The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 09, 1857, Image 3

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Lebanon, September 9, 1857
Home ./!fairs.
JOHN LIGHT, a. a., N. L. Borough.
ADAM RISE, Lebanon.
JOHN TICE, Jackson.
JOSIAH H, RANK, Swatara.
Clerk of Orphans' Court,
HENRY FISHER, South Annville.
Standing Committee.
W. W. Lebanon—D. B. Marshall, 11. K. Hartman.
E. W. Lebanon—Doug Brun,Charles Brotherlinc.
S. Lebanon tp.—Poter Dors, Jonas Stager.
Cornwall—F, G. Witmer., Casper Shiloh.
N. Lebanon Bora'—F. Welter, Henry K. Boyer.
N. Lebanon tp.---Jaeob Uniberger, John Hellman.
8. Annville—Geo. Bigler, Leonard Being.
N, Annville—Samuel Heilman, Thomas Boger.
Londonderry—John Keefer, John Harman.
E. Hanover—Henry Gilbert, Lyon Lemberger.
Union—Miehtel Ulrich, Daniel Stine.
Swatara—S. E. Bickel, Levi Shell.
Bethel—Samuel Gosh ert, David Uhrich.
Jackson—Ephraim Hertzler, Jesse Reinhold.
Mlllereek—D. 13. Stuart, Miehrel Holstein.
Ileidleberg—M. M. Weigley, Isaac Hoffman.
Cold Spring—John Morris, W. Schools, jr.
To.morroti IS the anniversary of Perry's
groat naval viotory on Lake Erie. It will be cel
ebrated In this place by a Parade, of the 2nd Bri
gade, bth Division; Pennsylvania Volunteers, un
ilor command of Gen, John Weidman.
;Ira- Every person should read the advertise.
mont of Orlndle's Celebrated Magic Compound
and. Ancient Japnneso Lifo Pills which appear
alternately In another column. They aro the most
successful remedies in the world I Try them and
be cured.
A DATtIC AF'PAIII.—It is inid that a darkoy pro
anted herself before one of our Justices to com
plain that another darkey tried to said dar
key, in the darkness of the night, at a dark and
lonely place in this borough. I sin obliged to
step here for want of more light on this dark sub
ject. 5.13180.
rm.—We learn that on Saturday at a meeting
of the Directors of the Harrisburg and Illunburg
Hall Road Company, held at Millersburg, Derks
county, Mnj. J. A. DuHerman resigned, and Gee'!
Jelin Weltlinun was elected President. We un
derstand from private sources that there is at
length, a fair prospect that this important road
will be made.
To Scnom, Dinnorons,—Wo have just printed
the following blank forms, viz :
Bond of District Treasurer;
Bond Of Collector;'
'Warrant to Collector of Tax;
Agrevoicnts between Directors and Teachers;
Orders on Treasurer,
We have also just printed a line lot of Mortga
ges, Deeds ) Bonds, cud Justices' Blanks.
5 45 2!
We have taken the trotible to ascer
tain the population of Lebanon. Af.
ter a careful enumeration of every man,
woman, and child within its limits, gov
erning our enquiries of actual residents
for about the last week in August, the
sum total of our figures make the
Population of Lebanon, . 54521
Tim only classification we made was
for males and females, viz:—
1070 989 2059
1008 941 1949
780 664 1444
West Ward,
East Ward,
N. Lebanon bor.
2858 2594 5452
Iu 1850 the population of Lebanon
proper was 2164; now the same district
contains a population of 4008—an in
crease of nearly 100 per cent, in 7
years. In 1850 the females exceeded
the males, the prdportion being thus:—
Males 1063, females 1121.
In our enumeration, it will surprise
many that the West ard should be a
head of the East, when the opinion pre
vailed pretty generally that the reverse
was the case. To avoid the supposition
that some mistake may exist, we have
thus alluded to the fact.
In our labors for ascertaining the a
bove Census, we were in a measure
obliged to intrude frequently upon the
privacy of families; not having the time
to go through the forms of regular calls.
For the kindness- with which we were
received in every instance, and the dis•
position to answer our blunt enquiries
correctly, notwithstanding how abrupt
our appearance, the ladies, especially,
have our thanks.
(g) — Christian Smith, Esq., of this
borough, a member of the opposition
party, seeing the distracted condition of
his political friends, thinks of harmon
ming matters among them by the an
nouncement qf himself as a Volunteer
candidate for Gov.
To the Independent Republietiwiand American
linters of Pennehtlettnitt I
"GIELLOW-CITIZENS :—Being encouraged by
J hundreds of my friends, lam induced to offer
myself to your consideration as a Volunteer Can
didate for the office of HOVEILIVOR of Pennsylvania.
Should you deem me worthy to liii that station by
giving me. our suffrages, and not throwing them
away Oa David Wilmot, and Isaac liaileburst, I
will endeavor to discharge the duties'of said a
fire with fidelity.
Respectfully your fellow-citizen,
Near the Quittapahilla, Lebanon, }
September 2, 1357.
Mn.h Eurrna :—Please put the above
Notice several times in your 'paper.—
You will also please Otate,.that not hay.
ing a Convention to make nioliitfOrm for
me, I have adopted the following prin.
e.iples, which l will carry out to the very
letter after I am Governor;
I.—Abolition of Shivery in the South ;
2—Expelling Negroes from the North';
3.—Rooting out Poligamy in Utah, and
4.—liiiroduciog-ii into the Suites;
5.-- Red uct ion of Tavern Licenses to $5
6. Reduction of the ptice of "amullere"
to 2 cents. .;
- -
Expeci ing to receive a large local vote
. thousand , men 'hiiiingr:already
promised to vote for me,) I shall write
to you again shortly announcing my
opinions on affairs respecting that in
sti►ution for the encouragement of lazi•
'less, at the corner of Cun►berland: and
Walnut streets. yours,- C. -
0:::r I f Mr. Buchanan did not carry
this county, last Cant can die Courier
tell us which of the Presidential can
did ates did ?
Sketches of Local History.
At church with meek and unaffected grace,
His books adorn'd the venerable place;
Truth from his lips prevaii'd With double sway,
And fouls, who came to scoff, remain'd to pray.
The service past, around the pious man,
With steady zeal each honest rustic ran;
Even children follow'd with endearing wile,
And plucked his gown, to share the good man's
His ready smile a parent's warmth exprest, [smile.
Their. welfare pleas'd hire, and their cares distrest;
To them his heart, his love, his griefs were given,
But all his serious thoughts hail rest in heaven.
As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form,
Swells from the dale, and midway leaves the storm,
Tho'round its breast the rolling clouds are spread,
Eternal sunshine settles on its head.
„„—Deserted Viltr, c.
John George Lochman, who after
wards became one'or the brightest or
naments of that splendid body of men,
the Lutheran clergy of America, was
born in the city of Philadelphia on the
2nd-day of DeceMber, 1773. Like most.
German emigrants, for such they
his parents were in very humble CllCUM
stapces at the time of his birth. They
displayed the virtues of their Class, and
soon emerged from want into comfort
and independence.
From early child-hood- te diSplayed
remarkable-abilities, indeed, so marked
was his superiority that he attracted the
notice of his pastor, Rev. Ur. Helmuth,
who finding him as pious as he was able,
encouraged him to turn his attention to
the ministry. Young Lochman needed
little urging, but there was a . great
'stack in the way, which it required all
the influence and eloquence of Dr. Hel
muth to overcome. The father shared
in the prejudices of his countrymen,
who-for the most part, :think that : none
should study the learned professions,
save the frail and the crippled. Labor
they deem the duty of all who possess
uninalmed limbs or natural - strength,
and, to their honor be it said, they are
never ashamed to work. This feeling
is so strong that it is very difficult to
overcome, and to this day, in our Ger
man settlements, an idle man is A scoff
and a bye-word. As the subjects of our
memoir promised to be strong and ac
tive, old Mr. Leaman thought it a pity,
that his son should be confined all his
life - -to books, although the boy was nev
er so happy as when reading. Long and
warm were the arguments between the
father and the pastor, but at length the
latter aided by Alrs.Lochman and the son
conquered, and it was determined that.
he should be prepared fur the .ministry,
although the expense of his education
would seriously inconvenience the old
The youth applied himself with great
alacrity and vigor and was soon prepar
ed to enter college. The University of
Pennsylvania, then. in its infancy, was
selected, probably, from motives of econ
omy. He completed the regular course
of studies with honor to himself and to
the satisfaction of his preceptors.—
When he became a noted leader in the
Lutheran church, his Altna Mater con
ferred upon him the degree of D. D.
• Upon his graduation he sought to re
lieve his father from the expense of his
future preparation for the ministry by
teaching school, and prosecuted his the
ological studies with Dr. Helmuth at the
same time, This was then and for ma
ny years after the common mode of
preparation for the ministry in the Ger
man churches of this country. There
were no Theological Seminaries and it
was mat ter of necessity. It is still occa
sionally adopted, but as the opportuni
ties fur study are so much better at Sem
inaries expressly erected for the purpose,
it is fast disappearing.
Mr. Lochman was licensed to preach
by .the Synod of Pennsylvania in the
year 1794, and very soon after accepted
a call to this place, and became the pas
tor of the Salem Church, and also acted
as pastor to the Ground-Oak Church ;
the Hill Church (the oldest Lutheran
church in Pennsylvania,) together with
the congregations Annville, Myers
town and Sclimfretslown.;—[To be eon.
O Our friend Elias Kreider, of
dleberg township, has, become the pro
prietor of a Man_u•re Excavator and Hay
Elevator. It is represented as au ex
cellent and useful article. Of course,
tieing such, ail the farmers in his' dis
trict will give it a fair examination and
trial. See advertisement.
AN INSTITUTION. — The Circus an
affair that takes capitally in this section
of country. Sands, Nathans & Co's
Elephant Circus, last week, passed thro'
this valley with tlying colors. At both
exhibitions the tent was filled to its ut
most capacity.
CooL—The mornings and Rvenings.
I am composed of '47 I,etters ,
My 1, 20, 12, 8, 36, is a kind of noise;
My 2, 14, 42, 18, 31,11, is,tin. animal ;
My 3, 30, 38, 26, 37,.40, is y'
. 040 . 14
My 4, 45, 21, 17, 47, 22, 16, is 'ir,4all;
My 5, 18, 16, is the edge of anything;
My 6, 18, 3,3, 15, 33, is a kind'of cap;
My 7,8, 21, 31, is a measure;
My 8, 46, 16, is a vessel; •
My .9, 8, 24, 24, 2,5, is a water, passage ;
My 10, 7,12, 19, 47, is a bird;
My 11, 27,34, is an imaginary - spirit`;',
My 12, 7, 47, is a kind of fish;
My 13, 37, 24, 41, is the head. -
My 14, 8,2, is an herb;
My 15, 31, 22, 24, is a preposition;
My 10, 28, 8, 44, is the name of anything;
M' 17, 7, 40, 24,.32; 46, is an animal;
My 13, 33, 9, 22, 24, is a mass of metal;
My 10, 12, 15, 42, 35, 46, 22, is , a, game at cards ;
My 20, 13, 2, is an imitator;
My 21, 32•,'8,'3, 25, is a lake;
My 22, 30, 46,18 - an'instrument ;
My 23, 27, 47 ; 18 an insect;
My 24, 7, 17,1.0, 28,14-a• loop ;
My 25, 37, 8, 24, 0,32,47, is arnuSical.instetinient;
My 26, 13, 37, 8, 21, 2, 24, is an ornament ;'
My 27, 32, 22, is a game at cards;
My ,28,.45, 40, - 35, 21; is what painfero.uoo; ,
My 29,20, 30,6,;22,22, is a' plant; .
fly 30„17; 42, 35, is the,top of any thing •;
My. 31, 15,. 24, is an egg;
Sly 32, 47, 40, 24, 2,5, is &kind of fish;
My 33, 47, 42, 19,10, is a pupa;
My 34, 21, 32 7 14,„18,,44, is a coin;
MY 35,40,17, 10, 7, 27, 32, 24, isp,plant;
Sly 36, 32, 13, 8, 40, is a lazy fellow,; •
My 3 7, 33, 7, 44, 20, 40, is a MO;
My 38,22,3,32,9,14,43,19,4,11,i5*kind of riddle;
My 39, 21, 36, is a true; . • -
My 40, 17, 31, 16, 17, 26: is the head.; .
My 41,47, 11, is the badof a plant;
My 42, 22, 16, 32, 9, 46, 7, 36, is a eirkpr
My 43, 17, 32, 44, is alikeness;
My 44,',8, 42,40, 17, 8, 21, 27, is a stupid felloW';
My 45, 14, 3, 43, 31, is a kind of clay; .
.My 46; 32, 43;17, 25, is ,a fish;
My 47, 30, 36; is a root.
Answer next tv9914. , NATI.
(n" Another change of Time in the
arrival and departure of cars on the Leb
anon Valley Railroad has been made.—
Tho public is referred to the notice of
the company in another column.
Holloway's Ointment and Pille.—The most
fearful eases of deep-seated abscess may be safely
cured by dressings of the Ointment. In stopping
the discharge end , closing the orifice, by its uselno
danger is ineurred..`' The virus is not clriVerrito
another locality: It is' expelled from the veins
partly through the surface, but chiefly through
the channels that communicate with theintestines.
To facilitate its expuleicn through the latter, oc
casional doses of the Pills given while
the local inflammation is subsiding under the heal
ing operation of the Ointment. In i all cases of
external disease, warm Cementations should pre
cede the application of the Ointment.
. _
netirtonS ' NOliCeS*
.preaching next Sabbath morning, and evening
in Zion's Lutheran Church.
German Preaching next Sabbath morning, and Eng':
lish inthe Evening, in the Reformed Church. -
Religious services next Sunday morning in the Ger
man language he Salem's Lutheran Church.
In the Moravian Church next Sabbath morning at 9
o'clock, a German illeetinw at 10 o'clock English Preach
ing; and ILES o'clock the Lord's Supper.
Gerinan Preaching next Sunday morning and even
ing in the 'Emanuel's Church of the Ey. Association.
an the 3tl inst., by the Rev. Aug. C. Wedekind, Mr.
:John Ettendyer to Miss Mary Ann Hollinger, both of
Dauphin county,
On the Ist inst., by the Rev. F. 14. Kremer, Mr. John
Ilerchelroth, to Miss Catharine Fink. both of Cornwall
township, Lebanon county.
On:the 3d inst., by the same, Mr. Samuel Itager, to
Miss. Catherine Mich, both of Dauphin minty.
By the Rev. IL S. Miller, John llirachle to Angelina
ifauscht, of North Lebanon.
. .
On . the 3d inst., by the Rev. "Fred. Kreciter,plr. Chris
tian S. Brown to Miss Eliza Evans both of Lanbrister co.
On the 31st ult., in this borough, Sarah Ann, wife of
Joseph J. B. Strohm, aged 23 years and 13'days.
On the 31st ult., in N. Lebanon borough, Elisabeth.
wife of ITerary K. foyer, aged 46 years, 3 mo , 19 days.
On the 17th ult., in Massillon, Stark county, Ohio,
Anna Maria Keller, daughter of F. Embich, Esq., deed.,
formerly of Lebanon, aged 66 years, 6 - months.
On the 18th nit in Jonestown, Lebanon county, Mrs.
Veronica Len Is, aged 84 years, 6 months and 4 days.
The Lebanon liarket.
WEDNESDAY„S6O. 9, 1857.
Ex. Family Flour, per bar.; - $8 50
Extra Flour, per barrel 7 50
Extra Superfine Flour, per bbl. 700
Superfine B. Flour, - .... 00
Superfine Flour, .. ... 525
Prime White Wheat, per bus.- - 1 30
Prime Red Wheat, per bus. . - 1 20
Prime Rye, per bushel 65
Corn, per bushel . 65
Oats, per bushel . 37
Potatoes, 50
Ham,. 14
Shoulder, 12
Sides, 'll
Lard, .12
Butter, 14
Eggs, per dozen, - - --- 14
Monmv. Sept. 7.—P. M.
The Flour market is duller than ever, and in
the absence-of any export demand, standard ship
ping brands are nominally held at $6 25 per bar
rel, without sales, except in small lots for home
consumption. At from that figure up to $6 75 for
good and choice brands; $5 75a7 50 for extra,
and sBaB 50 per barrel for fancy lots, as in qual
ity. Corn Meal and Rye Flour are also quiet.—
The former is worth $4, and Pennsylvania Meal
is scarce at that, and the latter i 4 50 per barrel.
There is more Wheat offering, and the millers,
who are the only buyers, are holding off and not
disposed to purchase, except in a small way, at a
concession of 5;110 cents per bushel on previous
quotations, about 1500 bushels only having been
sold at 135 cents for prime Tennessee red, and 145
cents for Delaware white, the market closing un
settled, and 'very dull at these rates. Rye is in
steady demand at the distilleries at SO cents.—
Cern is also dull and unsettled, and good Penn
sylvania is offered at 82. cents, with 80 cents bid;
the distillers are buying at the latter rate. Oats
are in steady demand, with further small sales of
Southern at 35a36 cents, and Pennsylvania at 3S
cents. .
Corner-Stone Laying.
formed Church, in Jonestown, will be laid
on Saturday k Sunday, the 19th *, 20th days
September, inst. Several preachers from a
tame are expected to be present on the occasion.
13y order of the Building Committee.
Jonestown, Sept. 9, '57.
-N. B—hucksters will not be allowed.
- 111-4111110411COAEDWA
Market Street,: HALL BUILDING.
QWARTZ BRO. have just returned from Phil-
I 0 adelphia with a splendid assortment of Fara,
SG WINTER Goods; new styles of- , 'Ladies'-.Dress
Goods. 03- Please Ball and
Lebanon, Sept. 9,'57.
S . .
001V1,ER4tMar1ieM Wafer Et.s.,,Lebation,Ea7.:,
in the room fortnerly,OecuPied
Esq., where 'he still-continues th keep , airas-sort
men t of the 'very best brands of Wines and Liquor's
that can be got. To those who are acqUhirite.ii with
his liquors netqlecesiary for him to speak as
the liquors Will speak ferNhefaselves:- To Hotel
Keepers, and all others, he would state, that it is
merely nemisary for them to call and examine his
stock to satisfy themselves, as he,warrants to ren
der full satisfaction. EWL. RE,IGART.
N. B.—lce]cm:l*r • ot, Weldle's Coiner
Lebanon; dept: 9, 2857. ' '
Manure Excavator and Hay
• •
Ekvator. ,
MANUFACTURED .t SOLD by Elias Kreider,
ILL Prbpriotor of the right for Lebanon county,
(excepting the two Annvilles & Londonderry.
This linehips is.superier to nny use, for
Strength, durability and simplicity of construction.
The Machine,
when set in the form of a Manure
Excavator, will do its, work admirably. When the
load is drawn out ak far . = necessary, by giving a
little jerk or- tap at the curve of the tong lever, it
will unshift, and the , stop bar lever will fly forward
and the fork will unload itself.
The same machine, with a very slight-altera
tion, will answer for elevating Big, in Barns, bet
ter than any kook or fork now in use. The fork
is unshifted, when swinging in the mow, by giving
a very little jerk at the rope, which is extended
down through the hand bolt of the stop bar.
NOTION.- =All persons are hereby .forbid buying
or selling the above - Machine in the subscriber's
district, unless the same is stamped "A. R. Hursh's
Patent, Manufactured and sold by E. Kreider."
I am now prepared to furnish'farmers with this
valuable machine. for further particulars,
Addresi Et:lAS' K,REIDER,
Shmfferstown, P. , 0 . 4 Lebanon Co., Pa.
Sept. 9, '57-2m.* , ' ,
Lebanon Valley Rail It
eaueevnanime yy ll l
Ala r '
Change of Hours.—Two P&ssenger
Trains Each Way *Dai/li.'
ON and after
,MaNnicr,, SEPTEMBER NI, ,1357;
regular PASSENGER TRAI.NS will leave
Lebanon at 7 aon., and 3.30 p. m., daily,(exeept
Sundays,) arriving htdteadiiigrat,B.4o ii m., and
5.10 p..m., and connecting with and down
Trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, on the
Reading Railroad. •
'Returning will leave. Reading at 10,20 a. tu.,
and 6.20 p. la., arriving at Lebanon, at 12, noon,
and 5.00 p,
FARES :—To Reading, :85 and TO .eents; Sink
ing Spring, TO and 55; Wernersville, 60 and 501
Robesonia, 50 and 40; IVomelsdorf,,4s and 35;
Millbach, 40 and 30; MeyerstoWn, 25 and 20 cents.
All Passengers will procure their: tickets be
fore the Trains start. - -
A Freight Trizi;a will leave Reading at &BO A.
m q and Lebanowat4 p. m., daily, excepp. Suudays.
: • .`. G. A. NICOLLS, •Seperinteadetit..
Iteadinip Sept. 9,, 'sfi—tf, ' • '
More New Books
(.4 1 1VVOSS SIDE." by Marion Harland; "NOTHING TO
WEAR ;" Madame De Stnera Work, "COLO NN E;"
"CAPTAIN MOLLY:" "ADAM 011,X)11.:, of Mosgray,"
by the Author of Zablee. For sale at
Lebanon, Sept.9.'s7. GOOD'S Book Store.
is hereby given to all persons indebt
ed to the undersigned, (formerly engaged in
the SIIOE MAKING business in Swatara tp., a
bout 3 mites from Jonestown,) if payment Is not
made before the ensuing 13th day of OCTOBER,
that he will sell said accounts, ic., at Punta° SALE
on said day, at the public, house of Christian Zeh
ring, in Jonestown, at 1 o'clock P. M. Said ac
counts, in the opinion of the undersigned, have
now been running long enough, and he is deter
mined to see what they are worth.
David Darkcs is authorized to make settlement
and give receipts for the undersigned, previous to
said day of Sale. SAMUEL' K. DARKES.
Swatara tp., Lebanon Co., Sept., 9,
Grindle's Ancient and Celebrated
wgi",- ;
~.. 414,-zi.
, --tzi,...,-,, * :, -,-•,,- .
I P.or * :k 40 ' %C. ItNO4-ro‘''-v,
fe. -$ M
6,,,„ F
x4 , ,, - ,0
. ‘
Nature's Own . Remedy.
A Positive Cure for Liver Complaint wad Bilious Disor
ders, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Cutaneous
Diseases, Fever and Ague, Costiveness, Piles, Dysen
tery and Diarrluea,Worms, Sulipressism of the Menses,
Nervous Debility, &e.. andn'eurelPfeventative to all
rertheA T ENTjA L ELrP e E re InaM
extensive scale, after e vet
worst forms of disease, and after leaving been urged to do
so by eminent physicians, who hare tried them to their
satisfaction. Performing cures where every other rem
edy bad failed, we feel it our solemn duty to spread the
glad intelligence to every family of the globe. They
purge the system thoroughly of all corrupt huntors,pen
etrate and purify thtivital fluids, and the corrupt secre
tions are replaced with rich, healthy blood. 'Parts that
were even decaying with the disease are restored to a
healthy, vigorous action, and disease eradicated as if by
Inagic,leaviug thesystem in arobust condition, and less
predisposed to contract disease again of whatever kind.
Possessing such penetrating and healing virtues, their
success must be inevitable. We know it. 'We can read it
in the nowglowingfeatures of the ()ampule and prostrat
ed patient; we can read it in the friendly grasp of the
father's hand, and in the mother's warm tears of joy,
as they behold their darling child snatched from the
clutches of death by their powerful agency; we can read
it in the young man's gayety, and in the old maii'svigor
and "God bless you ;" we can read it in the husband's
and wife's gratitute, and in the children's prattle; we
can read it away out upon the bosom of the Oeeall.hi the
sprightly tread and invigorated system of the poor . mar
iner. Yes, and we Sometimes fancy we can almost read
it far up in the blue canopy of heaven, in Words of living
fire—lltseAss is VANQUISHED—THE rurarrn IS COUPLETE.
. .
These Ancient Pills are also an invaluable remedy for
females suffering from suppression of the Menses, the
cause of so many declines and female weakness. The
various diseases that attack children are quickly ban
ished by their healing qualities.
The l'ills arc sent by mail, from the Proprietor only,
ou receipt of the price. The postage in the United States,
not over 3,000 miles, is fifteen cents on five boxes,which
must be inclosed in money or stamps. If we have no
agent in your place, send to us by mail.
For sale by respectable druggists and dealers in medi
cine throughout the United States, Cantatas, Mexico,
South America, &e., at 21 cts. a box, or five boxes for $l.
JOSIAH S. GRINDLE,'NeW York, Sole Proprietor, to whom
all letters must he addressed. Also, Proprietor. of Dr.
Wesley Grindle's Celebrated Magic. Compound, the great
remedy for Pulmonary Consumption.
IM, Principal Depot, No. 54 White street, New Yrk.
Sept. 0. '54-Iy—eow.
Me Medicine of the Million !
is the life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the com
ponents of liesh, bone, to uslle r nerve and integument.
The Stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distribu
tors, and the intestines the channel through whieh the
Waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled.—
Upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels, these
Pills net simultaneously, relieving indigestion, purify
ing the fluids, and regulating the excretions.
The National Disease.
Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all etas
es in this country,. It assumes a thousand shapes, and
is the primary source of innumerable dangerous mala
dies ; but whatever its type or symptoms, however ob
stinate its resistance to ordinarypreparations, it yields
readily and rapidly to this searvbing kunerring remedy,
Bilious Afectioiis.
The quantity and quality of the bile arc of vital im
portance to health. Upou the liver, the gland which se
cretes this fluid. these pills operate specifically, infallibly
rectifying its irregularities and effectually curing Jaun
dice, Bilious Remittatits, and all the varieties of disease
generated by an unnatural condition of the organ.
Liver Complaints
Unless the bowels perform their functions properly,
the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die annual
ly of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Chronic Constipation, and
other diseases of those waste pipes in the system. The
effect of the pills upon all intestinal disorders, whether
casual or epidemic, is a phenomenon. in medicine. lly
following the printed directions, the most alarming ea
ses of bowel complaint are promptly controlled.
A Word. to Females
The local debility and irregularities which are the es'
pedal annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when
neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the time
being, and,prev.ented for the time to come, Ilya course of
this mild but thorough alternative. '
.tar•llolloway's Pills are the best remedies known in
the world for the following diseases:—
Ast Diarrhoea]
Bowel Complaints, Droptly, influenza
Coughs, . Debility, Inilannation,
Colds, . Fever A: Ague, Inward Weakness, ,
Chest Diseases, Files, Female Complaints,
COstiveness, headaches,'' Lowness of Spirits,
Liver Complaints, Stones Gravel, Secondary Symptoms,
Venereal Affections, 'Worms of all kinds.
CAUTION I—None are genuine unless the Words "Hol
loway, New York and Loudon." are discernible as a Wa
termark in every leaf of the hook of direetious around
each pot or lox;, the some may be plainly seen by hold,
ing the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will -he
given to ony one rendering such information as may
lead to the detectioncif any party or parties counterfeit
ing the medicines or 'vendingithe same, knowing them
to bd - spurious..
Sold at the
,Ma nufaetory of Professor Hello way, 0
Maiden Lane, Now York, and by all resole:lode Drug
gists and Dealers lit Ithslicine qbroughout the United
States and the civilized world, i u boxes at 21 ce.nts,'o234
cents, and-$l. each.
There is a considerable Saving by taking the larger sizes.
N. B—Directions for the guidance of patients in every
disorder are affixed to each box. ' [Sept. 9, 'N.
Real Estate at Public Sale.
PII RS UA NT to the last will and testament of da
cob Moyers, dee'd., will be sold. at public sale,
at the I a to reSidetice of said deecased,on SATe 'may,
SEPTEMBER 19,1857, the.following Real Estate,
viz: A certain Tract of Lamb eonildning 7 Acres
and 97 Perches, More orjess, about linens cover
ed with heavy Timber, I acres groWing Sfitouts,
the remainder being under good cultivation,situitte
in Londonderry township, Lebanon county, near
the road loading from Campbellstown to Colebrook,
about .11 miles from the latter place, and now :oc
cupied by John Albert, adjoining lands of widow
O'Neal, Win. Coleman and others. .• , ,
The improvements: are a.good: Log •
House and Stable with threshing floor, ;• „•
spring house oda noverfailing spring, ;
and st!fi he stream of running past
the door. Also growing thereon a fine lot of fruit
trees, such as apples, peaches, cherries, .tc.
Possession will be given on the Ist day of April,
1858. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., when
terms will befmadeAnownb u y
aug. 26, '47. A. E. WALTON,
'VA . /MDl3e sold at public sale tit the public house
VV .: of David Hoffman, in the borough of.Leha
-14012, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1.337, the
following, borough property, viz : ,
-- , NO. I—A certain new first-class
7,30,a .
' .
' Brick Dwelling House, situate
':;.:4%.*: - ,'t Market street., west side, 4 stenare
" 4 1f;i1' . , neirth of the Lebanon Valley Bail
.. Z - ......, '--- road, in the borough of LebatiOn,
bounded on the south by property of Catharine
Peeman and on .the north by No. 2 The atis
214 feet front and extends back 193 feet to Part
ridge alley. .
NO. 2.--Another: new first-class , l, Ft a La ,
Brick Dwelling -house, . adjoining 34: - `1:: ! !
No. 1 and No. 3. Lot and House ''' . -Lf-r .'. ! 1 '
sante size as No. 1. .
NO: 3—A vacant Lot of Ground, containing
23 feet front on. Market street, running back to
the alley, adjoining No. 2 and lotof Daniel Miller.
The Above property will be Bold separate, oFNo.
2 and the yacant lot, together if desired-i
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m, when terms •
will - be - made known by •
. • .. Wilf.• E ARNOLD,
EnalsTeh l Auotzon,er.—Lebanon, Attir. 19'57.4.
IIE UNDERSIGNED, having taken the
AT COACH-MAKING Establishment of Mr
LEVI LIGIIT.•on the Turnpike, at the East end
of Lebanon, wish respectfully to invite the pub
lie attention to their business. Each of us having
served regular apprenticeships to the business,
and having bad lunch experience therein, we feel
confident of our ability to give satisfaction. Ev
ery article manufactured at our establishment will
be Under our personal supervision. We shall
kcep,on hand, ReyMADS
which will be warranted of the most superior qual
ity. We will also attend to REPAIRING, at
short notice. ... Nouo but the best workmen
will be employed in may branch of the busiuess.
We cordially invite the public to give its a call,
and we will guarantee satisfaction.
Sept. 2, 's7—Gm. FAUBER & YOUNG.
Railroad Omnibus.
AN OMNIBUS belonging to the undersigned,
will be daily at the Depot on the arrival of
the Cars to take Passengers and their baggaon to
any part of Lebanon and vicinity. Persons Lav
ing by the cars will hero the omnibus call at their
residences in time tnr the ears, by giving previous
notice at MrS. 'Rise's Hotel. :The patronage. of
the citizens of Lebanon, and surrounding coun
try, is respectfully solicited.
July 1.5,'57-3m. LOUIS SUTER.
TUE Subscriber has made arrangements for
running a D ILY EXPRESS, in connection
with his Freight Line, _on - Philadelphia and Read
ing and, Lebanon Valley-Railreads, and is prepar
ed to forward Packages, Money, Jewelry, and
other valuables daily each way •
Between Philadelphia, Beading, &c.
Each Express in charge of a Special Messenger
by Passenger Trains. All orders promptly deliv
ered, and goods forwarded with the greatest des
patch, at reduced rates.
LINE; or Exrunss, as parties ordering may intend.
Offices 311 Race Street, Philadelphia; corner of
Fourth, and Penn 'streets, Readings at Sinking
Springs. Womelsdorf, Moyerstown, and at D.
Grteff's, Cuutherland street; Lebanon.
N. B.—A Line of Six Beath, running between
Philadelphia and Pottsville to carry Merchandise
and Freight generally.
Schweitzer Co., 65 North Wharves, Philad'a.
Chestnut street Wharf, Reading.
July 29;1857-4E
Speed Increased and.
- ,forriz
THE 110V 3 / 4 . MU) EXPRESS CO,
ILAVE made arrangements with the Lebanon
:Valley R. R. Co., to forward Goods, Packa
ges, Moneys, &e., in charge of their own special
Messenger from Philadelphia and Reading by Pas
senger Train.
Merchants wishing their goods forwarded punc
tually and with despatch, will consult their own
interests, by iintronising the Express Co.
Orders for Goods to be returned by Express trill
be delivered in Philaint free of charge.
Persons- having remittances of-money to make
to any part of the U. S. or Canadas, will find the
Express the:only cafe"tacidc of eonveyance.
Opeicn—No 4 Eagle Building, Lebauuri Pa.,
and 24S Chestnut St., - below 3d st.,
July 22, '.514f. For Howard Fxpress Co.
HOFFMAN, IMMEI, 4. co.'s
.. !!Tp954T 1 7 -4
_Lebanon .Palley Railroad.
THIS LINE consists of 22 first-class BOATS,
1 running between Philadelphia; Baltimore,
and all other points along the Union, Schuylkill,
Tide-Water and Ponnsylynnia Canals.. •
FREIGHTS contracted for at the lowest pos
sible rates, and delivered with dispatch.
The Proprietors will pay particular attention,
and attend personally, 'to the receiving and deliv
ery of Freights.
having their GOODS delivered in goo condition
and with promptness and dispatch, at low rates.
One of the Firm will pay particular attention to
Goods shipped by the Lebanon Valley:Railroad.
Goods will be sent daily to and from Philadelphia
to Lebanon,. Myerstown, Annvillc, Jonestown,
and all other points in the county.
For information, apply at their Offlee in North
Lebanon, or at the Lebanon Valley H. R. Depot.
EDWARD MARK, their Agent in Philadel
phia, will always be found at W. R. Busies Mer
chants' Hotel, North Third Street, Philtid'a.
Lebanon, Aug. 12,'57-3m.
bought fur CASH. . . H. T. at Co.
Fine Property at Public Sale.
WILL be Fold at public safe, on SATURDAY,
SEPTE.MBER 19, 1857, in conformity to
the last (sill and testament of Tobias Kridcr, sr.,
clued, on the prowl :tea, the following
6 ACRES Limestone Land, of the first quality,
situate in Cornwall township, (formerly S. Leba
non tp.,) 4 miles from the borough, on the road
leading from hero to Colebrook Furnace, adjoin
ing land of Jacob:Stnith, Christian Duliner and
Othors. The improvements are ono
good one-story weather-boarded log :LSO
Dwelling .Ifouse, Stable, and out
buildings; bearing Orchard; about
3 acres is a fine Meadow, with run
ninn• wator. The laud is under good cultivation,
•antrdivided into convenient fields.
Coed title and posscsion will be given on the
let of April, 1858. The terms arc $lOO cash, and
ho balance next first.of
.ALSO, at the mu: time :Ind place will be . sold :
lish Watch and 24 hour Clock, Beds, Bedsteads
and Bedding, Tables. Chairs, Cupboard, Wash
stand, Chest and Woodchost, copper and iron Ket
tles, Churn,Stillyards, and a variety of other
House and Kitchen Furuituro.
Salo to commence 011 o'clock, p. in., when terms
will he made known by
Surviving Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Tobias Kreider, sr., dce'd.
cog. 26, 15:37.
Valuable Town Property
For Sale at Public Vendue .
(IN SATURDAY, the 19th day of
1../ SEPTEMBER, 1857, will be of- IS s
fercd for sale by the undersigned, at '
Public Venduc, the following Proper:Ms; eta:
No. I—A desirable STORESTAND and LOT,
situate in the business part of the Borough of Lob
anon, fronting Cuntborland street, between Mr.
Brua's and Mrs. Shindel's Hotels; front 22 foot 8
inches, depth 192 feet.
feet front, convenient for public business, situate
in the borough of North Lebanon, corner of Wal
nut and Oak street, one square from the Lebanon
Val. Railroad Depot, and two from Union Canal.
No. 3—A One and-a-Half Story HOUSE and
LOT, adjoining No. 2.
No. 4—A LOT of GROUND, with a. large Suov
or Dwelling, and a shed, adjoining Nos: 2 k 3.
No. 5—A One Story 110 USE and LOT, in the
Eastern part of said borough, corner of
streets, and. adjoining Lot of David Boyer, near
the Union Canal. •
133 Thu sale will commence at 2 o'clock,p.
at the public house. of D. Brun, when the condi
tions will be made known by
F. MEDICI!, Aue'r.
Lebanon, Sept. 2, '57
Woodland for• Sale.
.. - 4 4. -.•
.. THE undersigned of- • ~2 ,
414 , ,, , fers at Private Sale,
......4,t -
'IT '6B ACRES • :in' lIV
..-,, f ,
.(more or loss) of Oxcel- .*:;;;;,;.;; ; ;,11:
lent W OODLAND, the half of which ia geed tim
ber, situate in Union township, Lebanon county,
near the Big Dam. adjoining land of Jaoob Hun
sielter; Emanuel Foy and-others. Erouted on the
premises is a good two-story log TWIMLINO 11013 SE,
as good as new, good Stabling, and a well of nov •
er-failing water. It will boaoldiebeap. Good ti
tle and poaseasion' given on the let of April, 18:
58. For fuither information apply to. • ..I
N. L. Boroo,- - m . ay27, 1 57:' , . DAVID • BOVE&
Fancy-Walking canes for,ealo Ly,
Mires 4111reft,
lajnon township will ineet in No:2 School-house,
(zthaak's) on SATounat - , 6EPTEMDIat 21, 1857, at
12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of appointing 9 wale
teachers fur the schools of said district fur tho en
suing term. The County Superintendent will be
in attendance to examine applicants.
Ezn,t Binmut, Sect'y. [Sept. 2, '57
13 Teachers Wanled.
Township will meet in the Fredericksburg
Sehoel House, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,
1857, at 9 o'clock, a. in., for the purpose of ap
pointing 13 Teacher& fur the ensuing term. The
County'Superietendent will be in attendance to
examine applicants. J. SMITH, Fres't.
WlLLian W. Gmew. Sect'... r A wz. .f>7
Estate of GEO.RGE REALPERLY, doe . u.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen
tary on the estate of Gevrge Hemperly, de
ceased, late of Londonderry township, Lentinen
county, have been granted to the undersigned.
Alt per Sous indebted to said estate will please
make payment, and those having claims will pro
sent them without delay.
JO ILN HEM. P . ERLY, Loudon derry tp.
01IN EARLY, North Alluvial) tp.
Slate A.rilettittill Exhibition!
. • le
State' Agricultural Society
1 will hold its seventh annual Exhibition at
Philadelphia (Powelton Grounds) on the 29th and
30th of SEPTEMBER, and the let and 2d days of
OCTOBER next. Thu usual reduction on passen
ger fare and free passage for stock, will be fur
nished by the RailreturCompanias.
Ttie books of entry Will -be open at Philadel
phia on, and after the Ift .
013E112 C. WALKER..
Phitatra. Sept. 2,-a's7--st: r
• New Livery IStable. •
".CIIE undersigned, has establish
the. Eagle Hotel:Stables, Lebanon.
!: lie has.good and safe Borees, Car
s • riagcs, as may be desired, and care
" ful Drivers, which he will hire on
fair-terms. Be hopes by being attentive to bush
ness to receive a liberal share of public patronage.
Apply at the Eagle Hotel or at the Stables.
Lebanon, aim. 19,'57.,
Leaving. Fredericksburg every morning (Sun
days excepted,) at 6 o'clock, and will leave Leba
non on its return on the arrival of the Philadel
phia and Reading line.
.."'•Throilgh Tickets, at a reduced price, can
be scoured at Philadelphia or Reading, for Jones
town or Fredericksburg.
r. This is a four-horse Coach, and the line
will be keptin the best condition. - None but good
Horses will be used.
The public. patronage is respectfully solicited.
The Stage Office in Lebanon will be at Reinhard's
Hotel, and at Fredericksburg at Bates
The Coach will be at the Railroad Depot to meet
the traiu. TOBIAS BART°.
July 1, 18.57.-3ni.
Valuable Borough Property
S offered at private sale, that valnable half-lot
1 or piece or Ground, situate at the north-east cor
ner of Walnut and Water streets, Lebanon. front
ing 33 feet on Walnut street and 80 feet on Water
street, at present. occupied by John Farrel's Marble
Yard, on which are a FRAME HOUSE, &c. It
is loomed within a square of the Lebanon Valley
Railroad Depot,.between the Depot and the een
tre of WWI; For further particulars apply to John
Farrel, on the preinins. IJune 24, 1857. •
WILL be saki at public sale yinSATURDAY,
the 26th of SEPrEarana,lBs7, inSouth Ann
vile Township, in Millerstown, a certain
Lot of Ground,
on which which the improvements are a - re,
first-rate two-story Frame Dwelling
House; also, a Butcher Shop with
Kitchen and Cellar attached, formerly occupied
by John Imbeiten.
Also, a Carriage House, frame stable, Bake
House and all the necessary out-buildings. Also,
water right nearby, (at titer pump:Y . This prop
erty adjoins Henry linboden's and others. title
will he given the Ist day of April, 1858.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock; on said day,
and conditions made known by _ _
F. E3ruten, Auer.
THIS bar- been a Hotel for the last
40 years, audie well known over the
; r; State as REINHARD'S HOTEL, and
g gig the tuost central and best boasted in
dint Borough. It is located on the
corner or Cumberland and Walnut streets, directly
opposite the Court Hausa-and but • two squares
from the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, on the
same street, (Walnut.) it fronts 45 feet on Cum
berlard and 105 feet on Walnnt streets, 39 feet on
Walnut being 60 feet deep.
The. Building is a three-story STONE HOUSE,
45 by 38 feet. The third story was put. on nut
long since and the whole house remodeled, with
a frame Kitchen. Also, belon,kin , • to the proper
ty, a newly built stone STABLE on corner .of
Smoke and Jail alleys, rni lot 66 by 64 feet, with a
good Cistern ' :be., thereon. and closely situatod to
the Hotel. Also nn EATING SALOON in tbo
Basement of the Hotel, which brings a good rent.
This is a chbice Hotel property; has an
excellent county and traveling custom, and has
been the Stage Offiee for £Olll6 time. It 'Min be
sold reasonably, and terms of payment made easy
Lebanon, July 22, ,
THE undersigned otters at private sale his mag
nifieent estate, situate in East Hanover town
ship, Lebanon county, about 2 miles from Harp
er's Inn, 4 miles from this Cold Fprings and' the
Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad, as follows:
NO:1 — . Contains 160 ACRES, more or less, of
the best land in tbe nbighborbood, adjoin ingprop
erty of Miebail Duininger. Julio Dotter, and oth
ers. The greater portion is cleared and . under
good cultivation. Thu buildings
r erected cm this tract are the mutter
‘iOk- Li 5 sigued's well-known Cloth
factory, which has a large pation:
'"' 7 ••• • age and is capable of indefinite in
crease; a large two-story double . Stone Dwelling
House, with Kitchen annexed • good two-story
Farm Mare ; Tenant House; large stone Barn,
with threshing floor and Stabling valid other out
buildings, in good repair. •Also, all necessary
buildinni fur the Manufactory,vit
Curti Spinning Machine building, Dyeiug and
Finishing House. he., &c. The forks are all
well supplied with good Machinery and plenty of
water power. A stream of geed water it led to
the dwelling-house iu pipes; also, "2
springs and pump-wells near. Alio, aP. 4e#
beautiful Young ORCHARD on the P 1
premises. I
NO. 2—Contains 160 Acres, (more ""
or less) adjoining No: 1, land of Michael DeiMng
er, John Dotter and others. Nearly the whole of
this tract is under good cultivation and excel-
lent fences. Erected thereon is a
Dwelling House, stable, and a large
Shed. Also. near by a well, spring,
4 :6 111 ! ho., a splendid rdte,for the; . etien of
a dwelling house.,
water in nearly every field. A 8.011;14. 'llb
located on this tract.. ;'•'•
NO. 3—Containsl3o Acres Wood
land, (more or less.) adjoining No. 1, •
laud of John Dotter and others. it n '.'?"
has a rich growth of Cheitnut Sprouts;
from R to 10 years growth.
As the undersigned is sincerely disposed to sell,
the above may be purchased either in parts as
above or in the whole, as may he desired.
Good title and possession will be given on the
let of April, IS3B. For further information ap
Aug. 5, '57.-tf. East Ilanovor, Lebanon Co.. Pa.
Public itrbiice.
. 1 IIE underslgood Coinuiii,sionoril, named in the
Aot of Assembly, passed 18.57, entitled
'Mu act 10 incorporate the Lrmaxori VALLY
BANK," hereby giro notice that in purivanee of
the authority vested in them, they will open on
Wnimesney, the 14th day of OCTOIiER, 'IES7;
books for receiving subseriptions to the Capital.
Stbek , of said Bank, at Reinhard's Hotel, and oii
that day, anti the five nest suteeediug days of
that week such 'subscriptions will he received
there; between the - hours of . 10 1 1 r: -in: and 2.P. in.,
until sufficient subscriptions' shall be
organize daid Bank.agrodably tdtlitm. :
0. LAWSON comatAiv, A. k. ktilsElat&N,
CHAS. 1); FORNEY, 411:0/10 . S. IlOtriwAN,
&HIE . GEORGE, . LIGUTi. 0., • • 1 .,
nias ILA&P.B4 . Liditociik Ausbi Wiar
[Aug.i 12,'57
larivate Sale.
Rira TE • &I LE.
Dwelling-House and .Btore Stand
For Rent.
frIEEI subscriber offers for rent for one or mono
years, the building for along time occupied by
him as a residence and Shoo store on the corner
of the alley between 13rUn'S Ilotekand Pinegrovo
Street, Cumberland street, Lebanon. The build
ing is large, well provided with cellar, stabling,
&e. The corner room is- well' ettleuluted for a
store stand, and if rented for any' such purpose
will be well furnished-with shelfing,tto. For fur
ther information apply to •
i7LI , " The .property is also offered for sale at
private sale. April 29.1ft57.
Desirable Hiirough Properly.
subscriber otiore at private shlo his nor
rW Two-and-a lialf Story
tek IDureiling House )
situate in Market street, west side, near Striekler'S
Mill, in the borough of Lebanon. Tho Lot fronts
33 feet, and is 198 feet in depth. It is bounded
on the north by property of Abraham Strickler,
and ou the south by property of Jacob Rostlle.—
The hoeSe is a large one, containing 12 rooms,
well arrangefl for a hoarding house. The other
improvements are a Stable, log pen, both as good
as new; a variety of bearing fruit trees, dm.
For terms, dm., apply on the premises to
Lebanon, Sept. 2, '67—tf. JESSE OCIIS.
Valuable Borough Property.
MIRE subscriber otfers at public sale, on SAT
URDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1857, (if not sold
previously at private sale,) his valuable borough
property, located on the smith-west corner of Wal
nut and Water streets, in the borough of Lebanon.
The property fronts 40 feet on Walnut street and
10$ feet along Water street. The improvements
are a large one-story LOG DWELLING ROUSE,
Frame Shop, and other necessary out-buildings.
This is one of the most desirable properties °Cor
ed for sale in the borough of Lebanon, being but
one square distant from the Court House and the
same distance from the Ledsnon Valley R. R. De
pot. Sale to be held at HAAR'S Eagle Hotel, com
mencing at 6 o'clock, p. m. Terms will be made
known by PETER HESS.
Lebanon, Sept. 2.'57.
Orphans' Court Sale.
- DURb CUNT to an order of the Orphans' Court
11 of Lebanon County, will be Hold by public sale
or out-cry, the following
late of JACOB B. WELD N, Esq., dce'd, to Wit:—
OB It the 23d day of September, next,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., upon the premises, a certain
Plantation and fine Tract of Land 1ff. 4 .f. 4
with the appurtenances, situate in the -30 1 . 7 ' 4
township of Union, in the county of
Lebanon,adjoining ands of Jacob Ger
hart,Hettry Hess, Martin Hess, Daniel Stine, and
others, containing about Two Hundred and Sev
enty Acret of Land, be the same more or less, it
beingthe same Farm orPlantation commonly call.
ed "Thinner's Place," and known by that name.
Theimprovements thereon being
a two-story double Log and Wendt
!'t g er-Boarded House, a large Stone
4 - A, 4 t tf. Switzer Darn, together with other
out:buildings. About 20 Acres of
the above Plantation is covered with CILESTNUT
and other TIMBER. There is, elm, aline stream
of running water on the premises,as well as several
fine springs of Water. The above Plantation is
situated on the public road leading from Pi negrove
to Harrisburg, about 2 miles from Union Forge,
and about 11 mile from the Union Canal and. Dig
Dam. The Fermis iu a good state of cultivation,
and the fences arc in good repair, &c. ta..The
above Plantation will be sold either in the whole,
or in such parts as will best suit purchasers.
At the same time and place will he sold—
T w 0 cartel c. .SlEssuiuEs and satall Houses, to
with the appurtenauces,si tuate near and ad
joining the above Plantation, together with sepa
rate small Tracts of LAND or LOTS of ORO D,
surveyed and attached to each House. The one
thereof being commonly called "Radford's Place,"
and known by that name.
VA— The terms fur the sale of the foregoing Property,
will bentade known by the undersigned on the dayof sale.
On Thursday, the 241 h day of September, 1857,,
Will be sold ut the public house, of SALMI R
at Jonestown, at 1 o'clock, p. m.
All that certain MESS CAGE, TENEMENT and
small TRACT of LAND, with the appurtenances,
situate in the township of Union, in the county of
Lebanon, about I mile from Union Forge, and.
about 3 miles from Jonestown, and adjoining lauds
of Sam'l E. Bickel, widow Bmshore, henry Smith,
and Writ. Ceppeuhafer, containing about !adores,
be the santu Ir , ire, or lees.
The improvements thereon being a two
MOVE story Log end Weather-Bourded /louse
Ali E , ind Log Stable, and other out-buildings.
t/ t Li a convenient supply of running water on
the above,premises; the Mucus are in good repair.
At the seam time and place, will also be sold,_
A certain other MESS tl t, TEN MIEN]: and
small TRACT of LAND, with the appurteuences, sit
uate iu Jonestown, and fronting on the north on
the public road leading from Jonestown to Har
risburg, adjoining lot of Daniel Brown on the enat,
lot of Henry Seltzer on the west, containing about
1 ACRE and 95 Perches, be the same more or leas.
te...‘Tti terms for the soh, of it,.. forvgoing w ill
be made known on the slay of Pule, by the undersigned.
On rueeday, the Gih day of, A. D. 1857,
Will be sold at the public lionse of ADAM II AA K,
In the borough of Lebanon, Five Inn-Lots and
Pieces of Ground, situate in the aforesaid Bor
ough of Lebanon :-
- NO. I—A certain IIIESSUAGE and LOT OP.
PIECE OF GROUND, adjeiniiig and &Jilting on
the south a public road commonly called the Old
Forge road, and on the west lands of Samuel Bar.
boson, and on the north the Lebanon Valley Rail
road, and on the east tin alloy, containing. TWO
PERCHES, neat - measure.
140:2—A cdrtaioIIESSUAGE, LOT or PIECE;
of GROUND, situate in the Borough of Lobanou
aforesaid, adjoining and fronting on the Lebanon
Valley Railroad on the south, lands of Samuel
llarbesou on the west, the Borough lino on tho
north. and au alley on the east, containing ONE
ACRE and Tuturr-Oas: PERCUES, neat measure.
NO. 11--A certain 'MESS UAGE, LOT ur PIECE
of GROUND. :dwelt: in the Borough of Lebanon
:dorm:aid, adjoining the Lebanon Valley Railroad
on the south, lands of Them P. Frantz on the west,
the Lebanon Borough line on the North, and lands
of SUMuel Ilarheson On the east, containing TWO
ACRES and SIX PERCHES, neat measure.
NO. 4--A certain ME SSUAti E, LOT or PIECE
Of GROUND, situate in the Borough of Lebanon
aforesaid, lidjoining a publicsoad sometimes call
ed the Ohl Forge road ou the south, hind of Tbeo.
P. Frantz on the west, the Lebanon Valley Rail
road on the north, and lands or Samuel Ilarbeson
on theeast,eontaining FOUR ACRES & NINETY
EIGHT PERCHES. neat measure.
N O.5—A certain Al EsSU.A.O E, LOT or PIECE
of GROUND, situate in the Borough of Lebanon
aforesaid, fronting 66 feet on Mulberry struot cr
Manheitu•and Lebanon Plank Iload Ull tho east,
and adjoining the Lebanon Valley Rail roa dont he
south, au alley on the west, and lot of George W.
Kline, Esq., on the north, containing FORTY
EIGHT PERCHES, neat ineasuro.
'lts. The foregoing Messuagos and Tracts of
Laud will be divided into and laid out in suitable
and gonvenient BUILDING LOTS, and will Lo
sold either in the Whole or Lots, as will best suit
purchasers and demand the highest and best prices.
ISA. The terms for the sale of the foregoing Lots will
be wade known on the day of sale, by the undersigned.
On Ired,sdny, the 711, day of OenZer, A. D. 15.57,
Will he sold at the public house of Anal( LIAA K,
in the Borough of Lebanon, the following Prop
erty, situate in the said Borough of Lebanon, viz:
NO. 6--A cortain MESSUA G F.:, TENT NIEN T,
and LOT OF GROUND, with tho appurtenances,
fronting AS feet on Market street, adjoining Lot of
George Derr on the south, an alley on the west,
lot of Jaynes Lascombol3 the north. The improve
ments thereon being a, one-store Log end Weatii
er-boardea 'LOUSE and other out-buildings.
NO. 7—A certain MESSUAGE and Unix LOT
of Guouxn, fronting 33 feet on Market street, ad
joiniug Lot of Mrs. Muria Mi6li on the north, an
alley Oa' the east, lot of Danl. Good on the south.
NO. 8 --A certain two-story Brick D teal - rt
ling House and Ilalf Lot of Ground, with ill;
j r n
the eppurtena.nces, fronting on Market at 1
adjoining lot of John G. Suavely on the mid:.
alloy on the east, lot of the Evangelical l i on.:
grogatiou on the south. It being
in which tho Post Office is kept by ..1 . 1.,,c , . 0 ,, .
A tat the same time and placadr! ~ • ••••"'D.
All toortain aIESSI.I.O 7 r- la j te
G go
situate in the township o . 4,4, of. John Tice.
aforesaid, adjoining / lShally, a n d L a d d
I S a too nd k s b n e o e l ls v , or lii i u .o d r s a s
inedo : l 7,
now in the po s.
mining N r the sale of khe aforesaid premises
these *non the day of Fide by the nederekmete.
t. • ELIZA 13 En c:.
r• Wr.ibliA.N,
,r}- • • 111:11liiiit IV. COLEMAN,
• ' •JOLIN W. tiLItIOR;'risoftho p..steipe of Jeems B. WSIXONAIf, deed.
tiden, Bapir, ; Hirt