Cfjt Cant STATISTICS OF COUNTRY LIFE.-0130 of our co temporaries fishes up the following statistics of country life: FARMERS IN 1776. Men to the plough, Wife to the cow, Girls to the yarn, Boys to the barn, And all dues settled. .FARMERSIN 1836. Men a, G iris—piano-- Wife silk and satin, Boys Greek and Latin, And all hands Ganged. tFARMERS IN 1857. Men all in debt, Wives in a pet, 'Boys tobacco squirts, Girls dragging skirts, And everybody cheated. AS- Tho Church of Dymock, Gloucestershire, 'boasts the following.recherche specimen: "Two sweeter babes you mire did see .Tban God amity geed wee 'But they war ortaken woo agar fltts And hoar they lye as 'dead as mitts." (ktr• Where gold and silver dwell in the heart, faith, hope, and love, are out of doors.--!Duniah Proverb. FO-if ~you want an ignoramus 'to re •spect you, - "dress to death," and wear - watch seals about the size of a brick-bat. Oz Unbounded modesty is •nething .more than .unavowed vanity; the too 'humble obedience is sometimes disguis eed impertinence. ec:7 - In Cc in Cork, a short time ago, the 'trier of the Court, endeavored to dis perse the crowd by exclaiming, "All ye blackguards that isn't lawyers, quit the -Court." f"'Ah," said an Englishman, "I be• long to a country upon which the sun never sets." "And I," said a Yankee, "belong to a country of which there is no correct map ; it grows so fast that surveyors can't keep up with it." • 0:7 - '611re, stud I'm heir to a splendid estate under my father's When he died, he ordered my eider brother to di vide the house wid me - ; and by St. Pat rick he did it--:or he tuck the inside himself., , and gave me the outside. Otr MTs. Partingtowsays that "Where two hearts beat responsible *to each oth er, and then they are mouldered togeth eT by early love and plenty of children, depend on it no free-love can do them any harm with its bad doctrines. ,0 'The chairman of the investigating committee of the Busy-Body Society re ports that the following resolution was passed at a special meeting of ladies— " Resolved, That if we, the young la dies here assembled, don't get married this year, somebody will be to blame." "Flave you a fellow feeling in your bosom for the poor women in U tah?" asked a speaker of the sister of Mrs. Partington. "Get out, you insult. ing rascal !" said she, "I'll have you to know I don't allow fellows to be feeling in my bosom!" 0, dear. Oto- A learned young lady, the other evening., astonished the company by ask ing for the loan of a diminutive argon teous, truncated cone, convex on the 4urnutit, and semi-perforated with sym metrical indentations !" The poor creature wanted a thimble ! How To GET A FIAT.—"Say Pomp, you nigger, whar you get dat new hat 7" "Why, at de shop, of course." "What is de price of such an article as dat 7" "1 don't know nigger -1 don't know; de ekep keeper wasn't dar." NEW FIRM. RABER & BROS. C-LOTHI N Cs! sit the well-known and Fashionable Clothing Store, of RABER A A lal THREE DOORS ine .1.0 WEST OF THE .ILP , lug COURT HOUSE. E Jr.. 4 RABER THE Proprietors a this establishment respect .lt. fully announce to the public, that they have now ready the largest, cheapest and best assort ment of Spring and Summer Ready-made CLoru nre ever before offered in Lebanon. Their stock embraces the latest style of garments adapted to the season, vial—Dimas COATS; Fine Black Cloth Frock and Dress Coats. BustsEss CoAra; Black, Brown, Green, Gray, Olive and Fancy Cloth Sin gle-13reast, Frock and Sack Coats. SUMMER COitsj of all kinds and prices. PANTALOONS; fine Black Cloth and Dut Skin, Fancy Cassimere, Satinet, Jean,and Corduroy ants. VESTS. ' Brit satin fancy silk, Marsailles , of all colors, Cash mere, Valencia, Satinet, Worsted and Cloth Vests. ALSO, on hand an assortment of Woolen and Cotton Undershirts and Drawers, White and Fig ured Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Pocket Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Fancy Stocks, Gloves, Hosie ry, Coat Links, &et. Returning thanks for past favors, they respect fully ask a continuance of public patronage. Or- The Temonntoßusranss in allits branch es, is. continued as heretofore. I 11 MO i tfoi t-TO;i1.1 Cloth Mantt actory T HANKFUL for past favors, the undersigned 1. respectfully informs the public, that he con. tinues his manufactory in East Hanover, Lebanon county, an as extensive a scale as ever. Itie un necessary-for him to say more than that the work will be done in the same excellent style which has made his work and name so well known to the surrounding country. He promises to do the work in the shortest possible time. The Manu factory is in-complete order, and ho flatters him self to be able to render the same satisfaction as heretofore. He manufactures Broad and Narrow Cloths, Cadsinets, Blankets, White and other Flannels, All finished in the beat manner, and at reason able prices. He also cards Wool and makes, Rolls. For the convenience of his customers, wool and cloth will he taken in at' the following places : At the stores of Goorge & Shellenberger, Louver tb Brother? Shfrk.A.The, and George Reinoshl, and at aiiilford , a Lemberger's New Drug store, in Lebanon ; at' Stores of Shirk and Samuel U. Shirk, in North .Lelvinoti borough ; Samuel Goshert,;.the„publie house of Wm. Ramat, Fredericksburg; Samuel R. Bickel's store; Jonestown ; George Weidiniues store, Bell view; Melchior Rcichart, 2 miles from Palmyra; Martin Early's store,..Palmyra; -GabriaLWolfers bergees attire, - Palmyra landing.; Mohair Shirk, - thi• at the stores of ` Hanover, Lumber and Coal. 5000 MEN WANTED to come and buy their LUMBER find COAL at the as. tonishingly low prices which I am now determin ed to sell at. Now is the time, if you wish to save your money, to come to the New Lumber and Coal yard, located between the Old Lutheran Church and Myers b. Shours' Steam Mill, and ono square north of the Court Ilouse, in 'Walnut street, in the borough of Lebanon, where is a well selected stock of all kinds of Building Materials, consisting of 500,000 ft. Boards, 300,000 Shingles, 200,000 ft:Joist a Scantling, 60,000 ft. hemloek boards, 60,000 ft. do feno'g b'ds. Also,Planks, Plastering and Roofing Lnth, all of whic will be sold, wholesale or retail, at Mid• tlletown prices, except a small advance for freight. Also, all kinds of the best COAL'the market can produce, such as ``Broken, -Egg, Stove, Chestnut, Limeburners' and. Hollidaysburg Blacksmith's Coal, which will be sold almost at cost. JOHN I H. .171.TIVIBYBR. Lebanon, June 24,1857. Bournian Hauer & Capps LUMBER YARD. This Way, if you Wayt Cheap Lumkr. lIE undersigned have lately formed a part ,nership for the purpose of engaging in the Lumber Business, on a new plan, would respect fulivinform the public at large, that theirmlace ibuliness is 'David Bowman's old Lumber Yard, in East Lebanon, fronting on Chestnut street, square from the.Eva.ngelieal dhurch: They have enlarged the yard, and filled itvilticamew and ex cellent assortment of all kinds of Lumber, such as BOARDS, PLANKi3, JOISTS, LATHS, SHINDLES, AND SCANTLING,.. of all lengths and thicknesses. In short, they keep constantly on haild a full and well-season ed assortment, of all`kincis of BUILDING MATE , RIALS. Persons in want of anything ;in- , their line are invited to call, examine , their stock, .and earn their ,pricesr Thankful TorvaitTavors, they hope, that by attention to businesss and moder ate prices, to merit a continuance of public pat ronage. BOWMAN, lIAUER & CAPP. Lebanon; April 8, 1857.-ly. L UMBER. LUMBER. NEARLY 2,000,000 FEE ! Ov the best and cheapest assortment of LUMBER ever offered to the public, at the. new and ex tensive LUMBER AND COAL YARD of- PHILIP BRECHMLL, in the Borough of North Lebanon, on the bank of the Union Canal, at , the head of Walnut street, a few squares North of the new Steam rill, and one square east of Borgn er's Hotel. his assortment consists of the best well seasoned White, Yellow ' Norway, Pine Hemlock ;Boards; Cherry, Poplar,and Pine Bonrds. and 2 inch Pannel and Common Plank; White Pine and Henshick Scantling and Joists; White Oak Boards, Plank and Scantling; d & inch Poplar boards, Plank & Scantling. 'SHINGLES:! SHINGLES!! The best Pine and hemlock Shingles; Also, 'Roofing and Plastering Laths; , !Chestnut Rails and Posts, and Pailiugs for fences and fencing Boards:; FLOORING BOARDS of all sizes ,t; descriptions. COAL! 'COAL ! ! COAL!!! The largest stock of Broken, Stove, Limeburn era' and : Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, at the lowest .prices. plir- Confident that he'has'the largest and best assortment of LMIHER of all descriptions and siz es,as well as thelargest stock of the different kinds 0C0.1.1, ever' offered to the citizens of Lebanon county, ventures to say that he can accommo date all purchasers satisfactorily, and would there fore invite all who want anything in his line, to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. PHILIP BRECHBILL. North Lebanon Borough, July 22, '57. SAMUNLADI:VOSHL. C ADOLPHUS F.RIMODEPL. :: CHAS. H. aunt A 110116E_ FOR. ALL ! 11 tr.. s.g 4 s i * ; g• VSYNSITF:.. - 7. .-•••••7- The Largest, Best and Cheapest ASSORTHEXT OF LIINIDER AND COIL •ever offered heretofore to the public, AT THE OLD YARD iN Jrorth ifieluanon Borough, (E 79 RmERLy •oCCISPIED BY )lARI & REINOEIII..) Situated on Ease 4 West side of Mar- ket street, at Union Canal. e a t n h d o da surrounding o i u n n fo d r i m n il in E w u tte er ef tiFzneends take k L e et h a i n s o m n Counties, that they have now on hand a large stock of WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and are constantly receiving" additioris thereto. Their as sortment consists in part of While and Yellow PINE and HEMLOCK BOARDS. 1/ inch and 2 Inch PANNEL and COMMON PLANKS. _ • White PETE and IlanLocic SCANTLING and &Ham 1 inch and inch CHERRY BOARDS, PLANKS and TABLE LEGS. Also, 1 inch and .1 inch POPLAR BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTLING. Such as ASH and" WHITE OAK BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTING. SHINGLES, SHINGLES, SHINGLES ! A great assortment of good PINE and itestLocit SHINGLES. Also, ROOFING and PLASTERING LATHS. Also, RAILS, POSTS, and ready topped PALINGS for fencing. • Flooring Boards, Boors and Window Sash. Of which they positively have the largest-and best assortment ever offered in this section of country. _ _ COAL! COAL ! ! COAL !I ! They keep constantly oft hand the best quality of Broken, Stone and Limeburnere COAL. Also, the best quality of Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, which are sold at reduced prices. tag- Having now on baud much the largest and completest assortment of Lumber eyes offered to the public . in Lebanon, they feel confident of being able satisfactorily to accommodate all pur chasers, and would, therefore, invite an examina tion of their stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' • mormins , AfEILY. North Lehman Borough, Sept.ll, 1856. FIRE! FIR.E!! :FIRE!!! TAKE NOTICE: HAT the Locomotive will soon pass through T fobanon, and as Barns and Houses will be in danger from Fire thereof, James N. Rogers • Bogs leave to inform the inhabitants of Lebanon and vicinity, that ho will Cover Barns and Houses with Tin, Also, thankful for tho patronage he has receiv ed, he embraces this opportunity of informing the public generally, that he has on hand, TIN WA•RE: from aten spoon to a boiler of any size; all kinds o COAL STOVES of the most improved patterns. Also, JOB BING, SPOUTING, &a., done at the shortestno tie° and on reasonable terms. His place of busi ness is in Market street, two doors south of the 'Lebanon Bank. JAMES N. ROGERS. N. B.—The highest market prices paid for OLD COPPER, LEAD and PEWTER, or taken in ex change for work or ware. _[Lob., may 13.'57. BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! WALEk 2 1m "g a tr a P inr / m i.l,tVateyanly receive, from the Eastern Cities, copies of all the most important and attractive New Books, as soon as published, which they offer for sale cheaper than they can be 'purchased elsewhere. Among those lately reeeired am— ps.. Kane's Expedition, in 2 Vols. • Prescott's Elistory of Charles V., in 8 Vols. Recollections of a Life Time, - in 2' Vols., by S. G. Goodrich, Author of Peter Parley's "Tales. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, and ether Miscellaneous Works. Carpenter's Assistant end Rural Architect. American. Architect ; by J. W. Bitch. Downing's Cottage Residences 'and Cottage Grounds. The Economic Cottage Builder. They have always on hand a large assortment of School Bobks,Dtank.Books end .. STATA 0 E R Y Also, Sunday School Books, and 51tusic. Itooks, among which "The liannortia Irnio 3 )l EY E. D. ArCairtMr, Also, Piano Forte, Melodeon .and Violin Instructors. Pram , the a -4 returned A 490, PAPER HANGINGS, or Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, Window Shades. , The Illeathly iffaigazines. lave WA leavo tbeir led places, pared. Or wool to bo AA will be • NEWS PAPERS 4. . 2,1 IIY 40V 41 -- Gmbellad by Capin at th.....5e,0n Cam e . tvt_ in the bakough,afirabanan, at the abrupt' t rii -- ---- 13.0rdars left with thozapqrailita - of e ,21103c410 Una, lOU prointitly attead4 to. I C" In' their' Wilma% Aril 8, 107. irocA t.. 410 EIMER. HARD WOOD. at the eliiiil'eht"notiee and all the .IST IL' LIIRBL.E re/RD. slrat - cr„ ' . ;4 g .14. e • la 3 4.1 o ca aQm=o tc x ...44 0 -4; ig g g '6 . 7 8 2'4 r=4, The pubic are lb - cited to call at his NEW STAND IN MARKET ST., one square north of Union Mall, Lebanon, Pa:, whore he will attend .personally to all, who'will favor himwith their patronage. ~ ileWeiild also return his sincere thanks for: the liberal' patronage afforded him since opening in business, and feeling the more encouraged by the interest manifested in his behalf by the public, he enters upon a new season with renewed energy, despatching business with apromptnessbecoming an honest mechanic. Xiits Terms lieasona6le. Tanand Examine. 3. 'E. VA.UGRERTI. Lebanon, April 3, 1857. P. S . ;---Also, a numberof seleetLinteatone Door Sille,"for - ilm.aceoirtmodatitrtif building men and -contractors, who would do Well to - call and exam jun., 4. E. D. REMOVAL. Lebanon Marble irai.d. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public in general that he is prepared to dealt kinds'of .R.v.tcr AND ORNAMKNTAL work at his Marble Yard, in Walnut street, 'half way between tho Court flouse and Lebanon Valley Railroad Depdt, at the shortest notice, as good as work done in any city in the United States, and being the only Stone Cutter in Lebanon county Vito has served a regular apprenticeship to the business, he pledges -himself that he can manna°. tore cheaper, and give a • better finish than any other MAD engaged in the surge business. Ms [dock consists of Monuments, Grave Stones, Mantels, Cemetery Posts; Furniture Slabs; &e. Aleo, SANDSTONE of the best quality for all uses, plain and ornamental. A large assortment of LIME STO?.ZE for all kinds .of 'housework, of , any Size and quantity. .119,-Please cull and examine prices and the stock before you purchase elsewhere. ' • • JOHN FARRELL. Lobanon t .Deeember 19,1855. N. B.—LETTERING done in German and Englishi'lby the best prneGral workmen ' _ • • REM OVA LI . To No. 4, Eagle B ..uiltlingS. A. RISE'S, Fashionable Hat and tap 'Store, -Market Square, Lebanon, Ya PEE undersigned hereby informs his friends and the public iu general, that ho is now, and will be always, fully prepared to supply his cus tomers with .goods in his line Wholesale and re tail, at the shortest notice, and upon the most ac commodating terms. His stock consists of Bea ver, Nutria, Russia, Cassimere Moleskin, Silk, , . Soft Hats, which he will dispose of at the lowest prices. All his Rats are manufactured un der his own immediate superintendance and he feels warranted in saying, that for durability and finish they cannot be surpassed. Country mer chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in hate and caps, can be supplied at wholesale 'prizes, frau one to a dozen, such sizes as they may want., 13.--Tox„ Mink, Muskrat, and Rabbit, Skins wanted, for which, the highest market prices will be paid. (Lcb., Feb. fi, 1556. REMOVAL Of J. PI. Good's Book. Store. TDB undersigned, having - removed his New and Cheap Book Store, to - Market.slinare, 2 doors north of Dr.. GUILFORD'S New Building, Market 'st., where he will be pleased to see a.ll of hii - old friends, and those •flesirions 'Of having, Articles his line. With a determination of selling cheap er than can be purchased elsewhere, he wouldTe speotfully call the attention of the public to 'his assortment of Bibles, Hymn and Prayer nooks, Mis cellaneous, BlaUk and School Books, Wall and Window Paper, Stationery, and every article in his line of busi ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for 1857. All the Magazines and Newspapers, both daily and weekly, to bo had at Publisher's rates. All orders for articles in his line "carefully and promptly attended to, by the undersigned. Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1557.' J. Dl. GOOD. JAMES F. MAXWELL, MANCFAMTtPTIEIt or Improved Fire and Water Proof COMPOSITION ROOFING ) HARRISBURG, PA., D ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of liar_ risburg, Reading, Lancaster, Lebauen, and their vicinities, that we are prepared to pnt on roofs on most liberal terms, and at the shortest notice. Werrospectfully call the attention of persons a bout to build, to our invaluable method of roofing, now much used:throughout the principal cities of the United States and their vicinities. ' This mode of roofing baving'all the combined requisites of cheapness, Durability, and Security against Fire and Water, and dispensing with highgablowalls; the roofs require an inclination of not more than three-quarters O` of an inch to the foot, and in many cases saving the entire cost of rafters—the ceiling joist being used. The gutters are made of the same material, without any extra charges 3 consequently, our roofs are put up at almost half the cost of either Tin, Slate, or Shingles. Tho' material being of an imperishable nature, it surpasses all others in Durability ‘ ,•besides, in case of any casualty, it is the most easily repaired of any other roof now in use. Tet,,the best proof we can offer as to its being both fire and water proof, are our many re ferences, to any,one of whom we are at liberty to refer. N. 8.--" But let it be distinctly understood, (since we manufacture our own composition, and do the work in person,) that we warrant all our work proof against both Fire and grater • if they prove contrary, we will most willingly Lido the results. The materials being_ mostly non-conductors of heat, no roof is so cool in summer : or so, war= in winter. Those wishing to use our roof -should gii - e the rafters a pitch of about one inch to the foot. puny 27, 1854.-4 m. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOU IN. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WTI. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. .MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE.—YOUNG'S GREAT PIIYSIO LOGICAL WORK, The Pocket Esculapius, or Every Ono His Own Doctor, by Wm. Yonso, AI. D. It iv written in plain language for the general reader , and is illustrated with upwards of One Hundred Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to marrledlife, should read this book. It discloses secrete that every one should be acquainted with. Still, it is a book that must be. kept locked up, and not lie'about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty five cents. Addres. Dr. Will. _YOUNG, 152 SPRUCE street, above „Fourth PhilatleiPtda. panuary 7,1867.-ly „ - "Washington House ,» Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. THE undersigned, having taken this old and favorite stand, and having refitted it in the best, style, is now prepared to accommodate the public, and entertain strangers and travellers in the best modern style: The House is commodi ous and pleasant. The TABLE shall be vided for, and the BAR contain none but the PUREST ITQUORS. The STABLING attached to the Hotel is large and roomy, and capable of at conamodating.agreat number oral:9es. t - To' his frierids' and amputintances 14,Leb anon County, as we) as to all others, he extends a cordial invitation makehis HoUse their Roma when visiting ,Lebanon. DAVIIYSO27IIIO. CLOCKS‘CLOCKS JUST -11.Ec,EivpD .AT J. W. - A- 0 , E from $1.;5 . - c o $lO, 8 dity . and:Bo. Aourß 90t. 22, 456, _ NEW FURNITURE STORE! Dundore 4 Oves HAVE just opened the finest, largest and cheapest assortment of Furniture evor offer ed in Lebanon. Their store is in duinberland street., between Market and Plank-road. Their stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Furniture, which they will sell lower than-wan be bought in.Lebalien. All they ask is of persons in want of Furniture to give them a call before purchasing. They have on hand a large assortment of Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, •Coutre, Pier, Card and other Tables, What Nots ' ilataanks,:dse. Also, A large and cheap stock of Stuffed, 'Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads, 'mild a lot of Cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses, - --- 1 .0-ilt,;RoseWebil and . 'lltthogati - yvery cheap. Venetian Blinds.; Carriages, Gigs and 'Hobby horses, - for childron';:and•a large stock; too 'tin merous to mention. Particular attention'paid'to UNDERTAKING. We have:prcividoil ourselves with the FINEST 'HEARSE IN LEBANON, and will raanufaeture Coffins and attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. April 29, Mi.' *DUNDORE do OYES. Bil 0 LE 'you WaNT d „..,. Cheap Looking, ( glass Rooewood -or Mahogany, ;or -Venition Blindo, GO TO DUNDORE. 5U - OYES. BOOT & SHCE STORE. ...Jacob likadie l "; ESP.Cfiltrflit informs the 'public 'that he -1-t'"still continues his es . ltensive establishment in his new building, Canibtrrland- street,where he 'hopes to render. the sumo satisfaction. as hereto fore to all litho - matfivor:him with.their , custom. He invites Merchants and:dealers in . = IlargiVeteroes, and every one who wishes to purchase fashions ble mad .durable articles in his line, to call and4s , - arnine for themselves, his large and`varlea stock. Ho is determinedloisuipass all competition in the manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for any market-in the :Union. .A due care is taken in'regard to materialsand workman ship.; none but the best quality of Leather and other materials, are used, awl none but the best workmen are employed. P. S.—He returns his sincere thanks to, his friends for the 'very liberal plifronakeliefetofore begtiAted on iiim. He hopes by strict attention to business and endeavoring to please his custo mers, to merit a share of public patronage. Lebanon, Oct; , 17, 1858. THINS t AIoA:DAM are ready to ready to Walk accommodate everybody with Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Traveling bags. • BOOT, .o‘, 5 . 1110 E• TOR E. Di ~tieL Glytell; AXTITii many thanks to my - potions for their V V iiberal patronage thus far bestowed, - and the detamination jnerit a continuation of the same, I am -now, ready, liadies Geritibtnen, :(itifying diposod of my winter stock,) to offer you a well selected Spring ang - Vummer stock. Come and Oeelind judge for.yoursel;ves. , will tell you the place. and you'ne'er will forget, When'you once behold Graelf's beautiful Ot Of Gaiters, Bootee or BUs t lelts 'which greet With a graceful appearance on the .hatiies' feet. MY Placomay he found on Cutnberldlid street, Where each of my friends 1 welcomely great, 'Tis here, may be found all patterns well made, Got up in tall style for the opening Spring trade Come gentlemen, yon that want a goad boot, I have got a Spring fashion that surely will suit, If a Calf or a Kip of good mechanical skill, Just give me a call I'll 5t you at will, Ladies and Gentlemen, I also would call your attention to my well se looted stock of -Summer Shoes, comprising 5 or 6 different kids, which I will dispose of at reasona, Me prices, under a good insurance of excellent make. - , ADAM DISE N. B.—Travolers now is your time, if you wish to see a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, and different kinds of Bags. Come one, come all. march 25, 1857. r rA\ TxiNs McADAM have a splendid assort meet of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Travel ing bags. = •Boots, Shoes Bats • Caps , Trunkg,..itc., 4c. 9 1 .1114 subscribers resnectfully invite the attention J.. of the citizens ofiehanoti and vicinity to an exainination Of their now thick of goods just re ceived from, Philadelphia. They have a „general assortment of the latest styles of ,all kinds of Home-Made and 'City Work, • and also make to order, at short notice, any ar ticle in their line that may be wanted. Don't forget that the store has been re moved from the old location, to "Phreaner's Old Building," nest door to the Washington House, CuniberlitridStreet, south side. They tender their thanks to .their, old custom ers, and solicit a continuance of their favors; and trust that a great many new ones will cheer them with their patronage. They intend not to be beikt in selling cheap articles in their line. Leh., apr. 22, MT.] J. & G. GASSER: TKINS k BIeADAM have just received a trai'new stock of Boots, Shoes, Truaks and Travelling bags. Philip F. i cCatally, Fashionable Boot'and Shoe Maker fiN Cumberland, street, One door East of tho 1 ,./ Black Horse Hotel. The subscriber desires to in formthe public that he has open- .._„„apg ed as above, where he is prepar ed to oxecute orders for Beets and Shoes of the finest finish and style, and equal, ilnot superior, to any heretofore offered to the public [may 21,1851. / \ TKINS has jest-returned from the city with ( his new "stuck of Boots, Shoos, Trunks and Tra7aling bogs. 25 AVITNESSES • 3 - or,. THE . Foraer C6nvicted CD JOHN. S-DYE IS THE AUTHOR, Who has had 10 years' experieneeltS a Bank er and Publisher, and Author of A series of Lectures at the Broad y way Tabernacle, o—i when, for 10 suceessivenfghts, Over C*- 50,000 People In Greeted him with rounds of Applause, while ~.., he exhibited the manner in which coun- P terfeiters execute their Frauds, and the surest and shortest means of Detecting them The Band Note Engravers all say 60 1) that he is the greatest judge of pa ;7 per money living. • - • • Ari REATEST - DISCOVERY' OF %Jr the Present Century for 4 ., Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. Describing every Genuine Bill in existence, ...t • and exhibiting at a glance every Cann ot terfeit in Circulatiord: C Arranged so admirably, that ' = Reference is Easy and 0...... 6 Detection Instantaneous. RNo index to examine ! Ind • No pages to hunt up I 0 But so simplified and arranged, that the = Merchant, Banker and Business man can N. See all at a glance; 0 , --- English, French and German. 1, Thus ea o c w h n m N a a y t i r v e e d a ... ,7. t o h n e g s u a e nue in his Most Perfect Bank Note List mil PUBLISHED. t= . Also a list of =All the Private Bankers in Alilerica. „•se k A Complete summary of the Finance of Eu %ss• 0.....r0pe and America will be published in each, - Gi7edition, together with all the important (2) News of the Day. ~..- Also,' 0 A Series of Tales, db, - From an old manuscript found in 'the East. 0 ,..7 4 It furnishes the most complete History of :i. Oriental life a) Describing" the most perplexing positions On, in which the ladies and gentlemen of that country have been so often found. These stories will continue throughout the wholi3 year, and will prove the most entertaining cv eve=l i t s o h t e h a e)ublic. Weeklyto subscribers on- P:ly, at $1 a year. All letters must be ad- IWdressed to P'""k JOHN S. DYE, Broker. - - "G .Publisher ; and Proprietor, 70 Wall street, April 22,1857. New York . ..., . . ALL and olcamine tin !new dock of Atkins, l AioitilAnu` Come agbir - and"inrroha3e4 'your Boots, s thO'oii, &r. - , itt'Aikbia WiloAdirtei. THE VENTRAL GEORGE GASSER MARYLAND STATE LorrERIEs ! CORIIIN & CO., LICENSED A GENTS, A RE authorized by the Managers to till all or. XI tiers for Packages, Tickets or Shares, in the Maryland Lotteries. These Lotteries arc drawn in public in the city of Baltimore under the superintendence of the State Lottery Commissioner, Who guarantees the fairness of the Drawings, and the official diaWn numbers are ;published in the Journals of the city Of Baltimore, with his certifi cate bearing his signattfre. ALL PRICES ARE GUARANTEED BY TILE STATE. 'ega Trial may . make you. Rich for :We! . SidendidEphomes' Drawing Daily: .0r• Send your orders to CORBIN ,t. CO., the Old Established Authorized Agents who have sold more prises, than any other office 'in the State- of Maryland. • . -L. , , , . . PATAPSC) INSTITUTE 'LOTTERY- This - favorite Lottery is drawn daily.,The Cap italTrizes, $7.000, - $6.000,'55.500, ac. Single Tickets, 'One -Dollar. . CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 26 Whole' Tickets, $l6 00 I 26 Half Tickets, $8 00 . . 26 Wailer Tickets, $4 00. Nothing 'lrentuke. .Ifothiqr•Gained. Tickets bought by the Package are always the most profitable, to the.purchasers. For $25 we send package Wholes, halves & Quarters. ;For $lO we send package halves and 2 Whole tickets. Pox $8 we send packages Quarters and one Whole ticket, Look at the folldwing SPLENDID SCHEMES ! one of which fire drawn at 12 o'clock each day of itifeWeek ! ''' • • ' - CLASS 49.—SdHE11E. I Prize of $7.000 i 5.57.000 207'Prizes of $2O are $4.1.40 1 prize of 1.341 is 1.341 132 prizes of 10 are 1.320 3 prizes of 1.000 are 3.000" 132 prices of 4 are 528 4 prizes of 400 are .1.600 1 4.002 prizes of 2 are 8.184 4 prices of 100 are - 400 . '28.740 prima of I are 25.740 30.316 'prizes, . . -.-. . . -. $53.253 . . ~. TICKETS, 'sl. , .'' POK.O.MCKE LOTTERY. , i =,' ': - ' CAPITAf. Tim 3 $24.909! ' - :s , ' - ClasS Flva. , ---CERTIFICATE OF PAdKAGES. 26 Wholes, . . 480 00 L 26. Halves, ' $4O 00 26 Quarters, 20 00 126 Eighths, .10 00 SCHEME. , 1 Priie of ':;524.000 is ' 4'24.000 6 prizes of 2;000 are - j 2.000 6 - prizes of 3.000 aro - ' 18.000 - 20:prizes of 639 are , 13.537 .20'prizes of 409 are ' 8:000 , 20 prizes of ' 300 aro ' 6.000 20 prizes of 200 are . 4.000 127 prizes of ' I.oo'are ' ' 12.700 ' '133 prizes of 50 alb 3.150 63 prizes of - 40 are 2:5,29 63 prizes of 30 are 1.890 63 prizes of 20' are . 1.260 , _3.906 prizos of 10 - are 39.060 '8,430 prizes of ... - 5 are -,' 117.180 27.314 Prizes making 1261347 • Tickets ss—Shares in Proportion. LOOK, THIS IS WORTH A. THIAL. • ' $20,000. MARYLAND ' CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY! ' for the benefit of the SUSQUEHANNA CANAL. • CLASS FIVE.—SCHEME. 1 Prize of $30.000 is $30.000 1 prize of 10:000 is 10.000 'I prize of 5.000 is - 5.009 . 1 prize of 3.907 is , 3.907. Aer + .loo prizes of 1.000 . are 'lOO.OOO 25 prizes of 500 are 12.500 26 prizes of , 300 are ' 7.500 '66 prizes di 200 are 13.200 66 prizes of - 100 aro 6.600 132 prizes of 80,are , 10.560 132 prizes of 60 are 7.920 132 prizes .ofa 40 are • 5.280 3.394 prizes of 20 are 72.880 25.740 prizes of 10 are 257.400 30.316 Prizes, amounting to . . . . . . $547.747 CERTIFICATES 02 PACKAGES. 26 Whole tickets, $l3l 80 26 Ralf tickets, $66 00 26 Quarter " 33 OD 1.26 Eighths 18 00. Tickets slo—Shares in Proportion. We invariably answer letters by return mail en closing the tickets in a good safe envelope, and al ways observe the strictest confidence. .Lifter the drawing is over, we send the official drawing, with a written explanation of the result of the venture. All prizes bought at this office are payable immedi ately after the drawing in Current Money, and we take.Babk Notes of any State, or Bank Drafts in payment for Tickets at par. For edd amounts in making change we receive postage Stamps, they being more convenient than silver. Correspond ents may place the utmost confidence •in the regu larity and safety of the; mails, as very fort or no miscarriages of money. happen when properly di rected to us. Be 'careful that you mention your Post Office, County. and State. {live us at least ono single itial, you 'cannot loso Lunch, if notgain. One single trial may make, you independent for life. TRY us. There should be no such word as fail. Address CORBIN 4: Box 190 Post OMee,Paltimore, ir• Orders for tickets in any of the Maryland Lotteries promptly attended to. Circulars con- . taming a list of all the Lotteries for the month, forwarded on application. . [July 8, '57-6m. Dr. Ross' Drug Store Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. 71R. ROSS offers to bvers the best bargains in 1.1 drugs, in Lebanon; a long and varied expe rience, of over twenty years, in the drug and medical science, enables him to do up things in the first. style. Purchasers will please make a note of these facts. Magnetic Sugar, r the Permanent Care of Neu- Igis, St. Vitus' Dance, and all ther Nervous diseases, sold by ..• .. tlplianes ElietUary, lertain cure for the Piles. ./Itarshisi's Uterine Catizol- M t For the cure of all fern. dis. '. R. H. Higtfeelr Remedy, the cure of -Coughs, Colds Wood's //air Restorative, For promoting the growth of hair, always to be had at the principal drug depot of Dr.'Ress. Henry's invigorating Cordial, _ The best tonic in use for strengthening tho hu man system, gold only by Dr. Ross.' Dr. Having's Syrup of Naphtha, . Is fast superseding all other medicines fOr the cure of Consumption and Bronchitis; Dr. Ross, sole agent. Allen's Razor Powder, For Razor Straps. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy—a pure and safe article for medical use, to be had at Dr. Ross'. Allen's Liniment, for Rheumatism. Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative Is an unfailing restorer of the Hair, it is taking the lead of all other remedies for the hair. No toilet is perfect without mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative. Call, at Dr. Ross' Drug Store for mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative. See adv, in another col. Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges Are as sweet as sugar and a certain cure for Worms. Dr. Ross' Infant Drops, Fot - ..uct of restlessness, colic pains, &c., of children. Sold only at Dr. Rosa' Drug Store. Cough Cured f o r Twenty-five Cents. Dr. Plysick's Cough Syrup is the ohoapestand best remedy for Congb s,Colds, dce. Call at Dr.Ross'. Dr. Ross' Horse Powder Is the best Horse. Powder in use. Dr. Ross' Cattle Powder Is fast taking the plane of all other Cattle Powder Dr. Ross' Horse Liniment, For the cure of Old Strains, Swellings, Bruises, %e. Sold only by Dr. Ross. . Dr. Ross' Eye Salve, For the cure of sore, weak or inflamed eyes. In dividuals who have been afflicted with diseases of the eyes, for monthsnnd years, have been entire ly cured by the nee of Dr. Ross' Eye Salve. = Fresh Garden Seeds In great variety at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Dr. Ross' Teller Ointment. Persons afflicted with totter, ringworm, and va rious other skin diseases, will find various efficient medicines for their cure at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. - Dr. Ross'iTooth Wash • • Is e. very superior preparation for the Tooth and Gums. It whitens, cleans and - iSreserve the teeth, and hardens the gums. It prevents and `'cures Scurvy. Try it, by all means, if you value a. sweet breath and white teeth. Ask for Dr. Boat' Tooth Wash. • ' Heyl's Embroaatiodfor Horses Has no superior for the curoof swellings, bruises, galls produced by tho collar or middle, scratches, old or fresh wounds. Ask for Heyl's EmbroCation. Trusses. Dr. Ross has n variety of Trusses-;-for infants, children or grown'people. Unless a Truss fits, it is worse than useless—it will do harm. Re 'has had an experience of over 18 years in this branch of surgery, and adjusts every-Truss bought othim. 15 .Gallons of Soap. for 19 Cents. One box of Saponifier,' coating 19 cents, will make 9 pounds of hard soap, or 15 golleni of'soft -- *Dap, without any trouble. • Pultdireittone Selirat Dr2Rond Tirng'Etore. r.. titiprilit, 1857. D.S. RABER,. Wholesale and Retail Diliggist, Corner of Cumberland st., and 800 alley, few doors west from Greonawait's Hardware Store. - lebanon, Penna. , . DRUGS, PERFUMERY, .MEDICINES, PAINTS, CHEMICALS, [- DYE-STUFFS. THE undersigned' having just received a large and Well:selected stock of unadulterated Eng lish, French, And American .Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints; 'Perfumery, Dye-stuffs, Varnish, Turpentine; , Fine Oil, Burning Fluid, Surgical Ingittments, Glassware, Brushes, Hair this, Soaps,'Segare? . Tobteco and a vatiefy.of Fan 4 articles too numerous to mention. Dye-Stu, S. nenial Indigo,. Dogwood, Madder, Tuintrie, Xnnato, 'Ext. LogivoOd, Cochineal, ColiPeras, nth's' genuits "Coil-Liver Oil..Ext..o'f Dande lion, Medicinal Wines, Brandy, ,te, fnld only for Medicinal purposes at D. S. Raber's Drag Store, Lebanon, Pa. For , iPaini - ty Use. 'Cox's Patentaefined Gelatine, French Golltini?, rice Flour, Hecker'. 5 'Farina, - Corn Starch, Flavor log Extracts, Lemon, Rose,. Orange, tin na, Celery," c., also . all kinds' at , Spices) ;Ise., srad'dheap at "Haber's Drug .Stora.n , • -age assorttlient _ jstes of, ,Apieiqui. and.:French %Trusses, varying, in p. fromtees sbes b costs to ss° 'Afso HOod's-Abdotlx it id'S4PortnrsrVanithieitHieri Ab'domitillDSUP r.,rters, VanhoTh's Shoulder Drac05, 7 ,415e.,: sold cheap at D. S. Raber's.Drug Store._ ! .Por ,Horses cind..Cottk.. .. Root. Phrettuer's Yellow Water , pilwcier, eien`powdew, 'Heave' Peirdei'-`Reihiteh's:Gerinan Ilegetable Horse .powder,t.T.qorley'e, Horse ad Cattle powder, Leader ,1) . ", Co.'s' Horse and attle''pewder. Merchant's 'all:riling Oil, Iforte man's Hope; Ilembold's_Lin'imept, Saponifier,. or •Cpnceotratf4 Eye'. Warranted to make ,SOap and with little or no trouble.. One of Saponifier costing only 181 conti make' 9 pounds of hard Soap, 0r.1.5 gallons of Soft Scoop ; „ • Sold at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. Worms, s Worm • • J. Gerhard's InfalliNe WormiDuatrpying'Syr up, Fahnestpak's,' Gallagher's, and Dr. Jayne's V.ehnifuge, ' Sc., also Holloway's Vegetable' Ver mifuge Confections, a. safe and, effectual 'remedy for worms. This is a delighful preparation of sugar, that any child will eat with pleasure. Ask for Holloway's—as none other, are genuine. Sold'at D. S. Raber's Ding Store. ' All the popular :Patent inedrefUlfs, V":old 'at D. S. HABER'S *Ch . eon Drug 'Store, Cumberland it., a - few doors from Greenawalt's Hardware Store. July 23,1856. „vto years ago by Of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, If a. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has rendered Dr.. K.. a most successful practitioner in the cure of all diseases of a 'private nature, manhood's debility. as an impediment to marriage; ner vous and sexua I infirmities, diseases of the skim, and those arising from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE There is an evil habit sometimes indulged. in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood; and which, if not reformed iu due.time, not -only begets Serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gireg rise to a series of protracted, Insidious, and deTastatiug affections. Few of those who give way to this pernielons.praetice are aware of the consequences, ,until they find the ner vous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable sensations, and vague fears in.the mind. te pages, 27, 28, 29, of pr. K.'s book on 4 'Self-Preservation.l • The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is una ble to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to study ; his step is tardy and weak ; he is dull, immolate, and engages even. in hiS sports with less ener- gy than usual.- If he emanalpatelimself before the praifida hasilorie its worst, and enter matrimony,bis marriage is unftett. fel, and his, sense tells hktri that this is caused by his early follies. These 'are considerations which should awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated. REMEMBER, ' " He who places himsolftinder Dr." EINKECIN'S treat ment, *My iallgiatisly confide in his hone tt gentle men. and rely 'Oen. the assul.stice„ that 4ft Necrpts of Dr. patients will never be disclosed. Young man—let no false modesty deter you from mak ing your case known -to one, who, from education and respectability, can certainly befriend you. air Dr. KINSEISN'S residence has been for, the last vwtNrr YEARN at.the N. W. Corner of TIMID AND UNION streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE Can bare - (by Mating their case expicitly, together with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing A remit tance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part of the United States, and pack ed secure from DADIAefi 'or CURIOSIT Y, by Mellor Ea press READ !" YOUTH AND MANI7OOD I I A VYGOROITS LIFE int.• PREMLTUNE DEATH KINNELIN ON Setr-Pnesrp.vevioN—Ostor 25 Caxrs.. Letters containing that value in stamps, will ensure a copy, Per . return Of mall_ GRATIS I - GRATIS I - GRATIS!!! . '• * 41:1)Fee.GEFT: To All. ; • 11 tSERY RELIEVED! "ICature's Guy a nd new arid,popular Work. full of viguable advice d linprawsive warning, * alike ealMilat.- ed to prevent years of misery, and !WO TIICIMANDS of liven, is distributetD.without charge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid to 5 1 / 4 11,y Post Office in the United States, oa receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. July 13, Important Discovery. CON SU NI P " 1.0 N AND ALL Diseasei of the Luttgs and Throat CURABLE AWE BY I ' PO SITI N VELY HALATION I ! ! • 'Which conveys the - Remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the ai. passages, end coming in direct contact with the diastse, „neutralizes .the..tubercular matter, allays the canoes a free and 'easy expeetoratiou heals the lunge, purities the 'hiPot!, v iiiipirts 'renewed vitality to the ner vous system, giiiogtheetone and energy so indispenea ble for the restoration of health. To he able to state confidently that Consumption is enrable by Inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under the control of medical treatment as any other formidable diseaae ; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty percent:in the second; but in the third stage it is impassible to save more than Eve per cent., for the lungs are so cut up by the disease as to defy medical skill. Even, however, in the lest stages, inhalation affords extraordinary relief to., the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which an.- Bunny destroys ninety-five thousand persons- In the U nited States alone ; and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the ConSumptile's grave. • Truly, the quiver of death has no arrow so. fatal tor Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age "nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gift ed. By the help of that Supreme Being, front whom cometh every good and perfect gift, I sox enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Con sumption. The first tense of tubercles Is Unto Impure I Blood, and the immediate effect, produced by.their depo, 'shier, in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then, surely, it is more ra tional to expect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs, than from those administered through the stomach ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after inhaling reme dies. True, inhalation is a laud remedy, nevertheless, ItlielSfecuistitutionally, and with- more - power and cer tainty than remedies adminiateral by the stomach. To prose the powerful and direct'intinence of this mode of adminietration, chloroform inhaled will destroy sensibil ity in a few minutes, paralYsingthe entire nervous sys tem, EC theta limb may be amputated Without the slight eat pain; inhaling the ordthary burning gas Wilhdestroy life In a few hours. The in halation of ammonia will rouse the systeril when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medieinea is perceptible in the akin, a few momenta af ter being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional ef . facts of Inhalation, Is the fact that sickness Is always pin dotard by breathing foul air. Is not this positive evi dence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judi ciously administered through the lungs shohld produce the most happy results During from years' prrie "Oak many thousandsOruffeiing front Oise, ma of the lungs and tbroat„bave been under my care ,, and I bare effected many remarkable, curie, even after the sufferers bad been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat ' , bigot me that Consumption is no loam a fatal disease.— My treatment of Consumption is original, and ft - landed on long experience and a thorough Investigation. My ,perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercle/5, &c., enables me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a Jungle case.— This familiarity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve -the lungs from the effect's of contracted chests ; • to en large the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vi tality, giving energy and tone to theentire system. Medicines, with full dlrectiqns, sent to any part of the United States and Canadair, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me en opportunity to.examins the lungs andyi enable me brr prescribe•with much greater certaint • and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. e. W.. GUMMI', • DI; D . , • - 0111 co, 1131 . Filbert Elt.,-(o1(1,15ii; 10 1 )} bi3low42thi . • ery filiiisi—maseb 8 r 1857 ty i'"! • • • Oran diseases, the' groat, Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. SUFFER A NOT! WREN URE is, QUARANTEErt IN dLL STAGES dr SECRET DISEASES, Self-abuse, Nervous DeWitt', S'lrtctilres, Meets; Gay - el, Diabetes, Dlseafes of the, Kidneys and Bladder; Mercurial Rheumatism:S t erol - elm Pains in the Bones and Ankles, diseases prihe..Luibm3i* Tiroat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the" Doily or Limbs, Calmerfi, Dropsy, Epileptic pits, St.Vitus' Dance, and all Dis easea-milingffrom a derangement of the-Searnal- - 0; • pea, sirelt ei Nervous Trfeiriblitigi Lois Of Meininf, Loss of Power, General Weariless, Dinfness of Vision with peculiar spots appeking before the eyes, Loss 0 Sight, Walsefulliess; Dyspepsia; Liver Disease, Eruptions `tinbn the"Faee, 'hint in She'Sfrck...ead. Head, Female Ir regularities and all imprOpertDso.liticAfrom both sexcir. It matters iidt 'from 'What. cense-the diChaile originated, however long standing or,obotinate the 'ease, Urcoy - auk rs CERTATS, and ha a shorter Henhthan a pertllanent carp can ha effected by any odier.triiihisenN bytt , Cayfier the disease has bladed the skill of eminentpliysicians and re sisted all their means ef cure. ' The medicines are pleas ant Atheut oddr, Calming no sickness and free from mercury or balsam. During twenty years of pis I have resenefiliona the Jaws Of _Death ilnany _thousturdi, othe, la the last stages of the abovegfentienedriliseeses; had up to die bracer phi - deigns, which war rants me in prelniiihmtys the, afSicted, wbo may place themselves smiler my a perfect and, most , speedy - Secret Diseases ire• the greatest 'enemies to health; as they are the first cease of Consumption, Scrofula and many other,diseasps, t atuf ehoitld be a terror to the hu: Mini; care, s4ollCety ever ef lected, a majority of the cases falling into the bands of ineompetent"persons, wito.not only fail to cure the dis- Cages t ruin the constitution, BEng 11176" -evident With mere.nry,:witiqh, with Oh disease,..haste as. the 'sufferer intVaTripldermsumption. • • lint should the disens