Ifilantvit TE/IMS, $1 50 A YEAR LEBANON, PA., NOVIMBER 4, 1857 HOME AFFAIRS. Ile. Barron :—I have recently noticed in SC \"- oral numbers of „your paper nu account of the man ner the 'election was held in Swatura, from which it would appear that Mr. Haldeman would have good cause to contest the election, independent of Other pfaces, and it is believed by his friends that * owes . it to himself and to the Democratic party *co do so. "Fair play is a jewel," and an investi gation will alio* whether` fairness has been Frac ,tised. If so his friends will be perfectly satisfied, lot In the event it should turn oat that this has not been the case he would be entitled to his scat, and should of course have it. An investigation can do no harm to either party, and it will re move all doubt on the subject. If one is had all the boxes will have to be exatnined and things may ho developed which now aro in the dark.— Light is therefore desirable. A CITIZEN. Ma. Entrint tee to ask the individual who signs himself in tho Courier of last week "A 13usiness Man," to demonstrate the fact that the Democratic party is responsible for the Hard Times. A man should not hide his light under a , Jushcl, and when an individual, in a country like ours, whore the peoble are the rulers, possesses such prodigious powers of discrimination—sttoh ability as to enable him to penetrate far enough into the policy of the Democratic party as to dis cover the fact that said.paity is Tavorablo to "Free Trade," be should mako it known. We hope, for the sake of our Cpuntry—this glorious Union, ho will not persist in his expressed determination to make the "rgi9iid feel the effects of their Democ racy I" •`. Dare you no feeling for tilt) miseries or your follow•creatures? Enlighten us ! Permit us not to grope in darkness, when with a stroke of the pen, as if by magic, you can per/tops open our eyes to the error of our ways. - - A TitUTII SEEKING DEMOCRAT, ogii- Our neighbor ADA.II RISE, has just return ed from the city, with alplentlid assortment of Winter Hats, Caps, ho. Those in want of an ar ticle in his line, and surely appearances favor the supposition'that nearly ull need a new top-piece, will call at his store nod obtain the desired article. His stock is the choicest and complotest in the county. Burglary.—Recucary of pare of the &dot Mods mid Arrest of the RobLem—On Monday night of last week tho store of Samuel U. Shirk, at the North Lebanon Basin, was entered and robbed of n largo quantity of Dry Goods, Beady made Clothing, ,te. On Wednesday a search war :, rent was obtained, and the houses of two Germans, residing in the Eastern part of North Lebanon Borough, wore searched, and the greater portion of the stolen goods found in one of them. Tho Germans, mimed Frederick and George Schroeder, . were arrested, and are now in prison. It seems that these fellows have been carrying on the game of thieving for a long time. They stole almost anything they could lay their hands upon. They have in their ileums large quantities of potatoes, Cern, Oats, Apples, Am., none of which articles --they cultivated, neither can it be ascertained that .4they bought a bushel of either. They are the owners of the houses in which thay resided, and , were apparently well to do in the world, and also -sober and industrious. Suspicion was directed to :them by the track of a wheelbarrow on the canal tow-path, which led front the robbed store to the inmse where the goods were found. The wheel ' barrow on which they hauled the goods was also ,"found at the latter place. The amount of goods so far recovered by Mr. Shirk, is over $3OO at first cost. Fire.—On Saturday evening, about 51 o'clock, a stable belonging to Mr. Conrad If. Bergner, in North Lebanon borough, was discovered to be on fire. The neighbors rushed to the rescne, but ton lute to save any of the contents, among which ware two fine and valuable cows.. By the time the engines reached the scone, the entire building was enveloped in flames. The adjoining and sur rounding buildings were saved by the timely up- !Mention of water. The entire loss's about, $5OO, two-thirds of which is insured in the Lebanon Mutual Insurance Company of Jonestown. The Aro is suppoiod to have boon the work of an in.- nondiary.. Concert.—The "Perseverance Sax Horn Brass Band," of this borough, will' give a Concert in the Court House, on Thursdny evening next.— The members of this bend have already gone to oonsiderable expense for instruments and instruc tion, aside from the loss of time, and as this is the first encouragement in -the way of pecuniary assistance, they ask from our citizens, it is hoped that their Concert will bo liberally patronized. ta... Dears aro quite plenty in the northern part of our county. It is said that one carried off a "porker" in Union township last week.— several have already been killed along the "Blue Mountains," one weighing nearly 400 pounds.— There, uow, is noble sport for our Holliday hunts men. Let them shoot bears, and spare the little birds. P. S. .A friend of ours, blessed with a steady hand, quick eye, untiring perseverance, and a good rifle, loft on Monday, afoot, solitary audits lone fn• a week's bear bunting in our northern .mountains. Ho avoided observation and desiins Io remain unknown, but, if successful will loy yB narrative of his exploits before our readers. Well Filled,—Our jail contained 19 prisoners, 'the beginning of this week, some six or seven of whom will probably receive quarters in the Eastern .Penitentiary. The building of a new prison will • soon boa question of economy as well as security with our county officials. The cost of maintain ing six or eight 'vagabonds ut Philadelphia will :be no small item. "gr. At the sale of the real estate of kliehxl Hoffman, tlee . 'd., on Saturday the 24th ult., Mae . orn Hain purchased house and two lots in North ebanon borough for $2350. Mr. Billman pur hased two lots for $655. Geo. Hoffman pur lased a Landing lot for $7OO. r • Tho Jonestown and Fredericksburg stage land mail now leaves at 3 o'clock, P. AL "may. Complaints are rife, in town and vicinity, depredations committed by chicken and other level. A little more grape might mend the attar. "Zap.,. round Dead.—A man named Jos. Poore, found in an out-of-the-way place, in Union wnship, about twoweoks ago, baring died from temperance and exposure. Lebanon Val* R. R.- . —The Harrisburg Tele aph says that the editor of that paper "has been Id by one of the heaviest eontre.etere on the rks that the Directors have found themselves able to carry out the arrangements [noticed in e Advertiser last week] satisfactory to the con- rectors, and that the probability now is that op. rations will not again bo resumed on the roar' .wring the present winter." Prof. Spayd, of Razor Strop Paste notorie is now in town.,,Prof. Allen also. The oko tho lance ; but the feeling is rather in favo the Paste instead of the Powder.—What doe ajtir Getz of the Gazette say PAST. — Sixteen years' ugo Washingtoni anisra was nnito prevalent, and wo know that more good was effected by its "moral suasion" than ever has been, or ever win be, by legislation jag law, Maine law, prohibition and all. The Wash ington Temperance Society," of Lebanon, was nt that time a flourishing institution. On the 22d December, 1841, said society sent out a special committee to ascertain the number of inebriates, or persons addicted to the vice of intemperance, within its precincts. The committee attended faithfully and proMptly to its duty, and in two weeks reported the number us follows :—N. W. District 15; N. L. District 18; S. E. District 33; S. W. District 12; Total 54. The districts were formed by making Market and Cumberland streets the dividing lines, and embraced North Lebanon and the inhabitaets in the suburbs. Here Ives work for the society-84 inebriates to reclaim, as well as to make tee-totallers of many "moderate drinkers." Wonders had already beau performed, —some of the most depraved druukards of the year before Wore 'active ,members of the society, and sober, industriens,and prosperous citizens.— Many remained such; and those now among us owe the difference between what they are and might have been to the "Washington Tem perance Society." Others, 501110 of whom have gone to their long home, and some still in our midst, aro none the better for their temporary reclamation. The few "white sheep" are the ex ample, the fruits of the humble Society, and vin dicate its efficiency ; while the thousands of dol lars expended for legislation on the subject; the time lost thereon, and the rigorous provisions of its laws, have failed, as yet, to present a single ex ample of a drunkard reclaimed. Nay, not one -oven temporarily: For Mc Adrcrligrr For the Advertiser Man Drowned,—Susrlctots.-•-A man named Hugh McCune, the keeper of a boarding house on the line of the Lebanon Valley Railroad, wad drowned in the lock of the Union Canal, near Hammelstown, on Monday evening of last week, under circumstances waranting the belief that he met with foul play. He loft the shanty in the af ternoon for the purpose of obtaining provisions at Hummelstown, intending to return in the eve ning. About 0 o'clock a noise was heard in the vicinity of the lock, and upon the persons look ing win, heard it, nothing could be. seen. Short ly after, however, the noise was repeated, and then a man was observed on the opposite side of the canal, who sung out that a man was drown ed. After searching in the lock for half an hour, MeCnnes dead body was drawn out. The stran ger was arrested, but nothing could be proven a gainst him. McCune has resided five or six yrs. in Harrisburg, and leaves a wife and 3 children. "Melitz."—The number of delinquent Militia men in Lebanon county, for the year 1857, arc 2171. The number of Uniformed men in ditto. aro 212. Major l.nibieb has in his possession over 310 stand of arms, which any new military companies could obtain. . Fble- lion. VALENTINE BEST, Speaker of the State Senate in 1850, died at Danville, on Wed nesday last, in the 57th year of his age. DANK o' PENNSYLCANIA.—Tho Philadelphia Ledger contains information in regard to the in vestigation into the affairs of the Bank of Penn sylvania, which if correct, places the Bank in a mach worse condition than it was generally be lieved to be. The assets will scarcely cover the liabilities, leaving nothing for the stock-holders. The note holders and depositors will probably he paid in full. The Minnesota election is still undecided. Tho Democrats claim the election of Sibley, fur Governor, by 123 majority; while the Republicans claim the election of Ramsey, by a majority of 12 votes. We are happy to announce the triumphant election of JOEL SPrIZEH, Esq., to the Legislature, by the democracy 'of the -counties of Jefferson, Clearfield, McKean and ilk. This will be agree able news to Mr. Spyker's many friends in this county, and of which Le is, we believe, a native. Lebanen county willt be well represented in the next Legislature; at least three of its members being native born here—Messrs. George, Ebur and Spyker. A Professional Impostor.—The Laneaster•Ea•- press posts a fellow calling himself . Mixer, and representing himself as a Clergyman and Profes sor, as an arrant imposter.' He preached lately in several of the churches of Lancaster, his ser mons, however, ware speedily identified as Melt vine's hest, copied verbatim ! After his, preach ing he is usually in want of money to defray bis traveling expenses. arj,., A convention of Railroad ticket agents was in session at Chicago, last week, and resolved an increase of passenger fare rates about 12 , } per cent higher than the old rates. IfsAvv DAM-ICI:S.—The Jury in the case of Ferdinand Meyer, against the city of Brooklyn, being an action to recover damage for injuries sus tained by him on account of an accident which occurred to, him on the 7th of June last, by which he was permanently injured, has rendered a ver dict in favor of the plaintiff, assessing the dam ages at $7,250. The damages claimed was $lO,- 000. Moyer was driving nionghlushing Avenue with a load in his wagon, when the wheel ran in to a hole', in the street and threw him from the wagon, which passed over him. '7.3..The large rolling mill, at Phoenixville, Chester county, is in full operation, with the reg ular complement of hands. The other mills and furnaces in the same place will resume in a very short time. EXPELLED.—The Allentown Register states that the case of Rev. E. H. Helfrich, to which we re ferred last week, was revived before and under went synedial examination at that place last week, and resulted in his'suspension by an almost unan imous vote.—From the testimony adduced, it was apparent that he most flagrantly abused the sanc tity of the clerical ermine. Charges for straying beyond the parts of peSteral propriety arc also pending against Rev. Simon Gross, of Lehigh County, which will undergo e xamination prior to the adjoinment of the Synod. Tan CaNCERT.—It is of course the unanimous conclusion of our citizens to give the Perscver. once Sax Horn Band and Quartette Club, such an out-turn on Thursday evening as will astonish the maim ! Because wo know that this useful insti tution needs the assistance of , the citizens of our good borough. We can all bear having our pock ets lightened of a few quarters; and come away with lightened hearts. There is no medicine like good music. Our citizens should be on the look out, as no doubt some evil-disposed persons will endeavor to raise a falSe alarm of fire. GOOD EFFECT.—The Ordinance issued by the Town Council, renders pavement walking more agreeable than ever. Some of the pavements, however, are in a dilapidated condition, which has a tendency to check somewhat that bustling throng of promenaders, that would otherwis make their appearance, Sickness of every description hos become very general in our borough, and people are' now not only complaining of "hard times," but also of "hard colds." Keep cool? WILD Duca:3.—A number of wild ducks have been seen in this neighborhood within the past week, several of which have been shot. Look out for a "North-wester," and a shower of wild geese next. Then the "Local Reporter," with a good rifle 'WM prove himself all right on that much mooted subject, the "goose question" Fine sport. THE LEBANON ADVERTISER. , ---A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. BY OUR "LOCAL REPORTER." OR" Oysters have made their appearance, and are ns inviting as lips at a party. They will "go down" much easier than the times. The person said truly who wrote that "oysters and intelligence were much nearer allied than people They seem also to have fallen in price, and we may now enjoy a stew or a roast, spread our ap petite and fancy over a "quarter" fry—"-Thrip-it te-thup ! Court is now in session here, and the stu dents in our "stone-college," in consequence or the hard tittles, would no doubt have no objections to a permanent situation. WAsersm.----A microscope to see the mute-tome that would haul all the Democrats outer Bradford county; also to see the S,OOO majority with which Wilmot would come to the city from the North western counties! Truly "if he :Would hare had enough votes he 4anid iiiivehecu elected." How about the Union that would "certainly carry?" pea" Young America ikengaged in laying in a store of walnuts, chestnuts, tte., fir their especial use this winter. The crops are unusually heavy this yestr,..' Over,coats, Shairls, •te., are in active de mand. In the mean time the "Local Reporter" is looking around fora bargain. ON A Rusn.—One of the amusing incidents at the fire on Saturday evening was the speed made by the Daguerrean Gallery acrossthe street. GOOD FARE FOR HARD Tions.Hln Paris, a man may dine for twopence. in the neighborhood of the Marche des Innocents there is a dertain en terprising Madame Robert, who daily feeds some ds thaw:and workmen, in the oPenJtir, yet shel tered from the weather. Her daily bill of fare is cabbage soup, a slice of boudii OW), a peice of bread, and a glass of wine. AGAIN IN Ommarrox.—The Norristown Regis ter says that Me. Hooven's rolling-mill went into operation again last Monday, and that Gen. Schap is making arrangements to re-connuenee work nlzo- Or- While the times are dull, teeny busincsr, folks are taking advantage of advertising, which has the effect upon their trade of a life preserver, swimming on top of the water. Of course, those that sell the cheapest, advertise in the "Adver tiser." Sped:ma Notices. 4117" nrory person should read the adrartis7mrmt of arindle's Celebrated Magic Compound and Ancient Ja panese Life Pills which appear alternately in another col umn. They are tile twat successful remedied In the World! Try them all be cured. This is to certify that I have WA' hut one :ITO. cation of the MAtne Om on thy fingers, which hare peen drawn from contraction of the cords, brought on by Arm. matism. it was of seventeen months standing. and I inn now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it to alt af flicted likewise. .T. M. FIN FROCK, Ali liolloitais Pi ail cases of , 1431,.'ness, troll cleaning but too Officious friends suggest a variety of rem edies. beware of tampering , with the beginnings of din. ease. Reject everythinr, like experimental Imminent.— Rely upon litilloway's iffils, the medicine of one-ffiurth of the human race, civilized and enrage. which has the Salle tioll of the most scientific, men in Europe, end has been under trial for- a quarter of a century without a single fell rue. All disease which affect the stomach, the bowels.the liver or the lungs, are cured by this great remedy without enfeebling the system by over purgation. The Pills con tain no mineral or corrosive ingredient. Ham RasTonATon.—Prof, Wood ntivertiPa in our col• limns his valuable medicine for restoring hair. and 11.. r the prevention of baldness. he. This remedy has bees used quite extensively, and with great success. Han dreds, nay, thimsands have used it, and arc willing to tes iffy to its efficacy. Read the advertisement—go at once and procure a bottle, and prove its virtue. Our good old told-headed bachelor friends should embrace this oppor tunity to cover their pates with a coat of evil, luxuriant hair.—/ndianupolis Locomoliri. Ala - Candor compels us when considering the wants of the afflicted, to recommend that which i= hest known and tried. and to recommend Dr. J. llostett er's Cfehibrated Stomach Bitters. Wouhl only be adding M Wien' inn! }Wen heralded far and wide, not only by a few isolated certifi cates, but by the people of the land, endars-.1 by the phy sicians and the press, that Hostetter's hitters bar, nu equal in restoring, and imparting health tuenfeelded men. Ladies and children find this medic inn invaltalide in Ina ny of their ills of debility, to which thi!y are suldert. es pecially (Win g the summer Season ; insach CnFeS it ;41 ,, U1a be taken in small quantities before meals. For hale by druggists and dealers generally, every nod by flois- TETTER fi SMITH, 267 Penn at- Pittshtug , EMANUEL Rem NAT. Agent. Nortli-west corner orMarket, null Water streets, Lebanon. feet. 11,'57-lin. .1 • ftf - j• P ?t PROTECTED LETTERS BY R°Y.L. 4 7,72: 6 PATENT Preparal few,. a prr-zeription.,l,‘zir (1,,p-k,,, I)., Philsician Eciraard;narg to tha Chteerz. This inesitethle wu.ii,ina is unfailing hi tLe cure or all those pnincril and it-tugere-Am-,l3,ett,,es to Ivbiels the frionla litmlitation ie. subject. It InaCeraie. nil o%,•eust awl re moves all ok,trueli , mF, iv! a 'STAM:y clue may be r,:iod TO 71.4,1:11.1.4'.1) LA P.:75 It in peculiarly nnited. It will, in a 1.1.0 rt time, ruing en the monthly period with regolarity. Each battle, price Ono !loner, bear• the Gorernmoni Stamp of Great Britain, is pielettt counterfoils. These Pills should not be takes bu females dsriss the FIRST THREE 1110.T7'1IS of Pregaamey. os Ike? art sure Is briny os; Miscarriage, but at auk other time they ere safe. In all cases of. Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Hack and Limbs, Fatigue coa alight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other moans have failed, and although a. powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. C : Full directions accompany audit package. .Sole Agent for United States and Canada, JOB bIOSES, (Late LC. Naldwin C 0.,) Rochester, N. Y N. 8.--$l,OO and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au rhorized Agent, will insure a bottie of the rills by return I For sale by Dr. ROSS, opposite the Court thlitgi',, Lebanon, Pa.. sod by all respectable Druggists throughout the United States itud*Canada.; also by Harvey birch, Reading-, Pa. October 7,1857-Iy. Religions *Mice's. English Preaching next Sabbath morning' and Ev.ming in the Methodist Episcopal Church. German preaching next Sabbath morning and evening in the Emanuel's Church of the Ev. Assoemtion. . _ . The meeting will be protracted during this week— preaching every evening. Religious services in Salem's Lutheran Church, en next Lord's day morning, in the German language. The Lord's Supper will be administer.] in the Reform ed Church, next Sabbath meriting, in the German, and in ! the afternoon in the English language. Preparatory see. vices connected with confirmation, will be observed on Saturday morning in the German, and intim afternoon in i the English language. Preaching also on Saturday awl Sunday evenings. English preaching next Sabbath morning and evening in Zion's Lutheran Church. - 111A , RIRIED, On the let ult., by Rev. John Strine,Moses Shark, of North Annvilte, township, to Missltlaria aga:dens Kohl', of Bethel township. On the 10th ult., by the Caine, Mr. George Mick, of Jackson, to Miss Maria Ann Yoder, of N. Lebanon. On the 25th ult., by the Rev. J . S. Reined:a of Lids, Mr. John Oswald to Miss Mary Ann ltornberger,lictli of this place. On the 10th ult., by Joseph Coover, ltsq., Mr. John Wag ner to NW Anoints Helder, all of Jackson township. On the 21.0 utt4 by C. P. Miller, leq., Mr. Jacob N.:in ter, of Fastßollover, to Misslltiry Keens, of Union tp. On the 20th August, by Rev. J. Y. Ashton, Daniel Me. Kinney to Anna Miller, both of North Lebanon. On the let September, by the saute. Mr. Samuel Shiner to Misit Susan Hanscom, both to North Lebanon. - • On the 20th ult., by the some,. Mr. John B. Smith to Miss Catharine Kiseedditti;'both of Cornwall. On the 20th tilt.. by the Nov. 5. W. Kremer, Mr. Jelin A. Bowman, of Cernwall tp., to Miss Mary MILT, of'S. Anliville tp. this county. • • Rp the Rev, IL S. Miller, Mr. John IL Fritz to Miss Ma. lincht Burkhart, both of Rehrersburg. By the same, Mr. Also . loth Webber, of Schuylkill Ha vett, to M. Susan M. Stotyveri of:Lebailon. DIED, The 2,1 Olt., in Jonestown, Maria Oeistweit, wife of .Ta cob 0 eistweit, aged 68 years, 8 months and 22 days. The 7th ult., in Jonestown, Anna Lehman, wife ofJohn Lehman, aged 75 years, 2 months and 20 days. The 13th nit., in Union township, Jacob, son of Freder ick Hassler, aged 1 year, 1 month and 13 days. Oa the 25th nit., of Typhus. Feveroit the residence of John Graybill, near Shnetrerstown,, , MoSes Long, son of Mary Long, of Dayton 01410, agett44'years. In Lebanon, on the 211th, ult., Andrew James, son of James and Mary Ann Young, aged 10 months and 14 d'S. In Lebanon on the 28th ult., Ottroline Emma, daughter of John awl Elizabeth Hipp, aged 7 months and 18 days. On the 30th lilt., in this borough, Mrs. Mary 0., with of Jacob Schwartz, aged 54 years. 'On the 17th ult., in this borough, Zift:s. Cathaiine dray. aged 76 years and 1 day. - The Lebau, [ ty,6lll . ti Corrreteit 1,E,11.1.1'0N. Extra Family Flour. j 7 Extra Flour el 00 Es Ira See per. PlOO r, AOO Supertitto It. Elonr, 600 Suporllaii Flour. 4 76 Prime Whirr Wbrat, I 20 Primo Esc: Wilma, 12U Prime nye, 70 Corn. 40 Oats, Cloimr-meal, 7 00 Tineol.hy.ser,i, 2 50 Flax Nerd. 1 00 'Drivel Apples. bu.. 1 Oil Drivil Apples, pealed, 1 60 Potpie "Anitz." 251) Pearl) “Hulzels," 12$ Cherries, 150 Unions, 50 oat Markel. Idr f j NOV. 4. 1157. 1 1 01:60e,,, 1 1 , Eggi. id.o., 14 6611 IT, 16 inn!, .10 1 1 :1116w, 10 liam, 14 .'Thoulders, 12 'l:':l4:3w 12''''.41 Whitt, nagg, 5 Nlixed Rags, 2 Flax. 12% 1111:4110s, 1 6 1, 40 eflaburs. 1.1),, 1 1 2 W 001,10,11%, 40 Saul) beans. TA qt., (1 Vinozar, TA gal, 12% AppluSt atter, FS crock, 45 The Philadelphia Market. Er.Pir A, °VTOL= 26, 1557. Ercadstuffs exhibit little or no alteration to-day iu price or demand, and about 400 lbs. of Flour only have been die - posed of to shippers, mostly fancy Ohio extra, on terms kept private. Com: mon superfine is quoted at 55,25a5,37A per bbl., with but few sellers at the further figures; the re ceipts and stocks continue light, and the local trade is being supplied at from $5.37 up to VT per bidd for common to extra and fancy family brands ; a sale of 300 bbls. Penna. Meal was made at $3,50 per bbl., Rye Flour is scarce and wanted at $4.2511 bid., but there is no stuck here. Wheats come in slowly, and prime lots meet with a lair demand at, $1.25 @51.27 for fair to good red, and $1 30 to $1.35 for white, at which rates about 3,000 bushels have been Laken in store and afloat. Corn is wanted, and Solliei 4;000@5,000 bushels old Southern were disposed of at 71. c. for yellow, mind 72e. for white, afloat, establishing an advance, Oats are unchanged; sales of Southern have been made at 32e. and Pennit..Bl 33c. Rye is setlirug lit the distilleries at 75e. for Penn Sylvania. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Sirzetaellevl; A Dom a fortnight sinca, n pair of SI FCT.t- CLr3nor lit or mislaid. The tinder will be suit ably rewarded by leaving them at this office: Lebanon, Nov. 4, 1657. New Slag - e, Line Between Hummelstown and Middletown (IN and after the 15th inst.. the cub..a_ s . El'El' . ecribers will run e Daily Stage Line -. I,twecn IfnunneLtown and Middletown, .• connecting with the cars on the Lebanon Cali 'y Railroad on the arrival awl departure of the: same at /litturneit“ town. They al , io keep a LIVERY STABLE at Middle- LAvn for the accommodation of the public. Good horses and all kilt :4 or convoyonee,!. Nova:fiber 2, Itsl. DEILUVF C3JUITJRY ?Egli) of ice. XTOTTCE VE , hereby given that on applieatiou has been . 41 made to the l'onddent, :Mat:agars a nil etanimny of the Ilts. II 1) A U TURN:MK ROAD for SEW CER TIFICATES for TWO SHAH ES of STOCK in said Compa ny, nunthered 204 end 2(15, lately held by Jacob 11. %Veld man, 1441.. deceased, and transferred to him in.the Trans. for Book of sal l Company. by F. A. M. !relater, one of the Executnrs of the hest Will and Testament of J. S. Holster, deece,ed, the stove I.4dani. ELIZA hrill C. W hIDMAN, InJitnitT If. C01.301.1.1N, JOAN W. ULRICH., Adm'rs of the hi'f ate of .Theun It. Wrdax.mq, Lebattou, Nov. PHILIP F. McCAULLY, rash ionab ie Boot anti Shoe Ala kei elinegrland Aired, one floor Bast rtf Black Iforce 8"..dc1. •-•. • TIM SnbAcribfu• t1e,41,4 to inform no public that he lola upew.4l as abovt. , _ wb.n..-, it^ is p,,,,,,:1e ,. etl to execute Ordarti of 8.1,a6 and : 4 11 . 3Eti, of the - finest finish and style, if not superior, toany here tofofo offered to the public. New Fall and Winter Stork!. Ito has just returned from the city with an unrivaled assortment of the latest FALL and ',MM.: STY.I.,FiS of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Sze., AT., for Imdica, Gmtlemen awl Children. Rsory lowly is inriteti to es?! sot? exam inc. 4.; thou. licA-. 4., 1857. SplesAllid r. 439 CHEST NWT R KET, Pill LA DELPHLI! Tao Original Gift Book Store 13YANS NVO illferel arid the public, 9,3 that he has removed his T a tar (lift Book Store and publishing Home to the splendid store in Brown's iron U. 439 C:tout street, two doers below FilthAtlicre the purchaser of each book will eeeeiVe one of the fu,atw fug _gifts. valued at from cents to 6'1.10, cousin m' pf Coda Watches, Jewelry. , tnti 'Nonni 5541 Patent English Lever Vold [Fetches, $lO.OO each. Patent Anchor do. do. 55 00 . _ . 400 Ladies' Gold Hatches, 12k. mows. 25 00 li 1.500 iiiilver Lever WatelivA, Warranted, 15 00 " 500 Parlor Tillospieees, 10 00 " 500 Cameo Sets. L 4,11. Droll 3 1.4111 PIUS, 10 00 " 500 Ladies 1In1:1 Brae:gets, $5 CO tol2 00 . 5)0 (lento rest Chides, 10 00 " 1,0.10 tiolg bwkote. (lails , sizo floulgo case) 800 " 2,000 Gob) I,x:it:l F., (SIIISIi 'ion) • 8 00 1.000 Uold Pencil Cases, with [lola Pens, 500 " 1,000 Extra Gold Pens, with eases and lwithirs, 10 50 2.500 (told ) , ;11 , 11,4, (L. 114,a) 250 " 2.ii00 lot,) I'en. with Silver Pencils, 250 " 2 500 Isalliesills:10 Pens, witli eases, , 150 " 0,500 Gold 1101,:i. (bathos) 100 " 2,000 Gent's Kehl Kings,2 75 " 2,500 Ladies Oolsi lireastbins, 250 . 2,500 ..risses* Geld Breastpins, 150 " 3,020 Pocket Knives, i 5 " 2,000 Sets Gent's Gad, Bosom Snare, 3 01) 0 2,lmi dtt. do. Sleeve Buttona,* 300 . 2,0n0 Pairs Nur Drops, 250 0 8,000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 500 " 15,000 Ladies' Jet or Mosaic Pins, 500 °• 2,500 Ladies' Caine. Shawl and Ribbon Phl.3, 350 0 5,000 Fetridge's indin of a Thousand Flowers, 50 EVAN'S near Catalogue contains all the most popular books Of the ally, 11.711 the newest publications, all of which will be sold as lota' as can be obtainedat tither stores. A complete Cil.battit, of books omit free, by application thee' the mail, by addressing G. U. EVANS, 430 Chestnut street, ladel in. 44 — Agents welded to PVCrY town in the United States. Those desiring so to act can obtain full particulars by ad dressing as above. N.l3.—lit consequence of tho money crista. end unmet.- oils failures, the snliseriber has been enable &to purchase from assignees an immense stock of hooks. embracing ev ery deparknent of litcrature,at-prize's %Oath will enable hint to give :pen worth of the above gifts on every $l.OOO worth of books sold. irlir-An extra Nob:, w;th a girt, will be sent to rub son ordering book: , tobe gent toom , ttibir:,&!, by Elese. bird fvr a Ntalvgur. November 4, 1F.51. Lebanon Valley lit ail-Road. rrpir 'tem — = Fall and Winter Arrangement. rv: AND Arrzit 1111 DAY, OCTOIWIt 1201,1857. a ' N J PA: 4 BV.NUEIt TIiAIN will Icavu Reading daily (ex cept Si .lay=,) at 10.20 a. la., arriving at Lesvos, at 12:0 noon. Returning will leave Lebanon at 3.30 p. m„ arriving at Reading at 5.10 and canneeting with Melding Rail road Passenger Trains for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Elmira, and Niagara Falls. Evm , -11Thvecil Reading and 'Lebanon 0.85 and .70 eta. Slag,:ls run in connexion vrith these trains tw•twern Leba non and Ifarrisbrirg---Ratst .?..1.,450; also from Lebanon to Jonestown and Selneiferstinra: Ire All Vicauermeru will purchase their lieketu before the TrlkiliA ftp.,. A FREIGHT VIM N leavim Reading at 7 a. in., and rernrn from Lebanon at .1.2. a p. in., daily (eae.rpt Sunday s.) uotiihrr 10, IS4. C 4. A. NICOLLS, Sap'L UCH 11_I UN l:! CO 11E A LI, Give us a Call at the Golden Sign of HENRY & STINE t zt.;, JUST RECEIVED, a very . iarge , and splendid of Ik b ALL & IN I hi., ( t ?tlDs, wipth ; 4 1&i - A^.;lllrore purcluted at the loxmlt.Cmhpricea,und will ` , tiAiliilt.,tre sold at unusually low p r i ces ,, for cas l,, or hi ei change for country onklpoc. Their dock consists in part of the following, MT 00018, Lmitere DITSSOIKKL , , French Merinoes,Cobunts, Parametta Cloths. Lustres, Ducats, all-Wool Do- Laines, Monello DektineK, high ei,lored Wool 01111411i11116, tin endless variety of p r i o t o . he.. Se.. which arc offered at very low prices by HENRY & STINB. Silks! Silks! Silks! Jut received, a splendid iiiisortnient or rich black, plain and strird Drew 811Icii. Also. extra rich plain and striv ed fancy; all Me rip , ! Call and sere at the dlOap store of HENRY S.' SINE. Shawls! . Shawls! Shawls! . Just opeurd,a 4plendid Assortment of Lug Shaw State, Tliibet, 7alstc and Caney, plaid, Stella, all colors, Chenille, and a variety of others, which {lra selling tiff fast, cheaper than the chetivek, at the A a r e o f 1t!N1tl C STINE. Domestic Goods—Cheap ! • - • 'Just Rennived—Mmlins. Chuck; Giunlifazns , Flannelg, Canton Flannels. Ticl: ;r,A, and a variety of others. which are offered at minced priees, ENRY & StINE. • For Men's Wear .Thstr,o4 ved, a large and apl inlhlasamtment of French and English Cloths. at all pa-Ices. Also, plain, black (ut fancy C.44.-WilliereB.' Fre7lol 'arid side stripes, Zi!ttlinetii,. Kentucky Jeans, Viaitingn„aTt a vnade4 ty of ether Gnu& for Boys' and Men's Wear. Vlach are offered low by HENRY STINE. ' Now's the time to buy cheap Goods ItE N E have .)nu opotain their Fall and Who tor Flock of Goods, and their tnisertniont of Fresh !loco. RIES and guEENswA RE cannot be amp:wised in the Tioroogh of 'Lebanon. call turd exantino, at the more of lebanon,Oet. 25, '57. HENRY S; STINE. Read y de C stgl 'CU AS OYBRCOATS, Sack Coats, Frock Coats, Pants and Vefftl3. all colors and nll prices„Mst received and otremd at such prices as Imo already induced many' to purObase. We defy competition on tteady-rn a d, Cl o thi ng . For cheap Coats, Pants and l'ests,3 all at - HANKY .& STINE'S 'STOWS% . I,:olianon, October Zd, 1857. Al inallianS. • if !. WALTZ & tiOMEI, bay , lind fate, eived a 7; , :: . lorgg 41 , ,i01111:£.110 of Allnazin4n n 14101 titer 1 7 * *" 1 1,4 , are pcerored to sell WholonalC and Retail. Among 4 item wtil be huno— Th, Nt.NV :tooling Almanac, EngliAt and aerl4l4l:l 1,1444,41. , r to - 411,1 ikritlit 11 tIIIITI 410 " American do " City St: Country, 4h " - U. 'S. do " (treat Wo3tern, do " Lutheran. do Lebanon, October 28, Uri' VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AT PUBLIC SALE WI 1.1 . , 1)6 1 , 01,1 noblio sale. on SATURIM.Y, the 14111 day of NOVI:3111E1i, 1857. at I.lm public hone of ADAM HAAR . . in Ulu Ilurongh of lA:Ninon, thin following Ile eirable 1101 LOIN(1 I.O'lT, 24 KS3I.IAO V: Oh 1'11.:(4E: OI[OU\D. sitimte in tin, aforesaid Borough: 10 Building Lots, Ilessuage or Piece of Ground, adjoining and fronting on the Lebanon Valley Railroad on the South. lands into of.larob B, Weidman, deed., on the East and West, end —.Street on the ,Torth, containing TWO AORES, , be the same more or less. "This 111nastaige is sithate one square west of Plank Road Street, in one of the nfostdesirableictrts of the Borough fir Building purpose and has born divided into and 'Mal out in ?EA' Suitablii and thoranii , nt Briekling Lots—nine fronting 30 feet and one:37;feet ou Ifarbesoimu . reot on the East. running back IEI fiat to au Alley, mud will he sold in the Whole or Lot4;ms pirrehiMers. . Kiy - -Any IWV:iolllkAirillg to have a, pleasant and Meath fill home in this Duuth, will not regret a view of the above mulled premises. For information and draft or 'mis call upon the undersigned. , Cie _The terms for tho.,ale of the foregoing premises,wil i be made known on the day of sale. Sale to cominence at n o'clock.. P. 31. Lebanon, Oct. 21, 'U. RANO EL II ARBESON. and fiet!! CARPETS Cal:petal Oil Cloths! Oil Cloths! llaskotsl itasiVits!Carpot Carpet Chain! had "Feathorst Bed Iroathersl Cofa Brooms? Corn Brooms! Rand Brixosl alai a variety of other (.100(6, riti:eiVed awl daily risiolvini by lloward F CI). - 14 Eapiassi r which will he s i , i dt":tr by If EN It IT STI N ll= G'lll.ll , llV. DALY, INLymi.F.T S'rt tnT,opppsite the Leb anon Bank. Nvoul.l rf., , p , xtfally inform the Citivms Lebanon amt vicinity', that he stilt ermtbrnenbiB Shaving 4' Hair Dressing Sa7acin, :ma ix prepared to to busineiN in the hheate t and best style, and would licit all to give Liza a trial. Lebanon, Oct. '2l, LSS7. i~ sPE e. '. 113.N0N DINN, PA.I • October 19, 1857. A. GEN]OtAL MIMING of the Stoei".lBtilers of this zit the Banking Molise, on Tues day, 6rertil:cr d, 1537, (the day of annual nieetine.) of 10 o'clock, h., fur the purpom of taking into emedderation for acceptance or non acceptance the pr. - A - Wow; of Act of 1::t1z Octebdr, 1807, as required by the 7th section of said Act. Ity order of the Hoard of Otrocicts. Lebanon,. Oct 21, '57. E. A. UHLER, twuer. Great CrOwds---Low Pric.toz. meraing, last week% an a friend ,oul mypadf, were lei.'mruls ottt Market Street, and e n arriving near tile corner of - ffullford atreat. ottt attention trait at iracted to a large crowd of Ladles—and nearly all of wheel. Were prOVkieil with lore market 16;kets, and others with satchels hanght„ to their ;ulna, and were eel intent, WltttU the. eame ohject. Upon hepilry the ilvand that in the Mansion I Come, on tin, c-'-. ii, iok rf Lc ~.- ~......d.- -„-K., ...) , ...,i. , ,, , -. .•!„1.1- ; .; .. $1 ,...-- 4 , - 77 .. • It, . v. , , 5 •X:., Z.': rFI4-:` - ‘-: . " 0, , ,. , 4--- ~ ' lili' WA. ,4 . 1 : - . '',,.":: , i ~ .. -- - -- - - - 21.‘1 *- : --111- •_ -- ""=."7": ' ' - HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Illett•LATl TO THE tiirli.—The first horpilal Fur glean, mat uurlirinal pnl , lirhdr of i nrope admit the unparalleled anlirinthumnetory end heeling properties of thief giant.; goverutnen's its tire in their naval and the nia,a,.i;; - try nintlhrougholit ihe simrh; rop6,„ . denel iu its ear:give properties, I t 1,1,•tra,,1 hqsr,nr. CeS of inn:1111111;1116n n : the extarintl arldeneer or. 1;41 n , :ttrnti,, , the tery 'etilente which feed and, tho niehaiy. ft/ICU/7M Win:, Scayilin, Erysipelas. , . Theße are IMIOITZ the 111,7“- ;0..1 easei. of the Inio,le.s. the I:fe7hy f;:e, awl s vv., in thoirWk - rrt, forms; inyztrinbly disappear raider II if...a:M . 4 , 1TV.; il5ll Of titi4 topain and Salt. Rheum, Fen . r Sores, St; . ff Joints. Sn en ca-e, of t , alt Rheum, whore reollval 'waters, tione. 1131 d oven rPeipe Or 1114: • 1 1 harmeeep. ea have proveFl - useless. the OinteeeLt nieree,fh Fever Sow heel quickly tvrWer itr inT:llee , .,e. anti its n o - InXing effect evem 1 7, 4, 11trad , d wonderful. Discharging; Ulcers A most eennnliatio and happy el ,::•m Is reed:wed in the appeeeenee nitaNna llt i fI!W :111,1iC11. i'Ar , of this Ointment. The envreniniit,p; n-en, , , yen 'sties. and .; - zeinnle4 oI nealthy ne:11 Leedia In tali., the plare of flit: di;,-hat•' g ' - 0 tql wore Dr less rapidly until the orih-e is flied up whi t sound material. 211:d tit Weer re:l,lly (t;ted. A ITTord to ilJother•s The young. are the niast fro:11.1,11i ,offerers front ex tern:o inbaiee.and therefr , re e:ery inel her 61 odfifl have thia healing preparrtiett:l , :a;loy 4.,:cat z te spedlt,, for temay,-, the tqwrtt,Letl iintet:niva ditlignre the heady faces of children. S.'ilrnificant Fur.•t,^, • This Ointment M asedmi honed the A Item lie and Peritie iv hither irt a, a I•Ure the seminal, Mlle, Lions, nod fIA the be, t. fOr and bruises. Lode smmlies It beer re.e..l is been ordered by the Sultan or Turtwy pee uses. tr , ,lleil3 the Olillment :suet 1111 , ~, h odl I be used le the followbis unses: Mermarial S . :et-OM:01411de, 111.1;1A, ,S-tre ChapplA Ifonds, ChitbbkinS, Fistnle, Felt Chime:, (lout, 'ones 61: oil kind ~ Lumbago, IV, v.:, or the .!.larinf,e:t , ry Pron , ts , ..r I I eli , rwny.. , t gahlen Lane, New Yr tic. and hy ull re..peeni"nle Drug tf,ist, nal Dtalent. divine ihr.n.,,hent. ILc I.:nite.+l 'States anti the eivilizeti Wi , Vid. ill itt (Pule. niel Dr. Wesley arin,lid's rELE6::ATED Nag COL'n,p4bs2:ad t PaimOaa:T " V4/1, Al,o,nn ~fr,-,tnn llys'prpFin. Chr:rin N,nrd,•; , . and nil Iti , M 1.1 - 14FM . 0 stnn, of fro—Prinrilnd 14:1.7. No. :4 W street, Nev.. tenors ntnyt 1;0. 111,0 010.11 01, 111111011 10:,0 1 1 1,!10:1 , 101i - 11, 00 1 i the polite art: v” ogsie , t :;tr imposi tion, of any person , wino., sotette l sltnt rtotri,a, att. - stria wooderf.:l i:emedy dee , in'-r, to 1,1;5•1 e. !na man suffering than 011 p r hem the greatest sale ,of any ramik•itet the w or ?.l for Pul monary Complaints ; front .tretne to the intet retired dwelling, of Ore;zon. or wherever consurilition btknown, it thlilS U. , ' way, varr± log health mei joy into thousands of families. Patients, the I.:pro:tug :tau:Ali:ea of hope enny note be re:Ai:cal: for flit: rmu.siy nc.t only Isdieves, bat floss ICITALLY CUP 111111: Hilt ONE trill will surely prior the curt Dr, not ;all it ear ly grave, when a sure remedy is at hand. Take Cod Silver Oils. Cherry syrup, cherry Peciorald, Inhalation of Vapors. and 311 other puffed nostrums for this disease; tat:obi:tit all their virtues into one. and we ShiSilitl not have a rtllledy 1021,h wcold , at all. compare with this. Put all those men ttere Lb, who hove hceome notorious by advert isin g . that they eau cure cum, uun ption , arid they cantata produce cur many 1:1:11. their tubule lifetime as we ran fornislt in onv month.— This may 'oak like hansting. Mat it is the solemn truth The mediehte is in a powdered state. but readily pre pared for tiring in a liquid form, ccrording to the dire , atom which accompany` it. made bY Datil and express,— Less than halt domen hoses are usarilly sent by mail.— Half dozen boxes cr more are usmdly sent hy vepres: , , if there be a direct express line; if not, they are sent lip mail, in a number of packages. Plaots.—One box.: 00: three Loxes, ordered td one time. On half dozen, $ll one di nton. or any number greater. $d tilt a lox. The postage in the tiOiti :-_ , ratett. not over 0110 1, lift ateet id , a beg TO all ca,es the amount should be inclesed itt nreeNy nr sAampt.- Wu are repensiltle 'lx all moneys sent us by mail. JOSIAH ii. Dravi",. Onto partner of Dr. Wesley Grinille.) t,oltt Propri etor, to whom al I traitors noo4; 1,0 addressed. A Is°, P roprietor t.tfhl dle's Ancient and Celebrated Japan ese Life Jtilia. [ziept. Vi-eow. LOOKING GLASSES. , G. W. 111frewces, UTOLESALE AND RETAIL Mauttracturer of Ornamental and Plain Guilt Looking Glass es, Portrait and Pieture Frame: , of every style; a large stock of the above always on hand, which I will sell from 10 to 15 per cent. then any other establishment in the city. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, &e. Old work reguilted, the. A liberal , lise , mnt to the Irene. ' W. ItEWE No. 154 North 201 street, below Iteee, ire,t ,hte April 20, 1557.--4 m. Phildl- Oil No , 102 LEIVIE3 - Eltilt,:iT:'e', 7 ,l l S Cloth Araluffactory IIIANKFUL for past favors. the undersigned T informs the public, that he con tinues his manufactory in 1;,.',0=.t Hanover, Lebanon county, on as extensive a scale es ecce. It necessary for him to say ntorn than that the work will be done in the SUMO eNcellent style which has made his work and name so well known to the surrounding country. 110 promises to do the work in the shortest possible thee. The Mann file-Wry is in complete order, and he flatters him self to be able to render the same satisfaction as heretofore. He man ufa e t arcs Bread and Narrow Cloths, Cassinets, Blankets, Wiiito and other Fl9.nrials, All finished in the best manner, mid st reamon able prices. He also eards Wool Owl maiies Por the convenience of his customers, wool and cloth will be taken in at the following places : At the stores of George & Shellentuirgor. Looser Brothers, Shirk & Tice. and George Iteimehl, and at Guilford & Lentherger's New Drug store, in Lebanon ; at the stores of Shirk &, Mirk'', and Smumel U. Shirk, in North Lebanon borough Samuel Goshert, Bethel tp.; the public house of Win. Earnst, Frederickslinrg ; Samuel E. Bickel's store, Jonestown ; George Weithno n's store, Bell view ; Melchior Reichart. 2 miles from Palmyra; Martin Early's store, Palmyra ; Gatiriel Wolfers bergor's store, Palmyra lending-; Michrel Shirk, East Hanover, Dauphin county ; at the attics of Mr. Eby, and David M. Rank, East Hanover, Lebisnon county. All materials will be taken away front the a bove places, finished without delay, and retaiztetl g. 1 Unmet of his customers who wish to have Stoek ing Wool carded, dyed and in fixed, can 1e ,t Wool (white,) at the obove meld hmed plaecs, with directions how they wish it prepared. tit his.:custinner:s can order the stocking-wool to by made from the undersigned's wool, which svP . done, and left at the desired pla e o. is desired that 1,,_ . „,h0 , carded, will pay the cur!, named pluees. East, 11 sourer ' 'ori; 111 il7 Iki.e:t4. iot:, e lltteils, !t 1.0 1 ) - IA %tortls fr • " ;'ti . cC ;iia ie ltWrL n Npea '29 :0711) - • Ei Sore itreasts, Sure ll<:ids. I= np Flo of ao