;cinE ADVERTISE.. TidB2 August It, ..1157. 4f. Home affairs. Sketches of Local History In the next number of this paper the subscriber proposes to commence a series of sketches of local history, within the county, which if not soon col. looted,. Will perish from the memory of Nan. lie Wlil.ho obliged, to any pepon,.who .curnish .;hltti with aritli"crotie traditions, relating 16" their aucestersor any other facts of au lateresting char acter, connected with the early Fettlemunt and .111 story of the region, which now fortuSthe county 'of la.banott, Ile intends to intersperse these -sketches, with brief notices of the promineotmcn of the county, who have at any time, made any 'figure in its affairs. Having formed this intention many years ago, he has, as well as the occupations of a tolerably busy life World permit, collected, 'already., a great many to hint musing and iater tsting facts, to which, he hopes, those who take an interest in such matters will add their stores, 'should ho prove capable of preventing thou, in nn 'agreeable manner. Nothing will he admitted in. 'to %hese sketches, the truth of which, will nothear 'examination. JOHN IrEIDMAN, LEItA.Nots, August 5,1557 ligsor.evtoxs or TH.l.ltcs...At a Vacating of tho "Perseverance Sax Born Band," on tho 3d Inst., the following highly complimentary reso lutions to' lon's Lutheran Sabbath School, were - unanimously adopted, on the presentation' of a beautiful tenor-drum:- Ifcsolrcdj That the "Perseverance Sax Tforn Band," owo and hereby tender their elect cordial and earnest thanks to the Zion's Lutheran Sab bath School, of this Borough, for prenuting to them a memorial of their regard—which in return binds us to theurby the ties of mutual confidence mud fraternal esteem. fiesoteed, That in receiving this beautiful token of regard, our bosoms swell with the honest glow of pride, and our hearts lean with a noble entim sMsta at the thought that it is given for no motive other than kind esteem and sincere friendship-- fur which we assure them that their kindness will lung bo treasured in our hearts. Reßolred, That our thanks are equally due and tendered to Jacob lteedel,jr., a member of said school, for the interest, we understand, he mani fested in the presentation of this priceless gift, for which we will endeavor to keep his memory pure ut all times. . Respired, That these resolutions be published in our town papers. On behalf of the Bend, A. it, Emmen, L. A. Snyrd, Committee, K, Kmten, .7.0- Mr, Itioxwell, whose advertisement ap pears in another part of this paper, is now put ting on his composition roofing at the Dunnugh- Poore Furnace. Persons desiring to see the num. nor in which it is done, and examine the uutterial to judge of its duraLitity, ,t,c„ arc invited to call there, Persons desiring rooting done, will call on ,Nr. M. at the Black' Horse Ileteli where he may at all times ho found, when nut engaged at work. 0- Attention le direeted to Linnti's advertise ment et titian° and 6n!..rer-Phosphate er Farmers in went or the ertielee will, of course, rend their ordure to Jfi. Linen. " Mr. Loinberger*4 did Estate is aavef ti,ol f,r Private Sale In another e9lumn. TIINITLE STIMNOTIt OF litUN.—Much attention has utlate boon excited by the Unexpected strength of Ira% matte with cold blast and anthracite cool. IhoOett uubmtan, of the Lebanon Fureacu, is obont, 071 make Cobb blast anthracite iron in his newly erected experimett tal furnace. Trials of this kind ur iron have shown a temile strength of 32. Mal rattail , per Isitm.ra inch, while the mate ores, !rented with Oho rentil;gave Manhunt 1.8,000 penetls strength. t Bro., or clerks oainty, have itattio each iron for about a year.— The eubjcet is worth,ynf unimaat attention. z . / el% me, .„3 p set Mrt. torron:---PublicitymUi titsemns.ton are al ways tleArahle nhont .thatters wherein the whole e,,totuttnity is concerned, I wish to , say a word :ala ua. one that it Sterns to' me, is of some. impor tance. Thu tins Company are 1443 g their pipes MI only ono side of the street. At the same time the Borough Council fire finishing their grading and will soon, I suppose, begin to finish their work. Although the people seem to he 'willing to risk their necks patisetly t .whst will they,imy, when the storms of September and November come on, and they find that the streets have again to he turned upside clown, in order to convey the gas from one side of the street to the ether, especially in those places, where the company must blast, in order to get across the streets at all. I suggest, that one job be made of the whole thing. VIATUR. UNICPX CANAL.—The receipts of the Union Canal this year, up to July 24th, have bean,- 516.520 10 Same timo last year, - - 44,950 43 Increase this year, - - - - $61,575 67 This is se very encouraging exhibit, considering how unfavorable the season has been for canal business. . Otrl'he good work of digging trench. es for the reception of the gns•pipes is rapidly progressing. „: o:r The North Lebanon Brassj3and, we understand, received their instru- ments yesterday, and can now enjoy the glorious work of "blowing." Or The streetdin front of uur office is at present an eyesore. The piles of stone and dirt remind us of railroading. Hurry up the business, Messrs. Con• tractors. Wortru KNownso.—One pound of green copperas, costing about a fip, djs• solved in one quart of water, and pour. ed down a privy will effectually cuncen• trate and destroy the foulest smells. Off' The average weight of iron•ore taken over the North Lebanon Railroad from the Cornwall ore•banks amounts •to GOO tons daily. We doubt whether there is a more productive ore•bank in the world. Oz:rAmong the graduates of Frank. in and Marshall College, Lancaster, 'ln Wednesday last, we•uot i ce the name •'''f John Ault, of Annville Pu. amen Buchanan was re-clectetr Piesi :iient of the Board of Trustees. C* . " 'rho old weigh scales, in the cell . Ire of-Market street, near Cumberland, is offered by the Town Council for sale, and is, to,,be removed by the purchaser. The sale will take place on Saturday next, at 1 o'ClOck. Com--=Wonderfully thriving has the corn been within - ,week p as t, The rain and sunshine, all mixed up, h ave set it a growing deliehtfully. A fi e ld of tall waving, grden corn at present is a beautiful eight, notwithstanding the many fields "just like'it" that meet the view in every direction in this 'locality. Or At this season of the year, when the system is most Susceptible of dis 7 ease, it is the duty of one and all to es-, crcise the greatest precaution and care in the selection of food, which is the only safeguard to prevent diarrhea, dys entery and other Itindred complaints. EQP= In tlibseitaVof stehrrl"'wtri ter power can enn - Ve`tilently be dispens ed with,. we confidently direct'theat tention of, c.apitalists to the advantages possessed by LehanOn over any other place in the United States for manufac turing purposes ; Delightfully located in the-midst of .the - richest agricultural county i*,the world—a climate unsur pateed'irivariety.of temperatures_ from the tortid.heati.ekiturernerto the frigid 'eolds of. the.-North; Pole, all - pure and healthful-,- tending to long. life and - a 'blessed litittre !-:---nionntains and hills stored with inexhaustible quantities of iron ore, copper i -coal, limestone, &c.; railroads and canals' connecting us with the markets of the world-; furnaces, foundries, forges,- machine shops,. floer ing •sawing.and planing mills, and other manufactories, already built and, being built on all sides ;-- an industrious - , gen erousi .happy; free4iitl inilerienden(op ulati,on t- good wives and pretty sisters end daughters; and still a, few .more eligible .sites left, at cheap rates,fer the investment of capital and the erection of manufactories. In view of, and addition to, till this, we'have -retained an elegant location'.for an extensive Rolling Mill. Let a-com pany of enterprising gentlemen of ineans he at once organized for the erection of an establishment of the kind 'right here at Lebanon. Why is it that this matter has heei(oVerlooked thus Iring? We move - :the 'matter, and::. will contribute everything in our power for the further. ance of the project:, ekcept. money ! of which, we. do not happen fo. have , quite sufficient as yet for our new steam pow• er press. SIiOCKING ACCIDENT.--4A little son of JaMeS -Shinners, of this borough, aged about G years, was run over by. a train of freight cars, on 'the North Lebanon Railroad, on Tuesday:afternoon, and his legs so shockingly mangled, ,tha(!deatli territirtated his sufferings in a few hours. ne,bad hid on one of the cars for the purpose of obtaining a ride to the Basin. Other cars were run tip against the car he was on, causing a jar which threw him off on to the track, and a number of wheels passed over his legs, cutting them ` - ahnoSt entirely off. No .particle of blame attaches to the employees df the road, as.they did got know that he was on the car. :We are also informed that along Allis road, as well as at the Lebanon Val. ley Depot, the officials and haods 'are greatly annoyed by , the number of little and big boys gathering about, and that it is almost impossible to drive . therna :Way. Parents should not-permit-their children to go near the accOrnpanied by some one dapable_of taking care of them. Aeto•ruea.---Ou Monday of last week, us George Boltz, jr., AvaB engaged on his father's farm hauling' home grain, the saddle horse on which he was sitting stumbled and fell, throWing . lllr: B. un, der. the wagon, the wheel of which pass ed over one of"his legs crushing it in a shocking manner. Dr. Treichler was, promptly called iu and the broken limb cared for, since which time the patient is as well .as-can be expected under the eircutostaneeS. BIEME rffsz (.' Pro-Nto.--,The printers of Har risburg, had a grand picnic last week. They seem to have iudu!ged freely in the choice viands, and sated their Epe curean, or, perhaps, craving appetites in a manlier not - lit alldiscredible to the craft. The only thing singular about it to our mind: is that they could raise the funds. Our ,de*/ has become quite en vious at our Harrisburg friends, and sug gaits a similar affair among our adhe rents of the "black art." . , Kr It any thing but pleasant trying 14 out the newspaper columns with the Thermometer at from 00, to 10tktleg. in the shade! We are tempted, whilst writing this paragraph to exclaim with the poet "Oh ! for a lodge in some vast wilderness, Spine boundless contiguity of shade!" Per there is acarcelr anything of which an interesting "local" can be made up. W have never-knuwn such a dearth of news ; the people seem to have forgot ten that we cannot survive without ma teriel to ,operate upon. Wake up, ye slumbering thousands, and do Something worthy of a paragraph—our pen is ready to record. Be patient, we• will soon Commence the good work of "firing our opponents in the.rear," AIt•STACK. Butter.--A hay-stack be . longing to Mr. Bchney, in North Leba non township, about three miles north east 61 this Borougbovas struck by light ning on Friday evening, and burnt to the ground. It contained about nine tons of hay, and the lass will probably amount to about $2OO. The sky was illuminated for miles. around. The sparse population and isolated situation of the fire rendered all efforts to save the surrounding building very difficult, but fortunately the Perseverance fire com pany of this borough, was promptly on the spot and put their apparatus into-ser vice, which was 14 . a heavy shower of rain, in which - the firemen as well as their "Masheen," were.complete ly "soaked."- ANOTIIER.—About 12 o'clock the same night, a smoke=house belonging to Mr: Oberly, on the Schtefferstown road, about mile from town, took fire and was destroyed, together with about fifty dollars worth of Beef, Pork and Soap. The fire originated, as is-sup posed, by the high .wind blowing ahout the ha ashes and coals left on a•hearth where fire bad been used the day b'efore. " STILL THEY COME 1"—On Sunday evening, as our Church-going people were - quietly seated in their pews, aux? iously waiting for the deli Very of ser mons, the fire-bell pealed for a northern direction. This alarm was occasioned by the explosion of a camphend-lamp, at the residencepf our friend.fos. Brick er, in North Lebanon borough. Our firemen were early upon the ground, but fortunately their services ,were not re quired. •;, 1101 COutiir itientitfrej wbire it . says that. we ".missed the,mark last sum. Iner" in "guessing" its county ticket 4--- We i clidnot guess then, nor last Week, in proof that we Were not "guessing,' we'may state that two of our "guesses" are already, ,verified, viz :'—that the call for the county convention would appear last week; and that it would be held'bn the 24th inst... Those who. will take the trouble 'te keep the matter in reu membiance will find that the ticket we gaye last week s , is : also correct, save some slight'variationwhat may be made tiefOre the meeting of the .cpnveniinn for policy sake. The autbdrity for our statements were no,''epessint," hut, de rived trinif'Those who.jtnow bud 'ars in the ring„...-. . •,' MIRAN: psi TIM UNION CANAL BRANCN. —We'relnctantly )earn - that dtfring the rain. on Ftlday everting of last:week,' a heavy Emegt,koac,curre,(h. near Mish's on the f'ittegrovd Branch of• the Union Canal.,..,As a laife porticii of the bantiment was washed away, mavigation will •bC interrupted foi selierkr days on th'rit"' portion of,the line.. The break dues not effect navigation on the. ,, Main Line' of A the Can between Middletown and Reading. 'Outs MAir.s.—Our present mail ar . rangeme nts are : anything but agreeable to the business .porlibn,of- our comm. nity,aml ive have been.daily expecting "a better time Coming." We heard an inno cent 'German reinark ye - sterday„to 'this drat-A- 77 .4, Es kart sig Jteinaifle in 4e mail gasclzigen-M. tie - was not far from the point. We now learn . that a differerit ar rangement' will - rtOt'be efft:cte'd until the completion of tfid.'railroad Hairlsburg. ' . -POTA:ToEs,—=-We are advised by our potato-cultivating friends that the crop this yeai; prqinispa most- abundantly—in fact, that it will, exceed any for many years past. In consequence of the large yield in promise, new potatoes within a week past have•curne down from $1,25 to 62i cents per bushel, and we doubt if our dealers would buy freely at the five-levies-figure. What a ,blessing for the poor this state of affairs is. Provi dence.'h-as been unusually kind this year. all round, Don't forget to he grateful. O 1I le ladies are just . now attiring themselve's aivcry neat Walking wrap per or "duster"-politely, terMed "Jo ephines," which certainly conmen - d6 it• self to good taste and sets very graee fullY.4on their shotildefs,.particularly if the lady wearing, it 'is crowned with the reviving - style of Quaker Bonnets,— vulgarly.termed "Sugar-Scoops I:iflt is an indisputable fact that those who advertise do the better business.-- Persons wishing to purchasti will con sult the advertising columns of a. news. papor,of which the leading bOinesalnerr will alWaysAike ad-vantage.: We Would suggest for_the benefit of all our 'profes sional .and business men a directory in the sti:ape: of: a few lines, in order rio let the public know where they'are to be found,and ,what.they, do. Religions Notices. Ger Mart preaching next Sabbath Morning in the MoraVian Church; anti in the allernoou at the Horseshatpike. German preaching . (Harvest home Sermony on nest' ' Sabbath mormm. : and English in the even ing:ln Zion!s Lutheran Church. The .Harvest sermon will be preaehed OIL next Sabbath evening in the English language in the Reformed 'Church. - • Harvest thanksgiving sermon next SiaIRMA morning at Oil o'clock. Eiiidish sn theevening in Salem's .Lutheran Ghareh; L - EngfiLiM preaching ; a'exti Sunday mornin g and Evening fn the gethcilist Cheviih. German preaching next Sabbath morning, and evening at Li o'clock, in the Eman.tiel'a`Church of the Evangelical AssoCiation. " "' _ - • A WWI E D 5 On 'tho 12th ult., I l i Mr.'Stein, Mr. Josh ua 13teslior, of Uniort . ,. - tO Miss Anna Ganiber . , of Swotari. 19th ult., by the Caine, Mr. Andrew Gretsehbr,..of JoiiestOwn,.to Miss Mitria Bauman, of llan'oror„ DIED, On the morning of the ad lust-, in . North Leb anon tp., Rev. C.Asr,in Doh?, aged 00053 yrs. &if- The funeral Of the deceased will - take place at his late roOdenee on - Friday iiioinin k;at 9 o'clock, a.m. The public; are . rest;diSlully invited to attend. A special in vitation is extentlen to all 3firiisters of the gospel,. On tho' lSth ult., in North Lebanon township, Catharine, wife. of St2ph en Schilling, aged 36 yrs., 6 months and 13 days. In this. borough, yn the 20th ult., Abraham, in fant son' of Peter and divilla Schott; aged 2 y'r.s., 7'iriontha and 29 days. NEWADVERTISEMENTS 9 Teachers , Witntvd. V lll L B EE S , C N l o l ?Pow D ZY: 9 Zt i r l ie s t, ° ,, f iPn c ieSt, ' Tc" 11.. Borgner's Hotel,in the Borough of N. Lebanon, ' ON SATURDAY; AUGUST 29, 1357 at 12 o'cloeic,.p. in., for' the purtmso of appointing 2lale Teachers, for the Schools of said district, fur the ensuing term of six months. The County Superintendent will be in attendance for the:pur pose of examining applicants. DAVID L. LIGHT, Pres't. ..Tosa.i.tr MOYER, Seet'y. -(Aug. 5, 's7—td. s Teaciters IVaifted. reni TEE SCHOOL DIRECTORS of CORNWALL TOWNSITTP, meet in . No. 7 SCIIOOI House, (Zirinnerman's,) on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1857, at 9 o'clock; a. tn., for the purpose, of polo Ling 3 Male' Teachers for the schools of sidd district for the ensuing term. The 'Connty Su perintendent will be in attendance to examine ap plicants. HENRY. A: SNAVELY, Pres't. ;TA coaMtkrumg, Jr.; Soot'y . [Aug. 5, 'SS—td. S Teachers. Wanted. meet~~ crud: Township will Ol llSin N of_ u So ttru4l o 7 - - I Se house, in .A.narille, on MONDAY„APAUST 31, I.siti, at 0 o'clock; for ; the purpose of ap pointing. 8 Male Teachers rot', the Schools of said district for the 'ensuing term of six Months. :Sal arly $25 per month. The County Superintendent,' Mr. KLunk, will ho in attendance to egandne np plicartts. Schools to open about the middle of September. DANIEL SEABOLD, Preet. DAR= STI:01 7 SCCVY: .[Aug. Wipe an# , ViAnor Store. AIL tind'ersignoW:lniving opened a IMiE AS O) LIQUOR, R:I'OR.E, at the EOrth-west. comer or Merket foul Itrukr 478, (in thereeni formerly oc cupied by J. Esq.,) is 'prepared to fur ,the citizens of the borough and county of Lebanon; with' idj killdeer_ choice Liquors, sitelx as Madeira, Port,• LiSban;.' and • Milseat . WINES, Brandy, Girt;' Old ,Rye Whiskey, Jamaica Spirits, 4.c., which he will sell at very reasonable .prices Tor °Asir, in quantities not less than one gallon. Ile would invite the public io.general to give hint a call, and hopes by;strict atteritien to busi nese and a desire to please, to receive a. liberal share of patronage. Eli NI/EL REIGART. Lebanon, Aug. 5, '57-3m. LE It k-N- (*;N N MEN T'S IF ANY D.FiitSON wiltoffer rind give to the ChAirt good security to bid, at the ensuing Sheriff's Sale, a handsome advance, open my house in Cum berland street, sold at Shoritrs sale for $7010,0r a like advance on my out-lets ih,Dornwall township, which sold in tho same way, for 5152 par acre, I will endeavor to set aside the sale, lam told by good judges, that these two properties did notbring a fair price. I will neither take myself, Dior give The purchasers any trouble for an inconsiderallo advance: TORY WEIDMAN. Lebanon, Aug.i s, 's:i' ' (Courier, Widirc'Dera., Lib. Dem:, eopy, 4 inser.l SUPERIOR P (IN EXIIMITION and FOR SALE, at "UNI , V ON . HALL," LEBANON, a variety of rior PIANOS, from Boston; New York and Phil adelphia, Makers, all .of wjiich will he sold at pri ces ranging from $275, to $6OO, for Cash,or good Notes, and warranted to : the purchaser to be equal to any made in the United States:: All persons wishia!%ttniehasewill please call without_ deity; as That'sfaak can itiptai* open bat a short time longer:- I 3 ,CARTER, Agent /ot thkfaleteittg Maktri--. Ballet, Davis'lz .13ostdn; A. H. Gale l Cp., New York ; _ Rat en, Bacon tk- Co., New York Nunes tit Clark, NewiYork ; . Shohmidter Co., Philturai - Conrad Meyer, Philadelphia; :.these makers have' aken Otoir one:hundred-first elites premiums for the superiority,of their inStru wants. Their Pis:nes-are now , itiever_fitly thou , sand families th4aFfilited . States, all giving great satisfactioM - ALSO; S: Irandin's &mons ModeLMELODEONS! . . . N.L.—All orders for Piano Tuning or Repair ing, may be left with T. F. PAANTZ, Aug. '5, 'S7—IL "Union Lebanon. . von A STORE ROOM AND OELLAR,;in the new JUL brick buildino•., in Market street, north of We ter, adjoiningjacob Wroidles property; iu-AILO bor ough of tObarron., It is calculated for a pry clouds and Grocery Store, and is in a thickly populated neighborhood. Possession will hO giyon imuredi- - arolydosirod. , Apply on the premises to JOIN' IT. SNAVELY. . Lebanon, Aug. 5, ."07-tf. • • . - House & Lot at Private Salo. TILE subscriber offers at private 0t71 . 4 sale, his two-story Prtimestreet, be - - birching Rouse, situated on Hill tiventiMarket .and "WSdatrti