The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, November 11, 1857, Image 2

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    Xstiantot avilerti,str.
WM. M. AR.ZSLIN, Editor and Proprietor.
ASP The:loard of Canal Commissioners will
meet at llarrisbarg, on the 17th inst., for t4e,pur
ii:ese of making appointments on the public works.
'jig,' A steam carriage was Icon on Tuesday
evening proceeding down Broadway, New York,
On an experimental trip with three passengers.—
Vie novelty of the thing caused it to attract con
siderable attention frOm the passers by. Its speed
"was about equal to that of, an omnibus.
and Directors of the Philadelphia Bank have cer
tified' to the Governor their apprehension and be
lief that the Bank of Pennsylvania is in an un
safe, condition, and made application under the re
cent Act of Assembly, for the appointment of investigate the condition of the
said Bluth:
Va. A Scotch paper has the following state-
Mont: "On the 19th of August, Rev. J. Lc:whiled,
of kilinauis, 'died Su4donly at his mansion. It
appears ho,.had out - his faco while shaving,
and :that some poisonous substance supposed to
have been in'the - BO:1p, pat , sed thiough his whole
body, from the effects of which he died."
pa' The brokers of Philadelphia .buy the
notes of the following named banks, at the prices
taxed to each. Observe, it is riot so much dis-
Count, but the number of
.cents they pay on the
.PENq411.431411.4„. ,
Bank of- Peinughtuffe, Philadelphia,
Erie Oitileini, Erie,
Eankrofapreeseastle, SeepLetle,' ss p. et.
Laneoser S ault,
.Laneaster, 85 p. et.
Afe:FauiPt l tfin4Aktanufacturors', Pittsburg li p. ct
..W. B 66 , ,:.LCOiuttY.Eank, %Perron, 50 p. et.
lifontez, in her lectures on
, . .
beauty, "tells a storyof a certain city where tho
use of ; milk baths, by ladies, for the preservation
of theiri , beanty, became 'so general that it produc
ed a scarcity of tho•artiole, and finally the police
discovered thatthe-dealers obtained their supplies
ihriea and coltee hy:purehasing of servants what
had been used for their =players' bath !
quarterly returns or, aecount of the business of the
Neiv rail city peatMace,' which was received at
the Washington Department a day or tw,o after
the,;gloe it aretefid'on't . page by
page continqoftgyi would raake &string of paper
quite three reale:slang I
11U4tdry of our abused .credit during the past
Monday, I started my bank operations ,•
Tuesday, owned millions, by all calculations;
Wedneediy,:my brown stone palace began;
Thursday, drove out a spanking, bay span ;
Friday, Y gave amagnificont ball;
Saturday smashed—with just nothing at all.
MENTAL Coscntirruvrrott.-:-Tho blindfold chess
playing:of,Mr Paillsen of lowa, as ..recorded is
the Now York papers, exhibits one of the most re
tnarkable intellectual feats which we hai , e known
in modern tirr!es. Here is a young man, only
twenty-four years of age, who, blindfolded, plays
contemporaneously five games of chess with fire
strong adversaries, conquers four, and comes out
in a draw game with the fifth. At any stage of
the playing, he is able to: describe exactly the
position of all ; the pieces on all the boards. What
Concentration of thought, what skill in combina
tion, what distinctness amplitude of memory, does
KO a feat .evince..
4 -
Joan SCHMIDT DI Buns.- 7 -John Schmidt is a
German Banker. in Louisville. - Ile sufferecla run,
was compelled to suspend but did not close-his,
dom. Ile simply stuck up a 'notice in high
Detail' that he was gbing to have some money
pretty soon. Two days after ho took down the
notice and put up another stating that he had
$15,000 on hand. There was another run, and
the,Vs,ooo was soon gone. John-pitup the old
notiee again, and next day Wei again in funds
when, im accordance :With his old, plan, he chang
ed the notlce. At list accounts there was no run
on tlohit Schmidt, and his depositors had all come
back to-him. That was straightforward Dutch
pluck and honeity.—..qefaio Com. Adoortitcr.
i t elimes.- 7 -We hare the most cheering indi-
Cations, that our commercial cities are rapidly re
covering from the recent financial crisis; and that
the forebodings of a complete stagnation of busi
ness, and a consequent want of employment for
the, laboring classes, are greatly exaggerated.—
Cmafidenee is'again becoming established—Money
is easier of procurement, and the prices'of securi
ties tor investment are improving. It is confi
dently asserted, by those capable of judging cor.
siotly,;:that, (although business will hereafter be
eentractedr more „regard being had to the useful
and substantial, than to the fashiorable and spec
ulative,) we haVe past over the worst of the mul
let an& that a season of prosperity before tlie
enterprising and industrious. It may;bo some
weeks .yet before we in the country feel the full
effect of the improved order of things, but it must
come, Pietas:arirely as did the "hard Times."
is intimated that President Buchanan
wili'disittes;'in his forthcoming m a ssage, the ad
quiittion, by purchase, of the Island of Cuba.—
Our government, once offered $150,000,000 for the
Islataibut Spikin then.thottgbt proper to decline
thit':offer..* The disposition may, now be different
We hnow that Mr. Buchanan has-e. higLappreci
ation ofi the beautiful Island—is anxious that it
should be one of the stars in'the galaxy ofptates
wherivit properly belongs; and also believes that
it Would - pay' the purchase money, in the saving
of duties to this country, in ten years. We trust
he unly,give his views in t4t4ploolig", Hurrah
for the State of Cuba b thkOireiir tber.d.ntillas
.. , . ..
i tliatte 4 Onfttindn In 0204 411Fifsq/1.113gh
- Ulises peasid' proi;ed
w bi artsi r "XV.Y / ..Pcir 11413 " - •
.„e, , -
begiiiid-tioettoverstr,..the-close connecticsifit*ai . !.
Lif betwee4 Otiv..e9u!gleroil4 eitiaa .!.. u- P 1 ; 412.4 ° n u t ::
-IiOIV thorongtlithe one rests upon the;
‘..- '''••• •- : - , --- -seerity is theirs, -and their; fe
'''' ~. ...x. u. ...Z. - . , .
With eslz:zsit , ";*,:werse. The one cannot
from the otier l ;',l,,V,'.s' - ",,..acr: feeling the ef
if the other were blot:t;'nsf::Z-i'';4',hoth in el
been-66wii _ _ _ . u....... ~...z.;--..Ares
• ' 43 De zenseton s i n ai l '--,„,:-„,.......-,..* ,
eitiew are the ) . veins throe h Aill zt'Z ts ' l i :, :
zav inuirekthe entire life blood el Z il n l' n e n a : ''''`
the i'Vne Progress be impeded o r I,' ali -e `i r ,„ . -- •"
and the whole spun". feel s
the effeet ee° a -gull"'
zees is eta:infant Cr buoyant, as thii e W"a
- our evnialiireilel emporiums, the w hsle may ,be,
I. OriWtniiiihowrinttr, The one should al wa ys e°ll2'
witiVind Alf the' Other ist well for , ."114
alWiest •
•do 20 TA their mutual intermit
NEW YOIIK.—This State hes gone Democratio
by about 10,000 majority. In New York city the
Democratic ticket received 23,000 majority. This
is a glorious triumph. Last fall Fremont's ma=
jority was so,pao 1
MIIINESOTA.- , Rapliey IF probably elected Gov
ernor, but all the other officers from A .to Z are
Onto.—Chase, B. R., for Governor has a plu
rality of 1503.
NEW Jensnr.—The Democrats swept every
thing boforethem—Legislature and
illAssLcausuTrs.—The abolitionists as usual
were successful in this state. Banks is elected
MARYLAND ELECTION.—Tho election in Mary
land on Wednesday, resulted, as might have been
expected, in the success of the Know-Nothing par
ty. The city of r ßaltimore gires a majority of 9,
617 for Hicks, the K. N. candidate for Governor.
. ,
As usual, there was a great deal rioting at tho polls,
and several men wore shot, notwithstanding the
alleged efficient precautiimary pen/0 arrangements
of Mayor . Bwann.
Wrscossut ancrroN.--Wisconsin election has
'resulted in favor of the Republi cans, -who have
elected their Governor and a majority in both
branches of the Legialature.
%Es...Ploughing by a Locomotive Engine more
cheaply and rapidly than horses ought, in the op
inion of English judges, in. considered asproveri.
Eight steam ploughs or cultivators: entered at the
late exhibition of the Royal Agricultural Society
at Salisburg. . One of ilm*.iy,o.‘ Boyden's trac
tion engine or steam-horie, which consists of a
portable engine, with tabular ten horse'boiler,
two seven inch cylinders, each of ond foot-stroke;
reversing motion, four feet fly wheel, water tanks.,
steerage and 'gear work for dividing.(with two stz
pods), one, of the hind:parriage wheels,' weighing,
with water, about ten tons, and being %early thir
ty feet long from end to end.. The hind wheels
are of six feet diameter, the formwheels. smaller,
all fitted with endless rails, steerage is effected by
altering the lock of the front wkeids with a short
coach pole worked by chains, and a wheel like the
rudder of a ship. There is also escrow for further
adjusting the level of the boiler to different gra
dients. The rails arc not only laid down before
each wheel and teen up behind it, but being lose
and disconnected with each other, and beingjoint
ed so as to admit of angular motion sideway 4 can
accomodate themselves to a transverse as well as
longitudinal inclination of ground. This engine
ascended'an incline of one foot in seven; drawing
up a water,tank weighing- many- tons. It pulled
three. two furrow ploughs at the pace of two miles
an hour, workingaix inches deep in difficult stony
ground; it.draggod with Still greater ease a culti
vator eight feet sii in. wide, with eleven times,
making deep and effective work, and passed over
soft, worked laud, scarcely sinking at all, and not
unduly pressing it.
110 ester
ALL FOU A PENT—The Hillsdale (Michigan)
Standard states that an unusual case of litigation
came off in the village a ,few days ago, worthy of
note. A farmer of Camden passed the toll-gate
near Reading, paid his toll, and was handed a
brass cent by the keeper for, change which he in
dignantly refused to accept, and demanded a cop
per cent; to this request the keeper in like man
ner refused to comply. From words they went to
Wows, pulling. of hair, scratching, &c., until both
came off second best. .The man who refused the
cent returned home, swore out a warrant, had the
grite:keeper arrested for assault and battery, tried
found guilty, and fined ton dollars. After which
the gate-keeper swore out a warrant for the Cam
den man for like offence, for which he.was tried,
found guilty, and - fined ten dollars also. Since
then the gate-keeper has been sued, for the cent,
which will make anothei suit, and oosts of Ave'
dollars, , besicles two lawyers' .fees, making a sum
total of . .
Two fines . $2O 00
Lawyers' 10 00
Cost of suit for cent; ' 5 00
Two lawyers' fees filr the same suit 16 00
Besides an expenie to the county, and a jury of
twelve men in each iissault and battery case,whose
aggregate time and trouble is probably worth more
to them than the costs of the Suit. '
hie tragedy, growing Out of the loose state of per
sonal morals that uafortunately exist at the pres
ent day, occurred at the Si. 'Lawrence Hotel,' in
Philadelphia, othreduesday afternoon. " Richard
Carter, President of the Anthracite Bank of Ta,
Inagua, was Shot dead with a revolver, by Thomas
Washington Smith, &young man from Cecil nun
ty, Maryland. Smith had married a Miss McCau
ley, who was represented to him as the adopted
daughter of Carter, under the belief that she was
a pure and virtuous girl. Subsequ'ent to his mar
riage, he discovered that sho had been seduced by
Carter, and that the latter was in the freqcient
practice of havinteriminal intercourse with her.
She gare birth to a child four months after mar
riage, and it is said her guilty connection With
Carter continued even after she became Smith's
wife. When Smith discovered her real condition,
he refused to live with her. He killed Carter in
revenge, for be gtoss deception which he alleges
was pmeticed upon him, by Carter's own design.
Good for Arkansas.—Wo have a brilliant ex.
amplo of prosperity reported in Arkansas. The
Little Rock Democrat says that the treasury of
Arkansas is oval - flowering with gold and silver. 7—
The various funds aro enumerated that have their
hundreds of thousands of the hard. The treasury
has no bank notes; nothing but specie in Arkan.
sas ; except a small old bank debt, does not owe a
cent, and has in her strong box more gold and sir
ver than will keep tho,povernmont for two years
without any further taxation.
There are no banks in. Arkansas, and the taws
are paid in gold and silver, and the State pays out
nothing but that kind of currency;
Some three or four weeks ago a family eamo to
New Albany, Indiana, from Ohio, bringing with
them an infant child. The mother and child took
sick with the typhoid fever, and the child died.—
The father went to several coffin-makers to procure
a coffin, but not succeeding, got a shoo-box, car
ried it.home, filled it partly with shucks, spread a
cloth ,ever these, and in the shoe-box placed the
child. This done, he took-the box under his arm;
carried it to the grave-yard, and deposited his
earthly hope, almost silently and alone. 'This is
rather a bard case, and in a Christian community,
too—a community rejoicing in „a Young Man's
Christian Union, and about twenty 'churches, were
monthly contributions are taken, for thil 'fieathen.
A'EMUctrvnitus.—Mr. John Cone, who residei
!keini', 4feddiuh„ Cen2n., appeartrd at the counter of
linitifidilletoiwir Bank some days since with $1..000.
of ite %hills, deniande&the specie and got it. The
profi.eel taiiiiarik in 'the - tmniutlitiou was clear . two
haidlintinif 'Mint-4*o .t1:1104pd dollars. The
bills were paittte AliprinlB36",' and he carefully
wrapped 'theml4' n, ail they 'have" re=
- -, t.-ed ever grim .v- Mid them to tii'bink
, -,..- z .,...,
that' Vii - '' ei'
'" - ---'":.',,;- ; 1.1 the Sonia! I 'M he teani d, ..ith
t Alap-.A..T.tiesavingsrliatikititereStiroillit
Pkee tiler i5 5' 13"....„..._
;;;er. The e .fell o % "L"--':-:%-`, -------- .:
them ~The following
11?tie l;"Z'' ''':"-
a Ind yis to d.,„ be Pance ere re 's
ee ' '-5.,..
s. '' fr .Ol ''.eihir t liTit I s ha 5
th e ....._ --ger or c 4 .0 _ - - u.5.... , .....„ 7 ‘7
4 4Ik ic kra...; ....... ' , _ TO ;tut received a
xemm.n 7s .tu , sui she d i not hy the ba lva ir th i li ii to2eize h e r ._,,,.._ ... 4iii. :EitZile`of. 4 4_,
~,'''': , ..4 ' ...S. .:k koce, Tr . un ks and .
r israsp . „ . ” 0 en ofteuti zne .
..13, --, -yu bags. ' .' ' ' "" "i',4." 0 ._ -“
tower ttiit A irir'-: . itre, 1
"LoberAcut (; 4 3 1 - t,-..7t Just teCnivaliiiiiill,* cent:
`orra"FiTZ ..i,..
The Elections
The Beauty Of Children.
There is no object, in the world more pleasant to
look-upon than a beautiful child. Even the crust
lest of old bachelors must acknowledge this in,.,
his heart, however disappointment May have sour- 4
ed his temper. tinfortunateli, however, the fresh
ness and natural bloom of childhood are often
marred by disfiguring disorders. Sometimes we •
see youthful faces bletniShed fiery eirelos, and look
as if disease had been at work upon them with
a pair of compasses dipped in red ochre. Of
course every mother recognises this description of
Ringworm, to which the still more disgusting cu
taneous affection known. as Scald Head is next of
kin. Probably nine-tenths of us have had a touch
of these unpleasant eruptive complaints at one
time or other, and most of us known that they are
not only, disfiguring but excessively annoying and
painful: We are aware too that most of the nos
trams recommended for them merely spread and
aggravate inflammation, and that. it freqaently
leads to confirmed desease • of the skin. Under
these circumstances it is to be presumed that all
parents who are not conversant with, the wonder-
ful properties of Holloway's Ointinentovillbe,glad
to learn, on good authority,, that it quick
and thorough remedy for Ringworm and Scald
Head as well as for ether external "di'seeseS. The
testimony which goes to establish the fact is in=
conitrovertible, and every mother who wishes * to
ico `the facesef 'her darlings uncloaded by erup
tions and their. heads encrusted Withexcrdscent
matter, is
,profesSorifolloway has obtained such, it' rePu.-
Wien through out the world for his external anti
internal remedies, that 'his 'MOM moat of course
bo familafted all our readerS ; bit after air there
is no harm in givinipOint, and force to general
commendation by speCifYing certain deseases in
which one knows they have worked wonders.
The effect of the Ointment in eases of Ring worm
and Scald Mead, is but a specimen of its marvel
lous operation In all, skin diseases; yet : We dare
say there are many Who , have used it for boils,
bruises, blotches: dic.; . 'die., who have scarcely
thought of it with reference to,these twoseourges
of childhood. If any mother should try it on our
recommendation; - we have little doubt she
give it a. permanent place in her nursery clozot
for the time to come. Much may be done to pre
vent the ordinary cutaneous diseases >of children
by proper diet, strict cleanliness find' regular es
ereil in the Open air, but after 'the:diSorder has
actually developed itselOhere is no citrate, so re
liable as liolloWaY's .bintMent.—N. Y. ,qundazt ,
Old Parson.Mudge, of Essex county got to
be rather unpopular flock toward the lat -
ter part of labOrd. ihey could nat dlemiselint as
he was settled for life, and he was noktehenither
coaxed, bought, or seared off, so he continued his
preaching but every Sunday his audience - grew
less and less, until it bad dwindled to'a bakers
en. Howbeit, thd'old prrson kept along in the
OVC3I. tenor of his way, declaring 'that he W . oilld not
give up as long as ho could say "we." Finally
his Beek was redtieed to *one dmixon,
to whom he preached foV nearly' a year, when tho
old saint died—tivio 'is the indethitable preach
er-man could not say. "we," he gave up the.pulpit.
"wa„,.. We lorrn from the Carbondale Advance
that Mr Quackenbush, and the Widen- itf the Jets
J. Aitken, httve.each brought a suit against the
township of Providence, Imzerne„county, for dam
ages, in consequence for the neeedent which result
ed in the instant death of Mr. A. and the serious
injury of Mr. Q. Thesuperrisors of the township
hod neglected to rebuild - a bridge•°vete; small
stream, which. had been: , washed away. by, the
freshet, or to erect a barricade atthe abutment, to
prevent teams and footmen from falling into the
deep and fatal gorge. As might' have been ex
pected, the neglect proved fatal to .One man, his
horse, and nearly another person riding in
the same wagon with him who was killed. They
were driving along the road one dark night, igno
rentof the absence of the brid go, and unex
pected moment, .the horses, wagon and .contents.
Aitken and Quackenbush, were all dashed to the
bed of the stream, in a common mass, killed the
horses and and seriously.- injuring Mr. Q.
The widow fixes her claim for damages at $25,000
.but we - do'notlearn the sum fixed by: r. Quack-
sr7 00
.TYAKOTAJI Tattairrott2.- 7 0n. the 13th ult, an e
lection for delegate toCongress was hold blr the
settlements in Dahotah Territory, andAlpheus G.
Fuller, formerly of St. Paul, was dully,,ohnseu by
the people to represent them in that capacity at
Washington. The example set in MS, by the
portion of Wisconsin territory not included in that
State, now in part of Minnesota, in electing bir..
Sibley its delegate to pongre.s, is doubtless the
preeedeni for this action by the settlers of Dako
tah.. . • .
ARIZONTA T,EIrRIT9TIT.—The hew territory of
Arizohia has also,electod a delegate .to Congress.
...11:onnEny—On Monday night; of„last:yreek,'the
aka of Illtijor Delvart, Member of ClOngiess, in
Sunlaury, Was entered and ainong other property
of 10;4 value, cigars to the amount of sixty dollars.
IlustotiAnolt : We
-regret to learn that Re'v.
11. Ilarbaugh has tendered his resignatioe , as pas:
for of the First Gorman Reforma Church' of this
'city and that it has been accepted bitheCOnsist
ory. %e say' 'we regret it, for his place will be
- diffiteult'to Sinee he has been in Lancaster,
invites been a most faithful and efficient laborer
and-respected by all who know-him and who are
capable of appreciating his talent and "labors of
love."--Esepre4s. •
ARRIVALS or SPECIE —Last week .the A'rago
and canada cash brought $1,000,000 in. Spe'ete to
NeW York froni England. About $2,000,000 also
arrived from Oidifornia.andifavanna. Shim the
Ist of October over $11,000,000 in specie arrived
in this country, and scarcely- $500,000 were sent
out of it This shoWs that a high tariff has noth
ing to do with the exportation or impoription of
specie. Other onuses regulate that matter.
TURKBY FATTEN - MG.-it this season of the
`yearthe.sithject of fattening is of thegreatcst ire
portanee. • Many of the birds'hrosight, to• market
are very , poor, and a little attention to this mat
ter for a few. weeks"will increasi the profits of the
farmer and the pleasure of the consumer.
It is only when bold mimes, and 'turkeys are
about six months old; that they should be fed
with betterand more plentiful food, in order to
increase their size - and .pluumness for market.--
Indian.eorn; grmind barley, wheat, also rice and
other 'trilbies used to fatten common fowls; are
considered best for turkeys. Their weight, when
well fattened and carried to market, should aver
age twelve pounds; their living and dead weight
is as eighteen to twelve pouudi. • ' •
A plan .in Brooklyn,. New York, last Saturday,
.fearinga saving bank in:that city would "bust,"
drew out .s2oo,Lall, he derisited.. He told his
friends of his good luck in getting the money, took
several drinks,., got "tight," and hadlis ,pocket
picked of every dollar. _
1 'Cheap Looking Glass,
Gilt, itoserwood ar Mahogany, or Vanillas' Blinds,
GO 20 S. , DiUNDORE &. ONES.'
Advertising and Correspondence Office, 360 Broad
way, New York.
1 Xew and laranporttult
ca very in the Science of Medicine.
ME de ECOLE de enAttUdete. PIIAERACIEN de
Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. 'IL A.
Barrow, member of the Imp'l College of Vienna,
and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be
personally consulted at his residence, 141 Prince street,
few blocks west of 13roadway, New York,'fromil A. Si.
till 2P. EL and,from 4 till BP. M. (Sundays excepted,
unless by appointment.)
Triesemar No. 1,
TS a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrhcea, and
distressing consequences arising from early abuse. indis
criminate excesses, or tooloug residence in hot climates;
it has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to
thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and
the functions of manhood; and whatever may be the
Cause or disqualifications for marriage, they are abate
; any sabdina.' ' - •
. .
Triesemar No. 2,
Completely and entirely eradidateg all traces of donor
hma, both in its mild and aggravated forms, Glects, Stric
tures, Irritation of. the ..13.1adder, .Nomretention of the
Urine, Pains of the Loins end Kidneys, and those disor
ders for which Copaivi and Uubebs have so long been
thought an antidote..
is the great Continental itimeny for Sitthilis and Secon
dary symptoms. t also constitutes a certain cure for
Scurvy, Scrofula, And all cutaneous Eruptions, removing
and expelling:tit its course all impurities from the vital
stream, so as altogether to eradicatethe rirusof disease,
and experit by insensible persp!ratiou through the me
&mut 'ofthe pores of the skintmd urhic.
It is a never failing remedy for that clap. of disorders
which English Physicians treat with Mercury. to the In
evitable destruction - of the'rbtient'i emistitntion, and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the Nor ld cannot remove:
TRIESESIAA No.:, 2 and 8, are prepared ; in the form of a
loSenge,llevoitlnt taste or sniell, and can be carried in
the waistcoat pocket. Sold - its tinease.s;and divided
in -
separate doses as adrninitdpred by Valpeau, Lancia:An,
Etc., 'Price, s3' eneh. or four cases in
ono for $9,, which saves $3, and in $27, whereby
there is a saving of $O.
Notiaitre &union unless the En,graviugS of the seals
Of the Patent Office of. England. the seals of the BeOle de
Pharnmtle,de Paris, and thelraperial College of Vienno,
itre - a (fixed Moon' eachirrapper, and around each' oasis--
imitations areliable to tlmsevereat . pmialties. of the hp's{.
`Special arrangements enable ,Dr. Barrow to .forward
immediately:fon receiving.a rtunittance;ihe $ll and lar
ger size casesof Triesemar free ef carriage, to any part of
the world, securely packed and proPerly addrekseit, thus
insuring genuine Enropeampreparittions and protecting
the public from spurious and pernicious imitations._
Attendance and Consultation from 11 a. m. till 2 - n:
and from 4tilL 8 in the-evening.. 1.57 Prince street, afew
blocks west of Broadway, New York.
May 6,1857-Iy.
Cristatiro:s Dye!
, . .
a mit-shell all the merits lie,
Of Cristadero'inever , eritialled Dye
, .Red it makes black, to brown transferals a crey,
'And keeps the fibres always from decay.
matchless, re-citallidng Hair Dre;sfm, 1,014 its
position as the most harmless and
Dye in TILE WORLD. Prepared and sold,,,wholesele
and:retail; and applied in ten private rooms, `itt, (IRsT4.-
No. 6 Aster Haase: BroutlwaY: 'New l'Orh. and
by all Druggists and Perfumers in the United States.
Agent-.-George IL. Keyser, la Wood sb,;Pittstairig.
1, 6 . 7 119 SfiCh f frarfC, as Fizil.”
VgiteeoLL. frat
E: of Buropeatititit the
unparalleled, anti-inflammatory. 41.1 healing properties
or this Ointment; governments sanction its mai in - their
naval and military services; aud,the masses in this coun
try and throughout the world repose the utmost confi
dence in its 'curative properties. It penetrates the sour.
ces of inflammation-and corruption which underlie the
Paternal evidences of dhlense,apd nenti,alize the Eery el.
'enrients which feed anti exasperate the malady.
Rhewniatisni, - Scr6fula;Ev'sipelat.
. These' are among the:Most.l terribleund agonizing dis
eases of thd muscles, the fd/re end the tide; yet
in their viorst forms. anti when seeming,ly iiiinrable.they
invariably disappear under a persevering application of
thi soothing, healiwz antidote to pai nand in Ha m m
Salt Rketim,,iFev::r Sores, Stiff Joints
In all cases of Salt ;Rheum, whore medical waters, lo
tions, and every recine of the pharmacopma have proved
useless. the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cum.
-Fever SorcSbeil - quieklti , 'Under its influence, sod its re
laxinguffect upon contracted is truly wondertal:
Discharging £.7lce7:s
A most remarkable :mil happy change i prodmed in
the appearance of malignant uleers after afor appliete ,
liens of title Ointment. The Surroillitling redness Von
ishest and granules of healthy fie:4l hewn to take the
pinceof-the•diacharged matter. This process 0)08 on
more or-less rapidly until the orifice is - filled up with
sounU Material. and the ulcer radically cored.
A Word to Mothers
- :The - young are ihe . most frequent soffierara from ex
ternal injunes, and therefore every mother should have
'this" healing preparation constantly et hand. ]t is an
absolute specific for sore hreals. and quickly removes
,the enerusted sores which sometimes disfigure the heads
and faced of children.
Significant Facts. --
This Ointment iiitniversally used on board the Atlan
tic and Pacific whaling fleet as a cure for scorbutic affec
tions, and as the best possible remedy fur wounds and
bruises, Large supplies of Aber° recently been ordered
by the Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposaq.
em. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the
following eases: .
Bunions, Mercurial Er uptions," Swelled Glands,
Burns, Piles, Sore Logs,
Chapped 'Lands, Rheumatism, Sore Breasts,
Chilblains, Ritrworm. . Sore heads,
. Sore Throats,
Gout, Sealtts, Enna of all
Lumbago, .Wounds of all kinds, Yenereal.Sores.
Stitfjoints, Sprains, Totter, Ulcers, Skin DiSOIVCS.
*0 Sold at the Manufactory of Pioressor 11011owai, SU
Maiden Lane, New York. and, by all respectable 'Drug
gists and Dealers- in Medicine throughout the United
States and the- civilized world, in pots at' scents, 62%
cents, and $1 each.
• f
' e . - Dr. Tfrb,sley Grzndle 8
Magic Compound,
Pulmonary Consumption.! ! !
. . - . .
Also, an effectual cure for Scrofula,
. Dyspepsia, Obstinate Cutaneous,
' Eriiptions, Chronic Rheumatism,
, " -'• Bilious Disorders, Deneral-Debility,
and all diseases depending upon an ,„
impure state of the blood.
. .. ' -Onle•Prineipal DOPOT;NO. 54 White
‘ street, New -Yon', where all letters . .
must be addressed.
- -,11111501,1 have etowal our branch office in PhiindelPhin:
Wg',/ and the public are cautioned_ against the.impoiff,
thins of any persons in Philadelphia assuming our name,
u'sending out spuriouS articles for our .11AOIC CORPOIFD.
Tltis wonderful lietnedy lies done more to alleviate hu
man Buffering than alipther moans put together. It has
the'greatest sale of any medicine in tlio world for Pul
monary Complaints ; from Maine to the most• retired
dwellings of Oregon, or wherever consumption is known,
it finds its way, corr.,. ing health and joy into tbouSands
Of. families. Patients, the gorgeous sunshine of hope
May now be realized; for this remedy notcinly relieves,
trial will, surely, prove the.fttet. .Do not.full Into amear
ly grave, when a sure remedy is at band.
Take Cod Liver Oils, Cherry SYnips;Ceeiry Pectorals,
Inhalation of Vapors, and all other puffed nostrume:for
this disease; combine all their virtues into one, and ,re
stionld not hive a remedy which would, at all, compare
with this. Patall ; tbose men together who have become
notorious by advertising that they can cure consumption,
and they cannot- produce- so many REAL cures during
their whole lifetime as-we can furnish. in one month.—
This. may leek like boosting, but it is the solemn truth
- The medicine is in a powdered state, but readily pre
pared for using in a liquidform, according to the direc
tion's which accompany it.
Dispatches are promptly made by mail and exproxs;---
Less than halt dozen boxes are usually sent by mail.—
Half dozen boxes or more, are usually sent by express,
if there be a direct express line; if not, they are sent by
mall, in a number of packages. ..
Ppm—One box, $3 00; three
T h o b x e c s p ,
o o s r t d a e g e d
in. s at o e ti e ih t , i i m: d ,
s $
t S ii
t e e n s : •
, ..,.
s l b t o. l u f id doz ii c e n tin sl o , s o ed o; o ,in ne ,in d o le y n,' o O r r
a n ta ny mp number ..lve greater , -$ - 3 i
b O O O
i: a o
r b
a o.:
, m no o t n o ey ier ie li 2j oo t O tis m t i y les m ,
a is iL Dfteen cents . ,
.. ~ .. a :os x istr l S: G a n n t:nt. Fe a, s ;all: amount
, 1 -,, , .,.. of 011. Wesley Grindle„) Sole Propri. . ,
- - y e tbr, 'to' Whom all letters must be v .
addressed. Also, Proprietor of Grin-
..die's Ancient and Celebrated Japan;.
• ' ese Life Pills. [Sept.lo,'s7-eovi.
4 1.1111811Ella11111L1P";:,
/1111 E undersigned are now opening erred.* largo assort
ment of PALL and WINTER. GOODS, among which
ware Cloths, Cassinteres, Vesting, Ready-made Clothing,
and all kinds Men's and Boys wear.
ALSO, all kinds . of Goods for Ladies' Wear, such as black
and fancy silk, Delaines, French Merino, Coberg and plaid
Goods, Shawls ,of nadescriptions, Bonnet Trimmings,. &c.
Aim), a large Stock' of GROCERIES & QIIEENSWARE.
AP . MR at the Bee Hire.'lE4
. . .
L. -
A supCiderrinaliteanCilicepet than nrof, offered
Lebanon, non Oct. 14. 57. • Hall Building Market et„
n in
w pT_ or efor Cbuntry" Produce will be
f Goode, et Look& liTUre.
Clothing the the 'Million.
r h ARO EST,best assorted stock of lt eady-inrole Cloth
ing ever exhibited in Lebanon, was just opened at the
head-Quarters .fio Goad and Cheap Clothing
in Cumberland street, opposite the Court House.
lliazENsriaN a BROTHEIt take the lead in selling cheap;
they can't be beat.
We invite our immerous Customers and the public in
general, tel tan and examine our new stock of FALL and
WTNTBIL CLOTHING, - eongiAing of all styles of Over
coats, Sack and Frock Coats, Raglans, Talmas, Cassimer
and Business Coats, Boys' Coats, Pants and Vests, as well
as a large stock of new styles of foutcy cassimer pants, silk,
velvet, plush and satin Tests; :Underclothing. such as silk
shirts, merino shirtk and drawers, heavy cotton and wool
drawers ; Gorman knit Jackets, wool and cotton hose, Hut
fers, comforts. neckties, suspenders, gloves, shirts and col
lars,te.i&C.;&e. .
ir- 1 - Mikan& Caps, Truuks,-Valises and Carpet Bags,
all will be sold at the lowest figure.'"
Lebanon, Oct. 7,'H.. . REIZENSTEIN & BRO.
$11,0,04, Worth Store Goods
TILE ONDERSIGNEDi having purchased at Sheriff's
Sale, the large and complete assortment of STORE
GOODS of SHIRK k TICE, nt a very low price, and being
desirous to close up the concern an early day, will re
tail the stock at lower prices than'Goods have ever been
sold in Lebandi,"abd nuieli cheaper than the same kind of
Goods can be bought at Wholesale in the cities. The orig
inal cost of the (40005 was $12,000, and the stock is large,
complete and well-assorted.
tks... Such an opportunity to obtain CHEAP' GOODS is
rarely offered. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and QUEENS
WARE in gnat quantities.
NMS Of nil solvent Banks taken in exchange for GOODS.
Lebanon, pci.1,!57. ABRAHAM SHIRK.
11TE most respeetfullyinforni the Gentlemen of •Leta-
r 1'- non and vicinity,. that we have opened:a/tele Cloth
ing Store, in Cumberland street, next door to henry &
Stine's Store, where we intend to keep constantly on hand
a most select assortment of
. .
Ready-Made Clothing,
such as Fro& Colds, Overcoats, Dress Coats, Cassimere,
Sattinett and Cassinett Pants, of all prices and descrip
tions; from,sl,so sin to :$5 . ; Tests, dotli, pistil and fancy
Silk of all styles and designs, and a general assortment of
P r itr nuking„Goods,
such as Neck-ties. Suspender's. Wool and Buciskin Gloves,
white and flannel ShirtsiXool.and Silk Undershirts,,&c.
Being in connexion with a large - wholesale manufacturing
establishment in the city, where our Goods are mainline
'hired in the bolt Manner, and buying• our materials at
the lowest cash prices, wean confidenttlurtsrepan please
all who wilt ti rvor us with their custom. All we ask, is a
trial, as oririnottn is— , -" Qaith Safes and Sine. Pmfitsl”
Lebanon, Get. 14, 't.7—.2m.
All Hoil ! Soniethin g for the Million !
WE call the attention of all,old and young,to this won
derfal preparation, triiiell'turns back to itsoriainal
color. gray hair—corers.the head of the bald ifitfi alus
uriant growth—remores.the dandruff, itching, nnd all
•entalleous eruptions—rail:sea a coutitilial flow of the nut
/end fluids; and hence: if used ns aoreftilar dressineJcir
the hair,ygill•preserre,its color. sod keep if from falling
to nsfrfhne old age, in alfital'initorar he:atty. We call,
then, upon the hald. the gray' or ilirleased in scalp. toilet
it; and surely. the yonna will .not, as, they sane the
flOwirg loeks, or the uteeliiitg mid. over biiwithout
praiee .19 11 ifoll. thwtOnglle of thousands. , ;
;~ -.
; a n y: .
* ' Shdeef I lihMis, oarlisle.Jdne27,
r here r used Prof. O:J(Wood'sltrair.iiestorative,%and
have admired its wonderful effect.. Ify hair was brown , '
ing as I thoUght prematurely gray, but by the use of the
,Ite:doratire It. lies . resumed its .original color, and I
Lave no : dealt, permaneutly so.
,IDNET i EEsr hx-Senator United States.
} ='~~
;:~, 'E:
.. 1 .
z.;: ,:
[From the. Washington Star.]
milong the Many preparations now in use for the ie.
storing. , Preserving and heautifYing the hair,: there are
none that we ran recommend with more confidence thatt
Prof. Wood's Hair it esteratiVe. »ow in general nee thro%
out the States: 'This preparation posse:9se's , the nenSt
vigerating qualities, and never fails in
,producing the
men happy re‘sUlts' when applied according indirections,
We refer our Traders. to the advertieement for alba- of
the innuniarabie certiEcotes which have been scut by par
ties. who have been benefited by it, and feel happy in gte
ingiestithony to its wonderful effects produced on them.
Q. J. WOOD 5z . 00., Proprietors. 312 Broadway, N. Y.
and 114 Thirket`stroet; St. Lents, .Miseouri.
For sole, in - Lebanon, at GillfiFOßD.k Ltarniaota's Drug
store. Also, by nil res.pecta file DruggiFts. [scpt..23—Sm.
. ,
Watertown„ - Mass., May 1, 1555. .
P 0..7. Woom—Allow me to : attest the virt:nes and
magic powers of your Hair Restorative. Three months
since, being exceedingly gray, I purchased and soon cinw
menced to use, two bottles;. and it soon began to tell. in
vectoring the silver locks to their native color, and the
hair which was before ,dry and harsh. and falling oil. now
became, soft and glossy. and it Ceased falling; the dandruff
diSappeared, and the scalp lost all the diSagreeable
F 0 annoying before. and now; I not only look but
feel young again. Respectfully yours, Cues. WEITINEY.
?nor. f1..J...W00n: Dear Sir':,-After reading the ad.ver
tisement in one Of t he NeW 'York journals of your cele.
'uted Hair Restorative...l procured a half ,pint bottle.
and WHS. Si), minds pleased-with it that I continued its use
for two mouths, and ant eatisfied it is decidedly the best
preparation before the public. Itat once removed all the
dandruff and-unpleasant itehbur from the scalp. and has
restored mplutir naturally. and I havOnwdonht. perms.;
neutiyAe. You. have. permission, to refer tonne. all who
entertain any doubt of its U r ciforin Mg all that is claimed
for' it.• r'lliss.FErzsi , 26 . 34 Greenwich Av.
, • . - •
IlisiitiSe.l74Of. 0. J. Wood's Mir Resters live, and
bare admired its wonderful effects: . It restored rarbirlr
where It had :ellen off: it cleans she .bead And-reuders
the hair soft andentobtli—mneb WOO e 0 then oil. •
' Louisville, Nor.l; 1866. • • •-.MAIN A. ATIIINsON..:
To the, "
.. • .
'ARS. DUCII wenld 'hereby infer& the ,Lailics of Leba
non and vicinity thht shehasjUst returned from the
city with a large supply of . • l e • • a
Fall q ,, d Winter Milliriery,Good:s, ,
to Which she would respretfully call their attention. for
stock Chtleifte in part of Reedy-made Fail and It: Bon
nets, Ribbons. French and American Flowers,, ..Feittbere,
Clips, Satins, Trivets, Laccw, &c.. &c. '
From long experienae in businetis and a determination
to render satisfaction bystrict atttentlon to the same. she
hope' to receive and merit .a continuance of that liberal
patronage with which: she bail - been beretoforo favored. '
Ara -.. 411 ordcrx promplig attended to.rak
Lebanon, bet : ' . l.4, ' BUCII.
. 3 „Ttl
I ; l!_en_ted of till .the differentippkes
at the very lowest eriall prices, at • . • .
Lel mann. Oct. 14,'57. • SWARTZ - eitlßOr'
Woodland. for Sale.
fr . 44. THE undersigned, of- -A ti ,; ..
' . fors at' Private Sale, u ?„l4,kfirk.
63 ACRES - Or'
. . .t.fni ,
• - -'.,(more ' or less )' of 'excel = ,-4-:..„- . ,-,
lent WOODLAND, the half Of which is good tim
ber, situate in Union township, LebanOn county,
near the Dig Datn, adjoiningland of Jacob Ron
sicker, Emanuel . Fey and others. 'Erected on the
premises is a good twoitary log DW*LiIKG uousn,
as good as new, good Stabling, and a well of nov•
er-failing water. •Xt will.he sold cheap.''.Good ti
tle and possession given on the Ist of April, /S
-SS. .gor further information apply to
N. li.:Bor'o, may2 7 / 6 7: ' DAVID 'BOYER.
T _ - - -
HE undersigned offers at private sale his inn
nifieent estate, situate in East Hanover town
ship, Loliancin county . , abcint 2 miles from Harp
or's Inn, 4 Milos from the Cold 'Springs and the .
Dauphin and Susquehanna. Railvead,.lo follows
IW. I—Contains 180 ACRES, more,or less, of
thabest land in the neighborhood, adjOiningprop-,
erty of Miehiel Deiningirr. John Dotter, and ot.h.:-
ors. The greater portion is cleared and under
~,,..,'. good cultivation., The buildings
. • -:Y. WI erected on this tract are the under
-2:44: . ' signed's well-known Cloth 'Mann
,::_, ~ . . _ - factory, which has a large patron
--- '-• ` age and is capable of indefinite ip
crease; a large two-story double Stone Dwelling
House, with Kitchen annexed; good two-story
Farm House; Tenant House; large stone Darn,
with threshing floor and Stabling; and other out
building; in good repair. Also, all necessary
buildings for the Manufactory,vis :—Fulling-mill,.
Card and Spinning Machine building, Dyeing and
Finfshing House, dsc., &c. The Works are all
well supplied with good Machinery and.plenty of
water power. A stream of good water is led to
the dwelling-house in pipes; also, -' 4,.. '
iprings and pomp-wells near. Also, a . fi1., 1 . «:
beautiful . :Tdring . ORCHARD on the ' -1 , /....
premises.:::': t...... .. ... .. . . I ; „
NO. 2---Contains 180, Acres, (more —.. •
or less) adjoining No. 1, land of Michsel,Dpining
er, John Dotter and others. Nearly the whole of
this•traetni under good 'cultivation and 'excel
.• . , - ,,. - I.lent . ' fences: Erectedt thereon is.; a
...f .. . R`..., • Dwelling House, stable, and a large ,
!: , . • Shed. Also, near by a well, spring,.
.' • ,fic., a splendid site for the erection of
a dwelling house. There is towing_
water in nearly every field. A Sehool'Efonse - sii.
located on this tract. .
NO. 3—Contains 180 Acres Wood
land, (more or less,) adjoining No.'',
land of .Tohn Dotter and rothers. It'
halm rich growth of Chestnut Sprouts, 4 lc ,
from 8 to 10 years growth. .
As the undersigned is sincerely disposed lose 1, ,
the above may be purchased either in part' as
above or in the whole, as may be desired: " "
Oood title , apd•poseetaion witl be givetron t4o'
lit of April, 1855. -':or further inforptetitp, .
ply to LYON LEMBEROER, : '
Aug. 6, '57-tt: Past Hanover, Lebanon Co, Pa.
irish to inform the citizens of Leh
non County and neighboring court
ties, shat they are now in full oper
ation, and are pt rod ,to do all kinds of
Flooring Boards, Weather Boarding,
Sash,Doors,Window 4' Door Frames,
Shutters, Blinds, Planing Scrolls,
SAWING, and any other kind of Sawing which
may be wanted to suit builders. The subscribers
beg leave to inforni the public that they have the
latest and best improved' machinery in the coun
ty, such as Woodworth's Pinner, ,be., rind 'that
they arc able to produce as good work as the coun
ty can produce.
None but thebest and well-seasoned LUMBBB
will be used. 'Carpenters and Builders are invi
ted to call and examine their ready-made stoek,
which they will always keep on hand;and judge
for themselves. - •
Their Shop- is on Pinegrove R . ogui. ne ar
Phreaner's Old Foundry. . .
Door and Bth Manufactory !
Located °Tithe Steani-HonFe Road, near Coinberland
• , THE undersigned respectfullyin
. Form the public in generni, that they
—. have added largely to their;fenner
01 1 , 1 16 V establishment;_nrid also have all
kinds of the latest and bait improved MACHIN
io,.the State in full ,operation, such as
fur conducting the general business for
Planing, Scrolls, Satring7: . ,
and the experience acquired,hy R.,Longaker.aud
J. G.Gabcl,during their connection with the Door,
&eh and Lumber Trade; fora number of years
past, affords full assurance l or 4 theifdliiliti,in Con
nor Lion with J. Gabel,to select stock suitable to the
wants of the Door and in this State.
taa..They now offer to'lKeelianiesd-karniers
generally, uponfavoeable termi, as
sorted stock of DOORS,SASH, 4.,,,frota.,the best
Lumber manufactories in the Stoic, feeling confi
dent tliat their assortmentiMnot to be excelled'by
auy other establishmeht in the'Seatein regard to
exactness in size, qualityor finishYniad is calculat
ed to afford thorough satisfaction all those who
may favor the undersigned with their custom.
The following list comprises the leading arti
cles of stock on hand:—
Doors, of all sizes; Sash, of all sizes;
Door Frames, for brick and fraioc,houses4
Window Frames, for brick:and frame bousea; •
Shutters, of all sizes; Arc bi trureis ;•" ' • • '
Blinds, of all sizes;
.Casings,‘B - 0449 0 4 . 14 1
AB kinds'Mnuldings;. Surbaso; : • .
O. SpritteMnal.ling, of all sizes; Wasb-bonrds.;
Lolinon.e.juli 15, 1857: • -
. ,
P. B.—Planing, Sawing, prom ptly douo
Otz those furnishing the Lumber .„1 :, •
.'• • WEIM E R
OppoAte the, Lebanon. Valley R.d1....,.0p0ty Lab
• nifon, Lebanon Coon ty; Pa.
. .
•* , WM. I'. L. II ElMBF,Troliri...
°tore, manufacture eum.Euguses
:'ruat I :to
.awrill:sgs , p,bwat s ; of the
. .- 1 1,.7.." 1 " latest ity:os.unilinttoyna,..with all
thu modela uuprovcments. -.Aleo,,fiuporior. Port- .
able Engines (with Link tlear,)
mounted on wheels, for Saw Mills, ) :Winid. sewing
and Il*ting purTroPe.9. 'K'artieuleit atterititnila
called to our small Upright Bagiires Fur .14friters ?
Druggists and per,ons wanting a stnallametunt of
Power. They take up a very small speee; . • and
can be put up in a room as n hotts.elsold fixture.
Also, Blowing Englnes'and MitchliiimikfM'Aln
thimieito and oilier Blast Furnammti;,or improved
construction. Forgo IlitmumorS,4R.L. Weimer's'
Patents Rolling Mill, •Sawing, Planing. and
Flouring Mill Fixtures; Mitting , Pnimps ;
ing, Machinery for Mines. and Stone
Railroad Curs , Iron Bridges, Shafting , Mangers,
Pulleys, Turning Lathes, Drill-Presses, Planing
Machines, Brass Stop Cocke, Valrei - - and
Fixtures, Globe Steam Valves, or all Sikes', and
Machinery, and Castings .of every description.
Also, hailers of any size, forum and weight,
made of the bestinaterial, by well iknown and ex.
perienced workmen; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks,
Gas Hues, floaters, nod sheet iron wurk.of every
description. [Oar Boiler sheeti are all rested by
dividing them into squares of 2 inches, and ham
mering each square; any imperfectien is thus de
tected, and the faulty sbcet rejected; this is prae
tiscml in very few shops. in this country.) • •
Also, a stock of Wrought Iron, Pipe, for steam,.
gas and water, with all the neressory fixture,t,on'-
stantly on hand, and put up at the shortest nu_.
Lice and on most reasonable terms. Irommilßrass,
and Composition metal Castings, made to order,
at the shortest notice.
New York: art. 2, IFsii
pi Repairiu:g . attended to with promptneis
and despatch.. ,Aigang of Boiler makers always
ready Tor Boiler;rowlrs.
Blacksmith Work made to Order. - 1 -
' f iat- Orders respectfully solicited. All 'comma
ntcati,cms, by mail or otherwise, attended to with
despatch, and work delivered to railroad, or .ca
nal, free of 'charge'. •• • • .
tebanon, FellefiarY : 4, 1857..
~,F Louij "... -
„Q „_„ c" • - .. •
• • ' •
, : .
at the Genesee mills.of ': •
• ,MTEAS g,t3Bctun,
Jan. 7, 1357: •v:. . • Lebanon, Pa.
WA XV101),.- cr.." • •
A T tho GeneFeeMill in tino'Borongh
11- nen, • WIiZAT; • ' COltN,
In any quantity, for - which the highest Market
prices' will be .paid *Cali, by
January 7, 1857...." MYERS 4k SHOUR.
-...; ; WANTED,
TWELVE good Flour Barrel COOPERS, at the
'Genesee mille r in Lebanon, to whom constant
work and good wages will be given. None but
sober nod steady workmen need apply. . -
January 7, 1857. • MYERS Sc SIIOUR.
Nllanur e Excavator and Hay
• . Elevaior.
JAL Proprietor of the right fur Lebanon county,
(excepting the two - Arinvilles k Londonderry-.
This Machine isisnporior to any now in use, for
strength, durability tad simplicity of construction.
The Machine, when set in the form of a Akinure
Excavator, will do its work admirably. When the
lorul is drawn out as far as necessary, by giving&
little jerk or lap at the curve of the long lever, it
will unshift, and the stop bar lever willty forward
and the fork will unload itself.
. The same machine, with a very slight altera,
ties, will answer for elevating Hay'in Barns; bet
ter than any kook or fork now ; in use. -.The - fork
is,t,iilibifted, when swinging in the:mow; by giving
a very .little jerk at the-rope, which is extended
down'tbrough• the hand bolt of the'atop bar.
NOTICE.--All persons are hereby forbid baying
or selling the above Machine is the subscriber 's
district, unless the same is stampod "A. R. Rurah%
Patent, Manufactured and sold by.E. Kreider."
I am now prepared to furnish farmers with this
valuable machine. For further particulars,
Shtefforstown P.. 0., Lebanon Co., Pa.
:1 Sept. 9 . , '57-2m.* • •
• .Call and S e e the
Drods Grocery & Crockery.
. .
E6NARD ZIMMERMAN infornis his-friends
and the public that he has just received's'. new
stock of GOODS for the FALL Trade, which
bd found as cheap as any stock of the kind in
•this town,. consisting- of all such Goods as are
usually kept in a first-class• store. Partienlar at
•tentoion is.giy,en to, Staple Goods for, the Country
Trade' not neglecting the 'fano& articles fer
dies! illog_..44ch as LaCcs,gjawne,•,Edgings,
iduralivea Randkerchiele,
are• invited to . examine his OLorts,
!Chessiiteeiregi, Casinots, Tweeds, Fancy other'
Postings, Velvets, Cords; dse. .
In the Grocery department may .be folind.a
splendid assortment of every need in .the Finni
ily:--401fini Sugar, Spices, Teas Mackerel, .dc.
In.(14•01)1;q47, the stock is lielfaelooted.
y - • '
highest market. priectwill , be paid for
Country.Prodnee: Lebauop; Sept. 31)0.85Z„
• ••• • ••••
, flAtL•tinteleittintoalie new steek;of Atkins
McAdam. Come goon and purchase your
Boot, Shoes, &cog Atkins & McAdam's.
Jo t% IA 11 GETTLE
-such as
Street, EastLebanou
_ _
-." ' 4 5 • -:
~ K , - A .:„1: 3 - be t V, - . ) , : e: -.7! • ;',0 b t
---" v ,v . 1 -5_,T.:1 , , ,, p . - ft ) • ;" -'
..' .2 4 --, -,..,,, • ' ...11 : , 4
.'..- ,
Trix - OsucLw.... Stnnt.nnF..Esre......olien ix 1F37.
Jai first article of-eke bend everextrodoced under Me
1111010 C of •• PUL.W.NIC WAFItK2I." its This or dry •tAer
country; at outer Puirnoxie Wafefio. .hate to/alb:reed&
The gonsine can be kimono 40ex.. BRYAN being-.
stomped pee sac* WAFER.
Relieve Coughs, Colda,'Sure-tbroat.:l2oaNNlßlL
Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, .134ipli,Rffsate4117.
Relieve Spitting of Blood, iii.lllll-104e.
. .
Relieve Incipient Constimption,..laine
Believe Irritation of the iiraho.: 401 Toads
• • • BRYAN'S Pct..IIIENIC War Ella.
Believe the above 'Complaints in Ten ,
Are a blessing Wall...classes and eonstitutics' uf.•
Are adapted for Vocalist-and Public Speakers.
Improve the comPees:attA flexibility of the Iret6":l:N
Are in a simple form and pleamuit to the taste.
Not only relieve, but effect rapid & lasting Curet
-- - -
ire warranted to give eatistwition to every one
No 'Family alurald be without a Box or
311781p 2 A - Puluaassie Wafers
4 1X TUX. w orse.
Trairilar A shonld be without . * Malt.
• or 013 P.XJ6XT. • • ' •
No Dealer shcrald be will:rat' a suliplir
Bryan's Pellssiiirtic•Wafers
. „..yos.,olB.4treayi:s. .
her, object give
• . Brya n ' s Pulswitnic Wafers . TWINTT-PiT'S CENTS.
For sale by Dr. ROCS, opposite •Cdixrritdnce, helve.
non, Poi...nnd by an tintpeetable Dru=ists throngkont the
United gat& and .Causd a; also by Uarvey Birch, Read
in Pa. L . ••• • ! ; " [Oct. 7,17-Iy.
iebari oh' "Int Usura 11 ce
Com pa npr:
Office-ot,Tonestown, Lebanon County.
Tlir Company iicisife: filly organized and
tekdir, to make . Insurance 'on all kinds of
piOperkpsforotorn or country and. on as.favorable
timpfzul illy AvUll:gliverned and safo company,
either on the Mutual or joint stock principle.
-PilisidentL4orm BnUNNER, Esq.
. Vice President—D. M. itAnu.utr.
Treasurer—GE°. F. Arat.s.
Secretary—Wx. 4. , l4itnr. _
Direct Ont - • .
, 'John Brntiner;24 . ll4' *- .I)aniel Brown,
D. M. Kartnany, • i ? tata#obioulDosh,
••• Geo. F. Meilly: - . .491bItAtndt,
W. A. Barry, - 'Jai 'telly,
..8. U. Shirk,. I,: ItAirsdker,
Daniel 11. Bierer, " B.,litliiiik.
A. - S:.'Et.r is the' **tit for Lebanon.
Hu may • at all times be' fo nd at his office in
Walnut Street.
Jonestown. July 15, 1
E.r~ aeon Rank.
LadifflriniMarket street; :nearly oppo
irikifi,l4.7lilisqel.l Hall;:.oll - poor North
iife ifi'e Ifnet : Oftce. . ; i ; ..-- -
.ELL toaY:tge follt4ini RATES of INTER
. EST on DEPOSITS, ti, and after, the Ist
day of gai - 01i,,1857, viz :.• - .
For 1 'year; an dlonger, 6 per cent, per annum.
For 6 months, an'a longer,‘erver'cent..per annum.
For 3 niontiiii, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum.
Requiring ' a short notice of withdrawal, and of
tords.u4iberaiiine of accommodatious4o those who
niityrivnrit with deposits,payable on demand. Will
pay a. premium on Sr astsit and Mr_mic.i.x Dot.-
VALI.' DOLLARS: Will . make collections on anti
rc'tnit (Wall' parts of the United States, the Cana
dim and. Europe : Negotiate LORRE. *te.;;',Ln., awl
lin ti gune ral E.N.i3IIA NGE An d DANKING RUSI-
ORO. G LEIN, da.sizier. . . -
IlE;iinaeraigned, Managers,ao ib ii idi illy
74 „liable to the extent of, their.g4taites for all
deppeitb end other' obligations of the. cok-pi}rtuor
ship filed in the l'rothonotary'is Mb - lie of Lebanon
County, *raiding under the name and style of the
"Lxnisos BANK."
8113i05 CAIfEHON,,
C, lotion SMULI.Lif,
JAMES YOUNG, 1 7, '57.]
ALL NM& ••• • • • •
Loinauts Super Ph oiiiiat4 of Lime.
".- TO111$;.:'
FARMERS,— for yortiWlNAtr CROPS, use
LKINAIT'S Bailor 'Phosphate or Lilne f at n
a lb. or $4O . a:Toir ; or use '
Americiin Fertilizer
at "5:4.60,X,bb1. or $25.a ton. One barrel of either
hr:stittielent fur an Acre of Wheat. :Theise . lu-s
made of reliable Chemical Elements, eta have
been iii successful use for the past Six Years, im
proving the *oil and inereasieg,tfte value of the
Four Diplomas from the State Agriekiltural So
ciety of Pennsylvanini.l,g6v Jerseyj,4Delaware;
and the Crystal PalUeo Association of City, of
Neil . York,•haie been 7 rdeeived far tfiese
hle Fertilizers. ,••••• .
Pamphlets in the. EtigliSh o.erman Lan
guage can he had by application at the Office.
jr A liberal discount to wholesale dealers.
The above Fertiliiers, delivered 1 , 111.:E of Cart
ago to -any wharf in the old City proper.
Ottlers.tgeut by Mail noeompauied with Cash or
Drafts, will be promptly-shipPed to any part of
the world. GEO.. LEINAU, Proprietor,
No. 19 Sortiprout.street, , Phila. City.
• July 29; '57-41m1. 3 4, •• • • •
00i-T--.4sk t 'S.l4'CE S TO-RE.
. • Jratob'iltea4l1 1 .
RESPECTFULLY public . that he
sdll continuos his extensive'establishment in
his new building , in Cumberland street, where he
hopes - to render the same satisfaction as hereto
fore to'all irhir may favoi•him'with their custom.
Me iwateslierclumM and dealers in
7foats ,and. -Shoes,
and every ono who wishes to-purchase'-fnsbiona
bin siud datable articles ie Lis line, to esl,l4kri;ex
amine. for theteselves, : his large and vanied,stock.
He is determined do surpass all. competition irs
tiM manufacture of every article in his business,
natal° fur any market in the, Union. A duo
care is taken in regard to inakeiiilia'nd workman
ship ; none but the best quality of Leather and
other materials are, uSed, and none bat the best
workmen are employed.
his sincere ; thanks to his
friends for, the very liberal patronage heretofore
besteWed 'On him. He hopes by strict attention
to business and endeavoring to please his custo
mers, to merit a share of public patronage :
Lebanon,,-P0,17, 180„ •
Indemnity Against Loss by fire.
Franklin Fire Insuranwsem
of . . ; ,..:••ttsc.,, ,
OFFICE 1.63 f CausTutT"TasETl,Al2la 5Tu
. STREET. ' .
JANFAAY - 11701157;
.11-übliii3ed Ags-eeti.blt6goal2ratA7-liieisbly,
~7 , . BEING ...a:. ,
Pint. )1 9itiaiiiii- omPlY,secui-k,. . $1,519,932 73
Heal estate (presen.(yalpact,to946o) Cost, 8 2 , 784 36
Tem t rzary Loans, ore Ample Collateral seen
-89,114 18
Stocks. (present value, $83,881 12 , oos; 71.,21M 97
Cash, &c., 64,121 58
51,827,185 80
every description of property, in
Rats Es.LOW as are consistent with . security.
01 n„ et! gust! . incorporation, a. period of twenty-eight
tiniyhaveplid over TURN& MULLION DOLLARS
LOSSES, BY FIRE. therebrafferding evidence of thead
vatititais °linear/met.. as w.o! a the ability and dispo-
Stion to meet, with promptness, ell liabilities.
Loans paid during the year 1858,
I MoznakaiD. 'REM
Dthin Rainer,
'lsaac L a y ••
Enwaan.O Dux,
G. .11a!onana, Secretary.
Selma. Oau3T, '
JACOD It..Ssura,
Gm ; IT:ll.Tcaeßes,
• • •-• Ca
Teb. 26.41. •• •
Ge.'D.A.wOix Cor..nmar,
Len Fin*,
doctoriot 'Bon),
Grouas &Ant.
$301,638 S 4,