The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, October 21, 1857, Image 1

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1,000 DOLLARS REWARD will be paid
for any medicine that will excell this
for the following diseases, via
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affections,
Contracted Joints Mello Paine , nine in the
side or Back, headache, Toothache,. Sprains,
sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and dis
eases of the Skin, &Insoles, and the Glandlu
None genuine without the signature of P ratt.
Bitcher attached to each label.
Pin Stale Wholesale and Retail, at GUilford \
Lemberger's Drugstore, Lebanon. [June
Darius .1: Se/(zer,,
OFFICE, In Cumberland Street, nearly opposite
Brua'e Eietel,,Lebanon, Pe. Aug. 16,'57.
'WILL attend to all his official • business 3 also,'
TV all other legal and professional:bitetnese ett.l'
trusted to him will be promptly attended to.
:'Orrtort.-In Cumberland street, second door
least from Market et. (Lebanon,July 22,17.
/MICE in Cumberland street, opposite the.
V 1 4 Eagle Hotel," .Labanoti, " -
Lebanon, April, 22,.1857,1y.
Zafdyefte Brower,
MIAS FITTER, adjoining A. S. Ely's Onitfe,Wal
nut street, Lebanon, Pa. A large and beau_
tiful assortment of Fixtures from the well.inown - .
'establishment of Cornelius A Baker, always on'
at Philadelphia prises.
twit,. All work warranted to give satisfaetierf.' '
Ali orders will be faithfully4exeoittnea n the
'most reasonable terms. ts.. The best of reftinnee
[Lebanon, Sept:l6,lsT.
IAR. WM. M. GUILFORD has removed
-1/ lice to his new residence on Market S
. few doors North of Reber tt Oyes' Store; a
'Omen it and-the New Lutheran Church... :
Lebanon, Dec. 10, 1856.—tf.
Water Cooler for. SA
11 entirely new, can be obtained ehea.
elm It le. just the bhtil felr-adandlord
. keeper. [Lebanon, Sept. 2
A. aim), is offered for sale ; ht this Offl.
, ehear", The price is VT,. , s
3Por Sa e.
A Second-hat tl Steam ENGINE, 10 her
21 er. It is to be sold to make room for-
larger Size. Apply to 7 -
Lebanon, July 1, 1857.
QIDES, Whitefish, Mackerel, .Herring,
Vinegar, Tobacco, Sagan, Flour, Feed
he., for sale by J. C. REIS
Lebanon; July 30, 1856.
Leather, Leather, Lent
uF:NRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of
11 Calf Skins, end general Loather Doe
6, South 3d street, Philadelphia.
A general assortment of all kinds of
Morocoos, &,13., Red Oak Solo Leather.
Feb: 25,1357.4 y.
Wood . 1 . Wood
TILE undersigned, residing in North
Boron b, cogers fOr sale cheap,
000 or 700 Cords
+(estimated) good Wood. It may be seen:
nigan's dam, an the Union Canal, nei
town. [may 27,'b7. DAVID BV
o Persons about toisit
. .
TRY the new WESTER t t
'v'''' Market street, below 9th strtkit. Eve
lei 11[1 ; _, ry attention given, with riddro to
I_ I ,-< please. Beardlag $ 1 per a. ...
... .....
July 22,'57-Iy.
wanted immediately at the Stettin
Mills of the undersigned, in this borough None
but the best of hands required, to wheinliberal
wages will be given. Apply to
telmieen, Feb. 18, 1857.-41.
P. G. W MEL. v
Bricklayer and . Jobrr
. 3 ,
Union Deposit,'Dauphin courityi
I. AM prepared, at all times, to putAyt .Brick
Work, in all its branches, and on Iliclortest
notice. Also, BRICK BUILDING4i °mutts,
In n. walls, Swims, 'fourths, and all wortionneet
oil with a Furnace done. Fetir`•A gang f Stone
Masons always ready to put down Mutations,
and do stone work of every deseripticin.
Jnly 1, 11357.—tf. P. G.
-,,,r K`
CLOO t,.
'',,,,. Thirty D'l , lt,
'' '. Eight Disc,
4 -
i „,,, 4, , flirty llpter ;
" , -.1 , ,
c iet CLOCK
Just Receive' it
. J. .J. BLAIR'S JewebrObro,
LI , on, Pa.
W. ACKE3:,
In Cumberland street, next dn. to Dr
Oat. 22, '456.
O. W. Dewee
wHOLBSALE AND R.F‘TA.V../Astraeturer of
" Ornamental and Plain Guilt Lecini Glass
es, Portrait and Picture Frames of cry style; a
large stock of the above always on nd, which
will sell from 10 to 15 per cent. lase 4n any other.
establishment in the city.
work reguilted, ec. A liberal. dount to the
trade. G. t WDEWEES.
No. 154 North 2d street, belowiltz, west side
April 29, 18457.-6 m. Fhirad Old No. 102
Ambrotypes, Splieitotypes,
11.1elainotpyes, r.,
BY A. LAIIBER.--.1. would rmitftilly an
nounce to the citizens of Lebo and sur
rounding country, that I bareope a Gallery,
in Market street, in North Lebow) ough, two
doors south of Funk k Brother's o in the 2d
story, front room, where I purpq operate a
few weeks.
By a new process, I can take beak likenesses
in five seconds time.
My terms are such that nonfood be without
their likeness.
I extend to all a cordial invtionlo visit my
•room, whether desiring picturer not.
N. LABANON, Sept. 23, '3'Tz,ti
ifeurket Street, between Atan kAd Hines Hotels.
Ss. RAMSEY CO. hatiest opened a large
and cheap assortment of
Their stock embraces allhdifferent 'styles of
COATS, PANTS, and YES, suitable for the
Goods of ell kinds in thence ,which,urill be
made to order at the shorkoloti'ob.
Shirts, Undershirts and livers, Cravats, Col
lars, Pocket I l andkerebiefailoves, Umbrellas,
in short, every thing used% be found in a(pn-
Semen's Clothing and Planting• Store.
Two 3euartErstErt noll.S WANTED.
S. ittAXSEY & CO.
Lebanon, Sept. 23, '57.
"WashingtO House 3 ),
~.. ,
Cumberland Street Lebanon, Pa.
THE undersigned, hay nice this did and
favorite stand, and •Ig re toll it in the
beet style, is now prepa ce , ' sic modate the
public, and entertain str re an travellers in
the best modern style. Ito is commodi
ous and pleasant. The !ILE Ibe well pro
vided for, and the BA futair one but the
PUREST - LIQUORS. The .t.ilL attached to
• the Hotel le large and ro tr, an( Pablo 9f ae
,,commodating agreat nu i t of nee.
:Ist- To his friends a dcqu aces in Lelo
sinon County, as well aettall o st he extend!!
n Aladin' invitation tom , his se their Isom
?when visiting Lebanon.
:April 29,1867. AVI OFFMAN.
/NULL and examine thes s
ew s of Atkins &
J McAdam. Come so and chase your
jlottl, Shoes, be,, at At A 'nes.
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VOL. 9-1 o. 17.
, Tux Aug. winru'a new noOk OY #0418,,
. On the Sabbath day, •
Through the ehurehyaidelll and gray,
(tier the and yellO4ll 4 aves, I held my rustling war
And add the words or ykrey, falling on mi pool like
qiid the 8 0 430138 steam) otif lauds—du the mellow organ
*ld the upward s mug Prayers, and the rich and eel
h,,Vont .pselne4
I ateednaseletkinerbara.
y heart was otherwkere,'
While the organ sheet the
And the priest; with oatspred hands, blamed the people
~ • -With piayer;
But, when rising to go homeward, with a mfldttild saint
like shin 4
Oleamedu face ?Fairy heantywith its hearinlY oyes on
Gleamed and Irinlshed in a moment—O that We was
surely thine
Chtt of heaven, Barbara. •
,1< Of
cot, a
d be .
Olpt&d,,pallid facet
0 impost eyes ofgracel .
sWlegivitest I thee, dearest ItWasits'another:place:
You came running forth to meet me with ,my love-gifts
ti • ' on Your wrist ;
The flutter of a long white dress, then all was lostin mist;
ktpurple stain of agony was on the month 'kissed
That wild morning, 'turbans.
14parchod, in my despair,
At this
Sunny noon and midnight air;
I Could not drive away the thought that you were linger.
, • lug there;
o,llrut. ny knd many a Winter night I at when you were
. gone,
llvvorn face, buried in my hande r beside the fire alone—
ihin the dripping churchyard, the nail plashing on
your stone;
i t
Ton wore sleeping, Barbara.
'3 Ong angels, do you think _
0 the precietis golden link
I sped around your happy arm, while "Sitting by you
. . ...
1 brink ?
0 when that night of gliding dance,. of laughter and
... ._
emptied of its music, and we watched, through lit
lice bars,
silent midnight heaven creeping o'er Ds with its stars,
Till the day broke, Barbara?
I Cleo years I've changed;
ild, and far my heart bath ranged; -
it many sins and errors now have been on me avenged;
iyut to yetrl have been fitithfol, whatsoever I lacked.
gloved yen, and above my life still hangs that lefe intact:
'm= love the trembling rainbow,l the'reckless'citaract;
'', Still I love you, Barbara. . •
( pow-
Lc of a
+:, AF •
.8, No
af r
'Ft 4 -
Yet, iove,.i am noblest;
♦%ith;many doubts opprest,
I wander:like a desert wind, without a place of rest.
{Mold I Mit- win you for an hour from off that Marry ehore,
-The hunger of my soul were stilled, for Death"bath told
you more
Than the melanCholy world Cloth know; things deepor
than all lore
You could teach nte, Barbara. .
Yn "raim in rain, in vain,
You will never come again.
Thore droops upon the dreary hub a mournful fringe of
The gloaming closes slowly round, loud winds aro in tbo
Round selfish shorce forever moans the hurt and wound.
od sea,
There is no rest upon the earth, peace is with Ecath and
Barbanel "s
Vretty pJarg.
K May Lenox, you lazy creature ! why aren't
you at work? Come into the house and let those
worthless flowers alone."
The child silently obeyed: and while her harsh
mistress is venting her ill nature on her de
fenceless hoed,. will take a glance at May and her
past history.
Left an orphan at an early age, she passed the
first ten, years of her life in the Work House; at
that time Mr. and Mrs. Danton immediately fixed
upon a stout and robust girl, two years older than
May, but her husband was attracted by May's
graeeful manners and correct language, and still
more by her beauty, and he determined, for once,
to have his own way, and accordingly asked her
if she would go and live with him.. '
"Yes, sir; I *ill go almost anywhere to get
away from this place, and these bad people," an
swered she.
Mr. Danton sat down by her side and began
questioning her about thC place, the inmates, ,te.
She answered all his questions so quietly that
he became more and more interested in her, and
did not notioe that his wife was waiting `
for him
1111 she called his attention by saying
7 iCome, Mr, Denton, I have selected a girl, and
we had better be going."
"You have Which, this one?" asked he,
glancing at May.
"That one? No! What do we want of that
puny looking, sickly little thing 1 Here is the
child I have selected;" and she pointed to the
rosy-checked, healthy looking girl at her side.—
May's lead ,dropped on her bosom and her eyes
filled with tears; Mr. Denton saw it, and resolv
ed that she should go.
" We want a daughter, and not a slave," s a id
he, "and I like this one best, so we will take her."
llis wife protested, and declared she would not
have any if she could not have her choice but
her husband was firm, and she had to yield; re.
solving, however, that the child should be used so
that she would soon be willing to leave,
But, though worked hard and scolded harder,
the fresh country air and exercise brought the
bloom of health back to May's cheek, aridstrength
and fullness to her delicate form; so that, at the
time, she is introduced to the reader, two years
after leaving the Work House, a more beautiful,
healthy.ltMking child could not he'friund in Dairy
Dell thin May Lenox.
* ' * *
It was a hot, sultry August afternoon L the har-.
vesters had gone back to their work, the dinner
things had been cleared away, and Mrs. Damon
had retired to her room to take a few hours' rest
telling May to build a fire and call her at five o'-
clock. Five o'clock came, the fire*as built, and
the tea-kettle singing over the ' stove-when May
tripped lightly up, the stairi.eild knceked Ist her
mistress' doaie.''' There was no 81111Wii. She
knocked again'and again, but still no rePli. She
opened the door and entered, Why. dues she start
back so suddenly, and then as suddenly spring
forward?' There, tiperk the floor; the hot suu'shin
ing full in her upturned face, her eyes Wide open,
but perfectly insensible, lies her mistress.
With almost superhuman strength May lifts the
lifeless form from the floor and places it on the
bed; then she flies down'the steirs, ; through: the
garden and across the fields, till she,pauses,` out
of breath, and her pale face fiushi4 aad steaming ,
with perspiration; before the farmer'. .;
"Oh, sir, my mistress—l'm afraid, site'a
come quick?'
' F.artner.Denten loved his Wife, in" spite of her
ntanf &pits; and, dropping his rake, he started
for the' house, at' the top of his speed; the house
reached, he casts but a single glance on his wife,
places his hand orr her heart to satisfy himself that
she yet lives, andlhen, sending May for the near . -
est neighbor, he mounts a horse and hurries after
a physician.
* * • • • • • •
For finny weeks that room was kept darkened,
and often, in . those' weeks,. the stillness of mid
night as broken by the incoherent ravings of de
lirium ; and for many, many days the spirit of
that strong woman hovered on the brink of the
dark valley. And through 'all those long nights
and, weary days, an, angel in-human form watched
by the bedside,m . gentleliand smoothed the aching
brow that had .so often boon bent in anger :upon
her, and her light touch seemed 'to have more ef
fect in soothing and restraining her in delirimm
than all the medicines the physicians could devise.
And, at last, When the crisis passed, and the suf
ferer sank into a deep sleep, fromwilich' she would
awaken either to health and happinhss or in eter
nity, with what anxiety did husband and friends
await her awakening, And,whomihe opened,her
efes, smiled and called her husband by name,
how .sincere was the,"Thank thatAentep
from4Very heart; and when May sank down' oil
her knees by the bedside, how quickly they fol
lowed her example, and how'attentively they
tened to her earnest, childish voice as it arose in
thanks to the Giver of all good.
* * * * * •
"May, come here, i f you please."
How different that gentle tuned request from
the harsh command recorded in the beginning of
oar story; and to have supposed that both came
from the same lips—yet so it was.
Mrs. Denton was slowly recovering but yet un
able to leave her bed; and May was always at
hand to anticipate every want, to prepare the
cooling draught and give the strengthening cor
dial, to smooth the raffled pillow, and raise the
waisted form; and all done so quietly that'no one
seemed' to notice it. In answer to her mistress'
call, she gently approached the bed, and, laying
her hand lightly on the moist brow of the sick
woman, bent over her.
With a sudden effort the wasted arms of the
sufferer were thrown around her neck, and shear
"Ohl May! May! can you ever forgive me for
treating you as I have ? I have not used you as ;
I should; May; but, if God lots me live; I will
do my best to,repair my error."
"If you have done wrong, to-liim, and not to
me, should you go for forgiveness; and may Ile
forgive you es freely as I do," answered May.
* * * * ••
Mrs. Dantorrsoon recortired her health, and,
from that time forward, no child was ever loved
and caressed more `than May. Her gentle care
during her misstress" , - sickness hod completely
won the lady's heart; Mr. Dariton had always
liked her; and now no expense seemed too great,
nothing too much trouble that would contribute
to her happiness.
They passed four happy years, during which
May had grown from a beautiful child into a love
ly maiden. Then a change came. The Califor
nia gold mines had just been discovered, and
thousands wore flocking to the shores of the Pa
cifiic. Mr. Denton determined - to go, and accord.
ingly proposed that the farm should be sold, and
a house rented - in the nearest town for his wife
and May to occupy during his absence. .But Mrs.
Denton most emphatically said no to such an ar
"I ban carry on the farming during your ab
sence," said she, "and May must go to the Sem
inary, in 4 M—, to finish her education."
Mr. Denton concluded that this would be the
best plan, and accordingly, the same day he de
parted for the land of gold, May became au in
habitant of the M. seminary.
M: was a picturesque town on the seashore, of
a thousand souls, supported principally by the
school and the fisheries which kept the male pop
ulation from home during half the year. .
* *
One morning about throe weeks after May's ar
rival at M.;as she was ascending from tho school
room to her chamber, she involuntarily paused on
bearing her name mentioned in an adjoining
"I don't like her at all," said a voice which
May recognised as belonging to "Kate Emmons,
one of her schoolmates. "She seems to think her
self too good to associate with common.people." -
"To me she appears kind and amiable, though
rathertimid and reserved," replied Kate's compan
ion, whose name was Fanny . Morton.
"Timid and reserved! Proud and prudish you
had better say," contemptuously returned Kate."
"She pretends to be it model of purity and inno
cence; why she.aetuallyrefused to be introduced to
Charley Hamilton .the.other day, when "we Were
out walking together; because heli said to be
an atheist!'. -
"I do not Kamp, Jter no goOd ezni nonmof -asso
dating with .au.nnprincipind man like .Chas.'Ham
ilton 1 and yon know- 'that only a few clays ago
Mrs. B. expri3 , sslylothade you baying anything
to say to hint:" -
"I know it: bat if we obeyed all her orde r rs IV3
should have no more pleasure than 'so Miley runs.
Why, I rode out with Mr. Hamilton the very next
Sunday when she' thought I had gone to 'church."'
May waited to hear no more; but fearing that
she might overhear some disclosure that she'should
think it her duty to repeat to Mrs. 8., she hurried
on to her roan.
The next day there was gre it confusion in the
seminary. Several . of the pupils and one of the
teachers had been struck down by a malignant
fever; and the well ones, seized by a sudden pan
ic, were leaving hourly. It was themiddle of the
afternoon, and all who had not yet gone, number
ing about a dozen, were collected in ono of the
parlors, some of them donning their bonnets and
shawls to go, when Mrs. B. entered the room.
"Young ladies," said she, "I will not compel
any one of youlo remain here; but there are only
two teachers and myseif to hike care of six of your
companions and one of your teachers, in all seven
sick ones, all of whom need constant attention
night and day. Now we must have more help,
but we can obtain none in the village, all 'being
afraid of the disease; so I am obliged to appeal
to you. Who of you will be ' , generous enough to
risk your lives by remaining to aid taking care of
the sick ? „
There was , a moment of hesitation, a glancing
'from one to another, and thorn May quietly step
-ped forward and planed hereelf.lmside-Mrs:,ll.
there"no more?' asked that 10y, looking
inquiringly at the hesitating -grou p.; Fanny Mortenand one otherranged themselves
besides our heroine, and Mrs. B. seeing there
would be no more to remain bade . them a kind far
well and left the room followed by her three com
One of the first whom the fever attacked was
Kate Emmons, and by her side May stationed
herself. And faithfully and well did she per
form her task, never ceasing in her watchful care
except to take such reit as was absolutely nee
, essixy ; ever ready to administer the health rester
ing medicine, and to attend to every , want; and
when Kate began to recover, bearing, patiently
with her fretful spirit, till by the time she was
well enough to begin to talk of going to her home
to remain x few weolos she was almost sick her
"I must go back to Daisy Delt and !panda few
weeks, for I am almost worn'Oet with watching;
but under tho kind taro of, my good foster, moth
or, I shall soon be as strong as ever"! said she, as
Kate read a letter she bail written, Worming
herparents she should stet' for home the next
"You shall do no sucb , thing,7, replied Rate;'
"you must go borne toElni flroie watt. me; and
if lova and kindness will biing 'back the yosos to.
Your cheeps, you - shell soon' strong es'ver . ;
fur, .1 assure yon that yonlinve.saved by
your solf sacrificing devotion...!
"I only did my duty, :Kate eipoot.
others do the same by me in iilte , circumstances."
"Then you would be , apt. to be -disappointed,; ;
not one in a hundred Could 'have :said as . you!
have. If you call such - disl.ntereatod 'conduct
only doing your duty, but vgry few do their duty 7 ';
"True, few do; but thatls no reason why Ir
should not." ' -
"May, you aro the mos!, noble hearted girl
ever saw; and I have lortgfilqii h'ogan
to get well, to ask your 'intl.:re** for .thinking
of you as I once thought.,yeis, proud .and'
selfi:sh, but I never was more mistaken in my life.
Say, dear May, will you forgive me ?" exclaimed
Kate, throwing her arms around our heroine's
"I have nothing to forgive, Rate; it is natu
ral for people to judge each. other, harshly, and
some make it a point to consider others their ene
mies until they have proved themselves to be
"I fear what you say is , too true; but you havo
not yet promised to neconiyany inn - home. You
trill go, will you not ?"
"I suppose I must, for I fear, you are not strong
enough yet to be trusted to travel alone; for just
this little conversation has fatigued , yoU, I can
plainly see by your looks, so" now you. must rest
a while, or you will not be well enough to gb to
morrow." -
On the day succeeding this conversation May
accompanied Kate to Elm Grove, where she won
the hearts of all who met her by her gentleness
and kindness, and lest her own toyoungEdward.
Emmons, Kate's brother, to Fhom she was
ried two years afterward, on the return of her fos
ter father, Mr. Denton, from California, where ho
had amassed sufficient of the precieus metal to ena
ble himself and-wife to live without labor for the
remainder of their :lives. In Edward Einmons,
May found a husband in every way worthy of
her, and with whom ,she lives happily, beloved
by all who know her, for he kindness abd benev
olence. .
The following , appears in m. letter of a Virginia
correspondent of :tins New York Journal of Coni-
" The name of Daniel Morgan, the celebrated
commander of the Virginia Riflemen, is a house
hold word in Virginia. His remains repose at
Winchester. A Terseyman by birth, he early em
igrated to the' Virginia wilds, and was a wagoner ,
in the French war. Tall, muscular, and inured
to all hardships, he was fond.otadventure, famed
fur intense daring and hair-breadth escapes. He
had been grossly insulted by one British officer,
and severely punished by another, in the name of
King George. He vowed vengeance, and • kept
his vow.
"At the opening of the Revolution he raised a
battalion of riflemen, and drilled them to perfec
tion. They spurned the bayonet, and. relied on
the deadly aim of the rifle. l b used to my the
business of his mon was to kill, not to be killed.
At the battle of Saratoga, seeing the day WM go
ing against the Americans, by reason of the ex
traordinary skill and energy of Gen. Fraser, with
his Scotch division, he resolved to 'resort to the .
only measure conceivable to arrest the tide of bat
tle that threatened to overwhelm them Sum
moning to his presence the best marksman in his
command, whose aim was never known to fail, he
said to him :
"Murphy, do you see that °Meer onthe iron
gray horse?"
"Yes, sir," was the reply of the old soldier.
Morgan rejoined with an almost`faltering voice,
"then do your duty."
"Murphy ascended a trim, cut away the inter
laced branches with his hatchet, (this was a part
of their variegated armor,) rested• his rifle in a
sure place, watched his opportunity, and as soon
as Gen. Fraser bad, in his animated. movements,
come within a practical range, Murphifired, and
the gallant Major fell mortally wounded, being
shot the centre of his body. That fall decided
tlie; . daY:' 'The enemy soon gave way, and Sarato
ga bacume immortal. But Morgan, thorough sol
dier, was a man of tender feelings, and he almost
wept at the deed, and always said it troubled him'
because it looked so much like a kind of assassi , .
nation of a bravo and noble, officer; though gal
lant a; that officer was, .he had 'placed .himself
there to bo shot at, and WA ' s engaged , in' shooting
others. It was in a similar way that Nelacin fell
on the deck of the Victory:7
Rogues contrive all manner of means to accom
plish their designs: To the actor in the one we
subjoin, the account of which - is contained inm.
London paper, must be awarded the palm of suc
cessful ingenuity A person, genteelly dressed,
was observed standing at the window of arespeet
able jeweller in one of the principal streets, as if
admiring the rich works displayed for sale inside.
lie had an umbrella placed carelessly under his
arm, andovhile he was gazing, and the individu-.
al who was paSsing apparently prompted by a
loVe of mischief, contrived adroitly to thrust the
umbrella through. the rich plate glass, and escape
while the unfortunate gentleman' Stood at the spot
stußifiecl with astonishment. A shopman Mashed
out and demanded why ho had broken the glass.
He denied having done it, but appearances were
against him, and he was obliged to enter the shop
to settle the affair. The proprietor of the estab
lishment 'demanded payment for the dainege done,
and when the other talked of his complete inno
cence, threatened to send for the police. . This pane
of gtass was strong plate and the cost thirty shil
"It is enormous" said the unfortunate. r !‘lpaiti
it; and you must," replied the jeweller. "Here is
half a crown said the stranger. "Send for a
constable !" indignantly ejaculated tho' man of
precious metals. He was inexorable, and the oth
er, at length submitted, complaining bitterly, but
observing justly; ttlat a gentleman couldn't: go to
a police office for a trifle. Ile took out three £2o'
bank notes, gave one of them to the pacified Jew.
eller, received £lB, lOs. sterling, as his balance,
and retired. A friend , dropped into the shop
shortly after; iheiccurrenee was mentioned.; the
note was shown as a Corroborating proof- 7 4 was
a. forgery.! .
No professional martlives' go much from
hand to Moirtlt'ag
wring the - operations of t i lie v ellies in the Cri
mea, it was resolrodto oarrylhe,wator,iil from
the heautiful spiting of ,tho finestkind to the.comP•
Loather pipes, ni , hose were employed, which were,.
laid on the ground. 9ne morning, while dip wo-.
tor was being supplied, the minarot t sounded,te,
prayer, and one of i illp,T . ,lMAis. ,sZdSiere ittlteo4--,
a!iii weiitfloP oaluilE,P o O B to praise Allah Ai 1 -147,
I fortunately, he- ment`,do;wwrighti upon tbii hose,
and•his Weight oensequently Stopped tho' , ourrent
of that' ii iiiSt%relefiietit's';"'tia'Plidai,'•Esq.' calls;,)
water, ?° / A s A!OMP 1 1P1'4 ( 1 : .:t. li 1...•1 •;,',. i
aGet` up'.''eried an .nglisik. 29 Bier, You/ 0 4 I
sous, arex,
t ia Lon to, i 2/1.04/ , 9 , 4e!;,,,1F , 0Nt 1 ifi lir, le l rtfrau e,'!,
cried a ireiMhratiia with, his natire.politoness, "to:;
„qet uP;,.
' g That amt the way to make a tucir,,movei"
eried,aaotimr ; ; gime is the.dedgo.'',
.sAsaying ho
. knocked laisdarbari OM% ',, ~ '...n.. !' 1,-.; .. ' .
Still . the.pious , Mxissolumri wenCon , With.lais de
votioris: , -- . r , ~! • , ~ ,I; /law -_ , r ;,..
• • ' .
stir 4iieprr e ps,7's o id eli'Ertg
ltsigaart, gh-en him nremarkableSitiart ketr. To
the wonder of. all, still the unturbaned, well-kick
edl follower ;40 .the Prophet; wont:praying (inns
thoughlte ;was ttforty , hotAqtaisen. ••'- ' '
"Hoot away,.nmn s "- - -- - PtrilMw ye how we` serve
obstinate folk, aulk Reekee," quietly observed a
Scotehman. He was, however prevented, for the
Turk having finished. his 'Allah. via en altak,' rose
and began to take off his coat—then roll op his
sleeves—and then to bedew his palms with saliva,
and then to put himself in•the most approved box
ing attitude, a is Yankee Sullivan:
He then advanced in true Tom
the Englishman who had. kicked him on•the lum
ber region. • •• ,
"A. ring! wring!" shouted, the soldiers and sal
ons, perfeetlytastonished• to. see 'a Turk ' such an
adept in the fistio art: • - •
The Englishman, nothing loth to have a bit of
fun with a Turk of such a• truly John Belt state
of mind, set to work,' but found he had met his
master—in five minutes he had received his quan
tum eirff. Ai the Turk coolly replaced his coat
'and turban, he turned round and - said to the ad
miring bystanders, in the pure 'brogue—
"Bad luck to ye, ye, spalpomiS; when yere te
ther kicking a Turk, I'd advise ye the next time
to just be sure he's not an Irishman!"
• The mystery was solved—our Turk was a Tip
perary man !" •
Sensible and prudent men who travel, will al
ways 'proyide themselves with small change to
meet - their little incidental expenses. ,Geod men
are always supplied with , a stcMk of good nature,
which they keep for the purpose of paying out to
whomsoever may render them a service; and-it's
astonishing how quickly the turnpikes , on the way
of life will open by the payment of a small toll of
good feeling. The churlish man 1s always a sar
ish man. Ile has no ilMught but for hiMself.—
110 isentirely indifferent _ to y t opinion may be
formed of fiitn. The good : will and approbation
of hi:sfellowcreatures is a matter of porfeetindif
ference. It is not difficult to deterreinetlic.exaet
value of such` a alma in•any community.. Ile nev
er projects or takes part in any publie, undertak-
ing, unless he can clearly, see that his, own inter
ests will be advanced. The thought never enter
ed his head or heart„of assisting a public measure
for the general good, although. he would be no
loser. Be. Must see that hisown,individual good
is to be promoted, or he will-have no hand in the
matter.. Ills Ills style of ,answering the most polite
question is that of a man apparently of with
the querist.• gee him at a hotel, a brutal charac
ter of the creature comes out with a peculiar force.
Be addresses the waiters as though they were
made on purpose to be trod upon by persons whom
fortune had favored with :a better position; and
thefun -of it is, he thinks he adds to his own im
portance by showing airs to menials. But never
having considered the feelings of others' in his
life, be has not the remotest idea that these de
spised waiters' form a just native' ate of his charac
ter, by whispering behind his back-that the man
in no one has never been used to the luxury of a
servant; or he would know better how to treat
Umin. If the churlish Man ever by accident,
does'a favor to another, it is tawny& performed in
a style that makes the obligation mighty Painful
to bear. As Dickens said of a turnpike gate keep
er who was seldom from his post, "that be would
have made a capital oyster if he had been brought
up 111 that station of life;" and so would the churl
ish man have made a Splendid hedge-hog if na
ture bad beau as liberal in giving him the form as
she weir in bestowing the disposition.
When the win' of extermination between the In
diana and the Kentuckians was at its height, those
whoiiihablted the back part of the State of Ken
tucky were obliged to hive their housel built very
strong, with loopholes all around, and doors fas
tened, to repel any attack from the Indians.
While the owner of one of those domestic fortrass
es *as with his slaves, at work on the plantation,
a negro who was' posted 'near the house, saw it
party 'of Indians approaching. He immediately
ran into tho house, the foremost Indian after'him.
The Indian was the fleetest; and as the door open
ed to admit the negro, they both fumped in to
The Other Indians being some distance behind,
the door was instantly closed by trhe planter's wife
within', and the Indian and the negro grappled.
Long and hard was the Struggle, for, as in the
case of Fitz James and Rhoderic Dhu, the one
was the strongest and the other the more expert;
but, stFength, this . time was the victor, for they
fell, the Indian below : when the negro, placing
his knees on his breast and holding his hands,
kept him in that position', until 'the Woman, seiz
ing a broad-axe, and taking 'the Indian by his
long hair,nt ono blow severed his head from his
body. The negro; then seizing 'the gnus, fired
them at the. other Indians, which as fast as dis
charged, were loaded by the planter's wife, - until
the party from the field, hearing. the firing, arriv
ed, and.the Indiana took flight. •
A Suez REMEDY TOfty reLox.—lt is said by
somebody, who pretends to know all'about it, that
the following ie a sots remedy for the felon: '•Take
a pint; of contlion'itiftenai, and stir it in air-slack
ed lime . till it is 'the' cOnsistoney of glaziers ,
putty 2 Make's, leather thimble; ilk' It' with this
composition, and insert tlif finer . . thetnin',. and
change' the compositiniiii4infle/enty minutes,'
and a cure ie Certain." kilivethat
the above is a certain remedy, and recommend it.
to any who may be troubled With that disotreea,
ble ailment.—Buffelo • Adp. ' •
A CALIFORNIA. twenty of
the inestinoirrigible thieves in Sin Franciico were
recently exhibited on the Plaza by the - police.—
The exhibition was:free; and well attended by
many Ite'tliree thousand citizens.. The rogues
were fastened tivo by two, to the rope, whifutt ex
tended about thirty ytirds.
loom ' ' ' " N
• ,•• • • •••• u••••• ••!:
'. 7 SVIiQLi,..:NO: - 484.
Adversity Itriegalpihgb.l many a hidden herii.,
, ty. It is like a haudsome t leg revealed, for: the
'first time. on a showery . clay. , .
. IThe charms thatfaship / nlends to woman- ould
be considered possible tiefeots if nature had given
We are never astonished at any happiness that
-drops into our lap ? for we always fancy we are
deserving ()fit 04i,.. ; i1 any piece of ill. luck, falls
down upen,us, We cannot imagine what we, have
. deir'etedf,rr7oit:„l", / ,, ,, ~
,Wo4iihywo:rtre becomin g .as ,we -gro*
cider' when we
is simplY i3itrin wises,
t . to't
'," ': •• .!... •., 1 ., : . .eaPeelY eo molt
th,esuiap follies as :whpny / ewero young.; Envy
.eS6.I - Mrin / C) . Po..Ytke.4.ollPltei It is_ hike the
/ lagaraniliits in t!gctsa . p4.loo. cry .put "Whip hel
ihinq !: fl4Es93Vin 'l,g9Pne .of thekPenirefles
who has got a lift. - ~ . .. - -.
„qo,apprapi t ate afrlec,e,puptry, you ~ninstArilvel.
in arlespotie qtate.,,ltis like coming into i the
open air after visiting 4 prison. . •
_ANCIENT Y.piti . #s.l-4t is well known that the
Ilighlandors,tare.. &Ott 'Sticklers for heretlitary
honors, and trAthaf , X,;wi.i4thii „roost ettritest
oration, the ari,ipnlfitlifttamilienat t e.thn reniiitdst
ages. -?- I.iiitraitsiiikiinas.of this terianeity - to
hold to the dignity and antiquity of theirkindred
may be found in the case we subjoin.
A dispute arose between. Campbell and I‘l'Lean
upon this never-dying subject.--111'..Lean would not
allow that tho colophons had any right to rank
with the ArLeans in antiquity, who he insisted;
Where in existence .as a elan from the beginning
of the world.--Campbell had a little iuore,bibli
cal lore than his antagonist, and asked him if the
ISl'Lean elan lived before the flood?
"Flood what flood ?" said iil'Lean.
"Why the flood, that you know, drowued.all the
world but Noah, 'dud his family, and his flock"
replied Campbell.
"Pooh you and your soidA.CLean,,"my
elan Was afore the flood." - . .
"I have not read in the Bible,"
"of the orune.ofLean goiag into ark
"Noah's ark !" retorted WLean, ia, oomtempt
"who ever beard of a 14'Lean, that had not,a boat
of his own ?" . •
. .
MATERN.6.T. SOLYCIVIDL—Viowere amused and
annoyed, pleased and half, disposed to,bc, angry,
with an instance of maternal solicitude, of which
we wore made the innocent victim a few days since.
We had spent the evening from, our, boarding
house, and on the followineniorning we were sub
jected to a catechism, after this manner:
"You were outlast night ?"'
`Yes, madatti." •
"Were yon'not at your office
"iNo madam."
"Were you far away ?"
"Not very „
"Spending the evening with some lady friend,
perhaps ?"
, . .
"Well madam, I:ctai ckil'ufm a female &quaint:,
"Ah very pleasant to do, that !"
"IVhe was she Mr. J
"Lord inadeni," we began to. be a little impa..
tient—nifjou and your'aniable daughter meet
know,l called on the ecasherLicommt to get my oth
er shirt?
glair Dye.
IMOD followitigLfrowthat eminent Pl9rsician of Phil,
adelphia, Dr. Brincide,'Ettied to the, testimo4 of
Professor Booth, Only confirms what is evidenced by
,thousands who have used Dover's Dye: ,• ; .•
. „ .
Philadelphia. December 2241,4853. f
"In regard to Rover's Hair Dye,-1" can state unbesi
tatinglY, that it contains no deleterious ingredients, and
may be used with entire safety, and With the utmost
confidence and.sucems.' -W. D. DRINOICLE,.M. D.
Hover 's Wri.4no. and Indelible Inks,
Are so well and widely known, as to require no eulogy
of their merits, it is only necessary to say, that the steady
and increasing demand, gives the best evidence that they
maintain their character for superiority, which distin
guished them when thitit introduced; years ago.
Orders addressed to the Manufactory. No. 416 Rum
street, above Fourth,(old No. 1440 Philadelphia, will re
ceive prompt attention', by JOSEPI.I E. ROVER,
Sept. O p '57-4.April 16, '56.. . Manufacturer.
Gold, Gold, bold.
. _ .
MILE greatest offer In gold pens, gold pencils, goldd
Jail chains, and gold watches; ever made. Read the
ildlowing:-- _
A Splendid Gold Premium,
worth from five to one hundred dollars, positively given
to any person who can spare one day in a week, or one
hour In a day, getting up uluba of subscribers in his own
and adjoining neighborhood, for the best and most pop
ular amity newspaper now published. No expense, no
outlay, no capital required of agents. An. entire new
plan is proposed. by which, any person can sueceed in
making it a' paving hominess. who will undertako the .
agency. A private circular, for the inspection of agents
only, with full list of premiums, will be sent to any one
who desires it, on receipt of a stamp to pay return poet
age. Some agents have earned a hundred dollar gold
watch in one week.
Every family should read at least one Newspaper from
New York City, without interfering with their Local Pa
nora. which of course cannot and should not, be dispens..
ed with. lint New York being the greotcommeroial and
business centre of , Ws Contiticiat . 4 no farmer, meelnurio,
professional man, or merchant, is properly prepared tbr
the emergencies of his ceiling, unless he is in communi
cation with New York City, by mean! of ono of Its Srlii
class newspaper mediums. Such n medium Is our ',LW>:
GICIt." neutral in politics,but giving all the factsiteuts
of news, and thrillinginlents worth knowing through
out the country.
A Valuable . Gift
• Each new subscriber will receive with the first No: of
his or her paper, one of the new and beautiful glass point
ed induliple Pencils,* just imported from Eurowa and for
whim we%have obtained the exclusive agency fdr this.
country. This is the most ingenious and useful improve
ment of the present age, and 14 the only Pencil ever mode
that will write with ink, making it both a pen and pencil
of the finest quality ut the some. time. It will lust for
years, and for practical nee is wortliMore than any gold
pen in the market.
For Het of premiums and full particulars, .address
'HALL W P 24 Newtciik '
* These Pencils supplied to the trade at R profitable - Of&
count... (Aug. 26,'57.
• .. . •,. . •
Fahey Furis-for Ladle&
, •
JOHN-FAREIRk k'esi.; (New No.)'SIS ilarket
street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, Importers,
Blanufacturers and •dealers In Ladles, Gentlemen and
Children's FANCY FURS. wholesale and retail.
J. F. & Co. ' would call the attention of dealers 'anti the
public generally to their immense Stock of Fancy Furs
for Ladles, Gentlemen and Childien: their assortment
embraces every article and kind-of Fancy Furs that will.
be worn during the season—such es Full Capes, . half
Capes, Quarter Capes.. TISitIIIIP. Vietorlues, Boas, Mull's
and llutfatees, from the finest-ltus.Atin Sable to the low
est price Domestic Fars.
For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fur Collars,
Gloves, Gauntlet% &c.; being the direct Importers of all
our Furs, and Ma u u facturers of them nuiler eurnwn su
pervision, we feel satisfied we can offer bettor induce
ments to dealers and the publlogonerally than any other
house, having au immense assor.ttnattttnoctoet (romped
at the Manufacturers' prime. gotWe only ask a call.
3011 N PICR.SIRA & CO.,
Sept.lo,'s7-4m. No.BlB Alarkitt,StotheveSth,Phil'a.
. . •
agricultural Ware-hpuse
Npe..2l &Oa Smith Sixth Street, near the gteielliottep,
riiEN FLOORS of thls spftcions building, credal expme
j ly for the Propriotors' &rude, are atom:l:o4k *O3 raid'
/Implements of iotdiett to Farman' andtgokdencro:
6izly Years Eitablished--The subscribers desire to adi
the attention of every one interested to ParminguudGar
dening.' to their well-selected 'stock of
Agricultural briplasents and Machinirfr, •
Great ;
Variety of iforticukurat /boa, (~ '
' '• *' Warranted Gtardett and Flower &at
• • Grass and Field Seals of the most reliable filtaffity.:,
The Agricultund Implemente,sold by ye are mostly'
manufactured at our &mai Workicgristdr,
Having fitted up this establinlitheat witliont regard to'
expense, with tho most complete machinery, for:the man
ufacture of various kinds of agricultural Inirdelnents, we
are now prepared: to supply all articles in,this
oquai . if not superior, to any thing of the }and ever o ff er .
ed to the public.
• Landreth's. Warranted • Garden. Sado, • • '
Have been before the public for upwards of sixty rem,
their Widelipreed popularity-, anct the conmtfuitly
log demand from year to year, is tho beittervidenasidt.lhaf•
superiority over all others.
Country merchants ean_be sappihici with sentlitn:Pa.
pen, or bulk, on tho most liberal vii
.llloomedale, near Bristol, Pa., our Carden Seed grounds,
contains three hundred and Seventy scree, one is the lar
gest eetablishmentot its kind
a. ; 21 1 1. &M
oet. Vb7-9m. - Sown t,
• .
"O p si '
ritmlEtE undersigned would respectfully inform
the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that they
will at all times be found ready to accommodate
them in anything which belongs to their business,
which is TAINTING, GLAZING, and .I.'APER,
..ll,An!lNG..yrAlCf`wm;rant all Limit y r c:tit
rl . 3 strict sdiefiltion s toill,usjniSsjhej , 100 t
to se
mite a share pTiblic patronage. Orders for work
can bodeftatiVerrzle - Rtennes Ilook-store,where
they will-keTromptly attended to. At the latter
pluse - too, 4 nan besn'ffin large assor Winn t of neat a
chastmAlaitogm3lie Wall,"Ceiling and Ilan Papers
selected by tin*, of the most extensive
establishments in the city of Philadelphia.
t Sgpt..2,'s7-3rn. 41- _, THOMPSON
Braildretli's - Pifis . ptirif)' , illood;
"WO 01SE:tall yitel It JUD;i7OrS ACE
";ilße'lltild, operation Witli sumoFsfiti eireet are the peso
rk pit, race, are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile,
, at this season, and it is es ti:nig:irons as it is pray
alen t, but Martha:de-1 Pill; afford lnealpable and
'oilleimieprOtection, Ex their oetMsienal use wepreveid.
the cUllectitra Of 'these viten' 11, suet
dent quantltida, - ettnee till7la danger to the body's
hOttlth. TheilentM etire liver complaint, dyspepsia,loas
ef . appeti to:401111d the head, heart Vein, Pain in the
hreasore,isadtien faintness and ceettrfuersl. In brief.
J3randruth's Pilis vfoilf their :Tr, to the very roots of
the disease, cleansing indhcir pairage, rcmesl ng every
unhealthy accumulation blood is purified, the
whole Sestet renovated, and the functions end duty of
life . becomo a pleasure, irliere before they ad heen sad
atilt weary burdei;s Mien when notateg has relieves.
SOilithi4" 4 f l tla'inaSt serious clieri.eter, win:eller from
siewsieltatesi or otherwise, where the retching has been
appalling, tesingle dttae.of thor.Erandreth's Pills has at
once cured and the.patient has fallen into e owte:t sleep.
When the mind cannot collect Itself; when the memory
fails; when It is an effeit to dx the attention ; when our
sleep is broken and pus waking hours herassed with
forebodings efevil,therrErandreth's Pills should housed.
Ifihese warnings remain •untieodo.l, rheumatism, can
..suraption, disease of the heart, affections,4aun..
dice, dropsies, piles, ap popl ex les and eosti tunes.; s ud •
denly present themselves. These, fircti.dretlfs Pills would
have prevented,but nevertheless ve ESZ they win also core.
Use them at once; do not lot prejudice prevent the oat
of this simple but potent remedy.
Brandreth's Theory of Disease,
- Never extract blood. Iffts.l is the life. Dy abstru.t.
ing it in painful diseases you mac.eccasion the pellet.t
ease, but retnemleor ' this ease is only the reduction or
lessening the power to feel. Bud by thus taking away
nature's tools, you. may prevent her from fully repairing
the ravages.of inflammation, s concert what might only
here' been the Artiness - of a few days or weeks Into a
atonic. affection of months and years.
flrandreth's Pills accord with Nature
Nature's remedy in fact. When sudden., smote or con
tin ueti pain occurs from any cause, then to insure a quick
return to health, you must use lirandreth's Pills, which
will soon relieve every organ from undue pressure, and
remove those - hurriers , erhOse presence often occeeinns
such terrible suffering.
in,..Tweuty million boxes sold and ibn sphere ot their
usefulness still extending. Ask for alisenack and pant.
pidet cif cures. 7 Agents will supply gratis.
itswAnn.--all pills with .241 Broadway' on side labia
are counterfeits.. Get the. genuine and they will never
deeeive. Sold .ut Dr. ROSS' Drug Store. opposite the
Court Muse, Lebanon, Pa. (July 15. '57-3m.
Adrertising anti Correspondeu i.t• Offic e ,36o Broad-
Allew and Important 'Ws
qovery .in the Science of Medicine.
-ME de Edam . : do PHARIIAC/E1 PRARMACIEN de
enna. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr H. A.
Barrow, member of the Imp'! College cf Vienna,
land Royal College of Surgeons, Loudon, who may be
personally consulted at his residenc.... 157 Prince street,
few blocks Broadway, New York, from 11 A. M.
till 2 P. M. and from 4 till 8 P. M. (Sunday's excepted,
, moloss by appointment.)
.• Triesemar No.
rs a remedy for Uclaxstion, Spermatorrhaea, and all the
distreasing consequences arising from early abuse, hails=
criminate exceSsee,.or toolong residence in hot climates.
It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to
thousands who are now in the 'enjoyment of health and
the functions of manhood; and whatever scar be the
cause or disqualifications , for. marriage, they are effectu -
ally subdued.
Triesemar No. 2,
Completely and 'entirely eradidates all traces of fhanor
hma, both in its mild and aggravatedforms, Cleats, Stric
tures, Irritation .of the Bladder, Non-retention of
Urine, Pains of the 'Ulna and Kidneys, and those disor
ders for which Copaivi and Cubcbs have to long been
thought an antidote.
Triesomalr No. 3,
is thegreat Continental ItEDIEDY for Siphilis and Seeom
dary symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for
Scurvy; Scrofula; and all cutaneous Eruptions, removing
and expelling ini,lts course all impurities from the vital
stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease,
and expel it by insensible perspirntt.l through the me
diem of the pores of the skin and wine.
It is a never failing remedy for that (leas of diiorJcra
which English PhYsicians treat with'Mercury, to the in
evitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the wc,r hi cannot, rcmoae.
TitiesznanNo.l., 2 and 3, ere prelatred in the form of a
-lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in
the waistcoat_ pocket. Sold in-tin cases, and divided in
separate doses tie administered by Valpeau. hailstorm,
Roux, Ricord, Sce., &c. Price s'3 each, c: cases in
one for $9, which saves $3, and in :, 2 ,27 crises, whereby
there is a saving of $1).
None are genuine unless the Engravings Of the scats
of the Patent Office of England, the seats of the Reale de
Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienne,
are attnxed upon each wrappee, and aronrideach care. -
Imitations are iintrla to the sever's'. - '.4ulties of the law.
Special arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward
immediately. on receiving a remittance. the $9 and lar
ger size cases of Triesemer free of c..r.1 , 7,1ay part of
the *cad, securely packed and' properli r aidreePed, thus
insuring genuinelluropean preparaLians protecting
the public from spurious and pernicious , imitatir , ns.
Attendance and Conaultation from 11 a.. tn. till 2 p. m.,
and from 4 till Bin the et - ening. li;:•Prince skreet, afew
blocks west of .Broadway, Xew :York..
;Jay 6,1557--1 y.
'Within a nutehillall the merits U.;
Of Cristedere's nevauaqualled Dye ;
Red it makes black, to brown trope:m.4cm a ;ray,
And keeps the fibres always foul sh , mty.' •
OMIHIS matchless, rovitallzing Heir Hje,.'trii ho !S itel
43A1 posittanas the most harmless and efficacious Hair
Dye in THE WORLD. :pilaw.' and 'old, tenni:wile
and retail, and applied in ten erirstl mime, at Chien
-6 Astor House, bred rzs, Nwalifork, and
by all Drugglata and Perfumer, in the 1.4,:i.ed Staten.
Jan. 14, 1b1.7.-Iy.lsq. •
. Agent—Oceno h. Keyser, 140 Woodet.;Bittaburg, Pa.
,9 LT : 4P
.f ! . ,91.J A 1445 I 4 UA 1 7 1 I
. . . .
Leinau'.s Super Phosphifte . of awe
• • 7,000 .TONS.
.11ARUERS,-ei k fur,7ourIVIIEAT CROPS, uce
,LEIN S SuperlPhoapbc,te of Lillie, lit cts.
a Ili.
,or $4O a Ton; or use
Leinau's American Fertilizeo'
At 83;50 a bbl. or 825 a ton. One barrel of either
!I i'uffleientefor an Acre of Wheat. These are
made of reliable Chemical lilements, and have
been in successful use for the past Sis Years. im
proving the soil and increasing the value of ate
land. .
Four Diplomas from the Stute Agricultural Sc ,
ciety of Pennsylvania; ,Neir Jersey; Delaware;
and the Crystal Mace Asseeiation'ef t6o City of
New York, 'lava bben - rdeclred for these Valua
ble Fertilizers.
Pamphlets in the Bognab and Berman Lan
gtittge can be had by npplicilavn at the Office.
Pide Er• A liberal discount to wholesale dealers.
The above Fertilizers, delivered FIZrE of Cal t
ag° to any wharf 'in the old City proper.
Orders sent by Mail accompanied with Cush or
Draftsorill be promptly shipped to any part of
the worlil. *GEO. A. LEDTAU, Proprietor.
NO. lit South Front street, Phila. City.
• July 29, '57-41n.
'.•Jacob Iteadie,
ll SPECTI2IJLLY informs the public • that ho
-Lb etiil op.ntannos his extensive establishment iu
his new building, in Cumberland street, where ho
hopes to render the some entisfeetion as hereto
fore' Le id vibe \ &my fiver him with their custom.
litvievitas Merehitale and doslera-in •
Boots and Shoes,
and overy.ono who wishes' to purchase fasidosa.
-bAo and durable article* in hie line„to•eall and ex
amine, for themselves, his large sifidlailed stock.
• Ele is'determined to surpass all competition in
• the'. mantifaetnre of ovory article in his business,
Suitable ,for any . market in the Union, A due
sue is tak on in x (mord to underialsand werbatan
skip;..'rtoni but iho hest i l uality. of Leather and
ether materials 'are used, and' none but the beet
Arorkmon sre employed.
P.i;S.--110, retards. his sincere thanks to his
frioNle Tor the. T : ory liberal. patronage heretofore
bestowed on yiuk. He hopes by. atrict atteution
to'bnaiicitsr endeavoring to pleas° his eusto
'mars,-td niericasbare of public patronage.
' Lebanba; 9364.17., Is6o.
. - CbraMS, OC K S . ;
• 41...W.we, Eit .
lyonili;2s to - 01 : 0,'8.(10 and 30 Ytovr.
-00 t. - •
way, New York
Cristailaro's Hair Dye;