PHE ADVERTISER. Lebanon, July 1, UV Bane affairs. gr. We. tekday,and to-morrow resent bills due this establishment, to Jur patrons residing in this Borough AdNoqLebanon.'' We trust they will etinvenieot to make' payment, as re aesVatringen,tty in want of money.— Ve .: hite payments to make, and must .Iso'have means to make the improve nerds on theAduertisir we contemplate. )ur own. - Should not be.withheldi if it b :an .posst v. e avoided. • . . - Citt? ..- ,' , wwiro.rovrafs.-141r. John Wal 'ower, Of ' , Harrisburg, snitounces iinaself tmatt cardidate far the State San te (rout this district, lie belongs to he opposi.tiot4' but his announcement mule as if he intended being an inde ,endent Adam German, of North Lebanon tp., iubTll.if9'-his claims , to the Black. Repub. lica'n' i d`oii i titi convention for their nom. inatitTio,rthe office of Recorder. Chiristian O. Alcily, of Bethel, ditfo, for the-office of County Treasurer. •Bettson, (Mtlier,) of North Lekinttno,vlp., ditto, for the Aloe of Cott it IT'Cr - O inissi '..,r, Otitt , ritire?;.--- ---- Last week thel , Whifi';'Or. grading the streets was commvuceditearnest by the contract. Gra,. of men commenced on Cumbeilind street west of Market, cut. ting the hill, working up towards Mar ket and filling up to the Plank road.— in consequence of this work going on, '%our' "neighborhood was overrun; with , : would-be engineers, serveyors, mathematicians, - &c., almost every one of whom, of course found some fault with the proceedings. Even the dar kies."crauldtrtt..see de use ob digging a witY-41eAlii.rhere and putting it down dere." If "our people have a little pa -lience, now Since the work is begun, we presume that all will be well in the end. 6' Saturday last was an excellent grass cutting day, and we presume bun 41rede ot. acres were cut in this county. Sunday;.:4llS4, was a fine day for drying, but on MOnday all was knocked into a cocked.hat by. the heavy rain. •SAtio , orßroeu..—Gen. Weidman sold at public sale, on. Saturday the 20th II It • , 66.,Shares of Stock in the Berks and Dauphin turnpike company, belonging to th r tyestate of J. M. Haldeman, dee'd, as foltows:— 22 sterna, Tadao Kroldor, 4$ " 'lobo Funk, O THE RAILROAD.—There will be oti.. 4 ),,itelebration" or "free ride" on the Valley Railroad, on the open• int of the line to Lebanon, being de ferred.tili the whole road is completed. The:Atimnexion was made on Saturday ey,iliting, and, as we learn, a jolly time wait'li4d at that tune and place. The cars' wil! commence running riviihtrly eXt Monday, one train n dnv each way, The train up from Reading will reach Lebanon , it about noon, 83341 leave here for Reading, at about 3 o'clock, I'. N. This arrangement is thought will not be very convenient for ',us-Lebanon fags, with Which opinion, we differ.— Ths,Peopte and stage lines from every sedtiow of country will have time to reach Lebanon, and"leave liere in the ~,, 4lown , train in plenty of time to connect withlipisix , ,o.',elock trains for. Philadel philci-Pottsville. The up-train will also meetAlti stales, before they leave -for their deatinatiqns, However, should the Arrangenient be found, imperfect it will be perfected after .a time. The running time to Reading will be 1/ hours, and the fare 65 ceps. sy et might. here indulge in some re fienti-dhs on the past and future of. Leb anne,,on the interesting era the present will i'ruiptituisk,in its, history, the public spit' , nitAirtse, and perseverance of pt aim hieBrijintlted, - pushed forward, encouraged, and completed the great work which now connects it with the busicess'and intelligence of the "rests of-mankind," the didculties that were experienced in the progress of the work, financial, old fogy, and otherwise; indicate thriie" Whose interests suffer by the work,,(very few,) and those who derive benefits, (all;) review the work ittilf in all its strength and ,beauty; but cOltimnd would not suffice for'such an undertaking. It must be the history, pilblic and private, of the Lebanon Val lotkailreatl;frent the day of- its con- cdftion, to next 'Monday the day of its tritiMph. For such an undertaking we ,not the tithe at present, nor the "Alosardipts" at hand, but hope that souls One mho may have both, may also 14 , 10 tha l laination to fulfill our desires in this partionlar. OZ:r THE I SOPODAT SCHOuLti of this 'borough iotenif %delebrating the 4th at . the following . places, viz :—Balem's Ltr. theran in Leittnan's woods, about 1 mile north of Market "square; Moravian in Light's woods, on the Jonestown road ; Zbiri,'s Lutheran .in Lehman's Birch Woods ; Reformed in Laudermileh's woods) Methodist Episcopal in Krei .der's woods; Evangelical's in A. Light's ueiterstand that previous - destinations for"the %day, there 4911:beleneraxineetingt in Ozr We earnestly request that these. of our subscribers at a distance who re ceive their bills for subscription in this number of the Adrieitiser will *Ward the amount hy „mail immediately. Vve shall, receive their Rromptnesa,:ia this, matter aa, a favor, although the suing due are ours of light. Do not .ahackletts in our intended enlargement, by with holdingenr:own, which is all we ask for. Ozr Therels no luiury in the world, that 'elects a ,Magnifident sha've, cape= cially in warm. weather, when the hair grows amazingly fast. It is the very acme of human bliss to place youself in the hands of Professors Daly and Williams,- who can take your beard . off with such ease and ,elegance that you can fall into a gentle slumber while submitting to the .operation. O Mr. David . E. Miller, of this bor ough, has been appointed Court Crier, in place of Jacob Smith, dee'd. Ot'l Mr. Satnuei Itrman has been appointed Manager of the Lebanon Gas Worke. Vr All ye who want early vegetables,. fish, &c., can be supplied several times a week, by showing the - light of your countenances at the Market House.— Capt.' J. P. Ely has made arrangements to ,procure the best that can -be obtain ed; which he brings to Lebanon by-Ex. press. Last week we noticed'peas,beats, &c., at the stand. Kr THE CONTINENTAL GUARDS, a fine military company, composed of youths froth 12 to 16 years of age, has been formed in Myerstown, and will parade for the first time, on the 4th of - July,. They are fully equipped and command.. ed by R. Reinhold. • o*." Messrs. John and Ckeorge Line aweaver and Levi Dodendorf, of Heidle berg, have lately sold a farm near Sha:f •ferstown, containing 77 acres, to Sarsi'l Kurtz, nt 8119 per acre. Or The "Union Bank of Reading" hits the requisite number of shares of stock subscribed to enable it to go into operation. 0:r President Buchanan will spend several weeks at the Bedford Springs during the present month. . DICKENS' LAST INTTEL,s—Dickens has complet. cd his story of Little Durrit, which has been in the process of priblication in successive numbers for a long thue. 'lhe advance sheets hare been received from the author by the last steamor,by T. B. Peterson, who has published the work in a nowt edition, uniform with the other colutnes of Dickens' works issued by that publisher. We need not say flint Little Doerit is a work which will interest the public—every - body knoiirlhO merits of Dickens' writings, and this last is equal in graphic power end skillful delineation of char. neter, to any of his previous Works. For sale at . J. M. good's Book Store. $23 per glitiro 22 Lnne.toN, Juno 19tb, 1851. Mn: Eerron:—"Union" was' again constrained to defend his friends-tbe rowdiestAithough our moons deserved no reply-in biquimation, h.o belies himself by devoting nearly a cola= thereto. This /oohs like net being ser'Arreqg ef fected! abun and en vy disreg,urd, not con sidering it pertinent to the question, end contain in,, no nrgweent. The fact that "Union's" emu no:ideation we,i written in a school-room, by the rid nf Fev crud public officers, does not improve the snd ill-temper displayed therein; but ;is lird, where ivulignutio» overrules, To keep gaud. Fenn ILI a Eat of fools" fu his wrathy distractien he mattes a pass at the I "printer's-devil," for reasons unknown tome, but like "a drowning man catching a straw," he omits nothing by which he may stray from the real is sue. Be dragged the insulting notice of the la ' dies before the, public to screen his able "defence , of honor"—declaring that "the wreaths were made l by members of the Terse , ' and handed to the ln dies for distribution." Discovering thisassertion to be false, and instead of a due and jest apology, he adds insult to injury by stating that "the lit dies did make the wreaths, but were paid for it," which I learn is another falsehood—a reproach on their intelligence, nod a tad contradictio n , verifying that "too many cooks spoil the broth." Again, "Union". says with a triumphant air t that their wreaths were received "gratis", (but ao knowledges that they paid for the flowers!) for which the ladies will be remembered. lie has of course the unfeigned thanks of the 'ladies of parts,' for the kind manner ho is remembering them! "Union" has learned that "A Citizen" paid for and had a wreath presented at a corner which would truly be a distinguished' place to receive a wrtath from "a lady of parts!" But unfortunate ly, as "A Citizen" neither paid for nor received any such wreath ' I must infer that in his imagi- I nation Ito"is barking up the wrong tree." Next he is highly elatedthat the Union engine carried the palm in his. German friend's opinion, and as ho appears to be content with small favors,' cheer fully grant that glory ! Finally, "Union" arrives where the shoe pinch es, and to extricate himself from his unhappy di- . I lemma, he is compelled to expand the truth in pretending to quote that."the dinner affair was put in motion by members of both companies!"-- Arid in reply to my interrogatory, "whet those not belonging to the Perseverance end their guests, wore - seeking at Mark's hotel, ut that particular time; s a, -rapier); I" he cowers his retreat by say ing that "'A Citizen' had no right(?) to consider the . presence of any ono at a public house a mys tery!' But the old ailage—"The truth will out," proved correct in his case r w hen he unraveled that EVSTERYin these plain worils:—"The anniversary of the Perseverance lire co., was a day well calcu lated to SETTLE ANCIENT 'Penne !" 'lnd he ac knowledged this; or -bad it so - unpromeditately leaked out in - his - lint, this war 'oftwords would I have terminated king since. The peculiar deport- went of the rawdies'efllds "ancient fetid settlers," on that day led me to inspect that something was wrong hence my questioning. It appears pal- pubic, then, that "Union"and his brave adherents, now known as ancient - fetid settlers, came there{ at that particular time to iettle AISC/ ENT FUETIS I (being terrible feifo(rs - in, mortal combat,) while the honorable portion_were enjoying themselves as friendly guests, who with the Perseverance and host, repulsed them with contempt—hence I could not consistently caesura a whole eonipany. Not satisfied with theahuse already heaped upon our fire committee, "Union" wishes the:public to "gaze at a company two-fifths of whose members wore at ono time under arrest for As his dismay no doubt prevented him from filling up the sentence, I take it for granted that be •was allud ing to the arrests made - in Market Street, on the night of February - 22 d, ,186'1, for which petty charge ho has net the thenks of his"contpany; and as be seems to be'eoniersunt of the feet, I opine he also considers himself "in that ring." "Union" says :—"Biery one should frown on an attempt to create ill-feeling, and with but few exceptions (the axon= rutin SETTLERS!) OUT fire men.tire respeettible and -well-meanint men, and hopeothey , may,doen forget the petty animosities he (Union) exhibited." My sentiments and re ' sition exactly. I frowned on. the 'attempt' of the anoientlend settlers, wb o are now backed by "Uni on?? as. neither friendly nor becoming good. fire • men* and they -save the credit of the honor/40i nreze,hers. But asliedefends the ahhientfetteC sit-. I tier., who-attempted-to . disgrace, the anniversary, I termed the:Perseverance hOsis Carriage. ',Mint ntfeja,:striped," charges tiro-Aftins eta echitany,,l'hittra aslaneltatrirarienceZwi.ththeabotel kind remarks gratis, as from his ancient nutairresif 09e#4141*4,4w)14*.i0 cuT,vrigerY4kol4lPart - .4 44 1 0114 0 k-ck.,ftftki t i t *ln:ahcotse. 406.R1;*".09.?ip,74,4 eopii tradictions, Pretended flattery and impure. insin uation's', which when compared suffer wofully, for Which halos just cause to feel the qualms of remorse. lii.:granted it little reason in my last, but lo ! wherels , his? EohO answers—nowhere ! Therefore, acquire knowledge before you attempt to show. Having offered my remarks for our fire `department to profit by, and being cognizant that .they. have met the approbation of, the unbiassed public, I conclude, by reminding those. that at tempt to wound it, that the citizens are ever ready to offer a just yindieation in its behalf. OZ, - CLOSE OF oun-Serroor.s.--Yeiter day . bur Public' Schools closed, amid the shout bf the Pirpi4. We sinterery hope they may be sb fond or reimibing _their studies as they seemed to be to lay them aside. (-- At an election for Officers of [he Franklin Institute, the following were elected for the ensuing term :--Presi. den t,—J. Roedel, jr.; Vice President,— H. M. Eby ; Secretary, J. W. Harbeson; Treasurer,—Wm. C. Fauber. Ott' We understand that the Perse. verance Sax Horn Band, have accepted invitations from the Zion's Lutheran and Reformed Sunday School's, for the 4th of July. • , . Lands of the Ridgway Farm and Land Co., in Elk co., Pa. The following is a copy of the proceedings of the Huston Sccictrot Natural History. It shows to great Ovantage the immense mineral and, ag•. ricultural - wealth of this prirtnf the country. It is in the midst of flourishing settlements, where a large business is now done, and where them is a cash market. It is not difficult to perceive the immense wealth and business importance to which this distriet is destined to arrive. It will .supply the vast trade of the Lakes with coal, and a large lumbering district of country east of it with agri cultural produce: In the settlement, over 20,000 acres are now in n high state of cultivation. Here is solid ground for future progress and in crease. This is an unaveidablii , consequence _of its resources and location. , How "People can be so infatuated as to go, to the hard=working and tinwholecomo regions of the West, whilst such great ath.antages are at their doors, We are at a loss to conjecture. BOSTON SOCIETY Of Natural History. [Reported for the Boston Traveler by the Re cording Secretary. TRE PRESIDENT is TRE CIIAIR.—PrAssor Ages six opened the meeting by some highly interest ing remarks upon a new family of fishes and their habits. Dr. Charles T. Jackson gave a brief descrip , - tion of the bituminous coal formation of Elk cu:, Pennsylvania, which ho had been engaged in ex ploring during the month of June last. He ob served that the great bitominous coal basin or trough extends from the north-western border of Pennsylvania, to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, as indi cated on Mr. Jules Marcuu's GeolOgical map or the United States. . The northern portion of this basin is of great economical value on account of its being the near est to Luke Erie, one of the greatest markets fur coals, which are required for navigation on all the great lakes,and for the furnaces and gas works, as well as - domestic use fur fuel, on both the U. S. and Canada sides of these hikes. lie remarked that statistics showed a:larger amount of tonnage on the lakes then exists on the Atlantic coast of this country, and That steam navigation would certainly greatly increase upon the lakes where coals could be obtained at a reasonable east, as will soon be the case when- the western portion of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, now under con tract is completed, which would be done in the course of two years. Since the recent explorations were made into the extensive coal formation of Elk county, Pa., the Directors of this important Railroad-have or dered the road to' be laid amid these coal fields, and tho consequence of this movement will soon• be felt in,the-augiuented value of the coal lands. The Phiticular region explored by Dr. jai:look is' known as the Ridgway hatici and Cool Compa-_ ny's property, sotno _17,900 acres of land, all situ ated in the coal region. Five or six beds of coal underlie this soil, and they generally dip only from two to six feet in thickness. Must of "the largo beds arc undisturbed, and only the small ones are here and thMe denuded by valleys of ex cavation. The deep ravines, or runs, expose some of the out crops on the larger .beds. on the southeast sides of the hills. On the northwest they are still deeply covered with rocks, the Sandstone and bituminous shales. Each of these coal beds is overlaid with a stratum of 8 or 10 inches of sista cannel coal, and they all rest on fire clays. Iren ores, namely, carbonate of iron and brown hminatne, abound, the former in the fire clays, and thelatter in the superincumbent shales. Bat few fossil plants are found in these shales, and only the stales, fins, arid tails of fishes in the slaty cannel coal, which appears to have been a fine aquetus sediment of water-logged vege-. table'matter, A bed of buff.colored limes tone occurs heneath the principal bed of coal; and is nine or ten feet thick. This limestone contains small fossil bi valve hells,not yet named. The Ridgway lanilllms cOntaiils coal, iron ores, limestone and sandstone, with an abundance of clay suitable for fire-procf bricks. All the facili ties for the reduction of iron exists on the spot,and soon the means of transportation of the costs snit metal 4.0 market will be supplied. The country is elevated about 1600 feet above the sea., and is in lat. 41.25 N., and long. 1.40 W. of Washington, and is remarkably healthy. The tenoning analysis of the coals; iron ore and limestone have been: made by Dr. Jackson,. since his return to Boston. Specimen from the 6 foot bed: Fixed carbon, 52.36 the expelled by heat, 40.00 Ashes of coke, 7.62 ------100.00 The ashes analyzed yielded-- SiHail, 6.20 Alumina and oxide of iron, 1.10 ' Lime, 0.22 —7.52 The slaty cannel gives— .ll.xed carbon, i GaB, Earthly matter, The limestone yielded - Carbonate of hale, Insoluble silica, Peroxide of iron, 05.75 3.00 1.25 - -100.00 AnalOis of the balls of carbonate of iron. 100 gr....r. - bf , rids ore yielded— Peroiide of iron, 151.50=iron, 43. Carl?onie acid, • 31.50 7,00 100.00 In smelting. iron ores with these coals it will be necessary to convert the coal into coke, and tho small coals may - thus bo di.sposcd of on the spot. No better gas-making opals are found in the Uni ted States, and but ono botter variety in the Brit ish province of Now Brunsivick--natnely, that of Albert county. AitlySING ..E§OAIT OF A. CO UNTERFEIT .Ottowa: Clarion says a constable- of that county arrested a fellow a few days since, on a charge of counterfeiting, and afterwards lost his prisoner in a laughable manner. The man was taken on the opposite side of the river from Grand Haven, and was brought to the village in a boat. • On arriving at the landing, the constable jutnped out, and turned round to order the prisoner to follow. His astonish. went may be better-imagined than' de. scribed ;for the culprit had shoved-off the boat, and was - just beginning to "paddle his own canoe," in right good earnest, to the infinite amusement of the bystanders. All the boats in the neighborhood were docked and could not be. readily put off, and the fellow made the. best of his time, seeming. to enjoy the predicament of his official..— The . last that was seen of-the marl, he was on the top of a hill, over the. iver,. swinging-tis hat and hallOing at a great THE STATE SEDrtirg;- 7 *-The terms of the following Senators.expired with the , elomkttfiihe4ettehnt,stuiffioll:tr-Nitid Tag gart, Rep.,_ Northumberland co ; James M. Sellers, Rep., Juniata ; Wtn. E. Fra zer, Rep., Fayette ; Francis Jordan, Reit, Bedford; John C. Flerniiken,Rep., Greene; James H. Walton, Dem., Mon roe; John W. Killinger, Rep., Lebanon; Jacob G. Shuman, Rep., Lancaster ; - James S. Lewis,; Rep., Delaware ; N. B. Browne, Dern., Philadelphia ; A. Crablr, Rep - : - , Philadelphia. The crop of : sugar in Porto Rico is a million Poun'd'S more this year than it was in 18.50, molasses 220,000 gallohs coffee Soo,opp , pinthrls more.— Won't . the price' dl sugar soon'Oome down I A CITIZEN &noun . ; DEA'rit . ,-L- - 'Mr: George Heim, a respected - citizen of Jonestown, this county, died suddenly, of apopleicy; on Thursday night last. He had retired in apparently good health. Dn. BAumnack in his iravels . on the cape of Good Hope says: I found very frequently among the Dutch Boors of the back country, Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, which they keep hung up by thong around the neck of the bottle to a peg over their hammocks. Indeed this seems to be their sole protection against the throat and lung disorders which are quite preveletit among them. I thought it a speaking comment an the practical genius of the American peo: pie, that they should furnish the staple, Pbelieve the only' remedy this people 'buy to use. AskinWif they used the same manufacturers Pills, they told me that better purgatiVei grew all around them than any body could prepare. GEATITtIiM.—IT gratitude was ever, evidenced among any class_, it certainly has been with those who bare used and tested the extraordinary vir tues contained in Dr. S. Hostetter's celebrated Stomach Bitters. Scarcely a day passes, we are informed, that the Doctor does not receive from some recent heart-stricken and solicitous parent, brother, sister, or friend, seine testimonials of deep and earnest gratitude, for his agency in re storing to health and wonted 4gor,soine kindred. For tlio cure Of DyspepSia, Flatulency, Constipa tion, lack of Appetite, and all Billions tenden cies, aro speedily corrected by the use of these Bitters AS per direCtion on bottle. Sold by drug gists eiterywhere.. . [Juno EMANUEL P.s . .to.Airr, agent, North West corner of Market and Water streets, - Lebanon, Pa. June 3,1357.4 m. This is to certify that I have ninth) but one oppliestiOn of the illActo Ott on my fingers, which hrivo been drawn_ from contraction of the curds, brought on by rheumatism. It was of sev enteen months standing, and I am now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it to all afflicted Laicise. J. tl. FESTROCR, Harrisburg, 72 "locust street. SODA WATER. Guilford R Lemberger hare now got in full op eration their new and splendid Soda Water roun tain, where the public will find soda water of the very best quality—equal to any obtained 'in • the eities . or elsewhere. They would inform the public that tis their so da water is made with an entirely now and il/1- proved apParatus, there can be Rio danger of con tamination with foreign matter: Their Foun t/di/3 being lined with Porcelain, all danger, so common with the copper fountains in general use, is avoided. Ytti will always find a choice selec tion of Sneers of the finest 'layers ;_ and for the convenience of Phy . siciall.9 and...familiesat a dis tance from town,'we will Wile the Soda water in its pure state or flavored with any - of our delicious syrUpS. Bear specially in mind that our soda wa ter is drown frOW PORCELAIN-LINED 'FOUNTAINS, not Copper, and' - is the colder , purest and most sparkling in the Borough. "Woodland Preant"--A POKADt: FOit BE.i.tirr -111110 THE 11Am—highly perfumed, supeilor to any French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies' ]lair, it has no equal, giving it a bright. glossy appearance. It causes Gentleman's Hair to curl in the most natufal manner. It removes dandruff, al ways-giving the hair the appearance of being fresh shampooed. Price only fifty cents. -None genuine unless signed FETRIDGIi & GO., Proprietors of the "fIAIM or A THOUSAND FLOWERs." New York. Par sale by Guilford .& Lemberger, and all Druggists. Feb. 25,185 G.-Gm. liot.LOwxx's PILLs.,--The stomach, by the chemical agency of its solvent - fluids, converts the food into crude blood; the liverfolmishes a score- - tion which fits it for the Venous syStem; the lungs: vitalize it: If the stomach is diseased; it cannot produce a healthful element, and if the fountain of life is infected,: all the streams that flow frem it must, be poisoned, It is upon the stomach, the great feeder of the system, the traimuftiettirer of the aliment which subsequently becomes bone, muscle, sinew,. andflesh, that Holloway's Pills ex ercise their salutary influence, curing indigestion in all its shapes, and thus giVing a vigorous tone to every dependent organ. , This is the philosophy of the rapid and thorough 'cures of all the varie tists of internal disease accomplished by this pow erful remedy. Ptaca Phr aux, Pea WAR."—In the days of our youth, it behooves us to make some prepara tion for the approadh of age. Row 'many persons have become prematurely hold by neglecting to ap ply appropriate remedies to prevent the hair from falling off I The use of Prof. Weed's celebrated "Hair Restorative" Will proven t the hair from fall ing off. impart to it a - healthy growth; and even re store the hair of the bald. Thousands have testi nod to its efficacy. To be had of Druggists every where. ,1024-2 t The Lebanon Market CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WEDNESDAY, 'July 1, 1857. Ex. Family Flour, per bar. - - 49 50 Extra Flour, per barrel •- - - 9 00 24 44 -100 Extra SUpertine Flour, per bid.-- 8 00 Superfine R. Flour, -• • . --7 00 Superfine Flour, .• • - 625 Prime White Wheat, per bus.... - 1 90 Prime Red Wheat, per bus. - 180 Prime Rye, per bushel - -95 Corn, per bushel -. . ••. • - .75 Oats, per bushel - . - r i p Potatoes, Tallow, per poutul - - - Ham, . - •• -• •'. 14 Lard, - --- • • - - 12 Shoulder,' - 12 Sides, •- • • -•- 11 Butter, - - . .. • 14 14 Egg's, per dozen, • PHILADELPHIA MARKET The Flour market continues decided ly languid, there being Little or no ex port demand, and the retailers and bak• ere are purchasing only to ,supply their immediate wants. Shipping brands4tre offered at $7.874 per barrel, without finding buyers. 100 barrels Rye Flour sold at $4.75. Corn Meal is scarce and firm at $4 per barrel foi- Pennsylvania. There were but few samples of Grain displayed on the tables at the Corn Ex change' and the transactions were unu. sually-limited. Wheat is wanted - by the millers, but the market is nearly bare. Small sales of red at $1:88a1.9 . 0, and white at $1.05 per bushel ;. 1000 bush els prime Delaware red sold at $1.90. Rye continues to command $1.10. Corn is in good demand, and prices are la2eents higher--sales of saBooo bush elsyellow at: - 90 cents, part in store. 4.- In Oats no change,— sale, of;Pennsyl: Variit wee'nutde- at 1! cents per bushel. Special Notices. rum: alcp SPARKLING 31031D.vr, June 29.—P. 31 (Kr The Lebanon Post Office will be open as follows on the 4th :—from 6 to 9 A. M., from 11 to li, and from 4 to 7 P. M. Strong-minded women in Albany and the parts adjacent thereto, - have, com menced Cutting their hair' slibit, litre men. What a pity they don't raise moustaches. Religipitslllo,llces. Engliab. preaching next Sunday morning and Evening in Vire Aletboilist Chureh. German, preaching next Sabbath *ming, anti evening t o'clock, in ti; Eritaitnel'a Church. of the EvangeliCal Ass'ociation. English Preaching wait Sunday morning in the Mora vian chord!. English preaching next Sunday evening, hi. Salem's (Lutheran) church. • Germain presetting next Sabbath morningg—aand En glish in the Evening—in the Reformed church. English preaching next Sabbath.morning and. evening ins , Zion's Lutheran Church. 111 Alt R. I E D , On tho.2lst ult., by Rev. Mr. Stein, Mr. PE. TER B.UCHER to Miss CATHARINA IVAL MER, both of Union tp., this county. On the 14th ult., by the seine, Mr. HENRY BATDORF. to Miss CATHARINA CHRIST, both of Jackson tp., this county. On the 28th ult., by the Rev. F. W. Kreuter, Mr. GEORGE W IVIRLLINGER, Of this, borough, to Miss ELIZA LOWRY, of North Lebenon bOrougb: On the dtb ult., by Rev. Rotnteh, Mr. SOLOMON LIAAIi, of Sivutara, to. CAftIARINE SOHAND, Of Jonestown. DIED, On the 24th ultt, in Elizabothtthru; Lancaster .Co., at the residence of her grandfather; LIZZIE LAURA, only child of Samuel and Caroline S. Hoverter, aged 4 years 2 months, and 27 days. On the Nth inst., in Meyerstow», LEONARD RAMLER, aged 59 years, 2 months and 22 days. On the 13th Inst., In Jackson, SARAH, daughter of John GETTLE, aged 11 ears,.s months and 19 clays. NEW ADVERTISEM-ENTS P. G. WIKEL,' • Bricklayer and Jobber, , Union Deposit :Dauphin county, Penn'a. lAM . prepared; at - all times, to put up Brick Work, in alias bfanthes, and on the shortest notice, Also, BRICK BUILDINGS, BOILERN, Boshes, Thiarths, and all work connect ed with a Furnaco done. gabg of Stuue Masons's] ways ready to put • down foundations, and do stone work of every description. July 1, 1.357.—tf. P. la. WIKEL. ZOST, ON Friday last, between this place and the North LI Lebanon Furnaces, a Frame and Lid of a ble.• dallion Wateh-Key. Any one finding the above will please return it to this office, for which the finder will be rewarded, . Lebanon, July 1,1857.-4 For Side. A s eem &hand team EN HNE,IO horse pow er. It is to be sold to tuake.rooln for one of a • larger site. Apply to A. MAJOR & BROTHER. Lebanon, July I, 185 T. Grading the Streets. PROPERTY -HOLDERS ' wishing for grade pegs for building by, or setting eurb.stones, will please take notice, that 3 hnce resigned that appointment and cannot give any for the future. Those for whom r may have set grade pegs will also be good 'enough to recollect, in case of disa greement between my pegs and any that may here after be given by others, that such dherepancy is . caused not by error on my part ,- hut simply by the grades - I,went by, haVing been changed. _ _ ED. M. 13.1 . 611ARDS Lulnatori t July 1, 1857.-tf. Valuable Propelly fur Sale. rIIIE Subscriber offers at Private Sale. a let, of Ground Situate on Market square - , Jonestown, sixty t six feet front, and ono hundred and sixty. iiifivedepth, on which are a first-rate two-story Dwelling and Store house, with cellar under the whole, a brick Summer House, good Stabling, a Well with Pump, &c. Pos.Session and good title given on the lat of November. - He also offersbis entire stock of HARDWARE, Iron, Nails, :Glass, Paints, (U., at prime cost.— All those desirous of bargains *ill find it to their interest to call soon, as he is determined to close out by the Ist of November, 1857.. LEVI BICEEL Jonestown, July 1, 1857.-3t.1 MEW' STAGE FROIVI FREDERICKSBURG, tin JONES TOWN, to LEBANON. Leaving Fredericksburg every morning (Sun days excepted,) at 6 , 1 o'clock, and will leave Leba non on its return on the arrival of the Philadel- OW and Reading line. . "Fr- Through Tickets, at a reduced price,- can be seeured at Philadelphia or Reading, for Jones. town 'or Fredericksburg. ' This is a four-borse Coach, and the line will be kept in the best, condition. None but good _Horses will be used. The public patronage IS respectfully solicited, The Stage Office in Lehanon will be at Reinhard's Hotel, and at Fredericksburg at Bata's Hotel.— The Coach, will be at the Railroad Depot to tweet the train, TOBIAS BART°. July 1, 18.57.-351. Has Worked Aliraetes. ryuIIAT all the bald and gray can be restored perfectly tab to original growth and color, does not admit' of a doubt ; besides. it will cure every possible disease of the scalp, whether developed as dandruff itching, or in the shape of cutaneous eruptions—even scald head—and in no possible case will it fail of caring, as Why magic, ner vous or periodical headache, and if - wed twice a week by the young, regularly, it will preserve the color, and keep the hair from falling, to any imaginable age. Read and judge. 31illford, Worcester Co., Mass., Nov. 1656. PROF. 0. J. WOOD—Bear Sir :—d take pleasure in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic effects of your wonderful Hair Reston - Airco An far back as 1830, my hair commenced falling elf, until the top of my scalp be. came bald arid glass,and it has continued to fall for a great ninny years, notwithstanding I have used many celebrated preparadons for restoration. Seeing your advertisement, I was induced to Dive your article a trial, and,,to my utter natoniehment7found, after a few applications; that my hair became firmly act, and assum ed a glossy ;and beautiful appearance ;'anal by the time 1 had used a quart bottle, my bald head Was covered over with a young end Vigorons growth of hair, which is now from one to two inches in length. and growing fast. Yours, truly, HENRY GOODRICH. OnARLESTOwN, Mass., Aug. 5, 1555. Gents i—ilothing but a duty and sympathy that I feel to communicate to others that are °filleted as I have been, would.induce me to give this public • aCknowledge. ment. of the benefit I have received from Professor Wood's Flair Restorative. When I that commenced using It, my hair was quite gray; andln spots entirely bald. I hire now used the Restorative about five month% and my hair is entirely changed to its original color, brown,. and the new hair is over three inches in length on the spots where it was bald. .1 hare also bean much gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the - hair, which before was dry, and it has ceased to come and as formerly. Respectfully yours, &0., Mn, 11: A. STODDARD, From Mrs. Ingalls, a well-known nurse 14 Boston. BOSTON, October 10th, 1555. Guys your.requeet, and being so highly pleased with the effects of the Restorative, I am free testate that my hair had becomaiquite thin, and entirely irate. I have, for the last fire years, been in Abe habit of using dyes but hearing of the extraordinary effects of this arti cle, I was induced to try it. My hair has been restored to Rs original tbleknes, and also to its former color, which is light brown... • Fours, respectfully, Alas. INGALLS. The from the Pastor of the Orthodox church, Brookfield. " 11O0OXYLELD, blare., Jan. 12. 1855. Prof. Woon.:-Dear Ellr—llaving matte trialof your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effects have been excellent in removing inflammation. dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, with which I have been troubled from my childhood, and has also restored the hair, 7hic4 wattJuKoPti,ng gray, to its original color. !have used no:otb'er - article, With anything like the some pleeaure and profit. - `Yours, truly, "[FrOm the:Jersey City Tele/reph.) , 19116TAS /T POS,-TELTS IXOoOltadltt ILLSORATPiII ? : -411 sarmatiOit.giAvidd, daily by hundrede. We.answer without hesitation'Ofeer of contraclletion; that it is the only, ar ticle-knOwn' Alch will do all It promises for the human war. kimiw ITS CLSOWTEIT WM. STOP ITS' 711 . .10- 019- 7 11. STELL - RMSTOWS rts xertniat , cmon 1 It is not a Hair Dye, but a speedy .014e,cioyslleatorstive. w ~ ~ . Oil. WOOD &CO., Proprietors, 81 2 4roculwaT t *,... Y . . . aid,11,4 arkeckieego6:llq4,49A:iiiik:: J'or.saka;l2l,lols44, tii,tfirwa,s4.-DrAit item:- 'Aliki, tkalr reept!fielblillitioiiiite Jillyll'aiate. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Eto maim' , H auer & c a poi LUMBER YARD. This Way, f you Want Cheap Lumber. J IM undersigned have lately formed a part .7o.l nersbip for the purpose of engaging in the Lumber Business, on a new plan, would respect fully inform, tho public at large, that their place of business is David Bo*man's old Lumber Yard, in Easit,Lebanon, fronting on Chestnut street, 1 square from the Evangelical church. They have enlarged the yard, and filled itwith a new an,lex t assortment or all kirids of Lumber, such as BOARDS, PEANK2, JOISTS, LA.TTIS, SnINDLES, AND ,SOANTLING, Fairmero' Sc Me;chaiiiits% . JFLF undersigned iTotildrespectfullyinvite the. 7, 1 1,5 attention of triciffriends and the'pahlic in generalMO the fact that. they are prepared, the coining season, to'nitinufacttire and have on hand the 'largest and hest assortment of 'FARMING IMPLEMENTS ever offered to the 'Farmers of this county, such as Wheeler's Improved Railway Horse-Powers and Threshers; Manny's combined Reaper and Mower, with Wood's latest improyethents ; Coleman's Farm Mill; -Grain Drills and Fans; Gourley's Patent Harrow and ClOd Cutter; Ccirn Ploughs and Planters; Fortab:lo Cider Mills, Clover-Hullers, Corn Sbellers, Fodder .Straw and Hay Cutters. AR of the above Machines are of the latest and best itnproveme,nts,,and are all warranted to give satisfaction. Also, Castings of all kinds made to Order, and at short notice. Particular attention paid to REPAIRINC4, and charges reasonable. .PArtstErts Trill do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elseWbere, ac O:MY' Win find it, to their. advantage to purchase Machines manufactured in their own county. • -All orders or communications by mail will he promptly attended to. . A. MAJOR' & BROTHER. I July 1, 1857. . Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Pa. ATTENTION I . Washington Artillery, cr- A oII will meet for drill. in full uniform, on the 44 ) 4TII DAY OF JULY NEXT, at boll:past Enron o'clock, A. M., at the public hour of Joux Jl. MARE. in the Borough of Lebanon. Arms and accoutrements in good order, provided witb 16 rounds of blank Cartridge. N. B.—The .I . usle will parade the street prochlely at hulf-past slx, A. NI: By Order of Lebanon., July 1, iso—lej F. EMBICti, Capt. NOTICE. ' Wit undersigned having clisposed of his Bout - 74,c - and Shoe Establishment. to his son,P. P. Illtesully, and retired from the husinessis anx ious to make settlement with the public. There fore, all persons knowing themselves indebted to, or having claims upon, him, are respectfully re quested to call at his residence, between this time and thn first day of August next, to make settle. went. SOLOMON MeAULLY. Lebanon, June 24, 1857.-td .NOtice to l'respassers. H 1 underi:igned hereby giro notice, that CaT they will prosecute to the law's extent, all persons who will shoot any kind of game, kindle fire, burn or bump trees, throw wood apart, or do any other kind of damage on their lands, in East Hanover township, Lebanon county.. HENRY C. EtAUCH, PETER GINGRICH. June 17, 1857. Valuable Borough Properly FOR SALE! 1 S offered 01 private sale, that valuablehalf-lot or piece of Ground, situate at the north-east cor ner of Walnut and Water streets, Lebanon. front ing 93 feet on Walnut street and EU feet, on Water street, at present occupied by John Fa rt el's Marble Yard, on which aro a FRAME HOUSE, &c. Ii is locased within a square of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, between the Depot and the cen tre of t0w,, , ..„ For further particulars apply to John Farrel, onhe preusizes. [June 24. 1857. Pianos and Melodeons! rooß SALE at the TOWN HALL, :in LEBA, NON, for Cash or good notes. 12 PIANOS, direct from the celebrated makers Ballet, Davis & Co., Boston, and A. H. Gales Co., New Ymic, em bracing 11.9 many different styles and calling in prim from 53011 to $6OO, all of which will be sold at thc lowest:factot'y prieea, and wafrant od to giro entire satisfaction, or the ital amount of purchase money shell he refunded, at the shortest notice. 0. C. B. CARTER, AGENT, Lebanon, June 24, 1857. Teachers Wanted, 00HE School Direetors attic, Lebanon Borough Sehnol District, will meet in the Academy, "AIONDAY, JULY 6, 1657, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,• for the purpose of electing teachers for the Public Schools of said district for the ensuing term often months.. The Coiiety Su perintendent:will be present at the same time and place, to elatnint 'applicants. By order of the Board. JOHN DILLER, Prat: F.D. A. UEMER, [Jane 24.-td. Latinber and Coal, 6000 MEN WANTED ! to come - and buy their LUMBER and GOAL at the as tonishingly low ?nevi which I am now deterTaio. , ed to sell at. .Now is the time, if you wish to sato your money, to come to the NOW La - Miler and Coul yard, located between the Old - Lutheran . Church and Myers a Shouts' Steam Mill, and one square north of the Court House, in IV alruit street, in the borough of Lebanon, where is a - well selected stock ofo,lkinds of Building Materials, consisting of • ' 500,000 ft. Boards,:300,000 Shinges, 200,000 ft. Joist a Scantling, 00,000 ft.. hemlock hoards, 60,000 ft. dO fenc'g.h'd.S. Also Planks, Plastering and Roofing Lath, all of' which will be sold, wholesale or retail, at Mid dletown prices, except a small advance fur freight. Also, all kinds of the best COAL the market can produce, such as Breken,:Egg, Stove, Chestnut., Li mcburners' and Hollidaysburg Blacksmith's Coal, which will be sold almost at cost. JOHN H. WITMEYER Lebanon, June. 24, ]857. BULL'S RECTO ii'aisTuact, FORePILES, 'FETTER, RINGWORM ND any Eruption Excoriation heto.edrernsorOtherlt p o the body. Ohl Ulcers or 1301 VS, and pimples on the face, may be speedily cured by the use of the Recto lilistura. To those especially that are suffering front the Piles, we offer a sure remedy. From Rev. Ur. Enterlime, Pastor German Church, Con Conway and Sharp streets: • For the benefit of the afflicted, 1 feel it a duty to state what a blessing a medicine. known by the name of “Bull's Recto :Mature," has been to me. I have been afflicted with the Piles for eight year 3, during which time I tried my own remedies, as a practitioner. and many others, but without sneeess: Having heard of Mr. Dun Pile Remedy, I tried it; and thedgh I used, but mm half-imt tio, I cart say that tiin perfectly Mired. I also Used it in a 'Violent ease of letter, which extended over the whole body, and iu less than two weeks it disappeared, and the skin berme dean and smooth: I strictly adhered to the directions. SAMUEL EN TERL Ii E. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by D. S. Daher, Druggist, Lebanon, sole agent for Lebanon county: June '21,1857.-13% Soktieth lug New. Hall's Young America Fite-Cracker PISTOL I 7 THIS - is admitted to be the most amusing toy ever offered to Young America, suitable for all titnes , a year. It makes a report - Anal to the euteroun pistol, anti carries a ball with the some preeision for ten paces, though not with force enough to kill, making it the- only cheap and harmless pistol .for target, practicein existence.- 100,000 sold la four Weeks ! Retail, price, 25 cents and upward; • aceording to, the market.— Trade price, 14 dollars per lin pistols, cash on de livery. Sent by Express to any part of the coin try. A. W. MALL, 335 Broadway, N. Y., Inventor and. Sole Manufacturer. A full description, with llngravings, sent to any address, on receipt of a postage stamp. FIRE CRACKERS • constantly on httrid.-- . ...,Rga-1000 Agents Wanted.A beautiful specimen pistol sent by Expresser Mail, pre=paid, onr celpt of $l. [June 17, Watches, . I §- tro IT is a fast :worthy - of .note "*"- \r c. that the Jeweloy Store at 332 SecOnd sw, Thilattelphia, sells goods 20 por cent. less than arty ,other placein the Unitedl3tates. Look at thepfiee.S. Gold Lever Watches 18c, foll4evireletti„ . $22.00 Silver Levers, full jeweled, '•10.00 •H" orders, - • 12 to• 18.00 Gold Bunters, - 28.00 ,Eight-dap Watches, (Huittert,) 80.00' Also, all ether ldads of N 940105, Gold Chains, Jeweltyt ke„ sold less nap anytybore else; ' flail in and eaautine , • _ r&atiPP , ' y• • Wl) : .' - emalcgr, No. 332 North 2413 C, betweeiCallewllikand Salo-4Y 18M-43ms. of all lengths awl thicknesses. In short, they keep .:onstantly on hand, a MIAMI well-season ed assortment of all kinds of BIJILDINO MATE, RIALB.- Persons fn - want of anything in their lino are invited t cat], examine their stock; aria earn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they hope, that by `attention to buzinesa and moder. ate prices, to merit a ,continuance of public pat ronage. • BOWMAN, BAUER & CAPP. Lebinon, April 8, 1857.-Iy. Woodland for Sale. t iF.4.,-. THE undersigned of olt' - _ fere at Private Sale, t' 63 ACRES - - (more or less) of excel-e k ,_ lent WOODLAND, the half of which is good tim. her, Situate in Union township, Lebanon county, near the Big Dam, adjoining land of Jacob Hun sic liar, Emanuel Fey and ether=. Erected on the pr,nnises is a good two-story log DIFELLUSO ROVSE; as good as new, good Stabling, and a Well of nev . er failing Water, It trill be sold cheap. Good ti tle and possession given on the lst of - April, I& 5'.. For further information apply to Y. L. Bor'u, tnay27,',57. DAVID BOYER. _ Grouiad Piaster! 50 TONS GROUND PLASTER. ON hand and for sale at Jacob Bender's mill, in North Ann villa to Iv nzlatp. 11ENRY MEYEP. N. Away - 'lll9 tp, April 29, 1857.-2 m. PRATT & BUTCHER'S 31 A G I 4:`, 0 1 L 1,000 DOLLARS }tkWARD will t , e paid for any medicine that-will emeald thla fur the following dtstenees, viz Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Spial Affectionii; Contracted Jointr , Cholie Pains, Pains in the Side or Back, _headache, Toothache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Brniset., Lures, and all dia enses of the Shin, Muf.cles, and the gland=. ZTone genuine without the Piga atttru of Prelt Butcher ititnehed to each label. For sale Whole:tale slid RetAil, et Guilford ic Lemberg,er's Drugstore, Lebanon. [June 3,'57.1.x. ilunkcios Dili Sten& A very superior SAND for Building and other 13- pnrposes. is offered for sale by the undersign ed, in Swatara torrnEhip, at Bunker's Hill. It is sold at reasonable prices end delivered by the un dersigned personally. Band hauled and delivered by other persons is not the genuine article. April 22, 1857.—tf. J. C. COOPER. • N ; .1 A T -• • ' • ,^F Grain Wanted. Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, 4•c. ; . A T the Centre 'Warehouse, 011 the Eroj9ll Cane, Ix in Meyerstenn, for which the highest market cash prices will 150 paid. They also keep con stantly on hand and for mkt, Sulphur Coal, Stove Coal, and Coal for linehurners, which they sell at the lowest prices. URICII, TICE & CO. Myerstown, June 10, 1857.-'31o? LEBANON FALL RAILROAD EXCURSION. A S the time is drawing near when the trip trill take place, on the Rai!rued. to that Wonder of Wonders, THE NIAOAR.A FALLS, we woad remind the eitiezis of Lebsuoa county, before this trip takes place, that it will he neces sary to supply theruselveY with all 'Enda of fash ionable. Dry C100c4 , , so ras to appear in suit desira ble for the ocea.don, and therefore would advise all such as wish to rig themselves off and appear as Young America, to call at the wonderful BEE-11IVEr row is the time fur every rerstm to eall tinder -111111110 that wonderful Bet hire, under the Mam moth Portico: Tito peculiar eonstfuction end tae inortneur toek of Ltoney will be 1.6 I:ortotea interest to obsee.m. HOVEY is Universally udmittel to be agreau, his to the taste of every person, kind the proper place to get it is itTluivri to be tho bee hive; eon *equently every person desiring, their taste suited, need but remember that the Bee Hire is theplace to call. The superiority of this Great 'Give, aside front the enormous stock constantly in Store, is also ev ident from the fact that thos.o Bees assume quite a diluent disposition, with tegrard to their gath• erings, to what other Bees do: instead of driving visitors away by dying at them in a haughty manner, and humming souse unintelligible lan guage in their ears, nod send them away lab:tent ing and crying with disappointment and pain, for: having to leave without getting a bit of good Honey, and being badly stung in the bargain,— they are kindly disposed to solicit the friendship,' and cherish the visits, of neighbors and strangers, and endeavor, in every way, to treat them with indueements that Will make theta call soon again. They cheerfully dispose of any quantity of their sweetutoch, at trifling priceS; snd never fail in sendinf , away customers 1011;1d - 11g and rejoicing, with the Great 13argaine, and frequently exclaim ing, with overwhelining joy, "Dt.:!Val , 2 this is the place for Honey !" It will also be found- that the bees of this great Hive have not been king idle during the winter; and particularly since the first appearance of Summer, when a portiottof them immediately flew off to the ilowery.,Bast; *here their gather ings never failed to be the most choice of theseas; on. Raving just returned from their third tour this Spring, from the city, they are prepared to show their numerous friends the handsomest se lections ever brought to this Borough, embracing in variety a eolleetion of every article in their line that necessity, fancy end fashion can conceive.— In short, their store is complete, and an invita tion is extended to all who believe in the truth of honey being sweet, or value the satisfaction of having their taste suited. Seep into the Bee Hive Store. The large swarms that are continu ally moving to and fro, in and oat. arOund and about, is another evidence that their labors have not been in vain, or remain unappreciated by a patronizing public. The merits of this great hive have not only become apparent at home, but its fatie is also fast spreading itself through out the land. , GEORGE & SHELLEN BERGER Juue 10, 1857. Lebanon Wood! Wood! reI HE undersigned, residing in North Ltbimon . Borough, (dors tor sou aeat,z, 6 . 09 or 700 Cords (estiniattd) good Wood. It may be seen at "Fin. iiigan's data on the Union Canal, near irouta tarrn, [may 27 ; '67: DAVID BOYER. JE REM rAH DOAS t;T:u. GASSER JOSIAII GET CLE LEBANON COUNTY STEAM PLANING- MILL. 91:10:1S, GASSERS GETTLE wish Co inform the citizens or Lebanou County and neigh boring eounties, that they are now in full opera: lion, and are prepared to do all kinds of CARPENTER WORK BYMACHINERY sue], Flooring Boards, Weatki s `r Boarding, Sash,Doors,irindow 4. Door Frames, - Sliutters, Blinds ' Planing Scrolls ; SAWING, and any other kind' of , Salving may be %Vented to snit toilders. The sabseriberi bet , ' leave to inform the publics that they have the late.-. 4 and best improved machinery in the coon- . ty, such as' Woodworth'a _Planer, Lc., and that they are able to predate ag• g 00d work as the cons ty can produee. Norte but the keit and iiell-settioned LUMBI R' rsill be used. Carpenters and Builders aru invi ted 'to PM' tind . exiixiine 'their ready-made stook, which they will-always keep on hand, and judge fbr theinsetves.• *- "tiv . „.. Their Rhaii is on Pit egrove Road, near Phreinees Old Foandry. :Lebanon June 17,'57.. MUM lifanheira and 4ebarion Ptanic rum pike Road Company: ' ' INllMRStookholders of said (ompany aretostubst at their Ofhoe, in Corumartorrooldp, net! the Borough Of Leharion, on Towlay, the-7th day of JULY neit t , betiveenr the , heart of 2 add "4 o'- olock,1). re, and` adlipt the Guliplinnent to their 'Charter, paasert.hy, the : Were Logialetute, approviol by the Governor ) mil,ltst, 1857.-: By order of the Board of. Managero. JOHN MAR.Q17.8.41, Secretary. *Tom) 27;'57. " • • IDAAASOLS, any quantity v a4 the dif .l. Lama atees, cheartey tbir4,lk.v6r. ott • RAPE*, 6. Wit. 074' N • fri7 E: