The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 29, 1857, Image 1

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ta. 9-10.
'OFFICE in Cumberland street, opposite the
"Eagle Hotel l Lebanon, Pa.
Lebanon, April 'ft, _
R. WM. Ni.'ISVI'Li'DAD has rumored his Di%
:LI flee to his new residence on Market Street, a
isw doors Norh of Raber &. Ores' Store, and be
trirerm ft and the New Lutheran church.
-Aebierion, Dec. 10, 1550.-tf.
For Sale.
ASecond-hand Steam ENGINE,IO horse pow
or. it is to be sold to make room for one of a
larger size. Apply to
Lehman, July 1,18&7.
SIDES, Whitefish, Mackerel, Herring, Cheese,
Vinegar, Tobacco, &gars, Flour, Feeding, ,be.
at., for sale by J. C. REISNER.
Lebanon, July 30, 1856.
iiI7ANtEI6 3
TWELVE good Flour Barrel Coopers, at the
Genesee milk, in Lebanon, to whom constant
work and good wages will bo given. None but
sober and steady workmen need epply.
January 7, 1957. MYERS Ac SIIOUR.
wanted immediately at the Steam Planing
Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None
but the best of hands required, to whom liberal
wages will be given. Apply to
Lebanon, Feb.•lB, 1:867,Af.
Bricklayer and Jobber,
Maim Deposit, Dauphin county, Parrett.
lAM p 7 reprred at all times, to put up Brick
Work, in all its brunches, and on tho shortest
notice. Also, BRICK BUILDINGS, Boit,Etra,
Inn walls, Bashes, Hearths, and all work connect
ed with a Furnace dune. ralk-A gang of Stone
Masons always reedy to put down foundations,
and do stone work of every description.
July 1, 1557.—tf. P. LL WIKKL.
N - 111•__..., - 4"
D ALYi Lit‘lS would
rmeetfui LT in
form the citizensf t they have
opened a first class SHAVING AND HAIR
DRESSING SALOON, in Market street, opposite
the Lebanon Bank. They would solicit a share
of the public patroneg,e.
Lebanon, May 20,
Grain 'Wanted.
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, 4-e.,
A T the Centre 'Warehouse, on the Union Canal,
in Meyerstown, for which the highest market
cash prices will be paid. They also keep con
stantly on hand end for sale, Sulphur Nei, Stove
Coal, and Coal for limeburners, which they sell at
the lowest prices. URICH, TICE & C.
Myerstown, June 10, 1857.-3 ml,
A' tho thmsseo Mills, in Om Borough of Loba
W II E A 1 1
to any quantity, for which the highest Market
prices will be paid in Coati, by
:honor) , 7, 130; MYERS h SIIOUR.
WATCHES AND rnvnuty•
In Cumberlan d . street, next door to Dr
Oct. 22, '56
Lebanon Valley Bank.
Located in Market street, nearly oppo
site the United Hall, one Door Nora
of the Post (lee.
'WILL pay the following RATES of INTER
.r EST on DEPOSITS, on, and after, the Ist
day of March, 1357, viz :
For 1 year,
and longer, 8 per cent, per annum.
For 6 months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum.
For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum.
Requiring a short notice of withdrawal, and af
fords a liberal line of accommodations to those who
may favor it with doposits,payable on demand. Will
pay a premium on SPANISH and MEXICAN Dot,
Late, and also on OLD ANaRICAN DOLLARS AND
mar DOLLARS. Will make collections on and
remit to all parts of the United States, the Cana
dna and Europe I Negotiate Loans, &0., &0., and
NESS. ta. DAWSON COLEMAN, President.
Geo. Gt.eto, Cashier.
THE, undersigned, Managers, are individually
liable to the extent of their Estates for all
deposits and other obligations of the co-partner
ship Med in the Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon
County, trading under the hunts and style of the
4i Lartaxox-VALLET BANK."
Leb., Jo '57.) Gwonam GLEIM.
Piationat Safety Trust Co.
174/ s:WALNUT Street, ,-, oth•Weet corner of THIRD
Street, PLihakiplda.
MONEY is received in nay Plllll, large or email, and
Interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with
The office is open every day trout 9 o'clock in the
morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday
and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock,
All eume, large or email, are paid buck in gold on tie.
Juana without notice, to any amount.
Hon. HENRY L. RENNER, President,
ROBERT SELWItIDOE, Vice President,
Wx. J. RED, Secretary,
Minty L. Benner,l C. Landreth 3:limns, '
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph D. Derry,
Samuel K. Ashton, I Henry L. Churchman,
James B. Smith, Francis Lee.
This Company confines its lewdness entirely to there.
eeirlug of money on interest., The Investments amount
nz to nearly .
One Million and a Half of Dollars!
witham report of MIMS, are made confo
ty'i the illions of the Charter, in REAL ES.
ekes seenrittea, as will always ammo pertbet sacrarity to
the depositors, end which cannot Tall tor perreanen
aT sad itabilitr to the tstatteutien. ey 27,1007.
gleiniteV to llolitiro, Xiterattre, foreign ITO ginteltit *tug, *8 Batt*, agrituitutte, an 1- surd gutsitigrutt,
Advertising and Correspondence Office, 360 Broad-
Way; New York,
A'ete Oka ii q, (*Tani Ins
eaTi6g in 171 e Science of Medicine.
enna. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. H. A.
Barrow, member of the Imp'l College of Vienna,
and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be
personally consulted at his residence, 157 Prince street,
few blocks west of BroadwaYrNew York, from 11 A. M.
till 2 P. M. and from 4 till BP. AL (Sundays excepted,
unless by appointment.)
Tilesethar Ho. 1,
ib°nYlnl'ed'y fdr Relaxation, Spermatorrhom, and-all the
distressing consequences arising from early abuse, indis
criminate excesses, or tooloug residence In hot climates.
It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to
thousands who are now In the enjoyment of health and
the functions of manhood; and whatever may be the
cause or disqualifications fur marriage, they are etlectu
Tijeseiniir 11 - 11. 2,
Completely and entirely cradidates all traces of Guno'r
lima, both In its mild and aggravated forms, Oleets, &rte.
tuns, Irritation of the Madder, Non-retention of tho
Urine, Pains attic Loins and Kidneys, and those disor
ders for which Copaivi and. Cubebs have so long been
thought. an antidote.
Triesemar No. 3,
is the great Continental REMEDY for MORN and wow.
dary symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for
Scurvy, Scrofula, and all cutaneous Eruptions, fethoving
and expelling in its course eit impurities from the vital
stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of dim"
and expel it by insensible perspiration through the me
diam of the pores of the skin and urine.
It Is n never failing remedy for that class of disorders
which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the In
evitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove.
TRIEBEMAR N 01,2 and 3ore prepared in the form of a
lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in
the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided in
separate dosses As tairsinistered by lialpeau, LaDentan,
Roux, Rieord, &c. Price $3 each, or four eases tric
one for $9, which saves $3, rind in $27 cases, whereby
there is a saving of $O.
None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals
of the Patent Office of England, the seals of the Ecole de
Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna,
are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case.—
Imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the law.
Special arrangements enable Dr. Darrow to forward
immediately. on receiving a remittance, the $9 and lar
ger size rases of Triesemar ilce of carriage, to any part of
the world, securely packed and properly addressed, thus
insuring genuine European preparations and protecting
the public from spurious and pernicious imitatiens.
A trend:men and Consultation from 11 a. m. till 2 p. m.
and from 4 till Sin the evening. 157 Prince sureet, afew
hocks west of Broadway, New York.
May 6,1857-1 y:
Cristadoro's Hair Dye;
Within a nut-shell all the merits lie,
or eristadore'e never.cqualled Dye ;
Red it makes black, to brown transforms a grey,
And keeps the fibres always from decay.
11t13 matchless, revitalizing ( lair Dye, still holds Its
position as the most harmless and efficacious flair
Dye in 'Edit WORLD. freydit•ed and sold, wholesale
end retail, and applied in ten private robins, at CRlSTA
ponces, NI). 8 Astor House, Broadway. New York, and
by all Druggists Mid Perfumers in the United States.
Jan. 14,
Agent—George H. Keyser, 140 Wood eL,Fittsbur3,yri.
Dauphin & Susquehanna Railroad
Susquehanna. & Schuylkill,
Frorii Harri Aierst 511 F
WO I'ASIENGER TRAINS each way daily,
- Aj - except Sundays.
Trains going East,..-Nth I—leave Harrisburg at
a, tm—artiVe at Auburn at 7.55. a. m.
'Trains going East.—No. 2—leave Harrisburg at
3.13, pAn.—arrive at Auburn at 0.50, p. m.
Trains going West.—No. 3—leave Auburn at 8.45,
a. in.—arrive at Harrisburg at 11.47, a. us..
Trains going West.—No. 4—leave Auburn at 4.37,
p. m.—arrive at Harrisburg at 7.50, p. m.
Passengers by Trains Nos. 1 and 2 proceed by
Trains of the Reading Rail-road to Pottsville,
Port Clinton, Reading, Philadelphia, and points
on the valley of the Schuylkill and by the Cat
awissa Rail-road and its - connections to Tamaqua,
Catawissa ) Danville, Milton, Williamsport, Rind.
ra, Buffalo ; Niagara Fulls, and all points of the
North and West of the 'United States and Canada.
And Passengers from any place above named, or
points in their direction, will arrive at Harrisburg
by trains Nos. 3 and 4,and connect with trains of
the Pennsylvania Central Rail-road for Lancaster
and Philadelphia, or for Pittsburg and the West,
and with the Cumberland Valley Rail-road for
Carlisle, diambersburg, ac.; and with the North
ern Central Rail-road to York, Baltimore, Wash•
ington City, and all the Rail-road points of the
Southern States ; or to Millersburg, Georgetown,
and Treverton, on the Susquehanna.
ThroUgh tickets are sold at the Office of the
Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad, opposite the
National Hotel, BarrisbUrg, for all points on the
Catawissa Railroad and its connections through
to Niagara Falls, dm "R. W. MASON,
COLD SPRING) OFFICE, Sup't and Cashier.
Lebanon county, Penn* July 8,1857-4 t.
Hello! 01 what Fun.
IXTE will have 'something new for Lebanon.—
if V A great Fox-chase will come off this week,
and every person in the county is invited to at
tend it, tall men , and small, tall women and small,
big boys and little ones, big girls and little ones,
young men and old, young ladies and and ones,
turn about and wheel about and run after this fox
and try to catch biro, won't that bo fun. •But do
not forget to call at
New Cheap Dry Goods
in the borough of Lebanon. (You will have plen
ty of time, as the Fux chase comet off in the af
ternoon at 2 o'cleekd therefore yen will have a
good chance of visiting and seeing their stocks of
which they have received from New Turk and
Philadelphia, and will sell tremendously
cheep. There is not the slightest doubt in my
mind, but that their goods Will cause as much re
al excitement, (as well as profit,) in the borough
and country around, as this great Fox chase.—
Therefore do not forget to visit J. M. Ptleger a
Bro's store, and great will be your fun, and very
great your gain. Yours, most respectfully,
April 1, 1857.] J. M. P.. S. M. P.
Of 3. M. Good's Book Store.
HE undersigned, having removed his New and
Cheap Book Store, to Market square,2 doors
north of Dr. GUMFORD'S New Building, Market
et., whore he will be pleased to see all of his old
friends, and those desirious of having articles in
his line. With a determination of selling cheap
er than can be purchased elsewhere, ho would re
speetfully call the attention of the public to his
assortment of
Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Mis
cellaneous, Blank and School Books,
Wall and Window Paper,
Stationery, and every article in his line of busi
ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and Almanacs for
1857. All the Magazines and Newspapers, both
daily and weekly, to be had at Publisher's rates.
All orders for articles in his line carefully and
promptly attended to, by the undersigned.
Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1857. T. M. GOOD.
G. fr. Detvees,
Ornamental and Phan Guilt Looking Glade.
03, Portrait and Picture Eramee of every style; a
large steak of the above always on baud, which I
will sell from 10 to 15 per cent. lees than any other
establishment in the city.
work legated, ao. A liberal discount to the
trade. O. W. DEWEES.
No. 154 North 2d etre, t, below Race, Wait aide
April 29, 1857.-6 m. Philada., Old No. 102.
As lei* Nature once explored
Her caW 'of ertiatares rich and rare,
She miss'd fhinale charms a hoal4,
Enough to form a thousand fair.
To Love the goddess quickly flew,
And plainly told him her belief,
Indeed, conviction ' that he knew
The 'person who had been the thief.
Scarce ended was her tale of we,
Ere roguish Lore the goddess left,
And speeding straight• to ono I know,
Abruptly charged her with the theft..
Thu trembling maid denied, with grief;
But Cupid has a judgment sound :
"'Tis plain, he cried, that you're the thief,
ror an you an the ,4eode .fowad."
Hest thou sounded the depths of yonder sea,
And counted the sands that under it be?
Hast thou measured the height of heaven above?
Then mayest thou mete out a mother's love.
nest thou talkoa with the blessed of leading on
To the throve of God some wandering sari?
Rest thou witnessed the angels' bright employ?
then mayest thou speak of a raother'e joy.
Hest thou gone with the traveler Thought aftei-,
From pole to pole, sail fitan star to star?
Thou bast—but on ocean, earth or seu,
The heart of a mother has gone with thee.
There is not a grand, inspiring thought,
There is not a truth by wisdom taught,
There is not a feeling pure and high,
That may nut be read in a mother's eye.
And ever since earth began, that look
Has been to the wise an open book,
To wiu thew back Prow the lore they prize,
To the holier love that edifies.
There aro teachings on earth, and sky and air,
The Ileaveils the glory of God declare;
But louder than Noice beneath, above,
Ho is heard to speak through a Mother's lose.
t 2. UailE iz .
Curious Mode of Getting a Wife
One little att of politeness will sortie
times have the way to fortune and pre
ferment. The following sketch il los
trates this fact :
A sailor, roughly garbed, was saun
tering through the streets of New Or
leans, then in -a rather damp condition
from recent rain and rise of the tide.—
Turning the corner of a much frequent.
ed alley, he observed a young lady stand
ing in much perplexity, apparently
measuring the depth of the muddy wa
ter between her and the Opptisite . side
walk with no very satisfied countenance.
The sailor paused, for he was a great
admirer of beauty; and certainly the
fair fate that peeped out from under
that chip hat, and auburn curls hanging
glossy and unconfined over her muslin
dress, might tempt a curious or admir
ing glance. Perplexed, the lady put
forth one little foot, when the gallant
sailor, with characteristic impulsiveness,
"That pretty foot, lady, should not be
soiled with the filth of this lane; wait
for a moment only, and I will make you
a path.
So, springing past her into a carpen
ter shop ppposite, he bargained for a
plank board that stood in the doorway,
and coming back to the smiling girl,
who was coquettish enough to accept
the services of the handsome young
sailor, he bridged the narrow black
stream, and she tripped across with a
merry "thank you," and a roguish smile,
making her eyes as dazzling as they
could be, •
Alas! our young sailor was perfectly
charmed. What else could make him
catch up and shoulder the plank and
follow the little witch through the
streets to her home. She twice per
formed the ceremony of "walking the
plank," and each time thanking him
with one of her eloquent smiles. Pres ,
catty our young hero saw the young la
dy trip up the marble steps of a palace
of a house, and disappear within its
rosewood entrance. Fora full moment
he stood looking at the door, and then,
with a wonderful big sigh, turned away,
disposed of his drawbridge and return
ed to the ship.
The next day he was astonished with
an order of promotion from the captain.
Poor Jack was speechless with amaze
ment. He had not dreamed of being
exalted to the dignity of second mate's
office on beard of one of the most splen
did ships that sailed out of the port of
New Orleans. He knew he Was com
petent, for instead of spending his mon
ey for amusements, visiting theatres,
bowling alleys on his return from sea,
he purchased books and became quite a
student; but he expected years to inter
vene before his ambitious hopes would
be realized.
His superior officers seemed to look
upon him with considerable leniency,
and gave him many a fair opportunity
of gathering marine knowledge, and in
a year the handsome, gentlemanly young
mate had acquired unusual favor in the
eyes of the portly commander, Captain
Hume, who had first taken the smart
little black eyed fellow, with his neat
tarpaulin and tidy bundle, as cabin boy.
One night the yong man, with all the
officers, was invited to an entertainment
at the captain's house. He went, and,
to his astonishment mounted the identi
cal steps, up on which two years before
had tripped the bright vision he bad nev
er forgotten. Thump went his brave
heart, as he was ushered into the parlor;
and like a sledge hammer it beat again,
when Captain Hume introduced hisblue
eyed daughter, with a pleasant smile, as
"the young lady once indebted to your
politeness for a safe and dry walk home."
His eyes were all blaze, and his brown
cheek flushed hotly, as the noble ca.
twin sauntered away leaving the fair
tirade flume at his side. And in all
that assembly there wilt trot so handsome
a couple as the gallant sailor and the
"pretty ladie."
It was only a year from that time the
second mate trod the quarter d'etk, sec
ond only in Command, and part owner
with the 'captain, riot only in the vessel,
but in the affections of his daughter,
gentle Grace iiunre, whb had always
'cherished 4espect, to say nothing of love,
for the bright-eyed sailor.
His homely but earnest act of polite•
ness towards his child hadolehed the
captain and, though the youth knew it
blot, was the cause of his first promotion.
So that now the old man has retired
form business, Harry Wells is Captain
Wells, and Grace Hume, according to
polite perlance is Mrs. Captain Wells.
In fact, our honest sailor is one of the
richest men in the. Crescent City, and
he owes, perhaps, the greatest part of
his prosperity to his tact and politeness
in crossing the street.
-A ludicrous item of testimony was
squeezed out of a village beau at Medi
na, in the course of the Coroner's inves
tigation. The l'tibune there says that
the facts, without addition or abatement ;
are as stated. Mr. Aminidab Doolittle,
was called on the witness stand, blush
ing in anticipation of the revelations he
might be called upon to make. John
W. Graves, "Esq . „ who concluded the
ease, "put him through" as follows
Graves—Where were you on Sunday
evening last
Doolittle=-At. the Methodist chug ch
Graves—=-Where did you go after
church 1
Doolittle—l went down Center street.
Graves—How far down Center street
did you go ?
Doolittle--Nell I went . down to
C;;---: St.
Graves—What house did you go to
on C— street
Doolittle—Well I went. to-4 went
to—well I don't know as I'm obliged to
tell where I went.
Graves—You are obliged to 411—so
out with it.
Doolittle'-•I went to—to—Bfr. Hig•
Graves—How late did you stay 1.
Doolittle-1 staid till—well about
10 o'clock.
Graves—Where did you go 'then?
staid' to; tliir. iggtns. -
Graves—How - late did you. stay?
Doolittle—l staid guess
about 11 o'clock. '--
Graves—Yes—and Where did you go
Doolittle—Didn't go anywhere—l Mr. Higgins'—till about half
past eleven.
Graves - -Weil, Men' where .did you
go 1
Doolittle—l went .to—l don't know
sir, as l'in obliged to tell where I Went.
Graves—You are obliged to -tell, sir
—where did you go?
Doolittle—l went to—well I didn't
go anywhere. By special request I staid
all night/
A SINGULAR DEATH.-A person nam
ed S—, a clerk in a public office in Par
is, possesses a small country house be
tween Chatillon and Plessis-Piquet, tb
which he Is in the habit of going with his
family every Saturday on quitting his
office, and remaining until Monday
morning. Against one of the Walls of
hit. garden stands a small house, which,
however, has no opening toward his
garden except a small loophole for giv
ing ventilation. was not aware
that this house was inhabitedby any one,
and was therefore somewhat surprised,
while working in his garden the even
ing of Sunday week, to see a stone tied
to a string let down from the loophole,.
and with a piece of paper attached to it.
Thinking it was merely the frolic of
some children who might have got into
the house, he took no notice of it, and
left on Monday morning as usual. On
his return en Saturday following he
was surprised to see the stone paper
still hanging there, and taking the lat
ter, he opened it. To his astonishment
he found written on the paper, "I am
seriously ill, and cannot move. -Crime
to my assistance for the love , of Heaven."
S— was in consternation, and call.
log to his assistance a man who work
log in an adjoining field, they broke into
the house, and on the ground they found
the lifeless body of a man lying on the
floor. Near him was a sheet of paper
on which was written, "Write immedi
ately to M. Reu St. Louis,
Versailles." Au inquiry was immedi
ately instituted, when it was found that
the deceased, after a life of dissipation,
had, with what remained of his fortune,
purchased the little cottage where he had
lived alone, going out merely to take his
meals at a wine shop near. a s— re
proaches himself for not having looked
at the paper first, as the poor man's life
might in all probability have kten,saved.
A New York paper reports the last
case of roguish audacity. A lady went
into a store to purchase a shawl. Just
as she was handing the clerk two fifty
dollar bills she received 'a blow on the
face from a well dressed person, who
exclaimed, "I forbade you buying a
shawl," and snatching the money from
her hand, ha evaporated. The lady
fainted, and on recovering, the merchant
expressed suprise that her husband
should have acted so ungentleziranly;
but his surprise was greatly increased
when the lady informed him that it was
not her husbnd, and that she bad never
seen him before. 'The bold thisfrhow
ever, had ,made good'his escape.
*HUN THAN ARV l iis.--twd men in
Smithville, Canada, Cach otirned a stud
horse, and set them to lighting, the bar.
gain being that the horse which kicked
the longest was to be declared the vic
tor, the diviter was to take the Money
staked. The horses' kicked and bit
each other in a horrible manner, tearing
out pieces of flesh six and nine inches
in measurement, anti both were killed
on the spot. One of the horses was
valued at $2OO, and the other at $l9O,
the former being declared the winner,
because after both had fallen he con
tinued to kick the air over the pros
trate form of his antagonist. — The St.
Cathatines' Journat desii•es to see the
two men sent to the penitentiary.
The Penitentiary is too good for such
wretches—we Can't Call them tilett.—
They ought to be tied together with a
stout rope, and made to kick and bite
each other to death. If they had no
mercy on their poor horses, who, dumb
beasts, did only what their masters drove
thent to-do, why should any mercy be
shown toward theml The Old law of
tetaliatinn was not so bad as we mod
erns imagine. It Would be just the
thing to punish such vile creatures as
Aiv ErriAOi6lllARY Rms.—judge
Burke, of South Carolina, rode on horse-
back frourcircuit to circuit, accompa
nied by a servant, who was directed to
keep close behind him, while he med
itated as pleased himself by the way.
Jogging along in this way, on one oc
casion, the servant pressed up too near
to the horse which happeried to be an
illnatured brute, and the consequence
Was that the horse kicked the negro on
the leg, who, observing that it had not
interrupted his master's study, sprang
off his horse, and picking up a stone
threw it at the horse, which it unlucki
ly missed and took effect between the
Judge's shoulders. The instant the ne
gro saw what had been done, he fell in
the road with his hands clasped around
his leg, and eying out in apparent ag
ony; as soon as the Judge could straight.
en himself, he turned around and said
to the prostrate negro, "Stephen, child,
what ails your Lord, master,"was - the
reply, "your horse just now kicked me
on the leg And almost broke it." "Well,
Child," laid the Judge, "he just now
kicked me between the shoulders, and
almost broke my back too."
. Nwar—Azux.Dranku w cTumßoads...uAi.t..
—'very body has read of Jules Gerarit,
the lion-killer, and his wonderful en-.
counter in the jungles of Africa. When
Gerard came back to Paris the last time
from his favorite amusement in Africa,
he suggested toDevisme, the well-known
gun-maker of the Boulevard des Italiens,
the idea of inventing a ball that would
explode when it arrived in the animal's
body. The new projectile is about the
size of the Minnie ball; its penetrating
force is equal to the common ball; Ar
rived in the animal's body it explodes
like a bomb, and, of course, causes the
sudden death of the animal. If shot
into the lungs of an elephant, fur ex
ample, the ball, in exploding, disengages
carbonic acid gas, and the animal, which
from its size might otherwise survive
for a short time, will suddenly fall as
phyxiated. A few days ago a party of
gentlemen aceompanied M. Devisme to
a horse slaughter-house in the environs
of the city. There the new projectile
was tried on five horses who were stand- i
ing tied to a fence waiting to be shot.
They were each shot in the lungs, the
ball exploded, and the animal fell dead.
The experiment was completely ttatis
factory. Since then, M. Deviame, to
demonstrate the practicability of his
new projectile as a substitute for the
harpoon in the destruction of whales,
has gone to Havre, not with the hope
that a whale would present itself to be
killed, but to try the experiment on an
artificial whale that would respond in
its resistance to a real one. The ex
periment was entirely successful, and
those who witnessed it assert positively
that the substitute for the harpoon is.,
thunder storm, on Sunday night the sth
inst., a young man named Andrew Cook,
employed in the foundry at Chambers
burg, was riding in an open buggy,
and when opposite the new Jail_a vivid
flash of lightning followed instantly by
a frightful peal of thunder seemed to
produce effects upon the young man
and horse of a most singulai character.
The horse was stunned and unable to
move and the young man after urging
him to go on for some time, but to no
purpose, left him and proceeded to walk
to his residence, a distance of several
hundred yards. He felt no bodily in
jury from the effect of the lightning,
but represents himself as being confused
in his mind. He reached the door of
the house where he fell and was carried
in and put to bed, and such restoratives
applied as the case seemed to demand.
Oa the following morning, in attemping
to get out of bed, he found himself pow
erless, his legs being completetk para
lyzed. In this condition he has remain
ed ever since though his physician has
some hope that he will ultimately recov
er the use of his limbs. The horse,
though somewhat stiffened, was able
to be used the next day. What renders
this case somewhat remarkable is the
circnmstance of the young man being
able to walk a. considerable distance,
after receiving theciiarge of electricity,
and that such exteiie injury would
follow without any feeling of buffering,
or any of the usual appearance of being
struck by lightning:.
A Srmv4a tiATI.,—We have been
passing Orwell Om tte of gold, which
according to the natural order of
things, to have followed and not pre-
Ceded the era of silver. But the day
of the pale race anion& the precious
metals is abotit to dawn. Our El Do:
rado has become an old affair, and now
we are about to receive an Argentine
sister into our ftepublio. The Gold
State is likely to have as a companion
a Silver State. The projected Territory .
of Arizona is reported to be as richly
endowed with silver mines as California
IS With gold diggings. The Gadsden
Purchase, if all the reports , from that
quarter should prove true, will be al
most as valuable an -km:Widen to our ter-.
ritory as California. The 121i/roil, on
her last passage, brought among het
freight §eVeral packages of silver From
that supposed desett l which are repre
sented as very rich:
Northfolk, Va, on the afternoon of the
2d of uiy, an old cannon which had
not been cleaned out since the Revolu
tion was Vilified, and the match lip.-
plied, when to the surprise of all pres
ent, an unexpectedly stnatt eiplosion
wok place front the mouth of the piece,
something wizzed across the street, and
there was a crashing of the wood in the
door of the United Fire Engine House
opposite. An investigation showed a re
spectable-sized hole in the panel of the
door, and inside an old six-pound can
non-ball was found an the floor. The
old cannon was not used since the time
it was loaded for the especial benefit of
the British troops, seventy years ago,
and the artillery men who then rammed
home the ball little expected how many
times the grass would grow and wither
over them before it would be 'discharged.
The Delaware .Reporter says that a
large quantity or Spanish silver coin
has been found under and above the
wreck of a vessel , on Phoenix Island,
Maryland,just below the southeastern
part of Delaware. The wreck is said
to be that of a Dutch gent° t, which
was lost about fifty years since, having
on board one Million of dollars in specie.
The excitement among the natives is
said to be great. Crops are !eft untill
ed, shops and stores are closed, and thou.
sands of persons are on the breach rak
ing for silver. Some rake up as much
as twenty dollars a day, others not more
that three dollars. The silver is already
in circulation in Sussex County.
Pickle Fortune"-LaThe man who_ firit
discovered gold in California, has be
come a poor man and homeless.. The
papers announce the sale of Hock farm,
the home of Gen. Sutter, on Feather
river, under the Sheriff's hammer. This
was the last of the magnificent domain
which, at one time, was the property of
General Sutter, in California. His gen
erous unsuspecting nature *as not suffi
cient to cope with the shrewdness of
lawyers and speculators, when his lands
became of value ; and so they have all
been wrested from him, much of them,
by what, in the parlace of trade, would
be called 1, legitimate transaction ;"
much by bare faced fraud, says the Alta
F&suloN.—Crinoline, whalebone and
steel hoops are alarmingly an the in
crease in both town and country ; and
these femenine expanders are assuming
huge dimensions of style, if not of beau
ty. Masculinity has looked an in un
complaining astonishment at their in
creasing proportions ;
"And still he gazed, and still the wonder grew."
Men marvelled in silence, and woman
Was not ashamed. • But now,to the hoop,
the flounce is superadded. This is ad
ding insult to injury, and if submitted
to without opposition,heaven only knows
to what lengths,or rather to what breadths
the well known daring of the sex may
lead them. But one thing is certain,
the pocket of man is unequal to his in
dulgent propensities; the purse of mid
dle class humanity must be exhausted
at last; flounces and crinoline will
bring on a crisis which fashion itself
will explode, amid the crash' of milliners,
the wreck of homes!
A young man went out hunting for
deer in the woods near Lanmark, C. W.,
recently, and, as an eipertmkfit, he
clotheti himself in a deer-skin, and took
a stand where those animals were known
to pass quite often. While thus intent
upon securing some game, another hun
ter came near making game of him; for
happening to see what he supposed a fine
deer through the thicket, the new-comer
took deliberate aim at it and fired.. For
tunately the ball missed the counterfeit
deer, but it succeeded iir "frightening
him out of bis sk . ."
no man for not always thinking as
you think. Let every one enjoy the
full and free liberty of thinking for him
self. Let every man use his own judg
ment, since every man must give =an ac
count of himself to God. Abhor every
approach, in any kind of degree, to the
spirit of persecution. If you cannot
reason, or persude a man into the truth,:i
never attempt to force hint into
love will not compel him to Come, lef&
him to God, the Judge of all.
RESIGNEEVIN DlSGl767.—Simon 41.
per, Chairman of the New York Metrop.
olitan Police Commissioners, sent his
resignation to the Governor, in veiw of
incompetency of the board to manage
the police, and of the police to preserve
the peace; as well- as the increasing un.
popularity of the Black Republican Leg•
islature which brought them into office.
40. 422.
edititin of a practical machinist, posses- -
sing tie keeurinee of o biasi Monkey,
called at the tonntrys, On Friday
last, On the 4uivive for, he tvai
recognized by one of the Terethen as
an old greenhorn in the mechanical
line, not worth hie fodder; a great pre•-
tender, 's'oft A's liutar-tibqe molasses;
and quite a's easily humbUgged tie hum;
bugging. The foreman offered him
$l2 per week—he was *firth about tiro
cents: The jack•leg pitting on a big
face and muttering something about fff•
teen, assented, pulling of his coat and
reported himself ready. - The !Wren - tan
putting hint lea 6rebok with a pidoeer
sand paper, told him CO blaie away I—z-
And away he blazed. Too much Of a
nincompoop to see the ridicules
of scraping the inside of an - engine
boiler, the fellow worked away),
dently attetepting fo produte the ini
pression that such a job was very core;
mon ih his line. Just about then tilt
head should have been rubbed with a
britk. To carry the joke farther the
workmen prevailed upon him to make
over time itt that busineee after flop;
Ileitis, upon the assurance of lots of feu:
and big pay. Pursuantly therefore, hd
came up to the scratch after supper,
pulled off and pitched in': his waggish
companions closed the entrance Of the
"man bole" up, ran off, and left dashing
greeny caged for the night. On Saw..
day morning he Was liberated after a
solemn promise never again to be guilty
of such a folly as humbugging sensible
mechanics, or or rubbing a boiler with
sand paper.
Unaophisti eaftd Eloquerite.- - -A coua•
try woman was carrying on a very aim ,
pie process against a neighbor in one of
the small courts of Germany. The at:-
torney of the opponent pestered hee
with ao much of chicanery and legal
subtleties, that she lost all patience and
interrupted him thus:
"My Lord, the case is simply this,
I bespoke of my opponent the carpet ,
maker} a carpet, with figures which were
to he as handsome as my Lord ; the
Judge ; and he now wants to force me
to take one with horrible caricaturet,
uglier even than his attorney. Was I
not right in breaking oft the bargain 1"
The court laughed at the comparison,
the attorney was atupified, and the worn.
an won the case.
There is a monomaniac named Bough.
man in Montgomery Co., Mo., who has
lived under a shelving rock on the bank
of the Louise river for the past three
years, all ori:which tine he has spent
in digging the solid rock, seatehing for
treasure which he says hia uncle and
some othet Men, who were miners, bu•
vied there more than a hundred years agd.
His only garments are of leather, and
his only tools an axe and a tin pall.
Improved Fire and Water Proof
ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens' of liar
-LA risburg, Reading, Lancaster, Lbbandn, and
their vicinities, that we are prepared to put on
tuofe on most liberal terms, and at the shortest
We restiectffilLy call die attentleil of Perseus a ,
bout to build, td tint invaluable method of roofing,,
now much used througholit the OHM* cities of
the United States and their vicinities. This mode.
of roofing having all the combined requisites of
cheapness, Durability, and Security against Piro"
and Water, and dispensing with high gable wallsj
the Moth require an inclination of not more than
three-quarters (I) of an inch to the foot, and in
many cases saving the entire cost of rafters—the
ceiling joist being used.
The gutters are made of the sable Material,
without any extra charges; consequently, our
roofs are piit up at almost half the cost of either
Tin, Slate, or Shingles. The material being of
an imperishable nature, it surpasses all others in
Durability ;—besides, in case of any Clisitalty, it
is the most easily repaired of any other roof now
in use. Yet, the best proof We can offer as to its
being both fire and water proof, are our many re
ferences, to any one of whom we are at liberty
to refcr.
N. B.—But let it be distinctly iiinietstootly
(since we matitifacture our own composition, and
do the work in persen t ) that we warrant all our
work proof against both Fire and Water ; if they
prove contrary, we will most willingly abide the
The Materials being mostly iiumt onduotors of
heat, no roof is so cool in summer, or so warm in
winter. Those wishing- tb use oar roof should
give the rafters a pitch of about one indh to the
foot. Dirtily 2f, 1854.---4nb
Weinies Machine Works.
Opposite the Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot, Lob ,
aeon, Lebanon county, Pa.
a; P. L. WEIMER. Proprietors mane.
I' facture Steam Engines from Ito Proprietors,
power, of the latest styles and patterns, ividfi all
the modern improvements. .Also, superior Port
able Engines (with Link Motion Valve Gear,)
mounted on wheels, for Saw Mills Wood sawing
and Hoisting purposes. Particular attention is
called to our small Upright Engines for Printers,
Druggists and persons wanting a small amount of
Power. They take up a very small space,
can be put up in ft room as a household fixture.
Also, Blowing Engines and Machinery for An
thracite.and other Blast Furnaces of improved
construction. Forge Hammers, of l P. L. Weimer's
Patents ; Rolling Mill, Sawing, Planing and
Flowing Mill Fixtures; Mining Pumps; Hoist ,
ing Machinery for Mines and Stone Quarries
Railroad Cars, Iron Bridges, Shafting, Hangers,
Pulleys, Turning Lathes, Drill Presses, Planing
Machines, Brass Stop Cocks, Valves and Brass
Fixtures, Globe Steam Valves, of all siza-st and
Machinery and Castings of every deAription..
Boilers of any size, - farm and weight,
made of the best material , by and ex
perienced ivorkmein-Zatioke Stacks, Water Tanks,
Gas flues, Heaters; end - sheet iron work of every
deseription. (Our Boiler sheets are ail tested by
dittchug them into squares of / inches,. and hatn-
Making each square f any imperfection is thus de..
;gated, and the faulty sheet rejected; this
`in very few Shops in this country.'
ly ~'a Stock of Wrought lion Pipe, for steam,
eater, with all -the necessary fixtures, con.
Ctllliand, and put up at. the shortest no
ddimillfeid-nn most reasonable terms.. Iran, Brass,
and Otruipesitien metal Castings, made to order,
at tlis shortest notice. and
00 - Repairing attended to with promptsr-t„
and despatch. A gang of Boiler makers 8- Y '9 l "
, }Choice
ready for Boiler repairs.
AL Rubber
Blacksmith Work made to order.
F Se--
-Orders respectfully Y
nications, by mail or otherwr r iel e • }
demPatobLAnti. we& delia" bitivIDERGUIS
atel, kertmery EP 43
W.M. WE *Ft: - Market ciao