--- PRATT & BUTCIIER'S MAGIC OIL. oCoDOLLARS REWARD will he paid 9 for any medicine that will excell this for the following diseases, viz Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affections, 'Contracted Joints,Cholla Pains, Pains in the Side or Back,leadnehe, Toothache, Sprains, S ' ore Throat, uts Bruises , Burns, and all dis_ eases of the Skin,Artrsaes, and the Glands. None genuine without the signature of Pratt St Butcher attached to each label. For sale 'Wholesale and Retail, at Guilford Jr. Lemberger's Drugstore, Lebanon. [June 3,'57.]y. Darius J. Seltzer, ATTORNEY AT LAW, irIPFICE, in Cumberland Street, nearly opposite V itrua's Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Aug. 26,'57. LEVI .77.7E7 Er, ' DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WlLL A ttond to all his official business; also, nll other legal and professional business en "trusted to him will he promptly attended to. Orrrcir—ln Cumberland street, second door east from Market st. [Lebanon, July 22,'57. ISAAC HOFFER, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, fiIIFICE In Cumberland street, opposite the V "Eagle Hotel," Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, April 22, 1857.-Iy. Latityclite Brower, GAS FITTER, adjoining A. S. Ely's Oilice,Wal- U nut street, Lebanon, Fa. A largo and beau tiful assortment of Fixtures from the well-known establishment of Cornelius & Baker, always on hand at Philadelphia prices. tu. All work warranted to give satisfaction. An orders will bo faithfully executed on the most reasonable terms. te,.Tbe bostof reference given. [Lebanon, Sept. 16,'57. REMOVAL. DV. WM. M. GUILFORD has removed his Of fice to his now redidence on Market Street, a row doors Noi th of 'Labor S Oyes' Store, and be tween it and the Now Lutheran church. Lebanon, Doc. 10, 1836,4. Water Cooler for Sale. .BEAUTIFUL WATER COOLER, large rise, entirely new, can be obtained cheap at this It is just the thing fur a landlord or store . [Lebanon, Sept. 23/51. oth e. koegor. To Printers. AGOOD WASHINGTON PRESS, of middling size, is offered for sale,ot this Office, very Amp. The pricte is $OO. $003.0 For Sale. ASecond -bowl Steam ENGINE, 10 bursa pow er. It is to be sold to make room for one of a larger aim Apply to A. MAJOR A; BROTHER. Lebanon, July 1,1337. - - HAMS SHIOULDEIIB • quivs, Whitefish, :ilitelcorel, herring, 'Meese, Vinegar, Tobacco, &gnu,Feedine•Sc. fur sale by J. ILEISNZIL Lelemen, July 30, 1836. Leather, Leather, Leather! lIENRY W. OVEIIigAN, Importer of French Cnlf fiklns, and general Loather Dealer, No. 6, South 8d ttruct, Philadelphia. A general lusertinent of all kinds of Loather, Moroceos, &a., Rod Oak Solo Leather. Foh. 25, 1557.--ly. NWood 14Vood fflaerrlE undersigned, residing in North Lebanon, IK, Borough, offers for saki cheap, 000 or 700 Cords (estimated) good Wood. It may be seen at "Fin nigan's dam," on the Union Canal, nem. Jones town. [may 27,'57. DAVID BOYER. To Persons about to Visit PHILADELPHIA! TRY the new WESTERN HOTEL, ius Market street, below fttll street. Eve sa a ry attention given. with a desire to 111 please. Boarding $1 per Day. A, M. HOPKIN.S, Proprietor. anly CA II P ENTERS WANTED. 000 D JOURNEYMAN CARPENTERS I 41 wanted immediately trt the Steam Planing Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None but the best of hands required, to whom liberal walos will be :siren. Apply to BOAS, UASSER, S UETTLE. Lebanon{ Feb, 18, 1857.—tf. P. G. WIKEL. Bricklayer and Jobber, Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Pennia. AM prepared. at all tittles, to put up Brick Work, in all its branches, and on the shortest notice. Also, DUCK BUILDING'S. BUI TAMS, Inn-wails, Bushes, Hearths, and all work connect ed with a Purunee done. 27:1 4 :-.A gang of Stone Masons always ready to put down rountiations, and do stone work of every description. July 1, 1.11.57.—tf. P. G. WIKEL. FARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! A NEW FIRM! Xu North Lebanon Borough. NEW ,PRICES! 1.00 000 BUSH 00 ELS V HEAT. 100,0 Bushels RN f. 3. 100,000 Reshels CORN, 100,000 Bushels OA Ts, Clover Seed, Flax Seed, Timothy Seed, fur all which the highest tuttrket price; in cash will ho paid by ROFFMAN, IMMEL L Co. North Lebanon, July 20, 'l7—tr. CLOCKS. Tit irty Da y, ;,e 1E i it t Day 3 • Thirty Hour, CLOCKS, ; 1 Just Received at J. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon, Pa. WATCHES AND JEWELRY ANOTHER NEW LOT OF WAITHES AND JEWELRY JUST RECEMEO BY J. W. ACKER, In Cunwerland street, next door to Dr Lineaweaver's. Oct. 22„ NEW CLOTHING- STORE: Market street, between Mares and Rise's Hotels. SS. RAMSEY do CO. have just opened a large . and cheap assortment of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING. Their stock embraces all tho different styles of COATS, PANTS, and VESTS, suitable for the season. •Oeeds of all kinds in thy piece, which will ho . made to order at the shortest notice. Shirts, Under-shirts and Drawers, Cravats, Col lars, Pocket Handkerchiefs., Gloves, Umbrellas, in short, every thing Usually to be found in a gen tlemen's Clothing and Furnishing Store. Two JoutosaYmnx TAILORS WANTED. S. S. RAMSEY J CO. Lebanon, Sept. 23, '57. Tiiew Livery Stable. THE undersigned has establish . o — ' ad a NEW LIVERY STABLE in _ • ) the Eagle Hotel Stables, Lebanon. • -" I i" Ho has good and safe horses, •••. • . images, as may be desired, and earn fel Drivers, which he will hire on -fair terms. He hopes by being attentive to busi ness to resolve a. liberal share of publie patronage. .Apply at the Eagle Hotel or at the Stables. JOSIAH D. DEHUFF. Lebanon, - ang. 'Si. Cebairwit Female Seminary. Tr. THIRD SESSION of the "LEBANON Fe wax, BEAINALLY" will commence the Piret day of September, newt. It is earnestly requested that Parents intending to send their DAtroirra as, ,ahopld do so .tst.the commencement of the Session. LEI3H It. BAUGIIER, Principal. IiSODESTE DPICAMPS,, fretteher of french niicl Ilobanothlitly29, 1867. ja' THERMOMETERS , ..ke.—Persons in MID t or ao aural° and reliable Thermometers, Hand 31irrors Traveling Flasks, China Fanny 'Poi, Jot Bottles ' Puff Boxes", Lubin's and other Chok e Perfumes, Tortoise Shell, Buffalo, India Itubbur and "torn Pocket and Toilet Combs. Fancy her -gar and Ash Stands (a new article.) Call at GUILFORD Sc LEMDERGER'S New Drug, Medicine & Perfumery R'stablisment, Market Street. THINS a MoADAM are ready to ready to accommodate everybody with Doots, shoes, ' -mite and Traveling bags. c k, lair .7.• -,... . • ::::, . I t ' 1 1 111 ' ' IP $ &. . _ . -...—,f. , .-i.- l-er ' , tt Ali r •, ,_,,•,....„ p:tr, t.' 4 . , , AV ~.4 , „ E, - ,....ii .. 1: :- .1.1.7 : i : ilr: R ' ri ---' 1 —ill -1716' - ii>lsl=` , c me iY. VOL. 9---NO. 19. glover's Liquid Hair Dye. alltflE following; from that eminent Physician of Phil _ ndelphia. Dr. Brinckle, aidea to the testimony of, Professor Booth, only confirms what is evidenced by thousands who have used Dover's Dye: apoatt, ROW. ell MIA? 'STEEET,I Philadelphia, December 22d, 1553. .1 "In regard to Dover's Hair Dye, I can slate unhesi tatingly, that it contains no deleterious ingredients, and may he used with entire safety, and with the, utmost confidence and success,. w, p. JOUNCE: LE, M. D. Dover's Writing and Indelible Inks; Are so well and widely known, as to require no eulogy of their merits, it is only necessary to say, that the steady and increasing demand, gives the best evidence that they maintain their character for superiority, which distin guished them whanAirst introduced, years ago. Orders addressed • to the Manufitetory. No. 416 RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. /44.) Philadelphia, will re calve Prompt 15,'55. Manufacturer. Fancy, Furs for Ladies. TWIN FAREIRA & Co., (sew No.)918 Market street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, Importers, 31anufacturers and dealers in Ladies, Gentlemen and Children's FANCY FURS, wholesale and J. F. & Co,, would call the attention of dealers and the public generally to their humus° Stock of Fancy Furs for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children; their assortment embraces every article and kind of Fancy Furs that will be worn during the season—midi as Full Capes, Half Cam, Quarter - Capes, Telma, Vietorines. and Multatees, from the finest Russian Sable to the low est price Domestic Furs. For Gentlemen the largest nssorttuent of Fur Collars, Gloves, Gauntlets, &e.: being the direct Importers of all our Furs, and Manufacturers of them under onr own su pervigoa. lee fro satisfied we can offer better Induce ments to dealers and the public:generally than nay other house, having an immense assortmeutto select from and at the Manufacturers' prices._ net,.We only ask a call. JO ID, rAREIR A & CO.. Sept.lo,'s7-4m. No. Sit Market St., above Sth, REMOVAL. Lebanon Marble Yard.. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public in general that he is prepared to do all kinds Or FANOTAND ORNAMENTAL work at his Marble Yard, in Walnut street, half way between the Court House and Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, at the shortest notice, as good no work done in any city in the United States, end being the only Stone Cutter is Lebanon county who her, served a regular apprenticeship to the business:, he plaices hluaself that he can manatee. turn cheaper, and give a better finish than any other man engaged in the same business. Ills stook consists of Monuments, Grave Stones, Mantels, Cemetery Posts; Furniture Slabs, &c. Also, SANDSTONE of the beat quality for all uses, 1 plain and ornamental. A large assortment of LIME- SWINE tbr all kinds of housework, of any size and quantity. n,, , ,a , Plettse call end examine prices and the stock betbre you purchase elsewhere. JOHN FARRELL. Lebanon, December 10, 1555. N. u.—mirrimiNct done in German and English, by the best practical workmen BULL'S itEcTo ISTU FOR PILES, 'rETTER, RING WORM .N 1) for any Eruption pr Excoriation of the Skin. whether on the head, titre, arms ur other park of the body. Old ulcers or sores, and pimples on the face, may be speedilfenred by the nse of the Ileeto Alisture. To those especially that are suffering from the Piles, we offer a sore remedy. From lice. Enterline, Pastor German Church, Car. Conway and Sharp streets: For the bench t the afflicted, r feel it a duty to state what a blessing a medicine. known by the name of "hull's :Recto Mistma." has been to ate. I have been afflicted with the riles for eight years, during which time I tried toy own remedies, as a practitioner, and many others, but without success. Flaying heard of Mr. Bull's rile Remedy, I tried it ; and though I used but one hulfbot tie, I. rnu soy that I ant perfectly cured. I also used it in a violent rase of 'fetter, which extended over thewhole body, and in less than two weeks it disappeared, and the skin became. clean and smooth. I sttictly adhered to the directions. 8.12t11.1EL ENTER:LINE. Sold, WhuleGale and Retail, by D. 8. Reber, Druggist, Lebanon, vole agent fur Lebanon county. nett2l., .1 1851.-ly. LANDRETHS' .fflgricultatral Ware-honse Nod. South Sixth Street, Avar the State Lfunzie, 9 1•1111. A DELPIO A. r EN - moons of this spacious Wilding% erected express ly for the Proprietors' trade, an. , stored with Eiceils and linploluentA or interest to Fortnum owl Gardeners. .Sixty rears Estabtishcd.--The std,Feribers desire to call the attention orevery one intofesnsl in Farming and Gar dening. to their weil-selected stock of ,Auricultardi implements. and Machinery, Great Variety of linrlicatinrat Made. 'Warranted Garden and ,Phaver Smds, Gross tool Field Reeds of t& 11194 reliable rflialify. The Agricultural implements sold by ua are mostly untuuthetured at our Steam Works, Itristar t Pa. Having fitted up this establishment without regard to rlpsnae, with the most complete machinery, for the man ethetttre of various kinds of Agrieurtaral Itur airmen ta, we are now prepared to supply all articles in this line fully urinal, if not superior, to any thing of the kind ever offer ed to the public. Landitth's ilhrrantsd lr, ralen navo been before the public ftw apwards of sixty years: their wide-spread popularity, ant the constantly increas ing demand from year to year ; is the bet evidence of their superiority Over all others. Country merchants can be mulpika with seeds in pa pers. or hulk, on the most liberal. terms. ISlooriuslate, near Bristol, Pa.. our f :mien Seed grounds, contains three hundred and seventy arres, and is the tar gest establishment of its him! in the world. D. LA spilliTif E 4ON, 0ct.7,'57-3111. Nos. 21 St 23 uutk Sixth Street, Philatin HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 1 , 111 LADELPII (A. Important announcement r 10 all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such ass Spent ut terrines. Somi na 1 Weakness, impute n ce,Gonor. rtoea,Gteet,Syphttis.the Vice of thiatthemor Self.Abuse,&c. The Deward Association, In view of the useful destruc tion of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the de ceptions practised won the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their consulting Sur geon, as a Charitable Act worthy of their carne, to give Medical Adrice Gratis, to all persons thus afflicted, who apply by letter, with at description of thole - condition, (ago, occupation, habits of life, Se..) and in nil Caßt,i , of extreme poverty and suffering, to fgeULth Med icin ex free of ehartie, The Howard association ie a benevolent institution, es tablished by special entimment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with - Virulent and Epidemic Dis eases." It has now a surplus of means, ninth the Direc tors have voted to expend in advertising the above notice. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the roust approved modern treatment, Jest Published, by the Association, a Report on Sper matorrlttea, or Seminal Weakness. the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Alotse, and miler discuses o r th e Sex ual Granns, by the consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope,) free of charge, on the IV -0.110 of two stamps for postage. Address, Dr. Gltla R. CALUGPN, Consulting Surgeon, Iloward Association, N0..2 South Ninth Street, Philadel phia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. ILEARTWELL. Presl. Gao. rAntennA Sees. Etict.7, '57-Iy. Gold, Gold, Gold. nillE greatest offer in gold pens, gold pencils, gold aa♦r chains, and gold watches, ever made. Read the thilowing A Splendid Gold Premium, worth from fire to ono hundred dollars, positively given to nny person who can spare ono day in a week, or ono hour in a day, getting up clubs or subscribers in his own and adjoining neighborhood, for the best and most pop-, nine family newspaper now published. No expense, no outlay, no capital required of agents. An entire new pion Is proposed. by which any person tan succeed in making it a paying business, who will undertake the agency. A private eireular, for the inspection of agents only, with full list of premiums, will be sent to any ono who desires it, on receipt of a stomp to pay return post age. Some agents bare earned a hundred dollar gold watch in one week. Every family should read at least one Newspaper dem New York City, without interfering with their Local Pa pers, which of course cannot and should not, be dispens ed with. But New York being the great eammercial and business centre of this Continent, DO fanner, mechanic, professional man, or merchant, is properly prepared far the emergencies of his calling, unless In is in communi cation with New York City, by means of one of its first class newspaper mediums. Suck a medium is our "LED GER," neutral in polities, but giving all the facts items of news, and thrilling incidents worth knowing through. out the country.., A Valuoble Gift. Each new subscriber will receive with the first No. of his or her paper, one nt tho DOW and beautiful glass point ed indelible Pencils,* just Imported from Europe, and for which we have obtained the exclusive agency for this country. This is the most ingenious and useful improve ment of the present age and Is the only pencil ever made that will write with Ink, making it both a pen endpenejt of the finest 'nullity at the swine time. It will lust for years, and for prnetimil use is worth more than any gold pen in tiro market. For list of premiums and full particulars, address HALL .4 WEST, Publishers, New York City. * These Pencils supplied to the trade at a profitable dis count. • Aug.[ 20,7.4%. A GREAT PANIC ; MAT GOODS SELLING WONDERFULLY 41C111311011E:.1 7 iik_11.. r nu: undersigned are now opening a very large assort.- .1 meat of _FALL and WINTER. GOODS, among which are Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting, Ready-made Clothing, and all kinds Men's and Boya wear. ALSO, all kinds of Coats forLadies' wear, such as blank and fancy silk, Doluines, French Aterino;'Cuburg and plaid Goods, Shawls of all descriptions, Bonnet 'trimmings, &c. Also, a large stock of GROCERIES& QUEIBBSWARB. • *Om Cult at the Bee Htee. — tat LeWrol7Oct. 7 :Vr• OEORGE KLBUENBERGER. LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1857. tyrtry. MY SISVER. Up many flight of crazy stairs, Where oft eno'a head knocks unawares; With a rickety table, and without chairs, And only a stool to knoul to prayers, Mrslls my sister. There Is no carpet upon tho floor, lake wind whistles in through the cracks of the door; One might reckon bet miseries by the score, But who fools interest in one so poor? Yet she is my sister. SW WM. blooming, and fresh, and young, and ildr, With bright bine eyes, and akilaira hair; lint the ruse is eaten with canker cure, And her visage Li mark'd with a grim despair. Such is my sister! When nt early morning, to rear her heat!, She throws herself on her weary bell, Longing to dleep the sleep of theoleml, Yet tearing, front all she has heard and rend: Pity Loy sister. But the bright sun -shines on her and on 111 C, And on mine and here, and on thine and thee, Whatever nor lot in life may be, Whether of high or low degree, Still; she'S our sister,: Weep fur our sister, Pray for our sister, Succour our sister. PistAtirat gitctrtno. THE OUTPOST. A TALE OF FRONTIER LIFE Towards the hitter part of the year Vita, the French, aided by the vast bodies of the Huron and Iroquios Italians, had begun to make themselves very d4agrectible neighbors to the British and American colonist in northern Virginia, Ohi o and the north-west portion of New York State—the l'rench.by their encroachment on the frontier. and the Indians by their forays and savage bar barfly to all who were unfortunate enough to fall into their hands. To put a stop to those aggressive proceedings, numerous bodies, both "regulars" and colonial mi litia, were dispatched to the several points assail ed; and among the rest, a. Col. llenry funes, with a company of thirty men, among whom . were a party of some dozen Virginia riflemen, was order ed to occupy a small outpost, or log fort, which at this period stood within a few miles from the north fork of the Allegheny river. Having arrived safely at their quarters, the lit tle company set about righting op tl;e old pc,st, to make It as comfortable as circumstances would permit; and this being done, and order once more restored, sentries were plated at all the advance points of the station, while the strictest vigilance was both enjoined and exercised by day and by night. Among tho riflemen who bad volun- Mered into the company, was a tall, manly, tine looking young fellow, who from his fatal and un erring skill as a marksman, had received the somewhat awe-inspiring nom de plume of—Death. But with whatever justice this uaniehad been ap plied to him for his skill, his disposition certainly entitled hint to no such terror spreading epithet. On the contrary, he was the life of the company. Ills rich fund of mother-wit, large social pro pensities, and constant good nature, rendering him a general favorite with the men ; while the never-failing stock of game which his, skill einv bled him to supply the mess table of the officers with, not only recommended him to their g ood greens, but caused many a lit le "short coin ing" of his to be winked at and pass id over in si lence, which, otherwise perhaps, he might not have got over so easily, The company had noi been stationed at the fort more than a week, ere Death, in one of his exeer diens for game, discovered that nt a smell fau•ut I house, some three miles or so distant from the fort, there lived a ecru' in Miss tester Stanhope, whose equal in beauty and amiable qualities he had never seen before. And to cinder blot still more certain of the fact; Le coiled the day Mow ! ing, under cover of the pretence of Luring left his powder-flask. Death was invited to come again, by farmer Stanhope, who happened to be from the same par. ish as the father of our hero ; and we need scarce. ly say that the invitation was both eagerly and joyfully accepted, and as often am eir6allitallee4 would permit, complied with. The second week after this occurrence took place, was marked by two events, which, though both affecting the welfare of the little community at the fort, were of widely different degrees initn portanee. The first was that Death had either suddenly lost all his skill as a marksman, or that the game had removed to a safer and more distant neigh ! borhood, for the officers' larder had been found sadly wanting in the items of woodcocks, black ! cocks, ptarmigan, &e., for the'week past—and the second and most important of the two events, was, that in regular succession, four sentinels had dis appeared from the extreme left line, without leav ing the slightest trace to elucidate the mystery of their disappearance. This laSt circumstance struck such dread into the minds of the rest of the company, that no one could be found willing to volunteer to take the post—well knowing that it would only be their own death warrant to do so; and Col. Tunes, not wishing to wilfully sacrifice the lives of the men by compelliwy them to fp, enjoined double caution to tho remainder of the sentinels,, and loft the fa tal post unoccupied for triiiklit, or two. Two or three reconnoitering parties had been dispatched off round the neighborhood in the hope of finding some clue to the mystery or of obtain ing some intelligence of the enemy, bat they had each of them returned as wise as they started, with no reward for their trouble save weary bones. It was on the third night of the desertion of the post, that our hero, Death, was returning to the fort, after paying a visit to Stanhope Forum. The moon was up, but her light was nearly all obscur ed by the dense masses of clouds which at every few minutes were drifen by a pretty stiff breeze over her face; while the huge trees, now in full leaf, creaked and groaned, and bent their tall forms to and fro ; as the heavy gusts rushed whistling in among their branches. Our young hero had approached within a hun dred yards of the termination of the forest that skirted the small open space in which the fort stood, when suddenly he paused, and crouching down on his hands and knees, crept cautiously forward a few paces. Having remained in this position for several minutes ; he again stealthily retreated in the manner ho had advanced : and plunging into the forest again emerged at a point considerably lower than where he had intended to leave it before. Col. Jones sat reading alone in his private apartment, when an orderly entered, and inform ed him that one of the men wanted to speak to him. • • "Send kiln in," said the colonel ; and at the nest minute, our friend, Death, bad entered, and made his best bow to his commanding officer. "Well, what scrape have you boon getting into now?" said the colonel, when he saw who his visitor was. "None, colonel," replied Doath ; "but I am come to ask a favor." "Lot us hear it," said the lacaenel, "and we will see what we can do." „ Well, colonel, it is simply this—if you will put the 'rides' under my oldort to-night, and let me occupy llte deserted post, I will not only clear. up thia mystery of the sentries, but make lb the post tenable for the future.” ~ But how ?" said the colonel, in intense surprise. 4 .1 ., guess, Colonel," answered Death, "you had better let Me have the men, and order ua out, and tell you the whole affair after. I prom ise you that nut one of the men will receive a scratch, that is, if they follow my directions im plicity." "You arc a strange man," said the colonel, "but thiuk I will let you have your. mu way this time. When do you intend ,to start ?" "In about an hour's time," answered the :elat ed Death. "Very well I will giro- the necessary orders, so that you eau start irlin -you. 0104: proper,--- And what is more, if- yeti perform all that you hare promised, and &at% cause Me to repent hav ing humored you, you shall have poor Campbell's place ?" - .Meter Campbell was a brave but very head strong. young Scotchwan, who had occupied the post ullientkmant at the fort. In a sudden freak of daring, he bad volunteered to stand sentry at the fatal spot from which three sentinels had al ready disappeared and he paid for his rashness 1 with his life. "Now, my lads," said Death, as in about an hour alter his conversation with Col. hms, he approached the deserted post, at the head of the dozen riflemen who had been temporarily placed under his dedore, "I 'will tell you what we are going to do. The lung and short of the affair is siMply tlds—it's a gang of them cussed, thievin' Iroquois that have circumvented curried off our four men— shooting them with their arrows, and then de camping with their bodies. • "To-night, as I was returning to the fort I sud (bully thought I heard the sound of several voices and creeping towards the spot, got nigh enough to see and hear that about a dozen Iroquios ware there and then arranging their plans to surprise the fort to-night—intend to steal in upon it by the point which their cussed deviltry had render ed so easy of access. I only stopped long enough to learn this, when I hurried off to the colonel, and asked him to place you at my disposal, and here we are. I did not say a word to him about what I had learnt, being determined that if possi ble the 'rifles' "should have all the honor of exter minating the varlets. And now I ask you, are you willing and ready to follow my orders?" Every man cheerfully answered in the affirma tive: aml with quickened pulses, and sanguine hopes the little company again moved forward. The post consisted of along narrow spaembound on each side by a rocky, shelving bank ; while its extreme cud was closed in by the dark and im penetrable looking forest. The hank on each side the pass was thickly covered with brush and un-, derweutl, and among these Death now carefully concealed his men ; taking care to arrange them so that their fire would cross each other, and hid ding them not tire until he had given the signal; and after they had fired, not to stop to relode, but clubbing their rifles, to jump doty.ti turd finish the struggle in glint manikr. With steady alacrity each man took up the post assigned him; and in another minute the spot pre sented the same lone, still and solemn appearance it has worn previous to their arrival. The little company had begun to grow very patient, and Death, himself, began to fear that the Indians had either rued of making the attempt or else hind changed their plan of attack, when sud denly his quick eye detected the form of ono of Isis crafty foes issue in a crouching position from the deep shadow which the lofty trees threw up the pass. • "Three—six—n c—twelve—thirtecu ," count ed Death, as cue after another they emerged in single file from the wood, awl with eat-like stealth iness of movement, advanced up the pass, their • rides in trail, and their. faces and bodies rendered still more hideous and ferocious-looking by the grotesque marings of their war paint. On they came, swiftly and silently, and unconscious of the fate that was in store for them. The formost of the bancl,.whose commanding stature, wolf-teeth collar, and eagle tuft, at once proclaimed him as chief, had advanced until he was opposite the bush in which Death was hid} when the latter with startling distinctness imitat ed the cry of a night owl, and dischargrd his rifle. Eight of tho Indians MI by the Irtilley which the remaining riflemen now poured in upon them but strange to say, one of the five who did not fall was the chief who Death aimed at. This unusual event was owing to the following - cause; the branch of the bush on which he steadied his arm in the firing, bad euddenly yet:ailed at the moment lit:dis charged his piece, thus rendering harmless his otherwise unerring aim. Utteritig an imtwe.atiolt at his ill luck, Death sprang down the bank with the rest of his com panions, and with one bound reached the side of the Dot/noir chief. They grappled and both fell heavily to the ground, clasped in a fearful em brace, and darting glances of savage hatred at each other beneath their knitted and scowling brows. "Keep off" shouted Death ns ho saw one or two of his companions in the net of stooping down to assist him, "keep off and if he masters me lot him go." Over and over they rolled, wrighting and strain log but seemingly neither obtaining any advan tage over the other. At least the head of the ire (lois suddenly came in cocaina: with the point , of a rock that protruded from the bank, stunning . him so that he relaxed his vice like grip of Death's throat; and the latter thus released, springing to his feet finished his career by bringing the heavy breech of his rifle with sledge hammer force down upon his head. The rentaning four Indiana had been, likewise dispatched; and the victorious riflemen (none of whom had received any wound worth mention ing) now set up such a shout of triumph for their victory, that the echoes of the old wood rung with it fur minutes after. As Col. bones had promised,lienth was promot ed to the vacant post of lieutenant ; and now dear reader, we beg to Worm you that our hero and the uncompromising veteran Gen. Morgan, of rev olutionary notoriety, were one and die same indi vidual. At about a fortnight after this eventful night Stanhope Farm became the score of us much mirth, good eating, and dancing, as could bo possibly disposed of during tho twenty-four hours ; and though we think it will be almost superfluous to do so, we will add, that cause of this"morry mak ing," was the marriage of tho beauteous Hester Stanhope with Lieutenant Henry Morgan. ts,.. A man must possess Are in himself, before ho eau kindle up the electricity that thrills the great popular, heart. INCIDENTS OF SPERM WHAL ING. Tho good barque Fish was lying becalmed off the west and of Celebes. with a largo sperm whale alongside, ready to be cut in. The sea was smooth as a pond ) and the suu hot as blazes. "In board there!" shouted 'the mato, who was on a stngo oror the side, "In board then), ahoy!" '"Sir," was the response. "Whose hook on is it?' "Mine," reeponded a'voiee from 'the half dock, and up bounded Tom, a smart young Loatateorer, with nothing on buta pair of drawers. Inn con-' ple of leaps he made a dash at the open gang way overboard, for ho was a geed swimmer, but unluckily his foot slipped, and instead of jump ing outside of the whale, which was evidently his intention; the back of hip head struck thelidge of the whale, and he went dcwn with his hinds ex tended over his head,. All who saw him supposed he was going down a fathom or:two to cool off, and expected him up again in few seconds ; - but" not appearing soh* the Mow along the gangway' and the Mates upon the stages roared out, "lib's gone! save him,. boys !" and in a seemed five of our be swiminerS'phatiged after him, and a boat was loWered at the same time :-But it, wys•all in Vida.; poor Thai I'o.o nirthere eVen ;the men who plunged after him only salt a shoal of sharks de seending 'iw the direction they supposed he was sinking. No doubt, he was devoured in less than live minutes after he jumped overboard. Shoals of sharks generally keep company with whalers, especially when they have whales alongside, and dash at everything that is thrown overboard.— They would eat a whale's blabber in a night, if not I , ept off by spades and lances. These sharp instruments are appreciated by them—they seem to know that their touch is death, and, iustietivc ly, keep a respectable distance, until the carcass is surrendered to them in due forn; then they have a blow out, and a free light, without interference from salt beef surgeons. Poor Tom had taken his last dive. Tim boat, after pulling astern, following the set of the cur rent for a reasonable time, returned and was hoist-. ed up in silence. ThOlacti were too oppressed with grief to sing the usual song, and willked for ward without exchanging a word. The captain had walked the quarter deck full five minutes, ap parently lust in thought when the Man at the mast head song Out, "There she hlOws—there there's two of them." "Where away?" dement:red the spring ing into the main rigging. "Right astern, sir, large whale! There goes finks, headed across the ship's wake to port!— There she blows . , therasgain," continued the look out, and soon the eaptain and sates were up along side of him. "Clear away the boats!" shouted the captain, and get ready to lower away ; down from aloft.— nip-keeper, away aloft and keep a good lookout. All hands were on the move, Nil of life and animation. Poor Tom was forgotten in the ex citement of the moment. It was not until thecap- Min's boat had dropped astern that be recalled to mind the fate of his boatsteercr by his absence from the bow; but seeing the cabin boy looking over the tat - Iran he snug out— " Jump overboard, Bill, and I'll pick you up, I want you to pull the after oar." Without a moment's hesitation, Bill was over board a fathom deep, but rota to the surface like a cork and was dragged on hoard. "Now," said the captain, who was a jovial young relloW, and delighted to identify himself with the humors or the crew, "you; Parson, pull the har pooner oar ; give you a chancel° fasten, if we have the good look to got upon the whale but mind, it you miss, drive a lance through you. The young man whom he addressed as Parson, had obtained the title by trying to teach a couple of New Zealanders to read the Bible. All the men bad by names, such as Long Boy, Broad swordi Jack Ketch, Livereomplaint,Rheumatism, Lazarus, ,Cc., and these names were more used than those on the articles. This was the Parson's first voyag,e whaling, and the voyage was yet young, as there were only 300 bids. oil on board, and the'ship could stow 2,800 bbls. The death of Tom had given him a lift, which of right belonged to some experienced spottier, of whom there were several among the crew, and he felt determined to show himself wor tny of the place the captain had assigned him. "Pull, my boys—spring to your oars—bead your backs," said the captain, grinding his teeth and pushing at the Utter oar with all his might. "Pull and bead the mate-that'syou another stroke like that, my hearties; there there she goes; now she Inca, hurrah ! the mate droops—new we lead —off she gotta'!" "The whale's up, sir;"said the Parson, interrupts ing the captain, "on the larboard bow:" "So he Is, hinLiCs our chanee. Peak your oars, boys and take to the paddles. The order was promptly obeyed, and we were seated, along the gunwales paddling like Malays. The whale was about half a mile off, going at the rate of three knots an hour, and blowing as leis urely as a blacksmith's bellows. "Don't make a noise, my lads," whispered the captain ; "keep your paddles clear of the side of the boat. What a noble fellow Leis—gray-head ed, a. regular Wretch. Now, Person; if you miss him, Tit kill you—Mind, he's good for eighty-live barrels; yes, ninety; perhaps one hundred, and to miss him deserves death-4wo .deathseb, buys? hush ! take your paddles out of the wa ter—he smells oakum—no lie doesn't 1 paddle away." We were following in his wake, and as the sun was shining on his starboad side, the captain con cluded the glare would half blind him, and enable us to approach without being seen, and steered the boat accordingly. It was really grand to see the noble fellow ploughing along so gentle, the water curling over his back as if ho wore bathing for the benefit of his health, and enjoying the pleasure. "Stand up, Parson," said the captain firmly, though in a whisper—his eyes glaring as if they would leap from their sockets. The boat's bow was square with the whale's bump not more than eight feet oil; the Person held the iron (harpoon) by the middle, carelessly in his left hand; the man still paddled, just keeping way with the whale, while the captain was gradually edging the boat, head on and stern off:' "Dart.," whispered the captain; but the Parson whispered back, "Lay on." „ "Dart, I tell you; you're near enough !" "Lay on !" iwas still the response of the Parson. "There, blust you, there's lay un and haveyour head knocked Mr" giving the boat,a sweep ou with the steering Oar. This time there was no order to dart, nor was it necessary; for the Par son, in order to give increased velocity to the harpoon, sprang into - the box of the boat and sent one iron after the other atoulOtyp into the whale, just abaft the fiu ; then jumping down into his proper place, seized a Mace, but before he could bring it to bear, the whale fairly sprang out of water at least six feet,and came down with a splash that shrouded the boat in foam as if she had been immersed in the ruins tin water-spout. • "Stern hard," shouted tho captain—"stern for your liveb and the men- beat to their oars amid WHOLE NO. 436. the srldrlpool.createf by the motion of the whale. But, the. Parson, truo;to his orisinal purpose, re gardless of the cons?queneos, while, the hoat lay almost against tho..whale's hump, sent the lance into his vitals and,shurned it round and around the captain sWearirng,Elito a maniac for him 'to sit dosin to hh.4 oar,and;lend a hand to back the boat clear of the whale. "Ile spouts tbialtsdend,7 said the Parson com posedly as his exciianwed places mdth the captain, "I did not miss him. The whale thon went down 'Shout ifty fathoms, but was too Much,,nie up to rainfall long haioW, and when ho came to blow, lay motionless 'for a minute. "Lay en',7,said the captain,,' I'll kill him acad.!' 'Ttlo. order, had not to be repeated; the Parson sent th4tain of thebnat square against the whales side,..td the captain was about pitlk ing out a soft place for his lance, when the whale milled short round, and raising ono corner of his tiukcS Mid it genllf:tipen the boat's gunwale, and tipped her. politely as ft la dy would kurn,hengo . in bidding adieu:' But gnickly'lM afh sh tlinakes flew to the other side, cut another boat clean in two, and broke the third 'mate's lea. Hera wa's a pretty mess ; twelve sin ners preiboirrC* - 4look i tnler, surrounded by sherkoAidriittlieei „ amp4lll7k to'bir ; spitish:r nil in pMeVeryTtlit'WlTeeSiltikes ;- but the vener able patriarch, apparently satisfied with what he had done, heft us to the care of sharks, add pad. died away with two irons and a boat's line. To right our boat was work of A few minutes, and in half an hour she was an ark of safety with all hands on board. The whale made toward the ship, ran round nred_roand a few times, and them turned up flu out and head sunwards. Ile made 95 barrels. The mate and second mate, unable to capture the other whale, returned to the ship; but that same afternoon, the Parion saw hint, or another fellow like him, and had the pleasure of fastening to him also. The three whales made 270 barrels of oil. In six weeks; the Parson saw and struck four large and twelve school whales, and never missed one. This 'Uniform success induced the captain to give him charge of the third mate's boat, in which ho killed Some half a demon whales, when ho had three eLhis ribs stove iu and was put ashore at Game, to procure medical attendance, and re• tnaine+i there six.. min]the. Whaling is cot unlike war—every In ering is a battle in Which all arc liahle to lose their lives. But the whaler requires mere skill and courage than the soldier or man.of-war!s-inan, lie must think and act at the same time—there era uo giv en rules by which he can goCern himself; for every whale be attacks is apt to show some new caper, against which he mug, iirevide on the instant.— Our whalemen, With a little inertial training, would make the most formidable. sailors in .the world, as they are certainly the most intelligent and daring. giiscalanonto. A MOTHER'S LOVE We are indebted to Lamartine's exquisitely fine pen, for tho following touching and graphic illus tration of a Mother's Love: In some spring freshet, a river widely washed its shores and rent away a bough, whereon a bird had built a cottage for her summer hopes. Down the white and whil4ing stream, drifted the 'green branch, With iWttindiet , cup of unfledged song; and fluttering beside it, as it went, the mother bird. Unheeding the roaring river, on she kept, her cries of agony and fear piercing the pauses of the storm. How like the loVe of the old fashion ed mother who followed the child she bad pluck ed from her heart, all over the world. Swept away by passion, that might be, it mattered not; bearing away With him; the fragments of the shat tered ronf-tree, though he did, yet that mother was with hint, a Ruth through all his life, and a Rachml at his death: READING Ammin.—There is no treat so great as to hear good reading of any kind.—Not ono gen tleman or lady in a hundred can read so as to please the ear, and send the words with gentle force to the heart and' understanding, Indistinct utterance, Whines, drones, nasal twangs, nohes, hesitation, and-other vices of elocution, are al most universal. Why it is, no one can say, un less it be that either the pulpit, or the nursery, or the Sunday school ) gites the style, in these days, Many a lady can sing Italian songs with ctonsid able execution; but cannot read English passably. Yet reading is by fur the more valuable accom plishment of the two. In most drawing-rooms, if a thing is to be read, it is discovered that nobody eau read: otie has weak lungs ) another gets hoarse, another bus an abominable sing-song, evidently a tradition of the way in which he said Watts' hymns when ho was too young to understand them ; another rumbles like a broad-wheel wagon; and another has a way of reading which seems to proclaim that what is read is of no sort of cense. *pence, and had better not be listened to. TBE QUESTION The moon i 3 Width and fon, Like a lily overblown ; Come down into the garden, And walk with me alone. The garden-walks tiro dark, And none dm moor to sou; They are too buoy dancing, To think of you and mei I've something now to say That I never said hefera; It will not" do to-ntorrow— • - To -night, or nevonnoro t Blip on your nutA and como, You need not fear the light, ror when your taco is hithlon, It will ho douhly night 1 She comes! I feel her near; he still, my beating heart What I shall say will part ns, Or we shall never part I gj A "retired merchant" writes a communi cation to the N. Y. Express, discussing with cool ness the causes of the financial troubles. to clos es his letter by saying: --"Twelve years ago I re tired on a snug country farm, and every year my fields look greener, and I feel younger as I grow older. This I would recommend to all, before the loss of property and a shattered constitution make it too late." This is a pleasent picture, and ex cellent advice, but, just at this time, comes a lit tle "too late" for many people. . twit,. Women in tlioir most exalted state, are not so difficult to win as ;they. are sometimes im agined to be; it unfortunntely happens that the best men think them the most so. tlx.The only class of men-in the world who nro not in the habit of disparaging their neighbors are the Assessors of taxes, for it is well knOwn that they nover!under:rate' anybody In the slight est degree. "...I.lcalth conies, of itself; -but Ave &rest great pains to . get diseasea.' liealth•comes frorda sim ple life of nature ; diseases front' the artificial life. ki , 21 , 11C4 1 )34 5 03 1 ) 5 0'411N:Ct0i11A041: , 1: WIIE undersigned would respectfull7 inform Tit the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that they will at all times be found ready to accommodate them in anything which belongt to their business, which is PAINTING,. GLAZING; and PAPER , HANGING. They warrant all their Worin By' Strict attention to luisiness they hope Eo BC= cure a share of public patronage. Orders for work can be leftatlVALvz t Itmont,'s Boole-store,whern they wilt be promptlyetterfael to. At the latter place too, ean.!:1090011 alargo asMarnent of neat chaste designs 'or Wall, Ceiling ana Hull Papers selected by them, from one; of the most extensive establishments in the city of Philadelphia. Sept. 2, '57-3r0.. THOICiiTON & NEW YORK -ADVERTISEMENT& OVALtH I)l4'k:id:OS ONlti OLOOO Bra,nds:eth'sPillspurity the Blond; ' 11F.SIBT TIIHIR JUDICIOUS Uhl. bllld operatioltwith otteceogul effect riro notpoolfil. Hurl ty of Bratolroth's U ' tSlt race itre Subjedito a redundancy of vitiated bile, at this season, and It is as dangerous as it is prev alent, but Brandretire Pills afford an invaluable and efficient protectiOn. liy theiroccasionaf use we prevent the collection of those impurities, wbialt, when ht nffi cient quantities, cause so touch danger to the body'it health. They soon cure livercomplaint,dyspepsia,lose of appetite, pain In tbo bead, heart burn, pain in the trreast bone, sudden faintness cud costiveness. In brief, Itrandretb's Pills work their weiv to the very roots of the disease, cleansing in their passage, removing every Unhealthy accumulation till the blood is purified, the whale, systent renovated, and the functions and ditty of life become ar. pleasure, where before they had been sad end- weary burdens. Often when nothing has relieved vomiting of the most serious charaCter, whether front ilmksichnes,s or otherwise, where the retching lids Wort appalling, a single dose of four Brandreties Pills bus at once cured and the patient has fallen into a sweet sleep. then the rabid cannot collect itself; when the memory fails; when it is an effort to Its the attention ; when out sleep is broken and our waking hours harassed with forebodings of evil,then Brandreth'a Pills should housed: If these warnings remain unheeded, rheumatism, con numptiou„.44nT of the heart, bilious affections, jaun dice, d ropsks, pil es, ap peplos les and ros ti venom will sod' doily present themselves. These lirandreth's Pins would have prove n ted,bu t neverthelessru sas they will also cure. Use them at once; do not let prejudice prevent the use of this simple but potent remedy. Brandreth's Theory of Disease Never extract blood. Blood is the life. Sty abstract , ing it in painful diseases you may occasion the patient ease, but remember, this ease is only the reduction or loosening the power tp feel. ifed by thus taking away na.ture's t‘mis, you may prevent herfrom fully repairing the ravages of intleinmation, s convert what might only have been the sickness of a few days or weeks Bit° 4 chronic affection of months and years. Brandreth's Pills accord with Nature t Nitture's remedy in fart. When sudden, acute or bettL tiunea paiii UCVI.Ir3 from any came. then to insure a quick return to !multi,. yt Moot me nrundreth's Pills, which will soon relieve erery Organ from undlie preistire, and remove those humors whose presence often occasions Such terrible suffering. BEFORE 'rum woR LT) lon 'maul filL,Twenty million boxes sold and the sphere ol their usefulness still extending. Ask for altuanack and pam phlet of cures. A gents will Fupply gredis. Bewane—all pills with -241 Broadway" on shin table are counterfeits. Get the genuine and they will never deceive. Sold at Dr. BOSS' Drug Store. opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. [July 15,'57-SID. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. MUM ALBERT G. RICHARb,:SI9N'S 4 Advertising and Correspondence Office, 360 Broad , way, New York. Alen , tend Important Dis 4 covert' in the Science of Medicine, PATENT,OrrICM SEAT. OF OITEaT gRITATiti, DiFLO -31 E detCOLT* tle P OAR)! ACIE PHA RMACIEN de PUTS hill 131TEIIIAL CoLLECI: of 31EDICINE, enna. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. H. .11.% Barrow, member of the half/ College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be per rally consulted at his residence, 157 Prince kraal, few blocks west of Broadway, New York: from 11 A. M. till 2 I'. AL and from 4 till S I'. M. ,Sltlitirty6 4Xcepted, unless by appointment.) „ Triesemar No. 1, Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrhera, and all thd distressing consequences arising from early abuse, iadi&. Criminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates. It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and. the' functions of manhood; and whatever may he the cause or disqualifications fur marriage, they are effectu. ally subdued. • Triesemar No. 2, Completely and entirely erndhlnies till traces of Gonor- Inen, both inits mild and tte•gravutrd forms. tileets, lures, Irritation of the Madder, Non-reteniioti of the Urine, Pains of the Loins mud Kidneys, and those disor ders for which Copsivi and Cubttbs have so long beefs thought nu antidote. Triesomar No. 3, is the groat Continental REMEDY for Willis and SCCOI3- dury,symptoms. It also constitutes a certain curefor Scurvy, Scrofula, and all cutaneous Ettiptions,relliaihtt and expelling in its course all impurities front the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it by insensible perspiration through the ran (Dam of the pores of the skin and urine. I t is a never failing remedy for that clarts of disorders which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the in evitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilla in the error Id cannot remove. MIESEMAR N 0.14 and 3, are prepared in the formula lozenge, devoid. of taste or smell, and can be carried in On waistcoat pocket. Said in tin eases, and divided in separate dives as administered by Vatipean, Lineman, *Roux, iticord, c., lie. Price $3 each, or four cases in one for $9, which saves $3, and in $27 cases, whereby there is a saving of $9. None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals of the Patent Office of England, the seals of the teole de Pharmacia de Paris, and the Imperial Collegeof Vienna, are affixed upomeach wrapper, and around each case.— Imitations are liable _to the severest penalties of the law. Special arrangements enable Or. harrow to forward immediately. on receiving a remittance, the $9 and laf ger she cares of Triesetuar free of carriage. to any partof the world, securelyitacked and properly addresses', thus insuring genuine European preparations and protecting the public from spurious and pernicious imitations. Attendance and Consultation from 11 a. m. till 2 p. m. and from 4 till Sin the evening. 117 Prince street, stew blocks west Of Broadway, New York. May 5,125741, Cristadoro's Hair i)ye! Within a nut-shell all the merits lie, Of OriStadoto's never-equalled Dye ; Bed it makes black, to brown transforms a gray, And keeps the fibres always from decay. gTAIIIIS matchless, re-vitalizing Hair Dye. still holds its AA position as the most harmless and efficacious (lair Dye in THU WORLD. rrepared and sold, wholesale and retail, and applied in ten private teems, at Calera. DOlto's, No. 6 Astor House, Broadway. New York, and by all Druggists and Perfumers in the United States. Agent—George H. liuyß,r, 140 Woodst., Pittsburg, Pa. A Retired Physician 75 YEARS OF AGE. Whose.sands of life have nearly run out, discover ed tin* while in the East Indies. a Certain cure Con sumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, COWS A Gen - eral Debility. The remedy was diserivered by him when bis only child, a daughter. was given up to die.--- tie had heard much of the 'wonderful restorative and healing qualities of preparations made from. the East In - dia ilemp, and the thought occurred to hint that he might =the a remedy for his child. Sic studied hard and suc ceeded in realizing his wishes. Dig child was cured, and is now alive and well. lie boa since administered. the wonderful remedy to thousa tuts of sufferers in all parts of the world, and he has never failed in milting them completely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as much good as possible. he will send to such of his afflicted fel low-beings as request it, this recipe. with full and explb cit ditec lions for malting it up. and successfully using it. He requires earls applicant to inelose hint one shilling —three cents to be returned as postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the payment of this advertisenieut. Address DR. 11. JAMES, No. I'D Grand Street, . Jersey City, V' t v P e.,er,wh cre have you been W 11Y, I hate been at the. STOVE STORE of JAMES N. IWO EllS, niol bought one of his superior COOK TM; STOVES, as be has just ret.nrnol from the city and brought one of the hirge,l n,ortanents of STOVES ever brought to Lebanon. My neighbor got one from him. and it is the hest Cook. lug Stove I ever saw. They run Bake, limed. Cook and Wash at the same time, if they wish to. and it does eve rything to perfection: I was determined to got one of the same sort, and the best of all is he warrants every COOKING STOVE he cells to do as he represents. A few more of the same sort left, with a general as sortment of Parlor, Hall, or Dining Room Stoves, which will be sold cheap. with a Toll assortment 4.4' TIN and SILEET IRON WAItE, jr..nerally e t ,nnected with hi 4 busbies& .tar All work entrusted to him will ho done with neatness and dispatch. Lebanon, Sept. 23,'57 WHITE HALL ACADEMY, (Three Mike West of ilurrieburrO rum: FOIifTEENTII SEr , SION of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 211 of NorEttllC/i. next. The attention of patents oral guarani, i. respectfully in' 'Cited to Oat advantages it :drols in educating Young Men and Boys. The location is pleasant. hcalt hint and ropy, nient of access, and the com.,. of similes eNt.llSiVe. CM bracing the primary and higher an.deo of an English Education, together with Latin. ti reel:. Vrench and Gi,x , than lAnguages, and Vocal and I ostranictital Music. TEattS:—Boarding. t4 - a4tia„,. oral Tuition iu the English Branches, Vocal Music, per Session. [2l Nwelis..l $OO,OO For Circulars giving full particulars. address B. DEN Li tiftEtt, Oct. 7, '57-st. Hi/ rrisftcg, Pa, Dissointiott et" Partnership. iHB Co-Partners hip existing between the m elersigned. aPtlantS;in the baron gb of Lebanon, was ilisliohred by mutual consent ; en the Ist inst. t t.:QttUti W. DALY, ' ' ..1011.N w. Ya.I.I.I.AMS. • - . . . .... Mr The business will be continu,d at the uld 6 tand by the undersiFued, who reepoetfriUy dot:When continued ptet ronako Of the establishment. ' Lebanon, 0et.1.1,'57-It. 11E01111E W. DAL) JAMES N. ROGERS.