The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 02, 1857, Image 2

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    Xtbanint Pim-Um
Lebanon, Fa.
Writ itialeTl F. .P.ll CANER )
Of ',yearning County,
r , - •
4117,11M0111-S TRICK ikellOrill
Of Ohe stet., Pe poky.
wzrzzadtr sTßoxv,
Of Berks County.
vilkdoWlE S . TMO4I1 1 ' S' Qd1 1 ;
OrErie Counti..
6fTheNigieriteiin9hio are known
tke very characteribtie name of 'red
patehAlack-repu Winans I
irr The "Americans" of. , Daupthin
icounty have 'organized, and will nom•
nate a ` ult enemy ticket. The call for
the'-election if their delegatea,is
by abont. 300 "Staunch Americans."
COUNTERFS/TB.--Counterreit Gold
Dollars are being circulated in Ba
more in.faige numbers. They are made
of tin, of the new emission, andgttpran.
ized, and easily bent With the fingers.
dangerous'counterfeit,, of 'the denorni
nation Of $2O, on this Farmers' and—
Drovers' Bank of Waynesburg, Pa., has
been Out in,circulation. It is well exe
cuted and calculated to deceive.
Or.A. gentleman known as Jackson,
the UA..iterican Deer," accomplished the
feat 'Of walking one hundred and ten
consecutive hours without rest, at Lan
caster. He commenced on Tuesday at
4 p. m., and ended on Saturday at 10 p.
tn. 'That may be called pretty tall
(:*— Wilmot opened his stumping ex
pedition last week in Philadelphia. In
stead of the meeting being an "im
mense" affair, as represented by those
•inter`ested, it was a petty fizzle; and in
stead of the "eloquent Wilmot" meet
ing the expectations of the, few in at
tendance, they became so tired,of his
poor speech in a poor cause that more
than`-half of his audience left before he
had concluded. It is also said that he
is becoming furious, abusive and un
mannerly—the natural result with men
of his;dictatorial character engaged , in
a miserable r ause.
- lrr The opposition are start
a kind of bugaboo about the fees that
were paid lawyers in the Main Line case.
The money was appropriated by the Leg
islature by Act May 18;1857, and there
fore` Was not , paid "without appropria
tion, of law.! ,The Supreme Court did
grant the injunction prayed for, which
is a sufficient proof that the Canal Com
missioners did "act in the line of their
duty.", Had tbe, injunetion,.no.t been
prayed for--;not ,
"granted, hUndreds of
thousands, of dollars would have been
lost annually by the Commonwealth un•
der the provisions of the bill discharg
ing the Pennsylvania. Rail-road Compa•
ny from the payment of taxes. The de
cision of the Court itself is proof that
the Commissioners did right in the em
ployment of council. The sum paid
was s3ool. The Pennsylt4inia Rail
road Company paid each of its counsel
in the same case,,s2o6o, and their side
lost. It 'would be very strange indeed
if the State could .not employ counsel
to defehd her rights.
fiztr' The ATLANTIC ,. TELEGRAM for
the present is a• failure. .The cable
broke, after three hundred and thirty-five
miles had -been paid out, and the fleet
returned to England. ' The breaking
was oeCasioned' by the sudden applica
tion of the• breaks in a gale of wind,
when the pitch bt the vessel 'snapped
the cable at some distande' from the
stern. At Jeast one bundied iiiiles of
the cable:cis:Test in Water Over: two miles
in depth. Having bad some experience
of the -workings of a vessel in 'a storm,
the very accident that happened' was the
only one we feared for the success of
the great enterprize, and we are aston
ished thlt: thoke ertgaged'in it should not
have pater attention to Good com
mon sense precautions were neglected
for useless 'scientific 'iequirementS.--
The strain upon the cable at .the stern
or ito*. 'of `the ` vessel in a:heavy sea, is
Of the' Most powerful leverage kind,
acting, as it does, precisely as would an
immense lever; say sixty feet, from end
to pivot, Violently pressed down at one
end. The• weight at the other end is
violently - jerked up, and the result to a
cable having already a strain of two
miles weight thereon may easily be
guessed. By paying out , the cable thro'
the hold, amidship, the strain which
broke the cable is entirely avoided, and
had that been done telegraphic commu-
nication between the two continents
would now - be a fact. , A vessel in the
heaviest gale of wind is almost motion.
less in the part indicated, and no matter
what the, violent r pitching of the vessel,
it could there . - be.paid -out without :any
other its own weight.
A•SHARP SnoOTart.:—A ift'Per"
says :—”Mr. King, being backed to kill
70 pigeons-in-75 shots,.. , for $3OOO, the
trial took place yesterday afternoon at
be Woodlawn` corner of 107iti
fo 'fitind 'Blpomingdale road, with the
ce 7i lilts. The pigeons were
w i th ast trap - having. a ~spring door,
by Mr. Kin, which was held
—As each ,:tcq 10 yards distant.
ling .42 ' birds in he -fired, kil.
'W I .
the balance of the , sham
pod 20 y'ds
distant..,letting-eut b",
and killing•2s:lnore birds i
thus winning the ritatchlati:' \ :, ,he ." ,
three Adis to spare. At the close'
of f ered to betlap9o, that he could kit
43 birds singrritil.oo shot's:
Surrogate. of New York has rendered
his decision in the celebrated 13unnELL
estate suit. It sets aside the claim of
Mns.VulstpuricrlA'A, anti gives the whole
liropelity,.toAli blood 'relations of Dr.
cA l s.
This decision is not necessarily final.
Mrs. C. may appeal to the' Sup Verne
Court, and from the Supreme Court, if
she elect* top,tll4 (Court Appeals ; but
inasmheh - as She h6 4 ipent 'hdr' last c i pnt
and can find nodody to trust her any
longer, it is highly improbable that she
will make further resistance.
A nice moral question arises now, In
regard to "the behy.."
~Mys. Cunning
hare not being the widow of Dr. Burdett
of course the bo . g . us f h u eir could, tiet,' un
der 'any circemitances be a BurdelLeith•
er. Legally titbit, Mrs. Cuttnirigham
may escape , the conhequences Or,"(elo
ny," but Morally, the' inieut ledeffaud'
is,as strong as ever.
If, in consequence '
of this decision,
she be released from the proient respon
sibility, the belief is that she will be in
,dicted for perjury, together with tbe
tlest daughter, Atighsta, in swearing to
the alleged marriage with Dr.
Truly, “the way,af, the transgressor is
`hard,"—harder tha'; ever.
. -
Sad 'Ocaurrence.—Tdeivg fe o on a ,
,than. Weaiter; Of "NerriAWn; died last•
Thursday Moining from No' effects of
an over . -dose of ()ninth pills, given 'her
by a-physician for severe . pUin in' the
stomach. It appears (hat the Docthr,
when called Co prescribe for her, gave•
her a pill containing 11 grains olopium,
And left five others, with drectiuns that
she should take them at intervals of an
hour and 'a half, Until she'lound relief.
After the Doctor left, Mr. Weaver went
out,. and was absen't about an hour. On
his return, he inquired of his wife what
she had done with the pills; and she an
swered that she had taken then all—
that she desired to sleep, and
,did nut
wish to be disturbed. About 2 o'clock
in the morning, he became alarmed at
the condition of his wife,*and
ately sent for 'two phrsicians; who did
all they could to counteract the effects
of the opium, hut the po6r Ivomon soon
fell into "the sleep that' knows no wak
ing." - • '
1410 rr;Y PANIC IN NEW NoeK —Wall
street. has Keen in a panic all week, oc•
casioned by heavy failures, which have
been continued from day to day, up to
the present. The,Ohio Life Insurance
and Trust Company, was the first to .go
by the board—occasioned by devoting
its capital to loans on fancy stocks.—
The failure of several stock brokers was
simultaneously announced ;.among oth.
ers, report gives the names of facob Lit
tle, the "great bear" of Wall s' reet, who
fails on r all convenient occasions. His
liabilities, this. titne, are saidto amount
to five millions, which is a littlelleavier
than any of. his previous affairs. The
following Bank failures are alsoreportcd:
Rhode Island dentral Dank,_ East Greenwich.
Tiverton Batik, - . 11' , -Oritai, It. I.
Farmers' Bank,
Warren Bank,.
Bank, of ! ,lionawl.34 s ,
Hancock' Bank,
Later accOunts itatb` that the panic
had in a great Ireafire subsided and it
was expected that confidence would be
fully restored before *Warty days. The
rumored failure of several hanks was
also ccinitadinte'd;and no new failures
had taken place:
A Long Term.—A ; con.vict. was. dis
charged from. Sing
; Sing prison .on .the
sth ult., who had spent thirty years in
the State ; prison...: sent to ..the
old city, pr,ison in 1,83, for the term of
fourteen years.. lEe was one of a
gang sent to the Sing Sing in 1 82§, to
build that prison. At the expiration of
his term he was out about. thrde years;
•then sent back for teti years. 'lle was
out only.. three. months';` was drunk- all
the time ; was thenhtake 'up' and Sent
for six years: :thatAirne'expired on the
fifth. has been'a good*cOnvict ; has
been punished only once during the en
tire thirty irears ; he' "n"ow in good
health ;-is fifiy-six years 'old and is a su
perior mason . and stone-cutter. He in
tends:to•devote the balance of his Ilire
to himself.—Syracuse Journal: -
Boston paper states. that there is
now stored in,that city over six acre, of
these two articles. New York, Ph
phis and Baltimore . itroAlsizi said to have
More than thre t ellines the stock of su
gar they had a year ago. These sup
plies have accumulated in the hands
of speculatori, who combine to keep,up
the prices.- They will not be able to do
this long, hoWever., So much capital
locked up will soOn lead to a gra pd crash,
and then Sugar and root:is:vs will be
down to Soniethiiig like the, old s.and.
ard, if they do not fall below the for-,
trier prices.
TR 1r .—The Chris. inquirer exposes the
groundlessness of any apprehension .that
the Catholic Church.cart, become dom.
inant in the United States:' I•t says :
"The Cantonal haire 1,245 churches,
and the Protestants 36,919. The Cath
olics have 1,203 ministers and the Prot
esants 28;797.! The Path()lice have $9,-
250,758. worth•of church , property, -amd
the Protestants $78,774;013. , - ;As to
property s ; there. are , fiie ProtestaWsects
which-have each a gredter";nirmher of
church edifices than have - the Catholics,
the Babtists possessinr over eight tithes
as many, and 'the Methodists possesaiug_
nearly- eleven times-as many.
Drowned.—. Mrs. Horst, wiclow of
John Herst, of. Itapho township,
i eerister county, was drowned on the 17th
by into a tO of water.—
When she was discovered life was ex
tinct, and all efforts "to resuscitate her
were unavailing. The deceased was
very old and feeble.
The,Shasta' (Cal.) Courier says that
two, gentlemen of that county who were
each tendered the appointment of COLlrk
ty judge, by the Governor, declined on
the ground that they did not think Ahem,
selves fully qualified fur the position.—
dan any other State in the Union pro
duce two such men ? .
The Daily Sun, says;-"As the fight
goes bravely on, the cry will be, where
s Gen . Packer4"..Yes,.he will be so
.ahead, that you . -raustcry'aloud to
&our hail answered,
Sad Case of Suicide.
The community was startled yesterday
morning by the announcement that the
seven-o'clock train of cars from German.
town had - run doivn and instantly killed
a - young girl, who apPerred to have pur
posely sought death through this most
violent moues. The spot where the oc
transiiiied was about two hun
dred feet above the plank-road bridge ‘
cresSeS !the tratillt " t oo the
t bianeflic' some tw.rr hund red yards
bolow the Tioga station. The unfortu
nate girl was observed by the engineer
walking upon : o7,o.ra* just..lWadia4ei
of the engine. The Whistle . was sound
lo.ud,ly.rhuLthe.girl .kept-en , ,her way
until . ,,tbe . engiee waa L al mpst mpg , her,,
When "ctiaeringfier,eyei„with her hands
she threW herself. acrosi. the rail. A
moment later and the entire train pazs
ed over her body, severing it An twain
and tearing off alio the back .part of her
Itappeared that the poorvictim ofeelf
destruction bad been loiteritig in the
vicinity, Kir some , hours. The switch
'tender who has •
,charge of the. point
where the Gertnaoto,wo and Norristown
roads branch off, represents that at six
o'cloCit-the same morning he had seen
the, girl emerging, from RisingSun,lane..
a Sinai! street in the vicinity of the. Plank
:Road bridge. Thia she 'crossed,. and
soon pasied out of view;_ .but soemreap
peared again lat ,al out , laalf-dast ; seven
o'clock, when,he saw: her coming down
the Norristown track. tier appearance
at this tune was that of a. person, in
whose mind the most terrible - , thoughts
were revolving... She would ..atlyance
'hurriedly for a few paces, then-stand
with eyes transfixed 'to the ground..
As soon, as possible after: the oar
wheels had :performed their inevitable
work,:the train was stopped and the re
mains of . the suicide were gathered to
gether and left under guard by the road
side, in hope, that they might be identi
fied. Subsequently a coffin was sent
up, and about three o'clock the remains
arrived in this city. They were taken
to a private apartment upon. the second
.floor : of the Railroad Depot, where an in
quest was held. It would be superflu
ous to print the, testimony, as the evi
dence of each witness was directly to the
purpose setting forth the ,facts above
The only .person who had any knowl,
edge of her. previous to the occurrence,
was : 4as. Hutchings, a person. residing
on the Tlank road, who,is employed in
.a workshop adjoining tht plank road toll
gate. His. testimony at the ,inquest
showed that just hefore the train came
in view, the. deceased asked him how
long it would be before the train passed.
-He answered, "But ,a few Minutes.; if
you wish to ride, you must walk on to
the Tioga station, as the cvrs do not
stop until they get there." Her reply
was inaudible, and about four minutes
after he left her the cars struck her
The name of the deceased
Glace, Anna Miller— Sher sided with
lane'and-germantortvnipi4, : She,, has,
been insane for sortie time, and escaped
the surveillance of her parents in a mo
rherit when least expected.: Her, grief%
strickenfamily', have, remqvcil ,the body
for burial.Phila''d'ii.,Pri , Anc , 26.
Poisorthd.:Htty.f.A Ashta.
hula, Ohio; Complains that he haS lately
lost seven lteatVof cattle by their eating
`poisoned hay: Iflppetirs that the poison
is in the form cif ergot;a smutty excres
sekibe WhiCtr grows on the grass.
it 'grows 'is' itiloes on'rye, in the shape
dia diseased and enlarged seed of dark
color, varying from the size of a wheat
grain to three' fourths of an inch long.
The Lelia si on Ma tit el .
.Wittnx.hsrutr,..Sipt. 2, 1857.
Ex. Family•Flour;,per Ur. $9.50
Extra•Flotir, per barrel.-
Extra Superfine Flour; - :8 00
Superfine B. Plnur, - 00
Superfine .Flours:: .- - 6'25
Prime White AtYbetit, per bus.- -1 50
Prime Re.d::Wheat,-per hus.. 11140
Prime Rye, -per bushel- - . 70
Corn, per bushel . .70
Oats, per. buShel -- - - - 374
Potatoes, , • .....
Ham,' .
Shoulder, - 12
Sides,. - -"- -j 1 . 1
Butter, ..... . - 14
Eggs, per. dozen, - 14
Mosoxy, August 31.
,There is no new fekture . to notice in the Flour market.
The only transtictima reported for shipment is 200 bids,
good extra at g'7B." Pre,-1i ground superfine made frhin
new.whcatt is freely:offered at $0,50 per barrel.. without
finding buyers. .Small sidearm- home consumption with.:
in thu range of the sante
,quotations for common and ex
tra brands, and V; a 9.25 for extra family and filmy lots.
Rye klour and Coro Meal continue scarce—we quote. the
former at 54.50, and the latter at $1 per barrel.
Grein—Wheat continues to come foritard freely, but
the market is dull, ,and prices' continue to favor buyers:
hilles.of MOO hoslials;:falr. Southern: red at
51,45,a $1,50 pec bushel; .1200 bushels choice Tcancsalie
do.. at $l-53; 500 bushels good Delaware white at $1,55
and 2UU baShols Kentucky do. at . ,54.30. 'Rye has again
declined—too hueliela now 'Pennsylvania: 'brought 85
cents Corn is in steady demand, but there is not much
offering—sales of 1100 bushels yellow. in Store, at 86 a
8034 cents. Dais ,are, plenty and dull—holders ask 35
cents per bushel for prime Delaware, but buyers refuse
to ray this figure-3000 bushels sold at the close at 34- a
English Preaching both morning and evening in the
31. E. Church.:
.Preachnig next Sabbath nrinlilig in the English
guilgeZin the ItefOrmed Church.
Religious services in. Salem's Lutheran Church next
Sunday morning ,itt 934 o'clock in the German, and in
the evening in the Engthli language.
German preaching next ,Sabhath morning, and English
in the evening in Zion's Lutheran Church. •
English' service next , Suminy niVenoon itt Montane;
Shoe pike Douse. .
On the 30th ult., by Rev. F. W. Kremer, lir.
Levi A. Kreider to Miss &San C: Strohm, both
of this Borough.
• AO- With 'the abote notice We received a fine
Cake. It is the intention of 'tbd happy
proceed immediately , to the far west, and settle
down as a farmer and his wife. Those straying
that wa.y,will find them happy in each other's love
and independent of the world. May their pros..
exit blessings continue to. the end of a long lifo2.
• On ,the 27th ult.,. by Boy. Aug. Of Wedekind, litr.4ohn
Miller,to.liliza Zeller, both of N . orth Lebanon township.
On the 20th ult., by Rev. J. Stein, Mr. Wm. 11.
Groh, of Berrysburg, Dauphin co., to;Miss Eliza=
both Stein, of East llanover, Lebanpu f eo., 2
On the 22d. ult., by the same, Mr. Jelin Pox,,to
Miss Leah Ulrich, both of Botal.
On the 234.1 ult., by the same, Mr. Henry Wei.:
guild, to. Miss
,Catharine Mies, both of Union.
Oh the'2sth oil., by the same, Mr.,John L. Sai
ler; of Ann vile ; to Miss Ellen J. Fecylinglious; of
On the 21st ntt., in Jackson,—,'-infant daugh
ter of Henry Koreohnitz, agodf 4 utouttl!..,
Religions Notices.
Berverly Tucker, of Virginia, Consul at
Liverpool, in place of Nathaniel Haw
thorne, resigned. John Ehrlich, Penn
sylvania, Consul of Bade, in placo of
Daniel S. Lee, deceased. Jacob Forney
of Pennsylvania, Superintendent of In
dian Affairs for Utah.- - -IVash. Union.
special Notices.
Rath; Roaches, Insects, Bed-Bngs:'
Costar's Rat, RotreA, 4.c.. Exterminator
'Costar's Bed-Bug Exterminator;
Costar's Eleetric.Powder- •
for Anti, Insectp, soe., o n ly Infallible Retoo l
dies known.) Costar sends by mail, prepaid, a
Semple Box of the Rat, Roael4,o. Ex.te any ad
dress in the U. S., on receipt of-$l, or , the Elec
tric Powder for. 65,04 • (The Bea Bug Ex. being a
liquid cannot be sent l ntail.±) Costar will fur
nish Druggisti,-Dhalers end Stare-keepers, a $lO
Sample Package of his various preparations '(ae
sorted) with. Circulars, •Bills, .Posters, sc., on re
ceipt of $5, (leaving bal. of $5 due when sold,) in
order that they may test their merits. See ,
advertisement. For Cirgulars, .e,e, address "Cos
tar," No. 388 Broadway, N. '. 28-1 to.
Guilford 47 Leinberf,,-,er have now got in full op
eration theirnew and splendid Soda Water Foun
tain, where the public will find soda water of the
very best quality—equal to any obtained in the
cities or elsewhere. ,
This is to certify that I have made but
one application of the MAGIC 'OM 01 my fingers,
which hare heemsfrawrilfrowcontraetion, of the
cords, hroughtloi by!rliehigattiiir. --- It:Was of sev
enteen months sfandingiand , l. am now entirely
cured. I cheerfully recommend it:to ell afflicted
littewise, J. Al. FINFROCE,
• Harrisburg, 72 Locust street.
'Woodland Cream"-=A POMADE FOR Br4AUTI-
FriNG elm ILita,--highly perfumed, superior to any
French article imported, and for bulf the price. For
dressing Ladies' Ilair, Alias coequal, giving it a bright.
Flossy appearance. It causes Gentlemen's Mir to curl
in the most natural manner. It removes dandruff, al
ways giving . the 'hair. the appearance of being fresh
„shampooed. Price only . fifty cents. None genuine unless
signed PETRIDGE. &Ca, Proprietors of the
nrsApi on 41 TILOUSAND FLOWERS." New York.
For sale by on.
&heal berger, and all Druggists.
Feb. 25, 1856.4 m.
Woon's Tara- .IYra.---This admirable article is
rapidly improving the hair. No article of a sim
ilar kind, now heforedhe enjoys'a better
reputation as a restorative and invivorating hair
tonic. Its peculiar chemical qualities have a bett
eficial effect upon• the growth and character of the
hair, ' a silky and glossy texture to that
which ' wasformerly of a coarse and dry nature.
It has, also, we understand, a .teudency to pre
serve the youthful 'color and appearance of the
kar., and destroying or' cot - Worm:tinsthe effects
of ago.—Airs. DEIL
Host..Err - mt.--Mo surprising -effects of nostet
ter's Vegetable Stomach Bitters-in removing bile,
forcing an appetite, imparting health and tone to
the system, and dissipating dyspeptic symptoms,
is truly wonderfnl. Every nervous, debilitated,
weak and amaciatedperson, male or feinale,sliould
try it at once. One wine-glassful taken three
times each day, before meals, or if the patient
should be a lady or child'in a debilitated condi
tion, half the quantity: will do until sufficient
strength is restored, which will be realized-in a
very short thee, and convince the patient of the
truth of the above-named happy result, which
have gained for these- Bitters such an enviable
reputation. everywhere. For sale by druggists
and dealers generally..
EMA.N . UEL Rtimmer, agent, North West corner
of Market and Water streets, Lebanon, Pa.
Aug. 5, 185i.--itn.
Witte and Liquor Store.
ri RE undersigned having opened a WINE AND
LIQUOR. STORE, Stijile North-west corner of
Market and' Water Ste., (in the room formerly oc
cupied by 3. Esq.,) is now prepared to fur
nish the Citizens of the borough and county of
Lebanon, With all kinds of choice Liquors, such as
. .
Madeira,' I I orl, • Lisbon, and Muscat
WINES, Braii4 Gin, Old Rye
;Spirite, dtc., .
which he will sell at very reasonable prices for
CASH, n, quantities not leSs than one gallon.
`lle woad the 'public in gcnerarto
him a call, and hopes by strict attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, to, restive a liberal
share of 'patronage. EMANUEL RE IGA ET.
Lebanon, Aug. 5,
1 L 1 ::"'t ' OA-t
at the GeiMiee'inilli of - •
1857. Lebanon, Pk.
A ,T,the Oenesen,Mills' in Vie Dorough,er Lobe
non, "WHEAT, CORN, • ,
In any quantity ; for which the highest Atarket
prices will be paid in Cash, by
January 7, 1557. :MYERS & SUOUit.
TWELVE good, Flour Darrel.: CO O PERS,At the
' Genesee Mills, in Lebanon, to whom constant
work and good 'singes will be g iven. None ibut
sober &Alt - steady: workmen needs pply:
T4nAp.Ty . MYERS &
GIFtSI '.d1F.15
A. RANNE Y, Brciadwai, N. Y
.'offers for sale
500:01)(11)' illooks- and =Pilaps
Of all kinds, , :at.Pablishers,prices, to be
ft ccoppatefed with 500,000.01:Its
Worth froth 25 cts. to $1, 1 01) each . ; consisting of
Gold and Silver IS Gold ItheketS,
G,old Chains, Cameo-Pins-and Drops,, Gold-Brace
lets, Gold Pencils, Sewing Birds, in short Jewelry
of every dekeription; Reticules, Ladies Purses,
;$150• worth of Gifts distributed , with every-500
800k5... A, GUT will, be delivered with every
book sold 'for' One Dollar 'or More. Alththigli no
book or Article will bes Old for there than the ust
al retall.prico,.many. will be solcl for less. Persons
wishing any particular hook; eon order at once
and it will be, forwarded with a Gift. Persons or
dering Books with. Gifts, should forward the a
mount of postage, as it must invariably be paid'in
advance. The.. average postage for and 51,25
books is 18 cts; 'Lind f0r . 51,50 and $2 bookS, 21 cts.
fnduciqWeirts to Clab`s and Apnits:—A Boole
.Sand Gift witliaul money.
Any person, by forwarding.ap o_rderfor Books,
(with money enclosed,') will receive ; an Extra
Book and Gift with every Ten Books to be sent to
one address.
This mothed.of forming Clubs saves postage, as
the Fockiwe goes,by'E*Rross.
Full information respecting this Great Gift En
terprise, together with a complete List of Books,
and Gifts willbe furnished in our Catalogue, which
is sent post paid to any address on application.
Address A. RANNEY,
aug. 26,'57. No. 293 Broadway, New York.
Gold s Gold Gold.
nr', greatest offer in gold pens, gold pencils ' gold
chains, and gold watches, ever made. Read the
Mowing A
Splendid Gold Premium,
Worth from fire to one hundred dollars, positively given `I
any person who can spare one day in a week. or one
hour in a day, getting up clubs or subscribers in his own
and adjoining. neighborhood, for the best and Most pop
ular family newspaper now published. !No expense,
outlay, no capital reunited of sputa. An entire new I
plan is proposed, by which: any/Orson can succeed' in
making It a paying business. wfk,will undertake the
agency. A private circular, forthe Inspection of agents
only, with full list of premiumsywill be sent to any one
who desires it, on receipt of a stamp to pay return post.
ago: Some agents have earned: a hundred dollar gold
watch in one week. : •
Every faintly should read at lettit one Newspapew, from
New York City, without interfering with their Local Pa
pers, which of course cannot and should not, be dispens
ed with. Eat New York being the great commercial and
business centre of this Continent, no farmer, mechanic,
professional man, or merchant, is properly prepared for
the eniergencies of his calling, unless he is in communi
cation with New York City, by moans of one of Ms first
elass neWspaper mediums. Such a medium is our "LED
GER," neutral in politics, but giving oil the facts items
of news, and thrilling' incidents worth knowing through-
Mit the country.
A Valuable Gift..
Each new subscriber.will. receive with the first NO. of
his or her paper, one of the new and beautiful glass point
ed indelible Pencils,* just imported from Europe, and for
which. we bare obtained the exclusive agency for .this
century. This is the most ingenious and useful ireprove
ment of the present age, and is the only pencil ever made
that will write with ink, making it both a pen and pencil
of the finest quality at the same time. It will last for
years, and for practical use is worth more than any gold
pen in the market.
For list of premiums and full particulars, address
HALL E WEST, Publishers, New York City.
* These Pencils supplied to the trade at iprotitable dis
eonnt. _
13 ire:tamps Wanted.
"A, Township will meet in the Fredericksburg
&goo] Howse, on SATLTRUAI',
1557, at 9 o'clock, a. m., for the .purpose of ap
pointing 13 Teachers for the ensuing terra. The
Cuuniy Superintendent wlll be in attendamTe -to
examine upplieuntf. J. SMITH, Pres't, W. GLICK, Seet'y. fAng.l2
S Teachers W anted.
Towstsuir, will meet in No. 7 School. House,
(Zinnmerman's,) on SATURDAY, SEPTESIDEIt 5,
1857, at 9 o'clock; a. tn., for the purpose of ap
pointing'B-Male Teachers for the schools of said
district for the ensuing terra. The County Su
perintendent will be in attendance to examine ap
plicants. HENRY A, SNAVELY, Pres't.
..Lteoft Arrrityat,Jri„ Sect y. [Aug.
10 Teachers Wanted.
a ..IALE ; Township will meet i d n-No. School
tnish'in Ann Ville; on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,
1857, at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of appoint
ing 10 Teachers for the' Common Schools of said
District. Mr. Kluge, the County Superintendent,
will be present to examine applicants. Schools
to continue 5/ months. - •
''' TETER:FORNEY, Pfeil:.
'lFicNitir 41Ii,:r.Eit, Sooty. [aug. 19,'5`7-.
10 Teachers Wanted. •
[NW TowNsitie will meet in the West Ward School
`l4jr cc, Jonestown, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,
1857, at 9 o'clock, ti. to., for the purpose of employ
ing 10 Male Teachers for the Common Schools of
said District. Mr. KLUGE, the County Superin
tendent, will be present to examine applicants.
Dr. Wm A. limitr, Secey. [Aug. 19, '57.
Estate of GEORGE IMMERLY, dec'd
NOTICE is.hereby' given that Letters Testarnen
ili terry on tho estate of George Hemporly, de
ceased, {ate of Londonderry township, Lebanon
county, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons indebted to said estate will please
make payment, and those having claims will pre
sent them without delay.
JOHN HEMPERLY, Londonderry tp. -
JOHN EARLY, North Annville tp.
Alen' Livery Stable.
" . THE undersigned has establish
1„,...,;)' f 0
,the Eagle Hotel Stables ,' Lebanon.
V, is
. He has good and safe Horses, Car
- riages, as ' may be desired, and care
elftl ful Drivers, which he will hire on
fair terms. He hopes by being attentive to busi
ness to receive a liberal share of public patronage.
:Apply at the Eagle Dotal or at the Stables.
Lebanon, aug.l6; Wt.
ln North Lebanon Borough.
100;000 B:170
u lT' s
h I l e
100,600 Bushels. CORN,
100,000 Bushels OATS,
Clover Seed, Flax Seed, Timothy Seed, for all
which the highest market prices in cash will be
paid by ROFFMAN, IMMEL A Co,
North Lebanon, July 29, 's7—tf.
Lebanon Valley Roil Roadj
-- •
Chaim of Hours.—Two Trains Each
Way Daily.
ON and after Monday,. August 17th, MI, the
17 regular PASSENUER TRAIN will leave Leb
anon at 7 a. m., returning from Reading et 6.20
p. m.; and an accommodation Freight Train, with
Passenger Cars attached, will leave Reading at
10.20 a. m., returning from Lebanon a,t2.15 p.
daily except Sundays.
These Trains connect in each direction with the
regular up and down Passenger trains on the
Reading Rail Road.
_Reading, 35 and 70 cents; -{link
ing Spring, 70 and 55; Wernereville, 60 and 50 ;
Robesoniaf 50 l'antl -40 ; Woreelsdorf, 45 and 35;
Millbaeh, 40 and 30; Meyerstown, 25 and 20 cents.
No Second Class Cars in. Regular Passenger
Train. All Passengers wily purchase their tick
ets before the Trains start.
ang. 's7—tf.
THE subscriber, being desirous of selling his
merchant and GRIST MILL, together with his
SAW MILL and sixty-two acres of land, takes the
present opportunity of informing the public that
he has one of the best Mill Properties in the coun
ty of Lebanon, situate one-fourth of a mile from
Jonestown, on the Swntara Creek, and one-half
mile from the Union Canal, ettJones
;.,to s 1; town. This 'mill has been newly
P P ,Z? remodeled , with the best of bevel
" •-• • s gearing, and everything in the beat
-" 4 = 6 of order, for either couutry, or merchant,
work. The land is in a high state of cultivation,
it being lately limed with one hundred bushels to
the acre, and is all under new fences. Ally per
son wishing to view said property, can call at
the mill for information, or on the subscriber, two
miles from Jonestown. An indisputable title will
be given, and by paying a small advance on the
property at the time possession is given, the bal
ance will be set out in payments to suit the pur
Swatara. tp., Deeembhr 31, 1856.—tf.
Woodland l'Or Sale.
• TILE . undersigned of
-41,7: fors at Private Sale, 474
63 ACRES 1
2 , II ••
(more or less) of excel
lent WOODLAND, the half of which is good ti m
ber, situate in Union township, Lebanon county,
near the Big Dam, adjoining land of Jacob Efun
sicker, Emanuel Fey and others. • Erected on the
premises is a good two-story log DWELLING lions;
as good as new, good Stabling, and a well of nev •
or-failing water. It will be sold cheap. Good ti
do and possession given on the Ist of-April, 18-
58,. For further information apply to •
N. L. Bor'o, may27,'67. • DAVID BOYER.
Brand reties Pi lig purify the Blood;
Atag.. Mild operation with successful effect aro the pecu
liarity of Brandroth's.Pillerift
n IIR race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile,
1../ at. this season, and it is as dangerous as it is prev
alent, but Brandreth's Pills afford an invaluable and
efficient protection. fly their occasional use we prevent
the collection of those impurities, which, when in stiff'
cient quantities, cause so much danger to the body's
health. They soon cure liver complaint., tlySpepsia,loss
of appetite, pain in the bead, heart burn, pain in the
breastbone, sudden faintnessandcostiveness. In brief,
Brandreth's Pills work their way to the very roots of
the disease, cleansing in their passage, removing every
unhealthy accumulation tilt the blood is purified, the
whole system renovated, and the functions and duty of
life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad
and weary burdens. Often when nothing,has relieved
vomiting of the most serious character, whether from
sedeickness or otherwise, where the retching has been
appalling, a single dose of four Brandreth's Pills has at
once cured and the patient has fallen into . a sweet sleep.
When the mind cannot collect itself; when th e memory
fails; when it is an effort to fix the attention ; when our
sleep is *broken and our waking hours harassed with
forebodings of evil,then Brandreth's Pills should be used.
If these warnings remain unheeded, rheumatism, con
sumption, disease of the heart, bilious affections, Jana.
dice, dropsies, piles, appoplexies and costiveness will sud
denly present themselves. These Prandretlia Pills would
have provented,bnt nevertheless rams they will also cure.
Use them at once; do not let prejudice prevent the use
of this simple but potent remedy.
Brandreth's Theory of Disease.
Never extract blood. Blood is the life. By abstract
ing it In painful diifeases you may occasion the patient
ease, but remember, this ease is only the reduction or
lessening the power to feel. And by thus taking away
nature's tools. you may prevent her from fully repairing
the ravages of inflammation, a convert what might only
have been the sickness of a few days or weeks into a
chronic affection of months and years.
Brandreth's Pills accord with Nature !
Nature's remedy in fact. When sudden, acute or con
tinued pain occurs from any cause, then to insure a qui c k
return to health, you must 1180 Brandreth's Pills, which
will soon relieve every organ from undue pressure, and
i.. remove those humors whose presence often occasions
! such terrible suffering.
l gall. Twenty million boxes sold and the.sphere 01 their
. Usefulness still extending. Ask for almanack and pam
phlet of cures. Agents will supply gratis.
DEWABE—aII pills with "241 Broadway" on side Dade
are counterfeits. Get the genuine and they will never
deceive. Dr. G. ROSS, Agent, Lebanon, Pa.
t July 15, 1857.--3 m,
MF' 4
A FAnn WITHIN' Tile I:P.,,Vq't Of EVERT MAN'.
rangements by which all who desire to settle or
purchase a home can dose.
The Farms consist of the best limestone Foil of the
most superior quality fir farming. in a rapidly improv
ing place, into which an extensive emigration is now
pouring. The property is located in Elk county, Penn
Sylvania, in the midst of a thriving population of some
10,000. The climate is perfectly healthy, and the terri
ble plague of the west fever is unknown. It also has an
abundance of the best quality of Coal and Iron. The
price to buy ibout is from $3 MVO per acre, payable by
instalments, to he totaled at the titite , of purchasing,. or
a share of 26 acres entitling to iodate, the - same for $3OO,
payable $6 per month or 1234 acres payable $1 per month.
Discount for every sum of $lOO and under, paid in ad-
Vance, a discount of five per cent. will be allowed, and
for over $lOO a discount of 10 per cent.
In considering the advantages of emigrating to thislo
cal ity, the following are presented :
First—The soil is a rich limestone, capable of raising
the heaviest crops, owing to which this settlement has
attained its presentgreat , prosperity.
Second—lt•is the'centre of the great North West Coal
Basin, and is destined soda Mhecdnah Fleet the greatest
businesslpleces in the Slide. It 'wit supply the great
Lake maraet, (apcording , tp.'Popgiation and travel -the
gredtesejtr ' It Maitre iitioldtble veirli, of
the best Bituminous Coal, amounting inthe aggregate
to over 22 feet, which makes 22,690 tons.of coal. under
each acre. This willatilke the lead ofineatitagb.le.value.
The eminent siiita givlpgist, Dr. 9,harletiV..3imirstn.
of Boston,: MS made a
survey of thelatid; and.
ariased theentil; the nort ore,Mnd tire Breadline. t This
report, togetherwith maps, will he. furnished' to ,inqui
youi!th—Tlihie rani:owls are laid-.out through this
property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad gives us a
market:Sir our wad to the lakos—it runs from Erie to
Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finish
ed, ind is now in running order. A heavy. Sane is now
working from Erie towardstonr land in the western di
rection, the means for the coMpletion of whieh has been
raised :it will soap be Suishall. The Allegheny Valley
Railroad connects us with New York, Roston and Pitts
hum The Ventingo Road connects us with the West.
fiere are t already good Turnpike Roads running
through this . property; various other roads have been
opened to accommodate the. emigration and settlement
which has already taken "place. •
There is no opportunity equal to it now offered to the
Man who wants to provide himself a home in an easy
way, and make a settlement where he can live in pros
.perity and independence fa, a climate - PERFECTLY
No case of the fever ever having been known to *nectar
in this settlement. It is not like going to the backwoods
of the West, among perhaps intolerant people, where
there is no society, churches, or sChools, where the price
of land is high, and where the essrigrant, after being us
ed to the healthiest climate in the world, has to endure
sickness, and pain, and perhaps ruins his health and
that of his family. But here is a thriving settlement,
baring three towns. containing churches, schools, ho
tels, - stores, saw mills, grist mills, and everything desir
ed. There is a cash market at band. The lumber trade
last year amounted to over two hundred million feet of
lumber. In a short time, owing to the coal, it will be
come still more valuable, as a number of iron works and
manufactories will soon be started ; they are at present
starting them extensively at Warren. hiven fur those
who do not wish to go there, the payments are such that
they can easily buy a farm-to ease-their ,rising families
from went in the future, or tOgain a competence by the
rise which will take place in the value of lands. By an
outlay scarcely missed, 46 subStantial provision can
be made.
Persons should make early application; apply or write
to E. Jeffries Secretary, No. 135 Walnut street, below
Fifth, Philadelphia. Letters carefully answered giving
full information.
Shares or tracts of land can be bought - or secured b
letter enclosing the first inStalment of fivedollars, when
the subscriber will be furnished with books, /MIPS, A.
Warrantee deeds given. Persons cap also purchase
from our Agents.
lioute front Philadelphia to Tyrone on4fie Pennsylva
nia Central Railroad. and thence by stage to the land.
This is delightrul Season to visit St. illaty's—.tlac beet
hotel accommodation is afforded.. - .Enquire for E. C.
6ehultz,.Esq., the agent for the'property at. St. Mary's.
June 10, 15,57.-3 m.
nnITAT all the bald and gray can be restored perfectly
to original growth and color, does not admit of a
doubt; besides. it will cure every possible disease of the
scalp, whether developed as dandruff itching, or in the
shape of cutaneous eruptions—even:scald head—and -in
no possible ease will it fail of curing. as if, by.magie, ner
vous or periodical headache. and if used twice a week , by
the young. regularly, it will preserve thecolOr. midi eep
the hair 'from falling, to any imaginable age. Read and
Milford, 'Worcester Go., Masi., N0v.1853. -
PROF. O. J. WOOD—Dcar take pleasure.. in
bearing voluntary testimony.t& the magic effects of your
wonderful Hair Restorative: - As far back as 1836. my
hair commenced falling off, until the top of my Benin be
mine bald and arnooth as glass, and it bas continued to
fall for a great many years, notwithstanding 1 have used
many celebrated preparations for restoration. :Seeing
your advertisement. I was induced to give your article
a trial, and, to my utter astonishment. found, after a few
applications, that my hair became firmly set, andassuni
ed a glossy and beautiful appearance ; and by the.time I
had used a quart bottle; my bald head was Covered over
with a young and vigorous growth of hair. which
is now to two inches in length. and growing fast.
Yours, truly,, s HENRY GOODRICH.
Gen. Snp't
CITARLESTORIc -Mass., Aug. 0,1855.
. .
Gents :—Nothing but a duty and sympathy that I feel
to communicate to others that are afflicted as I have
been, would induce MC to give this public acknowledge.
meat of the benefit I have received from Professor Wood's
Hair Restorative. IV hen 4 first commenced using it, my
hair was quite gray,,,and in spots entirely bold. I have
now used We Restorative ;Wont 'five months, and: iny
hair is entirely changid:to.its original color, brown, and
the new. hair is overehree Inches in length on the spots
where it was bald. I have also been much gratified at
the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which before
was dry, and it has ceased to come out as formerly.
Respectfully yours, &e., Mrs. R. A. SUIDDARD.
From Mrs. In e gnlls, a well-known nurse in Boston.
BOSTON, October 10th, 1555.
Gums :—At your request, and being so highly pleased
with the effects of the lteetomtire, 1 am free fostate that
my hair had become quite thin,
and entirely wiIITE.
have, for the last five years, been in the habit of using
dyes hut heating of the extrnordinitry offeCtB of this arti
cle, I was Induced to try it. My hair has been restored
to its original thickness, and also to its fiwmer color,
which is light brown.., Yours, respect fully,
The following is from the Pastor erftheOrthodox church,
Brookfield. Biooximus, Mass, Jan. 12. 1865.
Prof. Woos—Dear Sio—llav lag made trial of your heir
Restorative. it gives me.pleasure to say, that 'its effects
have been excellent in removing inflammation. dandruff,
and a constant tendenay to Itching, with which I hay,
been troubled from my childhood, and has also restored
the hair, which was becoming gray, to Its original color.
I have used no other article, with anything like the same
pleasure and profit. 'Yours, truly,
i• • :7. K.:BRAGG.
Prom the Jersey City Telegraph.]
question asked daily by hundreds. We answer without
hesitation or fear of contradiction, that it is the only ar
ticle known which will do all it promises for the human
Hair Dye, but a speedy and efficacious Restorative. •
O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broad way, N. Y.
• and 114 Barka street, St.: Louis, Missouri.
For sale, in Lebanon, at GUILFORD& LERIDERGRR'S Drug
store. Also, by all responsible Druggists. Jul! /31.7-Sm
Pharmacy, and Practical Apothecaries and
Chemists, offer to the public a large and carefully
selected stock of Drags, Medicines, Chemicals,
Dye-staffs, Oils, Spices, Perfumery, Toilet Arti..
Iles, Flavoring Extracts, Tobacco and Cigars,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medical purposes;
with everything in their lino as DruggiSts, Per
fumers and venders of Fancy Articles, which we
can 'confidently recommend to Families, Physi
cians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being
fresh, pure, and prepared in the hest manner.—
All the now Preparations, Chemicals and Patont
Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines. The
largest assortment of Trusses, single and double,
for children and persons of every age, and for ev
ery variety of rupture,earefully fitted •and ad
justed if desired. Abdominal Supporters.
Its.. All orders correctly answered, and Physi
cians' Prescriptions and Family Receipts careful
ly compounded.
Country Merchants and Dyers will flnd'it
to their nelvantake to buy of CiailfordaLembe-ger.
Please call and get ono , 'bf - - our Circulars,
(printed in both English and German,) in which
you trill Medalist of most of . the artioles and prep
aration:: kept by us.
le opposite tho Market House,
July 29, 1857. Lebanon, Pa.
Lebanon Female Seminary.
day of September, next. It is earnestly requested
that Parents intending to send their ElSUiturrEas,
should do so at the commencement of the Session.
. LEGH R. BAUGHER, Principe/.
Teacher kf-Frenck and Altaic.
Lebanon, ,ruly,29, 1857.. •
MA . Worked Mirileles.
32:311311BIE. 11 E. 0267.-
- .
- - •
ti) ABER & BROSi
Wiließ they, are sehing, off very cheap.
Their assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods
is hard to beat, having all the new styles, which
are all well selected. 4mongithem you trill find
Lamertines„ iDucto; Orientat Lek* Chi
Cloth, Printed Idina,Bilk Tissite, 'filed, Crape de
Paris, llerege Robes, plain Tissues and Bereges.
Black and Fancy Silks, very cheap and very
handsome, Challis, M. D. Lains, Berege D. Lains;
Prhitsi, Ginghams, LaWns, ,Lustres,
and a 'variety of other Fancy bresi Goods. The
ladies are especially invited to call and see th.i
Now Goods.' -, m' ,-
A pril 1.35,,
- 2 4 4211 T
r :;' k 4
Groceries, Quecusware, 4C4
• By.,
FUNCK.itc" E3R0. 4
-- Lebanon.
AXTHO invite the attention of purchasers to theit
VV very extensive stock of FRESH GOODS,
embracing every variety of DRESS GOODS, for
Ladies and Gen‘lemen which they are prepared
to offer to reliable aniprompt customers, at the
lowestrates, guaranteeing every reasonable satis
faction: Please examine, before Purchasing else
where. - JACOB K. FUME,'
April 22, 1857. JOHN K. FUNCK,
.Cali and See tie
Dry-Gooo, Grocery &
LEONARD ZIMMERMAN informs his friends
and the public that he haS justreceived a new
stock of GOODS for the spring Trade, which
will be found as chca,p any stiarkof the kind in
this town, consisting of all. VA Goods as are
usually kept in a first-class store. Particular at
tention is gluti to Staple Goods for the. Country
•Traile, not neglecting the fancy articles for La
dies' wear—seas us Laces, Lawns, Edgings, Un
dersleves, Randkerchiefs, tte.
Gentlemen are .examine his Ctorns,
Cassimeres, Casinets, Tweeds, Summer Cloths,
Fancy and other. Vestings; Velvets, Cords, &a,
In the Grocery department may he found a
splendid assortment of every need in the Fami
ly:—Cone, sugar, spiees; Tema," Mackerel, Ae.
In Crockery, the stock is *ell selected.
pgr^The highest market Price will be paid for
Country Produce. Lebanon, April 22, 1357.
ta. We would respectfully invite our numer
ous customers and friends, to ; call and see our
splendid new stock of s.priug,mmi summer Goods
we have just opened and are constantly receiving
by Express.- Our stock consists of a full assort
ment of the most fa.shionable Dress Goods far
Ladies and Gentlemens' Wear; Mantillas, Shawls,
Bonnets, Boitnet ribbons, mitts, collars, sleeves,
ao., for Ladies; also Hats, Handkerchiefs,
stocks, ;Stockings, .Gloves, ao., for Men.
All kinds of Domestic Dry Goods, Queensware,
Oil Cloths, Carpets, Muslin Shades, Ac..
Also a complete assortment of.
which we are selling at very low.- prices. Giro
us an 'early call. '
May 6, 1617. HENRY a STIIs.7E.
S the time is drawing near when the trip will
11 1 1- take place. on the Railroad. to that Wonder at
we would remind theeitimens of Lelmnon -county,.
before trip takes place, that if"wilf nceep. , —
eary to supply themselves with all kinds of fash—
ionable Dry Goods, so as to appoar in snit desira—
ble fur the occasion, and therefore would millets.
all such as wish to rigthenaselvea off - and appear
as Young America, to call at the wonderful
Now is the time for every person to call and ex
amine that wonderful Bee hire, under the Mam
moth Portico.
The peculiar construction and the enormous
stock of Honey will be to•every person's interest
to observe.
lIONEY is universally admitted to be agreea
ble to' the taste of every person, and the 'proper
place to get it is known to be the bee hive ; con
sequently every person desiasr93 their brustetsnitted,
need but remember that the the place
to call. • • ,
?dm. Ixoltaz
The superiority of this Great Hive, aside from
the enormous stock constantly in Store, is also ev
ident from the fact that those Bees assume quite
a different disposition, with regrard to their gath
erings, to what other Bees *do ins9mdof driving
visitors away by flying at them
in a. haughty
manner, and humming some unintelligible. lan
guage in their .s:sqt- f ; rttrienrktbeessutay lament
ing.and crying with disappointmeet atcl paip, for
having to' leave without getting%it' of
. good
Honey, and being badly stung in its; bargain,
they are kindly disposed 'to solicit the friendship,
and cherish the visits,' of neighbors dtfd strangers,
and endeavor, in every way, to Erent them with
indicements that'will make them call soon again.
They cheerfully dispose, of any quantity of their:
sweat stock, at trifling prices, and never fail ha
sending away customers laughing and rejoicing,.
with the Great Bargains; and'freqUently exclaim
ing, with overwhelming .: joy; "BehOl4ithigisßho:
place for Money !" <.‘,. •
It will also be found that the bees Of tAte great-
Hive have not been lying idle during tho 'winter";
end particularly since the first appearance of:
Sutinner, when a portion of them immediately;
flew off to the flowery East, where their :gather
ings never fai:cd to be the most cholys:Of the seas-.
on. Having just returned from thmr. Ilird tour
this Spring, from , the city, thekarqprepared to
show their numerous friends the handsomest se
lections ever brought to thisßorongli,.. embracing
in variety a collection of every article in their lino•
that necessity, fancy and fashion can Conceive r —
In short, their .store is complete, mitt • sui
tion is extended to all who believe in the truth of
honey being sweet,.. or value ';the - satisfaction of
having their taste:slLted.' Step into the Bee
Hive Store. The'large swarms that arc contirum
ally moring'to and fro, In and out, around - indi
about, is another evidence that their labors hare-.
not been in vain, or remain unappreciated b AI?
patronising public.' The merits of this great
Hive have not only become' apparent at '_home,
but its fame is also fast, sprea4ingitseit,throlmth-.
out the lurid. - ,
Lebanon, June 10,1, 1 857. .
• t
O. Mas'ittiß4,
the4l: l l3 for any:EruPtion , s3r , Pacorintlon of the Skin,
whether on the head, lime, iiiins'or other parts of
y. Old ulcers or sores, and pimples on the fern,
may be speedily cured,by the use of.the Recto Alksora.
To those especiallyAhittnnisaffering from the Piles, we
offer a sure remedy.
• •
From Rev. Mr. Interline, Pastor German Churcli t Cor.
Conway and Sharp streets:
For, the benefit of the afflicted, I feel it tiduty to state •
what a blesaing a medicine, known by the name of "hull's
Recto Mistura," has been to me. I have been enacted
with the Piles for eight years, during whichtirue I tried
my own remedies, as a pntetitioner, and many others,
but without success. Haring heard of Mr. Itulre Pile
Itetnedy, I tried it ; and though I used but one half-bot
tle, I mn say that lam perfectly. cured. I also used it
in a violent case of 'fetter, which extended over the whole
body, and In ices than two weeks it disappeared, and
the skin became clean and smooth. I strictly adhered to
the directions. SAMUEL INTERLINE.
Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by D. S. Reber, Druggist,
Lebanon, Pa.. sole agent for Lebanon county.
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German Smoking Tobacco,
DORCKLAINisia Clay-Pipes, Ciiar-tubes, at
msg. 111/5 . 6.' ABIZENSTEM /c-BRO.