The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 30, 1857, Image 4

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'Art thou an aspirant for fame?
And wilt thou sit among the ruins
With all words of cheer unspoken,
Till the silver cord is loosed?—
Till the golden bowl is broken ?
Life has import more inspiring
Than the fancies of thy youth,
It has hopes as high as heaven,
.n, has labor, it has Truth."
WiIAT IS AN Insut,T 7—Justice King,
of Chicago, has decided, on an applica
tion for a warrant, that to spit in a man's
face, knock hint down and kick him, is
not an insult.
0:7 - A rrao says it is "folly to expect
a young girl to love a man who every•
body speeks well of. Get up a perse
cution, and her affections will cling so
fast that a dozen guardians can't remove
"It is stated, by 'authority,' that a new
fashion is about to be introduced by the
ladies-of Buffalo—no , less, in fact, than
an immense calash which is to be attach
ed to the waists of the dear creatures, to
be raised and lowered at pleasure, like
the top of a buggy. Buffalo papers fran
tically ask, 'what next 7''
The Buffalo Courier is responsible for
the following statement; One of the
most remarkable instances of love at
first sight on record occurred in this city
a day or two since. A lady from the
country bad business to transact at a
lawyer's office, in which a somewhat dif
fident attorney had his desk. In the
course of the business the eyes of the
parties met ; the attorney was smitten ;
he declared his passion, and was accept.
ed. The couple were married in the
NAN who cheats in small meas
ure., is a measureless rogue.
If he gives short measure in wheat,
then he is a rogue in.grain. '
Min whiskey, then he is a rogue in
. .
If hi gives a bad title of land, then
he is a-rogue in deed.
And if .be cheats whenever he can,
then he is in deed, in spirit, in grain, a
measureless scoundrel.
A MODEL Maroa.—Sometimes it is
the misfortune of a city to have an ass
for Mayor. Such was the case about
twenty-five years ago with a certain city,
which it would be impolitic, not to say
impolite, for us to name in this connec
tion., He was so ignorant that the wags
sent a book-peddler to him with English
grammars immediately after his election;
and when he declared he bad no use for
the book the peddler said, "Everybody
tells-me you must have it, and study it,
too." He came into office, and took
his chair in stately. dignity. In a few
minutes the clerk laid before him a pa
per; which the Mayor was requested to
enderse as one that had passed under
his eye. The'clerk remarked :
"It is only necessary that you write
your initials upon it:"
"My nisi/Ads," said the Mayor, "what's
my niahu/s 1"
Now it so happemed that P was the
first letter of both the Mayor's name and
the clerk very innocently replied : •
"Oh,sir, merely write two P's upon
the back of this paper." •
His Honor the Mayor took a quill in
his trembling hand, and, with the perspi
ration on his brow wrote "TOO pEzE,"
and the document is on file in the office
unto this day 1
Cloth, Manufactory !
THANKFUL for past favors, the undersigned
respectfully informs the public, that he eon.
times his manufactory in East Hanover, Lebanon
eounty, on as extensive a-seale as ever. Itis un
necessary for him to say more than that the work
will be done in the same excellent style which has
made his work and name so well known to the
surrounding country. He promises to •do the
work in the shortest possible time. The Manu
factory is incomplete order, and he flatters him
self tolse able to render the same satisfaction as
heretofore. He manufactures • ,
Broad and Narrow Cloths, Cassinett, - Blankets,
White and other Flettnels,
All finished-in the best manner, and at reason
able price& .Me also cards Wool and makes Rolls.
Fok the convenience - Obis customers, wool and
cloth, will be taken in at the following places
At the Stores of George dk Shellonberger, Louser
A .13rothers, Shirk db Tice, and George Rein tehl,
and' at - Guilford a Leniberger's New Drug store,
in Lebanon ' • at the stores of Shirk Ja Miller, and
Samuel 11. Shirk, in North Lebanon borough ;
Samuel.Goshert, Bethel tp.; the public house of
Wm. Barest, Fredericksburg; Samuel E. Bickel's
store, Jonestown ; George Weidman's store, Bell
view ; Melchior Roiehart, 2 miles from Palmyra;
Martin Early's store, Palmyra; Gabriel Wolfers
bargees store,. Palmyra landing; Mickel Shirk,
East Hanover, Dauphin county '• at the stores of
Mr. Eby, and 1 . :/avid M. Rank, East Han.over
Lebanon .county.
AU Materials will be taken away from the a
bove places, finished without delay,`and returned
Those of his customers who wish to have Stock
ing Wool carded, dyed and mixed, can leave their
Wool (white,) at the obove mentioned places,
with directions bow they wish it prepared. Or
his - eustinters can order the" stocking-is-idol to be
made from the undersigned's wool, which will be
done, and left at the desired place.
N. is desired that those having wool
carded * Ol pay the cash therefor at the above
named - places; LYON - LEkBERGER.
Ease Hanover tp. April 6. 1857.
Gold, Gold, Gold.
intHE greatest offer in gold pens, gold pencils, gold
AiI I chains, and gold watches, over made. Read the
A Splendid Gold Fremittni,
worth from five to one hundred dollars, positively given
to any person who can spare ono day in a week, or one
hour in a day, getting up clubs of subscribers in hie own
and adjoining neighborhood, for the best and most pop
ular family newspaper now published. No expense, no
outlay, no capital required of agents. An entire new
plan is proposed, by :which any person can succeed in
making it a paying business, who will undertake the
age ncy. A private circular, for the inspection of agents
only, with full list of prenliums, will be sent to any one
who desires it, on receipt of a hun d red preturn post
*go. some a t,
have earned.- a dollar gold
watch in one - week.
Every familyshould read , at least one Newspaper from
Nest YorleCity, without interfering with thelfLocal Pa
pers, which of course cannot and should not, be dispens
ed with. But New York being the great commercial and
business centre of this Continent, no farmer, mechanic,
prothesionalMan, or merchant, fa properly
the intergentiies able calltng, unless he is m comment
calion.with New York City, by means of one of its first
class newspaper mediums. Such a medium is our "LED.
Mille neutral in politics; but giving all the facts items
of news, and tbriffingincidents worth knowing through
out the country..
• • * A, Valuable . Gift.
Isaiah A mesrsutedimill. receive with the first No. of
ocher Of,thenew and beautiful glass point
ed indelltdeeßpuld .*JustiMported from Europe, and for
which'Wer.Wriese 'obtained tile.exclusive agency for this
country. This is the most ingenious and useful improve
meat of the reliant*" and is the only - pencil ever - Made
t will write with Wk,staking it both a pen and pencil
.0 finest qui'l:rit thkutme - time. It will last for
and forluiedial - Useldwerth mere than.any gold
urns and fell partieilar4 address
• b • ALL & WEST, Publishers, Newiork City.
connt. imppiled to the trade ataprofitable
- , LAug.26,0117.
\l t;. , a
Prontlf 410. k ,. r E s
At z: s l3. - And 30, hour;
Lumber and Coal.
5000 MEN WANTED ! to come and buy
their LUMBER and COAL at the as
tonishingly low prices which I am now determin
ed to sell at.
Now is the time, if you wish to save your money,
to come to the New Lumber and Coal yard, located
between the Old Lutheran Church and Myers-a
Shours' Steam Mill, and one square north of the
Court }louse, in Walnut street, in the borough of
Lebanon, where is a well selected stock of all kinds
of Building Materials, consisting of
500,000 ft. Boards,
300,000 Shingles,
200,000 ft. Joist & Scantling,
60,000 ft. hemlock boards,
60,000 ft. do fcnc'g b'ds.
Also, Planks, Plastering and Roofing Lath, all
of which will be sold, wholesale or retail, at Mid
dletown prices, except a small advance for freight.
. Also, all kinds of the best COAL the market, can
produce, such as Broken,'Egg, Stove, Chestnut,
Limeburners' and Hollidaysburg Blacksmith's
Coal, which will be sold almost at cost.
Lebanon, June 24,:1657;
Bowman, natter Sr, Capp's
This Way, if yaw Want Cheap Lumber.
ints u b n i der f s o i thel have late f ly en ferrd a in pag e -
Limber Business, on p a n n r e p r o e s p e l o an wtufrfespect
fully inform the public at large, ' that - their place
of business is David Bowman's old Lumber Yard,
in East Lebanon, fronting, on Chestnut street, I
square from the" Evangelical church. They have
enlarged the yard, and filled it with a new and ex
cellent assortment of allkinds of Lumber, such as
of all lengths, and -thicineSses. In short,, they
keep constantly on hand r a full and well-season
ed assortment of all kindsOf BUILDING MATE
RIALS. Persons in want of anything in their
line are invited to call, examine their stock, and
earn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they
hope, Una by attention to businesss and moder
ate prices, to merit a continuance of, public' pat
Lebanon, April 8, 1857.-Iy.
NEARLY 2 7 000 7 000 FEET !
OF the best and cheapest assortment of LrnTBER
ever offered to the public, at the new and ex
in the Borough of North Lebanon, on the bank of
the Union Canal, at the head of , Walnut street, a
few squares North of the new Steam Kill, and one"
square east of Borgner's Hotel.
His assortment consists of the hcstwell seasoned
White, Yellow, Norway, Pine & Hemlock Boards;
Cherry, Poplar, and Pine Boards..
and 2 inch Pannel and. Common Plank;
White Pine end 'Hemlock Scantling nni Joists;
White Oak Boards. Plank•andScanthnn , ”
1&I inch Poplar Boards, Plank Scantling.
The best Pine and Hemlock Shingles;
Also, Roofing and Plastering Laths;
Chestnut Rails and Posts, and Pailings for
fences and-fencing Boards;
FLOORrN9 BOARDS of all sizes Jr, descriptions.
The largest stock of Broken, Stove, Limeburn
ers' and Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, at the lowest
AV-Confident that helms the largest and best
assortment,of LUMBER of all descriptions and siz
es as well as,the largest stock of the different kinds
of COAL,
ever offered to the citizens of Lebanon
county, he ventures to say that he can accommo
date all purchasers satisfactorily, and would there
fore invite all who want anything in his line, to
examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
North Lebanon Borough, July 22, '57.
- _ —
7 - I * ,
The Largest, Best and Cheapest
.ever offered heretofore to the public,
Ororth Lebaiton JECorough,
Situated on East 4. West side of Mar
ket street, at Union Canal.
HE ulf? rs in d take this method or inform
ingcitizense of Lebanon and surrounding
that they have now on band a large
stock of. WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and are
constantly receiving additions thereto. Their as
sortment consists in part of
White and Yellow PINE and HEMLOCK
inch and . 2 inch PANNEL and COMMON
White Pm and HEMLOCK' SCANTLING and Joisys.
1 inch and it inch CHERRY BOARDS,
Also, .1 inch and ,inch POPLAR BOARDS ;
A greatassortment of good PINE and Ilsrummx.
LATHS. Also, RAILS, 'POSTS, and ready topped
PALINGS for fencing.
Flooring Boards, Doors and Window Sash.
Of which they positively have the largest and
best assortment ever offered in this section of
They keep constantly on hand the best quality
of Broken, StoVi aluLLimebui-ners' COAL. Also ,
the best quality of Hollidaysburg Smith Coal,
which are sold at reduced prices.
tzg t - Having now on hand Dinah the largeet
and eompletest assortment of Lumber ever offered
to the public in' Lebanon, they feel confident of
being able satisfactorily to accommodate all pur
chasers, and would, therefore, invite an examina
tion of their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
North Lebanon Borough, Sept. 17, ISSO.
The Cheapest Safi's
Are sold by DUD:DORE & OYES.
CV/rAraz WEDGE would respectfully inform
the Public, that they constantly receive,
from the Eastern Cities, copies of allthe most important
and attractive New Books, as soon as published, wbich
they offer for sale cheaper than they can be purchased
elsewhere. Among those lately received are—
Dr. Rane's Bxpedition, in 2 Vols.
Prescott's History of Charles V., in 3 Vols.
itecollections.of a Life Time, in 2 Vols., by S. Cl.
Goodrich; Author tifTetrePtiefirs
Autobiography' of Peter Cartwright, and other
Miscellaneous Works:
Carpenter's Assistant end Rural Architect.
American Architect; by J. W. Hitch.
Downing's 'Cottage Residences and Cottage Grounds.
The Economic Builder.
They have always -on hand a large assortment of School
Books, Blank Books and
S T A T . I 0' N E RY .
Also, Sunday Sebool Hooka, and Music Books,
, among is
"The ilarinonht 1.1nic0 5 71
Hy H. D. IHCanixT.
Also, Piano Forts, Melodeon Violin Instructors
m. 30
of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture,
Window Shades.
The NI th l y plagazine
NEWSPAPERS, daily 46 Weekly,
Can be bed by calling at theatore, on Cumberland street,
in the borough of i Lebanon, at the sine of the Book."
*3..Ordera loft with them for any kind of gooda In thek
line, will be promptly attended to.
Lebanon, April 8, 1851.
ND for any Eruption or Excoriation of the Skin,
Ma whether on the head, face, arms or other parts of
Melody. Old ulcers or .sores, and plmplee , on the face,
maybe speedily cured by the use of the Recto illistura.
'.Co those especially that are suffering from the Ellesoiv
offer esnre remedy.
From Rev. Mr. Interline, Paidor German Church, Cor.
Conway and Sharp streets:
For the benefit of the afflicted, I feel it a duty to state
what a blew/Ingo medicine, known by the name of 'fflull's
Recto Mistura ' " hoe been to me. I. have been afflicted
with the Plies for eight years, during which time I tried
-my own 'remedies, as a practitioner, and many others,
but without success. Raving heard of Mr. Bull's Pile
Remedy, I tried it ; and tho Ugh I used but one half•bot
tie, I can say that I em perfectly cured. .I also used it
in a violent cone ofFetter,whicheatoradedovertheirhole
body, midis less than two weeks it - disappeared, and
the akin bee clew% and smooth. 1 strictly adhered to
Ili directions,. - ,BABIUDL ENTERLLIM.
atld,Wholenole and. Retail ij )iy.D. S , DruwAtot,
Lebazion„ W o .-solefigo. at for iillbilApikcplaiiity,
Improved Fire and. Water Proof
DESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of gar-
1.11; risburg, Reading, Lancaster, Lebanon, and
their vicinities, that we are prepared to put on
roofs on most liberal terms, and at the shortest
notice. •
We respeetfally eall the attention of persons a
bout to build, to our invaluablemethod of roofing,
now mueh used throughout the principal cities of
the united States and their vicinities. This mode
of roofing having all the combined requisites of
cheapness, Durability, and Security against Fire
and Water, and dispensing with high gablp walls;
the roofs require an inclination of not more than
three-quarters (I) of an inch to the foot, and in
many cases saving the entire cost of rafters—the
ceiling joist being used.
The gutters are made of the same material,
without any extra charges ; consequently, our
roofs are put up at almost half the cost of either
Tin, Slate, or Shingles. The. material being of
an imperishable nature, it surpasses all others in
Durability i—besides, in case of any casualty, it
is the moot easily repaired of any other roof now
in use. Tat, 'the best proof we can offer as to its
being both fire and water proof, are our many re
ferences, to any one of whom we are at liberty
to refer.
Nlc .. l3.—But let it be. distinctly understood,
(since we manufacture our own composition, and
do the' work in person;) that we warrant all our
work proof against both.Fire.and Water.; if they
prove contrary, we will meat willingly
. abide.the
results. -
The materials being mealy, non-conductors of
heat, no roof is so cool in summer, or so wane in
winter. Those wishing to use our roof should
give the ilers it pitch of about one inch to the
foot. [may 27,1854:=4m.
54 ;
4 k 7 % - 47L"
^-z.r ' i* 4
liEg - eg m
Cita ° 0
- 4 ats g:g@ b°
tE a 2;, ,
0A : -z
=, 0.. a
. .f> c a „,
The pablie are invited to call 'at his
one square north of Union. Hall, Lebanon ' Pa.,
where he will attend personally , to all who will
favor him with their patronage.
Ile would also return his sincere thanks for the
liberal patronage afforded him since opening in
business, and feeling the more encouraged by the
interest manifested in his behalf by the public, be
enters upon a new season with renewed energy,
despatching business with apronntnessbeeeming
an honest mechanic.
pa - Terms Reasonable. Call and,R;%anii;e
Lebanon, April 3;1857.
P. S.—Also, a number of select Limegyone Door
Sille;for the accommodation of. building mon and
contractors, who would do well to call and'exam
ine. J. E. D.
R ~1110 VAL.
b a in Wu 111
THE sulmcriber respectfully' informs
.public in .general that hi is
prepared to do all kinds ofT.i.r:Or AND OthubiENTAL work
at his Marble Yard, in Walnut street, half way between
the Court House and Lebanon •IViilley Railroad Depot,
at the shortest notice, as good as work done, in any city
in the 'United States, and being the only Stone Cutter in
Lebanon county who.has served aregular apprenticeship
to.thebusineas, he pledges himself that he can manufac
ture cheaper; and give a better finish than any other
man engaged in the same business. His flock consists of
Monuments,. Grave Stones, Mantels,_,
Cemetery Posts; Furniture Slabs, Sm.
- - - -
Also, SANDSTONE of the best quality for all uses,
plain and ornamental. A large assortment of LIME
STONE for all kinds of housework, of any sire and
quantity. .Q-Please call and examine prices and the
stock before you purchase elsewhere.
Lebanon, December 19,1855.
N. 8.--LETTERING done in German and Eneisb, by
the beat practical workmen
Fancy Furs for Ladies.
TOUN FAREIRA h Co., (New - No.)818 Market
street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, Importers,
Manufacturers and dealers in Ladies, Gentlemen and
Children's FANCY FURS, wholesale and
-.1. F. & Co., would call the attention or dealers and the
public generally to their immense Stock of Fancy Furs
for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children; their assortment
embraces every article and kind of Fancy Furs that will
be worn during the season—such as Full Capes, Half
Quids, Quarter Capes, Taluiaii, Tiatorines, Boas, Muffs
and Muffatees, from the finest Russian Sable tollie low
est price Domestic Fura. •
For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fur Collars,
Gloves, Gauntlets, &c.; being - the direct Importers of all
our Furs, and Manufacturers of them under our 01111 su
pervision, we feel satisfied we can offer better induce.
ments to dealers and thepubliogeneraGythatianypther
house; baring an ininieneenesortinen't tolielect from and
at.the Manufacturers' prices. ffs.„ - iVe only ask a call.
5ept.16,'67.4m. No. 818 Market St., above Sth,
To No. 4, Eagle Buildifigs.
Fashionable Hat• and Cap Store,
Market square, Lebanon, Pa.
91118 undersigned hereby informs his friends
and the public' in general, that be is now, and
will be always, fully prepared to supply his cus
tomers with goods in his line Wholesale and re
tail, at the shortest' notice, and upon the most an
eommodatinglerms. His stock consists of Bea
ver, Nutria, Russia, Cassimere ,ltfoleskin, Silk,
Soft Hats, ,te., which he will dispose of at the
lowest prices. 'All his Hats are manufactured un
der his own 'immediate superintendence and be
feels warranted in saying, that for durability and
finish they cannot be surpassed. 'Country mer
chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in hats and
caps, can be supplied at wholesale prices, from
one to a dozen, such sizes as they may want.
15x31.,. N. 13.--Fox, Mink, Muskrat, and Rabbit,
Skins wanted, for Which, the highest market
prices will be paid. [Leb., Feb. 6. 1356.
fJ. itt. Good's Book Store.
THE updersigged„ having removed .bis Ngwa.fio
Cheali Book Store; Mallet sqUire; 2 doors
north of Dr. GUILFORD'S 'New BuildiOg, Market
st., where he will be pleased to see all of his, old
friends, and those desirious of having articles in
his line. With a determination of selling cheap
er than can be purchased elsewhere, he would re
spectfully call the attention of the public to his
assortment of
Bibles, Hymn and Prayer nooks, Mis.
-cellaneous, Blank and Schoo/ Books -
Wall and Window Pap' er,'
Stationery, and every artielein his lineof busi
ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almank'ci for
1557. All . the Magazines ancLNewspiipers, both
daily and weekly, to be bad at Publisher ; B - -rates.
All, orders for articles in his line carefully and
promptly attended, to, by the undersigned.
Lebanon, Jan. 14,1857. J. M. GOOD.
“Washington illionie,”
Cumberland - Street, Lebanon, Pa
THE undersigned, having taken this old and
favorite stand, and 'having refitted it in,.the
best style, is now prepared to aecommedate the
public, and entertain strangers and traVellers in
the best modern style. The is, ciimmedi
one and pleasant. The TABLE shall be well pro
vided for, and the BAR contain none but the
the Hotel is large and roomy, and capable of no
"eommodating agreat number of Horses.
Or' To his friends and acquaintances in Leb
anon County, as well as to all others, he extends
a cordial invitation to make his their ROVE
when visiting. Lebanon.
April 29, 1857. - DAVID HOPEMAN.
Railroad Omnibus.
A N "OMNIBUS belonging to - th - e undersigned,
li will be daily at thotDepot on tbe arrival of
the Cars to take Passengers and their baggageto
anp tartof Lelia' non and vicinity. ,:eraons leav
ing by the ears. will have the omnibus call at their -
residences in - tibia-fox-the by giYingprovious
notice at Mrs.. Itise's Hotel. The patronage of:
the citizens of Lebanon sarroundiWimun
try,„borosmegtAy ,
r 1taY10, 4 3 4 1:4105 . : '2ol= S,IYMt
Dundore. VeS
HAVE just opened the finest, largest and
cheapest assortment of Furniture ever offer
ed in Lebanon. Their store, is in Cumberland
street, between Market and Plank-road.
Their stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and
Common Furniture, which they will sell lower
than can be bought in Lebanon. All they ask is
of persons in want of Furniture to give them a
call before purchasing.
They have onhand a large assortment of Sofas,
Tate-a-tctes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and
other Tables, What Nota,
Hat Racks, &c. Also
A large and cheap stock of Stuffed, Cane-seat,
and common Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads ' and a
lot of Cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses,
—Gilt, Rosewood and Mahogany--very, cheap.
Venetian Blinds; Carriages, Gigs and Hobby
horses, for children ; and a large stook, too nu
merous to mention. Particular attention paid to
UNDERTAKING. We 'have provided ourselves
and willkmanufaeturo Coffins and attend Funerals,
at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms.
April 29,1.857. , DUNDORE & OYES..
Cheap Looking.
Gilt, Rosewood or Mahogany, or Venitian
Jacob Beadle, -
14,ESPECTAILLY hp:in:lli:the public that - he
130 still continues his extensive establishment in
his new building, in Nmberland street, where he
hopes to render the same satisfsetion as hereto
fore-to all who may Wirer him with their custom.
He invites Aferclutntsfainrlinfers'in
.tiver -l and — Shoes----4- , .
and everyone who Vf litho 8 to purchase fashiona
ble and durable articles in his litte, to Ball and ox.
amine forthemshlv s, his large,and varied stock.
Re is detiimine to surpass all competition in
the manufacture f every, article in his business,
suitable kir any,Market in •the Union. A due
care is taken in regard to materials and workman
ship; none butAhe'beit quality of Leather 'and
other materialli are used, and none but the best
workmen are employed. -
R S.—lle/returns his' sincere thariks to his
, ,
friends for the very liberal patrpnage heretofore
bestowed , on him. lie hopes by , striet attention
to business and endeavoringlo please •his custo
mers, to Merit a share ofpublic patronage.
Lebanon, Oct. 11, 1856.
- . .
S (t, ADA:Af are, readTto ready to
akeommodate OTeubody with Booth, Shoes,
Trualt's and Tiaveringbags.
Boots- 1 Shoes,
. Trunks,
rrlIE subscribers respectfully invite the attention
of the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity to an
nomination of their new ....took of goods just re
ceived from Philadelphia: They have a general
assortment of the' latest styles of all kinds of
Home:Made and City Work,
and also make to order, at short notice, any ar
ticle in their line that may he wanted.
-• Or' Don't forgetth'at the store has been re
moved from the old location, to "Phreaner's Old
Building," next door to the Washington House,
Cumberland street, south side.
They tender their thanks to their old custom
ers, and solicit a jontinuanee of their favors,
and trust that a great many now ones will cheer
them with their patronage. 'They : intend not to
be beat in selling cheap articles in their line.
Leb.. apr. 22, 1857.] .T. Sc. G. GASSER.
TKINS do MoADAIII have just received a
OM now stook of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and
Travelling bags.
Philip F. illeCatilly,
Fashionable iloot and Shoe Maker
ON Cumberland street, One door East of the
V- Black Horse -Hotel.
The subscriber desires to in
form the public Olathe has open
siih tdiiii
AS above, where he is frepar
ed to execute orders for Boots
and Shoes of the finest finish and style, and equal,
Knot superior, to any heretofore offered .to,. the
[may 27, 1857.
I rk TICINS has just returned from the city with
Mil his new stock of Boots, Shoes,- Trunks and
Trawling bags.
Cb.) or, THE
Forger Convicted.
Who has bad 10 years' experieneeasa sank
er and Publisher, and Author of
A series of Lectures at. the Broad
way Tabernacle,
when, for 10 successive nights, over
()tr. , 50,000 People
0 1 Greeted him with rounds of Applause, while
he exhibited the manner in 'which coun
terfeiters execute their Frauds, and
the surest and shortest means
of Detecting them
7 The Band Note Engravers all say
CD that he is the greatest judge of pa
l:: per money living.
Ulf the Present Century for
4E , Detecting Counterfeit Itaplc Notes.
(.. .Deseribing every Genuine Bill in existence,
I , * and exhibiting at a glance every con-n
-il terfeit in Circulation!! ' "
el Arranged so admirably, that * .
= Reference is Easy and - •
..1".".' Detection Instantaneous.
0 1 " No index to examine:
0• • . . No pagewto hunt up !
But so simplified and arranged, , that the
0 Merchant, Banker andHusinceslean can
See all at a Glance.
English, French and German.
Thus_ each may read the seine in his
CD own Native Tongue.
pq Most Perfect Bank Note List
Pim 'Also . a, list of
=All the. Private Bankers in America.
(::}A. Complete summary of the Finance of Hu
,....rope and America will be published in each
©edition, together with all, the importaut
1 119 P News of the Day.
= Also,
A Series of Tales,
From an old manuscript found in the East.
G It furnishes the most complete History of
o.a . Oriental life
, Bescribing the most perplexing positions
cp in which the ladies and, gentlemen of that
m country have been so often found. These
stories will continue throughout the whole
year,.and will 4 provelhe most .entertaining
ever offered to the public. .
^.- --.....Fliniislad Weekly to subseillidis - on:
; , -,X. ly, at $1 a year. 411 letters must be ad
tv dressed to - .
o s ;" ' ' JOHN' S. DYE, Broker.
, o """Publisber and Proprietor, 70 Wall street,
,April 22, 1857. - . ,• Now York.
LOGICAL WORE, The'Pocket Esculaplus, or Ever 9 One
Ills Own Doctor, by Wu. Youzvo, M. D, It is written In
plain language for the general reader, and iaillustrated
with npwimis of One Hundred Engravings. All young
married people, or those contemplating marriage, and
having the least irandiment to marriedlife, should read
this book. It discloses secrets that miry one should be
acquainted with. Still, it is' a' book that must be kept
locked up; and not Haat:oat the house. It will be sent
to any one on the receipt of twenty fire'iients. Addrea
Dr. WM. - YOUNG, 152 SPRUCE street; abOve Fourth
Philadelphia. • ['January 7,1857.-1 y
11lostees Liquid Nair nve.
HE following, from thit eminent Physician of Phil
adelphia, Dr. Brinckle, added to the testimony of
Professor Booth, only confirms what is evidenced by
thousands who here used litovor's Dye :
Deceraber 2 2di
"In regard to Hover's . Hair Dye, I can state unhesi
tatingly,.that it contains ne'deleterions ingredients, and
may be used with entire safety, and , with - the utmost
Confidence and success." W. D. BBIECALE, M. D.,
Haver's Writing and Indelible-inks ,
Are so well and widely known, as to require no eulogy.
of their merits, it ie only nedwautirlay, that the steady:
and increasing deriland gives fht,best-evidenMthat they
maintain their character - tor euperiorl44 7 'whieli glitha
gulehol,thenterhen first intexteueetatemrogO, •
Orders..wildressed to the Asnufactory.,2o:4ittltooe:
ceiv,e,promkratuatuctroy JOVRIMIIOVEV
Sept: 1,6i'67.4.2ipei1116,'58. atbotator
A RE authorized by the Managers to fill all er
-11 dens for. Packages, Tickets or Shares, in the
Maryland Lotteries.
These Lotteries are drawn in public in the city
of Baltimore under the superintendence of the
State Lottery Commissioner,
Who guarantees the fairness of the Drawings, and
the official drawn numbers are published in the
Journals of the city of Baltimore, with his certifi
cate hearing his signature.
One Trial may maki you Rick for Life/
Splendid Schemes Drawing Daily.
Send your orders to GORBIN 4 CO., the
Old Established Authorized Agents who have sold
more prizes, - than any other,office in the State of
. .. . .
PATAPSCO ntsitittirr. LOTTERY.
This favorite Lottery is drawn daily. The Cap
ital Prizes are $B.OOO, $7.000, $6.000, $5.500, ac.
Single Tickets, One Dollar.
26 Whole Tickets, $l6 00 I 26 Half Tickets, $3 00
26 Quarter Tickets, $4 00.
Nothing Venture. Ending Gained.
Tickets bought by the Package are always the
mast profitable to the purchasers. .
1 . For $25 we send package Wholes, Halves & Quarters.
For $lO we send package Waives and 2 Whole tickets.
For $5 we send packages Quarters and one Whole ticket.
Look at the following SPLENDID SCHEMES !
one of which are•drawn at 12 o'clock each day
of the week l'
, .
1 Prize of $7.00915 - $7.000 297 Prizes of $2O are $4.1.40
1 prize of 1.341 is 1.341 132 prizes of 10 are 1.320
3 prizes of 1.000 are 3.000 132 prices of , 4 are 528
4 prizes or 400 are 1.600 f 4.002 prizes of 2 are 8.184
4.prices of 100 are -400 i 25.740 prizes of 1 are 25.740
16 prizes, amounting to . . ... . . . $531253
26 Wholes, , $BO 0026 Halves ' $4O 00
1 26 Quarters, 20 00 26 Eighths, 10 00
SCH 11E.
. . - .
1 Prize of , $24.000 is 524.000
6 prizes of 2.000 aro :12.000
6 prizes.of 3.000 are., 18.000
20 prizeS of `689 are 13.587
20,prizes of., 400-ere t-, , ' -, .. B.OOO
20 prizes of.. , 300 are • 6.000
20 prizes, of- . - • 200 aro , 4.000
127 prizes, of lOO aro 12.700
63 prizes pi* . - 50 are' '', 3.150
63. prizes:et , „40 arc : .„. .- :.2.520
. , 63 prizes of SO are 1.890
,63 prizes of . . 20 •are ', - - 1.260
3.906 prizes of 10 are 39.060
23.436 prizes of '''' '5 are •117:180
27.811 Prizes making , $263.347
Tickets ss—Shares in Proportion.
$3O . 000 , •
, .
for the benefit of the SUSQUERANNA CANAL.
I.rize of S3OAOO is . $30.000
prize of 1,0.000 is 10.000
1 prize of 5.000 is 5.000
'1 prize of 3.907 is 3.907
100 prizes of 1.000 are 100.000
.25 prizes of 500 are 12.500
25 prizes of 300 are 7.500
66 prizes of 200 are 13.200
66 prizes of 100 are 6.600
332 prizes of 80 are 10.560
132 prizes of 60 are ' 7.920
132 prizes of 40 are 5.280
3.894 prizes of 20 are 72.880
25.740 prizes of 10 are 257.400
30.316 Prizes, amounting to $547.747
26 Whole tickets, $l3l 801 26 Half tickets, $66 00
26 Quarter " 33 00 126 Eighths " 13 00
Tickets ;10—Shares in Proportion.
We invariably ansiver letters by return mail en
closing the tickets in a good safe envelope, and al
ways observe the strictest confidence. After the
drawing is over, we send the official drawing, With
a written explanation of the result of the venture.
All prizes bought at this office are payable immedi
ately after the drawing in Current Money, and we
take Bank Notes of any State, or Bank Drafts in
payment foiTickets at par. For odd amounts in
making change we receive postage Stamps, they
being more convenient than silver. Correspond
ents may place the utmost confidence in the regu
larity and safety of the mails, as very few or no
rnisearriagei of money , happen when properly di
rected to us.. Be careful that you mention your
Post Office, County and State. Give- us at least
one.single, trial, you cannotlose much, if not gain.
One single trial may make you independent for
life: TRY us. There should be no such word as
fail. Address CPRBIN tt, CO-,
Box 190 Past Office, - Baltimore, Md.
_PIP. Orders for tickets in any of the Maryland
Lotteries promptly •attended to. Circulars con
taining a list of all ,the Lotteries for . the month,
forwarded on application. • tJuly;tVs7-Bm.
Dr. Ross ' Druk Store
Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Ps.
DR. ROSS offers to buyers the best bargains in
drugs, in Lebanon ; a long and varied expe
rience, of over twenty years, in -the drug and
medical science, enables him to do up things in
the first style. Purchasers will please make a
note of those facts.
the Permanent Cure of Neu
tgia, St. Vitus' Dance, and all
ler Nervous diseases, sold by
. Ross.
Upham's Electuary,
!ertain cure for the Piles.
.Marshisi's Uterine Cathol
m,. For the cure of all fem. dis.
. H. H. Higbee's Remedy,
the cure of Coughs, Colds
Wood's Hair Restorative,
For promoting the growth of hair, always to be
had at the principal drug depot of Dr. Ross.
Henry's Invigorating Cordial,
The best tonic in use for strengthening the hu
man system, sold only by Dr. Ross.
Dr. Hasling's Syrup of Naphtha,
Is fast superseding all other medicines for the
cure of Consumption and Bronchitis. Dr. Rosa,
sole agent.
Allen's Razor Powder,
For Razor Straps.
Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy—a pure and safe
article for medical use, to be had at Dr. Ross'.
Allen's Liniment, for Rheumatism.
Mrs. Allen's flair Restorative
Is an unfailing restorer of the Hair,
it is taking the lead of all other
remedies for the hair. Na toilet is
perfect withoitt mrs. Allen's Hair
Restorative. Call at Dr. Ross'
Drug Store for mrs. Allen's Hair
Restorative- Sec adv. in another col.
Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges
Are as sweet as 'sugar and a certain
- cure for. Worms.
Di. Ross' Infant Drops,
of restlessness s colic pains, &c., of
children. Sold only at Dr. Ross' Drug Store.
Cough Cured for Twenty-five Cents.
Dr. Ihysick's Cough Syrup is the choapestand
best remedy for CougliE,Solds, tic. Call at Dr.Ross'.
Dr. Ross' Horse Powder
is thebest Horse Powder in use.
••-• '' ' Dr. Ross' Cattle Powder
Istssttaking theplace of all other Cattle Powders
• Dr. Ross' Horse Liniment,
For the cure Of Old Strains, Swellings, Brnises,
&a.. Sold only by. De. Ross.
Fer the cure of sore, weak or inflamed eyes. _ln
•dividuals who have been afflicted with diseases of
thercyes, for months and years, have been entire
ly cured by the use of Dr. Ross' Eye Sake.
Fresh Garden Seeds
In great variety at Dr. Ross',Drtig Store.
Dr. Ross' Teller Oiniment.
Persons afflicted with totter, ringworm, audra
rions other skin diseases, will find various efficient
medicines for their cure at . Dr. Ross' Drug Store.
Dr. Ross' Tooth Wash
Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and
Gums. It whitens, cleans and preserve the teeth,
and hardens' the gum's.. It prevents and cares
Scurvy. Try It, by. all means, if ,yon value a
sweet breath and white teeth. Ask for Dr. Rosa'
Tooth Wash.
Heyl's Embrocation for Horses
Has no superior for the cure of swellings, bruises,
galls -produced by the collar or saddle, scratches,
old or fresh :wounds. AskfoiffeyrsEmbiocatiOn.
Trussesr ,,
Dr. Ross has a variety of Trussesfor infants,
children or grown people. UnleSs Itt Truss fits, it
is worse than, useless-4t , . Tie g hfs
I had an experience' of N:iN , •er . 1 18 eat ,in hrtufeh
of surgery, and adjusts'every , Trambought of him.-
61 ((lions of S'oapfOr.,-1!) ts,
• ...ofri . o.boji% of SaPonifier, costing' itt oents; l:
retake **idles of hard soapi'th' 115-0114 of ft
Withcigt anYtriaible. e•giki;
Siild i ttOlaiss:''.DfarStaler 4 A;Atuil 8,,1851.
Magnetic Sugar,
Dr.' gess' Eye Salve,
Wholesale and Retail Druggist,
Corner of. Cumberland st., and Doe alley, few doors
.1, . west from Greenawalt's Hardware Store.
Lebanon, Penna.
; ' s ' DYE-STUFFS.
THE undersigned having just received a large
and well-selected stock of unadulterated Eng
lish, French; And American Drugs, Medicines,
Chemicals, Paints, Perfumery, Dye-stuffs, Varnish,
Turpentine, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Surgical
Instruments, Glassware, Brushes, Bair Oils, Toi
let Soaps, Segnrs, Tobacco and a variety of Fancy
Articles too numerous to mention.
• A/C*BNA.
Bengal 'lndigo; Logwood, Madder, Turneric,
Annato, Ext. Dogwood, Cochineal, Copperas, &e.
Siree's genuine Ced-Liver' Oil. Ext. of 'Dande
lion,Xedicinal Wines, Brandy sold'only for
Medicinal purposes at D. S. li:aber's Drug Store,
Lebanon, Pa.
For Family Use. .
Cox's Patent -Refined Gelatine, Frencli Gelatine,
icellowcZecker's Farina, Corn Starch; Flavor
ieg Extracts,' Union, Vanilla, Rose, Oralige;Ban-
F na; Celery,: Ate.; also all kinds of • SPices, ,
s Ad cheap at Raber's,Drug Store.
• • TriVilSeS Trusses..
A large assortment of the:Most imProved styles
of American and Prenelf . ?Trusses,..idrying in
p, ices from. 50 cents to ssl 4 ' Also llood'i A'bdom
it al Supporters, Vanhorn's 'Uteri Abdominal Sup
! ..rters, Vanhorn's Shoulder 'Braces, <be., sold
eueap nt D. S. Raber's DrneStore.
For Horses anti Cattle.
poet. Pbreaner's Yellow Water powder, Con
dition powder, Ilayepo . er, t ßeinitch's German
Vegetable Horae poWder, Dre. ,T!Worley's Horse
ad` Cattle powder, Leader' it' Co.'s 'Horse and
attle powder, Merchant's' eficiehif 011 . „ Horse
man's Hope, Lininient; die.
'Saponifier, or Cohientrated Lye.
'Warranted .to make Soap with" Ont Lime and
with little or no trouble. , Dna boxof Sanonifter
costing, only 182 , cents Wlll p make O pounds of
Hard Soap, or 15 galleris Of Soft Soap.
Sold at D. S. Reber% Drui , Store.
...: Worms, Worms.,
J. •Gerhard's Infallible Worm , Destroying Syr
up, Falinestock's, GallegherS,:and Dr. Jayne's
Vermifuge, le., also Holloway's _Vegetable Ver
mifuge Confections, a safe :and , effectual reniedy
for worms. This is a delighful preparation of
sugar, that any child will eat withphmsure. Ask
for Holloway's—as none other are-genuine.-
Sold at D. S. Raber's Drug. Store.
.All the popular Patent medieines, - sold at
Clump Drug Store,-, •a few doors
from Greenawalt's Hardware Store.
July 23,1856.
MIIILADabYttiA altaittal, ..twumgi.—Estantisbed
41W twenty two years ago by Dr, RINKELIN, corner
it Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Experience Lea rendered Dr. X. A most successful
practitioner in the cure of all diseases cif a private nature ;
manhood's debility. as an inapedhnent-td marriage; ner
vous and sexual infirmities, diseases 'of the skin, and
thoseurising from abuse of mercury. •
There is an evil habit sometimes inffixlited in by boys,
in solitude, often growirig;theta manhood;
and which, if not reformed in due-time, not only begets
serious obstacles to matrimonial , happiness, but glees
rise to a series of protracted , ittsidinue,-and devastating
Few of those who give way, to thisperiticlous practice
are aware of the consequences, until they find the ner
vous System shattered, feel strange and. unaccountable
sensations, and vague fears in the mind. [See pages, 27,
26, 29, of Dr. K.'s book on "Self-Preservation:']
• The unfortunate thus effected becomes feeble, is una
ble to 'labor with accustomed - Vigor. or to apply his
mind to study; his Step is' tardy and'week helm dull,
irresolute,. and engages even in hilusPorts withiess ener
If he enumeipalb himself :before the practice has done_
its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruit
ful, and his sense tells him that this is ca used: by his
early. follies. These are considerations , which should
awaken the attention of all who are similarly Situated.
Fie who places himself under Dr. EINIC4I.II'.§ treat
ment, may religiously confide in his limer, pa a. gentle
man. and rely upon the assurance., that' the ismketa of
Dr. K.'s patients will never be disclosed.. '
Young man—let no false modesty deter you from mak
ing your case known to one, who, from education. and
respectability, can certainly befriend you.
lair Dr. KINHELIIPS residence has been for the last
I,NPUTY YEARS at the N. W. Corner of TIRED. AND
ONION streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Can have ( by gating their ewe explicitly, together
with all their symptoms, per letter enclosing a remit
tance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriatedacoordingly.
Forwarded to any part of the United States, and park
ed secure from DAMAGE or CURIOSITY, by Mail orEx
Letters containing that value in stampe,.wlll•eninre a
copy, per return of mall.
A Frie GIFT To All. . .
"Nature?a Guide," a View and: popular Work, full of
valuable advice and impressive warning, alike calculat
ed to prevent years of misery, and sere raotwasos of
lives, is distributed * without:charge, and forwarded by
mail, prepaid to any Post Office in the United States, on
receiving as order enclosing too postage stomps.
July lb, 1857.-17. .
Important Discovery.
Diseases of the Limp and Throat
which conveys the
Remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the al.
passages, and coming in direct contact with the disease,
neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough,
causes a free and easy expeeteratkm, herds the lunge,
purifies the blood, impart& renewed vitality to the ner
vous system, giving that tone and energy so indispensa.
bus for the restoration of health. To be able to state
confidently that Consumption Is curable by Inhalation,
is to me a source of unalloyed . pleasure. It le as much
under the contrWof inedicaletieritanint • li :stay other
formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases
can be cured in the first stages, and fifty percent. in the
second; but in the third stage it is impassible to save
more than five per cent., for the lungs are so cut up by
the disease as to defy medical skill. Even, however, in
the last stagri, inhalation affords extraordinary relief to
the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which an
nually dastroys ninety-five thousand persons in the U
nited States alone ;.and a correct calculathin Shows that
of the present population of the earth, eighty millions
are destined to fill theConsumptive's grave: • .
Truly, the quiver of death hes no arrow so fatal as
Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy
of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, hut sweeps off
alike the brave, theeautiful,.the graceful, and the gift
ed. By the help of =- that Supreme Being, from whom
oometh erery good and perfect gift, I am, enabled to offer
to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Con
sumption. The that cause of tubercles is from Impure
Blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their depo
sition in the lunge, is to prevent the free adthission of
air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality
through the entire systew. Theo, surelyiitt is more ra
tional to eipeet greater geed from - medicines- entering
the qavities of the lungs, than from those administered
throbgh the stomach ; the
,patlent will always find the
lungs free and thebreathingeasy, after. inhaling reme
dies. True, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless,
it acts'constitutionally, and with more power and cer
tainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To
prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of
administration, chloroform inhaled will destroy sensibil
ity in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous sys
tem, so th at: a limb may be amou tated without the aligh t
est pain; inhaling theordlno- burning gas will destrhY
Life in &fa Deena. ..., .
The Joh ale tion of ammonia will rouse the system when
fainting or apparently dead! The odor of many of the
medicines le perceptible inithe skin, a few moments af
ter being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in
the blood. A convincing proof tittle:, constitutional ef
fects of inhalation, is the fact that alehnuseis always pro
detail by breathing foul Mr: •Ie not this positive evi
dence that proper remedies v carefully prepared and judi
ciously administered through the lungs, should produce
the most happy results ? During eighteen years' prac
tice, many thousands; suffering from diseases of the
lungs and throat, have been under my care; and I have
effected many remarkable curee,.even after the sufferers
bad been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat
isfies me that Consumption is no longer a fatal diatom.—
My treatment of Consumption IS • original, and founded
on long experience and a-thorough Investigation. My
perfect sertutintance with the 'nature of tubercles fie.,
enables me to distinguish, reldily,•the various foaling of
disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper
. mettles, rarely, being mistaken even in a single ease.—
Vlifirferniliiirity, in connection with certain pathological
and microscopic discoverkter,'nniblee; me to relieve
the lungs from the iffeetir - Of ecinfrac‘d cheats ; to en
large the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vi.
wiry, giving energy and tone to theenthe system. . . • •
Medicines, with full directiens, sent to any psi-Cori:pa
United States and Canada's, by patients communicating
their symptoms by - letter. But the cure Weald be - ID
outdo if the
should pay - -me s visit, *Web
would give me an opportunity to examine the lunge and
enable use to prteicribe wittaT• greater certainty ;
and then .the cure could be . 4 5 ,,t my wing
.thenatient again., ' • : - •
, !. '
- Office, 113t-kil,kl SUaii ci:l;l:fti-bildwl,o,th
RAyz a
- .46 ,,, 46 , - h0w.,:::::........ ~
.7aly 8, 1 857—March 18,1857. ' 4IP 3, 41 •° T '.'''
Of all diseases, the grelkirei ar ia. A f.
Springs from neglect of Nature's 'MIK'
W -
C AtVi ii- G at I tTO E
4 r
Self-abuse, 'Baryons Debility, inn Glieets,"Gray:
el, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder r
Mercurial Rberdnatism, Scrofula, Bahrain the Bone*
• and Ankles, - diseasesof the tangs, - Ibroitt,Nase and
Byes, Ulcers upon. the Body or Limbs, Cancers,.
Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St.Titus' Dfrlce, anskall Die
eases arising from a derangement oFtbeizaid Or.-
gang, such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo:yr
Loss of Power, General. Weakness, lifimness of Vision ,
with peculiar spots appearing before .the eyes, Lem or
Sight, Wakefulness, Fyspepmia, Liver Disease, Eruptionef
upon the Face, Pain'in the Back end feed, Female
regularitiessaid all impregierdischargesftenn both &mete
R matrons not from whatcaufe the disease miginatede
however long standifigthrObstheate the case, Elcovssi
IS Canasta, and 'in anhorter.tinfethawerpsronanent curd
can be effected by any Other treitinent; even' after the'
disease has baffled the skill of eroinent physicians and se. -
sisted all their means of cure. The medicines- are pleas ,-
ant without odor, causing no 'sickness • and ! free front
mercury or balMm. Baring twenty yearSof practice, f.
have rescued from the Jaws of Death many ,thousp
who, in thaeist stages of the abovetedretioned sllitroaleet f
had been given up to die by their physicians,wisieletrov
rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may pined'
themselves under my care,. a: perfect and .most'i'dpeedy
cure. Secret Diseases are the greatest enemies to health -
asthey are the - firs teause of Consumption, Scrofula andf
Many other diseases, and Shbuld be - a terror th . - - thet,hu:- -
men family. Asa pertnenent cure is scsreely ever c f.;
looted, a majority Miro falling into the'biiiideoff
incompetent persone,,who, not only fail to cure .the
eases but ruin the constitution, filling the systero
mercury; which, filth the fieue,- - haststes -the anffetme
into a - rapid Consumption.
But should the disease and the 1 - rentnient not cause'
death speedily and the victim marries, the disease is en—
tailed upon the children; who are born with feeble con—
stitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus ,
which betrays itself in Scrofula, Totter, Ulcers, teup—
Sons and other affections of the Skin; Dies, Throareind ,
Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence -epsuffer- - -
ing and consigning them to tin early grave. .
SEW? ABM Is another formidable - enemy tohialfb,;-
for nothing else , in the dread catalogue of human- diem- -
ses muses so destructive a drain upon the system,
ing its thousands of victims through a few years dnint. -
fering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Ner- -
volis System, rapidly wastes awtry , the ..euergies lifer (
causes mental derangement,prevents the,,propex. devei•
opment of the system , ' disqualifies Air Mentirge,_ society,
-business, and all earthly happiness, and itemise the eat ,
wrecked in body or mind, predisposed toronstanth
ton and a train of evilS more to be dreaded alien d e ath
itself. With: thefullest confidence I enantreitheAtiffortet
nate victims of Self -Abase that a permanent Ana speedy
cure can be effeetedi arid with the abandonMait of -ruin
ous practices my patients can be restored to robust, -vig
orous health.
The afflicted are motioned against the use of Patent
Medicines ; for. there are sp.inany ingenious snares %Abe
columns' aline public prints tO catelin nd rob the unwary
sufferers, that millions have thefr constitutions ruined
by . the vile COW minds.of quack doctors,, or, the equally
poisonous nostrums vended tie '..Patetit Afedielnes." I
have carefully. analyzed .11UUly. of the _so-cello& Patent
Aledieine.s. and find that nearly all of them .imittaiO Cor
rosive Subliniate, *Mails one' of the El trottiat ;tirepara
lions of mercury and a deadly:poison, whiCh.kinstead of
curing the disease-disables the system for life. •
Three-fourths of the Patent most - roma noWin ''' use are
put up by unprincipled and ignorantpersons:wbo do not
understand even the alphabet .-of the- IlsaiterA • lllEDlC A
and are equally an destitute of any knowledgc,of the he
roan system. "having one object only in view; nod that to
make money regardlessiof consequences. :
Irregularities and all diseases of males and females
treated on principles establishedby twenty years of
praetine, and sanctioned by-thousanda of .the most - re
markable:corm Medicines . . with full directiona s eent to
any Partlif the United'States or Canadas, by - patients
comnituticating their Syniptoms by letter. Business air•
respondence , strictly confidential. Address
Moe N 0.1131 Filbertifft; [Cid We. 109,j below. twelfHy
July 8, 1857-44aidVilrf887.
The Greatest , Discovery ever Made.
Grey flair' 'Restored. to-its
former `Color, without
°veil% t!!-
ed to be, and *the most EFFBCTUAL Welch' for
Restoring GREY HAIR to its former . . count and
BEAUTY, and - .musing it to grow when it haa.fidien off
and become thin.
.tom- By the nse of ONLY ONE BOTTLE-4and in front
ten to twelve days—the Greyest Hair will assume its orig
inal, life-likenolor, and the harshest hair,will look soft,
smooth and glassy. ,
ilfifir This raluable preparatiOn liotarlircentio a bot
tle. Prepared by T. 11. .11,11051 M, 175 Fulton street,
Brooklyn, General .Agent.. Sold also by,D, liZnar., wt
his cheap Drug and Medicinal store, Lebanon, lea.
Sept. 24. 1g56.
Genuine 'Preparation
nighly Contintrated Compound Fluid
Bitract Bucha.
For diseases of .the'lliladder, Kidneys. GrateVnrolurfs
Itiestkrmsses, Obstructions, S.erret Alio/tapes, Yes,
male COMplltinti, and all diseases,' of
• , Sexual Organ!...
Arising from. Ex*ses end life, and re
moving All lirsproper thseliarges froin the liladder,..llit
neys, or Sexual OrganNaibether. exietirig
Male or.Femaie,`:, -
From ishatever cause they - may have originated,
And no Matter of 'MIAs ,. Loriti Standing,
Giving Health sod Vigor to - the Frame, and
Bloom hi: .the Pallid, Meek..
Joy to the-Afflicted!!!
It cures Nervons and Debilibited Sufferers, and removes
all the symptoms, among which will be found
to Exertion, Lars of
Power, loss of lifentory.
Difficulty of Breathing, Gen
eral Weakness, _Horror of Die- •
ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread
ful Herrero( Death, N ight Sweats', Col* Feet, ,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Delver ,
sal Lassitude of the Muscular Spite* often Enormous
Appetite, with Dyspeptic symptom., floc Hands,
Flushness of the Body, Dryness of the skin,
Pallid Countenance and. Eruptions nu
the Face, Pain in the la-k, Her
sinew of the Eyelids, Fre
quently Black spots
• Flying before
the Eyes,
with Temporary suffusion and , Loss of sight ; Webt o
Attention, Great _Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror
of Society. Nothing is more desirable to purl Po
tient. than solitude, slfid Nothing tte'y
Dread for Fear of Then:salves tus
pose of manner, no earnestness, no
speculation, but a hurried
question toant, . •
These symptoms If allowed to go on—whfeh this meet.
iliac Invariably removee=eonn follows Loss of Power,
Fatuity, and EPILEPTIC PlTS—in one of.which the pe
tient may expire. Who can say that these , excessc are
not frequently followed by those direful disiwses--LN-
S A NIT I! A NII,OONBDISIPTION . The repordsof the In
sane Asylums, and the melalichrily deaths by Consump
tion, bear ample witness to thetrutli of the& assertions.
In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition ap
pears. The Countenance is actually; sodden and quite
destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visiep it ; should
a soundof the voice occur, it is razelliirtie:nlate.
c With woeful memnres wan despair" •
Low eullen sounMhis grief beguiled."
Debility tamest terrible! igid hasßroughtkhocfsenda
upon thousand to untibiely graves: thirsblasting fibs am
bition of many nobleyoriths, At cured by,the use
If you are suffering vritlk"..ny Of thtf above distressing
ailments, the FLUID.EXTRAGT RUCHE!, will cvnre you-
Try it and be convinced of Its efficacy. '
Beware of Qnaek Nostruma and Quack. Rectum; , 1
who falsely boast of abilities and references. Cilium,
know and avoid them , and save long suffering; 'Money.
and Exposure, by sending or calling fpr a ,bottletgitins
Popular and specifi c Remedy.
It allays all pain and infianaroatioii,is perfectly-pleas,
Ant in Its taste and odor, but Immediate in itsiaction
lielmbold'et .Extract,Blichu
Is prepared directly actording to tho 'Rules of Pharmacy"
and Chemistry, with the ret*stracuiversintiChemicel
knowledge mid care devoted lir its ,combination. See-
Profiteer Degrees' Valuable Warlts on'the practice or
Physic, and
.most the jate etandard Works of Mediate.
Or 001.31:4M1 IMILD
One hundred dollars will be paid hi Stip Physician who •
can prove that the medicine ever injured a patient; and'
the testimony of "thorusanda tan be produced to prove'
that it does great good. Cases of from one week to thir
teen yeata.standing have been effected. The'masis of'
Voluntary Testimony in possession of the Proprietor,
vonchinrits.virtues and curative powers, is immendoe
embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME.-
'lOO,OOO Bottles 'rave Been, Sold
and not a single instance of a failure haebeen re ported r
Personally appeared before mean Alderman of,
City of Philadelphitg'lL T. lIELM BOLD, Chb'mlit„ - "who
being duly sworn does say.that his preparation ebnfailss 4
no Narcotic, Mereury,or Injurious Drug, but are purely:
Vegetable. ILT.IIELJIBOLD,soIe manufacturer.
Sworn and enhemibed before me this %d day of NOT. O "
her, 1E44.
P. lIIIIBARD, Alderman.
Price $l. per Bottle, or six for ss, De
• ' tibei.ed to aim Addritis,"
Accompanied by reliable and respinnsible,Certifice Ms from ,
Professors of Medical College; Clergymen and ether..
Prepared emir/old by B: T. HEL3i BOLD,
Practical and Analytical Chemist,
No, b 2 South 7 'enik,St..Velow Cliestnuti.
Assemby , B uildings,
• in_ To be had of' De'lieFebirgeßoas D. S. Ra ,,...err hei : :arki s of
all Druggists and:De:deed throughout the UMW Adis,
Canadaa and Rrltish Provinces.
. vy. • .
Ask n o amen
• •
"Cures Guaranteed.
- A G C. - 0 -I .
DOLLARS REWARD will be pall!
- 1 9 000 for any medicine that irBII eicdn this
.* the following diseases,r.zsia ; . -
Rheumatism, Nentaigia,,Suinid Affect:lona:-
'Cotiftacted Joints, CholforNaa, 10 1 4-0 in - d er
'Side or , Back, Headache,. TOoThaele, Spridnir,
Sore Throat,;Cuts, Brojaea„,
Bnrne;tsnd„ dm
eases of the Skin, Muscles, andlhe Glands.
None gendine without the, sititiiiire . ofift Jr.
-Butcher aitielna tc; .114
For sale Wholestae. !ad:, R?itage
Lecnbliier's Drugsto re, Lebaran. 1.411.116