The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 15, 1857, Image 4

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    nit Corat
Contentment is to the mind what
a frame is to a eucunther—sunning it,
and lifting it even from a dunghill.
C* -- Madame de Girardin again: "Of
a hundred men you may find one witty;
of a hundred women you may find one
stupid. See the proportion."
Ozr The only class of men in the world
who are not in the habit of disparaging
their neighbors are the assessors of tr
es ; for it is well known they never'' °'
(ferrate" any body i n t h e e ij e ttrest
Kr A man's w paltli depends more on
his wife ttisg.inliincome. Some women
will coaselheir husbands to become rich
on Alia hundred a year--others can
scarcely' keep out of jail on five thou
sand. Saving has made more fortunes
than getting.
A vain man's motto is "Win gold and
NVear it;" a generous man's, "Win gold
arid share, it ; ' a miser's, "Win gold and
Gain it ;" a. profligate's, "Win gold and
spend it ;" a broker's, "Win gold add
lend'it ;" a fool's, "Win gold and end
a gambler's,."Win gold and lose
;" a wise man's," and use it."
Kr. There is in Boston an eminent
lawyer named Sidney.Bartlett,who bears
the Teputation of a great egotist. nu.
Ins Choate is said once to have asked a
tegal friend, on seeing Mr. a,
very deep study, "Do you kno . w what
Bartlett's.thinking of?" "No." "Well,
he's debating whether God made him or
46 made God."
Or In the patents royal of the manor
- of Blackmoor, near Colchester, occurs
(18th of February,2o Henry VIII., 1528
—'s9) an entry of the tenement called
Jerido; reported to have been one of the
king's pleasure-houses. Hence, when
the,loxurious monarch was missing, the
cant phrase among the courtiers was,
that" he has gone to Jericho."
Savage was walkin g down the
street- the other day; when ho saw two
boyitcin : the. sidewalk,appearently search.
sorrithing. .One of the boys-:re
marke'd jest as he reached them,
five pounds is worth hunting.' after."--
Se the Doctor stopped and searched a
While. finally he got tired and said to
the boys: "Rave you lost .a five-pound
noteV "No, Sir," said they, "hut we
didn't know but what we could find
Perhaps there never was a more
perfectly yet most effective, re
buke than was given by a distinguished
Methodist minister to a young member
of his flock :- - -"Brother Blank, we are
always pleased to hear you'spealc in the
prayer-meeting, and- we hope you will
continue In do so hitt I advise you to
be brief as possible : and if you should
happen to be , too brief, the brethren will
tell you !" Ile was never found .too
What and Liquor Store.
TIM undersigned- having opened WISE AND
LIQIIOII . STORE,. nt the North-west corner of
Mci rket and Water Sts., (in the room formerly oc
eupied by J. Weidle; Esq.,) is now prepared to fur
nish the citizens of the borough and county of
.I.obarfon,"'with all kinds of choice Litiners, such as
Madeira, Port, Lisbon, and Muscat
1 7 .11VES, Brandy, Gin, Old liye
441- 1 V: biskcy, Jamaica Spirits,
which he will sell at very . .rensonaylo prices for
eliFt, in qiinntitles nut less than'one gallon.
Ho would invite the public in general to give
hies , agall, and hopes by strict atteutionlo busi
rieSs and, a desire to please, - to receive a liberal
shartiOf patronage. EMANUEL ItEIG,AIIT.
April 29;1857.
TKLN'S has just returned from the oily with
(' his new stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and
Traleling bags.
- •
Le.banon reinale Semitiary.
.E object of this INSTITUTION is to im
part to TOUNG LADSIE a thorough Eiluca
lion, and thus prepare them for the faithful this
charge-of the 'Carious duties to which they maybe
called- inlife. • Experienced Teachers have been
oteßluy'ed; who will give instruction in all the
branches of agood E.YO Lahr Education, LATIN,
iNG. Arrangements have beenmade for Boarding
all from the Country, or from a diStanee, who may
(resin teavail themselves of the aqrantages
, 011"Por any further information, addresseither
Vilitor, or`LEGIT R. BAMIR.ER, Principal.
Wo also refer to the Paeulty of Pennsylvania
`college,' Gettysburg, Pa. ; Rev. 'S. Miller,
Jaeob'B. Weidman, Charles Greena
walt; Henry & Stine, and others having dangh
fere in the School. Lebanon, SOternher 10,1856.
~., OL, 0 .
1- 0 K S .
`.----:-• thirty Bay , *
. 5 7 e - - I: Eia•ht Da y,
z , a qi '.: le .
r'. E*% Thirty Flour,'
1 ''., 4 - CLOCKS, . .
-7-7-7-7.- - -;,7 - ,,,i, - - Just Received at •
j, tr.. 73LATR'SJewelry Store,
Lebanon ; Pa.
, .
(,eat fer , Leather, Le9a. her!
t rßNitY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French
31 _Calf Kkins, aid general Leather Dealer,. No.
6, SOuth;3d. street; Philadelphia.
A general assortment of all kinds of Leather :
Moroccos, &c., Red Oak Solo Leather.
= - Sununcr.Rrats for Men and Boys.
LL kinds of Summer Hats for Men
aMI - Bbys just received and for sale
very . cheap at HENRY & STINE'S.
Dr. Bose, at, ]pis Drug store. opposite the Court-houee
Lebanon; also .by John Capp, Jopestown ; ,M. Jr
Co.;Talmiia; Shertzer; andly atilers in'
'medicine Oirryvilere.
IJo It -- ibirget to . Call at
TRT - Nrs & MADAMS, -and examine :their
stopk of Boots, Shoes, Tvinkg, Traveling
CALL and : tho,new- stock-of AtkiOs &
MeXastpa; - COme soon .111;1d ,ptisohase your
3foots; apes,at..4kins
colunt,'Telui.beld's Genuine .•Prepara
tip#,. majority : ,
fA\ rinftEo34A - MaNDAlit have a splendid asscirt,' ,
AM Tnezit'of Beals, Shdem; Trunks, aia - a - Trav'et ,
tug bads.
A have- .ItAsterved...a
r\A * ''. ; ikalti i S & 1)1c Abi 'l5 ' ' •
rilii 'new =took of Beefs, Shoes, Tranit's aqd
TravelliAgfiiiss. * -. . •
..„ '
',.- •,
QUPPERERS Irkth diseases or the Bladder, Kid-
I) 'nays, Gravel; Dropsy, Nteakness, ite., read
the:advertisement, in another column, headed
"Ifelrnbold's Genuine Preparation." •
• "ft.:. CANES.—A" fine assortment Of Plain and
Taney Walking, eaves for Sate Ey
• Market street.
:11)0Rt & OYES are selling the cheapen
4.1 . Staffed, , Eleno•Seat and Common Maks.
.It the well-known and
Fashionable Clothing Store
.., DOORS 1•3
or Tut; ..LP
-" - -"raeLrltT HOUSL.
fie - _
Till. Proprietcrs of this establishment respect
fully announce to the public, that they have
liow ready the largost, 'cheapest and best assort
ment of Spring and Summer Ready. made CLOTH
ING ever before offered in Lebanon. Their stock
embraces the latest style of garnients adapted to
the season, vii:—Duess COATS; Fine Black Cloth
Frock and Dress Coats. BUSINESS COATS; Black,
Brown; Green, Gray, Olive and Faney,Cloth Sin
gle-BreaSt, Frock and Sack Coats. S Tin If P. II
Coats, of all kinds and prices. PANTALOONS;
fine Black Cloth and Dm Skin, Fancy' Cassimere,
Satinet, Jean and Corduroy Pants. VESTS; Bl'k
satin fancy. eilkir Marsailles, of all colors, Cash
mere, Valencilt, Satinet, 'Worsted and-Cloth Vests.
ALSO, on hand an assortment of Woolen and
Cotton - Undershirts and 'Drawers, White and Fig
ured Shirts, Collare,' 'Cravats, 'Pocketi Handker
chiefs, Suspenders, Fancy Stocks, Gloves, Hosie
ry, Coat Links, ~te.
Retnrning,thanks 'for past favors, they respect
fully ask a continuance of public patronage.
Or' The TsnoursoFITSIIVESS in all its branch
es, is continued as heretofore.
April 22,1856. •
Spring and Sitannter
Enlargement of the Well-kninon Cheap
Stand Opposite the Court-House. •
Reizenstein f Brother,'
N approaching the public, who have hereto
fore so generously encouraged the "cheapest
clothing store," take pleasure in informing.them
that they, on-account of their- Inc:re-airs of Busi
ness, have enlarged their store. to its former size.
After an experience of mony' . years the public,
by general consent have decided the 'above to be,
The Head Quarters for Good Clothing
and Great Bargains;
And their patronage has consequently been such
as to justify the proprietors in an attempt to ex
ceed even themselveS, in providing for .their cus
tomers a stock of Spring and Summer Clothing
such as has never before been offered in this or
any other neighboring town. - By an enormous
outlay-they are prepared to exhibitan assortment
which for quality, Variety, excellence of material,
durability of workmanship, CANNOT be excelled
anywhere. Among others -theirstock: comprises .
Fine black cloth dress and frock Coats; eassimere,
cashmarett, satinett, tweed, business, and sack
Coats; alpacea, Italian cloth, linen and ging
. ham Coats; Kentucky Jean, cassimer and linen
sack and frock - Coats, as well as Pants; Vests,
Hats and Caps for Boys, of different sizes and
qualities. The latest styles in plain and fancy
eassimer, black cloth and-doeskin, black and fan
cy cassinett,_ corduroy and tweed, linen and cot
ten Pants. - Silk, satin,
cloth, velVet, cassimere,
marseille;,grenadine and Valencia Vests.
Fine white_ shirts _with linen bosoms; shirt
bossoms ready made; calico, check, and different
other fancy Shirts; suspenders ,
gloves collars,
socks, stocks, neck and pocket kerchiefs, under
shirts and drainers, umbrellas, trunks, valises,
carpet bags;„cloth, navy and glazed Cal*, straw
Panama, wohl and fur Hats. '
Reizenstein s Bro.. take this opportunity to re.
turn their thanks for favors heretofore - extended,
and hereby re-assure the public in general, that
the confidence with which they have been favored
they will strive to merit in the future.
Observe the Stand,
Nearly opposite the Coure-house,_. Call there and
you may rely upon it that every article you pur
chase will prove to be precisely what it is repre
sented to he; and you will save a
: handsome per
centage on your purchase- moncyfor 'in giving
bargains REIZENSTEIN a BR°. 'can't be beat.
Lebanon; may 6, 1857.
Cloth Manufactory.
THANKFUL for past favors,
the undersigned
respectfully informs the public, that he con
tinues his manufactory in East Hanover, Lebanon
county, on es extensive a SCMC asAver. Itis'un
necessary for him to say more than that the work
will be done in these= excellent style whichhak
made his work and name so well known to the
surrounding country. He ,promises to do the
work in the shortest possible time. The Afano
faCtory is incomplete order, and tie flatters Lin].
self to be able to render the same satisfaction as
heretofore. He manufactures
Broad and Narrow Cloths,' Cassinets, Blankets,
White and other Blumein;
All finished i,i the best manner,.and at reason=
able:prices. tie also cards Wool and Maims ROBS:
For the convenience of his customers, Woo:land ,
cloth will be taken in at the following places
At the stores of George' .& Shellenberscr, Leaser'
Ac Brothers; Shirk & nee; and George ,Reiniehl,
and at Guilford .34 Lemberger's New Drug store,
in I . 4banou ; at the stares of Shirk &
Serena U. Shirk, in North Lebanon borough ;
Stintriel Goshert, Bethel tp.; the public house of
WtmEarnst, Fredericksburg; Samuel E. Bickers
store, Jonestown ; •0 'cage Weidman's store, Bell-
View ; Melchior Beiebart; 2 miles from Palmyra ;
Martin Early's store, Palmyra; Gabriel Wolfors
burger's store, Palmyra landing; Mich.* Shirk;
East Hanover Dauphin enmity ; at thc,stores of
Mr. Eby, and David: M. Rank, East Hanover,
Lebanon county.
All - materials will ho taken away frenf the' a
bove places, finished with Out delay, anti:returned
ags4n. •
Those of his Oti.stethet'% who wish to have Stock
ing Wool carded, tlyed and wifted, can leave their
Wool (white,) at 'the obove mentioned places,
with directions how they wish it prepared. Or
his easterners can order the stocking-wool to he
made frOm the undersigned's wool, which will be
'done, and loft at the desired place. , •
. desired that those having wool
carded, will' pay the cash therefor, at the aboVe'
named:places: LYON LEI:EBBE:6 , ga.*
East Hanover tp: April 6, 1857.
Ir„..ALTZ IKEDLE would respectfully inform
the Public, that they constantly. receive,
from the Eastern Cities, copies of all the most important
and attractive New'ffooks, as sCon AS published, which
they:Wet for salc'eheaper than -they . can he: kurchiiiect
elsewhere. Among those I:Aolyr:cm/vet are—,
-Dr; Katie's ,Expeditiort in - :
Prescott Biel:piy . of Charlet;.3.
in - V015...
Recollectiotleof a !Life Titne,"in 3 Tols., by -S. (1.
Goodrich, Author of Peter Parley's Tales.
itutobioartinhy. Of Peter Cartwright, and other
Miscellaneous - Works.
Carpenter's AisiAtant and Rural Aichtteet. . .
-American Architect;' by ,
Downing's Cottage Residences and Cottage Grounds.
Thu Economic Cottage - Builder.
They have Always on hand a large assortment of School
, Books, Blank, 'Books and
S T-A - T .1 0 -. N ER. Y
, Also, Sunday School, Books, and Music Books,
oroonpvhich is -
By .11 D, 31'0Aotfor.
Also, Plano Forte, Melodeon and 'Violin Instructors
of Foreign alai! Domestic lilanafietuie,
Window Shades.
The Mont la,fl y' c-azines
NEWSPAPER'S airily Weekly,
Cau bp..l!qa byealling = at thestore, on Cumberland street,
in therhorriugh of Lebanon, at the sign of the "Big 1i001r..."
fr*,.Orilers left pith them for anyhind of goods in pw4r .
line, will be promptly attended tO.•
.I,ol.fairon, April 8,1857.. • • • ' .
Of .7,N.M. Good's Hook Store.
,HE undersigned, havingrerneved his NOxv and
Cheap Book•Stnre. , to,l4larker squaro/ doors
north of Dr. , Putt,roan's New Buildingilkforket
et., where he will be pleased to sec all of His old
friends, and those clesirionsof haring articles in
114:line. ;.With a determination of selling cheapz.
er than can be.purchased elsewhere, he.would
speetfolly call the attention, of the,pulrlie to his
ft ssortment of
Bibles, Hymn. and: Prayer-brooks, *:MYis•
cellaneotis, and Sch:o6(Books,
atiViViridiiin Paper? ,
Stationery, and every axticleixt his tine of busi
ness. Also; ,P.peket.piaries , and Almanacs for
1857. Ari . thO Magazines' .and Newspapers, both
daily and weekly, to be had at Publisher's rates.
All orders for articles in his lino earefully and
promptly attended to, ,by the undersigned.
Lebanon,- Jan. 14, 1857., J. M. GOOD.
The Cheipest Sofas •
Are tetici by DUND6RE do (WES.
one square north of Union Hall, Lebanon, Pa.,
where he will attend personally to all who will
favor him with their patronage.
Ile would also return his sincere thanks for the
liberal patronage afforded him since opening in
business, and feeling the more encouraged by the
interest manifested in bis behalf by the public, he
enters upon a new season with renewed energy,
despatching business with apromptness becoming
an honest meuhanie.
Tes'ms Reasonable. Call and Examine.
Lebanon, April 3, 1857.
- P. S.=- . -Also, a number of select Limestone Door
Sills, for the accommodation of building nicn-and
contractors, who would do well to call anti exam
ine.... J.,E. D.
eb a evn Iti arble. lir rd.
MHE sul:scriber respectfully informs
the public general than he is
prepared to do all kinds of FA.,,MY AbiDORNAMENTAL work
at his ,llarlde Yard. in Walnut street, half way between
the Court Douse and Lebanon 'Valley Railroad Depot,
at the shortest notice, as good as work done in any city
in the 'United States, and being the only Stone Gutter in
Lebanon county who has served a regular apprenticeship
to the business, he pledges himself that becan manufac
ture cheaper, and give a better finish than any other
man engaged in the same business. His stock consis_ts of
Monuments, Grave Stones, Mantels,
Cemetery Posts; Furniture Slabs, &c.
Also, SANDSTONE of the best quality for all uses,
plain and. ornamental. A largo assortment of LIME
STONE for all . I.iinds' of housework, of any size and
quantity. inr-Please calf and examine prices' and the
stock before you pureinve elsewhere.
Lebanon, December 15, 1855.
N. B.—LETTERING done in German and English, by
the best practical workmen.
K 5 FA 0 , -
to :. ~..,,,•-• .2.
4-. El r-F-z- 8n...
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-zi .75 t,,, a ~.. C •e...-d7rm trci m .
To No. 4 ) Eagle Building.
Fashionable Hat -irnd . Cap Store,
.Market Square, Lebanon, Pa.
TilE undersigned hereby informs his friends
jl and the public in general, that he is now, and
will be always, fully prepared to supply his cus
tomers with' gobds iii his line :Wholesale and re
tail, at the shortest notice, and upon the, most ac
commodating terms. llis stock consists of Bea
ver, Nutria, Russia; Cassimete Moleskin, Silk,
Soft bats,, which he dispe r se of at the
loWest prides. Ali his Hats are manufactured
der his own immediate superintendence and he
feels saying, that for durability and
finish they, cannot be surpassed. - Country met.=
chants, visiting _Lebanon, dealing in: hats and
caps, can be supplied at wholesale prices, from
one to a dozen, such sizes as they may want. •
N. 8.---Fox, Mink, MuFlynt, and Rabbit,
Skins wanted; for which, the ldgliest market
prieei will be paid. . 1866.;
NEW, FT A N....trt R - I. STORE!
. • D 3& ore 'Oyes
ITATH jtst" opened the finest, largest and
(Meanest assortment of Furniture ever olfer
cit Lebanon. Their. store is in -Cumberland
street, between Market and Plank.road.
Their stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and
Common 'Furniture, which they will adl lower
thitn can be:bought:in Lebanbb.- theyAsl,t is
of person's in" Want of Farniture to give them. e
call before purchasing. • '
They 'have on hand n large ro"sortm en tof Sofas;
Tote-a-teteff, Lounges; Centre, Pier,' Card And
other - Tables, What Hots Hat Racks, &C." 'Also,
A large and cheap stock of FA - aired, Cape-Seat, -
andcommon Chairs, Settees,.l3cdsteads ' and - a
lot of Cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses,
----GiKßosewood and hinhogany- , rery cheap.
,Venetian Blinds ; Carriages, Gigs and Hobby
horses, for ehildren ; and a large, stock, too nu
merous to mention. 'Particular attention paid to
UNDERTAKING. We have provided onrselves
and will , manufacture . Coffins and attend Funerals,
at - the shortestmotice and most reasonable terms:
April 20,- 1857. -HUNDORE & OVES.
TAKE NO r talc a , :
HAT. the Locomotivemill soon pass through
Lebanon, and as Barns and nouns will bein
tlanger'f;omlzire thereof, .
James IY. Roger
Begs letvie to inform the inhabitants of Lebanon
and vicinity, that he will -
Cover Barns and Houses wills Tin,
at the shortest notice.- -
Also, thankful for the patronage he has receiv
ed, be embraceS this opportunity of informing the
piddle generally, that he has on band,
T Pll W" ARE!.
from atm spoon to ahoiler of and sire; all kinds o
of the mOst improved Patterns.
._„•• Also, JOB
BING:, SPOUTLYG; Le., the shortestno
tice and on reasonable terms. ,Ilis place of busi
ness'iiin Karket street v two doors south of the
Lebanon Baia. TAMES N. ROGERS.
N. 8.--;Trig—highest market prices paid for
One COPPER, LEAD and FtwiMiver taken in ex
change for-work-or ware.- [Lob., may 13.'57.
Wan tett': Watt tett !'.
5606'Pounds of Butter,
2000 doz. Eggs,
2000 Rounds Lard,
1000 pounds Tallow,.
800 pounds Hard Soap,
2000 Hams,
1500 Shoulders,
1000 pounds Bacon. • Also,
Dried •Peaches and Apples,
Potatoes, &c., &C., - for which the high
est.., -
market - -priess will Always he.given.
in exchange for Gobds at the cheap Dry ;
Goods store' of HENRY &,. STINE,
South-west corner of Market aud Cum
berland. streets, Lebation, - Pa.
May 13, 1857. - ,
STELLA. and a large variety of othei
SPRING SHAWLS; all picas and
shades:'` Also splendid lot of new style abarth
ita, very cheap. To see Them call at
. Ria4, BROS.
ROCERIES, Fish, Salt and Queens
-1.3- ware are offered very.low-a_talaber & Bros.
Come one, come all,_enough fore:Leh, enougblbrall.
:Come and buy where'You oar! get.the ofipap
est and test goods, April 22, 1857.
The public arc invited to call at his
IZ 310 VAL.
Indemnity Against Loss by Fire
Franklin Fire Insurance Co.
- -1
PabliNbcci Agreeably to cti4 Aet Avßetnidg,
First Mortpi es. amply secured, $1,519,932 73
Rest Estate (present value, $100,090) cost, 82,784 30
Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral secu- •
,rities 39,114 18
Stocks. (present value, $83,881 12, cost, 71,232 97
Cash, dm., 64,111 66
$1,827085 so
every cleveription of property, In
Rates as LOW as are consistent with security.
Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-eight
years, they have paid over TORE NI MILLION DOLLARS
LOSSES ii FIRE, thereby , affording evidence of thead,
vantages of Insurance, as warns the ability and dispo
sition to meet, with promptness all liabilities.
Losses paid during the year 1656, POI,OSS 84,
Crunin N. DANERER, President,
, Feb. 25.-ly.
• or, THE
corer Convicted,
Who has had 10 years' experience asa Bank
er and Publisher, and Author of
A.series of Lectures at. the Broad
way Tabernacle,
!moot when, for 10 successive nights, over
Kr' 50,000 People
Greeted him with rounds of Applause, while
Al be exhibited the manner in which coun
terfeiters execute their Frauds, and
the sorest and shortest means
of Detecting them •
CD The Band Note Engravers all say
;15 that be is the greatest judge of pa-
PI per money living.
VT the Present Century for
" Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes.
Describing every Genuine Bill in existence,
". e and exhibiting at a °lance every Coun
terfeit in Circulatiordi
d Arranged so admirably, that
. e 4 Reference is Easy and
*." Detection Instantaneous.
No index to examine !
pont • No pages to hunt up !
0 But so simplified and arranged, that the
ilferchent,Banker and Business man can
See all at a Glance. •
English, French and "German.
cD Thus each may read the same in his
1 , .. , own Native Tongue.
1 * Most Perfect Bank Note List
Also a list of
©All the Private Bankers in America.
A. Complete summery of the rhia-nce of Eu
=rope and America will be published in each
= edition, together kith all the important
together kith
of the Day.
A Series of Tales,
0 From an old manuscript found in the East.
o'CI It furnishes the-most complete History of
CD ?•`" . ' Oriental, life
Describing' the most perplexing. positions
CO in which the ladies and gentlemen of that
country have been so often found. These
"114 stories will continue throughout the whole
year; and will 'We've the 'molt entertaining
ct ever offered to the public.
er, ttl.Furnisleti Weekly to subscribers on-'
;;;..Iy, at $1 'a year..' All letters mat To - itil-
P'" drosied to
JOHN S. DYE, Broker.
R.... 4
... Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Well street,
April 22, 1857: Rcw York.
rs 3 ;
5 , ■ - = • , vaw
•-•- -
The Largest; Best and Cheapest
--over offered heretofore to the public,
T , T HE OLD Y A : RD , , IN
:Vora Lebanon Borough,
Situated, On East 4. West side of Mar-.
led street, at Anion Canal.
itE );;. u;l h d e c e rgr e e n d s
o tft e V a li n s o u n le a tli d od .. o r f ro i u tr i m rw -
Cennties that 'they have now on band a large
stock of, ' WELL SEASONED LUMBER; arid are
constantly receiving additions thereto. Their as
sortment consists in part of
White and Yellow PINE and HEMLOCK
14 , inch and 2 inch PANNEL and COMMON
PLANKS: . -: •
1 inch and inch CHERRY BOARDS,
Also, 1 inch and t inch POPLAR .BOARDS;
- A great assortment of good PINE and. llnntmei:
Snixht.cs. Also, ROOFING and PLAsricraxo
LATGS. AISO,_ RAILS, POSTS, and ready topped
PALINGS fOT fencing.
Flooring Boards, Door* and Window Sad.
'Of which ; they positively have the largest and
best assortment over offered in this section of
They keep constantly on hand the best quality
of Broken, Stone and Limebrurnewt: COAL. Also,.
the best (reality. of Hollidarlinrg Smith, Coat,
which are sold at reduced prices.
Having now on band much the largest
and completest assortment of Lumber ever Offered
to the_publie in Lebanon, they feel confident of
being able .satisfactorily to accommodate all put ,
chasers., and would, therefore, invite an examina
tion of their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
North Lebanon Borough, Sept. li, 185tl.
..- AT
subscriber, being desirous of selling his M
merchant and GRIST ILL, together . ith' his
Saw. MILL and sixty-two 'acres ofta.nd, takes the
present opportunity., of informing theTablie that
he has one of the best Mill Properties in the coun
ty of Lebanon, situate one-fourth of a mile from
jonestown, on . the Swatara Creek, and one-half
v,..--,-% mile fro nith e Union canal, at Jon es
;-,;',i,rW- town:
~ This mill has. been newly
li. p p f,.,- remodeled. with the best of bevel
~,!,,, v .I!,,i;,1;2 1 1‘ gearing, and everything in the best
'-'------."---'---:' of order, foreither country, or merchant,
work'. The land is in a high state' of cultivation,
it being lately limed with one hundred bushels
the acre
' s.; and is all under new fence Any pet
son wishing to view said property, can call at
the mill for information, or on the subscriber, two'
miles from Jonestown. An indisputable title will
be given,: and by,paying a, smaltadvadee on the
property at the tiinepoeSesalon4given; the, bal
ance will-be set out in^ - paymenti btrsuit the pur,
chaser: , ' . - MARTIN. WETfGERT.
Swatamtp., - December 31, - 48 . 5d.Ltf: ' '
JUST nocoxvno AT
a. W. AL.O K "-S.
From $1,25 t05405-8-riay and 30 hour.
Oct. 22. '66.. a
]3 ITY your Drugs, Medicines,' Perfumery', Spices,
Combs and Brushes, Spieca,.Dye Stuffs, Var
niihes,..genuine . Ptun,Southern Tobacco
Pine Oil, BurniniThiikgperm'Candles,
at . ciuuzoital LEMBERGER'S
Neir Drug Store, oiipositelhe Market House.'
Jandary 7, 1857.
25 Witnesses;
THIS TEAM DYE needs only a trial to satisfy
all of its perfection as a Dye, and the follow
ing testimonial from that eminent Analytic
Chemist, Professor Booth, of the U. S. Mint, will
only confirm what thousands have previously
borne testimony to.
"Laboratory for Practical Chemistry, 1
Philadelphia, February 17th, 1857,
"Being well acquainted with the substances
composing Mover's Liptid Hair Dye, I am satis
fied that by following the 'simple directious.given
for its use, it will not injure the Hair or Skin, but
will giVe a natural and durable color 1°4 . 4 hair.
JAMES C. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist."
ROVER'S WRITIN (1 IN KS, including Rorer's
Ftaid, and 'rover's
,Ltiletible Like, are too well.
known and introduced to require any additional
testimony of their character. The sales have
been increasing since their first introduction, giv
ing evidence that the. articles truly possess that
intrinsic merit claimed at first for them by the
Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, N0..416
RACE street above FOURTH, (old No. 144,)
Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by
April 15, 107.-Iy.] Manufacturer.
Iraporiant Discovery.
Diseases of the Lungs and Throat
which conveys the "
Remedies to the cavities in.the lunge through the air
paeseges, and coming in direct contact with the disease,
neutralises the tubercular matter, allays the cough,
causes a free and easy, expectoration, heals the lungs,
pin:dies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the net ,
vows system, giving,that tone and energy so indispensa
ble for the restoration of health. To be able to state
confidently that Consumption is curable by Inhalation,
is to me source of unalloyed pleasure.. It is as much
under the control of medical treatment as any other
formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases
can be cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent. in the
second; but In the third stage it is impossible to save
more than five percent., for the lungs are so cut up by
the disease so to'defy medical skill. Even, however, in
the last stages"; inhalation affords'extraordinary relief to
the suffering attending , this fearful scourge, which an
nually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the 'U
nited States alone .; and a correct calculation shows that
of the present population of the earth, eighty millions
are destined to fill the Consumptive's grave.
Truly, the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as
Consumption. In all ages it has been the greet enemy
of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off
alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gift-
ed. By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom
cement every good and perfect gift, Ism enabled Wafer
to,the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Con
sumption. The first canse.of tubercles is from Impure
Blood, .and the immediate effect, produced by their depo
sition in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of
air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality
through the entire system. Then, surely, it is more ra
tional to expect greater good from medicines entering
the cavities of the lungs ' than from those administered
through the stomach ; the patient will always find the
lungs free and the breathing easy, after inhaling reme
dies. True, inhalation is a loud remedy, nevertheless,
it arts constitutionally, and with more power and cer
tainty than remedies arlorluisteredby the stomach. To
provethe powerful : and direct influence of this mode of
administration, chloroform inhaled will destroy sensibil
ity in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous sys
tem, so theta limb maybe amputated without the slight
est pain; inhaling theordinary burning gas will destroy
life in stew hours.
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when
fainting or apparently deed. The odor of many of the
medicines is perceptible in the skin, a few moments af
ter being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in
the blood. A- convincing proof of the constitutional ef
fects of inhalation, is the tact that sickness is always pro
duced by breathing foul air. Is not this positive evi
ueuce that, proper remedies, carefully prepared andjudi
riously administered through the lungs, should produce
the most happy results ? During eig,liteen years' prac- -
tice, many thousands, suffering from diseases of the
lungs and throat, have bean under my care, and I bare
eficeted many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers
had been pronounced iu the last stages, which fully sat
isfies me that Cousiimptionis no longer a fatal disease.—
Illy treatment of Consumption is original, and founded
on long experience and a thorough investigation. M
perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles,
enables me to distinguish, readily, the various forma of.
disease that simulateconsurnption, and apply the proper
remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case.—
This familiarity, in connection with certain pathological
and microscopic discoveries '
enables me to relieve
the lungs from the effects of contracted chests ; to en
large the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed el
tality,giving energy and tone to theentire system.
Medicines, with full directions, sent to a ny part of the
United States and Canadas, by patients communicating,
their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more
certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which
would give me an opportunity to examine, the lungs and
enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty ;
end then the cure could be effected without my seeing
the patient again,,,
_ G. W. GRAHAM, D.,
Office, 1131 Filbert St.; (olil N0.,,100,) below 12th,
July B,lBs7—]larch 18, 1651.
Of all disenpes. the great,first CaIIFC
Springs from neglect of hiature's laws
• wnEx A
seit.buFe, N ercoits Debility. Strictures, Gleete, Grav
el. Dishete.=, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder,
Mercurial Ithentuittism. Scrofula, Pains in the Bones
end Ankles. diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and
}yes, Ulcers upon the Body or Limbs Cancers,
Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St-Vttus' Dance, and ail Dis
eases arising from a derangement of the Sexual Or-
gams, such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memory,
Leas . of Power, General - Weakness , Ditnneeli of Vision
with peculiar spells appearing before the eyes, Loss •of
Sight,' Wakehtlnesa Dyspepsia, Liter DIRCeSe, Eruptions
upon the Pace, Pain in the Hack and Read, Female Ir
regularities and oil Improper discharges front both sexes.
It matters not from what cause the disease originated,
however long standing or obstinate the case, a F.COVEILT
Is entrails and inn shorter time than a permanent core
ran be effected by any other treatment, even after the
disease has baited the skill of eminent physicians and re
sisted all their means of-cure. The medicines are pleas
ant without odor, causing no. sickness and free from
meshy or balsam. During twenty years of practice, L
have rescued from the Jaws of Death many thousands,
who, in the last stages of the rtheve•usentioned diseases,
had been given up to die by their physicians, which war
rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place
themselves under my care, rt perfect and most speedy
cure. Secret Diseases ate the greates enemies to health,
as they are die thirteens(' of Consumption, Scrofula and
many other diseases. and should be a terror to. the hu
man family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever eg
'cacti, a majority of the cases felling into the hands of
incompetent persons, who not only fell to cure the die
eases but ruin the constitution, filling the 53 - stein with
mercury, which. with the disease, hastens the sufferer
into a rapid Consumption. •
But should the disease and the treatment not muse
death speedlly.and the victim marries, the disease Is en
tailed upon the children. who are born with feeble con
stitutions, and:the current of life corn' ptedrby a virus
which betrays itself in Scrofula, Tette?, Ulcers, Erup
tions and other affections of the Skin, Eyes, Throat and
Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of suffer.
ing and consigning them to an early grave.
SELF A lAMB is another formidable enemy to health,
for nothing else in the dread catalogue of Mown disea
ses causes so destructive a drain upon the syStem, draw
ing its thousands of victims through a-few years of suf
feria' .. down to tm untintely grave. it destroys the Ser
vouaSystem, rapidly wastes away the energies of life,
causes mental derangement, prevents the proper devel
opment of the system, disqualifies fbr marrirge, society;
business, and ell earthly happiness, end leaves , . the nil,'
ferer wrecked in body or mind, predisposed to ClMAlllllp
lion and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death
iLvelt With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortn-•
nate victims .of Self A imse that:a permanent and SPeedY
Cure can be effected, end with the abandonment ofruin
-0111 practices my patients Con be restored to robust, rig. :
orous health. • •
The afflicted ere motioned against the use of Patent
Medicines, for there are so many ingenious snares in the
columns of the public prints to catch nd rob the unwary
sufferers, that millions have their constitutions ruined
by tlic rilb compounds of quack doctors, or the equally
poisonous nastrums . veniled. as "Patent Medicines." I
bare carefully analyzed ninny of the so-called Patent
Medicines, and and that nearly all of thein contain Cor-
rosive Sublimate, which is one of the strongest prepara
tions of mercury and a deadly poison, which. instead of
curing the disease, disables the system for life.
Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now in use are
put np by unprincipled and ignorantpersons who do not
understand even t h e alphabet sif the Manaus MEDICA,
end are equally as destitute of any knowledge of the hit
men system, baring one object only in slew, anti that to
make money regardlessof consequences.
Irregularities and all, diseases of males and females
treated on principles established by twenty years of
practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most re
markable cures. Medicines with full directions sent to
any part of he United States or Can:ulas, by patients
eommunieareg theiraymptorns by letter. Business cor
respondence strictly confidential. Address
Office 'No. 1131 Fllbert St., [Old 109,] below twelfth,
July 8, 1851—Mai•eh 18, 1867.
North Lebanon
rpIlE Nortlaebanon Mill Lai bean remodeled,
I and is now completed and in operation an'd
prepared to furnish customers regularly with a
very superior article of FLOUR; as cheap' as it
°who obtained from any other source.
They also keep constantly on hand and for sale,
Chap, Bran, Shorts, 4-c., 4 -
They are also prepared to do all kinds „,of cue
tomer's wak, and respectfully invite sill the for
mer customers of the mill, as well as, now ones, to
give them a call.
They will par the regular market prices, for,
all kinds of Grain, such as
Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, 4-e.,
and afford all faCilitiOS and acaommoda,tion s to
those who have to sell •
North Lebanon Borough, may .1.3.-3ni.
Dr. Ross' Drug Store
Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa.
DR. ROSS offers to buyers the best bargains in
drugs, in Lebanon ; a long and varied expe
rience, of over twenty years, in the drug and
medical science, enables him to do up things in
the first style. Purchasers will please make a
note of these facts.
Magnette Sugar,
For the Permanent 'Cure of Neu-
Nlgia, St. Vitus' Dance, and all
',er Nervous diseases, sold by
Upham's Electuary,
;ertain, cure for the Piles.
..Marshisi's Uterine Catkot
to, For the cure of all fem. dis.
H. H. 'Higbee's Reme+o,
the cure ,of Coughsk Colds
and Bronchitis. ~ ,
Professor Wood's `Hair keel:Walt - 32e,
For promoting the-growth of hair, always to be
bad at, the Fprincipal drug depot of Dr. Ross.
Henry's ~ Invigorating Cordial, -
The best- tonic in use for strengthening the hu
man system, sold only by 'Dr. Ross:
Dr.-Hasting's Syrup• of Naphtha, • 1
Is fast superseding_ all other medicines for 'the
cure of Consumption and Bronchitis. Dr. Ross,
sole agent.
Allen's Razor Powder,
For Razor Straps. • '
It p,
Pure Ohio .Ca tt Brandy--a pure and safe
article for media to be had at Dr. Ross'.
~,: or Rheumatism.
Mrs. Alleii'l Hair Restorative
Is an unfailingrestorer of the Hair,
his- taking the lead of all other
remedies for the hair. No toilet is
perfeet - without mrs. Allen's Hair
Restorative..- Call at Dr. Ross'
Drug Store for mrs. Allen's Hair
Reiterative. 'See adv. in another col.
- Dr: Ross' Worm Lozenges
Are as sweet-as saw and a certain
cure for Worms.
Dr. Rosi' Infant Drops,
For the render restlessness colic pains, dm., of
children. Sold only at Dr. ' llbse Drug Store.
Cough Cured for Twenty-five Cents.
Dr. Physick's.Cough Syrup is the c,heapest and
bestromedy,for Couglis,Colds,&c. CallatDr.Ross'.
Dr. Ross' Horse Powder
Is - the best Horse Powder in Use.
Dr. Ross' Cattle Powder
Is fast taking the place of all other Cattle Powders.
Dr. Ross' Horse Liniment,
For the cure of Old Strains, Swellings, Bruises,
See. Sold only by Dr. Ross.
• Dr. Ross' Eye ; Salve,
For the cure of sore, weak or inflamed eyes. In
dividuals who Imve•been atflictedivith diseases of
the eyes, for months and years, have been entire
ly cured by the use of Dr. Ross' Bye Salve.
Fresh Garden Seeds.
In great variety at Dr. Ross' Drug Store.
Dr. Ross' Tettec Ointment.
Persons afflicted with totter, ringwOrm, and va
rious other skin diseases, will find various efficient
medicines tbr their cure at Dr. Roes' Drug Store.
Dr. Ross' Toth- Wash
Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and
Gums. It whitens, cleans and preserve the teeth,
and hardens the gums. It prevents and cures
Scurvy. Try it, by all means, if you value a
sweet breath and white teeth. Ask for Dr. haze'
Tooth Wash.
Heyl's Embrocation for Horses
Has no superior for the unroof swellings. bruises.
galls produced by the collar or saddle, scratches,
old or-fresh wounds. Askforlfeyl's Embrocation.
Trusses. ,
Dr.. Ross has a variety of Trusses—for infants,
children or grown people. Unless a Truss fits, it
is worse than useless—it will do harm. .He has
had au experience of over IS years in this branch
of surgery, and adjusts every Truss bought of him.
15 Gallons of-Soap for 19' Cents.
One box of Saponifier, costing 19' cents, will
make 9 pounds of hard soap, or t;', gallons of soft
soap, without any trouble. Full directons given.
Sold at Dr. Ross Drug Store. - [April 8,-1857.
D. S. R A'l3 E A.
Wholesale and Retail Druggist,
Corner of Cumberlaud st., and Doe alley, few doors
west from Greenawales Hardware Store.
Lebanon, Fenner.
THE un d ers i gne d having just received a large
and well-selected stock of unndulterated'En
lish, French, and American Drubs, Medicines.
Chemicals, Paints, Perfumery, Dye-stuffs, 'Vivi is I
Turpentine, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Surgical
Instruments, Glassware, Brushes, Hair Oils., Toi
let Soaps, Segare, Tobacco and a variety of Fancy
articles too numerous to mention.
Bengal Indigo; 'Logwood, Madder, nmeric,
Annato, Ext. Logwood, Cochineal, Copperas, Le.
Sime's genuine Cod-Liver Oil. Ext. of DAMIC-
Iion, Medicinal Wines, Brandy, &c., sold only for
Medicinal purposes nt D. S. 'tabor's Drug Store,
Lebanon, Pa.
Far Family Use
Cox's Patent Refined Gelatine, French Gelatine,
rice Flour,.llecke.r's Farina, Corn Starch, Flavor
lig Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Rose, Orange;Enn
na, Celery, dcc., also all kinds of Spices,
s ebcap at Raber's Drug Store.
Tritii.*§! TriisseiZ
A large assortment of the most improved styles
of American and French Trusses, varying iu
p. ices from 50 cents 'to $5. Also Hood's Abdom
ii al Supporters,'Vanhorti's Uteri AbdOininul 'Sup
rters; Vanhorn's Shoulder Braces, sold
cheap at D. S. Anher's Drug Store. •
For Horses and Cottle.
Doet. Phreancr's Yellow Water powder, Con
dition powder, Heave ponklor, licinitoh's German
egetablo Horse powder, Doct. J. Worley's Horse
t nd Cattle powder, Leader t Co.'s Horse and
tittle powder, Merchant's Gargling. .011,
man's Hope, Heinbold's Liniment., he., &c.
Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye.
Warranted to make Soap without Lime and
with little or no trouble. Ono box of Saponifier
costing only liat eents will make 9 pounds of
hard Soap, or 15 gallons of Soft Soap.
'Sold at D. S. Itatior's Drug Store:
Worms, Worms.
J. Gerhard's Infallible Worth Destroying Syr
up, l'ahnestock's, Gallagher's, and Dr. Jayne's
Vermifuge, &e.. also Holloway's Vegetable Ver
tnifugn Confections ' a Etife and effectual remedy
for worms. This is a delighfal preparation of
sugar, that any child will eat with pleasure. Ask
for Holloway's—as none other axe genuine.
Sold at D. S. Rabor's Drug Store.
All the popular Patent medicines. sold at
Cheap Drug Store, Cumberland a few doors
from Greenawalt's Hardwitre Store.
• '
July 23,1856. • ' •
- ►YORK, The l'ocket.Esculaplue, pr/Every One
Ilia Own Doctor, by WIC Yooxo , AL - D. It is written in
plain language for the geicral reader; Ind is illustrated'
with upwards of One hundred Engravinge: - All young
married people, or those contemillating marriage, and
having tbu least impedimentto truu&ied life, should read
this book. It discloses secrets that every-ono should be
acquainted with. 8.1111, - it is a book that timid be kept
locked up, and not lie about tkelsonse.: :It will be sent,
to - any one on the receipt of twenty Lire Cents. Addree ,
Dr. ►►Mr YOUNG, 152 SPRUCE street, above • Fortitti,t
Philadelphia. • , [January 7,1857,1 y.
Preserve yosiirorecth. •'
ciIEfILFORD k.LLMBEIRGER prepare an arid
cle, Pearl Deetrifice, the fi nest Teeth powder,
that can be u s ed,, having a most delightful' odor
and , pleaeant taste, polishes and 'preserves the
teeth, to which it - gires.a: pearl-like whitenest;
imparting a most delightful fragrange to., the
breath, restores . the gums and, prekerves them in
full health and vigor, Prepared and sold only, at
Now Drug Store, Market st.
January I, 1857.
The World Unaniiinou*l
The Great Counter Irritant!!
The virus of disease often maker its way to the hart
mil organs through the pores of the skin. Tbi,
Crating Ointment, melting under the hand as it L. ne s
bed in, is absorbed through the same channels,
reaching the seat of Inflammation, promptly and it,rn,
riably subdues it, whether located in the kidneys , u,
liver, the lungs, or any other important argyle.
etrates'the sorbs° to the interior, through the count
less tubes that ..communleate with the akin as summ,r
rain passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its cots and
regenerating influence.
Skin Diseases and Glandular S'welling B .
.Every, species of exterior irritation is•tukkly nsdur.4.
by the inti-inflammatory action of this Ointinent.
SCALD HEAD. l'irrna Base , Scsatss (or Ivo) .tr-, die use' s
to return no more, under its application: Hospital
perienee in all parts of the world, proves - italpfellibili t ,
in diseases of the skin, the mu.scles,jointe s nd thc . &nos:
'Ulcers, Sores, and Tamara.
The effect of, this unrivaled external remedy upsr t
Scrofula, and other 'virulent ulcers and sores, is Om,
miraculous. It fret discharges the poison which ',re
duces suppuration and proud flesh, end thus the cuo,
which its healing propestica afterward complete arr.:
'fife as well ns permanent.
Wounds, Bruises, Burns and Scalds
In cases of the fracture of the bones, injuries caused
by steam explosions, BRUISES, BURNS, SCALDS, Rurrst-
Ma, STIFFNESS OF THE JOINTS and contraction or the
sinews, it is employed and warmly recommended by the
faculty- This marvelous remedy has been introduced
by its inventor in person Into all the leading liospieo,
of Europe, and no primate household should be with
out It.
Undeniable Testimony.
The 'Medical Staff of tho French and Artnirt
in the Crimea ha - ve officially algae(' their approval of
Ointment; is tbe most reliable dressing 11. r
sabre cuts, stabs, and gurt.shot wounds. It is also noel
by the Sutroons of the Allied Navies.
Both the Ointment and the Pills should
be used in the following cases :
Bunions Burns Clapped Hands
Chilblains Fistulas Gout
Jlecnrial Erap• Piles
Gone Salt Rheum
Skin Diseases Sore Legs Sore Breasts
Sore Heads Sore Throats Sores *Sall kinds
Sprains Scalds Swelled (Mantis
Stiff Joints Wounds alai 'Ulcers
Venereal Sores kinds
Sold ; , t the Est. +Mir:Mama of Lmfessor Mums; $s
Maiden Lane, Now York. and 244 Strand. London,and by
all respectable Druggists and Dealers of medicine thre.
out the United States, and the civilized world, in Pots
and Bose., at f 5 ctz., 6234 eta., and $1 00 each.
to „.There is a considerable saving by taking the lug
er eizes.
X. B.—Directions for the guidance of partients in every
disorder are affixed to each box.
11( imbolirs Genuine Preparation
Highly ConCentrated
_Compound Fluid
Extract Buchu.
For diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys. Glutei. Dram?,
WeaktlC.4.lo43, Obstructions, Secret diseases. Fe
male Complaint., and all diseases of
the Sexual Organs.
Ari...-itm from Excesses and Imprudencies in life. and no
moving all Improper Discharges from the Madder, Kid.
neys, or Sexual. Organs, whetter caisting in
Male or Petiole,
From whatever come they may hare originated.
Anti no Natter of Row Long Standing,
Giving Health and Vigor to the Frame., :Me!
Bloom to the Pallid Meek.
Joy to the Afflicted U!
!tearer; Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers. and retra.w
all the symptoms, among which will be found
to Exertion, f.G.5e of
Pincer. Loss of. Memory.
Difficulty of lirtattlihn-,, Gen
eral WOriktiess, Horror Of
ewce. Weak Norrea, Trembling, Dresul
fa I Ilorrorof Death, Night Sweatt, Cold 14%4.
WakcfnhewsDimness of Vision, Languor, Univer
sal Lassitude of the Muscular Eystem, often Enormous
Appetite. with Dyspeptic symptoms. flot nand,.
Flushness of the Body, Dryness of the skin,
Pallid ,Countenance and Eruptions on
the Fere, Pain in the 'tack, Ben
. rittLss of the Eyelids, Fre
quently Black spots
Elyine ' before
the Eyes,
with Temporary suffusion and Lose of sight; Went of
Attention; Unlit nobility, Restlessness ' with !loner
i'ociety. Nothing is more desirable to such Pa
tients than solitude, and Nothing they more
iirend thr Fear of Tbetuaalves - nu Re
mrinner, no earneatue,e. no
Speculation, last a hurried
troueition from one
These symptoms if allowed to ;o on—wl.kb tbi= mot
lone invariabl y removes—soon follows Loss or Poser.
Fatuity. and n
Fl—irm one of which the pa
tient may expire. Who can say that these cseesse, are
note frequently followed by thuee direful disease.--IN
SANITY AND CON FUMPTION ? 'Thu rem . ords of the Ile
sane Asylums, anti the melancholy deaths by Pononmp
rimm, bear ample witness to I ho truth of thew meererriew..
in Lunatic _Asylums the most melancholy exhilmitiouvi
pears. The Countenance is act ally sodden and quite
destitute--neither NI irth or tirief ever visits it: should
u emmumlof the voice occur, it is rarely articulate.
"With woeful measure, wan despair
how sullen sounds his grief her
Dehility most terrible! and has brought thousamslm
uponn thousand to untimely graven, thusblasting these,
bltion of many noble youths.. It can het ured by the m<
If you are suffering with ..ny of the above distresing
ailments. time FLUID EXTRACT ItrellU will cureyou.
Try it and be cony hared of its effiracy.
Beware of Quack Nostrums and Qnaek Doctor..
who falsely boast of abilities and references. (Vixen.
know and avoid them, and save long Money,
andExposuro, by sending or calling for a bottle of Mi.
Popular and specific Remaly.
It allays all pain and indamuintion, is perfettly
ant In IL, taste and odor, but immediate la itsaction.
liclmbold's Extract Euchre
Is prepared directly accOrding to the RulcA of Pharmacy
cud Chemistry, with the greatest accuraey and Chemical
knowle,lge and care devote.' in its combiztatioo. Fee
Profc,sor Demme' :Valuable Works on the practice of
Physic., and most of the late standard Worßt , of Medicine.
CO - WiiiilALlllllllllllllll
One hundred dollars will be paid to any Physician who
ran prose that the medicine ever injured n patient; awl
the testimony of thousand's ran be produced to Pro` ,
that it does great good Cases of from one week to thir
teen years standing have been effected. The class of
Voluntary Testimony in possession of the Proprietor,
vouching its virtues end curative powers, is immense.
embracing names Well known to SCIENCE AND FAME.
100,000 Bottles Have Been Sold
and not a single instance of a failure has been reported!
Personally appeared before me, an Aldermen of the
City of Philadelphia, IC. T. lIELM.BOLD, Chemist, who
being duly sworn does say. that his preparation eonta ios
no Narcotic, Mercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely
Vegetable. 11. T. Ii E Ltl DOLD;solemanufneturer.
Swots and subs.ribed before me this 23d day of 7 !Zotem
bcr. 1554. WM. P. lIII4DARD, Abterman.
Price $1 per Bottle, or six for $5, De
livered to any Address,
A,vocatatnied by reliable and responsible Certifindri - .1; 0111
I rufessors of Medical Collegwr, Clergymen and others.
Prepared and eold-by • 11. T. HELM
Practical and Analytical Chemist.
No. 52 South Tenth St. below Chestnut,
Assembly Buildings, Phila.
'wk.. To be had of Dr. Geirge Ross, D. S. Usher, and or
allDruggistaand Dealers throughout the United States,
Canadaa and British Provinces.
Ask for Helmbold's—take no other,
Cures Guaranteed.
Noy. 19, 1&56.-ly,
The Greatest Discovery ever Made.
Grey Hair Restored to its
former Color without
Dyeing !!
gip ER OM WS RAM COLOR ursrouEn ocnoww:4-
od to be, and is, the most EFFECTUAL article for
Restating GREY . HAIR to its former COLOR and
BEAUTY, and miming it to grow wben it bas Eiden off
and become thin.
_..• • •
Air By the pee of ONLY ONE BOTTLE and in from
ten to twelve days—the 0 reyaq Hair will assumo its orig
inal, lifelike eolor,.and the harshest hair will look soft,
smooth and gliissy. •
l Tbia valuable preparation La only 50 cents a bat..
tie. Prepared by T. 11. JEROM.E, 175 Fulton street,
Brooklyn, Genera] Agent Sold also by D. S. DZIEB, at
,Drug and Medicinal store, Lebanon, ra.
ZitIOR the treatment of Cancers, 'humors, Wens,lllcers,.
Scrofula,' anyAnowth or Sore. Cbroisic Dleerae.S
generally, ran be oared . (if curable) without - .surgital
operation - or poison. For partknlars, write, statedisoess
es plainly, and enclose twenty - five cents for advice. tett
letters must bave a postage stamp eneloaed to pre-pay
answer. ..Medicine can be.sent any distance- - Addracs
- C. L. KIFLLLNO, M. D.,
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland 'Co. Pa.
oar , . Mecbanicsburg is 8 -miles from Harrisburg, en
the C. V. R. and accessible fromalt parts - Of the Union.
Old and joung,poor and rich,corne all-we will doyou geed.
To those elliieted, who cannot visit , nni PoraapaliF•
will send, per mail, on reocipt 0f55.00 only, a Recipe to
prepare medicine,witb full directions Mr rase, Se. State
au particulars. Adilrrn as above.