The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 23, 1857, Image 1

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131 - [ . .'.Wm:. M BRESTAN.}
Darius J. SPrtzer,
(riFFICES in Cumberland Street, fleetly opposite
1J Itruit's natal, Lobeitoo, Ps., Aug. 20;57.
• .
"(Unit attend to tilt hle otliuial business; also,
, V all other legal and professional business ou,.
'trusted to bid!. Wilt be promptly attended to.
Cutnberland street, second door
'east from'lrierliat st, : [Lebanon, July 22, '57.
41FFICE in Cumberland street, opposite the
1,/ "Eagle Hotel," Lebanon, Pa.
Lebanon, April 22, 1857.-Iy.
Da. WM-. M. fiIUILFORD has removed his
fice to hif neW residence on Market Street, a
few doors North oritabdr tic Oves' Store, and be
tween it anti the Nev - s Mahe= church.
Lobontiit,"Bio.'lo, 1:306.—tf.
Ifon4 tbrget to Cali at
TKINS IticADAISI'S, and examine their
MN stook of Boots, Shoos, Trunks, Traveling
Revolvers,. Pistols, Pocket-Knives.
A IfEAVTIFUL assortment and Cheap, at
aug.19,'57. REIZENSTEIN k BRO
f German Smoking Tobacco,
PORCELAIN and Clay-Pipes, Cigar. tubas, at
aug.19 3 '57. REIZENSTEIN BRO.
PATENT -Leather and Gobi-''Elastic Belts for
I Ladies t Children; also belt-clasps very loiv, at
- .
Flutinas, Accordeons, V i o l ins,
ANJOS, Guitars, Harmanikas,
,Fifes, Guitar
1 , and Violin Strings, at
Cheap Jewelry a Variety Store.
ang. 19, '57
Watches and Jewelry.
JUST received, a large assortment of Watches
and Jewelry of the Cutest styles, Cameo Breast
pins, Finger-rings, Ear-drops, Oentlemen's Breast
'plus and Studs; fur sale cheap nt
aug. 19, 'b7. Opposite the Court House.
For Sale.
A Sonond-hand Stoam ENGINE, 10 horse pow
er. It is to be sold to make room for ono of a
larger size-. Apply to
Lebanon, July 1, 1357.
cIDES, Whitefish, Mackerel, Herrift,..Cheese,
Vinegar, Tobacca, Segura, Flour, Fcedirfk,*b.
'ac.. fur sale, by - J. C. REISNER.
Lubenen, July vO, 18511.
Leather ) X.iesillifek Leatiwil
TTENRY W. Importer of 'Fran&
.11 Calf Flkitre,lincl tounral Loather Dealer, No.
6, South 3d atregt,'PhlM(l6lolll.
A generallmsortmetit tif 'lands of Leather,
Moroacoa, 40,; Stilt Leather.
Fob. 26,1867.21 y.
To Persons to isit
• Al(Y:the!nei4 WEWITAIT)IOTOL,
--ainik it street, below' 9tltstriee.' • Eve
'Vl ry attention given, with a desire to
please. Boarding f4.-par Day. -
:A.,141: 'HOPKINS,
July 22,'57-Iy. Proprietor.
:1 .4 wanted 'fithoodiatOl'y ait 'elre Stotim Planing
: 31ills of the'wndersigned, in this borough. • -None
'but tho bot of hands required, to trliditi 'lThoral
'wages will lit given. Arpt'y 'to
Lebanon, Feb. 18. 18.57.—tf.
Ranker's Hill Sand.
A very superior SAND for Building and Other
purposes, is offered for sale hy'tlr✓i'd'dticr'aign
iu Swatara township, at Bunker's Hill. It is
sold at reasonable . prices and delivered by the un
`dersigned personally, Sand hauled and delivered
by other, persons Is net the genuine article.
April 22,,1857.—tf. J. C. : 000I!1JR.
Wood Wood
;THE undersigned, rosiding in North Lebanon
Borough, offers for sale cheap,
GOO or 700. Cords
'(ostimated) goad Wood. 11 - miLY be soon at "Fin
nigan's dam," on the Union Canal, near Joao
town. (may 27,'57. DAVID BOYER.
DALY t WILLIAMS would respectfully in
form The 'citizens or Lebanon that they have,
'opened a first class SHAVING AND
DRESSING SALOON, in Market street, opposite
the Lebanon Bank. They would solicit a share
a the public patronage.
Lebanon, May 20, 1857.—tf.
11. brick building in Market street, north of We.-
tor, adjoining. Jacob Weidle's property, in the bor
ough of Lebanon. It is calculated for a Dyy Goods
and Grocery Store, and is in a thickly populated
neighborhood. Possession will be given, immedi
ately U n desired. Apply ou the premises to
Lebatron, letsg.frt
Watt of GEORGE HEMPERLY, dee'd.
NT MICE is hereby given that Letters testameu
tavy on the estate of 'George Hemperly, de
ceased, late of Londonderry township, Lebanon
county, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons indebted to said estate will please
%Atm tnymont, and those having olaims will pre
sent thorn without delay.
JOAN HEMPERLt tontlouderry tp:
OIIN EARLY, North Annville tp.
August 19,'57-ot.
• P. G. Cita:
Bricklayer and Jobber,
Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn'a.
AM prepped. at all times, to put up Brick
Work, in all its brair!lec,..and on the shortest
uoUeo. Also, BRIOK nuil,rapros, Both Ens,
tnn-walls,Boshes, Hearths, and all wt77.ll,eormool
ed with a Furnace done. e-A gang of gt 2!.. .,
Masons always ready to put down foundations,
-and do stone work of every description.
July 1, 1.551.—tf. P. G. IV.ItEL.
A11(3111E11. NEW LOT OP
-In 'Cumberland street, next door to Dr
Oct. 22, '46.
Thirty Day,
:Eight Day,
Alkirty Hour,
Ask Received at
.I', BLAIR'S Jewelry Store,
Lebanon, Pa,
a. W. Dowees,
WHOLESALE AND DETAlL,Manufacturer of
" Ornamental and Pistil Guilt ZookiziF Glass.
et, Portrait and Picture Frames of every style; a
largo stock of the above always on hand, which
will sell from 10 to 10 per cent. less than any other
lestahlishment in.thcf city.
work reguilted, itc. A liberal -discount- to. Dia
70. 16t North 2d Area t;'‘lowltace;ovest ride
April 20,1857.-01m' - -Philadm 4:)ld No la
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National Safety Trdist
WIMP. L.\ UT reet. SoulleWest corner of
4 , 4 1 Street. Philadelphia.
MONEY is received in any soon, large or small, PAO
interest paid from tiro day of deposit to the day of with
The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the
morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday
and Thursday evenings' fill 9 o'clock.
All sums, large or small, are paid back in gold on de
mand without notice. to any amount.
Hon. II EN BY L. BENNER, President,
ROBERT SELERIDOE, 'Vice President,
WEL J. REED, Secretary,
Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Munns,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton, I
Henry L. Churchman,
James B. Smith, Francis Lee.
This Company cont3nes its business entirely to there
calving of money on interest. The investments amount-
Ling to over
One Million and a Half of Dollars!
are made in conformity with the provisions of the Char
and such firsbchtss securities, as will always ensure per
fect security to the depositors, and which cannot fail to
give permanency and stability to theinstitution. m27,'57.
Lebanon Valley Bank.
Located in Market street; nearly oppo
pile • the United Hall, one Door North
Ortie Post Office.
.WILL pay the follotring RATES of INTER
EST on DEPOSITS, on, and after, the Ist
day of March, 1857, viz :
For 1 year .: and longer, 6 per oent;per annum.
For '6 intinglfs, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum.
For 3 months, and longer, 4. , per cent..per annum.
Requiring a short notice of Nrithdrirwah and af
lords a liberal line of accommodations to those i 3 / 4 40
giy'favor it w i th deposits,payalile en demand. Will
pay a promiiiiiven SPAAIISII and hlexicArt DOL
RALF DOLLARS. Will make celleptions on and
remit to all parts of the United:Mites, the Cana
flits and EuropeNegotiate.Loarig;'&e., &c., and
do a g E
eneral Europe;
GLEN, Cashier.
WE, undersigned,lfaitiJ
liable to the extent of tholr Estates for all
deposits and other obligations of the co-partner
ship filed in the Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon
County, trading under the name and style of the
Spun' CAMzaox, - DmveoN COLEMAN,
Leh., je 17,'57.] GEORGE G2-six._
LebitnOn lintual insurance
IStont.onVrfn ur Thp LFW4ATURE or PA.
Office at Jonestaii,-4, Lebanon County,
TIS Company is now fully organized an d
ready to make Insurance on all kinds of
property in town or country and on as favorable
terms as any well-governed and safe company,
either on the Mutual or joint stock principle.
President-L-JOV* Butts:fen, Esq. .
Viee . President—D. M. KAnmaxv.
Treasurer—GT.o. F. MEILY.
Secretary—Wm. A. BARRY.
John Brunnor, Esq., Daniel Brown,
D. M. Karinatty, Napoleon Dash, ..
Gab. F. meily. John Arndt, : ..
3r. A. Barry,' John Melly,
' S. U. Shirk, L. R. Walkir, '
.Daniel IL Biever, D. M. Rank.
p- A. S. Env is. tho Agent for - Lebanon.
Donley at all , times bo found at his Offica in
Wal.rint. Zrtect.
Jonestown, July 15, 1
Indetnity Against Loss by Fire.
STATENEIyiT OF ASSETS, $ 1 ,8 27 3 186.
JANtrARt IST, an.
Published Agreeably So an Act of ASsenibly,
First Mortgages. amply secured,. $1,519,632 73
Real Estate (present value ,-$ 100.000) cost, 82,7t4 so
Temporary Loans, on. °MO° Collateral secu
rities • 89,114 18
Steeks:(present value, $83,881 12, cost, 71,232 97
Cash, any 64,121 56
$1,821.185 8D
tSitPVTUAL OR LIMITEP rsiunANcEs made on
every description of property, in
Rates as LOW as aro constirent With security.
Since their incerporatioti, A period of twenty•eight
years, they have paid over TIIRBF. IIIILLION DOLLARS
LOSSES BY FIRE, thereby,atfording evidence of the ad
vantages of as well se the ability and dispo
sltiorto meet, with promptness, all ;liabilities.
LOSSES BY - Fitts.
Lganio pplsi during the year 1856," ' VEIL= S 4
CHAS. N. 13.QieittniMarines' D. Lewis.
.CEO, W. lticuanDS, Gookoir.FausS,
Criaimes N. Dioitineu, Pro/lit:lent,
~. . CHARLES O. BA-NOILIM, Secretary.
Feb. 25.-Iy. ...
WlO takes tbebestLIKENESSES in Lebanon?
Why J. 11. REIM, in the
He has the beet room, best light,' best fixtures,
and has made it hie entire business fur the last
five years. He always gets the latest imprOve
meets ; he has always the latest style of cases on
hand ; he takes pictures in every style of the art ;
his STEREOSCOPE PICTURES are wonderful
to .behold. All his pictures aro eharp, correct,
and of the highest finish. Give him a call and
you will not regret it Ills terms ate vary mod
'llis.rooms are open every day (except
Sunday,) from 8 o'clock, A,Af., till 6 P. AI.
Lebanon, Jana 3, 1857.
In North Lebairaoat Borough,
100,000 Bushels RYE,
100,000 Bushels CORN,
100,000 - Buehele OATS,
Clover Seed, Flax. Seed, Timothy, Seed; . for ell
thh highest market pripes,itoaelftilll be
paici'hy HOFF.MAN)I**FI4 Co.
"'-'4Zotthliebanon, July,
gritotsv gitfraturi, fortign anti Anntotit *go iljt Marketo, tOrulturr, enittid.gittstirrgrijo.
Franklin Fire Insurance Co.
Bran dreth's Pi I is purify rite ithod.
Jars fitild operation. with successful °Hectare the.pecu
liarity Brandreth's Pale:Vt.
IIIR race tire subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile,
k-/ 'rat this season and it is as dangerous as it is prey
alen t,.but Brandreth's Pills afford an invaluable and
efficient protection. By their occasional use we prevent
the eoltietion of those imphrities,'Which t when in mill
cient quantities, cause so much danger to the .body's
health. They seen:cure liver complaint, dyspepala,6s
of atqletite, pain in nos head, heartburn, pain in the
breast bone, Midden faintness and Cbstiveness. In brief,
lfrandreth's Pills work their way to , the very-ropts of
the disease, eleanslistanitAft , passisgitretliaing'eveyy„
nhbaalthy 4 aeaninutation. till tha t yocakiva.:4Aed, the
'Whore systfiliViehasiiell;iind thetfuhetioneed. duty of
life become a pleasura,.where;before they had been sak,
arid weary hardens.' Olten When n'ethisig has relieved
vomiting of the most serious ,eharacter,svbether froni
sea-sicinesa or otherwise, where itai retching has been
appalling, a ithigtd dedb`df four Bratedieth's Pills has at,
once cured and the patient has falleil'into'it sweet sleep.
When'the mind cannot Collect itself;. when the memory
fails; when it is an effort to fix the attention; when our
sleep is broken and our 'waking hours harassed with,
forebodings of evil,then Brandreth's Pills should be used.
If these warnings remain unneeded, rheumatism, con
sumption, disease of the heart; bilious affections, Jean
dice, dropsies, piles,appoplexies and costiveness will
denly ikeseut themselves. These lhandreth's Pills would
hare prevented,but neverthelessrAasetherifillsilsocuEe.
Ilse them at once; do not let prejudice prevent the use
of this simple but potent remedy.
Braadreth's Theory of Disease.
Never extract blood. Blood is the life. By abstract
ing it in painful diseases you ma, occasion the - patient
ease, but remember, this ease is only ; the ,feduction or
lessening, the,,power to feel. And by thus taking .away
nature's tools; you may preventher from fully repairing
the ravages of inflammation, a convert what might only
have been the sickness of_a few days or weeks into a
chronic affection of menthe and years.
Brandreth's Piiii.aceord with Nature] -
Nature's remedy is fact. When sudden, acute . or con
tinued pain occurs fnire any cituse;thentoinsurea quick
return to health, you must use Brandreth's Pills, which
will seen - relieve every organ from undue pressure, and
remove those-humors whole presence often occasions
- Such terrible suffering.
uze,:rwenty 'Willett boxes seld.and the ephere'ot their
usefulness still extending. Ask for almanack and parn
phiSt of cures.- Agents will supply gratis.
liEwAne--all pills with "211 Broadway!' on side lable
are counterfeits. Get the genuine and they will never
deceive. Sold at Dr. ROSS' Drug Stinh.' opposite the
Court Rouse, Lebanon, Pa. - [July 15,
. ALL iefsiis.
. - -
Leiria s Super Phosph ate 'a.
7,000 TON S.
FARMERS,iiim„ lot'. your WILUAT C`ItOP, use
X LEINAVS Super Phosphate of Lithe, at 23 eta.
lb. or $4O a Ton; or use
Leintra's AterTaan'Fertilizer /
at $3,50 a bbl. or s2s'a ton. One barrel of either
is sufficient for an Acre of Wheat. These -are
made of reliable Chemical Elements . , and have
been in successful use for the past Six Years, itu-'
proving the soil and increasing the'value of the
Four Diplbmas from the State Agricultnia'l Ed
ciety of Pennsylvania; Now Jersey; Delaware;
and the: Crystal Palace r Aiseciagen of the,Cipy'of
New York, have been received for these ralua
hie Fertilizers.
Pamphlets in the English and German Lan
guage can ho had by application at the Office.
A liberal discount to wholesale dealers.
The above Fertilizers, delivered FICEE of Cart
age to any wharf in the old City proper.
Orders eent by Mail accompanied with Cash or
Drafts, will be promptly shipped to any part of
the world. glL'O. - A.-Lh'INAU, Proprietor,
No. 19 South frOlft street, Phila. Wry;
July 29, '57-4m,
The Chewiest Sofirb
Are iota by DUNDORE & OVES
Advertising and Correspondence Office, 360 Broad
way, New York.
Jl Orew and Important
covery in the Science of Medicine.
enna. .Sold wliaTedle and retail by Dr H. A.
"Barrow, member of the imiflColle s ge of Vienna,
andlloYel College of Surgeons, LondOn, *be may be
herionelly consulted et his residence, 157 Prince street,
few blocks - west of Hroadway, - New York, from - 11. A. AL
till-2 T. qt. 4ga finno till '8 P. M. (Sundays excepted,
unless bYeppojaatmont,)
- 'lrieeemai -NO. 1,
Ili elan/tidy for Relaxation, Sperinatorrheea. and all the
consequences arising from" early abuse, indis
criminate excesses, or toolongrosidence In hot climates.
It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to
thciusande who are now in the "enjoyment of health and
the functions of manhood; and whatever may be the
pantie or disqualifications for marriage;"they,are effectu-
Aly,kubdued. =
Triesemar No. 2,
Completely and entirely' in:db./Idea all traces of Donor.
hint, both in 'its mild and "aggravated forms. 0 teats, Strie.
tures; Irritation of the Bladder. Non-retention, of the
Pains of the Loins mid Kidneys, And those disor
ders for which Copaivi tind Cnbabs have so long been
thought an antidote;
Triesemar No. 3;
is the grelitCalthiental REMEDY for Siphille and Secon
dary symptoms. It also constitutes 'a certain cuYe for
Scurvy, 'Scrofula, and ell cutaneous Eruptions, removing'
and expelling in:its course all impurities from the vital
stream, so as altogether to eradieate the virus of disease,
and expel it by insensible perspiration through the me
Worn of the pores of the skin and urine. "
It is a never failing remedy for that class of ilisiirders
Which English Physielitia trent with Niereury, to the in
evitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove.
Taint - MAU N 0.1,2 and 8, are prepared in. the form of a
lozenge. devoid of taste.dr smell, mid . ciaa be cerried in
the tiaieteettt :_poeket. Sold in tin cases, and divided in
separafil doses as adinini4eSed by Valpeall,
Roux, ILL.:ord./re., kc. Price $3 each, or four cases in
one for $9, Which' saves' $3, and in "$2.7 cases, whereby
there is a saving of $9.
None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals
of the Patent Office of England. the seals of the }kola de
Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna,
are aghted upon each wrapper, and around each ease.—
Imitation's are liable to the severest penalties of the law.
Special arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward
immediately. on receiving a remittance, the $9 and lar
ger size cases of Triesemar free of carriage, to any minor
the world, securely packed and properly addressed, thus
insuring genuine European preparations and protecting
the public from spurious and pernicious imitations.
Attendance and C,onsultation from 11 a. m. till 2 p. m.
and from 4011 Bin the evening. 167 Prince street, a few
blanks west of Broadway, New York. .
May 6,1837-11-
Cristadoro's Hair Dye!
nnt-ahell all the Merits lie,
Of Cristadorcie'neVer.equalled Dye ;
Red it makes hisik,-14$ transfOrme a grog,
And keeps the fibres always from. devay.,
GrEutris matt:l)loa, ro-vitallzing Voir still )101&k
position as the most haratless andeffteaeious Hair
Dye in TILE WORLD. rrepared and. sold, wholesale
and retail, and applied in ten'privute rooms, at CEUSTA
nose's, No. 6 Astor !louse. liroatlway. New York. and
by all Druggists and Perfumers in the United States.
Jan. 14, 1807.—ly.—Isq.
Agent—George 11. Keyser, 140 Wood st., Dabbing. Pa.
Costar's Rat, Roach, 4c , Exterminator
Put up in 20c., 35e., 65.. and $l, Boxes.
Costar's Bed Bug Exterminator.
Put up in 25c., 500., 15e.; and $l. Bottles.
Costar's Electric Powder, for Ants, In.
' accts, &o. Put up in 25e. and 50c. Boxes.
Principal Depot, No. 388 Broadway, Now York,
and sold by DRUGGISTS and DEALERS every.
where in the 'United States, Canadas, West Indies
and South-America.firFull particulars
august 10,
For sale by Guilford' 45 Itontherger, agents for
Lebanon county, at theirmholesale.actd.rotall et
"tiblishreent, Opposite thelfarket, Letos:4ll4
1,0 t,.
What is home without Oister
What aro all the jerto,tif youth
If in infancy we miss
And her prattling•taleiulif truth?
`Sweet affections maymmitbund us,
And a mother's tv,vtleare s _
But the magic fails tw:chitt us
If no sister's love bet* e I
• .1
In her childhood 4,
around h
Spring •her
Ball " in g aatl'iNiff/sixic n • 4
' Prompting to the niattorf..,?. , •
And .when sorrowilugAMudtiOn.
Olicieslipcss our sffitiesn'ye.ti4.2,T
0! what kiudnesti and deiotiob
Doth she breathe to quell mg fears I
:Much we love a gentle mother,
Much we prize a, father's tear; '
AnA we love altinikly brother;
But a sister's lovolindst deawl . •
`Death and changes never 00 90 3
,gt ,
. Oft our parent bears away,
• *While a sister's love inereasing, •
Growing stronger day by day, , •
All, gentle hope! shall I no mere
Thy cheerful influence share?
Oh, must I still`thrloss deplore''`'
And be the slave of care?
The gloom which now obscures My days;
At thy approach would fly, . ,
And glowing fincy would display
A bright unclouded sky: -
Night's dreary dreary shadows fleet away,.
Before the orient beam, :
So sorrow melte heron thy +away,'
Thou nymph of cheerful mien.
Ah, seek again my lonely breast, r .
Dislodge each painful fear ; .
Be once again` thy heavenly guest,'
Anti stay each falling tear.
litittß Pug.
ax & CAN DIN sETTLEit.
1 was'brotight Op near the. Canatlian
line in Vermont. My father 'owned a
lerge farm, lhough an Min "Woirlter by
trade.. I _think fie,made joine'n'fl,he best
rifles *ever used. Not far r frOth
was quite a lake; where we used lo
joy ourselves at 'fishing and sailingkir
we had one of the best bomb ever -Put
into fresh water. We knew that there
were plenty of snakes about the lake—
especially around - cre part of wide
piece of flats, where the water lay most •
of the yea,t,,and where the tall grass and
reeds grenhhickly. It was a port of bdY
sosking-u p tno. it -W.11., Oacthei t piny**, ,
side of the eirm. Peen'Sfirne ,, “
large snakes in the tvitter there, and 1
had tried to shoot thein as they swam
with their heads up, though I never hap
pened to get one of theifi in that way.—
I am' ure I hit some of them, tint they
managed to get away into the grass; and
I had no desire to Toliow them especial.
ly into such a place. Most of those
I saiv were are 'common black water
snake, but they were Wit all alike.—
orne of the larger ones bed a light col
ored ring around the neck; and I was
told by those who knew that Ihese latter
were by far the strongeit and Insist dan
However, [ was destined soon to have
my eyes open. One afternoon I saw:.a
flock of black ducks fly over the house,
and I was sure they landed on the lake,
so I seized my double barreled gun and
ammunition, and started off. When I
reached the landing, I saw the ducks
away off by the opposite shore. I at
once cut some green . boughs with my.
knife; and having rigged up the'hows
of.a small flat bott'om'ed scow we kept
on purpose for Such work,l jumped.fil
and started off. There was a hole in the
stern through which we could put the
oar, and thus cull the boat without sit
lug up in sight, so from wkere the ducks
were icy contrivance had only the up
pearanc of a simple mass'of boughs float.'
ing upon•.water.
I had got near enough for a tarot, and
had drawn in the scull, and was in the
act of taking op my gun, when the ducks
started up. As quickly as possible I
drew one hammer and let drive. I hit
two of
.them ' but they didn't fall into
the water. They fluttered along until
they fell among the tall grass up in the
cove: The Water. Was low, and the place
aaw dry !where they were. I pulled .as
tar as I could, and then gctUtit and wad:.
ed up. I knew very near where one of
the ducks had fallen, and very soon,had
my eyes on it.. As I ran up to take it
I saw tbe head of a black snake pop out
and catch it by the wing. I saw only
the head and neck of the reptil, and had
no idea how large a one it was ; or, if
I had, probably I should have done just
as I did—or I had no ider. of .fearing
h a thing-. . So I just runs and snatch•
es, t ''. birds away. I had left my gun
in tit:, boat, and had notheig to kill the
chap ~ .ith ; but as I took the duck, I
just p I my foot on the thief's neck.
The . -
1 / 4
round was moist and slimly, and
as the snake had his body braced
among . the roots of the stunt reeds-he
took his head out frontunder mpabout
as quick as a man could comfortably
think. I thought I'd run back to my
bout and get my gun and, try to kid
this fellow, and Lhad just turned for that
purpose, when I. felt something Strike
.My leg as though somebody had-thrown
a rope around. it. I looked down. and
found that the ,snake had taken,a turn
around my left leglvith Ida tail; and was
in the act of clearing his body fitimlite
grass. I dropped the duck add gave a
smart kick; but that did not loosen him;
so I tried to put my right foot upon him
and thos drew my left leg away ; but I
m i g ht , just' sa well,have tried to
food on a streak e lightning l'•_:..
And hadn't I been deceived 2 I bad
;forgotten the, proportiOnate. ttize of_the
head of this Speciee of bliortiiiiilce J . i I
had expected. -to see a snake. four or five"
feet long ; instead-oflhat he was nearly
eighty feet gild a half! . I tell I lopk-:
ed ten ways:for home about that time:
Still,l hadn't 'yet , int. - great fear, , for - I
supposed that when . .l came to lint my
hand on e.onlil ea'sily take him •
off, for I was pretty strong in the arms:
In •a few seconds he had his body'
clear, and it,wif's tlieh that the first real
thrill sbot thieugh me. There-he held
hithself h'y'titk simple turn arpti,no
• I.g4ik,i- ~ 4 1 4, 4 E"gy:414040#40.
I re c: beoutrWhib headiest on a level With
mine. I made a - grab-for him, htif Ps'a
'elf, him ; artd then dia quick as you can
snap .your finger, he swept his head
around My arrii—Clear iirobnd my body,
and then straightened up and looked me
in the face again. I gave another grab
"'at hitn*--and another as quick as I could,
hut he dodged me in spite of all could do.
I next felt the snake's body working
i't's way up. The turn df the tail was
changed to my thigh, and the coil around
my stomach cenunenced to tighten.—
About:this time •I began to think there
'might-be some serious work, and the
`quickerl took the snake off the better.
So I just grasped him as near the head
as rossible, by taking hold-where he was.
'around 'for he. couldn't dodge that
part, youittiow--and,tried to turn hint
off. Bin this.only.Made it worse. The,
fellow had non' , drawn himself up so high,,
and stretched himself46,•that he slipped'
another turn about tail was note
around my, left thigh, and the rest of him .
turned twice-around my body—one of
them being just at' the pit of my stout;
achz--and the other about it; All this oc
cupied just about half a rid unto from the
time he first got the turn around` toy leg;
The snake now had his head right'
around In front of my face, and tried to
make his wa'y, to my mouth! What hi s
intention was I cannot surely tell,though
I have
,aways belived that he knew he
could - strangle . me it that way: fie
struck - 111%611e- %flow 'in -. the 'Mouth that
hurt tne considerably - ; 'and after that I
got him by. the neck, and ffiere I meant ,
to hold •hille —at • least, so that •he could
strike tne again. But about this time
another.diffieulty , arose. •The. Morhent
I grasped. the snake;by the neck, hadorn- •
Men - cod to. tighten the folds about :my
body.. Icivitseti't over =a few seconds
before I discovered that• he would soon
•'squeeze the breath out of rim in That way •
and I determined to unwind him. , He
was wound in this way: 7 ,the turn ar ound -
-the thigh was: from' thelliift: to the'-right '
—then up between the legs to my right
side, and so on with the second
thus thinging his head up from under my
left arm. I had the snake now with the
left hand, and my idea was to pass his
bead around my back until I could-reach
it with ny right , and So Onivired
I could press the fellow's head down
unde'r my arm, but to get it round sous to
reach it with my hiaa rcould not. I tried
put all my strength into one arm, hat
I could not .do it. I could get it just
about under my airy-pit but here my
strength was applied to a disadvantage,
and I could do no more.
Until this,mornent I had not , been ni
ftily frightened.. I had believed that I
,couid,:unwind the serpent when I tried.
I t _neve.t dreamed ,what power they had.
Why "only Ihink-L•••6at strong as. .I was
then—and • could not put • the ssnake's
head around my •back. I tried it until
I knew. I pould not do it, and then I
•gave it up.: ,My next thought was of
my jack , knife; but the • loiver • coil of
the. snake , was directly over my pocket,
and could ; not get at it.
,/ now ler the firattime called for help.
I yelled .with all my might, and yet I
knew the trial was next to useless, for
no one could easily gain the place where
I was, excert with a boat. Yet I call
ed out, hoping against hope. I grasped
he snake by the body and pulled—rl tri
ed to break its neck. •This plan present
ed itself with a gleam of premise --but
it amounted to nothing. I might as
well have tried to break a rope by bend
iug it forward and'hack. A full min
ute had elapsed from the time when first
I tried to pass the snake's head around
any back. His body had become so e
longated by his gradual pressure rtrOund
my body, that he had room to carry hit
head around in a tree and eymnietrical
curve. :He: He had slipped from my grasp,
and when I neat caught him, I found
tuyseif weaker than before. I could not
hold him The exciteuielit had *event.
ed me from noticing , this until n ow.—
For a iew , moments, I was in estate of
frenzy. I leaped up and deWn—cifed
as loud as I could-rrand grasped the
_with all my But it avail
ed me nothing. Ile slipped, his head
from my weakened grasp, and Made a
blow at my face, striking tie faerly
upon the closed lips. This ,made me
mad, and ,I gave the infernal thing an:
other grasp• With both hands, trying once
more to twist his neck. The only re
sult was that I ' i tof . inother Blow upon
the mouth. ,
But the moment , of need Was,ai hand.
I felt the
e oilsgroWing tighter anti tight
er, aroupd tny hedy,,ftnd my breath was
,getting weak. : ,A
pain was he
, ginningto-resnit from the pre,ssure, and
l'saw flat the snake ,would soon have
letigth enough for another e
..was drawn so tightly, that the centre of
; his body, wits,no,biggir than his, head
The black , was drawn to a . t ension
that : seemed ite , tikmost, and ypt,,,1:,,,c0u Id:
tell by .the working . of , the large, settles:
. upon the,belly ihat be was dr,,WiPg him—
self tighter
•i.Por God ' s sake I" I glisped
, en wlthabseltite terror-7"Wbat, shall I.
.411 What could . : I do I, ,Tite . ..eneMy
froM• Whom I:had ai4re,i,thougin lit •
°tie -oft,,was-kilking.Ati,`killipg me, Sloaf-
..; r.:I
ly Clierrly` , Isere' n o help I
I a arodt; Strong Man,- iviiie‘being
ly - held et the - -deadly fivilh.•.pft ei black
My"face Wirroosigrbieing'pur
pe:: .141 y. hands - and-irrfisfWereatwollen,,.
and' my- fingers notched AV-Irail let „; go'
'Of the snake's heck, and irowicarri•
ed the, upper parCof.hia hoilyin. a grace
ful Cuive, histhead-vihrati% =from,. side
to side .With an: motion 'of
extreme gracefulness. tz
may body had become exerittilating. The
snake's skin where i asst rstk ahem t the,
was so tight that iCsierhed almost trios
parent. He had foendrii . g,trier frad'fotairl
him in a state bf 'hunger, his , .stomach
free from food-, end his muscular torce
unimpaired.. A second time stagger
ed, and objects began to swim._befoie
me. A dizzy sensation was my in head,
a faintness at my heart and agonizing
pain in my body. The snake bad now
.hree feet of body clear. He had drawn
hireself derthinly direr) feet longer than
before. He darted ;his head under ,iity
arm, and brought it up Over my should
er ; .and pressing his under jaw firmly
down, there he gave a sudden wound
that Made me groan ` With pejo., -Each
moment was an age of;agony I each sec
ond a step nearer to;death. .
My knife , if I Could 'reach it!
Why not? Why not tear it or t? My_
arms were free. Mercy 'I why had not
tedught of 'this before;'when my Minds
had some strength inibeml Yet I would
try it. I collected all my remaining
power for the effort, and made the at
tempt. My trouserli were. of blue •cot 7.
ton stuff, and 'strong—t could alit — tear
. ft.' thhtiglie of , the. stitches. They
"might not be so tentieiotis. `I grasped
the cloth on the inside of my thigh, and
gave my listatoth of strength to the of
'`fart. -The stitches started—they gave
way I This result 'gave me hope, and
hope gave strength. Another pull—
'With loth handsand the pocket was
laid bare I with all the 'retriairring force
I cOuld•command—ivith the hope of life
home,-'of everything I loved on'
eartirijh Ihe effort.' I caught the pock
et on the ineide and bore down-upoa it
There was a breeking of the . threads:
—a sound of tearing. cloth and stay ;
knife* was in my :hands! . - .
I ha&yet-sense enough tolinow-that,
the smallest blade was the sharpest; and
I opened With one quick,oervous
moveinenti presset . tl Wert e i g! jt
on the e sloe, ail .1.4- it acffiss.
Witb a doll, tearing snap the body part
ed, and the snake fell to the ground in
two pieees l t I staggered to the boat
—I reached it, and. there sank down.
I knew nothing more until I heard a
Voice calling'me by none, I
ay eyes and looked up. My father
stood '6veY ite with terror depicted up
on his countenance. He went OP hod
got the duck I had taken from the
snake—the other he could not fiurt—
and also brought along two pieces I had
made of ray enemy. He told me he
had heard the cry out, and at once start
ed off in - a large boat after me, though
it was a long while ere he saW my boat.
I had lain there over half antotir , when
the foiled me.
-When we reached home the snake
was measured, and found to be eight
feet four inches in length. ft was a
moat before I fairly recovered from
-train the effect of that hugging ; and to
this day there is something, in the very
name of snake that sends a thrill of hor
ror to my heart
too much truth in the following remarks
of Addison : have found that the men
who are really the most fond of the la.
dies—:Who cherish for than: the highest
respect—are seldom the most popular
with the itiek. Men of great assurance
—whose tongues are lightly ha - rg—who
make words supply the place of ideas
and place compliment in the room of
sentiinent—are their favorites. A due'
respect for women leads to respectful
action towards therri ; and respect is
mistaken by them for neglect, or want of
Frositaxy.—iVever forsake a friend.
When enemies gather around—when
sickness falls on the hertit—When the,
world is dark and cheerless—is the time
to , try true friendship.. They who turn
from the cry of distress betray their hy
pocrily,- and prove :that interest, only
moves them. If you have a friend who
levee you and studies your happiness—
be sure to sustain '
,him in adversity.
Let him feel that'hia former kindness is
sppreCiated and his !cinemas not thrown
away. Real fidelity ,may, be rane, but it
exists in the, heart.* ;Who has not seen
and felt its power 'They 'only deny its
worth and power who have neVer loved a
ftiend or labored tis make a friend happy
Qom* "Pa; didnltlou whip me-for bit.
ing Tommy r
"Yes, my you hurt 'him vet" ,
much indeed."
i'Well, then, pa r r . you ought to whip
mamma's music teatber too, for lie hit
mamma yesterdey. -right in her mouth,
omi t ! know it hurt her, beeadie she put
her arms round - -his - neeloArilKied to
6htike"him." 3 ` ,-Axj
• -
4 .
O "There is no-pltioe' like' .hbme,"
says the peel;
"That's so 11 unless it's the home of
the young lady you're after; t This is 4, of
eourse;an'eiception: - u lure poets will
'plesie to mit& t.
Ogr A certain, gallant. editnt : thinks
when a. single gentleman cat t, r , pasa, a
clothes-line witpoutcOuniing i the long
s-tockings, ieie aigo' onitht to get
married and the
nt b * s 1 2t;:bifict 7 . 4 7t:lJ!moil.`:•fit
.':{i . E.05:7;41,00" A YEAR.
Annle Ighed, land Jaritie oohed' her
Pretty. little trembling hand.
Then with outatrAtobed arm he clamped her
Hail reluctant, form. and — 7 — and
'noose me !" bat he clasped the tighter--
1 "Annie, say, wilt thou be mine?'
Then her bright face grew much brighter,
&hen she. whispered, "I am thine r
Then they 'clasped eaoh other fondly,
Close together as two bricks ;
And they kissed each. other soundly,
And r left theta in this fut.
l'st-401 4 1*.11V;ZZAIJARr
We all of us, in a great measure, era.
titeNailr•osen bappi.ness, which is not half
so milehdepeodent upon scenes and cis
cumstatices as most people are apt to kn . .
and so it is witleheauty. &muse
"ilpes.little,more ihan furnish us with the
• mudslide of both, leaving us to work
Aht - to i out, Ihr ourselves: "Stars and
- fie4ere, and hills, and woods, and
streerks, - are letters, and words, and voic.
`vehicles, and missionaries," but they
need Co ititerpreied in the right spit.
it. We:must read, and listen 'fqr them,
end,eedeiver to understand and prufil.
by • And when we look around
us upon earth, we. must not forget to
look upward to heaven's
. "Those whi r s
'Godcan . see in everything," writes it
popular author, "are sure to see good sit
, everything." We may add with truth;
:that- they are also sure to - see beauty in
everything and everywhere. When
are at *eels ourselves and the
world, it is as though we gazed unou
outward things through a golden-tinted
glass, and saw a glory resting upon them
all;We- know that it cannot be long
and sorrow, and blinding tears,
• Will - dim, 'the mirror of our inmost
tfibtrghts'; but we meet pray end look
again,, and by•andliy 'the cloud will pass
away. There iabeauty everywhere, but
it requires to be sought, and the aeeke'r
siTter it is iiire to find it f--it may be in
some:tint-of the•wayplace, where no one
erscsviluld think of.looking. Beauty is
a. fairy • sometimes she hides. herself iii
a fiewei•ciiP,(it under a leaf, or creeps
the old ivy, and plays bide-and:seek
with the sunbeams, or haunts some ruin •
ed spot, or-laughs out of a bright, young
face. Sometithes•the takes the form of
a` white cloud, and goes dancing over
, the green fields, or the deep blue sea s
,where her misty form, marked out in
-momentary darkness, looks like the pass
iing shade* of an angel's wing. Beau•
ly is a coquette, and weave herself a—ot, various hues, according to the
season-and it T's hard tee say which i 0
the most becoming,
A GOOD MAN 7 2 W 15111.-1 would rit.
(her, when I are laid in the grave, that
some one in his manhood should stand
over the atia - Say, 'There lie s s one who
was a real friend to me, and privatel y
warned me of the dangers of the young,
no one knew it, but be aided me in
tithe of need. I oVve what lam to hint.'
Or would rather have some widow tell
ing her children 'There is your friend
and mine. He visited mo in my afflic
tion,and found you, my son, an employ.
er, and you, my daughter , a happy hems
in a virtuous family.' I would rather
that such persons stand at my grave,
than to have erected over it the moat
beautiful sculptured monument of Pa.
rian or Italian marble. ' The heart's
broken utterance of past kindness, and
the tears grate . ful themery shed upon
the grave, are more valuable in my esti
mation, than the niost costly monument.
—Dr. Sharp.
OT TO EE 0 .-A business main
howseever great his - hurry, who would
not stop to watch feminine ankles elimb•
ing in and out of omnibuses .
A bachelor Whose Carpet did not wear
out first in front of the looking-glass.
A doctor who had not more patienti
than he'pould attend to.
A schoolteacher whose interest in his
or her pupil was not graduated by the,
standing of their patents or the length
of their purse.
A married man who could give tha
right hand of
. fellowship to wile's old
hilt sweet lover.
A milliner who could be bribed to
make a brinnet to cover the head.
An old Maid who was not so from lier
especial chiiiee:
0::r There is a place in Pennsylvania
near Tot;rinda, Bradford county, which
has been described as being covered with
stones, and under each stone there were
fifteen rattlesnakes, and nothing but
hemlock knots and buckle berries were
produced in addition to stones and rat.
tlesnakes, Fremont Into a majority there
last fall.
o:ti- A. Black Republican politician
was boasting in a public speech that ha
could bring an argument to the pint as
quick as a Democrat.
"You can bring a quart to a pint a good
deal quicker," replied a youth of six
The Black Republican wait most in.
gloriously., drunk
TVBiack 11.ipu 4 311barts contend.
ink iteryllutiply on ',fitters regarding the
coming election, got to rather high Words
when ittne:-.6errt said—
"Yoe never Cot c • t h a lie_ coming belief
my mouth,".
The other replied—
"sreu Allay -woll say that, (oi . tbey
so fast that nobody can eatehNrr..,,.
Gerrilt Smith peat the .
Lion of the Detnoer Dem.
i. Tv ,e it is._ They
6crut. replies '',,l . ..2uordinates , now
Nave beaten . tome on himsel
let • , - •
if. lie
Vimir gig. 430.