The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, October 28, 1857, Image 3

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TERMS, : $1 50 A YEAR.
OSP Jacob Reiroin's farm, in North Lebanon
township, containing 127 acres, was sold on Mon
day, to Adam Phillips,,for $50,75 per acre.
_pr. One of the firm of Swartz & Bro.i is now
in the city buying now goods. They will be open
ed7the beginning of next week.
j iltiff . Mr. Roberts, the "American" candidate
'for Senator in, this district, received 568 votes, a
pretty good poll considering .the adveise. circum
stances with which they contended.
Tun AMEIMENTSI—The following are tho of
ficial returns of the votes on the Amendments to
the Constitution, in Lebanon county :
Ist. 2d 3d 4th
1292 5645 1333 1163
62 655 75 66
Ag inst
90 1253 1697
Pit-the man found last week in Monroe Forgo
dam, in Bethel Township, turns out to be Thomas
Dabney, a son of Jacob Bohney, who resides near
the Forgo, Almost eight, days before be was
found, he loft home and informed his parents that
he was going up to Penn's Valley, Centre county.
Nothing bad been beard from him until found in
the dam.
RENTS MUST Cox® fellow-citi—
send, rents must come down. The high rates of
the flush times of 1858 canti‘ot long co-exist with
the levelling tendencies of the revulsion of 1857.
Rents must comedown—real estates must coma
down—fast horses must come down—fast young
men must come down from their fast horses, and
stretch their legs by a little wholesome walking.
Provisions must come down—the pews and other
charges of our churches roost come down—bread
must come down,and into enormous spread of crin
olines must come down, notwithstanding the lot
ting down in tho price of dry goods. Every lexnry
and almost every necessity must come down to the
now standurd, excepting, perhaps, legal- beer,
which will probably remain at four, five, and six
cents a mug.
Per the Adeertteer.
JOli MOWN, October 24, 1854
Mr. Entron:—l perceive that some one under
the signature of "Observer," very ill-naturedly
and unmannerly, takes exception to my charges,
last weak, of bow the election was conducted here.
I will not reply in the same strain, Levees° it is
not pertinent to the subject. Why did not "Ob
server" deny my charges, or even one of them.—
Simply, because, ho knew they were true. (Let
me here remark, in parenthesis, that "Observer"
signs himself thus very in-correctly. Why don't
he observe the election laws, and learn that they
require the polls to be closed at 7 o'clock. Did
be not induce the election officers to keep them
open, and receive votes, at least 10 minutes after
that hour, because, an he said, there were "still
votes coming." This effects "Observer" person
ally, and after he has answered it, I shall propose
something further for his explanation.) I charg
ed, and it cannot be denied, that two snore votes
were in our box than appeared on the register;
that two names were afterwards added to the reg.
inter to . make it tally with the votes. I also
charge that one man voted who was only five days
in the district. Also, that another man voted
who resided but two months iu the place, and
that it Ives not known whether ho resided six
mouths in the state, or even Is an American citi
men, or a subject of her Majesty, the Queen of
Great Britain. Another man, whose family was
known to reside in York county, also voted, and
has already left the place. It strikes me that if
it was found necessary and lowfut to question
Democrats as sharply as some were questioned,
the same would be equally requisite all round. I
note these things to direct the attention of the
proper authorities to .them. The purity of the
elections is of vital importance to the freedom of
our people and the perpetuity of our union, and
that is what I contend for; nor shall the bluster of
any one Intimidate me and prevent me from
speaking yet plainer should I think proper.
Yours, he., SWATARA.
"as.. The evenings are getting long and,, our
literary societies are filling up. We wnulti ad
vise all our young men to "fa/lin" and give them
a trial, at leapt. - .
Or We learn that a regular stag danee came
off at—no Matter where—last week. They biid'a
"high" time barring the chap who threw the cay
enne pepper on the,fioor "where the glowing hours
were chased with flyipg feet." He bad to "git.
Ic dadD VraTl—The young lady whose hoops
entne loose and trailcd,on the.pavemont, coming
from protracted 'meeting a few evenings ago.—'
Poor creature—hope she may have better success
on her next tour.
Or. Much complaint is made by the farmers
against fruit thieves, at, present prowling through
the county. "A little more grape from a Sharp's
Rifle," would no doubt have a serious effect upon
the trespassers, of detected/ ,
Tuz Pz RSEVE tuns BAND have again procured
the services of, and are daily receiving instruc
tions from their very able teacher, Prof. Rowzo-
Tula. This band, It 1s conceded on all hands,
has made extraordinary good progress since its
organization, and .through the exertions, of their
indefatigable instructor, Prof. Rowbotham, and
their persevering leader,_Mr. Stanley, it has Al
,rnady acquired a wide-spread reputation.
Coax Hoszisa.—During the past few weeks
,00r friends in the "rural districts" have been very
'busy in husking earn and housing the crop. we
learn that =dog es the large yield "huakings" are
,unusually numermis. They, are a "great institu
tion in this county, and a large amount 'of fun is
realised by attending one.where the feminine gen
.dor is well represented.
Vit. The following "eloquent" lines, uttered by
:an "outsider" a few evenings since, are respect
fully dedicated to our young lady friends. Read
dhem, and if you do not:pity the sorrows of the
"Tung man, you deserve to live and die old maids:
"I wish I was a turtle dove,
A sitting on your, knee;
I'd kiss your smiling lips, love,
To all aterld-ty I"
Taamcsorirrao.—Got". Pollock has issued his
pr o d a me,tt*sdr a day of Thanksgiving in Penn
.sylvanithind appointed Thursday, Ncvember 26th.
The Governor of garyland has appointed the same
.day, upon which ate N..Y., Times pertinently re.
marks that "doubtless we ought to give thanks at
alt times. Bat lit the.presetitPosture of affairs it
seems to ns that a day of fasting, humiliation and
prayer would 'be a more tiPprepriali` recognition
of the Divine discipline ; ..tahless, lOcieed, we argue
like Mr. Carlyle; that "as we. all' deserve to be
hung is chains, those who Arabi/1454110p ought
to give thanks I"
Durk or A Mzwitn.—Bir. J. B. .Raokhotise,
a Republican monster ,o(Mie last Heusi of Repre
sentatives, and reielected,.died at his residence in
Ohio township, Allegheny ccinnty;on Friday 10t.
jgf`At Chicago, the retail merchanta, on ao
!MID t of the scarcity of silver change, are issuing
checks, payable in goods,-for fractions of a dollar.
tEs. Some of the ,restaurant keepers in New
York whtVare<htird up for 'change, giie their
ner cheeks in'ebringe for bifts. This is a new kind
of shinplaster, but it is good for the stomach's sake.
Look at the Returns!
~J udge Laporte, of 'Bradford county, says a
good mule team would haul all the Packer men in
Bradford county outAf its limits. Bradford will
give Wilmot Eijic tl►dusand majority.—Courier
before the Election.
Look at the returns, to see how the soothsayer's
prediction is fulfilled. In about six months a
good mule team will be sufficient to haul all the
Republicans out of thO State.
OP The work on the East Pennsylvania Rail
road, between Readitiifiind Allentown, 7; has Oet
been suspended, as reported last week. It is still
going on, notwithslanding the financial difficul
ties which,have compelled the suspension of near
ly all similar imprOVements. The officers of the
company and thl t corth rters deserve public. grat
itude for their etiormand 'perseverance, which
thus gives eMployMent to the hundreds of labor
ing men, at the approach of winter, when other
wise they would probably be out of employment,
and themselves and firallfes suffer for the want of
the necessaries of IVO:
The reported suspension of the work on the
Lebanon Valley Railroad, is also untrue. At a
meeting•of the Board of Directors on Wednesday
last, it was resoWed to push the work through to
Harrisburg by the Ist of Janliary next, at which
time, it is asserted, the cars will run from Read
ing to Harrisburg. In about two weeks the ears
will run to the Swatarajlridge, thus leaving but
eight miles of staging. This is good news to the
people of this valley, and we arc certain the Di
rectors and Contractors have the good wishes of
our citizens that their laudable undertaking may
be crowned with success.
Proposed Issue of Small Notes
A large meeting of citizens was held this even
ing at the court house, to request the Town Coun
cil to issue small notes for the convenience of busi
ness-men in making change. Judge Dock presid
ed, and Messrs. Gee. Bergner and,Jno. Wallower
were appointed secretaries. A committee was ap
pointed to confer with the Town Council on the
subject, and the workmen generally are in favor of
the project.
- Zia.. Our announcement last week, that Alex.
Ramsey was elected Governor of Minnesota, was
premature. Ile is defeated, and Sibley the Dem
ocratic candidate is elected by about 2000 major
ity. Thus Minnesota has also wheeled into the
Democratic ranks.
Chase, republican, is re-elected Governor of
Ohio by abort t 2000 majority. What a falling-off
was there, my countrymen, from last fall's oppo
sition majority I The Legislature is Domocratic.
In lowa the result•for Governor is yet doubtful,
but, the Democrats have secured the Legislature.
%a-Joseph F. Ferry, a real estate agent in
New York, and the present bail of Mrs. Cunning
ham, has been arrested in that city on the charge
of being concerned with a gang of counterfeiters.
Ile was searched and $12,000 in counterfeit ;non.
ey was found on his person. Re was committed
fur examination.
r_47- In the circuit court of Bedford county,
Va., last week, Miss Almira W. Wingfield obtain
ed a verdict of $2500 damages from Wm. • Stein,
for breach of marriage contract. The lady is
about 34 years of age and the gentleman 80. This
was the second trial of the case, -a: former jury
baring given a verdict of $750 for the plaintiff,
which was set aside on motion of the defendant.
OA' Thum° von Gotm.—A certain individu
al in Rending dreamed that a large quantity of
gold was buried in a gardep .in :,that city. He
made arrangements last Wednesday with a few
chosen friends to search for the treasure. They
entered the garden, stealthily, at night, and com
menced digging. A' Wag, who got wind of the
proceedings, enveloped himself in a white coun
terpnin, and at au opportune moment, dropped
into the midst of the diggers, who fled from the
ground as if Satan 'himself were after them. ,
DEPUTY HUSBAND.—ITI Utah, they have a . way
of appointing deputy husbands to look after mat
ters anti things when the genuine article his gone
from home. We find the following notice of this
singular practise in one of our exchanges :
"When a married man is called by conference to
E foreign mission, ho has the privilege, as they,
call it, before leaving home,-of leaving some one
to take the oversight of cattle, goods and what
ever he may possess, to provide for - and overlook
the family, and become the protempore, husband
of the wife, TliCostensible reason for the arrange
ment, is to prevent the husband "from - buffering
any loss" during his absence on missionary - labors
since the greatness of his future kingdom depends
upon the number of children he has here. ^ Car
rying out the idea, the wife is handed ; ever:to .a
deputy husband, who maintains his position in
the falai( tintil the husband returns."
, .
PANTO 41.01t.T.-Thdre Is an old story in the East
of a man journeying, who met a dark and dread
apparition. "Who are yon?" said the traveler, ac
costing the spectre. "Lam the Plague," it repli
ed. "And where are you going?" rejoined the
traveler. "I am going to Damascus to kill three
thousand human beings," said , the spectre. Two
months afterwards the man returning met the
same apparition at the same point. False spir
it," said be, "why dost thou deal with me in lies?
Thou deolarest thou were going to slay three thou
sand at Damascus, and lo ! thou bust slain thirty
thousand.' "Friend," replied the plague, "be not
over hasty, in thy judgments ; I killed, indeed, but
ray throe thousand; Fear killed the rest."
A Poway Droinesr.Owing to the embarrass
ments of the Vermont Central Railroad, tho run:
ning of the trains is sometimes attended with
great difficulty, and no little credit is due to the
managers for keeping theta North
Wrentham is a vrood and 'watering statiOn, but
unfortunately what wood ie in the sheds is under
attachment. To procure more and store it there
would be to subject it to the same Process. But
the engine must have wood, and when it arrived
from Blackstone this morning, a load was waiting,
and was hastily thrown on to the tender without
being cut. To have stopped to 'have it sawed
would have been to place it at the tender mercies
of creditors. So a woodsawyer was taken on
board the engine, and he plied his saw vigorous
ly all the way in to Boston. The sight was a
comical one. The monster which the woodsawyer
had undertaken to feed was almost too voracious
for him, but he acquitted himself of his task like
a good nurse, and when the monster halted, the
self-satisfied hiss of the escape steam'showed that
he bad not suffered.
THE DECENT THING.—On Tuesday last, when
the banks wore giving up the ghost in all direc-,
tions, our quondam correspondent, "Richelieu,"
was consulted as a lawyer,.hy .bank officer, to
suggest some way by which, thgharik,dpuld hold
over to the'folloWing.daiwitheutveorifessing, as'
its sister institutions had donir . thgt. it could not
pay specie. "ut. 'black crape on your doors,"
said Richelieu, "and'post up a notice, "Cloied
consequence of death in the family."—N. Y.
Tun llenraor.—Gov. Johnsen, of Tentisee,
repcirts the purchase by the State of the Hermit
age and its tender to the federal 'government.--
In ease the tender is not accepted, the Governor
reccornhiends that the property be retained - as a
residence for future Governors of the State.
FIRPRATIC.-It is told of Gon.tachary Taylor,
that when Major Bliss broitg,ht him Santa Anna's
despatch, proposing that the American army
should surrender without further ceremony, the
General, who at this moment was busy writing a
private letter on his camp chest, replied, without
so mush as looking from his work, "Tell him to
go to—!"—naming a place seldom mentioned ex
cept by hard swearers and clergymen. "But,"
remonstrated the, gallant Major, "that does not
strike me as appropriate langauge to use in a
ease of this sort—it's a formal,
,official despatch,
and requires, I suppose, a written answer. "Tell
him to go to—!" reiterated the General; caina
ly "put it in proper diplomatic phrase and
all that sort of thing according to your own taste
—but that is niy answer."
DEATIT or A Dusmsr.—Aentueky papers :in-'
nounce the death of Harrod'llelbinan, for many
years the publisher of a newSpaper in Frankfort,
and pubic prinderkd* the , State, and connected
with 6; most stirring political events of the State
informer days. . He once fought a bloody. and
fatal "duel, and was himself tt cripple for life, from
it. This duel took place five -and:thirty years ago.
It grew out of a militia training. Holmium, who
was commander,ofit company, was followed, while
on duty, by a favorite dog. A subordinate officer,
who was, offended by the. dog's antics, drew his
sword and cut the innocent animal in twain.—
Holman remarked that whoever would perpe
trate such act was .a coward and a scoundrel. A
Challenge to mortal combat was the consequence.
It was accepted, :Led the parties- met near the
State-House, at Frankfort, Kentneky, and fought
desperately for two'hours and upwards) the an
tagonist of Ifeleman Was killed, thehittereseaped
with desperate Among those who wit
nessed the duel were Henry Clay, John J. Crit
tendon and Jesse ,Bledsoo-,-the latter, then one of
the most brilliant' and distinguished orators of
Kentucky. Milani:la was arraigned, after along
and exciting trial,
_seas ftequitted.. Mr. Clay and
Mr. Crittenden esposed the cause of Ilulewan.
Possibility of Finding the Central America.
Various conjectures' have been advaneed as to
the possibility of discovering the exact position of
the wreck of the steamer Central America, This
problem I propose to .solve by the following pro
cess The position of the wreck having been al
ready ascertained within five miles, and the sound
ings of that locality averaging from 200 to GOO
fathoms, I propose to suggest a means by which
her exact position may be discovered, via, by the
use of a powerful Submarine electric lantern, in
connection with a submarine telescope: The sub
marine electric lantern is an instrument very well
known, and in extensive use; the light of which
can be increased to any intensity, and by which
objects may be discovered at the '.depth of two
miles. The submarine telescope is an ordinary
telescope made watertight, and screwed 'through
the bottom of the vessel enabling persons, with
the aid of the electric light, to discover objects as
far as the electric light can reflect. By the use
of these two simple instruments the wreck of the
Central America can, without doubt, be discover
ed; and in order to satisfy ourselves that this ill
fated ship is not, in a depth from which she
can be raised, I would suggest the propriety of
fitting out an expedition for the purpose of deter
mining that point. It could be done at a com
paratively trifling cost, and would not only give
satisfaction to those immediately interested, but
also to the community at large.
John Penton, Submarine Engineer.
The Lebanon 11Iarlaet.
(Car'efollll Corrected -Weekly.]
LEBANON, WromsDAY, OCT. 2S, 1857
Extra Fiuuily Flour.s 700 Fotatoe.s, "
Extra Flour "f bar.. 13 00 Eggs, doz.,
_Extra Super. Flour, 550 Rutter : lb.,
Superfine B. Flour, 500 Lard, . 10
Superfine Flour, 4 7.5 Tallow, 10
Prime White Wheat, 125 Min, 14
Prime Red Wheat, 120 Shoulders,. 12
Prime ltye, 70 Sides, 31
Corn, 60 Soap, 8
Oats, 33- Dees-war: 25 .
Clover-seed. 700 White Rugs, 5
Timothy-seed, 250 Mixed Rags, 2
Flax seed, 150 Fles. Vlb . 12,V
Dried Apples, V btt., 100 Bristles, V. lh., 40
Dried Apples, peahal, 150 Feathers. V tb., 62 1 / e„
Peach "Spitz,' . .2 50 %Veal: v lb., 40
Peach “Ilutzels," 125 Soup Beans. V qt., 0
Cherries, l5O ' Vinegar; ?.. gal., 12 14
Onions, - DO Apple Butter, V crock, 45
The Philadelphia Maeliet;
Ereadstuffs generally continue inactive, and
without Much - alteration to note in either the
price or demand of any of the leading articles.—
Flour is not wanted for export, shippers are out
of the market, and common superfine usually taken
for Europe, can be bad at $5.2541 bbl.; some hold
ers now ask more, but we bear of nothing doing
beyond the local trade sales, at prices ranging
fr0m,55.2.5 up to U. 25 bbi. for common 'll3iX
ed super to extra and fancy family bratids, the .
latter 1:4 - preraipr# flour. Corn meal and rye
flour are:very quiet; the formeris dull at $3.014
for country ne.w„although nsmall sale is report
ed at about thgefig,are . ; ths- latter is scarce at
.$4.20, most holders deinanding, more. IS is
inquired for by, the millers, and prices are tend
ing upward on prime lots, which are mostly' in
request; about 1,809 bush. ; good Southern red
brought 12401*.;.3,900 hush. white do 132.,
to arrive, and 800 bush. choice Virginia 140 c.,
afloat. Corn'is without much demand, and vary
dull at previous quotations; about 1,800 bushels
good' old Southern yellow' only having found buy
ers at 75e., including some of inferior quality
at 70@i1e., and new at 01 062 e. Oats are Sell
ing rather more readily at quotations, the sup
ply having lessened, and about 3,000 bush. have
been taken at 33@34e. afloat. Rye is in steady
request at 72075 e. for Delmore and Pennsylva
nia, and not much offering.
English preaching next Sabbath morning and
evening, in the MethodiUt Church.
Oernian preaching next Sabbath morning and English
in the - evening in Zion's Lutheran Church.
Gernian preaching next Sabbath morning and evening
M the Emanuel's ()iambi' of the Ey. Association. -
radigious servicon in Salem's Lutheran church, in the
morning in the German and in the evening in the Eng
flak language.
lEnglish preaching next - Sabbath morning'at the I.loMe-
Phonplitc Meeting house. -
On the 22d inst., by Rev. If. S. Miller, Sloe
key, of Hanover, to Catharine Ann .polders, of Lundou'y.
On the 20th inst., by Rev. T. 11: Robinson, lion. ;John U.
Kunkel, and Miss Elizabeth C. Rutherford, daughter of
Dr. W. W. ItutherfOrd, of iltinisburg.
On the oth lust., by Rev. 'John Stine, Mr. Daniel Miller,
of Bethel tp., Berks cuunty-,-to Miss Mttgdnlenit Moyer, of
Bethel tp., Lebanon county. f:
On the Bill inst., by Rev. John Gring, Dr. It. 11. Muth,
formerly of Itehrershorg, Berke co., to Miss Maggie, daugh
ter of Isaac Hower, of Fredericksburg.
On the 24th inst., In this borough, Mrs. ilarbara Shay,
widow of Mr. John Shay, aged 83 yvars. and 0 mouths.
On the 14th inst., in Swatara townellip,-Rebecea Green
trarld, aged about 30 years.
Died iu the Lord, after many years of ailment, en the
21st inst., iii this borough, Mrs. Margaret Good,
.Fe/ix Good, aged 71 years, 11 months and O days.
At the North Lebanon Furnace, rin the 221 inst., George
Dawson, infant and only son of D. and 'D. B. Coleman,
aged 9 months and 20 days.'
Oit the 23d inst., Adam, son of 'Henry and Lydip, Tice,
aged 7 months and 8 days. -
On thel ' th Union, MM. Maria Zerhy, aged 95
On the 17th inst., in North Lebanon, Miss Sarah Daley,
aged SO years, „ . ,
I special Notices.
Atr Every person should - read the advertisement of
Grindle's Celebrated Magic Compound and' Ancient Ja
panese Life Pills which appear alternately in another col
umn. ghey are the most successful remedico in the world!
Try them and be cured.
Afylporhis is to certify that I hare made but one, ripplb
cation of the Mune On, On My fingers, which hare It
drawn from contractiett,of the cords, brought on by thou
,matism. It was of seventeen menthe standing, and lam
,now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it to ail af
flicted likewise.'J. HI. FINFROCK,
• 'Harrisburg, 72 Locust street.
Holloway's PM. and Oinintent.—The greatest
discouragement to those who wish to give good advice, is,
PEHLAbELPIIIA, Ocroom 26. 1551
Religious Notices.
D lED,
that it is seldom acted upon at the proper time. We shall
not, however, on that account, refrain from recommend ,
Lag alt who are attached with cutaneous diseases, to re.
sort in the earliest stage of the malady to Holloway's Oint- ,
anent. If this recommendation is neglected; still it may
prompt the patient to try the remedy at the late stage of
the compl3ilit, when all other means have failed; anti even
then. et the eleventh hour, the preparation will vindicate
the reputation it has everywhere acquired.
HAM 11T(MAT(11.—Prni. Wood advertises In our
atnns his volt 01'dicine for restoring hair. and for
the prevention of baldness, &e. This remedy has been
nsed quite extensively, and with great surcess. hun
dreds, any, thousands have used it, and are willing to tes
tify to its efficacy. head the advertisement—go at once
and procure a bottle, and prove its virtue. Our good old
bald-beaded bachelor friends should embrace this oppor
tunity to cover their pates with a coat of rich t luxuriant
lmir.—Tudionitpolic Locomotive.
Candor compels us when considering the wants of
the afflicted, to recommend that which is best known and
tried, and to recommend Dr. J. hostetter's Celebrated
Shan:wit Bitters. would only be adding to what has been
heralded far ~tad wide, not only by a few Isolated certifi
cates, but by the people of the land, endorsed bythe phy
sicians and the press, that Hostetter',, Bitters have DO
equal In restoring and imparting health to enfeebled men,
Ladies and children find this medicine invaluable in ma
ny of their ills of debility, to which they are subject, es
perially during the summer season ; in such caSes it should
be taken in 8111i111 quantities before meals.' leer sale by
druggists and dealers generally. evemehere, Mid by hog
irTrElt S 5311711, 2G7 Penn at., rittrthUrg.
kMANVEL RPM:AUT. Agent, NOrth-west corner of Market
and Water streets, Lebanon. f0ct.14,'57-Im.
silt J.k.stp.zi
Celebrated VeDIUMIC
NAkt-4t,. ,
,(,- •
Prepared frome a prescription of Sir Clarke, fit'.
.D., Physician Ertraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable mediciae is unthiling In the
,cure of all
those painful and.dangerons diseases to which the female
constitution is sobject. moderotes all excess and re
moves all obstruction, and a speedy care may be relied on.
It is peculiarly suited. It will, inn abort time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Drdlar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great l3ritain, to prevent coanterfei is.
These Pills should not be taken by females during the
FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pre:tit:n(l,oa they ore
sore to bring on ilfiacarria:ge, but ri any other time they
are safe.
In nIl canes of. Nervous and Epinal Affections, Pain in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other means bare failed, and
although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
C ,Full directions accompany each package.
:,Sole Agent for tbe United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin &C 0.,)
Rochester, N. Y
N:B.—sl,oo and 6 postage stomps enclosed to any au
.horized Agent, will insure a bottle of the fills by return
Dr. ROSS, opposite the Court House.. Lebanon, Pa. anti
by all respectable Druggists throughout the United Pa.,
and Canada: also by Harvey Birch, Bending, Pa. .
October 7, 1857-Iy.
Lebanon Valley liaiC•Road.
BElNiiefi69Ml44 _ 8448E19E4944
Fall and Winter Arrangement.
PASSENGER TRAIN will leave Reading daily (ex
cept Sundays,) at 10.20 a. m., arriving at Ltaaxox, at
12.00 song.
Returning will leave Lebanon at 3.30 p. in., arriving at
Reading-, at 0.10 p. in., and connecting with Reading Rail
road Pa.:isenger Traina forPhiladciphia, Pottsville, Elmira,
and Niagara Falls,
FAnxs--Retween Reading and Lebanon 0.0.5 and .70 eta.
Stages run in connexion with these trains between Leba
non and Harrisburg—Pare 2,1,50 ;also from Lebanon to.
Jonestown and SchtelTerstown.
ik All Passengers will purchase their tickets before
the Trains start.
to, A FREW, I IT TRAIN leaves Reading at 7 a• tn.. and
rc t urn Irmo Lebanon at 4.20 p. in., daily (except Sundays.)
October 10, 1807. G. A. .N 1 CULLS, Sup 7.
WALT' & I% have just received a
._ 1R . largt; RUT)
assortment of' Almanacs, which they
4 -, _
are prepared to sell Wholesale and Retail:
Among them wtll be foand---
The New Reading Almanac, English uud German.
o Lancaster do ti
" Old Germantown do o s,
. " Alnerlcan do o ,S
" City & Country - , do o "
de English.
" Great Western, do
" Lutheran, do English and German.
Lebanon, October 25,1557.
Give us a Call at tile Golden Sign of
.c"*..T•* , ,.. JUST ItECEINED, a very large and splendid
r -P
,„,stock of NEW FALL k WINTER GOODS, which
, ' Vwere purchased at the loweA Cash prices,and will
, 11;.:,Yemibe sold at unusually low prices, for cash, or in ex
change for country produce.
Their stock eons' ists in part of the following, viz:—
Dry floods, Ladies' Dress Goods, French Merinoss, Coburgs,
P:trurtiethi,Clotlis, fistres, all. Wool Ducats, alt Virml
La hies, Mouslin %billies, high colored Wool A: Si lk
Ginglianni, an endless variety of Prints: Re., Rte., which are'
offered at very Impriees by lIENItY 8 . STIi4L.
Silks!"Silks! Silks ,.'
. .
Just received, n splendid'aetiortiadnt.orrich black, plain
and striped Dress , Silks. Alec, extra rich plain and strip
ed titney,;. all the rage; Cal Land see at the cheap store of
awls! h awls . Shawls!
Jnst opened, a splendid assoetnient of Long Shawls, Bay
State, 'Thibet, black and fancy, Maid, Stella, all &dont,:
Chenille; and a variety of others, which aro selling off Slat,
ehealier than the cheapest, at the store of .
Domestic Goods---Cheop
Just Iteceivit—Awlins; Checks, flinglanna, Flannels,
Canton Flannels, Ticking:; and a rariety of others, which
are offered at reduced prices, by ' HENRY & STINE.
For Men's Weary
Just received, a large and splendid assortment of French
and English ClOthS. at alt prices. Also, plain, black and
fancy CassiniercA. French eassieneres, , plaids and side
stripes. iktttilletS, Kentucky Jeans, l'elitinp, and a varie
ty of other Goods for lloys and Men's Wear, width are
offered low by JIENIIY & STINE:
Vow's.the time t& bout cheap Goods !
& STINE itaxejnst 'opened their Fall and AVM
ter stbek of Ouokis, awl their assortment of Fresh GltoCl.l
- ES •mid - QUBEZ , ..":3I4AIiII C/111114 be surpasmed in ; the.
Borough of aLehanon. Call and examine, at, the store. of
. Lebanon,Oet.'2B STIN.E.„
eadyrainde' Clothina . :
QUM AS &VI:Ka/a.% Sack Copp, Frock Coats,Pants
0 and Vests. all colors and all prices. just received and
offered at such prices as have atreadi induced many to
purchase- We defy competition on Ready-made Clothing.
For cheap Coats,, Pants and Yeats, call at
ELENIty..k, anat.
Lebanon, October 2S, 1567.
(CARPETS! Carvell! Oil Cloths! Baskets!
k„) Baskets! Carpet Chain! carpet Clutha Bed:Feathers!
Bed Feathers! Corn Brooms! Corcrilrooins I Jilted Boxes!
and a Variety of other Goods,- received and daily receiving
by Howard S,. Co.'s Express,: which will be sold cheap by
Lebanon, Oct. 2.8, TlB.. . . ILY 8:: STINE.
New Barber Shop.
GncinGE W. DA Y,
1-12KET STREET, opposite the I,elt.
anon flank. xtotiht respectfully ininrm the cilium, 0 1 ,
Lebanon and vicinity, that he atilt °anti lines big first-41aa
•- - -
Shaving 4. Hair Dressing Saloon.'
and is prepared to do :business in the neitteSt and best
style, awl woald polieit all to giye lam a trial.
Leinuam, Oct. 21, 1857.
'Bank Notice.
October 10.1557.
A GENgetw, MEETING of the StoCkbolders,of thin
Bank, will'Tic Itebl at the It:inking : 4mm, on frues.
dull; Yoratber.3; 185 T, (the:day of annual Meeting.) at 10
o'clock, it. to., for. theotrpose of taking, into consideration
for acceptance or'non-acceptimee the provisions of. Act of
13th °etcher, 1857, as ret. pitied by the 7th section of tiaid
Act. By order of the.llcArti of Directors.
Lebanon, Oct. 21, '5l. "E. A. uuLtat, Garbler.
'TILL be Gold at public sale, on SATURDAY, the 14th
day of NOVJOIRBR, 1857, at the public house of
ADAM ILAA.K, in the Beiungli of Lebanon, the following de,
()ROUND. situate in theAfOresitid BorOuttlt:
10 Building' Lots, Blessuage or Piece of Gromid.,
Adjoining And fronting Oil tile Lebanon Valley Railroad on
the South, lands late of Jacob (We'd., ran the
Rest and West, add - - Street on the North, containing'
TWO ACRES, be tho same more or less,
This Messuagets situate onosquare west of Plank Rind
Street, in one of the most desirable parts of the Borough
fur Building purposea,.rind has been divided into and laid
out in TEN Suitable and Contrelmt maidi„,y o u_ n i ne
fronting 30 Piet and one 33 feet on llarbeson street oil the.
East, running back 103 feet to an Alley, and will he sold
in the Whole or Lots, an will best suit purchasers.
*irAny person desirion. ' to have a pleasant and health
ful home in this Borough, will not regret a view of tlie
above mulled premises. For inforumtion mid draft of Lots
call upon the undersigned.
• . tly&The terms for the sago of the foregoing premises,Will
be made known on the day of Bale.
Sale to cominenie at 6 o'clock, P. M.
Leba.non, Oct. 21, 'N. SAMUEL lIABBESON.‘
Great Crowds... Low Prices.
IL I Nti morning, last week, sus official and myself, were
) leisurely walking out Market street, and on arriving
near the corner of 'Guilford street, our attention was at
tracted to a large crowd of Ladies—and nearly all of
whom were provided with huge market baskets, and
others with satchels hanging to their arms, and were evi
dently intent upon the same . (inject. Upon inquiry we
fasted that in the Mansion Mouse, on the. corner of Guil
ford and Market streets, is located the extensive Dry
000(6, Grocery, and Qom:new:de Store of our polite atal
aftlible friends, FUNGI( & BRO., who have just opened a
large stuck of Fall Goods, and that the great crowd of La
dies were their regular customers, who nay be seen daily
at their counters, purchasing their goods. All we saw
were evidently satisfied with their purchases; were toad
in the praises of the excellent quality of their stock, and
all were of the mtanintous opinion that FUCK & BRO.
sell the best qualities, at lower prices, than any of their
competitors. So our advice would be to you, one and
bath great and small, to give Fuses &Duo. a call, and they
will sorely try to please you. PEDES.MAN.
North Lebanon, Oct. li, 1817.
Housekeepers ditention!
titkuhdoksig,ned Intejnetamtln returned from
- the eityovbere he has purchased the beet as
, sortmentof I UItiNI:TUIU ever offered in Lah
ti,- anon, and irldeb Isv talcos this opportunity to
say he will sell as low; or lower, than at any other estab
lishment. He has
SOFA S.'Tee,i-a-tete Lannges, Card Tables, aCJI•
tre Tables, What-Noes, Hat Racks, Tea
Poys, Looking Glasses, and all kinds
• of Common and Kitchen Furniture.
Also, Mattresses, Venetian; Winds, Carrieg,es for Chil
dren, Cane seat and Common MUMS. end almost every
thing that can properly be associated with . his business.
• ttirlie feels great confidence in calling attention to this
assortment, and cordially invites all to give him acidl be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Ile is determined not to be
undersold. Ills Room is in Ms TOTEIV HALL, in Market
street. . MHO. P. FRANTZ
• P. S.—Ready-made Cormis will be kept on hand, and
a`splendid MAME has bmt obtained to attend... Funerals.
Also, ICE in any quantity. [Lebitnon, Oct.
Boot & Shoe Store Removed.
New Fail-and Winter Stock!
mill: Undersigned would respectfidly inform lite public
j that he has IZEMOV.KII his BOY"' :11111 SIIDE STORE
to the room lately occupied by 1L lEJ. 111.11<cler's Vlertlfr
Int? Store. livcond Building East of theCourt.llouSe, where
he has opened a beautiful stock of
Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes,
for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. In Ms assortment
is very complete; mid embraces nil the latest stylea, which
he con sell out at low prices.: The public will please call
and examine. , DA NIEL
IL—TRA'iRLERS, now is •our, tinte if you wish to FM
a large assortment of Triotkx, VetMu, and different kinds
of Baas. Come one, come all!
Lebanon, Oct. 0., 1857
Full and Winter Arrival of
Boolg Shoe s „ Hats Caps . &
MITE Subscriber would respectfully infnrm the citizens
of Lobanon and vicinity. that he has REMOVED his
BOOT and SHOE STORE to his New Building in Ilidnul
street, between Reinhard's and h'ander's lintels, whore he
has just opened a superior stock of BOOTS and SHOES,
for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, embracing Calf Skin,
Coat Rip, and thick hots for Men. Boys, and Youths; all
kinds of Morwoes, suck as Calfskiii,Morocco,Kip awl coarse
for Men, Boys and Youths; also a general assortment of
Men's Gaiters, suck as enameled Congress Calf, Congress
Cloth and Kin Congress fur Men and Boys. VALUABLE GRES TNU7' TIMBER
A general assortment of Gaiters for Lad lei and Children:
also Fancy Shoes for Ladles and Children all eoleks and At Orphans Court Sale.
styles; a general assortment of Sandals, Boots; and Busk- 1
'DURMAST to an order of the Orphans' Court of Wa
les, for Ladies And Children. .
HATS AND CAPS, non County, will ho sold at public sale . ,
Oli.Fridcry, gig 30th <hi!" of Ociober, 1857,
such as fine Moleskin, Silk and Brush Hats. a general 1113- at the public house of Samuel. Runk, ii , :lonestown, the
sortmunt of all colors and styles of soft Hats for - Men and ~ fat
teal Estate. late of.laceblL WeirimamdecM, viz:
Boys: Also, a variety of Traveling Trunks. i A CERTAIN MESSCAGE and TR AcT OF - 4 , " .!v -
Atir -- Ali the Above articles be offers fur sale at the lonwt CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND sitnate partly '''
, - ' 4 N - c . ,
rates for Cash. Come one, come. all, and see, examine and in the township ntSwatain and partly in the
judge for yourselves. Ile has all kinds of homelmide township of Bethel., in the county aforesaid, • .1....• '
Boots and Shoes, and will take ()Mem for any kin& of adjoining the - Union Canal on the West, and .......
Boots and Shoes, and fulfill them in a short thee. ~, the eeveral lend, of Datiti Smith,ethl Mi
- Lebanon, Oct. 4, 1857. .1011 N GASSER. fetter and others on the North, lands late of Christian
Rleinfelter on the klast, and lands now orkite of Abraham
Shirk, Moravian Church land, and the - several lands of
Sarah and Catharine Beck and others on the:South,'con
be the teem more or les.s. It being commonly called the
"Little Mountain Tract,'And known E by that name.
The -foregoing land - will he sold in Lots of five or ten
acres as will best suit purchasers.
Any persons wishing to view and examine the above
CHESTNUT TIMBER before the day of sale, will please
call upon Win. W. Murray, Esq., at Union Forge; who will
Pend out to them the lands offered for sale.
Sale to commence atl:2.o'clook,ill.,when dad tlae attendance
will be given and the terms of sale made known by
—-. • '
Arians of the Estate ofJ,tcoti 13:WEIDMAN, decM,
October 7, 1507. . .
Ito! forlhe Centre Ruildivg.
RABEIt& RHO 0 9 8
HAVE REMOVED their STORE to the New building,
a few doors East of the old stand, corner of Cumber
land and Market streets, where they have opened a splen
didAssortrnent of
of every deserippOn t_ of LADIES' , DRESS , GOODS—New
Styles fur the season—too numerous to name.
orCW'Call and see them. Now is the time to ho cheap!
Lebanon, Oct. 21,1857.
A T BADER & NEW BUILDING you wilt find a
splendid. assortment of all kinds of Fancynoods—
Shawls, Capes. Scarfs, Collars, and in short, ovary virricty
of Goods for 11,complets Dress---vcry chewy, *;,":",',"•••
All kinds of Donn9qtie Muslilis are very cheap--
Check, Ti doing, Sheeting, 13Iankets: kc.„`kc: Air' Please
call and see for yourselves. [Lebanon, 0ct.21.,'57.
For Cheap Cloth Ca6,-sinaer
AVINBI7, and all khalif , Woolen•Coods;call at , the
tJ Centre Building of BARER f BRO'S,,wheria yon will
find every variety of muds for,Gentlemen & Boys' Wear,
in kind for the season and in pries to sait.the times...,
Lebanon, Oct. 2Y,-1657.
The Clothing Store& T . ail
oring Establishment of
-D ABER A: Bno , s you will now find in their New Build
ing, a few doors East it their: fernier place, on the 2d
Stury. where youtan find all kinds of pLoTtima —Coats,
Over-Coats, Sacks, Round Jackets, Riots, Vests; Boys'
Clothing, all very cheap. ' Yon can dress yoniSelf from top
to toe at such low ,nrices as Will suit:the times.
All orders fur TAILORING will be promptly at
tended to. •
,e;-,l.llkindo of Counfry Produce taken in exebango for
Olotbing and j'aiforing. [Lebanon, Oct. '21;'57.
The Groceries
A TAW: , Centre 13uiItlituv or RARER S.. - IMO'S, you vat
/I.:find 81:ry cheap, xnd 11 full msortment.
Lebanon, Oct. 24.1857.
every description sold 'very low at
kir [Lebanon Oct. 41,'57.] ItATIER
1 11'13 .
i l , E a L t ll to ol {, { , ll: o l , lLi l t o es il l , )i r e s i (uc At/Lt o iS F ELTAt j a i m
NETS and Tltl XIMINGS, which she is now openinuat her
residence, mipmdte Dr. (11). (Hollinger, in Cumberland
street, Lebanon. Nut. 7, 1857.
ALL PERSONS indebted to the firm of SI Li RK & TICE,
or to SAMUEL U. SHIRK, by Note, Book Account,
or othenvi9e, are requested to make catty payment t,. AINOS
R. BOMUTER; Esq., at his Office, in,Lebanon, mid save costs.
Lebanon, Oct. 7, '57., Attorneys for Ormlitore. -
Dissolution of Pa Bitnersh i p.
NTOTICE is hereby given that the partnership lieretfr
1.1 fore existing. between Jomv tlAssen and erno.passEn.
dealers in &roil, Slues; Hats and Caps, in tlie.bbroßgh of
Lebanon;has bee tlisspheiLby nuttuai e.emsont. All per
sons indebted toesid firm will please make immediate pay ,
meat, and these having claims will present than to Jolts
GASSER, by whom the business will be continued,
Lebanon, )et. 7;',57-41.
A N ELECYrION for:hirteen , Directors of the Lebanon
Bank; to serve for the ensuing yenir. will he held nut
the Itanliimehounne, in Lebanon, on .31Melay, the,l6t7i of
,Vorember, 1357, between the hears Mu o'clock, a. m., and .
3 &deck. p. nn.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders will take pike
on Tuesday, ftc Uti Qr November.'
Lebanon, Oct. 14, 'sl—ttl. E. A. UIILEII, Chakfer.
T"4 mini or General Meeting of the Menibercof the
ING SPEI NUS, Berko Go., will beheld - on
Monday, Me 2d clay of November, next,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., at the public betide of .AJJEL 31mm:en,
in ll'imnelsdorf, to elect Thirteen Kl 3) Managers fa nerve
for the ensuing year. A general attendance is requested.
. 'E. PENN 8311T11, Seet:y.
Woelsdorf, Oct.. 14, 's7—td.
that te
i n a f s ol i t is n
t tl r ilta a ti . e i s f o ro c Let!
city with a largo supply'or
Fall and Winter Millinery Goods
to which She would respectfully call their attention. Her
stock consists in partof heady-made Fall and Winter Bon
nets, Ribbons, French and American Mowers, Feathers,
Cape, Satins, Velvets, Laces, &c,, &e.
From song experience in husineserand a determinatien
to render satisfaction by strict ;attention-to the same, she
hopes to receive nod merit a continuance of that liberal
patronage with which she has been. heretofore favored.
Lap— Al ortiliirs promptly attended ta.
Lcbanan, 0ct.:14, - L. RUCH,'
. - Bargains! -.Bargains •
Goods bought at Sheri f f's Sale to be sold
ri-tH v
E eubscriber would reectfolly inform the citieene
j_ of Lebanon and vicinity, that he lies rinithased;nt
.Sheriff's Sale, the entire ate& of • . • •
:Dry Goods, Groceries, Que ensware,
late of 5. M. I'lleger ,t Brother, at a yetylow Brice. He
will retail the stock cheaper than any - Goods bar ever
been sold heretofore' in, Lebanon.; foAthe purpose of clos
ing out the.concern. The OPportunityis a good tme, and
should now be embraced 'by all desirous of buying cheap
Goods for the cbMing " The stock is a full one--
complete in all its departments.
, efir^Give us a call and see our bargains. '
Lebanon, 0et.14, GEORGE PELEGER,
TILE highest price for Country Protium will ha
given in exchange for Goole, at RAlltß Sc BRO's.
G R./BF F''S
Fancy Dress Goods.
Notice to Creditor*.
.101[N GASSER.
Bank Notice.
To the Ladies.
EliCer3lE l • 41C1)111Gr-
j KWh as Dncals, Whines. Cobergs,Tibet Cloths, Cosh
mores, Re. (Prices to`suit the antes,) at
Lolmon, Oct. 14, 'l7. " SWARTZ & 731t0..
North Lebanon and Ma ant Rape Plank tilid Turnpike
Rand Cbmpany .
- • '
i-1A N ELECTION, consisting of a President, five Mena
gers, a Treasurer; one Secretary, and Superintendent,
will be held by the Stockholders, on MONDAY; NOVI-M
-EER 21)(1,1857, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, p.
at their office, near the liereagh of Lebanon.
Lebanon, Oct. 7, '57. JOHN M AM. - WART, &cry.
r n = f ; `
i L f ' e 74l l l7 nnf r i l 7l„,;try it,. JvedZr ,:.Nc7aCote
&are ' in Cmnberland Street. next door to Henry 4, ,
Stine's Store, where We intend to keep constantly on hand
a most select assortment of
Ready. Made Clothing,
_ .
Huth us Frock Coats, 01:crowds, Dress, Coats, Cassintere.
Sattinntt and Cassinctt Pants, .of all prices and descrip
tions, front $1,50 up to p ;
.YtAS, tiOth. plain anti fanny
Silk of all styles anti dMlgna, nil') n gnnoral :tssorttnent of
Furnishing Goods,
such as Neck-ties, Suspenders. Wool and Buckskin Gloves,
white and flannel Shirts, Wool and Silk Undershirts. &.c.
Being in con notion with filings wholesale manufacturing
establishment in the , city, Where our Goods are manufac
tured in the best manner, mid buying our, materials at
the lowest cash prices. we are confident that ire can please
all with will favor us - with - their cnstinn. All we ask, isa
trial, as our motto is--"Qitick &des and Small
Lebanon, 0ct..1-1,.'57 , -2M. -
Ctottltie>ag fol. - the
ILE LA It liEST.betit niiscirted shrk lieady-inade
.~.ingover exhibited in bebanon, wau Just utpened at the
Head-Onorters far qinci anti Clifirp.cioudi tif
in Cumberland street, laii 3 Oblire thuCourt House.
REIZENSTE/N itaorium take tlie ,, lead in selling elieap;
they can't, be,l"eat.
B'e invite our numerous Custonlers aii,l the public in
general. to call and examine our new stock of FALL and
WINT.ER CLOTILING, consisting of all styles of Over
coats, Sack and Frock Coats, Raglans, 'Mims. Cassituer
and Business Coats, Boys' Coats. Pants and Vesta, as well
as a large stock of new styles- of fancy mtssinier pants, silk,
velvet, plush and satin Vests; Underelothing, snob as silk
shirts, merino skirts and drawers, hmtry cotton and wool
d rowers. Berman knit Jackets, wool and cotton hose, bluf
fers, comforts, neckties, suspenders, gloves, shirts and col
lars, Arc.
....fiats and Caps, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags,
all will be sold at the lowest figure.
Lelyal am, Oct. 7,'57. ItETZENSTEIN ,S;
$19,006 Worth Store Goods
mnn inVDER: - .3lGNtip, having purchased at Sheriff's
1 Sale the large and complete assortment of STORNI
(1001)5 Of SHIRK t TICE, at a very low price, and being
desirous to close up the concern at an early day, will re
tail the stock at lower prices than Goods have ever been
sold in Lebanon, and much cheaper than the same kind of
floods can be bought at Wholesale in the cities. Thu orig
inal cost atilt!. GOODS was $12.000, and the stock is large,
complete and well-assorted.
Vl Such an opportunity - to obtain CELEAP GOODS
rarely offered. DRY GOODS, GILUCERIBS and QUEENti-
WARX, In gnat quantities.
NOTKN or alloini vent Banks taken in i , xchange for GOODIS
Lebanon, Oct. 7,-'SS. Atilt Al IA 'SI SHIBA.
J- HE subscriber, being. desirous of-selling his
'merchant and. GIIIST MILL, together with his
SAW MILL and sixty-two acres of land, takes the
present opportunity of Inforining - the that
fie bas.Onn of the best Mill Propertiesbithe conn
ty of
.Lebanon, situate one-fourth Ora Mile from
Jonestown, on the StVatant Creek, and one-half
mile from the Union Canal, atJones
• •
,totii n.. This
nii} unit has been newly
p -redeled with the
,best of bevel
Ar,i„!,,„,1 gearing, and everything in.the best
of Order, forcithereonutiy,nr merchant,
work; The land is in a - high state' of cultivation,
it-being lately limed with one hundred bushels to
the acre, and is all under new fences. Any per
son wishing to view said property, Can' call at
the mill for information, °l'm) the subscriber, two
miles from Jonestown. - An indisputable title will
be given, and by paying a small advance on the
property at the time possession is given, the hal:-
ance will be Set out in payments - to snit-the pitr
chaser: - MARITN WENGkEGT..
Swatara tp., December 31, 1356.—tf.
Vain:4W Town Property
At Private
ers fOr Sale
WIT O t r g i e o zi u g , tr
Pro ° p ir erties, viz: '
N4..1.--AdecirahleSTORESTAND' -•`~6a':ti
i[ 4,,
and LOT, situatedn the buAuess part g
of the Borough of Lebanon, fronting'`
Chitnbarland street, between Mr. Brua'a and Mrs.
ShindcYs • notersj, front 22 feet S inches, depth
192 feet.
feet front, convenient for pithlie business, situate
in the borough of North Lebanon, corner of Wal
nut and Oak street, one square from the Lebanon
Val. Railroad Depot, and two from Union Canal.
No. 3.---M - One and-a-Half Story ROUSE and
LOT,'adjoining We. 2.
No. 4.—A LOT Of GROUND, with Marge SITOI'
Or Dwelling, and a shed, adjoining Nos. 2 &: 3.
No. Ono Story.TIOUSE and LOT, yi the
EaStern part of said borough] cornera
streets, and Mijoiping Lnx of David Boyer, • n6ar
the union Chnia: J. C. REISNER,
Lebanon, Sept. 23, !6i.
• IS OFrEithp AT
Private Sate.
THIS has been a Hotel fin. the last
40 years, and is. well known over the
11' w:; ; State es REINHARD'S HOTEL, and
it the`most central end bast located in
this Borough. It is /panted on the
corner of CuMberbuidand Walnut streets, directly
opposite the Court House, and but two squares
from the:Lebanon Valley Raiirtind Depot, on the
'same street. (Walnut.) It fronts 45 feet on Cum
berland stud 105 feet on Walnut streets, 36 feet on
Walnut, being 60 feet deep:
The Building is three-story STONE . HOUSE;
45 by 35 feet. The third story was ,put; on not
long since and the whole house remodeled, with
a frame Kitchen. Also, belonging to the proper
ty, a newly built stone STABLE on corner of
Smoke and Jail elleYs, on lot do by 64 feet, with a
good Cistern, Ac., thereon, and closely situated to
the Hotel, Also an EATING SALOON in the
Basement of the Hotel„which brings a good rent.
r3.4Y- This is a choiew Hotel prOperty ; has an
excellent county and traveling *tom, : and 1.415;
been the Stage Office for seine thee,: 3vin be
sold resiSonably, and terms of pnynient nut& easy,
by , &WON 4. STINE,
Lebatien;',TulY 22; 107.
- A siiperior qUidity and shover than ever; offered at
'Lebanon, 0et.14,57. linilding, Market .it:
Otfr Pocket Book Lost
SATURDAY LAST,lietwocrr the Steatn-Mills and
V,P Reber & Brothers' Store, a Pocket Book, containing
About SAG in Money and other papers. - Asiy . persens
turning said boOk to the undersigned will be suitably re
• Lebanon, 0at.11,'57-3t.*
-•' - 0 11„ W. ACKE-R l g,'
From $1,25 to $lO, 8 day arid 30 hour
Oct. 22. '56.
3-01757 GASSER has removed bIaBOOT & SHOE STORE
to 'Walnut street, between Reinhard's and Ramlees
Hotels. fLebanon,Oct.l4,
Dwelling-House and Store Stand
For Rent.
4 111:1E subscriber; offers:for rent,for one or more
years, the building , for a longtime oeenpied by .
him as - a residence and Shcio-stbro, on the corne r
of the alley between Brua's Motel and Pinegrove
street, Cumberland street, Lebanon. The build;
ins is large, well provided with cellar, Stabling;
&e. The corner room is well balafflitted for a
store stand, and if rented for any such purpose
will be well furnished with shelling, Le: For furl:
ther ;information apply to
_ _
AO- The property is also offered for sale at
private sale. April 1351.
Woodland (lir Sa le:
Irt... e „ . TEE undersigned of.
rr.,Am,3, furs at Private Bale,
(snore or less) of excel
lent WO OD L AND, the half of which ie gOod fiat.
bar, situate in Union "township, Lebanon county;
near the Big Dam, adjoining land of Jacob Hun
sicker, Emanuel Fey and other?. Erected on the
predtises is a good two-story log OW ELI.ING HOUSE,
as good as new, good Stabling, and a well of nev•
er-fitiling water. It will be sold cheap. Good ti
tleand posstission given on the Ist of April, 13-
OS. For further information apply to
N. L. Bor'o; may27,'57. DAVID BOY R,
- -
THE undersigned oilers at private sale hiitnag:.•
nifieent estate, situate in East llauosfer town.;
ship, Lebanon county, about 2 miles from Harp:-
er's Inn, 4 miles from the Cold Springs and the
Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad, as follows:
NO. I—Contains 160 ACRES, more or less, of
the best land in the neighborhood, adjoiningprop
erty of Miehrel Doiuinger„Tohn Dotter, and oth
ers. The greater portion is cleared and under
good cultivation. The buildingS
. . erected on this tract are the ender
"l' 2 6 6 .,k w signed's well-known Cloth Mann
factory, which has a large patron
age and is capable of indefinite in
crease; a lar•-e two-story double Stone Dwelling
Honsc, with Kitchen annexed; good two-story
Farm House; Tenant House.: large stone Barn,
with threshing floor and Stabling; and other out
buildings, in good repair. Also, all necessary
buildings ihr the Manufaritory,vis
Cord and Spinning Machine building, Dyeing and,
Finishing House, &c., tte. The Works are all
well supplied with good Machinery and plenty of
water power. A stream of geod water is led to
the dwolling-house in pipes ; also, c 4,.?
springs and puinp-wells near. Also, a 4.lf i dll•Z.
beautiful Young ORCHARD on the
NO. 2—Contains 160 Acres, (more --
or less) adjoining No. 7, land of Mickel Defining
er, John Dotter and others. Nearly the whole of
this tract is under gqod cultivation and excel-
lent fencg. Erected thereon is a
Dwelling House, stable, and a large
Y:s,.. Shed. Also, near by a well, spring,
a splendid site for the erection of
a dwelling house. There is flowing
water in nearly every field. A School House
located on this tract.
NO. 3—Contains 180 Acres Wood
land, (more or less,) adjoining No. 1, • Wt.'
land of John Dotter and others. It ' 't
has a -rich growth of Chestnut Sprouts,
from 8 to 10 years growth. '
As the undersigned is sincerely disposed to sell,
the above may be purchased either in parts as
above or in the whote, as may be desired.
Gpod title and possession will he given on the
Ist of April, 1858. For further information ap
Aug. 5, .57—tf. East Hanover, Lebanon Co., Pa.
Valuable. Borough Property
S offered at private sale, that valuable half-lot
or piece of Ground, situate at the north-cast cor
ner of Walnut and 11'1ft:streets, Lebanon. front
ing 33 feet on Walnut street and SO feet on Water
street, at present occupied by John FerreP.s Marble
Yard; on which are a FRAME 110 t 1 &c. It
loeased within a square of the Lebanon Valley
Railroad. Depot, between the Depot and the een
lre of town. For further particulars apply to John
Farrel, on the preinkes. [Tune 24, 1857.
Call and See the
Dry-Goods, Grocery & Crockery
EONARD ZIMMERMAN informs his friends
-IA and the public that helms justreceived anew
stock of GOODS for the FALL Trade, which
will be found as cheap as any stock of the kind in
thistown, consisting of till such Goods as are
usually kept in a first-class store. Particular at
tention is given to Staple Goods for the Country
Trade, .not ricniectinw the fancy articles for La
dies' wear—such as Laces, Lawns, Edgings, Un
clersleves, Handkerchiefs, Ac. •
Gentlemen are invited to examine his CLOTHS,
Cassimeres, Casiacts, Tweeds, Fancy and other
Vesting;, -Velvets, Cords, Ac.
. In the Grocery department may be found a
splendid assortment of every need in the Fami
ly:—Coffoe,Sugar, Spices, Teas, Mackerel, Ac.
Crockry, the stock is well selected.
....00.•.7The highest market price will be paid for
Coun try .Produce. • Lebanon, Sep t:30,1857,
CALL' and oxdmino the new stock 4,1* Atkins &
U. •McAdam. • Come seen and • purchase your
Boots,. Shoes, be., at Atkins b McAdam's.
1.) A superior a,:sortuient Just received, ten per cent
lewer,than ever, offered at
, Lebanon; Oct 14,'57.
The •Tledieine orate Million
the life-sushcining agent. it furnishes-the com
ponents of tieSh, bout, muscle, nerve andiateguinerit.
Tile Stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distribu
tors, and the intestines the channel through which the
waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled.-.-
11 1 501, thestolMllll,The circulation and the bowels, theso
Pills act sinitatanectisly, relieving indigestion, purify
ing the Snide. awl regulating the excretions.
The National. Disease
Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all etas
es in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and
is the primary source of innumerable dangerous nralas
dies; hut whatever its, type or symptoms, however ob
stinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields
readily and rapidly to this searching kunerring remedy.
• Bilious' Afections
The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital im
portance to health, upon the liver, the gland which se.
cfeteit this fluid, these pillsoperate specifically, infallibly
rectifying its irretalariiiCS and effectually curing Jaun
dice, Bilious Remittent*, and all the varieties of disease
,generated by an unnatural condition of the organ.
Liver Complaints—
Unless the bowels perform their functions properly,
the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die annual
ly of Dysentery. iffartima, Chronic Const.Mation, and
other taSetuien of those Waste pipes in the system. The
etreM of the pills upon all intestinal disorders, whether
casual or epidemic, is a phenomenon in medicine. 13,y
following the printed directions, the most alarming ca
ses of bowel complaint are promptly controlled.
A Word to Females.
The local debility and irregularities which ere the es.
pedal annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when.
neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the time
'being, and prevented for the time to come, Ilya course of
this mild but thorough alternative.
.41*- Holloway's Pills are the best remedies known in
the world for the following diseases:—
Asthma, - Marlines, Indigestion.
BOwel Complaints, Dropsy, Influenza,
, Coughs, . Debility, I uthouniation,
Colds, Fever & Ague, lowan' Weakness,
Chest .Diseases, Piles, Female. Complaints,
Costiveness, "Headaches, Low uoss of Spirits,
Liver Complaints, 'Stone& Gravel, .. , econdarvSympti , ms,
. . - .. _ -.— .
Venereal A elections, IVerens of all kiwis.
* * * Sold At the 31anufactor,r of Profemeor 'lel lo w rey, 80
Maiden Lalle, New York, and by all respectable Drug
gists and. Dealers In 'lledielne throughout the United
States and the civilized worli4i n buses at 25 rents, 624
eents, : each.
Cheap Loo! iv Glass,
Gilt; Rosowood or Mahogany. or Venition Mina !
,TKINS MeADAM - Base just received a
new stock et` Boots, Shoes, Trunks and
l'revetting 'hags:
Di Bleached and Unbleached of all the different makes
at the very lowest cash prices, at
Lebanon, 0ct.14,117
E 2
'4 ,