ADVERTISER. Lebanon, July 22, 1857 Home ',affairs. Mr. George Gingrich is supply. ,ur people with all kinds of vege. and fish, regularly at the Market e. By attention to his business, •easonahle prices, he hopes to re ---- sufficient encouragement to pay or his labor and trouble. The "Buck Hotel" property in .orougli, for nearly half a century rge of the "Reinhard's," is ofrer sale. It has always been one of irst class Hotels, and enjoyed an isive patronage. Its location is in trill part of town, and is the near owl to the Court •House and the 'on Valley Depot. This oppor. is a rare one, as Hotel property is character is not often in the It. For particulars see advertise. Business men and the public in rid are directed to the notice given other column by the [toward Ex- Company. They. gave ry.duced rates of freight and' increased despatch. (*— On Thursday last two Monster pic-nice came off in this section of coun try. One passed over the Lebanon Val ley Railroad to the festive ground in the .neighborhood of Wutnelsdorf, and the other didn't. We have pat been inform. ed of the degree of enjoyment realized by the former, but presume it to have been rather high. Of the latter we can speak more knowingly, having been a member of the gay band. At an early hour in the morning the sun rose us usu. al, and with it, the incited, composed of men of all ages and degrees, and the prettiest women, married and single, in all creation. Having partook of a hearty breakfast of flesh, fish, and fowl, import ed coffee, baked bread scientifically compounded of wheat and rye flour, the members of our pic-nic were prepared to proceed on the jolities of the day.— Having arrived on the camping ground, each one followed the bent of their own inclination, the men and boys attending to their daily occupations, and the wo• men to their household affairs. The day was thus pleasantly and profitably spent. No one felt more fatigued than usual when night arrived, and we all re• tired to our beds, believing that we had well spent another day. (-The MI Stone•[lou3n,.the prop • crty of Mr. Daniel Light, in North Leb anon borough, near the towpath bank of the Canal, is , undergoing t xiensive pairs and additions. It is one •of - the Nest, if not the very oldest, building present standing in this section of 3nntry. The walls are stout, substan• and !yin yet outiat many of the uildings put up at the present 'he •titnbers are good solid Oak, and 'here not exposed to the weather show o signs of decay. The untnatids admiration for the admirable .d lasting mnnner in which it is joint. d and morticed together. The old set lers did not care so touch for show as ey did for strength arid meanssto re. 1 the assaults - of Indian foes. The louse roust have been a grand one in s time, It has three stories and a gar. t, and a fine vaulted cellar underneath. he windows are few in number and stnall, calculated as well to do service as port holes as to admit light.— Many a tale ot' interest and antiquity, now buried in the past, that old house could reveal. It has welcomed the sun, rning, noon and night, oftener than y other work by the hand of civiliia on in this locality, and its steadfast ails have mocked the changeful race of mortal man. Around it have sound- the prayers of the Indian, longing it his happy hunting grounds of after fe; around it rang the terrible war 'loop of the savages thirsting for iood ; within its sight has been played ie war dance; and more than one red ice bit the dust, leveled by an unseen kessenger from its deep windows. We Isscd the threshold of its only en unce, and ranged from cellar to garret, ,tiqously, and with a kind of awe.— vVe peeped from one of the windows !must convinced that we should see a lid of savages in the vicinity. The tare of civilization that burst upon our iew only made more deep the antiquity Bich surrounded us. We stood and iitted fancy and facts to blend them. es logethOr in the history of that house, until, at last, we tore our. if away, fearful . that the owner might 4tirte.rsod arrest us for prowling about ;the premises with some evil intent. Nrtw Claincti.--The lot, corner ,of Hill and Plank Road streets, in this borough, has been purchased at 6500, by Mr. Weidle, agent for Wm. Cole. man, Esq., to be used for the ultimate ereetion of an Episcopal Church. The lot is a fine one, 66 feet front on Hill street, and nearly 200 on the Plank Road, and eligibly situated fora Church. Judging from 'Nit. Coleman's means and liberality we are free to say that he will .build an ornament to the town: Epis- tpacy in Pennsylvania is gradually on le increase. Bishop Potter, in his re int diocesian address, stated that the number ,of confirmations the past year was 1 402. The numbir ii :1856 was 978, it In every Section of "Country the crops this year are promising of a most iibundant harvest. North, south, east and west the papers and private ac counts are most cheering. The hay crop already stored is also abundant ev erywhere. Kr Thomas Kramer, Esq., has been appointed Post Master at Palmyra, Leb- - anon county, in place of Christian Hof fer, resigned. This is a very good ap• pointment, and we presume meets the wishes of the good people of Palmyra. The retiring Post Master, Mr. Hoffer, made as obliging and popular an officer as be is a landlord. May he always prosper. We are also informed, although we have not seen the official announce merh,that C. H. Stinemotz, has been appointed Post Master at Annville, in place of John Frantz. Kr THE Mwa.s.—Our 'eastern and western mails, duritthe past week , . have been in a misers condit-ipn, in terfering greatly with the business fa cilities of the people along the route. From Harrisburg we receive the morn ing mail in the evening, and the east ern evening mail arrives about midnight in the Reading and Lebanon hack,— twelve hours after the arrival of the Reading train. The difficulty is 'em braced in the following, but we trust, that if not already, a compromise may speedily be effected : The contractor, Mr. William Colder, thought his contract would expire with the opening of the Lebanon Valley Railroad, but the Post Office Depart meat, it appears, construe the opening to mean the completion of the road through to Harrisburg, and on this ground, hold the contractor to his bar• gain. The Railroad Company won't relieve him of it for less than $lOO a mile ; while he is only receiving for the service fifty dollars. ELEarroN.—The "Perseverance hegine & Hose Company," of this Bor ough, held their semi-annual election at their hall, on the 14th inst., which re sulted in the selection of the following gentlemen as officers : Presidvnt.—T. T. Worth. Vice President.—T. P. Frantz: Secretary—A. H. Enibich. A4A't Secretary.—J. IV. Ilarbvsun Treantrer.—Atlant Mae. birecturs.—J. 13. Reim:ail. T. P. Frantz lst Principal Engineer.—J. W. Harbeson Ist AsAstant.—Willinin Ranch. 2ud. Assistauts.---A. L. Embich, W.ll. Euthich Ozr ITEMS.—A little child of Nfr. C. EL :Melly, in North Lebanon Borough, tens Ecalde4 a few days ago,-by, ttraett ing a kettle of hot water - uporiltstilf.--The . throning of Mr. Michael Lauser, of this borough, was entered one day last week, while the - family was out, and robbed of a small amount of money.—The North Leti : anon R. BP. Co. is putting up a scale 123 feet in length, capable of weighing from 14 poundti to 100 tons. Messrs. Foster & Mutelt are put. Ling up at N. Lebanon a large addition to their already extensive foundry. CG -- The people of Harrisburg mourn ed last week, the death of two of their oldest and most respected citizens— that of Col. Datil Herr, known through out the country, as the proprietor of "Herr's Hotel," and Mr. Fred'k Kelker, one of their principal hardware mer chants. Mr. Kelker was born in Leha. non, in the year 1780, and removed to Harrisburg in the year 1805. The fam ily was well known in this section of country. Kr The North Lebanon Railroad Company, last week, enlarged the bridge over the Canal at the Basin, so that it can now be used with more convenience as a railroad, tow path and road bridge. (Kr The Reuling R. R. Co., on Wed nesday last declared a semi-annual div idend of four per cent, List of Jurors—August Term, '57. G,RAND JIIRORS.—SRUeI iteiTlCedil, N. L, Bor.; John Bomberger, N. L. twp.; Joseph Bomberger, S. Annville; Thomas Bossier, Jackson; Joseph Carmany, S. Annvillo; Henry D. Carmany, N. Annvillo; John Cherrington, ; Napole on Bosh, Smilers, ; Jacob Etter, Londonderry; Henry Gingrich, S. Annvillo; John Grseff, Bor ough; George Hottericti, E. Hanover; Miehret Kola, Bethel; Peter Louser, Union; William Lutz, Hebileberg ; Adam Long, Cornwall; Isaac Mumma, Londonderry ; Jona. Peltier, Jackson ; Joseph Shindel, Borough; William Smith, Bore'; John P. Smith, (P. S.) Borough; Joseph Uhrich, Cornwall; Michtel Uhrich,. Union; Uhrich Zel ler, Bethel. TRAVERSE JURORS.—Goo. L. Atkins, Borough; Daniel Brendoll, Heidlcborg ; Joseph Beckley, S. Lebanon; Christian Bucher, S.. Lebanon; Wm. Benson, N. L. twp.; John S. Bomberger, S. Lob.; Daniel T, Bordner, Union; Jeremiah E. Daugh erty, Borough ; Henry M. Ellis, Swatara; Martin Early, Londonderry; Aliehael Pox, Bethel; John Gerhard, Borough; Henry Garret, Union; Chris tian Henry, Borough; Geo. Horror, Bethel; Geo. K. Krum, Ileidleberg ; John Kneasler, Swatara; Michael Louser, Borough ; John Loser, Union ; J. Longaneekor, Londonderry ; Levi Light, N.L. twp.; Christian Lentz, Swatara; Henry B. Light, Swatara; Samuel Loeser, Heidlebcrg; Tobias Lentz, Cornwall; Cyrus Mulch, N. L. Borough; Henry hrlarquart, E. Hanover; Jacob Michad, Union ; Charles E. Bohland, Borough; Abra'm Reist/Ileidleberg; John P. Richard, Borough; Solomon Stine, E. Hanover; John Smith, N.Ann vine; Jacob Stouffer, E. Hanover; John Steck beck, N. L. twp.; Daniel Walter, Union. GO' The Female Seminary under the charge of Legh R. Baugher, Esq., closed its session week before last. This in• stitution is in a most prosperous condi tion, and deserves'the patronage of the friends of Female. Education. The principal, Mr. Baugher, is eminently qualified as an instructor of young la. dies, having had ample experience in the art of teaching, and possesses the ability which cannot be surpassed, to create an ambition for study among his pupils. His assistant Mr. Decamps is an excellent instructor in Music and of the French Language. Parents who de sire to give their daughters a polished education should encourage - the Leba non Female Seminary, G. Irr Gen. Lane, democrat, has been elected Delegate to Congress, from Or j egon Territory. et-"- A man was recently sentenced in New York., to twenty.nine years im prisonment, for stealing 50 cents. _ggi" PIANOS.—As the subject of Pianos is at present attracting tbo attention of many of our readers, we transfer to our columns at the request of 0. C. B. °Aux Ery extracts front the leading Professors of Music in Philadelphia to the Prank lin Institute, at the close of their Exhibition, in 1855. We copy the Report on. Pianos entire: No. 1900. Pianos, by Hallett, Davis . Cu., Bos ton, Mass., deposited by J. B. Gould, Phila. We find the following valuable features in 'the Pianos made by Hallett, Davis & Co.: Ist, Increased size of sounding board, with large curve or sweep to the scale, thereby obtaining greater power. 2d, B(188 strings cross the treble, bringing the bridge of the former more in the centre of the sounding board, also securing greater length of strings, and affording space between them, which not only secures more volume of tone, but effectu ally prevents the greatest of annoyances, viz : the jingling of one string against another when heavily touched, 3d, By an ingenious arrangement of the bridg es, the strings of each particular note (say A,B,C, ac., ivhieh,-as usual, have two strings) are nearly the same length, while in most other pianos we ave examined, they are (from the sweep of the scale) of unequal length. This, we think, is of great moment in the attainment of what is so de sirable—Equality tune. 4th, The objections which have been urged against the iron frame, viz : that it produces a me tallic tone, (not correct in our opinion,) are done away with by the introduction of a copper bar be tween the bridge and string, thus giving the tone a firmer and more liquid quality than can be ob tained by the old erten gerucn t,and from the point ed bearing of the strings over the bridge, anything like a jar is effectually obviated. sth, We observe with much satisfaction u V, oc tave instrument, (Maker's No. 6583) the scale of which extends from A in bass to C in treble; the upper octave and a half has three strings. The suspension bridge, which applies wholly to the extreme upper notes, has for some years given to these pianos a deservedly high stand. A Pired Class Premium. No. 1961. Pianos by Nouns a Clark, New York, deposited by T. E. Gould, Philadelphia. No. i 2. Piano, by Bacon a Raven, New York, depositor by makers. These instruments are highly approved, and have also the bass over strings, with all the advantages arising from the arrangements which have been alluded to in the Pianos (1960) just mentioned. For volume and sweetness of tone, as well as beauty of touch, we deem them rarely excelled. The wire in these Pianos is a very supdrior article, possessing the quality of remaining free froM rust or nisei:dura tion, which cannot he said of all we have exam ined. A Second Clitaa Premium. No. 1134. Two Pianos, Ly limit, Felton a CO., Pliliadeipilia. Considered very excellent instra smuts. A Second C.7..0te Premium. No. 1873. Piano, by J. H. Sehomaker r Co., Philadelphia. Well made mid good toned instru ment, as was to. have been expected of these well knewn makers: No. 1050. Two Pianos, by L. S. Cairt, Philad's.. instrument well made, possessing U. very pleasant tone. No. 1878. Plauu, by John Bauer, Philadelphia Uood tone. All of the shove natned Pianos are for sale at the Town Hall, Lebanon. They will remain on exhibition for on ly a short time yet. Persons desiring au instrunient of the kind, should step in and giiie them an examination.— They can be-purchased of Mr. Carter as cheap as from the manufacturersi sav ing freight, &c. - Special Notices. 1623"Ilostetter's Stomach Bitter's corrects the' appetite, impart a tow :to the system, is‘ree otf the bile end all impure, scan Liens, regulate the bowels, give us strength of the body and vigor . of Foi- Dyspepsia and dyspeptic symptoms, they are the wonder of the afflicted. In all cases of flatu lency, dizziness, prostration, great fatigue and general inability, it is surprising how soon the pa tient finds relief. No family can afford to be with out Hostetter's Bitters. They require nu spirits. Sold in full quart bottles by Druggists and deal ers generally. [jy Rum :tint, ItnlcArcr, agent, North West corner of Market and Water s.trects, Lebanon, Pa. July 8, 18:57.—1m. Hou,owAV's Plus are indispensable to the se curity of health and life in new settlements. Fe ver and ague, bilious remittents, and bowel com plaints., are the worst enemies the western pioneer has to encounter, and he can only certainly and permanently put them to flight with the aid of this unrivalled cathartic, detergent, and restorative.— There are multitudes of sallow and feeble invalids, now languishing in the western clearings, under the endemic diseases of that region, who would soon find their healthy appearance strength, and cheerful return,under a course of Holloway's Pills. WOOD'S HAIR REsroulTivn.—Prof. Wood, the renowned discoverer of the invaluable Hair Resto restive, still continues to labor in behalf•of the af. Lidded. His medicines are universally admitted by the American preas to be far superior to all others for causing the hair on the head of the aged that has been silvered for many years, to grow forth with as much vigor and luxuriance as when blessed with the advantages of youth. There can bo no doubt that it is ono of the greatest discover ies in.the medical world. It restores permanently gray hair to its original color, and makes it as sume a beautiful silky texture, which has been very desirable in all ages of the world.—St. Louis Morning Herold. SODA WATER. Guilford Lemberger have now got in full op eration their new and splendid Soda Water Foun tain, where the public will find soda water of the very best quality—equal to any obtained in the cities or elsewhere. The Lebanon Market. CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WEDNESDAY, July 22, 1857, Ex. Family Flour, per bar. - $9 50 Extra Flour, per barrel 900 Extra Superfine Flour,-per bbl. - 8 00 Superfine B. Flour, 7 00 Superfine Flour, . . ... - .6 25 Prime White Wheat, per bus.- ." 19( Prime Red Wheat, per bus. 1 80 Prime Rye, per bushel - - - 95 Corn, per bushel ..... . - 75 Oats, per bushel 50 Potatoes, tl 6 125 Tallow, per pound 11 Elam, - Lard, - - - - 12 Shoulder, 12 Sides, - 11 Butter, . . . 14 Eggs, per. dozen, - - - ... 14 PHILADELPHIA MARKET. MONDAY, July 29.-P. M There is but little doing in Bread stuffs, or any other department of, trade. Shipping brands of Flour are offered at $7 per barrel, without finding buyers. 200 barrels extra family. sold at $8,25. There is .a limited inquiry for the sup-. ply of the retailers and bakers within the range of the same quotations. Rye Flour is steady at $4,75 and Corn Meal at $3,85a4 per barrel. • Grain—ln Wheat there is nothing doing, as prices are comparatively far a• bove those of Flour. Some lots of new Wheat were offered on Exchange, and 1000 bushels sold at $1 85a1 86 per bushel for prime red, and $1 96a2 for white. The millers are holding off, and refuse to pay these extravagant fig.: uses for lots to arrive. A small sale of Rye at $1 62. Corn is in good de mand, and prices had advanced 3 cents per bushel—sales of• 1000, bushels yel. low at 87a88 cents„afloati closing at the,latter figures. Oats . _ are steady at 57a58 cents per bushel. Religious Notices. English preaching aext Sabbath morning in the Reformed Church. English preaching next Sunday morning and Evening in the Methodist Church. German preaching next Sabbath morning, and evening at CI o'clock, in the Emanuel's Church of the Evangelical Association. English preaching next Sabbath morning and German in the evening at 53. o'clock, in Zion's Lutheran Church. Divine service in Salem's Lutheran Church, on next Sunday Morning at 9 n'eloolt ' in the German, and in the evening in the English language. NIARRIED I On the sth inst., by Rev. Mr. Rleinfelter, Mr. Levi MeFearting. of North Lebanon' tp., to Miss Mita Spade, of Millereek. On the 31st of May, by the Rev. S. Yingling, Mr. Leonard Seiler to. Miss Catharine Yeinsr, all of North Annville. On the nth ult., by the lame, Mr. Christian Oberholtzer to Miss Elizabeth Betnerderfer, both of Londonderry. On the sth inst., by the Same, Mr, Jacob Stich :or to Miss Mary Ann Reinter, both of East Han over, Dauphin county. On the 12th inst., by the . 14v. J. E. Mester, Mr. John E. Rudy to Miss Sarah Ann Anit, both of Annvillo. DIED, On the 14th inst.. in North Aih ville, Mrs. Eliz abeth Boger, aged 70 years, 8 . : nicsi ths and 6 days. On the 14th April; in Richland county, Ohio, Mrs. Catharine, wife of Henry Sitrohra, formerly of South Lebanon, aged 74 year and 2 months. On the fith inst., in South Lebanon, Joseph Brubaker, aged 14 years and 2 days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JPIEIL DISTRICT ATTORNEY, IXT.T.LL attend to all his official business; also, Vl' all other legal and professional business en trusted to him will be promptl:;:pttencled to. OrFrce.--Iu Cumberland street; second door east from Market st. [Lebanon, July 22,'57. To Persons about to Tir'isit PRILAbELPHIM . TRH' the new WESTERN HOTEL, Market street, below 9th street. Eve i (!,,;..ry attention given, :raft, a desire to "I I .`' ;1 •!' please. Baardiag $1 per Day. A. M. HOPKINS, July 22,'57-Iy. Proprietor. Ossignee's Orolice. NOTICE is hereby given that SAMUEL BEII NEY and WM, 13EHNEY, of Meyerstown, Lebanon county, Pa., have by three several as signments,via as individuals and as a firm, made over and transferred all their property and effects into the hands of the undersigned; of the town of Myers town, aforesaid, for the benefit of their cred itors . till persons, therefore, having claims a gainst the said Assignors, are requested to present them, and those indebted will plera,.e rnake pay ment. WILLIAM URICiIL ftseignee. Myerstown, July 22(1 1857.-4 t. Assessment Notice. LYCOMINO COUNTY MUTUAL IN SURANCE COMPANY has by . Resolution of Juno 17, 1857, authorized an assessment (Nu. 141 of i per cent on all premium Notes in posses sion of the said Company, given for 'lnsurance, which were in force un the 121 h day uf - May, 1557, to be paid to the Treasurer of the said Company, or authorized Agghts, within the.ptriod of four months from that date; and has appointed ADAM Currrotoput Receiver for the cou of Lebanon. In pursuance of the above appitmaut, I will call on the Members personally, orisOnd some per son, to collect the said assessuri4L , , ADAM GRUTINGER; Lebanon, July 22, 1857. Receiver. [Courier, Wahre Dem. and Leb.:l;lein. copy.] Causvassers APew competent AGENTS wanted for the COM PREHENSIVE GEOGRAPHY AND HIS. TORY ANCIENT AND MODERN OP, WORLD," by S. G. “ooDitten, (Peter. PM.lef4 liandsoinely 4 bound and profusely lintgratect Priee $3. Sold t only by Agents, to whom rare inducements are offered. Address, J. H. COLTON & Co., July 22,'57-It. No, 172 William st., N. Y. 13 TEA.CRERS WANTED. wILIE SCHOOL DIRECTORS of LEBANON sy BOROUGH District will meet in the Leba non Academy, on FUSDLY, AUGUST 7th.. 1857, at 10 o'clock A. for the purpose of electing S Male and o'clock, Teachers,for the public schools of said district for the ensuing 10 months. By order of the School Board. JOHN DILLER, President. EDW. A. MILER, Seet'y. Lebanon, July 22, 1857—td. I M PORTANT TO BUSINESS MEN I Speed increased and RATES OF FREIGHT REDUCED no auumitage usgoreamis , 1+ C ... as 2 THE RIVARD EXPRESS 'GO, • TjAVE made arrangements with the Lebanon 1.1. Valley R. R. CO., to forirsxcl goods, Packa ges, Moneys, &c., in charge of their owit special Messenger from Philadelphia and Reading by Pas senger Train. Merchants wishing their goods forwarded putt - tually and with despatch, will consult their own interests by patronizing the Express Co: Orders for goods to be returned by Express will be delivered in Philad'a free of charge. Persons having remittances of money to make to any part.ef the U. S. or Contains, will find. the Express the only safe mode of conveyance. OFFICE—No 4 Eagle Building, Lebanon, Pa., and 243 Chestnut St., below 3d st., Philad'a. JOHN 'ULRICH, Agent, July 22, 's7—tf. For Howard Express Co. ZETAIRER. NEARLY 2 000, 000 FEET ! the best and cheapest assortment Of LUMBER V ever offered to the public, at the new and ex tensive LUMBER AND COAL YARD of PHILIP BRECHBILL, in the Borough of North Lebanon, on the bank of the Union Canal, at the head of Walnut street, a few squares North of the new Steam Mill, and one square east of Borgner's Hotel. His assortment consists of the best well seasoned White, Yellow, Norway, Pine Hemlock Boards; Cherry, Poplar, and Pine Boards. 11 and 2 inch Panuel and Common. Plank; White Pine andliemlook Scantling and Joists; White Oak Boards, Plank and Scantling; 1 a ineb Poplar Boards, Plank a Scantling. SHINGLES 1 SH INGLES ! The best Pine and Hemlock Shingles; Also, Roofing and Plastering Laths ; Chestnut Rails and. Posts, and. Palling% for fences and fencing Boards; FLOORING BOARDS of all sizes & descriptions. COAL! COAL ! ! COAL!!! Tho largest stock of Broken, Stove, Limeburn- ers' and Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, at the lowest prices. -..."`Confident that he has the largest and best assortment. of LUMBER of all descriptions and siz es, as well as thelaigest stock of the different kinds of Coat. ever offered to the citizens of Lebanon county ; ventures to say that he can accommo date all purchasers satisfactorily, and would there fore invite all who want anything in his lino, to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. PHILIP BRECHBILL. North Lebanon Borough, July 22, '57. Railroad Onmibus. AN OMNIBUS belonging to the undersigned, will be daily at the Depot on the arrival of the Oars to take Passengers and thefibaggage to any partof Lebanon and vicinity. Persons leav ing by the cars will have the omnibus call at their residence's in time for the cars, by giving previous notice at Mrs. Rise's Hotel. The patronage of the citizens of Lebanon, and surrounding cone try, is respectfully solicited. July 75,'57--3m. LOUIS SITTER. Lebanon Valley Rail Road ON and after Monday, July 13th, 1857, a PAS SENGER TRAIN will leave Lebanon at 3.30 p. in., daily, (except Sundays) connecting at, READ.. LNG with the 5.36 p. m. down train for Philadel phia, and the 6.10 p. m, up train for Pottsville. Returning from Reading at 10.30 a. in., on ar rival of up a. in. train from Philadelphia. FARES Reading, 85 and 70 cents; Sink ing Spring, 70 and 55; Wernereville, 60 and 50'; Robosonia, 50 and 40; Womolsdorf, 45 and 35; Meyerstorrn, 25 and 20 cants. . A FREIGHT TRAIN will leave LEBANON for Reading daily, (except Sundays) at 6 p. m., re turning from Reading at 6 a. m. t 5 5 6.. For rates of Freight apply to Mr. CONRAD MARK, Lebanon, or to G. A. NICOLLS, July 15, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REINHARD'S BUCK HOTEL PROPERTY IS OFFERED AT Private Sale. THIS has been a Hotel for the last I 40 year., and is well known over the 11 i !„.,, State as REINIIAItD'S HOTEL, and 1111 is the most central and best located in this Borough. It is located on the corner of Cumberland and Walnut streets, directly opposite the Court House, and but two squares from the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, on the same street, (Walnut.) It fronts 45 feet on Cum berland and 105 feet on Walnut streets, 30 feet on Walnut being 60 feet deep. The Building is a three-story STONE HOUSE, 45 by 38 feet. The third story was put on not long since and the whole house remodeled, with a frame Kitchen. Also, belonging to the proper ty, a newly built stone STABLE on corner of Smoke and Jail alleys, ou lot 06 by 64 feet, with a good Cistern, he., thereon, and closely situated to the Hotel. Also an EATING- SALOON in the Basement of the Hotel, which brings a good rent. y„tr . This is a choice Hotel property; has an excellent county nod traveling custom, and has been the Stage Office for some time. It will be sold reasonably, and terms of payment made easy, by SIMON J. STINE. Lebanon, July 22, 1857. • Reizenstein 4. Bro. REIZENETEIN .1; BROTHER is where? Where is RstzmusrLot & BROTIIE 7 Reizenstein L-Bro. is in Cumberland street, nearly . opposite the Court House, in Lebanon. Reizenstein & Bre. do what? What do Reizenstein L Bro.? Reizenstein & Bro. sell READY-MADE CLOTH- • ING very cheap ! Reizenstein & Bro. sell summer Coats fur 75 cts., and upwards! Gentlemen! go to Reizenstein & Bro. and buy your Summer Clothing. They keep a great va riety and sell at astonishing low prices. John, where are you going is such a hurry? I am going to Reizenstein & Treater, to buymy self a suit of their Clothing. How much are they ? Why they sell whole suits for three dollars and upwards. Reizenstein and Brother sell also fine white and fancy Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Pocket handkerchiefs, Socks, Gloves, .tc., c. What else do Reizenstein a Bro. sell? Reizenstein & Bro. sell also WATCHES, JEW ELRY, Accordeons, Pocket-books, Portemonnais, Purses, of every style, and. "cheap into the bargain ! Reizenstein a Brother is where ? Where is Rcizenstein & Bro.? Reizenstein a Bro". is in Cumberland street, nearly opposite the Court-house. Lebanon, July 22, .1.857. Borough Lots at Public No le. 'PILE subscriber will offer at public sale, on SAT URDAY, AUGUST 29, 1857, at 6 o'clock, p. Three Desirable Town Lots, located on the corner of Water street and Doe al ley. Said lots are 25 feet front on said street., and 66 feet deep. They are iu an improving part of the borough of Lebanon, convenient to all the principal and central parts of town,viz: 17 squares from the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, the same from Market Square. and the same from the Court House. Powlession will be given immediately, if desired. Stile to be bold at BIWA'S Hotel, and terms made known by PETER HESS. P. EMDICH, Auer. [Lebanon, July 15, '57-ta. 1 t ! t A LEBANON Door and Sash Mannfactory . I Leeetednu the Steam-House Load, near Cumberland Street. East Lebanon. Ire HE undersigned respectfully inform the pub -4., lie is general, that they have added largely to their former establishment, and also have all kinds of the latest and best improved MACHIN ERY in the State iu full operation, such as WOODTIORTH'S FLOORING, 4c., for eaffreting the general business for Scrolls SatriAg 4c r and the experience acquired by E. Longeker and J. G.Gabel,dming their connection with the Door, Seta and LutZer Trude, for a number of years past, affords fall assurance of their ability, in con nekton with J. Gabel,to select stock suitable to the wants Of the Door and Sash business in this State. They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers generally, uptra favorable terms, a judiciously as sorted stock of DOORS, SASH, be., from the best Lumber manufactories in the State, feeling confi dent that their assortment is not to be excelled by any other establishment in the State in regard to exactness in size, quality or finish, and is calculat ed to afford thorough satisfaction to all those who may favor the undersigned with their custom. The following list comprises the leading arti cles of stock on hand : Sash, of all sizes; Doors, of all sizes; Door Frames, for brick and frame houses; Window Frames, for brick and frame houses; Shutters, of all sizes; Architraves; Blinds, of all sizes; Casings, from 3 to 6 in.; All kinds Mouldings; Surbase; 0. G. Spring Moulding, of all sizes; Wash-boards. LONGACRE, GABEL & BROTHER. Lebanon, July 15, 1857. P. S.—Pinning, Sawing, &c.,, promptly done for those furnishing ,the Lumber. Lebanon Mintuall Insurance Company. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office at Jonestown, Lebanon County, GUARANTEE CAPITAL $65,000. THIS Company is now fully organized and ready to make Insurance on all kinds of property in town or country and-on as favorable terms as any well-governed and safe company, either on the Mutual or joint stock principle. President—Join BRUNNER, Esq. Vice President—D. M. KAIMANY. Treasurer—GEO. F. MEttx. Secretary—W.n. A. BARRY. Directors. John Brunner, Esq., Daniel Brown, D. M. Romany, Napoleon Bosh, Geo. F. Melly. John Arndt, W. A. Barry, John Molly, S. U. Shirk, L. R. Walker, Daniel 11. Biever, B. M. Rank. gr:r. A. S. ELY is the Agent fur Lebanon. He may at all times be found at his office in Walnut Street. Jonestown, July Id, 1 = Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful practitioner in the cure of all diseases of a private eater% manhood's debility. as au impediment, to marriage; ner vous and scans I infirmities, diseases of the skin, and those arising from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood ; and whirls, if not reformed in dno time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this peitticious p{, 'eon are aware of, the consequences, until they fin r.. vous system shattered, feel strange and una 't:nfittable sensations, and vague fears in the mind. Neepagtis, 27, 28, 29, of Dr. K.'s book on "Self-Preservatioif."] The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is una ble to labor with accustomed vigor. or to apply his mind to study;.his step Is tardy andleak ; is dull, irresolute, and engages even in is with less ener gy than ustml. If he emancipate himselthe practice has done MAW its worst, and enter matrithenY,his marriage is unfruit ful, and his sense tells him that this is caused by his early follies. These are considerations which should awaken the attention of all who are similarly sit Listed. RENUMBER, Ile who places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S treat. meat, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle man. and rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. K.'S patients will never be disclosed. Young man—let no false modesty deter you from mak ing your case known to one, who, from education and respectability, can certainly befriend you. ..taa , Dr. KINICELIN'S residence has been for the last TWENTY versa at the N. W. Corner of THIRD AND UNION streets, Philadelphia, Pa.. PATIENTSAT A DISTANCE Cain have (by-stating their ease explicitly, together with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit twice) Dr. mixlicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part of the United States, and pack ed secure from DAMAGE or CDHIOSIT It, by Mail or Ex. preps. READ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD A VIOOROU3 LIME OR A. PREMATURE DEATH, KINKELLN ON SELP-PRZSERVATION—ONLY 25 CENTS. Letters containing,. that value in stamps, will ensure copy, per return of mail. GRATIS I GRATIS! ! GRATIS I! ! •"" A Free GUT- To. Ail. MISERY RELIEVED! "Nature's Guide," a new and popu,lav Work, full of valuable adviee and impressive ..w.ning, alike ealeulat, ed to prevent years of miser:v . ' , and save Tnousawns of lives, is distributed witflOct charge, and forwarded by snail, prepaid to any.rodt Office in the United States, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. July 15,18571-Iy.. 1 ' GUILFORD & LEMBERGER'S N O T I C E. New Drug& Chemical Store / TI HE undersigned having disposed of Ids Soot ini Mar Street,. Lebanon, Pa. -' and Shoe Establishment to his son, P. F. G anlly, and retir from the busine anx: UILFORD A: LEMBERGER have opened bus cC to make settlement with the public. ss, is her Te their elegant new Drug Store, with a full as- i fore, all perions knowing themselves indebted to, sortment of pure and well-selected or having claims upon, him, are respectfully re; Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Dye- quested to call at hie residence, between this time Stuffs, 4.c., 4-c. and the fitlt day Of August next, to make settle- For Family Uses, all kinds of Spices, Farina, ment. SOLOMON McCAULLY, Corn Starch, Arrow-root, Cooper's Isinglass and Lebanon, June 24, 1857.—td. French Gelatine,Flavoring Extracts for puddings, pies, custards, Sm., of their oWn manufacture, which need but a single trial to prove their supe rior Sever. Rennet wine fur making slip junket, Am., much more economical and convenient than r the old method, and various other articles which will recommend themselves to Housekeepers Perfumery and Toilet Articles of every description, Extracts for the handker chief of the choieeit odors, a full variety of Hair Oils and Pomittums, a superior assortment of soaps, including the celebrated Nymph soap fur beautifying the complexion. The Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Moen Fun a Chinese prepara tion fur the skin, and a full assortment of other Toilet Powders. Hair, Tooth and Shaving brush es, and a variety of Buffalo, India rubber, Horn and Ivory combs. Dye Sties, indigo, madder, logwood, 4te. For Housekeepers—Burning Fluid, Camphene or Pine-oil, lamp oil, washing soda, Saponifier, pure spices, Herbs, and such other articles as are required in families. Trusses, of every size, and all the popular Patent Medi cines, Medicinal Wines and Brandies, and echoic° variety of Segars and Tobieco. Guilford & Lemberger will use every effort -to serve the citizens of Lebanon and others, with all articles in their line of a parity, freshness and per faction unsurpassed, which they flatter themselves their facilities and knowledge of the Drug busi ness will fully enable them to. Phrician's Prescriptions accurately compound ed., and personal attendance given at all hours. The Store will be open on Sundays, for 'dispensing medicines only, from 8 to 9 in the morning and from 1 to 2 in the afternoon. Lebanon, Dec. 24, 1856. MARYLAND LOTTERIES! Brilliant Scheme. Capital Prize of $32,660 , to be dram on tile HAVANNA PLAN ! Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland EXTRA CLASS SEVEN, To be drawn in the City of 13altimore, Maryland, Ou Friday, Tilly Slat, 1851. SCHEME. . _ 1 prize of $32,660 is $32,660 2 prized of 1,750 are 3,600 I " 10,600 la 10,000 2 " 1,500 are 3,000 1 " 0,000 is 6,000 2 " 1,250 are 2,500 2 " 4,000 are 8,000 20 " 760 arels,ooo 2 " 3,000 are 6,000 ) 20 " 600 are 12,000 2 " 2,500 are 5,0091 40 " 400 are 16,000 2 ‘" 2,000 aro 4,000.1 103 " 300 are 30,900 APPRfXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of 400 Ap to $32,600 are $1,600 4 " 300 ." 10,000 are .1,200 4 " 250 " 5,000 are 1,000 8 e 200 " 4,000 are 1,600 8 t , 160 e 3,000 are 1,200 8 ". 100 " 2,600 are 800 g e 00 " 2,000 are 720 8 ',.. 80 u 1,750 are 640 g ~ 70 ' " 1,500 are 500 8 " 00 " 1,250 are 480 80 " 60 :: 750 are 4,000 80 c, 40 " 000 are 3,2:10 160 " 20 ii: 400 are 4,890 412 " 20 " 300 are 6,210 1,000 Frier, amounting to $183,600 Wholo Tickets slo.—Halves ss.—Quarters $23. $1,202,000. MAGNI - GWENT LOTTERY. ALL PItIZE SCHEME! CAPITAL $02,620. Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland, Class 1, Fur the Benefit of the Consolidated Md. Lotteries. ...7-To be drawn in Baltimore/Maryland, on SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1857. 78 Numbers-12 Drawn Ballots. All Prize Scheme. U... Each and EVERY Ticket in this Lottery, WILL BE A PRIZE, for all those tickets without a drawn number, are each entitled to FIVE ,DOLLARS gross. 3. Prize of . . $62,620 is $62,020 1 '. " 12,5001 3 " . 12,500 f are 25,000 1 " " - 70,0001 - 20,0001 " mom i are I. 0,000 1 are 10,000 1 ~ • B, OOO S 1 ~ moo 3. " 6.000 are 12000 1 4; 5,000 1 ~ 5,000 ' 1 ~ 5,000 ars 25,009 1 " 5,0001 1 " 5,000 f 10 " 2,600 are 20,000 195 " 400 are 78,400 66 " 200 are 33,200 68 '' 100 are 0,600 66 " . 90 are 5,940 60 " CO are 3.960 4,092 " 40 are 163;680 25,740 " 20 are 514,800 45,760 " 5 are 9:4500 70.076 prizes, amounting to $1,202,000 Certificate of packego of 20 Wholes coat $257 50 CC 4: 20 halves 128 75 if .. 26 Quarters 64 37 4, IC 26 Eighths 32 18 Tickets $2O; Halves $10; Quarters $5; Eighths s2i Address all orders for Tickets in the above Splen did Scheme to CORBIN 4 CO., Box 190 P. 0., Baltimore, Md. N. B.—AII Prizes, DO matter from whom purchas ed, in the Maryland Lotteries, cashed on receipt of the Tickets, by Drafts on Banks nearest the corres pondent or as they may desire. July 8, 1857. Brandreth's Pills purify the Blood; NO DISEASE CAN RESIST THEIR JUDICIOUS USE 4r7211/d operation with successful effect are the pecu liarity of Branalreth's (pit race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile, at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is prev alent, but Brandreth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient protection. By their occasional use we prevent the collection of those impurities, which, when in Befit, cleat quantities, cause so much danger to the body's health. They soon cure liver complaint, dyspepsia,loss of appetite, pain in th, head, heart burn, pain in the breast bone, sudden faintness and costiveness. In. brief, Brandreth's Pills work their way to the very roots of the disease, cleansing in their paisage, removing every unhealthy accumulation till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and the functions and duty of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Often when nothing has relieved vomiting of the most serious character, whether from sea-sickness or otherwise, where the retching has been appalling, a single dose of four Brandreth's Pills has at once cured and the patient has fallen into a sweet sleep. When the mind cannot collect itself; when the memory fails; when it is an effort to,fix the attention ;'when our sleep is broken and our waking hours harassed with forebodingsof evil,then. Brandreth's Pills should housed. If these warnings remain unheeded, rheumatism, con sumption, disease of the heart, bilious affections, jaun dice, dropsies, piles, appople ales and costiveness will sud denly present themselves. These Brandreth's Pills would have prevented,but 'nevertheless nese. they will also cure. Use them at once; do not let prejudice prevent the use of this simple but potent remedy. sz. xy Never extract blood. Blood is the life, by abstract ing it in painful diseases you MEW occasion the patient ease, but remember, this case is only the redaction or lessening the , power to feel. And by thus taking away nature's tools, you may prevent her from fully repairing the ravages of inflammation, & convert what might only have been the sickness of a few days or weeks into a chronic erection of months and years. Bra-area's Pills accord with Nature! Nature's remedy iu fact. When sudden, acute or con tinued pain occurs from any 'cause, then to insure a quick return to health, you =slum. Brandreth's NUB, which will soon relieve every organ from undue pressure, and remove those humors whose presence often occasions ouch terrible suffering. BEFORE Tar. WORLD 106 YEARS I New Drug s Medicine Fe; Perfumery Eetabliament, Market street, HEALTH. DEPENDS ON PURE BLOOD Brandreth's Theory of Disease us-Twenty million boxes sold and the sphere of their usefulness still extending. Ask for almanack and pam phlet of cures. Agents will supply gratis., BEwAax—aU pills with "241 Broadway" . on side labia are counterfeits. bet the genuine and they will never deceive. Dr. G. ROSS, Agent, Lebanon, Pa. July . 15, 1857.-3 m. . AV- THERMOMETERS 4.V." 4.1-erat ' ne. In want of accurate and reliable 1 THERMOMETERS, Hand Mirrors, Traveling Flars Y inait, Paney Toi bubin's and Other Choice let Bottles, Puff Boxhheddr Rubber Perfumes, Toyfr aa 11, Buffalo, India and Hormixiaket and Toilet Combs. Fancy Se. gar Call Stands (a new article.) Call at GUILFORD ,t LEMBERGER% Bonnet Ribbons! A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Bon /S. net,Satin and Mantua-Rihbons just received and for sale very cheap at May 13. HENRY & 'STINE'S. Valuable Borough Properly FOR SALE! S offered at private sale, that valuable half-lot A or piece of Ground, Situate at the north-east cor ner of Walnut and Water streets, Lebanon, front ing 33 feet on 'Walnut street and 80 feet, on Water street, at present occupied by John Farres Morbid Yard, on which are a FRAME LIOUSE, ste. It is Ic:mood within a square of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, between the Depot and the cen tre of town. For further particulars apply to John _Farrel, on the premises. [June 24, 1857. MEW SMIGE LINE, VROM FREDERICKSBURG, via JONES ' TOWN, to LEBANON. Leaving Fredericksburg every morning (Sun days excepted,} at 64 o'clock, and will leave Leba non on its return on the arrival of the Philadel phia and Reading line. Through Tickets, at a reduced price, can be scoured at Philadelphia or Reading, for Jones town or Fredericksburg. Xl' This is a four-horse Coach, and the line will be'kept in the best condition. None but good Horses will be used. The public patronage is respectfully solicited. The Stage Office in Lebanon will be at Reinhard's Hotel, and at Fredericksburg at Bates Hotel.— The Coach will be at the Railroad Depot to meet the train. TOBIAS BARTO. July 1,1857.-3 m Farmers' & Mechanics' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. WEE undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the publio in general, to the fact that they are prepared, the coming season, to manufacture and have oh hand the largest and best assortment of FARMING IMPLEMENTS ever offered to the Farmers of this county, such as Wheeler's Improved Railway Horse-Powers and Threshers; Manny's combined Reaper and Mower, with Wood's latest improvements Coleman's Farm Mill; Grain Drills and Fans; Gourley's Patent Harrow and Clod Cutter; Corn Ploughs and Planters; Portable Cider Mills, Clover-Hullers, Corn Shelters, Fodder Straw and Ray Cutters, ke. All of the above Machines are of the latest and best improvemente, and are all wartanted to give satisfaction. Also. Castings of all kinds made to Order, and at short notice. Particular attention paid to REPAIRING, and charges reasonable. FARITERS wilt do well to call and examine uur stock before purchasing, elsewhere, as they will find it to their advantage to purchase Machines manufactured in their own county. 7r `All orders or communications by mail will be promptly attended to. A. MAJOR & BROTHER. Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Pa. July 1, 1857 JEREHIAH HORS GEO. GASSEP JOSIAH CIETTLE LEBANON COUNTY STEAM PLANING MILL. FrEtte s , ei G ti ttS s E` o F f . f , . 0 aE n T o Lebanon LC County n w t i y s h and to i n n e f i o g ir boring counties, that they are now in full opera tion, and are prepared to do all kinds of CARPENTER WORK sYMACHINERY such as Flooring Boards, Wiather Boarding-, Sash,Doors,Window 4' Door Frames, Shutters, Blinds, Planing Scrolls, SAWING, and any other hind of - Sawing which may be wanted to suit builders. The subscribers beg leave to inform the public that they have the latest and best improved machinery iu the coun ty, such as Woodworth's Planer, &0., and that they axe able to produce as good work as the coun ty can produce. None but the best and well seasoned LUMBER will be used. Carpenters and Builders are invi ted to call and examine their ready-made stock, which they will always keep on hand, and judge for themselves. . Their Shop is on Pine grove Road, near Phreaner's Old Foundry. Lebanon, Juno 17, '57. Watches, Jewelry, &c. I.T is a fact worthy of . note that the Jewelry Store at 332 Second st., Philadelphia, sells goods 20 per cent. less than any other place in the United States. Look at the prices. Gold Lever Watches 18e, full jeweled $22.00 Silver Levers, full jeweled, 10.00 " Hunters, 12 to 18.00 Gold Hunters, 23.00 Eight-day Watches, (Hunters,) 60.00 Also, all other kinds of Watches, Gold Chains, Jewelry, .to., sold less than anywhere else. Call in and examine. v,„.. Country merchants supplied wholesale or retail. N. D. GODFREY, No. 332 North 2d st., between Callowhill and • Wood sts., Philadelphia. June 1.1, 1857.-Bms 5 Teachers Wanted. LHE SCHOOL DIRECTORS of the Noarn RIK LEBANON Bouocon District, will meet in the Plank Road School House, on MONDAY, THE 3RD DAY OP AUGUST, 1957, at 9 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of electing 3 mule and 2 fe male Teachers, for the Public Schools of said dis trict, for the ensuing term of ton months. The County Superintendent wilt be present at the same time and place, to examine applicants. By order of the Board. CHARLES B. FORNEY, Pres't. JOAN 11. MILLER, Secretary. North Lebanon Borough, July 9, 1957.-td. SHERIFF'S SAID "laY virtue of a writ a "%rendition' Expouaa, is sued out of the court of Common Pleas of Lebanon county, and to mo directed, I will sell by Public Sale or Outcry, on SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1857, at one o'clock, P. M., at the Court House, in the Borough of Lebanon, all the estate, right, title and interest. of JOHN WEIDMAN, Esq., of, in, and to, the following real estate, viz : No. 4. A certain TWO-STORY ..• STONE II OUSE and LOT OR iko PIECE OF GROUND, fronting on Cumberland street, in said borough of Lebanon, and bounded on the South. and East by Alleys, and on the west by lot of Christian Henry. This house is the best finished Dwelling in Leb anon, having recently been completely remodeled. There are, also, on the premises, a good BRICK STABLE, CISTERN, &e., SA. No. 5. A certain OUT-LOT, situate in Corn wall township. (now Borongh.ef Lebanon,) adjoin ing lands of Jacob McConnel, George Snavely, and others, containing 5 ACRES and 20 PERCH ES, more or less. No. 8. All those certain OUT-LOTS, situate in the Borough of Lebanon, and part of Light's Addition and numbered in the General Plan.< said Addition, with the numbers 10,11 12-61` the 37 and 31, respectively, and contaK - more or whole 14 ACRES and 85 PETAZti a y Railroad, less,. adjoining the Lebps:i ia d, Hornet Alley, Church street, wnr r'o thers. This Tract is di- Matthew Sto DING LOTS, and will be so vlded in ..,..... t " - "iese Lots are advantageously locat ";.ev-Dwellinge, being near the Lebanon Valley -Railroad Depot' nd Woimer's Machine Shops and present an opportunity for investment rarely equaled. -s t9i4- Seized and taken under execution as the property of JOHN WEIDMAN, Esq., and will be sold by DAVID M. SHUEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Lebanon, July 8, 1857. FOR SALE. FLOUR, CORN ' OATS, BRANi SALT BY BAG' at tho.Gonease zailla of kV' "" Lebanon, Jan. '1852. EMI