The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 02, 1857, Image 1

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Darius J. Seltzer,
OFFICE, in Cumberland Street, nearly oppo3ito
Brua/s Hotel; Lebanon, Pa. Aug. 26;57.
WILL attend to all his official business; also,
all other legal and professional business en
trusted to him will be promptly attended to.
Ormeu—ln Cumberland street, second door
toast fronsAlarket st. (Lebanon, July 22,'67.
OFFICE in Cumberland street, opposite the
allagle Hetet," Lebanon Pa.
Lebanon, April 22, 1837.—1 y.
nit Wall. M. GUILFORD has removed his Or
lice to his now rekdenee on Market Street. a
few doors North of Reber Sc Ores' Store, and be
tween it and the New Lutheran church.
Lebanon, Dee. 10, 1856.—t1.
Revolvers, Pistols, Poeleet-Knircs.
A BEAUTIFUL assortment mid Clomp. nt
nng.19,'57. REIZENSTEIN k 13110
Donft forget to Call at
ag, TRIMh rifeADAM'S, in examine their
$Olll stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Traveling
iffs - 1
Gum• Elastic Belts
,pATENT•Lcather and Gm-Elastic Belts for
Ladies &Children; Mao belt-clasps very low, at
aug. 11), ftEIZENSTEIN 13110.
Pocketbooks, Portmonncties,
AND PURSES—a large variety of Buckskin
Purses, Pocketbooks & Portnionnnics., at as
tonishing low prices at
now 19,'57. R EIZENSTEIN ,t; BRO.
Flutinas, Assordeons, Violins,
TaANJOS, Guitars, Hartnonikas, Fifes, Guitar
J-P and Violin Strings, at
aug.l9, '57. Clump Jewelry Variety Store
Watches and Jewelry
JUST recoived, a large assortment of Watches
and Jewelry of the latest styles, Cameo Breast
pins, Finger-rings, Enr-drops, Gentlemen's Breast
pins and Stride; for sale cheap at
Rug. 10,'b7. Opposite the Court House.
For Sale.
AA Second-band Steam ENGINE, 10 horse pow
or. It Is to be sold to make room fur one of a
larger size. Apply to
Lebanon, July 1,1957.
SIDES, Whitefish, Mackerel, Herring, Cheese,
Vinegar, Tobacco, Segars, Flour, Feeding, &e.
dc., for sale by J. C. REIMER.
Lebanon, July 30,1850.
From 01,25 toslo, 8 day and 30 hour
Oat. 22, 'SC
J4vnther, Leather;
E NTIY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French
Calf Skins, and general Leather Dealer, No.
6, South 2d street, Philadelphia.
A general assortment of all kinds of Leather,
Moroccos Ae.. Red Oak Sole Leather.
Feb. 25,1857.-Iy.
.1 - 4 wanted immediately at the Steam Planing
Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None
but the best of hands required, to whom liberal
wages will be given. Apply to
telmnon, Feb. 10, 1851%—M
Ranker's Mill Sand.
A Tory superior SAND for Building and other
purposes, is offered for sale by the undersign
t'd) Swatara township, at flunkies 11111. It is
ttt reasonable prices and delivered by the un
dersigned personally. Sand hauled and delivered
by other persons is not the genuine article.
April 22, .1.857.—tf. J. C. COOPER.
Wood t Wood
WBE undersigned, residing in North Lebanon
Borough, offers fbr sale ehenp,,
GOO or 700 Cords
(estimated) good Wood. It may bo aeon at "Pin
airtft's dam," on the Union Canal, near Jones
town. [may 27, '57. DAVID DOVER.
TIALY & WILLIAMS would respectfully in-
X/ form the citizens of Lebanon that they have
opened a first elan SHAVING AND * HAIR
DRESSING SALOON, in Market street, opposite
the Lebanon Bank. They would solicit a share
of the public patronage.
Lebanon, May 20, 1857.—tf.
Grain Wanted.
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, 4 e.,
A T the Centre Warehouse, on the Union Canal,
in kieyerstown, for which the highest market
cash prices will be paid. They also keep con
stantly on hand and fur sale, Sulphur Coal, Stove
Coal, and Coal for limeburners, which they sell at
the lowest prices. URICH, TICE .t CO.
Myerstown, dime 10,11857.-3m*
Bricklayer and Jabber,
Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn'a.
T AM prepared, at all times, to pat up Brick
_IL Work, in all its branches, and on the shortest
Inn-walle,Boshos, Hearths, and all work connect
ed with a Furnace done. gang of Stone
Masons always ready to put down foundations,
and do atone work of every description.
July 1, 1857.—tf. P. G. WIREL.
In Cumberland street, next door to Dr
Lineaweaver i s.
Oet. 22, '56.
Thirty D-ay,
Eight Day,
Thirty Hour,
Just Received at
J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store,
Lebanon, Pa.
WHO takes the best LIKEIsi IiSSES in Lebanon?
Why 3. B. REIM, in the
Ito has the best 'rOom, bast light, best fixtures,
and has madelt hie entire business fur the last
Ave years. He abitays gets the latest improve
nettts ; he has always the latest style of cases on
hand ; he takes pictures in every. style of the art ;
his STEREOSCOPE PICTURES are wonderful
to behold. All his picturds are sharp, correct,
and of the highest finish. Give Lim a call and
you will not regret it. His terms are very mod
"%illf. Ills rooms are open every day '(except
Sunday,) from 8 o'clock, A. M., till 8 P. M.
Lebanon, Jnne.3, 18E4.
. The Cheapest Sofa ' s
grtVottti to go litEratur, Pap an gomotir kftbro, tijt giarketo, agrituiturt, and ontral tittiltirtre.
National `Saitl,
ehWALNET Street, South-West corner of TILTED
Street. Phiht,hAphia.
MONEY is reeeiTed in any sum, large or small, and
Interest paid from the they of deposit to the day of with.
The office IR open every day from 9 o'clock in the
morning till 7 n'elnek in the evening, and on Monday
and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock.
All $1.11:11F, large or small, are paid back in gold on de
mand without netiee. to any amount.
lion. It EN BY L. BENNER, President,
Ir3t. J. Race, Secretary,
DittgevOnS :
Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth 3lunns,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel E. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman,
James B. Smith, Francis Lee.
This Company confines its business entirely to there
miring of money on interest. The investments amount-
Bug to over
One Million and .a Half of Dollars!
are made in conformity with the provisions of the Char
and such first-doss securities, as will always ensure per
fect security to the depositors, and which cannot fail to
give permanency and stability to the institution. uttr,ss7.
Lebanon Valley Bank.
Located in Market street,' nearly oppo
site the United Hall,' one Door North
of the Post Office: : -
WILL pay the following . RATES of INTER
EST on DEPOSITS, on, and after, the let
day of ;quell, 15.57, via :
For l year, and longer, fi per cent, per annum.
For G months, and longer, 5 pen cent. per annum.
For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum.
Requiring a short notice of withdrawal, and af
fords a liberal line of accommodations to those who
may &twit with deposits,payable on demand. Will
pay a premium on SPANISII and iltfaxia.ta DOL
HALF DOLLARS. Will make collections on and
remit to all parts of the United States, the Cana
des and Europe ; Negotiate Loans, &e., &e., and
Oto. thntm, Oa.Shier. - • V!"' •
TUE, undersigned,. Managers, are individually
liable to the extent of their Estates for all
deposits and other obligations of the co-partner
ship filed in the Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon
County, trading under the name and style of the
Lebanon Illlutuall insurance
O f fice at Jonestown, Lebanon Connty.
HIS Company is now fully organized and
ready to make Insurance on all kinds of
property in town or country and on as favorable
terms us any well-govorned and safe company,
either on the Mutual or joint stock principle.
Prosident—Jonx BRUNNER, Esq.
Vice President—D. M. KAREANY.
Treasurer—Geo. P. Ilmur.
Secretary—Wm. A. BARRY.
John Brunner, Esq., Daniel Brown,
D. M. Karmany, Napoleon Desh,
Geo. F. Melly. • John Arndt,
W. A. Barry, John Melly,
S. U. Shirk, L. R. Walker,
Daniel H. Biever, D. M. Rank.
.ggfr• A. S. ELT is the Agent for Lebanon.
He may at all times be found at his office in
Walnut Street.
Jonestown, July 15, 1
Indemnity Against Loss by Fire.
Franklin Fire Insurance v Co.
Published Agreeably to an Aet of Assembly,
First Mortgages. amply - secured, $1,519,932 73
neat Estate (present value, $106.000) cost, 62,764 36
Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral secm
cities, Stocks(present value, $82,881 12, cost,
Cash, &c.,
$1.527,155 SO
every description of property,
Rates as LOW as arc consistent with security.
Since their incorporation, a', period or twenty-eight
years, they have paid over TI lEEE MILLION DOLLARS
LOSSESDY FULA thereby affording evidence of the ad
vantages of Insurance, us well ea the ability and dispo
sition to meet, with promptness, all liabilities.
Losses paid during the year 1856,
Grange FAIRS,
N. lianitga, President,
a. BANCSER, Secretary.
JACO.II R. Smirfr,
Gm W. Iticuanos,
Feb. 25.-ly.
Delhi: 01 *hat Fun.
'XTE will have something new for Lebanon.—
If V A great Fox-chase will come off this week,
and every person in the county is invited to at
tend it, tall men and small, tall women and small,
big boys and little ones, big girls and little ones,
young men and old, young ladies - and old ones,
turn about and wheel about and run after this fox
and try to catch him, won't that be fun. But do
not forget to call at . .
New Cheap Dry Goods
. ND
in the borough of Lebanon. (You will have plen
ty of time, as the Fox einse comes off in the af
ternoon at 2 o'clock,} therefore yott will have a
good Chance of visiting and seeing their stocks of
which they have received from New York and
Philadelphia, and tivill sell tremendously
cheap. There is not the slightest doubt in my
mind, but that their goods will cause as much re
al excitement, (as well as_ profit,) in the borough
and country around, as this great Fox- chase.—
Therefore do not forget, to visit J. 141. Ptlegor li
Bro's store, and great will `be yourlun, and . very
gieat your gain. Yours, most 'respectfully,
April 1, 1857.} J. M. P: 8 M. P.
Trust Co.
,rl4 18
. 9"
Advertising nud Correspondence Office s 360 Broad-
at -New anti Important Dis
covery in the Science of Medicine.
enna. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. H. A.
Barrow, member of the Imp'l College of Vienna,
and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may ha
personally consulted at his residence, 157 Prince street,
few blocks west of Broadway, Now York, front 11 A. M.
till d P. IL and from 4 till S P. IL (Sundays excepted,
'artless by appointment.)
Triesernar No. 1,
Ts a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrhara, and alI the
distresebsg, eousonueness ariatuguparly alamerindis
criminate eXiteriies, Oil:oolong residence in hot climates.
It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to
thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and
the functions of manhood; and whatever may be the
cause or disqualifications for marriage, they are effectu
ally subdued.
Triesemar No. 2,
Completely and entirely oradidates all traces of Qonor•
ban, both in its mild and aggravated forms, G leas, Stric
tures, Irritation of the Bladder, Non-retention of the
Urine, Pains of the Loins and Kidneys, and those disor
ders for which Copalvi and Cubebs have so long been,
thought an antidote.
Triosomar -No. 3,
is the great Continental REMEDY for Siphifis and Secon
dary symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for
Scurvy, Scrofula, and all cutaneous Eruptions, removing
and expelling in its course all impurities from the vital
stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease,
mid expel it by insensible perspiration through the me
diem of the pores of the skin and urine.
It is a never failing remedy for that class of disorders
which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the in
evitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the wor Id cannot remove.
TRIESEMAR no .1, 2 and 3, are prepared in the form of a
lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in
the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided in
separate doses as administered by Yalpeau, Lalleman,
Roux, Illeord, Ac., Am. Price sii each. or four eases in
one for $l, which saves $3, and in $3.7 cases, whereby
there is a saving of $9.
None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals
of the Patent Pike of England, the seals of the Eeole de
Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna,
are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case.—
Imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the law.
Special arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward
immediately, on receiving a remittance, the $9 and lar
ger size cases of Trieeemar free of carriage. Many partof
the world, securely packed and properly aadressed, thus
insuring genuiuelturopean preparations and protecting
the public from spurious and pernicious imitations.
Attendance and Consultation from 11 a. in. till 2 p. m.
and from 4 fill 8 in the evening. • 157 Prince street, afew
blocks west of Broadway, New York.
May 6,1867-Iy. •
Cristadoro's- Hair Dye!
'Within a nut-shellall the merit's lie,
Of Cristadoro's never-equalled Dye ;
Red it makes black, to brown transforms a grey,
And keeps the fibres always from decay.
matchless, re-vitalizing Hair Dye, still holdalls
&.% position as the most harmless and efficacious Bair
Dye in THE WOULD. Trepared and sold, wholesale
and retail, and applied in ten private rooms, at CRIaTA-
Dmio's, No. 6 Astor louse. Broadway, New 'York, and
by all Druggists and Perfumers in the United States.
dan. 14, 3601.-IT—lsq.
Agent—Creorge lt. Neyser, 140 Wood st, PittsburS, Pa.
Costar's Rat, Roach, 4.c., Exterminator
Put up in 20c. ,
35c., 65., and $l, Doses.,
Costar's Betl Bug Exterminator.
Put up in 25c., 50c., 75c., and $l. Bottles.
Costar's Electric Powder, for Ants, in
sects, he. Put up in 25c. and 50e. Boxes.
Principal Depot, No. 385 Broadway, New York,
and sold by DRUGGISTS and DEALERS every
where in the United States, Canadas, West Indies
and South Atuerica./Iger•Full particulars by Mail.
august 19, 1557.-2sqs.—lmo.
For sale by Guilford do Lemberger, agents for
Lebanon county, at their wholesale and retail es
tablishment, opposite the Market, Lebanon, Pa.
HEAD QUARTERS, 2d Brigade,
sth Division Penn'a Volunteers. j
LEDAEON, Jane 14th, 1857.
I_,/ A Brigade Parade is ordered to take place
at Lebanon, on Thursday, the 10th day of Sep
tember neat, being the anniversary of Perry's
Mr. Caspar Shank is hereby appointed Brigade
Major of this Brigade, with the rank of Captain,
and will be respected accordingly.
The commanding
officers of Companies, within
the Brigade, will have this order read to their
men, at the next parade after its reception.
The Brigade Quartermaster, Captain Win. W.
Murray, is charged with the transmission of these
orders to the commanding officers of the compa
nies forming the Brigade. The Brigade Major,
Captain Shenk, will furnish him with the requi
site number of copies of it.
The Brigade Inspector, Major Frederick Em
bleb, is charged with the duty of inviting compa
nies from the neighboring Brigades. The Bri
gade Major, Captain Shank, will furnish him with
a copy of this order.
Further orders will be issued in due time, in
forming company officers of the field evolutions
contemplated to be performed by the Brigade,
when it assembles.
It gives the General pleasure to state that Ma
jorHeneral Win. H. Heim.has intimated his wil
lingness to order a Division Parade at Lebanon,
should the idea he favorably roceived-througbout
the Division, or by the major portion of it, some
time in the month of October. Brigadier-Gener
als Williams and Hunter have cordially approved
of the movement, and promised to attend with
their staffs, should it be carried out.
By order of JOHN WBEDMAN,
Brigadier General 211 Brigade,
sth Division, Penn's. Volunteers.
CASPAR SHUNK, Brigade Major.
Lebanon, June 17, 's7—td.
DUNDORE to CITES are selling the cheapest
Stuffed, Cane Seat and Common Chairs. ,
Cloth Olanufactov
THANKFUL for past favors, the undersigned
A- respectfully informs the public, that he con
tinues his manufactory in East Hanover, Lebanon
county, on as extensive a scale as ever. His un
necessary for him to say more than that the work
will he done in the same excellent style which has
made his work and name so well known to the
surrounding country. He Promises to do the
work in the shortest possible time. The Manu
factory is in complete order, and he natters hini
self to he able to render the same satisfaction as
heretofore. he manufactures
Broad and Narrow Cloths, Cassinots, Blankets,
White and other Flannels,
All finished in the best manner, and at reason
able prices. He also cards Wool and makes Bolls.
For the convenience of his customers, wool and
cloth will be ut 'the following places :
At the stores of George 3c Shellenberger, Loeser
Brothers, Shirk ,t• Tice, and George Reinteld,
and at Guilford a Lomborger's NeW Drug store,
in Lebanon ;
thestores of Shirk Miller, and
Samuel U. Shirk, in North Lebanon borough ;
Samuel Goshert, Bethel tp.; the public house of
Wm. Barna, Fredericksburg; Samuel E. Bickel's
store, Jonestown ; George Weidman's store, Bull
view ; Melchior Boithart, 2 miles from Palmyra;
Martin Early's store, Palmyra ; Gabriel Wolfers
berger's store, Palmyra landing; Melted Shirk,
East Hanover, Dauphin county ; at the stores of
Mr. Eby, and David M. hank, East Hanover,
Lebanon county.
All materials will be taken away from the a
bove places, finished without delay, and returned
Those of his customers who wish to have Stock
ing Wool carded, dyed and mixed, can lcavc their
Wool (white,) at the °hove mentioned places,
with directions how they wish it prepared. Or
his customers can order the stocking-wool to be
made from the undersigned's wool, which will be
done, and left at the desired place.
N. B.—lt is desired that those having wool
carded, will pay the cash therefor, at:the above
named places. LYON LEMBERGER.
East Hanover tp. April 6, 1857.
She is modest, but-not bashful •
Free and easy, bit norbeld„,
Like an apple, ririemnd
Not too young d not too old;
Half inviting, ha - -repulsive,
Now shy,
There is mischief mher dimple;
There is danger% her eye.
She has studied httrnan nature;
She is schooled - 401 her arts;
She has taken her Dl.oen t .
As the mistress ~ , 4 U:heasts.
She eaktell t !rialloient
--- -When fell and-w oWo"gatil0";
0, a maid is sometimes charming,
But a widoW all the while.
Aro you sad how very serious
Will her handsome faco become;
Are you angry? she is wretched,
Lonely, friendless, tearful, dumb,
Are you mirthful? how her laughter,
Silver-soUnding, will ring out,
Sho eau lure, and catch and play you,
As the angler does the trout.
To old bachelors of forty,
Who have grown so bald and wise;
Young Americans of twenty,
With the love-locks in your eyes;
You may practico all the lessons,
Taught by Cupid sinco,the
But I know a little widow,
Who could win and fool
Alas ! alaS ! for the summers flown!
For the beautiful joys that I have known !
Oh, for the hours, sublime; with youth !
Wo ! for the ruined shrine of truth!
One eve my lover said 'to me,
In the murmurous shade of a garden tree—
Holding my band, and smoothing my hair,
Kissing my eyes and forehead fair—
All the sweets of all the hours—
All the birds and bees and flowers—
All the suns that ever shone—`
All the winds that have ever blown—
AB the dim seas that dreaming lie
Under the arch of the summer sky—
All the glorious mourns that wake—
All the splendor of hues that break
On the starry coasts of the eve divine,
O'ortlown with the sunset's purple wine
Were never half, nor half so bright
As my own heart's Mabel is to-night!
So ho talked while the shadows fleet
Ban under the woods, and under the wheat !
Alas! alas! for the summers gone,
And the beautiful guise my youth put on !
Willie is married, and I-am alone,
Counting my heart-breaks, ono by one.
"Willie is married to Nellie Gray,
And I am alone in the world to-day.
The saddest thing that was ever born,.
A drear old maid, forsaken, and lore
Two children-frolic at Willie's knee,
And one, the fairest, he calls for me ! •
She has my girlhoodrA eyes - and mouth'
But not the sorroiv that stunned my youth !
Oh,Willie! when countless years have flown,
And God shall roll the sorrowful stone
From the grave of the dead past, and the light
Of Ills awful justice makes all things bright—
When starry crowned, and glorified,
We dwell in His presence side by side,
Where the flowers of, the soul fade not away—
" Will you love me best, or Nellie Gray!
Music in the Kitchen.
We have frequently heard many curi
ous anecdotes of servant-girls giving
themselves airs, when they went to en
gage themselves; but the following may
be relied on as a fact :
A lady, who kept a seminary in a
neighboring town, was in want of a
housemaid ; she advertised, and many
called to offer their services.
The lady was pleased with the ap
pearance of one, and entered into an
agreement with her, requesting her to
come to her place without delay.
The girl seemed as if she had some
thing •on her mind; and after a grand
effort, she said that she would require
to go out twice a week for the first
"Oh!" said the lady, "you attend some
particular chapel, I conclude?"
"No ma'am," simpered the girl, "but
Tam learning the guitar, and have paid
Tor a quarter's instruction in advance;
so I should not like to lose any lessons."
"Where do you intend to practise?"
said the lady.
"In the kitchen, I suppose," answered
Molly Hopkins.
"Oh! I shall grow distracted," said
the lady ; "what with the young ladies
thumping up stairs, thrumming
below ;—you won't suit me. Good day
to you."
The trial of the "Talbot Divorce case,"
in the English House of Lords, created
much sensation. two or three years since.
Mrs. Talbot was the mother of children
a lady of refinement, and unassuming
manners and domestic habits. It was
alleged that during the absence of her
husband, she had indulged in illicit in
tercourse with an ignorant groo.n of the
•stable. Two or three servants swore to
knowledge of her guilt, but the princi
pal witness against her was the family,
clergyman, Rev. Mr. Sargent He tes•
tified, we believed, to have caught her
in, the act of adultery. The woman was
insane at the time of the trial, and- the
clergyman expressed the belief that
when she committed the act she was in
the incipient stages of insanity. Much
sympathy was felt for the "unfOrtunate
husband," and though many believed
the lady to he a victim of conspiracy,
the high character of the clergyman
carried the bill for djvorce. Recently
lie has' delivered himself up to the au
thoritieS, aCknowledgjng-that he perjur
ed himself. In' the meantime the vie•
tim of the conspiracy has deceased.—
We are not perfectly assured what be
came of the husband but believe that he
married soon after obtaining the divorce.
Thomas Dick, the -eminent Scotch
author, and Eugene Sde, the celebrated
French novelist, are both dead.
Tnis GR EAT ttitinui the Giant,
of :tee' WorlL -ilf k Harden —Some
weeks ago we of* . 4 . few facts in regard.
to tale relilli'!ted dimensions of this".
evi'abi. mar and promised our
Jeaders, through the courtesy of a friend
.Heedierson county, fuither items of
interesi.' The fridnd we referred to was
Rev. John Broeks, Wboae veracity, we
- believe, has never been questioned by
'any one. He writes *iefolloWs
Mr barden was bora in North Caro
the year. 1798, and departed
thielifeOtt biS residence - in Heilderson.
; --- conlitfAten netieee,44l4l•4llief4k.2 . 3d, day ofd.
He joined the Baptist church in ear
ly life, and shortly after emigrated to.
Tennessee, where he connected him
self with what is called the Christian
church, but had not been a member of
any church for years past, but was mor
al, and fond of conversing on religious
subjects. He was an obliging and kind
neighbor, and fond of company. About
fifteen years ago he joined the order of
masons. He was twice married. His
children are very large, but probably,
none of them ,will
.ever be more than
half the weight of the father. He was
quite active and lively, and labored
until about four years ago, when he
became so fleshy that he was compell
ed to stay at home, or be hauled about
in a two horse wagon.
In 1819, he made a contract with a
tailor to furnish him a suit of clothes for
850—the cloth was to cost five dollars
per yard. Upon measurement, it took
twelve yards of cloth. So the tailor
lost ten dollars and the making.—
The tailor states that three men, each
weighing over 200 pounds, put the coat
on, buttoned it around them, and walk
ed across the square at Lexington. In
1850, it took 13i yards of flax cloth,
a yard wide, to make - him a coat. It
took sixteen yards of cambric for his
shroud; 24 yards of black Velvet to coy.
er the sides and lid of the coffin ; 125
feet of plank to make his coffin. •
His coffin was S feet long.
Across the breast, 32 inches
" head, 18 "
" foot„ "
Its depth, 35 "
Ile weighed, in 1845, 871 pounds
His height was 7 feet 6 inches.
His weight, when he died as nearly as could be
ascertained, was a fraction over 1000 pounds.
Extraordintcry Fr - ealc•Of a Lunatic.—
A.-young man in Mercer county, Pa.,
named, Davis, has for some time mani
fested • symptoms of insanity. The
Pittsburgh - Dispatch says :
He imagines himself to be a second
Dan Rice, engaged in getting up a air
cus. Op the Bth inst., he caught a
snake, which he took to Bell's school
house in the neighborhood, where, he
says, he had a grand performance ; after
getting through which he swept the
house, and broke all the windows with
a broomstick. He then proceeded to
the residence of Mr. William Curry, a
mile or two from town, in the, absence
of the family, and destroyed nearly ev
erything in the house. He says he went
there "to have some fun ; broke a gun,
with the barrel of which he smashed
the crockery,.dishes, glassware and win.
dows; took to pieces a clock and two
watches, grinding up the works in a ci
der press. It then struck him that the
ground where the house stood would be
an admirable location for - a circus,
whereupon he built a fire on the floor,
and it was soon in flames, from which
he narrowly escaped by jumping from a
window, cutting his arms and hands in
getting. out, and leaving a broadcloth
coat,. which the heat induced him to
throw off, a prey to the flames. Con
sidering the bees appropriate performers
in his new circus, he upset several hives,
and undertook to put sleigh-bells on the
insects, in which "performance" he was
very badly stung. When the neighbors
came running to the fire, they found him
under a shade tree, congratulating him
self that this was the "best performance
he had yet—it brought the largest audi
ence!" The *house was entirely de
stroyed, and the poor lunatic secured
and taken to Mercer jail.
Extraordinary Power in Mental A
rithmetie.—At the examination of Mr.
Currie's school, iriGeorge street, EOM.
burgh, on the 9th ult., before the prizes
were distributed, and before the schol.
ars attending the school had presented
their teacher with a testimonial of 'their
esteem and respected, in the shape of a
handsomely hound ed i ton of Jeremy Tay
lor's works, Mr. Currie called up a girl
named Margaret Brown. CieHam!, and
put the following questions, which were
answered by her without the use of the
slate in the remarkably short time Spec.
died after each question:
Queen Victoria ascended the throne
on the 20th of July, 1837,this is the 9th
of July, 1857 how many seconds has
she reigned?—Answered in 63 seconds,
632,780,160. The distance between
Edinburgh and London by the road is
400 k miles; how many inches is thatl—
Answered in 4t seconds, 25,375,680.
How many are 13 times 13 times 13
times,l3l—Answered in 28 second, 28,-
561. What is the square of .0171—An-
swered in 11 seconds, .00289. What,
is the square root of 20,736 I—Answer.
ed in 9 seconds,l44. Add 1-2, 1.4, 1.7
I.24.l.22l—Answered in 29 seconds,
1. The reservoir on the Castle.hill is
100 feet long 100 feet, broad, and 34
feet deep; how many gallons of water
will it contain 7—Answered in 49 5ec
0nd5,.2,125,000. (The pupil was pre.
viously informed by Mr. 'Currie that
there were about-61- gallons to the
bie foot.) What is the difference be
tween 89 times - 89 and 99 tines 901—
Answeredin 17,..seconde, 1880. Bow
many are .101 times. 1011 Answered
in 7 seconds, 40,201:..
prom the o;:rier.
TOO octop.-ro BE LOST.
There is Ith „
,farmer in Franklin
county who has a supply of the essence
of "Old the fame of which
has extended thropghput that region.—
Its quality is:.unapproachable. It is
double-distilled,. was nihde seventeen
pearl ago, has-heii in possession of its
present owner during all that time, - and
is a pure” and genuine article, the like
of which earth* now be easily procured.
The - other keeps it for his own espe
cial uselant):4 o 4 his friends,,and al
thoggh-„hels) ' no - price
a T vAvirt:th a. gotten
of it in the *ay of trade - ,.' •
During the , recent Congressiofittl..can
vass in the/Ashland District, Roger W.
Hanson, Esq., the Know-Nothing can.
didate, visited the house of the farmer
.alluded to. He regarded his election
as certain, and having heard of and test
ed the whiskey aforesaid, an inordinate
desire seized possession of his breast to
secure a few gallons to take with him
to Washington this winter. He made
known his wishes, and offered any price
for ten gallons. The farmer positively
refused to sell. After much solicitation,
however; he was induced to agree to
let his friend have ten gallons. Mr.
Hanson was delighted at being able to
secure even this small supply of the
nectar, and he forthwith paid the bill,
leaving the precious article in charge of
the farmer until he called for it on the
Ist of December, when on his way to
take his seat in Congress at Washington.
A few weeks after this occurrence,
Hon. James B. Clay,the Democratic can
didate, chanced to call at this same
house. He, too, had heard of and tast
ed the famous whiskey,and he, also,took
the notion to secure a supply, if possible
to take with him to Washington. He
made application for it accordingly, and
was told in reply that Mr. Hanson had
already made a purchase for that pur
pose, and it was not possible for them
both to go to Congress. Mr. Clay assur
ed his K. N. friend that Mr. 'Hanson
had certainly made a mistake, and that
it was himself who would be elected.—
He told him there was no doubt of that
fact, and urged his cause with such ef
fect that the farther, consented to part
with another thro gallons. Of Course,
the result down:lined thatil is to go to
Washington. ( .
%,:W-e- ha ve% not e yet heard what-disposi
tion Mi. Hantion intends - to make of his
purchase, but will report when advised.
But Hanson is not the only gentleman
whose sanguine. anticipations were not
realized. So entirely confident was Dr.
A. K. Marshall of his election to the
Senate, that taking time by the forelock
some weeks before the election, as we
are reliably informed, he engaged rooms
at the "Capitol Hotel," Frankfort, dur
ing the 'Session of the next Legislature.
But the "cruel" Porter spoiled all his
fine calculations. Indeed, the case is
so aggravated that we doubt not an ac
tion against him by the proprietor of
the "Capitol" would hold good in any
court !
In Adams County, Miss., a few weeks
since. Mr. Duncan Skinner, overseer
for a Mrs. Sharpe, was found murdered
in a mysterious manner. Last week
three negroes were arrested and prov
ed to be the murderers. According to
the testimony, this was one of the most
coolly planned and deliberate murders
ever committed. The Natchez Couri
er says
"The negroes in the plot went to Mr.
Skinner's house - just before day, and
aroused him on pretence of a child in
the family being sick. He opened the
door while in his nightclothes, and was
knocked down by a blow on his breast
from a heavy stick. Three stalwart ne
groes seized him,and after a severe strugc
gte succeeded in choking him.
While thus insensible, they carried
him a few rods from the house, and
there by main strength diskleated his
neck. They then got out his clothes,
dressed hitn, — and. to turn away suspi
dion, put his around his. neck,
and .his purse, with part of his money,
in. his pocket, brought out his horse and
saddle, put the lifeless body on it,and
lead it. into.. the. •woods where the
body was found. Here, after running
the horse up and down, they, took off
the body, dropped the saddle and set
the animal loose., The latter returned
home a.few hours after. The body of
their victim they placed in such a po.
sition As would indicate:the probability
of accidental death; then brought out
his gun, cap, whip, and game bag.; dis
charged one. barrel, and placed several
articles in the tracks, as if of a runaway
horse. •
So long a period had passed, that the
guilty assassins i►nagi"ned that the crime
was unnoticed and would be forgotten.
But a terrible .and speedy retribution
awaits them. The whole chain of evi.
dence ie complete as to the crime, its
manner and circumstance. The three
negroes are safely secured, and are now
in jail in this city."
To Preserve Stair ' • Carpets.--StVii
carpets should always have a slip. of pa:,
per put under them, at and aver Ai,
edge of every stair, which is the part
where they first wear out, in order: to
lessen the friction of the carpet against
the boards beneath.' The strips should
be within'an inch two as long as the
carpet is wide, and about four or five
inches'in breadth, so as to be•a dis
tance froni each stair. This simple
plan, so easy of execu tion,.w ill we kno
preserve a atair.earpet half so long
as it would last withotit the-seri
t er.
111Jtittit Stf. 427.
Is Love Blind?
There is nothing so-clear-sighted. tt
exalts our natures to their highest' cap.
ability, enabling us
,to decipher truths
which are illegible . txt the normal sense.
It has given momently of subtle wisdom
to the dullest; moments of impassioned'
eloquence to the -coldest.. We are
strongest when, we love, because tove
is not only the most energetic but the
most elevating of passions. We see'
most clearly then, because our percep
tions are all intensified by the intensity.
of the feeling. We are affected as in'
mesmerism, and Lova is the clairvoy
anewrif- the heart.
But there is always a meaning in oh!'
adages, and in that of 'Love is blind,'
there is a truth. The blindness spoken
of is blindness to all consequences, dis
regard of all collaterals, reckless obliv•
ion or contempt of whatever is foreign
to it.
The intensity of the shadow is pro=
portioned to the intensity of the light.
Every thing which comes within the
rays of Love is wondrously vivid ; the
rest is darkness.
• Love sees all it cares to see. It is
not blind; but it will only look straight
forward. A horse is not blind when
blinkers are put on to prevent his seeing:
whatever goes on at his side. All en'
ergetie passions act as blinkers.
darn correspondent of the Boston Jour
nal relates the following incident as oc
curring at the recent execution of the
murderers, at Leavenworth, by the peu
ple of that town :
Judge Latta forced his way through
the crowd until he reached Quarles,whe.
was already dead with fear. "Have you
any friends for whom you wish to have
a message ?" he asked.
The rope was already so tight that'
Quarles's eyes were starting from their
sockets ; but gasped out : "I have a
wife and three children, who live in
New York. 1---"
He was too late. The peonle were'
determined that at least one cri ninal
should be punished without judicial or
executive interference, He never fin
ished the sentence, and in a second hio
body was dangling in the air. His hands
were not tied,and he succeeded in reach
ing the rope above his head, and raising
himself for a moment. But there was
a wrench from the crowd at the other
end ; some stout ruffian sprang up and'
caught him by the feet, throwing the
whole weight of his body upon him,and
Quarles's nerves never struggled again.
NOT BAD.—Four professional gentle
men, the other night, drove several ,
miles up the river to an eligible spot for
bathing. The night was fine, they were
in fine spirits, and having left their
clothes in the carriage were shortly lav
ing their fine persons in the river, with
sensations peculiarly fine. So absorbed ,
Were they in the pleasures of the river
bath, that they had wandered to some
distance, when one of them exclaimed,
"The horse is running off?". They ran,,
but the horse would not stop; for though
he had nothing in the carrage but their,
clothes, he felt under the imperative ne—
cessity of conveying them home I It
was about one o'clock when the servant
of one of the gentleman heard "massa's
carriage coming," and went out to put
it up. What was his horror to find no
:nesse in the carriage, bui. only certain
suits of clothes.
With chattering teeth he ran to in,
form mimes that massa was murdered or
drowned. Misses sagaciously surmis
ed the truth, and dispatched him back.
with the carriage. Aft,pr n half hour's
drive,Samho distinctly saw s ghost ahead
of whose fleshy nature he was suspic
ious. 'The apparition now swiftly and
stealthily approached till nearly oppo.
site, when it sprang from the road-side
and grasped the horse's head, crying,.
"Whoa!" &mho was glad it was massa.,
and the two returned to the disconso
late party. 'They were in bed—the riv
er bed—profoundly debating whether it
were better to await the doubtful retuvtt
of the carriage, or abash the virgin moon
by running to their several places of
abode, at the imminent risk of being
knocked down by the watchmen. The
carriage relieved them; and having dress
ed, they sped to their anxious wives in•
great glee, and with many mutually ex
changed oaths that not a syllable of the
night's adventure should be breathed to
a human being—least of all to a reporter
for a newspaper.—St. Louis Democrat.
The Oldest Man.—A correspondent
of the St. Louis Republican, writing
from Elwood, K. P., says: "One who
lives on his claim near the edge of this.
city is, perhaps, the oldest man in A
merica: He is Mr. James O'Toole.—
Ht in the county of Donegal,
in the'' Vorth - of Areland, somewtrere
about - the . '-year 1730. Ile was an old
man in the Irish rebellion in 1798, when,
becoming implicated with Lord Fitzgor.
aid, he fled his country,-to seek freedom
in our then young Republic, His We
. has, been checkered with many changes.
He has been tossed about among vir:
ous scenes, and by many divertr ouia.
cumstances. He moved ! 9 1t . he first
thirty years ago, and este the Platte
brewery there. He rs v' r ed in Buchan.
Purchase in 1808 •
to o niaunnstai
an county, flea
years ago,:vilr tion,.
and lie can now
made a ore - y
mailo r . or ten s
miles with ease, to
. rienclitoUttend to his bust..
affairs. 'lllkiais his age in about-
e hundred and tewnty.five years."
Why is a locomotive like a bed-bug"
Because it runs over thei/eepera,