611 f (Salta. A BEGGAR, BONG I am a merry beggar, 3ly heart is bold and light ; I liva ripen the highway, And eleny in barns at night I eat behind the hOdges My scraps of bread and meat, Jind drink, when Tory thirsty, The water at my feet. But,"money in my pocket, And nano to tell the talc, I hie mo to the alehonso, And drink my fill of ale I frown upon the tapsters, I langh, and shout, and stag; For, giao a beggar 'money, He's mighty as a king I Or From the tenth to the twelfth of the last 'month there was no aw.olution in Mexico One old Mexican gentleman bung himself in conse quence on the eleventh. He left a note intimat ing that he bad been accustomed to his revolu diOn 'every morning after breakfast for the last !forty yelms, and that he couldn't live to see his country degenerate, etc. Airr• "Common titters.," said Mrs. Partington to herseK, as she waked out of a little nap into which she had been thrown on Sunday by a soporific preacher, "what has common taters to do with the gospel 2" The preacher had alluded to some commenta- Ors, the odd sound of which tickled her ear and awiikoned alcr. " Common tutors," she continued; "well, all .sorts of taters are bad enough, and many of them are rot ten clear through; and if he is calling his hearers such names, heaven knows where he will -stop. Common taters, indeed I I'll send him up a pock of uncommon fines to-morrow, and show him that all of them ain't alike." She left the house with a very indefinite idea of what he meant, but determined to set him right ,on :the _potato question. Or A man with a large family was complain ing of the difficulty of supporting all of them.— "But," said a friend, "you have sons big enough As; morn something for you." The difficulty is they are too dig: . was answered. Rif "Father, are there any boys in Congressi" l'No, my son—why do you ask that question ?"- -"Because the papers said the other day that the members kicked Mr. Brown's Bill out of the Muse." • ,*511,.. The late Mr. John Jones being asked by a &Slid "how he kept himself from being involved in quarrels?" replied, "By letting the angry person have all the quarrel to himself." j Peace is the evening star of the soul, as Virtue is its sun, and the two are never very far tatart.. till..'"Sce what I am V' not "See what my lath or wag is an old and excellent Arabic saying. The Philadelphia Ti in ea, (a Black Repub lican paper,) is discontinued. REIGA.RT' S WINE & LIQUOR STORE! vORNER of Market do Water Sts., Lebanon, Li in the room formerly occupied by Jacob Weidlo, where he still continuos to keep an assort reenter the very best brands of Wines and Liquors that can be got. To those. who are acquainted with his liquors it is not necessary for him to speak as the liquors will speak for themselves. To Hotel seepnrs, and all others, he would state, that it is merely nosessary for them to call and examine his stock to satisfy themselves, as he warrants to ren der full satisfaction. EM'L. REIGART. N. E.—Remember; at Wcidle's Corner. Lebanon,-Sept. 9, 1857. REMOVAL! TO Na. 4, Eagle Buildings. A. RISE'S Fashionable Hat . and Cap Store, Market Square, Lebanon, Pa. THE undersigned hereby informs his friends -L and the public in general, that he is now, and will be always, fully prepared to supply his cus tomers with goods in his lino Wholesale and re tail, at the shortest notice, and upon tho most ac oommodating terms. His stock consists of Bea ver, Nazis., Russia, Cassimere Moleskin, Silk, ha,, Hats, a,, which. he will dispose of at tho lowest prices. All his Hats are manufactured un der. his own immediate superintendence, and he feels' warranted in saying, that for durability and firtish_theY cannot be surpassed. Country mer chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in hats and caps, can be supplied at wholesale prices, from One to a doienouch sizes as they may want. ADAM RISE. 't213., X. B.—Fox, Mink, Muskrat, and Rabbit, Skies wanted, for which, the highest market twiiiti *III be paid. [Lob., Feb. 6,1856. PI DIO II) DI ITS 9 Di t-may ~Cloth, Manufactory ! THANKFUL for past favors, the undersigned respectfully informs the public, that he con tinues his manufactory in Fast, Hanover, Lebanon county,,on as extensive a scale waver. His un necessary for him to say more than that the work will be done in the same excellent style which has ,made his work and name so well known to the 'surrounding .country. lie promises to do the work in thb Shortest possible time. The Manu factory Is in complete order, and he flatters him self to be'able to render the same satisfaction at; lieretolore. He manufactures _Blind and Narrow. Cloths, Cassinets, Blankets, White and other-Flannels, All.finished in the best manner, and at reason 4bre Prices. He also cards Wool and makes lions. For, he convenience of his customers, wool and . elothwill.be taken in at the following places : At the stores of George & Shelienbergor, Looser do BrotherS, Shirk