Xtbanan3bilatiocr. Nwa^N`S.tA'aw Le ba non, Pa. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1557 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET FOR GOVERNOR, IPILLASOI F. 1 0 4 CKER, Of Lyeoining County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER S XIJPIROD STRICKLAND Of Chester County. FOR SUPR ENE 7UDGF.9 TIVILLI4OI STROOrG, 01 &Irks Cuu n i y. - THOWPIP SO.N; Of Erie County. O. When the pot boils over the scum goes first.—This applies to the failure of a number of "banks" and "bankers," in New York city and. elsewhere last week. they hAye always all been worthless, only if was 'not known pub. Ozr The following is the ticket nom inated by the Democracy of Berks coun ty, on Tuesday last : Assembly, Edmund L. Smith, Amos Weller, Benj. Nunema.cher ; Prothonotary, David lister; Register, Tobias Barto ; Recorder. Nicholas Heck man ; • Clerk of Orphans' Court, Ephraim Fritz; Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Joseph . S. 'foyer; County :Treasurer, William Runkle • County Com xnissioner,- David L. Wenrich ; Director of the Poor, Jacob Malsberger; County Auditor, Amos K. Strunek. Our - Democratic friends of Lancaster, last week, nominated the following county ticket, viz:— Senators, Dr. Johu R. Raub, Wm. Patton ; As sembly, John 11. Brenneman, Thos. S. Mcllvaine, James Bones, Salmi Wicks; Sheriff, Jacob Saner; Prothonotary, Dr. A. S. Bare; Register, William Hays; Recorder, Henry Rush; Clerk of Quarter Sessions, Jacob Foltz,; Clerk of Orphans' Court-, Jalob Myers ; Treasurer, John L. Lightner; Com missioner. John Whiteside; Directors, L. Haldy, S. J. Morrison; Coroner, Dr. J. B. Freeland; Au ditor, Amos Hank. OZ an old man, 72 years of age, the head of a gang of coun terfeiters and thieves in the neighbor hood of the Gap, Lancaster county, who was conv icted . in the Lancaster counts Court about two weeks ago, and sen tenced to two years' imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary, committed sui cide last week in his cell, by hanging himself. 0* - A strike of the operatives of thr , Lancaster Cotton Mill No. 3,"occurred on Tuesday, in consequence of an at tempt of the Board of Directors to re duce their wages 20- per cent. A com• promise was then offered by the Direc tors, upon a reduction of 10 per cent., which some of the operatives accepted, but the majority still hold out. OrThe Washington States says that at the conclusion of the marriage cere mony of General Walbridge, on Toes day, President Buchanan was prompt to avail him Self •of the privilege of kiss ing the bride, then,turnina to the Gener al, he said , playfully, "You have desert• ed our ranks!" "flow could I help it ?" the General promptly responded as he pointed to his bride. o:7 — Some years ago the opposition designated the dethocracy as . the I.•dirty shirt .party," heeause it was made up principally of Mechanics and laboring men. In Ohio, recently, one of the present Republican candidates for a State. Office, said in a speech:— "MECHANICS SHOULD WEAR A RED PATCH ON THE SHOULDERS TO DESIGNATE THEM. FROM GENTLEMEN." The "gentieman7.who proposes thus to designate mechanics, will be very apt to get himself patched about the 13th of next-October. • Serrsrei.e.—The Black Republicans have on several occasions exposed their weakness to such an extent in Philatler phis, es to become general laughing stook for it season. Discretion is the better part of valor, hence we find them resolving at their convention last week, not to nominate local tickets forthe city. Sometimes there is a wheel within a wheel, and the ftepublican wheel is double. Not placing a ticket of their own in the field, will give them a chance •of claiming-the entire oppoSition - vote in Philadelphia as Republicans.. 'Their game. with the Americans is, heads we win; tails yeillose ! O 7 We .find the following going the rounds of the papers : Gerritt Smith, in a recently published letter, says that his expectations in re gard to, his gifts of land to colored men have not been fully realized. He says thourpil colored men to rTFITTT - illy have taken and continue to hold possession of their grants. What is worse,hall the three thousand, as I judge, have either sold their !and, or been so careless as to allow it to be sold for taxes." What a humiliating _confession for a "dyed-in.the.wool" Abolitionist to make that his African pets 'have turned out so unworthy l How appropriately he calls them "colored man ;" for accord. ingto his own.account, they are colored all thyntrgh, and the hearts and inincts of those he experimented on are -as dark as their hides. But this is only another proof of the truth of the well known conclusion. that in general, the negro race is unsusceptible of improvement. Speaking of negroes in their native land, a learned English..writer says : "Prom the remotest antiquity down to dav I i • hi tf %Iranians F. Packer the Poor Man's Friend. It is well known that while Speaker of the House of Representatives, in 18- 49. General Packer, the Democratic can didate for Governor, contributed very materially by his influence toward the enactment of that now popular measure known as the "Three Hundred Dollars Exemotion Act." During the winter of 1855, it will he remembered, a wen. effort was made by person who fancied themselves aggrieved by the law, to have it repealed. Gen. Packer was then in the Senate, where he at once took lead among thtse who opposed a repeal. A remonstrance against the law, numerously signed by his own con• stituents, being forwarded to him to present to that body, he complied with the request accompanying it with the remarks which we , print below, and which the Philadelphia Sun when pub lishing them, at the lime, prefaced as philanthropic, just and truly Democrat ic." We need hardly say that they con tributed largely to uphold the indent'. nate debtor and: his dependant family now enjoy they : protection which that hurnate law agnrd_s'Nid, a sympathizing POI i O opinion ,aoriinS, G - eta Pa CI e r7itlitdy: Mr. Speaker, [ do' not sympathize with the prayer of • the petition I have just presented. not ii •believe that the law of last session will injure the 'poor and middle classes" of com munity. Ido not believe that by ex• erupting the last three hundred dollars' worth of property of the poor unfortu- . nate debtor, from levy and sale on exe cution, and by driving from the door of poverty and distress, the sheriff and the constable, urged on by a close-fisted, miserly and heartless creditor, that you would benefit the "poor and middle classes of community" by exposing their last article of household furniture —their last bed—their last stove• their last cow, to the tender mercy of an avaricious creditor ? If Senators entertain such an opinion, let them comply with the prayers of the petitioners ' and vote for 'the repeal of the law of last session, together with all the exemption laws previously enacted, and they will promote the interests of the poor and middle classes to the heart's content of the rich. Sir, so far from sympathizing with - the petitioners . , I would extend the exemption law still further. And permit me to say., which 1 do with all confidence, that the day is not far distant when it will be • car.: tied further. The day is dawning when every 'family will be protected in their little home, in defiance of the bad con duct of an intemperate father or, a 'profligate husband. The daris coming, nay it is now here, wizen it will be con ceded that the Man with a comfortable, permanent home, will much sooner pay his honeit debts than he who is almost distract, d with- impending tr , mbles, and who is zver at-the mercy of an execution. Marty of the Slates of the Union have led the way in this humane reform.— Maine 00:411)13 a hMIII..SICad to the value of $560, and -in the absence of a homestead, petsbnal property to that amount. Vermont exempts a 1101110311-. ail to the value of $5OO. lowa arid Min uesone foriyaeres of laml ur lilt. Cali fornia exempts 320 acres of land or a lot worth 62000. Deserei, the pro posed Mormon State, it is said secures a home to every familr. All States and Territories named having acted on this subject within the past few' mouths. Georgia, Texas ; Michigan, Wisconsin and Connecticut; have long since enact-' ed liberal exemption "law's. New York, always among the foremost in popular reforms, is also pressing on in the 111.1111- al message of Gov. Fish to the present leeislature of that great State;'to which I beg leave to call the attention of Sen. ors. On the subject of homestead ex emption, the Governor says: ~ While it is admittedly' a primary du ty of the legislature to enact • laws for the punishment of vice,it is no less its du-. ty to remove the causes which frequently lead to the commission of crime. The impressions made upon the youthful mind, by the gentle force of parental authority and example, and by the as sociations of the family circle are among the must active and enduring of the in• fluences which control the conduct of after life. Much of the vice that we are called upon to deplore, may be trac ed to the- removal-of its subject, and from, the innocent, hut. wholesome .its sociation of a h olm." ltowever homble:' T e- ,4 45e than the oua ose - ofro on+ I ty , dictates of humanity, demands re ,„ ervation of the_ family 4.l - 10 maintainance of -the /Amity home, as of` ficient preventives of vice, 31111 sure and ' permanent ,Cori t r te Virtue and ti a pPitiess, and to piiihre:, prosperity end erdo." • , h Ylr , l t ex„ are the views of • I • - nor of 'Nett+, TOrk.• - They are the sentiments' of a humane- and far-see; ing .statesman—and I honor him for his manly independence in giving them the weight and sanction . of Atis ollic al ate. tion. Sir, I 'go -witOhe 'UOverlibi of the Empire State. would Secure' to', every fantilf a -I,c(ars'and a HEARTH. would - not perm ,the covetoui • and hard. hearted creditor to drive- his unfortunate debtor, naked and pennikas out upon 'the cold charities of , an inhospitable world. The lawithat authoriZeiuch a proce dere should be blotted froin the•statitte books of every State in-•thiS Union-1 they are repuguant - to the;spirit of the age, and revolting to humanity. Like the, laws stn' tioning - imprisonmeni fur debt they4,l?(Od: he repudiated by every phil atithroiiid legislator—they should exist but in the history of the' paiten obso kete 'idea. It li'as been truly said, Mr. Speaker, at he who sells out the last" little pro ,rty of a wife, and faMily of small chi!. •en, of a rash, heedless, or perhaps in: triperate husband and . father, add' af : !rwards goes home to dine—goes home PEAS? ON HUMAN NEARTA Sir, MOO thus obtained has kdamning , curse up it I Eutertaillig these yiews,.Mr. Speaker, 1 tattoo; go with those of my constitu.:, is who demand the repeal, pf,,thnex.' iptiOtt- lawof last-session, nor can t that any Considerable number ; them desire it. An elephant once nearly killed an Irishman for an insult offered to his trunk. The act was rash in the extreme butt it was impossible, the Hibernian said, to resist a nose you could pull with both bands. The Doylestown Democrat says that the real Asiatic Cholera has made its appearance in the lower sections of,Boaks county. In the vicinities of Falle,.illo'r risville and Bristol townships, several person have already died of the disease. In the Court of Quarter Sessions at Harrisburg, last week, Charlotte Mc- Laughlin plead guilty to keeping a disor derly house, but had peen indicted for keepi rig a disorderly baistly house. The Court sentenced her to an itnpriseriment of six months, a fine of $2OO and costs of prosecution. A GREAT. TUNNEL.—It is proposed to connect the Atrato river, near the • ISO mos of Darien, with the Pacific Ocean, by means of a cutting,. 63 miles long, in which• will req:iire to be a tunnel 4 miles in length, 200 feet in breadth, and 90 feet in height above the water. A joint stock cigar manufacturing company has been organized at West field,Conn., with a capital of 8450,000 half: ofK which iv as' lin rued Pledged —"whereupon," say's • the FrartiOrd Times, "the price of cabbage leaies immediately advanced," A considera hle crop of tobacco, hoWever,-is `annu ally raised in Connecticut. - - A corre4iondent , of one ,of Bos ton newspapers gives the following ex• tract from a sermon recently delivered by a Professor at Harvard. Univeraity : "Viewing the subject from the esoteric stand-point of Christian, exegetical an• alysis, and agglutinating the polsynthet ical ectoblasts of heumgene,ouS aseeti• cism, we perceive at once the absolute individuality of this entity ; while from that other , stand -point of, incredulous synthesis, which Characterize the den ocratic hierarchy of the Jews, we are constantly impressed with the precisely antiperistatic quality thereof." She was Caught.—A fashionable young lady in Syracuse was seen by a clerk in a store in the Franklin buildings, Thurs. day afternoon, to; slip. a couple of-pairs 'of:gloves inther pocket while the clerk's back was turned—she forgetting or not knowing that be couldlook-into a mirror near by and see her movements... Then She took another pair from the' clerk, and handed him $5 to pay for them,— He gave her $2 change; said he believ• .ed that was all right for three pairs, and ,bowed the thunderstruck young lady out of the store, blushing to the eyes.. Agricultural Johe.—Hon. DaVid Tag : gart is like the tail of a Nlewroandland dog—an immose wag. As latest piece of fun is perpetrated upon the 'candidates fUr'the governorship and their predeces• sot's. In appOinting the eoMinittees to act at the coming State Agricultural Fair, he has seleeted as Judges of H;uns. the follw.v - ing governors; ex'-governors, anti camtioates for the, governor4hip James Putt ; F: Pacifier, 'William-port; Dont IVtlnnot , Tomintla ; [sane itizb.hurst, Jtileph 'itter, Carlisle ; Divid R. Poi ; ter, Has ; WM. F. Johnston, Pittsburg ; Clearfield. Robbery of the Pennsylvania Rail road E,rpress Burthen Troia from Phil. acielphia:—'Tire Express Borthen . train from Philadelphia, on Tuesday of last week was robbed of about one thousand dollars worth of dry goods heyond leryille. The goods were traced to a house in Lancaster. One, that of Jacob Herzog, giyes information t that he had purchased them from a German named John Trinity. Two other persons were suspected of being out in the country oilierportions of the goods.— Otte of: them, Henry LeYan, a half:broth er of Herzog, was arrested, and. the, of. ficers are now_ .. in. pursuit of the ~:thirdp erson iroplicated:.: The robhery ;; Yraa effected -by.entering the-cars immediate ly after-the agent had examined them, and by throwing out the. hales and bon: dies into the reatl for 'accomplices, in ' wagons to. pick up. , Herzog' Charged with. Forgerpf— Held In 61.009: to, Answer,. re rday evening, ..tac.ob .11erzostwas ,atrested up. on ti warrant issued at the instance of a German from _Lebanon, named, - Jacob Leitz, charging ilia) wit h,. fraudulently forging it . judgment hood for $19,6 31. • The fuels, as alleged.hy- the, prosecu tion,sare.substantially , these:—Qtr the fifth 4lay ,:ef -last. August, the, judgment ;for the amount .above of-Jacoh,Herzog, signed by Jicrth.Leiti and witnessed by Henry Levan (Rerzfia's step-brother), was recorded in the °Le 4 1 t - Lancaster, and in the Recorder'S offic , e'4l.-Geba!ipri, pa the 7th (two dayS ; later.) This incipient hound is dated rnort to - tray.e- been, given. on the : 3d day - - •. 1850 -hut Leitz pos itively. den ies arty' . paper being' itiekistence previous ,to t ie time it was:recorded in Lebanon, : prof ever having, any such a.,trons,action with Herzog—in other words, ,he swears it was a forgery, It appears , that Leitz andllerZOft had .ha,d, : businessJransactions,the former; be.' :ingapeddler,andbavitigpurchasedgpods from ; the latter„but ,Leitz does not ..ad; mit a debt of'over $3O or $4O. At the time the bond purports to , have r •been gi yen, Leitz didinot own any, property, ha ving. only come into the . possession of a small property quite recently.— He alleges that,the judgment ; was not heard ofontil after this fact was.known: The presumption is that, the, bond was drawirsince Mr. Leitz-,came- into, pos session of property—a presumption which Mr, Herzog it'd' gnantly repudiates Ho waved a,hearing, and entered bail in $lOOO 'to answer at Court.. . BORN Tp' BE ITADiGED.:-1t appears final a report wich is in circulation that it is Very unpleasant to be -Viten - in tritertain house in Cliester''Co.v'Pa. Sifice'the year 1794 there-have been five execu titiik Tor capital Offences in the . county,. Edward Williams;'.who 'was hanged in 1830, and George rharanh, who was ex. ecuted in 1851, , were both :horn in a house Whioh '6ttintis about a utile from_ , West Chester. Iffgfam, who'-was re dent hanged in plinniaforthe uturder t o f his wife, also "first this same unlucky house. Special Notices. Rats, Roaches, Insects, Bed-Bugs. Costar's Rat, Roach, 4'c.. Exterminator Costar's Red-Rag Exterminator; Costar's Electric Powder, for Ants, Insects, an., (the only Infallible Reme dies known.) Costar sends by mail, prepaid, a Sample Box of the Bat. Roach, an. Ex. to any ad dress in the U. S., on receipt of $l, or the Elec tric Powder for 65e. (The Bed Bug Ex. being a liquid cannot be sent by mail.) Costar will fur nish Diuggists, Dealers and Store-keepers, a $lO Sample Package of his various preparations (as sorted) with Circulars, Bills, Posters, au, on re ceipt of $5, (loaving baLof $5-due When sold,) in order that theY may let their merits. advertisetnent. For Circulars, &e., address "Cos tar," No. ass Broadway, N. Y. [aug. 26-Im. .x -SODA WATER: Guilford & Lemberger have now got in full op eration their new and splendid Soda Water Foun tain, where the public will find soda water of the very best quality—equal to any obtained in the cities or elsewhere. This is to certify that I 'have made but one application of the MAGIC oth 011 lily fingers, which harp been drawn from contraction of the' cords, brought on by rheumatism. It was of sev enteen months standing, and I am now entirely cured, I "chieffiiily recommend it to all afflicted likewise.J. tit. FINFROCK, , • Harrisburg, 72 Locust street. "Wood,land Cream"—A POMADE FOR BEAUTI FYING 'FRO perfumed, superior to any French article imported: and for half the price. For dressing Ladies' ligii, it has no equal. siring it a bright. glossy appearance:: it causes Gentlemen's Bair to curl in the most natitral manner:`;removes,:dandruff, al ways giving the Janir The appearance of being fresh shampooed, PriciFoillyfitty cents. 'None genuine unless signed FIiTRIDGE &CO., Proprietors of the "fiAL:u OF A THOUFAND FLOWEILS," New York. For sale by Guilford & Lem's:Nor, and all Druggists. Feb. 25, 185ti.-Ont. Woon's Hera DI - E.—This admirable article is rnpidly,improvin,, ,, the hair. No article of a sim ilar kind; new Atefore the public, enjoys a better reputation as a restorative and 'invigorating hair tonic. Its peculiar Chemical qualities have aben eficial effect upon the growth and character of the hair, giving . a silky_and glossy. texture to that which was' forrimily Of a coarse - and dry nature. It has, also, we understand, a tendency to pre serve the youthful bolor 'and appearance of the hair, and destreying or counteracting the effects of age.---Mg." HOSTETTER.—Tbe;surprising effects of Tiostet ter's Vegetable Stonich Bitters in removing bile, forcing an appetite, imparting health and tone to the system; and dissipating dyspeptic symptoms, is truly wonderful. Etreyy nervous, debilitated, weak and amaciated person, male or femule,should try it at once. One wine-glassful taken three times each day, befofe meals, or,if the patient should be a lady or child in a debilitaied condi tion, half the quantity will do until sufficient strength is restored, which will be realized in a very short time, and convince the patient of the truth of the above-named happy results, which heve gained for these Bitters such an enviable reputation- everywhere. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. EMANUEL 1 2tEIGART, agent, North 'West corner of Market and Water streets, Lebanon, Pa. Aug. 45. laeliantin Female Seminary. TILE THIRD SESSION of the "LEBANON PK MALE SEMINARY" will commence. the First day (/ September, next. It is earnestly requested that Parents intending to send their Duo trrEms, should do so at the coutmencement of the Session. LEfilll R. BA UGLIER, Principal. MODESTE DECAMPS, T,ache, of Freqe.h rmd tehanon, July 2% ` 1557. -FOR - RENT. A STORE. ROOM'. AND CELLAR, in the nen , ' 11. brick building in'Marhet street, north of Wa ter, adjoining Jacob Weidic's property, in the hor 7 . ough of Lebantin. It is calculatedlot a Dyr Goods and Grocery Store. and is in e thickly populated nofghborhood. POs session trill be given immedi ately desired. : Apply on the premises to JOHN IL SNAVELY. Lebapon,Wag. 5, 's7—tf. • 74,111 E greatest offer in gold pens,-gold pencils, gold (tains, and gold uMehes, ever made. head. the A Splendid Gold Premium, worth from five to one hundred dollars, positively given to any Person who ran spare one day iu a week, or one hour in a day. getting up-clubs of subscribers in hisown and adjoining neighborhood, for the best and most pop ular family newspaper now published. No expense, no outlay, no capital required of agents. 'An entire new ,plan is proposed. by which any person can- stiLX!eed in 'making it a paying business. who will undertake the agency. A private circular, for Um inspection of agents 'only, with full list of premiums, will be sent to any one •who desires it on receipt of a stamp to pay return post age: Some agents have earned a hundred dollar gold watch in one week. Every family should read at least one Newspaper front New York City, without interfering :with their Local Pa. pore, which of course cannot and should nut, be-dispens ed with. put New York being the greatcommercial and bm-iness centre of this Continent; tur farmer, mechanic, professional inam or merchant, is properly prepared for the emergencies of his calling, unless he is in communi cation with New York City, by meanS Of One hr its first class newspaper - mediums. Such a mbdium isOur ..LED CEIt," neutral in polities, but giving all the factaitents of news, and thrilling incidents worth knoWnig thillbugh. out the country. A Valtzuble . Each new subscriber will receive with ifie first No. of hie or her paper. one of the now,a d; beautiful point ed indelible Pencils.* jtt,d.imperted fronflltirope, and for which we have Obtained. , the hgency for this country. "This is the mostingenions and useful improve merit of the present age. and i i the only Pencil krr made that,will write with ink. making it both , alam and pencil of the 'finest quality at the some time. it will lust fur years, and fur 'weeded use is Worth Mere than any gold pen in the market. For list of premiums and fell partieulars, address • 11A LL W ET, Pit bllshers, N triv York City. *Mex!. Pcncilq supplied to,the.trade at aprolitable dis- count. [Aug. 26.'67. GUANO F GUANAH ,QUANO,I ALL ta.Nos. Leinau's Supm:Priosyq, late of Lime 7.000 TONS.' cor yearVl' HEAT IC ROPS,use L Lt.lii:ALT'S Suiier Phosphate Of Lime, at 2i eta. a lb. or $4O a Tun; pr-use American Fertilizer at 53.50 a hbl. pr $25 a ton. One barrel of either is siiificient-for . an Aixe 'of Wheat. These are . PERMANENT MANURES:,.' made of. reliable (Thornton' .Elements; and-