The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 15, 1857, Image 3

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Lebinon; July 15, 1857
Home 4ffairs.
For the Advertiser.
iron :—lt seems to me our County Com
asleep. In all the other corm ties,whoth
lajority or a minority, the Democrats are
ing their tickets, and rallying for the con-
Asti we fall. hohind,.now that victory is
our grasp? IVo I Let onr sense of honor
it. ,I say. unfurl our.bannor to the breeze,
ur standaril lienrersi and pour down ad the
In one grand charge. Wo broke their for
fali. By a.detertnined effort vre can route
terly in this campaign and redeem. Lobe
'thy froth Black Republicanism and - its
heresies. JACKSON Towssuip.
A WANT.—Lebano . rt is in want
Town 'Rail. .Have we no 'public
ed indiVidual of capital among . us
Id,, one •of sufficient dimensions,
comfortable seats, musical and ora
' capacities, and, if possible, in a
1 pail of town
oven STooK.z—Dr. Wm. Moore
urchased and placed on his farm
.ks county, a young Devonshire
for which lie paid $l5O. The
is 1,5 months, old, well grown, of
breed recently imported. Our
non 'county farmers should , pny
• attention to• the improvement or
On Monday-the first regular train
Tesenger cars arrived at; Lebanon
the coat. It was greeted by an
Jose concourse of our people as.
bled to witness the arrival. The
contdined a large number of pas.
Is from Reading, Philadelphia;
many of whom, particularly from
;ding were merely taking a trip over
road, and returned in the evening
1, We understand, that from pres.
nclications the road promises to do
. business, both in the passenger
freight line. That there will be a
A business done on the rnad res.
y cannot , be doubted, and it will be
'eased to the capacity of the road
the opening of the whole line
It is %bought that the road through
Harrisburg will be completed and
for travel and freight by the let
January, 1858, unless something
untoward should happen.
'Mr. John Kupp has been appointed
)erintendent. of Division No., 2, on
Unien Omni, extending, from Bern.
(c In Llek No. 6, near Myerstown.
Reading Journal learns from Mr.
pp that 'the line is in first•rate con.
ion throughout. The banks have
led down , and already acquired the
iliSite solidity — to he secure from
;rikage. We are also assn.:ea that
re is n grea,l abundance. of water,
no likelihnod of any dilliculty from
want of it in seasons of the severest
ought. The Canal has been doing a
1 , fair business from its first opening
April last.
o*7 (ku. John'Weidman, was on the
day of July last, elected a member
the State Society of the Cincinnati
Pennsylvania, succeeding his father
Jacob 13. Weidman, in right of
Grandfather, Lieut. John Weidman.
Or Mr. Cyrus Shirk, of this borough,
received the appointment of corn,
issianers! Clerk iti place of Mr, Con•
Mark ,vesikiled.
Now MAtr.—Henry Trautzittialieen
pointed Mail Messenger het ween
;Garton and Mt. Zion. The mail --
pass three times a reek, on 'Pima
ye, Thirrsdayi and Saturdays, leaving
Zion at Si A. M., arriving at Leb•
In at 10 A. M., leave Lebanon re
nrning at .3 P. M., and arrive at Mt.
Zion' at 4 I'. M. .
fr..) - -The Lebanon Mutual Insurance
ompany, Office at Jonestown, Pu.,)
las completed the first year of its ex
,cstence, During titbit time it issued
28 p - uliCies; and had not a single fire.
St is in a flotridiing,condition, and con
tinues mt jug .insurances at moderate
ie:rhis. — • r
Ilttr Attention is directed to the ad.
vertisoment of Longaker, Gable & Bro.
All nrders in their line will be prompt.
ly filled ;. , and of the material kept by
thorn for 'sale a full assortment can al
rays be selected from be r:estab
shalom has been lately enlarged arid
to'ow covers an immense extent of
round. The machinery is of the best.
kind, and attemtled , by''d expe
rienced workmen.
Bonovon OF LeIiANON.—Wo call the at
,et" Tersons desirous of making
a. good IttYeatmentlo the TOWN LOTS to
be offered for sale by the Sheriff' on the
215th of July inaltott the Court House,
Their vicinity to thn depot, and the fact,
that they are the only : property fronting •
on the railroad for Aale,.except at coot._
MODS prices,•makes Itliem a, very, desira
ble investment. It must be remember
ed too, that thq'only stream ni - 09ft
tot, irt the, vicinity of Lebanon, except
the Brandywine, which is already near
ly used' tfp, lies just beyond this proper
ty, running through the fayre of G. leir.
Kline, Esq. It is there that future fur
naces mast be built. We understand
that there is an arrangement on , foot, by
whiehTurchasers will have time, should
it beYperfected, for some portion of the
purchase money until let April; 1858,
The following queition will be discussed,
pre. and con., on Monday evening next, in the
Franklin Institute, when the public is respect.
fully invited to be present:
"Resolved, That the grading of the streets. is
injurious to our Borough."
(*-- For official notice of departure
and arrival of trains, fares, &c., on the
Lebanon. Valley Railroad, see advertis
ing columns.
0* - T.heladiestre • just now, attiring
themselieS•in a very neat walkinwivrap.
per or"dester," Which - Certainly core
mends,itself,49,:goacl ta,ste, and setsYery_
gracefully-4On shouldefs.i This "kali
it," however according Ai; The, Utica
1 - kmld r -is Jlat toriginal.mith the-I ad iee,
It originated with a clais,*of all' Others,
perharis,ilie most 'Wronged from : ,the
sex. We 'mop theZotioves,' that daunt
less,ret isolated:.hody ;of Frendh.treops,
Who went up the•Malakoff hill amid the
storm of iron rititi: l 'They first introduc
ed the style of dress for fatigue purposes
and called it. "bornous." Those worn
by the ladies are , an exact
,pattern of the
Zounve fatigue: Strafintis.itnot, that
delicate women should . adopt the. war.
worn habit of the bloodiest troops in all
the World, and sport in fashion what or
iginated in the necessities Oldie cam
paign in the Crimea?
A friend of ours dined out the other
day, and having imbibed too much af
ter dinner, rose to take his departure.
The dining room: was on the second
floor, and he walked out of
Windows, mistaking it for the door , —
Luckily he was not much hurt,end on
picking hinself up he savagely remon
strated with his host for having "such
confounded lung steps up to -his front
door" through which he conceived him
self to have passed.
Alleged Forgeries and Arrest.--
Aboui three weeks ago forgeries were
committed upon the Easton (Pa) Bank,
and other hanks in its vicinity; to the
amount of about $20,000. On Friday
a man named HoWell; charged with be
ing the author of the said forgeries, was
arrested on board a ship sail
from Boston to Europe.
Tacticks for Church Goers.--The
following on "Church Etiquette," is not
much of an exaggeration of what some
times happens after services have begun
to the edification of the curious in the
congregation, and for the comfort of the
nerves of the pulpit : "Let the lady
advance one pace beyond the door of
the pew she wishes to enter, half about
face, and salute. The pew must then
be vacated by such`gentlemen as are in
it, by fl ink movement. The squad
should rise simultaneously when .the la
dy presents herself, and face by the .
right flank, then. deploy into the aisle,
the head man facing , the lady, , and the
rest passing to his right and rear, the
direction of the line being changed ' by
a right countermarch, and forming again
in the line up and down the isle, still
faced by the right flank,-.. The lady,
when she sees that the eci,ist is clea4 .
completes her stlute and 'advances to
her position in the pew. The gentle
men brake off the' angles from the rear
and resnrue their !dimes.. Great care
should 'he Jaken, 2 of-kourse, by other
parties, not to enterthe' aisle when.this
evolution is in progress, until it is com
BLACKWELL'S ISLAND.—t saw yesterday
a lady in New York, who claims .to be
the wife of our bachelor President, Mr,
Buchanan. She is quite open and per
sistent in her claiMs. She has in a bed
what she says are two children, which
she claims are the. President's children,
l and nothing but the constant care of
her friends prevents her from going to
Washington and demanding to be plac
ed in the White lionise as the lawful
occupant: The lady is in the Insane
Asylum„at BloCkWell',s;fsland, and her
children' tritIVIS white cats, wlrom she
has trainetr46 suelt docility that she
_ .
keepsthein in lied nearly all day sleep
ing bet ween „sheets, or niee clean pillow
cases, all tucked in like children, with
capS on their heeds. All the visitors
call 'on Mrs. Buchanan, see her cats,
and they allow- the .clothes to be turned
down, and a•view taken without an 'ef
fort to rise from their couch. The
name-of tine, of,ihe.cits is John C. Pre- •
mont,.and the other is Alexander Ilatn
ilton.—Cor. Boston Journal,
The Submaiine Telegraph.--;-Corn
rnender Hudson, of --the Steam Frigate,
Niagara, .writes from England to the Na-,
vv Department at . Washington, under
date of June 7th, that a ship load of
-the telegraphic cattle had just been got
alongside his ship, which he would com
mence at once to coil in the forehold.of
his vessel. A secotid'vcissal was
alongside, by the 31st, which he would
coil in the ward-room tier abaft. The
coiling was expected to be . prosecuted
at the rate of 100 miles
,of wire every
tWenty-four hours. The two vessels
were to bring off about seven hundred
and fifty miles of the cable,' .The size
of the Ntagara was too greatje . be taken
to the wharf, so the cable is brought
off by smaller vessels.
non is also coiling in her pottier. of the
As soon as the cable is stewed away
in these,ships, they will rendezvous at
Cork,-and proceed at once to the mid•
dle of the ocean, and after epllcirtg the
American andlg,riglish end's, begin to
pay it out into the briny deep,--744.A.g
-amemfion striking a bee line to the
Irish coast, and the Niagara to St..Tohn,
Newfoundland. Batteries are on board
each vessel, and a telegraphic commu
nication will•be constaritlykeptup as the
work progresses. Should the commu-'
nication at any moment be,cut off, 'the
two vessels immediately tack about,and
approach each tither, taking up the Ca
ttle until they find the broken spot.
As they may not be ready to commence
operations for'a month or so longer, it
is feared by some that the . laying • of the
cable will have to be postponed until
next year. This will hardly be the'
cape, however, though it is more 'than
probable that some unforeseen •accident
w ill frustrate the first attempt._ if the;
whole tenet of the cable is laid
out aceident,,it will be a piece :;of rare
good luck,. '
timore Patriot is enthusiastic over a
new motive power, alleged to have been
discovered and brought into practical
operation by Prof. .1. C. F. Salemon, of
that city. It is called the "Suph. Oil
Carbonic Acid Engine." The Profes
sor has been at work on his discovery
for the last ten years, during which time
he has been aided by some of the most
opulent and intelligent citizens of Bal.
timore. • The machine is a Common
rectilineal steam engine, differing in no
material' featute'frem those in, general
use, only a new motor is used, which is
'thus.describ, the• Patriot.: •
-• - " The. patent novelty Consist'' in the
niative,rio4:prrd opplieatio,n, Which
who supersedes steam. This .motor
•is:prordueed by ecrimpound'ef• de: sul.
phiated I,i, shiphuret of carbon, coal
tar; and volotileq/r fixed oil, which, un
der certain 'influences of heat, becoines
powerfully expansive, and, thus gives
momenitirir. Tho Ugh only a four-horse
engine, it was performing the estimated
duty of ten horses, and has been so do
ing since titit in operation, nearly a
fortnight ago.:
The great virtue end triumph of this
wonderful invention, which in all prob
ability will cause a revolution in me.
chortles, are ,its economy, safety, and
power, combining„also, cheerless and
convenience. *),
The fluid, or gas,' constituting the
motive power, is used over and over a
gain with scarcely any dirninution.or
waste being thrown, after performing its
work, from the.heater to the condenfer,
and from the condenser to the heater
again, with thorough renovation. The
heater, where the gas or fluid is intro
duced,: is submerged in a cistern of
heated` oil, kept hot by a gentle fire.—
In this condition theciaS expands gain
ing its power , and pressing through
pipes and italics, acts upon the piston,
giving motion to the engine. 'The ap
pliances are simple, easy of comprehen.
sign, free from complication, and not
subject to accident or disarrangement.
Thus a steadY, active force is at all
times kept up.
The cost of this fluid is estimated at
ten cents per gallon, and it is demon
strated that eighteen gallons, by careful
attention, will run an engine of the ca.
pacity here noticed, for one year. Its
components are such as not to freeze,
even at ninety degrees below- zero.—
The amount of fuel is, in a proportion
of fifteen pounds of coal to one itun•
dred. pounds, compared with a steam
engine of the same dimensions, whilst
more than double the force can be
brought into requisition."
A trial with
,steam under in equal
application-of heat, is said Jto have
clearly demonstrated a great superiority
of this new' motm, in its application
over steam. With a degree of heat
which produced eighty revolutions per
minute with the, new motor, the steam
engine moved butilightly and stopped.
Besides it is claimed that explosion is
impossible; and' thus a _great- point is
gained in obviatiflldenger. A. number
of icientffic• - gemfiVnen and practical
mach' ets ; who have witnessed. the op engine, express them
selves ctikfident of its success: 'Prof.
Salomon is 4:native of Prussia, hut has
been a citizen of the United States.. for
twenty-seven years.
Death of tire Largest Man in the
World.—The funeral sermon of Mr.
Miles Darden, who died at his residence
in Henderson County, willpreached
on the fourth Sunday in th' "onth, five
miles southwest from Lexin itn, Tenn.
The Masonic fraternity will be in atten
dance, in full regalia on the'pccasion-
The deceased was, beyond all - ques
tion, the largest man in the., world.—
His height was seven feet six,, inches—
two inch's higher than l'orter , the cele
brated Kentucky giant. livreight
was a fraction over one thousarapaundsl
In reqiiired seventeen men. to .put him
in his coffin ; took over 10, feet of
plank to make:hii coffin. - HetMeasured
around the waist six
,feet foil PVlMit'. 7s7 ,
West .Tennessee, i'Vhig, ../u4 , Dv-
since, the steamer Alida, ahidriding the
Ohio, near Cottonwood Bar i !catne in col.
lision with the Fashion, :descending,
sinking the former in a fe# .moments
of time. Seeing the dange?, A gentle
man whose name is not Osten, forget
ful of the, danger himself, hastened to
the cabin,, picked up -a . ,'y,oung lady,
jumped overboard, and wtili. her swam
nearly a mile to the .shore; A newly
married gentleman did the same thing
with his bride.
More Mormons.—The packet ship Tus
carora arrived at Philadelphia last Fri.
day, with a living cargo of five hundred
and thirty-seven - aliens Mor
monism. fr heir leader is a Lincolnshire
mechanic, named Richard Harper:—
About half are natives, of Great Britain,
the remainder consisting, : of 'Swedes,
Danes and Norwegians. - There—were
four deaths on the voyage !and two. in
the port, two .marriages, two births.—
About hall the number go ilirect to Salt
Lake ; the remainder willsejourn , among
the Gentiles untit theY care, earn siiffi
cient money to pay their expenses to, the
"Promised haven."
Special Notices.
A' It is evident, fronf a perusal of "Nature's
" a new and admirable work by Dr. Kinks..
lin, ofPhiladelphia, that the source of much of the
disease, both mental and bodily, that afflicts man
kind,,lies within ourselves ; that in tusgy instan
ces of suffering, man is his own worst enemy.—
The questions of loss of physical strength and men
tal imbecility, are very - ably, lucidly and candidly
treated in this little volume, yet in so delicate and
unobjectionable a manner, that "-Nature's Guido"
may be safely and profitably commended to gen
eral circulation.
• ' Pi'pWalfp:srAiirmizre ,
. -
Guilford & Lemberger have now got in full op
eration their new and splendid Soda Water Foun
tain, where the public will find :soda water, of the
very best quality—equal to'any, obtained in the
cities or elsewhere.
They would inform-the publiethat as.their so
da water is made with an entirely new and im
proved apparatus, there can lie ne' .. danger of con
tamination' with foreign matter. Their Pomo,
tains being lined with Porcelain, all danger, so
common with the copper fountains in general use,
is'avoided. You will always find a choice selec
tion of Syritrps of the finest ; and for the
convenience of Physicians' andamilies at 4-dis
tance from town, we wilPbottlethe soda water in
its pure state or flavored with'any of our delicious
syrups. •
!,,Fis„. Bear apacially in mindlhat our soda Ili-
not Copper, and is the coldest, purest and most
Sparkling in the Borough.
land, where a disease of the glands of tho throat
called goitre prevails, Holloway's Ointment has
been used with the most decided success. This
malady is scrofulous in its character, and previous
to the introduction of this famous remedy, was
supposed to be incurable. It has, however, near
ly disappeared from the Canton of Berne, since the
establishment of Professor Holloway's agencies in
that region, and a distinguished physician of Ge
neva has recently recommended the use of the
preparation in all districts where the malady ex
ists. It is, unquestionably, a certain and safe rem
edy forall external disorders, and the Pills are
equally efficacious as acuro forinternal complaints.
- . Or' WORT H KNOWING !—Prof. Weed, whose
advertisement will be found in . another column,
has discovered a remedy , for the gray and bald,
which is at 'once practicable and cheap. It re
*tires no dyeing, no Twig, nor eXtrabrdirtarylrott.
e. There eon henerdeubt Whatever of its einem
:cY., We have seen testimonials almost without
number, and from men of great intelligence, high
standing and merit) Worth.
These who have been bald foiliyears are now
wearing their own hair, and appear ten years
younger than they did six months ago. As in
most cases gray hairs and bald heads are both
premature and unnatural, it is a duty to remedy
them by the natural and undoubted means which
Prof. Wood has invented, and now kindly offers
to the afflicted. Read his advertisement„try his
wonderful remedy, and give the. Professor a, new
testimonial.—lfemphia Whig. - (jy.3-2t.
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters corrects the
appetite, impart a tone to the system, force off the
bile and all impareseeretiOna,re , -ffinte the 'bowels,
give us Strength of the body and vigor of mind.—
For Dyspepsia and dyspeptic sin ptoms, they are
the wonder of the afflicted. In all cases of flatu
lency, dizziness, prostration; great fatigue and
general inability, it is surprising how soon the pa
tient finds relief. No family can afford to be with.
out Hostetter's Bitters. They require no spirits.
Sold in full quart bottles by Druggists and deal
ers generally. fjy 8-Im.
EMA.3IIrEL REICIAUT, agent, North West corner
of Market and Water streets, Lebanon, Pa.
July 8, 1857.-Im.
This is to certify that I hare made but
one application of the MAarc Oia on my fingers,
which have . been drawn from contraction of the
cords, brought on by rhennuitism. It was of sev
enteen months standing, and- I-am now entirely
cured. I cheerfully mean-mewl it- la all afflicted
likewise. S.°bi. FINFROOK,
"Woodland Cream"—A POMADE FOR BEAUTI
FTESO THE HAIR-highly perfumed, superior to any
French article imported, and for half the price. For
dressing bodies' Ihtir, it has no equal, giving it a bright,
glossy appearance. .it causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl
in the most natural manner. It removes dandruff, Al
ways giving the hair the appearance of Tieing fresh
shampooed... Price only fifty cents. None genuine unless
signed FETRIDUE &,CO., Proprietors of the
Por sale by Guilford Al Lemberger, and all Druggiets.
Feb. 35,185&-Bm.
English preaching next Sabbath morning and
evening in Zion's Lutheran Church.
English preaching next Sunday morning and'
Evening in the Methodist Church.
German preaching next'Sabhath morning at 9i
o'clock, and English in the evening, in the Iteftirm
ed church.
. .
German preaching next Sabbath morning, and
evening at 6 o'clock, in' the Emanuel's Church of
the Evangelical Association.
Divine service in Salefn's Lutheran Church, on
next Sunday morning at 9i o'cleek,in the German
-, 411 - AUR.O
On the sth inst., by Rev. JfGring, Henry Dot
]em to Sarah Eberly, both of aaakson.
On the 7th inst., by Rey. P. N. Kremer, Mr.
Geo. F. Ely, of N. Lebanon, to Miss Kate L. Fel.
lonbaum, of this Borough.
•1 COr**alT, Dirt eih:p r a„e;
el`iila s, Miss Folly Rieeliert, aged 53 years, 2
months and 16 days.. ..
On the 4th inst., in Union Mr. Peter Good,
aged 76 years, '3 menthe and 27 days.
On'the 11th inst., in North Lebanon, Mr. Mi
chael Unirman, sr., aged about 74 years.
- WEDNESDAY; July 15, 1857.
- Ex. Family Flour, per bar. - - $9 50
Extra Flour, per barrel 9 00
Extra Superfine Flour, per bbl. - 8 00
Superfine B. Flour, 7 00
Superfine Flour, - - - - - 6 25
Prime White Wheat, per bus.- - 1 90
Prime Red Wheat, per bus. - 1 80
Prime Rye, per bushel . - - 95
Corn,.per bushel 75
Oats, per bushel 50
Potatoes, " - . 75
'fallow, per pound - 7
Ham, - 14
Lard,. . .... 12
Shoulder, ...................12
Sides; . ....... - - - 11 .
Butter, - - - - 14
Eggs, per dozen, .... 14
. . .
• MOXDAY; July 18.—P.11. '
There is no export ifemand for Flour, and safes
are confined to small rots for home use at $7 12ta
7'50 for superfine; $7 62ia7 57, for extra, and
$5 25a8 75 for extra family and fancy lots. -Rye ,
Flour is held firmly at $4 75: Corn Meal meets
a more general, inquiry at $4 per
Wheat Comes yorward but slowly. The' nly;
transactions made known are 3000 bushels Penn'a
redtit'sl 85 per bushel, and 800 inishels white at
sl'oo.'A sample of 3000 biisheis new Delaware
white Wheat, the first of the season, was exhibit
ed this mornnig at the Corn exchange Rooms,
and offered at $2 without finding buyers. Rye
is lower, and 1500a2000 bushels Penn'a sold at
$1 031.. Corn comes forwardslowly, but there is
not much demand for it; 2000 bushela yellowsold
at 55 cents, part afloat and part in store. Oats
are steady. Sales of 2500 bushels at 50 cents per
Borough Lots at Public Sale.
THE subscriber will offer at public sale, on SAT
URDAY, AUGUST 20, 1857, at 8 o'clock, p. m.,
Three Desirable Town Lots,
located on the corner of Water street and Doe al
ley. Said lots are 25 feet front on said street, and
66 feet deep. They are in an improving part of
the boroogb Lebanon t convenient to all the
principal and central parts of town,viz: 1.1 squares
from the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, the same
from Market Square. and the same from the Court
House.- Possession will be given . immediately, if.
desired. Sale to be.held Baca's .and
terms - made known by PETER HESS:
F. Emmen . , Aue'r. [Lebanon,'July 15, 's7—ts.
A . N OMNIBUS .belonging to the undersigned,
n. will be daily at the Depot on the arrival of
the Cars to take Passengers and their baggage to
any partof Lebanon and vicinity. Persons leav-,
ing by the cars will have the omnibus call at their•
residences in time fortho cars; by giving.previons
notice at Mrs. Rise's Hotel, no patronage of
the citizens of Lebanon; and surrounding coun
try, is respectfully soHcited.
Ju1y15,'57-3m. LOUIS SUTER.
Lebanon Volley Rail Road !
fiN and after Monday, July 130, 1857, a FAR-
M ;UNGER TRAIN will leave Lebanan-at 3.30
p. m., daily, (esoePtSuridays) connecting at Rn At ,
ING with the 5.36. p. m. down train for Philadel
phia, and the 6.10 p. in. up train for Pottsville.
Returning from Reading at 10.30 a. m., on ar-
rival of up a. in. train from Philadelphia.
FARES -Reading, 85 aud'7o cents; sink
ing Spring, 70 and . ss; Wernersville, 60 and 50;
Robeaonia, 50 and 40 ;• Womelsdorf, 45 and 35;
Meyerstown, 25 and 20 cents.
Reading daily, (cmceptlstindays) at 6 p. m., re
turning from Reading at 6 a. m.
i= For rates of Freight apply to Mr. CoarRAII
Maas, Lithantin, or to G. A; NICOLLS,
Julyls, '57-tf. • • Sar'e.
ci 3 56
Harrisburg, 72 Lodi's!, street
Religions Notices.
'llse Lebanon Market.
Raili•oad Omnibus.
szs 11011130171111191:
a-trily=r= 2:77.;:ek- .
LEBANON --4 2„n °Aur'.•
Door and Sash Manufactory
Located on theSteam-nouse Road, near Cumberland
Street, East Lebanon.
L lIE undersigned respectfully inform the pub
lie in general, that they have added largely
to their former establishment, and also have all
kinds of the latest and best improved MAoFilig-
ERY in the State-in full operation, such as
for conducting the general business for
Planing, Serail, Sawing., 4-c., 4-c.,
and the experience acquired by E. Longaker and
.J. G.Gabel,during their connection with the. Door,
Sash and Lumber Trade, for a number of years
post, affords full assurance o,lr their ability, in con
nection with J. pabel,to select stook suitable to the
wants of the Door and Smell business in this State.
.They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers
generally, upon favorable terms, a judiciously - as.
sorted stock of DOORS; SASH, Jte., from the best
Lumber mahufaetories in the State ' feeling con&
dent that their assortment is not to be excelled by
any other establishment in the State in regard to
exactness in size, quality or finish, and is calculat
ed to afford thorough satisfaction to all those who
mayfavor the undersigned with their custom. -
The following list comprises the loading arti.
cles of stock on band:—
Doors, of all sizes; . Sash, of all sizes; ,
Door Frames, for brick and frame houses;
Window Frames, for brick and frame houses ;,
Shutters, of all sizes; Architraves;
Blinds, of all sizes; • . Casings, from 3 to 8 in.;
All kinds Mouldinii; , Surbase ;
O. G. Spring Moulding; of all sizes Wash-boards.
Lebanon, July 15,1857.
P.• S.—Planing, Sawing, &c., promptly done
for those furnishing the Lumber.
Lebanon Milmtnall in surance
' Cor pa . ny.,
Office at Jonestown . , Lebanon County,
TrPHIS Company is now fully organized and
i to make Insurance on all kinds-of
property in town or country and on as favorable
terms as any well-governed and-safe company,
either-on the Mutual or joint stock principle.
President—Jorm Bituxann; Esq. _
Vice - President—D. M KARMANY.
Treasurer--Gno. F. 3.lEiLy.-
Secretary . Wsr. A. 'Emmy.
:Directors. • ,
John Brunner,-Esq., -, . Daniel Brown,
D. M. Karmany, • Napoleon Desh;
Geo. F. 11161 y- John Arndt,
..._ .
W. A.
_Barry,. : - John Melly,
Adam Zeller, ~,,. L. R. Walker,
Daniel.H. Biever , -1 I
B. M. Bank..
AD- A. S. EILY is the Agent for Lebanon.
He may at all times be found at his office in
Walnut .Street.
Jonestown, July 15, 18
_ - -
MEDWAI, 110USB.—Entibliebed
4-V - twenty two years ago - by Dr. IifNii.ELIN, corner
of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
„ .
Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful
practitioner in the cure of all diseases of a private nature,
manhood's debility: as an impediment to marriage; ner
vous and sexual infirmities, diseases of the skin, and
those arising from abate of mercury.
There is an evil habit somdtirnes indulged in by boys,
In solit ude, often growing - up with them to Manhood;
and which, if not reformed in due time, not only begets
serious obstacles to - matrimonial happiness, but gives
rise to a series bf protracted, insidious, and devastating
affections. .
Few of those whit give way to this pernicious practice
are aware of the consecfnences,- until they find the ner
vous system Shattered, feel strange and unaccountable
sensations, and vagtie fears in the mind. [Seepages, 27,
28, 29, of Dr. K.'s book on ''Self-Pumervation.l
The unfartinate thus affected becomes feeble, Is una
ble to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his
mind to study; his step is tardy and Weak ; be is dull,
irresolute, and engages even in his sports with lose ener
gy than usual:
' if be emancipate himself before the practice has done
its worst, and enter matrimony, his unfruit
ful, and-his sense tells him,that, this,is_can . • is.
early ibillee. TliFie are bottiidbrations whit d
awaken the attention of all who are similarly situat
lie who places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S tree
ment, may religiously, confide in his honor as a gentle
matt. and rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of
Dr. K.'apatients will never be disclosed.
riffing-nanlet no false modesty deter you from mak.:
ing your case known to one, who. from eduCation and
respectability, 4 can certainly befriend you.
44- Dr. liINKELIV'S residence has been for tithe last
TWENTY YEARS at' the N. W. Corner of THIRD AND
UNION streets,.Philatielphia, Pa.
. .
Can hare (by stating their can explicitly, together
with all their symptoms, per letter eneloeing n remit.
tance) Dr..K.'.s medicine, appropriathiaccordingly.
Forwarded to any part of the ignited States, and pack
ed secure from DAMAGE or CURIOSITY, by Mail art:s
Letters containing that value in stamps, will ensure a
copy, per return of mail. ,
A Free GUT To AU.
"Nature's Guide," a new and porular Work, full of
valuable advice and impressive warning; alike calculat
ed to prevent years of misery, and save THOETHANDS'Of
lives, is distributed "without charge, and forwarded by
mail, prepaid to any Post Office in the United States, on
receiving an order enclosing two postage stumps. '
u 1 y 15 3 - .
Brandreth'sPjlispurify the.4loodl
,Mild operation with,sueeessful effect are the peeu
Batik) , of Braudreth's
OUR race are subject to a red undaney of vitiated bile,
'at this season; and it is as dangerous as it is prev
alent, but Brendreth's Pills. afford an invaluable and
efficient protection. By their occasional 'use lie prevent
the collection of tboie impurities; wbich,:wben in suffi
cient quantities,'eause so much danger.ho the body's
health. They soon cure liver &dente:int, dyspepsla,loss
of appetite, pain in th-t head, beart,Mini, pain in the
breastbone, sudden faintness and coativeimis; in brief,
Brandreth's Pills work their way to the very roots of
the disease, cleansing in, their passage, removing every
unhealthy. accumulation till the blinalls purified, the
whole system renovated, and the functions, andduty of
life become a pleasure, where before they had boon sad
and weary burden's. Often when nothing has relieved
vomiting of the ibest;Serintis character, whether from or Otherwrim,'where the retching has been
appalling, a single,dose of four ilrandreth's Pills has at,
once cured and the patient has fallen into a sweet sleep.
When the mind cannot collect itself; wile?) . 41,e-memory
fails;" when it is aneffort to Ex the attention ; when our broken end our waking hoitta harassed with
foreborlingsofeyil,tben Bratidretles'Pills should be used.
If these warnings remain unheeded;ilieunintism, con
sumption, diseasoof the heart; bilious affections, jaun
dice, dropsies; piles, appoplexies and: costiveness will sud
denly present themselves. TheseffiCandreth's pills would
have prevented,but nevertheless TRESS they will also cure.'
Use them at once; do not let prejudice prevent the use
of this simple but potent remedy.
Brandreth's Theory of Disease
• r
Never extract blood. Blood is the life. By t-
. abstrac
ing it in painful discaves You'iriaioCeasion the patient
case, but remember, this ease is only the ,reduction or .
lessening.the powet to Biel; by 'tittle tilting away
nature's tools, you may proventherfrom fully repairing
the ravages of Inflammation, a convert what might only
bove.been the sickness of a few days or weeks into a
chronic affection of months add, years.
- ,
Brandreth'sp,cciii.d with
Nature's remedy in fact. When sudden, acute or con.
tinned pain occurs from any cause, then to insure a quick
return to health, you must use Brandrethii Pills, winch
will soon relieve every organ:from Undue presinie, and
remove those humors whose.pre:seine often occasions
such terrible suffering.
'Oa-Twenty million boxes sold and the sphere of their
usefulness still extending„ Ask Air almasack and.pant
phlet of cures. Agents will t'inpilr gratis.
Brwoux--all pits With "'bp. Broadway''on side lable
are counterfeits: i3ket - the genuine T 4 never
derOiSe. ''Dr. 46SS, Agent; Lebanon, to:
July 15, 1.857.-4 m. '
pH- THERMOMETERS, &.e..--Persons in
want of accurate and reliable Thermometers, Hand
Mirrors, Traveling Flasks, China & Fancy. Tel:.
let Bottles, Puff Boxes, Lubites,and other Choice
Perfumes, Tortoise Shell, Buffalo, India Rubber
and Horn Pocket' and,Tollet Conibs. Fancy, Se
gar and Ash. Stands,. new article.)
NeW Drug; Medicine & Perfumery Establisment,
PA.RASOLS;Ii.iiii quanlity, all the'
fitentitylin, cheaper tYlan ever at
Public Sate.
WILL be sold at_ public sale, on THURSDAY.,
JULY 16,1857, at the residence of Josiah D.
Dehuff,An North Lebanon Borough, the following
1 Woung MULES, 5 Draft Donnas,
b in,
wide; '9 .„(Syra of Lebanon,) 143 ft: ir'''''._
box, 2 Ore "450.'0n Vragons, a, Wagon l,
Carts, a Wheelna, 5 Ore Boxes, 4 ~..' „ s.
Mule Gears , Boat 1:14, 11 orse "and ' 1 fir ,
Bridles, 1 Pick, 2 Shove ,Saddles, -=:- - --77--- ' - -
Double Trees, Cbaius,,ae., 4eTen.ders, Single and
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. , t,,,, ,
when due attendance will be given
an aid day,
of sale made known by : "`•-terms
KlNTifit & DEITUPP:' ,
North Lebanon Boro', July 8, '57.
5 - Teachers Wanted..
Trsgr(oor. DTRECTORS.of the NORTH
LERANONI3OROROR District, in the
Plank Road School. House, on MONDAY,- THE
3RD DAY OF „AUGUST, 1.367,,at 2. o'clock ' A:
M.; for the purpose of electing 3 male and 2 for.
male.Teachers,for the Public Schools Of said dia.
trict, for the ensuing term of ten• months. . ; The
County Superintendant will be presentatthe same
time and .place, to examine applicants.
- - By order of the Board.
JOHN IT; MILLER, Secretary.. • - -
North Lebanon Borough, July. 8, 1337.-td.
BY virtue ofa writ of Venditioni Exponas, is
sued out of the court of ' Comnion Pleas of
Lebanon county, and to me directed; I will sell
by Public Sale or'Outcry,
SATURDAY, JULY 25; 186'7,
at one o'clock, P. M.; the Court House, lti the
Borough of Lebanon, all the estate, right, tideland
interest, of JOHN, WElDMAN;;Eiii..„'ef f in, and
to, the folloWing reel estate, via
No. 4; 'A certain TWO-STORY
a PIECE OP GROUND, fronting on
Cumberland Ss
street s io said borough of
Lebanon, and bounded on the South and East by
Alleys, and on the west by lot,of Christian Henry.
This house is the best finished Dwelling in l Leb
anon,aving recently been completely remodeled.
There are, also, on the premises, a' goad BRICK
No. 5. A certain OUT-LOT," 'situate in Corn
wall township, (now Borough'of Lebanon,) adjoin
ing lands of Jacob MeComicl, George Snavely,
and others, Containing 5 ACRES - and 20 PERCH
ES. more or-less.
No. 6. All those certain OUT-LOTS, situate
in the Borough of. Lebanon, and part of Light's
Addition end numbered in the. -General Plan -of
said Addition, with - the numbers 16,11 12, 15, 16,
17 and 31, respectively, and containing in 'the
whole 14 ACRES and 85. PERCHES, more or
less, adjoining the Lebanen Valley Railroad,
Church street, Old Farm Road, Hornet Alley,
MettheW Steward, and others. This Tract is di
vided into 07 BUILDINC/ LOTS, and will be- so
sold. These Lots are advantageously locat
ed for Dwelling,s, being near the Lebanon Valley
Railroad Depot-and Weimer's Machine Shops, and
present an opportunity for investment rarely
equaled. •
Seized and taken under eVeution as the
Property of JOHN W.S.IDMA* - .Asq., and will
be sold by. DAVID -M. SHBEY, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Lebanon, July B. f 1851%
Brilliant Scheme.
Capital Pkize of $32,660 ,
to be drawn on the HAVANNA PLAN I
Granci Consoliddted Lottery ohillaryland
To be drawn in the City of Baltimore, Maryland,
- On Friday, July 815 t, 1857.
1 prize of $.72.660 Is $32,660 2 prizes of 1,750 are 3,500
1 " 10,000 is 10,000 2 " 1,500 are 3,000
1 " 5,000 is 5,002 2 " 1,250 are 2,500
2 " 4,000 are 8,0001 20 " 750 are 15,000
2 " 3,000 are 6,000 -20.. " 600 'are 12,061
2 " 2,600 are 6,000 140 " - 400 are 16,000
2 " 2,000 are -4,000 I - IA?, ~ 300 are 30,200
4 prizes of,,
300 400 Ap to . $32,660. are $1,600
4 " " - 10,000 are 1,200
A -‘"" ' 250 - " 5,000 . are 1,000
:81e4a" , 200 " • 4;000 :. are 1,600
17,t , ' .!` . ,150 ... ...1A- 4loot e. ,e ." arer 1,200
8 " 100 " ..". '2,500 are . 801)
8V " 90 ' " ' 2.000 are '720
8•" ... 80 .. " " 4,750 are 640
8 " ' 70 " ' ' 1,500 are bso
8 „ t
...,,,,, .. .60 ,e) " .1,250 are 480
80 '". ' i 50:.....-= " .750 are 4.000
80 "...'-'. 40 " " ,600 are 3,200
160 ". - 30 " _ 400 are 4,800
412 ""7" . " '
--;' ' 20 " ' 800 are 8,240
1,000 reser - amounting to $033,800
Whole Tickets $lO .—halves $5.--Quarters $2,1.
$1,2 0 2,000.
Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland, Class I„
For, the Benefit of the Consolidated Md. Lotteries.
`To be drawn in -Baltimore, Maryland, on
SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1857. 78 Numbers--12
Drawn Ballots. All Prize Scheme. te,Each
audEspaY Tioket in this Lottery, mu, as A PIlIzE;
for an those tickets witliout a drawn number, are
each entitled /0 FIVE DOLLARS gross. '• • -
1 Prim of $62,628 is $c2,520
12;001 „„„„,
1 " 12 500 j "P"'"
1 ". 10,000'
. 1 ` • 8,43°° - 10,000
1 " 8 ,0 1
" ' 6,00' are 124000
4 ! - 5,000 are
1 *44 - ' 5,000
10 ," 2,600 am
196 " 400 , are
66 . . . 200 are
AO are
fi6 " 60 era
4,093 - 40 are
25,740 " " ' :;20'are .
45 , 760 . are
76,076 priMe, amounting M - $1,202,000
Certificate ofpackage of 26 Wholes coat • $257 50
26 thrives l2B 75
" . 26 Quarters - 64 37
" 26 Eighths - 32 18
Tickets $2O; Ilalyes $10; Quarters $5; Eighths s2i
Addrese ail orders for Tickets in the above Splen
did Scheme to CORBIN & CO.,
Box 190 P. 0.., Baltimore, Md.
N. 8.--All .Prizes, no matter from whom perches
cd, in the Maryland Lotteries cashedian receipt of
the Tickets, by Drafts on Banismearest the corres
pondent or as they ugly desire. July 8, 1857.
New briig& Chemical Store,
Market Streei,..Lebanan; Pa.
.have opened
Ul their elegant nevilirag Store, frith `a full as
sortment of pure and well-seleefed
Drugs, Medicines, Perfunieiy, Dye-
Stuffs, 4.c., 4c.
For Family Uses, all kinds of Spices Farina,
Corn Starch, Arrow-root,;-Cooper's isinglass and
French Gelatine,Flaoring Extracts for,puddings,
pies, custards, lec., of; their - Own manufacture,
which, need but a single' trialto ,prore their supe
rior flavor. -Rennet wino for making slip junket,
much more economical and convenient than
the old method, and various other articles which
will recommend themselves to Housekeepers.
Per . and Toilet Articles
of every rleeeription, Extracts .for the handker
chief of the choioest , iidore, a.full variety of Hair
Oils and PomiturOs,' a superior assortment of
soapt including the eelehyata Nyiaph soap for
beantifYing the conipleirkim ' The -Balm 'of a
Thousand Flowers,. kfeen Fun a-Chin - 434e prepara
tion for 'the Orin,. and a full assortment 0, other
Tbilet,Towders. Hair Tooth and Shavingbritsh
es, and a variety of lititralo, India rubber, Horn
and Ivory combs.
Indigo; madder, liikwood7 tVc.
For kousekeoper B—.Ba,rning Fluid, Campbene
or Pineloil, lamp oi4- washing soda, Baponifieri
pure spices, Herbs, and such otber_articles as pre
required in families. •
of every size, and all the popular Patent Medi
cines, Medicinal Wines and Brandi:mantle:choice
variety of Segars and Tobaeoo.- - „
Guilford ‘Lemberger_vvill use every efforkik
serve the citizens of Lebanon and others, with all
articles in their line of a purity, freshness andpet
feetion unsurpassed; which tb.eyfiatter themselves
their facilities and knowledge: of the Drug busi
ness will fully enable them to.
physician'i Prescription/ accurately, compound
ed, and persozial attOndance given at all hours.
The Store will be open - _on Sundays, for
dispensing medicines only, from :8 to 9 is the
morning and fromLto 2 in the afternoon. •
Lebanon, Dec. 24,1856.- " _
fas, TRINE AIcADASI - are ready to ready: to:
firlik accommodate everybody with. Boot:I:Chaos,
Trunks and Traveling bags. -
irolHE undersigned having disposed of his Boot
lE .
and Shoe Establishment to his son, P. F.
McCaully, and, retired froth the business, b anx
ious to make settleinent with the public; There
fore, ail persons knowing themselves indebted to,
or having viable upon, him, are respectfully re
quested to call at his fesidence, are
this time
and the first day of August, next, to make settle
ment. SOLOMON" DicelillLLY.
Lebanon; Jnacf24,lBs7.—td.
Valuable Borough PropertY
S offered at private sale, that valuable half lot
1 or Piece of Ground, situate at the north-east ear.
nei of Walmit and Water stieets, Lebanon, front.
'.1 . 3 feet on Walnut street and 80 feet on Water
sire ,
',+ resent occupied by• John Farrel's Marble
Yard ,o ,lrNt l i h area FRAME ItOtSlOf ase: It
is 1°Ca"11115"1., 41 square of the Lebanon Valley
Railroad Depot,
tre of to wn. - „particulars a pply
"fseen &pot and the den- ,
to Sohn Farrel, on the premises.
Pine 24, 1857.
?ailuable Property *bir Sales
THE Subscriber off ,
era at Private Sidesi, tot of
'Groundbifilate on MarkefsqUare,7onestown,
sixty,-sii feet front, and one hundted and sirty l
five in Aleptb, on which are a first-rate two-story
Dwelling and,Htere house, with cellar,dndltr Uri
whole„ a brick Hammer Hong, notrialtalleg,
Well with Pump, c. and goird tit i % ,
given on the bit of Notemiset.
He also offers hiscutiin oekofHILRDWARE,
Iron, -Nails, Glass, Paints, &e., 'at prime cost.—
All those desired:is of bargains will find it to theit
interest to call soon, us he is determined to close
out by-the Ist of November, 1857.
Jonestown, July 1,18§7.-3t.4'
-.741N *ZS 10.1 g LIME
Leaving Fredericksburg every morning (Sun
days exeepted,) at di o'clock, and will leave Leba
non on its return on the arrival of the Philadel
phis and Reading line.
pr• Through Tickets, at a reduced price, Ca*
•be neared at Philadelphia or Reading, for Jones
tolin or Fredericksburg.
rya This , is a four-horse Coach, and the line
will be kept in the best condition. Nwiejbut good
Horses will be used.
The public patronage is respectfully solicited.
The Stage dffice in Lebanon will betat, Heinhard'a
Hotel, and at Fredericksburg a 0311.0. Hotel.—
The Coach will be at the Railroatb:Hepot to meet
the train. TOXAS BARTO.
July I, MT.-3m.
Farmers' it:
invite the
THateunnttenrsityed theirw o f uld n rg s sp a e n c respectfully
public in
general, to the fact that they are prepared, the
coming season, to manufacture and have on hand
the largest and best assortment of
ever'offered to the Farmers of this county, such as
Wheeler's Improved Railway I'orse•l'owors and
Threshers; Manny's combined Reaper and
Mower, with 'Wood's latest improvements ;
Coleman's Form Mill ; Grain Drills and
Fans; Gourley's Patent Harrow and
Clod Cutter; Corn Ploughs and Planters;
Portable Cider Mills, Clover-Hullers, Corn
Shellers, Fodder Straw and 'fay Cutters, &c.
tlet- All of the above Machines are of the latest
and best.improvements, and are all warranted to
give satisfaction. Also,
Castings of all kinds made to Order,
and at short notice. Particular attentimf paid to
REPAIRING, and charges reasonable.
FA MIMS will do well to call and examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will
find it to their advantage to purchase Machines
manufactured in their own county.
All orders or communications by mail will
be promptly attended to.
July 1, 1857.
LEBANfk`L Tifirti : VAL
• •
rdlM,the citizens of Lebanon county a
boring , ' counties, that they are now in f e ,
tion, and are prepared to do all kinds of
Flooring Boards, Weather Boarding;
Sash,Doors,Window, Door Frames,
Shutters, Blinds, Planing Scrolls,
SAWING, and aniether kind of Sawing which
may be wanted test& builders. The subscribers
leg leave to inform the public that they have the
latest and best improved machinery in the coun
ty, such as Woodworth's Planer, he., and that
they are able to produce as good work as the corm
ty can produce.
None but the best and well-seasoned LUMBER:
will be used. Carpenters and Builders are invi
ted to call and examine their ready-made stock,
Which they will always keep on band, and judge
for themselves.
Their Shop is on Pinogrova Road, near
Pbreinees Old Foundry._
Lebanon, June 17, '57.
Watches Jewelry, &c.
Watches )
~ :„...„ IT is a fact worthy of -note,
.....F7 that the Jewelry Store *332
'' ' "-- -------- North Second st., Philadelphia,
sells goods 20 per cent. less than al7- gala. place
in the United States. Look at the prices.
Gold Lever Watches 18e, full jeweled 02.00
Silver Levers, full jeweled,- 10.00'
" Hunters, . 12 to 18.00
Gold. Hunters, 28.00
Eight-day Watches,(Hunters,) 60.00
Also, all other kins of Watches, Gold Chains,
Jewelry, be., sold less than anywhere else. Call
in and examine.
Country merchants anpplied wholeeale or
retail. N. D. GODFREir,
No. 332 North 2d at., between Callowhill and
Wood sta., Philadelphia.
June 17, :1857.—fims.
In Cumberland street, next door to Dr
Oct. 22, '56
Highly Concentrated Extract Buchp ) .for Diseas
es of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy,
Weaknesses, dm., is a Safe and pleasant remedy.
Read the advertisement in another column,head
ed "Helmbold's Genuine Preparation."
"EMBROIDERY, Collarsi Sleeves,
JEAI Mitts,-Gloves, Hosiery, in short alt
a lady. wants for a full and complete Dress. They
think thee, are able to prove by their prices thlit,
it - Trill be.your advantage to see-their galls before
punehasing elsewhere.
Domeetic Goode,
A full ara_general assortment that defies beating.
• Gentlemen,
Will•find.the best,- the - handsomest, and they
feel warranted'to say the eheapeat Fu3aorsment of
all kinds of. Cloths, Cassimeros, plain and fancy,
and all kinds of spring and summer Goods for
men and boys that will be offered. tkuarharo tide
spring. Their selections are large and good, and
fheir prices very low. To see them call at the
raw Front . of. RABER Op look
Bonnet Ribbons 1
A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Bow
net; Satin and Mantua Ribbons just
received and for sale very cheap at
May 13. HENRY & STINE'S.
OU R ,
SALT BY Tilrajtf-,
at the Genesee ardllis of " 71
Lebeakori, PIL
Lebanon, Lebanon Co., I'
such as