Cljt CDrunt. A BEAUTIFUL GEM There's many an, empty cradle, There's many a vacant bed, There's many a lonely bosom Whose joy and light have fled. Per thick is every graveyatd, The little hillocks lie— And every hillock represents An angel in the sky. "What three Utters in the alphabet is man most lath to articulate 0 U. —(I owe you.) frr " 1- know by. a little what a great Zeal tneans;''.as the gander said when he 'SSW the tip of a fox's tail stickiug out of a hollow` tree. A man was walking quietly along the Streets, the other day, when he was sud denly struck by a thought and kmoaked into the gutter. The ladies say they are opposed'to stopping ''th'e -vides on the Sabbath,-es •pecially in'the evening unless they stop -at their houses. An old lady down East, on hearing the burglars breaking into the house, %ordered her son to get the musket, pull its 'Whatiyoucall-it,' and 'kill the sar ,pinte.till they cried for mercy. 'I am afraid I shall come -to want,' , said an old lady to a young gentleman. !il have come to want already,' was the reply, 'I want your daughter!' The old lady opened her eyes. iire• - know a .carpenter's apprentice, who, being too lazy to work, about once -an.,, hour bumps his-•nose against a post till it bleeds, and then he site down to have_a good resting spell. ;()*""John," said a down east gal to her -beau,.'"you have been paying your Alis. "tresses to me long enough ; I want to knoiv what your contentions are, as I »ion% mean to be kept in expense any longer I" .111 r "Hello I Jim what are you mak ing'," inquired a young friend as he passed by. - "Why, mother made apple-butter the , other day and she don't like it, and I am _making it back into apples again." 'Simon,' said Bob, 'what are you do ing -now-a-days for a living I' ‘'Nothin' particular. lam the owner of a ship.' .'Owner of a ship! What ship?' "Steward-ship at Sam Johnson's cellar.' A man was found at Trenton, the oth er day, mounted on a ladder, with his Clips pressed to the telegraph wire. He -was kissinghis mife in 'Philadelphia 'by 'telegraph.' qt-was found afterwaids that the was a newly married man. 'ls not your neighbor Brown a man of peculiar .properties ?' said a 'Squire to .an honest shoemaker. The reply was—'Bless your soul no, indeed, sir—he's a man of no property :at :all—lost •it all at the great fire last July.' -A Quaker lady recently discharged .her lover because he called heron an• gel. am •uo angel,' said Pasteboard, •"and if thou bast begun .to die to me al. ready, what may I not ,ezpect after we are married?' Obediah lifted up his voice and wept, and then took his de parture. (I* .dear Kate," said a dandy, tfalling upon his knees before his adora• ble, "I have long wished for this oppor. tunity, but. hardly dare speak now, for fear you will reject me ; but love you. —say, will you be mine? You would be 4o me everything desirable--every. thing my.heart could wish—your smiles would shed—!" Here the fellow came to a pauae. "Your smiles would shed," (ind again .came to -a stop, for he could itot think of a suitable word to be applied. "Never mind The wood shed," exclaim ed Kate's , younger brother, who had slipped into the room unperceived, at this moment, "but go - on with your -courting l" Here we left. "Washiturton 'louse? Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. THE undersigned, havin g taken this old and favorite stand, and having refitted it in the best style, is now prepared to accommodate the public, and entertain strangers and travellers in the bast modern style. The House is eonunodi ,ous and pleasant. The TABLE shall be well pro vided for, ;and the BAR contain none but the PUREST ZAQUOn'a• The 'STABLING attached to the Hotel is large and roomy, and capable of -ac commodating agreat. number of Horses. _Mgr' To his friends and acquaintances in Leb anon County, as well as to all others, ho extends a cordial invitation to make his House their noise w hen visiting Lebanon April 29, 18457. To Persoas about to - Visit PHILADELPHIA! - - TRY the now WESTERN HOTEL, Market street, below oth street. Eve- MU ■ ry attention given, with a desire to I - _ A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. E2EZ=I Bunker's Rill Sand. A very superior SAND for Building and other LI purposes, is offered fur sale by the undersign ed, in Swatara township, at Bunker's Hill. It is sold at reasonable prices end42livered by the un dersigned personally. Saud Milled and delivered by other persons is not tho genuine article. April 22, 1857.—tf: J. C. • COOPER. CARPENTERS WANTED. 16) GOD JOURNEYMAN - CARPENTERS Ih. wanted immediately at the Steam Planing Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None but the best , of hands required, to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to BOAS, GASSER, 16 GETTLE. Lebanon, Feb. 18, 1857.—tf. Wood! Wood! T'HE undersigned, residing in North Lebanon Borough, offers for sale cheap, GOO or 700 Cords (estimated) good Wood.. It may be seen at "Fin nigan's dam," on the Union Canal, near Jones town. [may 27, DAVID BAYER. . Don't Ibrget to Call at MkTRINS du McADAM'S, and examine their Mock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Traveling , • TCHES,A ND JEWELRY pi ANOTHER NEW LOT OF 3 , ,i.. i S AND JEWELRY ) Cu , ECEIVED BY In u jerianii - sisp K E R. , J " Li nex i to mFt door to Dr OeL 22, 'fiB. ' t'..74•.. CLOCKS, CLOG' ..: JEST RECEIVED AT AT , KER , ..t . Win - ,28 to $lO, 8 day and 80 .LUMBER YARD. 'This Way, if kozilTiOCCkettp Lumber. FIE undersigned have lately formed a.part -11141 nership for the purpose of engagirrg in the Lumber Busincis, on a new plan, would respect fully.inform the public at largo, that their place of business is David Bowman's old Lumber Said, in Ease Lebanon, fronting on Chestnut street, square from the-Ertmgelical church, They have enlarged the yard, and filled it with a new and ex cellent assortment of all kinds of Lumber, such as BOARDS, PLANKS, JOISTS, LAMS, SIIINDLES, AND SCANTLING, of all lengths and thicknesses. In short, they keep constantly on hand, a full and well-season ed assortment of all kinds of BUILDING MATE RIALS. .Persons in want_of anything in • their line are invited to call, examine .their stock, and earn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they hope, that by attention to businesas and moder ate prices, to merit a continuance of public pat ronage. BOWMAN, HAUER ct CAPP. Lebanon, April 8, 1887.=1y. 5000 111. - NL4I37PPanI d to C COAL at antlale buy - tonishingly low prices which I am now determin ed to sell at. Now is the Lime, if you wish to save your money) to come to the New Lumber and Coal yard, located between the Old Lutheran Church and Myers & Shears' Steam Mill, and. one square north of the Court House, in Walnut street, in the borough of Lebanon, wherais a well seleCted stock of allkinds of Building Materials, consisting of 500,006 ft. Boards, 300,000 Shingles, 200,000 ft. Joist t Scantling, , 60,000 ft. hemlock boards, 60,000 ft. do fetto'g b'ds. Also, Planks,Tlastering andaoofing Lath, all of which will be sold, wholesale or retail, at Mid dletoWn prices, except a small advance for freight. Also, all kinds of the best COAL the market can produce, such as Broken, Egg, Stove,Chestnut, LimeburnerS' and Hollidaysburg Backsmith's Coal, which will be sold almost at cost. SAIWEL RETNOEHL. :: ADOLPHUS ERINOVIL. :: CHAS. H. STEILT Ororth _Lebanon _Borough" (FORMERLY OCCUPIED' BY MARK RELS'OETIL,) Situated on East 4- West side of Mar- ket street, at Union Canal. 11 - KHE undersigried take this method of inform ing the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding Counties, that they have now on band a large stock of WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and are constantly receiving additions thereto. Their as sortment consists in part of White and yellow PINE and lIEBILOCK BOARDS. „ . 1 inch and 2 inch PANNEL and .COMMON PLANKS. • - White PINE and ITENLOCE SCANTLING and JOISTS 1 inch and k inch CHERRY BOARDS, PLANKS and TABLE. LEGS. • • Alva, 1 inch and inch POPLAR BOARDS ; PLANKS and SCANTLING. Such as ASH and WHITE OAK SOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTING. SHINGLES, SHINGLES, SHING LES A great assortment of good PINE and IlEsmo SHINGLES. Also, Roorrs'o and PLASTERING Lints. Also, RAILS, POSTS, and ready topped PATLINGS for fencing. - Flooring Boards, Boors and Window &eli,. , Of which they positively have the largest and best assortment .ever offered in this section of country. _ _ . They keep constantly on:batui the best quality of Brae'', Stone and Limeburnere COAL. Also, the beit quality of Holliday:burg Smith. Coal, which . iro sold at reduced priors. Having now' on hand much .the largest and eompletest assortment of Lumber over ofretted to the public in Lebanon ' they feel confident of being able satisfactorily to accommodate all pur chasers, and would, therefore, invite an examina tion of their stock before purchasing elsewhere. REIMEHLS' North Lebanon Borough, Sept..l7, ISS6. NEW FIRM. RABER & BROS. GEO anzalt! at the well-known and Fashionable, Clothing Store of RARER A A BTHREE -DOORS 13 WEST OF THE E COURT HOUSE. E • RARER. THE Proprietors of this establishment respect fully announce to the public, that they have now ready the largest, cheapest and best: assort,' men t of Spring and Summer Ready-made Cm:mu t:go ever before offered in Lebanon. Their stock embraces the latest style of garments adapted to the season viz:—Danss COATS; Find - Medic Cloth Frock and Dress Coats. BUSINESS COATS; Black, Brown, Green, Gray, Olive and Fancy Cloth Sin gle-Breast, Frock and Sack Coats. Suacac n a Coats, Of , all kinds and prices. PANTALOONS; fine Black Cloth and. Dre Skin, Fancy Cassimere, Satinet; Joan and Corduroy Pants. VESTS . ; IThk satin, fancy silk, Marsailles, of all colors, Cash mere, Valencia, Satinet, Worsted and Cliith Vests. ALso, on hand an assortment of Woolen and Cotton. Undershirts and Drawers, White and Fig ured Skirts, Collars,- Cravats, Pocket Ilandker-. chiefs, Suspenders, Fancy Stocks,. Gloves, Hosie ry, Coat Links, &c.. • Returning thanks Tor past favors, they respect fully ask a continuance of public' patronage. /ars The TA/LORING BUSINESS in all its branch es' is continued as heretofore. April 22, 1356. DAVID ROFFBIAN LOOKING GLASSES. G. Tit Delvees, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Manufacturer of " Ornamental and Plain Guilt Looking Glass es, Portrait and Picture Frames of every style; a large stock of the obovo always on hand, which I will sell 15 per eent..less than any other establishment in the city. tau_ PAINTINGS inn Excitivirras, &e. Old work reguilted;" &e. A liberal discount _to the G. W. DEWEES. 454 North 24 area t, below Race, west aide 29,1957.-6 m. Philada., Old No. 102 LUMBER. LUMBER. NEARLY 2,000,000 FEET ! OF the best and cheapest assortment of LUMOISR orer offered to the public, at the new aucl ex tensive - LUMBER AND COAL YARD of PHILIP BRECHBILL, in the Borough of North Lebanon, on the bank of the Union Canal, at the head or Walnut street, a few squares North of the now Steam Mill, and one square east of Borgner's Hotel. llls assortment consists of the best well seasoned White, Yellow, Norway, Ping-.°c Hemlock Boards; Cherry, Poplar ' and Pine Boards. and 2 inch Pannel and Common Plank; White Pine and Hemlock Scantling. and Joists; White Oak Boards, Plank and Scantling; inch Poplar Boards, Planks Scantling. SHINGLES ! SHINGLES 1 1 The best Pinerando Hemlock Shingles; Also, Roofing and Plastering Laths; Chestnut Rails and Posts, and Pailings fee fences and fencing Boards; FLOORING BOARDS of all sizes L• descriptions. COA ! COAL!! - COAL! ! The largest stock of Broken, Stove, Limehurn erequid *Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, at the lowest ARIP - Ounfident that helms the largest and best assortment of Lunnen of all descriptions and siz es, :Avon as thelargest stock of the different kinds of COAL, ever offered to the citizens of. Lebanon county, ho ventures to say that he can accommo date all purchasers satisfactorily, and would there fore invite all who want anything in his line, to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. PHILIP BM:CH - BILL. North Lebanon Borough, July 22, '57: 114wmaii, .111aiter "ifc:flatppls Lumber and Coal. JOHN 11. AVITMETER Lebanon, June 24, .1.85 Z, A HOME FOR ALL ! G'~ ~ M C '6 ~~~d The Largest; Best and Cheapest ASSORTNENT OF LIIIIIIIINK AND COAL over offered heretofore to the public, AT THE OLD YARD IN HARD WOOD, COAL! COAL ! I COAL!! ! .ri!E u LIRICILE r.IRD. 7; 5 7 5 1 . 7 • o c r a ' 65 9, trc, 0 a• 1-.. z 0 gr.F. E 2 , EIT " ;:7; g 1 -5 A1` .8 ` 5 2 0 2 Cr 4 The public are invited - 1c call at his NEW 'STAND IN MAR KET ' 81%, one square north of Union Hall, Lebanon, Pa., where he will attend personally to all who will favor him with their patronage. He would also return his sincere thanks for the liberal' patronage afforded him since opening in bnbincss, and feeling the more encouraged by the interest manifested in his behalf by the public, he enters upon a new season - with"renewed energy, despatching business With apromptnesslieceining an honest meehanic. • =Ttl'7llB liccisonable. Call" and Examine. J. E% DAUGHERTY. Lebanon, April 3, 1357. P. S.—Also, a number of select Limestone Door Sills, for the aeachninrklation of building men and contractors, who would do well to call and exam ine. . J. E. D. RE/1101 7 AL. Lebanon Marble Yard. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public in general that he is prepared to du all kinds of FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL work at his Marble Yard, in Walnut street, half way between the Court House and Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, at the shortest notice, as good as work done in any city in the United States, and being the only Stone Cutter in Lebanon county who has served a regular apprenticeship to the business, he pledges himself that home manure? ture cheaper, and giro a better 'finish than any other man engaged in the same business. His stock consists of Monuments, Grave Stones, Mantels, Cemetery Posts; Furniture Slabs, &e. Also, SANDSTONE of the best quality for all uses, plain and ornamental.. A large assortment of LIME STONE for all.- kinds of housework, of any size and quantity. - -9:irl9eose call - and - examine prices and the stock before you purchase'elsewhere. - JOHN FARRELL. Lebanon, December 19, 1855. N. B.—LETTERING done in German and English, by the bestgractical workmen. Rethoval To No. 4 5 Eagle :Building's. • A. RISE7S Fashionable -Hat and cap Store, Market Square, Lebanon, Pa. THE undersigned hereby informs his friends and the public in generalfthat he is now, and will be always, fully prepared to supply his cus tomers With goods in his line Wholesale anti 're tail, at the shortest notice, and upon the most ac commodating terms. His stock consists of Bea ver, 'Nutria, Russia,assituere Moleskin, Silk, Soft Hats, &e., which he will dispose of at , the lowest prices. All his Hats are manufactured un der his own immodiate ,, stiperintendance and ho feels warranted in-saying, that for durability and finish they cannot be surpassed. Countrymier chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in bets and caps, can ho supplied at wholesale prices, from one to a dozen, such sizes as they may want. N. 13.—Pos, Mink, .Muskrat, and Rabbit, Skins wanted, for which,' . the 'highest market prices will be paid. ELdb., Feb. 6,1556. REMOVAL Of J. M. Good Book Store. THE undersigned, haiing'removed his New and Cheap Book Store, to Market square; 2 doors north of Dr. GUILFORD'S New Building, Market et., where he will be pleased to see all of his old friends,-aud those desirious of having articles in his line. With a determination of selling cheap, .or thun,can be purchased elsewhere, he would re speetftilly call the attention of the public to his assortment of Bibles; Hyrnn•and Prayer Nooks, Mist cellaneous, Blank einil Sdtool Books, Wall and Window Paper, Stationery, and every article in his line of busi nesi. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for 1557. All the Magazines and Newspapers, both daily and weekly, to be had at Pliblishes rates. All orders for articles in his line carefully and promptly attended to, by the underiigncd. Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1857. J. M. GOOD. . 11101VEIVS LIQUID IAIR DYE. T ins HAIR DYE needs only a trial to satisfy .1 all of its perfection as a Dye, and the follow him testimonial from that eminent Analytic Cheinist, Professor _Booth, of the U. S. Mint, will only • confirm. what thousands • hang previously borne testimony to. "Laboratory for Practical Chemistry, Si. STEPHEN'S PUCE, Philadelphia, February 1:7111, 1857. "Being well acquainted with the substances composing HOuer's Liquid flair Dye, I am sa tis lied that by following the simple directions given. for it will not injure thel{air or Skin, but will give a 17 CaiWal and durable color to the hair. JAMES C. 'BOOTH, Analytic Chemist." HOVER'S WRITING INKS, including Hover's Fluid, and Mover's Indelible Inks, are too well known and - introduced to require any additional testimony of their character. The sales have been increasing since their first introduction, giv ing evidence that the articles truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at first for them by . The Manufacturer. Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RACE street above FOURTH, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia,..rvill receive prompt attention by JOSEPH E...IIOVER, April 15) 4 .1857A y.] . . Manufacturer. CANCER INSTITUTE , Witten?. the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Ulcers, - Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases, generally, can be cured (if curable) without surgical operation or poison. For particulars, write, state diseas es plainly, and enclose twenty-five cents for advice.. All letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pro-pay answer. Medicine eau be sent any distance. Address C. L. ItELLING, M. D., Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co. Pa. AIGEt- Mechanicsburg Is 8 miles from IlarrisCurg, on the C. Y. It: and accessible from all parts of the Union. Old nud young.poor and rich,come will do you good. To those afflicted, who cannot visit me personally, I will send, per mail, on receipt of $5.00 only, a *Recipe to prepare medicine, with full directions for use,itc.. State all particulars. Address as above. PRATT & BUTCHER'S ill G it'C OIL 1 000 DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for any,medicine that will excell tigk, for the foll6wing diseases, viz ;. 7 .;*. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affectionso Contracted Joints, Cholla Faixis, - Pains in th t, .. Side or Back, Headache, ..Tealtache, Sprains;,‘ Sore Throat, Cuts ' Bruises ) Buips;. ; ,,:and dis eases of the Skin, Muscles, and the4lands. `None genuine without,the sfgriaturecOfyrait & Butcher attached to each label.-. For For sale Wholesale and RetaiV a t Guilford, b Lernberger's Drugstore, Tmbauon: [June 3,'57.13r. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!! TAKE NOTICE! .THAT the Locomotive will, soon Pass through 1 Lebanon ' and as Barns and'lleuses will bo in danger from ,Fire thereof, James IV,Rogers Begs leavis to inform the inhabitants of Lebanon and vicinity, that he will Cover Barns and Houses with Tin, at; the shortest notice. Also, thankful for the patronage he has receiv ed, he embraces this oppoitunity of informing the public generally, that he has on hand, TIN WARE: from a tett spoon to a boiler of any size; all kinds o COAL STOVES of thb "most improved patterns. pflf- Also, JOB BING, SPOUTING, .dse.,; done at the shortest no tiee and on reasonable terms. His place of busi ness is in Market street, two, doors south of the Lebanon Bank. JAMES N. R9,,,,G8A8, N. B.—The highest market prices paid for Oan Correa, LEAD and Pawrna, or taken in ex, change for. work .or ware. [Lab., may la, - The Cheapest Sofas Are cold by TERTDOKE (YVES =I Boots„ Shoes,Mals, Caps, Trunks, 4c. THE subscribers respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity to an examination of their new stock of goods just re ceived from Philadelphia. They have a general assortment of the latest styles of all kinds of "Thum-Made and City Work, • and also make to order, at short notice, any ar4 tiek in their line that may be wanted. AO' Don't forget that the store has been -re moved from the old location, to "Phreaner's'Dla Puilding," noxVdoer to the Washington 'House, Cumberland street, south side. They tender their thanks to their old custom ers, and solicit a continuance of their favors, and trust that a great many new ones will cheer them with their patronage. -They - intend'uOt to be beat in selling ehenViiitieled their line. •Leb., apr. 22,1857.] J. & G. GASSER. r., U 0 MI V rj ad ❑ c.; 2 4 ' 8 42 .., m . •. , I= ' 413- er , o .... CS ° '' rA\ TKINS & MeADAlod have just received a rialik new stook of Boots, - Shoes, Trunks and Travelling bags. p - ^ o co o bgt O 0 63 BOOT & SHCE STORE. Jacob Rea“le ) IQIESPECTPTILLY informs the public that he .CL still continues his extensive establishment in his new building, in Cumberland street, where ho hopes to render the same satisfaction:as-hereto fore twat who may favor him with their custom. it . ° invites Merchants and dealers in 'Boots and Shoes, and every one who wishes to purchase. fashiena hie and (hirable articles inlia r litM;td*Oitlrand ex amine for themselves, his large:a:Ad:varied stock. He is determined to surpass all conipetition in the martufacture , 3f every article in his business, 'suitable for any market in the Union. A due care' is taken in regard to materiallsand workman ship; none but the : best quality of. Leather and other materials are' used, and none but the best - workmen are employed. P. B.—He returns his sincere thanks Ao'his friends far - the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. Ile hopes by strict attention to business and endeavoring to please his custo mers, to merit a share of public patronage. Lebanon, Oct. 17, 1856. MkTKINS do McADAM are ready to ready to accommodate everybody with Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Traveling bags. BOOT & SHOE STORE. lAscniel Graelf; wrrn many thanks to my patrons for their patronage thus far bestowed; and the determination to merit a continuation of the same, I am now . ready, Ladies and Gentlemen, (having disposed4fltly winter stock,l to offer you a well selected Spring and summer stock. Come and see and . judge for yourselves. . I will tell you the place, and you ue'er will forgot, Wben you once behold (inters beautiful dt Of Gaiters, Bootes or Buskins which greet - With n graceful appearanceon the Ladies' feet. Illy place May be round on Cumberland street, Whero each of my friends I welcomely greet, 'Tis Lore may be found all patterns!welPnlede Got up in toll style for the opening Spring trade. Come gentleinen;yon that'wunta good boat, I have got a Spring fashion that surely will suit, ' If a Caller a Hip of good•mechanical skill,. Just give me a cull I'll fit you at will. Ladies and Gentlemen, I also , your attention to my well se lected stock of Summer Shoes, comprising 5 or 6 different kinds, which I will dispose of at reasons.. ble prices, under a good insurance of excellent make. N. B.—Travolers now is your time, if you wish to see a large assortment of Trunke, - Valises, and different kinds of Bags. Come one, come all. march 25, 1857. I R\ TKINS has just returned from the city with Oirit his neil stock of Doots, Shoes / Trunks and Tra-tding bags. Philip H. Miceaully, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker ON Cumberland street, One door Bask of the V Black Horse Hotel. The subscriber desires to in form the - public that hcbas open- 44 0e1 cd as above, where he is prepar ed to execute orders for Boots and Shoes of-the finest finish and style, anil equal, if not superior, to any.. heretofore'' offered to . the public. • , [may 27,1857, ADAM RISE r\La THINS ..t; ticADAIII have a splendid assort (-11 merit of Boots, Rees, Trunks and Travel• ing bags. NEW F. U It NI T [l, ft E STORE! Dundore oves 1 AVE just opened the finest, 1 argest and cheapest assortment of Furniture ever offer ed in Imbanon. Their store is in Cumberland street, between Market and Plank-road. Their stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common'Turniturc, which they will sell lower than can he bought in !Lebanon. 'All they ask is of persons in want of Furniture to give them a before purchasing. They have on band a large assortment of Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, Loung,e%,. Centre, Pier, Card and other Tables, What Nets, Hat Racks, Ac. A large and cheap stock of Stuffed, Cane-scat, and common Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads, and a lot of Cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses, —Gilt, Itese'wood and Mahogany—vcry cheap. Vcomtiau Blinds ; Carriages, Gigs and Hobby horses, for children ; and a large stock; too-nu merous to mention. Particular attention paid to UNDERTAKING. We have proVided ourselves with the FINEST HEARSE IN LEBANON, and Will manufacture Coffins and attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. April 29, 1857. DUNDOItE A OYES. ' YOU WONT A blzeap Looking Glass, Gilt, Rosewood or Mahogany. or Veil itiall Blinds, GO ro DUNDORE & OVES. or, THE Forger Convicted, a) JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, mioWho has had 10 years' oxperienceas a Bank %4oo/ er and Publisher, and Author of 1:) A series of Lectures at. the Broad . 1.......1 way Tabernacle, b....i e..., . when, for 10 successive nights, over ' e o ; (1.:'7 - 60,000 People r• - .* Greeted him with rounds of Applause, while p he exhibited the manner-in which eoun terfeiMrs execute their Frauds, and 1 the surest and shortest means of Detecting, them @ The - Band Note'Engravers all say gi: that he is the greatest judge of pa -1 per money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OP the Present Century for eillN Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. s" Describing every Genuine Bill in existence, OW • 0.0 and exhibiting at a glance every Conn , terfeit in Circulation!! " Arranged so admirably, that I, cift: . lteference is Easy and 1 " : ".. - Alits , - - Detection Instantaneous. '„ en*?? , ±';No index to examine ! 7„,ig -- No pages to hunt up l ,w,_. ' But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business man can . ..,,, . See all at a Glance. 0 _ . . • English, French and German. @ Thus each may. read the same in his ) 1 . own - Native Tongue. . ~ , . i.„„iiNfost Perfect Bank Note List runlasHED. : ~....,. Also a : list of .lAll the Private Bankers in America. (=A Complete summary of the Finance of En ineope and America will be published in each a edition i together with all the important News of the Day. n - Also, A Series of Tales, 10 10 From an old manuscript found in the East. IV " It furnishes -the most complete History of )"" "O riental life CD Describing the most perplexing positions Cn in which the ladies and gentlemen of that country have been so often found. These stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will proVe the most entertaining ct) ever offered to the, public. rp "ft.. Furnished Weekly to subscribers on ly, at $1 a year. All letters must be ad- P.MIOII dressed to JOHN S. DYE, Brokei. 't" ..... Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall street, , April. 22- 1857.. : New -York. DUND ORE k OVER are selling the cheapest Stated, Cane Seat and Common Chairs. GEORGE GASSER THE CENTRAL 25 Witnesses. D.S. RABER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Corner of Cumberland st., and Doc alloy, few doors west from Greemtwalt's Hardware Store. Lebanon, Penna. DRUGS, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, 111 6 PAINTS, CIiEMICALS, • - DYE-STUFFS. THE undersigned liming just received a large and well-selected stock of unadulterated Eng lish, French, 'and American Dings, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Perfumery, Dye-stuffs, Varnish, Turpentine, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Glassware, Brushes, Hair Oils, Toi let Soaps, Segars,•Tareco and a variety of Fancy articles too nitinerous to mention. Dye -Stuffs Bengal Indigo, Dogwood, Madder, 'Tuinerie, Annato, Ext. Dogwood, Cochineal, Ccipperas,4s e. Sime's genuine Cod-LiveiCil.'llit. of Dande lion, Medicinal' Wines, Brandy, &c., sold only for MedicinaPpurposes at D. S. labor's Drug Store, Lebanon; a., P el Tr . For y se. Cox's Patent Refined Gelatine, French Gelatine, ice Flour, Hecker's Farina, Corn Starch, Flavor iudExtracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Rose, Orange,Ban- E na, Celery, dm., also all kinds of Spices, a Ad cheap at Raber's Drug:Store. Trusses! Trusss 'aj4ll - 7-- ‘•--- f)' '4. large assortment of the most improved styles or American and French' Trusses, .varying in ices froniso cents to $5. Also Hood's Ahdom;.. Supporters, Vanhorn's Uteri Abdominal Sup paters, Vanhorn's'der-Braces, 4.bc., sold e'leap at D. S. Itabei's 'Drug Store: ' For Horses'atal'Cattle. Doct. Phreaner's Yellow Water powder, Con dition powder, Heave powder, Heiniteh's Grman eget - able Horse powder, Doet..l. Worley's Horse od Cattle powder, Leader & Co.'s Horse and cattle powder, Idorphant's Gargling Oil, Horse man's Hopc,,Hendrold's Liniment, &0., Sitkonifier, or Concentrated Lye. Warranted- to make Soap without Lime and with little or' no trouble. One box of Saponifier costing only Ist bents will make 9 pounds of Hard Soap, or .15 gallons* Soft Soap. Sold at D. S. Raber's . Drii , Store. , Wofts, Worms J. Gerhard's. Infallible Worm pe k trtiyin g Syr up, Fahnestock's, Gallagher's, and. Dr. Jayne's "Vermifuge, .mac., also Holloway's Vegetable Ver- TaifugeConfections, a safe and effectual remedy for 'Worms. This is a' delighful preparation of sugar, that any chihriiill eat withpleasiffe. Ask for Holloway's--as`none other aro genuine. . Sold at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. All the popular Patent medicines, sold at - ' D. S..RAlltit'S Cheap Drug Store, Cumberland st., a few doors from. Greenawalt's Hardware Store. July-13,1856. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. DIAIII:IAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM YOUN%. MARRIAGE GUIDE by'Dr. W3l. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. W.M. YOUNG. 'MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. you Na. RRIAGE GU/DE by'Dr. WM. YOUNG. 'MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE. by Dr: W3f. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. 'MAR RPAGE ,GUIDE by'Dr. W3I. YOUNG. SIAtiIGtIAGE GUIDE by Dr. W3l. YOUNG. 'MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr: .WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr„WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE. GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GII7DE.---YOUNG'S GREAT ..pursro- LOGICAL WORK, The Pocket Esoulapius, or Every One Iris Own Doctor, by War. Yousto, M. D, lt is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of. One Hundred Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least imprd iinent to Married life, should read this book. It dbtaloses secrets that every, one should be acquainted with. Still, it is a Adak that must be kept locked up, and -not lie-about the house. It will be sent to Imp. one on the receipt of twentrille'eents. Addrcs Dr. {►M. TOTING, 152 SPRUCE street, ;there Fourth Philadelphia._ ; [January 7,1857.—1 y oss.Drug.Store Opposite the Court :Muse, Lebanon,. Pa. Ross ,t.frers to buyers - the best berg:lll4in 1.1 drugs, in Lebanon; a long and varied , expe; , rienee, of over twenty years, in the drug and medical science, enables hint. to do up things in the first style. Purchasers will ,please make a note of thesela:ets. Magnetw Sugar, the Permanent Cure of Neu lgin, St. Vitus' - Dance,' and all Cher Nervous diseases, - sold by Ross. Electuary, certain cure for the Piles. r.lgarshisi's Uterine Cathol m, ,For the cure of all fem. dis. or. IL 11. Higbee's Remedy, n• the cure of 'Coughs, Colds _ RestoratiVe, For promoting the growth of hair, always to be had at the principal drug depot of Dr. Ross. Henry's Invigorating Cordial, The best tonic in use for strengthening the hu man' system, sold:only by Dr. Ross. Dr. Ilasting:'s Syrup, of Naphtha_ Is fast superseding all other medicines for the cure of Consumption and Bronchitis. Dr. Ross, solo agent. Allen's Razor Powder, For Razor Straps. Pure Ohio Catawba Brinitly—a pure and safe article for medical use, to be had at Dr. Ross'. Allan's Liniment, for Rheumatism. Ilfrs. Hail Restorative is an un failing restorer of the hair, It is Aaking the lead of all other remedies for the hair. No toilet is perfect without mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative. Call . at Dr. Ross' Drug Store for mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative. See adv. in another col. Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges Are as sweet as sugar anti a certain cure for Worms. Dr. Ross' Infant Drops, Pm ....awful restlessness, colic imins,. &e., 'of children. Sold only at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Cough Cured for Twenty-five Cents. Dr. Physlok's Cough Syrup is the cheapest and bestromedy for Coughs,Colds,&c. Call atDr.Ross'. Dr. Ross' Horse Powder Is the best Horse Powder in use Dr. Ross' Cattle Powder Is fast taking 'thespian Wr all other Cattle Powders Dr, Ross' Horse Liniment, For the cure of Old Strains, Swellings, Bruises, 35e. Sold only by Dr. Ross. Dr. Ross' Eye Rohe, For thv cure of sore, weak or inflamed eyes. In dividuals who have been afflicted with diseases of the eyes, for months and years, have been entire ly cured by the use of Dr. Ross' Eye Salve. Fresh Garden Seeds In groat variety at Dr. Ross' Drug Store Dr. Ross' Teller Ointment Persons afflicted with totter, ringworm,' rious other skin diseases, will find miens efficient medicines for their cure nt Dr. Ross' Drug Store, Dr. Ross' Tootle Wash Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and Gums. It whitens, cleans and preserve the teeth, and hardens the gums. It prevents and cures Scurvy. .Try it, by all means, if you value a sweet breath and iyiaito teeth. Ask for Dr. Rose Tooth Wash. Heyl's Embrocation for Horses Has no superior for the cure of swellings, bruises, galls produced by the collar or saddle, scratches ) old or fresh wounds, Ask forHeyl's Embrocation. Trusses. Dr. Ross bas a variety of Trusses—for infants, children or grown people. Unless a Truss fits, it, is worse than useless—it-will do harm. He has had an_experience of over.lB years in this branch of surgery, and adjusts every Truss bought of him. 15 Gallons of Soap for 19 Cents. (Maims. of Saponifier, costing 19 cents, will make 9 pounds of hard soap, or 15 gallons of soft soap, without any trouble., Full diroctoni given. Sold at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. [April 8, 1857. Preserve your Teeth. GIIILFORD LEMBRRGER prepare an arti cle, Pearl Dentrifive, the linestTooth powder, that can ho used, having a most delightful odor and pleassuit taste, polishes and preserves the teeth,• to which it gives a pearl-like whiteness, imparting a most delightful fragrance to the breath, restores the gums and preserves them in full health and vigor. Prepared and sold only, at GUILFORD .1c LEMBERGER'S New Drug Store, Market st. January 7, 1857. . Important Discovery. CO'NSUMPTION AND ALL Diselr:set'of the Lungs and Throat Ali F. POSITIVAY BY INHALATION I! I CURABLE which conveys the Remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the al, passages, and coming in direct contact With the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a ft:o6lmA 'bail expectoration. heels the lungs, .fflfrifies the blood, imparts renewed vitalityle the bar yons system, giving that tone and energy so indispensa ble for the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhale:lien, 'is Mine a scarce of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much 'tinder thatontrel of 'Medical treatment as any other formidable disease ; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first SWIMS, and fifty percent' in The second; but in the third stage it is imposSible to save more than five per cent„, kir the lungs arc se cut up by the disease as to Aely - tnetlical skill. Even, however, in the last stages; inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the stiffening attending this fearful scourge, which an totally destroys ninety-fire,tfilinsand - Dnfrons in the It nited States alone ; and u correct call:dation shonslhat of the present population of the earth, eighty :rations 'ire destined to 1111 the Consumptive's grave. Truly, the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption.. In all ages it has been the great enemy - txf life, forit sparesneither age nor sex, but sweeps off 'alike the brave, the beautiful; the graceful, and the gift ed. By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom conteth every good and perfect gift,.l am` enabled to Offer to the afflicted a permanent and 'Weedy cure in Con sumption. The first cause of tubercles is front Impure Blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their dello thltiOn in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then; surely, it is more ra tional to expect greater good frOm nusildues entering the cavities of the lungs, than front those administered through the stomach ; the patient will alanys find the lungs,fred and thahrnathing.easAltfter inhaling reme dies, True, inhalation is a toil remedy, nevertheless, it acts constitutionally, and with More pon - er. and cer tainty than remedienadministefed by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mod-1; •ef administration, chloreforM;lnlialeil will destroy sensibil ity in a few minutea,:parel3,:zing the entire nervous sys teM, SO that a IlaTfranstYlinunioutntanfitliont the slight est,pain; inhaling this ordinary burning gas will destroy life in IL fen hours. -The inhalation of ammoulawill rouse the syStem when fainting or apparently dead.. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin, a few moments' af ter being inhaled, and-may be immediately deteaed in the. blood. A •eliptineing proof of the constitutional ef fects of inhibition, is the fact that sickness is always pro duttil' by breathing foul Air. Is not this positive eat "dence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and- j4nit= cloudy administered-through the lungs, slicialeproduce the most happy results During eighteen years' prac tice, many thousands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have tAn under my care, and I hare effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers liad been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat isfies me that Consumptionis no longer a fataltliSease.— , My treatment of Consumption is and founded on long experience and -a thorough inveitigatidh. My perfect acqueintaxmc-Wfth the Miture Of : tubercles, enables me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case.— This familiarity, in connection with certain pathological and -microscopic discoveries, enables lime to relieve the-Pangs front the &gads of Contracted chests; to en large theehest, purify the blood, impart to 'trent:wed vi 'fality giving energy and tone to theentire system. Medicines, with full directions, sent to any part of the United States and ennadaa, by 'patients colitinunicating their symptoms itrlett4r. Ent the cure would be mere certain if the patient should -pay - me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater tertitinty ; and then the cure couldhe effected without my seeing the patient again. • G. W. G - 11, — Ar-Awi, N. D., Office s 1131 Filbert .st., (old No-,100,) below 12th, :1 3 111LADELPITIA, tily 8, 1857—Mareh 18, 1851. READ THE ADVERTISEMENT in another column, benilud "Helmbold's annuinc Prcimra tion." It interests the Mujority: 211:DICAL DOUSt:.—hsiabinhed X - twenty two years ago by Dr. KINKELIN, corner of Third and Union streets Philadelphia, Pa., TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has rendered Dr. IL a most ouceessful practitioner hi the cure of all diseases of a private nature, manhood's debility. as an impetlinicia to marriage; ner vous and sexual infirmities, diseases of the skin, and those arising from abuse of mercury. - • TAKI , I PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is an evil habit semet - Imes indulged iehy . boys. in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood, and which. if not reformed iu due time, not only begets serious obstaelts to matrimonial happlttbss, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of those who ere way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequence-;' until they find the ner vous system shattered,.reel strange and unaccountable sensations, and vague fears in the mind. [Seepages, 2 . 4 28, 29,11f,Dr. K.... 0 a book on "Self-Preservation:l ne unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is ena ble to labor With accustomed' vier. or , to 'apply his mind to study • his step is tartlyted weak ; he is dull. irresolute, andengages even*in his sports with less etn than usual. e • Übe emancipate himself before the practice qias'ilane its worst, and enter matrimony, his Merit:4,4is unfruit ful, and Otis sense tells him that this is roused by his early Tellies. These are considerations which should awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated. -. It Emit ER, Ile who places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S treat ment, may religiously confident his honor as a gentle man. and rely upon the •dssurance, that the secrete of Dr. R.'s patients will'Er*er be disclosed. Ything man--lht no false modesty deter you from naak ing,your case, known to one, who, from education and respectability; can-certainly befriend you. ..1W - Dr. RINKELIN'S residence has-been for the last TWENTY TEARS at the N. W. Corner of TIMID AND UNION streets, Philadelphia, l'a. • . DAT.TI,I_NTS AT A DISTANCE Can bare (by stating their case explicitly, together with all their, symntoms, per letter, enclosing a remit tance) Dr. K..'s medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part of the United States. and park• ed secure from DAILVDE or CURIOSITY, by )1W! orEa press. __ _ READ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD!! 4. VIGOROUS ;APR OR AL PREMATURE MATTI, KINKRLIN ON SELF•PRESERVATION—ONLI" 25 CE'ITS. Letters containing that Value In stamps, lvt'Vosnre a copy, per return of mail. - GRATIS I GRATIS! I. GRATIS i! I A Free GIFT To All. MISERY RELIEVED! - - - - "Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, full of valuable advice and impressive 'warning, alike calculat ed to prevent years of misery, and save raeus.tkos of lives, is distributed without charge, and forwarded b•y mail, prepaid to any Post Mice itt the Gaited states, ua receiving an order ettelosiug two postage stamps. July 15, NEW YORK, ADVERTISEMENTS. }TM(. ALBERT - O. RICHARDSON'B Anti Using aiid Correspoodenettdaet, SVO Broad , . way, New York. a Oren" and Important _Dis . • covery in the Science of .Medicine. STENT OFFIOF SF IL OP GREAT DIPLO ME de 1:eom.l de PILIIt3IACIE rxrAnnAcrnx de PARIS and 13IPEOIAL , :tOLLEGE of Vi enna.• Sold wholesale 'and retail by Dr. H. A. Barrow, member of the Imp'l College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeons, Londoh, ' , AO may be personally consulted at his residence, 1:..7 Prince street, few:blocks west of Broadway, New York, from 11 A. M. till 2 P. AI and from .1' till S P. id. (Sundays excepted, unless by appointment.) Triesemar No. • DI a remedy for Reltxutiun, Spermatorrhrea, andall the distressing consequences arising from early abuse, hulls. criminate excesses, or toolong residence in hot climates. It has restored:bodily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood; and •whaiever may be the cause or disqualifications for marriage, they are effectu ally subdued. Triesernar No, 2, Completely ttild entirely eradidates all traces of Goner hma, both in its wild and aggravated forms, (Beets, Stric tures, Irritation of the Bladder, Non-retention of the Urine, Pains of the Loins and Eidneys,nnd those disor ders for which Copativi and Cubebs have so lops been thought an antidote. Triesemar No. 3, is the great Continental REMEDV for Siphilis and Sewn `dary symptoms. It also tobstitutes, certain- cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all cutaneous Eruptions, rexifoving and expelling in its course all impurities, from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus.of disease, and expel it by insensible perspiration thrinigli' the me than of the pores of the skin and urine. It is a never filling remedy for that class of disorders which English Physicians treat with Mercy the in evitable destruction of tee patient's constitution, and whielball the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. ' TlisesesiAn No.I, 2 and 3, are prepared in the fortn of a lozenge, devoid of taste or amell, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. &Id en tin eases; and divided in separate doses as administered by Valpeau, Leaman, Itoux, Ricord, So., &O. Price $3 each, or four oases in one for $9, which saves $3„ and in -$27 cases, whereby there is a saving of $9. No ne are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals of the Patent Office of England, the seals of the Ecole de Pharmacia de Paris, and.the Trapezial College of Vienna, are Obeli upon each wrapper, and around case.— Imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the law. Epecial arrangements. enable Dr. Barrow to forward immediately. on receiving a remittance, the $9 -and lar ger size 'eases of Trieseniar free of carriage, to a - expert of the world, securely packed and properly addresied; thus insuring genuine European preparations and protecting the public from spurious and pernicious imitations. ' Attendance and Consultation from 11 a. m. till 2 p: and from 4 till Bin the evening. I.s7,Prhme street,. afew blocks west of Broadway, New - York. May 5,1557-Iy. • Cristatiora's Hair Dye! Within a nutshell all the merits He, Of Oristadoro's never-equalled Dye ; Red it makes black, to brown tratisforins a gry, And keeps the fibres always from decay. 4, EIS matchless, re-sitalizing Hair bye, still holds its I- position as the most harmless and efficacious . Hair Dye in TILE WORLD. "'reposed and sold, wholes/de and retail, and applied in ten private soems, at Dinar"- Bono's, No. 6 Astor House, : , 'Broadway,- New * York, and by all Druggists and'Perfumers in the United• States. , Jan. 14, .Agent—George 11. Keyser, 140 Woes" et., Pittebur; Pa. Helmbold's Genuine Preparation Highly Concentrated Compounid Plain Extract ,Buchu. For diseases of the Dladder, - Widneya ' Gravel, Dropsy, Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret diseases, Fo• male Complaints, and all diseases of ,the Sexual Organs,. Arising from Excesses and Ireprudencies in life, and ro moving all - Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kid. ueys, or sexual Organs, whether existing in Male or'Fetnale, From whatiiei Caut:e tliey may have originated, And no blotter of 'BOW- Long Sta g•, . Giving health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pallid Meek. M=M3U:ltl= It cures Nervous and DeNlAtatediSufferers. and removed nil the symptoiffs, among- whielf , mlll be found Indisposition , to Bxertion, LOSS Of Power, Loss of 'Memory, " Difficulty of Breathing, Goa t - era' 'Weakness, Donor of N 0.,, eake,•Weltk'Nerves, Tremblint; ••• • ful Ilorrorof Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, • "Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision. Languor, Univer- „ sal Lassitude of the illusealar System,. often Enormetir Appetite, With Dyspeptic symptoms, Ilot•lfftnds, Fluthness of the Body, Dryness of the skin, PLllid Countenance nod Ernptions.un ' the.Faee, Pain in the Back. Ilea .vineSs of the - Eyelids, Pre- - Khr4tillY spots the Eyes . with Temporary .suffusion ; and Loss of sight; duke. Attention, Greet Mobility, Restlessness, with llortur of Society. Nothing is More desirable to such pa. ticuts than solitude, and Nothing they more , Dread for Fear of Themselves no Ito• pose of manner, do earnestness, no Speculation. hut. S. Inirrieil transition from - question lean- other. These.syin Omits if allowed to go on—which r this meci icine invariablyremovoon {allows Powel. ; Fatuity; and EPILEPtit:FITS—in one of which the pa tient may expire. can say that these excesses arc Inot frequently followed by those direful diseases—AN. SANITY AND CON*IDIPTION ? The records of the In sane Asylum=, and the melancholy deaths by Cos:sump bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Aayl anis tha most tnelauclioly exhibition Sir pears. The Countemnam' is actually sodden and quite destitute—neither ylirthor Grief ever visits it;. should -a - Sound of thp‘ibiee occur. it Is rarely articulate. - - With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen rounds his grief beguiled: , Debility is most terrible and has brought thousands upon thousand to untimely graves. thus blasting thettici : bition many'liobleyoutbs. Issue be cured by theta() of this lA - RAI.'" tRLE .ERNTRDY if you*are sufferintrnith ..ny of the above distressing ailments. the FLUID - .EXTRACT iii:Clll3 will cure you. , I Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. Ileware of Quack Nostrums and Quack Doctorit, who falsely boast 'of abilities and referanqe. * Chizens know anti avoid them, and save long snaring, Money, and Exposure, bykending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and spectit ellemedy. It allays all pain and intlammation,ls perttmtly plcaS nut in its tnstc and odor, but immediate In Its action. Velmbold's ExtraCt 13uChu :Is prepared directly according to the Itolee of Pharmacy and Cteluistry, with the.greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. See Profess& pewees' Valuable Works on the practice of Physic, and most of the late slander,' tVorksof Medic:We. C(r. aiWd11 1 611 , 4119 One hundred dollars will be paid to any Physician who eon proire that the medicine ever injured a patient; and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does Brett good. Cases of from one week to thir teen years standing have been effected. The mass of Voluntary Testimony in possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers. is immense, embracing names well known to SCLENET'AND FAmE, 100,000 Bottles Have Boon. 'Ohl and not a single instance of a failure has beenreportedt Personally appeared before me. an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, IL. T_ 11EL3IDOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn does ray, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Alert:my, or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. IL T. II L 3IBOLD. sole manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before we this ?Al day of. lifita her, 1554. W3I. P. 11_I11BAltD, Alderman. •Price $1 per Bottle, or six for $5, De livered to any Address, Accompanied by reliable and mspansible Certificates f oih Irefes.9ers of Medical Colleg a Clergymen and' others_ Prepared and sold by ]l. T. HELM BOLD, Practical and Arialytkul Chemist. No. 52 South Tenth St. below .Chestnut, Assembly Buildings, Phila. 'CM. To be'bod of Dr. Goorge Ross, D. S. Dftl:er, and or all Drugghte awl Tiftlers throughout the hi jilted Staten, enuacias and ltrithh Previuees. BEWARE OF COUNTER: 7T5 1 Ade for HelmbOld's—take no oilier. Cures Guaranteed. Nov. 19, 1F96.-Iy. HELINIBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARAiIOiC - , Highly Concentrated Extract Iluchu, for Diseas es of the Pliultier, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weaknesses; ke.„ is a safe and pleasant remedy. Read the advertisement in another column, hea;i "lielinbolirs Genuine Preparation." Of all diseases, the great, first came Springs from neglect of Nature's lows SUrrER NOT! W 1110; A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN ALL STAGES-oF SECRET D.II:SiEA ES, Self-abn,,. Nervous Debility. Strictures, Gteets. Grav el. Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidneys and .111 - e4tigr, Mercurial Rheumatism. Scrofula, l'abielnille Boner end Atiklue, diseases of the Longe r Threat. Nose and Eyes. Ulcers upon the Doily or Limbs,. Cancers. Dropsy, Epileptic ins, St.Vitus' Dance, and all [ite mises arising from a derangement of the Sexual Or- • guns. such its Nervous Trembling. Loss of 'Memory. Less of Fewer, General Weakness,Dimuess of Viehg with peeuliar spots appearing before the eyes. Moss of Sited. Wakefulness, Dyspepsia. Liver Disease. Eruptions Upon the Face. Pain in the Bark and Head. Female Ir regularities and all disehamis from both sexes. rt mattms not from what cause the m disease originated. however long standing or obstinate the man, -Itatinvintr fs etatTaly. nuti in a shorter time than a permanent-cure can be effected by any other treatment, even after tlic distizei. , has bathed the skill of eminent physicians and rii ,ffgted all their means of cure. The medicines are pleas ant without odor, causing no sickness and free front mercury or balsam. During twenty years of practice, t have rescued tram the dews of Death many. 'thousands, who. in the last stages of the above-mentioned diseases, had been given op to die by their physicians, which war , rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may plate themselves under my care, a perfect and must speedy care. Secret Diseases are the-greatest enemies to health, as they are the firs t cause of Consumption, Scrofula and many other discuses. and should be a terror to the hu- MAO family. As a permanent enre is "serireely ever ef fected, a majority of the eases falling into the hands -of incompetent persons, who not only faille cure the dis eases' but ruin the constitution. !Mimic the system with mercury, Which, with the 'disease, hastens the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment net cause death speedily and the victim marries, the disease is en , tailed upon the children, who are born with feeble con stitutions. and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in SeNfula,,Tetter, Ulcers. Erup tions and other atreeticos of the Shin. Eyes, Throat aud Longs. entailing upon them a brief existentm of suffer ing and consigning thetn to an early grave. SELF A BUSE is another formidable enemy to health, for nothing else in the dimultaitalogne. of human disea ses muscat so destructive a drain upon the system, draw ing its thousands of- victims through a few years of suf fering. down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Ner vous System. rapidly :wastes away the energies of causes Mental deraiagement, prevents the proper dereb tipment of the syseent, :disqualifies for murrirge, society, businws., Mid all earthly happiness and leaves the sue 'rarer wrecked in body or mind. predisposed to Consume 'Hon and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortu nate victims of Self Abuse that a permanent. and speedy cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruin ous practices my patients can be bettered to robust, vi t f= mous health. The afflicted are cautioned against the .use of Patent Medicines, for there are Sojaasty ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers, that millions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nostrums vended as "Patent Medicirim", I have carefully analyzed many of the , socalled Patent, Medicines, and find that nearly all of them contain Off rosire Sublimate, which is one of the strongest prepara tions of mercury and a deadly poison, which, instead of: curing the diseate, disables the system for life. ' Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now in use 'are put up by unprincipled and ignorantpersons who do not understand even the alphabet of the MEDICS: and are equally as destitute Of any knowledge of the hit:" man system, having one abject only in view, and that to' make money regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all dise ises of males 'and. females. treated on principles estsbi shed by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands,!ofs the most re- - markable cures. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canndas, - by patients" communicating their symptoms by letter. Business cor- - mpondence strictly confidential.' Address J. SUMMERVILLE, Ai. D., Office No. 1131 Filbert St, [Old No. 109 , ] below July 8, 185i—Marett 18, 1857, SUFFER] RS with distases of the Bladder, Rid-: neys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, react' the advertisement, in another column, headed "llehnbold's Genuine Preparation:?, . The Greatestlniscovery eve?"' Made. Greg,Hair Restored to its Color . without • - Dyeing ?..!! •' Sr EROME'S ITADt COLOR RESTORER is acknowledg-' ed to be, and is, the most EFFECTUAL article for .Restoring GREY HAIR to its ibriner COLOR and BEAUTY, and causing it to grow when it fallen off end become thin. Aid- By the nse of ONLY ONE BOTTLE.—and in frond' ten to twelve days—the Greyest Hair will assume its orig inal, Life-like color, and the harshest hair will look soft, smooth and glossy, 4 This valuable preparation is only 50 Cents a. bot tle. Prepared by T. H. JEROME, 175 Fulton street, BrooßlyniGeneral Agent. Sold also by D. 8...1*5a, at his ehealiDrog, and Medicinal store, LebananiTa. Sept. 24, 1856. CALL and e xamine the' new stock of Atkins 4 McAdam. Como soon, and purOhas.e you Boots, Shoes, at Atkins AhlticAdam's,-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers