The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 08, 1857, Image 1

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Natiotiai Softly Trust Co
1 . - ILA ,,, LN LIT Se . reht - . ud, t h 0,.t t<•113131.. I . lllltD
bIONIEs :5451.0, largo or smolt, nod
intent:4 paid from the &lir ..I,Toeit to tolot day of with•
The Whet , is open angry day from 9 o'rinek iu the
morning till 7 o'elork iII Tile evening, owl on nonitay
gaud Thar:zany evening, fig 9 o'clock.
All gums, large or sown, are pall back in gold on do-
Mina Without notive. to tiny attaitmi.
Iton. t.. itgNNEII. Pre, , hient,
ltOilt:it'r lit.FltiDtl.l4, Vice President,
S 1 u. J. Rasa, Secretary,
Henry L. Delmer,
Edward 1. Curter,
llohert Selfridge,
SAmuel K. Ashton,
Jenne' If. Smith,
This Comottsy ennenes its
rota lug of money on Intete:n.
'Hug to nearly
One Million and a Half of Dollars!
as per published report or ASSY.Ts. nre imidn in eonfortm
ity with the provisions of the Charter, in REM. ES
TATE, 3.IDET(IAO ES, a HOUND RENTS. and such first
class securities, as will always ensure perlitet security t o
the depositors, Mid which cannot toil to Fire pernumem
47 end stability to the institution, Play *IL ISta,
'Lebanon Minimal Insurance
()fee at Jonestown, Lebanon County
ill i Company is now fully organized and
ready to mike insurance on all 1:lutle of
. property in town or country and on as fa ot;able
terms us any wolf-governed and sale company,
itlivr on the Mutual or joint stock principle.
President—Jon* IIitiTNNS a, Esq.
rice President—D. M. KA IMAM'.
Secretary—Wm. A. dismay.
I:runner. 1:4:1.,
IL M. Karina:l,n
Geo. F. Meily.
W. A. Parry,
Adam Zeller,
_Daniel 11. Iliever,
A.:. ELY ii tti
11; may at all tinil Le
"Walunt Street.
Junoetuu it, July 11; S:A.-1y
Weimer Machinate Works.
Oppts4te the Li:bittern Valley It. rt. Deput j Leh
etton, Lutetium euttuty,
TM. & P. T.. WEIMER.. Proprietors, manu
facture Steam Engines from 1 to 300 horse
power, of the latest styles and patterns, with all
the modern ituprovements. • Also, superior Port
able Engines (with Link Mothin Valve Rear,)
mounted on wheels, fur Saw Mills; Wood sawing
.and Hoisting purposes: Particular attention is
.raped to our small Upright Engines for Printers,
Druggists and persons wanting a small ninon/It of
Power. 'They take up a very small (pace, 21.134 i
can be put tip Its u room as n household fixture.
Also, Blowing, Engines and Machinery fur An
thrselte and other Blust Furnaces, of improved
construction. Forge Iltunmers, of P. L. Weimer's
Patents ; Rolling Mill, Sawing, Planing. and
Flouring,Mlll PiXtures`; Mining Pumps ; Roist
itigiltfehluery for Mines and Stone Qnarries
Railroad Cars, Iron Bridges, Shafting, Bangers,
Pulleys, Turning Lather, Drill Presses, Planing
Machines, Brass Stop Cocks, Valves and Bross
.I?ixturtss, tiloho Stmuu Valves, .of all sizes, and
'Machinery and Castings of cveridtiscription.
Also, Boners of any sire, form and - weight,
made of the best material, by well-known and ex
perienced workmen; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks,
sties flues, Reuters, and sheet iron well( of every
'description. [par Boiler sheets are all tested by
dividing them into squares oft inchtai; and ham
mering each square; any imperfection is thus de
-Meted, and the faulty sheet rejected this is prac
tised in very few shops id this country.)
Also; a stock of Wrought Iron Pipe, for storm,
; gas find water, with all the necessary fixtures, con
stantly on band, and put up at the shortest no
tice and on most reasonable terms. Iron, Brass,
and Composition metal Castings, outdo to order,
:'at2the shortest notice.
Repairing attended to with promptness
and despatch. A gang of Boiler makers always
Toady for Boiler repairs.
Blacksmith Work tondo tk. , order.
pirdrdersroFpettrully solicited. All cotorno
liittitions, by mull or otherwise, attended to with
'4iiitspolob, and work delirorod railroad, ur
nal, frou of eliorge.
Lebnuou, Fobrunry 4, 1851
“Wagbistolota Itiouse,”
Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa.
..Tlllll undersigned, havibg taken this old and
JL favorite stand, and having refitted it in the
`best style, is now prvintred to neeolumodate the
and entail
a.n t.trangerr. and travellqrs iu
the beet modern style. uotoie is eommo4ll.
•oue and picuatit, The TALLE Ant:l. Ite:i pre
for, and tho 13AR von rain n,,uo - but tho
• ; , konitsr :.tquoits. The STAISLIN4 attached to
rthe notol is large and roomy, Itnti capable of se
,coneniodatlng agroat nutabor of Horses.
00 — To his friends and actittaint ; anowt in Lob
•Anon.Coitray, as well us to till others, he extends
as cordial invitation to make his House their 11031 K
when visiting Lebanon
.April RS, 1851'.
Wine and Liquor:Store.
q - 11E undersigned having opened a wise AND
A_LiQUOIt STOKE, at the North-west corner of
ArOket and Water Sow" (in the room formerly oc
aupiedly J. "Weidle, Veg..) is now prepared to fur
the 'citizens of the lierough nod county of
r i ob t i;niin, with all kinds of choice Liquors, such as
Madeira, Port, Lisbon, and Muscat
WINES, Brandy, Gin, Old Rye
Whiale ex,Janiaica Spirits, 4.c,,
which he will'delf at very reasonable prices for
"CdSll, guantith3s - not loss than one gallon..
He would . intitetho
. public in general to give
him a 'call, and hopes' by strict attention to busi
ness and ri desire to please, to receive a liberal
'share of patronage. EMANUEL REM/ART,
April 214 1'667.
THINS has just rdturinitLfroin the city with
'tifMl hid new stock of Boots, Sbnes, Trunks and
Trar sling bags.,
VP:EVE good ]!tour Barrel Coopers, at the
Genesee mills, in Lebanon, to wham constant
work-tindlood` Waged. will` }Mono but
sober and steady werkineb need apply, -
• January- T',4867. MYERS SHOUR. _
tinaddortment Plain and
-7.- 4 741in 1 41 1 4y, f e i "
rcinD l'l4/KBEIt4IER
- ...Stead Street:
LEI3A.-•0,\,-.. - -''ADVER-ri,I.SER - ,.
C. Landreth Itunna,
P. Carroll Brewster,
Jogrph B. Barry,
1 Henry G. Churchman,
I FrettelA Lee. -
business entirely to there
The ferestteeets skinottut
Daniel Brown,
' Napoleon i tierk,
Sohn Arndt, .
IJohn Melly,
L. It. Walker,
U. D. Snitlle.
to Agent for Lebanon.
found at his Wilco in
giVett tt grill:tiro,Atiteraturs, Prtign at( pmcstix attfuo, t Baritttsc Agrirititnri, alt):( Grutrat tattiligturt.
Adyertiaing and Correapandence Office, SOO Broad
way, Niz.a , York.
PIANO FORTE Manufacturers,
No; 209, Centre Street, NEI/3 . York, .
w EMU may hatband a superior assortment of Piano
" Fortes, in Plain and Ornamental Qum, from. 6to
7!,4 octaves, of thabest materials pronounced by distin
guished artisa unsuagea. Will be sold on rea
sonable terms and warren le stand iu any climate,—
Orders froru theN.rountry pi tly attended to, and each
Plano,guerranteml to giro satisfaction. If not so, the
Plume returned to us t we refunding the. Money
and freight.
A t the treat Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, N. Y.,
1863, a Prize Boat was awarded to Ilteceitou & Bro
thers, fur the superior quality of their Piano Fortes,
which Vero tested In Touch, TOM Egitality• and Dora
of Tune, and placed in the highest grade by the
following distinguished artists--Williatd 'Norris, Chair=
man on musical instrunients; JuDien, Max Naretzeic,
W. 11. Fry, 11. 8. Willis, T. Elisiblut, Illeignon,
us Girne, Dwight, Jury on musical instruments; George
G. itrlstow. Secretary unlit taloa Instruments.
may 18, 1557.-2 sqs.
Imporiant to Casimir' naptives.
m AI. V valuable lives loin: been saved by JIMIEIII4IN,
11 CLARK t CO' s Gl:acute COD Myra OIL, which, in
human probability, would hate been lost but for its
timely use.
It is no quark medicine, but the Pure Oil, made with
the utinost rare front the Fresh Cod FISII Livers, and is
recommended by the most eminentphysicians in Europe
mot America, !Lod haS proved by 'PEN years' experience
the nowt valuable remedy for Consumption nod Scrofula
ever discovered, for, while it cures the disease, it increas
'es the health and -strength of the patient.
CAUTWS.—There is a great deal of spurion§ oil, a
dul tended with :Rail Oil, Whale Oil, &c.„ which, instead
of bi;nefitLing, injures the paint,' by deranging the
digestive urgnutz, but bting: dumper, Is by unprincipled
puma., palmed off for genuine.
.NOTICkI, that fiegetuan, Clark it col signature is
firer the cork. anti the Eagle and Mortar on the label;
for, Awe the death of Win. L. Itushtest our late partner,
there has bean an article called RuslitoWs put in the
market, which is in no way connected with ILO. & Co.,
tar hi C. at LA; and thousands who bad used other Oil
without success, hare been restored to health by the
Clentline Oil of our lunnufileture. Sold by nil revolt,:
isle Druggi.l4s. Laney n , 1847.-2113-2,4:50p.
adi irew and Important Dis
covery in the Science of • Medicine.
PAIRS and inm•lntst. COLLEGE of atnnietsE,
enna. Sold wholmmle and retail by Dr H. A.
Barrow, member of the Impl College of Vienna,
and Ito:, el College of Surpmons, London. who may he
per:mostly consulted at his residence. 147 Prince street,
few blocks west of Broadway, New York, from 11 A.. 1.
till '2 P. Ji. and from d till 9 P. N. (Sundays excepted,
unless by appointment.)
Triesemar No. 1,
b o remedy ter Relaxation, epermatorrhren, and nil the
dbosNsing consequences arising from early abuse, indis
criminate excesses, or too long residence in hot elimat vs.
ft has restored bodily end sO • xuat strength and vigor to
thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and
the functions of manhood; nod whatever may ho the
cause or disquatiticatlons for marriage, they are effectu
oily subdued,
Triesemar No. 2,
Completely and entirely ertalidates till - traces of Gout:m
ince, both in its mild and aggravated forms, Meets, Stric
tures, 'irritation of the Bladder, Non-retontlon of the
Urine. Pains of the lainsand Kidneys, end those disor
ders for which Copairl and Cubebs have so long been
thought an antidote.
Triesemar No. 3,
the great Continental nestanr for Siphilis wad &cote.
dory symptoms. It also - constitutes a certwieffibelor
Scurvy, Scrofula. nud all culatteons Eruptionaniiiiriting
end expelling iu its course Mt Minorities from tiftvital
stream. so as aitogether to eradicate the viritsof disease,
and expel it by Insensible perspiration through the me
diom of the pores of the skin and urine.
It is ti never failing remedy for that class of disorders
which English Physicians treat with Heronry, to the in.
evitaldc destreetion .of the patient's constitution, and
tvlitch all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove.
Titlast3tAit No.:, 2 and 3, ore prepared in the form of a
lozenge. devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in
the waistcoat pocket.. Sohd in tin roses and divided in
separate doses as administered by Valpeau, Lelleman,
nous, Ilieord. Ste., Sm., Price $3 each, or four cases in
one fur $9, which sores $3, and in $27 Cases, whereby
there is a saving of $O.
None are genuine unless the- Engravings of the seals
of the Patent Oak* of England. the seals of the Ecole de
Phormat le de Paris, and the imperial College of Vienna,
ere ailixed Open melt wrapper, end around each ease.—
thins anti liable to the severest, penalties of the law.
Special arrangements enable Dr. harrow to forward
irruntalintely. on receiving a remittance, the $9 and lar
ger rise eases of TrivSequar free of carriage, to any part of
the world, securely packed and properly addressed, thus
itiAtt ring genuine Etirepeen,prepu rations and protecting
tint public from rpOrloni'abd pernicious imitations.
Attendance end Consultation froth 11 e. in, till 2 p.m.
mid from 4 till Sln the (Welting. 157 Priliteweet, !dim
blocks wont of Broadway, New Turk.
Kay ti,1851-Iy.
Great and Unusual Induce-
Men !
4- WWII/01W will be Wade until further notice on all
rash purehnsee. of
Looking Glasses, Picture Pr'aines,
Engravings, Artists' Materials etc.,
which will he sold independently of the deduction,
at the 1,0WV,81! 31A UK ET l'lttt:Et:, and the pri‘ liege of
se.leeting raid deduction frotu on immense stock and va
riety of ,
In our LOOKING43LASS Department may be bad
every varn•ty of ,
Pier, Wall and Mantle Mirrors, Portrait
and - Picture Frames, Cornices, Bases.
oromr own 4ixdusive manufacture, from choice and o
riginal designs, not elsewhere to he obtained, and of su
perior quality. '
u our ME ART Department will be found first-class
impressions of all the finest European Engravings, with
gmeral assortment of all desirable publications.
In our ARTIST'S MATBIII AL Department will be
found (of superior quality only) every requisite for the
Artist, Amateur, or Pupil.
The usual discount to the Trade and Schools. Orders ,
by letter carefully. Mat und packed with the utmost cure.
To the economist, and all desirous of obtaining supe
rior quality articles, at moderate prices, the above pre
emits unusual advantages.
353 Broadway ; New York
• April 15,1857.4 mos. • [ 3 RV.
Cristailcro's Hair Dye!
Within a nut•shell all the merits lie,
or Cristadortis never-ervialled Dye
lied it makes black, to brown transforms a grey,
A mt keeps the fibres alwaystrom decay.
Whi:lllS twat:bless, re-vitalizing Hair Dye, still holdsils
:k PQM itql as the most harmless and efficacious Hair
Dye in THE 'WORLD, I revered and sold, wholesale
sad .ratall, mad applied ho tun private teems, at OktlSTA
',olio's, No. a Astor louse, Broadway, New York, and
by all Druggists and Perfumers in the Boiled. States.
Jan. 34, 1567...-Iy.-3sq. ""."
Agent—George It. Keyser, 140 Wood st., Pittsburg, Pa.
f rit\ TKINS McADAM are ready to ready to
accommodate everybody vritb Boots, ;Shoes,
Trunks and Traveling bags. -
Lebanon Va lley Bank.
Located in Market street, nearly oppo
site the United Hall, one Door North
of the Post Olice:
TATILL pay the following - RAT-ES of INTER
vv EST on DEPOSITS, on, find after, the Ist
Any of March, Mr, viz
For I year, and.longer, 6 per cent, per annum.
Ford months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum.'
For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum.
Requiring a short noticeof withdrawal, and af
fords a liberal line of accommodations to th ose who
may favor it with deposite,payable on deniund. Will
pay a premium on SPANISH and MSXIO.I.N DOL
HALF DOLLARS. Will make collections on and
remit to all parts of the United States, the Cana
das and Europe ; Negotiate Leans , -kO., &a., and
do a general EXCHANGE and BANKING BEM
GEO. Gtnin, Cashier.
LogiHE, undersigned, Managers, are individually
111 liable to the extent of their Estates .for all
deposits and other obligations of the co-partner
ship filed in the Prothonotary% Office of Lebanon
County, trading under the name and style of the
(ILEBANorr Vs.rmar-,Basix." •
/..r, '57 .1 -tizaatiz.FGLEix.
Lebanon Female Seminary.
Ir liEbj t e o ct i' oOf this U
T a
I tlol t o N u6 is
tion, and thus prepare them for the faithful .dis
charge onhe various duties to which they maybe
called in life. Experienced Teachers have been
employed, who will give instruction in all the
branches of agood ENGLISH Education, LATIN,
G FRED:CFI, Music, PAINTING and Duerr
0. Arrangements have' been made for Boarding
all from the Country, or from-a distance, who may
desire to avail themselves of the advantages
AO- For any further. information, address either
and Visitor, or LEGII R. BAUGILER, Principal.
Welds° refer to the Faculty of Pennsylvania
College, Gettysburg, Pa. ; Rev. EL S. Miller,
Levi Kline, Jacob B. 'Weidman, Charles Greena
walt, Henry & Stine, and others having daugh
ters in the School. Lehation,.September,lo,lBs6.
LebAnon.ffiarble Yard.
rrißE sulApriber respectfully infornis
the general that he is
prepared to do all kinds of FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL work
at his Marble Yard, In Walnut street, halfway between
the Court Douse and Lebanon Valley 'Railroad Depot,
at the shortest notice. as good as work done in any oily
In the United States, and being the only Stone Cutter in
Lebanon county who has served aregnlai epprenticeehip
to the business, he pledues libuself that bonen inanufae
tare theaper, and give a better finish than any other
mart, engnged in the same business. lIIA stork consists of
Monuments, Grave Stones, Mantels,
Cemetery Posts; Furniture Slabs, &c.
Also, SAM)STONE of the best quality for all uses,
plain and ornamental. A large assortment of LIME
STONE for all kinds of housework, of any size and
quantity. Jar-Please call and examine prices and the
stock before you purchase elsewhere.
Lebanon, DecembOr 19,1555.'
N. B.—LETTERING done in German and English, by
thebeat workmen. •
I-WtI3:ALTZ 4t; RCEDLE would respettfully inform
vecf/ the Public, that they constantly receive,
from the Eastern Cities, copies of all the most important
and attractive Now Rooks, as soon as published, which
they offer for sale cheaper than they can be Purchased
el.,eichere. Amens. those lately received are—
Dr. Kane's Expedition. in 2 Vols.
Preseott'a History of Charles V., in 8 "Vols.
Recollections of a Life Time, in 2 Vols., by -S. 0.
Goodrich, Author of Peter Parley's Tales.
Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, and other
3liseellimeous Works.
Carpenter's Assistant and Rural Architect.
American Architect; by J. W. - Ritelt.
Downing's Cottage Residences and Cottage Grounds.
The Economic Cottage !Wilder.
They have always on hand a large assortment of School
kooks, Wank Books and
STA - I'lo N E R Y.
Also, Sunday Sohoid /looks, and Music Books,
among which is
"The liarmoni*
BY E. D. APCAuLtr. ' •
Also, Piano Forte; 31elodeon and Violin'lnstruetors
of Eoreiim and Domestic Manufacture,
Window Shades.
The fa ont hi- y Magazines,
and nil thq,
NEWSPAPERS, Orly di. Weekly,
QUI be Mal by calling at the entre, on Cumberland street,
in the borough of Lebanon, at the sign of the `'Pig Book:"
ft..„.Ordere left with thenfor any kind of goodsin their
line, will be promptly ntteudtd to.
Lebanon, April $, Infer.
Dania Wrizeft;
WITH many thanks to my patrons, for their
liberal patronage thus fur bestowed, and
the determination to merit a continuation of the
same, I am now ready, Ladies mid Gentlemen,
(having disposed of my winter stock,) to offer you
a well selected Spring and suminer stock. Como
and see and judge for yourselves.
I will tell you the place. and you ne'er will forget,
When you once behold 0 raeff's beautiful 'fft •
Of Gaiters, ffootes or Buskins which greet • •
With a graceful appearance orellie laacs' feet.
MY place may be found on Comlmrland atreek,
Where each of my Munch; I welcomely greet,
"fig here may 4o found ail patterns well made,
Got up in tall style for the opening Spring trade
Come gentlemen, you that want a good boot ,
I have got a Spring fashion that sandy will suit,
If a Calf or a Kip of good mechanical skill,
J eat give me a call I'll fit you M will. .
Ladiesi alid Gentlemen,
I also would cell your attention to my well se
lected stock of Summer Shoes, comprising 5 or 6
different kinds, which I will dispose of at reasona
ble prices, under a good insurance of excellent
N. B.—Travelers now is your time; if you wish
to see a large assortment of Trunks, Valises. and
different kinds of Bags. Come one, eomeall.
march 25,1857. •
at the Genesee mills 01
Lebanon, Pa.
Jan. 7, 18.57
TE Store-roam NO. 1, and cellar beneath, in
the Eagle Buildings, on Cumberland street,
next door to Haak's tavern, now in the occupation
of Joux Umucu. Possession given. April 1,1337.
January 21, 1857.—tf.
Improved ]'ire and Witter. Proof.
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of
risburg, Reading, Lancaster, Lebanon, and
their vicinities, that we are prepared to put on
roofs on most liberal terms, and at the shortest
We respectfully call the attention of persons a
bout to build, to our invaluable method of roofing,
now much used throughout the principal cities of
the United States and their vicinities. This mode
of roofing having all the combined requisites of
cheapness, Durability, and Security against'Fire
and Water, and dispensing with high gable walls;
the roofs:require an inclination of not more than'
three-quarters (1) of an inch to the foot, and in
many eases saving the entire cost of rafters—the
ceiling joist being used.
The gutters are made of the same material,
withaut• any extra charges ; consequently, our
roofs sire put up at almost haf the cost of either
Tin, Slate, or Shingles. The material being of
an imperishable nature, it surpasses all others in
Durability ;—bosides, in case of any casualty, it
is the most easily repaired of any other roof now
in use. Yet, the best proof we can OW fie to its
being both fire and water proof, are our many re
ferences, to any one of whom we are at liberty
to refer.
N. 11:—Bat let it be distinctly understood,
((since we manufacture our own composition, and
do the work in persond that we warrant all our
Work Proof ,against both Piro and Water ; if they
prove contrary, we will most willingly abide the
results. .
The materials being mostly non-conduelors of
heat., no roof is so cool in summer, or so warm in
Winter. Tbose wishing to, use. our roof should
give tbo raft Ore a pitch of about oneinch to the
foot. [luny .27, 1854.-4. m.
pr . THERMOMETERS, Ac.—Persons in
want of accurate and reliable Thermometers, Hand
Mirrors, Traveling Flasks, China Jr, Fancy Toi
let Bottles, Puff Boxce, Lubin's and other Choice
Perfumes, Tortoise Shell, Buffalo, India • Rubber
and Horn Pocket and Toilet Combs. Fancy Se
ger and Aett otands.-(s..neyr article.)
Newlirgg r iNiodacirke 4.• Rerfumery_listabpaiment
Market Striet.
In the Last INF.
One day during the last war, opposite
the entrance to Portsmouth Harbor, and
about three miles' from the shore,lay a
black frigate at anchor ; and the contin
ual motion on its decks, as seen with
the aid of a glass from land, betokened
that some event of unusual interest %via
soon to occur. Although it showedno
colors, it required an eye, of but little
experience in naval matters to decide
that it was English. WFiat could he its
object was a trystery.' Its Wooden walls
effectually concealed the principal op
erations from many who watched it anx
iously from the shore, `arid when, during
the day, it was joined by another vessel
of the same class, and a heavy man-of
war, not a little excitement was created
among those who lived near the water.
Towards Portsmouth the enemy had
often thrown longing glances. It was
the key to New Hanipshire and the
western part . of Maine, and possessing
one of the finest harbors in the world,
where a navy, without losing a spar,
might ride out a tempest, it held, in
their eyes, e place of no mean import
ance. But the iron teeth that grinned
on the forts at the mouth of the Pisca
taqua had "hitherto- been:. an effectual
check upon their courage; Besides,
several thousand well-trained soldiers
had been collected. there, in anticipation
of an attack, and whola companies of
volunteers were daily arriving froth the
northern part of the state, and even from
the Green Mountains, panting with a
desire for a conflict. Portsmeuth, was:
under martial law. Its long rope-walks,
school—houses, and churches, were
crowded with . the bpne and muiele of-
New England, 'all deterniined - to defend
the place to the last extremity. The
sea shorn was Walked, for miles, night
and day, by a corps of sentinels,'and
every precaution taken to guard against
A notice of the approach of tiftWar
ships soon reached the town. - The tall.
flag staff thattad been placed near the
mouth of ~, , the river,. and was watched
continually from the steeples, was seen
to have been inclined- towards ths. sea
which was the signal of danger rimed
upon. And when the sun,werit down,
not knowing how imminent it might be,
the excitement that filled the place was
tremendous. 'There was mounting in
hot haste' and couriers dashed through
the, streets like the winds. Every cart
and, carriage„was,busy in removing the
women--and-valuables to a situation of
security,', and' - the -snldiers, burnished
theii titme,,Ankrenewed the, changes in
Jenny, stop your spinning-wheel,
Just one moment, pray';,
Morn is golden on the :Sills',
And Linnet hie away--;
Not to return again, decry,
Till evening's shadows steal
Across the dew-damp meadows,
So, Jenny, stopyotiiwheel
I have something sweetto you,
And 'tis only in yourvear,
That I can whisper lovingly,
Words honestly sincere,--
Yon know, mx, darlfiegjineile,
All the love for yon - 1. feel,'
moment, for just one little oment, -
Jenny, stop your-spinning-wheel,
This world's a cold, &ark place, deary,
And 'cis darker to the lone;
Bach wantapartnet.on the road,
Will you, Jeri„,ho mY own?"'
Alt, do not turtrynur face away,
Bright blushes to.conceal,
But for just one.little moment,
Jenny, stop your spinning -Wheel.
You do not say me nay,Jenny,
Though yourwheel gees w_hissing on
One kiss before Igo, sweat
You'll not refuse ma4nte!
Good bye, until this over Jenny,
When the vespdr's gentle peal
Shall give you unto me, Jenny,
Freed from tho.spinpii-wheel.
Mere the iron of our livei
Is wrought out, in bre and smoke,
There,the mighty Vulcan strives—
Hot the fbrnace, hard the stroke,
There the windy bellows blow,
There the sparks in millions glow,
There on anvil of the world,
Hard the labor ! small the gain
Is in making' bread from brain.
Where the nameless stone is raised,
Where the patriot's Mince were placed,
Lived helittle lcivedand praised.
Died he—little mourned and graced.
There he sleeps who knew no rest,
There lathiest by those he blest;
Here he starved While, smiting seed,
Where he starved.the worms now feed,
Herd the labor! small the gain
Is in making bread front brain.
In that chamber lone and drear,
Sits,the poet writing flowers,
Bringing heaven to earth more near,
Raining thoughts in dewy showers,
While signs of nectar rare,
Only is theinkbowl there;
Of feasts of gods he chants—high trust,
As he eats the moldy dust,
Hard the labor! small the gain
Is in making bread from brain.
When the prophet's - warning voice
Shouts the burden of the world,
Sackcloth robes mustbe his choice,
Ashes op. his head be hurled.
Where the tyrant lives at ease, '
Where false prieits dons they please,
lie is scorned and pierced inside,
lie is stoned and crueided,..,, -
Hard the labor! Small the gain
Is in making broad from brain.
Patriot! Poet! Prophet! feed
Only on the moldy crust;
Tyrant, fool and false priest need
All the crumb and scorn the just.
Lord ! how long! how long, oh Lord ?
Shall the world - withhold reward ?
Let the pen become .a saber,
Let Thy children eat who labor.
Apa )31esikthe labor! bless,the gain,
In t making bread ftenn.braia
their pieces, and were ready at the first
tap of the drum,or the first blast of the
bugle, to spring to - the defence.
The night gathered dark and chilly.
The heaven's looked' watery and were
filled with clouds of mist. 'A - -double
watch was set upon the outposts; , and
the soldiers lay down to dream of their
homes or of battling for its safety.
No sooner had the darkness begun to
settle on the sea, than boats just obsery
able through the twilight, were seen,
passing between the enemy's vessels,
and evidently bearing orders, from one
to the other and, maturing, their plans.
Through' ttie opened part-holes could
be seen, flying in all directions, and
there wps not one who saw these'move
merits that did not' feel the fate of
Portsmouth would be decided. before
morning. All along thii coast and On
every eminence commanding a view of
the vessels, were collected -little com
panies 9f *sspeculating watchers Pa a
little fevi,rods frOm the shore,
on the east side Of the river were gath
ered ten - or twelve men carefully noting
every motion that was visible, and lis
tening to every sound that cattle °lithe
"Is it not possible to know what is
the object' Orthose water coffins?" said
en old : gentleman while he strained his
eyes as the dark-neee grew deeper.
"It might be done," said a young man
whose face had been bronzed by a fa
miliarity with all weathers • "it .is near
ly dark enough. Come, Bill, what 'say
you? there won't be so much light as
&trans from a cat's eve in an hour; shall
we take a boat then, and, slip along
side?" pirt, as a stout fellow of thirty
was called, could not permit that a man,
Younger than himself, should propose a
deed he would shrink from executing,
and immediately signified his willing
ness to join in the almost reckless en
terprise. •
The night was cloudy, the darkness
had settled thick and heavy, the waves
looked !lice a black, undulating pall,
and as though to increase the awfulness
of their conditions, the. British had ex
tinguished their lights, soon.after the ad
venturers had launched the boat, and not
an object could be traced through the
almost palpable blackness, the bOat's
distant. They rowed in.silence for some
time, and had gone twn-thirds of the
distance before either spoke : "Are you
sure this, is the right .course, Ned?" at
length said' Bill, as they, rested on - their
oars.- ,"Httih.l speak lower. No, lam
not certain',. but we cannot -be , far from
them. If but one star would lookout,
it would be better-than this eternal
gloom. I cannot even see the lights on
the shore, through this fog. What •a
murky night we Are out in 1 Gloomy as
a grave-yard." "Hang the, British, I
had rather meet. a legion of.-them by
daylight," whispered Bill i moodily,_
~ ',"But hark I there they lay, dead, ahead,
add getting ready to <make a port-too,"
6 continued; as he heard.the lew,grat.
/no ef, a cable; as it was slowly.and cau.
.tiously drawn up..
.Lightly as theswellow's wing the oars
dipped into the brine, silently itS.the-fin
of a shark, the boat •cut the water, and
directed , ,by 'the, sound, ere_ the anchor
swung at the ,bow, they glided.unseen
under the very stern of the larger ves
sel..: Here They held` last - for several
minutes, in breathless .anxiety to catch
some word, which should reveal - the de
sired secret. -But the humming of voi
ces; out' of which nothing distinct could
be gattiered,was mingled with the winds,
sighing through the rigging, and the
dashiing•of the waves against the huge
With their patience nearly worn out,
Ned- at length whispered, "Bill, if you
can keep your hold I will go abroad and
get a full report of these vill'ains' busi
ness." The latter was about to reply,
when they heard hurried motions on the
deck, a large boat was let down, and a
dozen men, all of whom by the faint
light of a lantern, they discovered to be
armed, pushed off toward the - shore that
lies south of the'Piscataqui.
Scarcely had they gone,' thin Ned,
with the assistance of a rope, that drag
ged in the water, climbed to the deck.
The watch was grouped beside -a-gun
-carriage, and Ned, as confidently as
though, he'had Amen one: of, the crew,
walked by;:.and reaching :the hatchway,
descentied to the lower deck. Here he
found himself among several , hollered
men, a" - part of whom were in their ham
mocks. but others although it _was dark
as a dungeon, ; appeared ; to be arranging
their clothes and, preparing for some
desperate enterprise. _
- Almost 'lost in the confueion, he stood
motionless at the bottom of , the steps,
but,ite had be - there but a moment,
when,hearing someone approaching, be
stepped aside hastily,and not
where he - might, be, held, out his hands
to grope the way. As, chance. would
have it, be went directly towards- the
head of a sailor who was trying to catch
an hour's Sleep before, his night's work
should conwence.. Ned, quickening:
his pace asilit step„ carne nearer,.. sud
denly plunged his fingers into the long
locks of the sleeper,and.,with such force
that his head received -no inconsidera
ble-wrench. The old tar leaped, to his
feet ; in tt,tvririkling, and Ned : darted' off
like a chielto chased by- a. hawk, , leair•
lag the .an ry sailor,. daring„ the whole'
I , .,auy
,to try; to: :take his
7 . learned that it -was the in.
~ejt:oitiZ„ti - make an attempt to effect an
q”; the harbor that night, and
tiltV : Mboat he had seen,leaye the.ship
was gone to examine: the , chains .which
,had been thrown aciOis.the
.hel, arid, if Resaibks,,sever, then. , ts
Was all he could learn. tt was enough,
and he felt there
,was urgent pecesaity
of giving instant warning of the,danger,
But when lie reached the hatChway, he
found the passage.entirely closed by - two
old 'veterans, half intoxicated, who had
settled themselves there to lave a luiet
timeat lauding Old England and curs
ing the Yankees. Ned stood by, en
tirely invisible, but necessarily hearing
every word. At was nearly an heur that
he stood waiting for them to rise, and
listening to , their outbreaks of passion
concerning the Americans.
"Their men are no bolder than our
women,.and their gutts no better than
tin horns"
,said one gifufliy. "No,
Jack," said the other, and do you know
that, once on.a time, about twenty of
our gals, °n i che coastof Curnwall,dress
ed like sailors, put off' in a gun boat,
and took possession of .a Yankee seven
ty-four with noother arnis than an old
sword V' Ned, boiling-with rage, could
not bear such slander, and regardless of
Consequences, roared out, "t hat's a
lie, you old,-dog."' Beth.sailors, shock
ed as though the magazine had expfod
ed, pinned towards him, and, awaken
ed to a sense of Ilia situatien by his own
voice, Ned sprang out a' their reach,
and as soon as the,uProar had, in some
degree,, subsided, made his way on deck.
But here an unexpected event occurred.
The boat which had left before he came
aboard had just returned, and the crew,
when he stepped on deck, were in the
act of lifting up a pris(trier.,, Determin
ed, if possible, to know wlin it might
be, he elbowed his way into the group
with admirable coolness, and succeeded
in taking an arm of the prisoner,—
Wilde notice of their succesi was pass
ed below, =Ned found oriportunity to
whisper a word of encouragement in the
poor fellow's ear, and when the order
was given that he should be conducted
to the cabin, Ned, unobserved, stole aft
and dropped into the boat.
The prisoner found the cabin furnish.
ed in an elegant, even sumptuous yle.
Sofas, book-cases and tables 'of the cost
liest woods, rested on a carpet that trod
like velvet. Mirrors of enormous di
mensions, reflected the occupants at full
lengtl„ on every side. A lamp hung
above_ a rack that looked like a dazzling
pyramid, so rich were the polished sword
blades and jeweled hilts, the silver scab
bards, the varnished pistols, the steel sa
bres and the gins _ ,touched with the
highest finish thatkill could give them.
Flower vases, filled with beautiful ex
otics, were faitened to a 'stand, dins.:
ing an agreeable odor through the cab
in. An old man with snow-white hair
and thoughtful brow, sat in an antique
chair of carved-oak, and fashioned after
such a luxurious pattern that one might
have lounged his life out in it, and net , .
er grown weary. A girl, the (laughter
of the old man, with such an innocent
and sweet countenance as can belong
only to a pure mind, and with lips as
- -
tempting as her own " rese-bnds, was
reading when they entered. The pris
oner was brought before the hard-featur
ed veteran, and the officers arranged
themselves about at respectful dis
" Young mail;".-paiathe old-command
er 'with a Severe frown and penetrating
look, "remember,-it is the truth of what
.you shall eayv.vhich .your_life de
pends ;,any attempt at deceptitto s . in, my
presence, will cause you to be hung int
mediately at the' yard-arm.'
"Who are you ?"-
"A. soldier in the American army."
"And, what duty were you performing
on shore 1"
"That of a sentinel to watch for the
approach of the murdering British 1"
"Bridle your inaolence, young man ;
you did not perform your duty so well
that you can' finest of your -occupation."
"Ask your officer which was hardest,
his head or my gun-stock. I could not
dissolve the night, but I swept aside the
co.b•.webs that clouded the stars before
his eyes!"
"Sir," said the veteran, in a voice
hoarse with anger, which he strove to
conceal, "What is the force assembled
this night in Portsmouth I Recollect
that I shall knOvv before morning, and
if you deceive me you shall die. at day
"This morning it was proclaimed that
it numbered thirty thousand, and they
have five hundred cannon in the town,
ready to blow your old hulks out of the
water, like cockle shells, if you are so
fortunate as to float after the forts have
the sifting of you.."
The old commander clenched his fist,
his face grew white' as his cravat, and
he would have ordered the fearless sol
dier to instant punisment, for his bold
reply, had not his daughter, who • had
stolen to his side, pressed his arm, and
breaking into tears, whispered mercy.
An angel's tears will melt iron ; or, at
all - events,'an iron soul, and his coun
tenance lost its sternness as he gently
put her aside and .directed that the sol
dier should be secured, and guarded on
the deck for the night.
As, he left the cabin, the girl, unseen
14 . het-father, threw her shawl about the
soldier's shoulders, and he touched-by
so unlooked for kindness, murmured a
fervent blessing upon her, young heart.
The night grew darker as the minutes'
,glided,.by. The mist was so dense that
it was impossible tOo 'distinguish even
the 'obtline' of'ari object, ail feet diatantv
'and it seemed that the clouds rested up.
en, the, waves and enveloped the ship.
The bands arid feet of the 'prisoper
were then ironed, and he was.then lash.
ed rope to inn' carriage. The
watch -that wasse t t'over him.:walked the
length , :of. the , deokiinforpently, passing
and I"APAsaj,n - g . ,,thwr‘retittering ekes pe by
Met in. 419.
his unaided efforts Ned,
having again left his boat, crouched
like a panther near the stern, and waited
a fit time to spring and rescue him; and
it was when the sentinel passed him to
go to the bows that be glided to the
prisoner—with a thrust of his knife,
severed the cords that bound him to the
gun, and lifting him in his argils as
though he were an infant, hastened to
"the stern and swung into the boat. As
for life, they plied their oars, but they
had scarcely left the ship when they
heard.the alarm given upon its decka.--.
calls for lights and shouts that the prig.
otter had escaped, followed. Lanterns
flew through the ship, anditll was chg.
fusion. The bold. fellows in the boat
saw all, and felt, in that deep darkness,
that it was impossible for the British to
overtake them;, and althOugh within
pistol shot, they were unable to restrain
their joy, but with that fearlessness that
characterises American sailors, rested
on their oars and gave three hearty
cheers. Scarcely had the last tutus
left their lips; than a stream of fire shot
out from the ship, and the deep boom
of a cannon awakened them to their for
iy. Though fired at random, they heard
the ball whistle by, very near them.—
The boatswain's shrill call to quarters
rose on the night, and the sailors ex
pecting an attack every moment, rushed
to defend their decks.
Our heroes reached the shore safely,
and the sentinel, released of hit shack
les, was ready to resume his arms and
his duty. The night passed heavily and
in suspense, but in the morning the sun
rose from his bed, looking clear and
cold as an icicle. The sea was blue
but calm, and every ship was gone, and
not a speck dotted it from the shore to
the horizon. The British had given
over all attempts on Portsmouth, but
whether restrained by the crafty story
of the trusty sentinel, or the valiant
cheering of the men in the boat, will,
perhaps, ever be a point in dispute.
The Supreme Court rif the United States.
The Deed Scott Case*
THE orricat REPORT
Continued from last week's issue
it is impossible, it would seem to be
lieve that the great men of the slave
holding States, who took so large a abate
in framing the constitution of the Unit•
ed States, and exercised so much indu. procuring its adoption, could
haVe beery so forgetfull or regardless of
their own Safety and the safety of thosie
who trusted and confided in them.
Besides, this want of foresight and
care would have been utterly inconsist
ent with the - caution displayed in provi
ding for the admission of new members
into this political family; for when they
gave to the citizens of each State the
privileges and immunities of citizens in
the several States, they at the same time
took from the several States the power of
naturalization, and confined that power
exclusively to the federal government.
No State was willing to permit another
Stateto determine who should or should
not be admitted as one of its citizens,
and entitled to demand equal rights and
`privileges with their own people within
their =own territories_ The right of nat.
uralization was, therefore, with one ac.
cord, surrendered by the Stales, and con
fided to the federal government. And
this power granted to Congress to es
tablish an uniform rule of naturalisation
is, by the well-understood meaning of
the word, confined to persons born in a
foreign country, under a foreign govern.
ment. It is not a power to raise to the
rank of a citizen any one born in the
United States, who from birth or par
entage, by the laws of the country, be•
longs to an inferior and subordinate class
and when we find the States guarding
themselves from the indiscreet, or im
proper admission by other em
igrants from other countries, Ity.4iving
the power exclusively to Congress, we
cannot fail to see that they could never
have left with the States a much more
important power—that is, the power of
transforming into citizens a numerous
class of persons, who in that character
would be much more dangerous to the
peace and safety of a large portion of
the Union than the few foreigners one
of the States might improperly natural.
ize. The constitution upon its adop
tion obviously took from the States all
power by any subsequent legislation to
introduce as a citizen into the political
family to the United Utates any one, no
matter where he was- born, or what
might be his eharaciir or condition ;
and it gave to Congoss tire power to
confer this character upon those only
who were born outside of the dominions
of the United States; ani no law of li tt
State, therefore, i gassethkr . ice the con
stitution was adopted, can give any right
of citizenship outside of its own terri
A clause similar to the one in the
constitution,, in relation to the rights
and immunities of citizens of one State
in the other States, was contained in-the
Articles of. Confederation. But there
is a difference of language, which is
worthy :of note. The provision in the
Articles of Confederation vvas,'"that the
free inhabitants .of each of the States,
phuperre, vagabon l as,:and.fugittves from
justiCe excepted,should be entitled to all
ihe` privileges and immunities of free
'citizens in the-several States."
It Will be obterved - that, under - this
Confederation, each State had the right
to decide for itself, and in its own trib
unals whom it would acknowledge as
a freeinhabitant of another State. The
tertiffreAin4abit'ditt . ,. in. the generality