Vf 0-41:1. 12. BY WM. M. BRESLIN.' Paritts J. Seltzer, ATTORNEY AT LANV., nVFIOIi, in Cumberland Street, nearly opposite vV Drum's Ilotol, Lebanon, Pa. Aug. 26,'37. LIETI ariEitur, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, . . IXTILL attend 0..1111 his of business; also, V V all other legal and professional business en trusted to him will be promptly attended to. Ot`foten—F-_ln Ouinberland street, second door east frontrAlarket at. [Lebanon, July 22,'57. ISAAC HOFFER) SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, fiFFIcE in Cumberland street : opposite the AJ "Eagle Motel," Lebanon, Pa. ftEmovA L. J)11. WM. M. GUILFORD has removed his Of fice to bis new residence on Market Street, a few doors North of Ratter .t; Ores' Store, and be tween it and the New Lutheran church. Lebanon, Dec. 10, 1856.-tf. Don't forget to Call at TKINS & MnADAM'S r an examine their stock of Boots, Shoes - , Trunks, Traveling BM Revolvers, Pistols, Pocket-Knives. A BEALIT,IFITL assortment. and Cheap, nt IL an:El9',V. REIZENSTEIN k ElO ,German Smoking Tobacco, 1)0116ELAIN and Clay... Pipes, Cigar-tubes, at wag. 19,'57. REIZENSTEIN BP.O. Gum•Elostie Belts. DATENT-Leather. and Gum-Biastie Bults for 1 Ladies & Children; also belt-chaps very low, at nug. 111,'57. ItEIZENSTEIN & BRO. Pocketbooks, Portmonnaies, AND PURSES••••• 11 large variety of Buckskin Purses, Pocketbooks .4 Portrounnoles, et as toniAing low prices ht nlIz• 19,'57, _ • REIZENSTEIN k BRA Flutinas, Arcordeons, Violins, BANJOS, Guitars, Harmonika:l, Fifes, Guitar and Violin Strings, at RRIZENSTEIN h IiROS' atig. Hi, '5l. Cheap Jewelry k. Variety Store. Watches and Jewelry. JUST received, a largo assortment of Watches and Jewelry of the latest styles, Cameo Breast pins, Finger-rings, Ear-dwips, Gentlemen's Breast pins and Studs; for sato cheap at ItEIZENtTEI3g it BROTHERS, mtg. 111, '57. Opposite the Court ileum For Sale. ASooond-hand Stefan ENGINE , ID horse pow or. It is to bo sold to inake , .room fur ono of a lorgor size. Apply to A. MAJOR Js BROTHER. Lobanon, Joly 1, 1957. HAMS,. suouLDIERSI tDES, Whitefish, Mackerel, Herring., Cheese, Vinegar, , Tobaeee, Seg,nrs . , Fleur, Feeding, &o. for sale by J. C. HEISNER. Lebanon, July 30,1850. Leathei? l ,Leather, Leather! HENRY IV, 0 VERNA N, Importer 0 - French Calf Skins, and general. Leather Mettler, O. South 3d atreet, A general ossertnient of all kinds of leatlier, Naroecos, Rod OalCSolo"..Laather.' Feb. 25,1,1857.-Iy. To Persons about to Tilsit PHILADELPHIA! TRY the new WESTERN lIOTEL, , ' Market street, below Uth street. Eve ry attention given, with n desire to 11 . please. Boarding $1 per Day. , A. M. HOPKINS ? July I'ropriotor. CA IiPENTERS WANTED,. 10 GOOD JDITRNEYMAN CARPENTERS 1.0 wanted immediately at the Steam Planing Wills of the undersigned, in this borough. None tut the best of bands required, to whom . liberal wages will be given. Apply to Bo As, GASSER, A. GETTLE. Lebanon, Feb. 18, 1857.—tf. ilankees Hill. Sand. Avery superior SAND for Building awl other purposes, is offered for sale by the undersign ed, in Swatara township, at Bunker's Hill. It is sold at reasonable prices and delivered by the un glersigned personally. Sand hauled and delivered by other persons is not the genuine article. April 22, 1857.—tf. J. C. COOPER. WOOd Wtiod TIIE undersigned, residing In North Lobnrion Borough, offers for sale cheap, . GOO or 700 Cords (estimated) good Wood. It may be seen at "Fin nizan's dam,' on the Union Canal, near Jones-I town. [may 27, '57..DAV1D DOTER. NEW BARBER SROP4 DALY do 'WILLIAMS would respectfully in -Ur form the citizens os Lebanon that they have opened a first class SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, in Market street, opposite the Lebanon Bank. They would solicit a'share of the public patronage, Lebanon, May 20, 1857.—tf. P. G. WIKEL, Bricklitydr And JobbeV l Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn' a. LAM prepared, at all times, to put up Brick Work, in all its branches, and on the. shortest notice. Also, BRICK BUILDINGS, BOILERS, Inn - walls, Bailee,. Roexths, and all work connect ed with a Furnace done. :,0a3 . -A gang of Stone Masons always ready to put down foundations, and do stone work of every description. July 1, 1857,—tf. P. G. WIKEL. W ATCHES AND JEWELRY • ~ANOTHER NEW BET Or WATeffES AND JEWELRY, anat. RECEIVED BY j„: ACKER., in Cumberland street, next door to Dr Lineaweaver's, Oct. 22, '56. - • CLOCKS.. 4: . 40 - ' ~, Thirty Day,, •L;„1,.,:, : , . t , - ` . . s r. Eight Day, - , :.„ ',' ,;: ltott r. Thirty---', • ,-,. 4... -.. ge , CLOcKs l . • Just Received at . , J. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Stwre," , 1 l. Ci E 1 i ~ l egtiide Pti: i , LOOKING GLASSES. P . j • W. //nixes, 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Manufacturer of . Tr ° li ft m an taland Plain Guilt Looking-Glaaa es, Portrait and Picture. Frames of every style; a large stock of the 'above always on band, which / will sell.from 10 to 16 per cent. loss than any other establishment in the city. tVI., PAINTINGS AND - ONGNAVINGS, &c. Old work reguilted, &a. A Pavel discount to the trade. W. DEWEES. No. 154 North 2d titre° t, !Alm Bace, - West side April 29, 1867.-6 m. Plillaoo„.efia,:bro. 102 Preserve your Teeth. I U[LFORD lc LEMDERGER prep a re an arti cle, Pear/ Denim:lloB,oe finest Tooth powder, that can be used, having a most delightful odor, ad pleasant taste, polishes and preserves the oath, to which it gives a pearl-like whiteness, +..parting a most delightful fragrance to the reath, restores the gums and preserves thew in all health and vigor. Prepared and sold only, at GUILFORD Al LEMB.PLGER'S New Drug Store ! Market st. January 7, 1857. ' = _ .. .. .. .. . 1 : - ''" • '''': ......, .............. rr . . .., E .,..., . . __.,...„....,,_., L ~: ~ E. -- ~. .. :: r 1... r,-: ~, . . . . .. '. :::::, . 1 NON . , D . ..... . . . . f.,!,,,,:•.,",,"......,.....,.. - t. .,,,,., ..... ~.. _ , . ~,,..,, .11‘ ti littraturt, gortign mat unit tit *its tfjs Bath*, Agritutture and &s vat tatiltigtitte. SAVINQ FUND , National Safe == Trust Co. .FIVTVIA LNUT Strert. 6 , nkth-lVest corner of TIIIRD Vi 4/ Street. Philadrlphin. l NWT: PO nAT'It TOE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA MONEY is received in any sem, large or small, and Interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office is open every clay from 0 o'clock to the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening ; and on Monday and Th uraday eveningB till A o'clock. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums, large or small, are paid back in goltion de mand without notice, to any amount.. Eon, lIEN in' L. BENNER;Preeident, ROBERT SELFRIDUE, Yice President, WM. J. Rasp', Secretary, DI ItE MRS lienry L. Benner, C. Landreth Munns, Edward L. Carter, .F,Curroll,llrewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph IL Barry, Samuel K. Ashton, Belfry L. Churchman,' Jetties B. Smith, Francis Lee: This ' _ . Thrs Company confines its business eiitirelY to there calving ofmoney on interest. The investments amount tingle over , • , One Minon and a Half of Dollars! are made in conformity with the provisions of the Char ter, in REAL ESTATE,MORTOAOF.S,fiIitOUND RENTS, and such first-class securities, as will always ensure per fect security to the depositors, and which cannot tail to giro permaneneyand stability to the institution. Lebanon Valley .1111ank. , Located in Market street ? :nearly oppo . site the United Hall, one. , Door North of the Post Of/ice. IATILL pay the following RATES of INTER- V,l EST on DEPOSITS, on, and after, the Ist day of March, 1857, viz : Per 3 year, and longer, a per, cent, per annum. Fer.. 6 months, and longer, .5 per con't4er annum. For g months, and longer, 4 per eent-Terannum. Requiring a short notice of withdraival, andaf fords a liberal line of accommodations to those who may fever it with deposi te,pnineltle qp demand. Will pay a premium on SPANISH: and. 'Must 4x Don- Lams, and also on OLD AMERIOAIC DOtrang AICD HALF DOLLARS. Will make collections on and remit to all parts of the United States, the Cana das and Europe ; Negotiate Loans, le., .te., and do a.ggneral EXCHANGE and BA4KING BUSI NESS. G.. DAWSON COLEVAN, President. GEO. GLEIN, 'Cashier. v! - ` HD, tindorsigned,'idanageririare individually '&77 ,liable the.extentOf, their Estates for all deposits and other obligations of• the:co.-partner ship. filed in tho.Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon County, trading under the name and style of the 0 2EnANoN VALLEY Mum." SIMON CAM EicoN, • G. DAWSON COLEMAN, . GEOROe SMuLLeR, LEVt liwzrE j JANES YOUNG, ' `AUGUSTUS Porn, Leb.,je GEOUGE GLEIM. Lebanon Miatnali 111st:ranee Company. "INCOOPOOATED Br TAP. LEGISLATURE OP PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL Office at Jonestown, Lebanon County. GIVARANTE CAPITAL $55,000. 911IIs Company' is now fully organized and ready to make Insurance on all kinds of property in town or country and on as favorable terms as any well-governed " and safe company, either on the Mutual or joint stock principle. President—Senn BRU?tNER, Esq. Vice President—D. M. N.A.nmAllr. Treasurer—Geo. F. Manx. ' SeeretarY—Wst. A. BAnar. Directors. :elm , Brurrner.,:Esq., - Daniel Brown, D. M. Raimany, • Napoleon Desh, I Geo. F. Melly. . "John Arndt, . lir. A. Barry, John-Meily, . E. Ti. Shirk, • . - L. R. Walker, Daniel 11. Biever, • D. M. Rank. - • 014* - A. S. Ery is the Agent fur Lebitnon. Ile ti at all times ho 'found at his office in . Walnut Strad. .. Jonestown, July 15, 1851.—1 y .. ! Indemnity Against Loss by Fire. Franklin Fire Insuranee; Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. • OFFICE 1634OlIES4NET'STREET, NEAR STII tSTEEE'f.• , STATEMENT or ASSETS, *1)82 1 7 3 186. JANUARY IsT; 1857. PubtielLedAtiree;thly . to an Act of Assetnbly, First Motive* amply secured, . i 1,519,932 73 Real Estate (present value, slo9,ooo).cost, 82,784 ati Temporary imams, on ample Collateral secu rities . . 89,114 is Stocks. '(present value, t 33,881 12,.c05t, 71,232 97 Cash, dm., 34121 58 . . 61.827,185 SO PERPETUAL OR LIMTLED INSURANCES made on every description of property, in TOWN AND , COUNTRY. Rates as LOW as are consistent: with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty.eight years; they have paid over THREE 01ILLION DOLLARS LOSSES BY FIRE, thereby affording evidence or the uti vuntnges of Dist/nil:ice, as wall ..tE the ability and dispo• aition to meet, with promptness, all liabilities. LOSSES BY Flltk./:: Losses paid during the year 1856, j $301,638 84 DIRECTORS, Mommem D.,LEWLS. Myth S. BEOW:1 2 IBAAC LEA,` r. , Roman C l Pum, a EORGE FALRIL N. BAllCKER,President, O. ILLiCEEE,gceretarY• GUAR. N. BANORER,, . ToBIAS WAGNER, SAMUEL GRANT, JACOB R. SMITU, GEO RUNIARDE, Cum CHARLE Feb. 26.-ly AVUERICEOTIIPES. WllO takes the best LIKENESSES in Lebanon? Why J. it. KEIM, in the; E A G 13 ITILD . lie has the best room, best light; 1)0.4 fixtures, and has made it his entire busintissfo the last five years. He always gets. the lams improve_ ments ; he has always the latest i styloka cases on band he takes pictures in every sty tirthe art ; his STEREOSCOPE PICTHRES , are wonderful to behold. All his pictures are sharp, correct, and; of the highest finish. Give hint a call and you will not regret it. • His terms are very mod mate. • rooms are open every day (except Sunday,) from 8 o'clock. A. M., till 0 P. M. Lebanon, Jnno 3,1851. , FARMERS, LOOK TO YOU INTErtESTS I ANEW • In North Lebanon Boirough . .. NEW RR' ESI 100 3 000 li a r go L t7h n e A LE, 100,000 Bri bets CORN,:., • 100,000 usbels , o,4TS, Oliver Seed, Flax Seed, Titiothy Seed, for all which the highest market prie s in cash be paid by. ' HOFFMA.N;IIMIVEL Co. North Lebanon, 3,3213.i2,9, „ BEING LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 16y 1-8 , 57. 4 r NKNY YORK ADVEWrISEIVIENTS - MAMIE DEPENDS ON PURE BLOOD. ..,. Brandreth'sPills purify the Blood; • NO DISEASE DAN ItEEkETTIIEIR JODICIODS USE! .111r11.1111 operation 'with a - acquaint effect are the peen . - or Bianfireth's Uit raceare subject to a redundancy of Vitiated bile, O at this season, and it is as dangerous imit.letPkov• alent, but l3randreth's Pills afford en invaluable and efficient protection. fly their occasional use we prevent the collection of those impurities, which, when in anal. cient quantities, cause so much danger to the . body's health; 7Titriy soon atird Iliercomplaint, dyspepsia,loss of appetite, pain in the head, heart burm.pain in the breastbone, sudden faintness and costiveness. In brief, Brandreth's Pills work their way to the 'very roots of the ()Ism% cleansing in their: passage; removing every uuhf filthy ti umtylgt}oa,;Wl the blend as tpuritled, the whele system renovated, and the functions and duty of life'becoine a pleasure, where before they had been end and weary burdens. Often when nothing has Telleved vomiting of the most serious character, whether from sea-sickness : or otherwise, where the retching has been appalling, a singlfidese of, four arandreth's Pills has at once cuffed and the patient has fallen into a sweet sleep. When the mind cannot collect itself; when the memory fails; when it is an effort to fix the attention ; when our sleep is broken and our waking hours harassed with forebodings of evil,then Brandreth's Pills should be used. If'these warnings remain unheeded, rheumatism, con sumption, disease °Vile heart' bilious affections, jaun dice, d ropites, piles, appoplexies and cos ti'veness will sud denly present themselves. These Iliandreth's Pills would have proVented,but nevertheless MiESE they will also cure. Use them at once; do not let prejudice prevent the use of this simple but pOtent remedy.: , Dr i andreih's Theory _ of Disease. .Ne'vieextractldood. Blood is life. By abstract• ing it in painful diseases you may occasion the patient . . ease, but remember; this ease is only the redUction or lessening the power to feel. And by thus taking away nature's tools, you may; preventlier from fully repairing the ravages of inflammation, & convert what might only have been the :sickness of ,a ,few days or weeks into a chronic affection of-months and years. ' - • Brandreth's Pills accord with Nature! • Natureiaremedy in fact:: iWhen sudden. acute or can tinned pain occurs from any cause, then tainsurea quick return to - health, yOu muet nee Brandreth's Pills, which will soon relieve every organ - from undue pressure, and remove those humors -whose presence often occasions such terrible suffering. , lINFORB Tl{s wontii . 1.06 YEARS! tLTwonty miUlon •boxes Bold and the sphere of their usefulness still extending. 'Ask for alinanack and pam phlet of cures. Agents will supply. gratis. . • BEWARE-at, pills with "241, Broadway'.', on side lable are counterfeitd. Det the genuine and they will never deceive. Sold at Dr. DOSS' Drug Store. opposite the Court Douse, Lebanon, Pa. , [July 15, '57-3m. GUANO ! ',GUANO.! I .GIJANO!! - ! 4 KINDS. Leinau's Super Phosphate.of Lime. - 7 5 000 TONS.: pARINIERS, for your WHEAT CROPS,use Lamtv's Super Phosphate of Lime, at nets. a lb. or $4O a. Tons or use ' Leinau's American Fertilizer ! at $3,50 a bbl. or $25 a ton. One barrel of either is sufficient for an Acre of Wheat. These . are PERMANENT MANURES, made of reliable Chemical Elements, and have been in successful use 'for the past gix Yoars, im . proving the soil and increasing the value of the land. . Four Diplomas from the StiitaAgricultural ciety of Pennsylvania NOW Jersey; Delaware; and the Crystal' Palace AssOciatiou of the City of NewrY.orlr, have , been received for these. Valua ble Fertilizers. , . Tamphlets in. the, En glis,ll'. 'and German Lail,: & ago can ho had by application at the Office. " f reff- A liberal discount, to wholesale dealers. The above Fertilizers, deliv,ered FREE of. Cart age to any wharf the old City proper. Orders sent by Mail accompanied with,Cash or Drafts, will be promptly shipped to any part of the world. GEO.. A. LEINAU, Proprietor, No. 19 SoulhFront street, Phila. City. July ?9, . • The ChOapest . Sofas Are sold by DUND ORE OYES NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. FROM ALBERT G. RICHARDSON'S Advertising and Correspondence Office, 360 Broad way, New York. Atwand Important covery ; in. the Science- of Medicine. PATENT OFFICE SEAL OF GREAT nnirent, DIPLO ME do ECOLE de PIIAIIMACIE PHAREACIEN tie PARIS and IMPERIAL COLLEGE of MEDICINE. Vi enna. Sold wholesale and 'retail by Dr. H. A. Barrow, member of the IMO College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be personally consulted at his , residence, 157 Prince street, few blocks west of Broadway, New York, from 11 A. DI. till 2 P. M. and from 4 - till 8 P.ll. (Sundays excepted, unless by appointment.) . , Trieoemar No. Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrheneand all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse, India• criminate excesses, or toolong residence in hot climates. It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who are now - in the enjoyment, of health and the functions of manhood; and whatever May ,be the cause or disqualifications for marriage, they in effectu ally subdued. Triesemay No. 2; .. Completely and entirely erididates all traces of Gonor brea, both in its mild and aggravated forms, Gleets,htric ture.s, irritation of the madder, Non-retention of the Urine, Pains of the Mains and Kidneys, and those disor ders for which 'Copnivi and Cubebs have so long been thought an antidote. , . • Viesemar, Na. 3 . , Is the great Centinental nrstror, . for Siphilis and Secon dary symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all cutaneous Eruptions; removing and expelling in its course allimpurities from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradkette the-virus of disease, and expel it by insensible perspiration through the me diem of the pores of the skin and urine. It is .a never failing remedy for that class of disorders which. English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the in evitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which'all the Sarsaparilla in the world - cannot remove. Tarztissisatio.l, ~. and 3, are prepared in the forma' a lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin eases, and divided in separate doses as administered by Valpeau, Lehman, Roax;lticord. c., dat. . Price $3 each. or four.casesiu one for $9, which saves $3, and in $27 cases, whereby there is a saving of $9. None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals of the Patent Office of England, the seals of the Ecole de Pharmacia de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around case.— Imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the lati. Special arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward immediately, on receiving a remittance, the $9 and lar ger size cases of Triesemar free of carriage..to any partof the world, securely peeked and properly addressed, thus Insuring genuine „European preparations and protecting the public from spurious and pernicious imitations. Attendance and Consultation from 11 a. m. till 2 p. m. and from 4 till Bin the evening.. 137 Prince staeet, a few blocks west of Broadway, New York. May. 6, 18.57-Iy. Cristadora's Hair Dye! Within a nutshell all' the merits lie, Of Gristadero's neverequalled Dye ; Ned it makes bluek,to browxt transforms a grey, And keeps the fibres alwantgront,deuay. re, HIS matchless, re-vitalizing Hair Dye, still holds HS - position as the most harmless anti:efficacious flair Dye in T 1313 WORLD. freparsd. and sold, Whole Sale and retail, and applied in-teniptivite rasins, art CiLISTA. none's, No. 6 Astor Rouse, Broadway, New York, ant by all Druggists and Perfumers in the'United States. :lan. 14, Agent—George G. Keyser, 1.40, Wood at., Pittsburg, Pa. Costar's Rat, Roach, ttc., Exterminator Put up in 20e., 35c., 85., and $l, Boxes. Costar's Bed Bug Exterminator. Put up in 25c., 50c.. 75e., and $l. Bottles. Costar's Electric Powder, for Ants, In beets, Ac. Put up in 25c. and 50c. Boies. Prineilial Depot, No. 388 Broad way, New York, and sold by DRUGGISTS and DEALERS every where in the United Stites, CanadaS, West Indies and South Amerie'a. Full particulars by Mail. atignst 19, 1857.-2sqs.—lmo. Ear sale by Guilford '4kVembeirger, agouti for „Lebanon county:, at their wholiaitle‘and'retaiT es tablishment; opposite the-Market; Lebanon, Pa. Itt'st 'II .' 1 _ SOMEBOD4I,SE. „ • "Cane here, ones the m er, • viooe of com . mend, To an unlucky urchin—J a if%ld % ,o out your hand; I'll teach you, you 'Milan, bVinake such's, noise ; . You're the heed and iinglelf .Of all the bad boys." The boy, blubbering, e aims, "It was some . body else." Says mamma to hor daughter, "I'm shocked I de clare, To see you go out with your smoulders so bare, You attract the attention of.: '` hom we meet 1 "Dear Mamma, when tho m eat rile in the:, s et op, no doubt think j tis you or somebody else." Says the wife to the husband, 'Tm greived and surprised To see you so tipsy—l mean so disguised— Pray, what do you think your neighbors will think, When a man of your age gets stupid•with drink." "They'll think," says the toper, "'twas some body else." "So you're found out atlast," madam cries in apet; "I saw you last night walk home with . Miss Bet, With Miss Betty Bouncer—deny if you:can, You deceitful and treacherous, wicked 'old man." Says he,"My sweetlove,it was soinsdiody else." When you came home last night it was past tivelve 0'c10ck,...:" 4 And you left me this morning sound asleep as ,a rook ." "My dear," cries the husband, "I am petrified quite, - My business detained me frun home all the night." "Goodness gracious,"-says she; was it somebody else." The coquette strives,with all her attractions, to win An admirer for whom she cares not a pin; On the way to the church to fasten the knot, She stops, saying, "One thing I'd-almost forgot— I think, on the whole, I'll hare somebody else." The person brimfull of doctrine end zeal, Thinks the hearts of his heareri,are harder than • steel; While they, ape' prinked by their conscience, within, Each would shift to his neighbor the burden of emu. Thinks the parson, no doubt, means some body, else. 'Tie thus with mankind. of every condition,' Somebody's the object of every suspicion. And if anything's wrong,some one else is to blame-- As somebody else has such ;a bad name. I'm truly rejoiced I'm not somebody else. luttg gtotti. THE TULIP , Or s Pkide :Brought Low. After Christopher Columbus discover ed-Atherica?and; some years later; whin the Portuguese Vasco de Game made out the route to India by the Cape of Good Hope,Spain and Poetugat equipped in all haste numbers of ships to explore new countries and for eeveral ages ad venturers from these twonations brought back into their respectivb countries gold from America, and precious stones from India. And then the Dutch, in their turn, embarked in their heavy boats, set off to search through all seas on the globe, where withal to furnish their counters. But, instead of only seek ing precious stones and metals, like the Spanish and Portuguese, they applied themselves to make a profit of exotic vegetables, and cpffee, sugar, vanilla, &c. - , became the base of their commer cial operations; and instead of becoming gold merchants, they became grocers.— In a short time, the immense riches they amassed by this commerce, proved the solidity of their spec:illations. But, at the same time that these millionaire grocers sought for useful plants, they did not overlook those which might also flatter the sight. Flowers from Japan , India, and the Cape, very shortly embel lished the garden of Haerlern, and, when— ever a new specimen arrived, all the pop ulation was in a state of emotion. My- ertheless, none of the plants produced' , the same excitement as the tulip ; and, in truth, at sight of this flower's elegant calyri gracefully balanced on a slight stem, and painted with. the :most glow ing colors, it-was a wild delirium of ec- Stacy ; and one saw rare bulhs sell for a hundred thousand [rages apiece. Tulips were quoted'on the exchange at Amster dam, and the - thing became,so exagger afed that the Dutch Government was obliged to step in and put a stop to the ruinous folly of the florist monomania. Notwithstanding, the Japanese flower for a long time was kept up at a most exorbitant price, and a new specimen, produced by study, care, and cultivation of the seeds, excited all the enthusiasm of which Dutch natures were capable. In the middle of the. fresh looking landscapes of Holland, in the centre of those green meadows, scattered over with populous villages,'siiijny villas of a thousand colors, wind:Mills, and cut through by meandering canals, where boats of all sorts were sailing about with sails set as if on the ocean, one perceives the town of Haarlem, seated on the bord ers of a lake, which has been pompous. ly styled the Haarlem Sea. The capital of the North of Holland—the country of the most eccentric of— floramanjacs in the world—has the physiognomy . of all Dutch towns : narrow streets, dull, but of most exquisite cleanliness; brick or wooden houses, with - their netched gable ends on the first floor, like all Dutch houses, but in the suburbs there is an affectation of everything foreign, from-the boa t iaiiiog on the canals, which resembles the Chinese junk, to the form of the houses, which is'Mways selected from eastern architecture. It was in one of. those -villas there liv ed, at the end of the last century, a Monsieur Deckers, an ex-fishmonger, and, without question, the richest man in the country, where all are more or less, millionaires. While in business, he had embellished this villa, which was like. airy palace,.and when he retired it was to vehicle there, letivipg his, son, William Dee:kers, at the bead of the business; while he lived at his din Mil. which resembled a Chinese:o(pda.-- ,Thereit was that, friim rriorrii4 fo even ing; Monsieur Deekers , timuSed aidedlby his lei:vents, 'in 'arranging tieraiging and watering the variouti;bedijh his garden Which had been , designed and laid out.. by an English artist, and were flourish ed in abundance a quantity:of exostic. plants. Had it mot beenlor his ruffled shirt, and , shoes with gold- buckles, ally one might have - taken him for one of his old servants, horn his manner of ex pressing himself, end hig.style ; but, be neath this tough,exterior, this;factitious goodness,one easy iliscovered , t4 vani , ty: pride - rite iriderribearalilet was only based on money, and everything like persona: merit, or talent, was un pleasing in the eyes of him who was completely destitute of all ethication. This same Deckers was , the son of a porter iii.the. Amsterdam market, and commenced life as a.simple fishermen but instead of, liking the seafaring life, as he had amassed-a few florins, be step ped on land, and became a. hawker of fish in the streets of Haarlem. In this he succeeded well, and Shortly af tertiards established'himself in a stall near the market. Some - years later he quitted this worm-eaten shop' for one on a much larger scale ; and, later again the, house of Deckers, having been very prosperoue, became one of the figtt, as fisli o , merchants, in Holland ; they sent their own vessels, at the fishing season, to Newfoundland, and to the seas, and it wus they who made the stocks rise or fall on the Amsterdam Change ; so that when the porter's son placed the affairs of the house in his son's name, he pos sessed somewhere about ten or twelve millions of capital. Then it was that he spent money profusely to give him, self importance ; and, not knowing how to employ his time, he became an ama teur of tulips. But he soon became passionately fond of that which, in the commencement was a fancy, -.and his caprice became transformed into a monomania. With much care, and, above`all, much money, the new hor ticulturist collected together the best species of tulips to be met with. And then he commenced seeking for un known once; and, as he begrudged no money to possess anything uncommon, every traveler coming from Japan . with a' new bulb was certain of selling., it dearer to,liim than to any one else; and thus he berme master of about a dozen varieties. perfectly unknown, .which to a real amOeur, were worth five hundred thousand florins. And he valued these treasures more than all else that he was worth. On a warm-afternoon, in the month of June, 1785, Monsieur Deckers stood in the 'middle., of . his dressing-room-,- which was hung with .maroon velvet, and richly furnished in the style of the day—and hull a dozen valets were run ning hither and thither, occupied in dressing him for some great occasion ; and - there really was much analogy be tween the heavy furniture and the cor pulent individual, frizzled, overladen with finery, and rich chains in massive gold, who stood there. Now, seeing the, floramaniac at that hour quitting his daily occupations,putting on his pow dered wig and his gala dress - , it was easy to guess that some affair of great importance was in hand. The fact was, that the ex-fisliernion ger had a son, as we have said before, and this , son, whose education had been well: cared for, was of an age to marry ; and the .ambitious father - was just going to ask the hand of Mademoiselle Van Selkirk,- Ile daughter of a. Haarlem banker. . Monsieur Van Selkirk was one of. the most important personages of the coun try ; for, besides the Van ,which be placed by right before his name, in proof of' his aristocracy,'he was a mag istrate; • the Stadtholder's banker, and director, of the East India Compiny ; in short, he was extremely rich, which in nothing spoiled the affair. Conse quently, a marriage with this family had, for a long time, been the keen de sire of the vain Deckers, who, 'despite his millions, blushed in secret at the memory of what' he had been, who had married a fisberwoman of the These were the motives why, for yeara, he lost sight of no chance which might bring his purpose to bear ; and we may, therefore, imagine his delight when Monsieur Van Selkirk, who was much pleased with the manners and personal qualities of the young man, gave the fa ther a rendezvous for thaf day, at four o'clock, to talk over the matter. The porter's son was almost bursting with puffed up. Ode. Having received his golden snuff box and gold , headed cane from his valets, and perfumed his ruffies'and manchettes with essence of vanilla, he took his cornered hat under his arm, and, follow ed by valets in full dress livery, he step ped through the alleys of his garden to ward the artificial river at the bottom of it, where a handsome gondola, with six rowers, awaited him akthe marble steps. Received with due honqrs,by his gou. doliers, he seated_ himself beneath a dais of satin, arid gave tiie.signal for de parture. -The nautical boat shot off like an arrow, precerl,ed by a running foot man on the bank, a gold=- headed cane in his hand, who kept ' ahead' through all the meanders of the stream; ai'd, when he arrived at the spot where the source of the river mingled with the canal at Haarlem, the lootinan opened the gate which stopped the entrance, and the gondola took the direction of the town. An hour afterwards, Mon sieur Deckets was walking through the streets; of Hattlein, followed and pre oeeded great state by his 'attendants, ::~~.. En =EI :~; p.=~ c: i 7.- 4 '' , € i . = - , , i ~.s,filo: 1 lAnd with condescektet3n returning, right and left; all , tlie sAtiltat inns: offered. him, when, in passingvttlittnkhone of the nar row, tortuousiitreetk:neat the old mar ket, he stopped-suddenly; and remained in a state of , appalreitiV ecstacy before a little low house-q•olil-faithioned aspect, withsculpturcilvarlaitds, as decorated .in the style ,of -tlie sixteenth century:— But it was notthelttichitectural beauty of vignettes svhich" aitra'cted the 4 fixed gaze of the florarnatifae; his eyes 'were fascinated to , thif-,windpws of the"grotind :floor, ~whielti;9ol4-..ii• the of a theboare Overt ft t °on Or wthe':paas ets-by..Thetfabt was, that bn'the Windolv sill of that Shop was a Japanese vain; in which stood a tulip, gracefully Waving, to and fro—a tulip half double, with gray petals, like satin, which .were marked in Arabesque work, by a vivid scarlet. This tulip was of a beauty far superior to any possessed by the'millionaire, and was not; mentioned in; any catalogue, and, consequently, was of incalculable value. "How came such a treasure in the shop of an artisan like the boot maker 1" asked Deckers, when he had a: little ,recovered himself. The, rich man tnought easily lie coillii obtain the prize from a man incapable , of appreci ating its value, and totally forgetful of where he was expected, and of the hour which was , drawing near, Deckers enter ed the boottnaker's shop, and asked where he had obtained the tulip. "Ah.l ha! Monsieur Deckeis," cried the disciple of St. Crispin, gayly, "you are amazed, are you not? Well, then, know that it is the produce of my own sowing." "Your own sowing I" exclaimed Deck ers, in surprise. "What.! you under stand seeds?" "Why not? this is a'sainple of what I can do." "But of what , use is such a flower to you? • This would be much more use ful to yoli; - I fancy;" and` he took a hand ful of gold out of - his pocket, and laid it on the counter. "Indeed I" answered Peter, contetntp. uously. "You trot off quickly,.Sir Ama teur I What an'idea 1 a handful of gold for a flower "such as there ettistaipct an other in the world '1 You are too good and generous. lam greatly_obliged to you"' "Is it the price you' cavil at ? Well then, I will donbletrehre the Sum I" said Deckers.. "Not at all. IVI)i tulip belongs to me and I shall not sell it." "Come , come !" coaxed the other, "tell me' your, price, for I must have the tulip ai'anyi atm." "Well, 'then, .yorit won't have it," answered Peter, abitiptly. "But stop I" he suddenly cried, quitting his work: 7 — "Yeti can possess it if you choose !" And taking the other mysteriously by the, hand, and putting his finger" on his lip; to command 'aileride, heled hi th to the extreme end of the 'obscure shop-; arriv ed there, he opened a door with a pre caution which prevented the hinges from emitting any spimil,,tlien gently raising the tapestry hefore.,the door, which fell to the ground, he,allowed the floramaniac to peep into the room. : It was a pretty abode, hong round, .with tapestry also, and furnished in superior style fora man of the class of Peter Schwartz. Through the open window a ray of sun entered and danced gayly amongst the ornaments on a sideboard, but before arriving there, it dlayed through the golden locks of a young girl seated at 'a window, 'and so busy sewing that :she neither saw nor heard anything passing around her. "What do you -say to that?" asked Peter, of the ex-fish Monger- as he let fall the - tapestry, with the air of a miser concealing his treasure. "Heavens I" cried Deckers, for an in.d slant forgetting the tulip in enthusia.stn, "Well, then, " said Peter, "she is my only - child ; she and my tulip are my sole 'treasures and one does not go without the other." Deckers, no; seeing the drift of Pe ter's obsevation, took a stool, and seat ed himself in the shop, 'to listen to the bootrnaker, who thus'continued : "You have a'son, Monsieer Deckers, who is of an tyre to 'get married, and the little angel you have just , seen," will soon be nineteen years , of age. Pre sent your son to my daughter, and, if the young folks like one another, the tulip shall.be my daughter's marriage portion: - - Deckers bounded on his seat when he heard the conclusion,of this audacious proposal, and quitted - , the shop, after casting a look, of utter contempt on the hootmaker._ tut'the other, not in the least• diconcerted, :exclaimed, nodding his head significantly.-H "Yes, Master Deckers, yoii= take it or leave it as you like, and, into-;the bar gain my child must like your son, or I cry off,,forabove all, she must be happy." .0n leaving the artisan's shop, Deckers suddenly remembered the object he had in view,.and he drew his watch out of his pocket, but, perceiving that the;hour of rendez.vo . us was,lpng past,ihe,yeltirn ed to the country again. But nil Urn evening, he : was haunted by, 'the,. baot" of Peter Sehwarta's . and;:-evOn in his Sleep, it danced ,befoce his,eyes. He was an odd body, that Peter SchWartz who, having only his' awl and last to !tile by was, 'itevertheless, happier than .the rich Deckers I It'was that, being a bit of a philosopher, like every bootmaker of his time, and hay.: ing there, behind his shop; shut tilt, like a relic in a case, Ilia treasurej4is joy, the object.olallthis thoughtsAmFearthly affections—his child, beautifttLas one of .Vanloo's visgkes; • pure as .an'angel, and distinguished" empress—h. e was perfectly happy„lnr he worked la rgetier ata. 429. ' . .ii . ,:.fTERM5 , t11 . ,50 . ..t....YEAR„ and early, solely for her, and had brought her up with extreme care. ,Peter had married about twenty yeart 'beforeour -tale commenced, a beautiful. -but very coquettish girl ; but two yeart after their onion,iired of being shut up in a bootataker's shop', she ran away with a- lapidary from Amsterdam, aband oning 'her husband and her little girl.— for,some time, the poor fellow, once so . gay, became almost mad with grief f but . when he looked-upon his child in her cradle, who had no one in the world-be. eifles himself, his philosophic humor re . en • d ed „,ber as.nne loves y t iog of n the world. .One.fine Sunday in Spring ; he was out walking with his child, then about seven years old, when in the outskirts cif, the town, he found a bulb shooting out ;'curious to discover what it might be, he picked it up; and planted it in . the garden behind the Itouse. Some weeks later, Peter became nearly wild with delight, when be saw the flower open its petals, decorated with the rich est colors, and knowit to be a rare tulip. Any one else would have hastened off to tell it to a rich amateur, who would cer tainly have given him some hundred's of, florins for it, but Peter, who saw much further, guessed all the profit he might make of it, a little later, from that day, he began cultivating the Japanese plant with the utmost care. He collect ed the seeds, sowing them again in his garden, and after years of care, obtain ed a flower perfectly different to the moth er bulb--a tulip unlike any one known, in fact, an inestimable treasure which. he exposed, with pride, in his window. We will now peep into the gigantic warehouse,. over the doorway of which "Deckers' House" was written in golden letters, on black marble. In this midst of a-host of clerks and persons of business, running to and ha ;n those vast warehouses, a young man was., leisurely walking about, smoking his pipe ; this was William Deckers, the son; aged about two-and-twenty. .In stead of being a short, thick set young man, William Deckers was tall and slight with a soft mustache and long imperial in the - Vandyke' style, and not in the' Dutch fashion of the day. He was the intended husband of Mademoiselle Van Selkirk, according to his father's wishes as we have seen, but about which the young man was perfectly. indifferent, for, having passed much of his time in a German University, he had contracted a beau-ideal of poetic beauty not quite inTaccoolance with the heavy charms and high color of the woman in general in his own country; but his father persist ed in telling him that be must marry, and so the young man let matters take theirown course with Mademoiselle Sel kirk. In the midst of his silent walk in these vast warehouses,a running footman enter.. ed, In his father's livery, and anounced the arrival of Mr. Decker, senior, and at the same moment, the gondula,rowed up the canal, amongst all the-merchant boats there, awaiting to discharge ztheir freights. William hastened forward to receive his father, who was walking gloomily forward, not paying the slight est attention to the obsequious bowlegs of the clerks and people on all sides. "Dishonored I" be muttered. "My reputation as a florist lost, if another should succeed in obtaining that accurss ed tulip 7" And, without waiting a reply, be drew his son's arm beneath his own, and led him toward his private residence, "Well, father," continued the other, gayly, when they had arrived in a charm ing boudoir, decorated, in the Chinese style, with colored windows set in a lead en trellis-work, tb imitate the trell.work of wood, ornamented with shells, with which the boudois in - China are decorat. ed, "how did you accomplish your mat rimonial project, yesterday 1" "William, my boy," began Mr. Dec kers, not a little embarrassed, "are you seriously in love with Mademoiselle Sel kirk 7 and do you very particularly wish to marry her 1" "Who—l, father I Not the least in the world. I never saw her in my life I" "Would you not sooner now, have a nice young girl, not so rich, perhaps, but . much handsomer?" suggested the Gather. "What dp I hear,"exclaimed in surprise ; "have I not heard you say, a thousand times, that Mademoiselle Van Selkirk was incomparably beautiful?' "Well, well, that depends upon taste. Certainly, I am far from saying that the banker's daughter is divested of all charms, but perhaps you might thick her a little too stout.'," "If that ho the case, father, for good ness sake let us say no more about her ; for if there is a thing I detest; it is a woman like a chrysalis- in shape." "That's exactly what I thought, Wil liam ; and, for that reason, I have been thinking all the way long, of soliciting for you the hand of a vory lovely girl, who will please.yoq, I am sure." "You, know my opinion on that sub ject, air, that when persons possess a fortune like ours, they can at least choose a wife Who pleases them s consequently, if the one..yop propose is well broug/t . up, and .possesses as little as possikjw that prosy beauty we spoke of jimOicno and provided dike her, never ; ; - fortune." dress my son l To-mor u'at once." yourselta in nd I will id 9.We1l enough ! row, or the d Will it n. "i 3 ,t9letalined the ex-fish. efli s :iWhy,nwretched child, ,AON what you say. Such a '4arrnot want for admirers I" ICoahnuea on 2tkpitgo.3