'r)e Corm. AN ABOLITIONIST QUIZZED.—Under this caption, a Holly Springs, Miss., correspondent, of the Memphis Eagle and Enquirer relates the subjoined an ecdote : The following amusing scene actual ly occurred last summer between a citi zen of our town and a Yankee on board one of the Northern steamboats, per haps upon the Hudson. Our Southern friend discovered-a dis metal:in in a-very genteel-looking man on, Board" the boat to open a chat with Mir, and nothing loth to hear what his friend bad to say, he indicated by his manner that be was approachable; where upon the following dialogue ensued : Yankee—Well, sir, I wish to ask you one question : I hope it will be no of fence. Southerner—Certainly not ; I will hear you with pleasure. Yankee—Well, sir, is it true that they work negroes in the plow at the South? Southerner—l will answer-you in the favorite method of your own country men, by asking you a question or two. Yankee—l admit the right, sir. Southerner—How many negro men tto you suppose it would require to, draw a good large one horse plow 7 Yankee—Well, I suppose six or sev en—say seven. Southerner—What are they worth per bead 7 Yankee—Well, I suppose $BOO. Southerner—That would be $5,600, Now, what would one large, strong horse cost? Yankee—l guess about $lllO. Upon this the Southerner looked a little quizzical at his neighbor, who, without waiting to hear the conclusion, started and stammered— Well 1-1-4 knew it was a lie! LIFE NOT A SPAN OF HONSES.—Life is a span—of horses; one is "Age," the other "Prime," up and down the hill our - course is; "Go in," ponies— "make your time." Boyhood plies the whip of pleasure ; youthful folly gives the stroke, manhood goads them at his leisure, "let 'ern rip," "they're tough as oak." "Hi, ya! there," the stakes we'll pock et; to the wind let care be sent; time 2,40--" whip in socket, give 'em string and let 'em went." On the sunny road to fifty, "Prime" is drowned in Lethe's stream : "Age" is left, lame, old, unthrifty; life then proves "a one horse team." "Age" jogs on, grows quite unsteady, reels and slackens in his pace ; "kicks the bucket" always ready, "give it up" —Death wine the race. • FOR SALE. A T Private Bale, Two Building Lots, on the A corner of Chestnut and Elizabeth streets, East Lebanon. For further particulars, apply to J. H. KEDI, Daguerrootypist. Lebanon, June 3,1857.-6 t. Bonnets and Flats. ASPLENDID stock of the most fash ionable Bonnets for ladies and girls, also Flats, and Hat Trimmings, for chil dren, just- received and for sale cheap at May 13. HENRY & STINE'S. Nore New Books - T IPPINCOTT'S PRONOUNCING .GAZET -4.4 TEER OF THE WORLD, and Genet' Trurrne ET GREAT AUTUORS, received and for sale at Good's Book Store, Market square. Lebanon, ,Pa., Juno 10, 1857.-It. 7a7MM11112W . , BARBER SHOP. DLy. . WILLIAMS would respectfully in form the citizens of Lebanon that they have opened a first class SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, in Market street, opposite `the Lebanon Bank. They would solicit a share of the public patronage. Lebanon, May 20, 1857.—tf. Philip F. ilicCattlly , Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker t iti Cumberland street, One door East of the V Black Horso Hotel. The subscriber desires to in form thepublie that hehas open ed as above, where be is propar ed to execute orders for Boots Slim and Shoes ()tithe 6 hest finish and style, and equal, if not superior, to any.. heretofore offered to the Luny 27, 1857. LOOKING GLASSES. G. W. Dewees, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Manufacturer of " Ornamental and Plain Guilt Looking Glass es, Portrait and Picture Frames of every style; a large stock of the above always on band, which I will sell from 10 to 15 per cent. less than any other establishment in the city. ASS,. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, Old work reguilted, &c. A liberal discount- to the trade. G. W. DEWED& No. 154 North 2d street, below Race, west side April 29, 1857.-6 m. Philada., Old No. 102. ,:.Wanted ! Wanted 5000 pounds of Butter, 3000 doz. Eggs, 2000 pounds Lard, 1000 pounds Tallow, 800 pounds Hard Soap, 2000 Hams, 1500 Shoulders, 1000 pounds Bacon. Also, Dried Peaches and Apples, Potatoes, &a., &c., for which the high est market prices will always be given in exchange for Goods at the cheap Dry Goods store of HENRY & STINE, Southwest corner of Market and Cum berland streets, Lebanon, Pa. May 13, 1857. Hello! 0! what Fun. TATE will - havo something new for Lebanon. Vol' A 6.4%1'ex-chase will come (if this week, and every person in the county is invited to at tend.% tall men and small, tall women and small, big boys and little ones, big girls and little ones, young men and old, young ladies and old ones, turn about and wheel about and run after this fox and try to catch him, won't that be fun. But do not forget to call at JAMES M. PFLEGER 4.I3'MS. New Cheap Dry Good:* AND .GROCERY STORE in the borough of Lebanon. (Yon will have plen ty of time, as the Fox chase comes'off in the af ternoon at 2 o'clock,) therefore you-will have a good chance of vEsiting and seeing their stocks of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which they have received from New York and Philadelphia, and will sell tremendously cheap.. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind, but that their goods will cause as much re al excitement, (as well as profit,) in the borough and countrylaround, as this great 'Fox chase.— Therefore do not forget to visit J. M. Heger & Bro's store, -and great will be your fun, and very great your gain. Yours, moat respectfully, -April 1, 1857.] J. M. P. it Se N. P. GROCERIES, Fish, Salt-and Queens ware are' offered :very lovi at Reber -Bros. Ckune onektOme all, enough for each, enough feral!. ~Co and.buy wherejou can get the cheap. eat arabect good.. April 22,185 T. NEW FIRM CSOTHISO: .It the well-known and Fashionable Clothing Store, of RABER A - A B 'll l 7oV , lr'n B E COTIIIT HOUSE. E RABER THE Proprioters of this establishment respect fully announce to the public, that they have now ready the largest, cheapest and best assort ment of Spring and Summer Ready-made CLorn- MO ever before offered in Lebanon. Their stock embraces the latest style of garments adapted to the season, viz:—DRESS COATS; Fine Black Cloth Frock and Dress Coats. BUSINESS Coexs; Black, Brown, Green, Gray, Olive and Fancy Cloth Sin gle-Breast, Frock and Sack Coats. Sust u E a Coats, of all kinds and prices. PANTAt.OOxs; fine Black Cloth and Doe Skin, Fancy Cassimere, Satinet, Jean and Coiduroy Pants. VEsrs; Bl'k satin fancy silk, Marseilles, of all colors, Cash mere, Valencia, Satinet, Worsted and Cloth Vests. ALSO, on hand an assortment of Woolen and Cotton Undershirts and Drawers, White and Fig ured Skirls, Collars, Cravats, Pocket ,Haralker chiefs, Suspenders, Fancy Stocks, Gloves, Hosie ry, Coat Links, &c. Returning thanks for past favors, they respect fully ask a continuance of public patronage. Or' The TAILORINU BUSINESS in all its branch es, is continued as heretofore. April 22,1.856. WILLIAM MORRIS , VENETIANBLIND MANUFACTURER, d2l NORTH EIGHTH street, (Above Arch, 1.1 West side,) Philadelphia. An assortment of PLAIN FANCY BLINDS, always on hand, at the lowest prices. Old blinds repainted and trimmed equal to new, and JOB BING promptly attended to. A handsome assortment of Window Shades, of the latest and most Fashionable Patterns, and Reed Blinds constantly on hand, to which wo re aPectfully call the attention of the public. Also, Store Shades made and lettered to order. April Id, 155i.-3 mos. Union Motel, North Lebeinon Borough THE subscriber announces to the citizens of North Lebanon borough, and the public in general, that ho has taken the old and well known Hotel lately kept by John H. Miller, on the north side of the Union Canal, fronting Canal and Mar ket Streets. He will spare no pains to make it a house in every way answering the wants of the traveling public. Every attention will be given to secure the comfort of his guests. His Table will be Supplied with the best the market can af ford, and his Bar with the choicest Liquors.— The Stabling attached to'this Hotel is in excel lent order, and careful hostlors will always be in attendance. He hopes to receive a share of the public patronage. JONATHAN GEESAMAN may 13, 1857.-3 t MILL, SAW-MILL, AND O 2 ACRES OF- LAND PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber, being desirous of selling his merchant and GRIST MILL, together with his Saw MILL and sixty-two acres of land, takes the present opportunity of informing the public that he has ono of the best Mill Properties in the coun ty of Lebanon, situate one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown, on the. Swatara, Creek, and one-half : mile from tbe Union Canal, atJones town. This mill has boon newly V 5, remodeled with the best of bevel gearing, and everything in the best of order, for either unary, or merchant, work. The land is in a high state of cultivation, it being lately limed with one hundred bushels to the acre, and is all under new fences. Any per son wishing to view said property, can call at the mill for information, or on the subscriber, two miles from Jonestown. An indisputable title will be given, and by paying a small advance on the property at the time possession is given, the bal ance will be set out in payments to suit the pur chaser. MARTIN IVENGERT. Swatara tp., December 31, 1856.—tf. C L 0 CR 8, CLOCKS, JIIST • RECEIVED AT J. W. ACKER' S From 81,25 to 810, 8 day and 30 hour. Oct. 22, '56. D. S. RARER , Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Corner of Cumberland st., and Doe alley, few doors west from Greenawalt'e Hardware Store. Lebanou,,Penna. D R U G St, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, , Jr - PAINTS,' • CHEMICAL S, if DYE-STUFFS. TICE undersigned having just received a large and well-selected stock of unadulterated Eng lish, French, and American Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Perfumery, Dye-stuffs, Varnish, Turpentine, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Glassware, Brushes, Hair Oils, Toi let Soaps, Segars, Tobacco and a variety of ,Faney articles too numerous to mention. Dye -Stuffs. Bengal Indigo, .Logwood, Madder, ,Tunieric, Annato, Ext. Logwood, Cochineal, Copperas, &e. Sime's genuine Cod-Liver Oil. Ext. of Dande lion, Medicinal Winos, Brandy, &c. ' sold only for Medicinal purposes at D. S. Raber's Drug Store, Lebanon, Pa. For Family Use. Cox's Patent Refined Gelatine, French Gelatine, Tice Flour, Reeker's Farina Corn Starch, Flavor- Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Rose, Orange,Ban s. na, Celery, &c., also all kinds of Spices, &0., ild cheap at Raher's Drug Store. Trusses! trusses ! „,,,,,ci---(4371, ,7Ll'm 4...-1 1 ---, -- -, - I,irlo _...]' '• , '''...4101-1” %,....)': _,--' SW ' A largo assortment of the most improved stylot of American and French Trusses, , varying in F' ices from 50 cents to $5. Also hood's Abdom ti al Supporters, Vanborn's Uteri Abdominal Sup porters, Vanhorn's Shoulder Braces, .tc., sold cheap at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. For Horses and Cattle. Hoot. Plireaner's Yellow- Water powder, Con dition powder, Heave powder, Heiniteh's German Vegetable Horse powder, Doet. J. Worley's Horse tnd Cattle powder, Leader Co.'s Horse and cattle powder, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Horse man's Hope, Hembold's Liniment, ace., Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye. Warranted to make Soap without Limo and' with little or. - sioirouble. One box of Saponifier costing only ISt cents mako 9 pounds of l lard Soap, or 15 gallons stf Soft Soap. Sold at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. Worms, Worms. J. Gerhard's Infallible Worm Destroying Syr up, Fahnestock's, Gallagher's, and Dr. Jayne's Vermifuge, &0., also Holloway's Vegetable Ver mifuge Confections, a safe and .effectual remedy for worms. This is a deligbful preparation of sugar, that any child will eat with pleasure. Ask for Holloway's—as none other are genuine. Sold at D. S. Raher's Drug Store. All the popular Patent medicines, sold at D. S. RABER'S Cheap Drag Store, Cumberland et., a few doors from Greenawalt's Hardware Store. July 23,1856. Venetian Blinds and Shades. A. Britton & Co., Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, No. 32 North Second street, above Market, Philadelphia. The larges,,,cheapest and best assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES of any establishment.in the United StateS. a .`First preminm awarded by the Franklin Institute, in 1852 and 1856, over all competition. may 13, 1857.-34 i.. - CALF. and see the stook of Atkin; A McAdam. [April 1, 1857. RARER & BROS I= LUMBER AND COAL ever offered heretofore to the public, AT THE OLD YARD IN Worth Lebanon, Borough, (FORMERLY OCCUPIED RY MARK REINOEHL.) Situated on East it. West side of Mar ket street, at Union Canal. IMHE undersigned take this method of inform ing the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding Counties ' that they have now on hand a large stock of WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and are constantly receiving additions thereto. Their as sortment consists in part of White and Yellow PINE and HEMLOCK BOARDS. 1. 1, inch and 2 inch PANNEL and COMMON PLANKS. White PINE and HEMLOCK SCANTLING and JOISTS. 1 inch and inch CHERRY BOARDS, PLANKS and TABLE LEGS. Also, 1 inch and inch POPLAR BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTLING. HARD WOOD, Such 'as ASH and WHITE OAK BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTING. SHINGLES, SHINGLES, SHINGLES ! A great assortment of good Pram and .TIEMLOCK SHINGLES. Also, ROOFING and PLASTERING LATHS. Also, RAILS, POSTS, and ready topped PALINGS forfencing. Flooring Boards, Doors and Window Sash. Of which they- positively have the largest and best assortment ever offered in this, section of country: COAL ! COAL ! ! COAL ! ! They keep constantly on hand the best quality of Broken, Stone and Limeburners' COAL. Also the best quality of Hollidaysburg&With Coal: which are sold at reduced prices. t4i.. Having now on hand much the largest and completcst assortment of Lumber ever offered to the public in Lebanon, they fool confident of being able satisfactorily to accommodate all pur chasers, and would, therefore, invite an examina tion of their stock before purchasing elsewhere. RELMEHLS' s MEILY. North Lebanon Borough, Sept. 17, 13.56. To No. 4, Eagle Buildings. A.. RISE'S Fashionable Hat and Cap Store, Market square, Lebanon, Pa. 9 1 HE undersigned hereby informs his friends .1 and the public in general, that he is now, and will be always, fully prepared to supply his cus tomers with goods in his line Wholesale and re tail, at the shortest notice, and upon the most ac commodating terms. His stock consists of Bea ver, Nutria, Russia, Cassimere,Moleskin, Silk, Soft. Hate, Se., which he will ispose of at the lowest prices. All his Hats are manufactured un der his own immediate superintendence and he feels warranted in saying, that for durability and finish they cannot be surpassed. Country mer chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in hats and caps, can be supplied at wholesale prices, from one to a dozen, such sizes as they may want. "t"st„ IT. B.—Fox, Mink, Muskrat, and Rabbit, Skins wanted, for which, the highest, market prices will be paid. [Leb., Feb. 6, ism CLOCKS. ; 4 : - t Thirty Day, 64 1 - ',. fi t '''. n Eight Day, t .. 4 ; 7' - ,' E '• ' Thirty flour, F...._. ; .!--:• 1 CLOCKS r . t ' W - 1 ,-,="FT-ri; r; Just Received at J. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon, Pa. HOVER'S LIQIUM HAIR DYE. - THIS 'HAIR DYE needs only a trial to satisfy all of its perfection as a Dye, and the follow ing testimonial from that eminent Analytic Chemist, Professor Booth, of the U. S. Mint, will only confirm what thousands have previously borne testimony to. "Being well acquainted with the substances composing Hane'e Liquid Hair Dye, I tun satis fied that by following the simple direetions given for its use, it will not injure the Heir or. Skin hnt will give a natural and. durable color to the JAMES C. .13,00T1.1, Analytio Chemist." ROVER'S WRITING INKS, including Hover's and Howe." hulelible lak4, are too well known and introduced - to' require any additional testimony of their character. The sales have been increasing since their firstintroduction, giv ing evidence that the articles truly possess that intrinsic merit 'claimed at first for them by the Manufacturer. Orders, addreeecAto the Mariefactory, No. 416 RACE stroot above FOERTR, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by JOSEPII E. ROVER, April 15;1857.4y:1 Manufacturer. SPRING IWILLINERY. miss C. WO:ELSDORP, opposite Dr. C. D. 111- Gloninger, begs loave to inform the Ladies that she is now opening a splendid assortment of SPRING MILLINERY, of the latest styles, comprising Fancy Crape and Silk Bonnets, Plain and fancy Neapolitans, Ens,dish and American Straws,lnfant Caps,Miss es Bonnets, French Flowers; Rib boni and Laces. Also, Trimming, Bleaching, and Press ing done at the shortest notice. April 1,1857.-2 m. Leather, Leather, Leather! HENRY W. OVERMAN, Lnportor of French Calf Skins, and general Loather Dealer, No. 6, South 3clkstreet, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kinds of Leather, Moroceos, .te. Red Oak Sole Leather. Feb. 25, 1857.-ly. NEW FURNITURE STORE! Dundore Oves HAVE. just opened the finest, largest and cheapest assortment of Furniture ever offer ed in Lebanon. Their store is in Cumberland street, between Market and Plank-road. Their stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Furniture, which they will sell lower than can be bought in Lebanon. All they ask is of persons in want of Furniture to give them a call before purchasing. They ,have on hand a large assortment of Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other Tables, What Nots ' Hat Racks, S.c. Also , A large and cheap stock of Stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, -Settees, Bedsteads, and a lot of Cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses, —Gilt; Rosewood and Mahogany—very cheap. Venetian Blinds ; • Carriages, Gigs and Hobby horses, for children ; and a largo stock, too nu merous to mention. Particular attention paid to UNDERTAKING. We have provided ourselves with the FINEST HEARSE IN LEBANON, and will manufacture Coffins and attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. April 29, 1857. DUNDORE do OYES. Of J. M. Good's Rook Store. THE undersigned, having removed his New and Cheap Book Store, to Market square, 2 doors north of Dr. GUILFORD'S New Building, Market st., where he will be pleased to see all of his old friends, and those desirious of having articles in his line. With a determination of selling cheap er than male-purchased elsewhere, he would re spectfully call the atention..of the publieto"liis assortmentlof Bibles, HY mn and Prayer Nooks, eellaneous, Blank and School Books, Wall and Window Paper, Stationery, andevory artielein his line of busi ness. Also, Pocket Diaries and. Almanacs for 1857. All the Magazines and Newspapers, both daily and weekly, to be bad at Publisher's rates. All orders for articles in his line carefully and promptly attended to, by the undeisigned.. "Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1857. , THINS , & 'IdeADAM have a splendid assort.' gig* ment of Boots, Shoes, Trunks an Travel ing I=3 A HOME FOR ALL to saw The Largest, Best and Cheapest ASSORTMENT OF Removal_ "Laboratory for Practical Chemistry, ST. STEPBEN'S PLACE, Philadelphia, February 17th, 1857. REMOVAL I=l or, THE Forger Convicted. Cr ) . JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, t Who has bad 10 years' experiencens a Bank er and Publisher, and Author of C) A series of Lectures at the Broad way Tabernacle, Dowd when; fur 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People ..ZA Greeted him with rounds of Applause, while p he exhibited the manner in which coun terfeiters execute their Frauds, and the surest and shortest means of Detecting them CD The. Band Note Engravers all say p that,hels the greatest judge of pa in per money living. • GREATESTDISCOVERY OF the Present Century for 'obi Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. - 6 Describing every Genuine 13111 In exhannee, ti ••• and exhibiting at a glance every Coun terfeit In Clieulellonl! 2 Arranged so admirably, that 0- 1 Reference is Easy and P. 7 Detection Instantaneous. e q. No index to examine !. • No pages to hunt up! 0 But so shnplilled and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business man can See all at a Glance. English, French and German. cp Thus each may read the same in his own Native Tongue. 11Most Perfect Bank Note List PUBLISHED. Also a list of ...Mr All the Private Bankers in America. (:=A Complete summary of the Finance of En ' Grope and Ameriea will be published in each .aedition, together with all the important' News of the Day. ALSO, A Series of Tales, 0 From an old manuscript found in the East. It furnishes the most complete History of ow • Oriental -life 2 Describing the most perplexing positions in which the ladies and gentlemen of that country have been so often found. Those stories will continuo throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ('p ever offered" to: the public. cp 't.,sk.Furnislied Weekly to subscribers on amily, at $1 a year. All letters must be ad dressed to t"." JOWL S. DYE, Broker. - Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall street, April 22, 1857. Now York. Dr. Ross' Drug Store Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. D. ROSS offers to buyers the best bargains in drugs; in Lebanon; a long and varied expe rience, of over twenty years, in the drug and medical science, enables him to do hp things in the first style. Purchasers will please make a note of these facts. ADA . 3I RISE and Bronchitis. Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, For promoting the growth of hair, always to be 'bad at the principal drug depot of Dr. Ross. Henry's Invigorating .Cordial, The best tonic in use for strengthening the hu man system, sold only by Dr. Ross. Dr. Hasting's Syrup of Naphtha, Is fast superseding all other medicines for the cure of Consumption andikonchitis. Dr. Ross, sole agent. Allen's Razor Powder, For Razor. Straps. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy-;-a pure and safe article for medical use, to be had at Dr. Ross'. Allen's Linithent, for Rheumatism.. Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative • an unfailing restorer of the Hair, is' taking the lead of all ether ;medics for the hair. No toilet is whet without mrs. hair istorative. ! t iCall at . Dr. Ross' rug Store for Mrs. Allen's Hair .estorative. See adv. in another col. Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges as sweet as sugar and a certain ire for Worms. Dr. Ross' Infant Drops, For the relief of restlessness, colic pains, .he., of children. 'Sold only at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Cough 'Cured for Twenty-five Cents. Dr. Physiek's Cough Syrup is the cheapest and best remedy for Cough s, Coldsolm. Call utDr.Ross'. Dr. Ross' Horse use. Is the best Horse. Powder in uSe. Dr. Ross' Cattle Powder Is fast taking the place of all other Cattle Powders. Dr. Ross' Horse Liniment, For the cure of Old Strains, SWellings, Bruises, do. Sold only by Dr. Ross. Dr. Ross' Eye Salve, For the mire of sore, weak or inflamed eyes. In dividuals who have been afflicted with diseases of the eyes, for months and years, havebeeu entire ly cured by the use of Dr. RoSs' Eye Salve. 'Fresh Garden Seeds In great variety at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Dr. Ross! Tester Ointment. Persons afflicted with totter,•rinr , worin and rm. rious other skin diseases, will find various efficient medicines for their cure at Dr. Rose Drug Store: Dr. Ross' footh Wash Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and Gums. It whitens, cleans and preserve the teeth, and hardens the gums. It prevents and cures Scurvy. .:Try it, by all means, if you value a sweet breath and white teeth. Ask for Dr. Ross' Tooth Wash. Heyl's Embrocation for Horses Has no superior for the cure of swellings, bruises, galls produced by the collar or saddle, scratches, old or fresh wounds. Ask for Heyl's Embrocation. Trusses. Dr. Ross has a variety of Trusses—for infants, children or grown people. Unless a Truss fits, it is worse than useless—it will do harm. He has had an experience of over 18 years in this branch of surgery, and adjusts every Truss bought of him. 15 Gallons of Soap for 19 Cents. One box of Saponifier, costing 19 cents, will make 9 pounds of hard soap, or 15 gallons of soft soap, without any trouble. Full directons Sold at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. [April 8, 1857. BOOT '& .SHCE STORE. Jacob Beadle, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he still continues his extensive establishment in his new building, in Cumberland street, where he hopes to render the same satisfaction as hereto fore to all who may favor him with their custom. He invites Merchants and dealers in Bbots and Shoes, and every one who wishes to purchase fashiona ble and durable articles in his line, to call and ex amine for themselves, his large and varied stock. He is determined to surpass all competition in the manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for any market in the Union. A clue care is takon in regard to materials and workman ship; none but the best quality of Leather and other materials are used, and none but the best workmen are employed. P. B.—He returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. He hopes by strict attention to business and endeavoring to please his custo mers, to merit a share of public patronage. Lebanon, Oct. 17, 1856. Preserve your Teeth. aUTLFORD LEMBERGER prepare an arti- UF ole, Pearl Den trifice, the finest Tooth powder, that can be used, having a most delightful odor and pleasant taste, polishes and preserves the teeth, to which it gives a pearl-like whiteness, imparting a most delightful fragrance to the breath, restores the gums and preserves them in full health Mid Prepared and sold only, at GUILFORD &. LE.MBERGER'S New, Drug Store, Market et. January I, 851: .• , . SUPPERERS.vrithidisessee o'fi,he Bladder, Kid neys, .Oravel, .Dropsy,. Weakness, , &a., read the advertisement, in another °Oaten, headed alleknbold's Genuine Preparation." 25 Witnesses; Magnettc Sugar, r the Permanent Cure of Neu igia, St. Vitus' Dance, and all 'ter Nervous diseases, sold by Ross. Upham's. Electuary, certain cure for the Piles. ,Marshisi'sUterine Cathod al., For the cure of all fem. dis. H. H. Higbee's Remedy, the cure of Coughs, Colds The Greatcst Discovery ever Made. Grey Nlii ReStored to its limner Color without Dyeing:: EROME'S HAIR COLOR li ESTOR ER Is neknowledg q,#) ed to. be, and is, the most EFFECTUAL article for Itestoring GREY 11Allt to its former COLOR and BEAUTY, and musing It to grow when it less fallen off and become thin. ifirr• By the use of ONLY ONE BOTTLE—and in from ten to twelve days—thel3reytust Hair will assume Its orig (nal, life-111cesolor and the harshest hair will look soft, smooth and glossy:' Xrir This valuable preparation is only (,I) cents a bot tle. Prepared by I'. 11. JEROME, 175 Fulton street, Brooklyn, General Agent. Sold also by D. B. ll,tarst, at bis cheap Drug and Medicinal store, Lebanon, Pa.. sept. 24,18541. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUN4. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WE. YOUNG: MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WE. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WE. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WE. YOUNG: MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. MIL YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WE. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WE. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WE. YOUNG. 61ARRIAGE GUIDE.—YOUNG'S GREAT ,PHYSIO LOGICAL WORK, The Pocket Emulapius. or Every One Ills Own Doctor, by Wet. Younn; M. D.. itis written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of One Hundred Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with.. Still, it is a book that must be kept locked up, nnd not lie about the house. be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty five cents. ,lildres Dr. WM. YOUNG, 162 SPRUCE street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. ' [January 7,1857.—1 y. LEM,BERGEWS Cloth .Manufactory. rrifIANKFUL for past favors, the undersigned respectfullyinforms the public, that he con tinues his manufactory in East Hanover, Lebanon county, on as extensive a scale as ever. Itis un necessary for him to say'More than that the work will be done in the mune excellent style which has made his work and name so well known to the surrounding country. He promises to do the work in the shortest possible time. The Manu factory is in complete order, and he flatters him self to be able to render the same satisfaction as heretofore. lie manufactures Broad and Narrow Cloths, Cassinets, Blankets, White and other Flannels, All finished in the test manner, and at reason able prices. He also cards Wool and makes Rolls. For the convenience of his customers, wool and cloth will be taken in at the following places At the stores of George & Shellenberger, Looser Brothers, Shirk Jr, Tice, and George Reiucchl, and at Guilford d Bomberger's New Drug store, in Lebanon ; at the stores of Shirk k Miller, and Samuel U. Shirk, An North Lebanon borough ; Samuel Goshert, Bethel tp.; the public house of Wm. Earnat, Fredericksburg; Samuel E. Bickel's store, Jonestown ; George Weidmau's store, Bell view ; Melchior Reichert, 2 miles from Palmyra; Martin Early's store, Palmyra ; Gabriel Wolfers berger's store, Palmyra landing; Miehiel Shirk, East Hanover, Dauphin county ; at the stores of Mr. Eby, and David M. Runk, East Hanover, Lebanon county. All materials will be taken away. from the a bove places, finished without delay, and returned again. Those of his customers who wish to have Stock ing Wool carded, dyed and mixed, can leave their Wool (white,) at the obove mentioned places, with directions how they wish it prepared. Or his customers can order the-stocking-wool to be made from the undersigned's wool, which will be done, and left at the desired place. N. is desired that those having wool carded, will pay the cash therefor, at the above named places. LYON LEMBERGER. East Rollover tp. April 6, 1857. XE W° I'IdRD --.14 . 5. 5 o p a - „?. te. F. -7 : .71 ggoF ' l .* 77, p CA C CO gdA4E O h0,...rr, A:gm P E-4 1.4 .4 g The public are invited to can at his NEW STAND IN MARKET ST., one square north of Union Hall, Lebanon, Pa., where ho will attend personally to all who will favor him with their Patronage. He would also return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage afforded him since opening in business, and feeling the more encouraged by the interest manifested in his behalf by the public, he enters upon a new season with renewed energy, despatebing business with apromptnessbccoming OD honest mechanic. 03" Terms Reasonable. Call and Examine. J. E. DAUGHERTY. Lebanon, April 3, 1357. - P. S.—Also, a number of geleet Lioreelonc Door fur tint accommodation of building men and contractors, who would do well to call and exam ine. J. E. D. CANCER INSTITUTE, W°lt the treatment of Cancers, Touters, Wens. Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases, generally, can be cured (if curable) without surgical operation or poison. For particulars, write, state diseas es plainly, and enclose twenty-dye rents for advice. All letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pre-pay answer. Medicine can be Bent any distance. Address C. L. KELLING, M. D., Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. Aar- Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from liarrishutx, on the C. T. it. and aceessiblefrom all parts of the Union. Old and you ug.poorand rich,rotne all--we will do you good. To those afflicted, who cannot visit me perspnally, will send, per mail, on receipt of 85.00 only. a Recipe to prepare medicine, with full directions for use, &c. State all particulars. Address as above. BuT your Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Spices, Combs and Brushes, Spices, Dye Stuffs, Var nishes, genuine Cigars, Pure Southern Tobacco, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm Candles, &e., &0., at GUILFORD & LEMBERGER'S New Drug Store, opposite the Market House. January 7, 1507. CA RPENTERS WANTED. 12 GOOD JOURNEYMAN CARPENTERS wanted immediately at the Steam Planing Mills of the undersigned, in this borough. None but the best of hands required, to whom libdtal wages will be given. Apply to BOAS, GASSER, A GETTLE. Lebanon, Feb. QTELLA and a large variety of other 10 SPRING SHAWLS, all prices and Bbadlcs. Also a splendid lot of new style 3IANTIL LA'S, very cheap. To see them call at RADER &-BROS. TKINS d MCADAM have just received a rim mew stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and. Travelling bags. TONDORE k OVES are seHing the cheapest „1,1 Stuffed, Cane Seat and Common Chairs. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS CHARLES' LONISOIV . CORDIAL GIN !VS shown by the Records of the Custom Mouse to be the only Loudon Cordial Gin IMPORTED and ; sold in lbottles, all others are noxious mixtures made here in imihttionof it. It is a. delicious tonic beverage, and by, its peculiar gavel. (se: different fromether gins) is universally esteem ed by all who use it. It is adopted with great success in eases of vm. Dyspepsia, Gout; Rheumatism,, Dropsy, Gravel, Colic, Cholera, Fever and Ague, Stricture, Dis. eases of the Urinary Organs; Epilepsy, &e. Dr. VALENTINE MOTT of New York, in a letter to the proprietor says : Oharlee' London aorilial Gin is the purest, best, and most reliable Extract of J./mier I have.seen. OffARIES' LONDON CORDIAL G I N, is sold, by all Druggists and Grocers in the United States, and so 'also are numerous poisons CALVED "Loudon Cordial Gin"—to avoid them buy only "CILARLES'. Reject any other. offeredto you as you value your health.. Price one dol lar for"quarts, fifty ecistafor pints. , ranursp 0. (NIARLES, Solo Importer, 40 Broadway. N. Y. 13, 1857,2 m. k 2 seta. A MEDICAL REVOLUTION The World Unatiiiiioni: HOLLOWAY'S OITTFMENT. The Gi.eat'Counter . ' ! ! The virus of disease often makes its way to the inter nal Organs through the pores of the'skirt. This pane. trating Ointment, melting under the hand, as it is rub• bed in, is absorbed through the same. channels, and, reaching the seat of inthinimittiom-prointitly -and inva riably Subdues it, whether located. in the .kidneys, the liver, the lungs, or any other importlint organ. Rim. etrates the surface to the interior, through the count less tubea that communicate with the skin as summer min passes into the feveredearth, diffusing its cold and regenerating influence. . Skin Diseases and Glandular_ Swellings Every species of exterior irritation is quickly seduced by the inti.inflaramatory action of this Ointment. An gry ERUPTIONS, Such as SALT Burma, Trrran, Rixowonsr, SCALD READ, NETTLE EASB, SCABIES. (Or ITCH) &c., die out, to return no more, under its application. Hospital ex perience in all parts of the world, proves its infallibility in diseases of theskin, the muselesjointsand the glands. Ulcers, So and Tumors. • The effect of this rin sled-external "remedy upon Scrofula, and other virulent ulcers and sores, is almost miraculous. It first discharges the poison whieb pro. duces suppuration and proud flesh, and thus the cures which its healing propesties afterward 'complete are ea* as well as permanent. Wounds, Bruises, Burns and Scalds. In cases of the fracture of the bones, injuries caused by steam explosions, BRUISES, BURNS, SOALOS, RHEUMA TISM STIFFNESS OF TOE JOINTS and contraction of the sinews, it is employed and warmly recommended by the faculty- This marvelous. remedy hat.; Lem Introduced by its inventor in person Into all the leading Hospitals of Europe, and no prirate household ahould be with out it. Undeniable. Testimony. The Medical Staff of the French and English Armies in the Crimea hare officially signed their approval of Holloway's Ointment, as the most reliable dressing for sabre cuts, stabs, and gun-shot wounds. It is also used by the Surgeons of the Allied Navies. Both the Ointment and the Pills should be used in the following cases: Bunions Burns Chapped hands Chilblains Fistulas Gout humbug° Bleturial Erup- Piles Rheumatism Guns Salt Rheum Skin Diseases Sore Legs Sore Breasts Sore Heads Sore Throats Earn.. of all kinds Sprains Scalds Swelled Glands StilTdoints Wounds °fall Ulcers Venereal Sores kinds Sold at the Eatabliabinent of Lrofessor Iletrovrav, SO Maiden Lane, Now York, and 244 Strand, London and 1.3 all respectable prugghtts and Dealers of medicine thro'- out the United States, and the civilized world, in Pots and Boxes, at 25 etc., 62 eta., and $1 00,each. le,..There is a considerable saving by taking the larg er N. D.—Directions for the guidance of partienta in every disorder are affixed to each box. JOHN GASSER Boots Shoes Bat* Gail' s , 7 5 7 Trunki, 4 c., 4-c. . THE subscribers respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity-.te an examination of their new stock of goods just re ceived from Philadelphia: They have a general assortment of the latest styles of all kinds of Rome-Made and City 11'nrk, , and also make to order, at short notice, any ar ticle in their line that may be wanted. Asa- Don't forget that the store has been re- Moved from the old location, to "Phreaner';; Did Building," next door to the Washington Mouse, Cumberland street, south side. They tender their thanks to their old custom ers, and solicit a continuance of their favors, and trust that a great many new ones will, cheer them with their patronage. They intend not to be beat in selling cheap articles in their line. Lab., apr. 22, 1857.] S. S G. GASSER. FIRE, FIRE, FIRE ! rili Iffl 44 , -„TAKE NOTIC E ITRUAT the Locomotive will soon par through Lebanon, and as urns and Houses will be in danger from Fire thereof, Rogers 'cal .- e l f l e o a i l u i for . l S N. n nbabitarits of Lebanon and vletn% e i -,that he will IM Cover Barns and Houses with Tin, at the :. , ,liortest notice Also, thankful for the patronage he has receiv ed, be embraces this opportunity or inrvrtni•ig. the public generally, that he has on hand, 7`, IV from a tea spoon to a boiler of spy Arc; all kinds o COAL STOVES of the most improved patterns. :03 -- Also. JOB BING, SPOUTING, &a., done at the shorCostno tiee and on reasonable terms. Ms place of busi ness is in Market street, two doors south of the `Lebanon Bank. JAMES N. ROGERS. oo • N. B.—The bigbest market privet; paid for OLD COPPER, LDAD and PEWTED or taken in ex amigo for Cork` or Scam. pol;., may 13.'57. North Lchanou MILLING COMPANY. THE North Lebanon Mill has been remodeled, and is now completed and iu . operation, and prepared to furnish' customers regularly with a very superior article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can be obtained from any other source. They also keep constantly on hand and fors:Mc, Shorts,Chop, Arun, 4-c., They are also prepared to do all kinds of cus tomers work, and respectfully Mite all the for mer customers of the will, as Well as new ones, to give them a call. They will pay the regular market prices for all.kiuds of Grain, mzeta as Wheat, Corn,, Rye, Oats, and afford all &CILIUM; and accommodations to those who have to sell CONRAD 11. BORGNER, President. North Lebanon Borough, may 13.-3 in. DAGUERREOTYPES WIIO takee tb e best LIKENESSES in Lebanon? YY Why J. if. REIM, in the EAGLE BUILDINGS. - He has the best room, best light, best fixtures, and has made it his entire business for the. last five years. • Ile alWays gets the latest improve ments; he has always the latest style of cases on hand ; he takes pictures in every style of the art ; his STEREOSCOPE PICTURES are wonderful to behold. All his pictures are sharp, correct, and of the highest finish.. Give bins a call and you will not regret it. Ills terms are very mod erato. Ills rooms are open every day (except Sunday,) from S o'clock. A. M., till 6 P. M. Lebanon, June 3, 1387. 935 7+ ff ; `4 . • I " t Pi cz = op a ".- 2- 0 go. yg E n , 5 7' o = p . mom -2%0, 5.- 74 44 '' -51 p vo , 4•=3 - ..s - ; . ...F0' 2 0g M' vie ,„, ; g E: c 2. ;an '2- E - 5... F ft , :z e' 4 A A -in•• pq © • cc. .o•-• hi • • = a. .12 g.,4 4 , g - g 17- • - tA I 'w-ix`er ar' ° 02 g V Co g . -, 5; - go-• FL Summer'Hats for Men and Boys. A LL kinds of Summer. Hats for. Men Al and Boys just received and for sale very cheap at HENRY 4r. Dr: Dow at his Drug More: oPposite . the Court-house Lebanon; ,also by John . Capp, .lonestown; Darly Co., Palmyra; J. Shertzer, almrille; end by denten; in medicine everywhere. . . Don7t forget - to_ Call at /A\ TRIM & McADAWS; Anil examine their f‘A stock of Bciots, 'Bhoeci, Tranki, Tiaraling sags. C 4" ond examine the new 'stock Of Atkins ,Sc McAdam. Come' soon fland = purchase your Loots, Shoe..&=.o4.4.AtlrMs 4E...McAdam's. IMAM THE •'ADVikIiTIS'EMENT iri 'an . ..other column,' headed "HelmbeldisiGetn2ine Preimrtc tion." It intereets the majority. I= ll' A It .1E ! indemnity Against Loss by rite Franklin Fire Insurance co, OF, PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE 163 k CHEETRILIT STREET, NEAR STO STREET. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, $ 1 fiSsl7llll36e. . JANUARY Isr, 1857.. Pu , bliwhed-Aureeakty an Aes?f Aaremay, BEI \ Gt First :Rostrum.. amply secured, . , , $1.,510,982 Real ]:state (present value, $109,000) con, 82,* 3ff; Temporary Loans, on ansple - Collateinl seen- 89,111 is lu $83,881 12, coat, - 1 stllSly“Present TA ea 7 AM 31: Cash, ac., , • 61,121 36- • t 1.821,186 PERPETUAL 914LEITTEFORSURANCES made On:. erery description irf Vioperty, TOWN . AND , COUNTRY, Racal's LOW as too croodident frith security. . Since their incorporation; 'period 'of twenty-eight: yearn, they hare paid over THREE MILLION DOLLAR& LOSSES BY FIRE, thereby iffording evidence of the rid , vantages o fi n p fu n i pm, as well vs the ability and Mete-- anion to meet, with promphaere, all liabilities. LOSSES BY FIRE. Leases paid during the year 1856, DIRECTORS. CHAS. N. 13.44scarn, Dionnzerai D. Lama, Teems Waarra, Dana 8. Dams,. SAMUEL GRANT, Isaac Lai, JACOB R. SNUB., f EDir.lBl) C. G/Lt r GEO. IV. Itieninna, Gamic Pau.% CILIUM N. BANCEI34 President, GILMILIS G..B.creana, Secretary. Feb: 25: 1y Hyltitbold's Genuine Preparation Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extraci Buchu ror diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dram, Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret diseases, I. mste Coinplaints; and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, • Arising from Excwses and Imprudeneies in file, and re moving all improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kid neys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, • From whatever CIVLFC they may bare originated, And. no Natter of How Long Standing, Giving health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom, to the Pallid CLeek... joy to tise Afflicted »1! It mires :Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition — to Exertion. Logs of Power, Loss of Memory, Diffieulty of Breathing, Gen eral Weekum,v, horror of Dix case. Weak Nerves, Truntbling, Dared rut Ltrorrorof Doath, NightSwests, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vudun, Languor, Unfree. ml Lassitude of the Muscular System. often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic symptoms, lint Banda, Flushness of the Body, Dryness of the akin, Pallid Countenance and Eruptions an the Fare, Pain in the Bark. Hea viness of the Eyelids. Ere . quently Black apota Plying. before the Eyes, with Temporary suffusion and toes of tight: twat of Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessness, with Morrer of Soriety. Nothing is more desirable to such Na Gents then solitude, and Nothing they more Dread for .lear.of Themselves Ile. lore of manner, no earnestness, no tiimeolation, but a hurried transition frontons, question luau other. These symptoms if allowed to go on—which this mon Hue invariably mtneVes—smon folidwo LOPII of Power, Fatuity, and EPILEPTIC FITS—In one of which the pa tient may expire. Who can say that these excedm are not frequently - followed by those direful diseases—lN tiA XIT AND CUM.:UM PTION I Thy rererds of the 1 sane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consump tion, bear ample witilests to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition:lr pears; The Countenance is actually madden mai quits destititte- 7 neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it; should a sounder the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. —With woeful fiumiures wan despair Lou sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible / and has hnmght thousands upon thousand to untimely graves. thitsidosting theam bition of many noble - youths.. It can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY ! if you are suffering with , ny - of the :snore distresslnc ailments. the FLUID EXTRACT REVUE will cure sou. Try it 41131/ he couvinced of Rai Allen -y. Beware of synnek Nostrums...and Quark Darters, who - falsely boast of abilities and relines:ices. (Timm 'know and avoid them. and save Lane suffering. 3mey, met Exposure, by sooting or calling fur a bottle at this Popular and specific Remedy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is perfectly pleas ant in its taste and odor, but immediate in its action. . , Helmbold's Extract Burka Ts prepared directly according tO the hale, of Norm:ter and Cht•mistry. with the greatest neentney and chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. l'«e Prolet,tor Deweerf Valuable Works On the practise sf l'hysie t and most of the late standard Worksof • MigkilLMESollo One hundred dollars will be pohttonny l'hystrian who ern prose Chet the medicine ever iujuml a patient: sad the testhuouy of thousands edit be !endured to pro that it does - great a:tibd. Oases of from one week to thEr teen years standing have been eireetelt. The mass of Voluntary TftitineMy in pascwsicsi of the Proprietor. vouching, its virtues and curative powers, is bon-tee, embracing names well known to tiIetENCE AND FAME- 100,000 Bottles Have Been Sold and not a single instance of a failure Im been repotted! Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, H. T. lIELAIDOLD. Chemist. who being duly sworn does Pay. that his preparation contains no :".areotic, Mercury, or injutiona Drug, but are purely Vegetable. 11. T. I I ELM BOLD. Isle man unart urer. buo.n and subs-41aq before ine itl462W day of Icanem her, 1554. WM. P. 11174111 ED, alderman. Price , perßottle, or six for $5, De livered to any Address, . Aerempanfed by reliable and rwponsible Certfseaterl OM rorepson. of 3baliral Collegea s Clergymen and other:. Prepared and eold by IL T. ItliLM Practical and Annljtienl Chentl4. Aro. 52 South Tenth St. below Chestnut, Assembly Buildings, Phila. $R To be had or Dr. tirOrge Ross, D. S. Faber. and or all Druggists and DenierA throughout the United States, Calvados and liritish . Provinces. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! Ask for Ilelmbold's—take -i4o other. Cures Guaranteed. Nay. 19. 1846.-Iy. WAA TED, A T the Genesee Mills, in Coe Borough of Leba -11 non, WHEAT, RY E. "CORN, OATS, In any quantity, for which the highest Market prices will he pnid . in Cash, by January 7, 1557: MYERS & Arpring :and Surnmcr• L 0. .T . 14 Enlargement of the Well-knoum Cheap Stand 'Oppositet the Court-House. Reizenstein i f Brother, .'N approaching the public, who have berets fore so generously encouraged the "cheapest clothing store," take pleasure in informing theta that they, on account of their increase of Busi ness, bare enlarged their store to its former size. After an experience of many years the public, by general consent have decided the above to be The Head Quarters for Good Clothing ' - and Great Bargains, And their patronage has-consequently been such as to justify the, proprietors in an attempt to ex ceed even themselves, in providing for their cus tomers a stock of Spring and Summer Clothing such as has never, before been offered in this s•I any other neighboring town. By an enormoutr outlay they are prepared to exhibit an assortment which for quality, variety. eseellenee of material , durability of workmanship, CA:NICOT, be :excelled . anywhere. Among others their stock comprises Pine black cloth dress and froek Ctiata; carritnere, • cashmarett, satinett, twit business, and sack Coats; alpacca, Italian cloth, linen and - -ham Coats; Kentucky Jetitt, Ogishnet and ;.tsack andfrock Coats, as well as Pants; Vests, • - Bats and 'Caps for Boys of different sizes and qualities.'The' latest styles in plain and fanc y casshner, hlackeloth and doeskin, black and fan eaSsinett, corduroy and tweed, linen and cot ten Pants. Silk, satin ' cloth, velvet, 'caSsimere,. marseille, grenadine and Valencia Vests. Fine 'white . shirts with linen bosomt; shirt hosannas ..ready ,made; calico, check, and different ether faiiey Shirts; suspenders, gloves, collars, seelm, - stereks, neck and pocket kerchiefs, under shirts and drawers, umbrellas, trunk's, valises, carpet bags; cloth, navy and glazed - Caps, straw 'Panama, wool and fur Rats. Ateizenstein a Bro. - take thivoplioitenity to re ,turn their thanks for favors heretofore extended, and hereby re=assure the public in 'general, that the confidence with which they have been favored they will etrive`to merit ie the future. Observe'the' Stiinci, Nearly opposite the Court-house. Call there and you,reay rely upon it that every, article you pur chase will prove to be precisely what it is 'kern sentied to bb; and you will save a liaidsbnie per centage on your purchase inopey,--4or in, giving largaini REIZENSTNIN 13e.0 ' l otalui 4 triat . beat. .:Lebanon; tidy 11,.1857, The. Cheapest Sea s • v.:, Are sold by D_UNDORE & 0 $901,03 @iF