The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, October 28, 1857, Image 2

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    Xtbaltint ZOVErti,str.
WM. IL BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor.
ANS. A very destructive•Sre occurred at Chica
go on Monday of last week, destroying property
to the issnount of $700,000. Twelve persons were
b 7 the falling walls of burning buildings.
Two brothers Smith, proprietors of a
.splendid, peach orchard near Sacramento, Calif.*:
nia, have, it is said, realized between $60,000 and
$70,000 this year from the sale of peaches.
VALUABLE HORSE LOST.-Dir. Christian Lapp,
of Lancaster Co., lost a stallion valued at $1,200
on Friday night. His death was the result of
overfeeding. Ho was on exhibition at the time,
at the Lancaster Agricultural Fair,
Vga..Prosident Buchanan has directed ono of
the new sloops of war, ordered by. Congress, to
be built at the Philadelphia Navy. Yard. This
will afford employment during the fall and winter
to hundreds of mechanics. •
Two citizens of Berks county, Wm. Van
Reed and B. Spoon, were lost in the ill-fated Cen
tral. America. They were both young men ; had
been to California; accumulated a considerable
amount of gold, and were on their return home.
Iss.. The citizens of Clearfield, Pa., became ex
cited last week, and almost perpetrated Lynch
law upon a scoundrel named RobortiVorden,-one
of a gang of horse thieves who have been infest.
log that neighborhood.
!—Queen Victoria of .England is about
proclaiming herself "Empress of India." She
might almost as well call herself Empress of Amer.
los, for as matters stand at present in India, ,with
the reeroltiug Sepoys, her actual sway is about
the semi.-
NY" The New York election will take place in
November. The Albany Argus says the traffic in
free negroes, as a political commodity, will then
cease. Among the bankruptcies will be the fol
lowing : Greely h Co., dealers in human Wool—
suspended, owing to the short crop, and the fact
that the olip now on hand hue no sale.
,ftgil"_ The Superintendent of Common•Schoole,
ham called a Convention of the School Directors
of Datiphin county, on Thursdiy, the 12th No
vember, to take into consideration the.propriety
:If Increasing the Wiry of their County Supeldn
lendent. The call was issued at the instance of a
majority of the Directors themselves.
VS. Great complaint is occasioned in the cities
by the enormous prices which are still demanded
for marketing. The Hucksters are the parties
charged with occasioning the high prices. Partn
ers could do much better by taking their produce
to market themselves, and consumers would also
be benefitted thereby. As it is, the hucksters
reap the largest profits.
%pi.. The rumor that the Bank of Pennsylva
nia had made an assignment is untrue. " Its notes
which bad sold at 450 have advanced to 70a80, and
many of the business houses in Philadelphia con
tinue to receive them at par.
The Farmers' Bank of Lancaster, which bad
•lso been discredited, is again in good standing;
its notes being redeemed by the Mechanics' Bank
of Philadelphia.
disarrangement of financial and business matters
at the North resulted in a partial suspension: of
labor of nearly all descriptions, some portions.of
the West are- calling for more laborers. The Bal
timore .Sun says: The Galena mines are adver
tising. for ten thtusand workmen. The Pacify
and Minnesota R. R., on which work has just com
menced, is in want of a large numbers of laborers.
biaTnnwaries.—biatheinatica is the mostnoble
and elevated science the human mind can investi
gate or study. Each question that the student
undertakes to solCe, when accomplished, but leads
to another and a higher, and thus leads the Intel
het to consider and grapple with the gra'ndest re
alizations of truth in our universe. All other
sciences (except those relating to living beings)
are based upon it. Astronomy, its eldest child,
and mechanics, its most useful servant. are but
practical mathematics. How great and noble to
calculate the distances of stars, the motions of the
planeteand-to prophesy the appesianee' of a. me
teor I and how useful and glorious, as advancing'
true civilisation, to calculate the horse-power of
a steam engine, to estimate the extent of a bed of
eoal, to determine the practical strength of iron.
All these axe done by the' id of thii science, and
the world teems with objects for its investigation.
ocrats of the last House of Representatives-voted
for the till for the aule ; of the lifAtt Line.- Not
one of hum has hien re-electeil to the Legislatkel
All the Itimeerats who voted . againif the metil
we, and have been candidates far
have been returned ! - •
Of the opposition members who voted for the
bill but two or three have been returned . ; andithi
engineers of the bill, notwithstanding that some
of them reside in districts hating large'Opposition
snajoiitias, not one has been re-elected. Even in
this county, although "the pirty" approved the
measure—its organs advocated4he passage of the
bill—and probably induced the member to vote
for: it against his better judgment,yet when he
came before his , own party for re-nomination, that
vote rested upon him, and he was obliged to with
draw his name during the session' of 'o r conven
tion. They dared not force their own people with
Mr. Hoffman and solicit for him an approving
verdict. They conipelled him to 'dig his own
grave, and then they buried him in it. The les
son is one for politicians to profit by.
ed Synod of Pennsylvania is now in session itt
All en town. Among the business to be brouiht
before it, are certain charges agninst two Minis
ters of that persuasion, the one the Rev. Leeohey,
and the other the Rev. Helfrich, both of North
ampton county. A committee of Ministers was
appointed sortie weeks ago to investigate the mat
tor. It was .alleged against the former that, he
was deeply interested in some coal transactions in
Interne county, in some way connected' with the
Northampton Coal:Company, which was organis- .
ad several years ago. It is not stated in what
manner these transactions affected' the etan4ing
of Mr. L., / but the Ministerial Court voted to sus
pend him. Against the latter it was alleged that
be was afso engaged in the Coal- basiness—tbat
he endeavored to defraud the . Coal Company:-:-
that be was, entirely too . itordly in his movements
trading hareem, speculating in eon; slate, &0., and .
lastly, that at a pict-nio givins some time'ago he
bed joined in toms sort of kissing play, such as
the young - fella Mmatinimintroduce for the sake
of akaPSWIIOI4 , and tlita,4 o tiliktiogd•tr e SfirigY
The .Muses against . Helfrich woireMi, mt e tpied
bet simkois Er is to iiirstkrel doloritisSSinalisid
Ilesll7 ilispaNd at
A New Political Movement
The Whig party With its high Proteetivo • Tariff
and National Bank principles, suaCumbekto the
Democracy,,after fightinOtfor reanpesOmder,
the ablest leaders - the country ever produced.—
After that Know-Nothingism tried its hand, but
its existence was up like an arrow and down like
a—pudding: Then Black Republicanism pre
sented its. woolly heatl."!. It wits killed a year ago,
but doubts beink nxideised‘bout its death—that
it was only in a trance—it was tried_again . ,t.
fall—but sure enough, it is dead as a"door nail."
Now we find the opposition papers moving'al.
ready in favor of the "re-organization of the old
Wkig party ?" Well, it will be the same old Black
Republican party, not even with ,theadvantage of
a new name. What will be-the principles of die
new party,„tinder .the .it National
Bank ?. Surely, the experience of the past I . 4iv
weeks has not prepared the people for,thato The'
high Protective Tariff of the old Whipparty ?
No, no; that Won't do ,for.a partyorifich:at the
last session of engress rediteedrand , modified the
Tariff of 1846, elected a free-trader Speaker of the'
same Congress, and has again just rallied under'
the banners of the only : averred free-trader of note
(Wilmot) in this State. What claims the opposi
tien have inherited from the old Whig party
as a tariff party, have been rendered up, deserted,
in fact, disowned ; and hence the oply,Tariffparty
in the country at present is the Democratic party.
It has always maintained a Tariff for Revenue
with incidental protection. Prom that position it'
cannot be moved. We caution old-line Whigs to
beware of the bultpreparing :for them. The'old
Duteh saying rendered into English, ,is, f‘with.
cheese we catch the mice." .14ckRepnblicanj
ism, finding its utter, inability,. to,cope , w ith the
Democracy, would now, win back the tens of
thousands of old-line Whigs, by a 'freorganization
of the, Whig party," tinder the tempting-name of
Whigs. We, have hinted what the principles of
the new reorganization cermet be;. we eonfidently
assort that, the only. distinctive featnre of the new
ism will remain what - it is $ present—aboditioni'
ism. Old-line Whigs, beware of the bait! It is
found that, your services are, needed to put the
spoilsmen into power and office, and hence their
humiliation within three weeks of the discovery.
Had abolitionism been sneeessful tholast elec
tion in Pennsylvania, we•should not have heard
of up, re-organization of, the Whig party."
Why Has the Specie Gone Abroad?
Since June 1854, the export of specie from the
United States has been upwards of three hundred
and sixty five millions of dollars, ($365,873,880,)
commencing in that fiscal year with eight mil,
lions, ending in the fiscal year 1856-7 with sixty : -
nine millions of dollars. The import of specis
to the country at different times within the same
period, was ninety-tivo millions, $92,050,864,) so
that our net' export of specie since Jane 1844,
when our pleseut crop of- paper credits had just
began to grow, has, been two hundredand fifty- -
three millions of dollars ($253,317,016.)
Why has thisslreele gone abroad? That is the
great question for the present'erisis---theAnestion
of questions.- : -Exchange.
This specie has gone abroad, because, ;lilt& all
other articles, it goes where it is'mosti•wanted,'
and where people. are willing to pay , the - Ahighest
price for it. • Specie, in the commerce of theworld'
is like goods put ap under the auctioneer's hin
mer—it goes to the highest and: best bidder. l - •
When any nation really wants it, and is-able:and
willing to pay for it, it is just ascertain to got spe
cie as it is to get grain, or dry goods, or iron, or
any manufactured-article. - Tariffs have a great
deal less to do with its exportation frorib-o"rits im
portation into, a, country, than ninny-Wiseacres.
would .have the'people believe,- -During the lust,
year the tariff <4'1842 was inoperation, the export
of specie from the United States was considerably
greater than the import-of it. And the first year
the tariff of 1846 was in' operation, the imiairt of
specie into the country was greater than it• had
ever been before. The prolific production of:gold
in California rendered it plenty in this country,
and led us to attach less value to it.that other na
tions-did. Ittherefor - wentabroad. - Thelate - panic
however, created an active „demand- for it here;
and, notwithstanding the present tariff is consid
erably lowerViari that of 1.46, the export of spe
cie immediately stopped, and every foreign steam
er that arrives brings specie into this country.—
The tide turned' the moment the demand` became
greater here than abroad,—Prees -
LAVEST FOIMIGN No.wa.--We hare tieWs - ircitn
Europe te`the4Oth bY the afriial'hf the
steamer:Europa at Halifax on- Tifondosr . hf
meek. The monetary `arias Stsite,s
had produeetVa severe stringency in Paris, and
contractionlyy the .Bank Of Fiance.. In'lrienna;
the financial pressure cialitiimed s rery ieiererancl
numerous failares -had beedrfed..."- The' finiinVal
troubles seem to have 'eatiser a - great politieal
change, for it appears that the difficulty Of /ih
taining gorornment uses has rendered : a
reduction of expenditures by the European' "Mon
archs indispensable; and tcrthis end itTirtig
posed, at the late :MentinedNioNitietrldadh,lo
make a general reduetititi
This is said to have been/theirii'airntiNct 'of' that
The town of GaUtz; in i- TcirkbyPhislibeii nearly
destroyed by fire; Paper money iir
depreciated twenty per oeikt.
dia my that Nena !Sahib, the' SePoy Benerral,"he
ing resolved not to ,be takein , itliVe by the"tilliiii
troops, has a body guard wbo are strretly'ordere'd
to kill him rather than see himcaptured : ° There
are said to be 30,000 mutineers between thiwniefe
and Lucknow.: It is considered do.ubtfillwhifther
General Outran:l.:can ascend thetiver Goira, as it
is lined by forts manned: , , mutineers; gbie6
the putbreak, Oily, 3000 British irocCps
ed at ,Calcutta. It is fearedlhattite.English-ger
rison at Lueknow wilLfalt before asiiiitanco . :mill
possibly arrive. Tw-o.shivers have, been captured
on the..7l.Xest- , Beast'of Africk; one •4f ithiSEXlTeing
the Anierican„.brigantine,..Barab Jane- By. Abe
sinking of altussian, min of war vessel:-Inr . the
Gnlf of Finland, fourteen. hundred lives had been
Lerpy..--The -Baltic ! , : which:left 'Liverpool 'on
the afternoon of the 14th inst.,.ancl•reached Nest ,
York on Sunday, has brough t 1,7.2,900- in g01d...,;
The England markets were steady,with a down
ward tendency in the prices,of r prowletuffs. The
money market was -very stringent, _with fluctua
tions in the publics securities: Tlke banks ofEng
land and Ireland had raised their rate.s-of discount
to 'T per Cent., and the banks of France had also
put on the screw. At Vienna, money was very'
tight. Some mercantile failures, for large amount
had occurred in England and Scotland. ;
News from India,.l4 the ororland Mail, had
been telegraphed.' 'The troops from England
begun to arrive at Calcutta. .Delhl,Litekn.ow and
Carrpore still help out;'
• Prioress, the Ameileanthare,:haiVirea l
sariwieh'Cuis, at Newmarket.4l4ftikol,o,oo9,
She rim a dead heat , tirst, crack:Eng
land horses, and aftsrwards WO the' race by a
length and &half, amid shontS r ef applause from
the bystanders.
The Mardeiotllfiss Ba, vor, at kfohrsville,
atill remains enveloped in mystery. .Th 9 Com- .
, missioners of Berks county have;offered a re7stAt
'of 4506 for the defe'c'tiiiiir'q.:tbe murderer.
„As, al
singular coincidetiCe . ; ihe Betiding 'journal gives
the following :—"Some eighteen years ago a beau
young girl, named Esther Fisher, left Man
ayunk on .a canal boatTeribiadingi'brlt i tias
tiered before reaching thelatfeepitibg.
lie excitement was very great, and a large reward
was offered" for the detectiola,. o r fAc min cflcvass:but
iwithbak .saccess. This girl was a sister of the p
fniother oP Adeline Bayer, quo so Toceatly las
asst .aisailar fato t "g • t• 1,1
Pennsylvania Bank Note List.
PHILADELPHIA, October. 24, 1857,
Bank of Commerce, (late .14loyamensing,) , . par
Bank of:North America,• • • 4
. i , f -"--. par
"Bank of Northe4 Liberties; par
Bank of Pennsylvania, 20
Bank of Penn Township, par
.Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, par
City Bank, par
Commonwealth Bank* . - , . r ---
Consolidation . Bonk; .- ' • ' Par
Corn Exchange B an k,*
k7ar.inere andibiechanieeßank, par
- Girard Bank, ' par
'Kensington Bank, -i . WIT
Manufacturers' 'and Ateebanies' Bunk, , 'par
'Mechanics' Bank .... • - „ par
Philadelphia Bank„ , par
Southwark - Bank, - ''''' ''' " - par
Iliadesmonq Barlkt, , '''' - : • ' ' - . par
Union Bank,* .... ,
~,i,., - 1 „ „-,,.?: , .. . -`'-
'llreterri Bank ' .. par
I' *1 jw ty3iwtOOUNIPR.:Y.9I'2,NItS:'"' '' '
Allentown Bank, Allentown; - par,
Allegheny Bank, - I 'l' 3 '
Anthrtioite Rank, '
-Bank ilf , Cha'nilaWal;nrg, 'Chtimberslinik; . 5
-Bomb •Chest& CetuldYr West- dhestel, - 'par;
Bank of Danville, Danville, 'phr
Bank of Delaware County, Cheater, '
• Bank of, Germantown, GermantoWn, ' par
Bank of Gettysburg,': - !-Gettyshurg, . 5
Bank of Middletown, Middletown, 5
Bank of Montgomery Cieyi Norristown, par
Bank of Northumberland, Northuinberland par
Bank .Of New Castle, New Castle,
Bank of Pottstovin,. *- Pottstown, - Par
Bank of Catasaqua, Catasagna, '
leaver - Bank,*n -Beaver;
Bank of - Chester' Valley„* • -
Bank of Shamokin,* "Shamokin,'
Central Bank,*
Citizens' , Bank, ' Pittsburgh', 5
Columbia Bank, Columbia, par
Crawford County Bank,* Meadville,
Doylestown Bank, • Doylestown par
Easton Bank, Eastor4 . '" par
,Brie Bank, ':.•
Erie City Bank, • Eric;
Exchange Bank, • -*- -'•PittSburgh,`
Farmers' & Mechaninellki, "Easton}. par'
Farmers' Bank of Bucks Co., Bristol; • / par
Farmers' Bank-of Lancaster, Lancaster, per_
Farmers' Bank of Reading,' Reading, par
Farmers"BlE of S. chuYlkill co., Po ttsv par
Farmers' and Drover's' Bank, Waynesburg; '
Franklin. Bank, Washington; 5
Ilarrisburg Bank; ; Ilarrisburg, fi
Ilonesdalc,Bank, • Honesdale,' 5,
Iron City Bank,* Pittsburgh; -
Jersey Shore Bank,* Jersey Shorn
Kittoning Bank,* • Eittanirig, • .•
•Larteaster Bank, ' - , Lancaster;'
Lancaster Cou my Bank; • ' Lancaster,. - par
Lebanon Bank, 'Lebanon, par
Lebanon Valley .Think,* • - Lebanon; •
Lewisburg Savings Bank? , Lewisburg,
Lock llaven Bank, ..Loek Ifavett, • 5
Merchants' & Mang'rs Ilk., :Pittsburg,. •:
Mauch Chunk Bank, ;• - Mauch Chunk; .par
Mechanics' Bank ofiPitts'h Pittsburgh, 5
,Iditiers' Bank of Pottsvile, -Pottsville,
Monongahela Bk Browns'lle, Brownsville, ' ,5
.Pittston Bank,* Pittston •
Stroudsburg Bank, Stroudsburg, ,,, par,
Tioga County Bank,* , Wellsboro'
llnion Bank of:Beading,* Beading,.
West:Branch Ilank, ,
Warren CoMity, tank, Warren,
WyOraing Bank, Wilkesbarro • par
York Bank; York, 5
YOrk County Bank, York, 5
• - 1074;,. All ' NOteigosd 1. per Cent., and
-tagged 2 per - cent. dispount., ,.
„.; . •
- *Nevi Banks not yet commenced operations.
When placed banks, the dash
signifies that the notes are discredited.
The' followink tables exhibit the political com
plexion of the Leiislature of 1858:
Philadelphia pity—Rarlaa . Ingham, Dem., R.
S i
L. Wright, Dem.,. .1". .fia ' ticlat,i Dem., N. J.
Harselts t Dem.
Chester and Delaware- Thos. S., hell, Dem.
Montgomery-Thomas P. Enos, Dem.
Eneks!-Jonathan Ely, Dem,
Lehigh and Northampton--dea. Laubaeli, Dem.
'- : Becks--John d. Evans, Dora'.
' Seheylkilll 2 -0. M:ECrattb, Dem.
-Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayrie-.Thonipte
Craig, Jr.,;Ddip: '
Bradford; Susliuehnnni, Sulliven aril *Yarn-
Luzerne,,Geo. P. Steele; Dern.
Potter, Ailican and Warren---.G. W.
,aeafield,- Opp.- .•
ClinfortitLycomiiii, Centre and' Uition---And'w
.Gregg,lOpp. •
Sny.tler,.Narthumboiland; Mantoiii tindToitcm
bia-7-Ckartat B. 11 itektideeo,lektm:
.i, I CumberlandpPorryl Juniata -
.rY4Foter,-Donn - .; . .
• paughinagand Le r baittiriaL.Tali 11.^ kerfii;'d,
I . Opp ; r , ,!, • iz!
: liolleaSter.,-.43ertrtifie'lt
aßaLdwin, Opp:* = &
~,.4Adpws,7.llrankiii7 t artliSultonmGeorgislf. Brew
er, Dem.
; g°lo4sTlt*: 4 (1 / 9 .0 -114#ntingdon— Wm. P.
Bettell D •
ri, :13j i a , i4,9,11,y,b0t1, d,O,lparftekloh n Oresswoll,
Jr. DAM ' : ti
Indiana A.rm strop g—Ti Cum J. Coffeei-Opp.
,g,agetteiricab i Turiley,
Dem. - • -
Washington and Greatio-,_G._W. Atifig ha ß i gta.
Dem.; E. D: Gaz:.
stun, Opp. T
Lawrence, Mercer and Venango— Wm. N.
Francis,- Opp: - - -
:,,,Firje and Chiwfird-t-T. , A.:Fineen Opp'
Clarion Jefferson Forest and , Elk,-Henry
Southe'r, Opp ; , : A ,"
Alleapitutwion.- .
;;. .Opposition.,.
litddifigt over, .13
iqew'llainbc:rs 8 4 ":
Vaal, - - 214 4 12'
New mem!acra in Italic`; `old membnre Roman
.4. , vT0,fi1l vacancy:" ` ' "
Philadelphia city, 17
, • .
Clincter, ,
,; 3...
Baits; """ 1 '
Northampton, 2
LehigNaud Carbon,, • - • ' 2 •
211°Tirw'fin0 P.A O ? , , „ 1
WaYne, , 1 .
Lucerne, • • ' '• •
Susquehanna,' 1 '
Bradford - • • ' 2 '
Wireng, SuPn, Onl,uncl;oikand
Lydoming and dlinton,
Centfe; ' 1 ,
Union, ,Snyder.andJuniata, ' 2" '
Northumberland, ; " ~.1 ru
- 3
Dauphin,' 1 .
- -
Lancaster, • • 4-
Cumberland n 'd Perry; — 2
.Adams • -
FrAß4in and Fulton,
'lledfordand,Somorsst% E- 1 •
, i ,
11164' , .;! 1
Cambria, , ' • ' •
Indana r fylf" f
ArMATO/igNATPll44 o retatil4 , . :
Fakette l
Grealiti"J .
The Lecrislature' of 1858
Washington, 1 1
Allegheny, 1 4
Bearer and Lawrence, 2
Butler, 2
Mercer and Venango, 2
Clarion and Forest, 1
Jefferson, Clear`d, Elk and M'Kean, 2
Crawford and Warren, 2
Brio, 2
Potter and Vega, 2
Democratic majority on joint ballot, 47
The Vote for Governor.
R.' • •
: 4 -- • Z
?: - o
3 - a • t
P4iladetplitu, - • 2/749 , 10001 - 11.3.55
Delaware,,..z. „, , 1568 : . ; 1614 ...-. -' ; 609
Northampton „. 4667 . 1111 1010
Franklin,'' ' /' . '81.86 : 8068' IS2
Union,' , 971 1275 . 162
Mifflin, . , 1532 1 8 2 0 17 -• , ' ! 14-
Montour; 1080 . 8
Chester, " 5388 5269 • 1529
.Berks,. ' ' 8722 ' 2750. . =874
Schuylkill, -.- • 5070 3097 ' ,: SSI
iruncap.ter, . S 6487 , 7702 , 1237
Lebanon,., 1080 ' 2994 182
. . ,
Diupbh,3lo9, 2050 • 000
thiraberlancl ; 3078 2406 58
Bucks, 5747 4801 :101
t 13805 2857 ' 9
3311 4.; • • A ,-1518 . . 1450 • : 569
Clearfield, 1459 7.25 ';230
`Nortlfunilierland,:` 2521 974 490
Westmoreland, - , ' , 4301 . ' 3448 -24
Colunbia, 2410; , • 1144. • .30
Litzerne, 5268. 3536, , 214
Monifie, l ' 2252 ' 504 5
Montgomery, 5443 2618 1386
„Parry, ' ; 1.965 • 1564 161
;,; .. 190 - 12
;Snider; .. 989 81
1220 99512
York, .
'5314 '1778 1332
8ri0,.:.....,,..;;• , : , .1685' 3305' V 1 133
Indiana, . 1438 • 2650 • 26
Adams, 2363 1900 5S
Fulton,' 617 570 9
Wayne, • 1992" 1692 50
Warren,.' 899 '-1369 9
Bodforc; 2338 ,1563 398
nuntieigddn, 1749. 3615 248, ' • 2539 2928 49
La*ren4,- - 983 1992 -
Wrath ington, :x.!3752 3614 - 142
Beaver„. 2557 1999 20
Sotlerpici, 1741 2277 . 5
Tioga, 1193 3237
Sus4uehtinnti, x`2419 3224 9
Clarion' ' • - 2132 '987 ' 23'
Cra*ford, 2576 3514
Gre6nO;; . 2034 1000 8
Jeffeisott, - 1268 1025 54
Juniata, 1108 1035 2O
IVlcApan, „;„ . , 496 • 565 • 7
Potter, , 495 957 % , 4
.494. 265 „
ButlLr, s` 2361 2831 53
502 . 276 3
Fayette', ,I; 2520 ' 80
0 • 1790 2
0 .-
Briadtord 2 8 . 2 : 9
Clinton" 14134 , 1083 13
• - 4
t tt , 18562.7 146098-. 28217
Pact er's xaajority t qluirtrilmot,. 20;275
Paefzek's alaj (leerWi mat llazlohurst 11 502
nEitrKING AVORktike A/Utdajan ~D emocrat
says that operations are about to,be resumed !at'
manyy of the iron worliain Lehigh county, which
had suspended a few weeks ago. The: Thomas
Reit Companyaililjbe,grain Company, his said,
will hoth.catinne their furnaces blast during
the winter. The Allentown Iron Company are
going 'en: uninterruptedly. This will, afford. ern
'ployment to many a man along, the Lehigh who
Won.ld'otliervirie hare an idle, dreary winter before
him. .
THE Opn GuNT.—Semedays ago a produce deal
er in one of our. markets sold a customer a half
peak of,potatoes for a.levy, and in taking his pay
irom.a,quarter dollar, returned. twelve . cents
change. This the customer declined to receive,
claming thirteen cents as his due. A dispute en
sued, which ended in the customer. getting out .a
warrant for the odd cent, and,the case being tried
he recovered it.—.llrashingtoa Star. .
:‘ TERRIBLE DEATH.—A 'correspondent of tne
•Manehe'ster (England) Guardian states That an
Itmerican'young fadi, : named, TralaWay, orie of a
party attempting the ascent of Mount - Mane, slip
ped over an iCelirecipice, and fell hUndreds .of
feet into h fissure; where itis suppnsed, she must
have-been Alasbed to pieces. LiVing or lend,
however, no assistance could he given, and there
her remaitisinualia, until the last trump, shall •,
pf• Lager beer is the question that at rosent
particularly engigei3the attention S Bailin; tit
uPr SSIL. Tte consumpi!on .of this
article, has
reached the hinntint. of 190 000 tot.
Iva 1•.; • • ns p-c 771.-F• A
fitricie 7 eoenpany on a laige scale Us, being formed
for The aanufaeturc`of thisbeverage.„ Among the
directors are loyeral bankers and, other indirldu,
'ale of high standing, and . a celebrated brewer
from Munich has been engaged for the undertak
Wit call the attention of 'all,old and Young,to this won
derful preparation, which turns back to iticoriginal
eater; graYliair—adVers the heed of the bald with alnx.
orient growth—removes the dandruff, itching, and'
cutaneous eruptions 7 —causes a continual how 031,e nat
ural Raids• and Itenee,if used as a regular dressing for
the . hair,,,:will preserve its color,and keep irfrom falling
to extreme old age, in all its natural beauty. We call,:
then; upon %rid bald, the gray, or diSeased in scalp, to use
it; and. surely, 'thei,yottrig will mot, as they valise 'the
floWing lacks, or the witching curl ; ever be without it.—
Its praise is upon the tongue ofthousiinde. :
Watertown, fifties., May 1, 1855;
Pitor. 0. J. Coop:—Allow. me to attest the virtues and
magic powers of Your 'fair Restorative.. Three months
since, being exceedingly gray, I purChlised and soon corn
menced to use, two bottles;. and it soon began :to
restoring the silver locks to their native color, and the
haic which was before dry and , harsh. and falling off, now
beeidne soft and glossy,and it ceased fallingp the dandruff
disappeared, and the 'Scalp boat all the disagreeable iteh
ing, so, rouroying before,: and now, Irrieronly'leali`bitt
feel Yoying again. Resper.tfully.yours, ends. WtrrrNEY.
New York, Oct. 2,1855.
Ivr, J..Woori: Dear sir ::.After reeding the adier:;'
thib:rneht in one of the New York journils of your cele
brated flair 'Restorative, I procured a half pint bottle,
and wasap MOO Pleased with it that contiinierfits use
foe two months, and ass satisfied. it is decidedly the. best
preparation before the Publia!" It at once removed all the
dandruff and unpleasant itching from the scalp, and half
restored my,hair naturally, and have no doubt,perma
neatly so:' You have permission to refer to me, all who
enlertalo p any,doutit of its performing ail that is claimed
foe it. - Miss FZERS 26M Oreenwich.A*.
I hive need Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Restorative, and
base admired its Wonderful effects. It restored my hair
where it had fallen off ;. it clews the head and 'renders
the hair soft and smooth—ninth pore so than oil-
Nov:1;1855. Hans A. ATKINSON.
State of Illinois, oarlisle,June 27,'b5,,,
I have used Prof. 0. , /,-Wcicd's Hair Restorative, and
have admired its wonderfht effect. . My hair was becoin-
ing•as I thought prematurely gray, but by the use of the ,
-.Restorative," it hes resumed its original color, and`.l
have. no doubt„pormanentlyso.
, United Statat..
[From theMashingtori ' ' '
Among Abe many preparations now in use for the re ,
'storing; preserving and beautifying the hair, there are
nonu,tbet:we can -recommend With more confideneelluin
Pre. AVP O O Hair in general use thro.-
most WWII, rea9. 7 4:17. h e n
"ont•tbaltaten. • This pregaration possesses the most in
ivigerating .qualities, and never , fails in producing the
IWe'i6fer our ;renders to,the advertisement for a few of
~theinnuuterable.iertitietteswhiblfhavibeen sent by Par
aPPlital according to directions.
ties, who have been benefitted,by it, and feel happy giv-
IngtaithnongtOlta woliderful - etfeets produced on them.
o , ..„l.MXlD 4 C o i, , Proprietert4B:l2liroillway;N. Y.
• and 114 Market stroetodt..Louls,• Missouri.
Yeetiale, in Libinon, Stßuusenz a LEMBKRO4II'S Drug.,
• store.; 7.6.180, by all respeetable Diugglits. isept.2B:-Sm.
09 31
21 12
go 43
6000 ,7687 658
2872 1702 1348
2402 ~2106 ~
2472 164-2 165
3'557 '672 352
2663 2145
t iljmi ggiit. wish to inform the citizens of Lob
_` County end neighboring coun
esthey arenow in
f n o full oper-
niion,rind are prepared' that
do =
such os
Flooring Boards, Weather Boarding,
Sash,Dours,Window 4Door Frames;
Shutters, Blinds, Planing Scrolls,
SAWING, and atiy.other kind of SaWing which
may be Wanted to it builders. The subscribers
beg !cave to inform the public that they have the
latest end best improyesl,machlnery in the coup-
ty, ac., and that
they arc able to , produce as good work as the coun
ty can priidiice. '
None but : the bestr4osl well-seasoned LUMBER
will be used. Carpenters and Builders are invi
ted to call and. examine their readyAnade stock,
which they will alw,ays, t keep„on band, and judge
for themsnlves. ,
Their Shoi) is on Pinegrovo Road, near
Phreaner's Old Foundry.. • -
Door and Sash Manufactory !
Located on the Steam-ITOrbe Road, near Cumberland
Street.. East Lebanon. •
.THE undersigned.reipeetfullyin
formthe publicin. general, that they
have added largely to,their former
.1141.1 • I tK" i * and alsohave
kinds of the latest and , best improved .MACHIN
ERY in the State in full operation, such as
for conducting the general business for
Planing, Scrolls', Sawing., itc.,
and the experience acquired .hy E...t,ongaker and
J. G.Gabel,duriiig their connection with the. Door,
Sash and Lumber Trade, for a number of years
past, affords full assurance of their ability, in con
nection With Galiel,to select stank suitable to the
wants of the Door and Sash business in this State.
,They, now offer to Mechanics and Farmers
generally, Upon favorable,terms, a judiciously as
sorted stock of D 0 ORS, S'A - Sit• &c., from the best
Lumber manufactdriei in the Sia6; feeling eonfi 7
dent that their assortment is not to be excelled by
any other establishment in the State in regard to
exactness in size, quality er finish, and is calculat:
ed to afford theroughSatisfeetien to all those who
may favor the undersigned with their custom.
'.the following list comprises the leading arti.
Iles of stock cn
Doors, of all sizes; Sash, of all sizes;
Door Frames, for brick and frame houses;
Window Fraines,forbrinkandfraniehouses
Shutters, of all sizes; Architraves;
Blinds, of all sizes; ' Casings, from 6 to Gin.;
All kinds Mouldings; > Surbase;
0. G. Spring Moulding, of all sizes; Wash-boards.
Lebanon, July 15, 1857.
P. B.—Pluning, Sowing; &c., promptly done
for those furnishing the Lumber.
W El M E R
akticititiorz . ' WORKS,
Opposite the Lebanon Arallert.4l., Depot, Leb
anon, anon, Lebanon nounty,' , k.:i.
WM.'t P. L. WEIMER, Propri
mtors, manufacture Stemir.:Engines
from 1 to 300 horsmpoweruf_th.
latest styles and pi - titans, , with all
the Modern inipiovenients. Also, superior Port,
able Engines. (with Link Motion Valve Gear,)
mounted on Wficels,.for Saw Mills ' Wood sawing
and Hoisting purposes: , Particular attention is
called to our small Upright Engines for Printers,
Druggist§ and persons wanting msmallamount of
Power. They take up a 'very small space, and
can be put up in a room as a household fixture,
Also, Blowing-Engines and Machinery for An
thracite and other Blast Furnaces of improved
construction. - Forge Hammers, of P. L.lVeimer's
Patents ' Mill, Sawing, Planing
Flouring Mill Fixtures; Minim , ' Pumps ; Hoist
ing Machinery- for Mines and`Stone Quarries
. Railroad Cars,..lron Bridges, Shafting; Hangers,
Palleys; Turning Lathes, .Drill Presses, Planing
Machines, Brass Stop Cocks, ,Valvet and Brass
Fixtuis, Globe SteatiiValves, of all sizes, and
Machinery and Castings of every description.
Also,Boilers of any sine,. form and weight,
Made of the hest material, by well-known andmx
periencedworkmen; Smoke : Stacks, Water Tanks,
Gas flues, Heaters, and 'Sheet iron work of every
description. [Our Boiler sheets are all tested•by
dividing.tliem into squares of 2 - inches. and ham
mering each Square ; any imperfection is thus de
tected; and the faulty sheet rejected; this isprae
tised in: very few-shops in-this country.]
Also, squalor Wrought-Iron Pipe, for steliin,
gas and water, with all the necessary fixtures, con
stantly on hand, and.put up . 4.t.t.he shortest no
tice and on most reasonable terms. Iron, Brass,
and Composition metal Castings, made to order,
at.tho : shortest notice.
'.Repairing attended to with promptness
and despatch. A gang of Boiler makers always
ready for Boiler repairs.
~.,Blacksmith Work mkdo to 'order.
, a",grders.rft peetfally solicited. All commu
iilcations,,.kiy mail, or . otherwise r attended to with
iiiipittch, and work ticAyered railroad, or ca
nal, free of charge.'"
:WM. WEIMER, • ' ‘" P. L. 'WEIMER.
Lebanpa,, February. 4, 1857.
• • FLOUR; • .
' •s'• - ..mrimuNGs,
at. Genesee loins of
W.r. • F .
A T the Genesee lliills e itetke Berimgh:otT Übe,-
JCL "nen, . WILE EtT _ CORN,
In arty quntitifr,':fitywhieh the ligiiii4Marliait
prActs.willlhepn - i'd in Crieb,:by '''! "
Jannaryliy -..A13311A8 613310C.R. •
WANT, D . ,
T'ilr•BLVE good Flour Baiael COOPERS, at the
Genesee mills, in'Lebanbit, to whom constant
'workand good. -wages will• be given. None lint
sober and steady workmen need apply. •
January 7, 1857 ; NYERS if i 51191112,
A. it:;Etritirg'S' PATENT
ll~sintilre 'Etc . Witt Has
lifilmiAOTtiltgal.glitibi alias %raider,
ilk Proprietor of the:riglit for Lebanon county,
(excepting the two Annvilles t Londonderry: •
This. Machine is superior to any now in.nsa, for
stiongth, durability and simplicity of construction.:
Ttio - hfitahi . fiei*hon.set iu the form of a Maaara
Excaritiorovill do its - work admirably. When the
load is drawn ant as.far'n's necessary, by giving's(
littio ; jerk. or tap. at the curve of the:long icier, it
will unshift, and the stop bar leverxvill fly forward
and th'e fork will unload'itself.
The seine • machine, with a very slight niters- .
tion, will: answer Tor elevating Hay ia Barns, bet.'
ter than any kook or fork now in lase. The fork.
is unshifted, when swinging in the mow, by giving
a -very' little jerk 'at the rope, Which is extended
dcwn.tbrough the, band bolt of' the'stop bar. '
Nortex.-,,4ll.persqps arc hereby forbid buying
or selling the 'abort, Mannino in the subscrilier's
district, unless th'e same is stamped R. Rursh's
Patent; Manufactured and Sold by E. Kreider."
I am now prepared to furnish farmers With this
valuable maehApe. For further particulars,
. Address. .ELIAfI; KREIDEK • ,
• Shieffetstoirn Lebanon Co., Pa.
Sept. 9, 'ISV-2m.* " ". " • .
• New.,.Livery. Stable;
.. ,
THE undersigned has establish=
• F' ', p the Eagle Ifotel stables, Lebanon.
i me , - ' - '\ ' l l' He has gbod and safe Horiei; Clir
_,' 1 .181 , :. tinges, as may belt:mired, and car
-- fel Drivers, which ho will hire' on
fair terms. ' Re being attentive to busi
'nets tb received liberal share of pe.tbtie.patronage.
A pply'at the Eagle Hotel ''or at the Stabfes.
Lebanon, am, 1 4 9, '57. - • .• ....... .• - :a,, •
Lelliaison Fenialie:Sk'Pkknmmyk :
,rII I HE THIRD SESSION of the " LEassost
,•' , YALE SEMINARY' will conimenco the Fist
days/,• , lt is cartmlitly requistea .
Aat Earnets intending. to,send their Dstrawrzhei;
•abitild dose at the commencement of.tho Session..
LEON ' - E.'BAUGHER, Principat.
", , ' Teacherbf . .Frencli a,d let/sic?'
Lebanon, July 29, 7.8.57.. .; •t.
LTICINS idcADAW ire 'reedy 14 Amoy t o
accommodate everybody with BOOtailiihfanoy
Two Ara and Traveling bags.
AIRE •UNDERSIGNED, having taken the
COACH-MAKING Establishment of Mr.
LEVI LIGHT, on the Turnpike, at the East end
of Lebanon, wish respectfully to invite the pub
lic attention to their business. Each of us having
served regular apprenticeships to the business,
and having had winoh experience therein,. we feel
confident of our ability to give satisfaction. Ev
ery article manufactured at our establishment will
-be under our personal supervision. - - We shall
keep on hand, READY AfA_DE
which will be warranted of the most superior qual
ity. We will 'alsd attend tci REPAIRING, at
short notice. %trilt.: None bet the best workmen
will be employed in any branch of the business.
We Cordially iavito the public to give us a call,
and we Will gil . eranteo satisfaction.
Sept. 2, '57-6M. „ ,:r FAUBER 4S YOUGa
L l fi, , ,e,"V- ' 1,44
. 41
- A
• =
r,E R•F *II R I.
aUILFORD do LEMBERGER, Graduates of
kA Pharmacy, and Practical Apothecaries and
Chemists, offer to the public a large and carefully
selected stock of. ffrugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
-Dye-stuffs, Oils, Spices, Perfumery,' Arti-.
eles, Flavoring 'Extracts; Tobacco and Cigars,
pure Wines and Liquors for .1 1 4edical purposes;
with everything in their ,line as Druggists, Per
fumers and venders of Panci Articles, Which we
can confidently-recomMend to Families, Physi 7
cians,- Country Merchants and Dealers,
fresh, pure, and prepared in, the ; best, manair.t-.
All the new Preparations, Chemicals and Patent'
Medicines. horse and Cattle Medicines. The
largest assortment of Trusses, single and double, -
for children and persons of every age, and for ev
ery variety of rupture—carefully - fitted and ad
justed if desired. Abdominal .Supporters...
bu. All orders correctly answered, and Physi
cians' Preseilptions and 'Family Receipts careful
ly compounded. '
Country Merchants and Dyers will find it
to their advantage to buy Of Guilford:A.:Lembo-ger.
'Ma.. Please call and get one of our Cireulars,
(printed in both English and German,) in which
you will find a list of most of the articles and prep
arations kept by us.
is opposite the Market.liouse,
July 29, 1557. ' Lebanon, Pa.
.9 1 18 Subscriber has made arrangements for
running a DAILY EXPRESS, connection
With his Freight Line, on Philadelphia and Rend
ing and Lebanon Valley Railroads, and is prepar
ed to forward Packages. Money, Jewelry, and
other valuables dail y each way
Between Phii.adelplaia, Reading, &e.
. cL Express in charge of a Special Messenger
Passenger Trains. All orders promptly deliv
ered, and goods forwarded with the greatest des
patch, at reduced rates.
allfri47llo4PAl 104
Ix , * or EXPRESS, as parties ordering luny intend.
Offices 311 Race Street, Philadelphia; corner of
Fourth and Penn streets, Reading at Sinkinf ,,
Springs, Wonielsdorf, Itioyerstorin, and at D.
Grteff's, Cumberland street, Lebanon. '
N. B.—A Line of Six Boats, running behteen
Philadelphiaand Pottsville to carry Aferchaudise
and Freight generally. ,
Achweitzer t Co., Go North Wharves, Tlfilad . a.
Chestnut street Wharf, Reading.
July 29,15.57—tf.
CIP , fiSiltIRE , •
:7TA:74`. -
rr".!S LINE consists of 22 first-class BOATS,
. Alarming. between Philadelphia, Baltimore
and all other points along the Union, Schuylkill
Tide-Water and Pennsylvania Canals. ,
FREIGHTS contracted for at the lowest pos
siblo rates, and delivered with dispatch.
_ •
The Proprietors will pay particular attention,
and attend personally, to the receiving and deliv
ery of Freights. .
SHIPPERS and MERCHANTS can rely on
haviig their GOODS delivered in good condition
and with promptness and dispatch, at low rat*.
One ofihe Firm will lifiy particular attention to
Goods shipped by the Lebanon Valley Railroad.
Goodswill be 804 and from Philadelphia
to. Lebanon, Myeistown,. Annville, Jonestown,
and. all other points in the county.
For information, apply at their-Office in North
Lebanon, or at:the:Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot.
EDWARD MA R, their Agent in Pbiladcl.
phi*, will always:be found at W. H. Base's Mer
chants' Hotel,.Neitte Third Street, Philad'a.
Lebanon, Mtg.: 32, ''s7-.3m.
- bought.. for C.ifiTV: IL L . & Co.
Speedmiimaxased MN"
. • ,4!
..71: 1 17
` ,TAR 110 11: 1111) EXPRgSS CO.
!.-ErIVE made arrangements with the Lebanon
.11-11. - Yallcy R. R: C0...t0 forward Goods, Parka
goi, Moneys, Ism,iin;harge of their own special
Messenger from BbilSidelphin nod Reading by Pne
:senger Train.
liderckants Wishing. their goods forwarded pune-
Welly and with despatch, will consult their own
interests by patronizing the Express Co.
Orderel few' G (indite be returned by Express will
be delis-6.'6111V Philad'a'free of charge.
Persons -having remittances of money to make
to any .part of the U. S. or Camidae. will find the
BspresS the only anfe.niode of conveyance.
'OFFICE-NU - 4 Eagle. Building, Lebanon, Pa.,
and 24S Chestnut St., below 3d et., Philad'a.
.7:10.11N ITLRICII, Agent,.
J lll 7 2255 -t[ • Fur llownrd Eipress Co.:
• lEtairvimeifil•& ffechanics ,
WIT undersigned would respectfully invite the
i attention of their friends and the public in
general, to the fact that they arc prepared, the
coming season, to manufacture and have on hand
tho largest and hest assortment of
over offered to the Farmers of this county; suck as
Wheeler's Improved Railway Horse-Powers and
Threshers; Manny's cdmbined Reaper and
Mower, with Wood's latest improvements;
' Coleman's Farm Mill; Grain Drills and
• Fans ; - Gotirley's Patent Harrow and
, Clod Cutter; Corn Ploughs and Planters;
Portable Cider Mills, Clover-Hullers, Corn
Shollers, Fodder Straw and gay Cutters, .te.
tir o . All of the above Machines are of the latest
and r besfunprorementa, and are all warranted to'
give satisfaction. Also,
Castings of all kinds made to Order, .
and at short notice. Particular attention paid CO
.REPAIRING, and charges reasonable.
FanmEns.will do well to call and examine our
.stook before purchasing elsawhora, as they will
'find it to their advantage to purchase Machines
rmaniifintiUed in their own county: •
'All orders or communications by mail will.
be promptly attended to. • .
• , A. MAJORr.e.bit.oll3 . R.
July 1, 1857. Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Po,„
JlteTl '. 'IIIBRMOMETBRS'„ +,..di2-
.Parsons in
wan kof ace - air:oo Therm'omeiters, Hind
!Mirrors, Traveling Flasks, China ts , "Fancy. Toll
let Bottlea; Puff Boxes, Lubin's and Othef 'Chniee
Perfames,,Tortoise Shell, Bahrei, India .'Rubber
and Horn Pocket and Toilet Combs. Fanny. Ser
gar and AA Stands (ti new article.) '
- - -
New Drug, Medicine & Perfuisnry Estabßement,
MarkQt Eit.reet.
And first artleid of the Lund ever entrabuncer tkt
name of " IN.TL-DnNIC or any other
country; all Darr Paamonic 7rafl4.are roupterfeiii.
The genuine can be knew, by Mecum/BRYAN Waif
stumped on each Wb FEY..
Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore-thioas. Haium.
- • italtgak
Relieve Astlinfa;ißraogitis l .Diftitle Ifreatlifig.
Relieve Spitting of Blood,..Paini
Believe Incipient Consnuittiori, 'Luck Dmturl.
Relieve Irritation of the Irvalturtnialhiesill
Cleave: the Ito "vai.ComPEnts Snail Wants*
Are a blessbig to all dares and emretitationi
Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers.
Improve thacorupses ankflailaty of the Voice.
Bay4trs PULAIONIC warl7,4- -
Are in a trimplaforin and pleasant to rthe-taziet:
Not only relieve, but effect rapid & lasting Cures
ire warranted to give satisfaetionAo every one.
No Family should be without a Box of
Bryan's Pulmonie Wafers
No Traveler should" be' without a Box or
Bryan's I...anionic Wafer's:
No Dealer should'be without, a.eapply of
Bryamls Puintonic Wafers ,
ton ma cestronnaa.
No person ever object to give All'
Bryan's Pulmonicl/ifekelfe
Per ekle by Dr. ROSS, opposite the -CouititkiliN.,Lets
non, Pa., and by all respectable DraggiatitliroiigiLput tbo
United States and Catania; also by Rah* Birch;'Read
ing, Pa.
Lebanon .IflntnalAnsuranse
Office at Jonestouni, Lebanon County.
GUARANTEE CAPITA', . $'56,4100.
THIS Company is noir fully organized and
ready to make Insurance on all kinds of
property in town or country and on as favorable ,
terms as any well- g overned and said company,
either on the Mutual or joint stock principle.
President—joux BRUNNER, Esq.
Vice President—D. M. HARMANT.
Treasurer—Gro. F. Men.r.
Seeretary—Wsr. A; BATrar.
John Brunner, Esq.,
D. N. Karmany, Napoleon Desll, - ;
Geo. F. Melly. . John Arndt,
W. A. Barry, John Melly,
S. U. Shirk, ' L. R. Walker,
Daniel H. Biever, D. N. Rank.
..sgr . A. S. ELY is the Agent-for-Lebanon.
He may at all times be4found at his often in
Walnut Street.
Jonestown, July 15,
Lebanon viiiitrilanic.
Located" in Market sticet,:.*ar:li;oppo
site the United Hatt, one , Door .Noah
of the Post Office. . ,
WILI4ay, the following-SATES of IA ~ T TER-
EST oa DEPOSITS, .onotild after, the Ist
day of March, 1557, viz : _
For I year, and longer, 6.per-eent,Teßappu*
For 6 months, and longer,-5-per cent jieaannam.
For 2 months, and longer; 4 per eentiWkm.
Requiring a short , notice of withdrawa4-intraf
fords a liberal line of accommodations tvithose who
favor it with deposits,pwhie Staand. Will
pay a premium on ani:ittstuattil loinxitlisi DU
LA RS, and also on • OLD Am - EnteAß • Domadia-
RALF DOLLARS. Will make collections •on and
remit to all parts of the United States, the Cana
dus and Europe ; Negotiate Loans, &c.,&e., and
do a general EXCHANGE and BANKIG BUSI
Gao. GLEIR; Cashier. - •
reit ILE, undersigned, Managers, are individually
f&I liable to the extent of their Estates dor all
deposit? and other obligations-of the. co-pa.rtner
ship Glad in the Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon,
County, trading under-the name and style of the ,
Leh., je . GEOROE °LEIN. 1
t.T.A.N9 t. 9 tiii-NO GTJANOI.I
Leinales Sup9rPtipaphOtedf
7,000 40,1V,5.
ARbfRRS;',7OA - fcir.yourWßEAlEVAlßPgin'oe
LEINAU'S Super Pho4thate of Time, at cts.
a lb. or $4O n Ton ; or nse
Leinau's American Fertilizer!
at :3,60 a bbl. or $25 a ton. One barrel of either
is sufficient for an Acre of Wheat. Theso are
made of reliable Chemical Elwi:gits, and have
been in successfuliuse for the past Six Years,
proviug th e aoiLaad increasing the value of tho
land. `• • • •
Penr - 4Diffroffifhtii) tb_e,Stife AgrieplgiSo
defy oT PO:inrylynpiol Ofsw JerseyA.p,l4l . :.
end. tbelittrittnl Potacii Atonfr.
Now TO*, ligve ikofi rtipoirM for
!Panip_blttg the 'En w ritmd fRo , “ ari Lon
guage:O.OVS. tea on a.69ir'Riflcti,::
IAZ Ne (Preto No holefile'Aieslerii.
The n.hove.FortiliAnittirelivered > zeforetittit
see tonny wharftitiAlp i old!C.ity
oiderit Mail aceompanietviith - Catai or
Marts. will be promptly shipped to_ any partV
the' wOrlit. : - Oto..A:*LßlNAU,PrcipAieterif
N 0.19 South kront sheet, ?ban. City.
July 29,'474M.
BOOT'.`,s H - CF_ ST 0 R E.
'Reid ft,
ThESPRCTRUNLYkinfoims the , 'Public -that hes
.4.1111 still eontinuesshis extensive establishriicastfin
his new building, .in Cumberland street, where he
hopes to nnder the same satisf'action as hereto
fore to till who may. favor him with their custom.:
lie iitvilesATerchants and dealers-its
• t."' " and
and every oiie who wishes tor y,urili . .6s . fashiouti r
blo and durable artitles , in his limr r fcc call awrek..
amine for then2seli - es; his largerand . var,iiksteek.,
He is determined to Surpass p 11; competition in;
the mataufacture of every artiele,4l'llis;/,ittainess„
suitable for any market in the lJngi.n.:, dike=
care is taken in regard to materialiand workflw
ship; none-but the best quality of Leather and
other materials are used, and' nbne but the best
workmen are eniloiell.
P. S.—He returns'his sincere thanks to hi,
friends for the very - liberal patronage heretofore _
bestowed on him. He hopes,, by strict atte t 4
to binineWand. endeivoriagAo please his
men, to merit a share of public patronalgei l ' '
Lebanon, Oct. -17, 1.836.
Indemnity Against - Loss bylaw,
Franklin Fire Insuran to„i".
OFFICE 1.634 thiEsTbarr STREim KAum:46
. . .
STATEMENT OF ASSETS, $1:j1327 136.
JAIs T ITARY - lirr'
Publiebed Agreeably Id 4ot of Aosembly,3
First Mortgages. tun:ply seourql, • , $1, 5 / 9 .4V 73
Real Estate (presentitaluMg4llolo 'cost, '82,784 36
Temporary Loans, akmplegollataral spew. , • .N 1..)
Times, • ' 69,114,111,.
Stocks. (present valve; $88,881,12, cost, 71,262 07 1
Cash, etc., „ '64,121 te
g1A27,14, 80••:.
-every desetiption of-provierty, , in • • '
Batas is LOW,ad'Lre eonsfatent security. .
Sinai their i•iticoiiei w
ition period - of 4wenty:ent..
yeece they hare paid o TIIREENBIZION ppm:A •• ..
LOSSES BY FLEE, thereby affording eeidence ef the eid—
',vantages of Insurance, ea. well, as the ability. and dive, :
' , salon to meet, with prNlipptueee , ill liabgitlea.
.1.48388 paid dnring•theyesir 'lB6/4 ' g 1
30 ,tsar
D i tß,,,fr.;TO*S; •
CRAB. k. 12ARda4 : " Inn*: -
Toms -Weemstic --- • - 'Div= S. Ihurwr,
&mum GUAR? "I • -18AA0 :Lat,
JAo9n . . 'EDWARD 'C. DAra,. •
GEO. W..4164RD5, •
• ' CRARBAB N. - BANprop.a ves id ent ,
cliAinai 0. BAIRIiEBBi Si tact'.
Tab. 25.-ly
I'l I r'