The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 30, 1857, Image 2

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    Itinntin at[Vati,get.
Lebanou, Pa.
Wildril;l4l F. Pia CIVER )
'Of Ls6onling..county..
Of Ctiester. County
itexifiaostinr - STR woo-,
Of Berks Cpunty. '
Of Erie -
The Reading Cotton , Factory bas ceased
operations on account of the. high ., price of cotton,
end the impossibility of .findiera market foi their
manufactured goods at rcraunerating prices: -
o- tins so severely
Wired at the *Wel' at"frailotozi, takeruo'coin
ty, some three weekivio,ldieit from itsOffeefs 'on
Friday a week': Ile ahs ‘roustit to Lanehater,
and'buried on Sunday the 20th fast.
Goy.. Ponook, recall tly,was present at a Itepuh-
Haan meeting in Loc4 Haven. Tie was called up
on for a speech. „lie excused himself, but urged
"all to vote; Republicans, Americans, Whigs, and
Democrats, as ths &pleased !" • This is ,non:. rep
resented by the 13: B. press as a.Wilmo.t qpeeph
rIIPORTS 'AND . EXPORTS.—We quote from the
New York Morning Expre'ss ns follows !---"0 ur
druports and exports, as eoritpared With 1858, show,
the following results : .
1656. 1857. -
$311,639,942 $360,990,111
326,964,993 362,949311
E p rts,
BIM! of exports, $12,234,966 - $2,059,003
CURIOUS rNOOtiSISTEIWY. , —Missouri, WO TWO told
in theregablican organs, and very exultingly, will
isoon abolish slereryz:---as the recorlt election indi
oates-but-Sanssrs, which borders upon Mismittri,
..(to be froo,) and upon Nebraska (free) and in the
neighborhood of lowa (free).will be "slave-,--if
we doieteleot gcivernor, legislature, elratuissio ours
and registers of deeds who are the "friencleof free
afternoon the lightning struck the Methodist
`filuti!el on Purchase street,N'ewburyport, and set
it on &re in three pl'aced.`'N'hYl Gam , 're was extin
guished before it had done touch &Mao; Ono
•lady residing in the' vicinity was se 'effected by
the electricity as to be unable' to speak for siime
minutes, and 'another did not recover for an hour;
but the most singular effect 6f the lightning is de
scribed in the Herald:Which says that a little dog,
in ono of the houses, being missed after tbeslinw
er, was found in a pitcher, scarcely as big ns , his
body, into which he had jumped, leaving nothing
but his tail in sight to tell of his new location.
' lust- No sooner was the' announcement made' Of
the suspension of specie payments by : the Phila
delphia banks, when the banks in other sections of
the country ftillowed suit. There was no excite
ment, however, attending the suspensions in places
out Tkijadelphia,s; At..Sattirday the Baltimore
Banks, Washington Hanks, Pittaburgßanks, Van-
Closter, York, and Harrisburg, all suspended specie
payments. From the Money article of.the Phila
delphia Butleti a of Saturday afternoon we take
the following; which puts a better face upon the
aspect of affairs
The excitement that existed yesterday hits sub
sided very much, and it is hoped•that aresumption
may, net be very, far distant,. Moss of the banks
forfeit their charters by a suspension of specie
payments; hut their is some talk of 'urgipgetlie
Governor to assemble the Legislature for thasake
of.getting some special action to relieye ;them in
this emergency. There is. no pqrtienlar ineon
venience milking as yet from the stapelision:'', trt
most of the' Hanks specie is given for ncitkis',Of
small denominations, and there is an abundance
of coin in circulation.
• The Proprietors Of the Philadelphia Time
have been connoted of libelling the editor of the
Ddily Nem, in stating that he was boughtby the
4 to'cofocos i " and "Locofeco" Money, last fall, to
the• support of Fillmore. The'defence did not at-.
tempt to prove' the charges. they. ; ffiefily
made.' On the other hand, Mr: Swoope, the. Chair
man of the "American". State Committee, pub
lishes a lilt of ,Peunsylvania newspapers, with the
amount received by-each, for supporting' Fremont
last fall. The amounts range from $lOOO down
to $l5. We are sorry for our Republicans friends
on account of this exposure, but at the same time,
wbett we remember heir pertenaciously .they
charged thet.Dernocracy and the "Americans". last
fall with bribery, we cannot condentaits justness.
11 was a "stop thieritriek with them.. While
they aremAinkling tiol money in their pockets
:with which they were themselves,bought, they
charged better men than . themselves with. their
own pril deeds. Chickens come Immo to roost.
%ft... 125 workmen were discharged last week
from the 'Reading Railroad CompanY's orkshop
at Reading, and 120 temporarily suspended. In
other sections of tho c'ountry, infirm facturing works
have stopped, thus throwing old' 'of enPlOy
merit a large' number of people. This is ono of
the saddest results of the monetary panic. It is
earnestly hoped that these evils may ho merely
temporary. 4'he country is in a healthy state,
the crops are abundant; and it is hardly possible,
iffipptiri to •us, the present panieshould be
of long continuance. Let everybody try to
the excitement, and mutually encourage and as
sist each other, and the storm will soon blow over.
„WY ARAB STEEDS.-At an agricultural fair in
Lexington; Ky., a few days since, Mr. A. Keene
Richards, of Georgetown, Ky., exhibited his
splendid Arabian horses, Mokladi, Massoud and
• Saeklowre, and two Arabirnimares. All the best
'sneers in Europe and America are said to be de
rived originally from Arabian stock, and hence,
toidirknve •the American breed of -horses, , it is
'deemed best to go to the Arabian stock itself, in
” stead Of-importing English descendmi l ts thereof.
Tbeier Kentucky Arabians were. bred :by, the Be
douine. One of them, Massoud, ayleki9hestnut,
fifteen hands high r has great action ana power,
and` is said to be altogetlyillormottlie finest hor
ses over seen in this condfly,
One good mule team, says Jnd ee
thitorte,. *could 'hard . fill' the Democrats
gu' of radford and Tiba'a counties, at
time.--Blaek Rep'pa'pers:
Act wonder I It is.oniti there are peo•
'pie •in the above.t‘benigh led region" so
•affon, which
irty miles,
teels would
spine how•
: sad on po
wer by the
was drawd
Fiala Wl' Phila. Press' ofSaturday
Suspelasi*,,of Specie Payments.
The: Panic at its ; Ir. vigh;4lntense Excitement in
Various sections of theCity.—" , Aun"iipon the
' 1 Bhult ArTalk Ciftho streets. ':(:-
lOr- a graMber-Ot Ways Past Monetary. affairs in
our city hove been decidedly unsettled; but it
was not until yesterday that the full dreet of the
rumors which, hare been extensively circulated
;T rffirtiFirte sonie ainic tr atrinuaks was generally
appreciated. The immediate effect of these ru
mors has increased ',the' public unntSiness -recently
manifested; 4ntrliaseaustd an almost unparalleled
state of excitement in all classes of the communi
ty. The monetary troubles reached their climax
when` it was. announced yesterday morning - that
the Bank of Pennsylvania bad suspended its spe
cie payments. A "run" was at once commenced
on most of the city bri4,a, Note holders were de
sirous of obtaining specie for their paper, and some
- Wee depoiitors •beerinan'seired rind withdrew
4heir deposits. - .At sexeral of the banks, including
tho Bank s of PennaYlVriniti, crowds commenced
gathering as sotin, as ',the doors were opened, and
the tellers hadtheir hands full exchanging gold
and silver for paper. T,,tto banks redeemed their
notes as feat as they_ we're offered, bat throngs of
'curious lookerslmi` oecuPied the side-walks and
earneitli discussed t the extraordinary - position of
allairs during thVbrenoon.
The Ba:ak of Pennsylvaniaopened in the morn
ing, but file doori l ware aeon closed rigiiiii'
Verylarge crowds of people gathered in the vi
cinity of the differp.C.kanitiug institutions, some
attracted by intereit, and others by curiosity.—
Timid people were oktiri full force, abneSt quak
ing with fright,litial ,: impressed .witiv.thelilea
.that all ,the bank . vni - - 14: their possession were
just about as iiikiali [re
,Woot,e paper-
ns' ik..t. a late
hour in theloreninni; Oeffieiallibtieief.tintAns
'Pension rot the Banit'of Pennsylvania was exten
sively, circulated as 'fdllows: • •
~. . e
.., _ „ i .„, n ,
. PHILADELPHIA, cent. 5, e7.l'
/‘This tank having been corn penalise. temporarily .sits-
paid *Me payments; the flonrd of Direbrove ,sure' hit
persensliuring claims against the . Bank, whether of
vircelation,,peposit, or , otherwise, that co toss Qv; Foe-
it- :41
"By;oxlip", spa on behalf of the Board of Dicootors.
-Tnos. ALL1110:3;E Prond t
Nunilteriof exeitedindividitalsgatheied ih front
Of the gates on Second, Bank, and Gold 'Streets,
.leadin to thy, pennsylvania lianh, but no person
wis allowed '6 .) enter - 1-hie 'institution unless he
had business to transact. ' -
It was not it little auxusint - toiwitness the vari
ous ludicrous scenes which transpired during the
day.. It appeared as though the whole male pop
ulation had found - its way to the eastern - section
of the city, for the streets east of Fifth were dense
ly thronged, and special details of - policemen from
the- different wards were lie 'Scattered
along to keep . the crowdnming,iti the gangways.
In every community there, is: a Blass known as
"talkers;', and it need hardly be 'said that they
figured'inestmonspietimisly'yosterday; Here and
there -they were gathered in groups, engaged in
earnest conversation on the ability,of -the, banks
to-uient their liabilitieS; and one would in fM:I; from
their excited manner and tiercegoaticulation, that
the ; institution _in which all : their deposits were
made was either abodt to break., or An, great dan
'er of'it, fact,' the truth were - told, the entire
party could only lioaStbf "tiiiry red:" • The "bulls"
'aud--bears'.' were in amicable -discourse, viewing
the subject of the "run'',',,in different lights,
Ate suppose that during the day we were salut
ed over adozen of tunes With the queitioris; "'Have
,yob got year money-out?" - "Bus Red Bank fail
ed?' "Itaye-wim suspended yet ?"See;, to all
of interrogatories - we replied' in the same
spirit of jest and auinseinentwhich suggested them.
umurous similar questit ns _were propounded to
each other by netwaintances us.tbey . met at differ
ent`plaetA. - The best good iemper prevailed, and
the crowd was, in the-main, in the Meet cheerful
. Some of those who had joined in the rush for
specie came out of the doors of the banks jingling
their "shiners,' but seemingly at a loss what to do
with their cumbrous "piles." At several of the
hanks there were many who repaired to the reeMv
iug teller's desk with new deposits, and we have
no doubt that some of the specie drawn on the
spur of the moment, found. its way back again
turough the hands of the receiving tellers. in
trout of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, on
'Chestnut street, above Fourth,.we saw an 4)verjoy
ed individual; who appeared from the !tura! dis
tricts," who had two bags of gold with him, which
iu his joy at having.secureehis funds from the
-"general wreck" he was flourishing—one in one
hand,-and one in the"iither. ' At all of the banks.
on which thers.wo - anything:of rue., the cheeks'
provided Mr' tho'hiApf4irtimiers vanished 'With
a rapidity atwhieWthertirmers. Wired.
Inc specimens of chirography in the way of
signatures to cheeks were in some instances so
hurried by the ludicrous fright of the drawers us
.hardly to be recognisable. . The "run" on the Bank
of North America was continued during the bank
hours, .but:itotes were redeemed, and cheeks paid,
Promptly 'aiid.':elieerfully. The Girard, Trades
men's, Commercial, and City Banks,.and Bank of
comuscree,.redeennul ail their notes very prompt
ly, but refused to,Pay, cheeks until after one O'clock.
in the tifterboue This promise was coMplied with
by all the , bauks.except•the ..jvhich. prom.:
ides to pay all checks upon mreseptation this morn
ing. There has Veen nettling to equal the eicite
ment-Which was eVerYwhere MunifeSt during'the
whole day sineedhe financial embarrassments of
the yearlB37. • .
Proposed Trip of a New York Fire Company to
. • . • .7,Earope.. ,
lftWas thought that,the recent trip of Americus
Engine •CompanyfNo. (3; to 'Catilida IV LIS about as .
extensive an excursion as it was po'Ssittle for arNere
York fire company to make,• involyit.4„as,-it slid
an expenditure of over $lOO by each person, be
sides,less of time; but it, seems .themembers of
- Columbian Engine ComPany, N 0.14, contemplate
siiincithing far More . extensive—nothing, less in
fact, than a trip-to Eal-opo, Which will take place
probably during the-ensuing Spring.
A meeting of the members. of the company .was
held a few evenings since, and thirty-three of them
.oxpresSed their ivillingneas to go onthe-proposed
excursion. The, projectors are sanguine,that 100
firemen will volunteer for the trip. ft is proposed
to visit London, where the lions will be leaked on
a fter'Which , flifili '= hie made across the
ehannel, and-if theColurabians feelgood natured
they may wait uppla. theEtllperor and
their compllinents. Next. waitli. 14 engine is to be
sent to Pidladelphio,,Nricere she is to be rebuiltand
redecorated, so as WEI° credit, to the Now, :York
Piro pepartment; in the Old
The New -York-Timea has the following notice
of Mr. Jackson, whose .relationship to the Gen
eral is considerahly inquired about - "We' is - a
san'tif Alr:JitekSon Donelson, who was a brother
of. the Wifis;of ,Generel , jackson. Another , hruth
or, Mr. Wm. Donelson, now living in Philhdetphia
*as horn lit the same time—that is to' Sep, Wm.
Donelson and the'so-nalled, "Andrew , Jaiiltstin,
Jr." are twins. - When the twins, were two days,
eld,lis Gen. Jaekson and his wifeihad noohildren
they took one.of themand adopted itas their own
child, naming it Andrew jite,kson. Jr. The An
drew Jackson, Jr., ' arevi 'as the child or the
General and his wife. He has often been confus
ed-with Andrew Jackson ..Donelson. The latter
cousin. . • . .
METHODIST CHEtecifedu - n..—irom the general
minutes 'of the church; just PubliShed: it " 'appears
there aro 34 ennferences s 2171 traveling preachers
163 superanuated preachers, 4000 local: preachers,
309,332 white members, and 60,770 on probation.
The total of minister and members is 645,708,
which is an increase of 15,717.. Seven of the con
ferences exhibit a decrease, sixteen an increase.—
The number of 'members and ministers in the Meth
odist Church North is 306,204: adding to this the
number in the Methodist Church South; anti we
have the total 1,451,912.
Botixnalues BETWEEN NATIOSS.—In an opin
ion puhlish43d in the Monthly- Law Reporter, for
August; contained in a letter from Caleb pushing,
Attorney General, to Mr. McClelland, late Sucre
taryl.sal the Interior, it is heltl;,that when tt river
is`th i e boundary between'two nUtiuns, its natural
channel continues- to be •the.boundary,
any,ehtinge of its , course, y gradual tie
bretieli arliceretion of 'either bank ; but if the
eatirio'be Changed abruptly lute a new bed by tr
ruption or' avulsion, then the deserted river be
comes the boundary.
. ,
. A boy of fouryeekyear . s,.aort of Mri, t of y
-47)6, N Y., died .eri, TbUtsday of Last` week, from a.
disease of the hilart7 ilisvklithas been gradually
growing darker:Torse . ' or eight
. years, and was
about as :dark ac the skin of a inulatto. A post
faertetn"ei.aiiiinatfon disenveied tule'nllarat . ropliy
of the iitus4d , not alloYra - ? proper a.r
terializationof,the . •
Judge Russell, of New York; is determinedto.rid
that city of garroters and, highwaymen. The other
day, John llennighan; who was convicted, after a
trial , of.fifteen minutes;.of highway robbery, was
immediately after sentenced , to a; imprisonment
of forty years I Vie sentence *Med aniintuense
sensation in the court.
The Swedenborgians hi Philadelphia: number
500. Their religious organization was founded in
1830. They.haye now fure churches in that city
the newest,of which was dedicatedon Stinday last.
lios,„ Edward ,Stuith,. of Clinton coUnty, Phi°,
While intos i leated..duriztg the State pair-atOincin
ziati, was - *S k ooo;lia'esili; and 0;540
1t914.1. •
ii distr let.
WinmOT'S Por.lllcaa (Age
NVilmot's potitical. record,is it good deal.
lifte Joseph's coat'—a.garment* of many
*ors. Iltie Clinton Democrat says tire .
first ever.'heardohin . L.was im-sn imianSe
movement' to e'la 'Col. It M. Johnston,
a slaveholder, President. 'Phis sperm.
latiort.faile.d-.....g.or_,axune time afte r this
he hehaved pretty well, and got to Con•
gresa. Ile_ ,thereAlistingttished himself
by.bnitinglfiwthe,ririeal Of the tariff of
'42, for which nearly all his present sup
porters.-denounced him as a traitor 'to
Pennsylvanka, and a dough faced truck
ler to the 86tifth'..,' Frightened.r..h.y their
denunciations, he offered his anti-slav
ery provisb, - at th4iiist4nce of the Van
Buren'x- in - order .. to' - defend .: himself
against the accusations_of the Whigs.—
In 1848 he pledged himself to support
the nominee of the Baltimore Coriven
tion for President, which pledge-.he vi
()fated, and, supported,:Van Buren. The
next we heard of-him:die was boring
the .Legislature:to .make a new judicial
distrietin his locality,- with a. view to
the,Judgeship. .He.-hegged the demo
crats to do this,in erder•thathe might
"get, out_of poiitics : for -,a;:while" and
thew chine hack again. to- the'Danocrat. :
~... ~....:;. , tki : .. The distriet,..was made:.,for
If i in, liTlirllttiTtlirlkiiitre`retrtglinntill
not "get out of politics," and .in 1852
he ,was, en,„ wive. eupporter -.of-Gen.
Pierce. c. :,. .. ~ z.: . , :0.
During the' Know Nothing (afar of
1854,,,he prnfessed tube with thatliarly
and ,v.anted to•be its nominee for
Senator. ; Failing in :this', he assistedin
defeating its .uptninee. w a rid- then, joined
with ,the ,Abolitionists to get.up a "Re.
Pub ItIt•FXY:And thus. put own. the
K, N:s; ~Thtre.:nomer .was an , instance
in which. he. acted; with:, the Whigs,: but
he always denounced.: them with much
bitterness. His plotting, driveling
tricky disposition ismell exetnplifted•by
a recent transaction.. ; To•inake•people
believe he has soinefait,h:i ~ tt his election
he resigne,his Judgeship. but very care-'
ful, Was he not• to do it until within less
than. three months of the election. Had
he, resigned three months. before, the
-people:of.the district would-have elect. ;
• ed a Judge this• fall for the term of ten
years, but as three months do not elapse
between his
.resignatjOn.ltnil -election,
the Governor appoints until the second
election, year: hence; ,So, NIT. Wilmot
can .be,defeatmlil this • fall for Governor
aucl obtai rt:his Jusigeship aga it a year!
This, is characteristic, of t,be,man. r His
• W.llo,lo,puhttcal:. cpreeti !A tamps int mita
rtttsre t
rck tt -41. A test act
es the, act teyoud
controversy. -.Do the
people,want L such•a man for Governor.?
If they takeAtim :they may. depend they
will have.'no.psy the piper.r: •
{r.`r It is said that Gov. Pollock has
celled an extra sassiOn' of the Legisla
ture, to convene On • Ttiesday,'Octiitte:r
6, for the purpose' of taking into cob
sideratimi the preseht monetary hubbub.
The Secretary, of the Treasury.,
has decided that the enaction of fees for
Licenses-.and Hospital , moneys, at 'the
different6.4„4l:r s .94 YrCtnel- BOatS'sa ss
trig out or Altabikffrova vita 1004 T
rivers,-is illegal, and the iniineyS - thus
paid-are to be refunded. This Indy, be
Important to some of our citizens en
gaged in'hoititig,and 'who have paid
lees on passing'into' the' ffelawere by
way of the Schuylkill or Tide Water .
Coutotis,.Caspokt.lrisaiurr,—& Mr.
,Denkett apctearedjat the Mayoes;offtee,
stall „made -.complaint:, that- a ,tnan teamed
„Henry :Randolph ,itad ,been in the..)tatilit .
%Pr IT:i",og. to
,ibis,,,s,wre4 ,several:titneS , a
; week, and presentinwbills amounting to
lie % , *ishedJitin :sent
.to i the Insane,,,Asayhtm,- as :be: annoyed
alleges that
Queen.i.ctOrite.was-engaged to be mar
:tied- to. ! hitn, but.,hroke" :: .the ‘:tnateh
and offernitkurk $OO 4 op to : say nothing
about it.. lie also-s;iya that the Queen
$80;000 for 2 Se,roides'.rettifered.
imagineS't that IL. is 'the agent of
the 7QUeett;'And' wants to cheat %int out
of his nioney . .—The unfortunate indi:
rvidual . waS"'considded : to' the'AsYlVai
for the 'insane.—Pail. News. • •' '
„PEACE A.-ws.a.s.- 7 The war, of.,fac
tinns, .o,tl : I.lle ,I.cansas i rinestiOn„ says'i.he
Press; I§ con,Oned, to those outside of
Kansas. , :The . peoPle„pf, the Territory
are.deeply interested 7 ,interested in their
hurtles, ,in t heir c, hurt:hes,. and sehoofs;
in theitlousebold gods-that there shall
he,a permanent and, a : perpetual., peace
in Kansas. .No. such ; : inotitresi, inspire
the, politicians who want War andjfie
stmsion, ',They desire tc:help.thetuselves
fhey . ‘p,ry..o . y.t.,,a,gainst the,amiahle.,and fra
ternal spirit,,:whicOs :preparing Kansas
for admission, into onr,lntni,lynf' St a ts.
Two gentlemen, connected with the ; pub,
lie press, but. hoth<putirely independent,
of-party politics, .who, have just returned
front Kansas, poncoir in saying that when
they left e very thing ,Witi singularly; tiniet
and satisfactory., . The, people were : eh
sorhed in business and ether pursuits
more enduring than politics; and,it was
only when our informants, returned to
the States that they found the ,real,Kan
sas war.
On the arrival of a train at Lafayette,
It.d., on Tuesday, a gentleman and lady
rushed into each other's embrace, enjoy
ed a kiss & scpieeze,drew hack for anoth
er look, and came to a "realizing sense"
that they were strangers to each. other.
They had supposed, themb - elvi cousins.
PENALTY.AGAINST A Barric.—The case
ofthe Common weatth aguittst the Hones-
dale. Bank, to recover -the pendlty im
posed liy the• Banking law of the Statefor
not keePingli.ts.notes at•ptrein.Philadel
nhia, was tried at Horiesdaleilast,Week
and resp!ted in - a verdict - el $997,97 in
favor of the Omit in ivea
Columns .Case.—lro the ,Surrogate,
Court, New .1 7 -Ork, On the Jmatter of the
Mctoskey estate,) a curious question
of fact. has , arisen. upon it,, and a itranch
whereof the Surrogate has ,a!ready , ren•
dered a decision. The testator,, who
died in Paris, left a legacr of $1400,0 to
his neice living in Dehuque; lowa. it
_turns out that both uncle, and--niece, tes
tator and legatee, died on the same:/day ;
lif she died first, it goes to her ; heirs.. r -
It looks now as question DI prior
of decth must be decided by longi
-1 tusk,.
orribie Atthir at Leghorn.
Frodt Merchant's Magazien
for Seternhei we quote a graphic de
cri'Pli" of a recent desaster at Leghorn,
that hdi received Wei notice in the
newspapers :
The Italian journals are as speechless 1
- as those of. France, else I would not here
record the terrible calamity that has
clothed in morning the- city, of I;Aeglion• '
Thank God I was absent form the tfir - a•
tre that night ; Butt those present hav told
me of the cam - strophe. The house was
crowded—the play, the "Taking of Se
*hastopOl." The first we:ne off well, bat
teryafter battery exploded ; and the
thrilling spectate made the theatre ring
with applause. All:.eves were turned
to see-them take the Malekoff. At last
'twas stormed. The-soldiers rushed in
---then she explosion-13phi Mic,wildest
cheers. At that moment a spark caught
the scenes they tilazed-,-, -,- the-audience
; thodght it . a part ~no i ; the, play, and,Cheer:
eil the louder, th'eteene was so:pil p ral.!
Alas! it was too perfect. Another mo
ment: they saw that'. mistake—a wild cry
of misery drownel the applause. .Ifigh
erati 4 Aligiir itrO4, in ad de
ut ning thesiitie, '7
tators with _
frightZ-Fiv ~e Mines more
„, . 5:
and Ow .fi r e,was. s l .- au,stect;_butthe,antli
ericerlikonii”. -40righteried buffa
toes, like a panie•stridken,army, file a
flock of , sheep : ford-the wolvei, like
passengers Tif a sinking ship, losing
all thought bu rforself-preservntion,rush
ed from theirseats. 'rhe,shrteks of wo
men the phi.'
,l,cry of children, the hoarse
voices o f t e Men, all struggling for life
presented -..t scene. not .describable...
s 01,1”. thr ' tfiemsel yes fro - in kke beies in
to Ittp.pi ~,killing themselves and crush
ing, the beneath them I Ni; jllogeme9t
--no f rethought; out of , the w indows—
over the lodges—stamping each other
to, htill The sentinels were ordered
to sit
p,t he passage with bayonets. They
Waked, arid thesein the fir'St ranks were
riSi through and . through and the soldiers
with the rest were mutilated with the
feet.of hunclredi.! I look in. Vain in the
Italian, journa ls , ;' the Tuscan ,Ministea
says forty kilted, one hundred wounded.
_The nexs day I expected more particu
lars—l found none, and asked the reason.
The Geiernment forbade it, was the re
ply—suchthing.i.excite the,people these
revolutionary ,times. The Grand Duke
has,gone down, hut yon nave.heard , all
you will.piertrnow. This is nut so. My
banker,-Fertii,-has shown me a prii , ate
letter. He paints - the horrors of the lie.
e.ident, and Oases the letter--,-one kun.
Bred already ~ dead, and five liuntired
wounded. More than the Black 1161 e it
Gi tem tsa on at Richninsid—more
- _
mortality thati,can he reeorded of the
Hattie-.fie - Id or a Coolie passenger ship.
The dwelling house of D. D. Spayd,
at Middletown, Pa., at the "Point," long
known as the “Red Tavern i " was, on
Tuesday 'night Of last week, destroyed
by fire. The fire was discovered. about
O'clock, near the comb of the'roof.
The house was occupied by two or tliree
Wei lie's, all of whom suffered sotne logs
of furniture—there being - but little sav
ed in the upper rooms. oot - having an
AP,lo, l tatt,ltt."&q effort, was made to save
PAID.--,qrILeVCITOI Potluck htts issocd his
ProchtinatiOn, dated the 21st,finnounc
ing that.the stun .'of . w 51,042,857.64
, $1,042,857.64 of
the public debt of Ott: Commonwealth,
has been paid and citinguished under
the operation of the Act of 1846 and its
Paul'Leitly, Ole': Democratic
!candidate foreofigiess in: the-Montour,
ozerne; attd Wkomiog..d is
that.. -The contest was hetween,Hort,
,H. 3. Wright ; Hon. John-Mcßeynolds,
and P. Leidy, Esq. .
It is a curious fact Mat in first
territorial legislature "of 'Alabarna, the
upper branch of that body; or t 1 Sen
ate, "was composed Of one . ' ill'erritMr.-1:-
James Tit'ud, sat . albrieln 'Abe 'ettamher
and deCided upon the acti•of - the lower
A-Thibodeaux (La.) 'paper ,says that
tile people in that vicinity cemplaint
mock from .a want of sleep,. caaseti by
the rapid growth of the cane and crops,
keeping op such a noise , and confusion
as to render closing of the.eyeS the next
thing-to-an impossibility= The health
of the country is distressin4k—to doctors.
.Mr.'lOhh'Graham of Saeoaraptiii, Me.,
has a pumpkin vine eighty feet long; arid
for every four feet there'is a Pumpkin
—some of them of an enormous Size.
The spot where the seed was planted,
Was enriched by 'the carcase of a hog
beim" buried thereTaa'fall.
Tetteber - Waitted.
twilllE Board of Selina': Directors' of Lebanon
borough wishing* to establish an-additional
Sehoolr will receive applications for aZIALt: ,Teach
er for, the same. The School he opened On the
Ist (if bDTOBER. Inimedikte applicatioss t de
sired. Br order.of the Board,
, . , • ,JOHN DILLER, Preet.
E. - A
,trxt..Ee., See'y. - -
Leban'on, Sept. 23, 57. • "
Lebanon Female Seminary.,
pFIE THIRD SESSION of the " LunAsos FE
gALTS SEMINARY" will commence, the, First
day of Septevaier,tiext: It is earnestly requested
that:Parent's iittending to send their DkUGIITERS,
should do so at the commencement of the Session.
LEGII It. BAUGIIER, Principal..
Teriohor of Franck and Hattie
Lebanon, July 29, 1857.
• Fur the first time this Fall, at'
S WAR TZ. &- .8R0. , 5,
FLAW) A.irket Street.
, 'Speed Increased and
s osaanas -~ ~ ~ ~ '..
: c~'. '~,~-.
TTA:Vrmade arrangereints with the Lebanon
3, Isralley, R. R. Co.; - to forward Gouds,,:racka
ges, Moneys , ~&0 ., eargo of their own special
WeSsenger: frord Ph ilidelphia and Reading by Pas
kettgeFTraim • .r in •
Merehants.wishing,their goods forwarded pttnel
tually, and with despatoh, ,consult their own
interests by patronizing the Express Co. '''
014ers for:Goods to be returned• by , Expris will
be delisrerod: in Philad'a free of charge...
Persow having remittances of money to make
.to einy partUf the:l3. 8: or Canadas; will Ind the
Ex.preSe the only safe:mode of conveyance:'
Ossuoa--No .4 Eagle Building4,ehanon,
`and 248 Cheitnut kit.„below.34 st., •
'JOHN "ULRICH, Agent; '
July 22, ' , 57—t3. Vat liewswilgipteas Gel
General Ellention Proolaniiiiin-
URSUA NT to An Act of the: General
Asiembly of theAdminonwealth of P,entwylvania,
entitletlarP•net relating to the t.lections .of thief Cunt
monwealtlt." epproved4ho 2/1: day ot July, A. ID., ono
thouedad eight hued and -,t h irty-nine. I, DAVID 31.
SHUEY4Slierift . of „the Con Qty of Lebaneh, Pennsylvania,
do kereloy make known atia 'give notice to the electors of
the et only aforesaid, that a tit:fiend Election will be held
in the sold county of Leitanon, on the seohot Tic riula
(being Mc 13th day) of Uchker. 1857. at which limo tho
electors of the county aforesaid; will vote./n• their . re
spective districts for
One Person for Governor of the Commonwealth of
lvaula. •. . • • •
. One Pofson for FAA) 011dmmaditiner 'of Alio'. Common.
lo :Artri of Penney veins. •- • • •
Two Persons for the offices of Supreme Judges of the
Comnionweltith of Pennsylvania.
One Person to represent the' Senatorial TlisfrictS,
poaed of the counties of Dmphin and Lebanon, in the
Senate of Peunsylva'n4.l
One Person to rulireaciltLtne county of Lebanon, In the
House of Representatives of Penns.) Irani°.
0.10 Person for Treasurer of.Lohanon County.
One Person fOr Ifegii.fer of LelianotiCollisty.
• One Person for, Recorder and Clerk of Sessions of
14ehation County.' •
One Parson for Clerk Of Orphan's' Court of Lebanon
Olio Person for Commissioner of. Lebaana connts.
One retscaV for Director of 'tbo'cl'oor of Lubenou
county. •
One Person for Auditor of Lebanon 'county.
I also hereby make known and give notic e' that • the
place of holding the aforesaid. general election In the
several districts within the county .of Pebason, are as
follows, viz
• the Electors of the East Ward of the Borough of Leb
anon arc to meet in the • Cotainissloners' room in the
Court llousoih said 11prough. •
The Electors of the West Ward, of the Borough of.Leh-.
anon, are. to Meet iu the Jury Mom, On the west side of
the Court Goose in said Borough.
The electors of Sonth• Lebanon township are to meet at
the Grand Jury room in the Cou rt noose, In the Borough
TheElectoreOr North Lebanon Doi ougll are to greet at
the Public house Ileajathia Zeller, hi 'said
said llorouai.
The Electors of North Lebanon townshin . arb to ;mot at
I , thennblio house of C. 11. liorgoor, in the Borough of
`orth - Tilbanon.
The Electors or Jackson township ara to meet at the"
Publie,uouse of Jonas Spade, in said township.
'I iiof NorGr • Annvil)se tow iiskip ate to,
I nicet lie the Public Ilduso' 'Of • RiyrY - Curniz,Lny;
in suid
township. • 7 • • •'
• • • • • - i.
The Electors of Eleidelberg township are to Ineetat thd.
public house of Levi S. Oberlyati said township.
The Electors Of As:plunders," township are to meet:,
at the Public ITinusior,fpitti Wbifersberger, in said .
. ',The .ItlectOrs of:East nattover township are to meet at+'
the Public !lease of Jacob W.. Adntus, iu sail town
ship. . .
The Electors of. Swaterahisatuship:atre to meet nt the
Public !louse of Christian R. Zehring, Lc Told town:
~ . • •
The EleCtoia of Bethel township nre to meet at the pub
lic house of Jacob Reichert. in said township.
The Eh:eters of Uni,n township are to ;meet at the
tnibitc hottio of Daniel Bordner. in sniii.ttownship.
The E,Lectors of
,Millereult township , are to meet at
the Public pause of Joseph Matthew, in sold town
ship. .
The .tilectore of South Anoville township are to meet
at the .Pablie Mouse of , James Fink, in said town
The Electors of Cornivall township are to meet at the
Public llama, of S. & 0. 'lO4 inontid township.
The Ilectors of Cold gpiingtownShip are to meet at
the'Sehbol HOUXO at or neer ltsusch Gap, In Said town
The election to be opened between :the - hours of eight
.and ten o'clock in the forenoon. and shall continuo with
out interruption,or lidjourninclit;and is nut to be closed
before seven o'clock in the evening. - • • ,
I also hereby make known that at the same time and
place the following proposed Amendments to the Consti
tution voted upon, in accordance with - an act of
AsAerubly,,ap . proxyd the 12th day of May, 1557, as fol-
Whereas, A joint proposing certain Amend
montdtothe Constitution of this Commonwealth has
beennsgreed to hy-a majority °Mite members elected to
eaell -finites . of .the Legislature. at tiro successive st„%sfons
of theiloiii'e, the first inensinn commenciug on the first
Tueoility,of January, in tho yoer of our ;Lord. •oue thou
wind ii.ight hundred and fitty-six,.and the second session
•comteuritigOn• the firstXueinfoy of Jitiiiiory, in the year
.or Mir Lord ono thousind eight hundred and 'fifty
seven :
.And Whereas:lt is provided in the tenth article otthe
Constitution, that any amendment so agreed upon shall
be submitted to the people in such a manner and atsuch
time, at lealt three months after being so agreed 1.016' the
two Houses, as the Lesislature shall prescribe•; there
. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilona of Rep
resentatives of .Ihe toeurnmwcafth rf l'ennsYlvania in Gen.
end Assembly met.anit it is hereby enacted by The eutAerity
of the same, That for the purpose :of ascertaining the
!tense of the citizens of title .o,mnionwealti, in regard to
the adoption or 'ejection of add amendments. or either
of them, the Goveruor of 1.11111 Commonwealth shall
a writ of election directed to the Sheriff of each and every
county of this Commonwealth, commanding them to
give notice in the usual 'ntanner. in not less than two
newspapers In each coin ty, provided that 'so ninny um pelt
fished therein. on the second Tuesday in October, lu the.
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-
Eleven for the purpose of decidin4 upon the adoption or
rejection of the said amendments, or any of them ; which
.atid-olecti , ns shall be held at the pieces, end opened and
closed abthe time at and within which.tbe general elec
tions of this; Commonwealth are held-opened and closed;
rind it shall be the duty 'of the judges, inspectora and
clerks of each of said townships, wards and districts to
.reeelve at the said election, tickets either writteu or
printed, or psrtly written or partly printed,frout citizens
duly qualified to vote for members of the General-Assem
bly, and to deposit them in a box oe boxes to be for that. the proper officers: which tickets
ahull ho .respectively. labeled on the outside, 'first
amendment, c.tud amendment; 'third atiteudnient,'
n lid 'fourth amendment.' and those who are favor.
able . quid amendments. .or any of then. may
express their desire Voting each as rearty . seperate,
written or printed. or Partly written or minted ballots
or tickets, containing' on the 'inside - thereof this words
• 'for the amendment; , and those who • are opposed to such
amendments, t.r any of them, may express their oppoei
tion by riding inch seperato written or. printen
ballots or tickets containing on the thireof the
words,..againWthhanspndutant, •
...Sec- 2.,„That the election of the Seta .nropeeed Amend]
ments shalt in all reepeets be .coudocted as tlie.genera
ele.iiinis of this Contmouw , Mlth are. now contacted; and
it be the ditty of ,the Mtniii judges of the respective,
counties and districtS thdrepf,.first haring carefolly m
enet:tined theunmber '
of. votes given for. or against each •
of told antenihneuts tho. manner 'aforesaid, to. niake
out duplicitte returns thereof,expressed iu words atlength
and notinslilgurds Manly, oue of which returns so made
shairbe lodged' in theProdrodotarPs Mike of 'the Onart
of Conution Messer tho ploper &nutty, and the ether
'sealed' and' directed to the Secretary of the Common.
'wealth. and by one of slid judges deposited forthwith In
the most convenient prat 011 ice.
• SEC. 3.:Shat It shall further be the ditty of the Secre
tory of the Common wealth, on receiving the said returns
:or and agalnat:the'said amendment& to deliver the same
to Speaker of the Satiate 4.T1 or before the first Monday
after the ergs n twit iou ufthe Heat Legisltitmis after the mild
reign. us shell so be received, who shall open and publish
the sane in the presence of the members •of the Senate
and house of ltepresentatlt es On the next Tuesday there
after"; and when the atwitter of votes given fur end the
number of votes given against the said amendments
shall have beim - summoned up and aseertal ed . duplicate
certificates thererif ',lmitate signed by tlie Speaker of" the
Senate and the Spew ter of the House of Itapresentatives,
ono of which-shell be filed in the offic. of the Secretary
of the COnmPin'weitlth, and the' ether , delivered* to the
Governor, whote duty it shall be• to derlargt•by.:proclaina
tion whether the amendments, or nay of them,have been
or not-have been approved and ratified by the citizens
of this C e inniohwealth. , -
SEX:4. That thi I.llteriff and Commissioners et' the
city and citunty of Philadelphia anti the, several coun
ting of this Commonwealth, shall do and perform all the
duties and acts necessary by theta to be done to give ef
fect to s ed carry out the provisteus of this Het.
• Speaker of the Rouse of Representative*.
• e Speaker,of the .Senate.'
APPROVED—The twelfth day of. May, Attllo DOMilli one
thousand eight hundred and fffty-seven.,
Item:lived t y the Senate aud.Houaoof Iteurettenla
tisio of the Commonwealth of l'enupylvania in Gene
ral Afsew , ly,met : That , the fo'lowing antentiments
are prcposert to the Constitution of the Common
wealth in accordnuce with the prooieionsofthe tenth
article thereof.
There shall he an additional article to said consti
tution to be d eidgoitted as . artlele eleven, IF/1 follows :
ARTiel.v. RI. . •
St:oriole 1. The State may contract debts to supply
canal dencita or failures in revenues. or to mee. ex
penses not otherwise provided for ; but the aggregate
amount of Ruch. debts direct and contingent, whether virtue of one or more acts of the gene
ral. assembly. or at different periods of time. shall
never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dol
tars. and the money arising from the creation of such
debts shall be applied to the purpose for which it was
obtained. or to repay the debts so contracted, and to
no other purpose whatever.
Bed. 2 to addition to the above limited power the
?tats -may contract debts to repel invasion:. suppress
Insurrection, defend the State in war, or to redeem
the present outstanding indebtedness of the Rtate ;
but the money arising from the contracting of such
debts shall be applied to the onepose for which it was
raised or to repay such debts : and to no other pur
pose whatever. ,
-Svc. 2. F.seupt the debts above specified: ill aectiens
oor and two of this article- no debt wliatever shall be
created by. or on behalf of the . State. -
Sec 4. To provide for' the payment. of the , present
debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid,
the Legislature shall at its first session after the
adoption of ibis nmendnrent,. create.a, sinking fund".
which shan't* sufficient to pay the4accruing , I oterist
on such debt.'aitd 'normally to reduce the principle'
th4reof bytekart not less than two hundred 'and fifty •
•thouSkithl hollers; which sinking fuirdkhall consiek..oi
this net sonnet income of the public works. from time
to titnirOwned by-the Stare, or the , proceedsof the stile
of theriametor any part thereof. and of the' iticome.o'r
' prockeds of sate of shticks owned by the State:tegether
, wl4llrlother fonds or resources that may he designated
by law. The Bait-sinking fond may be increased.
from 1.1
. 111 P. CO time , by assigning to it any';'plitt of the
taxes.,or orthfiFeyennert of the State., not r.egiiifed'for
the ordinary and kittrent erihMisis ;Oft itoyeroment.
and uniesi in eases of sear.. invasion or insurrection,
no part of the said sinking frord shall be' ust:d' or ap
pointothlatt Re than in extinguiihment the..hnblic
de - hi:nett) the amount of such debt is reduced below
the sum of five millions of •• •
• Sec 6 The credit of the i Cersonsonwealthaball not in
any manner or event bs pledged or loaned to any.indi.
victual, company, corporation or association ; nor shall
the Commonwealth hereafter become' a joined owner
or stockholder in any company; association or corpo
6E.c. 6. The Commonwealth shall net neetttee the
Atebt;oranyiposit theZeoliatanY b.roogh
OT teWlietap: or Wait% eorpossaton.or as dloa. nn-
. .
Ws oasis debt e . ll bart been oontractekt9 enable the
State to repel Messina, Puppies,' dome**. insurrec
ti ; defend itseltin - fhlte.,pf war, or 'to , tirhit the State
i :. harab,of ani . poktion of Its p dent indeb-
Dees. , pi; .. • .. ,
• 4 , EF:r. 7. . TboP•it Nature ~ I lkil not iintboriaa any
county city, ba&ngb. toten-biP, or incrposat =e.
-Wet. by_ragtee - "ii.antedit ite .eltiattetosl# otb
to become a stockholder in any company. aoe•ociatiors.
or corporation ; or to obtain money for. or loan Ito
credit to, any corporation, wouoiKtion, inttitution or
party. ~ .
There Phall be an additiooal article to paid conatitu.
Li on , to Abip deshiPtated ae A
. Vii:l! X I i., (1610110 W/ :
r ; prißTlCtor:f SI
No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over
Doe-tenth of its pop ulation (either to loran a tww
county or otherwise) without the express esferit of
each county by a vote of the elentors thereof ; nor
shell any new county be established containing leer
than four hundred square tulles.
From peer:ion twctof the first article of the constitta
tiiiii. strike fhe'wtirds.- of the city of Pidlatii•lP b in
an d ean b of. apointypaNmetively from teeth:in dee
same aitiele, , serike' out the worls, - e-of Philadelphia
and of the several counties ;" from section seven. tutus
article. strain out thn Words “neither the city Of .Phi
ladelphia nor any." and insert in lien thereof Lbe
words 'and no ;'' and strike obt " section four, same
article " and in.lietbthereof ltieert th'e fetlow.ibg :
" Sinrofir4 Isalbe year One thOlPatitrilight htli3drOd
andhlzty'fotit: a din :every seventh 'year thereafter
aglioticit,ntativW the rubtr of cue hundred shpli be
a:iportioned:Aldistributed throupliout thi•
State;ipy in proportion to the number 0 1
taxailtos intuit:dein ts in tl, e several parts thereof; ex
cept that an my containing at. least rt ere t boo-
Sand lie b ' taxiduea. may be allow: 11. miners to
fepre .tali V l' I. lit 116'11./n1 than tbrve c..unties shall
Qe joiAcl.acomet shall be drsjded. in the tor
matlon'of a; .t. Noy connsiniug a sufficient
itumheir of Crumbles to en title if `to at twn repre
sent; t a les, eh,' haviink trpfirate' repri sentation aa. ,
sign e d. t. an p I belairide,tl into eurivenient, ilia
trie • eon t .5.,1 t**tornof equal taxable poen- -
neff,' , gy be: eaeh - of which di,triet
elect Ole repiettekitative " •
• At •tbe end of :mythic assist, same article.
these weeds. , . themltyof.Philiiiire.Jniiikahall be divided
inteliFile /immortal diel Mots: tif,eontigk, one ,territory
Alb, neatly equal in‘ftaMitilti lkiiistlatirAl asrpokalble ;lot
ward-skdl be divided' ii'tbe-formation thereof "
.The lbegibbiturei at Int first :salon after the adap
'ttilliffihttibie sipiedtuenkottiltiiivlde the city 11 Phila
litellibta;...tntkaoriatoriliktfitit rillseiselutative 'districts. u
'tbsmanner *hove prbVfdled • +nib' districts to remain
I' tine/meg:4i ontll the.asipoetioirment in the year One
'Atiougatid, eight hundred andkirty four.
* 7n - ere-shall bean additional section to he - first si:11-
4iPeiofmild Constitution which stall be numbered and
read imtol I nut&
::Siouvros.24. The lrkiilature - ftball have the - power to
alter. revoke. nr annul any charter of. incorporation
beriatier conferred bn. or under, any epeeist gt
al.lawt . whenevcr in tbeit,opihion It may be ii.jurious
to the oitisens of the Coasimeinanialth; lii such t 123. nr,r.
however that no injustice Isbell be done to the incur-
Any person that may be , nolistitntionally' qnalified to
vote in any city or county ‘;,f this -Commometoilth; but
who" tney.have removed` from ;min wirdlsi.anorher wand,
within such city; or from any bomugh or towuslihrwithin
the comity, within ton days next preceding any general
election held therein. shall be entitled to vote at such
general election, iu the ward, borough or township, fn inn
which ouch person may have 80 re-IMP.Teg•. . . '
And in pursuance of the Actor toe General Assembly
aforesaid. 1 hereby further glee notice, 4 7•That every. person,
except Justices - of the Ponce, military officcrs or borough
officers. who shall hold anyottice or appointment of profit
under the seven anima of the United States, or of this
State; or of any city, or incorporated district, whether a
commissioned officer .oMitherviise, a subordinate officer
or agent, who is orithalllm eta ployed under the lcuisia
tive, execntive or jedtdiamr departmentit of this State. or
of the,United States . or of au ity.or,incorpora tid 'dis
trict ; and also. that eve,9 , ,tlei."St To ogre t a. aud of
the State Legislature , Aug 'l3 ther, : geleci, end% ' COmmen
Council - of any city. or CoMhifesiolter'6fitny inteilmrated
distrier,lS by law intagiableicit Yielding' o r exercising at
the sane time, the• nfficeUiliibiorni:Ment of judge, In
edechir or Clerk, Of any; election' Eirflile Commonwealth,
and that no Inspector, Jut4or-other officer of any such
elec , tign shall be eligibh it.tielMyteztlie Agin voted
for. - And'hythe laullo Ac - of ShisemlilY,ltlO 'also made
tlittthlut}r4f ovary Kayo}, bliiiiff,Deptity Sheriff, Alder
man; Justice .of the Plyce,..and, Constable an Deputy
Cenatable; of every . eity. Chbutiardetarnaliip or district,
within this Com monwealth. r whtltieverorified upon by any
officer. of an election, or by poi - three qualified electors,
to'clear any window, or avenue to any 'window it the
• place of the general election; which shall be ogafthcled
in sorb a way as to prevent voters Iron, approaching the
oanitiand it shall be the duty of the respectil c C,nsta
hies of each word, district or township. within this Com
nMaweelth. to be present in pertain or isy. deputy,nt the
place of holdiug such electionsin said ward, district or
township, fur the purpose of pruien;ing the f.ease as' afore
said." . .
.The Judges of • aid election arc to . take charge of the
certificates of returns, and on the third day after the day
of election, shall produce the same at a meeting of one
, 7itthstefrout each district within the same county,at the
Court house.
The Judges are thereforeyespertfully requested to in
attendance at the Court Honk, in Lebanon on Friday,
the 10th day of October,, next, at ).2 •o'clock ' , Meredian,
and make their returns. ."..
DAVID' 31. SIIUEY,Vaeoilr.
Sberiirs °Mee, Lebanon. Sppt. 18, 1.857.—tt
the encrusted 6orat whieh sometimes di:tigur; the heath
--- - :
W ".
j and faces of children. .
. Siknificant Facts.' , :Pj
.. . . . -
This Ointment I. universally used on boilid the Atlas
' ~,7.1. j e , CI i f tic and Pacific whaling fleet Elsa care for scorbutic atter
''. -,0 0 . 19.R. le . ——.im : : L.T.lons, and as the hest possible roc-L..11y for wounds en.i
II Ta i l ', ' - 14 .- ..1* • . / l i•• . L,loruises.. Larfe supplietokry.heve recunily i been ordered
Wll * V. & 'F'BittnERGO, iscra* A t c , 0 f 4 14 , the ofollorkey lbeli&yltaf Mitpoliai7A
er lio
..1 1 ,a4 bai ... Ap A ttpc . aries .
end -Both the Ointmenterattillsehould - he.eeed in the
Cbetitieti;%ffer I t.44be public f iltitigeennti carefaliy • felj°Yiing "a"' ' ' •l • r ' ...- ,
Bunions, Mercurial .krunfams, Swelled Glands,
'selected 'steels 'or:Dings, Medicines, Chetniails, 'kerns, ' 1.11 w ,, - - ',.- '.
" 'Soi-e Legs,
Dye Stuffs, Nl,' Spices; 'Perfumery, Toildt Aria - 1 Chi . `P'Veti Hands, itbennintisnti‘h• • Sore ilrisin.-ts,
°elm Flavoring 'Extracts, Tobacco. and Cigars, Chilblains, Bingworns,.. .r: .•••• Sons Heade,
' iiiiit 'Wines and Liquors fur Medidal purposes; 1 Z u tlkt-h ' .:.'' '' Alilt-itheu4n ; ?:l
•-- f ' Sore Thrmts,
with' ever" thin in their line Iti. Dihggnits, Per- un4mg o , . Votaitaiii.a.: Ter,:.: 9 faireal llies,nd'
fulness nod'i:endeis ef Fancy Articles, which wo Stitf.foints, *ranee;nfitter,•arlictor44s,SloM Dk=eases.
can lionVdeistlyiiecouttnend to Families, Physi- .*0 Sold at the .Walsfiirtory of PifeSsoilleTloway, So
clans, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being Maiden Lime, New 'York. and by all resPectatile Drug •
fresh, pure, mid 'prepared . in . .thif - lielit manner.— i :gists and Dealers in Medicine. throughout the; !Jilted
States and the civilised usorldiurtpots' at ZS cents, tr. 234
All the new Proparatienithemicals and Patent cents, and $1 each. . :. 7 , . _
Medicinott: iamb and „Cattle , Medicines... The 1
largest fussoitmleiri, of . Truesescsinglwitind double,
for children and persons of every tigei'lind for ev
ery variety wf..rupture—carefully fitted and ad
justed if desired. ' Abdominal Supporters.
lam. All orderscorrectly,answeretl, and Physi
ciente:Prescriptions and Family Receipts careful
ly compounded. • '. ..
).tla,. Country Merchants and Dyers will find it
to their advantage to bay of Guilford a Lemlie-ger.
- %Ilk. Please call and get ono of our Circulars,
.(iliiistegi in e ,koth• English and German,) in which
you'ivilefindaliat of most of the articles and prep
arations kept by us.
.t. ',GUIKQITop 44.*A.IBE f ft..GER'S DRUG STORE
is opposite the Market House, - 118 k.
Ju1y,,29 8
.... '
Ei E S S!
1 1 414 4.
THE Subserdnr bas made arrangewents for
.444.1 11 10dig.a•PAILY EXPRESS, in connection
With his Freight Line, on Philadelphia and Read
ing and.Lebauon Valley Railroads, and is prepar
ed to forward ; ( Packages, Money, Jewelry, and
other voluablee,daily each way
Between' Philadelphia, Reading, &c.
EaCh charge of a SPecial Messenger
by Passenger Trains. All orders promptly deliv
ered,.and goods forwarded with the greatest des
patch, at redneed rates. •
Ltse t or EXPRESS, as parties ogdcring rimy intend.
Offiees.3ll Race Street, Philadelphia; corner of
Fourth and Penn streets,• Reading; at Sinking
Springs, - Womelsdorf, Moyerstown, and at D.
Cuniberlant:s*eeti, Lebanon.
N. B.L-A Lino Boats, running between
Philadelphia and Pottsville to carry Merchandise
and Freight generally, , • ;
Schweitzer di. Co., 65 North Wbarycs, Philadlk
Cheataut streat.Whgrf p Reading.-,- • -
July 29,1857—tf;,:
FE .! +1333-3Ef li
i31.E 1 ,1% .
• '
8YU..11 0 N 6 A iAt..:..0.114D•.!!
'Le/Pamir :_lltaffroatl.
THIS LINE consists of l 2 firat-c).iss BOATS,
1 running liOtifeen Philadelphia,, Baltinipro,
:and all other points along the Union„ §ohnygfiill,
{aide-Water and Pennsylvania -Gatinls.
FREIGHTS contracted f9p 4tithe:lnwest pos
sible sates, and- deliyered.tvith 44p a t e h.
.The.Prpprietqs, will psy partivitar , attention,
and attend personally, to the receiving andsdeliv
,•eriftof-.}lTig4tA., _
sligt.PRRSIfRtGiLii,FaS can rely on
having their GitiOVS'Aeliyikesl4 !good condition
-and.:with:prounptness tintl-dispatch-, iti . low rates.
One Oldie Fif il i 4 ill - th . piiticnleitittenti o il to
Goods s b ippia Vieganon,Valley Railroad.
Goode will be sel4fla t iltlf n frpm-Wacialoia
to Ecbaiip, Ann;llK 75riett'sovrn,-,
and all other' poillts' in the e`oiin?yr-
For ioformatioli, apply at thriiipVp (inacirth.
Lebanon, or at the ,Leban Va ll eylk.u.--D4pbt,
EDWARD , MARK ' their Agent in Philadel
phia, will tilwayehefound aLW,N. Busies Mor
cliante'Rotel, North Thirtl'Efraet; Philad'a.
LobanOn;Atiel2,'ll3hi. , ro.,:t •
117:!-13.--110 Ar91114;4 . OATS MS
boOght for CalW '4 • 511'. ak BRI
dr 00. I
All Hail ! Something for the Million I
color. gray haii—covera the brad of the bald with &lux
uriant growth—removes the dandruff, itching, and
cutaneous eruptions—causes a continual flow of the nat
ural fluids; und,hence. if used as a regular dressiruffor .
the tultiseipe ita7color, and keep it trod &Vint
to exereme.iikt allits natural beauty. Vri, call,
then, upon the bald, the gray, or diseased in Scalp-to US,
it; and surely, _ the young will not,.as they value .tho
ff.Ywing locks. or the wltchingeurl, ever bewithont It.--
its praise is upon the tongue of thotutan*
Watertown, Mass., May 1,2 SSS.
ritor.'o. Woon:—Allow my to attest the virtues and
magic powers of your flair Itestondlee. Three months
since, luting exceedingly gray, I purehased and soon com
menced to usert wo bottles; and it soon began to tell: in
restoring the silver Jocks to theii.natlre color, and the
hair which was before dry and harsh. and falling off, now
beeatne Soft raid . aosay, and it Ceased ; the dandruff
disappear*, and the scalp lost all the dlitagrembleitch
ing befoie. and now:I not only look but
feeiyoting again; 'Respectfully youiii, - CtiAs. Wnri.Ner.
• : New. York, Oct. 2, 185.5.
PROr. 0. J. Dear slr:—A fter read ing the adver
tiseznent. In,oue of the New York journals of your cele
hrated_llair Restorative. I procured a half pint bottle,
end was so mulch pleased - with 4 t,theit/ continued ite use
for two months, and' am satisfied it iedecidedly the hest
prep: ration before the public.;! it at hhet, rtadeyeik all the
dandrAff and unpleasant itchingg froM the scalp, and has
restorod my hair naturally. and I have no doubt, pernia
nently so. You have permission to Teter tome. all who
entertain any douht of its performing all tbstdaelaimed
- Miss Fer.cs,:liiy," Oreenwich AY.
I have used krlal. llli'aßestorative. and'
liavomluaired Its wonderful effects. It restorifd mibpir
where it hed'fallen off; it , cleans Use limol ,indrefiders
the hair soft and smooth—mach more so than oil.
Plov.l, 185 h. MARY A. Avxmetra.
• State of Illinois, Carlisle. June 27, 'AL
I have used Prof. 0. J, Wood flair Restorative; and
have admired its wonderful effSbt.. My hair was lamm
ing awl tbterstklremidni - Aftray, tout byrhe use of the
•-:Restorative,' it has resumed,its. original color, and I
have no doubt, phrminently Co.
• Smarr btr=se. Ex-Senator United States.
[From the Washington Star.)
among, the many, preparatioriertowi n use for the re
storing, preserving and beautifying 'the hair, there are
none that we can recommend withmord &endhence than
Prof. Wood's:Hair itestoradve.nowin general use tine'.
out the States. This preparation possw:sea the must in
vigorating qualities, and never fails in producing the
most happy results when apkljedarmordlng totlireetloas.
We refer our reticles' tri 'the advertise:mint fora few of
the innumerable certificates wh iehlrave been sent by per
ties. whojtave been benelitt.ed by it, $ll4 feel happy in giv
ing testimony foils wonderful etfeetsprodumal on them.
U. J.. WOOD ati).,rropilecors t smniiiiii wiy,N. Y.
and 114 Market street., St: Louis,- Missouri.
For Ale, in Lebanon, at GUILFORD a Lawson:les Drug
atom Alter, 'by all tespeetdbleDrugelits;:liept. - 23-Itu.
6C.Trti :h
aTIRCOLAR TO THE SICIC—,-Tbe .first hospital cur-
VW goons and median/1 PublicistanfSurope admit the
unparalleled anti-hiflammatory and healing properties
of this Ointment; governments sanction Its use in their
naval and military serVices; andtheintatWee in this coun
try and throughout the world-repose,,the utmost confi
dence in its curative proPerties. It penetrates Meant--
um; of inflammation and corruption which Underlie the
external evidences of disease,and xentral ire the fiery el
ements which feed ;and exasperate the malady.
Rheuniatiim, Scrofula, Erysipelas.
These are among the most - terrible . and agonizing dis
eases of the muscles, the fleshy fibre and the skin; yet
; in their worst forms, and when seemingly incurable...they
; invariably disappear under a persevering application of
1 this soothing, healing antidote to pain and inflammation.
Salt Rheum, Eficer'Sorei; . 'Stif Joints.
In all eases of Salt Illteum, where medical waters, In
i lions, and every recipe of the pharmacoyma have proved
useless. the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cure.
1 Fever Soros heal quickly under its influence, and its re.
lasing effect upon contracted sinews is :ruly wonderful.
i ... . . Discharging Ulcers.
.... . ..
A most remarkable andliappy change is produced in
• the appeareece of malignant ulcers after a few applies
.l Lions of this Ointment The surrounding redness- eas
t ishes, and granules of healthy fle.h . begin to "take. the
I place of the discharged matter. This preens:sloes un
I more or less rapidly until the orifice Is Riled up with
Isound material. and the ulcer radically cured. -
' A Word to Mothers.
l• The oung . are the moat frequent sufferers from ex
t. 4 y
rnal injuries. and therefsro pvgryonother should have
thh+ healing priper;ition; ixinstanUy at band. It is so
absolute specific. for sore .bnnuitstandsquickly removes
.. . .. .
• , --
.. • .. A f ßOlikeil . IP Irkiiiitian,
. 3 YEARS Olt AGE„ , . •
Whose sands of life have' nearly mn out, discover
ed whiledn the Etat Indies , a certahl cure for Con
sumption:Asthma; Droncliltis.Conghs, Colds A Gen.
era] Debility. Tile'tn
reedi . was discovered by him
when his only child. si'daughter, wag glren.up to die.—
lie had belied • muclinf;ttie wondeiful, - rystonative and
healing qualities of preparations ma.leTi-Im the East In
dia I temp. and the thousht occurreiltoblin that he might
maize a remedy for his child. Ile studied. hard and .tue..-
ceeded in realizing bis wishes. His child Wll2 cured, and
is now alive and well. • -He has since'admittistered the
wonderful remedy - to'thoireatils ofltplfe - cW ]wall parts
of the world, and lie has never f• them
completely healthy inii happy. Wi.hineto do az. much
vied as possible. he'will.send to such of his afflicted fel
low-beings as request:it this recipe, with full and evili'
ell:directions for inalting . it up. and successfully ming it.
He requires each applicant totnelosebinione Alining
—three cents to be returned is potitugoteathe recipe . ,
and the remainder to be applied' td the'payinent a:
this advertisement. Address • • • • . . • .
DR. 11... dAIASIS, - No. 19.43!kangl Street,
Sept. M. 'si-1 m. „. "_„1 ..'4,•• ~, o et!** City, N.J
UFFERERS ciiceases oC the
neys, Gravel, D'repsy, Weaknesa, read,
the advertisement, in' another column, heeded.
'llelinbeld's.Gennine..Sinpareition.” •
. .
- ... .. - .
Dr. Wes l e y Grindle's
Niagiip Compound
. - A roirires COBB FOR
rubnon*ry . Coniginiplaon!!!
. . .
. . .
. .. Also. aneffectnal Mtn; Roe Scrofula, •
' • Dyspepsia, - Otedinate - Cutinebus, •
• Eruptions, Chronic Rheumatism,
Bilious Disorder+, General Debility,
and all diseases depending upon an
impure state of the blood.
•' Sir Principal Decor, No. 54 White
street, New Yorx, where all letters • .
' must be addressed.
.TrE have dosed our branch office in Philadelphia..
and the public are caut frivol against the imposi
tions of any person's in Philadelphia assuming our name,
it sanding out spurious articles for our MACUC COMPOUND.
a this wonderful Remedy has done more to alleviate hu
man suffering than all other means put together. It hes
the greatesk sale of any medicine in the world for Pul
monary Coinplaints ; from Maine to, the most retired'
dwellings of Oregon. or wherever consumption is known,
it Beds its way,carilingliesilth and - Joy Into thousands
of families. ;,Patients; the gorgeomounshine of bopc
may now he vesliied ; tor this remedynotordy relieves.
trial will surely . rove the fact. DO not fall rote an ear
ly grave, when a serti'rerindy• is it\hand.
Take ad Liver Oils, Cherry Syrups, Cherry pector als,
Inhalation of Vapors, and-all other-puffed nostrums for
this difteaseV • eoinTllnerAl their vrittnes into one, and we
shoulenotrhave rf remsay which Would, at all, compare
wittwthlg„ ~.,,nt all thosrm,„ inAgether who hart become
notorious b y - thistilin mire consumption,
and It ePtalftOt Alnilialla iiro many RAAL cures during
tWrothistellCt. tim,§ as vie canip crash in one' month.-
17214.. marloft a like'bastfri g r ; bit it' is the solemn troth.
...X II MIER/fgroWdered state,-but readily pre
••"` ijiMstifforir., according to the direc
tio .
_i Ileco pan) , ir ' •
__DisPittcheitarepromptly made by mail and express.—
zon_p_thast halt dozen boxes are cruel* sent by mail.—
Ilalf dOsen.heies or more are' iisindly4issiS-by aspen's.
If:there' be • a direct expnws line; if not, they are sent by
taidl„in a.,number of pacicagets. , , - .. -
' 1
.`:* Parces.--flis box: if $3lOO ,; > tirlil „.-
lsgsaslacdesedist PiSe.unPV66 B 00 ;
half -dozen $l4 00; one - dozen, or
, .„ .
~ ,
' .Esl:!!.:lalltenljlifillt;S' a box all ases the amount
; should be... inclosed in money or
stamps. We are rerionsible for all'
moneys rent us by mall. ” '
• • Jos ue' 8: Oar. lAA WN, (JA . partner.
of Dr. Wesley brindle.) Soli Propel,
etor, to whom all letters must ha
4t, . addressed.. Alsc, , ,JProprietor offiriti
dle's Ancient and Celebrated Minim
1-- see Lift Ms, Nero 111effl-411;r: i