The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, August 12, 1857, Image 1

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    il+9--` c ip. B.}
Aunt `attend to all his official business; also,
V V all other' legal and professional business en
irriMil to him will be promptly 'Wended to.
OFFICE—In Cumberland street, second door
east from IVlArket st. [Lebanon, July 22,'57.
OFFICE in Cumberland street, opposite the
"Eagle Hotel," Lebanon, Pa.
Lebanon, April 22, 1857.—1 y .
ittftto - VAL.
DR. WM. M. GUILFORD has removed his Of.
Ace to his new residence on Market Street, a
few doors North of Reber k Oyes' Store, and be.
tweet' it and the Now Lutheran church.
Lebanon, Dee; 10, 18.56.—tf.
For Sale.
A Socond•hand Stoam ENGINE, 10 horse pow.
•.ni. cr. It is to be sold to make room for one of a
)urger size. Apply to
Lebanon, July 1,1857.
SIDES, Whitefish, Mackerel, Herring, Cheese,
Vinegar, Tobacco, Segnrs, Flom', Footling, tkc.
&c., for cal° by J. C. ILEISNER.
Lebanon, July 30, 1553.
Leather, Leather, Leather:
HENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French
Calf Skins, and general Loather Dealer, No.
6, South 3d street, Philadelphia.
A general assortment of all kinds of Loather,
Moroceos, he., Rod Oak Sole Leather.
Feb. 25, 1557.—1 y. •
wanted immediately nt the Steam Planing
Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None
but the best of hands required, to whom liberal
wages will be given. Apply to
Lebanon, Feb. IS, 1857.-tf.
Bricklayer mod Jobber,
Union Deposit, Dauphin countjj, Penn'a.
lAM prepared, at all times, to put up Brick
Work„ In nll its hranches ' and on the shortest
notice. Also, BRICK BUILDINGS, Bot Lens,
inn -walls, Boshos, Hearths, end all work connect
ed with a Furnace done. "a S P-A gang of Stone
Masons always ready to put down foundations,
and do stone work or every description.
July 1, 1857.—tf. P. G. WIKEL.
r i ALY tL WILLIAMS would respeciluily in
form the citizens of Lebanon that thaw have
opened a first class SHAVING AND HAIR
DIIDSSING SALOON, in Market street, opposite
the Lebanon Dank. They would solisit a share
of the public patronage.
Lebanon, May 21}.
JUNI Ell. 1:1114M-WILL/A31 1.1. 1.-.1.e.N
Grain Wanted.
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, 4.0.,
AT the Centre Warehouse, on the Union Canal;
la-id Atcyerstown, for which the highest market
eneh ptivett will be petit. They also keep rzn
51antly on hand and for sale, Sulphur Coal, Store
Coal, anti Coal for limettarners. which they sell at
the lowest prices, ERICH, TICE Jr, CO.
Myerstown, June 10, 1814.-3m*
sm.!. unuEivEn Tllr
Cumberland street, neat door to Dr
n, I, 22, ';",G
Thirty Day,
Eight Day,
Th;ort y Hour,
Just Received at
J. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store.
Lannon, Pa.
~`" r f%~`
% '
Lebanon Valley Bank.
Located in Market street, nearly oppo
site the United Hull, one Door North
of the Post Office.
WILL pay the iiillowing RATES of INTER
VV EST on DEPOSITS, on and after, the lot
day of Mareh,lBs7, vie ;
For 1 year, and longer, o — per cent, per annum.
For 8 months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum.
For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum.
Requiring a short notice of withdrawal, and af
fords a liberal line of accommodations to those who
may farm. it with deposits,paya bit) on demand. Will
pay a premium on SrAmstt and MnxicAN Dor.-
taus, and also on OLD AMERICAN DOLLAMS AND
RALE Dor,LAns. Will make collections on and
remit to all parts of the United States, the Cana
dos and Europe ; Negotiate Loans, dm., me., and
Gro. GLEIM, Cashier
THE, undersignod, 'Managers, are individually
'labia to the extent of their Estates for all
leposits and other obligations of the co-partner
hip tiled la the Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon
:aunty, trading under the name and style of the
Geom.; Smut.T.En, TARYT
JAMMS YOUNG, Avo lisT us Bol),
Lob., je 17,'57.] GEORGE GLUM.
.LTZ S; IttEDLE would respectfully inform
the Public, that they constantly receive,
the Enatern Cities, copies of 1111 the most Important
. attractive New Books, as anon as published, which
ty offer for sale cheaper than they can be purchased
where. Among those lately received are--
Dr. Knne's Expedition, In 2 Vols.
Prescott's History of Charles 'V., Ina 'Vols.
Recullectiorut of a Life Time, In 2 Yols., by S. G.
inch, Author of Peter Parley's Tulin.
Autobiography of Peter Carlwright, and other
iecellaneoue Works.
Carpenter's Assistant and Rural Architect.
American Architect; be J. NV:Bitch.
Downing's Cottage Residences and Cottage Grounds.
Tin i*onomle Cottage Builder.
hove always on hand a large assortment of School
Books, Blank Books and
Ake, Sunday School Books, and Music Books,
among which is
"The Ilarntonia I[Titio,”
Br H, D, M'CatitEr.
Llso, Piano Forte, Slelodeon and Violin Instructors.
of Foreign and Domestic Iluoufacture f
Window Shades.
'Mc Monthly Magazines,
and all the
NEWSPAPERS, daily 4. Weekly,
an ho had by calling at the stare, on Cumberland street,
the borough of Lebanon, at the signal' the "111 g Book."
li—Orilers left with them for any kind orgoodein their
ins, will be promptly attended. to.
Lebanon, April 8, 1867.
G. W. 'Pewees,
Ornamental and Plain Guilt Looking Glass
es, Per(rait and Picture Frames of every style; u.
large stack of the above always on hand, which I
will sell from 10 to 15 por cent. less than any other
~t abliAment in the city..
rk reguilted, &Q. A liberal discount to the
). 1 5I Nordi 2d street, below Race, west side
April 20, 1857.-6 m, Philada., Old No. 102.
E . s.
gttiottV to DlU:tiro, gittrattatt, grzttign aitb wintstit 4tiuo,ffjE Marftrto, gigrinftitte, ait &tura' kittaligeitre.
Advertising axed Correspondence Office, 360 Broad
way, New York.
Atav awl Important .Dis
covery in the Science of Medicine.
ME de ECOLE de rnart:4lrAClF. FIIARMACIEN de
eons. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. H. A.
Barrow, member of the Imp'l College of Vienna,
nod Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be
personally consulted at his residentr, 157 Prince street,
few blocks west of Broadway, Now York, from 11 A. M.
till 2 P.M. and from 4 till 8 P. 51. (Sundays excepted,
unless by appointment.)
Triesemar No. 1,
Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrhcea, and all the
distressing consequences arising from early abuse, indis
criminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates.
It has restored bodily end sexual strength and.vigor to
thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and
the functions of manhood; and whatever niny be the
cause or disqualifications fur marriage, they are effectu
ally subdued.
Triesemar No. 2,
Completely and entirely eradidates all traces of 00111)r
-hrea, both in its mild and eggrarated forms, Meets, Stric
tures, Irritation of the Bladder, Non-retention of the
Urine. Pains of the Loins and Kidneys, and those disor
ders for which Copaivi and Cubebs have so long been
thought an antidote.
Triesetaar No. 3,
is the greet Continental nemaor for Siphilis and Secon
dary symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for
Scurvy, Scrofula, and all cutaneous Eruptions, removing
and expelling in its course all impurities from the vital
stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease,
and expel it by insensible perspiration through the me
diem of the pores of the skin and urine.
It is a never sidling remedy for that class of disorders
which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the in•
writable destruction of the patient's constitution, and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove.
THIESEMATI. 2 and 3, are prepared in the form of a
lozenge, devoid of taste or Smell, and can be carried in
the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided in
separate doses as administered by NU'peen, La
Ricord. &e. Price $3 each, or four eases in
one fur $9, which saves $3, and in $27 cases, whereby
there is a saving of $9.
None are guanine inalesa the Engravings of the seals
of the Patent Office of England, the seals of the Ecole de
Pharmacia de Portz, and the imperial college of Vienna,
are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each MISC.—
Imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the law.
Special arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward
immediately, Oa receiving n remittance, the tig and 'lar
ger d 7.1, cases of Yrieseuntr free of carriage, to any part of
the world, Seen rely packed and properly addressed, thus
insuring genuine iiuropean preparations and protecting
the public from spurious and pernicious imitations.
Attendance and Consultation front 11 a.m. till d p. m.
and from 4 till Sin the evening. 157 Prince svreet, a few
blocks west of linneltrity, New York.
May. 13,1857-ty.
Cristaitoro's Bair 1)yel
Within a nut-shell all the merits lie,
Uf Cristadoro's never-equalled Dye ,•
Ited it makes Mask, to brown transforms it grey,
And "keel, the fibres tilwayA from decay.
tATI.MS matchless, rewitalizing Hair Dye, still holdalls
44...„ position as the most harmless and efficacious Hair
Dye in TUN WORLD. Prepared and sold, wholesale
and retail, and applied in ten pthattl LOOMS, at CEUFSTA-
Dono'fl_. No. a Astor House. Broadway, New York, and
by all Drug i=ts and Perfumers in the - United Rates.
Jan, 14, 1`i57,--Iy.-I,sq.
Agent—tieorge ii. Keyser, 140 Woodst.,Pittsbur.% Pa.
Brand reth's Pills purity the Blood;
Ar.a•- Mild operation with successful effect are the pecu
liarity of Branilketh's'Pills
i'lT.Ticrace are subject to u redundancynf vitiated bile,
at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is prey-
Merit, but llrandreth's Pills afford an invaluable and
eMeleut protection. By their occasional use we prevent
the collection of those impurities, which, when in. RUM
dent quantities, manse so much danger to the body's
health. They soon mire liverromplaint,dyspepsia,loss
of appetite, vain in thl heed, heart burn, pain in the
breast bone. sudden faintness and costiveness. In brief,
Brandretb's Pills work their way to the very roots of
the disease, cleansing in their passage, removing every
unhealthy accumulation till the blood is purified, the
whole system renovated, and the functions and duty of
life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad
and weary burdens. Often when nothing has relieved
vomiting of the most serious character, whether •from
sea•sicit IMES or otherwise, where the retching has been
appalling, a single dose of four Britndretifs Pills has at
once cured and the patient has fallen into a sweet sleep.
When the mind cannot colleet itself; when the memory
fails; when it is an effort to fix the attention; when our
sleep is broken and our waking hones harassed with
forebodings of evil,then Brandretlis Pills should be used.
If these warnings remain unheeded, rheumatism, con.
snmption, disease of the heart, bilious affections, jaun
dice, dropsies, piles, appoplexies and costiveness will sud
denly present themselves. These Brandreth's Pills would
have prevented,but nerertheless 'M ESE they will also curs.
Use them at once; do not let prejudice prevent the use
of this simple but potent remedy.
Brandreth's Theory qf Disease
Never extract blood. libmd is the life. Ily abstract
ing it in painful diseases yen mar occasion the patient
ease, but remember, this come is only the reduction or
lessening the power to feel. And by thus taking away
nature's tools, you may prevent her from fully repairing
the ravages of inflammation, a convert what might only
have been the sirkness of a few days or weeks into a
chronic affection of months and years.
Brandretles Pills accord with Nature
Nature's remedy- in fact. When sudden, acute or con
tinued pain occurs from any cause, t hen to insures. quick
return to health, you must useltrandreth's Pills, which
will soon relieve every organ from undue pressure, mid
'remove those humors whose presence often occasions
such terrible su !Tering.
. . .
ly-n..Twerity million boxes sold and the sphere ol their
usefulness still extending. Ask for Minima& and pam
phlet of cures. Agents will supply gratis.
Bew.i.rts—all pills with "241 Broadway" on side 'able
are counterfeits. Get the genuine and they will never
deceive. Dr. O. ROSS, Agent, Lebanon, Pa.
July 15, 3557.—am.
Hello! 0 ! what Fun.
yATE will have something new for Lebnnon.—
VV great Fox-chase will come off this week,
and every person in the county is invited to at
tend it, tall men and small, tall women and small,
big boys and little ones, big girls and little ones,
young men and old, young ladies and old ones,
turn about and wheel about and run after this fox
and try to catch him, won't that be fun. But do
not forget to call at
New Cheap Dry Goods
in the borough of Lebanon. (You will have plen
ty of time, as the Pox chase comes ot in the af
ternoon at 2 o'clock,) therefore you will have a
good chance of visiting and seeing their stocks of
which they have received from Now York and
Philadelphia, and will sell tremendously
cheap. There is not the slightest doubt in my
mind, but that their goods will cause as much re
al excitement, (as well as profit,) in the borough
and country around, as this great Fox chase.—
Therefore do not forgot to visit T. M. Plleger Sc
Bro's Store, and great will be your fun, and very
great your gain. Yours, most respectfully,
April 1, 1567.1 T. M. P. d S. M. P.
Of J. Ile. Good 7 's Book Store.
HE undersigned, having removed his New and
Cheap Book Store, to Market square, 2 doors
north of Dr. GUILFORD ' S New Building, Market
st., where he will be pleaSed to see all of his old
friends, and those desirioue of having articles in
his lino. With a determination of selling cheap
er than can bo purchased elsewhere, ho would re
spectfully call the attention of the public to his
assortment of -
Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Mis•
cellancous, Blank and School Books,
Wall and Window Paper,
Slationery, and every article in his line of busi
ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for
1857. All the Magazines and Newspapers, both
daily and weekly, to be had at Publisher's rates.
All orders for articles in his line carefully and
promptly attended to, by the undersigned.
Lebanon, Tan. 14, 1857. J. M. GOOD.
improved Fire and Water Proof
R ESPECTPULLY inform the citizens of liar.
-Lt risburg, Reading, Lancaster, Lebanen, and
their vicinities, that we are prepared 'to put oh
roofs on most liberal terms, and at the shortest
We respectfully call the attention of persons a
bout to build, to our invaluable method of roofing,
now much used throughout the principal cities of
the United States and their vicinities. This mode
of roofing having all the combined requisites of
cheapness, Durability, and Security against Fire
and Water, and dispensing with high gable Walls;
the roofs require an inclination of not more than
three-quarters (i) of an inch to the foot, and in
many eases saving the entire cost of rafters—the
ceiling joist being used.
The gutters nro made of the same material,
without any extra charges ; consequently, our
roofs are put up at almost half the cost of either
Tin, Slate, or Shingles. The material being of
en imperishable nature, it sur passes all others in
Durability, ;—besides, in ease of auy casualty, it
is the most easily repaired of any other roof notv
in use. Yet, the hest proof we can offer as to its
being both fire and water proof, are our many re
ferences, to any one of whom we arc at liberty
to refer.
N. B.—But let it be distinctly understood,
(since wo manufacture our own composition, and
do the work in person,) that we warrant all our
work proof against both Fire and Water; if they
prove contrary, we will most willingly abide the,
The materials being mostly non-conductors of
heat, no roof is so cool in summer, or so warm in
winter. Those wishing to use our roof should
give the rafters a pitch of about one inch to the
foot. [may 2i, 1554.-4 m.
INAD QUARTERS, 2d Brigade,
sth Division Penn'a Volunteers. j
LEBANON, June I4tb, MT.
A Brigade Parade is ordered to take place
at Lebanon, on Thursday, the 10th day of Sep
tember next, being the .nniversery of Perry's
Mr. Caspar Shunk is hereby appointed Brigade
Major of this Brigade, with the rank of Captain,
and wilt be respected accordingly.
The commanding officers or Companies, within
the Brigade, will hare this order read to their
men, at the next parade after its reception.
The Brigade Quartermaster, Captain Win. W.
Murray, is charged with the transmission of these
orders to the commanding officers of the compa
nies forming the Brigade. The Brigade Major,
Captain Shunk, will furnish him with the requi
site number of copies of it.
The Brigade Inspector, Major Frederick Em
hich, is charged with the duty of inviting compat
nies from the neighboring Brigades. The Bri
gade Major, Captain Shunk, will furnish him with
a copy of this order.
Further orders will be issued in due time, in
forming company officers of the field evolutions
contemplated to be performed by the Brigade,
when it assembles.
It gives the General pleasure to state that Ma
jor General Wm. 11. Heim has intimated his wil
lingness to order a Division Parade at Lebanon,
should the idea be favorably received throughout
the Division, or by the major portion of it, some
time in the month of October. Brigadier-Gener
als Williams and Hunter have cordially approved
of the movement, 'and promised to httend with
their staffs, should it be carried out.
By order of JOHN WEIDMAN,
Brigadier General 2d Brigade,
sth Division, Penn'a Volunteers.
CASPAR Stumm, Brigade Major.
Lebanon; June 17,'57—td.
Moth Manufactory
1 fiTANICIML for past favors, the undersigned
respectfully informs the public, that he con.
tinues his manufactory in East Hanover, Lebanon
county, on as extensive a scale as ever. Itis un
necessary for him to say more than that the work
will be done in the same excellent style which has
made his work and name so well known to the
surrounding country. He promises to do the
work in the shortest possible time. The Manu
factory is in complete order, and he flatters him
self to be able to render the same satisfaction as
heretofore. He manufactures
Broad and Narrow Cloths, Cassinets, Blankets,
White and other Flannels,
All finished in the best manner, and at reason
able prices. He also cards Wool and makes Rolls.
For the convenience of his customers, wool and
cloth will be taken in at the following places
At the stores of George & Shellenherger, Lower
Brothers, Shirk & Tice, and George Beinrehl,
and at Guilford x Lemberger's New Drug store,
in Lebanon : at the stores of Shirk & Miller, and
Samuel U. Shirk, in North Lebanon borough ;
Samuel Goshert, Bethel tp.; the public house of
Wm. Earnst, Fredericksburg ; Samuel E. Bickel's
store, Jonestown ; George Weidman's store, Boll
view ; Melchior Reichart, 2 miles from Palmyra;
Martin Early's store, Palmyra ; Gabriel Wolters
ber,,,,,er's store, Palmyra landing ; Mickel Shirk,
East lignover, Dauphin county ; at the stores of
Mr. Eby, and David M. Rank, East Hanover,
Lebanon county.
All materials will be taken away from the a
bove places, finished without delay, and returned
Those of his customers who wish to have Stock
ing Wool carded, dyed and mixed, can leave their
Wool (white,) at the obove mentioned places,
with directions how they wish it prepared. Or
his customers can order the stocking-wool to he
made from the undersigned's wool, which will be
done, and left at the desired place.
N. B.—lt is desired that those having wool
carded, will pay the cash therefor, at the above
named places. LYON LEMBERGER.
East Hanover tp. April 5, 1557.
Reizenstein k Bro.
Reizenstein 14 Bro. is in Cumberland street, nearly
oppoSite the - Court House, in Lebanon.
Reizenstein & Bro. do what?
What do Reizenstein & Bro.?
lleizenstein . Bro. sell READY-MADE ODOM
LNG very cheap !
Reizenstein & Bro. sell summer Coats for 75 els.,
and upwards!
Gentlemen! go to Reizenstein & Bro. and buy
your Summer Clothing. They keep a great va
riety and sell at astonishing low prices.
John, where are you going in such a hurry ?
larn going to Reizenstein & Brother : to buy my
self a suit of their Clothing.
How much arc they?
Why they sell whole suits for three dollars and
upwards. Reizenstein and Brother sell also fine
white and fancy Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Pocket
handkerchiefs; Socks, Gloves, Sce., 85c.
What else do Reizenstein & Bro. sell?
Reizenstein h Bro. sell also WATCHES, JEW
ELM', Aceoriloons, Pocket-books, Portemonnais,
Purses, of every style, and cheap into the bargain !
Reizenstein a Brother is where?
Where is Reizenstein a Bro.?
Reizenstein a Bro. is in Cumberland street,
nearly opposite the Court-house.
Lebanon, July 22,1357.
Watches, Jewelry, ilex.
,„ IT is a fact worthy of note
that the Jewelry Store at 532
".....Nortli Second st., Philadelphia,
cells goods 20 per cent. less than any other place
in the United States. Look at the prices.
Gold Lever Watches ISe, full jeweled $22.00
Silver Levers, full jeweled, 10.00
" Hunters, 12 to 18.00
Gold Hunters, 25.00
Eight-day Watches, (Hunters;) 60.00
Also, all other kinds of Watches, Gold Chains,
Jewelry, a.e., sold less than anywhere else. Call
in and examine.
ta... Country merchants supplied wholesale or
No. 332 North 2d st., between Callowhffl and
Wood sts., Philadelphia.
June 17, 1857.-6 ms.
4;eatodll , ,*,D):4l`..ipozwo:opoitok7436;rol.
The glow-worm trims her silver lamp,
And feeds its fairy spark,
To guide her love through the damp
And ' dreary forest dark.
And when the dew is on the leaf,
She smiles, unfit. behold,
The tears of Eveu's silent grief
Are turned to heads of gold.
So shines my love, when sorrow's night
Descends in stOan and wrath,
And from her eyes a gentle light
Illuminates all my•path.
And in the wilderenss of gloom,
All darksome, and forlorn,
Her light brings roses into bloom
As sunshine in the morn.
My love! my starry glow-worm, bright,
I bless thy quiet ray,
There is no loveliness, or night,
Whilst thou dost cheer the way.
And through the dui*, that friendly beam,
When sunshine friends depart,
Still on my pathway there shall gleam.
That love-light from thy heart!
Summer moonbeams softly playing,
Light the woods of Castle Keep;
And there I sec a maiden straying,
Where the darkest shadows creep,
She is listeningeekiy, purely,
To the wooer at her side;
'Tis the "old, old story," surely,
Running on like time and tide,
Maiden fair, oh ! have a care;
Vows are many—truth is rare.
lie is courtly, she is simple;
Lordly doublet speaks his lot;
She is wearing hood and wimple--
His the castle, hers the cot;
Sweeter far she deems his whisper
Than the night bird's dulcet thrill ;
She is smiling—he beguiling—
'Tis "the old, old story still.
Maiden fair, oh! hare a care;
vows are many—truth is rare.
The autumn sun is quickly going
Behind the woods of Castle Keep;
The air is chill the night wind blowing,
And there I see a maiden weep.
Her cheeks are white—her brow is aching—
The "old, old story" sad and brief;
Of heart betrayed, and left, nigh breaking,
In mute despair and lonely grief.
Maiden's fair, oh have a care;
Vows are many—truth is rare.
Bis grllammt,s.
lowing incident was narrated to Lieu
tenant Beckwith, of the:Pacific Railroad
Expedition, by a Delaware Indian guide
as they were traversing a o pountain pass
which was marked by:numerous gullies
and ravines :
"He was traversing this pass at mid
night, accompanied by his squaw only,
both mounted on the same horse, and
the night so dark that he could neither
see the outlines of the hills nor the
ground at the horse's feet,when he heard
a sound (which he - imitated) so slight as
to be scarcely perceptible to an Indian's
car, as an arrow carried in the hand,
striking once only with a slight tick,
against a bow. Stopping, he could hear
nothing, but instantly dismounted—his
squaw leaning down upon the horse,
that site might by no possibility be seen
—and placed his ear to the ground, when
he heard the same sound repealed, but
a few feet distant, and was therefore
satisfied that however imminent the dan
ger, he had not yet been seen or heard,
for no Indian wonld make such a noise
at night in approaching his foe; he there
fore instantly arose and took his horse
by the bridle close to his mouth, to les
sen the chances of his moving or
whiing, and one hundred and seventy
of his deadliest enemies, the Sioux, on
a war party,e fled past him within arm's
reach wile lie remained unobserved."
The Holyoke Mirror says that an indi
vidual who appeared in the Fourth of
July procession in that town, dressed as
an Indian was a MorMon Elder, who
has been doing a large business in pros
elyting, and is supposed to have come
from Shelburne Fall. The following
strange and disgusting affair is recorded
as a fact :
"On Tuesday evening he was seen,
with some half a dozen young women,
wending his way down to the river be . -
low the swing ferry. Our informant a
live to the prospect of seeing some fuu,
crawled carefully along, under cover of
the bushes, to within a few feet of the
party. it soon became evident that the
Mormon rite of baptism was there, un
der the mellow light of the moon, to be
administered. After a short prayer, the
Elder and his converts entered upon
the ceremony before them, by laying off
all their garments with the exception of
a certain unmentionable nether one,
and one after another received a dip•
ping at his hands. After coming out
of the water, each removed her wet
garment, and stood forth in all the un
restrained freedom, if not in the bliss
ful innocence of glorious old Eden.—
They soon donned again their customa
ry apparel, satisfied, no doubt, that by
this time they were far above the liabil
ity of committing sin, and that by be
coming subsequently "pickled," as a
Mormon preacher recently said all true
followers must, they would' be happy
Jesse W. Goodrich, formerly editor of
the Worcester Cataract, died on Wed.
nesday. He was the means of inducing
John :3. Gough to give up drinking.—
The Worcester Transcript says: "Pre
vious to his disease he insisted on being
removed from the sanitary establishment
where ho was seeking a cure, because
when insensible, and snpposed to be dy
ing, they administered rum to him; and
almost his last words were to one whom
he had enlisted in the, ranks. of temper.
ance, "Be:sure and keep the pledge."
Barnum's baby show presented us with
an occular demonstration of
,the "quin
tiple alliance" in the shape of a mother
with five children, all born-on the same
occasion, says the Life Illustrated, we
made up our tninds that the ne plus ultra
in Ibis direction has been reached. But
as it was not our province to affix boun
daries to the operations of nature, not
to say, of progressive, life,
"Around hoW wide, how deep extend below,"
we concluded, very philosophically, to
believe it possible, barely possible, that
six might occur. Beyond this we re
solved not to believe in a single baby.
But how vain are human calculations!
As if to put our firm resolution to a test
it can never survive, the story comes that
" The schooner Sarah Bartolett arrived at New
Orleans on the 12th inst., bringing Mexican dates
to the 26th ultimo. On the 20th ultimo -a Mexi
can woman of the capital was delivered of seven
male children at one birth. Both mother and sev
en children were, when the schooner left, progress
ing favorably:"
Now the best or the worst of it is, the
story comes well authenticated. We
have to admit the fact, nolens volens.—
Our half-a-dozen barrier is broken down
or rather leaped over—our incredulity
is shaken to the winds. We will now
stick our stake at ten. We believe up
to that number; but if ever a daughter
of Eve presumes to tax our faith to the
tune of eleven, we shan't believe—unless
we are there to see. Meanwhile a ques
tion suggests itself for discussion, not
less interesting than that of the size of
the crinoline a female has a right to sur
round herself with, viz :—How many
children has a woman a right to have at
once? Old bachelors will' please not
read this article, especially if they are
Ethan Allen's Sword.—Col. Ethan
Allen's grand-daughter resides at Mill
Point, Ottowa county, Michigan. She
has in her possession the identical sword
with which the Colonel backed up his
demand for the surrender of Ticonder
oga—"in the name of the Great Je
hovah and the Continental Congress."
The sword is an old-fashioned one.
The plate is twenty-seven inches in
length and slighly curved: Length of
handle seven inches, making the entire
length of the thirty-four .inches. The
handle is of bone or horn. The mount.
ing is of silver, but was washed with
gold while worn by Captin Allen to
match his uniform.
.The gold is now
partially worn off. A dog's head of
silver forms the end of the handle, and
from this to the guard runs a silver
chain. On one of the silver bands of
the scabbard the name Ethan Allen is
engraved in large letters; on another E.
Brasher, Maker, New York, and on still
another, in script, "Martin Vosburg,
Womar; usr AnvEnsenr.—Woman
should be more trusted and confided
in, as wi'ves,*mothers and sisters. They
have a quick perception of right and
wrong; and, without knciwingr why,
read the present and future, characters
and acts, designs and probabilities,
where man sees no letter or sign.
What else do we mean by the adage,
"Mother Wit," save that woman has a
quicker, perception and readier inven
tion than man 7 How often, when man
abandons the helm in despair, woman
seizes it, and carries the skip home
through the storm? Man often flies
from home and families, to avoid im
pending poverty or ruin ; ; woman seldom,
if ever, forsook home thus. Woman
never evaded mere temporal calamity by
suicide or desertion. The proud bank
er, rather than see his property gazett
ed, may blow out his brains, and leave
his wife and children in want, protee
torless ; loving woman would have coun
selled him to accept poverty, ;Ind live
to cherish his family and retrieve his
fortune. Woman should be counselled
and confided in. It is the beauty and
the glory of her nature, that it instinc
tively grasps at and clings to the truth
and right. Reason, man's greatest fac
ulty, takes time to hesitate before it de
cides, but woman's instinct never hes
itates in its decision, and is scarcely
ever wrong, where it has even chances
with reason. Woman feels where man
thinks, acts where he deliberates, hopes
where he despairs, and triumphs where
he falls.
The Market Overstoched4—Not , less
than fifty German princesses are of an
age to be married; and hence, of course,
looking out in the matrimonial market.
On the other hand, there are not more
than half a dozen continental princes
who are of an age befitting the expect
ants. Among these are the Count of
Flanders and Prince George of Saxony,
both heirs apparent of thrones; Prince
William of Baden, and two or three
others of minor note.
The Danger of Dentristry.—A young
lady in Dayton, Ohio, came very near
losing her life, within the past week, in
consequence of the extraction of a tooth.
The removal of a molar severed an ar
tery, and the profuse bleeding continu
ed, interrupted by but short intervals,
for nearly two days, until she was near
ly exhausted. It was finally checked,
but not until she had lost between one
and two gallons of blood.
Sugor.--There is a probability that
sugars will, in a short time, become
much reduced in prices, for, if we may
judge from present indications, the
speculation's in that article have reached
a culminating point. ' The vast product
this year from the cane, the maple tree,
and the sorghum, with .the unsold stock
-of last year, bid fair to give, the people
.cheap sugar for some time to come.
Lade and Early owing.—The
tor of the West Chester Record, men
tions a circumstance that has fallen un
der his notice in relation to the crops.
in Chester county, which, as it occurs
also in Berlcs, is worthy the attention
of our farmers. He says it happens
frequently that one farmer has an excel
lent yield, while his next neighbor has
scarcely more than half a crop. A
practical farmer, who has investigated
the matter, gives it as his opinion that
where the Mediterranean wheat was
sown early and became well rooted in
the ground before, the frost Set in, the
crop is good ; and where icwas sown
late, it has generally failed.
.He states
that himself and one of his neighbors
put in the
,principal part of their wheat
about the 3d of September. Each has
a heavy crop. They each hid potato
patches which were sown a month later.
In these patches, owing to the late.sow
ing, the crop was a failure—the shallow
roots not being able to resist the cold
of the winter. Land of a Southern ex•
posure, as a general rule, affords the
best prospect of uniform crops. The
last winter was exceedingly cold, and
we understand that much of the wheat
on lands with a Northern exposure, was
'winter killed;' The snow blew off, and
left the grournd'exposed, while the fields
facing the South, and protected by the
snows, yielded the most beautiful crops.
As the time for sowing winter grain
will soon be here; these suggestions are
The Crops Abroad.—The advices by
the Asia inform us that the crops in all
parts of Continental Europe, promise a
rich harvest, and that, as will be seen
by the reports of the different markets,
breadstuffe are declining in all markets.
In some parts of Germany, farmers have
already begun to harvest their rye crops,
and bread made of new rye flour was - in
general use, and pronounced of good
quality. The tobacco plantations in
Southern' Germany have been much re
freshed by late rains,and promise a good
crop. The grape vines in Germany have
ceased blooming, and single berries have
already reached the size of small peas.
If the snmmer should continue as it has
begun, the wine of 1840 will be outdone
by the product of 1857, both in quanti-•
ty and quality.
Getting in Hay on Sunday.—A. case
of Sabbath breaking was tried at SoUth
Windsor kat Saturday, before Justice
John Moore. It appeared .that Mr. D.
Sperry, proprietor of. the hotel in that
place, had some tray out, which had been
wet in the storms previous to Sunday
of last week. Sunday morning being
clear, though there were indications of
another storm, which would have ruined
the hay, it was properly put into the
barn and saved. For doing this, Mr.
Sperry and his seven a ssistants were
prosecuted by Mr. Grand Juror Clapp.
Wm. W. Eaton, Esq., appeared for the
defendants, and H. K. W. Welch, Esq.,
for the prosedutiOn. The Justice dis•
missed the case, - as an unsound one—
Mr. Sperry being justified by the evi
dence,—Hartford Times.
Cuau POTATOES.—The Cincinnati
Enquirer says a wagon load of potatoes
was offered to a firm in Commercial
Row, in that city, on Friday, at the low
price of 25 cents a bushel by a gentle
man from Covington, Kentucky. The.
same gentleman offered -to contract for
five hundred or a thousand bushels at
digging time, at the same price. Pota
toes, however, are still kept up at star
vation price in Cleveland,new ones sell
ing at $2, and old ones selling at $1,50,
and the crop so promising that prices
must soon decline. The Cleveland
Ileraid says that it heard on Saturday
of an offer to contract to deliver one
thousand bushels at twenty cents at dig
ging time.
Wa.vr FOLLY.—Madam Lagrange, a
newly imported opera singer at N. Y.,
on the occasion of her benefit a few eve
nings since, had a crown of solid gold
presented her by a committee or admir
ing Republicans. Col. Fuller, editor of
the Know Nothing Mirror, made a very
silly spcach on the occasion. The fol
lowing, which we clip from the New
York letter of a cotempurary, will serve
to show still further the extravagance
of the mushroom aristocracy of our large
cities :
This is a fast age. We not only live
fast, travel fast and die fast, but we are
fast buyers. In the way of extravagance
no former age ever excelled us. This
not only proves that the country is run
ning largely to wealth, but also ginger.
bread and tinsel, There are .dwelling
houses in this city which cost $200,000.
To keep such a house in servants, butch
ers, balls, parties,. and basoons, runs
away with $30,000 more. Every body
seems bent upon making the utmost
splurge and rushing to highfalutin and
gold-edged spittoons. A lady the other
day paid $4OO for a handkerchief.—
A shawl worth $l5OO, is quite a "com
mon occurrence" in this metropolis.—
Port.monnaies set with pearls and dia.
monds and costing from $75 to $3OO,
have just been introduced by a Paris im
porter. Fans worth $6O may be found
at Stewart's by the dozen.- If this fact
don't prove that we live in a fast age
that we are doing business on a high
pressure principle, I don't know what
A Relic of Old Times.—The Lehigh
(Pa.) Register says, that, the first Fire
Engine used in the United States, is in
the neighboring town of Bethlehem, and
it is still in working order It was
built in London, in`l6B9, and shipped
to Philadelphia, where it was in service
many years.
twit 424.
{TERMS-11,50 A YEAR.
Stumping Correspondence.
General Packer to the DemOCratic Cat:.
WILLIAMSPORT, .July 18, 1857.
MN. C. R. Bucit AL NW ,
Chairman of State Committee *:
Dear Sir :--11 have received the cm
closed letter from' rune e'f the opposing
candidates for the Gubernatorial office,
and inasmuch as it proposes a plan for
the conduct of the canirfaign Which has
never before been practised in Penn-
sylvania, and as the success of other
candidates, besides myself, is involved
in the election, I have thought it my
duty to submit the communication to
the judgment of the State Committee
representing the Democratic party, If
it is thought to be a proper mo de of
conducting the canvass, I shall cheer
fully accede to the proposition.
Respectfully yours,
Reply of the Chaii'man of eke Centrat
PHILADELPHIA, July 25, 1857
Dear Sir have laid before the
State Committee the lettet signed D.
Wilmot, dated the 14th instant, and am
authorized to say to you that in the o
pinion of the Committee you ought not
to accede to the proposition it contains:
The reasons for this opinion I will pro
ceed to state
The slavery question, which it is pos.
sible your opponent proposes to discuss,
has very recently been thoroughly con.
sidered and passed upon by the people
of this Commonwealth. The late Pres
idential canvass involved the whole sub
ject so far as it was proper for consider
ation by our people, and we superceive'
no utility in its re-discussion at this
time; nor any other good reason for re
opening debate upon it. The position
of our party is well understood and re•
quires no vindication, at least by any
extraordinary proceeding like that pro.
A joint canvass by candidates for the
Gubernatorial office has never been con
ducted in this State, nor, I believe, in
any other Northern one, and may well
be questioned on grounds of public pol
icy. If the practice be once adopted,
it will doubtless continue, and party
nominations be uninformly made with
reference to it. No party will venture
to 'select a candidate for this office who
is not qualified for the stump; and ap•
titude for debate will hence become to
be preferred to administrative ability.
In short, the result will be to confine
nominations to the class of talkers, and
to exclude all others. A rule of party
action which would prevent such men
as Benj. Franklin, Simon Snyder and
Francis 8.. Shook from filling the Ex
ecutive chair of this State must be a
bad one, and to be denounced rathr that!
We believe there is a considerable
public opinion against the propriety of
executive candidates appearing at all
before popular meetings to solicit votes.
This was first practiced by Vim. F.
Johnston in 1848, and has been to some
extent followed by candidates since.—
The good results of it are not obvious.
It did not originate with the Democrat.
ic party, nor has it ever received any
formal popular or party sanction.—
It may therefore be considered an operr
question in future practice, and at all
events as forming no part the duty of a
candidate imposed upon him by ltis
While your opponent holds theloffice
of President Judge, there is a special
objection to the acceptance of his pro
ject. The propriety of law judges tak
ing part in political meetings is denied
by our party, and is opposed by sound
public opinion. By no act whatever
ought we to sanction or become partici
, pants in a prostitution of the judicial
character: Nor will a resignation now
made altogether remove this objection.
Your opponent has intentionally held
_his office until within three months of
the electiOn, (rendering it impossible to
elect a successor the present year,) and
if a resignation should now take place,
it would obviously be with the intention
of resuming the office after the defeat
for the post to which he aspires.
The proposed mode of conducting
campaigns may possibly be suited to
some of the Southern and South-western
States, where it has been practiced, and
whose population and political condi
tions differ from ours; but its introduc
tion here would be against solid objec
tions, and without any conceivable good.
It is therefore proposed "Southern ag
gression" upon the practice and policy
of parties in Pennsylvania, which can
not he at all accepted or permitted.
It is well that this question has arisen
when we have a candidate capable and
I ft for any discussion before the people,
and when the decision can be placed,
without embarrassment, upon public
grounds which control it.
I am very respectfully,
your obedient servant,
C. R. BUCKALEW, Chairman.
General Packer to Judge Wilmot.
WiLL - rAmsrouT, Pa., July 27, 1857.
D. WizattoT:
Dear Sir :—Your letter of the 14th
inst., was duly received; and as it pro
posed a plan for conducting, the Guber
natorial Campaign which had never hith
erto been adoptea in Pennsylvania, and
as the interests of othel.eandidates were
involved in the result, I did not feel at
liberty to accede to your proposition
without first consulting-the State Com
mittee to which the Democratic Con-
Verition has onitti part specially confid
ed the control and management of the
You will receive herewith a copy o!