Ctr Silit- An English barber advertide3 to shave *Dr thing—even 4 ‘thu face of nature." FORLORN noPts.—Girls after they pass twen ty-five, and boys when they undertake to pass fur ,gentlemen. lErr• A gentleman who did not trust to his mem : oyy, wrote in his memorandom book—" Must be ,„married when I get to town." • 1213.. A beardless kiss is like a beereteak'srltb out pepper, or soup without salt, "but either will do la a tight . squeezo." log- Why was the Prophet Nathan greater than 'the Mediterranean ? Because the Mediterranean Is asea,hal Nathan was a seer (saa-er). ltie.Charles IL, hearing Vossins, a celebrated reethinker,repeating some incredible stories about the Chinese, acid, "This is a very strange man.— EV believes everything bat the Bible I" _., ia" The editross of a Lancaster paper says, she would as soon nestle her nose in a rat's nest ~ o f tow, as to allow a intim with . whiskers to kiss her. Don't believe any body wants to. Ladies; prepare for au extrema change in your habits; for a Paris correspondent of a Now York paper says tbo . ladies are coining out with out hoot's, bustle, wadding, or anything else. Or' John Thomaa wished to know why the Ohio Life and Trust Company is like the Atlantic Telegraphic Cable ? Because it beeame embar rassed in "paying ont," and broke. John was immediately carried out and placed undue show er bath. ISM. A little child in church; observing the minister to be very iehereent in his word and gestures, cried out : ' "Mother, why don't they let the man out'of the box?„ Ogi•Little Sis. "Oh, 'tubby, I'm a-goiu' to have whooped dress, at oyster-shell bonnet, a pair of ear-drops, and a baby !" ' Little Bub. The thunder you is . ! Well rat going to have a pair of tights, a Shanghai coat, a shaved head, crooked cane, and a pistol !" Y.aikkee made a bet With a Dutchman ~.that he could swallow hilt'. The Dot Innen lay .down upon the table, and the. Yankee, taking his big toe in his mouth, nipped it severely. "Oh, you era biting me," roared the Dutchman. "Why you old fool," said the Yankee, '.did you think I Was - going to swallow you whole ?" ''_"What does Satan pay you for swearing?" said a gentleman to ono whom he heardusing pro fane language. "He don't pay me any thing," was the reply. "Well, you work cheap; to lay aside the char miter of a gentleman, to inflict so much pain on your friends and civil people, and to risk losing Yard' own soul (gradually rising in emphasis), and all for nothing i You certainly do work cheap-- very cheap indeed." REIGART' S WINE & Liquon STORE! riORNBR of Markot & Water Sts., Lebanon, in the room formerly occupied by Jacob Weidle, Esq., where be still continues to keep an assort. mentof the very boat brands of Winos and Liquors that can be got. To those who are acquainted with his liquors it is not necessary for him to speak as 'the liquors will speak for themselves. To Hotel Eeepets, and all others, he 'would state, that it is merely nesessary for them to call and examine his stock to satisfy themselves, as he warrants to ren "der full satisfaction. EM'L. REIGART. N. B.—Remember; at Weidle's Corner. Lebanon; Sept. 9,185 T. REMOVAL! To NO. 4 3 . Eagle Buildings. A. RISE'S Fashionable Hat and Cap Store, Market Square, Lebanon, Pa. THE undersigned hereby informS his fries& ..L''and the public in general, that ho ismow,aEd will be always, fully prepared to supply his cus tomers with goods in his line Wholesale and re tail; at the shortest notice, and upon the most me,- oommodating terms. His stock consists "of Bea ver, Nutria, Russia, Cassimere Moleskin, Silk, Soft Bats, &c., which ho will dispose. of at the lowest prices. All his Hats are manufactured un der his own, immediate superintendence, and he ,lbels.weurranted in saying, that for, clurabilitYand 'finish they cannot, he surpassed. Country mer chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in hats and caps, can be supplied at' wholesale prices, from one to a dozen, such sites as they may'want. W. B.—Fox, Mink, Muskrat, and Rabbit, Skins wanted, for which, the highest, market prices will be paid. [Lob., Feb-. 6, 1856. REMOVAL or J. M. Good's Book store. THE undersigned, having removed his New and 1 Cheap Book Store, to Market square, 2 doors north of Dr. Gustsonn's New Building, Market et., where ho will be pleased to see all of his old 'friends, and, those desirious of having articles in liis line. With ft det9rmination of selling cheap er than can he Purchased elsewhere, he would re spatfulli call the attention of the public to his assortment of Bibles; Hymn and Prayer .gooks,- Mis cellaneous, Blank and Sck ool.Books, Wall and Window Paper, Stationery, and every article in his lino of busi ness. Also,_ Pocket Diaries and. Almanacs for 1857. All-the Magazines and Newspapers, both :daily and weekly, to be had at Publisher's rates. AS orders for articles in •his line carefully and promptly attended to, by the undersigned. Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1857. S. M. GOOD. LEMBERGEWS Cloth nufactory TTHANKFUL for past favors,. the undersigned respectfully informs the public, that he eon tinues his manufaetory in East Hariover „ Lehanon county, on as extensive a scale as ever. rtis un necesiary for him to say more than that the work will be done in the sameexcellent style which has made his work And name so well known to tho surrounding country. He promises to do the work in the shortest possible time. The Manu factory is in complete order, and he Batters him self to be able to render the same satisiketion as heretofore. He manufactures • • Bread and Narrow Cloths, Cassbeets, Blankets, White and other Flannels, All bnished in the best manner, and at reason able prices. Ile also cards:Wool and makei Knits. For the convenience of his customers, wool and cloth will be taken in at the following places : At the stores of George t SheUeni3erger, Louser 4b Brothers,.Shirk & Tice, and George Reineehl, and at Guilford k Lemberger's. New Ding'atore, in Lebanon ; at the stores of Shirk & Miller, and. Samuel U. Shirk, in North Lebanon borough ; Samuel Goebert, Bethel tp.; the public house of' Wm. Eamst, Fredericksburg; Samuel E. Bickers atom J ones t own ; (ieorge Weidman'S Sere, Bell view ; Melchior Reichart, 2 miles from Palmyra; ' Martin Early's store, Palmyra ; Gabriel Wolfers berger'a store, Palmyra landing ; lldieheit Shirk, East Hanover, Dauphin county ; at the stores of Mr. Eby,: and David M. Bank, East Einover .Lebanon Bounty. , . . • Airinateriab3 . will be taken away from the a bove phicesi,lnished without delay, and returned again: Those.pflisi customers who wish to have Stock_ - 11.14 WoNarded, dyed and mixed, ean leave their Wool . 3v Eto) at the obove`meutteried places, with directions how thiy Wish 'it' Prepifed. Or big 'customers 4iten order the Stocking-mid to be sue4e.from the undersigned's woOL.whieh will be done, sadist& at ‘ the•dteired..plaeo. is .tilmiunr.thate those laving; .wool carded, 'will pay . 414: - .cusglistherefor,. at the , above Lamed places. ;LYON LEMBERGER. Easkilanaver tp. APriLit; 1857. itia.N:ht.„lots just returned from the city with # 'lie inew`,stoalc of lieets, Shoes, Tfultka end 44 .44 110 /1 8 .' ' .. . , . SUFFER. NOT! WTI 13:3 A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN ALL STAGES OF SECRET DISEASES, Self-abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, (Meets, Grav el, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles, diseases of the Lungs, Threat, Nose and Eyes,. Dicers Upon the Body or Linths, Cancers, Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, BtFitus' Dance ' end all Dis eases arising from a derangement of the Sexual Or , gnus, such as Nervous Trembling, I.oss of Memory, Loss of Power, General Weakness, Dimness of Vision with peculiar spots appearing before the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspepsia,,,Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Face, Pain in the-Back and Bead, Female Ir regularities and all improper dischargesfrom both tiCICIDS. It matters not from What cause the disease originated, however long standing or obstinate the case, Rummer IS CSUTAIN, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure nan he effected by any other treatment, even after the disease hes baffled the skill of eminent physicians and re sisted all their means of cure. The medicines are pleas ant without odor, causing no sickness and free from mercury or balsam. During twenty years of practice. have rescued from the Jaws of Death many thousands, who, in the last stages of the above-mentioned diseases, had been given up to die by their physicians, which war rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret Diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the firs tcause of Consumption, Scrofula and many other diseases, atershould be a terror to the. hu man family.' As upermanent cure is scarcely ever ef fected, a, majority of the eases falling into the hands of theompatent persons, who not only fail to cure the dis eases but ruin the constitution, filling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment: not, cause death speedily anti the victim marries, the disease is en tailed upon the children, who are born with feeble con stitutions, and the current of life corrupted' by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Erup tions and other affections of the Skin, Eyes, Throat and Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of miffer ing and consigning them to an early grave. SELF ABUSE is another formidable enemy to health; for nothing else in the dread eatalogue of human discs- SCS causes so destructive a drain upon the system,.draw ing its thousands of victims through a few years of suf fering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Ner vous System, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper devel opment of the system disqualifies for marrirge, society, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the suf ferer wrecked-in body or mind, predisposed to Consump tion and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death Itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortu nate victims of Self Abuse that a,permanent end speedy acme can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruin ous practices my patients can bo restored to robust, vig orous health. The afilicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers, that millions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonousnost rums vended, as "Patent Medicines." I have carefully analysed many of the so-called Patent Medicines: and find,,that nearly all of them contain Cor rosive Sublimate, which is one of the strongest prepara tions of mercury and a deadly poison, which. instead of curing the disease, disables the system for-life. - Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now' in use are put up by unprinciphat and ignorantpersons who do not understand even the alphabet of the Mantua 11EnicA, end are equally as destitute of any knowledge of the hu man system, having one object only in view, and that to make money regardless of consequences. irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on- principles established by twenty years -of practice, and sittictioned by thousands of the most re markable cures.' Alediclues with full directions sent to, any part of the - United States or 'Cantatas, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Business cor respondence strictly confidential. Address J. SUMMERTILLE, 31. D.,' Office ho. 1131 Filbert St., [Old No. 109,3 below twelfth, PIIILAPEIRUM July B,lss7—March 18, 1867. The Greatest Discovery ever Made Grey HAW Restored to. ifs &riper Color without Dyeing ! ! ! SIPEROME'S UM COLOR RESTORER Is acknowledg cd to be, and is, the most EFFECTUAL article for Restoring GREY lIAIR to its former COLOR and BEAUTY, and .lausing it to grow when it has &Ben off - and become thin. Air; By the use af ONLY ONE BOTTLE—and in front ten to twelve days—the Greyest Hair will assume its orig inal, life-like color, and the harshest hair will look soft, smooth and glassy. • 4.Sit- This valuable preparation is only 50 cents a bot tle. Prepared by T. if. JEROME, 175 'Fulton street, Brooklyn, General Agent. Sold also by D. S. It:ena, at his cheap Drug and 51ediclual store, Lebanon, Pa. Sept. 24, 1550. ifelmbold's Genuine Preparation OP Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Buchu. For diseases - of the Bladder, Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy, Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret diseases, Fe male Complaints, and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, Arising from Excesses and Imprndencies in life, and re moving all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kid neys, Or Sexual Organs, whether existing in Male . or Female; Prom whatever cause they may have originated, And no ratter of How Long Standing, Giving health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pallid Meek. Joy to the Aillietedl!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which will be found • Indisposition to'Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Die. ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread ful Herter of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Peet, Wakefulness,•Dimness of :Vision, Languor, U11iV432.- sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic symptoms, Hot Hands, Plushness of the Body, Dryness of the skin, • • • Pallid Countenance and Eruptions nu ' the h . ace, Pain in the Back, hea viness of the Eyelids, Fre quently Black spots - Flying before . . the Eyes, • ' with -Temporary suffusion and Loss of sight; Went of Attention, Great 'Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Pa tients than solitude, and Nothing they more 'Dread' Rif Pear of Themsolves no Be. pose of manner, furearnestness, no Speculation, but a hurried tranhition from one • question to an, other. ADAM RISE Theavaymptoms if allowed to go on—which this teed ivine invariably removes—soon follows Loss of Power, Fatuity, and EPILEPTIC PlTS—in one of which the pa tient may eupire. Who can say that these eseesses are not frequently followed by those direful discuses—lN SANlTY AND CONSUMPTION ? The records of the In sane-Asylums, and the melancholy .deaths by Consump tion, bear ample:Witness to the truth of these assertions. In• Lunatic Asylums the mostmelaneholyaxhibition ap. pears. , The Countenance is actually sodded and quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it; should a soundef tbe ; voice occur, it is rarely articulate. uWith woeful measures wan despair , Low sullen seunde his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible! and has brought thousands upon thousand to untimely groves, thus blasting the am bition of many nobleyouths. , It can be cured by thous° of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY If you are suffering with ~ny of the above distressing ailments. the FLUID .13XT1LACT BUCIIU will cure you. Try it and be Convinced of its eilleacy. Beware of Quark Nostrums and Quack;Doctors, who. falsely boast of abilities and references, Citizens know and avoid them. and save long suffering, Money, and I:Xposuro, by sending or milling for a bottle of this Popular and specific Remedy.. . - It allays all pain and inflammation, is perfectly pleas ant in its taste andmdor, but immediate iii its action. lletinliold's Extract Buchu Ts.prepared directly according to the Utiles of Pharntricy and Chemistry, with - the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. See Professor .Itewees' Valuable Works on the practice of Physic, and most of the late standardiVorks of Medicine. sRitilitibilao One hundred dollars will be paid to any Physician who Can prove that ti; medicine ever injured a patient; and the testimony of thousands can be produced to proVe that it does great good. Cases of from one week to thir teen years standing have been effected. The mass of Voluntary Testimony in possession of the Proprietdr, vouching its virtues and curative powers. is immense, embracing names well known to SCIRSOEAND 100,000 Bottles Have Been Sold and not a single instance of a failure has been reportedl - Personally appeared before me, an Alderman or the City of Philadelphia; IL T. 11ELMBOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. 11. T. 111 LAI DO IX, sole manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed beforeme this 23d day of Novem her 104. P. Aldernlan. Price $1 per -Bottle, or six for $5 . , De livered to anti Address . . . Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Irefessori of Medical Colleges, Cleremen and abets. Prepared and sold by H. T.' 11, LMBOLD, Practical and - AnMytical Chemist.' No. 52 South Tenth St. below Chestnut, • . Assembly Buildings, Pk a. loa. To be had of Dr. George Ross, D. S. Reber, and of all Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canndas and British Provinces. ' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS Ask for Helmbold's—take no other. Cures .Guarastteed N0v.19, Preserve your_lreeth GIIILFORD & LEMBERGER prepare en arti ele, Pearl Dentrifice, the finest Tooth powder, that can be used, having a most delightful odor and pleasant taste, polishes and preserves the teeth, to which it gives a. pearl-like whiteness, imparting a most delightful fragrance to the breath, restores the gums and preserves them in full health and vigor. Prepared anilsold only, at GUILFORD & Drug '7 New Drug Store; Midget it. THE LEBANON ADVERTISER.-A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Of all diseases, the great, first cause Springs from neglect of Nature's laws Bowman, Hauer & Capp's LUMBER YARD. TAU Way, if you Want Cheap Lumber. Hlundetsir lave lately fornTl a ait T hupfot r e uriamofengagigit ; e Lumber Business, on a HOW plan, would respect fully inform the public at largo, that their place of business is David Bowman's old Lumber Yard, in East Lebanon, fronting on Chestnut street, 1 square from . the Evangelieal church. They have enlarged the sttrcl, and filled itwith anew and ex cellent assortment of all kinds of Lumber, such as Boaans ? ,Ptaxas,..ToisTs, LATIIS, SIIINDLEN, AND SCANTLING, of all lengths and thicknesses. In short, they, keep constantly on hand, a full and well-season ed assortment of all kinds of BUILDING MATE RIALS. Persons in want of anything in their line,are invited to call, examine their stock, and earn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they hope, that by attention to businesSe and moder ate prices, to merit a continuance of public pat ronage. BOWMAN, HAUER ‘k CAPP. Lebanon, April S, 1857.-Iy. Lumber and Coal. 5000 ' " MEN WANTED to, come and buy their LUMBER and COAL at the as tonishingly low prices Which I am now determin ed to sell at. Now is the time, if you wish to save your money," to come to the New Lumber and Coal yard, located between the 'Old Lutheran Church and Myers & Sheltie' Steam Mill, and one square north of the Court house, in. Walnut street, in the borough of Lebanon, Where is a well selected stock of all kinds of Building Materials, consisting of 500,000 ft. goardS, 300,000: Shingles, 200,000 ft. Joists Scantling, 00,000 ft. hemlock boards, 60,000 ft. do fene'g b'do. Also, Planks,Plastering and Roofing Lath, all of which will besold, wholesale or retail, at Mid dletown prices, except a small advance fur freight. Also, all kinds of the best COAL the market can produce, such as Broken Egg, Stove,Chestnut; Limcburners' ~,and Hollidaysburg Backsmith's Coal, which will be sold almost at cost. JOHN H. IVITMEYER Lebanon, June 24, 1857. Uell .117 E L UM. IR ER. NEARLY 9,000,000 FEE - 171 OF the best and cheapest assortment of Lunnurt V ever offered to the public; at the now and ex tensive LUMBER AND COAL YARD of PHILIP BRECHBILL, in the Borough of North Lebanon, on. the bank of the Union Canal, at the head of Walnut street, a few squares North of the hew Steam Mill, and one square east of Borgner's Hotel. Ills assortment consists of the bestivell seasoned White, Yellow, Norway, Pine Lt Heirdoelt Boards; Cherry,. Poplar,ilnd Pine Boards.. I/ and 2 inch Panne' and Common:Plank; White Pine and Hemlock Scantling and Joists; White Oak Boards, Plank and Scantling; I&. inch Poplar Boards, Plank 4: Scantling. SHINGLES! SHINGLES!! The best Pine and Hemlock Shingles; Also, Roofing and PlaStering Laths; Chestnut Rails and Posts, and Pailings for fences and fencing Boards; FLOORING' BOARDS of all sizes A; descriptions. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! The largest stoeficof Broken, Stove,'Li meharn era' and Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, at the lowest prices. .X.ti . " Confident that he has thelargest and best assortment of Lenard:. of all descriptions and siz es, as well as the largest stock of the different kinds of COAL, ever offered to the citizens of Lebanon county, he ventures to say that he can accommo date all purchasers satisfactorily, and would there flire invite all who want anything in his line, to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. PHILIP BRECIIBILL. North Lebanon Borough, July 22, '57. En==lEl A HOME FOR ALL! ASSORTMENT OF LIJMBER AND COAL ever offered heretofore to the public, AT THE OLD YARD IN Morth Lebanon IlOrough, (FORMERLY Of.CEPIED ET MIRK k MEINMETIEL,) Situated on East 4. West side of Mar ket street, at Union Canal. FIE undersigned take this method of inform ing the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding Counties, that they- have now on band a large stock of WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and arc constantly receiving additions thereto. Their as sortment consists in part of Whitd and Yellow PINE and HEMLOCK BOARDS. IA inch and 2 inch PANNEL "and, COMMON PLANKS:.. - White PINE and Ilinmetc SCANTLING and JOISTS. 1 inch and inch CHERRY BOARDS, PLANKS and TALE LEGS. Alo, I inch and inch POPLAR BOARDS PLANKS and SCANTLING. HARD WOOD. Such us ASH and WRITE OAK BOARDS, PLANKS unit SCANTING. SHINGLES, SHINGLES, SEHNGLES ! A great assortment of good Pt in and IlEmmocK SII tn 0 LES. Also, ROONINO and PLASTEDING LATUS. Also, RAILS, POSTS, and ready topped PALINGS for fencing. Flooring Boards, Doors and Window Sank. Of which they ponitively have the largest and best assortment ever °Cored in this section of country. COAL! COAL!! COAL!! They keep constantly on hand the best quility of Broken, Stone and Lintebutocre:COAL. Also , the best quality of Bollidaymburff Smith Coat which aro sold at reduced prices. Baring now on hand much the largest and completest assortment of Lumber eves offered to the public in Lebanon, they feel confident of being able satisfactorily to accommodate all pur chasers, and would, therefore, invite an examine- Alen of their stock before parch:l4in ,, olsawhore. REINCEIfLe& MEILY. North Lebanon Borough, Sept. 17, ISM The Cheapest Sofas Arepobi,,3)y ' DuNDORE sr, OVES . • BOOKS . BOOKS ! _ . E~ALTZ d BIEDLE would respectfully inform the Public, that they constantly 'receive, from the Eastern Cities, copies of all the most Important end attractive New Books, as soon as published, which they offer for sale cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere. Among those lately received are- 7 Dr. bane's- Expedition. in 2 Vols. l'rescott's History al' Charles V., in 3 Vols. Recollections of a Life Time, in. 2 Vols., 'by S. G. Goodrich. Author of Peter Parley's ales. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, and other Miscellaneous , Works. Carpenter's Assistant and Rural Architect. American Architect; by .T. W. Bitch. DoWning's Cottage Residences and Cottage Grounds. The:Economic Cottage Builder. They have always on hand a large assortment of School Books, Blank Books and STATIONERY. Also, Sunday School Boobs, and Music Books, among which is "The Illarmonia "Unto ,» Bi E. D. WOMILEY. Also, Piano Porte, Alelodeon and - Violin Instructors PAPER HANG'I.NGS, of Foreign and Domestic _lailufaapre, - Window Shades. The IN onthly Niagazines, end all the • NEWSPAPERS, daily it Weekly, Can be had by calling at the store, on Cumberland street, in the borough of Lebanon, at the sign of the "Big Book." VEB.Orders left with them for any kind of goods in their line, will be promptly attended to. Lebanon, April 8,18b7. Philip F. illeCaully, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker (ON Cumberland street, One door East of the si tar 1./ Black Horse Hotel. The subscriber desires to in.- .. form the public that he has open-.. .daii ed as above, where be is prepay. •"""" ed to execute orders for Boots and Shoes of the finest finish and' rityle; and equal, if not superior, to any heretofore offered to the public. (may 27, 1857. IF YOU WONT A Cheap Looking Glass, Gilt, Rosewood or Mahogany, or Venitian Blinds, GO To DUNDORE OVES. AL\ TKINS 46 MCADAM have just received .a oak new stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks• and Traveallug bags, NEW FURNITURE STORE! Dundore 4. Oves RAVE just opened the finest, largest end cheapest assortment of Furniture ever offer ed in Lebanon. Their store is in Cumberland street, between Market and Plank-read. Their stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Furniture, which they will sell ;lower than can ho bought in Lebanon. All they ask is of persons in want Of Furniture to give them a call before purchasing. They have on hand a large assortment of Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other .Tables,.What Note, Hat Racks, Also, A large and cheap stock of Stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads, and a lot of Cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses, —Gilt, Rosewood and Mahogany—very cheap. Venetian Blinds; Carriages, Gigs and Hobby horses, for children ; and a large stock, too nu- Morons to mention. Particular attention paid to UNDERTAKING. We have provided ourselves with the FINEST HEARSE IN LEBANON, and will 'inituufaeture Coffins Mad attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. April 29,1557. DUNDOHE Sr. OVES. JAMES P. MAXWELL, MANUFACTUITAIR OF improved Fire and Water Proof CONIII"OSITIOIN ROOFING, HARRISBURG, PA., • ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Hur l% rishurp Reading, Lancaster, Lebanon, and their vicinities, that we are prepared to put on roofs on Most liberal terms, and at the shortest notice. We respectfully call the.nttention of persons a bout to build; to our invaluable method of rooting, now much used throughout the principal cities of the United States: and their vicinities. This mode of roofing haVing all the combined requisites of cheapness, Durability, and Security against Fire and Water, and' dispensing with high gablewalls; the roofs require an inclination or not more than three-quarters (f) of an inch to the foot, and in many eases saving the entire cost of rafters 7 ---the ceiling joist being used. The gutters are made of the same material, without any extra charges consequently, our roofs are put up at almost half the cost of either Tiu, Slate, or : Shingles. , The material being of an, imperishable nature, it surpasses all others in Durability ;—besides, in ease of any casualty, it is the most easily repaired of any other roof now in use. Yet, the best proof we can otter as to its being both fire and water proof, are our many re ferences, to any one .of whom we are at liberty to refer. N. F..--But let it, be diStinctlY understood, (since we manufacture our own composition,. and do the work in person,) that we warrant all our work proof against both Fire and Water ; if they prove tam trary; wo will most willingly abide the results. ' ' The materiels being mostly non-conductors of bent, no roof is so cool in summer, or so warm in winter. Those wishing to use our roof should give the rafters a 'pitch of about one inch to the foot. [my 27, 1854-4. m. Or.Eir aid RIME IMIRD. .4. 1 2 4 , 4 . 1 • r+ P-1 c ""' ' e ro - - IVA \- t!/)7 " 74' tZ F 4 -Y 3 ° The public 'llre iniited to call at his NEW STAND IN MARKET ST., one square north of Union Hall, Lebanon, Pa., whore he will attend personally to all who will favor him with their patronage. He would also return his sincere thinks for the liberal patronage afforded him since opening in business, and feeling the more encouraged by the interest manifested in his behalf by timpublic, be enters upon a new season with renewed energy, despatebing business with aprlamptnessbecoming an honest mechanic. ' /Vs Terms Rene/mob/0. Coil and Examine. J. E. DAUGHERTY. Lebanon, April 5, 1857. P. S.—Also, number of select Limestone Door Sills, for the accommodation of building men and contractors; who would do well to call and exam ine. J. E. D. 25 WITNESSES 5 t oo l or, THE Forzer Convicted. CD JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, Who has had 10 years'experiencensa Bunk er and Publisher, and Author of 1::) „,„ A series of Lectures at the Broad way Tabernacle, when, for 10 successive nights, over $l7 {jr 50,000 People PI Greeted him with rounds of Applause, while ~• he exhibited the manner in which coon- Ow. forfeiters execute their Frauds, and the surest and shortest means of Detecting. them ~, • The Band Note Engravers all say that be is the greatest judge of pa -7.71, per money living. GREATG E EST DISCOVRY OF the Present Century for „,, k . Detecting Countenfeit Bank Notes. CjDeseribing every Genuine Bill in existence, pm • and exhibiting at a glance every Conn • terfeit in Circulation!! ct Arranged so admirably, that • Reference is Easy and r" Detection Instantaneous.- No index to examine ! No pages to hunt up ! • But so simplified and arrangtd, that the ,_srl Merchant, Banker and Business man can 1 See all at a Glance. ~.., English, French and German. • Thus each may read the same in his own Native Tongue. kw • Most Perfect Bank. _Note List PUBLISHED. 1 1 " Also a list of the Private .13ankers in America. ClA•Complete summary of the Finance of Eu- sedition,, and America will be published in.each impoedition,. together with all the important 4 :::' Neiits of the Day. = ALso, A Series of Tales, cjFrom an old manuscript found in the East. .0 It furnishes tho most complete History of Iv Oriental life 1 ..,. Describing tho most perplexing positions (i) in which the ladies and gentlemen of that tin country have been so often found. These stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. ~.N 18a..Furnished Weekly to tiubscribers on ' .Iy, at Si a year. All letters must be ad- W l ...dressed to -1" - JOHN S, DYE, Broker. or"'Pablishar and Proprietor, 70 Wall street, 7-4 April 22, 1857., New York. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUN6. MARRIAGE. GUIDE by Dr. WM- YOUNG. MARRIAGIi GUIDE by Dr. W.M. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE•by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr: WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE byDr. I.M. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by. Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG ?..TARRIAGE GUIDE.—YOUNG'S GREAT PILYSIO LOGICAL WORK, The Pocket Eseulapius, or Every One His Own Doctor, by' Wat..Youso, N. D. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of One UnadrtdEugravings. ALL young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impedimentio'rearriedlife, should read this' book. It discloses secrets that every one Should be acquainted with. BUR, it is a book that must bo kept up,und. not lie about the house. It will be sent to. any one on the receipt of twentyDve tents. Addres Dr. WM. YOUNG, 162 SPRUCE street, above 'Fourth . I.3auttery 7,1857.—1 y Dr. Ross ' Drug Store Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. TAM ROSS offers to buyers the best bargains in drugs, in Lebanon ; a long and varied expe rience, of over twenty years, in the drug and medical science, enables him to do up things in the first style. Purchasers will please make a note of these facts. Magnettc Sugar, -- nr the Permanent Cure of Neu "gin, St. Vitus' Dance, and all her Nervous diseases, Sold by Ross. Upham's Eleetuary, certain cure for the Piles. OrdllarshisesUterine Cathol -11, For the cure of all fem. dis. fr. H. H. Higbee's Remedy, Jr the cure of Coughs, Colds Wood's Hair Restorative, For promoting the growth of hair, always to be had at the principal drug-depot of Dr. Ross. Henry's Invigorating Cordial, Tho best tonic in use for strengthening the hu man system, sold only by Dr. Ross. - Dr. Hasting's Syrup of Naphtha, Is fast superseding all other medicines for the cure of Consumption and Bronchitis. Dr. Ross, solo agent. Allen's Razor Powder, For Razor Straps. • .• . Pure Ohio Catawba brandy—a pure and safe article for medical use, to be had at Dr. Ross'. Allen's Liniment, for Rheumatism. Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative Is an no failingrestorcr of the Hair, it is taking the lend of all other remedies for the hair. No.toilet is perfect without mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative: Call at,Dr. Ross' Drug Store ter mrs. Aen's Hair Restorative. Bee UAW. in another eoi. Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges Arc as sweet as sugar and. a certain cure for Worms. - ' _ _ Dr. Ross' Infant Drops, For the relief of restlessness, colic pains, &c., of children. Sold only at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Cough Cursefur Twenty-five Cents. Dr. Physiek's -Cough Syrup is the cheapest and best remedy for Cough s,Colds o te. Call at Dr.Ross'. Dr. Ross' Horse Powder Is the best Horse Powder in use. Dr. Ross' Cattle Powder Is fast taking the place of all other Cattle Powders Dr. Ross' Horse Liniment, For the cure of Old Strains, Swellings, Bruises, &c. Sold only by Dr. Ross. - Dr. Ross' Eye Salve, For the cure of sore, weak .or inflamed eyes. dividuals who have been aillieted'with diseases of the eyes., for months and years, have been entire ly cured* the use of Dr. Ross' Eye Salve.. Fresh Garden Seeds - Ingreat variety - at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Dr. Ross' 7'etier Oin-tment Persons afflicted with totter, ringworm, and runs other skin diseases, will rind various efficient medicines for their cure at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Dr. Ross' Tooth Wash Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and Gums. It whitens, cleans and preserve the teeth, and. hardens the gums. . It prevents and. cures. Scurvy. Try it, by all means ' if you value a sweet breath end white teeth. Ask for Dr. Rose Tooth Wash. -C . CD . c., ~c 1 O . F i .-.. o Heyl's Embrocation for Horses Has no superior for the cure of swellings, bruises, galls produced by the collar or saddle, scratches, old or fresh wounds. Ask for Ifeyrs Embrocation. Trusses. Ell - 7.* ...: ''''. a ca '''''' 0 u" o E: •:., --, z., ..0 4 - ...., ..... Dr. Ross has a variety of Trnsses—for infants, children or grown people. Unless a Truss fits, it is worse than useless—it will do harm. Re has had an experience of over 13 years in this branch of surgery, and adjusts every Truss bsught of him. 15 Gallons of Soap for 19 Cents One box of Saponifier, costing 19 cents, will make 9 pounds of hard soap, or 15 gallons of soft soap, without any trouble. Full direetons given. Sold at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. [April 8, 1857. '; .3 o `7. MARYLAND STATE.LOWERIES I CORBIN' & CO., LICENSED AGENTS, - dp 0 C 'C. • 'ZS A RE authorized by the Managers to fill all or. AIX dors for Packages, Tickets or Shares, in the Maryland Lotteries. These Lotteries are drawn in public in the city of Baltimore under the superintendence of the State Lottery Commissioner, Who guarantees the fairness of the Drawings, and the official drawn numbers arc published in the Journals of the city 'of Baltimore, with his certifi cate bearing his signature. ALL PRICES ABE GUARANTEED BY THE STATE. One Trial may make you Rich. for Life! Splondid Schemes Drawing Daily. pir• Saud your orders to CORBIN & CO., the Old Established Authorized Agents who hare sold more prizes, than any other office in the State of AtarylautL I'ATAPSCO INSTITUTE LOTTERY. This favorite Lottery is drawn daily. The Cap ital Prizes are $B.OOO, $7.000, $6.000, $5.500, ke. Single Tickets Ono Dollar. CERTIFICATES ' OF PACKAGES. 26 Whole Tickets, $l6 00 I 26 Half Tickets, $8 00 26 Quarter Tickets $4 00. _Yoshio(' Venture. Nothing Gained. Tickets bought by the Package. are always the most profitable to the purchasers. For $25.110 send package Wholes, Halves & Quarters. For SlO 'we send package 'Halves and 2 Whole tickets. For $5 we send packages Quarters and one Whole ticket. Look at the following SPLENDID SCHEMES ! one of which arc drawn at 12 o'clock each day of the week ! CLASS 49:—SCHEME. 1 Prize of $7.000 is $7.000 207 Prizes of $2O are $1.140 1 prize of 1.341 is 1.341 132 prizes of 10 are 1.320 3 prizes of 1.000 are 3.000 332prieos of 4 aro 528 4 prizes of 400 are 1.600 14,092 prizes of 2 are 8.184 4 prices of 100 aro 400 1 25.740 prizes of 1 are 25.740 30.316 prizes, amounting to ... .... . $53.258 TICKETS, $l. POKOMOKE LOTTERY. • CAPITAL, PRIZE, $24.0001 Crass Frca.—CERTIFICATE OF PACKAGES. 26 Wholes, $BO DO I ' 26 Halves • $4O 00 26 Quarters, 20 00 I 26 Eighths, 10 00 SCIIEME. ! 1 PriZl:l of $24.000 is ' `524.000 6 prizes of 2.000 aro 12.000 6 prizes of 3.000 are . 18.000 20 prizes of ' 689 are "13.587, 20 prizes of 400 are 8.000 20 prizes of 300 are 6.000 20 prizes of 2QO are 4.000 127. prizes of 300 aro - 42.700 63 prizes of 50 are . ' "8:150 63 prizes of 40 aro' . •' ' 2.520 63 prizes of 30 are - ' : 4890 " 63 pries of 201ira ' 3.906 prizes of ,-... 10are •- ' ....39.000 23.436 - prizes - of : . '5 are '. 117.180 27.814 Prizesmaking: $263.347 Tickets7ss---=-Shares in Pr&portion. TOSS' IS WORTII A. TRIAL. , :$30i000.1:',.' • MARYLAND -CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY ! for the benefit of the SUSQOXIIANNA. CANAL. CLASS FIVE.—SCHEME. IPriie"of $30.000 is . $30.000 1 prize Of 10.000 is 10:000 1 prize of 5!000 is • 5.000 1 prize of . 3.907 is 3.907 100 prizes of 1.000 are 100.000 25 prizes of 500 are 12.500 25 prizes of 300 are 7.500 66 prizes of 200 are 13.200. 66 prizes of 100 are 6.600 332 prizes of • SO are 10.560 132 prizes of 60 are 7.920 132 prizes of 40 are 5.280 3.394 prizes of 20 are 7.2.880 25.740 prizes of 10 are 257.4.09 30.316 Prizes, amounting to'. . . . ..$547.747 CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 26 Wholo tiekets, $131'301 26 Half tickets, $66 00 26 Quarter `" ' 33 00 1 26 - Eighths " Cis Tickets $lO--Shares in Proportion. • We invariably answer'letters by return mairen closing the tickets in, a good safe envelope, and al4 ways observe tha,strietest confidence. After the -drawing is over, we send the officialdrawing, with `a written explanation of the result of the venture: All prises bought at this office are payable immedis ately.after the drawing in Current Money, and we take Bank Notes of any State, or Bank Drafts in payment for Tickets at par. For odd amounts in making change we receive postage Stamps, they being more convenient than silver. Correspond ents may place the utmost confidence in the regu larity and safety of the mails, as very few or no miscarriages of money happen when properly di: rested to . us. Be careful that you mention your Post Office, County and State. Give us at least one single trial, you cannot lose muchilf not gain. Ono single trial may make you independent for life, TRY US. There should ho no such word, as fail. Address CORBIN 4i CO., Box 190 Post Office, Baltimore ' Md. 03- Orders for tickets in any of the Maryland Lotteries promptly attended to. Circulars Corti. Mining a list of all the .Lotteries for-the month, forwarded on application. [July 0,'57-6m. D.S. RABER ) Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Corner of Cumberland st., and Doe alley, few Fors west from Greenawalt's Hardware Store. -Lebanon, Penna. • DRUGS PERFUMERY, MEDICINiS, PAINTS, CHEMICALS) • DYE-STUFFS. HE undersigned having just. received a large T and Woll-selected stock of unadulterated Eng lish, French, and American Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, - Perfumery, Dye-Staffs,Varnish, Turpentine, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Glassware, Brushes, Hair Oils, Toi let Soaps, Segars, Tobacco and a variety of Fancy articles too numerous to mention. Dye-Stuffs. Bengal Indigo, Logwood, Madder, Tumeric, Annato, Ext, Logwood, Cochineal, Copperas, itc. Sime's genuine - Cod-Liver Oil. Ext. of Dande lion, Medicinal Wines, Brandy, ac.,.01d only for Medicinal purposes at D. S. Rabers, Drug Store, Lebanon, Pa. - For Family 17 - Coat's Patent Refined Gelatine, French. Gelatine, ride Flour, Hecirei j s Farina, Corn Stara, Flavor in Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Rose, Orange,Ban r na,- -Celery, - Ach • also all. kinds of Spices, J:e., s ild chew n at Itgrefs Drag Store. , Trusses! Trusses! • 40..,.;11__ ~.- .•-: ___.--7„-F.er‘r,i1.,,.03.,,,—,.„..„.2--., "..,, --- - - ii. 0••• I.' L.E.LZ14411 . '„. `',,,,. '.,--::•;Qit 11 1 11$ A :-7 1 -r- ' • -, ,- 4 •••• • No, e r) . ~.,., ~,„,..., ~. 0..- , .. ~....,04,1, A large assortment of the most unproved styles of American anti" French Trusses varying in p, ices from 50 cents,te $5. Also ;feed's Abdom ii al Supporters, Vanhorn's Uteri Abdominal Sup p,,rters, Vanhorn's ' Shoulder Braces, &c., sold &leap at D. S. Raber's Drug. Store. For Horn's and Cattle. Doct. Phreaner's Yellow Water powder, Con dition powder, Heave:powder ' Heinitch's German Vegetable Horse powder, Doct. J. Worley's Horse i ad Cattle powder, Leader & Co.'s Horse and f attic powder, Merchant's ;Gargling Oil, Horse man's Hope, Hembold's Liniment, &c., &e. Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye. Warranted to make Soap. without Lime and with little or no trouble. One "box of Saponifier costing only .I.Bf cents will make 9 pounds of Ilford Soap, or 15 gallons of of Soap. Sold at D. S. Rabee.s.Drug-SfOro. Worms, Worms: J.- Gerhard's Infallible Worm Destroying Syr tp,. :Fahnestock's, Gallagher's, - and Dr. Jayne's Verznituge, .&c., also Holloway's Vegetable Ver inifuge Confections, a safe and effectual remedy for': worms; This it delighful preparation of sugar, that any child will eat with 'pleasure. Ask for Holloway's—as none other are genuine. Sold at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. All the popUlar Patent medicines, sold at D. S. RADER'S Cheap Drug Store, Cumberland st., a few doors from Grcenawaleallardware Store. July 23,1856. 4.. V twenty two years ago by Dr. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful' practitioner hi the cum of all diseases of a private nature, manhood's debility. as an impediment to marriage; ner vous and sexual infirmities, diseases of the skin, and those arising from abuise of mercury. .. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. . There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood; and which, if not reformed in due time, not only begets carious Obstacles tn mataimanial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating affections._ Few of those who give•way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consejoenees, until they find the ner vous system shattered, - feel strange and Unaccountable sensations, and vague fears in the mind. [See pages, 27, 28, 29, of Dr. K.'s book on "S.elf-Preservation.l The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is nna ble to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to study ; his step is tardy and weak ; he is dull. irresolute, and engages even in his sports with less ener gy then --usual. , If he emancipate himself before the practice has done its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruit ful, and his sense tells him that this is mmsed by his early follies. .'..l'he.se are Considerations which should awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated. R EXEM DER, Ife who places himself under Dr. .11INKELLN'S treat. recut, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle man. and rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. IL's patients will never be disclosed. Young man—let no false modesty deter you from mak ing your case known to one, who. from education and respectability, can certainly befriend you. 46d-Dr. EINKELIN'S residence has been for the last rwszln. YEARS at the N. W. Corner of THIRD AND UNION streets, Philadelphia ' Pa. pATIENTS AT A DISTANCE 711. Can have (by stating their ease explicitly, together with an their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit tance) Dr. H.'s medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part or the United States. and park ed aeouro 111 1 P1 PAN MR; or cI,I ItIOSITY, "Mail or Ex : press. 1 , DEAD I. YOUTH' AND ITANDOOD ! A Vicondus LIFE on .A .PTLEMATUILL DEATIf t KrziKELLN Ox SELF-PRESEitWATION-ONLY - . Letters containing that value in stamps, will ensure a copy, per return of ninth GRATIS i GRATIS! GRATIS 17l ' ,of Free GIFT To AU. MISERY RELIEVED! - - - - "Natures Guide," -a new and popular Work. full of valuable advice and impressive warning ; alike calculat ed to prevetit' years of misery, and save THOUSANDS of live; is distributed without cbarge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid to any Post Once in the United States, ea reesiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. Julyls, 1557.-Iy. ImPOrtititit Diseovery. CONS.UMPTION AXD ALL Diseases of the Lungs and Throat ,ABB. POSITIVELY CURABLE BY INHALATION ! which conveys the Remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the al. passages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough. causes a free and easy expectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the ner vous system, giving that tone and energy so indiSpett,t ble for the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much uuder the control of medical treatment as any other formidable disease ; ninety out of every hundred eases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty percent. in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the lungs are so cut up by the disease as to defy medical skill. Even, however. to the last stages, inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which an nually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the U nited States alone ; and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to flit the Consumpthe's grave. Truly, the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps eff alike the, brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gift ed. By the help of that Supreme Being, front whout eometh every good and perfect gift, lent enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Con annaption. The first cause of tubercles is from Imp ore Blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their depo sition in.the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then, surely, it is more ra- ' tinned to expect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs, than from those administered through the stomach ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after inhaling reme dies. True, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless, it acts constitutionally, and with more power and cer tainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful anti direct influence of this mode ci administration, chloroform inhaled will destroy sensibil ity in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous sys tem, so that a limb may be amputated vrithouttheslight est pain; inhaling theordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the System when fainting or apparently dead, The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skiu, "a few moments af• ter being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional ef fects of inhalation, is the fact,that sickness is always pro duced by breathing foul air. Is not this positive evi dence that properxemfilles, carefully prepared and judi ciously administered through the lungs, should produce the most happy results t During eighteen years' prac tice, many thousands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and- throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat isfies me that Consumption is no longer a fatal disease.- 111 Y treatment of Consumption is original, and founded on long expo Bence and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, Sm., enables use to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that'simulate consumption, mid apply the proper remediee, rarely being mistaken even in a single case.— This familiarity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of contracted cheats ; to en large the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vi talitY, giving energy and toneto theentire system. Medicines, with full directions, sent,to any , part of the United' States and Canadas, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more certain-if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give Me an opportunity to examine the hings,and enable tee to , prescribe. with much greater certainty ; and then the cure could be effected without *my seeing themitient Rivkin. • ' G. W. ORAILUE, M. D., Office, 1131 Filbert St., (old - No., 109,) below 12th, PILTLADELO.RU4IIA "July 8,1857 .March 18,1867.,, The 'Medicine of the Millioit PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. Mlle , ;., HOLLOWAY'S PILLS HL" EXCITING CAUSE OF SICKNESS.—TheId w is the life-austaining — Oagent. It furniehes the c. d .,. ponenta of ilesh, hone,- muscle, nerve and integulnel.t. The Stomach Is its manufactory the veins its Iligrihu. tors, and the intestines the channel through *ad, ," waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled . _ Upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels, thpse Pills act simultaneously, relieving indigestion, purify. ing the flui&, and regulating the excretions. The Natielial Disease. 'Dyspepsia is thalnost common disease among all riar es in this country.: It assumes a thouiand shapes, sal is the primary source of innumerable dungaree. Mg dies ; -but whatever its type or symptoms, howlycer stinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yield, readily and rapidly tathiusearching& unerring recu4r, . • —... , • Bilious Affections Tice quantity and quality of the bile are of Thal ba_ portnnee to h'ealth. Upon the liver, the gland aidell eretes this these pillsoperate specifically, infallitir rectifying its irYegultirifies , and effectually curia: Jaen. dice, Bilious ltetnittants; add ikll the varieties of disess, generated by an unnatural condition of the organ. Liver Complaints Unless the bowels perform their functions prcPerlr, the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die aneuit ly of Dysentery, Diarrluea, Chronic Constipation, and other diseases of those waste pipes in the system. Thy effect of the pills upon all intestinal disorders, whether casual or epidemic,.is a phenomenon in medicine. liv following the printed directions, the most alarming ca ses of bowel eoP , Ploint am promptly controlled. A Word to Females. The local debility and irregularities which are the 03- pedal annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the time being, and prevented for the time to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alternative. iegirpolinway's Pills are the hest remedies known in the world for aid PAlowinff Asthma, Diarrineti, indllg"tion • Bowel Complaints, Dropsy, inatTlar . Coughs, Debility, Inflammation, Colds, Fever d: Ague, Inward Weakness,' Chest Diseases, Pli s, Female Complaints, Costiveness, Headaches, Lowness of spirits, Liver Complaints, StoneaGravel.Smondary Symptom:: Venereal Affections, • ' Worms of all kinds. Sold at the Manufactory of Professor liellow e y, cq Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectabl e Drug gist.. and Dealers in Medicine throughout the States and the civilized world, in bases at 25 cent.,+„ 603; cents, and SI each. CAUTIONI—None are genuine unless the words "Hol loway, New York and Loudon," are discernible as a Iva. ter-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pat or boa; the same may be plainly seen by twitt ing the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeit ing 'the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to bespurious.-€6 There is aconsiderable saving by taking the largersize, , . N. 1 1 —Directions for the guidance of patients iu every disorder are affixed to each hos. [Sept. la, Grindle's Ancient and Celebrated APANESE LIFE PILLS ! Nature's Own Remedy. A Positive Cure for Liver Complaint and Bilious Disci.- - dent, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Scrofula, Cutam,us Diseases, Fever and Ague, Costiveness, Piles, Dysen- tery and DiarrlitemWorros, Suppression of the .McoAc,, Nervous Debility, &e.. and a sure Preventative to all PULMONIC AFFECTIONS. extensiveLroer e A s. aCt ie S , N a r ft .T e A r P w A ; Tr i l a S , L e ir tes EPlLLS ted th elit i nx , worst forms of disease, and after having been urged to do so by eminent physicians, who have tried them to their satisfaction. Performing cures where every other rem edy had failed, we feel it our solemn duty to spread the glad intelligence to every family of the globe. They purge the system thoroughly of alt corrupt humors.peo. °trate and purify thevital fluids, and the corrupt secre tions are replaced with rich, healthy blood. Parts that were even decaying with the disease are restored to a healthy. vigorous action, and disease eradicated as if by magic, leaving the system in a robustcondition, and les, predisposed to contract disease again of whatever kind. Possessing such penetrating end healing virtues, their success mast be inevitable. We know it. We can read it in the now - glowing features of the once pale and prostrat ed patient; we can .read it in the friendly grasp of d m father's baud, and in the mother's warm tears ofj.w. as they behold their darling child snatched from the clutches of death by their powerful agency ; we can read It in the 3,p - ung man's gayety, and in the old man's vigor and "God bless you;" we can read it. in the h usbamfa and wife's gratitute, and in the children's prattle; we can read it awarout upon the bosom of the oceamin the sprightly tread and invigorated system of the pOorutar incr. Yes, and we sometimes fancy we can almost read it far tip in the blue canopy of heaven, in words of living-, lire—Dtscsar. IS TWCQUI3II.3I)--TUE TRIUMPH 13 COMPLtin- These Ancient Pills are also an invaluable remedy An females suffering front suppression of the Menses, the came of so many declines and female weakness. The various diseases that attack children are quickly ban ished by theii , healing qualities. The Pint - are gent q 3141., front Pit PrOprio tor only. 017 s*eoipt of the price. The postage in the United States,. not over 3,000 miles, is fifteen cents on five boxes,whieh must be inclosed in money or stamps. If we have ar agent in your place. send to us by mail. For sale by respectable druggists and dm tier s i ts am dt. rine throughout the United States, Canadas, 31exicz,, South America, Se., at 25 eta. a box, or five boxes for 51. dostan S..CMINDLE, New YOrk, Sole Proprietor, to whom all letters-must be addressed. Also, Proprietor or Dr. Wesley Cirindhfs Celebrated Magic Compound, tbe great remedy for - Pulmonary Consumption. tin.. Principal Depot, N 0.54 Whit. street, New York. Sept. 9, '54-ly-eow. SAVING FUND National Safety Trust wm,NuT ssr,,,t, South-West corm; of 31tIED. INCORPORAT'D DY TIIESTATE Cor rvs:ssyLvANlA 310NEr received in any sum, largo r.e sawlf, and; iutereat paid front the flay of cloposft to Ow :Itay of with drawal. The offic e is anon ovary day nom 9 eolock in the. morning till 7 o'clock in the evening ; and on ltlonday and Thur.-ahop ove ll iw,,, rill 0 o'clock. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. - - - All saran, large or small. aro paid back in gold =de mand. 'without notice, to- amount. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President, Wm. J. Item., Secretary, DIRECTORS: henry L. Benner, C. Landreth 3lnnus r Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Samuel li. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. This Company confines its businetis entirely to there miring ofmoney on interest. The Investments amount ting to over One Million anti a Ralf of Dollars! ter, in REAL ESTATE,fifORTGAGES, are made in conformity with the provisions. of tire elm!' and such iirst-elass securities, as will alts," ; msure per fect security to the depositors, and whirl' r ennet Mil to permanency and stability' to the institution. mii,'fiT ogouNp itENTe, DAGVEII.IIEOTYP ES. W HO takes the best LIE EN F.SS ES in Lebanon? Why J. H. KEW, in the EAGLE B UILDiNGS . He has the best room, best light, best Wines, and has made it his entire business for the last five years. He always gets the latest improve ments; he has always the latest style of cases on hand ; he takes pictures in every style of the art ; his STEREOSCOPE PICTURES are wonderful to .behold. All his pictures are sharp, correct, and of the highest finish. Give him a call and you will not regret it. His terms are very mod erate. His rooms are open every day (except Sunday,) from 8 o'clock. A.. 31., till 6 P. M. - Lebanon, Jnne 3, •185-7. /AV TVTATS & McADAM have a splendid assort ment of Booti, Shoes, Truilke and Travel— _ mg bag. R P '" '-1 . •_.