Darius J. Seltzer, ATTORNEY AT' LAW, O FFICE, in Cumberland Street, nearly opposite V Brun's Hotel, Lebanon, Fn. Aug. 26,'57. ,LEW DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILL attend to all his official business; also, 111 all other legal and professional business en trusted to him will be promptly attended to. Ol''xcE—ln Cumberland street, second door east from Market st. [Lebanon, July 22,'57. SA AC HOFFER, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, n'FFICE in Cumberland street, opposite the VV "Eagle 'ntel," Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, April 22, 18b7.—ly. Lafayette Brower, CIAS FITTER, adjoining A. S. Ely's Offieci,Wal- LT nut lotted, Lebanon, Pa. A large and` bbau tihtl assortment of Fixtures from the well-known establishment of , Cornelius A Baker,. always on hand at PhiladeliThia priett. • - t - s„,All work warranted to give satisfaction. All orders will be faithfully executed on, the most reasonable term:, tze..The best of reference given, [Lobahon, 5ept...113,W. • REMOVAL. DR. WM. M. (MILFORD his removed his Or flee to hii now reloidenee on Market Street, a few doors North of Rabor k Oves' Store, and be tween it and the Now Lutheran church. Lebanon, Deo. 10, 1856.—tf. Water Cooler for Sale. A BEAUTIFUL WATER COOLER, largo size, entirely ntr.r, oat' be obtained cheiip ak this ewe. " lifirst4the thing for a landlord or Store- Iteoper.:i - [Lebanon, Sept. 23,'5T . To Printers. A GoOD . WASILINGTON PRESS, of middling is offered for sale, at this Offiee, very cheap. The prices it $6O, septl6 For Sale. A Second-hand Steam , ENGINE, 10 horse pow -11 er. It is to be sold to make room for ono of a larger Mao. Apply to A. MAJOR & BROTHER. Lebqnon, July 1,1557. 114111SrS11101311: DEUS SIDES, Whitefish, Mackerel, Herring, Cheese, Vinegar, Tobacco, &gars, Flour, Feeding, ac., for sale by J. C. REISNER. Lebanon, July 80, 1850. Leather, Leather, Leather! TTENILY W. OVERMAN, Imparter of French .5—L. Calf Skins, and general Leather Dealerr No. d, Sot,ltli 3d street, Philadelphia. A general assprtmont of all kinds of Leather, Moroooos, ie., Red Oak Solo Leather.' Feb. 25,1257.-Iy. To Persons about to 'V'tsit PHILADELPHIA.! .TRY the new WESTERN HOTEL, .Markot street, bele* 9th street. Eve ry attention given ' with a desiie. to, H-7 , please. Boarding $1 per. Day— m „„„- .., • A. M. no pn.s,, July 22 'Bl%-ly. Proprietor. CARPENTER'S' WANTED. 10 GOOD JOURNEYMAN CARPENTERS 4.0 wanted immediately at the Steam Planing Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None but the besrof hands Inquired, to whom liberal wages nrilt•be given. Apply to BOAS, GASSER, & GETTLE. Lobitnen,, zit,. 13, Bunker's Hi ll sand.. ' A Yety 'superior SAND'for Building and other IL purposes, is offered for sale by the undersign ed, in Rwatara township, at Bunker's Hill. . It is sold at reasonable prices and delivered by the lin: dersigneff personally. Send hauled and delivered by other persons is not the genuine article. • April 22, 1857.—tf. J. C. COOPER. Wood Wood MBE undersigned, residing in North Lebanon Borough, oilers for sale cheap, 000 or 700 Cords (estimated) good Wood. It may be soon at "Fin-' Ikon's on the Union Canal, near Jones town, [may 27, '57. . DAVID BalißlL CLOCKS, CLOCKS, ,JOT, RECEIVED AT ;' J. - VV. 'AcKER , s, - From $1,25 ,taslo, 8 day and .30 hoin. Cut, 2E''s6. FOR fiLIENII'. A STOREortOOM AND CELLAR, in The new IL brick Marling in Aferket erect, north of Wa ter, adjoining Jacob Weldle's property, in the bor. ,nigh of Lebanon. It is ealeulated for a Dyy Goods and tiroeury Store, and la in a thickly populated iteiglii.orltoutt, Possession' Will ho givenintineci *tidy it' desired:- Apply on the premises to JOHN 11. SNAVELY. Lebanon, A ug. h, P. G; I . VIKEL. ilricklayer and Jobber, Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn'a, AM 'wowed, at all times, to put up Brick. AVork,'ln ail its branches and on the ehorteitt notice. • Also, BRICK BUiLDING§,, portions, Inn-walls, Bushes, 11oarths, and all work connect ed with rt Furnace done. "11 , LP-A gang of Stone Masons always ready to put down foundations, and do stone - work of every description:: . , July 1, 1.887.—tf. G. WIIiEL. Raftroo4 OMnibu,s. A N OMNIBUS belonging to the undersigned, 11 will be daily at the Depot on the arrival of the Oars to take Passengers and their baggage to any partof Lebanon and vicinity. Pcrsons.leav ing by the cuts will !MVO the omnibus millet their residences in time for tbe cars, by giving previous notice at Mrs. ltise's Hotel. The patronage of the citizens of Lebanon, and surrounding coun try, is respectfully solicited July 1 p,'57-4m. N E gi:Mb 17/2001 1 11% 11111-411:110411CRONERINS SWARTZ flin.WRO• 3inrkit Street, HALL BUILDING. QW ARTZ, &BRO. have just returned- from Phil- adelphia with a splendid assortment of FALL. Wrltt/M--Aosnlk; new styles.. of Ladles' Il)reit Goods. Or* Please Call and Examine.'ll‘ Lehnnon, Sept. 0, '57. •:r ' WATcRES AND JEWELRY . ANOTHER NEW LOT OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 'MT RECEIVED DE r ,, %Lir ACKFLI In Cumber al:CI street, next , door; Dr Lineaveaver%: Oak. 22, ;fie. 0 Loo-tcq Thirtir I)stb Eight *Ways Thirty JUL 0 lir, CLOCKS' Just Reo(ited at .T. J . ...SLAMS .TewolryAtm, Lebanon, Pa. "WaShingtOn ,'- ,Cumberland •Pa. "rn . F. undersigned, having Wien this old and Am- favorite •stand, and having refitted: it in the, best "fa, is now prepared. to accommodate the Tublle, and entertain strangers and travellers in ithe best modern style. The }douse is -commodi .ons and pleasant. The TABLE shuill be well pro- • Tided for, Hod the BAB, itikbliti'Ntit:l;the Ttinkiyiyiitcoons. The •STABFLAG Atiplhed the /14 001 le lhrge and rodiny, and catuito 4f: .combo, agreat numter of Horses. • 1 y A Or, to his friends and amputintancesin Leh: , anon•Conti.ty, as well as to all others; ho extends, a cordiallinvitatlon to make his Houk their noirk when visiting Lebanon April 210407,, I) AGCEILEE 017 kr Pgas.% IXTIIO takes thobeit RENESSES in Lebadon ? t V V Why I) II: KELM; in the EARL B VIZ:0 IN G s „ lie has tho best , roomplest. light, best fixtures, and has mode it his entire bus Ness for the last five years: IRO alyray t vgoo:4o, .Aatest improve ments ; he lies always thajotastistyle of eases on hand ; he takes pictures. In, every. style of the aril his STEREOSCOPE • PICTURES are wonderful to behold. All his pieta-0144444 Sharp correct, and of the highest finish. - Ghte,blin a 0 11 1414 You will not regret it. His terms' are very,;nioa ewe.. • trn. His rooms are open day 11(1 , 1030 Sunday,) from 8 o'clock. A M ytill 8• - " Lebanon, Jnne 3, 1867. T X/ ' 1 01 cAPAV, irea4r WIPP 3'; tai acedtamodate enntOndyeivAhtliogots, - Shocub maks and Trawel.ingAnkgs., t ; `• r,'? LOUIS SUTER". . =Lehanonsllutual Insurance . ~• ' .J'' . tOrnpany. - . , i I NCORPORATED' BY TETE ! .LEGISLATURE or PA. !.. CHARTER PERPETUAL °foe; '2iijOne,edown, Lebanon Countk.,, l• - tiVARANTEE CAPITAL $5,000. THIS 4 „qom - pany is now fully organized and reali - "to. - .make Insurance on all kinds of .Fropertyfiy , tor or country and on as favorable ,`terms Warr .well-goVertted and safe company, cithor owille Maud or joint stock 'principle. l' President--Jbwrt Bnuromn, Esq. • 1 . , Tice President—D: M. Kenzazir.'" " , I •. Treasurer—Gao. F. MEILY. Secraiikry—Wx. A: BArrar. • Director 4. ~, Johb,Brimner, Esq., : . Daniel Brown, , • D. M. Karriany, , •". . Napoleon Desh, . Geo., F..llfoily.. . John Arndt, WA. Barry, - : : ..l"ohn. lleily, S. IL Shirk, ' L. R. Walker, Daniel N. /Sever, D. M. 4ank. 14 1 A. S. Evi is , et .;Agent for: Lebanon. Ho may ak.n f ll,-times ,be:Tottad at his ctlcco- in -Walnut Street '• ' - '•.. - ... ,-." -" • "Jonestown July 15 la ' titltoalliori. Valle* Rank; .. . . Located in Market. street,. nearly oppo site the United' Hall, one. Door , North . .qf the Post Office. ' • ' • , - I , XTILL pay, the DEPOSITS, e following KATES ef INTER- :- . Tv EST on n, and after, the Ist day of March, 1867, viz :- 7 - .. . For 1 Year; and longer, 6 per cent, per annum. For 6 swathe, and longer, 5 per cent . per annum'. For 3 nitinthi, and Linger, 4 per cent. per annum. ,' *.Retviiring a. 'short notice of withdrawal, and af fords a liberalline of accommodations to thosi who may favor it With deposits,payable On demanci. Will pay a' premium on 81.A:reran and'l.leXteAX Dor,- lias,'And also on OLD AMERIOAN'''COLLAES AND HALF DOLLARS. Will make collection"' on and remit' to all parts Ihalinitedtatek, the Cana due; and. Europe ; Negotiate LOinsjite. &e., and do a geeeraI'EXIIIIIANGEand BANKING BITSI L ,- NESS. / G. DAWSON COLEMAN, President. ano:Gixtis, Cashio, ~ 7 , . , 7 IscHE, undersigned , Managers, are individually -- ay - 'liable to the extent of. their Estates for all deposits and other obligatiOns" of the ooLpartrier ship filed in the Prothonoterfs Office of Lebanon County, trading under the name and style of the 14 Lusartcur VALIiEV BANE." ''.. Sinew °Aurae% . G. DAMSON COLEMAN,' .GEORGE SIVOIXEM, LEVI ICGINE.2. ' ' i ft,' ty ...lA - IWe 'Forma, l' , AUGUSTUS Bev), , ' .1.441,1je:11,557..) - GEORGE Ovum'. DAVID ITOFFAIAN. • i ' . .....„..." , -;‘,.., . ,--.........: . . . ~ .. , , ... . . ... -. : , . - 4e....„,,. a.,...,..,..,,,:„. ''r'.“ 11 'if -..-- -: - , AUI f er iris r .. , VIRTUE L. iI3EIiTY U IN [APE NEFENCJI VOL. 9--NO. 'l6. Indemnity Atainst Loss by Fire. Franklin 'Are Eisurance Co— PHILAP L ELPHIA. Pltne* 163 i. OlOgliTpliOTßEvr, Ni!AR STII ' B lll tagtr. , .r. STATEMENT OF ii:S9E7+S4 $1 5' 8 27'4 11845: J ' ANTI44Is72, 1857; 2Pubitieheci AgreeitAtit to an Act of Aseeinbty *) First Mortgagee. • amplyseemd, $1,019,028 70 Real Estate (present value, $109,000) cost, , 82,784 36- Temporakyrities;,Loans, on Collateral seen ' ' 89,114 18 Rteek s , '(Fneiaitt f value,2sB23,BBl 12, coat, ; .1)7 Cash, At, 22. 2 • 04,121:-56 • 2 • , $1,827,18 80 PERPETUAL 46eirdivittir INSURANCES made on every description orknpeity, TOWN AND.. COUNTRY,. nate, is LOW as, are 'consistent with' security. 'Since their incorporation; a period of twenty-eight years, thiy hav6 paid over TIIREE MILLION DOLLARS LOSSES' Y Fizz; thereby affording evidence of the ad vantages pf Insure's' co, as well is the ability and dispo sitionto meet, with promptness, all liabilities. „ .I.OBBES BY FIRE. Losses'Paid4aing the year 1850, DIRECTORS. CHAS..Y. RA.I4CK.EIt r MORDECAI D. I,Ems. TostAs Wxaz!!r, • ^1 PATID S; .I}R,O*N ) SAMUEL Glid:NT ' IAPSW,R.IIIIIIrII,r . FpwAan C. DAL; 'Mo. W. ItionAws, l . Okonaz Pawl. Cruat.o BAnun, President, GUARLES G. BANGER; Secretary. 25. 7 4 f. RE M OVA Li . To No. 4; Eagle ' Fashionable Hat and Cap. Store, ~....-Market Square, Lebanon, Pa. THE undersigned hereby informs his friends and the public in general, that he is now, and will be always, fully prepared to supply- his ens toinors with goods in his line Wholesale-and re tail, - at-the shortest notice; 'and upon-the most ac conimodating terms. His stock consists of. Bea var, Nutria, Russia, Cassintere Moleskin, Silk, Soft Hats, ac., which be will dispose of at the lowest pikes: All his Hats are manufactured un his own immediate superintendanceyand be feelswarranted in saying, that for durability and finish they cannot be . surpissed. Country.mer chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in .hats and caps, can he supplied at wholeaide prices, from ono to a dozen, such sizes as they may want. ADAM RISE. P.--Fox, Mink; lifuskrat, ataltabbit, Skins wanted, for which, ,tke,,-higheat market prires Will be paid. - [rob.,Teb. 0,1856. REMOVAL Of J. NI. Good's Book Store. THE undersigned, having reiniWed'his New and Cheap Book Store, to Market square, 2 doors north - of Dr. Go ILFORD'S New Minding,. Mark a st., where he will be pleased to see all:of his old friends, end those dcsirious of having articles in his line. With a determination of selling cheap- Cr than can be purchased elsewhere : he would re spectfully call the attention of the public to his assortment of- Bibles, Hymn and Prayer .Ilooks, Mis cellaneous, Blank and &boot Books, Wall and Window Paper, : Stationery, anti every artielein4isline of busi ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for 18.57. All the Igagazines, and Newspapers, both daily and weekly, to be lied it Publisber's rates. All orders for articles in his : line Carefully and .promptly attended to, by the undersigned. Lebanon, Jan. 14, Mr. J. M. GOOD. EIIIIIERGER7S Cloth, Alartufactory THANKEtL for past. favors;the undersigned respectfully inform; the`public," that he con- Clones his manufactory in East Hanover, Lebanon county, on ns extensive a scale as ever. Itis un necessary for hinyto say more than that the work will be done in the same excelleu t. style which has made his work and 'name so well known to the surrounding country. Be promises to, do the work in the shortest possible time. The Manu factory is in complete order, and he flatters him self to be able t render the same satiSfactien as heretofore. lie '` inaiiiifaCtures Broad an Narrow Cloths, Csasinets, Blanket ' s, White and other Flannels, , AU finished in the beet manner, and at reason able prices. lie also cards Wool and makes Rolls. For the'eonvenience of his customers, wool and cloth will be taken in at the following places : At the stores,of George A Shellenberger, Loeser' Jr, Brothers, Shirk A Tice, and George Reincehl, end it Guilford a Lemberger's New Drug store, in Lebanon ; at the stores of Shirk dt Miller, and Samuel U. Shirk,. in North Lebanon borough ; Samuel Goshert, Bethel tp.; the public house of Wm. Eurnst, Fredericksburg; Samuel E. Bickel's store, Jonestown ; George Weidman's store, Bell. ;view ; Melohior Reichert, 2 miles lune Palmyra; Martin Early's store, Palmyra; Gabriel Wolfers berger's store, Palmyra Bending; Mehra Shirk, East ilinover,.Dauphin county; at the stores of Mr. Eby, and David M. Rank, East Hanover,. Lebanon, county: All materials will be taken away from the a. I ,bove planes, finished without delay, and returned • Those of, his customers who wish to have Stock.: _ing Wool earded, dyed and mixed, eau leave their 'Wool (white ) ) rat the ()hove mentioned places, with dirmitions how they. wish it prepared. Or his customers can order the stocking-wool to be „made from the emaersigned'a wool, which will bo 'done,. and left at the desired place. N. B.—lt is desired-„that these having wool carder w . ll.pu the ;AIL' therefor, rat the • above im p ali e o v-tr v -' LYON LEMBERGEIC • Else - flover - tio.'APril. 6 , 1557. - $301,638 84 =En LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1857. IrrEtty. TEE LOST MISTRESS To-morrovi you Will 'bow to me, • * And giro mo greeting'as wo nuiet; 8611 not torn around to we Your fhir self ariling down the street. roar silken vibes May braid! my feet, Your lips may wear the coldest smilei And curl as though they lid not greet, ;With sweetest kisses; mine erst while: shalt not wander to the glen To hiens•tho path your small teet trod; Nor hang each moment's agains Upon your soft apprpring nod! • The hot blood will not born my cheek 'When'you and I etand tam to face; .t.To pulse quicken when you speak— Nu grow wild at . your eweat: game Then heave in prone disdidnionr breast, Si. White-and Win 'and veined With blue, And blush to think how oft 'Mks prest To mine, when yon and love were trim! ~,9,TRATS-SO The'iroftcl gets *tsar every day, Mara so, that's so': bound to hare bet way, That's so, too; Te contradict will raise a spree, 'MOWS so, than, so; But man with her should still wet., • - Afid that's sti, too. She carries hoops beneath her skirts, That's so, theirs so; They show• her off when'er she flirts, That's so, too; She wears her bonnet very small, That's so, that's so; Awl flounces If sites very tall, And that's so, too. 4attettiim. THRILLING .NARRATIVE Of a Shipwrooked Passanger on Board tile " Contral America I" . Ir may appear a frivolous remark, but:l never embarked on a voyage with such misgivings as I felt when the Central America steained from As pinwall. hope lam mat unduly superstitious; but thrice in.my life, and thrice only, have I been visited with a terrible nightmare--alddeous mon- O'er, resembling pictures I have seen of winged devils, squatting en my chest, and throttling ' with its bony fingers, till I woke with a real rat tle in my throat, and a clammy perspiration burset ing from.my forehead. Thrice, I say, this hor rid nightmare visited me. The first time, I got up, absolutely Unnerved, and found the house on fire, and my young brother beyond the, reach of rescue. Again, years afterward; the terrible spec tre re-appeared t -I woke, Sat up all night in ago ny of dread ; finding all sure when daylight came, kfancied that my fears were baseless; till the post arrived, bringing me tidings of the death of one for whom I would willingly bare surrendered my own life. I was visited by the same dream the night before we sailed from Aspinwall. I would have staid behind had I bad the least reasonable pretext. Bat there were some in theso Atlantic States who were anxiously expecting me. I could not disappoint theM—espeeially for my dres.m! sake; I sailed, With gloomy forebodings whiCh were at times almost overwhelming. You have read in the published accounts the narrative 'of our voyage from Aspinwall to Ha ventie,,and from thence to sea again. At Havan na I. was sorely tempted to wait for the 'next Steamer. I did-not like the Crfitral America; I distrusted her when she bore the name of George 4ew,,and the change of name did not tend to in crease my confidence in ber seaworthiness. lint after all, I had not the courage -to be swayed by my fears.' On the morning of Thursday the 10th when I went on deck the gale was high, and the ship was laboring heavily. I did not at that time realize the danger that was approaching; I was so cool and confident 'that I derived amusement from Watching the nervous fears Of some of the passen gers. There was a young boy among the latter whose dread of drowning was visible in his blanched face; every wave that approached made him quiver and tremble; could notice his teeth chatter as the .steanter. yose over the huge seas; When I .rallied by., he Shuddered and crossed himself—he was a devout Cittliolie, the son of pi ems Spanish parents. ' • • I walked the deck during most of the day;tuitt toward evening accepted an invitation to play . with some California friends. The gale, .the whistling of the witol, , the.groaning.of the ship, the rumors of a ‘.‘regular September sterol" which were already afloat among -the passengers, height ened the exeitement'ef our play; }se begunwith - $2,50. Stakes—we soon made them twenties. An open,basket of Champagne stood beside us : one or two of the party sang hilarious songs; the Vote passed to play "till the wind went down." I won several hundred dollars, perhaps thousantlel hardly know. About throe or four a. in., on Fri -day, I asked permission to lie'down for"an hour, proMisitig'M - resettle `my Itlace afterward. friends consented reluctantly. I had hardly stretched myself on a berth, and.clesed: my eyes, when I felt the darkness gathering itself into a. form—l felt a. growing weight on my cheat—lf•elt an increasing tightness about my throtitH..l knew, what it meant; it was flty dream' returning. I sprang out of bed and rushed on dock. It was pitch dark; and the north wind blew so that I could not keep my footing without bolding on.. The, steamer was working slowly. - The officer of the watch and the crew looked very anxious flrid were unusually alert. . Prone that moment I forekildicloier fatal I went below, and declaring that I would play no.tnore, drew from my belt my winnings and laid Wein onlbe'table. "Gentlemen," said I, "will any of you ant for these,;or shall I give them to the Orphan Asylum at San Francisco?" (poor fellow I he is gone, I fear,) bad been losing and drinking 'freely; he accepted.tho challenge. I cut kten, bet held' it in Iny bind :1!!0 that he could not seO,it:; he cut a seven. "Lost f! said Ito him; pushing him did money, "I have , Throwing-the cards in a heap, I walked out • of. the state-room, and prorneded to make my arrange ments for the catastrophe. They were few and simple. , I had a large amount in gold with me, and severit drafts—the product of years of ardu ous and persevering labor in' the hardest of fields —California. .The former I rolled into a bundle, and threw into a corner of the state-room.. .- I could not help:laughing bitterly, at this.— Here were several—no matter how many—thou sand dollars in gold; which had cost me years of bard iriolt'iO earn. Afol , hours before, thole who know me, will not need to:be told that.l would not have shrunk ,froni blood to defend s ifH. latent lochs, revolvers, and extra prudonca had ail been 'ailed into play to tranepOrr.,il , ,,thup ,snfi ty; . nn f l.none - I kicked ft lute- the,eorn9r of the state-room with as little ceremony as if it had been a dirty shirt, walked out, and left the door open. Before the day was over roused to think my self singular. On Friday night a min might have had a fortune for the gathering; several poor fel lows went to the bottom wait ; rolls of Stolen gold. round their waist. It witlabdutmid-daY on Friday, as near all I can recollect; that the steamerhecame unmanage.: ! able, and the. pumps wore rigged...A*ls of ;earl-. one kinds were set to try to keep het head to the' storm, butwitheut success. Then the fore-yard, with an OnChor fast, to it,,was put overboard to act asadriigi but it, had no effect beyond imped ing the Working of the forward pump. We lay fairly in the trough of the sea, which washed over us and into us. Under the direction of Captain ,Ilerndon, gangs'of men were farmed to work the pumps. I joined one of them, and , wrought, I hope I may zealously and:faithfully, as long' , as my strength lasted: Some, On hoard said:.that . they were orof order, and , ;threw out no water;, others, agai 7 , --tirol among these the ship's officers —encourages to persevereitly many assarite_ . cgs that wo Aire gaining- 7 on'"the legit. lam not a sailor; and can not undertake to decide ainong - these conflicting opinions. I never had much 'belief Myself ,in the theory of "the leak," and I was prepared to believe that the pumps threw out no water. We were in the trough of the sea, and could not keep our head to windward. What more need I say? I htul.not slept on Thursday night; needed no sleep -on the following' one. Went down below, and talked to the ladies about the prospect of our being saved, striving 'to encourage them. The storm raged more finionsly than over, and the steamer careened over on her beam ends. The poor, creatures lay huddled together in heaps, a few silent and thoughttul,:bitt the most of them nervous and restless. Went to M--'s room, and found him asleep, with the money ho had won from me under his pillow. Sat down on a attest and began to recall the stories of shipwrecks I had road hi, days gone by. Captain Bligh's was the one I remembered hest: While I was sitting there the steamer gave a sudden lurch, and threw some one upon MO. : It was the . Spanish boy: He was crying. Il i suppose he Was not a manly boy, but his feeling was quite human. Ile was very much afraid of, being drowned, and he, lth myself, foresaw our fate 1 I tried to cheer him up. ITC took a little' cross from his neck, and showed it to Me, saying that his sister: bad given it to him when he left home, and begging me to let her know, if lie were drowned and I escaped, that all his thoughts at that terrible moment' were about her: On Saturday morning those who, unlike myself, had derided the storm, began to look serious.— ..lII—. accosted me with assumed bravado, and asked if I would go finish the game. . . ' "Providence will do that for us," said I mourn fully, for my spirit wargone. I believe:—l sorrow' to . say it—that • 'arid - some of his friends went below to play, and that they went into the presence of their Maker with cards in their , hands. Suffer me tepause a single instant in thiS gloomy narrative to pay a just tribute of 'admiration to the noble fellows who suffered the women and children to bo taken off to the brig. Remember that we were five hundred, all of us armed; that the Captain and crew could not have kept us back for five tainutealf we had chosen to seize theloata, True, there were matirtinong us wheconsiderea the steamer safer than the boats. But the major ityof the Californians knew that the former was sinking. None to whom I spoke entertained any delusive hopes on the point. Rescue from passing vessels was the only resource to which nine-tenths of the passengers looked. Yet, with one or two trivial esceptions, not a man interfered with ! the embarkation of the women and children. Consid eriug the character and antecedents of the bulk of the passengers, this conduct appears to me to ho unequalled in history. - It was dark when our last hour came. The wind had fallen, but the sea was running in high, massive waves. Heavy clouds hid the sky, with occasional flashes of lightning, and now and then, as the clouds shifted, a glimpse of a star. There was a genteel silence - on board, interrupted now and then by boisterous "shouts from revelers belew., Waves had washed over us before. I did 'not realize the difference between this one and its pre accession till I felt my feet lase their hedd,and saw all dark above. I knew that I was going down.-- down—down. I tried to resist the down Ward suc tion, but it was impossible. DOWlii slowly, very slowly down, I went, till I was in the , depths of the deep, and. the preitsnre Of the:water oinnY ears and nose was exerueiatingly•painful. think I .fainted in eonsequenCe. If I did, the sensation : of rapid motion through the water reviVed Me. I was rising to the surface. I never realized the power of water before. My utmost strength could. ' not in the least moderate or alter my nicition.:. Ohl it was heart-rending to hear' that-shriek which 'rose frem the belly of the waves as five hundred men rose from the depths . and found . themselves floating on the surface of the ocean, in the night, miles and milcs - distant from'lmid Theyrose, thick as a shoal of fish, striking each other, and being struck by the fragments of the wreck which jhad been submerged with-the ship. What death-grapples for pieces of the Irreckl— One of the last sights I saw was the gleam of a knife is a burly fellow cht . the hands of a fellow passenger from a spar in order to keep it for himself. I needed all my strength,. myself, to protect myself froth this de i#llygrasp of drowning men. • • ' ' : After a time a piece of-the wreck floated toward me. A man was clinging to it. I called to him, and asked whether it would support two? No an swer. I called again.. Still no answer. I swam to him, and seizod him by the arm. was dead, but his hands still clung to the timber. I had no hesitation in Miring a place on the fragment,which, indeed, would have supported several persons.— tooking about Me, : to find some ono to share it with, I descried 'a head in the darkneas,;andl hail ed. lt wrenched near - enough for me to - grifilit . it. I pulled the swinuner.hp,`anddieofivered that it was the-Spanish bey! Poor fellow ! thoegh it was warm, and there was no wind,he shivered from head to foot: I, knell, at a glance, that it was a death-shudder.— I bade him hold on firmly, lest a wave should sweep him off; but I had hardly said the words when I saw hint "press his little cross to leis: lips- a huge sea swept over us—he was gone, andi saw him no more: lie was the last of my . fellow-passengers Whont I beheld that night.. The cruel sea semi separat ed us, and.' was alone. rear had gone &Om nie; escape seemed,,utterly out or the question. , I now observed proper .precautfonsmore view of carrying ont.conscientlouslra curious experi ment. than from-any belie that Imight be saved: Several times the thought of precipitating my end by plunging into the , sea occurred time; I do net know 'why I repelled it. Hoare passed. Psychological students Will an, derstand me when I say that I was busily engag ed in composing, mentally, a business, letter to accompanY taciaztt Sales—polishing' firol,l - the sentences, altering a word here, addina phrase th4e, and even inserting with mot r care each comma and period—when a cry like tbunder—"Aboy, there!"—woke me up, and I found myself close under the qua . rter of a skip. How I got on hoard T hardly know. That I was saved; that I lay down on board the deck of our preserver and cried like a child for an hour or more; that I was most generously and humane ly treated; and that a lifetime of devotion would ho but an adequate return-for the obligation riti marred, lam bore to testify. , ' From the N.ir:l'iMes, Oct. 8.. THE CENTRAL AMERICA. Three Men Reecued after being Nine Days Adrift on! the Ocean—Vey .49 rrive in New York—A. Tkrining Narrative of Famine and Suffering., The City, as startled yesterday by the appari tion of three mon rescued from the Steamer Central America. They tame looking alieost like 8 kele tons, gaunt, sick, exhausted..they were :found drifting in 'One of the steamer's :life-boats, some :1111 miles NortheaSeof the sPot Where the Central America went down, and nine days after, that sad affair theißri ,,, Mary picked them up; on her Voy-' age froin Cardenas lettba) to Cork, Ireland. The Har,y carried them eastward seven day-s, when , she met thi Breman Bark Laura, coming from Bremen toward New-York, mid transferred them to her. The' Laura arrived yesterday morning with the three men. Their names are. Trot, 2d Engineer of the Central America Ar.r.kannrm GRANT, Fireman. NV. Divscis; (coidred,)Passenger Mr. Tice staid by the steamer till the moment she sank, with a plank that he had before prOvid, ed, he plunged into the sea. He was drawn down • 0 in the whirl, but, in coining to the surface, again brought his plank, with him.. To 'this alone .be clung for three days, seeing no sail, nor any of his late shipmates. On the fourth morning be drifted past an empty boat, for . which, deserting his plank, he swam, and,ltifter a tedious pull, got into it. On the fifth day he drifted close past the steamer's hurricane deck—simply an inch-hoard, platform, covered with oiled canvis—Mr. Grant, One of the steamer's firemen, who was on this hur ricancleck, jumped off, swam to Tice's boat, and the two rowed her up (for happily the oars had not been hist out) to the hurricane dock, and took off DaIV3OII, thq only tenant it then had. The three, then, drifted four nights and three , days longer, north and eastward, up to the very east. ern edge of the Gulf Stream, sad out of usual tree"( of all vessel. Tice had nothing to eat nor to drink from the day the steamer sank until on the fifth day l when he strack a dog-fishwith the blade of his oar and killed it. This Wretched provender they eat ravenously of, raw, of course, and then till the' ninth day they had no more to eat. On the eigth nighth there was a heavy rain. Of the wa ter that fell they drank freely, and would have killed themselves With it, Grant said, but that they bad been able to save only &little of it and the supply soon failed. Whether it is true that the two on the hurricane deck had cat we know not; if they had it must have been that 'they fed on human flesh. * But this Grant stoutly denies, while Dawson stubbornly refused to say "Yes" or "No," when his friend, as delicately as a bluff old sailor could, asked him the queition. The two who were saved on the hurricane-deck suffered less during the first four days than the Engineer. Grant says that when he found him self overboard, still clinging to the piece of wreck -th.d.4beld by when it parted from the steamer ' there werenine otherfon it, six, of, them the steam er's passengers. They saw no sail, nor could tell that any survived beside themselves. 011. the sec ond day. Dawson, the colored man, drifted to them on a plank.' lie attempted to get on the hurri cane-deck, but they remonstrated, as the weight, of those already on it sank it so low that the waves washed clean over it at every wave. He would not part company with them„however, but clung fast to a side, waiting until as. one after ;mother of them dying, fell off, it lifted to the surface, and Grant was glad to have his company. ' As we have already said, Mr. Tice picked _them up on the fifth day. . Though these, three coon are in.tho City, andwe; have conversed with them all, it is little that; can be got eut.of either of them, or that they have yet told anybody. So long, as they were on board the brig llary experiencing the: kind attentions • of. Capt. Seeorer, they were so utterly prostrated as to be unable to communicate much of OCH-horrible nine days' experience, even if in their wretched monotony it were not like,, one.long , dream. yy On board the Laura; Grant had recuperated a.' nough to - tell his story, if be had felt disposed,hut he spOke only English, which of the 400 odd . Ger man passengers and, crew ef the Laura, only the the mute and one passenger spoke English. Oa their arrival here, their liest''friefitis , and their . physicians unite' n advising thein to open their mouths only to eat „The statements that we an...! nex are the result of their.oceasional conversation since they reached port Tien is Mteeedingly weak and debilitated. Ile:iiiiiited;'several times yesterday. The bark Laura came up from Quarantine and anchored off Castle Garden•at 9/ yesterday, The three rescued huided, and paSsed'a short time at Castle Garden, receiving the ~grecting of such friendstisliad , heard of their arrivaL• They were almost suffocated by ; the 'tio*tt which pressed around them, - and 'it,Was diffieult tb answer "one half, the enestiona, put them. The colored man, Dawson, evidently impatient of the distinguished attention shown him, soon found an' opening through the ctowii and Ilinped away. • Mr. Tice and Mr. Grant were driven in a car riage to No. 177 West street, whore another larger crowd was assembled in expectation of their ar- rival. They went up' stairs to the"office, where the officers of• the Company, met them. Mr. Tice and Mr. Grant aro much reduced in flesh, their feet are tender and swollen, and- their-lips, face and hands sore where the skin has been peeled off by the action of the salt water washing over them for so many.days, and their exposure tp,a scorch 7 ing sun. They have the appearance of men just recovering from protracted ,apd..serere illness; their lips are black-Choir cheeks sunken. Both Walk with difftel4y., Both, ay that they could not have continued alive , many hours longer. n -, 'Then fallen in with by the little brig Mary for. Greenock, they_could s.capply move a hand or speak; their flesh was wasted, and their skeleton forms were frighlfUl to each Other. limy weep also covered over with small boils,Whinte'vi!iib , fast opening into painful. ulcers. They hild';ebn . their 'Co4iPtiniona die; one by one, and hadlost all hope of being saved; They had 'to bi3*lilitid''On board the brig by the'sentnen, and it Was several days before they could•wiilk; their feet wore so much swollen, and so tinder; food .. Wit, given (hem very sparingly, Until rbstored, and Ciptain . Willianniont and his officdra' bad con stantly to . caution theui . against eating to exedss. They had 'very littlo ClothistsUpon thein alien picked - up , but they were Won impplied wiflrall they rtiquired ori• ktiiikt . 94ll4#3i, whoio and officers acted tiowards tliem with great hit= Manity. In one week from the time they were P, up, they o spiiiceilie t hark'Litara, from Bre merifler 'Noir Yerk, Capt. Williamson, and were put (on the 28th of Septethbor, - noon,) lilal . 40° 54', lOng. 60°, and broUilit to -thin port. It will be remembered that itt - wits i ii}t; 31° 25'; and long. 7T lO'; W. that the Cen- WHOLE NO. 433. tral America foundered. Capt. Williamson had a ship full of passengers, 'but did everything possi ble to supply' their wants. nab Who indulge in the !weed," have been considerably exercised of late by the reports of a short crop of tobacco, both in Cuba and the Southern Stees. -To relieve their fears . , we would state that tiftwo are several earioes of guano on their way here - Mach is equally as nasty as Wham). . , .013 4 . - Tho . eseential:point in our intercourse with* children, is to be truthful oursoli;oe: ' . 3grerYether interest 444 to be sacrificed to that of truth.-- When we irriaq: way deceive a child, we not on ly set him a Oink:ions example, but also lose our influence over him forever. - • • ;"Going to jail is fun, in Raleigh, N. C.— The Spirit of the Ago says, the prisoners are a merry set, fiddling and dancing, whooping and yelling, oia cutting, ,up all sorts of capers, even to the) iti:hoy:lnee Ofontildcis who are taxed to, suppirtllmirtlt• AV - Insults, says a modern philosopher, are like a counterfeit moiler; we can't hiuder them being offered; but we are not Compelled to take them: . .. • . . • jat-A pleasant. wife is a rainbow, in the sky when her husband's . m end is tossed with storms • and tempests, • ASr . Never give ,counsel where it is not asked of you,•especially to those who are not capable of appreciating, it. The best heads can but inisjudge in cases belonging to the jurisdiction of the heart. • pir•Pride breakfasted with ptenty, dined with 'inaverty, and supped with infamy. 9l`,s" .Labor and prudence relieve as from three great 0141s- 7 -vice, lygtnt and indolence. GUANO! GUANO! I GUANO!! ! ALL KINDS. Leivau's Super Phosphate of Lime. 7,000. TONS. TOARALERS, for your:WHEAT CROPS, use .14 Lk:nut's Super Phosphate of Lime, at 21 ets. a lb. or $4O a Ton; or-uso.- - Leinates American Fertilizer! . at $3,50 a bbl. or $25 a ton. One barrel of either is sufficient fin. an Acre of Wheat. These are , PERMANENT MANURES, made of reliable Chemical •Elements, and have been in successful use for the past Six Years, in= proving the soil and increasing the value of the land. Four Diplomas from:the State Agricultural So ciety of Pennsylvania;, New Jersey ;.,telaware and the Crysfal Palace Association of the. City of New York, have been received for these Valua ble Fertilizers. ' . ' Pamphlets in the i English and German Lan guage can ho had by application at the Office. ' A liberal discount to wholesale dealers. The above Fertilizers, deliiered FREE of Cart age to any :wharf. in the old: City . proper. Orders sent by Mail accompanied with. Cash or Drafts, will be promptly shipped to any part of the world.` - GEO. A. LEINAU, .Proprietor, No. 79 South Front street, Phila. City. July 29, '57-4m. BOOT &- SHE STORE. Jactib Ittadle, - DESPECIWriLY lifiiirnie the Phblii that Air still cohtintiet*scifinsive establishment in his neleintildinw, in Cumberland street, where he hopes to render the same satisfaction as hereto fore to all who may favor him with their custom. He invites Merchants and dealers in Boors and Shoes, and every one . whO wishes to purchase faShiona ble and durable articles inhis line, to call and ex. amine for themselves, his large and varied stock. Ile is determined to surpass all competition, in the manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for any market in the Union. A due care is taken in regard to materials and workman ship; none but the best quality of Leather and other materials are used, and none but the best workmen are employed. P. S.—He returns his sincere thrmlt's to'his friends for the very liberal patronage - eretofere bestowed on him. He hopes by strict attention to business and endeavoring to please, his custo mers, to merit a share of public patronage. . Lebanon, Oct, 17, 1856. 01-*Well;Peter, 'Where Have You Beene_ tIIY.I have beenat the STOVE min; of JAMES . he oLb s o j tgl: r t;r u i: .n o e fp f a ro s i u n p t er t lorCO9ff.. 1 . 1 4 1 G STOVES , as city and brought ono of the largest assortments of STOVES ever brought to Lebanon. Ify neighbor got one from him, and it is the best °pok ing Stover ever saw. They END Bake, Roast, Cook and Wash at the same time, if they wish to, and it does eve rything to perfection ; I was determined to got one of the same sort, and' the hat of all'ta he warrants every' COOKING STOVE he sells to do as he represents. A few Mere of the same sort left, with a general as sortment of ' ' - Parlor Hall, or Dkning Room Stoves, wiiich will be sold cheap,:kitb a.full assortment of TIN and snEE'r now WARE;generally connected, with his business.' `Wi - All work - entiiisttil tObint will: be done with neatness 81/11 dispatch. : - Lebanon Sept.. 3, '57 JAMES N. ROGERS. , :REIGART' S WINE & LIQUOR STORE , : CORNER of ilarket tt Water Sts., Lebanon, Pa . ; in the room formerly occupied by Jacob Weidle, Esq., where he still continues to keep an assort- Men tof the very best brands of Wines and Liquors that can be got. To those who are acquainted with his liquors it is not necessary for him to speak as the liquors will speak for themselves. < To Hotel' Keepers, :others, he would state, that it is merely necessary.for them to call and examine his stock to satisfy thems'alVes, as he warrants io ren der full satisfaction: EM'L. RE IG ART.. 87-Itankomber; at %Voidle's Corner Lebanon,..Sept. 9, 1857. FARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! A NEW FIRIIII in North Lebanon Borough: N E.W R IC E S ! • 100;000 B l 7 o7llll3u ' sh il el E s A ß T Yß, • 100,000 Bushels CORN, 1100,000 'Bushel s OATS, Clover Seed, Flax Seed, Timothy Seed, tor 'all which the.:highest market prices in cash will-be paid_ I,y IWPFMAN,. .k Co. • : North Lebanon, July ;9, 17,.V.. • . . • • NOTICE: IN the inatfer: of the nioney raised on tho sale of the Real Estate or Jew( WEIDMAN , of the Bor ough of Lebanon, Poem's. True undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court 11 of Common Plena of said county to make dis tribution of said ninnies, to and•ani mg. his credi tors, Will meet , the parties.intereSted at his Office, io the borough of Lebanon, Penn'a., on:Tunsnsx., the 20th day of OCT9,II . EIt, A. D. 1857, at 10 o'- clock, n. m., at which time said distribution Will be made. All the creditors InOludesi in the judg- Moots will exhibit their'evidonce of debt, whether bonds, notes or otherwise, to the..underisigned or before said day. 4NTHONY S. ELY, Lebanon, Sept. 23,'57. Auditor. .L 0 0 N .LA 13 . 8 ES. ' .• • G. IN. .WHOLESALE AND' RETAIL Manufacturer of. Ornamental Ruffians Guilt LinskixigGines4- es, Portrailand . Pieture Frames of every ntyle; 'large stook of the above alwiy§ on baud, which I will soli frolii:10 to 15 per cont. less thim any other -eStablishment - in the' city. 4' •.• r .. i ts„ . P.tiNTINGS 'AND Excuavinns; Old wora.reguslied, &e. A . liberal discount to the ; trade. , G. M. ..L...EFEES.. lip: 154 Nortla 2d street,„beliiw Race, west . 1857.-8 m: Plillimla;Old No. 102 T ~. , , . , 1100WI..fortet t0...001 at ta k THINS It and . ,w?ine their int of Boot", 14sveling _Baia: • _ , e. • Fancy Furs far Ladies. TORN FAREIRA & Co., (New No.)818 Market street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, Importers, Manufacturers and dealers in Ladies, Gentlemen and Children's FANCY FURS, wholesale and retail. J. F. & Co., would call the attention of dealers and the public generally to their immense Stock of Fancy Furs for Ladies, Gentlerimn and Children; their assortment embraces every article and kind of Fancy Funs that.will be worn during the'eseasort—such as Full Chiles, Balt Capee, Quarter Capes 'Palmas, Victorinee, Boas, Muffs and Muffatees, from tic finest Russian Sable to the low est price Domestic Furs. For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fur Collars, Gloves, Gauntlets, he.; being the direct Importers of all oar Furs, and Dlarrufacturers of them under our own su pervision, we feel satisfied we can offer better induce ments to dealers and the publiegenerally than any other honse, having an Immense assortment to select from and at the Manufacturers' prices. tm.We only ask a call. • • , JOHN FAREIRA h CO, Sept. 16, 's7—im. No- 81.311arket St., above Sth, . .11111overls,..Liquid flair bye. Kigant following, from that eminent Physician of Phil- Intelphin, Dr. Brinckle, added to the testimony of Professor Booth, only confirms what is evidenced by thousands who have used Mover's Dye: thirAnefto*, Cants:n.l' STREET, I Philadelphia, December 22d, 1853. In regard to hovers hair Dye,l can state unhesi tatingly, that it contains no deleterious ingredients, and maybe used with entire safety, and with the utmost confidence and success." W. D. BRiNCKLE, M. D. Haver'i - Writia' ,, and litdelible Inks, Aro so well and widely known, as to require no eulogy of their merits, it is only necessary to say, that the steady and inereasiOgdomand;gives the best evidence that they maintain their character for superiority, which distin guished them when firstintrodueed„-years ago. Ordora addressed' to the Manufactory. No. 416 R.ias street;above Fourth, (old N 0.1440 Philadelphia. will re ceive. prompt attention, by JOSEPH E. MOVER, Sept. 16, '57-4.Aprill6, Manufacturer. Gold, Gold, Gold. VirEtrin greatest offer in gold pens, gold pencils gold 04 chains, and gold watches, ever made. Bead the A Splendid Gold Premium,- worth from live to one hundred dollars, positively given to any person who can spare one day in a week, or ono hour in a"do7, getting up clubs, of subscribers In his ow n and tiNdlivitirneigMainaid, for'the best and most pop ular fantilynewspaper now published. No expense, no outlay, no capital required of agents. An entire new plan is proposed, by which any person can succeed in making it a paying business, who will undertake„,the agency. A private circular, for the inspection of agents only, with full list of premiums, will be sent to any ono who desires it. on receipt of a stamp to pay return post age. Pomo agents have earned a hundred dollar gold watch in one week. Every fitmily should read at least one Newspaper from New York City, without interfering with their Local Pa pers, which of course cannot and should not, be dispens ed with. itat New York being the grenteoromereial and business centre of this Continent, no farmer, mechanic, professional man, or merchant, is properly prepared for the emergeariet of his calling, unless he lain communi. cation witliNms York City, by means of one of its first class newspaper• mediums. Such a medium isour"LED -0131t," neutral in poslitics, hitt giving all the facts items ,of news, and thrillingincideuts worthknowing through out the country. A. Valuable Gift. Each neW silbsCriber will receive with the first No. of his or her paper, one of the new and. beautiful glass point ed indelible Pencils,* just imported from Europe, and for which we have obtained the exclusive agency for this. country. This is the Most ingenionsund useful improve ment of the present age, itla is the only pencil ever made that will write with ink, making it both n pen and pencil, of the finest quality at the same time. It will last for years, and for praetical use is worah more than any gold pen in the market. For list of premiums and full particulars. address ----- 'HALL & WEFV, Publishers, New York City. Those Pencil's supplied to the trade at aprofitable dis count. jAug. IF YOU WaNT Cheap Looking Glass, Gilt, 'Rosewood or Mahogany, or Venitian Blind«, GO TO DUNORE. & OYES. TKINS d MeADAM have just received a rim new stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and `travelling bags. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. HEALTH. DEPENDS ON PURE BLOOD Bran dreth's Pillspurify the Blood; NO. DISEASE CAN RESIST TEEM JUDICIOUS USE! 4 Mild operation with successful effect arc the pecu• Ilarity of Brandretles Pi 115.950; in UR race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile, at this season, and it is as dangerous as it le prey. Bleu t, but Brandreth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient protection. By their occasional 11,0 we prevent the collection of those impurities, which, when in surfs eient quantities, cause so much danger to the body's health. They soon cure livercomplaint,dyspepsia,loss of appetite, pain in:the head, heart burn, pain in the breastbone, stifiklen faintness and costiveness. In brief, Brandreth's Pills work their way to the very roots of the disease cleansing in their passage, removing every unhealthy accumulation till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and the functions and duty of life become a pleasure,"where before they had been sad and weary burdens. (igen when , Ohlbf„ ties rend - Sea Xciiiiffing of' the most Serklll . 3 &tin seti:Sickness or otherwise,' where the retching has been appalling; single'dOse of four Brandreth's Pills has at once owed and the patient has fallen into a sweet sleep. When the mind cannot collect itself; when the memory fails; when it is an effort to fix the attention; when our sleep is hroken and our waking hours harassed with forebodings of evil,then Brandreth's Pills should be used. If these warnings remain unheeded, rheumatism, con sumption, disease of the heart, bilious affections, jams, dice, dropsies,piles, appoplexies and costivencee will sud denly present themselves. These Bramirviit's Pills would have preveuted,but nevertheless au zst they will also cure. Use them at ones; do-not let prejudice prevent the use of this simple but potent remedy. Brandreth's Theory of Disease Never extract blood. Blood is the life. By abstract ing it in painful diseases you mar occasion the patient ease, but remember, this ease is only tit, reduction or * lesseniwt the power to feel. And by thus toting away natures tools. you may prevent her from fully repairing the ravages of inflammation, t- convert what might only have been the sickness of a few days or weeks into a chronic affection of months and years.— ~,Brandreth's Pills accord with Nature! Nature's, remedy in fact. When sudden, acute or con. tinued pain occurs from ally cause, then to insure a quick return to health, you must use lirandreth's pills, which will soon relieve every organ from undue pressure, and remove those humors whose. presence often occasions such terrible suffering. BEFORE THE WORLD-m 6 YEARS! 16S.Twenty million boxes sold and the sphered their usefulness still extending. Ask far almanaek and pam phlet of cures. Agents will supply gratis. Bzwana--all pillsyith "211 Broadway" on side lately. aro counterfelts. Get the genuine and they will never deceive: Sold at Dr. ROSS' Drug Store. opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. (July 15. '57-3m. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. ALBERT G. RICHARDSON'S Advertising and Correspondence Office, 360 Broad- New York. Mete and Important ills.. covery in the Science of Medicine. PATENT OFFICE SEAL OF GREAT BRITAIN, DIPLO ME de ECQLE de PHARMACIE PHARMACIES de PARIS and IMPERIAL COLLEGE Of 3IEDICINE. V/- . enun. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. H. A. Barrow, member of thelmpl College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeons, London. who may be personally consul*, at his ru,.idonce, 157 Prince Street, few blocks west of Broadway, New York, from 11 A. M. till 21'. M. and from 4 till S I'. M. (Sundays excepted, unless by appointment.) Triesomar No. 1, Ta a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrhcra, and nil the distressing consequences arising from early abuse. indis criminate carcases, or toolong residence in hot climates. It has restored bodily and sexuist strength and sigor to thousands who axe now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of Manhood; and whatever may be the cause or disqualifications for marriage, they are effectu ally subdued. Triesemar No. 2, Completely and entirely eradidates all traces of Gouor halt, both i u ita mild nod aggravated forms, Gleeta, Stric tures, Irritation of the Bladder. Non-retention of the Urine; Pains of the Loins and Kidneys, and those disci , 'dors for which Copaivi and Cubobs havo so lung been thought an antidote. . TriOnemar No. 3, Is the greet Continental RTNY-DY for Sipbilis and Secon dary symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure fo'r Scurvy,'Serofula, andall cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling. in its averse all impurities from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it by insensible perspiration through the mo Slum of the pores of the skin and urine. It is a never failing' remedy for that class of disorders which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the in evitable destruction of the patient's constitution. and which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. Talescscan No.l 2 arid 8, are prepared in the form of a lozenge, devoid of' tasty or amen, and can be carried in the waistcoat poeket. • Bold in tin eases, and divided iu separate doses as administered by Valpeau, t.O Leman, Roux; Ricord, be., be. Price $3 each, or four cases in one for $9, which eaves $3, sod in $27 cases, whereby there is If saving of $9. None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals of the Patent Offtee of.Eugland; the seals of the Ecole do Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial. College of V ienna, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case.— linitations are liable to the severest penalties of the law. , Special arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward immediately. on receiving a remittance, the $9 and lar ger site cases of TriesemarTfree of carriage. to any partof the world, sokyreirpacked-and property addressed, thus insuring genuine European preparations end protecting • the public from spurious:tad pernicious !windfalls. .Attendance and Consultation from 11 a. ni. till 2 p. m. spd frten 4till Sin the evening. 157 Prinoe street, a fow b oaks west of Broadway, New York. ; ;May 6,1857,17... • tristadoro'a, flair Dye; Within a nutshell all the merits lib, Of Criatedoro's nevereclualled Iliad it makes blaelt,.to 'brown transfortesistreyi tha lteeph thOlibres froth' decay.. . • =atchless, re-eitallzing'llair Dybiatill hinds lta m Mop, as the moat harmless and MlScacious flair Dye in THE WORLD. treVaited . sold, wholesale and retail, Ind applied In ten miTatnieens, at Cam. noito's, No, 0 .Astor HOMO, .llresdway, New York, and by all Drugs. staMid Perfumers in the United States. Jen. 14, labt—ly.--lsq. • Agent—lltearp 11. Kopper, 140 Wood at., Pittsburg, Pa.