kiss that Chaee would beet:.
acted by a majOrity' of five,itiOttearl;
She made
resigieg on foirth 'street. According'tOlheagree;"
meat, the loser" go the to
the other,' and pay the indetitednieWhi the itisi4
lag silpitolferriePa.4 , l4iitrges44ayj:=llitis
oipatiiii the' specified period'by
nati Enquirer, Nov. 1. II •
• 'pp' A son vf 3. J.' Winter, Of Clarksburg,:
Va.', returned borne 'other day absence
of three years;* -Hia , -fatber , had.stirtur difficulty in.
recognizing. biai, and - after he had made himself.
known, the fatheetitepped , tcalie door of in adjoin..
log room, 'and called to two :of his 'daughters, :in
forming them that agentleman desired 'to seeithem.
Upon entering the'roomi. the young .ladie4,didnet
at first recogniturtheir broier, but almost instant
ly.the eldest recognised him and , sankto the floor
The President of the “City - Batik,'
. delphia; his been bound ever in the Suit 43141060
to'iltiiireirat Court the (Argo of 'Okay: The
Aerie is brat at'ihrea - separate' iinierer'note for'
$7OO T Offerted'lt' the Bank' for disbotint; by I'
Y.:641 - 4116 'itiLS"riot 'ddne; that the hist'
af' it-was nifiredniiir Cashier t4IC-Idin nth t
President did if, shavidg'`hrii klb(r4Si (Ks' ticitas,'•
ac Coal
Tne sales at the stonk boinilehow' &vapid rhiei
every kind of stooks elite we toischedlliti bot'
ton of onr pecuniary 'difficulties and: - the
Begin to mend,' and
been is alikttle helteleritted byithe favorable hews
from Europe. Every description of ateekis 'ad
vancing iripriee; whitirthe e - bearsisave become
bulls; and, setilig.iivisillioCUriiiitit4 low an ebb,
are ,buyiuklargell i oo. aynil tt!ooas2vos of, : io
oyitoble ;. . 1.,
.' ro..
..TPe.k°,4r494 money, Of those who.give WV.lotO
tll,o4' fears c ? mi PVBol r° P
htliog , ft n ... lFCP / flifiglP r °o4. ii ! ve , tinett lf'
tivirates roc money, on thofitr ; eetnye rpp[di lj~com
down, and the
o Wereaslng
; in, ;
amount. The notiOs: )toKoyitaffiod_al;put the
end pf their extraprffinary:harreat, and • the no
no longer see dti,y;id*:AUy
making enough of brokerage to iv for tikair
asysterione Airair—ritybablonlobbary and
, .
[From Janeerille ( lris.)Standard,lso.6tha .
We learn by a gentlemen from Brodhissiii.thak
threl men wore arrested yeSl'exday'upoiathO . oAge
Of having oonitnitted:a robbery and murAer in thet:
place in SePtemberiset. The names of the per: :.
ions charged are given upon the Strode, but imal
something more definite is known grime
self being so terrible—we deem ifiieet
thein at present. Suffice it to siy that one of
those ineulPateif his occupied it **eminent Posi-'
Lion in the CoMinunity where he has resided' for'
- -
,pas,t. ,
The oirMUnititedi:detailed are as follows A
detiOtive Chicago has' been so-'
jouilitni for 'a fohi;ii 'toe : pier
. at Broilliead,"foi
th'e purpose%rfearsiittat tiat'a - ganiltot eMinter
feiters, supposed tOilia4e'theifteadquekiiii
Daring his stay he made - the aminaintaiiee'OrtWe' l
three men accused, and wormed binitieirintO'ilie
confidence of 4W "
It seemst "battlerii:deiaiii - sient to Brodhead In
Opptetnberlaikerbliliii; purpose' f"
hotel; ~u$ imikuneawr , i s
he was mrstaig, been cold?
du". His aluire iota." to*
the confession
awed to tag
lief ing prOviOnelY'sitatlas te
WhNlO'tliey were there , one''btf diem
tea and returninv;
The Money Mar'kes.
Pitriu)iinizi;i Nov.; Id, igsvii
Resemixo.—Many of the mill's, and factorierin
• lilow England are now resuming work, among
Awn the Union Manufacturing company of Nor
walk, Ct., the Chidopa (Mass.) Mills, the Railing
and Nail Mills, and the Massasoit Mills at Fall
River. The American Print Works at Fall River;
it is bolimmd, will also soon commeneciunnins.
Alliany *Orkti rsecfrdnimgedithis
week. Thelerisaolaer
which employ three
:hundred and fifty men,,are making preparations
ie:. immediate resumption. The thirty-two, facto
ries, la kgartk ind South Lee, Mass. tc are ll all, in
working condit t ion e although short time, equak
c 4: or 4t.daiii 'per Week, ehafititerilis sthem all at
resent.,. There is an InfiaverneneManitast rn
these' inerestswh ich
~ gives the
worst times are over ,. and that labor will rep
again IM'lnlly,apikprofitably acetified.
Gitibbg'siTAAN' vtitogitkutet
HE tindits , l64d'itie now lailgiasanif-
X . ;meEntifik.A.l4tandiE'DMß. GOODS, ainetroi l l!kti
ane.peths, ,Cessimeres, Vesting,,99PuPg7
and all:kinds Men's and Boys' "nitr. -
ALSO, all kinds of . orxis Awl:dies' wear, inichinnblack
and, faneysak-Deiaines, FteacliMerino,Gobergandli d a4 l
GAO; Sna*ls ofairdeseritottend; BnanetTiiintatrigs,
Annozadergeldoek of.GROODRIES &.SIIEENSWAR,..E.
r Cail at the Bee Hive. 9i34%
Great. Crowd*-440W,Prices.
ONE morning, laat week, „as a friend and, myself, were,
leleurely walking out Market 'street, and'on arriving
near the corner of Guilford street, imr , attention.Was at
tractelto a large. crowd of Indies- r and, nearly. all of.
What 'Were, provided 'brie ripullet 'bealkeis, and
Wens with satchels hanging to Marianas, and .wsireeti
dentlylhMnt upon tha same object Ipon ,ingeiry. we
found Votive; on "the -idinit'uf Guil
ford and Market fitreeta, is' loestedi , tbe axtapsive Ttx.
Gooda n etwery,, and Queenaiara Store of our pollute
affable fridels; TUNG* 'BRO.; who bairdjitstlifein'
large, atan., t.,of Gm*, and that the gret4optwd of Inv,
dies were their regular c.ustomers, who may be tieeri dialy
at= their-ecinitters 'pitreluising their gooda:—.Mltsniiiaw
w2retistdentlY satisfied their PnrebeSes werolond
in the praises of the excellent quality of their stook, and
all were , of the unanimous opinion that FIINCIE &BRO.'
sell the Isnit qualities, at lower prices, than any of .their
coMpetifors, So our advice would be to you, one and all,
bothigreirgild tO eve Fuson 'd Bab. a call, and they
wilLtaWei7ll74o.PleadeSau- PEDESTRIAN.
Mirth Lebanon, Oct. 21,1&57. .
a igricultural .::Ware-hosse.
Strath. Sixth Stied, near the State - House;
rrEN FLOORS of this spacious building, erected express
ly for, ttiePropriptors' trade, are stored with. Seeds and
Impleinentis of interest 'Farmers and Gardeners.`-
hedi—The subscribers dosireAo
the attention of interedted in Formingand Gar
dening, to their welbselected stock of
Agricittettral/ imptentente Tut .llfachinety, -
Great Variety of Ilirtk;siltura;
Warrattled Witten and Flower 'Soli,
65Argss,and otthe mad reliable,gturyty. ,
the Agricultural Ingilements sold by us are, mostly
manuficitire . &at our - Starch - Weikel, Bristol, Eta
Having. fitted, u_r•fhis establishment without:mm.o.4r
expense, with the moat compfeSt machinery, for theinai
ufactirre of varietal kinds of agricaltural Implements, we
inn now prePornd line;foll.9
eggs}, if not superior, to auy thiqpf: the, kind ever offer
ed to the public
Landrah's Warranted' Gorden, Roe!, . w
Have been before the public for upwards of, sixty years;
their ividoOpietidJpopulaiitY,qind the coridaritly inciatia
ing,tnnang, from yearn° yeiWr I* the Init oviiknoo of Oft
superiority ever all others._,
Coulatryvmercbantri eau he: supplied , with "sic& in pa
pers, or bulk, on the most liberal terms.
Blootaadale, near Briatid, Pa., oar Garder! sendorounda,
nnktaina threff hiddrakandlevant* am:* and is thaqiii ,
natatdlakret4 of '
Oat VlVlstial , * Na n2l k2B43outh Stoet;Pliabuit.'.,
• MON .
ALAPIer ; G. RieffAßON 'SO ' S "
Adiatiiittiand torresprozidetide fiffiie;
wtiY,-:New7 York. - . t
Science,if Medicine.
ME de ECOLE de PIIAREADiE iiiikattaniviede
PARIS and liersitiati tOLLEGIS .nf MEDICINE, Vz
aunt!. Sold: wholesale . and - retail by Dr; H. A:
Baryaw;'rnember.of. the Imp'l College of:Vienna,
arid - Rd: ail College of Surgeons, LotiSeni, may be
personally consulted st.his residence;•lNT Skint* street,!
few blocks west of Broadway, New York, front 11.A.41.
till 2P. AL and from 4 till-8 P. M. (Sunday); excepted,
unless by appointment) i
, .
I r
Is a remedy'foi;itelailitionj644rniatorrheeli, and all; the
diStrandng chnsenuencis arising from early abuse,- India.
crinaluatoomsearas, or toolong,cusidenceAu.Not climates, :
It hii.frestorixl bodily and sexual itieueltand Vito* to
thousands who are now in the enjoyment-of ' , health and
the„fupetlons of manhood; ,and wbatevcr.: may be the
cause Or'dliqualiS marriage, for arriage, tho are etreetu
ally subdued.
Completely and entirely, cradidates tracer}arGonor.
lees„ both in its mild nad aggravated foritt:s,Glects,'Stiio. I
tinfea r irritationlof the Bladder, Non-retentiosi of the
ilrjee,Fainkathe Loins and Kidneysond • thosedisor.
densfocNilitoill`COp`aivi"and Cubebs' have so long been
ttiouthian'ardidote. +kL ,
• .1 ITrielleMarjri. .-. -I
I.iterpat Diattineittel'atiiint „thi'Slphiffs a d Seeon
dart' tiyinatallis: - It alio . Constitutaal , cositaditliacesait ,
Scurvy, Scrofula, and all cutancousEruptionfcrempvlng
expeSing,in its course'tilninpiltitiarfrOin'the
streant;Wearaltilethinciteetadicattithe vikutioUdisease,
end expel it,liylnsenait!le pet:spire:Bon Abrottgh theme
thin' of the pores of aida and urine.
It is a never failinrrithedy 'foe that class of disorders
wigai Emglish,Phy,fieinus treat with Id er cury, to .the in
eviiable-destiiietioti of the pitieit'i constitution; and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot reinove.
...~ ...9t~,t
grtptsmska Na.. 1,2 end 3, are prepared
,in the form of s
10=30, & avoid of 'testi 'or smell, and can bo carried in
thif waillWatt - pddket . . c: Sold:kg tin cases; and divided in
separate doses as admini , tered by Valpeau, ,Lalleman,
Roux, Riamrd, Ac., &c. Price $3 each:or • foitecises in
one for 39, which saves $3; lad ists27. eianiarwbsreby
tissrs,is summing, of 39. . .- • . .
once are genuine tinlairtjie Engiavinga of thin's&
of the Patent Office of Eia -theses), of the &okras
Pharmacia, dc,paris, end 1. eimpeflal, Collegeof Vjenne,
aiii 'rallied epon'etich'Wrii pek, ifdd intetind.eath else.—
Imitations are liable to the severeroPonaltles oflthe*,.
..../SpeciaL arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward
inamedlifely. on receiving a remittance, the $9 Arktqiir
giri size miles of Ttriesemar:frot of carriage, to anypartof ,
the world, securely packed and properly addreseci), thus
insuring genuine European prepamtk>ns and Pititecting'
the phfilth froAmetpuritnia and per9loloua imitations. :
A ttendan9q and Consoltation from"). a. m. till, 2,, p. m.
and front - tift Sin tiiis' evening.' 157 Print* street; a few
brodltiOseetQfiEroadnah New? York. • . I ..'.
May 8,1857-Iy. • ' .
. ... . .. .
• ..
' "CilStailoto's Hair, Dye !.
_.. Within.* owl-shell all Rho merits lie,
Of Cristadero's neier-egualled Dye ;
''''Red it makes bleak, to brown transforms a grey,
And keeps the fibres always from decay.
MS mat c hless, ze.vitalising Nair Dye, still holds it;
position as the most Harmless and efficacious hair
ye in TUS WORLD. Erepared and sold, wholesale
silid retail, and applied in ten private roeme, at CRIBTA
DOito'f., No. C Astor House, BrMidway, New York, and
Wail . Druggists and Perfumers in the United States.
~ Jan. 14, 18.57.- I y.-Isq.
Agent-George 11, *veer, 144 Weed st, Plthibuny, Pa.
S PLENDID E. t 3 T •
.A. T E
~.. • . Pitt ini rie SArira.E.
T ii :o, iiiidersigned offers at private tali his mag-_:
• nificent estate, situate in East:Hanover awn-
Ship',..Lebarion 'county, about 2 miles , freti Harp...
ees Ina, 4 miles from the Culd Springe, and the
Dauphin and : Susquehanna Raitroakas,follows:
Ni). 1 . ---Contains 160 ACRES , more or less,, de
the best landiulte 41glibbritd84;adjtiininiirOp
dity-of Michael Deleinger, J'ohn'Detteri , and , Oth-•
ere. The greater portion is cleared and:mndeS,
• ,good,cultivation. The „buildings
'..f. , :* 'ili erectedpn. this tract sup.,the Altair
.... ( 1 . E,ig , nid's we ll-knOvin 'Cloth' Min n='
, .
faetbW,'Which hati a lark% patens: ,
- ' ' - age and-is capable of indefiniteito
crease; a large two-story, double, Stone. Dwelli n g:
House,, with Kitchen annexed ;;44p4,4 . two-story ;
F,d;rin,llottse;,Tenan't aOllBO ; large stone Harn,
with threihing',flooCiind Siabling flnid'cither'ont-
Wndings"; in good - 4repaii!- , Alt:4;311 mici3ssary.
buildings forthe-Manufactory,viz:-. : YulAng-mill,.
Card and Spinning 'Machine building,,Dyeing a nd
Finishing House, Ac., Ac. 'The Works ire all
ati3VratiPpliiid' 'With good Machinery and plenV'of
ivaterpower. of good water .34 hgt , to
the dwelling-house in pipe*;:: moo,, ~;; ; aftY, ,
springs and Rnmp-wella near. Also, a ~1f; ,
/ 1 640. 1 4
.: 7 4°P1f.,7Q1 - 5411:"D" ink the •, 4 % .
' .a 31 1- 0:1--Citiitaitilliocitidgfii ('flora .- '
al:lees) ;adjoining 116.1.1 - 4,land of Michael Deining l
airwilnini Dotter and OAP"- N'W l 7.ith° 11(!)P/P of
this tract is ender .good cultivatmriand . eicel
- ' ' ' ' lint; fen`cer. greeted 'thereon' is: a
DWilling House, .stable, and a large
dIE • Shed. _Also,: near by & well, spring,
,dc.,a. splendid. sita,for",theerectien of
br ~ ,
.... a; welling limium. There, i s flaw
' ing
wirier irk nearl'y -- Cray 'lilJtd! A 'Behind iliols'e' le
or ti sviar o i!i ta , t6 , ot. v r, 1 : . . .. 4 ~ i, . ! I,i 1 , 1. ...3.i.,:
• , ' , INO.is3-ContaintratlO: Aorta' litiods,
1 1 1 4. 1 ) - (innnit/fIr. 1 ".4ffd inflininhkg ./ .. ,?..f 4: ..
le t r?Cof John yotOr and ethers. It
has a iiehlra il lieeCheiiiiiiiSprViiiiV
linit'll tot•To , lAliflitiliihnbt , l ' oi •; !• :•:' - .......
1:.• *a:the underlined is ainnerely.dispotedinindk,
iiirk.libPlALWlntY,Afl ..iqtraltuand.elther 1n,P101,.1111
alenletm . IDA,. rhiggovivi,.b.d,size47 -t.
so9.4,tiiie'lnd ;PoPiesaioo, iqii D 4 give n.l4#i
'lit 4 April, P1e!4,.. ..t
. ..or er. tg ' termalietal.
idy ie • ' 1,1 1 014 - jirlyuck . g..
414. 5, 17-tf.' bast Hanover, bilsoit Ci.,*..
Valuable Illoiough Ipteoerty
11S offered , tit titivate sale ,-that valuibie half-let
J. or piece of Ground, situate at the north-east cor
ner of Walnut and Water streets, Lebanon, front-
Ing_B3 feet on Walnut street and 80 feet on Water
street, aipreient occujigid - FiTolin Faireni Marble
Yer,d, on widelait, de, It
is, 'biased yriti4n ague!)el e Lebanon Valley
Itailrond Eqot, between W e epot and the cen
tre of town. For further particulars apply to John
Farrar, - oFtWgribliTdr==' - ' ''.l-Jen-8147113512F---n
, -,
L - ' AtkOrAnil 6 W ,- '- ai ..7,
' . ' '.ta-ti#l.4e'StancT
'lO4, s j ahseriher',Oll`ers fo,r,., • ran i_fer e, ,i i,e tt u e ot R0.r.7 0
* i•Oarii - thebuilliOit fo r a'xopgt.i7 . „... Fl. pi;
hid ati'aii'iiiditide -iindlSii66. tore ! 11 .. ' .. t_r_t_t__ ,,,
.13ittepnHotol-sind rm n r ?"
*ion., The build-r
.strest.i CensberlaSl4Orce
4e ith.eillar itabrii -- - I
IP° large, welt
P li v4l " w li - a'areiaiitasi - failt i 1
• &S. • The aornei re
,ht I S L . W , C a . t - _.__ obi T.„_...--:..-
store stank eadiUreitted Tor ar 7, =
:wattie.wellafiniished !at, ehtilling,
.„ ~ ..
thFJ* l "4"P laditiikiHlTlLLT. ' 1
'Thu - property la *ia offered'forliaAintit'!
private sale...- • r". ... .-- %AFRO., 18574....
, .
W__lNEAfira4Utten: STORE!
_ ,
(101?„tt4p4' of *riot & Water Sts., Lebanon,
TLJ iailteriidiafoxixterlyeectipied by Jacob We:idle;
. ere'lle Continnea to keep assort'.;
wont of the very best brands of Wines and
that can be got; To those who are acquainted,with
his ; liquors it not neeessary /Or, aim to speak as
the liquors , ,spealefir fitemielirei. To Betel
Keepera," and all hibdis; he state; that - it 'is
merely no mesary for them to call and examine hi®
stock.tosatisfy.themselyes, as he warrants to ren
derfaC,satisfaction.„ EWL..REIGAAT.
1).—B. at "Weidle's Corner. '-
Lebanon, Sept. 9, 1857.
. .
11IIL G 7
62 A CICE S - OF'
P .R T - E - SAL Ep
. I •
BE subscriber, being desirouit of selling - his
'in - Wiehtiiir and Gills? Alfa, together with:his
SAW MILT. and sixty two acres of land, takes
present•epportunity ef informing the public dolt
he has one of the , best *4ll .Pr,nperties in the C 0113-
ty . of oneLfeurthi'ef a mile from
Jonestoiin, on the' Swakirrr Creek, and oneLhalf
i mile from the Union Canal, at'Jopes=
town. This mill has heen newly
1 4 remodeled with the best of,bevel
gearing, and' everything in the best
of order, foreltbercommtry.oi merchant, -
work. The land is i in a high state of cultivation,
it being lately limedWittr one hundred" bushels to
the acre, and is all under new - fenCes. An3r-per
soni wishing. to - ••view tiald property, can call 'at
the mill for information, or on the subscriber, two,
miles from Jonasto.w.m. An indisputable title,wiill
be giVen„ 'and hiy 3 - payink'n small advance of the
prOperty•af the time Posii4saikifiligiven, the' hill'
lance will^be setrout•in: payments. to suit the - purz•
Swatara tp. lieeember 31, 1856.--tf.
Valuable -Town Property
0,- , • ... At Private ;Silk-. • : •, '
ling-IR nndersigned offers for Sale
111 thnfollowing kropertica, ;viz: •,
o. 1.--- . ik O IE ;;;;
cliff libt'sit.4,4b7fliAlt:liiifrai)bis idrt . 1 0
of thti`Borosigliiit Tibbiliair; frOnfing
Cumberland street, betwoen - Mr. Brim's and - Mrs:l
Shindel's Hotels; front
.22 feet 8 inches,, , Aeßth
192 feet.,,
~ ,
tio.`:—!llTWO-STORY: HOUSE and LOT;2B
feet front; Corivintent'forlinblic busine:sesitualto
:in•the borough 'of North - Lebanon corner of Wilt
nut and Qak-strpek,f.pAke square from the Lebanon,
Val., Railroad Depot, and, two from Union Canal. 4
Ttl;ii:, 3:=A 'One and-a-Half Story Roust "and
L o l l , i d , i d ii i iii g iv o. .izc ,n:.... -! , , ::,, -1 ". II
110Tof GROUND, waif a lar*Stiop
or Dwelling, and a shed, adjoining Nos. 2 a ;
N0..5.—A One Story. HO mu and LOT, 941
Easterri i)art . ofsaid horoligli t 'beimer af .
streets, and adjoining Lot of David 8034W-'near"
the Union Canal. J. C. REISNER,
Lebanon, Sept. 23,.."57.. • .
Ureic HOTEtr i kerIERTY
orrzniti AT'
• „
'Plite ate - S a te.
• • THIS has - been a Retailer thelast
40 years, and is'amil,known.ever the
HOTEL, and
• is the;tnost central and hest loCated in
thik 13OrOuili 'lt ce leettted' en 'the
corner of etimharliind.iind-Welnut'streets;directly
opposite the Court: Rouse and but two. squares
from the Lebanori,Vallay Railroad Depoton the,
Flif/10 street,. (Walnut .), ;fronts 45 feet on pain
berland and 105 "'feet On 'Walnut Streets, 39 feel - on
Walnut bfkini Iliffetit deep.' -
The Building is a three-story STOKE-HOUSE,
45 by. 58 i fect., .The, third story Tea . put on not
long since and. the whole house remodeled; with
a friadiVtitZhini. Alto; belonging to the'i , operl'
ty, Wilt atone STABLE on certsbriot
Smoke.tpd Jisilialleiya, on lot 66 by. 64 feet, witha
good Cisterp, : ac., thereon, anitelpoely situated to
the ,Ho tel . Alpo an . EATIN G B.A.
G. I,OON ,in the'
Itliiios'enrif the Holed, whiCh iiringi a go'ad' rent.
'nit 'is. a choice "H'ofteLpropertytftlitsti an
excellenttebnatyand traveting , custotn, .and- 83
been Ithe Office f,or,.eome time r , „It, will bo,
sold. reasonabl7 i an4 terms of. paytilent made easy, '
by • "`f.3.f*O'N''.l. -
Lebanon, JitlY'4Y; 1857." ' •
"Wat4Pking. ,
• L
CU O C OV UI Skeet) 1 ;4, f : °/! i t 4.
THE undersigned , having this o ld - 14 d.
A favorite stand, and havinCiallited 'it Ii "
best style, is now Preliared:to acentivniailate Ybb
public,; and en tertain , strangetsinsul Inav'ellers Lin
the bo at inetlifrfl!liOP BB is l oom podi-.
os an&pleasa.nt., Inc TABLE well Pr
ovided the 'odntain none' ba t'tie
the Hotel is large.and roomy,,aud capable of •ac
commodatingiagroat nninliey.of horses.. ; _
Ifft• To. his lends i and ticqtialaSs.aces in teli
anon County, as well as "to Otb'eri; lie 'extends
their irowa
when visiting Lebanon- _rex! . •:• .1c
;April 19 , 1S .„: , DAVID HORFIOARI:
• _ •
Cloth Mannf actory.
THANKFUL for "past favors,*-the itudersi gned
11 remieetfully informs the fpnblicc.that he: con',
tinues his manufactory, in Zest Hanover, Lebanon ,
county, on as extensive a scale as ever. Itiewn,
necessary for him to , say , more than that the work
will' be done in the Is ' imile'e r icellint stile which/fits
made his work and name so well known:go:the
surrounding ciaunpv.,. promilet•A,,, d o the
work in the shortest possible- time. The Mann
factory is incomplete order, and lie ffattersi him
self to 134'3 able to render the sam'e 'Satisfaction as
heretofore. He manufactures , . :,„
Bread and.Nvrow clotba,,Castizeta,.lll.,Anta,
White and Other ilap.u#,E,
All finished in the best oth er
ableprices; He alinVeardalWobigend inakes
iron the convenience, of biedwitomers ' wooland
cloth will be taken in at the fhilowlogplaces :--
.At the stores orGeorge & Shellenberger, Louser
A Brothers, Shirk & Tice, and George iteintehl,
and atlifililfeids ifeinb'ergr's "New'Drtig
in Lebanon • at the stores of Shirk & Miller,•ind
Samuhl,,P, , ,#3birk;• inr,ifo#h Le 4 ancteohoftalth
'Samuel, Goebert ? Bathed. tp.; . the public bone!, of
Win: Ba*it; FredOrielesburg . ; Sarnuicll e . - Bigkel's
Joiiiith'iris • George Weidnian'S sPyrw:itten t .,
view ; Melchior Iteichart, 24miles from Palmyra4l
Martie,Barly's store, Palmyra
tlitiii9vei, Dauphin ; at the elSibi 6T
- "Bby,' efid`Dsvialif.odtenle; Bast •liiineiveti
Znindiorotonnty.c rse :/ fiw
All materials ta t ite l n.rnyi front Aw.,!„
134TeAlaRes, finisimidwithbutAnlp: i and returned
• finoie of 'his' wish to haseekeekr
lag Woo' l•raisiedi - dgetlusirdnaixed,standieaseth e it
Wool (white,) at . thipi,, i• olionyel
with directions how , the wis it prepared. " r
can' Ordir Ile - Steeking-iirdbidtVlie
made from•the-ttndersignin4Wcel, whiekwillahn
-and , let!'atoo,fleisiire4 P.lalft•c-1
N. B.—lt is, desired` those having wtyp
cared; pi'' , the aliniiiiirefer di) Mort
named places. LYON LEIIIBEROBIR.-'.l
J Baslltancreetp:..dpriL " dtiw 1. , . •
• Wo - od-1 - Weed - Int *•E 1 . 7 : 1 w
AF•l".Bowanei,offsit. for. sok ohoWl7se.!
600 or 700 C0r42.0, (.1 ,
ofitjnrtpil) gitoji - Mr9fi4 wpasmvuolig
nigaxes dam, on the Union • news Joni&
town. [may 27, '57. Di .soriart
'• tit ' ,tIL Otvg
I augTNI. 44,11 , LT I
.f.jlWl • "
...) ; 4 1R IP r
glik***l9o: 4414.11441110*4.?03.-C,PYr
90- _
iltleaYteH soAh azo,nessan......riterAir artrrts.
iskt ti... 0111 COUNTY
sirE ribANitta- MILL.
kid7 4 ,l wAß wish to inform the citizens of Lob
.gwOonnty and neighboring owin
-, azaL ties, that they are now in full oper
ation, and are prep to. do oil kindvf
CARPENTER WORN afatkoirNitity
snob as
I- - ' ' ob*hr -• - Boiiriia, Weiithef-Ilthirei*, -
Sash,Doors,W,,irflos , 4- Poor Frames,
Shutters,Blind;, Potii*:, Scrolls,
41,AWING, an an other kind of Aiming which
„mity-be wanted to suit builders:- Thesubseribers
1 1 - .og leave to infestiPthic.publieqhatetterlgele the
latest and best improved machinery in the mult
..'t , such as Wood*orttes Planer, ,- km oiiiid that
. s*S as good work Wer.the coun
[,t can produce.
• None but the bestsmod welNessoned)LUMßEß
'will be used. Carpenters and Nuildent-are•lnvii .
ted to c04,--nnd-°e4. Ott- th ei; Siff!iinitiki . gnaw
isvhieh they wi ll Atinife,keep on tutnil,„sgtidjuilge
for themselves. , 1 ,. , -
... ~ . •
' %is.. Their Oludi . .is „on'yitiegtOis*Ukuceur,
I r lihreaner's Old Fetitidik. '`-''
. , . . ~..
;ELIJAH LONGACRE..../ 011 * a. cs.sam...AedirsAß!sr..
g N IT -41
, Door and Sash Manufactory !
Located on the Steam-1101m Road, nearCumberiand
Str ee '4,& s P , 1414 4!°n.. .
11111flawi Titz.Pilliereiffne!Lreepectfully in
t 1,64 11443 form thia.pnblie in general, that they
have. titide4 largely to . their ; former
es t a bliaintenti an d.:19, hive all
kinds of the latest and beet'iMprityit;l23lADHlN-
EßY in the State in full Oyeiatieri;aaett as
for conductin ett4 general basineselor
Planing, + 6 d t e-,
and the experience acquired by "Iy.ponOker and
J. G.GabeLduring their carinettlice with the Door,
Sash and Lumber Trade, for it. iiatithii4it'Ycliii
past, affords full assuranciqtrthekibilitY; in con
, nection with J. Gabel,taseleettitoek , tatitable to the
wants of the Door and Stisli....butffnessln•this State;
• %They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers
generally, upon favorabletehraff ,IP,Naiiiihtsly as
sorted stock of DOOBS,'SAE.llo4lta.,4tiotiv the best
Lumber manufactories in'thelFetsidWeeling confi
dent that their assortment is;nottoftie.excelled by
any other establishmen tin the State in:regard to
exactness in kizo L qualityor.ffnish, and is ealculat
-ed to afford thorough satisfuetion, p4l,4lotte who
may favor the undersigned With'iheir,custam.
The following list coMprilea lowing arti
cles of stock en hand t.--J
Doors, of all sizes ;
Door Frames, for brick 'and' frame: &Mae'
Window Frames, for brick andfnuifelibu*s
Shutters, of all sizes; - Arabitritzia; '
Blinds; of all Pizes 3 , t0 tryin.;
All kinds Mouldings;;.. - Sirrbrise;:-
0. G. Spring lifoulding,.Of - allaisess Wash=boards.
Lebanon, July 15, 1867.
P. S.—Mlting, Sawing promptly done
for those furnishing: , the Lumber
.41•11 C I.VE.-4111
Opposite the Lebanon , VallerlL R. , Depot, Leh
inon, 'Lebanon
pi R . - .L.'WBllll.llR;'Propri 7
ki-M q et ors; manufacture 'Sfetiitir-Enginet
300vIrorShilreWei.; , ;tif the
1 _4 ,4 ';'4 1 4):F latest styles and4inttertis, - -with all
the modern,:isupiirior Port.
able Engines (with.: Link :Motionf Valve Gear,)
mounted on wheels, for Saw Mills,Wood sawing
,and Hoisting purposies:': Tartibiltr 4 attiliation is
called to our small . 15prightlisigitiellifor Printers,
Druggists and persontrifautingsasziallaut' of ,
Power. They take:up a very; small --„,„!- it 4-1
=can be put up in a room as a household
Blowing Engines and,' Machinery
; thracite and other Blast- Fttranzes, of. improi 7 ed
construction. Forge Ilamrisere, of P.,l4.,Weimet's
Patents; Rolling Mill,
Flouring; Mill Fixtures;','inting Pent:Pe.;
I ing .Machinery for' MPlei and Stone . Quarries ;
Railroad Cars, Iron BriBges; 'Shifting, gangers,
PullepliTurning Lathes, Drill"Presses;' Planing
Machines, Brass Stop , 'Cooks, :Valves and Brass
Fixtures, Globe Steam Valves, of all sizes, and
Machinery and Castings.' of every description:
Also,Boilers of any size, .form
made f the, best material,- by well-known and.ex.
perienced lyerkmenOmpheAtacks,Water Tanks,
Gas flues, Hanars, and sheet iron work of every
description. [Our Boiler sheets are, all tested by
diyiding them into squares of 2 inches, and ham
anYinifteireitrein ti thus de_
tested, and the faulty sheet rejected; this is prac
tised in very fetv i shops in this wet:ll7.3k .
Also, a stOoliktfAN:reught Lion Pipe , fiMeteam,
gas and water, with all the necessary fiatties, con
stantly-on hand, and put up at the shortest no.
Lice and on most reasonable terms. Iron, Brass,
and Co po sition. metal' Calstrngs, made to ordir,
at, thil tllst.n t htik t 4)' -r 7-7
.z epiaii44...ltWndea to with promlittiess
and despatch.; gang of Boiler makers.always
readY'fOr Bbilerieflaira , - ~
111aeltsmIdiiroidi made to order.
...jegrarderertsTectially ! solicited. All comma-,
mentirm . ,„by,mag i ,orotharwise, attended to with
despatch, and . r 4ark:deliverad.ta railro or ea;
nal; Wee nfihnige: ' '
WM." ,
, Lektl4ll/14. February -4 18574
Lifig , , •
. 03
rarz :'ll .10sWer,
.; . , snmirmas,
it s Pe T i3eneeee m Bad, BRAN,
flti - 7. ' 1
0 , 1 t * "tilliEßS4 SHOUR,
Seast9 - 4 ,1851.. tnls Lebanon, Pa.
• , :o shunt •:t
A 17 'two T mict, la' the Borough of Lebo
.4l."tfetr ?"111PgrAtfir 1 CORN,
es P-7 emirs, OATS,
41, [o. width the highest Market
paA4.lMash, by
11,47, 188 T. MYERS & SHOUR.
TWELVE good Flour Barrel COIOPERS, attle
himmioee mills, :in Lebanon, to whom constant
work mux,gpo:d
,wagea will - be given. None but
sober Id:4r - steady werklnen need apply.
January 7;'1857 MYERS k SIIOUR.
A..R...ltWillir` PATENT
l aware ' Excavator and Bay
M, ~•
ANTIPACTII ED A SOLD by Elias Kreider;
"Prisprieto . i l of 'the' right for Lebanon county,
(excepting the two Annvilles a Londonderry.
OW? Atschine-in superior to any now in I/80, for
strengtb,durability and simplicity of' construction.
TheMeiclhine,:iilsen set in the form - ore...Nailer*,
Excatunir, will do its work admirably. •When the'
load. iajdra.wis tar as necessary, by giving a
litklajerk tap at the curve of clicking ; leyer • , .it
will unihict, and the stop-bar lever rat . pylOrward,
and Ac fork ; will unlinolitgelf. • L . • •••
'The `same .inachine, with iii , .rety ,sligheldtera
tionovill andwer foridevating,Hay int:Bor.,.se. bet
ter.tban:any kook or,..ip use- fork
is unshifte6l, when swinging in th; mow, by giving
a very little jerk at the rope, which is extended
Itiowil through the ha ndliolt of thefigoli. hat: , •
• . I Noricis.--All persona are.her.eby.forhislAtuyingr
*otrfendling•tbe above .iti”tnne,iii;tbeAubscriber's
district, unless the sameAptalwatetk.lL — mi rs h , ,
Patent, 'Manufactiire&tiricysaldWE: 'Kreider."
I 'am. now prepared tc; AUSAtditleateri with this
valisable inatbine. , Forefurtlibrlpattiniders,;:: .
ACidreEMS ANA k 3,!
Shtelferstown - P. o.,**On
- • . • .;
Call Ala_ - epribe -*
thly,tioods, Grecory .erfatty..
..0 "
.14 R51 :1 A is :P that he ti-ilini :e i ll s el ri st e n n e d s:
itkZ i filVO P Ori3 c foe uthitlaia re ceived
willthetouissLas cheap:Aftfitilififfx4c of tpokind in
this town, consisting of all such Goats Ws are
egip4l3 , _ kepi, in stfirAt-cfas! store. Partionlat'at
ntion is grven'td'Eltiple'Goiliiiii fbr 'the eifttAry
Mai; iiiit'negleetinitM •faitery. articles for•lsw.
awe wear--infoh. Liam ; Isms., lofting*: VFAT
11,744vell,..A.1%.4dkerchinfS, &o.
fientlemen are fisteci to e[icattLie C't,firsfo .
Usissinsereit t 'Canine - Us; Tweed's; ,
*e tangs , Velrefe ; • CEtis , ko. i • :••.• .1 • '
-,'LL:3harEirotery-4epiertssetltt may 1 / . 1 41 2 1 1 'a
af n otsi;twent tit,erer7 , need in n ga l a_
poffee,,Sugat; Teldii;lifiecifersd;tc:
1.01131111 1 111 D ZlMhiPalifAN.
..!..gegt.The highest. nraritet price will be paid for
s Clo • Produce. . Lebanon, SepC. g 0,1857.
.A.l44iand;exam . 3a the : newstackof, Atkins,
VMcAdam. Come:, on and' 1311141 . 119 . 8 your
3:Mote t phoes, MCA
Sislt, of 6,1r..ii0/;.3
Reim - : . .
e l , _ ..Ileie*latit in 1 Wm - idea
vz - !.; ? ._, ..'.i, LWONIC WAFERS
are a_ • 45 • • :e - Orem sad eraurtitat' kat
I -,.it:L7l,-
, 1 . , •... ~.• : ad /Nab Spilka%
,e . 4 0,...
~_ t.:::,..:
1 -1-improyetbee.puili. 1 -.,, _, , ,, , 0f the Yoke
' • . • BRYAN'S • 1.1 a: A ,
1 • kV In a anaple foriii the testa
. - , .
• • pal:AS*B POI; .1.-f s.
lot oily relieve, bat (Mat repel
,1,- - Iliting Cures
STAIrkitENT OF Ailiericsl 7 897 / 1 86.
JANUARY'IsT, 1857.
Publi4hed Agreeably to an Ad of Assembly,
First Mortgages. amply secured, $1,519,932 73
Real Estate (present value, $109,000) eget, 82,784 36
'Temporary Loana„on ample Collateral emu
,ll4 18
Sleeks. (present !eine, $83,881 12, ma c 7 89 1,232 97
Ciao;"/Le-, - '04,121 56
$1,8iN,185 SO
every description of property, in
. Ratio; ae,LOW . ing ore.ozon4tent :with _secteritl-
SOSO 1261i•ileorporatlOt, ii , l'Atiod of tinlntylel
y egro:therhave paid over THREE MILLION DOL
LOFSES BY FERE,3betel y affording evidence of
. .
vantage." oc , lnaoronce. cv w oli . is the abi
eition to inapt; iiigipretentnees, all liabili ~ ~
. . ' "",
__," • "LOSSICS BY 8188. ~ i er
Loma 1111062111tthe year 1856, . 4 U
:‘.: '.. DIRECTORS. ' ' • 5+ zi - te'
ciliii3t;reo racak .
8. B sioanniear- Igrippia
Tont rrol !t:
kiNiititiV"' DAVID ragives a; .
SANUEL•GRANTi " • • Isaac LIA.:t. :,!` .1., "..,•
JACOiAlLithall..q : i 1 .1.1...1,WA1LD V. D iv e • 1
Gm. W. Mawr" I OtOROM rum.
Ditaauts N. • BaxcaraMpaikr4
cffikei t io G. itaipeggiagir.
' • `.35161444 '..4 , 2 !11;• •
IWoodland for Sltig.
,THE undersigned of
fen at Private Sale,
fa, AC. ES
(more or less) of excel
0 °BLAND, the half of whicla is good tim
her, *notch) Union township, Lebanon county,
near the Big Dam, adjoining land of Jacob Enc.
sicker, Emanuel Fey anitothers. Erected on the
premises is a good two‘story log HOUSE,
as good as new, good Stabling, and a well of nev.
er-riarnisinter. afiap..„ Good tr;
tie and posScsarorgiven c%,.tlia,lsktiliikwil, Di^
58. For further informatton iapplyto ; ,
N. L. Bo?o, may 27 , • 57. DA VM BOYER..
PRATT--& WirtlEß'S
W.* r •
I 000 '''°tltlil4lll"4. bs Pal4
I for. w,*s me d icine ' that' inicell th is
forthe following diseases, vii
Rheumatism, ' Netridade 4 — Optind
Doldhleted Joints, ChorinerridMilPaths in' lbs
Side.* *Dock, Beadielit,
Sore l
l'hCatu, .I.trutscs,Darns, -
eases of he t, din; Maid*: Ind -she vffsL
gOillii*tf2rit4tit the ruitnature
Dnieper Stacked to each label.
itior sale Wholesale and Retail, at Gallford .
Lembergees Drugstore, Lebanon. Rune 3157.17 i
800 Tlik''lol OE :ST-6-1 I LE.
dittobAttadie) a -
IOrESPECTFUILY infeCruhr tie, public that he
Lb Still continues, his exteniiiVecatiblishment
his"' ncii building; in Ounibeiland l *eat, where he
hopes to render the same gatisteition we, hereto
fore'tki all'who may favor hirn with thidecUateun.
He invites Merchants and dealers in -
Boots and Shwa,
and every one who wishes to purchase feebler**.
Isle and durable artinles in hislinutocall and en,
amine.for themselves, his large and varied stock.
He is determ*ed to surpass all competition
the manufacture of every article in his business,
suitable for any market; in ,tbe ,Itnion. A due
care is taken in regard tornaterielsandworkinan
ship ; none but-tlae-beet-qquality of Leather and
other nustiiirde arcisedoond noneibut Ake best
workmen are employed.,
,returns .his sineore. tlanks to his
friends. or the very liberal. patronage heretofore
bestowed on :him..„ Hutopes by strict attention
to business and endeayoripg to please his custo
mers, to merit uehime of public patronage.
Lebanon, Oct. 17,-48561
And ifrst ortgcle of the etsr Ildie:tharcd ander the
name rof WATIMS." is this or any other
caanfy; :411:other , Pototortic hrefinsiotoro;coaroirrfetto
Tlee gems,' et can he kitotottilay the mew SRI AN Mx/
seempeat an egret WAFF;R:.
Believe Coughs, Colds, Sore-tbmd. Hoassensau
Ram, Astluzux, Dinteint Itcrentbing.
l elfeirellfittigg of.. ft*llk-Pains - in the Mat
Be I.A.pig;nt Consumptio n: 'Lung Diseases
IIRTAN'S 1131.40)11eWiTERS
Idiom Irritation of tbe - Uvula and Tama
ire warranted fistbufactlan to every one.
No Nastily wittunit AAR& of
Bryanlr Polnonte
' ..,W
/. 'Mk mosss N i T saier should be withou t
~:,,rtan'lr4 onie, 7foralHlS
No Dealer Amid be 'without a *up* it
Illerants .Pulmonle: Wafer*
• son 110 cluernimis. -•—
No Term wM ever object to Rh, is
/tryst'', Paintottte Waters
For sale by Lir:ROS-S, opposite the Court House, Lebo
w", Pa_ and by all iitsikatiklelhiacWo t hroughout tha :9,210; ibs? gorvey Birch, Read
k • .`•:,•• • pet,: 7;"57-Iy.
Lebanon Illutaal,Ansuranee
Office eft I onatoten' Leb 7 csion County.
THIS Company is now fully organized and
ready to make Insurance on all kinds of
property in town or, country and-on as favorable
terms as Wily 'irellageveritxiJand-safe company,
either.on the ditutmal g!fr jeiet goeleprinciple.
Preli4l4-40121.1 11 141NNa11. Sag, •
Vies President—D..lsCKeaxiOgr.
1*r.10,4111 - --XfNe
dim s .7
Johnsmiter, Haq.,l . Daniel Brawn.
D. M. Harmany, Napoleon Dark
Cleo. F. Melly. , John Arndt,
W. A. Barry, John Melly,
--; . L. R. Walker,.
Daniel H.Aisum . D.,21. 7 Rank.
lar; A. EL Err.,ils f ithie( r irspitit M.:Lebanon.
He may43af . .4411Figib r
Walnut Strati.
Franklin Fire Insurance ._Co.
o itikatOWPA''
Orinci 163 i, Siitiirr; Name 5711
EhriiiT. •
dU Al,l AO l- Gl A J LL iAld iclip t e. f . :l3 ,,.: ll: 7, AON r
. 1 . 11
Lebiad'i-Sulie*Php.sgixt444 Übe.
- • 7,000 , 4405. • ••'• •
• •
LElNA.ll . B3 . eitk
s lb. 'in''s4o , k Ti;it %r lute' -
Leinates America — ti Fereilhjer. _
. _
at $3;51ha13b1.-or s2s.gtoti. : One buret ofnitheit
hratiffichnittor. an'Accie of Wheat. These aas.
made et naliaide• elnethical Fdementa, and WO'
f atLiHßfalnl6forthe•pvt•SizXean,i
Biz Tesire,
fitintatitie aailband isaaaaaing Abe value of dis
Faitribipplotnee fru° the Btalieligtl,oo4olllll4
ditty orPeproylvanik- 'New-Jane /Rebffrawal
and the Ccfstal PaLaist;-Associatton of tite of
New, York, have been received fp: thaw
Eertilisers. • • ' 7l A
Piniphlets in the English and dermas'
gunge can be had by application attlie MCC
4° 9- ktrgrow
he's 1/2,, ti e
alkolo any Oinixfinttlniold City-ihre*) , .
Orders sent" iY Mail accompanied yr#Etish or
Drafts, will be promptly shigppiti . k. ilk of
the world. 'GEO. A. LELNAIO, Prorieter,
N 0.19 Bonk/VT:int street, Ph la City .
Suly.29, '57-4m.