The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 01, 1857, Image 1

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    9-40% 2,
National. Safety Trull Co.'
lAI•NUT Sw.. o “ , mm; of, TIMID
8a rant. Philadelphirt.
INtg)/ZrogAl"P pExssyLv ANIA
Ni.)NEV is rrts:iv,l in au, :MM. largo or and
iatereq paid from the dtty ni ,liTo,it to the , isy of with
The efliee ix np,n pv, , ry day tram 9 n'elo.4l iu the
Inortazig till 7 n'etoek in tbn rind on Mon ,ins
:and TintrAday evening, till 9 o'clawk.
:511 manp, large or small, are pal.] back. la gold ou de
lutaud without notiev, to an y
Ilan. II 'KS L, It KNN Pre...Went,
ROD IOtT h:Ll'illllt; Viee l'reFideut,
W7e. J. Ilgru, Secretary,
0 1 It I.:'C'r 0 ILS .
C. Landreth Munn;
F. Gam di BrulrEter,
ansupb B. l' , ltrry,
Homy L. Cll ltredilillin
1 Frnunis Lee.
floury L. Renner,
L. Curter,
Hubert oliritll e,
Emnsnl K. Ashton,
11. Smith,
This Company: confiner; 10'Lliginess entirely to there
relying of money 04 1040'0°C. The i vestuouty. tan punt.
-ling to nearly
One Million and a 11::lf of Dollars!
•A: , per published report of Atztdtlr4. ore retitle In conform:
elth the provlsione of the Charter, In 11EAL,
TATE, 5101tWidtlitiS, CIE.:WM" Ill:NTS. and xnell fleet
elms seenrities, 1111 will Ole oys un.ore purred. eecutrity to
the depositors, nod irhirh ettnnot (41 to give perinonen
ey nittl nobility to the innitutittn. lMay 27.
Lebanon ithetual ➢ensaoi•agie j e
Com pa ny.
Office at Jonestown, Lebanon County.
rpHIS Company is now fully orgeni?eil Red
T unity to maim Insitritnee on all kitlA of
Property in town or country and on W 3 n11'140:00
tomtit rte any well-governed and yarn concininy,
elthor en the Mutual or joint stook prinr:iplo.
Provident—jonx Entmvun, Esq.
Vico President—D. JI. KATIM ANv.
Trefteurer-,41e0. P. Blertn•.
Seerotary—Wm. A. 'hoar.
John Dt-nuncr, Esq.. Daniel Drown,
Kurniany, Napoleon Donn,
Guoh Friqtfily, John Ainu .
ilite Surry, ..1"ohn
Attain Zeller,L. R. Walker,
Mulctlnver. If. It.
A. S. EI.Y id the Agent for Lebanon.
Me may at all times be found at his °like in
June:Aorrn, July . Z, IS.
Weimer Machine Works.
oposue the Lebanon Valley 11.. IL Depot, Le
abusi, Lebanon county, Pa
Axru. & P. L. WEIMER.. Prot r'.l
LIM tnnnu
1;u ftteture Steam Engines from 3. to iOO horse
powei, of the latest styles and patrerttw. with all
the-tandem improvements. Also, superior Port.
aWO Piglues (with Link li , fotinn S sire Gear.)
mantled on Avheel.4, for Sew Mills. Wood sawing
nnri hoisting purposes, Particular attention is
called to our small Upright Engines fur Printers,
Druggists and persons wanting a small amount or
Power. They take up a very small space, and
can be put up in a room as a household lixture,
Alin Blowing Engines and Machinery for An
thracite and. other Blast Furnaces, of improved
constrnetion. 2urgo hammers; of P. L. Weimer's
Patents Bolling' Mill, Sawing, Planing -and
Nettling Mill Fixtures; Mining Pumps; Hoist
ing • Machinery for Mines and Stone Quarries;
Railroad Cars, Iron Bridges, Shafting, Hangers,
Pulleys, Turning Lathes, Drill Dre2kts,, Planing
Machines Brass Stop Cocks, Velvet and Brass
FixtuiesAllehe Steam Valves, of all sizes, and
Machinery and Castings of every description.
Also, Boilers of any size; form and weight,
made of the beat material, by well-known and ex , .
perieneed workmen; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks,
tlas flues, Heaters, and sheet iron work of every
description. [Our Boiler sheets are nil tested by
dividing them into squares of 2 inches, and ham
rueringesch square ; any imperfection is thus de
tected, and the faulty sheet rejected; this laprae
tised in very few shwa in this &lull tryl'
Also, a stock of Wrought frost Pipe, for steam,
gas and water, with all the necessary fixtures, eon_
statitly on hand, and put up at the shortest no-
Ike and on most reasonable terms. Iron. Brass,
and Cetitpositien metal Castings; made to order,
`:€t -the shortest notice.
Iteintiring attended to with promptness
tied ileapateh. A gong of Boiler makers rdway6
ready for Boiler repairs.
Blacksmith Work made to , order.
Or Ordcrerespeetteity~solicited. commu
nications, by. mail or otherwise, attended to with
despatch, and work delivered to railroad, or (-a
nal, frco of °barge.
Lebanon, February 4, 1857,
"Washiligto4flwis e,»
Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa
1E undersigned, having tukin this old and
favorite stand, and having refitted it in the
Test style, is now prepared to -ac‘commodate the
public, and entertain strangers and travellers in
the hest tandem style. Tbc Douse is commodi
ous and pleasant. The TABLE shall be well pro
vided for, and the EAR contain none but the
rungsi '•-iquons. The STABLING attached* ,
theAtotel is largo and roomy, and capable 'of ac
commodating agreat number of Horses.
OM" To his friends and acquaintances in Leb
anon County, as well as to all others, he extends
a cordial invitation to make his House their 'llO3/F:
when visiting Lebanon
April 29, 1857.
fine and Liquor Store.
HE undersigned having opened a WINE AND
- 4 ',MVOS STOICEy Ilt the North-west corner .of
Market and Water SO., (in thwroom formerly oc
cupied by J. Weidle, Esq.,) is now prepared to fur
nish the citizens of the borough and county of
Lebenen, with all kinds of choice Liquors; such as
Madeira, Port, Lisbon, and Muscat
WlNES,'Brandy. Gin, Old Rye
Whiskey, Jamaica Spirits, 4"0.,
which he will sell at very reasonable 'prim for
cAntr, - in quantities not less thin) one ,
- 1e would invite the public in general To give
him a call, raid hopes by strict attentien to busi
ness end o desire to please, to receive a liberal
sluird of patronage. EMANUEL 'BEL GAM%
April 29,1817:
AL T - Kos has just returned fromthe city with
SRN his new stock of Boots, Shom,•Trunks and
Tra- cling bags.
r x LYE. good Flour Barret Coopem,,aohd
Genesee mills, in Lebanon, to whom constant
work and good wages'will ho 'given. None but
sober arod steady workmen need apply.
..lartuary.7,4o7. MYBB§ SHOUB...
!PANES.—A-line assetimii.nt - of Plain •and
611308 fqr Salo by` -
- V l--- ' • ' ( 41 ,- TLF ORD - 4t, -I)3M-BEROBR i
27 '.'11farlOt sircet.
1.„tE,A,:..:N.0N._..._...._ •-:ADVERTI..SERi.
Adirorrisin44 . rirrationdence.OTol,soAllEod..
traiNew York.
cAuTiox.-LThere is a gregt deal of spurious oil, a
dulterated with seal Oil, R bale Oil, &c., which, instead
or benetittiag, injures the patient, by deranging the
di g estive organs, but being cheaper, is by unprincipled
person palmed oil ter genuine.
NOTICE, that [Neuman. Clark & Co's signature is
over the cork, and the Eagle and Mortar on the label;
fur, since the death of Wm. L. Rushton, our late partner,
there has been an article called ltushton's put in the
market, wide], is in be way connected with It..e. & Co.,
or 11. C. & Co.; met thousands who had used other Oil
without success, have been restored to health by the
Genuine Oil of our manufacture. sold by all respects.
bin Druggists. [may 0, /057.---2zit--2311qx,
is the great Continental urztair for Eiphilis amt blecon
thicy symptoms. It sle,o constitutes u certain CUM . for'
i7;ctirry, Scrofula. and all cutaneous Eruptions, removing
anti eopelitri l s , hi its course alt impurities from the vital.
stream, so no altogether to eredicate the Nirus of disease,
mut expel it by insensible perspiration through the me
it tz ot of the pores of the akin and urine.
It is a never failing remedy for that rinse of disorders
width English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the in•
mitablo destruction of the patient's ronstitution, and
which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove.
(I )
TelePninAlt 'ti 03. 3and 3. are prepared be , Abe form of a+
lozenge. devoid of tact: or smell, anti c viii o carried in
the waistcoat pocket. ,told in tin eases, d d divided in
sec arele doses en administered by 'V alpeau, laillentan,
Hoax, Meant. &e., .Ite. Price $3 each. or four eases in
ono for $l, whirl, naves $3, end in $2l Caere, whereby
there is a saving of '4;9. •
None are genuine unless the Tinginfinew of the scale
of the Patent Oahe or England, the soul' of the Ecolo de
Plummy ie de Paris, and,tho Imperial Concise of Vienna
are allixe , l upon eneh wrapper, and around each case.—
I m lin lions arc linblti to the secerent penalties of the law.
Special arrangements mintile'Dr. Barrow' to forward
iminealsitely. on receiving a remittance, the $a anti lar
ger sire races of Triennivar free of carriage, to any part of
the world, securely pneked mid properly addressed, thus
Insuring genuine Europeen preperetions and protecting
tin public from spurious and pernicious imitations.
A ttenitenee and Consultation from 11 n. m. till 2 p. fit.
anti from 4 till 2in the evening. 1.57 Prince sirnet, afew
blocks west of ttroadway, New York.
May li, 1857—iy.
grevirtett to golitiro, giteraturt, onign ail lt przcstir giefoo,Bubb', 4gttinittuttr, mar vt mu tat tntettigturt.
PIANO FORTE TMa ititfaoa rers,
No. 209',, goitre Street, New York,
W tatty' he Squid a superior assortment of Piano
" Fornia,ittk Wain and Ornamental Cam, froirfo to
. 71 octaves, of the best materials, pronounced by,sliatin•
gabbed artists Wm unserpasseil. Will be sold on rea
sonable terinld ;end Warranted to stand in any climate,—
Orders from the country promptly, attended to. and each
Piano guarranteed to g'ive satiSfactieri. if not so, the
Piano may be aettirned to us, we refunding the money
and freight.
At the Urenk Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, N. Y.,
ISM. a Prize )112.W. was :awarded te..ilazelton S; ;Bro.
titers, tiw the superior quality of their Plinio 'Fortes,
which were tested in Touch, Tone, Equality and Dura
bility of Tune, and placed iu the Ilight r wt grade by the
f 'Moving distinguished artists---William Norris, Chair
man on musical instruments; -Tuition, Max Maretzek,
W. 11. Fry, It. S. Willis, E. Elisfeldt, Z. bicignen, Emelt ,
us (Drat, Dwight, Jury on musical instruments; ticorge
U. Forrentry on musical instruments.
lazy 1557, mos.-2%. sus.
Important to .Consirmptives.
)14 AN Y valuable lives have been saved by ItACilptA.N . ,
CL.AIu t CO's GEZSUME emu LnlatOit, which, in all
bums probaldlity, 1./veld have been lost but tbr its
It is no,[t tack. ma , :licine, but the Pure Oil, Made with
the utmost care from the Fresh Cod Fish Livers, and is
recontm,mied by the most eminent physicians in Europe
end America, and has pioved by TIIN, yearS7 experience
the most 'minable remedy forConstimptien cud Scrofula
ever discovered, lhr. while it cures the disease itinereas.
es the health and strength:of the Patient.
Oretv anti Important
covery in the Science of Medicine.
ebnet. Sold whole:Tole and retail by Dr H. A.
11.p.rrow, member of the Impl College of Vienna,
mit. !Mini College of Surgeons, London. who may be
p.m. arialll' eons:thud At los ret.blener, Prince street;
tliw blacks west of Broadway-, New York, from 11 A. M.
till 2 F'. 31. mid from 4 till S P. M. (Sundays excepted,
miless by appointment.)
Triesemer No, 1,
IN n remedy fer Itt laaatlon. epennaterrlean, and all tho
distra , sing eonsagueliceS arising from tardy abuse. irniia
eriniinate exr. , 4aes, or Ina long residence in hat elimateg.
It has re,tored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to
thousand. , who are now in the enjoy nient of health and
tie, fel:piton,: or manhood: and whatever maw be the
aatve cr disqualitieatinns for marriage, they are effectu
ally $l.l-bdues,
Triesemar No. 2,
Completely and entirely cradidates oft traces eft-toner
tra. both in its mild and aggravated forms, Gleeta, Stric
tures, Irritation of the Bladder, Non-retention of the
rriva ' rains of the Loins.Loins. '
and Kidneys, and those disor-
Acts flir which Copairi end Cobebs Marcve so long been
thought nu antidote.
Triesemar No. S.
Great and Unnsual Induce-
engravings will be mode until further notice on all
purchases of
Looking Glasses, Picture Frames:
Engravings, Artists' Materials cf.c.,
which will boaold intiependeotry of the deduction.
Alt the LOWEST RAH arr PRICES, and the privilege of
selecting Paid deduction from an immense stock anti
rhay of
Tr' our LOOKING-CL ASS Department may be bed
every variety of
Pier, Welland Mantle Mirrors, Portrait
and Picture Frames, Cornices, Bases.
of cur own exclusive manufeeture, from choice end o
riginal dmlp va, not elsewhere to be obtelued, and of su
perior quality.
I n our FINE .tItT Department n ill Le found first-class
impressions of all the finest European litigmings, with
a general assortment of all desirable publimstieus. -
111 our ARTIST'S MATERIAL DepertMent will be
found (of superior quality only) every requisite for the
Artist, Amateur, or Pupil.
The usual discount to the Trade and Schools. Orders
by letter carefully fined and picked with the utmost care.
To the economist, and all desirous of obtaining supe
rior quality articles, at moderate prices, the above pre.
cents uu usual advantages.
353 Broadway, New York. .
Ps Pas.
Cristadoro's Hair Dye!
April •
Within n nut-sheit nil the merits lie,
Uf Cristitdoro's never-equalled Dye;
lied it makes black, to brown transforms a grey,
And keeps the fibres always froth decay.
matchless, re-vitalizing flair Dye, stilt holds its
4ks position as the most harmless and eiliratioUS Dalt
lsye in TUN WOULD. Prepared - and sold, wholesale
mot retail, and applied in tan private ramps, at CRISTA
-00.6,,,, no. tt Astor House, lirondwatur York, and
by all Druniste and Perfumers in the United States.
:Tam 14,
Agent—Oearge Keyser. 140 Wavelet., Pittsburg, Pa.
ATKINS ,t; MCADAM are ready to ready to
accommodate everybody with Boots, Shoes,
Trunks and Traveling bags.
Lebanon Valley :Bank.
Located in Market street, nearly oppo
site the United Hall, one, Door North
of the Post Office.
WILL pay the following RATES of INTER
EST on DEPOSITS, on, and after, the lst
day of March. 1857, viz :
For I year, a 4,
nd-longer, G per cent, per annum.
Tor 13. months, end longOr, - .6 per cent. per annum.
For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annual'
Requiring a short notice of withdrawal, and af-•
fords a liberal line of accommodations to those who
May favor it with depoSits,payable on demand. Will
pay a premium on Spailisn and MaxicAs . Dot-
RALF .DOLLARS. Will make collections OD and
remit to all parts of the United States, the Cano
eists and Europe.; Negotiate Loans, he;, &a., and
do a genera l EXCHANGE and BANKING BUSI
GEO. GLEZM, Cashier.
41VVIIE, undersigned, Managers, are individually
W liable to the extent of their Estates for 'all I i
deposits and Other' obligations of the co partner-
ship filed in the Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon I
County, trading;onder the name ati,sty,le of the I
“LEA 441014 `VALLEY VANE."' I " " I.
• 1 :5t301.7 im
' i,
rintatlltrAUTALVly - -1.4 KLINE, - • ." I
,Tirszalt,atirfo„ - '
Leb*., - ,le llMPiti ' Gin) et* Gum.-
Lebanon Female Semlnary.
THE ohjeet'of Ibis lAS:TITUTION is to im
part to rouse - Lamas a thorough Educa
tion, and thus prepare them for the faithful dis
charge of the various duties to which they maybe
called in life. Experienced Teachers have been
employed, Who will give instruction in all the
branches of agood ENGLISH Education, LATIN,
ING. Arrangements 'have been made for Boarding
all from the Cone try, or from a distance, whomay
desire to avail thenisolves of the advantages
:For any further infornuttion, ti &Inca either
andWisitor, or LEGIT IL _SAITO HER, Principal.
We also refer to the .Faenley of. Pennsylvania
College, Geti:Vsburg, nev. . S.. Miller,
Levi Kline, Jacob. S. Weidman, Charles Greena
walt, Henry E Stine, and others having daugh,
tern in the School. Lebanon, September 10,1858..
.114 e.b ano na Pit r e Yard.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs
the public in general that he, is
prepared to dotal kinds of FAxer AND ORNAMENTAL work
at his Alarble:Yard, in Walnut street, half way between
the Court house and Lebanon Talley Railroad Depot,
at the shortest notice, as good as work done in any city
in the United States. mid being the only Stone Cutter in
Lebanon county who has served nregular apprenticeship
to the business, he pledges himself that Mean mantilla: ,
ture cheaper, and give a better finish than any other
man engaged in the same business.. Ms stoat consists of
Monuments, Grave Stones. Mantels,
Cemetery Posts; TUrnitnie .Slabs, &e.
Also, SANDSTONE of the beat quality for all uses,
plain and ornamental. A largo assortment of
STORE for all kinds of housework, of any size and
quantity. kar — Please call anti examine prices and the
stock beforb you purchase elsewhere.
Lebanon, December 19, 1855.
N. B.—LETTERING done in German and English, by
the best practical workmen.
Wtr",ALTZ IREDLE would respectfully inform
Wf the Public, that they constantly — receive,
from the Eastern Cities, Copies of all the moat important
and attractive New Books, as soon as pub:jibed, which
they offer for FRIO cheaper than they can be purchased
elsewhere. Among those lately received are--
Dr. Rilllp'S Itxpetlition, in 2 Vols.
PresroWs History of Charles V., in tl Vole.
Recollections of a Life Time, in 2 Vols., by S. 0.
Goodrich, Author of Peter Parley's Tales.
Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, and other
Miscellaneous Works. .
Carpenter's-Assistant and Rural Architect.
American Architect; by J. W. hitch.
Downing's Cottage Residences and CottageOrounds.
The Economic Cottage Builder.
They have always on hand a large assortMant of School
kooks, Blank Books and
Al., Sunday School Books, and Music Books, .
smug which is
"The- glarinoglia Tinio,”
lIT it. IL Weimar.
Also, Ploo Fotte, Melodeon and Violin Instructor.;
'orFoici g t, and Ihnnehtnr Monunicturo,'
Window Shadeß. _
The 'I7I - o Int v - fit ar,,itzaties,
and ell the
NEWSPAPERS, daily 4 ' Weekly,
Can bo had by calling at the store. on Cumberland street,
in the borough of Lebanon, at the sign of the "Big Book."
•yOrders left with thew for any kind ofgoode in their
line, will be promptly attended to.
Lebanon, April 6, 1657.
Daniel G.rae
WITH' many thanks to my patrons for their
liberal patronage thus far bestowed, find
the determination to merit a Continuation of the
same, t• am now ready, Ladies and Gentlemen,
(hav iag disposed of my winter stock,) to oiler you
a well selected Spring and summer stock. 'Coale
and see and judge fur yourselres.
I will tell you the place. and you ne'cr will forget,
When you once behold Grneerß beautiful tt
Of tlaiterg. ilootes or Buskins which greet
With a graceful appearance on the ladies' feet.
My place may be found on Cumberland street,
Where each of my friends I:welcomely greet;
'Tis here may he found all patterns well made,
Get up in tall style for.the opening Spring trade
Comb gentlemen, you that wantn good Imet .
I have got 'a Spring fashion that surely will suit,
•If a Call' ax n Kip of good mechanical skill,
Just give um a cull I'll fit you at will.
Ladies and Clean.lciness,
I also would call your attention to my well se
: looted stoek of Summer Shoes : comprising 5 or 6
1 , different kinds, which I will dispose of at real-:ona
hie prices, under a gnu(' insurance of excellent
N. B.—Travelers now is your time, if you.wish
to see a large assortment of Trunk'', Valises, and
different kinds of Bugs. Come ono, coma ail.
intireb 25, 1657.
itt the tteeeeee mins of
JIM. 1857
T More- room ure-room NO. 1, and vellar beneath, in
.1. the Engle Buildings, on Cumberland street.
next door to llnok' tn rem, now in the occupation
of „Tow: Ui.urcu. Poseession given April 1, 1857.
.fanuary 21, ISs7.—tr.
Improved Fire and Wator Proof
DESPECTFUtLY inform tho citizens of "Tor
risbarg, Rending, Lancaster; Lebanon, and
their vicinities, that we are prepared to put . on
roofs on most liberal terms, and ut the shortest
notice. •
We respectfully call the attention of persons
bout to build, to our invaluable method of rooting,
now much used throughout the principal cities of
the United States and thek;ir vicinities. This mode
of roofing having ajl the combined requisites of
cheapness, Durability, and Security against Fire
and Wider, and:dispensing with higltgablewalls;
the roofs require an inclination of not more than
three-quarters (i) of an inch to the foot, and in
many cases saving the entire-cost of rafters—the
ceiling joist being used.
The gutters are made of the stuns material,
without any extra charges ; consequently, our
roofs are put up at almost half the cost of either
Tin, Slate, or Shingles. The material being of
an imperishable nature, it surpasses all others is
Durability ;—besides, in case of any casualty, it
is the most easily repaired of any other roof now
in tise. Yet, the best proof we can offer as to its
holnehoth fire and water proof ; are our many re..
ferentes, to any one of wheats we are at liberty
to refer.
B.—But let -it Be distinctly understood,
(since we-manufacture our own composition, and
do the work in per'sonj that we warrant all our
work proof against both Fire and Water ; if they
prove contrary, we wilt 'most willingly abide the
results. '
The materials being, mostly non-conductors of
heat, no roof is so cool in summer, or so warm in
winter. Those wishing to use- our roof- shou!d
giro the rafters a pitch of abmit one inch to tlite
foot. [miry 27, 1.854. -s-4m;
' - :THERMOMETERS; &e.—Persons in
want of accurate and reliable Therulorneters,Hand
Mirrors, Traveling Fla'sks, Ohinit '4Taney Toi
let Bottles, 'Puff Boires,ll.uhin's , and ether' Choice
Perfumes; `Tortoise Shell, 'Braille) indist . Rubbier
and` orn:Pocket: and Toileti,Gpmbs::,;Faney;p~e
gariand Ash
Bta4da °knew, ,
Cali et" GU iLF.;O4ti LEMBERGERt.
Neff Drug,
m ar k& ettrOts
. • .7
MYERS Sltt)l3l3.
Lebanon, Pa
Our Father Land who names the name
Of Father Land Without a tear ?
The voice of love,:the voice of fame, •
The voice of all Istti hold tnost dear—
Tell us to Rico our Father Land !
The aspiring hills - that look on Heaven,
The streams that ivander to the sea,
The song of birds it morn and oven.
The forest's ehoralininstrelsy,
Tell unto love our Father Land 1
Tie-legends that we loved to hear
Of haunted grove and wizard: glen,
Taking us backjoidap most dear,
Ah, never to math] again,
Tell us to lore our Faiber Land !
Where is the heart that will not boat
More proudly on the ocean wave ;
Nor feel his life-blood back retreat -
Into that mystic crimson cave,
When he thinks,of his Father Land?
Our Father Land who names the name
Of Father Lend without a tear?
The voice of hive, ihe voice of fame; -
Tho voice of all we hold most dear;
Tell unto love our Father Land !
.lenny, I'd press you to my heart,
Bat till such preseime you decry—
There's too much cotton, whalebone, lace,
'Tween you and I !
I'd only muss the dry goods up,
And make you blubber, pont and frown ;
I3esides, I might (Obi-sad mischance !)
Break whalebones down !
Barescell ". I'll pray when next we meet,
And meet we may, if fashions change,
At least, that we may come within
Good talking range !
• '3lv Pretty Cousin;
My pretty cousin is not like other
cousins. -She is the queen of cousins,
being at once the most ,agreeable, cruel
and unmanageable-of all ; the prettiest
and most dangerous; liveliest and most'
witty ; and is, besides, such a conceited
little prude as never lived before, whose
fanciful mischief loving dispositiorrhas
intimiddted and subdded the country
beaux for.miles around.: She is-more ,
over, a ca - pricious tyrant, wilful and ob
stinate, and sways the sceptre of her
power with an, unsparing hand. Her
admirers, slaves =I ;would say—though,
their ribs have ached and smarted with
the thumps of. more than one of cupid's
shafts, though - theirAtearte bristling with
his barbed arrows, pierced 'and riddled
in every direction, still flutter round the
light that scorches them attracted, en
chanted by eyes that- melt with gazing
and fire you with their fire.
See, how fond the saucy elf is of teaz
ing, with such mellow lips, that hung
like-golden fruit, to be plucked by ,the
first bold hand ; pointing to you tempt.
ingly ; wooing, inviting; and when you
would haste tcrpress them to your own,
they arrest you with such an offended
delicacy, that you dare go no further, ,
lest the Puritan box your ears.
Alt cousins are not-so, While -they
hang their heads in delicious:confusion,
and suffer one to do what he will with
their lips, she will be tugging at your
whiskers, or what-is more to be dread
ed, will, with one fell swoop, smash the
spotless, unwrinkled bosom, that - is so
snugly arrayed behind the vest that
gives it protection, -None -of that de
voted train yet had sufficient audacity
to steal a kiss. Poor souls! Was it that
they feared they might disarrange the
hair that they had spent so much time
in brushing and torturing into sleekness?
Or were they content to plod along in
the same every day employment of sigh
ing for paradise, arid though they gaze&
on it through their eyes, dared not reach
forth a hand and enter with the seal up
on her lips !
E. , 0 stood the besieged and the be
sieging, when a city Cousin arrived; and
thoS found Harry Hosmer the pretty
kingdom 'my, pretty cousin-had founded,
He came, and she saw one more victim
to swell the tide of triumphs. He was
worth winning; lie was a iiiierapOaring
fellow was a true gentleman ; could
deuce, ride, sing, and make love sonnets
to admiration'; arid was, all in all what
a handsome young lady of eighteen
would love to see at her feet. Will we
he justified in saying that - the same MO
titles thatinfluenced her actions towards
others, moved her to the concentration
.of all her art, cunning and powers to
batter the heart of the city cousin? No,
, it was not love, hut something very akin
to it, fur what country belle can see
such a Harry—one so superior to the
rest of the throng that surrounds her—
and not feel a greater emotion,. a more
than common fl utter when he approach
es her.
Her plans were laid. His heart was
minced, assaulted, besieged, and attack
ed in every possible shape. .*He remain
ed firm, unconquered, nor did any sub
sequent movement dislodge him from
his situation. His deportment was al
ways -the same, and not all her skill at
man's subjection could draw from him
more than that familiar, gentlemanly
carriage, which ac,quainted her with the
freedom of his heart and the failure of
her plans. She was, piqued. ''What 'a
cold, senseless thing this cousin is l
Pehaw Won't trouble myself more
with the ill-mannered bear, He isn't
worth the pain's one takes to make him
like people.
I She, however, did not adhere; to this
wise conclusion. The anoth
er attack, a general assault W . B S directed
against file citadel, and she endeavored
to, carry all before her by storm;:but he,
that had so long been. impregnable to
so many city warfares, ledon
brighes t:, eine. that flaibet in ,our Tanij,
waethe , same cousin Harry Homer
fromthe city. And;-the' only foil he
used, and that, which he played with
surprising advantage, was the ,name of
another city 'cousin, a defenee that sur.
prised, while it 'was a counter'attack
that disconcerted her.
t My pretty cousin. had failed.. In .her,,
I endeavors to subdue the heart .of her 1
1. cousin she had feriot to guard her own,
!nor did she - know that it was already in
1 the possession of another: She was
cross. She could hardly bear-that be
'should he. in her,presence, and
happy when he was out.ofsight, If he
was yleasant or Idughed, he was
culing her - unhaPpiriesV and'rejoiciiie
over her discomfiture. If he was sad .
and sober, he,was thinking.of the hated
cousin_he left behind in the city..
"My dear cousin, you cannot imagine
1 with what feelings 'of pleasure I' shall
present your beautiful cousin to you.—:—
She. itisuch.a.divine creature," exclaith
ed he, one day after dwelling unusually.
I long upon.her. beauty and learning.--
"She is perfection 4"
I Clara"ponted and picked the leaves
' of 'a rose he bad just plucked for her,
and crushed them with her foot.
"You will be delighted to see her,
she is so kind and gentle. It will be
impossible to be near her and not like
"And do you like her, cousin Harry?"
asked she in a low, hesitating' voice, as
if afraid to ask what might be unpleas
ant to.her.
',Like tier!-we love her—every body
does." •
The rose was suddenly dashed 6n the
floor, her indignant. foot stamped. upon
it, and she arose and hastily walked .
the -window.
"Why coz, what ails thee?" said Har
ry without rising, as he swung a chair
carelessly round on one leg, while. ho
commenced whialling a,hvely air.
She Was' leaning 'against the side of
the Window with .her forehead pressed
against the glass. ; She did not answer.
Nothing is .more to a woman,.
thad to hear the praises of a rival from
the lips of one she lefes. 'Clara was
piqued; she Was offended, angry. She
could hardly hear her feelings for she
pictured her happy cousin basking in
the sunshyne of his love, and then she
thought of herself, neglected and un
loved, and her breast liJa'ved with feel
ings she ill could bear.
"Is my cousin unwell I"
She is silent.
- "Bless me ! you have not forgotten.
the use of that tongue that used to wag
so gaily ?"
No answer.
Harry rose and walked •to the win
dow. lie gently plied the hand that
supported her, head from her face. She
was weeping. .
The day 'after, he departed for New
York. His horse- was at the door, his
foot was in the Stirrup, and he had thrice
bid good bye to his friends, but he Rn
gered, .for there 'ought - to be another-a
mong them. He scanned their fates,
he watched every window ;.she was not
there.. Once more lie took leave, and
stopped again to see if Clara was there.
He turned, disappointed, and laid his
hand on the saddle. • hand touched
his shoulders, and a low voice whisper.
ed, "Cousin: Harry, good bye l"
He turned and met the gaze of Clara.
She was pale. She held her,hand to
him,•and he drew her to him, and press
ed his lips to' hers. - There was perhaps
too Much warmth, in that kiss, that
mingled its fire with the 'pallor of her
cheek. .or, was it that-his hand held
hers too .closely locked? •
"Good bye, my sweet cousin," said
lie,•gaily as he vaulted'into the saddle.
Remember my proinise of coMing again
this fall with your cousin Julia, whom
I intend you shall,he so delighted with
that you will not Mire' to part with her.
And 1 give you warning,- take care lest
you are, taken by surprise i. she carries
all before her."
"I will not promise to like her•, liar.
ry," said she.
We will not say What image was ever
present to her mind until he returned,
because the reader already knows,—
Neither do we love to speculate upon
the state of Harry's heart. We don't
know much about this city cousin yet,
farther than it appears that he is very
fond of talking about her, and that is
not proof positive that he is in love
with her. People do not talk most of
those they love. My pretty cousin's
beanty certainly bad struck him at first;
he was pleased with her lively humor
and wit; he felt the influence of her
eyes; but he was determined to curb
that proud spirit that marred all her
better qualities, and exterminate her
petty passion forcoquetry.
She had failed once in her long, ca..
reer of warring against hearts. It was
a signal defeat. Was it her fault?—
Was she growing old ? The thought
paled her cheek. She flew to the glass:
No ! this face is fresh as ever; there
eyes are as bright ; this neck as white;
this bust as full and rounded; this waist
as taper, and this form had lost none of
its fullness.
"She,—whts is ahe? tilis Phenix, this
divinity. Some city Miss with enough
gold to make a dash and dazzle his
eves : crooked, perhaps—yes, crooked
and well•padded, to ; tall and lean—
lame and deceitful. 'Tis strabge, 'tie
very strange," said she, as she stood
and surveyed hereelf before the faithful
Fall came and with it Harry and the
city ,cousin,: . They arrived late on Sat. ,
urday, evening, and stopped at, the
lage.hotel. It ; wasitoo late to see their
frienda•Ahat night„ added: to, nhioh,; the
Inhabitants still adhered to - 'that good
old custorkoflteeping. Saturday., night. r .,arp in arm, . they ..went to
~church and a pew ,where •Clara
'could see their). She. was pretty; Clara
confessed it to—herself. Indeed she
might - he called beautiful; but' t hat -she
.;was too pale. :How., 1:how majestic
„she isJ coogdently she . bears up
on his arm 1 would that be right for
cousins . .?. She forgot how often she
=had leaned just, so. Tbeyi.sing out of
the - same - book, their bands touch, and
their ,breath does How tender
ly he folds 'the : shawl around her neck!
Thejaile , l , she-ittoiles•on hint. No • won
der be should tie So fond of her,' when
she can smile so,sweetly. Poor. Clara;
she sought her bed that night with an
aching head' and 'dreamed of daggers
the' iyhole night- long. •
If, she had been - engaged with her
outward clothing,,ho* much wore was
. with jrr inward qualities. Though
she looked, upon Julia as a rival, it was
11110440)1e to approach her 'and not feel
interested. Her sweet diaposition, and
her.engaging manners secured the at
tention and respect, but not the love. of
Clara: She was a successful rival; Cla
ra could not brook that. Where rival
ry exists, there is no love.
One evening Harry was alone With her.
Julia had just been With him. Clara
sat,pensive and thoughtful..
"I think Clara's thought,like ber.heart
is with some favored lover, whom ad
verae• fortune has parted from his qadye
love,' and cast into other lands. Or,
perhaps the little plaintive songs Julia
has just sung, awakens sad feelings.—
How is it, 'Cla Far
"I think, if you rernember anything
till you die, it will be the name of Julia.
lon . Itra forever lalking•ahout her end
her singing--such. divine music.—
And why not?. Who can listen to
such an angelic being, and not break
intd-raptures with her heavenly music?"
. "Sure, I have heard better," said she
"And then to think, (*her sweetness
of disposition, her kindness, her benev
olenee„her beauty--"'
sat uneasy. '
—"Her sparkling wit, her learning
—all these joined in one person, in Su.
lia, she whom all love—"
She hitched away her chair, and look•
ing hard; very hard; at the well post
through the window. What could there
he so very attractive in that old rickety
piece of wood? . .
"She whom we adore--"
He stopped. Lie heard a sob.
"Clara, cousin Clara," said he going
to her and seating himself by her.
"Stand offsirt" °sebumd she, sudden
ly rising, and stepping. into the middle
of the room. Her eyes, though wet
with tears, flashed with excitement.—
Her bosom heaved and swelled wish
offended pride.
"You are a cold. heartless' man. You
ask °literal.° sing, but me, never ; you
walk, and. la r ugh and ride with that Ju
ha, but never ask me; you dance all
night with Julia, while 1 set alone in a
corner; you sing with her, go to church
with her, and .1 am left alone at home.
.You may go back ; to ,New York with
your beautiful cousin,--I'll never speak
to you again. You are no cousin of mine
—you are a senseless, rude, good-for
nothing brute. You are the worst, the
ugliest, the rnost hated--ugh I the
She hurried out of the room, leaving
Harry transfixed with astonishment.—
He went away with a serious face.
That afternoon, Clara sat in a rustic
bower in her father's garden. She was
pale,uphappy.. She did not observe two
persons walking that way until they
entered where she was. Harry advanc
ed, leading the smiling Julia by the
hand. “You- know this lady only as your
cousin...[ come now to acquaint you
with the relation she bears to me. in
Julia Hornier yon see your cousin and
my sister."
"Your sister?" cried ahe eagerly,
springing forward,
"Your cousin and my sister," sweet
''You Won't go back to-morrow, will
you askeil she, slfpping an arm around
4 Ask -, my brother," replied she smil
Clara paused a moment. Then, with
a crimson cheek and faltering, she ap
proached Harry, and, passing her arm
around his fleck; looked up into his
eyes, that flashed sti sure of victory.
"Cousin," said she, "you will not go
so soon?
We are, informed by his sister th a t
Harry hung long over ber, looking into
her deep eyes as though be would fill
her soul with beaming glances of love
and Confidence, and did not offer to dis.
turb-the arm•that rested on his ueck, for
fear Those glowing lips beneath his own
should be removed.
"Clara,you have conquered. I should
indeed be a senseless piece of mortality
to go, when such eyes as yours coax,
me to stay and such tempting fruit as
He did stop, and long. When next
he left the village,Julia was not the only
one that went with him, nor Harry all
that called her sister.
A Convention of the County School
Superintendents, of Pennsylvania, has
been called by Mr. Hickok,,the efficient
Stale Superintendent, to assinible in
Readink, on Wednes day the 22d of Ju
ly next, at 10 o'clock, :A. -M., for the
purpose: of consultation witli.vegard. tu
-the preeoptocwlditHin and future pros-
pects oft4l.4nnaton School I? ystem of
alts omns€r" `filth = ":-'?!
/X 13 # 41, SE 418.
The Supreme Court cif the United States-
The Dred Scott Came.
Continued frem laid *oak's 11311141(1
So, too in Connecticut. We refer
more particularly to the legislation of
this State, because it was not only a
mong the first to put an end to slavery
within its one territnry,but was the firal
1 0 fix a mark of reprobation upon the
African slave fade. The law last men
tinned was passed in October, 1788, a
bout nine months after the State had
ratified and adopted the present caliti.
;nion of•the United States; and by that
law it prohibited its own citizens,under
severe penalties, from engaging in the
trade, and declared all policies of insu
ranee on the vessel or cargo made in
the State to be null and void. But, up
to the time of the adoption of the con
stitution, there is nothing in the legis.
lation of the State indicatingany change
of opinion as to the relative rights and
position• of the white and the black
races in this country, or indicating that
it meant to place the latter, when free,
upon a level with its citizens; and cer•
tainty nothing which would have led the
slavekolding States to suppose that Con
necticut designed to claim for them,un
der the new constitution, the equal
rights and privileges and rank of citi
zens in every other State.
The first step taken by Connecticut
upon this subject was as early as 1774,
when it passed an act forbidding the
future importation of slaves into the
State. But the section containing the introduced by the fol•
lowing preamble.
"And whereas the increase of slaves
in this,State is injurious to the poor,
and iucon vonient."
This recital would appear to have
been carefully introduced, in order to
prevent any misunderstanding of the
motive which induced the legislature to
pass the law, and places it dietinetly
upon the interest and convenience of
the white population—excluding the
inference that it might have been in
tended in any degree for the benefit of
the other.
And in the act of 1784, by which the
issue of slaves, born after the time there
in mentioned, were to be free at a cer
tain age, the section is again introduc
ed by a preamble assigning a similar
motive for the ant, It is in these words;
"Whereas, sound policy requires that
the abolition of slavery should he ef•
fected as soon as may be consistent with
the rights of individuals and the public
safety and welfare"—showing that the
right of property in the master was to
be protected, and the measure was one
of policy, and to prevent the injury and
inconvenience, to, the whites, of a slave
population in the State.
And still further pursuing its legisla
tion, we find that in the same statute,
passed in 1774, which prohibited the
further importation of slaves into the
State, there is also a provision by which
any negro, Indian, mulatto servant, who
WAS found wandering out of the town or
place to which he belonged, without a
written pass such as is therein deacrib.
ed, was made liable to be seized by any
one, and taken before the next authori
ty to be examined and delivered up to
his master, who was required to pay the
chatge which had accrued thereby.—
And a subsequent section of the same
law provides diet if any free negro Isbell
travel without such pass, and shall be
stopped, seized, or taken up, he shall
pay all charges arising thereby; and
this law was in full operation when the
constitution of the United States was
adopted, and was not repealed till 1797.
So that up to that time free negroes and
mulatoes were associated with servant*
and slaves in the police regulations es.
tablished by the laws of the State.
Arid again in 1533 Connecticut pass
ed another law which made it penal to
set lip or establish any school in that
State for the instroetion of persona of
the African race riot inhabitants of the
State, or to instruct or teach in any such
school or institution, or beard or harbor
for that purpose, any such person, with•
out the previous consent in writing of
the civil authority of the town in which.
such school or institution might be.
And it appears by the case of Cran.
dal! vs. The State, reported in 10 Conn.
Rep., 340, that upon any information
filed against Prudence Crandall for a
violation of this law, one of the points
raised in the defence was, that the law
was a violation of the constitution of
the United States; arid that thepereons
inatruct2d, although of the African race,
were citizens of other States, therefore
entitled to the rights and privileges of
citizens in the State of Connecticut.--
But Chief Justice Dagget, before whom
the case was tried, held that persona of
that description were not citizens of a
State, within the meaning of the word
citizen in the constitution of the United;
States, and -were not, therefore ,. entitled
to the privileges and immunities of cit.
I i zenain other States.
The case was carried up to the so
prerne-court,.of errors of the State,sod
the questran:fidly argued there. But
the case wen.t.,,or upctn another point,
and no opinion:.:Waa.oxpressed on this
.We have raitia!tyia:wtiOular., eXaM r ,
ination into thpiggisitgiVO*4jiOiejal
action of. Connecticut, } , beatass; from
the witty h,ostilitiltdisplaytitgilie'slais
trade on_ the coast of Africa, war `Ms!'
ex. - pectio,fir4 the laws of that Shit-j g
lenienficed favorable to the auhlee . i.iiico
aa_t;hose;otady othei StateititheATritt*
soct,lt We find thstat.