PRATT & BUTCHER'S MAGIC OIL. I,oof} DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for any medicine that will eacell this for the following diseases, viz : Rheumatism, Neatelgia, Spinal Affects, Contracted Joints, Cholla Pains, Pains inllghe Side or Back, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all dis eases of the Skin, Meader}, and the Glands. None genuine without the signatuto Of Pratt J 5 Butcher attached to each label For sale Wholesale and Retail, at Guilford it Lemberger's Drug store, Lebanon. Rune 3/57.1y. Darius J. Seltzer, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CIFFICE, in Cumberland Street, nearly opposite V Brua's Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Aug. 26,'57. LEPI DISTRICT ATTORNEY W ILL attend to all his official business; also, all other legal and professional business ea. trusted to him will be promptly attended to. Orrice—ln Cumberland street, second door east from Market et. [Lebanon, July 22,'57. ISAAC 11OFFER,. SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, /IMOD in Oureberland street, opposite the 1.1 "Eagle Hotel," Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, April 22, 1857.-Iy. Lafayette Brower, p_As FITTER, adjoining A. S. Ely's 01Bee,Wal %A nut Street, Lebanon, Pa. A large and beau tiful assortment of Fixtures from the well-known tostablishment of Cornelius do Baker, always on lhand at Philadelphia prices. tag,. All work warranted to give satisfaction. All orders will be faithfully executed on the not reasonable terms. tEtg..Tho best of reference given. [Lebanon, Sept. 1.6,'57. - REMOVAL. DR. WM. M. GUILFORD has removed his Of ficeto his new residence on Market Street, a few doors North of Raber th,Oves' Store, and be tween it and the Now Lutheran church. Lebanon, Dec. 10, 1550. 7 V. • Water COOler'for'Sale. A BEAUTIFUL WATER COOLER, large ciao, .411. entirely new,;can be obtained cheap a. this office. It is just thing for a landlord or store keeper. • [Lebanon, Sept. 23,'57. •. • To , Printers. GOODlle WASHINGTON PRESS, of middling XL eiso, ID offend for sale, at this Office, very cheap. The price is M. ecptlf For Sale. A Second-band Steam ENGINE, 10 horse pow .loll. er. It is to be sold to make room for ono of a larger site. Apply to A. MAJOR G. BROTHER Lebanon ) July 1, 1857. HAMS, SMOULDERS, gums, Whitefish, Mackerel, • Herring, Chem, kJ Vinegar, Tobacco, Segars, Flour, Feeding, &a. &c., for aide by J. C. REISNER. Lebanon, July 30,1880. Leather, Leather . , Leather! HENNI" W. OVERMAN, Importer of French Calf Skins, and general Leather Dealer, No. 8, South 3d street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kinds of Leather, Moroccos, &c., Red Oak Sole Leather. Feb. 25, . Wood Wood MBE undersigned, residing in North Lebanon Borough, °gets for sale cheap, . 400 ror 700 Cords (estihiated) good Wood. It may be soon at "Fin nigan's dam," on the . Union Canal, near Jones town. [May 27, ' DAVID BOYER. To Persons about to Plait PHILADELPHIA! TRY the new WESTERN HOTEL, Market street, below 9th street. Eve " ry attention given, with a desire to 9 pleaae. Boarding .$1 per Day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. July 22, '57-ly CARPENTERS WANTED. 1 42 GOOD JOURNEYMAN CARPENTERS wanted fintnediately at the Steam Planing Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None but the hest of hands required, to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to BOAS, GASSER, at GETTLE. Lebanon, rob. 18, 1881.-4 f. P. • G WIKEL. Bricklayer and Jobber, Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn'a. AM prepared, at all times, to put up Brick Work, in all its branches, and on the shortest notice. Also, BRICK BUILDINGS, BOILERS, Inn-walls, Bushes, Hearths, and all work connect ed with a Furnace done. filiPA gang of Stone Masons always ready to put down foundations, and do stone work of every description. July I, 1857.—tf. P. G. WIKEL. FARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! A NEW FIRM! In North Lebanon Borough. N•EW PRICES! B Y 8 =: 1l t A I00,00000 Bushels 100,000 Bushels CORN, 100,000 Bushels OATS, Clover See Flay Seed, Timothy Seed, for all which the hi iest:market priees In cash will be paid by HOFFMAN - , IMMEL & Co. North Lebanon, July 29;11—tr. PLOCKS. Thirty Way, Eight Day, Thirty Hour, CLOC KS, Just Received at J. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon, Pa. WATCHES AND JEWELRY' ANOTTIER NEW LOT OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY , .UST RECEIVED BY L . W . ACKER, In Cumber/and street, next door to Dr Lineaweaver's. Oet. 22, '66. LOOK.ING GLASSES. G. Dewees, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Manufacturer of Ornamental and Plain Guilt Looking Glass .em, Portrait and Pieture Frames of every style; a large stock of the above always on hand, which I will sell from 10 to 15 per cont. loss than any other debtablishment In the city. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, &,e. Old 'work reguilted, &a A liberal discount to the trade. G. W. DEWEES. No. 154 North 2d street, below Race, west side April 20, Philada., Old No. 102 :NEW 'CLOTHING STORE! Markei stree4between Mark's and Rise's Hotels. Q, S. RAMSEY £ CO. have just opened a large *.). and cheap assortment of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING. Their stook embraces all the different styles of ( COATS, PANTS, and VESTS, suitable for the •senson. foods of all kinds in'tho piece, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. Shirts, ilndar-shirts and Drawers, Cravats, Col lars; Pookat handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, In short, every thing usually to bo found in agen- Alemen's Clothing and Furnishing Store.- Joutuserstax TAILORS WANTED. S. S. RAMSEY Jo .CO. Lebstron, Sept. 23, Washington 'l ouse I, Cumberiand Street, Lebanon, 'T lIE undersigned, having taken this old and J. favorite stand, and having refitted it in the boat style -is now prepared to accommodate the andi entertain:strangers and travollera in the best miuleiri Rouse is commodi one and pleasant:9g IIIha , TABILE Shall bewail pro_ vided for; and 'OW FAA contain none but the krTIREST Zunrons. The STABLING attached to the Rotel le large and,roomy, and capable of ae- LcommoSating agrealltumber of gorses. Ofi , To hie Men& and acquaintances in Leb anon County, ea waraa to all others, he extends a cordial invitation to make his Roue their noasa when visiting Lebanon., ~ April 20,1867. DAVID ROFFMAN. QUPPERERS with diseases of the Bladder, Kid neys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, 'de., read the advertisement, in another column, headed 4 41.eimbold's Genuine Preparation." 0" , f ,„00- ' ' ' • 4 _ , i. ,,,,....ira ::: .(_—_---- : ,,,..., ~- . .... . _....,....:_....... .. C . . . ............4. v il, 2.,........4., ..._i ale; 04 . AR -e1; I Ak IF VOL 9---NO. 18. Hover' Liquid Hair bye. ' ,HE, following, from that eminent Physician of Phil adelphia, Dr. Brinckle, added to the testimony of Prokmaor Booth, only confirms what is evidenced by ,thousands who have used Ilover'e Dye: GIRARD ROW, CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, December 22d,1853. "In regard to Hover's Hair Dye, I can state unhesi tatingly, that it contains no deleterious Ingredients, and may be used with entire safety, and with the utmost confidence and success." W. D. BRINCELE, M. D. Hover'. Writing and Indelible Inks, Are so well and widely known, as to require no eulogy ' of their merits, It is only.neemeary to say, that the steady and increasing demand, gives the best evidence that they 'maintain their character for superiority, which distin guished them when first introduced; years ago. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. 144 j Philadelphia, will re ceive prompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, 5ept.16,14-t.April 16, '5B. Manufacturer. Fancy Furs for Ladies. JOHN FAREIRA do Co., (New No.) 818 Market street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, Importers, Manufacturers and dealers in Ladies, Gentlemen and Children's RANGY FURS, wholesale and retail. J. F. & Co., would call the attention of dealers and the public [generally to their immense Stock or Fancy Furs for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children; their assortment embraces every article and kind of Fancy Furs that will be worn during the season—such as Full Capes, UAW Capes, Quarter Capes, Talmas, Vlctorines , Boas, Muffs and Muffatees, front the finest Russian Sable to the low est price Dementia Furs. For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fur Collars, Gloves, Gauntlet.% Ac.; being the direct Importers of all our Furs, andMadufacturers of them under our own au pervislonove feel satisfied ..we lean' offer better induce ments to dealers and the publiegeneddly than any other hones, having an immense assortment to select from and at the Manufacturers' prices_ iiEg!y..lVe only ask a call. JOIIN FAREIRA 1. CO., Sept. 18,W-4m. No.BlB Market St., above Bth, Kira. REMOVAL. Lebanon Marble Yard. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public in general that he is prepared to dealt kinds of NANOYANDOnnaralcrra work at his Marble Yard, in Walnutatreet, half way between the Court !louse and Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, at the shortest notice, as good as work done in any city in the United States, and being the only Stone Cutter in Lebanon county who hes served angular apprenticeship to the business, he pledges himself that he can manatee tore cheaper, and give a better finish than any other man engaged in the samebusiness. His stock cousists of Monuments, Grave Stones, Mantels, Cemetery Posts; Furniture Slabs, &c. Also, SANDSTONE of the best quality for all uses, plain and ornamental. A large assortment of LIME STONE for all kinds of housework, of any size and quantity. .467"1"lease call and examine prices and the stock before you purchase elsewhere. JOHN .FARRELL. Lebanon, December 19, 1855. N. D.—LETTERING done in German and English, by the beat practical workmen. BULL'S RECTO RISTURA., FOR PILES, 'FETTER, RINGWORM AND for any Ernption or Excoriation of the Skin, whether on the head, face, arms or other parts of the body. Old ulcers or sores, and pimples on the face, May be speedily cured by the use of the Recto Mistum To those especially that are suffering from the Piles, we offer a sure remedy. From Rev. Mr. }lnterline, Pastor German Church, Cos. Conway and Sharp streets: For the benefit of the afflicted, I feel it a duty to state what a blessing IL medicine, known by the name of nil ul Ps Recto ?distant," has been to me. I have been aftlieted with the Piles for eight years, during which time I tried my own remedies, as o.pruetitioner, and many otbere, but without success. Daring beard of Mr. Bull's Pile Remedy, I tried it ; and though I used but one tle, I eau say that lam perfectly cured. I also used it In a violent case of Tatter, which extended over the whole body, and in less than two weeks it disappeared, and the skin became clean and smooth. I strictly tethered to the directions. SAMUEL }IN TERLIN E. Sold, Wholesale end Retail, by D.'S. Reber, Druggist, Lebanon, Pa„ solo agent for Lebanon county. non 24, .1 1857.—1 y. LANDRETIIS' agricultural Ware-house., Noe. 21 h 23 South Sixth Street, near the State House, PILCLADELPRIA. MEN FLOORS of this spacious' building, erected exprass. ly for the Proprietorettrade, are stored with Seeds and Implements of interestitPrahners and Gardeners. Sixty Years Ettaidished.—Tbe subscribers desire to call the attention of every ono interested in Fartningand Gar dening,"tu their well-selected stock of Agricultural Implenacals and iltaahrnery, Great Variety of Horticultural Tools, Warranted Garden and Flower Scat, Grass and Field Stab of the mast sul hark quality, Thu Agrioultural Implements sold by us are mostly manufactured at our Steam Works, Bristol, Pa. Having fitted up this establishment without regard to expanse, with the most complete machinery, for the man ufacture of varlons kinds of Agricultumi Implements; we are now prepared to supply all articles in this lino fully equal, If not superior, to any thing of the kind ever offer ed to the public. Landrcth's Warranted Garden Suds, Have been before the public for upwards of sixty years ; their wide-spread popularity, and the constantly incretus log demand from year to year,is the best evidence of their superiority over all others. Country merchants can be supplied with seeds in pa pers, or Milk, on the most liberal terms. Bioomadalo, near Bristol, Pa., our Garden Seed grounds, contains three hundred and seventy acres, and Is the lar gest establishment of its kind in the world. D. LA NDGETII & SON, Oct. 7,'57-Bm. Nos. 21 &23 South Sixth Street, Philads. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, FMLADELPIILL Important elnnouncement Tall persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such as permatorrhosa,Seminal {Yankees's, Impotence,Genor awn, Oleet,Syphills, the Vice of Onnuism,or Self-Abuse,AC. The Howard Association, in view of the awful destruc tion of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, Red the de ceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such d ...sea by Quacks, have directed their consulting Sur geon, as a Charitable Act worthy of their name, to give Afediad Advice Gratis, to all persons thus afflicted, who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, he„) and in all cases of extreme poverty and suffering, to furnish. Medicines fre of charge. The Howard association Is a benevolent Institution, es tablished by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Dbs eases." It has now a surplus of means, which the Direc tor. have voted to expend in ruivertlsing the above notice. It is needless to mid that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the ago, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Just Published, by the Association, a Report on Sper matorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of the Sex ual Organs, by the consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mall, (In a sealed envelope,) free of charge, on the re ecnpt of two stamps for postage, Address, Dr. GEO, R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard :Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel phia, Pa.. By ordbr of the Directors. - EZRA D. ILBARTWELI, preet. Gab. Psracnn,n, (0ct.7,'57-Iy. Gold, Gold, Gold. MBE greatest offer in gold pens, gold pencils, gold AS: chains, and gold watches, ever made. R e id th e following A Splendid Gold Premium, worth from live to one hundred dollars, positively given to any person who can spare one day In a week, or one hour in a day, getting up clubs of subscribers Inlets own and adjoining neighborhood, for the best and most pop ular family newspaper now published. No expense, no outlay, no capital required of agents. An entire new plan ip proposed, by which any person can succeed in making It a paying business, who will undertake the agency. A private circular, for the inspection of agents only, with full list of premiums, will be sent to any one who desires it, on receipt of a stamp to pay return post age. Some agents have earned a hundred dollar gold watch in one week. Every family should read at least one Newspaper from New York City, without interfering with their Local Pa pers, which of course cannot and should not, be dispens ed with. But New York being the great commercial and business centre of this Continent, no farmer, mechanic, professional man, or merchant, is properly prepared for the emergencies of his calling, unless he is in communi cation with New York City, by means of one of its first class newspaper mediums. Such ti medium is our *LED GER," neutral in politics, but giving all the facts items of news, and thrillingincidents vrorthknowmg through , out the country. A Valuable Gift. Each new srillseriber will reSolie with the first No. of his or her paper, one of the new and beautiful glass point ed Indelible Pencils,* just imported train Europe, and for which we have obtained the exclusive agency for this country. This is the most ingeniongand'useful luiprove ment of the present age, and irrthe'only pencil ever made that will write with Ink, making It both 'a pen and pencil of the' finest quality at the same. time. I 6 will last for years, and for praetical TWO la worth more than any gold pen in the market. Air Ilk of premiums and full` tailienlare, - eiddress ' -HALL & WEST, Publishers, New York City.. *Therm Pencils supplied to the trade at sprofitable dis count. [Aug. 20,17. A GREAT-PANIC ; GOODS SELLING WONDERFULLY ILO undersigned are now opening a very large assort ment of FALL and WINTER. GOODS, among which are Cloths, Casslmeres, Vesting, Deady-mado Clothing, and all kinds Men's and Boys Wear., . ALSO, all kinds of Goods forldtdiste wear !luaus black and fancy silk, Detainee, Frew& Merino, Gotorg and 'plaid Goods, Shawls of all descriptions, Bonnet Trimmings, &c. ALSO, a large stock of GROCERIES PeQUEENSWARS. • • itip. Chid at the Bee Efire."l“l , 1.,eban0n,00.7,'57. GEORGE k RRELLENBERGER; LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1857. I,partry. TEE VOICE OF MITITEUI. Br WD[. CIILLICA BRTJLINT. There (tomes, from yonder height, A soft, repining sound, Whore forest leaves are bright And frail like Oakes of light, To the ground. the autumn broom), That, lightly floating on, Just skims the weedy lens, Just stirs the glowing trees, And is gone, He mums by sedgy brook, And visits, with a sigh, Thu last pale flowers that look, From out their aunny nook At the sky. O'er shouting children flies That light October wind, And, hissing 'cheeks are eyes; lie leaves their merry cries And wandars now to mako That soft, uneasy sound By distant wood and lake, Where distant fountains break From tho ground. No bower Where nudden's dwell Can win a moment's stay, Nor fair untradden den; Ile sweeps the upland swell And away. Monrn'st thou thy homeless waste? Oh, soft, repining wind! That early seek'st and late Thy rest, it is thy fato Not to And. Not on the mountain's breast, Not on the ocean's shore, In all the east or west:— The what that stops to rest Is no more. By valleys, woods, and springs, No wonder thou shouldst grieve For all the glorious things Thou touchest with thy wings And must leave gt Gall glory. THE MURDERER. AN INTERESTING SKETCH, A little more than fifty years ago, a lean by the name of Henry Thompson, called at the house of Mr. J. Smith, a resident in a retired part of Eng land, and requested a night's lodging. This, re quest was granted, and the stranger, having tak en some refreshments, retired early to bed, request ing that he might be awakened at an early hour the following Morning. When the servant appointed hvall him entered the room for that purpose, he was found in his bad perfectly dead. On examining his body marks of viiJneo ap peared, but his countenance looked extremely natural. The story of his death soon spread among the neighbors, and enquiries were made as to who he was and by what means be came to his death. Nothing certain, however, was known. nu had arrived on horseback, and was seen passing thro' a neighboring village about au hour before ho reached the house where he had come to his eud. And than, as to the manner of his death, so little could be discovered that the jury returned a ver dict that he "died by a visitation from Gail"— When this was done, the stranger was-buried. Days and weeks passed on, and little further was known, the public mind, however, was not at rest. Suspicion existed that foul means had has tened the stranger's death. Whispers to that ef fect were expressed, and in the hearts of many, Smith was considered the guilty man. The former character of Smith bad not been geed. He had lived-a loose and irregular life, involved himself in debt by his extravagance; and at length, being-suspected of having obtain ed money wrongfully, he suddenly fled from thO town. More than ten years, however, had now elapsed since his return, during which he had lived at his present residence, apparently in good circumstan ces, and with an approved character. His former life, however, was now remembered, and suspi cion was fastened upon him. At the expiration of two months, a gentleman one day stopped in the place for the purpose of making inquiries respecting the -stranger who bed been found dead in his bed. He supposed him self to be the brother of the man. The horse and clothes of the unfortunate man still remained, and were known immediately as having belonged to his brother. The body also, was taken up i and though considerably changed, bore a strong re semblance to him. - He now felt authorized to ascertain, if possible, the manner of his death.. He proceeded: there fore, to investigate the eirchmshmees as well as he was able. At length he made known to ,the magistrate of the district, the information he had collected, and upon the strength of this, Smith was taken to jail to be tried for the willful murdor of Henry Thompson. The celebrated Lord Mansfield was then on the bench. Ile charged the grand jury , to be cautious as to finding abill against the prisoner. The ev idence of his guilt, if guilty, might be small.— More information might be obtained, should be be acquitted he could not be molested again, whatever testimony should rise up against him. The grand jury, however, did find a bill, but by a majority of only one. At length the time of trial arrived. Smith was brought into court and placed at the bar. A great crowd thronged the room, eager and anxious to see the prisoner, and to hear the trial. lie him self appeared firm and collected. Nothing in his manner or appearance indicated guilt; and, when the question was put to him by the clerk, "Aro you guilty, or not guilty 1" be answered with an unfaltering tongue, and with a countenance per fectly unchanged, "not guilty." The counsel for the prosecution now Opened the case. But it was apparent that he had little ex pectation of proving the prisoner guilty. lie stated to the jury that the case was in groat mys tery. The prisoner was a man of respectability and property. The deceased was supposed to have had about him gold and jewels to a largo amount; but the prisoner was not so much in want of funds as to be under a strong temptation to commit murder. And beeides, if the prisoner had obtained the property be had effectually, con : eeatedsit.• Not a tratmalleatuld be found. Why, then, was the 'prisoner suspected? The deceased, Henry Thompson, was a jeweler,. resid ing in London, and a man- of wealth. Ho had left London for the purpose of Meeting a trader at Bull, of whom he' expected hi make a largo pur chase. The trader hs did meet and after the de parture of the latter, Mr. Thompson was known to have in his possession : jewels and, gold to a large amount. With these in his possession,- Whiff, Hull on his . return to London. It was not known that he stopped until he reached Smith's and the neat morning was discolored dead in his bed. lie died, then, in Smith's house, and if it could be shown that he•came to his death in an unnatural way, it would increase the suspicion that the prisoner was in" someway commuted with the murder. Now, then, continued the (*andel, It will be preyed beyond the possibility of *doubt that the deceased died by poison. What was that puisonf It was a recent discovery of some German chem ists, said to be produecd from distilling the seed of the wild cherry tree. It'was a poison more powerful than any other known, and deprived of life so immediately as to leave no mark of suffer= lug no contortion of the features. ' But then, the question, when and by whom was it administered? One circumstance, a small one indeed, and yet upon it might hang &horrid tale, was, that the stonier of a small bottle of very singular description had been found in the pris oner's house. Thei stopper had been examined, and said by medical •men to have belonged to a German vial, containing the kind of 'poison he had describe& -Ant, then, was that poison ad ministered by'Sniith; hiainstigation ? who were the priSoner's family? It consisted only of himself, a housekeeper and one man servant.— The mati servant 'slept in an outhouse adjoining the stable, and did so on the night of Thompson's death. The prisoner slept in ono end of the house, the housekeeper at the other, and the deceased had been put in a room adjoining the house ...keeper's. It could be proved, that about three hours after midnight, on the night of Thompson's death, a light had been Seen moving about the house, and that a figure holding the light was seen to go from the room in -which the prisoner slept to the housekeeper's room; the light now 'disappeared for a minute, when two persons were seen, but whether they went into Thompson's room, the witness could not swear; but shortly after they were observed to pass quite through the entry of Smith's room, and which they entered, and in about five minutes the light was extinguished. The witness would further state, that after the person had returned with the light into Smith's room, and before it was extinguished, he had twice perceived some ark object to intervene be tween the light and the window, almost as large as the surface of the window itself; and which he described by saying it appeared as if a door had been placed before the light. Now, in Smith's room there was nothing that could account for this appearance, and there was neither cupboard nor press in the room, which, but for tfiebed, was entirely empty; the room in which he dressed, being a distance beyond it. The counsel for the"prosecution here concluded" what ho had to say. ',During his address, Smith in no wise appeared to be agitated or distressed— and equally unmoved while the witness testified in substance what the opening speech`of the coun sel led the court and jury to expect. Lord Mansfield - now addressed the jury. Re said that in his opinion the evidence was not suf- r ficient to condemn the prisoner; and if the jury agreed with him in opinion he would discharge him. Without leaving their seats, the jury agreed that the evidence was'not sufficient- Ea At this moment, when they were about to ren der a verdiot of acquittal, the prisoner rose, and addrEssed the Court. - He said he had been accus ed of a foul crime, and the jury lied there was not sufficient evidence against him. Was het° go out of court with suspicious resting upon him, af ter all ? This he was unwilling to do. Re was an innocent mem anti if the judge would grant hint an opportunity, he would prove it. He would call the housekeeper, who would confirm a statement which he would now make. The housekeeper had not appe:tred iu court:— She had concealed herself or been concealed by Smith. This.was considered a dark sign against him, but he himself now offered to bring her for ward, and stated as a reason, not that he was not willing that she could testify, but, knowing the excitement, he was fearful that she would be-brib ed to give testimony contrary to fact. But ho was now ready to relate an the circumstances he know; She might be culled and examined. If her testi mony does not confirm my story, let me be con demned. The requestof the prisoner appeared reasonable and Lord Mansfield, contrary to his usual. prac tice, granted it. The prisoner went on with his statement. Be said ho wished to go out of court, relieved from the suspicions which were"resting upon him. As to the poison, by means of which the stranger was said to have died, he knew neither the name of it, nor even the existence'of it, until made known by the counsel. Me could rail God to wiles,* the truth of what he said. . And then, as to Mr. Thompson', hi was a perfect stranger to him. How would he know what ar ticles of value he had? He did not know. If he had itieh articles at Hull, he might haio lift them on the road, or which was more probable, have otherwit=e,disposed thVit. And if" ho died by moans of the fataldrug, he must have admiaister e;l, it himself. .11e 'begged thejury to remember that his prom ides" bad been 'repeatedly and minutely searched, and not the innst trifling article that belongcd to the deceased had been discovered in his posses ion. The stopper of a vial had been found—but of this he could. only say, he bad no knowledge, and bad not seen it before it was produced in court: • One feet had been proved; and only one. That he would explain, and his housekeeper would con firm his statement. A witness bad testified that some, one had gone to the bedroom of his housekee per on the night in question. lie was ready to admit that it was himself, Ile had been subject for much of his life to sudden fits of illness; ho had been seized with one on that oeasion, and had gone to procure her assistance in lighting a fire. She had returned with him to his room for that purpose, he had waited for a few minutes in the passage, whilesheput on her clothes. This would account for the momentary disappearance of the light. After remaining a few minutes In this room and finding" himself better, he had dismissed her and returning to bed, from which be had not ris en when ho was informed of the death of his guest. Such was the prisoner's address, which produc ed a powerful , effect. It was delivered in 'a firm, and idipressive manner, and from the simple and artless manner of the man, perhaps not ono pre sent doubted his, entire innocence, The housekeeper was now introduced and &am ined-by tho'cOunsel of the prisoner. Sho had not heard any part.of the statement of Smith r nor single word of the trial. Iler story confirmed all he had said. To this succeeded cross-examination by the' counsel for the ' proshentiOn. One circumstance had made a deep impression his mind—that was that while the prisoner and the housekeeper were in the room of the former something like a door had obstructed the light of the candle, so that the witness testified to the Tact, but could not see it. What was this. obstruCtion ?. There was .no door—nothing in the room. 7 —whiet contd . , account for this.; But the witness was positive that 'genie.: thing like a 'door did'er a moment beam" hetween the window and the candle ibis ntoided nation. the housekeeper was the person that could givo it. Designing to probe this matter in , the end to tho bottom; but not wishing to excite her slam, he began by asking her a few unim portant questions, and among , others, where the candle stood when she was in Mr. Smith's room? "In the centre of the reom,'''she replied. "Well, was the closet, or cupboard, or whatever you call it, ope . ned ones or twice while it stood there ?" She made aq "I will helryour reeollection," said the counsel "atter Mr. Smith had , taken.the medicine-out of the closet, did - he shut-the door, or did itremain open?", "Ile shut IL" "And when he replaced the bottle in the closet, he opened it again, did.he "Ile did." "And how, long wan it open the bat dual" "About a minute." • "Well, and when open would the door be ex actly between the light and the window ?" "It woild." "I forgot," Paid the Maimed; ' 4 'whether you Raid.thkelmmt.,WVloP;# l e , rightror on the loft hand aide of the window !" "On the left hand aide." "Would the door of the closet make- any noise in opening ?" ' "None.". • • , "Are you certain t,. "lasi „ ‘‘.ll.tve you _ever opened it yourself or only Boon Mr. Smith - open it ?" "I never opened it myself." "Did you.ever keep the-key?" "Never." "Who did ?" • "Mr. Smith, always." And that moment the housekeeper chanced to east her eyes toward Mr. Smith, the prisoner. A cell, damp sweat stood upon his brow, and his face had lost all' its color; ho appeared a living image of death. She no sooner saw him than she shrieked and fainted. The consequence of her answers flashed across her mind. She had been so thoroughly deceived by the manner of the advocate; and the little importance he had seemed to attach to her statements, that she bad been led on, by one question to another, till she had told him all he wanted .to know. She was obliged to be taken from the court, and a physician who was present was requested to attend her. At this time the solicitor for the prosecution (answering to our state's attorney) left the court, but no one knew for what purnose. Presently the physician came into court; and stated that it would be impossible for the house keeper to resume her seat in the box short of an hour or two. It was almost twelve in the day. Lord Mans field, having directed that the jury be accommo dated with a room, where they could be kept by themselves, adjourned the court two hours. The prisoner, in the meantime, wairemanded to jail. It was between four and five o'clock, when the judge resumed his seat upon, the bench. The prisoner was' again placed at the bar, and the housekeeper brought in and led to the box. The court room was crowded to excess, and an awful silence pervaded the place. The eross-examining eoun set again addressed the housekeeper. "I have but a few more questions to ask you," said he, "take heed how sun answer, for your life hangs upon a thread." '' ,l "Do you know this stopper?" "I do." "To whom does - it belong ?" "To Mr. Smith."' "When did you last see it ? At that moment the solicitor entered the court, bringing with him upon a tray, a watch, two money bags, a jewel ease, and a bottle of the same manUfacture of the stopper, and having a cork in it. The tray was placed on the table in sight of the prisoner and the witness, and from that Moment no doubt remained in the mind of any man present of the guilt of the prisoner. A few words will bring this melancholy tale to its close. The house where the murder had been committed was ',etymon nine and ten miles dis tant. The solicitor, as - soon as the.cross examina tion of the housekeeper had discovered the exis tence of the closet, and its situation, had set off on horseback, with two-sheriff's officers, and after pulling down part of the wall, had detected this important concealment. The search eras well re warded. The whole of the property belonging to Mr. Thompson was found there, antounting in vale, to some thousand pound.; and to leave no room. for. doubt,- a bottle was discovered which the medical men instantly pronounced to contain the very identical.poison which sensed the death of the unfortunate Thompson. The remit was too. obvious to need explanation. Tt scarcely need be added 'that 'Smith was con victed and executed, and brought to his eyeful punishment by his own means. Mahe said noth ing—had be not persisted in calling a witness to prove his innocence, be might have escaped. But God tad evidently left him to work out his own ruin, as a just reward of his awful crime. ioctilantouis. NO FAVORS FOR THE POOR. Once poor, friend, still poor pou must reread% The rich alone have all the means of gain. No complaint has been more frequently repeat ed in all'ages than that of the neglect of mentos sociated with poverty 'and the' difficulty with which valuable or pleasing qualities force them selves into view, when they are obscured by indi gence. It has been long observed,that native beau ty has little power to charm without the ornaments which fortune bestows, and that to want the favor of others is often sufficient to hinder us 'from ob taining it. Every day discovers that mankind are not yet convinced of their error, or that their conviction is without'power to influence their conduct; for poverty still continues to produce contempt, : and still obstructs the claims of kindred and of virtue. The eye of wealth is elevated towards higher sta; Lions, and seldom descends to examine the actions of those who are placed below the level of its no-' tice, and who in distant regions and lower sites', Lions aro struggling with' disuses; or toiling' 'for bread. Among the mulititudes oVerwhohnettaith insuperable calamity, it is common to find those who a:yery little assistance would enable to sup port themselves with decency, and who yet cannot' odtain from near relations what they sec hourly: lavished in ostentation, luxury, or frolic.;, But there aro mitural reason why poverty does not tie- . ally conciliate affection. lie that has bole eon- . fined from his infancy - to the conversation of the lea , - est classes of mankind, musenecessary want those' accomplishments which are the usualmeans of at tracting favor; and though truth,lortitade, and probity, give an indisputable right to reverence and kindness they will not be distinguished by common eyes, unless they are brightened by . eta ganoe of manners, but are east aside Mike 6'ugol isbed gems, of which none but the artist known: the intrinsiovalue,fill their asperities are smooth ed and their incrustations rubbed away. WHOLE NO. 435. A REMARKABLE CASE. • A correstiondent of the Albany Evening . Jour nal gives - the particulars of a visit to Mrs. Hays of Herieion, Warren county, N. Y., who is known in that regien'asTothe woman that lives without eating." The woman, it appears, is in a dierhod condition, and' subjeot to alumet'continuous spasms of 'groat violence, and from the aeseription given, of the most heart.rending character to wit ness. The writer says: "She has had long-continued . spella raising hefbodya#,lthen throwing herself back so as to strike the tcip4f her head 4i:in-:the bed—thus bringing her feet and face so near together as to forma semi-cliele i with her body. SoMetimes her head has been' rawn back so that the lino of her face would lie x 'reversed, and would rest upon the Then she would straighten out again, an d there would be the most forcible . agitation of her whole frame—rt violent quiver—a rapid spasmodic action of every-nerve and muscle, with strangling and muirdzistrfor breath, like a person in the last agonies - of d ith. This 'strangling and gasping is In ctioaSeqiiiiiice , ofsusierided respiration dur- Inethel her head is so forcibly drawn back. • . At one Limo she r e mained in that position twenty minutes twelve minutes were the longest while I was with her. I applied a looking-gimps to her face as a test, but could see no evidence of her breathing. She does not now usually remain in those peculiar spasms longer than from three to five minutes. During a space of three weeks, they estimated that she went through with those mo tions at least once a minute on au average. The statement they gave me would make much more than that. One day, on which they kept some count, there were not less than three thousand five hundred of these spasms. "The least particle of food taken into the room will produce violent heaving twit retching. .1 sim ply handled bread, and then - went near the bed, and it produced heavingwhich was alarming. I sprinkled an impalpable and almost imperceptible powder of meeker/4m Incas upon her tongue, and it produced violent heaving, which lasted over an hour." The writer says he has convincing proof that this woman has neither eaten nor drank from about the 20th-of February to September Mk, when ho saw her; and she has not eaten more than a healthy person would eat at a single meal since the - 2Sth' of June, 1855. A gentleman living near the town of Rock inghiun,.Va., has lost five head of young cattle and two line milk cows, within the last few days, by permitting them to run in the same field where ho was feeding his'hogs. The hogs ate the stalks of corn, and left them on the ground after chewing. These were taken up by the cattle, eaten, swallow ed, and not being digestible, produced an itching all over. They at once - Commenced rubbing their heads, when their throate swelled, and in a short time death ensued. tsg.. A letter from Ligomes states that the chestnut-trees in the.Limousio are breaking down under the weight of the fruit. They will be as re markable for quality as for size in consequence of the faxorahle weather. Rernun Sevenc—A letter addressed to 'the Church of God; at Portland, Me., some year's ago, was returned so, the General Post Office with the • endersement, "Misdirected—we have nothing but sectarian Churches in this place." ' for tire tatintr. Vi4v4:o Will salt preserve butter ? ' No, that question is easily answered.. Salt is added to bitter for reasons—ono is to assist in its preservation, the dairy-woman vainly thinking that salt will, keep the butter sweet. Another set add salt with dis honest motives, with the idea that all the salt put in the butter is sold at the full price the butter brings. It is a great mistake. , Every , pound of salt put in butter over what is required to give it a flavor, instead of bringing a cash, return to the butter maker, proves a positive loss of several rents a pound, because it reduces the value of ev ery.pound of butter so over salted, frequently as much se three cents a pound. Butter is not pm. served by salt. That is positive. It will keep just as sweet as Olive oil, without salt, if no other substance Is incorporated with it. It is the case in milk that spoils the butter, and union free from that, no art can keep it sweet. Butter should be chulmed at 65°, and immedi ately afterwards minced to 40 0 , and the less it is touched by, human hands the better. It must be worked cool, either with cr without washing, as that . iita mooted question, until absolutely free from butter-milk or particles of sour curd, and then just enough and not more salt added to suit the taste of the consumer. The salt must be pure, and one ounce to ten lbs., of butter wilt be suffi cient. Then pack the butter solidly in any cask of sweet wood or stone pot, so as the air is ex= eluded the butter:will remain sweet. If it could be .:kept perfectly, excluded, thelkperiod that it would keep sweet forever. Your question is an. swered. Salt will not preserve butter. 1 . ...414)0e ),'YOO,'S:titviti:44ll4ca4l(ti:l As accurate and carefully conduded experinients in fattening pork are rare, and as the subject is often discussed among farmers, as to the "profit or loss," of fattening, without coming to any de finite conclusion, I am prompted to relate a few foots which came to ray observation during the past year, with a view of influencing others to try similar experiments,' and communicate the result for the benefit of their brother farmers ! Mr. T. P. Lyon, au enterprising farmer of Ge noa, Cayuga county, having nine shoats which he wished to dispose of a:tthreemontha old, put them into market at six cents per lb., and being offered but five, concluded to try the experiment of fat tening, with a view of obtaining what he -consid ered their true value.. That there might bo no guess-work in the matter, each pig was carefully weighed, and their combined weight was 630 lbs. On the first day of January they were put into a warm pen, and fed scalded Meal, three-quarters sera, and onsi-quarter tuckwleat, until the 19th ditY of . Aprii, at'which time they, had consumed 'Or lbs. of meal. They worn then slaughtered,Weighing after being dressed, 1430 lbs., lard 43 lbs., rendered. Allowing the price Mr. L. was offered at the time he commenced feeding, and the market pOce for the niceil; which was $1 25 per cwt.,, we find the aecenni to 'stand thus : Shoats, 680 lbs., St 5 ats..parib,„„ Mali 3,510 lbs ~ at $125 Pail l awt:; , 43'57. Pork sold when dressed, 1,430 lbs.; at go., $l2B tO Lard sold, 41 lbs, at 12 coots, • 5 wri $134 37i Deductialtomiitiiit - 37 =WEEM A very fair profit for the capital' invested. The above pigs were , an equal cross of the Berkshire and Suffolk. . B. C. Lansmortraw, N. T. TWO INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES. - JIM undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens OfLebanonand vicinity;that they times be foubd ready to accommodate them in anything which belongs to their business ; which is PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER: HANGING. They warrant da their work: -713y.atriet attention to busjnese they hope to sea cure a share of public mit - nonage; Orders for work can be leftatWAtaz RCKDEL'S Book-store,wbere they will be prildiptly attended to. At the latter .place too; can besatin a large assortment of neat & chaste tiesigtis of Wall, Coiling and Hall Papers selected by them, from one of the most extensive establishments in the city of Philadelphia. Sept.-2, , THOMPSON 16 STOUR. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS :HEALTH DEPENDS ON PURE BLOOD Brandreth'sPillspurilY the Blood; No DISEASE. CAN RESIST THEIR JUDICIOUS USE! ilaP•Mild operation with successful effect are the pecu liarity of Brandreth's Pills. — fin 0 tilt, WO are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile, at this season, and It is as dangerous as it is prev alent, but Brandreth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient protection, By their occasional nro we prevent the collection of those impurities, which, when in suill dent quantities, cane so much danger to the body's health. They soon cure liver complaint, dyspepsia,loss of appetite, pain in the bead, heart burn, pain in the ' breast hope, Sudden faintness and costiveness. In brief, Brandreth's Pills work their way to the very roots of the disease, cleansing in their passage, removing every unhealthy accumulation till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and the functions and duty of life become a_pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Often when nothing has relieved vomiting of the most serious character, 'whether from see-siekness or otherwise, where the retching has been appalling, a eitigie dose of four Brandreth's Pills has at once cured and the patient bas fallen Into a sweet sleep. When the mind cannot collect itself; when the memory fails; when it Is an effort to fix the attention; when our ileep Is broken and our waking hours harassed with forebodiugsof evil,then braudreth's Pills should be used. If these warnings remain unheeded, rheumatism, con sumption, disease of the heart, biliotis advent:its, jann dice, dropsies, pilet,appoplexies and cos tiveness will s ud denly present themselves. These Brandreth's 0,0,ht have prevented,but nevertheless VII ESE they wilt also cure, Poe them at once; do not let prejudice prevent the use of this simple but potent remedy. Brondreth's Theory of Disease. Never extract blood. Blood is the life. By abstract ing it in painful diseases you may occasion the patient ease, but remember, this ease is only the reduction or lessening the power to feel. And by thus taking away nature's tools, you may prevent her from fully repairing the ravages of, inflammation, a convert what might only have been the sickness of 11, few days or weeks into a chronic affection of mouths and years. 'Brandret/es Pills accord with Nature! Nature's remedy in fact. When sudden, acute or con tinued pain occurs from any cause, then to insurea quick return to health, you must use Brandreth's Pills, which will soon relieve every organ from undue pressure, end remove those humors whose presence often occasions such terrible sulfuring, BEFORE TILE WORLD log YEARS! lia,,Twenty million boxes sold and the sphereol their usefulness still extending. Ash for almanack and pam phlet of cures. Agents will supply gratis. Bswans—all pills with "241 Broadway" on side table are counterfeits. Bet the genuine and they will never deceive. Sold at Dr. BUSS' Drug Store, opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. [July 15, NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS mon ALBERT G. RICHARDSON'S Advertising and Correspondence Office, 360 Broad way, New York. .lVew wad Important Dis covery in the Science of Medicine. PATENT OFFICE SEAL. OF GREAT BRITAIN. DIPLO ME do ECOLE de Pu.i.nmectz PUAR3IACIEN de FARIS and IMFERiIL COLLEGE of MEDICINE. Vi enna. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. H. A. Darrow, member of the Imp'l College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may he personally consulted at his residence, 157 Prince street, few blocks west of Broadway, New York, from 11 A. N. till 2 P. M. and from 4 till 8 I'. 3.1. (Sundays excepted, unless by appointment.) Triesemar No. 1, Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrhom, and all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse, indis criminate excesses, or too lontr residence in hot climates. It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood: and whatever may be the Cause or disqualifications for marriage, they are effectu ally subdued. Triesemar No. 2, Completely and entirely eradidates all traces of Crowe bma, both in its mild and aggravated forms, Cleets, Btrie tumg, Irritation of the Bladder, Non-retentive of the Urine, Pains of the Loins and Kidneys, and these disor ders for which Copaivi and Cubebs have eo long been thought an antidote. Triesomar No. 3, Is the great Continental REMEDY for Siphilis and Secon dary symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all cutaneous Eruptions. removing and expelling in its course all impurities from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it by insensible perspiration through the me diem of the pores of the skin and urine, It is a never failing remedy for that class of disorders which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the in evitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. TKIESEMAR No .1, 2 and 3, are prepared in the form of Is lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin eases, and divided in separate doses as administered by Valpeau, Lallmnan, Roux, Ricord, Se., Ac. - Price $3 each. or four cases in one for $9, which eaves $3, and in $27 cases, whereby there is a saving of $9. None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals of the Patent Office of England, the seals of the Bade do Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case.— Imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the law. Special. arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward immediately. on receiving a remittance, the $9 and kir &raise eases of Triesemar free of carriage, to any part of the world, securely peeked and properly addressed, thus insuring genuinsEuropean preparations and protecting the public from spurious and pernicious imitations. Attendance and Consultation from 11 a. in. till 2 p. in. and from 4tlll Sin the evening. 107 Prince street, a fow blocks west of Broadway, New York. May 6, 1851.-ly. Cristadoro's Hair Dye! Within a nut-shell all the merits Ile, Of Cristadoro's never-equalled Dye ; Rid it makes black, to brown transforms a grey, And keeps the fibres always from decay. afEbills matchless, hair Dye, still holds its diAlh position as the most harmless and efficacious hair Dye in Tiff WORLD. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, and applied in ten private seem, at Catsx.t- DOBO*II, No. 6 Astor House, Broadway, New York, and by ell Druggists and . Perfumers in the United States. Jan. 14, 1867.-13c-laq. Agent--Oeorge 11. Keyser, 140 Woodst., PAL...burg, Pa. 0 - A. Retired Physician, - , ..-. • 75 YEARS OF ADE, , Whinge, sands of life have nearly run out, discover ed while iii the East Indies, a certain cure for Con sumption, Akthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds ,t, Gen - oral Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die.— Iliohad heard much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualitlesof preparations made from the gast In - dia Hemp,' and the thought occurred to him that be might make a'remedy for his child. Ile studied hard and sues. eeeded in realizing his wishes. Ills child was cured, and is now alive and well. Ile has since administered the wenderfid remedy to thousands of sufferers in all parts of the world, and he has never failed in making them completely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as much good as possible, be will send to such of his afflicted fol low-beings as request it, this recipe, with full and expli cit directions for making it up, and successfully using it. He requires each - applicant to inclose him one shilling —three cents to be returned as postage on the recipe, and. the remainder to be applied to the payment of this advertisement. Address ~ Dlt„ 11. JAMES ; No. 19 Orend Street, SepL 23, 's7—l ut. 3tirsey City, N.J. Well, Peter f iv he re have you been? WHY, I have been at the STOVE STORE of JAMES " N. ROGERS, and bought one of his superior WOK ING STOVES, as he has just returned from the city and brought one of the largest assortments of STOVES ever,brought to Lebanon. illy neighbor got one from him, and it is the best Cook ing Stove I ever Fair, They eau Bake, Roast. Cook and Wash at the same time, if they wish to, and it does eve rything to perfection ; I was determined to got ono of the same sort, and the beit of all is he warrants every COOKING SToypho sells to do as be represents. A few more of the Faille sort left, with a general as sortment of ' Par/or, Halt, or Dining Room Stoves, wide!, will be sold cheap. with n full assortment. 4,f TIN and SHEET IRON WARE, generally connected with hie business. OCR- All work entrusted to him will be done with nestness.and dispatch. Lebanon, Sept. '57 WRITE HAIM ACADEMY , • (Three Mika of 17orriAurg.) THE FOUILT,BWILI SESSION of this Institution ivift commence on 'MONDAY, the tl.l of Novi:mum, next. The attention of parents and guardian& is respvtfully in vited to the advra*ges it affords in educating Young Men and BOIL .The location is pleasant. healthful and conve and the &num of studies extensive, em traeing„the,posuary and higher bnuicheif of an English Educittloh;3oether with...l4U% Greek, Pnakilt and Ger manzingusgen, and Teaktandinstrumental Was.V.lsgs:sind Tuition in the English Branches; & Vocal 1684 RePFOuni•,- weelteA $ 6O l OO Poi Circulars giving flilU psitinnlars; address 170. 2Tarristourg, P. EOM Oct. 7, '57-6t • • . . Dissolutidia of PartnerSkt p . rrolE Ct.-Partnership existing betweenthe ..7.'islirsigrusl, 1 BAABERS, in tbo bnough 0 Letujo,bn, wa&dfssolred by innttliPtradieiit,'ou thelst inst." . . :.. G 'IO.ROE W. bALt, . .. • HN W, WILL war- The.businees will be cont JO inued„at the . ld f AMS. o stand by the undersigned; who respectfully solicits& continued pat ronage of the establishment. Lebanon, Oct. 14,, '57-4t. GEORGE W. PALS. L $.58 .741. JAMES N. ItOGERS