The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, August 05, 1857, Image 1

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AITILL attend to all his official busbies. also, ALBERT G. RlCilAßDS.b ron th
Vlf all other legal and professional basins, on_ A d ver tisirig and Correspondence Office .
trusted to him will be promptly attended to.
Orioion--In Cumberland street, second di,
oast: frotn. Market et. [Lebanon, July 22,'57
()ETD:M . In Cuinborlantl street, oppoisito tho
NJ "Da& notel," Lobanon, Pa.
Lohn,non, April 22, 1857.-Iy.
AI Ct.
W. M. GUILFORD has removed his Of
flee to his now residence on Market Street, a
few doors North of ltaher Ores' Store, and be
tircon it and the New Lutheran church.
LAnnon, Dec. 10, 1550.—tf.
For Sale.
A second-hand Storm ENGINE', 10 horse pow
or. It is to bo sold to make room fur ono of a
larger eizo. Apply to
Lobn.non,ly 1, 1351.
SIDES, Whitoftmh, Mackerel, 'furring, Chem,
Vinegar, Tobacco, Segue, Flour,
ac., for sale by J. C.
Lebanon, July 20, 12.5fi. •
Leather, Leather, Leather!
TTENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French
Calf Skins, and general Leather Dealer, N.
G, South 3d street,
A general assortment of all kinds of Leather,
Moroeces, te., Red Oak Solo Leather.
Feb. 23, 1:351.—1y.
I 40 wnntad irnmedlntely nt OD Steam I'in
Mills of the undersigned, in this biamigh. None
but the best of bends roquired, to whom liberal
wages will bo given. Apply to
Lobation, Feb. 18, 1857.—tf.
itricklayer and Jobber,
Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn.a.
AM prepared, at nil times, to. pat up Brick
Work, in nil itp oryiwn the shortest
notice. Also, BRICK BUITARRFOS, porrAns,
Tun-walls,Boshes, Hearths, and all work connect
ed with a Furnace done. Aa , A gang of Stone
Masons always ready to pat down Foundations,
and do stone work of every description.
July 1, 1857.—tr. P. G. WINEL.
7' 11 167:11C 111167111,7
TI ALy dr. WILLIAMS would respectfully in-
LI form the citizens of Lebanon that they have
opened a first class SHAVING AND HAIR
MUSSING- SALOON, in Market street, opposite
tho Lebanon Bank. They would solicit a share
of the public patronage.
Lawton, May 20, 1857,--tf.
(Grain Wanted.
Wheat, .Rye, Oats, earn, 4.r.,
T tho Centro iVarehouse, on tho Onion Clinni,
n. in Illoyerstown, fur which the higliest market'
tasli &Mee #111" het pittitr - "l'heY o Aeep
«tautly on linnd nutl fur sale, Sulphur Coal, Stove
Conl. mai Con! fur llineburnersiwhla they sell nt
th• lowest prices. ERICH. TICE A: CO.
Alyerptawn, June 10, 1557.-3m4
• JUST nEcuivEn 11Y
J W . AC.K E R
in Cuptoerland street, next door to Dr
Oct. 22, '66.
Lebanon Valley Bank.
Located in Market street, °nearly . oppo
eite the United Hall, one Door N, orth.
bf the Post O f fice. •
WILL pay the Following. RATES of -INTER
EST on DEPOSITS, on, and aftei; the Ist
day of March, 1357, viz :
For 1 year, and longer, 6 per cent, per annum.
For 6 months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum.
For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent-per annum.
Requiring a short notice of withdrawal, and
fords a liberal line oraccommodatiOns to those who
mayfavoritrvithdeposits,payallpondemand. Will
pay a premium on SPAyisrr-04_inillXICAN Del—
la as, and also on OLD AMIIIIIOXR,,bOLLARD ADD
nALr Dom,Aus. Will make 4rellections on and
remit to all parts of the CniteirStates, the Cana
dna and Europe ; Negotinte'ttams,"&c., &c., and
do a general EXCHANGE end BANKING 11USI
GEO. ) Cashier.
npillE, undersigned, Managers, are individually
W liable to the extent of their Estates fur all
deposits and other obligations of the co-partner
ship filed in the Prothonotary% Wile° of Loblimn
County, trading under the name and Style of the
Lab., je 17,'67.]
or TIM
National Safety Trust Co. ca !
in Um
WYALNUT Street soath-►Vest corner of THIRD
Street. 9 01 , 0.114,1 5 .
MONEY Is received In nay sum. large or small, and
interest paid from the day of dcpa'sit. to the day Of will•
The office is open every 'lay from 0 o'clock in the
morning till 7 o'clock in the t . reldng, and on Monday
and Thuruday evenings till 0 d,.1,,,.k,
All sums, large or small, are paid leek In gold on de
mand without notice, to any amount.
Mon. 11ENRY L. BENNER., pmi d , nt,
110lialitT SELFRLDO.E', Vice President,
READ, Secretary,
Rem L. Itenner, C. Landreth 3lunns,
Edward L. Carter, r t•. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman,
James D. Smith, • I Trends Leo.
This Company wanes its business entirely to there.
'relying of money on interest. The investments amount-
Mug to nearly
One Million and a Half of Dollars!
WI Par published report of Anne, are made in conform
ity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ES
TATE, 510itTa AGES, anoutin BENTS, and such first
Wass securities, as will always ensure perfect security to
the depositors, and which cannot MU to give permanen
t, end stability to the institution. play 27, 1857.
LE8A...N:......'.:'''....:''............'.........':'.'.......i...'A. , f)V.ii.....'....ER . .'.T15'..:ER....:
Al Alen) anti
.10 1001 1:. ". Is"
t tne.
CO/M/9 in the Science of c
- r , do ECOLP. do en it AC
nd IMPERIAL COLLECI? b . y Dr. H. 11::
rAnid A 31 -11- IIEDICINF I , r
" 1 / 1 " L-ld Wholesale and r
Barrow: Zl- mbor of the Imp" logo of Vienna,
apnor d so n tioasilyi c i don, who may be
of Surgeon:4 k , LW Prince street,
few blocks w
till 2 P. M. an ' tgd at his rushirork, from 11 A. M.
Broadway,. ,,, I (Sundays excepted,
unless by apppin s , ruV ill 84'
.' 1
T s .„, remedy m i -R o i a ri v e a s,!ilial:ta tor ' rhom, and all the
distressing coriimu e ; ees "' n, .i'rout early abuse, indis
crimi„to 0 ,„ , or too rsidence in hot climates.
it has restored Alta, and enjoyment
strength anti vigor to
enjoyment of 'health anti
thotnetuds who are.
the functions o al ,„ n 9 llet whatever may be the
etwee or disquu a . - o ; l ;reurriage, they are Mode.
ally subdued. , ',..
.1 4\
„„ .ii.e . a No. 2,
. Completely and :tin: *militates all traces of Senor-
Lam, both in its tai iggravated twins, Cleats, Sink
titres, IrritatiorC 0 Madder, Non-retention of the
Urine,Pains of Ur .s and 'Kidneys, and those disnr
dere for width
, 00 and Cellists have so long been
thought nu anti
e flSelnier No. $,
is the great Cortina Rummy for Siphilis and Secon
dary a y aip i am illso constitutes a certain cure for
Scurvy, Seroftib lsit cutaneous Ertiptions, removing
acid expellimkii ,
Il 1, 011ri40 all hnpuritica front the vital
stream, so a a I,i
l to eradicate the virus of disease.
anti expel it by .sible perspiration through the me'
( H am of the v p , the shin and urine.
It is a nes*.remedy for that, class of disorders
which En glith .imint, treat with Mercury, to the in.
evitable dart, of the patient's constitution, and
which wid nil 1, i, ;partite in the world cannot remove.
, p,,,,,, :i . i *Fl and 3, are prepared in the form of a
lozenge, do:val.:age or smell, and can be carried in
the waists at ..t. Sold in tin eases, and divided in
separate d e palutinistered by Yalpeau, Lalleman,
Roux, Bic' rd. it , r. Price $3 creek or four cases in
one fur d 8 misfires $3, and iu V 27 cases, whereby
there is a . ti.v I $ 9 .
None at ig m unless the Engravings or the seats
ref the hadoi e of England. the seals of the Ecole de
PharmaWd,is, and the imperial College of Vienna,
are a ffi x ,, Itch wrapper, and around each case,—
Imitatire 'Ode to the severest penalties of the law.
i f
Speciabarmients enable Dr. Barrow to forward
immeditt yreceiving a remittance, the $0 and leer
err . erriesemar free of carriage, to any part of
the wort 1
idy packed and properly adareaSCll, thus
inturi g . c .tt European preparations and protecting
the putt .frPurions and pernicious imitations.
Aw n , i, al Consultation from 11 a. an. till 2p. in.
and fro - I WOO evening. 157 Prince serest, alow
blockst roadily, New York. '
May 'Si.
k i
I '1
a it
I 1
ivi wet-shell rill the merits lie,
qtadoro's flair Dye!
or pro's never-equalled Dye;
lie' Ives black, to brown transforms a grey,
A te the fibres always from decay.
wait ihless, re-vitalizing hair Dye, still bolds Its
p _ lies the most harmless and efficacious Muir
Dye f T WORLD. Prepared and Sold, wholesale
and re lid applied In ten private rooms, at 1 0 Hint
noftwo• N Astor Muse, Itroodivny. Now York, and
by mi . r lsts end Perfumers in the United States.
Jim 14 5 7.- 4 .l% — isq•
Age t-orge 11. Kayser, 140 Wood st i rlttaburlljn.
4111 O! 0 ! what Fun.
WE I have something new for Lebanon.—
',font Fox-chase will coma off this weak,
and mperson in the county is invited to at
tenditll men and small, tall women and small,
hig hipoid little opes, big girls and-little ones,.
kywniiti n and.,old, young ladies and old ones,
turn fit and wheelabout and run - after this fox
and tio.catch won't that, be fun. But do
not folt to call at
Ne• Cheap Dry broods
. ANT)
in thorough of Lebanon. (You will have plen
ty otte, as the Fux chase comes off in 'the af
terninat 2 o'clock,) therefore you will have a
goochneo of visiting and seeing their stocks of
whithey have received from New York and
Phirsuplida, and will sell tremendously
cheep There is nut the slightest doubt in my
mindot that their goods will (muse as much re
al element, (as well as profit,) in the borough
andZentry around, as this great Fox °bum—
Therire do not forget to visit J. M. Pileger &
Bru'i ire, and great will be your fun and very
gruaur gain. Yours, most respectfully,
A4yl, 1357.) J. M. P. & M. P.
Vi.,TZ In lICEDLI would respectfully inform
the Public, t at they constantly receive,
front Eastern Cities, .. pies of all the most important
and team New 800 ,as 80011 ns published, which
they o for sale cheap , than they can be purchased
chow! et Among tic. - lately received are—
]) i
_hues Expediti n, in 2 Vols.
Pr tt's history' Charles V., in 3 Vols.
Itteamtions of a fe Time, in 2 'Vols., by S. G.
ClootitlehAuthor of Pc .1. Parley's Tales.
Autnlography 0 Peter Cartwright, and other
IBlseellantus Works.
Carlipter's Assis, t and Rural Architect.
Amman A mid . ' ; by J. W. Bitch.
Downiqta Cott. Residences and Cottage Grounds.
`rho Bonoude 0 age Builder.
They have dways c mud a large assortment of School
)3, . Blank Books and
Al 1 ,
li lc —
ndersigned, having removed his Npw and
ap Book Store, to Market square, 2 doors
oil , f Dr. Guti.vor.D's Now Building, Market
ere he will be pleased to see all of Ilk old
r r • • o, and those desirious of having articles in.
With a determination of selling cheap-
E, • •11 can be purchased elsewhere, ho would re
sl call the attention of the public to his
ninon t, Of
I Wes, hymn and Prayer Rooks, Ms.
ellaneous, Blank and School Books,
Wall and Window Paper,
Stationery, and every article in his lino of bust
' ..oss. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for
35" • All the Magazines and Newspapers, both
y and weekly, to be had at Publisher's rates.
11 orders for articles in his lino carefully and
r ineptly attended to, by the undersigned.
Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1557. J. M. GOOD.
G. JP Deirces,
17110LESALE AND RETAIL Manufacturer of
" Ornamental and Plain Guilt-Looking Class
es, Portrait and Picture Frames of every slyly. ' a
largo stock of the above always on hand, whichl
will sell from 10 to 15 per cent. less than any other
establishment in the city.
work reguilted, &c. A liberal disoount to the
trade. O. W. DEWEES.
No. 154 North 2d street, below Race, west side
April 29, 1857.-6 m. Philada., Old No. 102.
~7 .7
- • CLOCKS .
.f: t - \ Thirty Dan
i l • • Eight Day,
Thirty Hour,
7 -1 4 CLOCKS,
mat Received at
.L J. BLATIV§ Jewelry Stott,
Lebanon; Pa.
g t i a t i t i yratuts, tut* an,b, -cpymcdit 4ttuo, tijs aguitutturt, mar Mara gutettiffeitte.
;und Boo flO
ks, an NERy.
d Music 1;0010,
tnonkr wbieli is
rinonia 114.'0; 5
mu Melodeon and Violin Instructors
of 10 and Domestic Manufacture,
Window Shades.
tii I y Magazines,
mid oil the
i APERS, daily 4. Weekly,
. ja a calling at theaters, on Cumberland street,
b ar hof Lebanon, nt the sign of the "Big honk."
Oni left with them for tiny kind ofgooda in their
will promptly attended to.
bon April S, 1557.
M. Good's Book Store.
She blossomed in the country,
Where sunny summer flings
Iler rosy arms about the earth,
And brightest blessings brings;
Ifealth was her solo inheritance,
And grace her only dower;
I never dreamed the wild wood
Contained so sweet a flower.
Far distant from the city,
And inland from tho sea,
My lassie bloomed in goodness,
As pure as puro could be ;
She caught ber dewy freshness
From hill and mountain bower,
sorer dreamed the wild wood
Contained so sweat a Given
The rainbow must havolent her
Some of its
,airy grace,
The wild rose parted with a blush
That nestled on her face;
The sunbeam got entangled in
The long waves of her hair,
Or She had never grown to be
So modest and so fair.
The early birds have taught her
Their joyous matin song,
And some of their soft innocence--
She's been with thee] so long.
And fur her now, if need be,
I'd part with wealth and power ;
I never dreamed the wild wood
Contained so sweet a flower.
Found dead—dead and alone;
Them was nobody near, nobody near.
When the outcast died on the pillow of stone
No mother, no brother, no sister near,
Nor a friendly voice to soothe or cheer;
Not a watching e:ye or a pitying tear.
Pound dead—dead and alone
the roofless street, on a pillow of stood.
ATany a weary day went by,
While wretched and worn he begged for bread,
Tired of life and loving to lie
Peacefully down with the silent dead,
Hunger and cold, and scorn and pain,
Had wasted. his form and seared his brain.
At last on a bed of frozen ground,
With a pillow of store was the outcast fonnd.
Pound dead—dead and alone,
On a pillow of stone, in a roofless street—
Nobody heard his last faint moan,
Or knew when his sad heart ceases to beat.
No mourner lingered with tears or sighs,
But the stars looked down with pitying oyes,
And the chill winds pass'd with a wailing sound
O'er the lonely spot where the form was found.
Found dead--yet not alone;
There was somebody near, somebody near,
To claim the wanderer as his own,
And find a home for the homeless hero.
One when every human door
Is closed to children accursed and poor,
Who opens the heavenly portal wide—
Ali ! God was near when the outcast died,
We question whether in all the his
tory of 'hair breadth escapes' a parallel
to the following can easily be found.—
The story was told us by an old and val
ued friend whose early days were spent
near the tragic adventure here recorded.
‘Ve give the story as related to us, in
the words of the hero
It was about the year 1795 that I
settled in Virginia near the falls of the
Kunawa. The country at that time was
an unbroken wilderness. But few set
tlements had been made then by the
whites, and they were so far apart as to
render vain all hopes of assistance in
case of an attack from hostile Indians
—numbers of whom still infested the
'1 lived here alone with my wife for
several months unmolested, and by dint
of perseverance, being then young and
hardy, had succeeded in making quite
a large clearing in the forest which I
had planted with corn, and which prom
ised an abundant yield.
'One morning, after we had dispatch
ed our humble meal, and I had just pre
pared to venture forth upon my regular
routine of labor, my attention was ar
rested by the tinkling of a cow bell in
the cornfield.
'l'llere' snid my wife, 'the cow is in
the cornfield.
'But the ear of the backwoodsman be
comes by education, very acute, espe
cially so from the fact that his safety of
ten depends upon the nice cultivation
of that sense. 1. was not so easily de
ceived. 1 listened—the sound was re
peated. 'That' said I, in reply to the
remark of my wife, 'was not the tinkle
of a bell upon the neck of a cow. It
is a decoy from seine •Indian who de
sires to draw me into an ambush.'
'Believing this to be the case I took
down my old musket (I had no rifle) and
seeing that it was properly "load Id, 1
stole cautiously around the field toward
the point from which the sound seemed
to proceed. As I had suspected, there,
in a cluster of bushes, crouched an In
dian waiting for me to appear in answer
to his decoy bell, that he might send
the • fatal bullet to my heart. I ap.
proached, without discovering myself
to him until within good shooting dis
tance, then raised my piece and fired.—
The bullet sped true to its mark, and
the Indian fell dead.
'Not knowing but that he; might be
accompanied by others I returned with
all speed to my cabin, and having firm
ly barricaded the door, I watched all
day from the port holes, in anticipation
of an attack from the companions of
the Indian I had killed. To add to the
danger, and seeming hopelessness of my
situation, I discovered that I had but
one charge of powder left. I could
make but one shot, and then, if attack
ed by numbers, I should be entirely in
their power. Determined to do the
best with what I had, I poured out my
last charge of powder and put it in my
musket with fifteen slugs and then wait
ed for . the approach of night, feeling
confident of an attack.. Night came at
last. A beautiful moonlight night it
was too, and this favorcd me greatly as
I would thereby be able to Obserta the
movements of the encmy as they ap
proached my cabin. It Was some two
hours after nightfall' anti as yet I had
neither heard nor seen align of the In
dians, when suddenly I. was startled by
the baying of my' dog at the stable. I
knew .that the Indians Were Conning.—
The stable stood a little to the west of
the cabin, and between the two was a
patch of cleared ground, upon which
the light of the full moon fell unob
structed. -Judging hem the noise at
the stabld that they wfMlll'advance from
that direction, _ I pciSted myself at the
.port hole on that sidt the cabin.
had previously placed my, wife up- .
on the cross polo in the chimney, so
that in case our enemies. effected an en
trance in the cabin she Might climb out
through the low chimney and .effect her
escape. For myiell I. entertained no
hope; but, determined not to he taken
alive, I resolved to sell my life dearly.
'With breathless imXiety I watched at
the port hole. At length l'saw them.
emerge from the shadow of the stable
end advance across the vacant ground .
toward my cabin. One—two—three--
great heaven six stalwart Indians arm
ed to the teeth, and urged on by the
hope of reveng e. I alone to op
pose them, with butione charge of post
der. My case was desperate indeed.—
With quick yet stealthy .step, in close
single file they -approached, and were
already within a few yards of the house,
when a slight change in the movement
of the forward Indian changed the po
sition of the entire six, so that a portion
of the left side of each Was uncovered.
They were all iri range—one aim would
cover all. Quick .as thought I aimed
and fired. As the smoke cleared away,
I could hardly credit what my senses
showed me as the result of my shot.--
The fifteen slugswith which I had load-
ed my musket had done their work well.
Five of the six Iridians lay dead upon
the ground, and the sixth had disap
'Although no enemy was now in sight
I did. not venture forth until morning.
There lay the bodies of the five Indians
undisturbed, together with the rifle of
the other. Securing the arms and am
munition of the fallen Indians,..l. follow
ed up the trail of the missing one, un
til,it reached the river, beyond whish .
point I could discover: no trace whatev
er. From-the anjwit of blood which
ma r t ire trail-et °et-Orem-44h- the'- un
mistakable evidence that he had picked
his way with difficulty; I was led to be
lieve that he had been mortally wound
ed, and in order to prevent his body
'from faliirg into the ban& of his white
foe, he had groped his way to the river
and thrown himself into the current,
which-had borne him away.
The Indians bad killed my cow, and
that you may be assured trifling
loss,-yet in my gratitude for my escape
from the merciless savages, I would
have been entirely willing to have made
gfeater sacrifices. I was well provided
(by meansPf arms and ammunition tak
en from the six Indians,) in case of a
second attack, but this, fortunately,
proved to -be my last adventure with the
savages. Not one of the band had es
caped to tell the -tale, and incite his
brethren to -avenge the death of their
!' exclaimed the old man, while
the tears gushed from his eyes at the
memory of that eventful night, 'that was
a glorious shot—the best I ever made.'
The hero of this adventure lived to
see the rude wilderness where he had
pitched his lonely cabin, o ,transformed
into smiling fields, and peopled by hardy
and enterprising pale faces, among
whom his last days were passed in 'peace
and plenty,' undisturbed by the presence .
of his old time foes.
now in this city, says a Fort Dodge pa
per, at the house of Major Williams, a
little boy who escaped the bloody mas
sacre by the Indians
,at Springfield, M.
'l'., on the 26th of Maf'ch last, and who
was brought to town by the volunteers
who went up to the rescue. tre says
his name is John Sidman Stewart. We
learn from some of the survivors of the
massacre that he is.the- ton of Josiah
Stewart ; forinerly of 4ndiana county,
Pa. The boy says that his grandfather's
name was Fleming; .prob - ably his mo4h
er and two little sisters, are among the
Also, a young lady,'about - sixteen or
seventeen years of age, named Elizabeth
Gardner, whose family was . also Alfler
cd, she only escaping the horrid fate.—
She says her father's name was Rolland
Gardner, but she *news not the resi.
deuce of any relaiive. Her father im
migrated from the State of Indiana, and
was formerly from Steuben county,
N. Y.
Both are delirous of heating from
their relativs,,,if they 'have any ; and all
communications in reference to them,
addressed. to• Major 'Williams, Fort
Dodge, Webster CounCy,lowa, will be
pr.omptlylnswead. They will be kind
ly cared for• till such times as digit.
friends shall come for them.
A VERN Cuerous , , WAX TO Sewn A.,LET
TEE.—It related by a celebrated his
torian Herodotus, that Histaus, tho
detained a prisoner by Darius,
an& all correspondence interdicted, he
shaved a man's head, wrote a despatch
upon it and kept the man out, of sight
till his hair was grown. The living
letter was then sent, and the person to
whom it, was addressed, upon shaving
the inessengoe,a head, found the news
there inscribed.
Kindness, like grain, must be sown.
A S(ranac *ory.
Some years since an eccentric old
genius, whom for convenience we will
call Barnes, was employed by a farmer
living in a town some six or seven miles
westerly from the Penobscot river, to
dig a well. The soil and substratum
being mostly sand, .old Barnes, after
having progressed downwaid about for
ty feet, found one morning upon going
out.early to his work that the well had
essentially caved in and was nearly. full
to the top: So having that desire, which
men have, of knowing what be
said of them after they., are'dead, and
no one being yet
.astir, he concealed
himself in lt.rank growth of burdocks
by the side of a board fence near 'the
mouth of the Well, having first left his
hat and frock upon the, windlass over
the well. At length breakfast being
ready a boy was dispatched to call him
to .his meal, when lo! it was seen that
Barnes was buried in thegrave uncon
sciously. dug by his own hands. Thu
alarm being given, and the family as
sembled, it was decided first to cat
breakfast and then send for the coroner,
the minister, and
,his' wife and children.
Such apathy did not flatter Barnes' self
esteem a bit, but he waited patiently,"
determined to hear whatwas to be said,
and see what was tp,,belseen. •
Presently all parties arrived and be
gan "prospecting" the scene'of the Ca
tastrophe, as people usually db in such
cases. At length they drew together to
exchange opinions as to.i,vhat should be
done, The minister at , once gave it as
his opinion that they should leVel up .
the well and let Barnes remain : "for,"
said he, "he is now beyond the tempta
tion to sin • and in the day of judgment
it will make no difference whether be
is five feet under the ground or fifty, for
lie is bound to come forth in either'ease."
The coroner likewise agreed that "it
would be a needless ekpense to his fam
ily or the town to disinter him when he
Was so 'effectually buried" and them
fore entirely coincided with the minis
ter. His wife thought that is "he had
left his hat and frock, it would be hard
ly worth while to dig him out for the
rest of his. clothes," and so it was de
cided to let him remain.
But poor old Barnes, who had no
breakfast and was hot at all pleased
with the result of the -inquest, laid.qui.
et until the shades of evening stole over
the landscape; then he quietly decamp-.
ed to parts-unkuovvii.- Afterremaining
inco'crnito for about three years, one
morning be suddenly appeared (hatless
and frockless as he werit):at the door of
the farmer for whom he had agreed to
dig the unfortunate well. To say that
an avalanche of questions were rained
upon him as to his mysterious reappear
ance &c., would convey but a feeble
idea of the excitement whiell his bodily
presence created. But the old man
bore it quietly, and at length informed
them that on finding himself bwricd he
waited for them to dig him out, until his
patience was exhausted, when he set to
work to dig himself out, and only the
day before had succeeded; for his ideas
being confused by the pressure of the
earth at the time he was buried, he bad
dug very much at random, and instead
of coming directly to •the surface he
came out in the town of Holden, six
miles cast of the Penobscot river!
No farther explanation was sought for
by those who were so distressed and sor-.
rowful over his supposed final resting.
Crinoline in Court.
A Lady Arrested and fined for obstruct
ing the Sidewalks.
_ .
One of the most extraordinary cases
ever brought before a legal tribunal was
witnessed in the Police Court on Satur
day. An officer complained of a young
and, remarkably handsome lady for ob.
mulcting the sidewalks of Washington
street by too great a display of Crinoline.
As it is understood that the lady is high
ly connected, we %will call her Mary
Smith, and not expose her true name.
Before the complaint was read, Judge
Rtissell inquired as to the whereabouts
of the prisoner. The officer repli ed
that the lady was waiting in the entry ;
that himself and two ethers had endea
vored to squeeze her uirou g h the door
ways, but they were too narrm, and he
wished the. Judge's advice iirtlie prem
Judge said that — it was an extraordina
ry case—the constitution guaranteed to
every one an open trial, arg,l he would
not hold a session In the entry even .to
pleasevarlady. Under_ the circumstances
he recommended Wat, Miss Smith be
moved from the entry to the front door,
and he thought that she musr spread con
siderable not to ho able to take her place
in the prisoner's dock.
The experiment was tried and • found
to answer„ admirably—the door being
some twenty feet wide, very 'little com
pression was needed—arid with a frown
of indignatioa upon her pretty brow Miss
Smith found herself face to face with the
judge and listened to the complaint which
was read to her.
The officer testified that half a dozen
times-during the week he, had been oblig.
ed to step irom the sidewalk to enable
ihc defendant to pass. Once he came
very near being run over by a passing ,
carriage, and he inquired of the judge
whether the city government would
have allowed a pension to his widow in
case he had been killed. V• •
The - judge said that he should reserve
his opinion until some time next week
on that point, and inquired whether the
eiteumference of the lady was not pro
duced by naturrl causes.
The-poliec officer' said that he was
the father of sixteen children, and, if
he was lucky, he expected an - addition
to his family next month. lie had ne'v.
ei known his wife to occupy half so
muchspace as Miss Smith, Wind be
she never would, as he' disliked
twins. •
The Court rebuked the levity of the
man and toltl bittl he must trust to Prov
The officer said that lie should ; but
if Providence continued td favor tarn,
he meant to petition far in increase of
salary,and bethought he ought to have it,
The court intimated that his remarks
were irrelevant to thircase,-and inquir
ed if ho had any further testimony to
The officer said that - Ile had
requested the prisoner two or thiree times
not to stop on the sidewalk, Els people
were unable to pass tivithout going,,into
the street, which at times, was incon
venient to ladies wearing paper•soled
shoes, owing to the outrageous manner
in which the thoroughfares -were kept. •
The court, in summing up, said that
the eV it was one of great magnitud e,and
should be checked by vigorous measures.
There was no statute under which too
great a display of crinoline came, but
he should take the responsibility of in
flicting, a fine of $5 and costs, and he
hoped it would be a warning. The fine
was promptly paid and Miss Smith was
A Valuable Discovery.
Green Corn for Food throughout the year.
We have been made acquainted with
a novel Old highly useful discovery
which is destined to effect something of
a revolution in the domestic provision
market. Mr. David RoWe, of tills coun
ty, has for several years devoted. much
attention to the curing and preserving
of Corn for table use, so as to avoid the
trouble of packing in air-tight cans, of
of boiling or oven-drying it, or the
trouble and expense of maclihiell in
manufacturing it into hominy.
Mr. Rowe is known as an ; excellent
mill-wright, and he is alsd the inventor
of some most useful agricultural imple
ments—having invented and construct
ed some of the best grain drills and
corn planters now in use. lie has now
discovered and invented a process of
preserving green corn in the car, so that
it does not cefrupt or gather mould, but
retains all the juice and tastes and other
qualities of the "milky grain." He
"plucks the ear of corn, in roasting etlf
time," and places it on the table in the
winter - seascin, either shelled - or in ears,
with all the tender and delicious quali
ties of the fresh grain ; and in thiii state
it is a much cheaper and more desirable
dish than the ordinary boiled and dried
(Shaker) corn or hominy. One of the
great advantages of tills discovery, is
that whole fields of corn can now be
collected and stored in ware-houses for
transportation or export to any part of
the world. Last summer,. Mr. Rowe
prepared and put up eight bushels of
corn by this proCedscond it still retains
all the sweetness and milk of the new
corn itself.
After years of labor and close inves•
li g ation devoted to this subject. Mr.
Rowe has fully accomplished his pur
pose ; and after careful examination in
to the merits of the discovery; and a
practical test 'of some of the 'grain thus
prepared, the United States Patent Of
fice, on the 30th of June, granted the
inventor a patent on the following claim;
" What t claim as my discovery and
invention is the ne_w_art and process of
preserving green corn in the ear, by ex•
tracting the pith of the cob and season
ing and drying the inside of the cob as
rapidly as the outside, for preserving the
virtues and juice of the grain, and pre
venting the collection of - mould or cor
ruption, as herein described; and for the
purposes set forth."
Mr. Rowe is at present preparing
conitnient znaehincs, not larger than a
small model commonly used for paring
apples, by : which every housekeeper can,
in one evening, prepare ten or fifteen
bushels of corn for his own use; and in
winter it is boiled like green corn, and
becomes the finest dish that can be
placed on the table.—Lanc. Intel.. •
Valve of Clover. Ilgy•—II. Capron,
of Illinois, who has been largely con
cerned in the dairy business, (having
sold $43000 worth of milk in a single
year,), says-the Country Gee-.
&man, that he made accurate exp'eri
ments Lb test the comparative ,value of
timothy and clover hay. These experi
ments extended titre - ugh a period of two
years, were accompanied with accurate
weighing and measuring, and. the food
was changed from timothy to, vice versa
once a month, and results were that the
clover' hay .ttniforinly yeilded*en per
cent. more mill: than the timothy. It
will be observed that this was not.a sin
gle eperiment, but a, series of experi
ments extending for a long period. It
is also proper to state that the clover
was well cured.
A SArn Mari TO frisunc.--=-By a steam
boat explosion on a Westernwiver, a
passenger was thrown unhurvinto the
water, and at once struck out lustily for
the shore, blowing, like a porpoise all
the while. He readheirthe bank alio st
exhausted, and was
_caught by a 4yst•
er and drawn out panting. ' "Nell, o d
fellow,", said his friend, "bad a hard ,
time, eh 1" "Ye yes, pre -pretty hard,-
considerin.' Wasn't doing it for my
solf, though; Was a wchkire fur one o'
thceinsurance .oflices in*New York.—
Got a policy on my life, and I wanted to
save them. I didn't care."
How inany k ine hats serve as a cover
ing for worthless heath, and - how many
plaited shirt bosoms cover a hollow cat , .
ern-where a heart should be lodged.
.1 .
.....'.. ill4-....g.r.t."...4M,
aItRAIS--1,06 A. YEAR.
UNPLbASANT.—Senc—A . private par
lor—Mr. Thompson, a , rich merchant,
spending . the, evening with nib brother
and wife. ptrance of Julia; `their
qaughter, a girt of six years:
Thoinpson—Aly dear, don't yo 6
love inq ,
Julia—No I dad% hiVe You at all !
Pa, (who has an eye to his brother's
last will and testament )---.oh .. yes, Julia,
yea love your uncle, ditii't you?
Juliii— , No 1 don't loVe him.
Uncle—Why don't you love me
Julia—Pa don't want me to tell.
Unsuspicious Pa—Oli yes, my deal - ,
tall uncle.
SUN, tfifter thinking a mmitent)--
Well it's because you don't die and
leave me your money. Pa said yor!
would, but you don't.
Grand Tableau—wife screums—hii
bankswears—and uncle makes a hasty.
The finest idea of a thunder storm ie
%Wien Higgens came home tight. Now
Higgens is a teacher, and had been to a
temperance meeting and had taken too
much, lemonade, or something. lie
came into the robin among 116 tiro and
datighters, -tind just then lie tombled
over the cradle and fell upon the (lour.
After a while he rose and said :
"Wife, arc you hurt 1"
dfe ytu harry"
"TerriWe.clap, that warn't
Two young misses, discussing the
qualities of . some young, gentleman,
were overheard thus
No. 1. "Well, I like Charley, but he
is rather girlish, he iNt the least
hit of a beard."
N. 2. "I say Charley has a beard,
hut he shaves it off."
No. I. "No he hasn't either, anir
more than .I have."
Not 2, "I say he has, toe, and I kiln*
it, for it tricked my cheek,"
MODESTY.---A modest young lady de
siring a leg of a ;hiciteti at the iahle
'lll take the part which ought to Le'
dressed in drawers!'
A young gentleman opposite iuunedi
ately said:
'l'll take part which ought to 4cdt the
Hartshorn was immediately adtniais
toed tti the lady:-
Improved Fire and Wattif proof
RSPECTFULLY inform tho citizens of %w
-risburg, niiadipg, Lancanter, Lebanon, and
their vicinities, that we are prepared to put on
roofs on most liberal terms, and at fiat shortest
We respectfully call the attention of persons d.
bout to build, to f:ur inralnable method or reeling,
now much used, Of:engi:At the principal cities of
the 'United States acid their vicinities. This mode
of roofing- having all the combined requisites of
cheapness, Durability, and Security against tiro
and Water, and AispenSing with high gable walls;
the roofs require an inclination of nut more than
three-qUartets nof all inch to the foot, and in
many eases saving the,entife cost of rafters—the
ceiling joist being used.
The gutters are made of the smile
without any, extra charges ; consequently,. Out
roofs are put up at alnfost half the cost of either
Tin, Slate, or Shingles. The. material being of
an inipefishalthi haters/ it surpasses all others in
Dtraltility ;=beshles, ill case of any casualty, it
is the most easily fepaireld of any othek tool' now
in use. Yet, the best'proof . we can offer as to its
being both &re and water proof, aro oar tdany ro
ijirences, to any one of whom we are at liberty
to refer.
N. B.—But let it be distinctly understood,
(since we manufacture our own composition, and
tin thU Work in person,) that we warrant all our
work proof against both Fire and Water ; if they
prove contrary, we will most willingly abide the
The materials being mostly non-eondnetors of
hest, no roof is so cool iti SUMMAT
~ or so warm in
hinter. Thoso wishing to, use our roof should
give the rafters a pitch of about one iiCli to' the
foot. [airy 27, 1,554.-11. n.
.111:An QUARTEMS, 21 Brigade,
tab Division Penn'a Volunteers.
Lue.i.vort, June 14th, 1557
to Brigade Parade is ordered to take place
at Lebanon, on Thursday, the 10th day of Sep
tetniair nett, being tile Anniversary of Perry
Mr. Caspar Shunk is hereby appointed Brigade
Malta" trf this Brigade, with the rank of Captain,
and will be respeetetlagehrtlingly:
'Mei commanding alit'ors of ComPanie:i', - ;vithin
the. Brigade, wilt have this order read to their
men, at the 'next Parade after its reception.
The Brigade Quartermaster, Captain Win. W.
Murray, is charged with the transmission of these,
orders. to the commandini; officers of the compa
nies fornting the Bri:fit6. no Brigade Major.
Captain Staudt, will furnish him with the taqui
site number of copies of it.
The Brigade Inspector, Major Frederick Ent
;Welt, is charged with the duty of illNitit,g compa
nies from the neighboring Britrndcs. The Bri
gade Major, Captain Slunk, tvili furnish him with
a copy of this order.
Further orders will be issued in due time, in
forming eceripAny officers of limo field evolittionit
Contemplated to be performed by the Brigade,
*ben it ncsembleti.
It gives the General pleasure to state that Ma
jor General Wm. 11. Kelm has intimated his wil
lingness to order a Division Parade at Lebanon.
should Om idea he favorably received. throughout
the Division, or by the major portion of it, some
time in the month of October. Brigadier-0 encr
als. Williams and Bunter hare cordially approved
of the movement, alld promised to attend with
-their staffs, should it be carried - out.
.order,Of JOHN .W.EIIMANk
Brigadier General 2d Brigade, ,
• sth Division, Penn'ii'Volunteers
CASPAR: &nisi.; *ignite Major,
Lebanen, Juno
Witte and Liquor Store.
rrlIE . undersigned having opened a 'WINE ANo
'l.l4.luott swum, at, the North-west corner of
Market and 'Tater Sta., (in the room formerly oc
cupied by Weidle, Esq.,) is now prepared to for.
nish. the eitigens: of the 14,oreugh and county of
Lebanon, with all kindsof such
Madeira, Pot,t it
.;Lisbon, and Muscat
WINES, Brandy,. Gin Old Aye
Wki#kcy, Jamaica'Spiri4s,
which he will sell at very reasonable [dices for
eAsit, in quantiliis not leas than one gallon.
would invite the public in general to glee
him a call, and hopes by strict attentien to
ness :and , a. desire to please: to receive a beret
slide' f pittionage. EMANUEL P.E3.43 ART.
C ALL end see the stock of Atkins &
rAfrii 1, 1.8t.7.