The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 22, 1857, Image 1

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,J,EL 0--go, 5, gourmi gittraturt, Psign a 0 *matt attio,
.I,ljt &tido, agritultus, antsral tutsiliptte.
ity WM. M. BRESLIN.}
OFFICE in Cumberland street, opposite the
ll "Eagle Hotel," Lebanon, Pa.
Lebanon; April 22, 1.557.—1 y.
Levi MEOW,
WILL attend promptly to all business entrust-
Yy to him. °thee in Cumberland street sec—
ond door East from Market street, and opposite
the Engle Buildings. [Lob., may 13, 1557.
DR. Wk. M. GUILFORD has removed his Of
fice to his now residence on l'clarket Street, a
'few doors North of Reber tt Oves' Store, and be
tween it and the New Lutheran church.
.Lebanon, Dec. 10, 1856.-tf.
_ - _
F 0 it SALE.
AT Private Salo, Two Building Lots, on the
corner of Chestnut and Elizabeth streets,
East Lebanon. For further particulars, apply to
J. 11. K EIM, Daguerreotypist.
Lebanon, June 3, 1857.—at.
For Sate.
ASecond-hand Steam ENGINE, 10 horse pow
er. It is to be sold to make room for one of a
larger size. Apply to
Lebanon, July 1, 1857.
CIVIL% Whitefish, Mackerel, Iferring, Cheese,
Vinegar, Tobacco, &gars, Flour, Feeding, tte.
&0,, for sale by J. C. REISNER.
Lebanon, July 30, 1855.
TWELVE good Flour Barrel Coopers, at the
Genesee mills, in Lebanon, to whom constant
work and good wages will be given. none but
sober am] steady workmen need apply.
January 7, 1857. MYERS k ST-TOUR.
140 wanted immediately at the Steam Planing
Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None
but the best of hands required, to whom liberal
wages will be given. Apply to
Lebanon, Fob, 18, 18,57.—tr.
Bricklayer and Jobber,
Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Pealea.
T AM prepared, nt all times, to put up Brick
I Work, in nil its branches, and on the shortest
notice, Also, BRICK BUILDINGS, BotT,Ens,
Inn walls, Bashes, Hearths, and all work connect
ea with a Furnace done.
~z22D'.21. gang of Stone
Masons always ready to put down foundations,
and do stone work of every description.
July 1, 1.857.—tf. P. u. WIKEL.
hALY J.; WILLIAMS would respectfully in
form the citizens of Lebanon that they have
opened a first class SHAVING AND HAIM
DRESSING SALOON, hi Market street, opposito
the Lebanon Bank. They would solicit a share
of the public patronage.
Lebanon; May 20, lBs7'.—tf.
Grain Viranted. _ -
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, 4.r.,
A T the Centre Warehouse, 1111 the Union Canal,
in Meyerstewu, for wide]) the highest market
cash prices will be paid. They also heap eon
. staidly on hand awl for sale, Sulphur Coal, Stovo
.Coal, and Coal fur llineburners, which they sell at
the lowest prices. URICH, TICE d; CO.
Myerstown, June 10, 1.9.57.-311vo
A T Ilie*Genesee Mills, in t'.e Borough of Lebo,
11 non,
In any quantity, fur which the highest Market
-prices will be paid in Cash, Iry
January 7, 1857. MYERS fi Sil OUR.
Philip F. McCattily,
Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker
Cumberland street, One door Ent of the
Block 110r20 Hotel.
Tim subscriber desires to in
form the public that he has open- sish.
. 4i se
ad as above, where he is prepar
ed to execute orders for Boots
and Shope of the finest finish and style, and equal,
if not superior, to any heretofore offered to the
public. [may 27, 18d7.
G. ER /Pewees,
LEsA LE AND ETA' L Manufacturer of
" Ornamental and Plain Gull! . Looking Glass
es, Portrait and Picture Frames- of every style. a
large stuck of the above always on hand, which I
will sell from 10 to 15 per cent. less than any other
establishment in the city.
work ruguilted, Ac. A liberal discount to the
trade. G. W. DEWEES.
No. 154 North 2d street, below Mice, west side
April 29,1857.-om. Philtula., Old No. 102.
r - V\ ATALM- : 4,, uth4reFt comer of TIMM
Streit. m 6 1. 4 ,10,14,
MONEY is re‘ 7 0 ,,, l large or midi, and
ill tarok. paid from thi, day of depoAt to the day of with
The office is open every .lay from 0 o'clock in the
morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday
and Thtirsilny evenings till to
All sums;large or small, are paid leek in gold on de
mand without notice, to any amount.
lion. if KY L. BB.NNER, President,
ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Tice President.,
Wm. J. REED, Secretary,
Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Mnnne,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman,
James B. Smith, liras& Lee,
This Company confines its business there
calving of money on interest. The investments amount.
Gag to nearly
One Million and a Half of Dollars!
as per.published report of Merle, are made In conform-
RI with the provisions of the Charter, in_REAL ES
Wass securities, as will always ensure perfect security to
the depository, and which cannot fall to glie permanen
opapd stability to the institution. (May 27 : 1867.
Seat . ntrNDO c tV, OVES,,tkie tie /411;4: - thee abeapat
" L" ?P " ! o,lts , mitmid Narmon"
Daniel Graeff,
WITH many thanks to my patrons for their
liberal patronage thus far bestowed, and
the determination to merit a continuation of the
same, I am now ready, Ladies and Gentlemen,
(hexing disposed of my winter stock,) to offer you
a well selected Spring and rummer stock. Come
and see and judge for yourselves.
I will tell you the place, and you neer will forgot,
When you once behold Grueff's beautiful dt
Of Gaiters, Bootes or Buskins which greet
With a graceful appearance on the Ladies' feet.
My place may be found agglibmberland street,
Where each of my frieedWele9PelY greet,
'Tie here may be found 'rill potternit well made,
Got up in tall style for the opening Spring trade.
Come gentlemen, you that wknta good.boct ,
] have got a Spring fashion that surely will suit,
lin Calf or a Kip of good mechanical skill,
Just give rue a call Fll fit you at will.
Ladies and Gentlemen
I also would call your attention' to my well se
looted stock of Summer Shoes, comprising 5 or 6
different kinds, which I will dispose of at reasona
ble prices, under a good insurance of excellent
N. B.—Travelers now is your time, if you wish
to see a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, and
different kinds of Bugs. Come one, come all.
march 2.5, 1857.
Jacob Iteadlt,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that ho
still continues his extensive establishment in
his new buildiug, in Cumberland street, where he
hopes to render the same satisßetion as hereto
fore to all who may favor him with their custom.
lie invites Merchants end deniers in
Boots and Shoes,
and every one who wishes to purchase fashiona
ble find durable articles in his line, to call and ex.
amine for themselves, his large and varied stock.
lie is determined to surpass all competition in
the manufacture of every article in his business,
suitable fur any market in the 'Union. A due
care is taken in regard to materials and workman
ship; none but the best quality of Leather and
other materials are used, and none but the best
workmen are employed.
P. S.—lle returns his sincere th,Lnlcs to his
friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore
bestowed on him. 11e hopes by strict attention
to business and endeavoring to please his custo
mers, to merit a share of public patronage.
Lebanon, Oct, 17, 1856.
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Trunks, 4.c., 4.c.
THEinbscribers respectfully invite the attention
of tl:e citizens of Lebanon and vicinity to an
examination of their new stock of goods just re
ceived from Philadelphia. They have a general
assortment of the latest styles of all kinds of
Home-Made and City Work,
and also make to order, et short notice, any ar
ticle in their line that may be wanted.
sY Don't forget that the store has been re
moved from the old location, to "Pbreaner's Old
Building," next door to the Washington Rouse,
Cumberland street, south side.
They tender their thanks to their old custom
ers, and solicit a continuance of their favors,
and trust that a great many now ones will cheer
them with their.padsonane,!..—a
be he a t ins=aitiia cheap articles In their line.
Lett.; npr. 22, 1857.) J. & G. GASSER.
Lebanon Valley Bank.
Located in Market street, nearly oppo
site the United Hall, one Door. North
of the Post Office.
WILL pay the following RATES of INTER
EST on DEPOSITS, on, and after, the Ist
day of March, 1857, viz :
For I year, and longer, 6 per cent, per annum.
For U months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum.
For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum.
Requiring a short notice of withdrawal, and af
fords n liberal line of accommodations to those who
may favor it with deposits,payable on demand. Will
pay a premium on SPANtsn and At EMICAN D On-
II ALE DOLLARS. Will make collections on and
remit to all parts of the United States, the Cana
tins and Europe ; Negotiate Loans, Se., and
do n general EXCHANGE and BANKING BUSI
G LEIN, Cashier.
,7 7 .1 HE, undersigned, Managers, arc individually
IV liable to the extent of their Estates for all
deposits and other obligations of the co-partner
ship filed in the Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon
County, trading under the name and style of the
;Lk nEs YOUNG, A 1 7 671 - STIIS BOYD,
Leb,,je 17/57.} GEORGE GLEIM.
Advertising and Correspondence 0 tlice, 360 Broad
way, New York.
jrciv and Important
covery in the Science of Medicine.
I•AnIS and IMPERIAL COLLEGE of )11:nrcim, Vr
enna. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. H. A.
Barrow, member et the Imp'l College of Vienna,
and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be
personally consulted at Lis residence. 15i Prince street,
few blocks west of Broadway, New York, from It A. M.
till 2 P. M. and from 4 till BP. M. (Sundays excepted,
unless by appointment.)
Triesemar No. 1,
Se a remedy for Relaxation, apertnatorrhten, and all the
distressing consequences arising . from early abuse, indis
criminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates.
It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to
thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and
the funelons of manhood; and whatever may be the
cause or disqualifications for marriage, they are effectu
ally subdued,
Triosommar No. 2,
Completely and entirely ersitliilates all traces offlonor
limn, both in its mild :Lod agerarated forms.Gleets,Btrie
tures, Irritation of the Bladder, Non-retention of the
Urine. Nails of the Loins and Kidneys, and those disor
ders go which Copaivi and Cubebs have so long. been
thought an antidote.
Triesemar No. 3,
• • -
is the great Continental ILEMEDY for Sipbills and Secon
dary symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for
Scurvy, Serail la, and ail cutaneous Eruptions, removing
and expelling in its course all impurities from the vital
stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease,
and expel it by insensible perspiration through the me
diem of the pores of the skin and urine.
It is a never failing remedy for that class of disorders
which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the in•
evitable destruction of the patient's constitution. and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove.
Tamer:use N 0.1,2 and 3, are prepared in the form of a
lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in
the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided in
separate dopes as administered by Valpeau, Lalleman,
Roux, Rieord, &c., &c. Price $3 each, or four eases in
one for $9, which saves $3, and in $27 casea, whereby
there is a saving of $9.
None are genuine unless the Engravings of the seals
of the Patent Office of England; the seals of the Bade de
Pharmaeie de Paris, and the Imperial Collegeof Vienna,
are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case.—
Imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the law.
Special arrangements enable Dr, Barrow to forward
immediately, on receiving a remittance, tbp $9 and Jar.
ger size eases of Trimmer free of carriage, to anypartof
the world, securely packed and properly addressed, thus
insuring genuine European preparations anti protecting
the public from spurious and pernicious imitations.
Attendance and Consultation from 11 a: m. till 2 p. m.
and from &till Bin the evening. 137 Prince street, afew
blocks west of Broadway, New York.
May 60.857-Iy.
Cristadoro's Hair Dye!
Within ft nutmshell all the merits lie,
Of Cristadoro's never-equalled Dye
Red it makes black, to brown transforms a grey,
And keeps the fibres always from decay.
I? HIS matchless, re-vitalizing Hair Dye, still hoidens
position as the most harmless and efficacious Hair
•yo in THE WORLD. Yrepared and sold, wholesale
and retail, and applied in'ten private rooms, at CRlB
noses,t NO. 8 Astor House, lirMulway, New York, and
by ail 'Druggists and Perfumers in thellnitsd antria. "
Jan. 141; 166 L--4.-184 ., • • - • ' . - - •
Agent—Goorgo i li. Keyser, 140 Wood st., Pittsburg, Pa;
Dauphin & Susqureh an n a Railroad
00!! in
Susquehanna &
From Harrisburg to Auburn, 59 Macs,
wo PASSENGER Sd TRAINS each way daily,
Trains going East.—No. I—leave Harrisburg at
5, a. m.—arriva at Auburn at 7.55. a.
Trains going East.—No. 2—leave Harrisburg at
3.13, p. ru.—arrive at Auburn at 6.50, p..m.
Trains going West.—No. 3—leave Auburn at 8.45,
a. m.—arrive at Harrisburg at 11.47, a. m.
Trains going West.—No. 4-4 eave Auburn at 4.37,
p. ut.—arrive at Harrisburg at 7.50, p. m.
Passengers by Trains Nos. 1 and 2 proceed by
Trains of the Reading Rail-road to Pottsville,
Port Clinton, Reading, Philadelphia, and points
on the valley of the Schuyllcill : and by the Cat
awissa Rail-road and its connections to Tamaqua,
Catawissa, Danville, Milton, Williamsport, Elmi
ra, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and all points of the
North and West of the United States and Canada.
And Passengers from any place above named, or
points in their direction, will arrive at, Harrisburg
by trains Nos. 3 and 4, and connect with trains of
the Pennsylvania Central Rail-road for Lancaster
and Philadelphia, or for Pittsburg and the West,
and with the Cumberland Valley Rail-road for
Carlisle, Chambersburg, ac.; and, with the North
ern Central Rail-road to York, Baltimore, Wash
ingtou City, and all the Rail-road points of the
Southern States ; or to Millersburg, Georgetown,
and Treverton, on the Susquehanna , .
Through tickets are sold at the Office of the
Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad, opposite the
National Hotel, Harrisburg, for all points on the
Catawissa Railroad and its connections through
to Niagara Falls,_ .to. R. W. MASON,
COLD SPRING OFFICE, Sup't and Cashier.
Lebanon county, Penn'a,July 8,1857-4 t.
tiVeioner Machine Works.
Opposite the Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot, Leb 7
anon, Lebanon county, Pa.
TATM. k. P. L. WEIMER. Proprietors, mann,
VV facture Steam Engines front I to 300 horse
power, of the latest styles and patterns, with ail
the modern improvements. Also, superior Port
able Engines (with Link Motion Valve Gear,)
mounted on wheels, for Saw Mills,Wood sawing
and Hoisting purposes. Particuar attention is
called to our small Upright Engines for Printers.,
Druggists and persons wanting a small ainount of
Power: They take up a very small space, and
can be put up in a room as a household fixture.
Also, Blowing Engines and Machinery for An
thracite and other Blast Furnaces, of improved
construction. Forge Hammers, of P. L."Weitncr's
Patents ; Bolling Mill, Sawing, Planing and
Flouring Mill Fixtures; Mining Pumps ; Hoist
ing Machinery for Mines and Stone Quarries ;
Railroad Cars, Iron Bridges, Shafting, Hangers,
Pulleys, Turning Lathes, Drill Presses, Planing
Machines, Brass Stop Cocks, Valve and Brass
Fixtures, Globe Steam Valves, of all sizes, and
Machinery and Castings of every description.
Also, Boilers of any size, form and weight,
made of the best material, by well-known and ex
perienced workmen; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks,
Gas flues, Heaters, and sheet iron work of every
description. IGnr_Doiler sheets nre all tested by
dividing-tnem into aquarcs - oft-inehes, an d,ham
mering each square ; any imperfection is thus de
tected, and the faulty sheet rejected; this is prac-
Used in very few shops in this country.]
Also, n. stock of Wrought Iron Pipe, for steam,
gas and water, with all the necessary fixtures, con
stantly on hand, and put up at the shortest no
tice and on most reazonable terms. Iron, Brass,
and Composition metal Castings, made to order,
atithe shortest n otice.
akr " Repairing attended to with promptness
and despatch. A gang of Boiler makers always
ready for Boiler repairs.
Blacksmith Work made to order.
px.T-Orders respectfully solicited. All commu
nications, by mail or otherwise, attended to with
despatch, and work delivered to railroad, or ca
nal, free of charge.
Lebanon, February 4,1857.
Improved Fire and Water Proof
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of }Tar-
LL Reading, Lancaster, Lebanon, and
their vicinities, that we are prepared to put on
roofs on must liberal terms, and at the shortest
Weyespectfully call the attention of persons a
bout to build, to our invaluable method of roofing,
now much used throughout the principal cities of
the United States and their vicinities. This mode
of roofing having all the combined requisites of
cheapness, Durability, and Security against Fire
and Water, and dispensing with high gable walls;
the roofs require an inclination of not more than
three-quarters 0) of an inch to the foot, and in
many eases saving the entire cost of rafters--the
ceiling joist being used.
The gutters are made of the same material,
without any extra charges ; consequently, our
roofs are put up at almost half the cost of either
Tin, Slate, or Shingles. The material being of
an imperishable nature, it surpasses all others in
Durability ;—besides, in case of any casualty, it
is the most easily repaired of any other roof now
in use. Yet, the best proof we can offer as to its
being both fire and water proof, are our many re
ferences, to any one of whom we .are at liberty
to refer.
N. B.—But let it be distinctly understood,
(since we manufacture our own composition, and
do the work in person,) that we warrant all our
work proof against both Fire and Water • if they
prove contrary, we will most willingly abide the
The materials Leing mostly non-conductors of
heat, no roof is so cool in summer, or so warm in
winter. Those wishing to use our roof should
give the rafters a pitch of about one inch to the
foot. [may 27, 18.54.-4 m.
Hello! 0! what Fun.
%ATE will have something new for Lebanon.—
If A great Fox-chase will come off this week,
and every person in the county is invited to at
tend it, tall men and small, tall women and small,
big boys and little ones, big girls and little ones,
young men and old, young ladies and old ones,
turn about and wheel about and run after this fox
and try to catch him, won't that bo fun. But do
not forget to call at
New Cheap Dry Goods
in the borough of Lebanon. (You will have plen
ty of time, as the Fox chase comes off in the af
ternoon at 2 o'clock,) therefore you will have a
good chance of visiting and seeing their stocks of
which they have received from New York and
Philadelphia, and will sell tremendously
cheap. There is not the slightest doubt in my
mind, but that their goods will cause as much re
al excitement, (as well as profit,) in the borough
and country around, as this great Fox chase,—
Therefore do not forget to visit J. Pfieger &
Bro's store, and great will be your fun and very
great your gain. Yours, most respectfully,
April 1, 1857.] J. M. P. &
Venetian Blinds and Shades,
A. Britton & Co.,
Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail
Dealers, No. 32 North Second street,
above Market, Philadelphia.
The largest, cheapest and best assortment of
of any establishment in' the United States.
. First premium awarded-by the . Franklin
Institute, '0 , 1.a.1.2 andlISK Aver all: competition.
SOMEBODY'S courting somebody:,
Somewhere or other, tOnight.
Somebody's whisp'ring to somebody,
Somebody's list'ning to somebody,
Under this clear moonlight,
Near the bright river's flow,
Running so still and slow,
Talking so soft and low,
She sits with somebody.
Pacing the ocean's shoin,
Edged by the foaming roar,
Words never breathed before,
Sound sweet to somebody.
Under the maple-tree,
Deep though the shadow be,
Plain enough they can see—
Bright eyes has somebody.
No one sits up to wait,
Though she is out so late—
All know she's at the gate
Talking with somebody.
Tip-toe to parlor door—.
Two shadows on the floor—
Moonlight reveals no more--
Busy and somebody.
Two, sitting side by side, .
Float with the ebbing tide.
"Thus, dearest, may we glide
Through life," says somebody
Somewhere, somebody
Makes love to somebody,
To -night
gigs Galall,EllitZ.
A Wedding llace.
Among the Huzerebs—people of A
sia—the following is the way weddings
are managed :
The suitors of the maiden, nine in
number, appear in the field, all unarm
ed; but mounted on the hest horses they
can procure ; while the bride herself,
on a beautiful Turkotnan stallion, sur
rounded by her relations, anxiously sur
veys the group of lovers.
The maiden has a certain start given,
which she avails herself of to'gain a
sufficient distance from the crowd to
erial?!.o her to manage her steed with
freedom, so as to assist in his pursuit
the suitor whorrOrshte prefers. On a sig.
nal from the father, all the horsemen
gallop after the fair one, and which ev
er first succeeds in encircling her waist
with his arm, no matter:khether
greeable or to her.choice, is entitled to
claim her as his wife. After the usual
delays incident upon such interesting
occasions, the maiden quits the circle
of her relatives, and 'putting her steed
into a harti-gallop, darts into_the " open
plain. When satisfied with her posi
tion, she turns round to the impatient
youths and holds her arms towards them,
as if to woo their approach. This is
the moment for giving the signal to
commence the chase, and each of the
impatient. youths dashing his pointed
heels into his courser's sides, darts like
the unhooded hawk in pursuit of the
fugitive dove. The savannah is gener
ally extensive, say twelve miles long
and three in width, and as the horse
men speed across the plain the favored
lover becomes soon apparent by the ef
forts of the maiden to avoid all others
who might approach her.
On a certain occasion, after two hour's
racing, the number of pursuers was. re
duced to four, who were all together
and gradually gaining on the pursued;
with them is the favorite, but, alas! his
horse suddenly fails in his speed, and,
as she anxiously turns her head, she per
ceives in dismay, the hapless position
of her lover; each of the fortunate lead
ers eager with anticipated triumph,
bending his head on his horse's mane,
shouts at the top of his voice, "I come,
my Peri ; I'm your lover." But she
making a sudden turn, and lashing her
horse almost to fury, darts across the
path, and makes for that part of the
dhummon, (plain.) where her lover was
endeavoring to goad on his weary steed.
The three others instantly checked
their career, but in the hurry to turn
back, two of the horses are dashed furi
ously against each other, so that both
steeds and riders rolled over on the
plain. The maiden laughed; for she
well knew she could easily elude the
single horseman, and flew to the point
where her lover was. But her only
pursuer was not so easily shaken, off;
making a last and desperate: effort, he
dashed alongside the maiden, and
stretching out his arm, almost won the
unwilling prize; hut she, bending her
head to her horse's neck, eluded , his
grasp and wheeled off again. Ere the
discomfitted horseman could again ap
proach her, her lover's arm was around
her waist, and amidst the shouts of the
spectators they turned towards the fort.
There are in Philadelphia, nine brew.
cries devoted exclusively to the mak
ing of ale and porter, and the amount
brewed each week is about 4,600 casks
or 138,000 gallons. The barley used
in making of malt is grown principally
in New York and Canada, and costs
about $1.60 per kushel when delivered
in Philadelphia, and after being made
into malt isAvorth $2 per bushel. The
annual consumption of barley in the
city is estimated at 600,000 bushels,
besides 350,000 pounds of hops, which
are worth 15 cents per pound. The
number of casks of al3 and porter
made annually is some 250,000, which
sell at an average of about each.
The cost of the barley and hops alone
consumed will amount to over one mil
lion dollars.
A Thrilling IncidfnL
Returning from a visit in New Or
leans, we were fortunate enough to se
cure passengers. Among the iadies,one
especially interested us. She was the
widow of a wealthy planter, and had only
one child to her farther's house. Her
devotion to the child was very touching
and the eyes of her old black nurse
would fill with tears as she besought
her mistress "not to love that boy too
much, or the Lord would take him away
for her."
We.passed through the canal of Louis
ville, and stopped for a few moments at
the wharf, when the nurse, wishing to
see the city ; walked out on the guard,
at the hack of the boat, where, by a sud
den.effort, the child spring from . her
arms into the terrible current that sweeps
towards the falls, and disappeared imme
diately. The confusion which ensued,
attracted the attention of
. a gentleman
who was sitting in the fore part of the
boat quietly reading. Rising hastily,
he asked for some article the child had
worn. The nurse handed him a tiny
apron she had torn off in her efforts to"
retain the'baby
.her arms. Turning
to a splended Newfoundland dog that
was eagerly watching . his countenance,
he pointed first to the apron, and then
to the spot where the child had gone un
der. In an instant the noble dog leap.
ed into the rushing Water, and also dis
appeared. By this time the excitement
was intense, and some persons on shore ;
supposing that the dog was lost as well
as the child, they procured a boat and
started off to 'search for the body. Just
at this moment the clog was- seen far
away with something in his mouth.—
Bravely he struggled.Witlythe waves,but
it was evident his strength was failing
fast, and more than one breast gave a
sigh of relief as the boat reached him,
and it was announced that it was 'still
alive They were brought on board—
the dog and the child.
Giving a single glance to satisfy her
self that the child was really living, the
young mother rushed forward, and sink
ing beside the dog, threw her arms a
round -his neck, and burst into, tears—
Not many could view the sight unmov
ed, and; as she caressed. and kiSsed • his
shaggy head, she looked up to his. own•
er and said—
"Oh sir, I must have this dog! I am
rich, take all I have—everything—but
give me my child's preserver,"
The gentleman,smi led, and patting his
dog's head, said, "I am very glad, mad
am, he has been of service to you, but
nothing in the world could induce me
to part with him."
The dog looked as though he perfectly
understood what they were talking
about, and giving his sides a shake, laid
himself down at his master's feet with
an expression in his large eyes that said
plainer than words, "No, nothing shall
part us!"
A Touching Incident of
Fraternal Love.
We have never read a more touching
ly beautiful incident than the following,
which occurred a short time since in
one of the French courts. The natural
nobility of the brother, and the affec
tionate faith of the sister, are examples
worthy to be followed by the unfortu
nate youth of our own, or any other
country, as au evidence that, however
dark the, day, an honest heart and a firm
resolve will overcome the greatest ob
A French paper
. says that Lucille
Rome, a pretty girl, with blue eyes and
fair hair, poorly but neatly clad, was
brought before the Sixth Court of Cor.
rection, under the charge of vagrancy.
"Does any one claim you?" asked the
"Ah! my good siri" said she, "I have
no longer any friends; my father and
• mother aredead—l have only my broth..
er James; but he is as young as I am.
- Oh, sir! what can he do for me?"
"The Court must send you to the
House of Correction."
"Here I am sister; here I am ! do not
fear l' cried a childish voice from the
other end of the Court. And at.the
same instant a little boy with lively
countenance started forth from amidst
the crowd, and steed before the judge.
"Who are yogi?" said he. •
"James Rome, the brother of this
poor little girl."
"Your age?"
"And what do you want ?"
"I come to claim my'Lucille."
"But have you the_ means of provid.
ing for her?"
"Yesterday I had none, but now I
have. Don't be afraid Lucille."
"0, how good you are, James!"
"Well, let us see, my boy," said the
magistrate. "The Court is disposed to
do all -that• it can for your sister; but
you must give us some explanation."
"About a fortnight ago, sir," ex
claimed the boy, "my poor mother died
of a bad cough, for it was very cold at
home. We were in great trouble.—
Then I said to myself, will become an
artisan, arid when I know a good trade
Iwill support my sister, I went appren
tice to a brush-maker. Every day I
used to carry her half of my dinner, and
at'night I took her secretly to, my room,
and she slept on my bed, while I slept
on the floor. But it appears that she
had not enough to eat. One day. she
begged on the Boulevard, and was taken
up. When I heard that, I said to my
self, come, my boy, things cannot last
so; you must find something better. I
soon found a good place, where I am
fed and clothed,and„have twentyfrancs
a month. I have,also..found a good
woman, who, for tiiese twenty francs
will take care of Lucille, and teach her
needlework.. I claim my sister."
"My boy," said the judge, "your con
duct is very honorable. However, your
sister cannot be set -at liberty till to
"Never mind Lucille," said the boy,
"I will come and fetch you early to
morrow." Then turning to the magis
trate, he said, "I may kiss her, may I
not, sir 1"
He then threw himself into the arms
of his sister, and both wept warm tears
of affection.
TESTIMONY.—The trial of the celebrat
ed cow case between Messrs. E. C.
Vore and J. M." Byers, of Mount Ver.
non, Ohio, was resumed on Thursday
last, and did not terminate till Saturday
evening, when the jury returned a ver
dict in favor of the defendant, Byers,
for eighteen dollars damages. Messrs.
Vance and Cooper for the plaintiff, and
Messrs. Delano and Sapp for the de
fendant. We need hardly add, after
naming . the attorneys, that the .case was
conthicted with zeal and much ability
on both sides.
This, we presume, is the most extra
ordinary case of the kind that ever oc•
curred in Ohio. At the commence
ment of this replevin suit (for such it
was) each party had the most entire
confidence that he would be able to ad
duce such an array of unequivocal testi
mony in his right to the cow and calf
in dispute beyond any reasonable doubt.
And certain it is that the plaintiff did
produce a most formidable array of tes
timony. So clear and strong was the
evidence produced by the plaintiff' that
when he rested his case there was ap
parently little chance of success for the
defendant. In addition to his own pos
itive testimony, he produced some eigh
teen other witnesses who identified the
cow as his.
Among those witnesses was Mr.
Thomas Boyle, of whom 'the plaintiff
said he had purchased the cow in ques
tion. Also, the wife of Mr. Boyle, and
several others of the family. Also, Mr.
Jonathan Hunt,.who raised the cow pur•
chased by plaintiff. Also, John Sliger
and wife; who at one time owned the
Vore cow. Also, plaintiff's mother•in.
law, Mrs. Rawley, who had milked the
cow for some time. On the other hand,
the defendant testified positively to the
cow as his, and produced some twenty.
five other Witnessei, who identified the
cow' as his. Among these witnesses,
were Dr. Wheaton, of whom the cow
was purchased for defendant; and Wm.
Jackson, who purchased the cow fur de
fendant ; and Win. Robinson, who with
Jackson when he made the purchase.—
Also, Benjamin S. Ide, of whom Di.
Wheaton purchased the cow. Also,
Mas. Jackson, who had the cow in-pos
session for some two years. Also, per
sons who, knew the cow on the farm of
the defendant, while in possession of
Jackson. Also, Persons who knew the
cow owned by Dr. Wheaton and Ide.—
Also, the mother and daughter of de.
fendant, and A. Boyd, who took care of
the cow some time in that city,
The trial lasted in all nearly five days,
during which time not much less than
one hundred witnesses were sworn .and
The latest sell of the day originated
in the, fertile brain of a Baltimore
clothes-dealer. He placed in the pock
et of a ready-made coat an old port.
monnaie, and quietly awaits the advent
of a fitting customer. Presently enters
an individual desiring to be summer
coated. After essaying several coats,
the dealer says:
"Here is a coat made for a gentle.
man ; he wore it .one day and sent it
back; it was too small for him; try . it
on. Ayl it fits first-rate, like as if it
was made for you. It is well made; but
tons sewed on strong; with strong pock
The customer puts his hand into the
pockets to try them, when his fingers
come in contact with the pocket-book.
His imagination is kindled -with the idea
of approprating the supposed treasure.
"How much did you say the coat wasr
he eagerly asks.
The tlealeenamed ‘ a gond round sum .
"It suits take it," is the quick
The money is paid, and the seliduped
customed walks off hurriedly with his
supposed prize—not stopping to hear the
suppressed_chuckle of the dealer as he
looks after him out of the corner of his
could.not but be amused at- the central
izing =efforts of a man on Main street,
the other night. He had been to some
grocery, and was walking along the
pavement with a cabbage under each
arm, some potatoci in the bosom of his
shirt, a beef steak in one , hand and two
pullets in the other, besides a brick or
two in his hat. Here his troubles com
menced. He dropped one cabbage ' ;
stooped to pick it up; spilled his pota.
toes; laid down the steak and Chickens;
put the potatoes in his pockets; the
cabbage in his bosom ; meanwhile one
chicken traveled off.; laid the cabbages
doWn, and started in hot pursuit of the
truant chicken'; caught it ; found chick.
en No. 2 had taken leg bail; wedged
chicken No. 1 between the two cabba.
ges and a stone, and made after N0..2;
captured it, and when we left was try
ing to arrange matters for convenience
of carriage, to the infinite—amusement
of quite a crowd of lookers-on.
The msn whe ,Wreatiefl With adseisi
ty wore dot his Silk itockinge,' and. a t
fTERMS---$1;50 A YEAR
The Spectre Fire Ship.
Many, many years ago, a ship named
the Palestine sailed from Holland, with
a large number of passengers, bound to
a new home in North America. Soon
after leaving port it became generally
known that many of :he passengers
were wealthy and had a large amount
of gold and silver in their possession.—
Three weeks elapsed when the captain
and his crew conceived the idea of en
riching themselves by plundering and
murdering the inoffensive and unsuspi
cious persons in their power. They first
reported the provisions spoilt, but man
aged to sell hard buiscuits for a guinea
each. This process was at length sus•
pended, and the disease and famine
had full sway.. The winds were favor
able, all were not yet dead, and lo ! the
ship was floating off Block Island.—
The few passengers who still survived
might still live to tell their tale of woe,
and so the ship must be destroyed with
all her living freight. The captain and
crew placed their ill-gotten wealth in
their two yawls, and having scuttled and
set fire to the ship, they embarked for
the neighboring island, and landed just
as the great mass of flames sank hissing
in the deep. The pirates told- the is
landers, a plausible story, and for many
months they lived in a house which is
still pointeal out to the curious stranger,
but is a mere ruin. The pirates quar
reled, separated and left for parts un
known. For many years thereafter the
house was deserted by all persons of
flesh and blood, but thickly peopled
with ghosts—with pale women in white
old men reduced to skeletons' and chi!.
dren with bloody faces, and whenever
they made their appearance at the witch
ing time of night there were heard the
most frightful cries of anguish. In pro
cess of time ; however, the spectres all
disappeared; but of late years, whenever
a great storm is about to lash the ocean
into fury, the fireship is distinctly seen
in the oiling; her hull a mass of cinder,
and her saile sheets of pure flame.
Many old men have looked upon this
phantom many times, and some of them
allege that they have seen the sufferers
imploring Heaven for succor, and beard
their shrieks of despair.
Life in Texas.
In one of his graphic letters to the
New Orleans Picayune, its sheep rear
ing editor, George W. Kendall tells 1; 1 . °
good story conn:cted with the recent
Waco Convention in Texas.
A lot of the members, during a recess
in the regular business, had adjourned
to a neighboring grocery, Mr. Britton,
of Corpus Christi, among the number,
and were taking a general drink all
round. Some were calling for gin tod
dies, others for brandy straits—some for
this decoction, and others for that—
when into.the groggery stalked a tall,
lank, sallow complexioned member from
close up on the Arkansas line, dressed
in a hickory bark coat, copperas colored
trowsers, and drab imitation beaver hat.
"Come straight up to the trough,
stranger, and smile," said Britton.
"Don't mind if I do take a drink a
bout this time," retorted the gentleman
in hickory bark.
"What shall it be 1" continued the
member from Corpus Christi.
"Well, I believe take a parcel al
whiakey : I was brought up mostly on
that, and it agrees with me," retorted
the stranger.
"Sweetnin' in it?" continued the
"Straight," retorted the other.
"Do the gentleman up a parcel of
whiskey, large size," was the order giv
en to the bar keeper, and the neat mo
ment the laugh was general. Ther e is
fuu yet in Texas, despite the drouth, and
will be so long as Britton remains in
the. State.
In the Leipsic Journal of Science,
Literature and Art, is an account of the
wonderful discoveries of Dr. GILEFT in
diseases of the eye, and the consequent.
ly wonderful cures he performs. He has
found the ball of the eye to he transpa
rent, and by a curious instrument, ex
amines minutely the interior, lakes it
out and performs any necessary surgical
operation, and replaces it without inju
ry to its appearance or vision. A young
girl had long been afflicted with the
most excruciating pain in the left eye,
the case of which the most learned
could not understand. Dr. °LEFT
found in the centre of the ball a little
worm, which he removed, and restored
the poor girl immediately to health and
perfect sight. His office is thronged all
day by the poor, praying for relief.—
One is almost reminded of the miracles.
of the Son of Man, in reading the cures
he makes. We are happy, also, to add
that he is rich, and devotes half his in.
come to the relief of the afflicted ,asking
nothing of those who are not able to pay.
His father was a celebrated occulist and
at the age of 29 he has acquired a far
more extensive fame, and has still in
his youth many thousands to rise up and
call him blessed.
VERY.—The Syracuse
Journal haying published a paragraph
to the effect that "A human leg and
foot were washed ashore at the foot
of Poplar stieet, Boston, on Wednes
day," the Boston Post says,'"We don't
doubt the truth of the statement in the
least, Probably more people wash
their legs and feet on shore than else
where every day in the year."
The only remarkable case of this kind
on record is that'of h yankee soap man e
who in a violent storm at sea, saved
-himself front death by taking a cake of
ha own soap and washing himself