6flt Ciontrt. Getting Frightened by the Comet.— The Trenton Suite Gazette says that a woman residing in Ocean county, N.J., was frightened to death last week by the idea of the comet! Atnightshe saw a light from a large fire in the pines,and was im• tnediately possessed with the idea that it was the comet, that the earth was on fire and about to he destroyed. Her alarrnAyas„o great that she was thrown into. rit)ttisions, from effects of which dii.Vihe same night. Or In Philadelphia dwelling houses rent from $lOO.-up Co $2OOO a year.— Respectable houses are rented in Mon treal this spring from $125 to $225. In Quebec, dwellings of the same kind, rent for $5O to $l2O. In Keokuk, lowa Chicago, Illinois, and some other places "respectable houses" rent for from $3OO to $l5OO a year. A. dwelling of six rooms in Cincinnati, out of the centre of business, will command from $lBO to $3OO a year. Lately, a wood-chopper, while chopping cord wood on an island in the Mississippi, opposite Calhoun county, Missouri, found a large pot of silver coin, which i 3 .supposed to have con taiired • several thousand dollars, with whiCh . he hastened to leave the vicinity. ()?—'l‘he 'highest price ever given for a horse of which there is any authentic account, was paid in 1851, for a race horse that brought $32,500. The following is said to be a recipe for making a Chicago alderman's sandwich: Brandy at the bottom gin at the top, and water between, the latter thin as it can bo spread. The New York Tribune says :—A medical' , friend informs us that he has been consulted in several cases where the new cent has been swallowed by children, one of whom is only two years old,,and of which great irritation of the stomach and bowels has followed, be• cause of the corrosive nature of the metals composing it, as well as of its mechanical action upon the delicate mucous surfaces. FO S AL E• A T•Pcirato Sale, Two Building Lots, on the corner of •Chestnut and Elizabeth streets, Bast Lebanon. Far further particulars, apply to T. 11. KEIM, Daguerreotypist. Leblinon, June 3,1557.-6 t. Bonnets and Flats A SPLENDID stock of the most lash ionable Bonnets for ladies and girls, also Flats, and Hat Trimmings, for chil dren, just received and for sale cheap at May 13. HENRY & STINE'S. More New BO°lis T IPPINCOTT'S PRONOUNCING- GAZET TEER OF THE WORLD, and GREAT TRI7TRS or GREAT AUTTIORS, received and for Bale at Good's Rook Store, Market Equnre. Leboaon, Pe., Juno 10, 1857.-It. 11•0-AEL.--NivvEr BARBER SHOP® DAL for l m ' Wi tho e i l i L ze L n l s An e tr u o i t 3 ll c. d . r t ie m s they ha.:e opened a first class SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, in Market street, oppfisite the Lebanon Bank. They would solieit a share of the-public patronage. Lebanon, May 20, 1857.—tf. flailip F. PllcCatvily, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker 1115 Cumberland street, One door Bast of the lJ Black Horse Hotel. The subscriber desires to in form thepublie that hehas open- ed as above, where he is prepar ed to execute orders for Boots and Shoes of the finest finish and style, and equal, if not superior, to any heretofore offered to the public. [may 27, 1857. LOOKING GLASSES. G. Fr. Dewees, I . 4,7IIOLESALE AND RETAIL Manufacturer et Ornamental and Plain Guilt Looking Glass es, Portrait and Picture Frames of every style; a large stock of the above always on hand, which I will sell from 10 to 15 per cent. lees than any other establishment in the city. PAINTINGS, AND ENGTZATINGS, L&o. Old work regitilted, A liberal discount to the trade. G. W. DEWEES. No. 154 North 2d street, below Race, west side April 29, 1857.-6 m. Pbilada., Old No. 102. Wanted Wanted 5000 pounds of Butter, 3000 doz. Eggs, 2000 pounds Lard, 1000 pounds Tallow, 800 pounds Hard Soap, 2000 Hams, 1500 Shoulders, 1000 pounds Bacon. Piled Peaches and Apples, Potatoes, &c., &c., for which the high est market prices will always be given in exchange for Goods at the cheap Dry Goods store of HENRY & STINE, South-west corner of Market and Cum berland streets, Lebanon, Pa. May 13, 1857. DAGUERREOTYPES WHO takes thehest LIKENESSES in Lebanon? Why J. H. KED!, in the EAGLE BUILDINGS. He has tho hest room, best light, best fixtures, and has made it his entire business the last five years. Ho always gets the latest improve- ments; he has always the latest. style of eases on hand ; he takes pictures in every style of the art his STEREOSCOPE PICTURES are wonderful to behold. All his pictures are sharp, correct, and of the highest finish. Give him a call and you will not regret it. His terms are very mod erate. ,rooms are open every day (except Sunday,) froin S o'clock. A. M., till 8 P. M. Lebanon, June 3, 1857. HeHO! 0! what Fun. ixTE will have something new for Lebanon.— VV A great . Tox-chase will come off this week, and every personin the county is invited to at tend it, tall men and small, tall women and small, big boys and little ones, big girls and little ones. young men and old, young ladies and old ones, turn about and wheel about mid run after this fox and try to catch him, won't that be fun. 33ut do not forget to call nt JAMES. M. PFLEGER BRO'S New Cheap Dry goo-ds ISM GROCERY ST ORE in the horogglt of Lebanon. .(You will have plea - ty of time, netlih Fos chase comes off in the af ternoon at 2 o'clodk,) therefore you will have a good chance of visiting andeceing their stocks of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which they- hare received from - New York and Philadelphia, 'and will sell tremendously chap.)), Thereis not the- slightestnoubt in my mind, but that their goods will cause as much re al excitementy.(as-, well as profit s )-in the borough and country - Aronud, as this great Fox chase.— Therotbresla not forget to visit J. M. Pfleger & 111'0's:store, and - great will be your fun, and very great your gain. Yaurs, most respectfully, April 1, 3:861.3' .T. M. P. & S. M.- P. ROCERIES, Fish, Salt and Queens "Ur ware are offered very low at Raber t Bros. Come ono, come all, enough for each, enough for all• tig..Come and.buy whore you men _get the cheap. a 16P d goo s. April 22. 1857. NEW FIRM at the tvell-known tend rashionable Clothing Store s of TILE Propricters of this establishment respect fully announce to the public, that they have uow ready the largest, cheapest and best assort ment of Spring and Summer Ready -made CLOUT ING ever before offered in Lebanon. Their stock embraces the latest style of garments.adapted to the season, viz:—DRESS COATS; Fine Black Cloth Frock and Dress Coats. BUSINESS COATS; Black; Brown, Green - , Gray, Olive and Fancy Cloth Sin g,le-Breast, Froek and Sack Coats. Suatar a n Coats, of all kinds and prices. PANTALOONS; fine Black Cloth and Dm Skin Fancy Cassimere, Satinet, Jean and Corduroy Pants, VESTS; 131'k satin faney silk, Marseilles, of all colors, Cash mere, Valencia, Satinet, Worsted and Cloth Vests.. ALSO, on hand an assortment of Woolen and Cotton Undershirts and Drawers, White and Fig ured Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Pocket Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Fancy Stocks, Gloves, Hosie ry, Coat Links, &c. Returning thanks for past favors, they respect fully ask a continuance of public patronage. The TathoniNe BUSINESS in all its branch es, is continued as heretofore, April 22, 1356. WILLIAM MORRIS VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, }PTO. 526, NORTH EIGHTH-street, (Above Arch, J. West aide,) Philadelphia. Au assortment of PLAIN & FANCY BLINDS, always en hand, at the lowest prices. Old blinds repainted and trimmed equal to now, and JOB BING promptly attended to. A handsome assortment of Window Shades, of the latest and most Fashionable Patterns, and Reed Blinds constantly on hand, to which we re spectfully call the attention of the public. Also, Store Shades made and lettered to order. April 15, 1857.-3 mos. 'nion Hotel, North. Lebanon Borough 17111 E subscriber 11111101111Ce3 to the citizens of I North Lebanon borough, and the public in general, that he has taken the old and well known Hotel lately kept by John H. Miller, on the north side of the Union Canal, fronting Canal and Mar ket Streets. Ile will spare no pains to make it a house in every way answering the wants of the traveling public. Every attention will be given to secure the Comfort of his guests. His Table will be supplied with the best the market can af ford, and his liar with the choicest Mutters.-- The Stabling attached to this Hotel is in excel lent order, and careful hustlers will always be in attendance. He hopes. to receive a share of the public patronage may 13,.1857.-3t NI ILL, SAW-MILL/ 62 ACRErOF LAND PRIVATE SALE. rpLIF, subscriber, being desirous of selling his 1 merchant and Gutsy Mitt, together with his SAW MILL and sixty-two acres of land, takes the present opportunity of informing the public that he has one of the beet Mal Properties in4b,p coun ty of Lebanon, situate one-fourth of aZile from Jonestown, on the Swatara Creek, and one-half mile from the Union Canal, a t Jon es atown. This mill has been newly g remodeled with the best of bevel gearing, and everything in the best of order, for either country, or merchant, work. The land is in a high state of cultivation, it boilig lately limed with one hundred bushels to. the acre, and is all under new fences. Any per son wishing to view said property, can call at the mill for information, or on the subscriber, two miles from Jonestown. An indisputable title will be given, and by paying a small advance on the property at the time possession is given, the bal ance will be set out in payments to snit the pur chaser. MARTIN WENGERT. S. waters tp., December SI, I.Ss6.—tf. JUST RECEIVED AT J. W. ACKER'S, From .1,25 to $lO, 8 day and 30 hour. Oat. 22. '5O. D.S. RABER 1 Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Corner of Cumberland. eL, and Doe alley, fel! doors west from Greenawalt's Hardware Stoic. Lebanon, Penna. • DRUGS, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS, CHEMICALS,.- DYLsrurrs. TILE Undersigned having just received a large and well-selected stook of unadulterated Eng lish, French, and Ameriea.n Drugs, Medicines, Chemical,, paints, Perfumery, Dye-stuffs, Varnish, Turpentine, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Sursdeal Instruments, Glassware, Brushes, Hair Oils, 'Toi let Soaps; Seemrs, Tobacco and a variety of Fancy articles too numerous to mention.' Bengal Indigo,. Dogwood, Madder, Tumeric, Annato, Ext. Dogwood, Cochineal, Copperas, &e. Sime's genuine Cod-Liver Oil. Est, of Dande lion, Medicinal Wines, Brandy, &c., sold only for Medicinal purposes at D. S. Baker's Drug Store, Lebanon, Pa. Cox's Patent Refined Gelatine, French Gelatine, lee Flour, Eeeker's Farina, Corn Starch, Flavor i Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Rose, Orange*Ban z na, Celery, &re., also all kinds of Spices, &..e., )Id cheap at Raber's Drug Store. Trusses! Trusses! Also, "Or A large assortment of the nmst improved styles of American and French Trusses ' varying In p. tees from 50 cents to $3, Also Hood's Abdom h al Supporters, Venhorn's Uteri Abdominal Sep t- rters, Vanhorn's Shoulder Braces ) ,t e, sold &map at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. For Horses and Cattle. Decd. Phreaner's Yellow Wafer ptmiler. Con dition powder, Heave powder, lleinitch's German egetable Horse powder, Doct. J. Worley's Horse ad Cattle powder, -Leader It Co.'s horse and ' attle powder, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Horse man's Hope, ilembold's Liniment, se., Jee. Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye, Warranted to make Soup without Limo and pith little or no trouble. One box of Saponifier costing only IST cents will make 9 pound's of I ford Soap, or 15 galhins of Soft Soap. Sold at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. ' Worms, Worms. J. Gerhard's Infallible Worm Destroying Syr up, Pahnestoek's, Gallagher's, and Dr. Jayne's Vermifuge, &a., also Holloway's Vegetable Ver mifuge-Confections, a safe and effectual remedy for worms. This is a delighful-proparation' of sugar, that any child will eat withplensure. Ask for Holloway's—as none other ore genuine. Sold at D. S. Raher's Drug Store. tke popular Patent medicines, sold at D. S. RABER'S Cheap Drug Store, Cumberland et., a few doors from Greenawalt's Hardware Store. July 23,1856. Wnetian Blinds and Shades; A. Britton it Co., Manufacturers, Wholesale and -Retail Dealers, No. 32 North-Second street, • above Market, Philadelphia.- The largest, cheapest and best assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOWAIIADES of any establishment in the United States. 'Wit... First premium iiivarded.by the ,Franklin , Institute, in 1852 and 1855, over all competition. may 13,1857.-3 m. CALL and see the stock of Atkins MeAclaui [April 1, 1857. RABER & BROS THINS. 114 BER VP THREE DOORS WEST OF THE J-P E COURT HOUSE. E RAB ER JONATHAN GEESA MAN CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Dye-S'tufs For Family Use SAMUEL RETNOERL. :!.ADOLPEMS ERINCW.III. 7.! CHAS. tr, IVEILT A HOME FOR. ALL •-• ; _ , The Largest, Best and Cheapest ASSORTMENT OF LIJPIIBER AND COAL ever offered heretofore to the public, AT THE OLD YARD IN 1 .7Vorlh Lebanon Boron** elo 9 ' (FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY MARE & REINOEHL,) 'Situated on East 4-• West side of llfar fret street, at Union Canal. 1i JHE unoorsigned take this method of inform- AV lug the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding Counties, that they have now on hand a large stock of WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and arc constantly receiving additions thereto. Their as sortment consists in part of White and Yellow PINE and HEMLOCK BOARDS. la inch and 2 inch PANNEL and COMMON PLANKS. White PINE and I.IEMLOOK'SCENTLING and JOISTS. 1 inch and .1 inch CHERRY BOARDS, PLANKS and TABLE LEGS. Algo, 1 inch and inch POPLAR BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTLING. HARD WOOD. Such as ASLf and WHITE OAK BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTING. SHINGLES, SHINGLES, SHINGLES A great assortment of good PINS and lir.ift.o.cx SHINGLES. Also, ROOFING ,R11(1 .PLASTERING LATHS. Also, RAILS, POSTS,. Ewa ready Nipped. PALINGS for fencing. Flooring Boards, Doors and Window Sash. Of which they positiveiy have the largest and best assortment ever offered in - ibis section of country. COAL! COAL ! ! COAL!!! They keep constantly on hand the best quality of Broken, Stone and LitneburAers' COAL. AlSo, the best quality of HoUidarbierg Smith Coal, which arc sold at reduced prices. Having now on hand much the largest and completeat assortment of Lumber ever offered to the public in Lebanon, they feel confident of being able satisfactorily to accommodate all pur ' ehasers,'and would, therefore, invite an exitmina . tion of their stock before _pitrchasing elsewhere; REINCEIILS' 4; MEILY. North Lebanon Borough, Sept:-17; 1356. Removal To No. 4, Eagle Buildings. A. RISE'S Fashionable Hat and Cup Store, Market Square, Lebanon, Pa. THE undersigned hereby informs his friends - and the public in general, that he is now, and wilt he always, fully prepared to supply his cus tomers with goods in his line Wholesale and re. tail, at the shortest notice, and upon the most ac commodating terms. His stock consists of Bea ver, Nutria, Russia, Cassi More, Moleskin, Silk, Soft Hats, Rm., which he wilt dispose - of at the lowest prices. All his Hats are manufactured un der his own immediate superintendance ' and he feels warranted in saying, that for durability and finish they cannot he surpassed. Country mer chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in bats and caps, can to supplied at wholesale prices, from one to a dozen, such sizes as they may want. N. B.—Fox, Mink, Mus.krat : and Rabbit, Skins wanteg, for which, the highest market prices will he paid. ' [Lab., Feb. 6,1556. CLOCKS. Thirty Day, Eight Day, Thirty Hour. CLOCKS, Just Received at J. J. BLAIP'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon, Ptl. MOVIE 'S "LIQUID 4DIVE. THIS HAIR DYE needs only a trial to satisfy all of its perfection as a Dye, and the follow ing testimonial from that eminent Analytic Chemist, Professor Bootie, of tba U. S. Mint, will only confirm what thousands have previously borne testimony to. Laboratory for Practical 'Chemistry, I ST. STEPHEN'S PLA.CI3, j Philadelphia, Februaiy 17th, 1557. "Being well acquainted with the substances composing Hoccr*u Liquid Hair Dye, I am satis fied that by following the simple directions given for its use, it will not injure the Hair or Skin, but will give af imturni ontidurabie color to the huit'. JAMES C. BOOTH; Analytic Chemist." HOVER'S WRITING INKS, including Horcr`q Fluid, and Horer's Indelible Abe, are too well known and introduced to require any additional testimony of their character. The sales have been increasing since their first intreductien, giv ing evidence that the articles truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at fiat for them by the Manufacturer. Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, No. 41( RACE street above FOURTH, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by JOSEPH E. HOVER, April 16, 1857.-1 y.l - Manufacturer. SPRING MILLINERY. vriss.C. WO:ELSDORF, opposite Dr. C. D. ITI. Gloninger, begs leave to inform lite Ladies that she is now opening n . splendid assortment of SPRING AVIITL . LINERY, 01' die latest styles, comprising Fancy Crape and . Silk Bonnets, Plain and, fancy Neapolitans,_ English; and American Strauw,lnfa* Caps,Miss es Bonnets, French Flowers, Rib bons and Laces. Vs..= Also, Trimmitlg, Bleaching, and PreSs - done at the shafest notice. April 1,1857.-2 m.. . Leather, Leather, Leather! Hszay W. OVERMAN Importer of French Calf Skins, and general ' Leather Dealer, 'No; 6, South 3d street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kluds-of Leather, Moroecos. &e., Red Oak Sole Leather. F e b. 25, 1857.-ly. NEW F U. R N i 1: U R.E STORE I Dundore (fives HjuSt opened ,AVEthe finest, largest and cheapest assortment of. Furniture ever offer ed in Lebanon. Their store is in Cumberland street, between Market and Plank-road. Their stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Furniture, which they will sell lower than can bo bought in Lebanon. All they ask is of persons in want of Furniture to give them a call before purchasing. They have on hand a largo assortment of Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, Lounges; Centre, Pier, Card and other Tables, What, Note, Bat Racks, lc. Also, A large and cheap stock Stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads, and a lot of Cheap,Mattresses. liso, Looking Glasses, —Gilt, Rosewood and Mahogany—very cheap. - Venetian Blinds ; Carriages, Gigs and 'Hobby horses, for childreh ; and a largo stock; too nu merous to mention. Particular attention paid to UNBERTA RING. We have provided ourselves with the FINEST HEARSE IN LEBANON, and will manufacture Coffins andattend Funerals, at the shorteet notice and most reasonable :terms. April 29, lSoi. DUNDORE & DYES. CHO VAL Of ;VIM: Good's Book Store. TR?, .undersigned, having removed his New and A Cheap Book Store, to Market.Stputre, 2 'doOri northof Dr.: GUMP° riTeS Now Building, Market et., where howill be pleased to see all of his old friends, and -those delirious of having articles 'in his line. With n determination of ; selling Oman et. than can be purchased else Where, be would speetfully call the attention of , the public to his assortment of : Bibles, Hymn and. Prayer Yooks, Mis. cellaneous i Blank and School Books, • -•Walliand Window Paper, Statiunery,-nad every article in his line of busi ness. Also; Packet. Diaries and Abnanace. 'for 1857. All the Magatines and NenspapiA, Jiath daily and vrcetly,.to be bud at_Publisher's rates. AGardersferArtieles In. his line.carefully and promptly attended'te, by -tite undersigned. - Lebanon, Jan. 14, 1857. J. M. GOOD. y TRIMS k MeADAM have a splendid assort , T meat:cif Routs Shoes Trunks and 'Travel ing bags. or, THE • Forrer . Convieted, CD JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, trho has had 10 years' experieneeas a Bank er and Publisher, and Author of 10 A series of Lectures at. the Broad way Tabernacle, when, for 10 successive nights, over Kr 50,000 People ..t() Greeted hint with rounds of Applause, while be exhibited the manner in which coun terfeiters execute their Frauds, and 11110 i thil surest and shortest means of. Detecting them CD The Band Note Engravers all say p that lie is the greatest judge of pa p. • per money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY ,OF the Present Century for nDetecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. p•d•Describing every Genuine Bill in existanee, 11 and exhibiting at a glance every Conn terfoit in Circulation!! Arranged so admirably, that Reference is Easy and p Detection instantaneous.. rr No index to examine . • No pages to hunt up _.o pages to ,_. O Dut so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business man can ..A. See all at a Glance. 0 .0, English, French and German. ~ CD . Thus-each may read the same in his Pt own Native Tongue. I...t.Mostc Perfect Bank Note List C) ~,..1, PUBLISHED. Also a list of ,PA.II the Private Bankers in America. C::)A Complete summary of the Finance of Eu =rope end *malice -4B be published in each ©edition, together with all the important News of the Day. ALSO, A Series of Tales, CD From an old manuscript found in the East. *CI It furnishes the must complete History of ir • Oriental life 2 Describing the most perplexing positions ' O4 in which the ladies and gentlemen of that country have beep so often found. These stories will matinee throughout the whole year, end Will' prove the most entertaining ct ever offered to the public. ' cb -- t - g.. Furnished Weekly to subscribers on p.mrly, at $1 a year. All letters must - be ad:- dressed to 1..1 1.-. JOHN S. DYE, Broker. .... Publisher end Proprietor, 70 Well street. April 21, 1857. New York. QUITERBILS with dir,oa4es of the Bladder, Kid neys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, ac., read the advertisement, in unother column, headed "Ifelmbold's Genuine Preparation." Dr. Ross' Drug Store Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. TAR. ROSS offers to buyers the hest bargains in ..LF drugs, in Lebanon ; e long and varied e:,:pc rience, of over twenty years, in the drug and medical science, enables him to do up things in the first style. Purchasers will please make a note of these facts. ADAM. RISE Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, For promoting tlic growth of hair, 4lwnys to be bid at the principal drug depot of Dr. Ross. Henry's Invigorating Cordial, The best tonic in n. , 0 for strengthening the hu man 'system sold sir by Dr. Ross. - Dr. _dusting's Syrup of Naphtha, Is fast superseding nll other medicines for the curs of Consumption and Bronchitis„, Dr. Ross, sole agent, Allen's Razor Powder, Por Razor Straps. • Ptire Ohio. Catawba Brandy—;v pure and safe article for medical use, to be had at Dr. Ross'. Allen's Liniment, for Rheumatism. Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorattve unfailingreAorer of the Hair; it ts taking the lead of all other remedies for tha hair. No toilet is perfect withortt mrs. Allen's ilair Restorative. Call et Dr. ROW Drug Store for mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative. See adv. in another col. Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges Are as sweet as sugar and a certain cure for Worms. Dr. Ross' Infant Drops, For the relief of restlessness, colic pains, ttc., of children. Sold only at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Cough Cured for Twenty-five Cents. Dr. Physieles Cough Syrup is the cheapest arid best remedy for Coughs, eoids,,,te. Call atDr.ltoss'. Dr. Ross' Horse Powder Is the best Ilorse Powder in use. Ts fast taking the place of all other Cattle Powders. Dr. Ross' Horse Liniment, Por t3.e cure of Old Strains., Swellings, Bruises,. &e.. Sold only by Dr. Ross. For the cure of sore, weak or inflamed eyes. In dividuals who have been afflicted with diseases of the eyes, for months and years, have been entire ly cured by the use of Dr. Ross' Eye Salve Fresh Garden Seeds In great variety at Dr. RoaB' Drug Store Dr. Ross' Teter Ointment Perseus afflicted with fetter, ringworm, and va rious other skin diseases, will find various efficient medicines for their aura nt Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Dr:, Ross' Tooth Wash Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and Gums. It whitens, cleans and preserve the teeth, and hardens the gums. It prevents and eures Scurvy: Try it, by all Means, if you value a sweet lAath and whits. teeth. Ask for Dr. Rose Tooth Wash. Heyl's Embrocation for Horses Has no superior for the core of swellings, bruises; galls produced by the collar or saddle, scratches, old or fresh wounds. Ask for Ifeyl's Embrocation. Trusses. Dr. Roes has a variety of Trusses—Lfor infants, children or grown people. :Unless a Truss fits, it is worse then useless—it will do harm. lie bee had an experience of over IS years in this branch of surgery, and adjusts every Truss bought of him. 4 , 15 Gallons of Soap for 10 Cents. One box of Saponifier, costing 19 cents, will make 9 pounds of bard soap, or 15 gallons of soft soap, without any trouble. Full director's given. Sold at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. [April 8, 1857. BOOT & SKCE- STORE. Jacob Read 11QESPECTFULLY informs the public that ho AA) still continues his extensive ostablishincut in his new building, in Cumberland street, where ho hopes to render the same satisfaction as hereto fore to all. who May favor him with their custom. lie invites Merchants and dealers in Boots and Shoes, ' and every ono who wishes to pnrcbase fashiona ble and durable articles in his line,sto call and ex amine for themselves, his largo and varied stock. Ho is determined to surpass alt competition in the 'manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for any market-in the Union. A due care is taken in regard to materials and workman ship; none hut the best (futility of Leather and other materials are vied, and none but the best workmen aro employed. P. S.—.-He returns his sincere *nks to his friendi for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. He hopes by strict attention' to business and endeavoring to please' his custo mers,-to merit a share of publia patronage. Lebanon, Oct. 1858. • Preserve your Teeth. GUILFORD t LEMBERG-ER prepare an arti etc, Pearl Dentrij4e, the finest Tooth powder, that can he used, having a most delightful odor and pleasant taste, polishes and preserves the teeth, to which it ,gixes .a pearl-dike :whiteness, imparting It. most.. delightful fragrance to the breath,, restores, the, gums and preserves them in fun health and rigor. Prepared aridaold only, at °MILFORD k LEMBRRGER'S -.NeTparug Store, Market at, January 7; .1857.• 25 Witnesses; Magnetic Sugar, ,r the Perreaiient . Caro of Nen igia, St. :Vitus' Dance, and all tiler .Neryous diseases, sold by Ross: Upham's Electuary, certain cure for the Piles. fr.illarshisi's Uterine Cathol an, thc cure of all fon. dis. )I''. H. IL Higbee's Remedy, r the cure of Coughs, Colds Dr. Ross' Cattle Powder • Dr. * Ross' Eye Salves The Greatest Discovery ever lifade. Orey Hair 'Restored to its former Color witho►►t Dyeing crjEMOME'S HAIR COLOR RESTORER is acknowletlg , l) ed to be, and is, the most EFFECTUAL article for Restoring GREY BLAIR to its former COLR and BEAUTY, and reusing It to grow when it has fallen off and become thin. Sir By the use of ONLY ONE BOTTLE—and in from ten to twelve days—theGreyest link will assume its orig inal, lifolikooolor, and the harshest hair will look soft,. smooth and glossy. 4 This valuable preparation is only 50 cents a bet• tie. Prepared by T. R. JEROME, 175 Fulton street, Brooklyn, General Agent. fold also by D. S. 1i sea, at his cheap Drug and Medicinal store, Lebanon, Pa, sept. 2-1,1855. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNIS. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG, MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by TV. IV ;)1 . YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr.' WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG :MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. W.E. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WE. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by WE. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE.—YOGNCPS GREAT PHYSIO LOGICAL WORE, The Pocket Esculapius, or Every One His Own Doctor. by \%u. Yoram, M. D. It le written in plain language for. the general render, and is illustrated with upwards of One Hundred Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage. and having the leaskluipediment to married life, should read thin hook. It discloses secrete that every one should be acquainted with. Still, it Is a book that must be kept locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty five cents. Addres Dr. WM. YOUNG, 152 SPRUCE street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. [January 7,1857.-Iy. SUFFER NOT W'l&en a Permanent Cure Ars guaranteed in all stages of SECRET DISEASES, Aii4 Self Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Gleets, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains .in the Ankles and Mones, EiSettscs of the Throat, Nose and Fyes, Ulcers , upon the body, Female Irregularities,and all improper discharges, no matter of bow long tend ing, or obstinate the case, recovery is Certain ' and in a e shorter tim than a permanent cure could be effected by any other treatment, even after the'skill of the most eminent physicians bad Vied, and the disease resisted all other means of cure. The remedies are free from odor, causing neither sickness nor inconvenience, and without mercury or balsam. Miring twenty years' practice, IhaYerestored to health over seventeen thou sand patients, who were sitiferingunder the worstforms of all of the above mentioned diseases, which guarantees me in promising a perfect and most speedy Mare. Se cret.diseases are the greatest enemies to health and hap piness, as they are the first mascot' corisuroption. semi ale, &e.,and should be terror to all nations en the earth; or the disease is becoming so eommen, and treat ment so little understood, that a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, as a majority of the cases fall in to the hands of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure the malady, but ruin the constitution with cor rosive sublimate—a dangerous poison, a preparation of mercury—which, with the remains of disease in the sys tem, produces many of the above named affections, which finally terminate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one; but should it not cause death spmelity; and the victim to disease marries, the disease is then convey ed from the parcut to the children, causing them to come into the world with scrofula, affections of the skin,- eyes, throat, &c., and again terminales iu consumption, and consigns its victim to an untimely grave, between the ages of six months and thirty liveyears. Self abuse is another formidable enemy to health ; it destroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting away the energies of life, causing mental derangement, preventing a proper development of the system, and disqualifying its victim for marriage, society, business, and all earthly happi ness. Female Irregularities, and all other diseases of females. treated in the most skillful and scientific man ner. Medicines, with directions, sent to any part of the United Stittjs and Canadas, by patients communicating their symptoms, by letter, to J. SUMMERVILLE, M. i D., Box 53, PoseCtlice; PITAIERT Street. below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. [March 18, CONSUMPTION ia ND all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat are posi tire!), curable by inhalation, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs , through the air passages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralize , : the tubercular matter, allays the cough; causes a free and easy expectoration, heals the lungs, puirifies the blond, imparts renewed vitality to the ner vous system, giving that tone and energy so indispensa ble for the restoration of health. To be aide to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. it is as much under the control of medical treatment - as any other formidable. disease ; • ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty percent. in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for' Um lungs are so cut up by the disease as to defy medical skill. Been, however, in the last stages, inhalation affords extraordinary, relief to the suffering attending this fearful seourge, which an nually destroys ninety-fire.thousand persona in the U nited States alone ; and a correct ealciditt.ion shows that of the present population of the earth,. eighty millions are destined to till the Consumptive's grave. Truly, the quiver of death Ines no arrow so fatal -as Consumption- in all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sea, but sweeps oil alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gift ed. By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the adieu:l a permanent and speedy cure -in Con sumption. The first cause of tubercles is from Impure Blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their depo sition in the lungs', is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which times a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then, surely, it is more ra tional to expect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs, than from those administered through-the stomach ; the patient:will always find the lungs free and thebreathing easy, after inhaling reme dies. True, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless, it acts constitutionally, and with more power and cer tainty than remedies. administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will destroy sensibil ity in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous sys tem, cc that a limb may be amputated without the slight est pain; inhaling theordinary- burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will I . ollf a the system when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the akin, a few moments af ter being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional el feels of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always pro duced by breathing foul air. Is not lijs positive evi dence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judi ciously administered through the lunge, should produce the most happy results Y During eighteen years' prac tice, many thousands, suffering from discuses of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and 1 hare effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat isfies me that Consumption is no longer a fatal disease,— My treatment of Consumption is original, anti founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. 31y perfect acquaintance whit the: nature of tubercles, 1.e., enables me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case.— This familiarity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve • the lupge from the effects of contracted chests; to en-- 1 large the chest, purify the blood, impart to itrenewed vi tality. giving energy and tone to theentire system. has post Office, G. W. WO RAM, M. D. Office We Fl Bfar Street:, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. March IS, 1857,1 y. CANCER INSTUTUTE ) Ertwor. the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, Wens, 'Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases, generally, -can be cured (if curable) without surgical operation or poison. For particulars, write, statediseas as plainly, and enclose twenty-five cents for advice. All letters must bare a postage stamp enclosed to pre.par" answer. Medicine can be scut any distance. Address C. L. IZELIANO, M. D.," isleoluinicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. Mechanicsburg is ii miles from Ilarrisimr , on the 0. V. it. and MVOS:gbh: from all 'parts of the Union. Old and young,poOr and rich,come willde you good. To those alllicted, who cannot visit me personally, I will send, per mail, on receipt of t 5.00 only, a Recipe to prepare medieiue,_ with full directions for use, ex. State all particulars. Address as above. BU I' your Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Spices, Combs and Brushes, Spices, Dye Stuffs ! Var nishes; genuine Cigars, Pure Southern Tobacco, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm Candles, &e., dc., at GUILFORD ,l LEMBERGBR'S New Drug Store, opposite the Market House January 7, 1857. CA PIENTERS WANTED. 4 - ) GOOD JOURNEYMAN CARPENTERS I h, wanted immediately at. the Steam Planing Mills of the undersigned., in this borough. None but the best of hands required, to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to BOAS, GASSER, dr. GETTLE. Lebanon, Feb. IS, 1357.—tf. r"\A TKINS & McADAM. have, just received a riMil new stock of Boots, : Shoes, Trunks and • Travelling bags. DUNDORE OVES are soiling the chenliest Stuffed, Cane Scat and Coffi nen Chairs. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL rffen gyas shown by the Records of the Custom House .to' be the only London Cordial Gin IMPORTED and sobt in bottles, rill others are noxious mixtures made here in imitation of it. It is a delicious tonic beverage, And by its peculiar 'laver (so different frons other gins) is universally esteem ed by all who use it. It is adopted with greet success in cases of fia.. Dyspepsia, Gout,, Ithetunitisin, Biopsy, , Gravel, Colic, Cholera, Fever and, Ague, Stricture,' Dis eases of the Urinary Organs, Epilepsy, &e. , Dr.-VALENTINE MOrt of New York, in a letter , the proprietor says Charles' London Cordial Gin ie.thepurest,lies4 , and mina reliable Extract of Juniper leave seen. 'OGARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN is sold by , all Druggists and Grocers in the United States; and so also are numerous pedsons - dm.sco "tendon - Oardial avoid them buy only "014„,A r tt, Reject.,any, other offered to you as you value your - Price cue dol- lax ft& quarts, fifty cents for. pints. EDMUND O. ciutzgs, - Sole Inifierter, 40 Broadway. N. Y. ApTp 1857.-31 n. sqB. HEALTH OR SICKNESS? Choose BetweetiThein. STA;FEMENT OF Asaris, $1 .; sg7 I Q ‘a 'U.. ' •-' ' ' — .TANHA HI - Is'; 1857. ' Ifiggi..hecCAgrecably to on ..4a of 488E11164, .BEING . . First Mortgages. amply secured,' $1,519,93e -, R eal,Estate (peeserikyclue, $109,000) east, 89e..4 !,'' -- .„.; TemPorary Loins, on ample Collateral secu rities, - , 1 ;., ~. , HOLLOWAY'S PILLS: i Stocks.resent c alve , .;ills.B 12, Cost, The blood furnishes the material of every bone; eats- !, . C " sh ' 44 " •-' .'"'• •••'''-- '.•-• • ' -- de. gland and fibre in - the human frame. When pure; t , .., , , ~ , . V,Kt'i . it secures health to every organ; wheh impure; it beteg- /' I PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES male Ea e a warily produces disease.' HOLLOWAY'S, lek.fLS operate -! every dissertation of property. in ../' . : . " directly upon the elements of the stream Of life, neutral- ! izing the principle of disease, i and thue radically curing ,1 ! TO,,W N. AND. COUNTRY. yyy the malady, whether located n the nerveS; the stomach, ! ' Elites as LOW as are consistent with eeeurity the bowels, the missies, the sable Pla Pr.alai.ar a n y ! • • Since their incorporation, a period of tweet; Other part of the system. 'eight ~. years, they have paid over THREE biILLIONDOLLARa Used throughout the World.- .. il.ossPiflCY FlKA!theroi affordingevidence of th em. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are equally efficacious in com ; vantages of Insurance, as wsP -ts the ability and divu. Mon to the whole bureau race, and 1,,,-di ee , e d e ei p e c t in_ IL, Eldon Ye Meet, with pr_o_tireta,! ... inabilittes. ar to certain climates and localities. ' ' 1 l i t e S ES 8Y..r1" • - Losses phi daring elyear 16 6, Alarming .Disorders. "., DIK/ECTORS, Dyspepsia, and derangerneut of the liver,-theseuree o' • .. - _ • ~ . .. .. .. infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable 1 CaS..e. N. ILexenza, tdoltarest D. LERIa deaths, . yield to these curatives, in all emses,howeverag- I Tomas Waerom, • ; • !Hance S. Beowx, • gravated, titling as a mild mirgative, alterative and 1, Sianixt Owe; IsAxe Lea, tonic; they relieve the bowels, purify the fluida,.and in- ! Garen It. Sams, -__ j EDWARD C. DAfk: • CORRLES . G. BANCEER, Secretary' virrate the system and eanstitution at the same tiara. l'Gro. W. Rmixemne, I GEORGE tau General WeaknessZervotis Complaints: 1 . CHARLES ".N.';„ BAYCKIrit, i'reßkf ent When all stimulants fail. e renovating and bracing 1 Feb. 25. ,_ . ... properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking ! nerves and enfeebled llattfelle Qr the victim. of general . .. ...______ debility. . 1 11 1 . Imlio!d-s Gvnuine reparatio n Delicate Females. OF All irregularities anti ailments incident to the delicat. i . anti sensitive organs of the sex are removed orprevented ' Iligitiy Concentrated , Compound .Fluid. by a few doses of these mild,•but infallible alteratives. ; No mother who regards her own or her children's,health I Extract Buchu. should fail to have them within her reach. - - ' ' ' I For diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Drape, i . We a knesses , Obstructions, Secret diseases, Fe. '' 'Scient c Endorsements. ifi - male COmplainte,•-and all diseases or The London “Laneet," the London "'Medical Review," and the most 'eminent of the faculty drt 'Great Britain, Arising the Sexual Orgasm i g frail Excesses and iMpruclenCies in life, moving all Improper Hite-barges from the Bladder, d fird. France and Germany, have eulogized the pills and their . inventor. 1 . neys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, From whatever muse they may have originated. t And 110 Natter pi Rom Long Standing, Giving Health and Vigor to the Frame, and - Idoom to the Pallid Cl.eek. Joy to the Afflicted '.!,. i It rates Nervielf , and Debilitated Sufferers. and retnoym ) all the symptoms , among which will be found , Indisposition to Esertion, Lose of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, den- _. . . . . Holloway's Pills are - the' . best remedy' : known in the, world for - thg fol - loaning; Diseases : Asthma Dierrimea Indigestion Dropsy Influenza DowelCompleints, Coughs Debility Inflammation Colds - Fever. and Ague' Inward.Serimkness Chest Diseases Fetnale Compfuts , Liver Comfdaints Costiveness headaches. Lowness, of Spirits Dyspepsia Piles .'- ' • " Stone and Gra'rel econdary Symp. Venereal Alfee-, Worms, of all.kinds, tome eral Weakness, 'kilns of Die. Sold at the Establishment of Professor ATOLLOWAY, 80 ease. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread- Maiden Lane, New York,and 2t4 Strand, I:ouden, sitd by t - ful florrorof Death;Night Sweats, Cold Feet, all respectable Druggists mid Dealers of Medicines tine" Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Loopier, Culver. out the United States; and the civilized wail"; in Pots 3 sad blisSitutie of the Muscular - )'stem, often Enormous and Duxes., at 25ets., 024ets., and v. 00 each. 3. Appetite, with Dyspeptie symptoms, Dot }lands, .os - tr There is considerable saving by taking the hog. Flushness of the Body, Dryness of the skin, er sizes. Pallid Countenance and•Xruptions on i. 8.-Directions for the guidance of patients in every the. Fare, Pain in the thick, Ilea disorder are affixed to each hex. uly. 30, !06-.ly. viness ,of the Eyelids, Fre . • CAUTION I-None are genuine unless the words quently Black spots 4% , - , liolloway, New York and London." are discern!- Flying before ble us a WATEIt MARI( in every leaf of the book of di- V the Eyes, reetioue around each pot or box: the sari , ma y he plain^ with Temporary suffusion and Less of sight Want of ly seen by --Mddirei the leaf to the light." -#159. A Attention, Great Mobility. Itestleseness. with Donor handsome reward svill ' he given to any one rendering of Sedety. Nothing is more desirable .to such Pa. ' suchlll RW31111,1.4)11 as Ma:, lead to the detection OP any pouts than solitude, and Nothing they more party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending - ,Dread for . Fear or Themselves no Re the same. -knowing th em to be spurious . pose of manner, no earnestness, no • Speculation. but a hurried transition from one question be an other. These s:iniptoms if allowed to go on-which this mad leine invariably removes-coon follows Loss of Power, Fatuity, and EPILEPTIC FITS-in one of which the pa ; tient may expire. Who can any that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases-IN SANITY AND CONSUME T/ON The records of the In . sane Asylums, and the 'melancholy deaths by Cousump. lion. bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions_ I u Lunatic As3 - Ituus the most melancholy exhibition ep pears_ The Countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute----neltber Mirth or Oriel' ever visits it; ' u eou ndof the Voice ortur, it is rarely articulate. ...With woeful measures wan despair box sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible I nod has brought thousands upon thousand to untimely graves, thus blasting them• bitten of meshy musk-youths. It con he cured by cheese of this DEVALLIBLE REMEDY I. It von Mai snfferin.... With nv of the above distressing ailments. the FLUI D EXTRACT lICCIIC will cure yea. Try it and he convinced of ire Mftrary. Iletware el - Quack, Nostrums and Quack Doctors, who 'ffilsely boost of abilities mat references. Chines ' know awl avoid theta, and save long suffering. Mom"-, ; Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this I Popular and speellie Remedy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is perfectly pleas ' ant in its taste and airs e s hut inuaueliate in its solos, 1 liebnbold's Extract Buchu TS prepared directiv according to the Ruhr,, of l'harreary anti chum - 1..413, whit the greatest accuracy atotCheadeal knowledge and core devoted in its combination. Sec Professor Dewees' Valuable Works on the practice ef Physic, and most of the late standard Workser Medicine. AYER'S C HERRY PECTORAL, FOR TM; RAPID CURE OF • Colds, Coughs, and 'oarseness. 201 - 11 Dee, 1855. D. .1. C. AYER.: I do not hesitate tosay the retne.!y I base ever found for ,n is - . liitirsounss. Influenza, :toil the -onisinlitont symptoms pia cold, is sour COSIMEZTI il tuy !mietiee and my family for the last >ea /lit. slit)Wll it to paisee.4. nape- =IffiNMEME==I mramMints. EISEN KNIC4 Wr., Y. D, A. D. 31 - IItTIAM. PISQ., of Dr WA, N.Y., writes: "Ijutee u+e , l your PretottAL ntygelf and M my family ever Rime con invented It. and hetieve it the best medicine-Grits porpuse eVel . pet Ont. With a 101.1.0hl I boom 1. eny twenry-tive doitars rGr a bottle 'than do without it, or trAbo.so - y- other remedy.", Crorip, Whooping Cough, influenza. Sriuvcwrscn, Mrss, Ft. 7, ISi6 11:10111 - :1E. 9 TER: T will cheerfully cortifyyoter PECTORAL }wet rIAVILVA , A.POSETi. f.r Cho cure of . Whooping op C thh. rooP. mitt tho eliest of eliihlten. We of yoor fraternity in the South unt.reeinte your skill, anti roar emlieine to our txhwie.. - .11 f. 43f CONKLIN, A IT! z 3. I,EM, Esq., NIeNTEREs, lA., writes, 3.1 J . :m. 7 18541: -1 bud a tedious Influenza, which eonfl nerd nee Fr , :norl , ix tyneki; rr., i4 r many medicines witdoett relied; tinnily trio) year ligeifetu: by the athice of our olorryrnan. The first daAti 4 relieved the soreness in iny throat and Innx.: keel jour the :NOM made me comp/Addy View westi.dnes 1,111h21.0,,t: :114 welt its rivet...et w.l can buy. :tint we aMeku you. Doetor, and your reale. a: , the poor mails friend." Asthma or Phthisic. and Bronchitis. Wher 3TANVIIESTER., PA.. Feb. 4, 'Ker. $11:: 1 - 4313 r PV:7olt3l. IS performing 'nary - Alms limes in this fiertion. It hai relieved severs] from alarm- Ma symptom,: of rountimption, and in now curing a. man . e li o hie hiliored muter an affection of the luny Mr the lost forty yearn. PARKS. Merchant. A. A. Atefog, lilannoa Co., lOWA, writes, Sept_ 1. lit "During my practice of Inanyyetirs have foniiit nothing equal to your CEIXT. tRY Pwroam. for zivring coo. and relief to conaumptive patients, or curing a`Mlible." We might add volumes of evidence, but the mtet con vincing proof of the virtnes of thfis remedy is toned in its effnetz noon trial. • - • Prehably-no nee remedy has ever been known which cured so many - and such dangerous cases as this. Ssime no human aid can reach; but even to these the CRERRY PECTORAL ROVE& relief and comfort. - AsTon Reuse. Niiw YOUR. Crrr. March 5, 1556, . . . . Domott Area, LowELL: I feel it a duty end a pleasure to inform yon what your Cusnur Pi:everts'. has done for my wife. She had been SIVe months laboring under the dangerous symptomsof Consumntion, Irmo which no aid we could procure gave her much relief. Site WO. steadily foiling, until Dr. Strong. of this city, whom we have come for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We Glean his kindness, as we do your skill, for she has MON - - emd front that day. She is not yet as strong as she used to he, be is free from her cough, and culls herself well. Yours with gratitude and regard. OR LAN Do SfilibliY, OF SOELDVVIES,E. Clnntmptives, do not despair till you hare tried Arils% CHERRY PsetonAt. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its cures all around us bespeak the high ntotitS of its virtues.— Philadelphia Ledger. Ayees..tathartic TiLE,,eaddetr.,,eziathfuClicoAte,mtoisptrLlanncod:filseabesicht7mhOsn't'epeir . feLeTnt purgative which is known in men. Innumerable proofs tun shown that these Puts have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win on preredentedly upon the esteem of all men. The3-are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their pene trating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the hloed, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humorie*ldell breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or:"dienr..: &rod organs into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the best Of Munan skill. 'While they produce powerful effects, theyare at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest and beat physic that ma be employed for children. Being sugar-coated; they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, are free from any.rish of harm. Cores have been made which srupass belief were they not Bub stentiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the euspiclon of. untruth,. klany eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to anti.. fy to the public the reliability of my remedies, while ale ers have. Bent me the: assurance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men: The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, contai iting directions for their use and certificates of their cures, of . the following complaints:— Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Ilhetunatism„ Dropsy. Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul Stomach, Nau sea. Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatnlency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcer ous and Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacuant Medicine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They also, by purify ing Abe blood and stimulating the system mire many complaints which it would not be. supposed they could reach; Bitch as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability; Derangements cf the Liver and Kid neys, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising, front a low state of the body or obstruction elite function& Do not be pet off by unprincipled dialers with sortie other pill they make snore profit on." Ask fsr Armes Pats, and take nothing elle. No other they : can give you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. Thu - sick want the best aid el is for them, am! they should it:ixe it. Prepared by r. I. C. AVER : Practical and Analytical Chemist. Lowell, Naas. 1 Box. Pram 25 071. Prat Box. Pram Beare . ' SOLD R7j Dr. RO'SS: "Drng store. tipper:its tlie:Conrtheente- 1 Lebanon; also by John Capp, Jonestown; zatit.s, Co."--Pahnyra; J. Shalimar, ArnireAlei AnCIPY *lderPliu medicine everywhere. 7,ll 9 / 855,-3 -y- _ - Don't forget to;:-CallAt dc:litaalliAlififSi. - ,and:eaaaliyia.. - their 61114 itook , of:aaate;43baea;' ,. -Vranks - navel - lag Rap., -- CALL and exam ne the 111i49"136Yek- of - tkim -'l4l eAciairt. , "puraliai3e4 your Babb), ticAda.at'e.. Imiemnity Against Loss by Fire, Franklin Fire Insurance Co, P NIL ADI EL RH,I A. OviicE 1.63 i CIIESTAIT Sr, NEAR s Tit STREET. Kr MWILALGEIMELID xo fine hundred dollars - will be paid to tuts Physician alto ran prove that the medicine ever Minted . a patient; and the testimony of tbousmuls eun be prodnectl to prove that it dans great good. Cases of from one w ee k t o Mir. Yet,' hlUre been Virected. The 1117[05 of Yoh:wary Tot , .Limony in possession of the rroptieter, Ynattititiet its virtues and curative powers, is immure, emlnteitur M nte=ttell kttowit to SCIENCE, AND FAME. 100,000 Bottles Have' Been Sold and nut a siutrie instance of a failure has been reported'. Personally appeared before me, 8111 AMA - Mali of the ('hy of Philadelphia. IL T. nriztuoLD, Chemist...lls I, e n z: - d u ly sworn does ray. that his preparation contahes 2 1 / 4 3tre..-ktic, Mercury. or injurioti Drug. L o ut: are purely /I.T. It kaa1.1301,1), sole manufacturer. c worn aul uteluuzibed before me this 23d day of Noreen ter. 1234. Wit. P. II 1213 it/. Alderman. Price $l. per Bottle, or six for . $5, De livered to any Address, Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates em I rofes:mrs . of 31ediftet Colleges, Clergymen and others. Prepared and sold by 11. T. ILELMBOLD, Practical and Anelytical Chemist. No. 52 Smith Tenth St: :below chestnut, Assembly Buildings, : Phila. am,„ To be hail of Dr. George Ross, D. S. Raber, and or all DruggiAs and Dealers throughout the United States, Canada" and itritish Frurinces. BEWARE OF COCNTERPEITS Ask for Helrnbolers—take no other. Cures Guaranteed. N0v.19. WANTED AT the Genesee Mills, in ite Borough of Lebs non, WHEAT," R Y E C 0 r 4 -OATS, rn.any goontlly, for• which the 'highest Market prices will he paid in Cash, be Joon:11;s' 7,1557: 'MYERS d; SUOMI Spring iii d Summer C OTH 'N C. Enlargement of the Will-known Cheap , Stand Opposite the Court-House. Reizenstein j Brother, approaching the public, who have lereto fore so generously encouraged the "cheapest clothing sten," take pleasure in informing them that they, on account of their increase of Busi ness, have enlarged their store to its former size. After experience eflxinny years the public, by general consent have decided the above to be The 'Head Quarters for Good Clothing and Great Bargains, And their patronage has consequently been sack as to justify the proprietors in an attempt to ex ceed even themselves, in providing for their cus tomers a sdlek of• Spring and Sffmmer Clothing such as has never before been offered in this or any'other neighboring town.. By an enormous outlay they are prepared to exhibit an assortment whiCh for quality, variety. excellence of material, durability .of workmanship, CANNor excelled anywhere. Among others their stock comprises= Fine black cloth dress and frock Coats; cassimere ,. eashmarett; satittett, tweed, business, and sank-. Coats; alpaeca, Italian cloth, linen and gingx ham Coats; Kentucky Jean, cassimer and linem, sack and frock Coats, as well as Pants, Vest* , Hats and Caps for Boys, of different sixes and qualities. The latest stiles in plain and faneYs, - eassimer, black cloth and doeskin, black, and feu., cy eassinett, corduroy and tweed, !Men andkad ten Pants. Silk, satin, cloth, velvet, ellsoPu'rer marseille, grenadine and Valraeta Vests. , Fine white shirts with linen tosPuittllhirt bossoms ready made; calico, cheek, and !Mena other fancy- shi r t s; sus penders, tiloves; nollaie; socks, stocks, neck and pocket ,keyeltiefsi under shirts' and drawers, umbrellas, lansiks, valises, carpet b . ags; cloth, navy 'and 0 004 Caps; straw Panama, wool and fur Hank , Iteizeustein t Bro. take this oppenttniityi to re tarn their thanks for favors heretofore extended,. and herekr re-assure the publie;inrgerkers.l, that th e con fidenee with which theyrtitiVe been favored tbsy witi strive to merit in the,-futsup; . Observe. the &and ... Nearly opposite the court-house.' -Call there and you -slay roljr..9‘.7ittlt.thienfrery:Ortidte. you pus phase Fill prove to be s precisely ~w4O it,is repre sented tette, and`yen Save ail:fondle:We per centage an your yeirphaset-money r -for-iii:giving hargaine. R.E.TagNSIBIN'n can the hint. Leicyttnentisay 6;1.857.:.„ i - - The Cheapest Sofas Are sold by 'UNDONE et °VESA 69,11{18 • Xl 4. • 2 64.1.1 330 1 , G16 Si