The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 30, 1857, Image 3

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    RA WVER T R.
-; t -4 L bOOO, 186
:!i:Wo* . o ' :'; 4fftiii7g.
VeMAT 4.0
4!).TIC COLINT,r; J. ,K„T.
, Senator,-
.401-IN LIGHT, 13 4 L. Boniugh.
ADAM •RISE, Lebanon.
JOHN 'l'/OE, Jaekson. 9
HENRY • MEG RIST, Lebanon.
.JQSIAH H. RANK, Swatara.
Clerk of Orphans' Court, •
CHARLES H. MEI LY, N. L. Borough
• ''' 'Director,
HENRY FISHER, South Annville
JOSEPH G.. HELM AN, Cornwall,
*11., - "A" Citizen's" an 4 "Sigma's" commuuica
ilone kairo.been received too late for this week's
issue. They will appear next week.
pArAttention is . directed to the advertisernont
headed "Landreth's Agricultural Warehouse""---
Their garden and Fliitior Seeds are all warreiated.
pa' Prof. col J.-Wood's Hair Restorative, ad
.vertised in nuother ciolumn, is represented, lle of
the best Toilet Articles for the Hair now in use.
It will restore •Gray Hair to the original color.
ve.. Our neighbors of the Libunon Dentoitrat,
put UP lag.we:Sit new Princeton Power Preid,
with which to print their paper. At the same
time our pour* . neighbors were putting up ono
of Taylor's PresSes for their use. We trust that
both may,' in all particulars, come up to expec
tation. 1 '
%Silo The -Perseveranoo Engine and Hose, Co.,
of 'this borough, last mask, noels:ed. handsome •
equipments. In their now uniform they resemble
'"hall follows well met." It is theintontfton of the
company to leavo here on Saturday afternoon, to
attend Philadelphia parade. We venture to
say that Lebanon will boast of as good-looking
man as will bo itt the line on Monday.
Age — Titi GAilwas.ltt for the first time in this
borough on ;Friday evening of last week. 'l.t is
of good quality,, giving a beautiful and brilliant
light. The' number of consumers, we udderstand,
already : excise& llielirsaexpeetations of the coin
piny, 'although number who Will ; take it
have notyet , linen furnished the pipes and
fixtures. To'fatikikipOop . ty aq,pipos are as yet
Mick south ef. Cumberland street. The era of gas
light was inaugizrated congratyla.
tions, et eaters. '
.• - '
Jirrir OfktkuTlq evening initt, l lo o erlkihr,
- N o, 8 , pof 0. F.;eleuted,the following offi
esrs'foiftie ensuing six months
N. G„ JohnflL. Recla'rniel ; t. G. Geo. li, Rein-
Oda beeVy, Win. Match ; . Ass't decey, John M.
Sowers.; Treasurer, henry Derr; Trustees, C.
...Melly,- C. Foster, T. Reincehl, s.)
On Friday meonining Lebanon Lodge, N0..121,
elected the following :
N. G.,'Win. Atkins; V. G., Wm. C. Fauber;
Seat'y, David:, E. Miller; Ass't Stafty, Andrew
Fasnauht;, Treasurer;
Andrew Reincehl ; Trus
tees;..l...T. Blair, C. 'll. Bargner, John T. Atkins.
Ofir The uppositon had a majority of 88 in the
test Congress. , -?It was presided over by that'princo
of utitilli-tilicl . erii and abolitionists—N. P. Banks—
and yet our neighbor of the Courier has the ass.u
ranee to deny all this. What acparcol of geese he
must think his readers aro, by attempting thus to
inpase upon them ? This same Congress, with an
opposition majority or 88, altered and reduced
the tariff of 1848. The same opposition party is
now supporting David Wilmot, the free-trader, for
Governor of thie State.
BATA OF RILIff ,ASTATII.—The form at Joseph ,
Greybill, in South ' Lebanon, containing XO6 acres,
was sold last week; at public sale, to Jacob Buin
heiger, a 0 sl.ll),,6ollperncre. , ,:„,.
Real Estate , of -John Grub, don't], containing 6
acres with , builditig, was sold to his widow, fur
Mr. Jacob Siith i stad his ; farm containing one
hundred and:swims acres, to Mr. , 'Jacob Basehoro,
of Bethel township, for forty-four dollars per acre.
Mr, John Shay nos sold" his tract - of laud in S.
tdwnship, Containing - 17 ackei7and 60
liatilhOS;, to Isr, Georiie Ronson*, of , 'Lancaster,
ThWeseoutor of John *stater, deceased,. sold a
two-story log house nnd lorin Fredericksburg. to
Mies Sarah gale!, of' :Barks county, for $940;
fourteen tiaras of land to Rdward Iletrultinger, fur
$BO per acre; cloven 80f0S to hfr. Levi Paine, for
462 per acre; nine'acires -for $74 per acre, and
Wein acres of Chektnut'Sprouts, f0r426 nein.
6 acres of land, 'notate of Tobias sr.,
dco'd., mere sold lost.4votik, ,to Chirskluii, Dohner,
of Crirnwill, for; $1,026. .
Otrlrhe'Lebanon Furairiaei are not
.now in blast. They . are undergoing
re *airs..
Messrs. Guilford & Lemberger have
just received a large supply of Fresh
Drugs; Medicines, Chemicals, &c.
Mr. area's Shoe Store will he re
moved to-morrow, (Thurstlay,) to the
room at present ocenpieti by Raber's
Drug Store.
' TlfACittite Assam ATION ..r.The Teach
ers of Lebanon and North L ebanon ~4
oughs met i s the Academy, in Lebanon
on Tneibley evening, of last week and
orgatdded a society, with Mr. 'fine for
Preildent. They will meet again Oft
Thotoday eVening riqtt.
CoL Saturday eveningi as
the locomolivefiOregon," was returning
'from Annville, on the L. Ir. R. R.; it run
intoseyerai freight ears which were stand.
114 en the, track, knoUking,thern i p pret
ty exte nsively. -
TEN RIMOVAL of the Advertiser Of
ice was not effected on Friday, as an
nounced last week. The rooms were n ut
'ready. The' hegira will take place to-
Ilay(Wednesday,) in :view' of which we
issue the paper several hours in advance
, of the - usual time.
trr We have , camped or a night with•
in a mile of twenty thousand Africa n
aialagea made wild by sopeistition and
isquadente, and never have we heard
theo noise approach, in the most bois
iterouttr(evels, that made in this town on
Altlit s rilibi7 evening. Instead of imita
ting ogYiktis„,'we exceed them. For their
Mirtii•tenilificiatter bells,—for their da nee
we, f i t Ltor for tl lleir. monotonous futp
ilm . 4 ,-% ;1 „, I ) ,i sptla let loose and' fill
ihe liiiiiit:ll;qc i
1. cu and oaths. Are
we civilized ' ' ' .
BE SitisPss,mo.-F-Yersbeit assess•
el/ liXdats Ildfore ibeieleetioir to secure
, .
their rtlies. The:. electitui will he on
the I.3th of. Ootober, .bence all not an .
sessed,must attend to that duly- on or
before Saturday of this week. We trust
-that not *sine* dertroeratie'voteirill be
lost ou method of u_ieleet fa the spiels
Insets. Mr. Soho Fooliiis tbiiessessor
gr •tkieborougb'riatiiiirrifoold appltoti
lien IN riitensty.
Ortheltrineit karcurs = ion , tiekets to
; .trz
the Bdils ottlo, air (tth io I.oth Oe.
Mimi% on , thelebanon Valley Railroad,
is its follows::—,, ntz
FroLehanon, $1,20
Myerstown,'ootenti t ; Millbach, 70 ;
W,orneladorf, 607ftotesonia, 50.; Wer
nersville, 40; Sifting Springs, 30.
NEW TELEGRAM ..Lnii.—The posts
for' he' new hoe Magnetic Telegraph
between this city and Harrisburg, have
been' planted as fares Lebanon, and it
is expected that the wire will be put up
so as to have the line in working order
to that station,in in, course of a week
or ten days.--*Milig Gazette.
papers announce
that David 'Wilmot, the free-trader, and
John W. Bear; the Buckeye Blacksmith,
will deliver addresses in this county be
fore the election. Wilmot, should he
came will be considerable of kcuri.
osity,- 4 1m•heing the only member of Con.
gress from Pennsylyariiii that voted for
the repeal Of ihe Taiiff of 1842 I
' -•' Par-the Adveritter.
Rotihrq Thieves About I
Iga...untrou*:-1 was not aware of the fact that
the time has, already arrived for poultry thieves
to *ay Iheir.Unweledrue visits.' This, however, I
experienced by a prattlesl dem,onstration—my
hens haiing very mysteriousll disappeared, one
night, last weal:._ Despoiling- a him-house I eon
efder. one,df the meanest acts.. -It is very annoy
tag, to have your pullets pulled from their, roost
brsomeruthless vagabond : Is this not rascality?
,law is plain on the subject, and, a; few : exam
ples once made would no doubt terrify the evil
doers. ALPHA.
Motmorphosis of Know-l!otlangislii
Baying accidentally pickedtip on old number
Of the "Lancaster Intelligeneer," my attention
was arrested by an aecoent
.the. !fAmerican" !
State Conrention which met in ituit and I
was not a t ittle amused at the
tenni) by the Cominitteeen resolutiOnS, the sub
ittinee• of which is given as
That the "American party wascompOsed of cit
izens of America by birth or choice (!) and invit
ed all to join it who endersed.their views; that
they were opposed to any reityiotts tests being in
.traduned into their platforni: of principles ; that
they welcomed to this land fill Strangers, but were
opposed to the elevation to office of all periona not
citizens—and to the importation or.felons and
paupers— . .believing that "none -but • Americans
should rule America ;" that they were opposed to
nil legislative interference by Congress that would
tend to a disruption of the amity of the States."
Look at the glaring inconsistency! Proclaim
ing- principles in direct opposition to the very life
And essence that constituted the - distinguishing
element of the original Know-Nothing party.—
Why have they fallen from their "firstiove," and
forsaken their cherished tenet*
?Why don't they
prrit4tAviltoir apleen*.at::tsAelithrtlies.-'spleen tin
fOteligni4iiiiit. only' i f t eldniii , aalkintieke," its . they
fdrinistliko:r The ansWer to ilaili The par
people-htivAittiMied- with dis-
-gust'from its pestiferous atmosphere; the perse
cution of .Catlielies and foreigners is no longer
popular; and now the „pitiable -few that vainly
call themselves "Americans," (like the ass that
:wore the lion's skin,)inorer that -the brittle
thread. of ~ their miserable existence might be
lengthened out a little longer, make a dead man's
grasp at the Democratic tmde,tind.'hold it up to'
the people as theirs, and us sonaithing altogether
new! That their platform of principles might
smack a little of old Know-Nothingiam, they poke
in their favorite nonsense that "None bat Amer
ieans should rule America," a thing taken for
granted by all sensible people, ; and as old as hu
man goverumentitself. Why don't they proclaim
to the country that under theiradministrationthe
'thief, the murderer and the assassin shall not go
unpunished ? If they were a truly national party
they would not need to specify in their political
creed, such-taken-for-granted doctrines. The fact
is they-are hard run, and in,urder to appear high
minded and respectable, they, adopt the principles
.of4he , Detimeratie mitt:rVfitylkiicing-them with
a little greasy Knownothing trash,topreserve the
trace of their identity. So the Black Repub
licans, in their,Prosidential platform, held up be
fore the peeple the frightfid bug-bear of Polyga
my, ing though - nohodyhtiew it was criminal before
they in their wisdom proclaimed it to the world.
In the present distracted condition of the Know
Nothing party,` it isldiffieult to tell, what are their
real principles;" except their vague doctrine of op
position. As . to 'any thing positive in their creed
theY lave nothitty,,but are ready to wake up any
ghost or scare-crow, according to their condition
as a party. their palmy days, whe n " a ll
the world and the rest of mankind" had gone:
theni,.‘Oppealiicirkto'Critholics and foreigegrs"
:was their wartimy'frOrn Maine to Texas ; but now
they,weleortM to their ranks and to our shores - all
who aro citizens, whether native or foreign - hoin.
Should theY.again rise' up as a party and gain the
. ascendesinyl(whtch'iattbout as probable as the ad
vent, onieeendmniverialdeluge,) there is no tell
ing what kind of farce they would invent to hum
bug the iiicitil*• Bit their Political:go:Me is over;
the solemn fiii•be;'which held infatuated millions
like an ettehinting . spell, has died out'—the veil
'hat been lifted;tand 'the horrors concealed Within,
laid bare with all their, ugliness; the final doom,
."Tekst,".hae.been-perinouneed—and the language
of- humbugged Millionals,'"Cateh me again if you
can !" • - Theleitdere of this miserable fliotion see
this plainly, and so they think to accomplish their
'narrowtguitled,ends - by-asserting broad and lib
eral.prinafilise.- treasonable and mercenary at
heart,7;yet pdtiey Wartfethein tewear.the(garC'of
paisiotism add truth, that their mushroom celeb
rity might ogaintevive. But Know Nothitigism
has had its day ;:and, if not buried in utter obliv
ion,,witlonly he-remembered as the hideous and
fan:Weal monster of the nineteenth century. De
mocracy, at one time apparently crushed by its
sUdden onslaught, has arisen in her Jeffersonian
and Jatikson le n vigor, brighter, stronger anti more
gloriotis than ever, bidding defiance to all the
hosts of
crushed tinns- to earth will rise again."
Tlie,;Leasitma Market.
[careildiy- b
ei.rreered IFeekly.] -
LEBANON, WKDNESDAT, Stet.. 30, 1857.
Extra Family Flour, $7 00 Potatoes, la bu., 50
Extra Flottr3ft bar.. 600 Eggs. dox. 18
Extra Slifer Fleur, 550 Butter,
Superfine'll. Flaw, 500 Lard, 12 .
Superfine Flour. 476 Callow, 11
Prime Whittf.Wheat, -1 40Ham,
Prime lted'Wheitt, 120 shoulders,
VrittleAtjes, 85 Sides, 11
Cops, 65 Soap,
Oats, $5 Bees-wax, 2.5
Clover•seed, 700 White Ens, 5
Timiithrseed, 250" Mixed Bags, 2
Flax- sewl, - 1511 Flax, "0 lb , 12%
Dried Apples,* bit., I'oo Bristles. jllb., 4 0
Dried ripples, pealed, 150 Feathen. jO Sb., 8214
Peach "Sults,' 2.50 Wool, 'fllb., 40 .
Peach 1 -ilutzels," 1 25 ' Soup BOBS. 1 p qt.,
Cherries, 1.50 Vinegar;ll gal., 12 1 4
Onions, 50 otppiellutterAl crock, 45
The Philadelphia ill irket.
PHILADEDPIIIS., Sen. 28. 1857.
The receipts of Flour aro ample, and there has
been some little inquiry for shipment, but gener
ally it a price below the views"of the sellers, and
about 3,500 bbls only .have been disposed of at.
$5,50 a $5,75 for standard and good shipping
brands, and •the bulk of the sales were made
mostly at the lowest figures, showing wdecline on
- the last week's quotations of fully 25 cents per
brirrel. The home" trade have been buying to a
fair extent at from $5,75 to $7,50 and $8 bbl,
according to brand. Rye Flour is dull. Corn
Meal is also dull fir $4 bbl.
Wheats are coining in Slowii , and. are firmer un
der a fair demand, -part for shipitent, and prices
hive ruledra a 5 cents * bushel better for
p rime
lots; sales reach 30,000 bushels at from $1,25 to
$1.35 for fair to 'virile red, and $1,35 to $1,45 for
white. Rye is in:steady demand and rather firm
er, - With sales of 3,000 bushels at. 75 cents fur both
Delawartrand Pennsylvania. 'Coatis also better,
and all offered ; some 12,000 bushels yellow have
been taken at 80'etints afloat in an 0 !tore. Oats
are in faii demand, huillitiOnt 25,0 bushels - were
dispesed. of at 34438 e fOr* : piline Detawarn, a. 6 in
, quality, which is arraxivance. Some Penusylva
'nitralto sold 'at the latter price. ••• •
On the 20th inst.; by Rev. Mr. Roffman, Mr.
Michael 'Olark to Mrs. MaryA. Kuhns, both of N.
Lebanon boroug h.
, m
On the 24th et., by'Rev. J. M. Ditzler, Mr.
Reuben Spangler to M.W.2 E li zabeth Ingham, both
of Myerstown.
On the 27th inot., by Rev.- F. W. Kremer, Mr.
John M. Eby, of Niabrooks, to Mist BoSamins
Stump, of South.Lobatton,tp, this 00160 1 -
... on.tho owe the.... gad% BIte:
13121111116°11i66- 60044 ACTii*2l2l . of
(Kr Mr. Henry, of the firm .o/ Henry
& Stine, has gone to the- city for a new
stacivrofTall and Winter Goods.
German preaching next .Sabbath morning and
evening, in the Emanuel's Church of the Evan
gelical. Association.
.. .
Euglish,preaching next Sabbath morning and
evening, In the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Preaching next Sabbath evening in the English
language, in the Reformed Church.
Rev. Dr. Schmiler,,of Gettysburg, will preach
next Sunday morning*Germen, and in the eve
ning in the English language, in Salem's Luthe
ran Church.
German preaching on:Sunday morning, at the
Horse Shoe Pike, by Rev. Won derling.
On Thursday, the 17th inst., in Jackson town
ship, Mr. Jonathan Hank, aged 44 years, 7 mo.
On the 18th inst., in Jackson, Mrs.. Catharine,
wife of Robert Murdock, aged 84 years, 11 mos.,
and 11 days.
On the 22d inst., in North Lebanon township,
Mrs. Maria, wife of John'Eunk, aged 45 years, 9
months, and 6 days.
On the 24th inst., in North Lebanon Borough,.
after abrief illness, • Maria, wife of Mr.'Oonrad E.
Bergner, agog 36 yrs, 6 mo., and 19 days.
On the 23d inst, near Harrisburg,james Elliot,
aged 25 years and 5 months. ,
, Pir• Every person should read the advertise-
Mont of Grindle's Celebrated Magic Compound
and Ancient Japanese Life - Pills which' appear
alternately in'anothercolpmn: - - TheY.arethomiost
successful romedies_in the world ! Try them and
be cured.
t4t. This is to certify that I have made but
one application of the MAGIC .011. on' my fingers,
which have been drawn from contraction of the
cords, brought on . by rheumatism. It was of sev
enteen months standing and I am now entirely
cured: I cheerfully recommend it to all afflicted
likewise. J. M. FINPHOCK,
Harrisburg, 72 Locust street.
Foriht 4dvePtir6r
White Teeth, Perfaked Breath and
COMPLEXION—CUD be acquired by using the OP
TIMUSARD FLOWERS." What lady or gentleman would re
ittair. under the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by
using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers," as &dentifrice,
would not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth white
as alabaster ? Many persons do not kinver their breath
is bad, and the subject is so delicate, their friends will
never mention it. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure each
bottle is signed Eh - FRIDGE & CO., N. Y .
. For sale by Guilford Lemberger and all Druggists.
Feb. 18,1556.-6 m.
r* The Greatest Disetivery of the Age.--lt is
seldom that we - notice patent medicines, restoratives, or
any thing.of the kind,for we have a prejudice against
most of them. But candor compels us to invite atten
tion to the tulvertisement-of Prof. Wood's Hair Restora
tive ih this paper. - We are too juvenile' to require any
thing of the kind, but some instances of its use have
come to knowledge which assure us that ilia a sovereign
remedy again:4 the hair biicenting prematUrely gray. it
is übt a 'l.l.air Bye;" but upon its direct,
ed, 'the effeet is produced on the skin, which brings out
the original, native eulored hair, without stiffness, and
gives it a glossy and natural appetirance.—Xtrii Rae.
_ggi-Wr, are sometimes almost unable to describe
mar symptomS, and do not know what ails us. We
find ourselves nervous, week and physically pros
trated. We have aAerrible sinking at the pit of
the stomach; a feverish brow, fcetid breath, and
a gloomy forboding mind. Such symptoms arise
front a disorganized stomach and di.eased liver.
Hoitetter's Vegetable Stomach Bitters are so pe
culiarly adapted to these symptoms that they give
us" an app?tite, impart tone and vigor to the sys
tem, and-in every respect build up broken down
invalids. They are peculiarly adapted to weak
and delicate females. (Sept. 16, '57-Im,
Bat - ANT/EL REIGAIt; agent, North West corner
of Market and Water streets,,Lebanon,"Pa.
Aug. 5, 1857.--Im.
Hollow - IT'', Pills and Ointment.—Eruptkins that
attack the face, neck end arms arc terribly annoying to
ladies. Too freequently empirical lotions, embrocations,
washes; dm., are resorted to. These generally fix the dis
ease in the skin, the clearness, softness and smoothness
of which they permanently impair. Ladies who value
a transparent and spotless complexion, are-recommend
ed to use liolloway'a Ointment, and nothing else, (save
occasional foreentions of tepid water,) for the removalof
pimples, boils, blotches, tan. chaps, salt rheum, rashes,
and other blemishing superficial disorders. It will cure
acre eyes, relieving the inflammation and pain on the
lids almost immediately. It Is advisable to administer
occasional doses of the Pills in all classes - of eruptive dis
orders. Beware of counterfeits: see Caution at foot of
_llolloway'a advertisement.
Dry-Goods, Grocery & Crockery
EON4a,ZIMMERMAN informs hilfriends
1.1 and the public that he has just received a new
stock of GOODS for the FALL Trade; which
will be found as cheap as any stock of the kind ) in
this town, consisting of all such Goods as are
,usually kept in a first-class store. , Particular at
tention is given to Staple Goods for the Country
Trade, not neglecting the - fancy' articles for La
dies' wear—such as Laces, Lawns, Edgings, Un
dersieves, Handkerchiefs, Ac.
Gentlemen are invited to examinebis CLOTHS,
, Cassimeres, Casinets; Tweeds, Fancy andAther
Vestings, Velvets, Cords, .
In the Grocery department May , be found a
splendid.assor4nent of every need in the :=Farm=
ly:-LCoffee, Sugar, SpiceS, Teas; Itln - nre'rel,:l&
In Crockery, thestock is well soled - tett: -'
Ofir The highest market,priee will be paid tor
Country Produce: • • Lebenoni Sept. 30,1857.
Eligha Kent Ka tie.
A' Bitia b riipky-IL By William . Elder.
IN announcing the LIFE OF DR. KANE, we
are hut antiOinating the wishes of thousands and
toes of thoesinds of the admirers of that great man.
Raving been a personal friend of the deceased,
and enjoying a large share of his confidence,, Dr.
Elder well qualified to do. justice to the subject.
This wdrk will. be issued in one handsome oc
tavo volume; and.will equal in every respect the
superb volumes of "Arctic Explorations," recently
published. It will contain anew full-face por
trait, executed on steel, as well as engravings of
his residence, tomb; medals, Ace. .
In otder . to .give this work a.large circulation it
will be the IoW price of $1.50.
More than $300;000 Sold - within Nine Months
Is new iring road by more than 'two hundred
thousand' persons, Old and ,young, learned
and unlearned. It is just the book which
should be ,owned and read by every American.
500 newspipers , each .pronounced it the
most reinarkiible' and marvelous, work ever pub
lished.' The Foreign Journals and the most'clis
tinguished savans of ,Europe are extravagant in its
praise. It is more interesting than Robinson ern.
see ; being a faithful account of privations and
hardships, the narrative of which cannot be read
without a shudder. Our most eminent men have
vied with each other in extolling its merits.
Two vols.; octavo, Superbly Illustrated. Three
hundred Engravings. Price $5.00.
The United Stites Grinnell Expedition in Search
of Sir John Franklin, during the years 1850-51.
A Personal Narrative, byL.Elisha Kent Kane,M.
D., U. S. N. One volume Avo., upwards of'oso
pages, containing 200 Steel;-Plates and Wood
Engravings, including a Sac Steel Portrait of
Sir John Franklin, being thiimily 'one ever en
graved in America. AlsO li r , Biography' of
Franklin, by S. Austin Allitione,'Esq. $3.00:
This workii totally distinct from the second
Arctic Expiidition 'and embraces much valuable
and interesting natter - never before published. It,
should .be owned , bY all who have purchased the
last Expedition, as it makes Dr. Karte's Works
Taken from Life by Brady of New Price $5.
• • AnTembracing all.his Eipeditions.
Superbly Illustrated with Steel Plaths and ' , Wood
Cuts,fengraVed.under the imitiedrate.itiperintend
once of Cul. Fremont, mostly from Daguerreotypes
taken on the spot, and' will: be issued-in a style to
match Dr.-Kano's' Works. also contain a
new Steel Portrait, being the only correct like
ness of the author ever, published.
Two Volumes, Octavo—ss.oo.
BY niv. D. P. XIDDER,
Of tho•Diethodist Episcopal Church.
By Egv. J. O. Fnaroisna, of the Presbyterian do.
Tlite aew.and splendidly-illustrated work (ono
largo volume •
...SotavoA units:nu style •with the
ispetirvolurneeetrir. 3Corms*Aretieltaggrrik*
latiletisiVillSrt et the o:o4llisied'
Religions Pioflees.
Special ATatices.
Call and See the
rho, as travelers and as missionaries (and one in
official position as Acting Secretary of thtrUnited
States Legation at Rio) have, had aJorkwand ca.
ried ekpbrienee irk a land frill of bsterest,whether
we regard it in a natural, commercial, liolitical or
moral point of view. Price $3.00.
Any of the above Iverks will be sent by mail
free of postage by rtiniittriv , the published price.
CHILDS & PETERSON, Publishers,
602 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
J. 13. Lippincott .4 Co., 20 N. Fourth st., Phila.
Phillips, Sampson'Si C0.,13 Winter st., Boston.
Sheldon, Blakeman .4 Co, 115 Nassau st., N. Y.
G. P. Putnam .4 Co., 321 Broadway; New York.
Applegate Jr, ,Co., 48 Maip. CAncinnati.
S. G. Griggs .Ic, Co.,' 111 Lake it.; Chicago.
Sept. 30, 1857. ,
Farnlerc' & Mechanics'
ti a l' ttentio - n B rh - elifrienc4 P a 6 n el ci f l l l: l i 3 ; i p " ublic in
general, to the feet 'that they "%reprepared -the
coming season, to manufacture and pare on hand
the largest and:hese assortment of
ever offered to the Formareof this county, such as
Wheeler's Improvedi. 'i i itilkay.llorse-Powers!md
- : -.Threshers.; Ata anny' etnallWrlteaper and
-- Mower, with' Wood'i litte:st„improvemstai,
Coleman's Farm Grain Wills And
Fans; Gourtcy's Pattnt .Ilarrow and'
Clod Cutter; Corn PlonAbs and'Phinters;
Portable Cider Mills; Cloker-Ilullers s Corn
Shelters, Fodder Sera* and } Hay
All of the above Machines are of the latest
and best improvements, and alp all warranted, to
give satisfaction. Also,
CaNingd of all kinds made to Order,
and at short notice.• Particular attention paid to
REPAIRING, and charges reasonable,
FARMERS will do well to call and,examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere,%as they'will
find it to their advantage to parch* Machines
manufactured in their:wn county. \
„gifjr`All orders or communications brail will
be promptly attended to.
Lebanon, Lebanon Co.,Tat
sTEArti• -PEA Num MILL.
, wish to inform tke citizens of‘Leb
non County and neig'nboring cone
:4J- ties, that they are now in full °per•
ation, and are prepared to do all kinds of
sack as
Flooring Boards,. Weather Boarding,
Sash,Doors.Window 4' Door'Frames,
Shutters,'Blinds, Planing Scrolls,
SAWING, and anylotiaer kind of Sawing which
may be wanted to suits builders. The subscribers
beg leave to inform the public that they have the
latest and -best improved machinery in the coun
ty, such BS'Woodwdrth's Planer, &e., and that
they are able to produce as good work as the coun
ty can produce.
None but the best- and well-senstMed LUMBER,
will be used. Carpenters 'mid Builders are 111'6-
ted to call and examine their ready-made stock,
whieh,they will alwaYs keep on band, and judge
for .themselves.
Their. Shop is on Tinegrove Road, near
Phreaner's Old Foundry. .
Door and Sash Manufactory
Located. on the Steam-Howe Road, near Cumberland
Street, East Lebanon.
THE undersigned respectfully in
. • .... form the public in general, that they
have added largely to their former
_I ;°® establishment, and also have all
kinds ofthe latest and best improved, MACHIN
ERY in the State fulretieration, such as
for conducting the general business fur
Planing, Scroll*, Sawing., 4.c., 4.c.,
and the experience acquired by E. Longaker and
J. G.Gabel,during their connection with the Door,
Sash: and Lumber Trude, for a number of years
past, affords full assurance of their ability, in con..
ne..tion with J. Gabel to select stock' suitable to tho
wants of the Door and . Sash business in this State.
,They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers
generally, upon favorable terms, a judiciously 'as
sorted stock of DOORS, SASH, &c., from the•best
Lumber manufactories in the State, feeling confi
dent that their assortment is not to be excellaby
any other establishment in the State in regard to
exactness in .size, quality or finish, and is calculnt
.ed to afford•iliorough satisfaction-to
,all i those icho
-trly favor the undersigned witktkeir custom.:
' The followin,g - list ebinpfiseslhe leading aiti
cies of stock en hand !* ' ' '
- •Dbors, Of all sizes ;r : .Sash, of all `sizes; -
Door Frames, tor brick fraruclouses;
Winslow Tfames, for brick and frame houses; .
Shutters ,e.tillsizes .; , Architravei; , . 1 "•
Blinds; of all sizeig; • :: Casings, freni3fto fs in.;
All kinds Mottlifittgal,` Sorban ;
0. O. Spring Mouldirig, 40 sizes; Wash-boards.
Lebanon, July 15, 1857. -
P. S.—Pia/limy, 'Studing, ec., promptly dime
for those furnishing the-Lumber. ..
Opplisiie the Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot, Leb
anon, Lebanon . county, Pa.
. „
• WM. .1; WEIMER
...... eters, •mattufacture- Steam Engines
from 1-'Gi'3oof luirse power, of- the
. ( F E Jlittest styles and patterns,' with.all
tue modern improvements. Also, superior Port
able Engines (with lAA; Motion Valve Gear,}
mounted on .wheels, fOr Salf Mills, Wood sawing
and Hoisting purpoies: • • Partietileil attention is
called to our small Upright Engines for Printers,
Druggists and persons wanting a sinall amount of
Power. They take up a very small . spaee, and
can be putup in is room as a household fixture.
Also, Blowing Engines and Machinery for ,An
thracite and . other Blast:Furnaces, of improved
construction. Forge hammers, of P. L. Weieter's
Patents ; . Rolling Mill, . Sawing, Planing. and
Flouring Fixtures.; Mining Pumps; Hoist
ing Machinery far:Mines' and" Stone
,Quarrins ;
Railroad Cars, Iron Bridges, .Shaftieg, Hangers,
Pulleys, Turning LatheS, Drill Presses - , Planing
Machines, Brass Stop Cocks, Valves and Brass
Fixtures, Globe Steam Valves, of all sizes, .and.
MaChinery and Castings of every description,'
Also ' Boilers of any. .sizo, form and. weight,
made of the best material, by well-known and-ex
perienced workmen; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks,
Gas r flips, Heatersoind sheetiron work of every
deeeriptiou. fOui'Mailer sheets arc all tested by
dividing them intootputres of 2 ieches, and ham
mering each square ; any imperfection is thus de
tected, and the faultY sheet rejected; this is prac
tised in very few shops:in this country.]
Also, a stock of Wrought Iron ; Pipe, for steam,
gas and water, with all the necessary fixtures, con
stantly on hand, and; pat tip at the shortest no
tice and on most reasonable terms. Iron, Brass,
and Composition metal. Castings, made to order,
at the shortest notice i „ ..
Repairing attended to with promptness
and despatch. A gang of Boiler makers always
ready for Boiler repairs. . . •
Blacksmith- Work medal° order.
OfrOrdeisiesPecifully solicited. All commu
nications, by mail et ... otherwise, attended to , with
despatch, and:work delivered : to railroad, or ,ca
nal, free of.charge. • -
Lebanon, Febitiazy 4, 1857. .
won SA:I,E.
41JOUR, •
.1 1 g141 : 1 4.1 • • OATS,
ni OvklenstAcetti?Ps
DIYEItS I , S4Ott;
• • Lebanon,-
AT the Genesee Mills, in Vac Borough of Leba
In any quantity, for which the highest Market
prices will be paid in Cash, by
January 7, 1247: MYERS ,tSROUR.
!TWELVE good Flour Barrel COOPERS, at the
Genesee mills, inlLehanon, to whom emilitant
work and good wages will be giyea. None bat
ifolasi aunt steads wor,kmari new),
sn 7s ler WOO: efialnt
• •.: • . ,
Manure' .11Aavator, and flay
• • t EiOtator.
ANUFAdTtrittb &SOW b's , Elias Kreider,'
'Proprietor of the right for Lebanon county,
(excepting the twoAnnvilles Londonderry.
This Machine is superior to any now in use, for
strength, durability and simplicity of construction.
The Machine, when set in the form of a Manure
"Eicatrator, will' o its Work adtairribly. When the
load is drawn mit as far as necessary-, by giving a
little jerk or tap at the curve of the long lever, it
will unsbift, and the stop bar lever will fly forward
and the fork will unload itself.
The same machine, With a very slight altera
tion; will ithsWerfor elevating Hay in Barna, bet-
I ter than any kook or fork now in use. The fork
is unshifted, when swinging in the mow, by giving
t t a very little jerk at the rope,: which is extended
I down through the hand bolt of the stop bar.
Noixen.- —All persons are hereby forbid buying
or selling the above Machine, in the subscriber's
district, unless the same is stamped "A. R. llursh's
Patent, Manufaitured and sold by E. Kreider."
I am now yrepared to furnish farmers with this
valuabla Machine. :For further'particulars,..
Shaciferstown P. 0 Lebanon Co Pa:
Sept; 9,''57-2ni.*
Lebanon, Volley. Roittood,:l
semi% g r ipt r ai
Change of Hours.—Two Passenger
Trains Each Way. Daily.
ON and-after MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1857,
regular PASSENGER TRAINS will leave.
Lebanon-at 7 , a. tri., and 3.30 P. Zrscent
Sundays,) arriving at Reading at 8.40 a. m., and
5,10 p.ta., and connecting with the up and down
'Trains for_ Pali:villa': aria Philadelphia; :;coli:the
Reading Railroad. -
Returning will leave Reading at 10.20. in.
and 6.20 in., arriving at,Lebanon, at - 12; noon,
and 8.00 p. tn.
FARES Reading, 'B5 and 70 cents; Sink
ing Spring, 70 and 55; Wernersville, 00 and 50;
Rabesonia, 50 and 40; - Womelsdorf, 45 and 35;
Millbach, 40 and 30; Meyerstown, 25 and 20 emits.
All Passengers will procure their tickets be
fore the Trains start.
A Freight Train will leave Reading at 0.30 'a.
and Lebanon at 4 p. m., daily, exeeprSun days
Q. A. NICOLLS, Superintendent..
Itending, Sept. 9, 'o7—tf.
nOTINER. of Market /6 Water SM., Lebahon, Pa.,
kJ in the room formerly occupied by Jacob Weidle,
Esq.,' where he still continues to keep an assort
men tof the very best brands of Wines and Liquors
that can be got. To those who are acquainted with
his liquors it is not necessary for him td speak as
the liquors will speak for themselves. To Hotel
Keepers,"and ell others, he would state, that it is
merely ne mssary for them to call and examine his
stock to satisfy themselyes, as lie warrants to ren
der full satisfaction. . REIdAlq.
N. B.—Remember .; at W eldle's Corner
Lebdnovi l Skit. 9, 1557.
Lafayette 'trotter,
11 FITTER, adjoining A. S. Ely's Clfice,Wal-
U nut street, Lobanen, Pi, A large,and beau
tiful assortment of pixtuies from the well-known
establishment of Cornelius A Baker, always on
hand at Philadelphia prices,
tasi. All work _ warranted to give satisfaction.
All orders Will be faithfully executed on the
most reasonable terms. tax. The best of reference
, [Lebanon, Sept. 16,'57.
For the , first tire° this Fail, at
HALL BUILDING, Market Street,
• Water Cooler for .Sale.
JOI- entirely new,'ean be obtained cheap at this
office. It is just the thing for a landlord or store
keeper. [l l ebanon, Sept. 23, .
Mt. Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa.
FrayllE WINTER SESSION of this Institution
7 will commence on!thn FIRST TUESDAY of
NOVEMBER. The common and higher English
branches, Ancient and Modern Languages, with
Instrumental and Vocal Music, are thoroughly
taught. For Circulars address the Principal,
Mt. Joy, 50pti23,'.57. E. L. MOORE.
Ambrotypes, Spherrolypes,
iitelatotelpyes,-itc., -
B r A. LABBER.--I would respectfully an
' nolulec to AIM citizens of Lebanon and sur
rounding country, that I have opened a Gallery,
in Marketatreet, in North Lebanon Borough, two
doors South' of Funk lz Brother's Store, in the 2d
story, front room, where I purpose to operate a
few weeks.
By a new process, I can take beautiful likenesses
in five seconds time,
My_ terms are - such that none need lie withoiit
their Jikeness:
I extend to all a cordial, invitation , to visit wy
rooin, whether desiring pictures , or not.-_
N„Lma.,NoN, Sept:23, 's7—tf.
• Market street, between Mark'et Und
Q S. RAMSEY &. CO. baits just opened a large
U. and cheap assortment of .
Their stock, embraces all the different, styles.of
COATS,' PANTS, and :VESTS; suitable for the
season. •
Goods of all'hiuds in the piece, which tivill be
made to order at tho,shortest notice.
Shirts,.Uniler-shirt.s - and;Drawers, Cravats,-Col
tars, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas,
in short, every thing usuallrto be found, in a gen
tlemen's Clothing and furnishing Store.
S. S.. RAMSEY . & CO.
Lebanon, Sept. 23,'57. .
Valuable Town Property
. 'At Piilvide .
undersigned offers for Salo .
- (41 - the following Properties, viz:
No: I.—A desirable STORESTAND I:
and LOT, situate in part 11 1
of the Borough ,of Lebanon, fronting
Ontuberland street, between )11r. Brua's and Mrs.
ShintlePs Hotels; front 22 feet 8 inches, depth
192 feet.
--No. 2.—A TWO-STORY ROUSE and LOT, 26
feet front, convenient -Public business, situate
in.the borough of- North Lebanon, corner of Wal
nett' and Oak street, ono square from the Lebanon
Val. Railroad Depot, and two from Union Canal.
No. 3.—A One Mali-Ralf Story ROUSE and
LOT, adjoining .Y.o. 2.
No. 4.—A LOT of GROUND, with a large Snor
or Dwelling, and a shed, adjoining Nos. 2 .t 3.
No. 5.—A Ono StorY HOUSE and LOT, in the
Eastern part of said boroug,4,,eorner of --
streets, and adjoining Lot of David Royer, near
the Union Canal. , J. C. REISNER, '
Lpbanon, Sept. 23,"57.
AT _
THE subscriber, being desirous of selling his
merchant and Gain MILL, together with bis
Saw MILL and sixty-tWo acres of lend, takes the
present opportunity of informing the public that
he his one of the beet Mill Properties in the coun
ty •of Lebanon, situate. one-fourth 'of a mile from
Jonestown,- on the., Swetnra Creek, and. one-half
mile from theXplon.Canal, a t Jones
g town. This, mill, has been newly
' , remodeled .with the best of bevel
gearing. and everything in the best
„ of order, forcichereoputry.or merchant,
work. :'Tfici fond is in.dhigh state, of cultivation,
.it being lately limed-with one hUndrml bushels to
the acre, and is all under new fences. Any ; per,
son wishing to view said Property„,pan call at
mill for information, or on the subsciiber, two
miles - from Jonestown. An indiiputable title will
be given, and by paying a small adVance on the
property at the time possession is, given, the bal
ance will be set out in payments to suit the pur
Swatardtp.„ Ihseembeen.l.Bs6.—tf.
For the first time this Fall, at
SWAATZ & B ..; 0. 9 5,
i3V4DINOi #ret.
'• •: •. .
ratilllE 'UNDERSIGNED, having taken. the
lir COACH-MAKING Establishment of Mr-
LEVI LIGHT, on the Turnpike, at the East end
of Leintrai, wish respectfully to invite the Tub
lie attention to their business. Each of us having
served regular apprenticeships to the business,
and having had ,lunch experience therein, we feel
confident of our ability to give satisfaction. Ev
ery article manufactured at our establishment will
be under our personal supervision. Wo shall
keep on hand. READY MADE • 2
No:Lich will be warranted of the most superior goat;
Wo will also attend to REPAIRING, at
short notice. " . 441... None but the best workmen
wilt lie employed in• any branch of the business.
We cordially invite 'the publio to give us a call,
and we will guarantee, satisfaction.
Sept. 2, '57-6m: FAUBER ct YOUNG.
q HE undersigned Conunissioners, named in the
A Act of Asscinbly, passed --,-,-, 1857., entitled
"an act to incorporate the LEBANON VALLEY
BANK," hereby giye
~.notice that in pursuance of
the n authority vested in: theni„-they will open on
WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of OCTOBER. 1857,
books for receivine:Subecriptions to the Capital.
Stock of said Bank, at Reinhard's Hotel, and on
that day, and the ftve:next succeeding days of
that week such subscriptions will be received
there, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2p. ta.,
until sufficient subscriptions shall, be received to
organize said Bank -agreeably to law.
JOHN illtlilliNEß; 'i :
JOHN HARPER, %,44# Lebanon, August 26,1817.
• A". 16 W S
. le4 dap liavirE,
leaving Frederiek.sburg every morning (Sun
days excepted,) at 64 o'clock, and will, leave Leha.
non on its return on the arrival of the Philadel
phia and Reading line. ".
-ffilir• Through Tickets, at a 'reduced price, can
be secured at Philadelphia'a iteeding, for Jones.
-town or Fredericksbarg.. ' ' . .
'ffi4-11P This is a four-horse 'Poach, and the line
' , ,Cill lielteptinthebesteundtion., - None but good
Horses will be used. .' '
The public patronage is respectfully solicited.
The Stage Office in Lebanon will he at Reinhard's
lintel, and at Fredericksburg at Bate's Hotel.—
The Coach will be at the Railroad Depot to meet
the train. TOBIAS BARTO.
July 1,1557.-3 m
Dwelling-House and Store Stand
• • For Resit:
THE Subscriber offers for rent for one or more
years, the building for &longtime Occupied by
him its "a residence anClßboe-store, on the corner
of the f t:Bey between Brua's Hotel and Pincgrove
street, Cumberland street, Lebanon: The build
ing is large, well 'provided with collar, stabling,
&e. The corner- room is well calculated for a
store stand, and if rented for any such purpose
will be well furnished with shelling, ,te. For fur
ther information apply to
03' The property is also offered fur sale at
private sale.
Woodland for sale.
l ef+7X-32 THE undersigned' of-
fers at Private Sale,,
(more or less) of excel- _
lent WOODLAND, the half of which is good tim
ber, situate in Union township, Lebanon county,
near the Big Dam, adjoining land of Jacob Hun
sicker, Emanuel Fey and others. Erected on the
premises is a good two-story log DWELLING HOUSg t
as good as new, good Stabling, and a well of nev
er-failing water. It' will be sold cheap. Good ti
tle and possession given on the Ist of April, 18-
55. For further information apply to
N. L. Bor'o, may27,'57. DAVID BOYER.
t h i e s h u e n r d e e b r y s i inveedn t c o fo a r l m lp er e l r y s oennsgiangdeedbitn
the SHOE MAKING business in Swatara tp., a
bout 3 miles from Jonestown,) if payment is not
made before the ensuing 13th day of OCTOBER,
that he will sell said accounts, doe., at PUBLIC SALE
on said day, at the public house of Christian Zeh
ring, in Jonestown,..4 1 o'clock P. N. ,Said ae
counti, die undersigned, have
now been running long enough, and be is deter
mined to tie° whakthey are worth.
Davit/ Darkesis authorized to make settlement
and gi've receipts for the - undersigUed. previous to
said day of 'Sal& SAMUEL K..DARKES.
Sivatura tp., Lebanon Co., SepLA
Valuable Borough .Properly
IS offered at private sale, that valuable half-lot
or piece of Ground, situate' at the nortii-east cor
ner of Walnut and Water streets, Lebanon, front
ing 33 feet. on Walnut street end 80 feet on Water
street, at presentoecupied byJohn Farrel's Marble
Yard, on which are a FRAME 'SOUSE, &c. It
is loeased within a square of the Lebanon Valley
Railroad Depot, between the Deput and the cen
tre of town. For farther particulars apply to John
Farrel,• on the premizet. ' ; [June 24,,1857.
THE Pennsylrpnia State. Agrioultural Soeiety
1 7 ,hold'its_,Serenth annual Exhibition at
Philadelphia (Powelton drounds) on the 29th and
20th nf. SEPTEMBER, and the Ist and 24.1 days of
OCTOBER next. The usual redUetion on passen
ger fare and free passathe for stouk,.will be fur
nished by the Railroad Companies.
The books of entry will be open at Philadel
phia, on and after the Ist of September.
Milled's, Sept. 2,'57-st.
zuaz s m,warstur ffi u s
41111-4111:1111 WIN ADIVAiii
Market jtreet, HALL BUILDING.
SWARTZ la BRO. have just returned from Phil
adelphia with a splendid , assortment of FALL
do WINTER Goods ; new styles of Ladies' Dress
_re) . -- Please Cull and Examine. - 14
Lebanon, Sept. 9;'57.
New tivery Stable.
.. THE undersigned has establish
• the Eagle Hotel Stables,. Lebanon.
" He has good and safe- Herres, Car
▪ ful Drivers, which he will hire on
fair terms.- He hopes by being attentive to busi
ness to receive a liberal share of public patronage.
Apply at the Eagle Hotel- or at the Stables.
Lebanon, aug. 19, '57.
IN the Orphans' Court of Lebanon county, Penn'a.
Estate of PHILIP IMBODEN, dee'd.
THE Auditor appointed to report distribution
of balance in hen& of. Samuel Imboden,
,viving Executor of Philip Imboden, tlee'd., will
attend for that purpose at his ?thee in the borough
of Ledarien, on MONDAY, the'l9th day of 0 °To-
DElt, A. D. 1857, at 19 o'clock, in the forenoon.
When and where ell parties interested are request
ed to attend. ANTHONY S. ELY,
Lebanon, Sept. 23, '57. Auditor.
IN the matter of the money raised on the sale of
the Beal Estate of JOHN WEIDMAN, Of the Bor
ough of Lebanon, Peon'a.
!Vs Etindersigned Aud tam a OtKin ted hi the Court
of Commim Pleaa of said county to make dis
tributioe. cif said Monies,l6. end among his credi
tors, wiiLmect the parties dut.erested at his Office.
in the .borough of Lebanon, Ponn'a., on TUESDAY,
the 20th day of OCTOBER, A. A.-1857, at 10 o'-
clock, a. at— at which time' said dietribution will
he made.- All the creditors:ineluded in.the judg
rants will exhibit theirotividenee of debt, whether
bonds, notes-or .otherwise, to the undersigned on
belt:ire said day. Abrill.ONY E. ELY,
Lebanon, Sept, 23V57; ^ AuditOr:
far' . Well, Patin', Wlfeie Have You Baur& -%k‘
way, I have been at the, STOVE STORE of JAMES
T. N. ROG HIM aud bought one of his superior COOK
ING STOVES, as he has just returned' from, the city and
broiled. ono of the largest-assortments of
STOVES'ever brought to Lehari ';
My neighbor got one from hint. and it is the best Cook.
Jug Stove T ever RIM. They can Bake, Boast. Conk and
Wash at the same time, if they wish to, e n d it does eve
rything to perfer.tion ; 'I was determined to get one of
the same sort, end the best of he warrants every
COOKING STOVE he Fella to do as be represents.
A few more of the same sort left, with a general as-
Parlor, Hall. or Dining Room Stoves,
which will be sold cheap. With a till saPortment of EIN
and SH.E.ET IRON WARE:generally connected with hh
business. Op All wor#entkneted to him will :be done
With netan apd i• , • - - • : •
Public .7rotice.
Orphans! Court Sale.
URb U.SNT to order of the Orphans' Court
-of Lebanon County, will be sold by public sr
or out-cry, the following
late of Jason B. WEinstan,"Esq.„ dee'd, to wit
Ou Tuesday, the 6th day of, October, A.. 0. 1857,
Will be sold
,at the public houso of ADA at Haag . ,
in the borough of 'Lebanon, Five Inn-Lots and
Pieces of Ground, situate in the aforesaid Bor.
ough of Lebanon
NO. I—A ceitain - MESSUAGE and LOT OR
PIECE OF GROIJND, adjoining and fronting on
the south a, public road domidonly called the Old
Forgerciad, and.on the west lands of Samuel Bar.
beson„ and on the north the Lebanon Valley Rail
road; and dif the east ari alley, containing TWO
PERCHES, neat measure.
NO. 2—A certain MESSUAGE,.LOT or PIECE
of GROUND, situate in the Borough of Lehanott
aforesaid, adjoining and:fronting on the Lebanon
'Valley jtailrOad on the south, lunds of Samuel
-Harbeson ore.the west, the Borough lino on the
north, and an alley-on the east, containing ONE
ACRE and :Ttritert , ONE PE RC ES, neat measure.
Of GROUND, 'situate in the Borough of Lebanon,
aforesaid, adjoining the Lebanon Valley Railroad
on the south, lauds of-Thee. P. Frantz on the west,
theoLebanon Borough line on the North„and land*
of Samuel Harbeson. on the east, containing TWO
ACRES an , „ BEReilts, niatnieusuro.
NO.4=-A certain MESS UAGE, LOT or PI ECE
of GROtiND,aituate in the Borough of Lebanon
aforesaid, adjoining a . public road sometimes call
ed the Old Forge road oh the south, land of Theo,
P: Frantz on the west, the Lebanon Valley
roadon themortlt, and lands of Samuel Hartmann
OH the cast;containing Four., ACRES NJ.NETT
EIGHTZPERCHES, neat measure.
N 0.5-4 certain AIESS IIAG E, LOT or prEcr,
of GROUND, situate in the Borough of Lebanon,
aforesaid, fronting 66 feet on Mulberry street. or
•Manbeiin and Lebanon Plank Road on the oasts
and itdjoining,the Lebanon Valley Railroad on the
south, an .alley ou the west, and lot of George W.
Kline, Esq., on the north, containing FORTY
EIGHT PERCHES, neat measure.
: 7 141,.. The foregoing Messunges and Tracts of:
Land will be divided into and laid out in suitable
and convenient BUILDING LOTS, and will be
sold either in the Whole or Lots, as will beat suit
purchasers and demand the highestaud best prices,
pa. The terms for the rale of the, foregc:inu. Lots wil4
be wade known by the undersigned en ihe dey of stile.
On Wetleafing, the 7th dog of October, A. D.16.:4 - ,
Will be sold at the public house of ADATI LIAA It,
in the Borough of Lebanon, the following Prop
erty, situate in the said Borough of Lelenom, - viz:
and:LOT OF GROUND, with the appurtenances,
fronting 48 Tect on Market street, adjoining hot of
George Derr on the south, an alley on the west,
lot of James Laseenib on the north. The improve.
monis thereon being a one-story Log and Weath
er-boarded HOUSE and other out-buildings:
NO. 7--A certain MESSUAGE and HALF Lea
Of CIRO tfiTl), fronting 33 feet on Market street, ad
joining Lot of Mrs. Maria !dish 0:i the north, on
alley on the east, lot of Ditu'l Good on the south.
NO.B—A certain two-story Brick D wel- 1
ling House and Half Lot of Ground, with .iii'
the appurtenances, fronting on Market et., 11l
adjoining lot of John G. Snavely on the north, au
alley on theorist, lot of the Evangelical Lath. Con
gregation on the South. It being the same House
in which the Post Office is kept by Mrs. Ruthrsair.
At the same Hine and piece. will he sobl—
All that certain MESSIJAGE and Tasci of LEY;
situate hi the township of Swatara, in the county
aforesaid, adjoining lands now or late of George
Steckbeck, lands now or formerly of John Tice,
lands now or formerly of Michzel Shally. and lands
now in the possession of George Mein:, Esq., con
taining NINE ACRES and 114 PERCHES, he
the same more or less.
tn., The terms foe the sale of the aforesaid premise%
will be made knownon the day of sale by the underbigood.
Ad nere of the Estate of JA.cOll D. WLIIMLN, deed,
Leber'Oo. Sept. 2,1561.
THE undersigned offers at private sale his ran
i ailment estate, situate in East Hanover town.
ship, Lebanon county, about 2 miles from Harp.
er's Inn, 4 miles from the Cold Springs and the
Dauphin and Susquehanna rittilroad, as follows:
NO. I—Contains 160 ACRES, more or less, of
the beat land in the neighborhood, adjoiningprep_
arty of Miehtel Deininger. Johu Dotter, and oth
ers. The greater portion is cleared and under
• i , ood cultivation. The buildings
a , erected on this tract are the under
-4 i 4" , ' .dgned's well known Cloth Manu:
ti. N '!•,A, ;
~ -,i,4., factory, which has a large patron.
,'"''''''' age and is capable of indefinite in.
crease; a large two-story double Stem: Dwelling
House, with kitchen annexed; good two-story
Farm House:' Tenant House; large stone Barn,
with threshing floor and Sodding; and other on t
buildings, in . good repair. Also, all necessary
buildings for the Manufactory,viz :.--Fu Ilia g-mill,
Card and Spinning Machine building, Dyeing, and
'Finishing House, the., Ste. The Works are all
well supplied' with good Machinery and plenty of
water power. A stream of good water is led to
the dwelling-house in , pipes; also, ~, ..1 , ,,, ,
springs and-pump-wells near. Also, ar t . ,
beautiful Young ORCHARD on the .6; ,A,„.`
premises. .. • , . ....
NO: 2—Contains 160 Acres, (more
or less),adjeining No. 1, laud of Michml Deining•
er, John Dotter and others. Nearly the whole of
this tract is under good cultivation and excel
lent fences. Erected thereon is a
4 , Dwelling. House, stable, and a large
a . Shed. Also, near by a well,- spring,
a .- ! Ito., a splendid site for the erection of
ii,l-' i
'" 4- a dwelling. house. There is flowing.
water in :nearly every field. A School House is
located on this track
NO. 3—Contains 180 Acres Wood- • -.: zs
land, - (more or less,) adjoining se. I, ' : 4 7
land .of John Dotter and others. It ~ - 1,
has a rich growth of Chestnut Sprouts, _
from 8- to Hi years growth.
As.thelundersigned is sincerely disposed to sell,
the above may be purchased either in parts Al
above or in the whole, as may be desired,
Good title and possession will be given on the
let of April, 1853. For further information cp.
Aug. a, '57-tf. East Hanover, Lebanon Co., Pa.
Private Sale.
THIS has been a Hotel for the last
i; 40 years, and is well known over the
State as REINHARD'S HOTEL, and
" most central and best located in
this Borough. It is located on the
corner of Cumberland and Walnut streets, directly
opposite the Court House, and but two squares
from the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, on the
same street, (Walnut.) it fronts 45 feet on Curu
berlard and 105 feet on Walnut streets, 30 feet on
Walnut being 60 feet deep.
The Building is a three-story STONE HOUSE,
45 by 38 feet. The third story was put on net
long Since and the whole house remodeled, with
a frame Kitchen. Also, belonging to the proper
ty, a newly built stone STABLE on corner of
Smoke and Jail alleys, on lot 66 by 64 feet, with a
good Cistern,
km., thereon, and closely situated to
the Hotel. Also an EATING .SALOON in the
Basement of the Hotel, which brings a good rent,
Pa` This is a choice Hotel property ; has an
excellent county and traveling custom, and has
been the Stage Office for some time. It will be
sold rcasonably,and terms of payment made easy,
Lebanon, July 22, 1857.
Desirableßorowrit Properly.
wHE subscriber offers at private sale his now
Two-and-a Half Story
Brick Dwelling Rouse,
situate in Market street, west side, near Strickler's
WI; in the borough of Lebanon. The Lot fronts
33 feet, and is 193 feet in depth. It is bounded
on the north by property of Abraham Strickler,
and on the south by property of Jacob Rosdle.-..
The house is a largo one, containing, 12 rooms,
well arranged for a boarding house. The other
improvements are a Stable, pig pen, both as good
as new; a variety of boaling fruit trees, the.
For terms, &e.,
apply on the premises to
Lebanon,Sept.2,l7—tf. JESSE 001(15.
fl the Court of Common Pleas of LellanAtt ,
Estate of MILLER H. STAALT44rt y Said
limilHE undersigned Auditor stittirti hands of
la" Court to distribute thetid st aru b ach,
Daniel Urich, assignee of4td.for that pur.
to and among creditors of Lebanon, on
pose at hi*, office in tligbol OCTOBER, A. D.
TUESDAY, theirk which time and place
1857, at oneo'el e Off please present them duly
parties having, ANTIIONY
petialli •